cirrates · 4 years
edgeworth or gumshoe for the character thing? :D
Sexuality Headcanon: gay
Gender Headcanon: bastard
A ship I have with said character: I have some thoughts and ideas but let me play the games more before I give a final answer
A BROTP I have with said character: well obviously franziska is his literal sister. and his dynamic with kay "when I talk to you its like im talking to my father" faraday is so nice epic found family moments. what else uhhh I think if he got around to hanging out with maya theyd be good friends.
A NOTP I have with said character: I admit im not too far into the trilogy but I cannot imagine why youd think he and phoenix r in love the only thing I can think of that could CONCEIVABLY be misinterpreted as romantic is phoenix becoming a lawyer to force his way back into his life which. I dont think I have to explain why that thats creepy right. I dont have to explain why that is not romantic at all and in fact very creepy to start a whole career because this guy you havent seen since you were 9 isnt responding to your calls.
A random headcanon: yknow that petition thays like "put fingers in the barrel of every gun to stop the bullets" hes the kind of person who would argue endlessly about how it would NOT stop the bullet and never just give it up
General Opinion over said character: I like him but I love nothing more than to see him get owned.
Sexuality Headcanon: have not given it much thought other than hes not straight......much to consider
Gender Headcanon: hes definitely trans but I cannot imagine why anyone would willingly be named dick
A ship I have with said character: same as before
A BROTP I have with said character: like I've said on my answer 4 kay their dynamic is adorable. he was really willing to risk getting arrested just to keep a promise to some 10-year-old he just met.
A NOTP I have with said character: literally have not seen anything weird (barely seen anything at all in fact!) but because I KNOW there r freaks out there if anyones shipping him (or edgeworth) with kay I will seriously go insane and maybe kill or smth idk
A random headcanon: I CANT THINK OF ANY RIGHT NOW. but I post every single one of my thoughts online anyway so if I think of one youll see it.
General Opinion over said character: cool and nice and funny but PLEASE quit you hate literally everything about your job except being a detective just be a private detective like vector the crocodile.
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Hetalia Family Week: Day 4 - Vacation
Day 4 for @hetafamilyweek. Also cross-posted to my ao3!
I'm sorry it took so long to post this, school started again and I did not have the spoons to focus on this after school. So it might take a bit longer than expected to finish this. Now, onto the chapter!
I blame @tiredmay
Willem = Netherlands
Femke = Belgium
Laurent = Luxembourg
Matthew = Canada
Antonio = Spain
Ludwig = Germany
Tw: fire (a building burning down), cursing, an all caps sentence
''Well, I'd say that went well,'' Laurent said. Willem and Femke turned to stare at him.
''What part of this went well?! The hotel is going up in flames, and we're still lost!''
''Eh, small details.''
Willem and Femke looked at each other.
''Lau, did you get possessed or something? Do you even hear yourself?'' Femke asked, incredulously.
''No, wait, I think I missed something. Since when is this a hotel?''
''It's a hotel for parentless children, of course.''
''… I am this close to strangling both of you.'' Willem facepalmed. How on earth did they end up at a burning orphanage on their way to their family vacation? No wait, he knew the answer to that. The three of them were too busy bickering to really notice the map, getting lost as a result. Well. Maybe he should text Mattie to see how they feel about adopting a kid?
''… Maybe we should help?'' Femke said after a moment of silence.
''Fem... As much as I hate to say it, I don't think that's a good idea,'' Willem replied. Seeing his sister's defiant look, he added on, ''We're not trained firefighters, and if we go in without any kind of fire-resistant clothes and walk out alive, without any lasting injuries, how're we going to explain that?''
His sister sighed frustratedly, rubbing at her eyes. ''You're right,'' she said, sounding tired.
''I don’t like it any more than you do, Fem, but- Laurent, what the fuck do you think you're doing?''
Laurent was currently running towards the orphanage, despite the clearly panicked protests from the people around them.
''Laurent, get back here!'' Femke shouted, running after him. For fucks sake, did both of his siblings have a death wish? If Ludwig got wind of this, they'd never hear the end of it.
Groaning, he started to walk forward to where his siblings had run off into the building. He quickly got stopped by one of the firefighters though, who asked him where the hell he thought he was going. He quickly explained the situation to the best of his abilities (just because he was currently somewhere in Spain, even though they were supposed to be in France, and the fact that he could speak both languages just fine, didn't mean he had to like it, or even pretend to be good at it. Fuck you, Antonio. And before you ask, yes he knows how petty he's being. Let him have his fun).
Suffice to say, he didn't get past the firefighter. Not that he needed to, because to the shock of everyone else, his siblings came out of the orphanage, a couple of kids huddled around them. All of them were miraculously unharmed. And naturally, Femke and Laurent were bickering. He could already feel a headache forming. Ludwig was not going to be amused.
Ludwig was not, in fact, amused. Willem got that much as he was woken up at six in the goddamn morning during his vacation by angry German yelling coming through his phone.
''Willem, was zum fick habt ihr euch gedacht, dass ihr in ein brennendes kinderheim reingerannt seid?!''
''Ook een goedemorgen, Ludwig, ja het gaat goed met ons en de kinderen, niemand raakte gewond. En vraag dat maar aan Femke en Laurent, zij zijn namelijk degenen die het brandende weeshuis in renden.''
Yeah, waking up to angry German yelling really was not his ideal wake-up call, but what're you going do about it. Oh right. Pressing the red button, Willem effectively ended the call. Then, he sent a text to his cousin.
'Call me back at a more reasonable time, you heathen.'
Ignoring all other incoming calls, he put his phone down and went back to bed, hoping to catch some sleep before his gremlin siblings decided to wake him up for breakfast.
A stressful day later, they arrived at their intended location. After Ludwig had called him back and chewed out all three of them, they decided to leave as soon as possible, before any of the people that were there at the orphanage came looking for them.
Currently, they were enjoying the sunset while lounging on the beach, nursing a drink. Suddenly, Femke sighed.
''You know... I have a feeling our vacation isn't going to get any more exciting than it’s been so far.''
''Sure, if you can call running into a burning orphanage exiting,'' Willem said. ''Besides, I do not feel like being yelled at by Ludwig again anytime soon.''
Femke only hummed in response.
''I do agree with Willy on this, big sis,'' Laurent said. He was laying on the sand, one hand over his head, the other tracing shapes in the sand. ''I just want to have a relaxing vacation, with no burning orphanages or yelling Germans.'' Willem snorted at that.
''Don’t worry, broertje, no more yelling Ludwigs will be encountered during this trip.''
''Merci Gott.''
''Hey, Lau,'' Femke said conversationally.
''Are you just going to lay there for the rest of the evening?''
''Probably, why do you- AAAAAH WAT DE FUCK, DAT ASS KALT!'' Laurens screamed as he jumped up to get away from the cold water. Femke was wheezing, as was Willem.
''You guys are so mean!''
''Thanks, we try.'' Willem was smirking now.
''Stop it, you two,'' Femke said, rolling her eyes. ''We should head back to the house.''
''Do we have to?''
Femke gave Laurent a deadpan stare at his question. After a few seconds, he sighed. ''Fine. But can we come back tomorrow?''
''Sure.'' She leaned closer to Laurent and said in a stage whisper: ''Perhaps we can even throw Willy in the ocean.'' Her brother gave her a mischievous grin.
''Hey, I heard that!''
Laughing, they took off running towards their house, Willem chasing after them, also grinning. And if Willem caught them and threw them into the ocean? Well, there would be several occasions for revenge.
Willem, was zum fick habt ihr euch gedacht, dass ihr in ein brennendes kinderheim reingerannt seid?! (German) = ''Willem, what the fuck were you guys thinking, running into a burning orphanage like that?!''
Ook een goedemorgen, Ludwig, ja het gaat goed met ons en de kinderen, niemand raakte gewond. En vraag dat maar aan Femke en Laurent, zij zijn namelijk degenen die het brandende weeshuis in renden. (Dutch) = A good morning to you too, Ludwig, yes us and the children are doing fine, no one got hurt. And you can ask Femke and Laurent that, they're the ones that ran into a burning orphanage.
Broertje (Dutch) = little brother
Merci Gott (Luxembourgish) = Thank god
''Aaschlach'' and ''Klootzak'' = asshole
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Going Under Part Two
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 13th Doctor x Reader
Summary: An accident during a routine adventure made your life spiraled out of control with only the Doctor as the anchor. Will you ever find your way back to your Doctor again?
Trigger Warning: ooc, angst, plot holes as usual, attempted suicide, dark!doctor, death, insanity, etc. You have been warned.
More warning: English is not my first language so beware of the headache you will receive upon reading this.
A/N: Yup, still a very disastrous story and I still have no idea how to wrap it up in a pretty bow. Hopefully, this story will be interesting enough to get a positive feedback? I guess I'm just going to be evil person and post it anyway regardless how cringe-worthy this is. But if you find this story interesting, kindly leave comment etc please.
 Part Three
"It's you..."
  I blinked at the young man before me.
  "It's Rory." He supplied when he realized I don't remember his name.
  "Right, you and your wife are with the Doctor."
  "You remembered me?"
  "Where did you go before?"
  "Honestly I have no control of where I'm going on. So, where is the Doctor?" I asked.
  If I'm going to be thrown away to every version of the Doctors, I might as well make them investigate the damn scientists so wherever I go next, maybe one of them could give me the answer or the cure.
  "Everyone teased me. They said you are my imaginary friend." Rory complained.
  "Well, now you can introduce your imaginary friend to them." I said with a small smile.
  He snorted at that. "I guess Amy is no longer the only one whose imaginary friend become real. What is your name again?"
  "(name)." I said.
  "Ook, (name), if you don't mind me asking, what happened to you?" He asked, gesturing to his own neck and mine.
  I realized I look like shit with the mark in my neck like I was some victim of a crime. I sighed and wonder if I could borrow some new clothing that can cover the mark.
  The mark serves well to gain their sympathy I suppose, makes them nicer to the victim in me but I'm not sure I want to play that card.
  "Had an accident." I replied.
  Rory stared at me in disbelief.
  I didn't expect to see Eleventh Doctor again. It seemed he was a different one from the one I met at Christmas because he didn't recognize me.
  There was two women with him. A red-haired young woman and an older curly-haired one. Amy and River, Rory said.
  "Everyone, meet (name)." Rory announced loudly.
  The Doctor, Amy and River stared in shock at me.
  "I told you she is real." Rory said a bit smug.
  I waved at them with a small smile as I braced myself for interrogation.
  "What? What? Who are you? How did you get into my Tardis?" The Doctor demanded.
  "Chill, bow tie, I came in peace...sort of." I said. "And I don't have much time before the next splinter...so listen up."
 I told them everything. Once I finished telling them, I sighed. "I really should start writing the explanation on a book to save more time for the next new Doctors I met." I said. "Could I borrow some notebook?" I asked and stopped to take a look at myself. "And some new clothes from the Tardis wardrobe?"
  The Doctor and River look intriqued with my predicament. He sonicked me and asked for blood sample which I gave.
  River pulled me and took me to the Tardis telepathic circuit for coordinates for the planet the scientists are. Hopefully, they did exist here. I need answers and I pray to God that someone give answers and the cure soon.
  Rory fetch me a blank notebook while Amy took me to change clothing. She is curious about the mark on my neck but I didn't say anything.
"So your doctor is a woman?" Amy asked as she waited outside the bathroom while I took a quick shower. 
  I was grateful that I wasn't ripped away from this reality during my quick shower, that would be embarrasing. I pick up a new set of comfortable clothing. I wore a hoodie jacket so I could hide the mark on my neck beneath it.
I grinned at Amy as I got out of the bathroom. "What do you want to know?"
  Amy grinned back at me. "What was she like? And what weird outfit she choose to wear this time?"
  I pulled out of my smartphone. "I can show you pictures."
  "Give me." She look so excited and it put a smile on my face.
  I showed her our group selfie. I told her about the Doctor and the fam. She led me to the kitchen for some snack.
  "Oh, I wish River is here to see this." Amy said with a laugh when she saw the pictures.
  I was surprised to learn that River is the Doctor's wife. If it was any normal day, I would be upset but after everything that happened to me, it just seemed beneath me to be upset about it. And it's not like the Doctor, my Doctor, is in relationship with me. So I have no right to be upset with her.
  Rory entered the room and gave me a blank notebook and a pen and a small bag to carry it. So very thoughtful of him.
  I smiled gratefully at him.
  "Are you really going to write it all in that book?" Amy asked.
  I stared at the notebook. If only the words I have in mind could magically appear on the pages that would be great.
"Err, do you mind if I take a look at your neck?" Rory asked. "I'm a nurse, you see, I might be able to help."
 I glanced at him and seeing the genuine concern in his eyes, I agreed. He gave me some balm for my neck. He also gave me some aspirin when I complained about having a headache from time to time. I was grateful as I kept the items on my pocket.
  "Thank you, Rory, Amy." I said as I grabbed the notebook and pen and put it inside the bag. "Tell everyone the same." I pulled the bag strap over my body as I stood up and smiled at them.
  Rory and Amy exchanged a confused look.
I blinked at the sudden change in my surrounding. I was not on board of the Tardis. I was in some kind of...meeting room?
"(name)..." A small hoarse voice greeted me out of nowhere.
I turned around and at first I didn't saw anyone and then I saw...it? There was a some kind of bird cage and inside there is some small creature in a suit? What?
"(name)..." The wide-eyed creature glanced up at me. "Run..." It said. "It's not safe...."
My jaw dropped. "What?" I took a step hesitantly toward it. "W-who are you? H-how do you know my name?"
"It's me..." It said. "Doc-tor."
"What?!" I yelled. "Did you...? W-what? Doctor?"
The Doctor nodded weakly.
"B-but what h-happened to you? Did you get cursed by a witch or something?"
The Doctor look annoyed. "Something like that. It isn't safe here, (name). You have to go."
"But what about you?"
"Leave before he come back."
"W-who? Who did this to you?"  I asked.
  "That would be me." Another voice said from behind me.
  I turned around and saw a man in a suit, staring at me curiously. 
  "Who are you? How did you get on board of the Valiant?" He asked.
  "Leave her alone, Master." The Doctor stood up weakly inside the cage.
  The Master smirked. "And why would I do that?"
  "You are the Master?!" I asked dumbly.
  "You know of me then?" The Master stared at me. "A companion of yours, Doctor?" He turned to glance at the Doctor. "A secret one, it seemed since I have no note about you at all from the investigation." He said as he smirked evilly at me.
  I gulped. I did met the Master before back when I was with my Doctor and the fam. I know he is evil. To think he would be so cruel to turn the Doctor into whatever creature he now is and put him on a cage for display? Despite my fear, I felt a surge of protectiveness. I wish I have a weapon of some kind now. I probably should have it from the beginning. I am really foolish, am I not? To keep leaving myself defenseless, how stupid I can be?
  "What have you done to the Doctor?" I demanded.
  The Master laughed at me. "Oh, him? That's just his age catching up on him. Isn't he look adorable though?" He asked with a mocking tone.
  I wanted to punch this bastard so much.
  "(name), don't." The Doctor reprimanded me. "Leave now."
  "Oh she's not going anywhere, Doctor." The Master said as he walked circling me like a predator. "I am getting bored and now we can have some more new fun with her."
  I shuddered at the chilling smile of the Master. I really do want to leave but where can I go? I have to wait for the splinter to happen. It was out of my control. 
  The Master suddenly grabbed one of my wrist firmly. "Now who are you then?"
  "Let go of me!" I screamed as I tried to get his hand off my wrist.
  "Leave her be, Master!" The Doctor demanded helplessly.
  The Master laughed at our demands. "Idiots the both of you!!" 
  "I'm nobody!" I yelled immediately.
  "You know the Doctor so you can't be just a nobody." The Master said. When he realized I would not tell him anything, he rolled his eyes. "Fine, the hard way it is." He suddenly grabbed both side of my head and smirked cruelly before he put his forehead over mine. 
  I could hear the Doctor yelled at the Master but all I could felt is pain, so much pain inside my head. I screamed as I struggled against his tight grip.
  "Interesting. Alternate universe, huh? Oh, you did have met me before...." The Master grinned as he pushed his way inside my mind.
  "Please, stop, it hurts..." I pleaded. My nose started bleeding.
  The Master ignored me and pushes some more. "Ooh, Doctor, it seemed your alternate future-self has gone insane. My kind of Doctor..."
  "Stop it!" The Doctor pleaded. "You are killing her, Master!"
  "Hmm, that is one interesting weapon. I think you just made my day, girlie, you will be my next project." He said.
  I could feel the tingling as I realized I was about to be ripped away from this reality so I kneed him in the groin in retaliation. 
  The Master definitely didn't expecting that as he release me and fell to the ground, clutching his groin. "Bitch..." he whispered in pain.
  I fell to the floor.
  "Doctor!! It's her! She's back!" I heard Yaz called out to the Doctor.
  I groaned as I clutched my bleeding nose.
  The Doctor bend her knees and sat beside me, clutching my chin in her hand. "It's nice to see you again, (name)." She said with a small smile. "What happened to you?" She is checking me for injuries.
  "The Master." I replied weakly. "I was in...Valiant?"
  The Doctor frowned. "The year that never was... So, you are still crossing all over the alternate universe then?"
  I gave her an annoyed look.
  "Right, silly question." The Doctor said. "The Master forced his way inside your mind then? Do you mind if I go inside your mind too? I need to fix the damage inside you."
  I groaned. "Will it be painful?"
  "I promise you won't feel a thing." She said with a small smile.
  I nodded my consent.
  The Doctor gently caress my messy hair before putting her forehead over mine. And I fell into a bliss full darkness.
  I woke up in the Tardis med-bay. I remembered meeting the Doctor and Yaz but I knew they weren't my Doctor and my Yaz. I could feel the loneliness come back with vengeance. I wanted to cry.
  "You are awake."
  I snapped out of my trance and glanced up as I saw the Doctor. My heart yearned for her. I bit my lips as I tried not to cry in front of this Doctor. After all, this Doctor never know me. She is not my friend. She is just a stranger who happened to share the same face as the one that I love. 
  I tried to smile but failed. I shook my head to try to get myself to focus. But the tears keep falling on my cheeks against my wish. 
  The Doctor glanced at me with pity. She tried to comfort me but she is being very awkward about it which make me laugh.
  After I get my bearing, she asked me to tell her what happened to me since last we met.
  "Have you get a warning about the cyberman from Jack?" I asked suddenly.
  The Doctor frowned but nodded. "What do you know about the cyberman?"
  "Nothing. But I need to warn you about the fam. Be careful. When the time come for you to meet the cyberman, do take care to make sure nothing bad happened to them."
  "Of course." The Doctor nodded. "I wouldn't want to put them in danger."
  I sighed. "You don't get it, Doctor, of course, they will put themselves in danger, for you. All I asked is for you to watch each other back."
  "You know something?"
  I was silent, debating whether to tell her and I decided to tell her about the future I saw of my Doctor. About my dying in her arms and her losing the fam to her being somewhat insane.
  The Doctor look troubled. She glanced at me. "I'm so sorry."
  "Not your fault." I said.
  We descended into uncomfortable silence before the Doctor finally revealed that she had gotten her hands on the prototype weapon from her version of the scientist. She has been studying it and found a disturbing information. In order for the weapon to work as it is, it need a target DNA. The fact that I got shot instead of the Doctor and ended up splintering all over the alternate universe with the Doctor as my anchor meant the weapon works but not quite as intended and also the weapon must have been infused with the Doctor DNA in the first place which is way the Doctor ended up as my anchor. The target must be my Doctor all along.
  I was worried for my Doctor now. What if she is still in danger? How am I meant to warn her? And I have to also warn her about the danger to my version of the fam. I do not want my Doctor to change into a darker version of the Doctor I saw before. Maybe If I could warn her and save the fam, then the Doctor will be fine even if she loses me in the end. I'm not trying to be a martyr. I just want the Doctor to be safe and sane.
  "Did you...find a cure?" I asked the Doctor.
  She shook her head sadly. "I'm still working on it."
 "Thank you." I said numbly.
  "Hey." She shook me out of my trance. "Get a grip. You will be okay." She said as she put her hands over my cheeks.
  I smiled weakly at her but nodded. "See you around, Doctor..." I said softly.
  The Doctor, realizing I was about to disappear again, smiled encouragingly. "Hang in there, (name) (last name)."
  I landed inside the Tardis but there is no one inside. Then I heard a very loud electric guitar sound from the outside. Curiously, I walked out of the Tardis and regretted it as my eardrum is hurting. 
  I looked around, found myself in some posh office. Then I saw him. The Twelfth Doctor. I recognized him despite the change in appearance.
  He turned and almost drop his guitar when he saw me. "Well it's about time. I thought you already keel over in one of the alternate universe since you never show your face again."
  I sighed in relief. "I guess you know me then." I said as I stepped toward him. "Where are we?"
  I was surprised to learn that he is teaching in some university now. 
  A young woman and a bald man came into the room and the Doctor introduced them as Bill and Nardole. 
  I wonder what happened to Clara but I know better than to ask about it. She must have left or he lost her. Seemed like a theme for the Doctor from what I've seen so far.
  The Doctor told me to follow her into the Tardis and he started rummaging on his stuff in one of the room. He pulled a vial containing many red pill. He gave it to me.
  "Is this...?"
  "It's just temporary cure...for your internal bleeding."
  "My what?"
  "You have been couching blood, have you not?"
  I nodded. "How did you...?"
  "I did tell you that you are dying, right?"
  "Right, something about splintering tearing my atoms..." I said before I realized it wasn't him who said that. It was my Doctor, the somewhat insane one.
  The Doctor glanced at me.
  "Sorry, I'm trying to keep up with which version said what." I pulled a note from my bag. "I have been writing every encounters. There is no pattern. I just keep randomly jumping all over the alternate timeline."
  He grabbed the book from me. I glared at him in annoyance.
  "What? You are dying?" Bill asked.
  Ah, I forgot his companion are here too. We talked for a bit.
  The Doctor snapped his fingers to gain my attention. "Drink your medicine."
  I obeyed and pulled a pill from the vial and swallowed it. Nardole, helpfully, giving me a bottle of water. The medicine did do wonder, I felt a bit refreshed.
  I smiled at the Doctor. Out of all the Doctors I met so far, he is the one that has been make himself useful to me. I was very grateful and I told him that.
  "It was nothing. Like I said, it was just temporary cure. It will not stop you from splintering but it will delay it for a few hours, enough for you to get some rest and get some answers. Just be sure not to take it if you find yourself stranded in a dangerous place with one of the alternate doctors." He replied. "You are still dying, unfortunately, so you need to take a better care of yourself."
  I sighed in resignation and asked if I could borrow a room to rest.
  The Doctor nodded as he glanced at me with a bit of fondness. I think I grew on him and I must say I feel the same. He asked Bill to show me a room.
  Bill and I started to get to know each other on the way of the room.  She left me so I could get some rest.
  I laid on the bed tiredly. I didn't discard my bag for fear of splintering while I sleep. The notebook is still with the Doctor, though. Oh, well. I closed my eyes and feel into a blissful sleep immediately.
  I woke up after enough sleeping, feeling refreshed. I realized with delight that I'm still in the same place as before I went to sleep. I got out of the room to seek the Doctor. I walked out of the Tardis and saw the same office from earlier.
  The Doctor sat behind his desk, writing something on my notebook?
  "What are you doing?" I asked.
  "Ah, you're still here. It worked then." He said without looking at me. "I'm writing the formula of the medicine I gave you. In case you won't find your way back to me again, you can ask the other Doctors for when your medicine run out."
  I hummed in pleasant. "That's very thoughtful of you."
  "Just doing my part." He said as he finished writing and gave the notebook to me.
  I opened the page on his writing. I didn't understand a thing of what he wrote though. "What language is this?"
  "The other Doctors will know it, don't worry your pudding brain about it."
  I glared at him, annoyed. "You're still rude." I said as I put the notebook back on my back.
  "Really? I didn't notice."
  I stick out my tongue at him petulantly.
  "Anyway, I would like to ask about your assumption that the future Doctor you met is your Doctor."
  "How do you mean?"
  "What makes you think that version is directly your future instead of alternate one?"
  I hummed thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose because she recognized me. The other version of...Thirteenth, was it? The other one didn't know me. I guess I jump into conclusion? It's just that I didn't meet any other version of my Doctor. Just those two."
  He started ranting about alternate universe being vast and so the alternate timeline with it. He also talk about alternate version of the Doctor and myself.
  I admitted I couldn't follow on his explanation which he noticed and being rude about it. It did give me a slight hope that it means my Doctor will be fine and won't lose her marble. I smiled in relief at the thought. My smile dropped immediately when I felt the tingling again. 
  I glanced up at the Doctor and quickly give him a hug much to his dismay. "Thank you and see you around."
  He look worried for me. "Good luck, (name)."
  I dropped unceremoniously on the floor. I was annoyed to keep finding myself on the floor every time.
  I glanced up at my surrounding and my jaw dropped when I saw the sight before me.
  The Doctors and companion from 9th-12th are there. They were trapped inside glass prisons, each doctor and their companion respectively had their own personal prison it seemed. And I was outside the glass prisons staring at them all.
  "About time." One of the Doctors said suddenly. "What do you want?"
  "W-what? Hold on, did you think I did this to you? I just arrived." I said, feeling a bit insulted.
  "So, you are not the one who imprison us?" One of the companion, I recognized as Rose asked.
  "I have no part in what happening to you guys. Where are we anyway?" I asked as I look around. "Where is your jailer?"
  "No idea. We just woke up a while ago." That was Jack.
  "Right, okay, how do I get you out then?" I asked them.
  "Who are you?" One of the Doctors asked again.
  "Not the bad guy, that's for sure." I replied. "Don't you think to save the question until after you got out of there?" I asked. "Don't know about you, but the prison is giving me a bad vibe." I said. "Oh shit is there a camera here watching us?"
  "Yeah, there is." One of the companion, Rory, pointed the camera on the wall behind me. 
  "Whoever watching know you're here. If you are not one the bad guys, you should really should do something soon." Jack said.
  "Oh hell, we have no time for interrogation then." I said sarcastically. "Now, which one of you boys gonna help me figure out the way out here?" I asked all the Doctors.
  All the Doctor spoke at the same time which giving me headache which reminded me I have to take my med. But I was hesitating remembering the Twelfth Doctor telling me not to take it if I ever find myself stuck in dangerous place with the alternate Doctors. I glanced at the Doctors, all alternate version of the Doctors, but no alternate Thirteenth Doctor in sight. I sighed. I know I can't just abandon them, can I? I pulled the vial and pop one pill. I guess I resigned myself to get stuck here for a few hours. Let's hope I didn't get killed or get them killed.
  I followed the Doctors' instruction to check the box on the wall and cut some wire. I pulled my hair pin and tried to use it as the Doctors instructed. One of the prison cracked open. Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory got out. Rory and Amy helped me with the other boxes while 11th Doctor pulled his sonic screwdriver and point it at the door to stop the jailers from coming in just as the alarm sounded very loudly.
  After all the Doctors got out, they introduced themselves to me. I already knew some of them technically from my meeting with their alternate version before but I didn't tell them that. Rose, Jack, Donna, Martha, Amy, Rory and Clara. The only one I haven't met is Donna. She is very interesting loud person. It was funny seeing her treating the 10th Doctor like she is the boss.
  "Are you ill?" Rory asked suddenly. "You look a bit pale."
  Martha also come to check on me. I remembered that she is a doctor or learning to be a doctor.
  "I'm fine." I said as I wiped the cold sweat that covered my forehead. What's happening to me now? Shouldn't the med make me feel better? Why now I felt like I'm about to keel over?
  I heard the sound of sonic screwdriver. "You're dying." Eleventh Doctor said as he read the result of his scan. 
  The companion showed some concern for me while the Doctors are wary of me but they also staring at me with pity now that they knew I am dying.
  "Don't worry I will get out of your hairs soon enough maybe in a few hours." I said. "Rather than focusing on me, we should deal with whoever took you lot here in the first place."
  I followed them, more like the Doctors allowed me to tag along but I could feel their distrusts toward me, feel like they are chocking me...or maybe that was the effect of illness.
  When they finally confronted their jailers, I fainted. I tried to stay awake but I lost the fight.
  I woke up in the Tardis med-bay. I sighed. I jumped when I saw the shadow across the room. The room lightened up and I saw it was Twelfth Doctor. He has my notebook in his hand. "Hello, (name)."
  I stared at him. "You have read it then. So you know I'm not a threat."
  "It seemed so." He said. "It has my handwriting inside."
  I nodded. "You, I mean, alternate version of you just wrote it actually...just before I landed here." I said.
  He nodded.
  "Where are the other Doctors?" I asked.
  "Gone back to their rightful timeline."
  "I guess you won the lottery to deal with me then?" I joked.
  The Doctor glanced at me with a look I can't decipher. "More like because i'm the oldest incarnation so you become my responsibility especially after I saw my handwriting." he said. "But according to this book, you are travelling with the one after me."
  I nodded. "Thirteenth Doctor." At his look, I shrugged. "Your alternate-self told me of the numbers."
  He didn't say anything.
  "So, what now?"
  "There is a coordinate written here." He said.
  I nodded. "Right, that's probably coordinate of the planet where we stumble upon the scientists and the weapon."
  He hummed. "I suppose I will have to help you to find some answer for your predicament then."
  "That would be great." I said.
  "The other me seemed to be fond of you. He wrote here to trust you and help you."
  "He did?" I asked, surprised. I smiled fondly. "I knew I grew on him." I said. Suddenly I wish to come back and see him again and give him more hugs. I blinked suddenly when I felt the tingling. "Oh no... has it been a few hours since we met?" I asked.
  He frowned at me. "What's...?" he trailed and glanced at me. "You have to go, don't you?" He quickly throw me the notebook. "I will get you answers or the cure when next you returned." he said.
 I barely able to catch the notebook and grabbed my bag before I vanished. I didn't even get to say thanks.
  "ow." I landed on my butt on the ground. I took a glance around my surrounding. I was inside the Tardis but the Tardis is poorly lit. And then I saw her. The Doctor.
  "Doctor? Doctor!!" I called out as I scrambled on my feet to get to her.
  It was her. Thirteenth Doctor. But something is wrong. She looked weak and dare I say, dying.
  "Doctor!! Doctor, are you okay? What happened to you?" I tried to shook her awake.
  She weakly opened her eyes and she smiled upon seeing me. "(name)...Am I dead already? How are you here...?" she asked as her hand weakly reaches out to me.
  I grabbed her hands. "Doctor, what's wrong with you?"
  "Dying...got shot..."
  "No. But you can't be..."
  She smiled at me. "...is good to see you again, (name)...been so long..."
  "Doctor, what do I do? What can I do?"
  She shook her head weakly and coughed blood. "Nothing you can do. Weapon disable regeneration. They got me...finally."
  Tears started falling on my cheeks. "Who? Who did this to you? Doctor!"
  She smiled weakly at me. "I'm sorry, (name)..." she said as she caresses my cheek, wiping my tears.
  "Doctor...please...don't leave me..." I begged her. "Please just tell me, who did this? I can change it! I will change it!"
   "My (name)...always so..." She closed her eyes and never open them again.
  "Doctor?" I called out. "Doctor, no, please, open your eyes. Don't do this to me." I begged her. "Doctor!!" I screamed as I tried to shake her awake but it was futile. I cried as I hugged her body close. I started coughing blood too. I wonder if I'm going to die here. It wouldn't be so bad, would it? I hold her hand and cried again. I laid beside her body, still holding her hand, wishing I could just die already.
  I don't know how long it has been before I finally feel the tingling. It was then I wonder if this Doctor is my future or some alternate one. I selfishly prayed it was an alternate one because I don't think I could accept the universe without my Doctor. I let myself being ripped away once more and hope to God the next destination won't tear my heart like this.
  "Please let me see her again..." I pleaded as I closed my eyes.
  I found myself on the ground, curled on myself like a wounded animal. I didn't bother to look where I ended up this time. My heart still in so much pain from witnessing the Doctor's death. 
  "(name)? (name)!! Are you alright?" That was Rory.
  "Doctor! River! It's (name)!! She has returned!!" Amy yelled.
  I could hear the Doctor and River moved toward me in concern.
  Someone pulled me from the floor. But I have no energy to stand up on my own. They let me sat on the floor then.
  "(name), what's wrong, dear? Are you injured anywhere?" That was River.
  I turned to look at her. "The Doctor is dead." I said as burst into tears again.
  River looked like she was being slapped. I remembered she is the Doctor's wife, of course, that news would trouble her. She exchanged a look with Eleventh Doctor.
  I started coughing blood much to their horror. I fainted.
  I woke up from a nightmare of the memory when she died. I cried again. Rory and River rushed toward the bed where I am laid when I nearly fell from the bed in my rush to reach out to nothing.
  "Hey, easy there." Rory said.
  River stroke my hair almost lovingly. "Take it easy, my dear."
  I grabbed her and I started rambling. "It was the weapon! It disable regeneration!" I yelled. I didn't even know if the Doctor spoke of the same weapon that shot me. I didn't get to ask. But I have a feeling it might be. I don't remember what I said next but River is hushing me, trying to calm me down. But there is no consoling me. I kept telling her over and over that the Doctor is in danger.
  From the corner of my eyes, I saw Eleventh Doctor and Amy standing on the doorway. He looked like someone shot his puppy. He seemed almost afraid to approach me. 
  "Promise me you will find it." I pleaded.
  "I promise." River said.
  But that won't solve anything, will it? The one I wanted to warn and save is my Doctor. But I never get to see her. I know I still have to warn the other Doctors of a potential dangerous weapon a threat to their well-being. But what I wanted is my Doctor and my friends. I want them to be safe. 
  I could feel the sign I was about to splinter again. I screamed in frustration.
  "(name)? (name)!!"
  I was still screaming.
  Someone is holding on my faces as they tried to snap me out of my hysterical. "Look at me, (name) (last name)." Those words suddenly sounded loudly inside my mind.
  I opened my eyes and I saw the Doctor. Thirteenth Doctor.
  Without thinking, I hugged her tight. She loses her balance and we both fell on the floor. I cried in her arms. I called her name over and over again. She was surprised but she stroke my back, trying to comfort me and pulled me to a seating position.
  "It's okay, (name). It's okay." She whispered. "I'm here."
  That made me cry more. I hugged her more, not willing to let go.
  I could hear the fam approaching us in confusion.
  "Doctor? (name)? What's wrong?" Yaz asked as she sat beside us.
  I turned toward Yaz before whispering, "Am I home? Do you...know me?"
  "Not this again." She replied. "Of course we all know you, (name)." She turned toward the Doctor. "Doctor, what happened?"
  The Doctor hummed as she continue to stroke my back. "We were talking and then she just suddenly scream."
  I am home! They know me! I was too busy feeling relieved of being back at home with my Doctor and my friends. And then I realized what she said. I released her. "We were talking...?"
  She nodded. "And then you just suddenly scream..."
  "But I wasn't here, was I?" I asked.
  "What do you mean?" She asked.
  "I was back in the other alternate universes. I met alternate version of your past incarnations, you know, bow tie, sandshoes, big ear and sandshoes."
  She looked alarmed at that. "I don't understand what you are talking about, you have been here with me all this time. But...how do you know about my past regeneration?"
  "I told you!" I was frustrated. I grabbed around for my bag only to realize I didn't have them. "W-what? Where is my bag?"
  "(name), calm down." Yaz pleaded.
  "NO!" I shouted as I pushes her away. I stood up and nearly fell but the Doctor caught me. I pushes her away too.
  Ryan and Graham stared at me with concern.
  "What's happening to me? I want it to stop!!" I shouted as I burst into tears.
  "(name), tell me what you think happened." The Doctor requested. She tried to placate me, approaching me like I was some sort of wounded animal, which in a way, I guess I am.
  "You think I'm going insane." I said accusingly.
  She shook her head. "I think you are confused."
  "Confused enough to suddenly have information on your past regeneration?!!" I shouted angrily.
  The fam exchanged a look with each other.
  "Let me help you, (name)." The Doctor said. "Please. Trust me."
  "Just trust the Doctor?" I asked. "That's what you said before."
  "I did say that." She said. She raised her hand toward me. "Trust me, (name)."
  "Then tell me what do you think is happening to me? I know you know something. You said not to worry. But I'm so tired, Doctor. I just watched you die. Are you telling me I've been dreaming all of that?"
  "Tell me! Was it the weapon? It did something to me, right? What? It drive me insane? Making me conjuring some form of nightmare and of my fear? Tell me!!"
  I blinked and I realized the Doctor and the fam is gone. "Nooo..." I broke down in tears. "What is happening to me?" I fell on my knees and that's when I noticed my bag is back strapped on my body again. I pulled out my notebook and opened to the last page of my writing. "No. No. No." I screamed and I tore the pages off the book in my rage. And then I cried.
  I finally glanced around my surrounding. I was in the Tardis but no one seemed to be around. I went to the kitchen and pulled a knife from the drawer and a wine from the Doctor's stash. I drank the wine, regardless of the taste, working up on the courage to do what I have to do. 
  "I have to wake up." I whispered. Then I slit my wrist, putting a cut so deep. I hissed in pain as more tears falling from my cheeks. I watched numbly at the blood flowing from the cut. I felt weak and passed out.
  I woke up in a med-bay. Someone has bandaged my wrist. I sighed in disappointment. "Why can't I wake up?" I whispered in desperation.
  "I must admit this is not the first time we have a stowaway but you are actually the first that tried to kill yourself on my Tardis." Someone said, jolting you out of your trance.
  I glanced up to see...Ruth clayton? My jaw dropped in shock. I remembered my Doctor telling me and the fam that Ruth actually is the Doctor but that she didn't remember being her.
  She raised my torn notebook at me. "Just read it all. Quite the days you've had it seemed."
   "You read it...? You believe it...?" I asked. I discreetly take a look at my bandaged wrist. She must have been the one who did it.  She saved my life. Don't know exactly what she did but I felt fine for someone who just survive attempted suicide. I wonder what she thought of me when she found me before. She looked so chill for someone who just find some random stranger. I guess the notebook did help. Can't believe she actually fix the notebook. But then again I should not be surprised that the Doctor did that. And as I look at her, I can almost believe that she is the Doctor but a slightly more mature one?
  She hummed. "I scanned you. The result is that you did indeed come from alternate universe."
   I snorted at that. "Well, we are all got it wrong it seemed. I am dreaming this. I am dreaming of you! Nothing here is real! I'm just having some elaborate hallucination!" Even as I said that, I knew I was wrong because I only knew Ruth Clayton, I never saw the appearance of Ruth!Doctor before. My mind should not be able to conjure any version of the Doctors but the one that I knew. But when I remembered what happened last, I just don't know anymore. I admitted it was stupid of me to try and off myself. But well, i guess I’m well on my way of being insane. Can you blame me?
"Dreaming of me? My, have we met before for you to dream of me like this?  Also I have been hallucination before, wasn't fun. I can tell you I am not a hallucination, dear."
"Of course you are! We've met! You told my Doctor that you are the Doctor but she said she didn't remember being you!" I said.
"A-ah, I know I have met you before, you are with that other Doctor then? Her companion, is it?"
 "You don't understand." I said petulantly.
  "You are right, I don't."
  I was annoyed with this Ruth!Doctor. She is being dismissive of me, like i'm some child throwing tantrum, which in a way I suppose I do. I coughed harsh and I covered my mouth, knowing full well I'm coughing up blood again.
  "Would you like your medicine?" She asked, showing me the vial the alternate Twelfth Doctor gave me.
  I shook my head. "No thanks. I don't want to intrude you any longer."
  She sighed. "You seemed to have give up on staying alive..."
  I snorted. "I'm not dying. I'm just going insane, it seemed." I said sarcastically. 
  Suddenly I heard the wheezing sound of a Tardis. I glanced up at her in confusion.
  "I called the other Doctor here." She said.
  I frowned. "You...you called her here?" I asked.
  "Well, you are an alternate version of her companion." She said.
  I stared at her blankly before I registered what she said. "There is another me here? With...the other Doctor?"
  "Would you like to see her?" She asked.
  I nodded. I was a bit curious of the other me.
  It was really weird seeing an alternate version of yourself, I have got to say. The Doctor and the other me stared at me in shock. I felt suddenly self-conscious. I did just tried to off myself. I tried to hide my bandaged wrist behind me.
  They invited me to their Tardis. Ruth!Doctor clearly wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. I can't blame her. Who would want a damage good like me anyway? And I did dirtying her Tardis by trying to kill myself over there. She gave my torn notebook and medicine to the other Doctor. They talked for a bit.
  The other me is staring at me curiously. I was at first curious but now I just want the other me to go away. She made me felt like a strange alien.
  The Doctor smiled at me. "Hello, (name), it's good to meet you."
  I didn't smile back. 
  Her smile faltered. "I'm so sorry to hear what has been happening to you. I promise I will help you get home." She said as she grabbed one of my hands and it happened to be the bandaged one. She looked like someone kicked her puppy as she noticed the bandaged wrist. "Please don't give up, (name), your Doctor wouldn't want you to."
  I pulled my hand off her. I wanted to hurt her with words but I can't think of anything despite my sudden anger at her. "You don't know me." I finally lashes out. "I'm not her. And you are not the Doctor." 
  She looked hurt. I saw the other me bristled and about to shout at me but her Doctor stopped her. She whispered something to her and the other me left us behind.
  I scoffed. "Don't worry, I won't be here for long anyway."
  "Let me help you, (name)."
  I could felt myself about to cry again and I hated myself. "No one can help me. Not anymore. I just want to wake up from this nightmare." I whispered to myself.
  The Doctor looked so sad, I almost wanted to comfort her, but I didn't. She wasn't mine. 
  I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me close. "I know it's hard, (name), but you have to have some faith. Just trust the Doctor."
  I cried when she said that. I hugged her back. And then I could feel myself being ripped away again. But I already resigned to my fate so I let her go.
   tags : @thatsonezesty13 , @0castergirl0
(ok, first time someone ask to be tagged but i’m kinda worried that you will be disappointed with how this turn out.)
  A/N: Alright, so this is the end of part two. I still have no idea how to end this story. As you can probably tell, the plotline is messy and probably ended up repetitive. At the rate this is going, this story might not get a part three at all. Maybe the Reader truly lost in time after all. I tried to write a dark!doctor but I think I failed. I really wanted to write for dark!doctor. Maybe I would have better luck next time, whenever next time is and if there ever be another next time.
I would like to take this chance to say thank you for those who follow my blog and leaving likes/comment/reblog on my past stories. Thank you all and I hope you didn't finally come to your sense and realize how bad I truly am at writing. Stay cool, everyone!
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cbseung · 5 years
cobblestones : modern prince! hyunjin - [part 4]
[pt 1] [pt 2] [pt 3] [pt 4] [pt 5] [pt 6] [pt 7] [pt 8] [pt 9] [pt 10] [final]
hi pals i’m so sorry this is super duper so late! i hope the amount of you x hyunjin having a date hangout in paris makes up for it 
a/n: we mention got7 (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚* (also my fave is jinyoung let’s discuss) 
w/c: ~1500
pairings: hwang hyunjin x reader
description: spend your day inside the palace or go on a day trip to paris? if only it wasn’t for your super rude but sometimes nice handsome enemy ,,
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alright fam
first order of business
you’ve had a night to mull over your conversation with yeji
so what’s up with these feelings for felix????
haha FEEEELix
like sure felix is a cool dude and all
but logically,,,
your stay in london is only for so long
and then it’s back to reality
so can you really afford these feelings right now?
logically, no
but honestly
can you really help it?
“morning y/n! you’re up early today”
“morning felix! what’s your plans for the day?
“ah i have some things i have to finish up with my mother and yeji so unfortunately i won’t be able to go outside for long,, what about you?”
“ah you and yeji? then i’m not sure,,, any suggestions?
“how about a day trip to paris?”
“you’re kidding right. with what money? and with wHO?
“felix! y/n! how are you this lovely morning??” hyunjin says sweetly
“...you’ll go with hyunjin!”
“WHAT” you say while hyunjin simultaneously asks “oooh go where?”
“no way!!! this is supposed to be a relaxing trip!! i CAN’T go with hyunjin”
“ouch! my feelings!”
“come on y/n! you can spend time with hyunjin and realize that he’s not that awful!
“what do you mean i’m not that awful i’m not awful AT ALL” hyunjin says, hand over heart, like he was very very hurt by your words
“i can barely spend five minutes with him, let alone the WHOLE DAY” you exasperate 
“come on y/n, just spend the day with him,, please? for me?” felix says
“ugh fine,,, don’t make me regret this” you sigh, pointing at hyunjin
gasp “i would never!”
you guys board the train from london to paris
so here’s what you were expecting
more like hoping
hyunjin shuts up and you put your earphones on and crank the volume up while you emotionally prepare for the day
you unconciously start humming and next thing you know..
........ that’s something you weren’t expecting
“no way.. me too..”
“my favorite is jinyoung!” he excitedly shouts
alert alert alert
this hyunjin is scary
scary because he’s actually likeable
“my favorite is jinyoung!!”
“i met him one time, pretty cool dude”
“of course you did ,,”
“what can i say?? being the prince has it’s perks!”
you roll your eyes as you say “of course it does”
that ends your conversation, and surprisingly! it ends in a comfortable silence
wait omg
is this??
your first civil conversation with hyunjin?
and it was actually nice?
the 2 hr trip from london to paris wasn’t THAT horrible
you and hyunjin shared the snacks that you guys brought on the train
“oh my ,, snacks? you can’t last two hours without eating something?’
“HEY don’t make fun of me and my snacks”
and like there was SNACKS you weren’t about to NOT eat them
“hey you got a little dirt on your face” hyunjin says
“right ..... there” he says as he points to your whole face
but you also learned more about him
“let’s play 20 questions!” you ask
“..... .. .... ookay”
“no seriously! it’ll be fun!”
whatever you say princess”
“... cats or dogs”
“okay your turn to ask me a question”
“what? no i don’t care enough”
“WOW OUCH and of course you do i’m some pretty foreigner if i remember you saying that to felix the first time we formally met”
“pretty? more like petty” you hear him mutter
soon enough, you guys arrive in paris
and you’re basically jumping in your seat 
“woah dude calm down”
“don’t dude me i’m EXCITED”
“ook well ms. excited what do you want to do first”
“wow! hyunjin being considerate and asking what I wanna do FIRST?”
“oh shush i was nice during that train ride”
“well you were nicer than normal but anyways i wanna go to the louvre!”
“woah seriously? taste”
and with that said, you and hyunjin make you way toward the louvre
“duh haven’t you seen pictures of the louvre”
“well yeah but i always thought it was just the glass triangle in the front”
“... you dummy”
you and hyunjin spend about two hours at the louvre,, but that still wasn’t enough
“but hyunjin!!! there’s still so much to see!”
“you do know it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to see the all the louvre in one day”
“but i wanna see that psyche sculpture!”
“alright you greek mythology nerd let’s go see it and we have places to go and people to meet!”
next, you guys stop for coffee and lunch because ya’ll needed to recharge for the day ahead of you
“wow coffee on cobblestone streets! believe it or not a lifelong dream of mine” you say
“.. that’s a fairly easy dream to achieve”
“no! it’s not! (╬ಠ益ಠ)”
the day is... weirdly going by super fast?
but you’re having fun? 
what is this sorcery
there has to be something in the paris air
what’s a staple in france?
that’s right
berets and baguettes
and you, being a typical tourist
drag hyunjin from store to store demanding that you guys buy berets
yknow, to commemorate the day!
you guys try to find the funniest berets you can find
and let me tell you
they make some funny ones in paris
so the afternoon was filled with silly pictures and laughs that you shared with 
none other than
the “devil” himself
hwang hyunjin
sadly (???? were you actually enjoying your day?) , your day has come to an end 
you and hyunjin decide to end your day by strolling through the jardin des tuileries
“... so you like felix huh..”
..... oh
you forgot your feelings (you’re confused huh) for felix was a thing
“i .. don’t know.. to be honest no one was really interested in me back home so i’m not sure how ““““feelings”“““ are supposed to work”
“hmmm interesting,, well they missed out on getting to know you for what my opinions worth”
“wow that’s the first nicest thing you’ve ever said to me!”
“yeah yeah whatever”
it was actually really nice having hyunjin as company
“come on,” he states, “we have one more stop”
“what??? but i’m TIRED”
“it’ll be worth it!!”
so hyunjin drags you to the eiffel tower
and you guys walk to the top
and it’s night
and so pretty
almost as pretty as him
“i thought the eiffel tower closed already?”
“being a prince has it’s perks”
“you got me there”
as you look out on the streets of paris
you can’t help but ask
“so... i shared my hopes and dreams... what’s yours?”
“..... to be normal”
“wow the prince wants to be normal? what a cliche! didn’t you just say being a prince has it’s perks?”
“it’s true! the cons DEFINITELY outweigh the perks! all the responsibility that they put on me?? crazy stuff”
“okay mister i hate responsibility what would you want to instead?”
 you’ve never seen hyunjin more in thought that he looked right now
“to be honest? a dancer”
“really now?”
“i guess”
“would have never taken you as a dancer”
“i guess i’ll just have to show you sometime”
you’re both tired
you can see it on each other’s faces
so you make your way back to the train station
in a nice, calming silence
“oh my gosh they’re so cute”
you hear squealing from the seat behind you
why tf are they so loud
as you slowly open your eyes
you realize you’re on a shoulder?
but then you realize
you literally only came here with one person
prince hwang hyunjin
you’re PRETTY sure he’s sleeping so 
being the considerate human you are
you don’t move your head
BUT then all the events of the past hour replayed in your head
to be fair
you were a very tired bean at this point
you’re surprised you even made it to the train without passing out
“agh my airpods died” hyunjin sighs
“rich people problems am i right”
“hey let me share with you”
“what no get your own”
“silly they died remember”
“... ughh fine since you were so nice to me this trip” you say as you pull an earbud out
“thanks princess”
“shh stop calling me that”
“ooo why not that’s what you are”
“it makes me feel funny inside” you say as you slowly fall asleep
at this point you MENTALLY facepalm
you really JUST said that 
“you’re so cute”
“shhhut up let me sleep”
then you hear the girl behind you say
“she’s laying on his shoulder and he’s laying on her head AND they’re sharing earphones! that’s so CUTE”
and that’s the last thing you hear before you let sleep take over you once again
a/n: and this is the end of part 4! hopefully 5 won’t take too long! thanK YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT 
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I wrote the first half of this a while ago, but I finally finished it so here
“Are you God?”
The man smiled sadly and shrugged, the slight movement of his shoulders sending ripples through the white expanse around us.
“Now that’s a hard question. To you? I suppose I could be considered a god. To myself? I’m just an average guy.”
“I guess that makes sense, power is relative. But I still have so many questions...”
The man laughed, not at me, but not quite with me either. It was the way you might laugh at a dog, mystified by a human’s magic trick.
“I knew you would. Curiosity is most of what makes you human. Ask me your questions, I’ll do my best to answer.”
“Well, are there more like you?”
“Yes. I am one of many. The universe is a big place, lots of ground to cover,” the man chuckled a little, “If it was just me I’d be stretched pretty thin.”
“What are you?”
“Ah, that’s a question with a lot of answers. I’ve gone by a lot of names, and my kind have gone by a lot more. For a while we were called angels. To some we are spirits. To some, fae. We have been called muses, inspirations, ideas, equations. Recently we were called quarks. I particularly enjoyed that one, it was fun to say.”
I looked down thoughtfully.
“So what is it that you do?”
The man paused briefly, surprised by my question. He glanced at me appraisingly before continuing.
“You’re a more clever human than I’ve talked to in a while. Few people have questioned what I do, they’ve simply assumed what I can do conforms to their legends.”
He looked thoughtful for a moment, then continued.
“I suppose the answer is that I do a lot. I watch over humans. I keep an eye on things, prod events towards their best possible outcome. On a more personal level, I keep track of people’s actions. I’ve seen everyone at their best,” he grins and holds his hand out, causing a large orb to appear, showing a man playing with his dog in a park, “and I’ve seen everyone at their worst...” he looks very tired suddenly. He gestures, bringing up many orbs showing various scenes of various terrible things. A man trembling with a gun to his head, a woman holding up a store, too many images to count. The man shakes the grim look off of his face and smiles. “I’ve always found, though, that when push comes to shove, no matter how unpleasant the world may seem, there’s typically more good than bad!”
I must look reassured by this statement, because he smiles warmly at my expression. I look around at the blankness surrounding us.
“Where are we?”
“I suppose you could call it limbo. It’s more of a border checkpoint than the purgatorial abyss that most humans imagine.”
“Am I dead?”
“That’s the million dollar question here friend. You see, you aren’t quite dead yet, but you aren’t quite alive still. This sort of thing doesn’t happen too often. You get an extra choice that most people don’t.”
“Well, when people die, lots can happen. Not everyone wants the same afterlife. Some want to be reincarnated, some want heaven, and some unhappy few just want nothing.”
He nods solemnly.
“Nothing. They want to fade away, lose their consciousness. Sometimes forever, sometimes until someone else arrives.”
“I can’t imagine just ceasing to exist.”
“Many people can. Usually those who commit suicide choose that option, for one reason or another. Some want the eternal rest they came for, some feel they don’t deserve paradise after taking the easy way out.”
“That’s awful!”
“I agree. Every so often we’ll bring a few people back, offer them counseling, help them work through it, let them choose again. They usually choose something else.”
“I should hope so. I would certainly never choose the void over eternal paradise.”
I sit in solemn silence for a moment.
“You said I get an extra choice?”
He gives a spritely nod.
“Every so often we’ll get someone who isn’t quite dead, but isn’t quite alive. A Schrödinger‘s Human, so to speak. Whenever one of these comes through it makes a bit of a hullabaloo. Each case is looked at carefully from every angle. We look at the causes of half-death, who you leave behind, what will happen if you live, what will happen if you die, all the good and bad you’ve already done. If living will do more good than bad we send you back. If dying will do more good than living then we’ll send you on. If your death was caused by a mistake by one of us, or you going back will bring the same amount of good as dying, you get a choice. Your death checks both of these boxes. People like you don’t come by often. In fact, the last one I handled personally was born a couple thousand years ago, some spiritual leader that the Romans crucified after an apprentice accidentally sent someone back who was supposed to stay dead.”
I was stunned. My heart and mind were both racing.
“Am- am I the second coming of Jesus?”
He smiled in a way that made me guess he had been asked this before.
“More like the eighty-five thousand, two hundred sixty third coming of Jesus. And he was roughly the four hundred seventy five millionth coming of Ook, an early human whose death was the result of our first mistake ever. The only thing special about Jesus’s death and resurrection is that he was returned a few Earth days after his death, instead of immediately, due to a secondary clerical error.”
I looked down, slightly stunned by this news.
“So- so Jesus really was just a man?”
The man smiled gently at me.
“Well that depends on your point of view. In my personal opinion no one is ‘just a man’ because everyone is someone. Everyone has feelings, everyone has hopes and dreams. No one is ‘just a man’ because everyone is their own person.”
I chuckled a little bit.
“You know, you’re pretty wise for an all knowing deity.”
He laughed heartily, before sighing and speaking again.
“Yes, we deities do have a habit of being wise, but you humans always amuse me with your habit of wisecracking. Your dry senses of humor never cease to amaze me.”
He suddenly looked more serious, and his tone became more businesslike.
“But we do still need to decide what to do with you. Take any afterlife you know of, any afterlife you can imagine, anyone you want to be with. You can have all that now. Or you can go back. You can forget all this for the time being. You can return to Earth to live the rest of your life, and you can return here when your time comes with finality.”
I looked hesitantly around.
“And I still get my choices when I come back?”
He nodded, seeming to already guess what my answer was, even though I technically wasn’t sure yet myself.
“When you return here you’ll be presented the same choices, minus the option to go back to your own life of course. When you die with finality your only way back is reincarnation. But until then you will have no memory of here. You will be returned to a world of uncertainty, where you have no idea whether or not there even is an ‘after’ let alone what it might be.”
“Can I think about it for a bit?”
“Of course, take all the time you need. As you might have guessed time means a little bit less here.”
So I sat. And I thought. I considered who I was leaving by returning to Earth, and I considered who I was leaving by staying in the afterlife. If I stayed alive I would see my family again. If I stayed dead I would see my parents again. I could see my old best friend, the one who overdosed in college, or my childhood pets. But I would see them eventually anyways. I could still affect the world of the living. I could make life better for some people.
I made my decision.
“I’ve decided.”
“I’d like to go back. I still have work to do. But can I have one thought left in my head when you wake me back up?”
“That depends on the thought.”
“I want to remember why I’m there. I don’t care much how you put it in my head, maybe a new outlook from a near death experience. I want to remember I’m there to make things better. Can I remember that? That I’m alive for a reason?”
The god smiled warmly at me.
“Everyone is alive for a reason little one. That reason is to live. I can grant your wish, but you must not forget to live while you continue your life.”
“I promise.”
“Then I’ll see you in a few decades.”
He made a slight gesture over me, and snapped his fingers. The world slowly turned white, then black, then white again. As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw a paramedic standing over me.
“You’re lucky to be alive son, that car crash could have killed a man a lot bigger than you.”
I slowly fell back into unconsciousness, my encounter already almost gone from my mind. But as it slipped away until I wasn’t even sure what I was trying to remember, two thoughts bounced around in my head.
I’m alive for a reason.
And I can’t forget to live while I am.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 4 years
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This playthrough was the first time I killed Ludwig’s head after the fight, so I was surprised by Simon showing up, he had some interesting dialogue too... calling him a true hero that died with his ideals untarnished.... and how the nightmare was born from the misdeeds of the hunters.....
Those two church hunters are always fairly difficult, but my augur helped me a lot this time
The Research Hall remains my favorite location in the game, it’s a bunch of my aesthetics all in one! Ophelia looks right at home there too... and would certainly help someone like Adeline, given what her goals are....
Adeline...its sad how she seems to tie all her sense of worth to how she used to be a blood saint, and how she’s trying to “be something” now.... Adeline you are fine the way you are! And Lady Maria certainly seems to think so....
Living Failures went down with ease, its all about targeting the mages... I got blown up by a meteor at the end, which is kinda embarrassing, but oh well
Then... Lady Maria herself... the best fight in the game if you ask me, its so much fun, not to mention that lead up to it! Hearing the patients talk about her as you ascend the tower, Simon telling you to kill her as she guards the real secret, opening the door to that stunning view of the clock, only to find her a corpse.... and the double meaning her words seem to take on once you learn about Kos and her involvement in the Fishing Hamlet incident. And her theme too, beautiful, with a sense of sorrow to it as well, the vocals starting as you finish the first phase.... the way she stabs herself there too... and the aftermath is great as well, the scene with the doll, confirming the connection between the two, and uncovering the secret she guards, especially interesting if you get the Rakuyo and read its description....
I... actually had way more trouble with her than I was expecting? She’s not easy, but she’s hardly super difficult or anything, and honestly doesn’t have all that much health...? Uhhh I guess its because Augustine was a skill build, so my viscerals did a ton of damage with her, and I relied a lot on parrying+viscerals for the fight. Also I didn’t have only 23 vit. My skill was only 10 or 11, so I couldn’t do that much even with clawmark.... so I struggled way more than I should have.... until I realized I was being stupid, I have an arc stat of 40, so USE IT. As soon as I started relying on my augur, I did WAY better, and won shortly after. it can parry too, and even if it doesn’t, it knocks her over so.... though I ran out of bullets at the end (her third phase really is brutal, it seems like she tries to evade you more too....?) but I stayed close and dodged to the left and managed to finish her off. The area was a bloodbath afterward... Oh, and I swore her chair and table survived, but when I came back from the dream they were gone...? I thought they stayed in my NG+ run... did I directly go to the the hamlet then, I forget..... I dunno
This is when I normally fight Laurence, but since I have no good bolt gems and can’t possibly fight him with fire, I’m doing a bit of the hamlet first to get those radial bolt gems. First though, those awful shark giants....and I thought I missed my high damage viscerals fighting Lady Maria..... hahaha, at least as Augustine I could get the first one halfway, do one more visceral, then fire paper away the last bit of health... I’m actually REALLY GOOD at parrying them now (I took a video when I finally did it, 4 parries in a row. I kept getting a bunch even on my countless failed runs). What ended up working (kinda) was parrying+viscerals, then once a visceral gets it past the halfway mark, swipe at it with fire cane (at least fire is effective...) as much as possible, then pick off the last bit of health with blacksky eye while dodging both and hoping not to die. The second one is easy enough if you can get the first one down.....
I got to the area with those bolt spell using enemies, and already got one radial, once I get another its Laurence time. I’m still at 23 vit and should probably level it more so I don’t have a bad time, buuuut I’m dumb and am leveling skl so I can try the church pick. So uhhh we’ll see how that goes. He was one of two bosses (the other being OoK because of course) that gave me trouble even on NG+....
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martinmcg · 3 years
Gull idled. This was what she lived for, these moments high above Freedom, released from the city’s grasp. Pedalling just fast enough to keep her paracycle in the air, she circled and ignored the stall light fluttering orange on its console. The city span slowly around her, but Gull was not part of it.
Even here where the black towers of the corporations pressed against the dome’s sharply sloping roof, she could glimpse The Elle through the city’s artificial canyons. The needle at the heart of Freedom rose from Rhaeticus’s floor to the dome’s roof. Close up it was too large to comprehend, it was overwhelming, but from out here, on the edge, it seemed slender and graceful.
Lifting off her goggles, she twisted her head and stretched to look upwards to the point where The Elle met the top of the dome and passed through. It glowed, sunlight reflecting off its smooth white walls, throwing light into the shadows between the towers. It lifted Gull’s heart. The Elle was the only way out of Freedom. The Elle was escape.
Charlie’s plink-plink chime dragged Gull’s attention back to business. Confirmation had been received. Gull looked down and saw the delivery platform lowering, like an ancient drawbridge, below her. She pushed forward and the paracycle’s nose dipped.
Charlie’s carbon-fibre skeleton groaned softly as they picked up speed. Gull smiled, patting the cycle’s side. Charlie could take it. Gull pedalled harder into the dive, struts straining as she pushed closer to the cycle’s limits.
The wind ripped at her clothing and slapped at her cheeks. Gull’s smile broadened and curled, suddenly reckless, at one corner. She loved to fly. At her back the propeller blurred, its whine all but lost as the wind whipped at her and roared away.
Gull came in fast and tight, pointing Charlie’s nose directly at the landing platform. A warning sounded but she slapped the manual override. At the last possible moment, when it seemed certain she would dash herself against the platform, she yanked back on the stick all her might, hauling Charlie’s nose up and slapping him down hard on to the landing platform. The paracycle bounced once then twice – long, looping and languid in the Moon’s low gravity – then began skidding towards the edge of the platform and a three hundred metre drop. Gull leant against the stick, bringing Charlie’s nose round, bleeding speed, letting the tail slide out until it seemed certain the little glider would topple over the edge. Then she flicked on the magnetic anchor.
The paracycle juddered to a halt slamming Gull forward against her harness then back into her seat.
Gull leant back, dragged her goggles off over her shaven scalp, and pushed back the sweat from her forehead with both palms. The only sound was the soft whine of the paracycle’s propeller, still spinning freely. She patted the frame of the paracycle.
“Good boy, Charlie.”
She reached back and grabbed the parcel, popped the console from its docking port and stepped between Charlie’s carbon fibre ribs onto the landing platform.
The guards were obviously groundhogs. They were clumsy and squat in a way only those born in high gravity could be. Still wrapped in bulky muscles, they were fresh from Earth.
“Do you have a death wish?” One of the guards bounced awkwardly towards Gull. He cradled his rifle in one arm – like a pet. It was a sleek, black M10 and Gull’s opinion of the guard dropped even further. The M10 looked impressive but it had a kick like a jackhammer and if the dumb guard ever actually fired the thing on The Moon he’d be flying arse over tit all the way to Copernicus.
“A girl has got to have some fun,” she said, trying to keep the contempt from her voice.
The guard leered, something dirty on the tip of his tongue, but Gull looked into his eyes and met his gaze nervelessly. She dared him. The joke died, dry in his throat.
“Identification?” The guard tried to reassert himself.
She handed him her company ID.
The guard snapped opened the little case.
On one side was a chip containing her biometric details. The guard ignored it. On the right was a credit chip. He scanned the chip and checked the read out.
“One hundred dollars?” There was contempt in his voice.
Gull sighed. She knew this was going to happen. Groundhogs were always the most trouble.
“It’s one hundred dollars for you, one hundred dollars for the next guy, one hundred dollars for everyone. It’s the going rate. Check the market board.”
The guard shook his head. “This is a free market, I can charge what the market will bear.”
“Well, this market will only bear one hundred dollars,” she stepped away from him, lifting her parcel. “And one of your bosses is waiting for this. If you want to go to arbitration, you can explain to him why his package was late. Is that what you want?”
“Okay! ” The guard raised a hand, suddenly smiling. “You can’t blame a guy for trying.”
She could, but she wouldn’t.
“Can I go now,” Gull read the name on the guard’s badge, “Castor?”
“Sure,” he waved her away. “Look after yourself.”
“No one else will.”
It took several moments, but eventually Paitoon was able to open his eyes again. His lips were still making the shapes of a mantra as he tried to calm himself.
A man in a blue uniform was standing in front of him, a sympathetic smile on his face. Paitoon’s head only reached the level of the golden shield emblazoned on his chest. “Freedom Constabulary Inc.” it said.
“Sawatdee-krap,” Paitoon said, performing the wai – placing his hands together at chest height and bowing slightly.
“Constable Hayek, sir,” the man bowed slightly, he had sandy coloured hair and blue eyes. “Do you speak English or should I send for a translator?”
“Pardon,” Paitoon flushed. “No translator necessary. I speak English. My name is Paitoon, Paitoon Chattaponsiri“
The guard looked over his shoulder at the seething mass of people on the station concourse.
“Overwhelming isn’t it?”
“Incredible,” Paitoon nodded, letting his eyes close again for a moment. “I never imagined it could be so huge, so busy…”
“Is this your first time in Freedom?”
“My first time off Earth.”
“I thought so,” Hayek grinned. “You have family here?”
“No. Not yet,” Paitoon looked away. “I have escaped the war. I hope to earn enough to bring my family here soon.”
Constable Hayek nodded slowly.
“You have a job arranged?”
“Not yet, but I’m sure –”
Constable Hayek shook his head.
“Do you have the means to support yourself?” Hayek asked. Paitoon looked at him blankly. “Money? Do you have much money?”
“I spent almost everything I had to get here.”
The constable sighed. “Well then, I’m afraid I must mark you as an indigent migrant. Freedom does not restrict entry, but those who cannot pay for air and water must ­–”
“But I am a programmer,” Paitoon protested. “I am very good. I earn lots of money in Bangkok. I do good work.”
“How many of these people do you think programmers, Paitoon?” The constable said, shaking his head. “There are no jobs. Without money or a company registration you cannot get insurance. Without insurance you cannot get credit, you cannot rent property, you cannot get work. You will have no status. You would be better to go home.”
“Please…” Tears welled in Paitoon’s eyes. “My family. The war.”
Hayek ran a finger over his chin, thinking.
“I’m not supposed to do this,” the constable said. “But there might be a way. I know some people. It won’t be cheap.”
Paitoon reached into his pocket and showed Hayek a small bundle of credit chips.
The constable nodded and gave Paitoon a card and pointed to the back.
“Give this to a man called Kush at this address,” Hayek turned the card over and tapped it, an animated map sprang to life. “That’s how to get there from here.”
Paitoon bowed.
“Thank you very much,” he said, then remembered what the flight attendant had said to the passengers as they left The Elle. “Take care of yourself?”
Hayek laughed, shaking his head. “Look after yourself.”
“Sorry. Very sorry,” Paitoon bowed again. “Look after yourself.”
The constable nodded.
“No one else will.”
Dropping the package off took longer than Gull expected. The wage slave behind the reception desk seemed to have had a lobotomy.
By the time she finished her console was flashing frantically with queries from Buck about where she was and a list of jobs she was to bid for. She sighed and shoved open the door to the landing platform.
The first thing Gull noticed was that the guards were huddled in one corner giggling and scanning chips.
Then she saw her paracycle drop away from the landing pad.
At first she thought they’d turned off the magnetic tether and let the cycle be blown away, but then Charlie turned sharply right, his wings wobbling, and began to gain height. Gull saw a flash of black hair. Then the cycle swished around the edge of the tower and was gone.
“My ‘cycle,” she turned to the guards. “You bastards let someone steal Charlie.”
The guards had straightened up. They weren’t laughing anymore. Their rifles were levelled at Gull’s belly.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“Shit!” Gull turned back to the now empty open space of the landing pad. “Bastards!”
“If you don’t have any more business here madam, I’m afraid we’re going to have to ask you to leave.” The big guard, Castor, stepped forward. He was grinning.
“I paid you,” Gull said. “We had a contract.”
The guard shook his head and tossed her credit chip back to her. She caught it. It hadn’t been drained.
“It can be very dangerous up here. We wouldn’t want an accident, would we?”
Gull’s shoulders slumped. She nodded. The guards escorted her to the lift.
“Look after yourself,” the guards chorused as the doors slipped closed.
“No one else will,” Gull whispered to herself as she began her journey to The Floor.
“Freedom is a dream.”
Everyone who came to Freedom believed it, at least for a moment.
Clutching his only bag and the card the constable had given him, Paitoon forced his way through the mass of people milling around the elephantine columns at the exit to the Elle station.
He stood before The Monument to the Founders, a slender pile of polished golden chains rising fifty meters above the ground. Each chain was at least as thick as a man’s leg and every link had been burst open.
Beneath the monument was a plaque, ten meters tall, with the proclamation of the three laws.
“Freedom is a dream built by man’s imagination,” it began. Paitoon didn’t need to read the words. He knew them by heart. “The dream will be built on three laws. The market is free. What can be bought, may be sold. Do what you want, and so will I. From these simple rules will flow liberty and justice for all.”
Paitoon stood before those broken chains and thought of his family on Earth and of what he’d given up to get here. His father had told Paitoon not to leave the monastery. He had begged him to keep his promise and complete his three-month’s retreat in the sangha. But the war had come so close and there was no shame in leaving.
Paitoon took a final look at the monument and closed his eyes, offering a prayer that his father and his family would soon see it too.
Gull was pushed out through what felt like an airlock – one small metal door clanging closed behind her before another swung open – and stepped into what appeared to be a busy street market atop a dump.
This was The Floor. Rotting rubbish fluttered in tottering heaps and the stink forced Gull to pause and fight back the urge to puke. Crowds swept this way and that in fast-moving torrents, each eroding its own path through the rubbish. Between the mounds of detritus, market stalls were wedged up against the side of the towers or huddled on eyots in the heart of the flow of people. Some of the stalls sold food, fresh and cooked, some of them sold clothes or electronics or drugs or people. One or two appeared to be trying to sell the rubbish on which they were built.
She had survived down here before, she told herself, and got out. She could do it again. She could feel the comforting weight of Charlie’s console in her jacket. As long as she still had that, she had a link to his transponder and she could find him.
She needed a Mission. She needed The Church of Christ the Entrepreneur.
Kush greeted Paitoon with a broad smile, placed a heavy arm across his shoulders and swept him inside the hostel.
It was not as Paitoon had been expecting.
The ground floor was a busy club. Music thumped loudly, so that the whole room seemed to throb, and a large group of bored looking young men lounged by the bar. Paitoon could make out a few couples leaning close together in dark booths arranged against the wall and on a second level above.
Kush rushed Paitoon through to an elevator.
The elevator pinged and the doors opened onto a narrow corridor, thick red carpet covered the floor and walls.
“I’ll show you your room,” Kush led the way. “And then we can talk about your new job and how you can pay your way.”
Missions weren’t hard to find, signposts were on every corner. But the guys blocking Gull’s path meant that getting through The Mission doors was going to be expensive.
Gull could hold her own in a street fight, if she had to, but she was giving a hundred pounds to even the smallest of these guys. Anyway, the ordinance conspicuously strapped to their hips suggested they didn’t do fistfights.
The biggest guy grinned and held out his hand, palm up. Another groundhog. His skin even still had that brown tint that suggested naked, non-fatal exposure to the sun.
“Pay up.”
Gull’s mind raced. She couldn’t afford street tax.
The second thug stepped forward, he could have been the first one’s brother, or clone. He let his hand drop to rest on the handle of his pistol.
“Come on! Don’t waste our time.”
The third one held back, at first Gull hadn’t notice him. He was tall and slender and pale. A Lunie, born and bred, Gull reckoned. He had the lean, rat-like face of someone who’d spent too long on The Floor.
Gull wondered.
“I am looking for escort to The Mission. I cannot pay street tax but I have enough credit to pay one of you the going rate.”
The two groundhogs grinned stupidly at each other, shrugged, reaching for their guns.
“Contract?” The Lunie asked.
“Contract,” Gull replied.
“What?” The first groundhog turned in time to see the butt of the Lunie’s gun catch him flush on the bridge of the nose and drop him, his face a bubbling, bloody mess on the floor. He was trying to scream, a mixture of fury and pain, but his throat was full of his own blood.
As the second groundhog fumbled to drag his gun from its holster he found the sudden blade of a razor-thin knife pressing on his Adam’s apple.
“Drop the gun, Ronnie.” The heavy weapon thudded to the ground. The Lunie nodded at Gull. “Pick it up – and strip Duke as well, before he works out he isn’t dying. Make sure you get the piece in his boot.”
“You better kill me now, you piece of shit,” Ronnie was trying to talk without moving his throat, a trickle of blood was running down the groundhog’s neck.
The Lunie laughed.
“Ronnie, I’m going to take every weapon and credit you have and then I’m going to leave you down here on The Floor. If you pair of witless groundhogs survive long enough to see my face again – and I doubt it – then you’re welcome to do you worst. This lady is not paying me to kill you but, if there’s a next time, I might just do you for free.”
The Lunie kicked out the back of Ronnie’s knees and he collapsed to the ground.
“Thank you,” Gull said.
“No need for thanks as long as you can pay,” the Lunie said, then smiled. “I’m Laslo.”
“I’m Gull,” she looked at the two groundhogs. “What do want to do now?”
“Empty their pockets, then I’m all yours.”
They kept Paitoon awake for six days. Someone would punch him, someone would be nice to him, someone would kick him, someone would feed him. At first he’d been overwhelmed by the horror of it all. He’d cried and begged and promised them anything. But by the sixth day, Paitoon had gone cold. The pain and the misery were still there, but he had become detached. His real self was somewhere else.
The first time they raped him, tying his hands and feet to the legs of a table, he had frozen in horror and disbelief. He’d simply refused to accept that this could be really happening. Later he’d kicked and bit and scratched and screamed, fighting them with every ounce of his strength, to no effect. Finally he’d fallen silent again, numb and beyond the kind of pain they could inflict on his body.
“Will you take the job?” Kush asked him.
Paitoon just nodded. He’d been saying yes almost since the moment the beatings had started. He’d have said anything to get them to stop.
But this time he just nodded.
Kush grabbed a handful of Paitoon’s hair and pulled his head up, staring into Paitoon’s eyes.
“Will you take the job?”
“Yes,” Paitoon’s voice was a whisper.
Kush stared at him for a moment longer then let Paitoon’s head drop. Paitoon heard him leave the room.
Paitoon had said yes a thousand times, but this time Kush seemed satisfied. And Paitoon knew that it was because he meant it now. He’d do whatever they wanted. He should never have left the monastery. It was karma. He knew it.
Kush came back, holding a hypodermic.
“This is Zoom,” Kush said, pressing the needle into Paitoon’s arm. “You’ll like it.”
The world began to dance.
The lay accountant in The Mission had to check with a Brother before he let her access the grid without paying in advance. Gull explained that they’d make no money if her credit was stopped and the Brother smiled sweetly and nodded.
Gull called base and cleared things with Buck. Technical problems, she’d said, and promised to be back on station tomorrow. He bought it. That gave her credit for another day.
Behind her, the Brother coughed politely.
Gull turned. “I need to find a paracycle.”
The Brother bowed slightly.
“There are many paracycle dealers, the nearest –”
“No,” Gull cut him off. “I need to find a particular paracycle. Mine. It’s been stolen. Can you help?”
“I have sworn to help others,” the Brother said, reaching into his robes for a retinal reader, “and make a profit.”
Gull swiped the reader across her eye and keyed in a figure. It was everything she could afford. She handed it back to The Brother. He checked the figure and then showed it to the accountant.
“And I’ll need a taxi.”
“I am certain that the Lord will look favourably on your gift, my child.”
Castor was a regular. He came to the hostel twice a week and, since their first time together, he always asked for Paitoon. Paitoon didn’t mind Castor. He was quick, didn’t talk and always left a generous tip.
This visit started like all the others. Paitoon began to undress, thinking of the money and trying to judge if Kush would think he’d done enough to deserve today’s fix. He could feel the need slithering behind his eyes.
He wanted to zoom.
Paitoon turned and was surprised to see Castor unmoved, sitting on the bed, hands clasped between his knees, staring at the floor.
“I don’t even know your name,” Castor said.
Paitoon closed his eyes. He could cope with the sex, and the beatings, and the humiliation. Zooming helped. He could cope with the violence and the pain. For the times between fixes he’d built a wall in his mind. The things that happened outside the wall happened to someone else, not to him. But he hated the customers who wanted to talk, who behaved as though he was their friend. They chipped away at the wall. They made it all feel real. He hated them.
“I’d like to help you,” Castor said.
Through the window of the hostel room Paitoon could see down a long open canyon between Freedom’s high towers. A flyer bobbed and swooped like a bird.
“Can you get me out of here?” Paitoon said it bitterly, sarcastically. He knew he was trapped. He turned to face Castor. “Can you?”
The big man nodded. “I think so.”
Paitoon paused. That wasn’t what he’d expected.
“Why would you help me?”
Castor looked up, meeting Paitoon’s gaze for the first time. He was a boy.
“I love you,” Castor said very softly.
Paitoon turned back to the window.
“You could live with me,” Castor insisted.
Paitoon turned back.
“I love you too.”
“I knew it,” Castor leapt across the room and grasped Paitoon, pulling him closer. “I knew it!”
Gull had no time for the Church’s religion but she had to concede that they were efficient. Within ten minutes the Brother had returned with a small tracking device and an address.
“Your initial payment covers the use of this device,” he held out the tracker, “for a twenty-four hour period. If, by the end of that period, it has not been returned to a certified representative of The Church of Christ the Entrepreneur you will be charged at these additional rates.”
The Brother held out a pad. She thumbed down through the terms and conditions. The rental rates for the tracker were exorbitant but it didn’t matter. If she didn’t have Charlie back in twenty-four hours, The Church could join the back of the line of creditors who’d be queuing up for a pound of her flesh.
She blinked into the pad and handed it back.
The Brother nodded.
“A taxi has won the bidding for your contract. Are you ready to leave?”
“Tell him I’ll be ready in ten minutes,” Gull said. “There’s one more thing I need to do.”
Stealing the paracycle had been easy. Castor bribed the security crew to get Paitoon into the building and the receptionist to delay the girl while they busted the locks.
Flying the paracycle, though, was altogether more difficult. Paitoon wobbled off the tower’s landing pad easily enough and turned quickly to get out-of-sight, just in case the girl was armed, but almost at once he realised he was dangerously out of his depth.
The little flier was being buffeted back and forth between Freedom’s immense towers. Paitoon was swept back and forth, up and down, on an invisible, violent roller coaster of rocketing updrafts and plummeting downdrafts.
Paitoon gripped the control-stick in two pale-knuckled, sweat-slicked hands, hunched down in his seat, and pedalled harder. He looked down at the computer’s controls and, timidly, twitched the control stick to the left, altering course as instructed.
The console he’d plugged into the paracycle’s computer had been expensive but it was old and not perfectly compatible with these more modern systems. He had, however, been able to create a simple emulator to allow him to get most of the basic functions working. Later he’d reprogram the whole thing.
Suddenly, a slicing crosswind burst from between two towers. It caught the raised wingtip of the paracycle and flipped the flier over, filling the wings like a sail.
All across the computer console lights flashed a frantic red. Paitoon jerked at the control stick. The paracycle refused to respond. It wrenched, twisted and turned. Helpless, Paitoon was thrown about in his harness.
A downdraft ripped at the flier, tossing it, nose down, towards to distant floor. Paitoon felt the wind rip at his face. To one side a silver tower was so close he felt sure that he could reach out and touch it. Looking down, the gap between the tower and its neighbour appeared to narrow. Somewhere, down there, was The Floor. Paitoon closed his eyes. How long will I fall, he wondered.
But after a few moments he felt himself tugged sideways. The console beeped.
The paracyle jerked again.
The flier was levelling off.
The lights on the computer turned green.
Paitoon looked at the console screen. A message was flashing.
“Warning: Do not exceed aircraft tolerances. Emergency recovery procedures in effect.”
For a long moment, Paitoon gawped helplessly. He had not known that was possible. He patted the computer box and began to pedal again.
“Khawp khun, little flier.”
Getting inside had been easy. Gull showed the guards an empty parcel, her company identity and paid them with credit. They waved her through.
Inside, she tried to look like she knew where were she was going. She made confident, but not aggressive, eye contact with each of the groundhogs she met in the corridor. This was a company building. The same company that she’d called at this morning. Someone there had set this whole thing up. One of the guards? They hadn’t seemed smart enough.
She glanced at the tracker again. She was on the right floor. It must be just down that corridor.
Then the signal went dead.
Gull tapped the tracker against her palm.
She reset it, waiting nervously in the narrow corridor, trying to look like she belonged.
Still nothing.
She sighed.
She’d have to try every door on the floor and hope that someone recognised her.
Paitoon had finished making all the modifications and was getting ready to leave when the doorbell rang. He checked the room’s security system and saw a messenger girl in the corridor holding a parcel. He opened the door with his hand out, wondering whether Castor had ordered something else that he might be able to sell.
He stood there for a moment, arm extended, wondering why she wasn’t giving him the parcel? He looked up into the girl’s face. She was shaven-headed and had that deathly white shade that marked out real Lunies. They all looked the same to him.
Then the pieces clicked into place. He looked left, to where the paracycle sat folded against the wall and a wave of panic broke over him.
“Yet mang!” Paitoon tried to slam the door but it bounced back off the girl’s foot, jammed into the frame. Paitoon grabbed the door with both hands and tried to force it shut, but the girl slipped her body between the door and the frame.
“I want my cycle,” the girl said softly. “Just give me Charlie.”
Suddenly the pressure on the door increased. Paitoon was driven back across the room, scrabbling to stay on his feet. He crashed with a thud against the far wall. His hand brushed a bag full of Castor’s stuff. His gun was on top, just out of reach.
The girl was standing inside the doorway.
“I just want my ‘cycle,” she said.
Paitoon lunged for the gun.
An insect bit the side of his neck.
No. That was wr-
Gull weighed the stunner in her palm, looking down at the little Asian lying on the floor. She didn’t know enough about Earth to be able to say exactly where he was from, but she was fascinated by how fragile he seemed. He could have been a Lunie.
Gull checked the other rooms. She was cautious but, she reckoned, if there’d been anyone home the sound of the struggle at the door would have brought them running.
Her plan had been to take Charlie and leave, but when Gull saw that little guy had been hacking at the console, she realised she was going to have to wait until he woke up. He’d done something to the systems. She couldn’t make her console fit and she couldn’t fly the paracycle without it. He’d have to fix it.
Finding the bag full of credit chips, a stash of Zoom and a good quality pistol, all the way from earth – worth plenty of credits – had made her pause. That was an extra complication she’d liked. It wasn’t what she’d come for, but she decided she’d deserved the money for what the little guy had put her through. Today had been expensive as well as frustrating.
She propped the bag next to the door. She pushed the little thief up against the sofa on one side of the room and sat in an armchair opposite him, setting the stunner on her knee. Then she sorted out her insurance.
When Paitoon awoke he was slumped on the sofa. His arms and legs were numb. He could feel a stream of warm spittle pooling at the base of his neck. It was strangely comforting.
He looked up.
The girl, the one he’d stolen the paracycle from, was sitting opposite him. She had the stunner levelled at his chest.
Paitoon tried to move his arm, but it flopped uselessly at his side. He noticed the girl’s eyes flicker at the movement. She was nervous.
“Tell me what you’ve done to Charlie,” the girl said.
Paitoon shook his head.
“Whomf?” His lips and tongue felt as unresponsive as his arms and legs.
“The paracycle,” the girl waved the stunner towards the machine. “What have you done to the systems?”
“Maggin’ it c’mpabable…” Paitoon shook his head in frustration. The stuff was wearing off, but it was hard to speak.
The girl ignored him walking over to Charlie, poking suspiciously at the changes he made.
“Fix it.” She turned back towards him, waving the stunner. “Put it back.”
He shook his head.
“’s beddah!”
“Beddah!” Paitoon tried nodding at the console.
Gull watched as Paitoon started working on Charlie.
Something was bothering her.
“How did you plan to get jobs?”
“Wha?” Paitoon looked up over the edge of the magnifying lens he was using while working on the electronics.
“Jobs?” Gull waved the stunner around. “How were you going to get jobs with the paracycle. You haven’t got a company registration.”
“I do not need one,” the little guy was smiling broadly. He tapped the console he’d jury-rigged to Charlie’s systems. “I’ve set it up to adopt a different registration identity for every bid. Each one looks like a platinum-rated ID. No one ever checks up on identities with a high-trust rating but even if they did, by the time they’ve blocked one bid I would have already moved on.”
“But the whole system depends on the market being secure, everyone knows it can’t be hacked. The encryption -“
“The encryption is intact. I cannot read other people’s messages. The network is secure, but people are not,” Paitoon was suddenly quite animated. “Each bid is supposed to be authorised with a unique registration identity as it leaves each company. But people get bored or lazy so they do them in batches with the same code key. My console scans the network for clumps of messages from one node sent at the same time. It can then compare the identifier codes and construct a valid pattern that fits within the pattern of the clump and attaches it to my bid.”
“So you can bid without a company?”
“But someone will work it out eventually?”
“Perhaps. But by then I should have enough money to incorporate – and I’ll have a trust-level based on delivering platinum-rated contracts.”
“I don’t…” The girl’s forehead creased in concentration. Paitoon watched, interesting to see if she could work it out. “Ah, I get it. The bidding and the trust rating systems are separate. You bid with the fake corporate identity for the bid, but when you complete the order you present the console and take the payment and trust-points to you own identity –”
” – just like any sub-contractor,” Paitoon smiled.
“Smart,” the girl shook her head. “And you worked this out by yourself?”
“I’m a good programmer. No one would believe me when I arrived,” Paitoon looked away, a mournful expression on his face. “I earned a lot of money in Bangkok, before the war.”
“You know what that means,” she pointed to the console.
Paitoon nodded.
“Freedom,” they both said together.
Then the door opened.
Gull watched the guard come through the door, dumping a bag of gear on the floor, unaware of anything unusual. She recognised him at once.
“Hello Castor.”
“Huh?” Castor turned, confusion spreading across his face. It took a moment for him to spot Gull sitting in her seat opposite the door. It took a moment longer for recognition to be flash across his face. And it took longer still for him to realise that he should be reaching for his gun.
“Don’t move, Castor,” Gull waved the stunner as menacingly as she could. “Your friend Paitoon can tell you what sort of sting this thing can deliver.”
“How did she get in?” Castor was looking at Paitoon.
The little guy opened his mouth but Gull hushed him.
“You concentrate on my flier, Paitoon,” her eyes never left Castor. “You know for a building full of company guards, security around her is a joke.”
Castor grumbled something, and started scanning the room. His eyes fixed on the bag of credits and the gun. He took half a step.
“Don’t do it Castor!”
The guard just leered and began to reach down.
The stunner’s compressed air jet fired a needle into Castor’s chest.
That wasn’t right.
Castor laughed – opening his jacket to reveal his work uniform – mesh and body-armour – beneath. Gull could see the little needle futilely trying to pump its sac of venom into the unfeeling plastic.
He put his hand on the gun.
“Don’t do it Castor.”
Castor laughed harder.
“How long do you think it will take that little peashooter of yours to recharge? A lot less time than it will take me to load this – so screw you, you’re dead.”
Castor checked the pistol, it was unloaded. He reached into the bag, looking for a full clip. Then he stopped. He pulled out a watch and some jewellery.
“This is my stuff! But this was all in the vault. How did you get this stuff?”
“I didn’t,” Gull shrugged, looking at Paitoon. “He had it all packed up when I arrived.”
“I was almost free,” the little guy didn’t look up from the work he was doing on the console.
“After all I did for you?”
At this Paitoon did look up and Gull could see the hate in his eyes.
Castor rocked back, his face an image first of abject misery that morphed quickly into fury. He delved into the back, coming up with a full clip.
“Stop, Castor,” Gull stepped towards him. “You don’t want to do this.”
“Shut up!” The guard swept out a heavy arm and caught Gull across the side of the head. She sprawled across the room, tripping over a sofa and dropping to her knees.
Gull reached for for her stunner, but it was gone.
“I think I’d like to invoke my insurance policy now,” she said.
Laslo stepped from his hiding place in Castor’s bedroom, two pistols levelled.
“Put down the gun, Castor,” Gull said.
Paitoon saw the stranger, another Lunie, step out of the darkness of the bedroom and heard Gull warn Castor but he could tell that, even if the guard was aware of what was happening around him, he wasn’t paying attention.
He watched Castor finally succeed in slamming the clip into the pistol, flip the safety and pull back the slide to put a bullet in the chamber.
“Stop it Castor!” Gull was shouting.
“Castor!” Paitoon tried to put himself between Castor and the Lunie. “Don’t do this!”
Castor’s eyes were fat with tears. His chin was trembling. He looked like a child having a tantrum. Castor brought the pistol up, pointing at Paitoon’s chest.
Gull said something that Paitoon couldn’t make out over the pounding of blood in his ears.
Crack! Crack!
Castor slumped back against the apartment wall. Two roses of blood blossomed on his chest. His pistol flew across the room, landing at Gull’s feet.
For a moment there was absolute silence.
Paitoon found himself kneeling beside Castor, cradling his hand, gazing into the piercing stare of dead eyes.
“You silly boy,” Paitoon whispered and found his throat constricting and his eyes burning.
“Does he have insurance?” Laslo leant over Castor’s dead body. Gull took the opportunity to dip and scoop Castor’s pistol from the floor. She slipped it into her waistband at the small of her back.
Paitoon looked up, trying to compose himself.
“Does he have insurance?” Laslo pointed one of his pistols at Paitoon’s head.
“Yes… no…”
“Which is it?” Laslo pressed the gun barrel into Paitoon’s forehead. “Retard!”
“Not for this,” Paitoon took a deep breath. “His company provided him with investigation and retribution insurance but it only covered him while he was on duty.”
“Good,” Laslo smiled, poking Castor’s arm with his boot. Then, satisfied that Castor was dead, he turned to Gull. “So, contract fulfilled?”
Gull nodded, suddenly aware that two pistols were pointing at her midriff.
“Well you can keep your cash,” Laslo grabbed Paitoon by the collar and dragged him to his feet. “I’ll take this retard, his little console and that bag, and we’ll call it quits.”
“No! Please!” Paitoon squirmed but the Lunie pressed the gun to his neck and he settled down.
“Get your console,” the Lunie pushed Paitoon across the room. “You are going to make me rich.”
“I can’t you let take him,” Gull said.
“You can’t stop me,” Laslo smiled broadly.
Slowly Gull began to reach around behind her back, feeling for the butt of the pistol. The smile disappeared from Laslo’s face.
“And if you so much as touch that gun you’ve got tucked back there, I’ll blow your stupid head off.”
Gull froze and was suddenly aware that she’d underestimated the Lunie.
“In fact, I think I might have to kill you anyway,” Laslo walked across the room, his spidery limbs picking a path between overturned furniture.
“There’s no profit in it,” Gull said, trying to meet Laslo’s gaze.
“But maybe I think that you know too much about the retard’s clever little machine,” Laslo raised a pistol. “Maybe you’d report me to the Chamber, just to get your own back.”
Gull tried to take a step backwards, but she was already pressed against the wall. She raised her hands.
“Laslo, I…”
The Lunie put a finger to his lips.
“Stop!” Paitoon yelped.
“Shut up retard!” Laslo didn’t even turn round and Gull’s view was blocked.
“This is your last warning!”
Laslo laughed.
“What are you going to do, little man?” Laslo glanced over his shoulder then stopped laughing, taking a step to one side.
Paitoon was clutching Gull’s stunner.
“That thing isn’t even charg-“
Laslo’s eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth dropped open. Then his knees trembled, gave and, slowly, he collapsed to the floor.
“That bastard was going to kill me,” Gull said, lashing out with her boot against Laslo’s unprotected sides. Then she stopped, and turned to look at Paitoon. “You saved my life!”
Then she turned to the wall and puked.
Paitoon brought the girl a drink of water and she rinsed her mouth.
“Thank you.”
“Mai pen rai,” Paitoon dipped into a wai. “You’re welcome.”
“So I guess we should get out of here.”
“I certainly do not wish to be around when he wakes up,” Paitoon nodded at Laslo.
“Mmm,” Gull wiped at her mouth, then she looked over at her paracycle, Charlie. “Is he fixed?”
“Yes,” Paitoon looked away. “I am sorry for the trouble I caused you.”
Gull wandered over to the work table and picked up Paitoon’s hacked console.
“Do you really think this thing will work?”
“I am certain of it, at least for a while.”
Gull took another three steps to where Charlie lay folded against the wall. She stroked the paracycle’s wings.
“I won’t be your slave,” Paitoon said. “I won’t live like that any more. If that’s what you expect, then you’d better kill me now, because I won’t work for you.”
“I’m not going to kill you.” Gull scratched at the stubble on the top of her head. “Did you enjoy your flight in Charlie?”
“It was terrifying!” Paitoon’s complexion paled visibly at the memory.
“Then maybe we do a deal,” Gull said. “You run the technology, I’ll do the flying and we share the profits. We’ll call it a cooperative.”
Paitoon’s eyes narrowed.
“But I thought you Lunies only looked after yourselves.”
“Can your scam make both of us rich?”
“I think so,” Paitoon nodded. “With luck.”
“Then if I look after you, I am looking after myself. Right?”
Paitoon smiled.
“Contract?” Gull held out a hand. “Contract,” Paitoon replied.
“Freedom” was first published in Jupiter SF #12
FREEDOM was originally published on Welcome To My World
0 notes
sennettyoung · 7 years
The main political figures in the Netherlands
= De belangrijkste politici in Nederland
Since you (@art3misuniverse) said you liked politics, I figured I’d create a ‘super objective’ overview of the leaders of all parties in the Dutch parlament as one of the gifts for the @langblrsecretsanta event of this year (everyone should join next time, it’s so much fun). Every Dutch explanation is followed up by an English translation. The sentence structures got butchered a little in the translations, since I tried to make sure it’s easy to trace back individual words. Also, it’s way more complicated in real life than I’ve set up here, since we’re only looking at the parlement.
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Dit is Mark Rutte. Hij is de Nederlandse minister-president. Zijn partij is de VVD en deze partij is de grootste in de Tweede Kamer, het Nederlandse parlement. De VVD is rechts. Ze zijn dus voorstanders van een kleine overheid en lage belastingen. Hun grootste prioriteit is de economie. Ze zijn niet echt conservatief, maar ook niet echt progressief.
This is Mark Rutte. He is the Dutch prime minister. His party is the VVD and this party is the biggest in the Second Chamber, the Dutch parlament. The VVD is right-wing. So they are proponents of small government and low taxes. Their biggest priority is the economy. They are not really conservative, but not really progressive either.
government - overheid
proponent - voorstander
prime minister - minister-president
party - partij
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Misschien heb je Geert Wilders eerder gezien. Hij is de Nederlandse Donald Trump. Geert Wilders leidt de PVV, de Partij Voor de Vrijheid. Het is een rechts-populistische partij. Wilders verzet zich tegen immigratie en de invloed van de islam in Nederland. Hij haat de EU en wil dat Nederland eruit stapt, zoals het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Zijn partij is de op een na grootste in het parlement, maar zit niet in de coalitie.
Wilders is aangeklaagd voor het aanzetten tot haat. Hij vroeg een zaal met mensen: “Willen jullie meer of minder Marokkanen in Nederland?” De uitspraak ‘meer of minder’ is nu een soort meme in Nederland.
Perhaps you have seen Geert Wilder before. He is the Dutch Donald Trump. Geert Wilders leads the PVV, the Party For Freedom. It is a right-wing populist party. Wilders opposes immigration and the influence of islam in the Netherlands. He hates the EU and wants the Netherlands to step out of it, like the UK. His party is the second largest in the parlament, but it is not in the coalition.
Wilders has been sued for preaching hatred. He asked a room of people: “Do you want more or fewer Maroccans in the Netherlands?” The expression ‘more or fewer’ is now a sort of meme in the Netherlands.
freedom - vrijheid
to hate - haten
influence - invloed
right-wing - rechts
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Kijk! Een derde partij! Welkom in Nederland. Dit is Sybrand Buma. Hij is de leider van een van de drie christelijke partijen in Nederland, het CDA. De partij is op het politieke spectrum iets rechts van het midden en behoudend (=conservatief). Buma heeft een rare stem. Het CDA heeft evenveel zetels in het parlement als de D66 (hieronder) en zit in de coalitie.
Look! A third party! Welcome in the Netherlands. This is Sybrand Buma. He is the leader of one of the three christian parties in the Netherlands, the CDA. The party is on the political spectrum a little to the right of the center and quite conservative. Buma has a weird voice. The CDA has the same amount of chairs in the parlament as the D66 (beneath this) and is in the coalition.
christian - christelijk(e)
weird voice - rare stem
coalition - coalitie
conservative - conservatief / behoudend
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Alexander Pechtold leidt de D66. Dit is de meest progressieve partij in Nederland. Ze zetten zich in voor het klimaat, het onderwijs, autonomie en secularisme. Ze strijden tegen islamofobie en discriminatie op basis van geaardheid. Het is niet de meest socialistische partij. De meeste Tumblr gebruikers zouden waarschijnlijk op D66 stemmen. De D66 zit ook in de coalitie. Pechtold is nu bezig met een wet voor het legaliseren van euthanasie bij een ‘voltooid leven’.
Alexander Pechtold leads the D66. This is the most progressive party in the Netherlands. They stand for the climate, education, autonomy, and secularism. They battle against islamophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation. It is not the most socialist party, though. Most Tumblr users would probably vote for D66. The D66 is also in the coalition. Pechtold is now working on a law to legalise euthanasie in case of a ‘finished life’.
socialist - socialistisch
education - onderwijs
climate - klimaat
progressief - progressive
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Dit is Jesse Klaver. Hij is volgens mij de jongste partijleider. Zijn partij heet GroenLinks. Je kan al zien wat ze belangrijk vinden aan de naam. GroenLinks is progressief, groen en socialistisch. Ze zijn voor investering in het klimaat en tegen uitbreiding van de snelwegen. De partij won in de afgelopen verkiezing veel nieuwe zetels. Veel mensen denken dat dit komt door Jesse Klaver. Hij wordt vaak vergeleken met Obama, omdat hun levensverhalen vergelijkbaar zijn. De meeste Nederlanders vinden dat hij het goed doet voor een nieuwkomer.
This is Jesse Klaver. He is, I think, the youngest party leader. His party is named GreenLeft. You can already tell what they find important by the name. GreenLeft is progressive, green, and socialist. They are in favour of investing in the climate and against expanding the highways. The party won in the past elections many new chairs. Many people think that this is because of Jesse Klavers. He is often compared to Obama, because their life stories are similar. Most Dutch people think he’s doing well for a newbie.
newbie - nieuwkomer
young - jong
green - groen
highway - snelweg
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Emile Roemer leidt de SP, de Socialistische Partij. Het is de meest linkse partij van Nederland en won ook veel zetels in maart. De SP zet zich in voor de armen en momenteel vooral voor de zorg. Iedereen vond Roemer altijd een suf mannetje. In de campagne heeft hij zijn imago verbetert. Hij draagt altijd een rode stropdas. Rood is de kleur van het socialisme in Nederland. Deze foto is niet uniek; Roemer ziet er altijd zo uit.
Emile Roemer runs the SP, the Socialist Party. It is the most left-wing party of the Netherlands and also won many chairs in March. The SP fights for the poor and at the moment primarily for healthcare. Everyone thought Roemer a little dump man. In the campaign he has improved his image. He always wears a red tie. Red is the color of socialism in the Netherlands. This photo is not unique; Roemer always looks like this. (Yes, that includes the facial expression.)
left-wing - links
also - ook
healthcare - (gezondheids)zorg
red - rood
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Dit is Lodewijk Asscher. Hij is de leider van de PvdA, de Partij van de Arbeid. Ja, er is nog een socialistische partij. Asscher verloor veel zetels. De PvdA zat in de coalitie met de VVD in het vorige parlement. Hierdoor moesten ze veel rechtse wetten steunen. Dit kostte stemmen. Veel mensen maakten hier grapjes over.
This is Lodewijk Asscher. He is the leader of the PvdA, the Party of Labour. Yes, there is another socialist party. Asscher lost many chairs. The PvdA was in the coalition with the VVD in the previous parlament. Because of this, they had to support many right-wing laws. This cost votes. Many people made jokes about this.
chair - zetel
joke - grapje
law - wet
vote - stem
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Dit is Gert-Jan Segers, de leider van de ChristenUnie. Dit is de tweede christelijke partij in Nederland. Ze zijn een stuk linkser dan het CDA. Ze zijn ongeveer even conservatief. Ze besteden meer aandacht aan het klimaat en zijn voor immigratie. De CU is onderdeel van de coalitie. Dit is opvallend. De D66 en de ChristenUnie zijn het over veel dingen eens. Alleen het debat over secularisme en godsdienst zorgt voor grote problemen. Gert-Jan Segers heeft elf jaar in Egypte gewoond. Dit vertelt hij aan iedereen. Een komediant verwerkte dit in zijn show.
This is Gert-Jan Segers, the leader of the ChristianUnion. This is the second christian party in the Netherlands. They are a lot more left-wing than the CDA. They are about as conservative. They give more attention to the climate and are in favour of immigration. The CU is part of the coalition. This is remarkable. The D66 and the ChristianUnion are in agreement on many things. Only the debate about secularism and religion creates big problems. Gert-Jan Segers has lived in Egypt for eleven years. This he tells everyone. A comedian worked this into his show.
immigration - immigratie
debate - debat
problem - probleem
eleven - elf
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Kijk, een vrouw! Dit is Marianne Thieme. Ze leidt de Partij voor de Dieren, de PvdD. Je kunt zien aan de naam dat ze veel geven om het milieu en om dierenwelzijn. Thieme sluit elk debat af met: “Voorts zijn wij van mening dat er een einde moet komen aan de bio-industrie.” Ze imiteert hiermee de Romeinse senator Cato, die altijd zei: “Overigens ben ik van mening dat Carthago verwoest moet worden.” Thieme is veganist. Haar partij besteedt dit jaar veel aandacht aan de bescherming van bijen.
Look, a woman! This is Marianne Thieme. She heads the Party for the Animals, the PvdD. You can tell by the name that they care a lot about the environment and animal wellfare. Thieme finishes every debate with: “Also, we are of the opinion that there should come an end to the bio-industry.” She imitates with this the Roman senator Cato, who always said, “By the way, I am of the opinion that Carthago should be destroyed.” Thieme is a vegan. Her party gives a lot of attention this year to the protection of bees.
animal welfare - dierenwelzijn
environment - milieu
bee - bij
protection - bescherming
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Dit is Henk Krol. Hij is niet alleen de leider van 50Plus. Hij is ook de aanleiding voor de bedenking van het woord ‘opoelisme’. Dat betekent populisme voor ouderen. Zijn partij is voor een lagere pensioenleeftijd. Hij werkt ook veel samen met Geert Wilders. Ik vind hem een irritant mannetje.
This is Henk Krol. He is not only the leader of 50Plus. He is also the cause for the coining of the word ‘opoelisme’. That means populism for elderly. His party favours a lower retirement age. He collaborates a lot as well with Geert Wilders. I find him an annoying little man.
favour - zijn voor
annoying - irritant
elderly - ouderen
retirement - pensioen
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Dit is Kees van der Staaij. Hij leidt de SGP, de Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij. Dit is de derde christelijke partij van Nederland. Ze zijn het meest conservatief en rechts. Ze zijn islamofobisch, homofobisch en seksistisch. Ze zijn ook de enige Nederlandse partij voor de doodstraf. Ze steunen Israël en de meeste van hun supporters komen uit de Bijbelgordel. Ze willen bijvoorbeeld abortus en godslastering illegaal maken. Ze hebben veel overeenkomsten met de PVV rondom immigratie.
This is Kees van der Staaij. He leads the SGP, the Stately Reformed Party. This is the third Christian party of the Netherlands. They are the most conservative en right-wing. They are islamophobic, homophobic en sexist. They are also the only Dutch party in favour of the death penalty. They support Israel and most of their supporters are from the Bible Belt. They want to make for example abortion and blasphemy illegal. They have many similarities with the PVV surrounding immigration.
blasphemy - godslastering
third - derde
support - steunen
for example - bijvoorbeeld
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Deze lul is Thierry Baudet. Hij heeft Forum voor Democratie opgezet. Het is een soort PVV met een grotere woordenschat. Zij steken xenofobie en borderline white supremacy in een intellectueel jasje. Terwijl Wilders zich richt op laagopgeleiden, focust Thierry op de intellectuelen. Hij noemt zichzelf de belangrijkste intellectueel van Nederland. Hij vindt ook dat vrouwen graag gedomineerd worden door een man. Het Radicaal Anarchistisch Feministisch Front bekladde zijn voordeur. Sommige leden van zijn partij zijn extreem racistisch. Een gelooft zelfs in het Kalergi Plan. Van alle partijen vind ik deze het engst.
This dick is Thierry Baudet. He has started Forum for Democracy. It is a kind of PVV with a bigger vocabulary. They put xenophobia and borderline white supremacy in an intellectual coat. While Wilders aims at the uneducated, Thierry focuses on the intellectuals. He calls himself the most important intellectual in the Netherlands. He also thinks that women like to be dominated by a man. The Radical Anarchist Feminist Front besmirched his front door. Some members of his party are extremely racist. One even beliefs in the Kalergi Plan. Of all parties, I find this one the scariest.
vocabulary - woordenschat
women - vrouwen
dick - lul (curse, insult)
besmirch - bekladden
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Dit is Tunahan Kuzu. Hij is de leider van Denk. Denk is een nieuwe partij die opkomt voor minderheden. Ze zijn tegen racisme en discriminatie. Hun leden zijn meestal moslims. Ze vechten voor de rechten van Nederlanders met een Turkse of Marokkaanse achtergrond. Ze zijn afgesplitst van de PvdA. Ze hebben twee zetels in de Tweede Kamer. Volgens de critici zijn ze te close met Turkije.
This is Tunahan Kuzu. He is the leader of Denk (=Think). Denk is a new party that stands up for minorities. They are against racism and discrimination. Their members are mostly muslims. They fight for the rights of Dutch people with a Turkish or Moroccan background. They have split off from the PvdA. They have two seats in the Second Chamber. According to critics, they are too close with Turkey.
minority - minderheid
new - nieuw
background - achtergrond
split off - afsplitsen
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thecastcompany · 4 years
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We gave the Cast Company a Thanksgiving themed prompt and this is what was said
Thanksgiving themed Prompt added today:
Go down your list of characters and tell me what they are thankful this Pilgrims Bounty?
Gingero: the ghoul plauge desolating goldshire.
Vototo: not knowing hes in the same company as Jamnuh.
Jamnuh: I’m thankful for the spooky elf lady. She burned rd lots of wood and kept eveyone warm even the elf ladies who don’t wear pants!anabanad candy! Hallows eve the best Happy Hallow’s Eve! - Jam
Ere:  "I am thankful for my allies, and the growth of my business. Rian: "I'm thankful for my family!  My parents were able to survive everything that's been happening, and I'm really glad." Awkie: "I'm thankful for my kid." she picks up the squirming murloc who tries to eat her gauntlet, to no avail as he has no teeth.  "This little nugget keeps me goin', ya know?"
Cyliaa: "I am oh so thankful for my dear master and friends! Without them, I would not be celebrating such a fun event!" Red: "I'm just thankful I don't have to eat a meal in the middle of a war anymore." Statistics Gnome: "I am thankful that I did not burn the turkey, it had a 89.44% chance of survival in the oven." Rak'kaba: "Hrah! I'll be thankful once you stop comparing me to that dead bird on the table!
Read more below!
Coming from Hecaton:
"I'm thankful for my new friends in this guild!" He said as he would was carrying a large oil painting "i am so thankful of everyone, I had this painting commissioned!  Isnt it awesome!?" He asked.
Upon further inspection it wasn't everyone in the guild but a picture of a Murdock eating ice cream.   Hecaton spent 500 gold on this...... Coming from Tirasis:
"What am I thankful for?"  He asked "  I'm thankful to have a another chance."  He said as he rubbed the scars around his eye "I did a lot of stupid shit and I am responsible for the deaths of many innocent people.  Honestly I deserved to die....but I have a real chance to do something different!"  He said confidently "I owe my life the guild and I am going to do something well worth it!"
Coming from Vida:
"What am I thankful for?  I'm thankful for my dad, my racing career, and the fact that the statue of limitations expired today on 5 cases i was involved in!"  She said happily
"Oh, and my lawyer, Johnny Carcrank!  Seriously one of the best goblin attorneys around, if it wasn't for him I'd be in jail, or dead.....and deported, sometimes a combination of all 3!" She laughed
Coming from Seven'estra:
"What am I thankful for?  My second chance at life!"  They said as they laughed "Before becoming a death knight, life sucked!  I had to look a certain way, act a certain way and everything!"they said as the smiled blissfully "The day I came back to life was a new beginning for me!  I didn't have to be a guy anymore, I could wear make up and heels and I can love anyone regardless of gender....as long as they were atleast in their 20s!" They said as they stood up "now if you dont mind, I have a date with 5 people, 12 turkeys, and sweet potato pie at theremore isle!"
Dyllie: I am thankful for Cookies, the company and all the friends I have made! I am thanful for Kamel and showing me love and thankful for my son Carson he is so moo-a-rific!
Zaneryne: I am thankful for the Company, have always been a black sheep in life, society and well even my family, never really felt like I belonged anywhere.....glad to have a family....am thankful that my sister is starting to change and be less what our parents wanted and more ourselves....its nice seeing her more, and thankful for Arreves he makes me a happy elf.
Nirra: I am thankful for Jak Jak teaching me Hozen fu and teaching me how to ook people in the dooker. Like Jam. And thankful for meeting Vototo he is going to teach me glowie fist magic to punch Jam so hard he goes naked on his back....and.....also thankful for Mihal, he is my best friend, he found me rock candy once but it was glass and it made my mouf bleed but I still told him it was tasty even though it send me to the clinic....everything tasted funny for a week.
Miv'he: I am thankful for being alive, thankful for me son and he doing what he wants to find place in the world, his father for loving us even if he not with us now, and for frogs, they be small but they ribbet and cute and keep me company has about four frogs sitting on her head when she says this and then two on her shoulders
Tobias: I am thankful for being so light damn gorgeous and having Lyla in my life. Thankful I got the pretty twin. Thankful for my momma and my whole family, my sister and such, and Heidi. I am thankful I have not been shot by Cyliaa yet
Tinky: "I'm thankful for a lot, but mostly I'm thankful for everyone one I've met who have been super supportive of me! I'm also thankful no one has tried to beat me up for accidentally bombing them, say for example, a certain lake..." Tinky shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "I need to elaborate on the smiley faces on my bombs more clearly..."
Lora: "I'm super thankful for my brother! I need to check up on him, haven't seen him in a few days..." Lora bolts out before even finishing her answer to the question...
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lauralahoek · 8 years
1. Please assess yourself on this LAB trimester.
I started with a lot of energy and motivation but slowly it went downhill because I expected too much of everything I was doing. It was very demotivating. Now that I am in a flow again, I rediscover the positive effect of Tumblr. Overall, I was very stuck in my mind all the time and couldn’t express it either on Tumblr or in my work. I think it really is a matter of switching off my mind more often I now realize (which was explained and emphasized a lot at the beginning in class… I know…)
2. What has this LAB trimester brought you? [professionally and personally]
I realize that I reflect a lot on what I am doing and that that reflection is very strict and not open for change. I will always have a reason why I did it and because I have a reason I don’t have to change. That really is my downfall.
Also, because we were in a class with 3 department focussing more on esthetics and intuition than Mobility it gave me a lot of inspiration how to handle a project in a different way. However, it also gave me a lot of pressure, although I just have to stay true to my own way of working.
3. What specifically have you learnt from the collaboration?
Michiel is someone who does a lot of things without thinking why he is doing it and that really helped me to get going again. While working I am not questioning things and I just want to see what we will have at the end. It is a very relaxed and satisfying way of working.
Also, after letting go my project I was doing before I felt very open to do anything and was very happy again. I realized that I very much like to work together and in the beginning of LAB as well as in my department I felt very “alone”.
4. Ask your COLLAB partner about your strong points and what you still need to learn. Do you agree?
-brengt veel energie naar de tafel
-mag wel iets meer iniciatief nemen
-weet wat je wilt
-duidelijk mening maar luisterd ook goed,
My partner Michiel knows me very well… I agree with the fact of taking more initiative. Sometimes I can block myself by saying it is for no use or reason. I could relate a lot to Michiel and that made the work very clear and fun. Which is a way of working we both very much like.  
5. What are you most proud of this trimester? Why? Anything you're not proud of?
I am proud of that I can set my priorities way better than last trimester. But I am not proud that the reasons why I have those priorities are set at the beginning of the trimester and can not be changed during. Which takes away a lot of experimentation.
Also, I am proud that I got back my positive energy later the trimester. After I realized I had to switch department and that I could finish this trimester in a good way I got my energy back. It was really a switch in my head to continue in a different way.
6. What needs to change to make LAB2 better for the next students? What is good?
I very much liked the lecture about Bio Design because it physically showed a process of how the designer thinks. It reflects every choice he made after seeing and reflecting on his work.
What would be nice is to have in the beginning a round of everyone’s possible subject in one sentence. This will give a very effective reflection (and a bit of pressure) of what you actually want to do. Also, it will help to shape groups.
7. What are you missing in the academy in general?
I am missing contact, openness  and collaboration between the department. The departments are different and therefore so inspiring for each other. You really can realize this within the Compasses because you are placed in a group of more departments.  because There should be a collaboration of workshops and lectures. Some departments have the connections towards lectures and workshops and other departments not.
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