tacosaysroar · 1 year
People’s lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze me
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neverevan · 2 months
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EVAN BUCKLEY + the curse of first dates
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ihatebrainstorm · 13 days
Happy TF Earthspark s2 part 1 release day!!! (I am 12 minutes late damnit) Have some scribbly doodles i made while watching it lol (contains spoilers)
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I want to eat. Alex Malto's food. so. badly.
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wazzappp · 10 months
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Khaji Da does NOT like how vulnerable Jaime is when he’s sleeping. So they resolve that, once Jaime is asleep, they will position themselves into the optimal sleeping situation. Back to the wall (Khaji protected), attached to the corner ceiling (where they can see everything and have a height advantage), and keeping Jaime as close to his usual sleeping position as possible (stomach sleeper).
You may be wondering ‘how is it this gets found out if Khaji makes sure they do it while Jaime is asleep?’ Welllll….
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azul-marie · 9 months
— a touching of souls.
their kisses with you. fem. reader. suggestive. feat. bi-han, kuai, tomas, syzoth.
bi-han —
steady and sure, grabbing at your waist, wrapping a hand around your throat to keep you still as he indulges himself in your lips. although he is not the most affectionate man, bi-han has an exceptional fondness for kisses. perhaps it’s the breathless sounds you make, or the soft gasps in between his tongue — perhaps it is simply that he prefers you at his mercy, a pretty little thing caged beneath or within strong arms. typically at night, when the moon is high and all is silent, he allows himself to calm, to open before you and allow you to initiate. bi-han tends to lose himself in these moments all too easily, an annoyance at his expense. most times, without even trying, simple kisses from you lead to sleepless nights and sore bodies.
kuai liang —
ardent, unrestrained, grasping at hips and breasts and hair, unable to keep what little space remains between the two of you from heating up — figuratively, literally. his lin kuei ways may have taught him restraint, focus, but kuai’s hotheaded tendencies always get the best of him when it comes to you, only for you. his kisses trail like fire all across your body, his teeth leaving scorches in their wake, a tongue like that of flames licking at tender flesh until you melt like caramel in his hands. kuai is unrelentingly keen on smothering you with every bit of adoration he has; his lips alone are more than capable of proving it. you are a goddess worthy of worship, and he a devotee all too willing to bow down and serve, evermore shall his love burn for you.
tomas —
soft like daytime mist, cupping apples of cheeks, the tremble of fingers when his lips touch yours. he has little experience with romancing women, much less the gift of their kisses; you are his beginning, his end. it is precisely why tomas pecks, rather than lose himself to your lips, for a bashful nature keeps what eager will he has in check. his boyish charm only adds to the endearment, and often he finds you to be the one most content in initiating them. it’s a strange comfort, that you still pursue him despite his meeker approach to affection and love. assuring him that he is wanted sends his self-confidence soaring, and gradually does he ease into the idea of receiving and giving kisses on a more constant basis — privately, of course.
syzoth —
quick and light, flurries of kisses, all about your pretty face, your petalsoft lips, sometimes at those sensitive sweet spots across your décolletage if he’s feeling cheekier than usual. syzoth, fairly new to the concept of kissing with warm, wet mouths, tongue and teeth and all, hadn’t expected warm-blood affection to be so pleasant. he is cautious of physicality, having grown to live without its softer aspects for years prior to you, but kisses are easy, innocent enough to practice. you have made it this way for him, precious as you are. he kisses you hello, goodbye, as luck before either one of you leaves for calling duties, and simply when he feels like it, even if friends are around to witness and tease. he doesn’t mind them, as long as you don’t.
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2aceofspades · 2 months
TW: Blood/Injury, Implied Death
With you
Lil one-shot I guess...??
After the dust cleared, it was dead silent. The air was thick with moisture from the dark clouds looming above them all. Someone, probably Raphael, yelled out something Two didn't quite process, his ears still ringing as his vision slowly cleared.
A faint blue glow flickered in the near distance, not too far from where Two was slumped on the ground. More muffled shouts rang out as Two attempted to collect himself, staggering to his feet and trudging over to the source of-
Just the image alone was enough to bring Two collapsing back to his knees. Stupid, he thought.
"H-hey..." One's weak voice just barely got through to Two, snapping him right out of his thoughts.
He stared down at the dimming blue glow, watching it flicker and fade in and out. How the hell are you still here, breathing?
His thoughts became flooded in his head, even more so as he felt his arms cradle his brother's near-lifeless body.
"Did we win?"
Two felt his jaw clench at One's question, feeling frighteningly close to grinding his teeth until they were flat.
Did we win?
The question echoed in Two’s head, as if that would better help him process this moment. In any other instance, he would have deflected and scoffed at such an empty, meaningless question. Did it matter? he thought as he titled his head up, looking around briefly at the wasteland that surrounded them. It was over, that much was apparent.
"Yes,” he huffed, looking down at his brother in his arms as he continued, “Now, shut it and save your strength. Your heart-"
"I know," One croaked out in between a few sputtering breaths, interrupting Two in more ways than one. Two tried to ignore the cast-off of blood coming from his brother's mouth, despising the sickening feeling settling in his stomach as it hit his chin. One smiled weakly up at his brother, his eyes dull and unfocused.
How dare you, Two thought to himself.
His eyes flickered from One's exposed heart, bleeding out and hardly beating, and back to his brother’s face. His brother looked beaten, bloody...broken. It wasn't a look he saw from him often, if at all. It was that damn smile that he watched waver as One's heart beat softer and softer. What cruel irony, Two couldn't help but think, a metaphorical expression brought to life by his stupid, thoughtless, idiotic brother.
Two could still fix this. Even as he held his brother tighter against his own plastron and felt his shirt get soaked by the horrid mix of blood and empyrean; he thought to himself how he'd be the one to fix this.
There was no other choice left.
“Good…” One let out the softest of chuckles, “…we…we can s-start over.”
Something in Two’s own chest faltered, even just briefly. It was enough to shut out the feeling of One’s pathetic coughs and wheezes against him. He watched how One's eyes dulled further, his gaze wandering away from Two's face.
Starting over? That wasn’t ever an option, not one that Two had ever weighed in his mind. He wasn’t sure if that was even an option now. After everything he had done, everything he sacrificed, worked for…his brother still wanted to burn it, bury everything down and out of Two’s reach. One wanted this win, he wanted the impossible.
“Impossible…” Two muttered under his breath.
He heard yet another faint chuckle. And then the dense silence that followed.
~bonus doodles~
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itsjustoctavianhere · 1 month
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Like the idea of him being the shortest guy in camp at some point.
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
[ cw: experimentation / slight body horror implications / ]
Every time I think of the “Bad Hair Day” episode, I’m always a little thrown off by how off-putting it is when looked at from a distance. Like, in that episode Leo is just wanting time to rest for once. That’s it. He just wants some rest and relaxation.
And he’s so desperate to get it that he makes a deal with some random guy to basically uh. Be experimented on. In a way that definitely doesn’t seem all that pleasant in the process!
But hey, at least it works out well and Leo’s happy with it, right?
Then, finally thinking he’s getting the rest he worked for, he instead essentially becomes a host for a parasite that is embedded into his skull. And gets blamed for the actions of the adult that took advantage of his wish for rest.
Like????? I can’t help but feel just a touch of horror at the theming here. Leo just wanted a trip to the spa…
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irisbaggins · 7 months
Spoilers ahead for the finale!
An aspect of the final battle that got lost after Viola's amazing attack, was the fact that Tula nearly killed her son. And that, I think, is something I would really like to delve my teeth into, to properly look at what happened.
The thing that struck me the most during Tula's attack on her son, was that Jaysohn did manage to snap her out of it. In the context of the story, Jaysohn grappled his mom to get her to stop, and even after getting viciously bit by her, he still managed to get her back to herself. He managed to get to his mom fast enough, and used himself to protect the others from the mindless being Tula had become. And, even when faced with near death, this little kid manages to get back up and attack the creature that did this to his mother. Not once did he blame her, having understood enough about the situation to realise his mom was not in control. He knows, he understood, that this was Phoebe, not Tula. And so, the moment he is able to free his mom, still wounded and near death's door, he goes after Phoebe so that his mom won't be taken again.
Tula, however, was aware of everything she did to Jaysohn. She was painfully aware of how badly she hurt her son, how she nearly killed him. And, as Brennan describes;
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She is broken, in a way she has never been before. She nearly killed her baby, used as a puppet because she's alive when she should have been dead. The Blue that keeps her alive is what nearly caused her to kill her son. Tula nearly lost everything, yet, once more, it was hope and love that brought her back once more. Her son brought her back.
However, she was silent for the rest of the battle until Phoebe finally fell, and Jaysohn nearly died. She was quiet, too horrified with what she nearly did. Perhaps, had more time been afforded to that moment with Tula and Jaysohn before he decided to retaliate against Phoebe, there would have been...something...that went on. A focus on the fact that it was Tula who went for another member of their family, whilst Ava went for the ground and the reactor. What would that do to her, I cannot help but wonder. What did that do to her, in the immediate aftermath, when she could slow down and process what happened. She must live with the knowledge she nearly killed her own child, and that, had he been just a little weaker or just a little slower, she would've succeeded. She might have been able to bring him back, like she did with Sybil...but she would have to live with the knowledge that she took her son's life. And that thought is horrifying.
Yet, it makes her gentleness with Lukas later all the more significant. Even with the blood of her son on her hands, she still chooses to hope for a better tomorrow. She still chooses to give Lukas - and herself - another chance, another tomorrow. Bad things could have happened, but they didn't, and they all made it out. The "what ifs" will remain in the shadows, in the nightmares, but in the daylight, she will keep her head high. It doesn't lessen the impact of her deeds or her burdens, but it can make them bearable. And, with the addition of her son's refusal to blame her, it makes it just the little easier. She deserves a new tomorrow, too.
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spicyvampire · 3 days
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Falling in love brings a lot of grief to Tharn [insp. x x x x]
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deedala · 11 months
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Ian x Debbie + just hashtag gay ginger middle children things
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matttheratkingart · 5 months
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My coworker refer to this as Seductive Clown Piracy and it’s the highest praise I could have gotten tbh
Print here
Inspo cover under cut:
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neverevan · 27 days
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EVAN BUCKLEY + close-up 9/?
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cursed-anduknowit · 1 year
Choose Your Fighter!!!!
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Donatello Hamato Vs Shigeo Kageyama
@3w3 @donathan @knightish-knight @turtle-babe83 @autismswagsummit
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whumpasaurus101 · 10 months
“Do you miss me?” The hero croaked. Their voice was rough as sandpaper, throat bobbing with the lump in it.
Villain scoffed, not even looking back at their nemesis. Their feet kicked a previously discarded cigarette.
“It’s alright to miss me, I-“
“What are you talking about?” The villain growled, their head whipping over to glare at Hero, “I’m more than fine that you’re gone- in-fact, I’m bloody better than I was when you were here!”
Villain hated how perfect Hero looked. Absoloutely perfect. The wind ruffled their hair just right. The city seemed to just be… quiet for a moment.
The hero slowly stepped forward, leaning down and picking up the cigarette. They held it up between the two and spoke, “This… is not better… Its okay to miss me… I miss you too…”
Villain hated themself for the pain that burnt in their chest as they watched the illusion of Hero fade.
They felt the empty space, the hollowness of what once used to make them a whole.
Their hand dug into their pocket, their fingers digging into the cigarette box as they flung it out into the city under them.
I miss you too.
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happyfoxx-art · 2 years
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my aftermath comic part 2!! TW/ blood, pain ;;w;; also spoilers obviously, AAAAAA poor leo 😭 poor everyone tbh. also, to be continued...? 👀 LAST | NEXT
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