#about to have a bad time with laurence!
bornetoblood · 2 years
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ive been thinking about their fucked up little dynamic
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natailiatulls07 · 6 months
Can you do reader is Lando’s little sister and favourite but they barely see each other cause reader is at boarding school and she surprises him at the race. Also cameo of some other drivers too please.
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Lando Norris x sister!reader
Summary - Request above xo
Warning - Like one swear one
During her last year of primary education, Cisca and Adam both sat their youngest child down and discussed the possibility of boarding school. 
Both knew it would be hard for the whole family to separate. Yet they both also knew that it would make their lives a lot easier. 
With Landos up and coming career in motorsport racing and the rest of their children's careers also slowly building up, neither parent wanted to deprive or abandon Y/n. So with her agreement, they enrolled her into a well reviewed and well known boarding school a few miles out of Bristol. 
Laurence Crawford Boarding.
The first few days, of course she was homesick. Missing Lando more than anyone else in the family. Of course. But eventually Y/n made friends and was becoming more and more independent by the day.
“Hey Mum!” The young girl giggled down the phone. She was in her shared dorm with a few friends when Cisca called. “Annie! No stop! Ew!” 
Cisca took note of her daughter's divided attention, taking an easy guess that she was hanging out with a few friends. “Hi sweetheart, am I calling at a bad time?” Even though neither could see each other, she had a warm and proud smile on her face just thinking about how far Y/n has come.
The innocent giggle down the phone grew quieter and quieter. Y/n was walking away from her friends. “Sorry mum, yeah I can talk. We were just having a games night in my dorm…” Ciscas heart just warmed, happy that her youngest child was growing up and maturing.
“Oh no worries, go and hang out with your friends! Have fun!” And with a couple goodbyes and a ‘I love you’ between the two, Y/n was back hanging out with her friends. 
Unlike her younger years of boarding, Y/n hadn’t been home from school on the weekend in a long while. She couldn’t; especially with her exams quickly approaching, she was in her dorm studying and revising most  weekends.
This meant the youngest Norris hadn’t seen her family in a few weeks. Of course she had spoken to them but hadn’t been home since the end of January, and they all understood why. It was harder for some to swallow that pill - well harder for one person particularly e.g Lando.
The Silverstone grand-prix was just around the corner and all he wanted was for his youngest sister to be there. Yeah it was selfish but he missed her, to be far the last time the two saw each other was early January. He missed her so much.
“Are you sure you can’t just take the exam early and then come and support me?” His rough voice rang through Y/n's phone whilst she was highlighting her revision. Lando wasn’t even trying to hide his annoyance.
A gentle laugh followed by a sigh was heard from Y/ns side of the call. “I’m sorry Lan…I can’t ask them to move the exam, it’s against the rules of the exam board…”
She didn’t have an exam that week actually, she was lying. Y/n was going to be in Silverstone that sunday. It’s just that Lando didn’t know, oh no it was a surprise.
What he thought was happening was that everyone else from his immediate family would be there, except Y/n. 
Everyone was in on the surprise. All excited to see the pair reunited. Surprises were always one of the things the Norris family loved to do.
Y/n - Good luck today! I’ll be juggling revision and watching the race, I hope to hear our national anthem pleaseee  Lando - Thank you angel, don’t wear yourself out Y/n - I should tell you the same thing
Lando thought she’d be tucked away in her dorm room whilst they were texting back and forth. A vast contrast to her current location; in the passenger seat of Oliver's car. The sun was shining through the windshield and down over her bare knees.
Y/n was wearing a white summer dress, some comfortable trainers and her signed mclaren 4 cap. Looking ready to spend the day in the British summer sun supporting one of her older brothers. 
She was smirking. He really had no clue about this. “Okay so he thinks I’m still at school, oh my god I can’t wait!” 
With her gcses, Y/n hadn’t been to a race in a long time and she missed it; watching from her dorm was not the same. In her dorm, she didn’t get that real excitement that would course through her like it would in the McLaren garage.
Looking over to Oliver, he was also smirking. Just remembering how he had to deal with Landos sulking and the clear signs that Y/n was by far his favorite. “Yeah he’s gonna be so happy when he sees you!”
Once they arrived, Y/n was quietly escorted through the back way to the McLaren garage. They couldn’t have the press ruining the surprise. Luckily for Y/n, her spot in the garage couldn’t be seen from anywhere Lando would be.
She stood between her parents whilst her other three siblings stood on either side Cisca and Adam. “I’m so excited!” When she was handed her headset, the girl got even more excited because she could hear her brother's voice through the radio. 
He had yet to win his first grand prix and she hoped he would get to that top step of the podium, especially at his home race. And hopefully without him knowing she is here, he will focus on that exact outcome. 
It was a hard race, lots of action and stress. Something Y/n liked, she hated a boring race - this sport was about racing, not riding cars in the same positions in several circles. But the most important thing to note from this race was the number four McLaren parked in front of the number one place in Parc Ferme.
The papaya garage was very much in celebrations, including the Norris family. Turning to face her mother with tears in her eyes, she noticed how Cisca also had tears in her eyes. “He did! He did!”
Adam, who is also over the moon with the win, takes her hand and starts to lead her over to the Parc Ferme to surprise the driver. Reaching the Parc Ferme they stand waiting amongst the McLaren staff and up against the barriers.
Lando pulls himself out of the car and makes his way to celebrate with his team. It’s only when he moves to give Adam a hug that he notices his little sister and he gasps. 
“Y/n?” He can’t believe his eyes, he thought she was back in her boarding school revising. 
Immediately the driver breaks from his father's embrace and races to collect Y/n in his arms. The two siblings were laughing and crying together. Finally reunited after a long time, in their opinions. 
After a few seconds, Lando moves to collect her face in his hand gently - trying to see if his eyes are deceiving him, they weren’t. “I thought you had an exam!” He shouts over the cheers around the two of them. 
Y/n just smirks cheekily and shakes her head. “Nope! Surprise!” Soon her smirk turns into a groan when Landos hand moves to mess up her hair, laughing breaking out between them once again. 
Everyone saw. The cameras around Parc Ferme all broadcasting the reuniting of two siblings who just missed each other. “You’re such a little shit!”
Shrugging her shoulders, Y/n smiled. “Everyone was in on it! Our family loves a surprise!” So when Lando turned to look at his father, Adam just nodded - Happy to reunite two of his children.
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riordanness · 8 months
i think he knows - [l.laurence]
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wordcount: 1.3K
requested: no (but i am working on all my requests)
warnings: maybeee a wonka reference (my bad)
I lay side by side with Jo March, our hands intertwined, staring up at the clouds. 
“You’re kidding, right?” Jo laughs. “That is definitely not a giraffe. It looks like a flamingo.” 
I wrinkle my nose. “No way. It looks closer to a melted chocolate bar than a flamingo.”
She nudges me and laughs again. “Whatever.” 
I sigh and close my eyes, my spare fingers playing with the blades of grass we’re lying on. 
“This is the life,” Jo says quietly, as if she can read my thoughts. 
“Mhm…” I reply, feeling sleepy and sun sick. We’ve been out all morning in the hot summer sun, and the effects are finally catching up on me.
“You know what would make today better, though?” 
“What?” I’m barely paying attention now, my sleepiness wanting to take over. 
“If Laurie was here.” Jo says it like it’s poetry. 
I’m immediately awake. I sit up. “What did you say?” 
Jo looks amused. “I said…that today would have been better if Laurie was here with us.”
I try to downplay my reaction with a shrug. “Yeah, that would have been nice I suppose.” 
“Oh, y/n,” Jo teases. “Don’t try to pretend you aren’t head over heels in love with him.” 
I look at her sharply. “Jo, don’t talk about such things.”
“It's true, though,” Jo insists. “Isn’t it?” 
I look away. Of course it was true. Laurie Laurence was the one person I could never imagine not having in my life. I needed him like I needed air in my lungs. He was my sunlight, my happiness, my joy and my energy and my smile. He was my everything. 
“Maybe it’s true,” I whisper. “But it’s not important. I will never matter to him the way that he matters to me.”
Jo is quiet for a while, her eyes narrowed as she stares into the deep blue nothingness of the sky. 
I lay beside her, in comfortable silence, as my thoughts drift, as always, back to that boy with the laughing green eyes, unruly but beautiful dark hair, and that smile that fills me with everything I need.
I first met Laurie through the others. I’m lifelong friends with all the Marches, and being an only child, my days tend to be lonely. Marmee has me over as much as humanly possible. Sleepovers, performances, club meetings and dinners, walks and piano lessons, days at the beach, sketching in the garden, dances and dumb adventures. I do it all with those four girls. 
Then one day, a boy joined in on our fun. 
At first, it was nerve-wracking, doing all our usual antics in the presence of a boy. But I soon learned that Laurie was anything but judgemental, and better than that–he was amazing fun. 
We became best friends. 
Now, everything I did was with Laurie, or nearly everything. I’d spend every second with him if I could. 
It’s like there’s magic in his smile.
“Laurie!” I shove open his front door, yelling up the stairs. 
His curly head pops over the stairs, grinning down at me. “Hey, you.”
I squint up at him. “What are you doing? I thought we were going out today. You promised we’d go ice skating.” I wave my skates at him to prove my point. 
Laurie winces. “I’m sorry, y/n. I know I did, but–” He makes a face. “I’ve got a cold and Grandfather forbade me to leave my room.” His features turn mischievous. “In fact, I’m risking his wrath just being out here in the hall.”
I roll my eyes at him. “Well, I guess I’ll have to come up there and entertain you then.”
“You’ll get sick!” Laurie shakes his head at me.
“Too late,” I say, as I drop my skates and coat at the door, and dash up the stairs. 
Laurie watches as I hop, skip, and jump at the top stair, as I do every time (because he did it first, and I like to do everything he does). He stares at me with a small smirk on his face.
“What?” I ask, coming to a stop only a metre away from him. “It’s fun doing that at the top of the stairs. Like a little celebratory moment for conquering the staircase once again.”
Laurie laughs under his breath as he shakes his head slightly. “It’s nothing, my dear y/n. Hop at your heart's content.”  
I shrug and head into his room, a lage, ornate chamber full of antique paintings and old books and clothes strewn all over the floor.
“Oh, my,” I say disapprovingly. “Laurie, you really need to tidy this place up a little if you want to get any better, you know.”
“I know,” Laurie sighs, falling sideways onto an armchair. “But I just don’t have your work ethic, y/n. I love being lazy and useless and spending my time doing silly, worthless things.”
I click my tongue. “Don’t be ridiculous, Laurie. I know you. You have it inside you to do great things with your life. You just have to want it enough, and to work hard for it. You can do it. I believe in you.”
I wander around the room busily, picking up dirty laundry and discarded books, and straightening the bedsheets. I can feel Laurie’s eyes on me, but it’s not an awkward feeling. If anything, it’s comforting. Being around him, everything is easier, safer. My words come out of my mouth easily. I don’t worry about saying the wrong thing or coming across as too blunt or anything like that. They can come right from my heart, because I know him better than anyone, and I see what Laurie is capable of. 
“And you know, you can always–”
“Y/n.” Laurie gets to his feet. 
My voice dies, and I frown at him uncertainly and I drop a small stack of books onto his desk.. “Yeah?”
“You know how the other day, um, you and Jo were hanging out in the gardens, watching the clouds?”
My eyes narrow a little, but I nod slowly. “Yes…? How did you know about that?”
Laurie doesn’t meet my eyes, rolling his tongue around in his mouth nervously. “I might’ve been spying on you?” 
My hands are instantly on my hips as I give him a look. “Laurie Laurence.”
“I’m sorry!” he says immediately, holding his hands up like he’s surrendering. “I just… well, I heard what you were talking about.”
I try to think back. What would Jo and I have been talking about that was so important he’s bringing it back up now? I didn’t think we were discussing anything that exciting, except…
My face goes slack, and my mouth drops slightly open. “You-you mean–”
Laurie nods and gets to his feet. “So it’s true?”
I want to lie, to shake my head and laugh it away, but my reaction has already made it obvious. I slowly nod my head yes, once, then twice.
Relief floods into Laurie’s features. “Oh, thank goodness.”
“What?” I ask, but my question is lost when Laurie attacks me with a hug. 
“I love you, y/n,” he says softly into my hair. “I’ve loved you ever since Jo first introduced me to you that day in the attic. You might’ve been shy and wearing that silly costume; a battered overcoat and tattered suitcase, but I’d never seen a prettier girl. You help me be a better person, you’re always so encouraging and kind and hard-workig, and I just… I really love you.” 
He pulls away, holding my shoulders and gazing at me. 
I’m in disbelief, staring up into his eyes, my mouth still open. 
He laughs, ducking his head a little. “You don’t have to say anything, y/n. You said enough the other day.” He pauses, licks his lips a little. “Y/n, can I kiss you?”
I can’t help but to smile. “Of course you can.” 
His mouth meets mine, and it’s better than anything else in the world.
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luvrhischier · 1 year
losing game // trevor zegras
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part 2
pairing: trevor zegras × reader
word count: 3.1k (might have gone a little overboard)
a/n: based on the song arcade by duncan laurence. lyrics are in bold italics (jumped around a lot and changed some lyrics to fit the story). no use of y/n.
a/n two: this is my offering to hockey tumblr pls let me in (f1 offering coming soon maybe idk).
warnings: mentions of sex but no actual smut (bc i suck at writing it), alcohol, angst with no happy ending
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You watched as he collected his clothes and put them back on. Turning to you when he reached your bedroom door.
“Bye, babe. See you later.” He winked and left.
Silence ringing inside my head.
You sat up, one hand clutching a blanket to cover your bare body, the other running through your now messy hair trying to tame it. It didn't help. After ten minutes of complete silence and staring off into space you finally dropped the blanket and stood up. You walked over and stared at yourself through your full length mirror, examining your body and all of its features in the lightly lit room. You began to wonder why he didn't feel the same. Of course he wasn't obligated to, but still it made you feel like there was something wrong with you.
A broken heart is all that's left. I lost a couple of pieces.
You both had agreed to this. Friends with benefits in private, best friends in public. Nothing more, nothing less. However, now you felt a small piece of your heart get chipped away every time you hooked up.
Jamie had warned you both that this wasn't a good idea and that it would probably end in disaster, after he accidentally walked in on the two of you, but neither you listened. Both swearing that the two of you would never be anything more than friends, who occasionally hooked up. Now you wished you had listened.
The way Trevor now made you feel was unlike anything you had ever felt. Before he grew to understand your body, even better than you did, and what made it fall apart in those moments of tangled limbs, lips moving in sync, heavy breathing, and extreme pleasure, the two of you were just each other’s best friend. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly. You never wanted anything more until a few months in and you hated yourself for it. You couldn’t help it though Trevor's fun and loving nature carried over into those moments of close intimacy. It made your stomach to erupt with butterflies.
You finally silenced your thoughts and rummaged through your dresser for new clothes. You then picked up the clothes you formerly wore, the pieces scattered across your bedroom floor, tossing them into your laundry basket. You sighed deeply and returned to lay in your bed. You quickly stood up again as small tears began to build in your eyes. You didn't want to lay in the bed you just sex on. In fact, you didn't even want to be in your room. His scent was everywhere. His cologne was all over your bed and the smell began to spread around you like wildfire. You knew it wasn't going away anytime soon, it never did.
You collected yourself and headed to your bedroom door when you saw a crumpled up shirt hiding in a corner of your room. You picked it up and instantly realized it was Trevor's. It was the shirt he was wearing underneath his hoodie and he must have forgotten about it. You tried to stop yourself from taking off your old tattered tee and putting his shirt on instead but you failed. You stood there in shameful silence before finally heading to your living room.
You noticed a glass slightly filled with water sat next to the sink, Trevor must have stopped to get himself a drink before he left. You just wanted to take a nap so you left it there as you went to lay on your couch.
You opened Netflix, just playing a random show you knew you weren't really going to watch, you just wanted to end the silence that flowed through your apartment and sleep.
You opened your eyes slowly, trying not to be blinded the bright light coming from the t.v. You didn't want to sit up, you just wanted to lay there until you sank into the cushions. You finally checked the time, 8:56 pm, you had slept there for over six hours. You felt your heart stop when your phone began to ring and the screen showed Trevor's name and a picture of the two of you from years ago. You didn't want to pick up but your fingers didn't listen to your heart or your brain.
“Hey babe.” God you hated that nickname so much, it made your heart both shatter and melt.
“Hey Trev,” you groggily mumbled as you stood up heading back to your room. You looked over at your bed and flashbacks from earlier played in your head. Trevor laying on top of you, his lips on your neck, and his hands roaming your body. You shook your head trying to wipe away the memory.
“So, Jamie and I spontaneously decided to throw an end of season party since everyone's here and I wanted to call to see if you'd come,” he sounded happy, excited, and a little hopeful.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun,” you tried to sound as happy as him but you failed and you knew Trevor noticed, he always did. You used to love that he knew you so well, but now it just hurt because he couldn’t, or wouldn’t, notice your true feelings for him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing I'm totally fine. I just woke up from a nap and I um...” You paused, trying to think of an excuse. “I just need to take a shower and get ready. Bye, see you soon,” you heard him start to say something else but it was too late, you had ended the call. As soon as you hung up Trevor called again. You let out a frustrated groan before hitting decline. You quickly put your phone on do not disturb before he could try to call again and tossed it on your bed, you then went to your closet. You just stood there and looked at your clothes, too lazy to actually look for an outfit. You sighed and decided to take a shower before picking out an outfit.
You stepped in the shower and just stood there for awhile, letting the water run down your body hoping that it would wash away any remaining trace of him.
The hot water felt nice against your cold body but it only reminded you of the warmth you felt when you were with Trevor and you hated it.
Once you were finished you returned to your closet to finally pick an outfit. You didn't feel like getting too dressed up so you opted for something simple, a pair of leggings and a random top. Your breath hitched when you saw what top you had randomly grabbed. It was one of Trevor's team USA jerseys. You didn't even know you had this, he had been looking for it for ages.
Once again you tried to stop yourself from putting it on but you once again failed. You stood there in another shameful silence. You looked at your phone to check the time, 10:05 pm. You sighed before grabbing a random pair of shoes and your keys.
The drive to Trevor and Jamie's house was a quiet one, no music, just the sound of your car tires on the road, passing cars, and your quiet breathing. When you got closer to his house you could see a long line of cars parked along the street and what seemed like never ending groups of people walking through the door. A tiny voice inside your head begged you to turn around immediately and drive back home but it was too late. You had driven all the way here.
You were hit with the smell of booze as soon as you got out of the car. A small part of you wanted to throw up but the rest of you wanted to drink until you blacked out and forgot about him.
The music was loud and people were everywhere making it hard to walk through the crowd full of drunk kids with sweaty bodies. However, the kitchen was less crowded. Vodka was the first thing you saw so that's what you filled your cup with.
You heard a loud and dramatic gasp followed by a familiar laugh and turned to see Jack rushing towards you with open arms.
“I missed you so much!” He beamed and hugged you tightly. You could tell he was a bit drunk by how his words were starting to slur together.
“I missed you more, Jack,” you laughed. “Jack, sweetie you’re suffocating me,” you jokingly muttered out.
“Oops, my bad,” he laughed as he pulled away. He noticed the cup in your hand and grabbed it before taking a quick sip. Before you could jokingly get on to him Luke walked in. You knew he must have been his turn to be on ‘watch drunk Jack duty' by the look on his face.
“There you are! I swear I'm going to a harness and leash so you can’t wander off and I don't have to run around while having a heart attack trying to find you,” he said, slightly out of breath from running around the house and through the sea of people, trying to find Jack. Jack just smiled and shrugged his shoulders causing Luke to roll his eyes. He looked over at you and smiled. “What's up, I missed you!” He exclaimed towards you before pulling you into a quick hug.
“I missed you too,” you smiled back. Before he could reply you both turned to where Jack was once standing only to find that he had wondered off again. Luke rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.
“I have to go find him again before he does something stupid,” he said begrudgingly. “I'll come back once I find him. I wanna hear about how annoying Zegras has been this season,” he joked while he ran off to find Jack once more.
The mention of his name made your heart feel like it was being ripped out of your chest and squeezed right in front of you. Wanting to distract yourself you looked around and skimmed over the crowd. You didn't want to admit that you were looking for him, but you were. You were about to take a drink of the vodka in your hands when you finally found him. You cursed every single higher being for the sight in front of you. There he was in the corner talking, dancing, and obviously flirting with some blonde girl. Their hands were all over the other’s body and they were close, too close, it made your body go numb. You felt completely defeated.
We were always a losing game.
Now your heart felt like it completely stopped working. You watched as she leaned in to whisper something in his ear with a giggle. The smirk that broke out on his face could've been seen from a mile away. Your cup slipped out of your hand and you felt it splash everywhere. You looked down and let out a shaky sigh. Quickly you grabbed the roll of paper towels and fell to your knees to clean up the mess, but it became harder and harder as your eyes started to blur with tears. You heard mumbling through the ringing in your ears but you didn't look up. You just sat there on the floor furiously cleaning up the spilled alcohol.
You finally looked up when the person shouted your name and placed a hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of your trance. There stood Nico and Quinn. When they saw the tears running down your face both of their eyes filled with worry.
“What's wrong?” Nico questioned as he crouched down next to you.
“I spilled my fucking drink and I have to clean it up.”You continued scrubbing the floor.
“You've cleaned it all up,” he said softly. “You can stop now.” He gently grabbed your hand to stop you.
You looked at the floor and saw that he was right. The alcohol was gone but now it was being replaced with your tears spattering on the floor. You fully sat down on the floor and Nico followed.
“Okay, everyone out of the kitchen now!” Quinn shouted to the few people still standing around you, whispering to each other as they obviously gossiped about your breakdown. You watched as everyone listened and quickly walked away.
Quinn joined the two of you on the ground.
“Why are you crying?” Quinn asked as he scooted over to sit right next to you. You didn't want to say it was because of Trevor. You knew that no matter how much the two of them playfully argued and fought Trevor was like a third younger brother and, though he'd jokingly never admit it, he loved him. He didn't deserve to be burdened with your problems. But deep down he knew and you knew that he knew because of the look on his face.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you let out, in your opinion, a pathetically loud sob as you buried your head into his chest. Quinn didn't even care about the tears and makeup that were most definitely staining his shirt, he just cared about being there for you.
“He's over there with some girl.” you stuttered as you began to hyperventilate. “And I know I shouldn't be acting like this because we're supposed to be just friends but it hurts so fucking bad. God, this is so embarrassing. I'm so fucking stupid. I hate myself!” You lifted your head
“I need you to take some deep breaths. You need to breathe.” Nico softly said. “Breathe.” He took a deep breath of his own so you could follow along.
“Alright, who told me everyone to leave the kitchen?” Jamie interrupted as he entered the kitchen. You looked over and saw that Jack and Luke had walked in too. ‘Fuck!’ You cursed in your head. It was hard enough crying in front of Quinn and Nico, now all of your closest friends were standing there watching you sob on the floor. You watched as they all quickly sobered up.
One by one they all sat on the floor with you. All of them extremely worried. You wanted to somewhat keep your composure so you didn’t freak them out, but you couldn’t hold it in anymore you just let it all out. You knew your makeup was probably a mess and your jersey, his jersey, was covered in tears and running mascara.
“He's over there, with some girl, and they're all over each other and I'm over here crying. God I'm such an idiot!” You hiccuped. You wiped your eyes with the sleeves of his jersey. All of them instantly knew who you were talking about. “You were right Jamie. I should have listened to you. It’s okay you can say ‘I told you so’…" 
“I would never do that,” he said gently.
You watched as Quinn stood up, Jack and Luke quickly followed.
“Be right back.” Quinn mumbled, trying to hide the anger in his voice. You saw the three of them clench their jaws and ball their fists. Before you could protest they were gone. Now it was just you, Jamie, and Nico. They both scooted in closer and engulfed you in a hug.
“I guess giving us up didn't take a lot to him, huh?” You forced a chuckle trying to lighten the mood and joke but neither of them laughed or even looked slightly amused. You sighed. “Deep down I saw the end before it even began, but I still carried on.” You lowered your head.
You heard someone softly say your name and you instantly knew who it was. Trevor. He had that the slight roughness in his voice, the roughness he got after a one too many drinks and you hated that it was still sending shivers down your spine.
“Please look at me.”
You don't know how or where you got the courage, maybe it was because your friends were there to support you and protect you, but not only did you look up, you stood up and marched straight up to him. 
“Don't call me that! I think you have made it clear that I am not really your ‘babe' so stop torturing me by saying that!” You angrily interrupted. You knew that now everyone was staring at the two of you and the scene you were making.
“What's wrong? Talk to me. Why are you crying?” His eyes were soft and you wanted to let this whole thing go and forgive him but you knew you couldn't, your heart couldn't take this anymore. He took a step towards you as his hand came up and tried to caress you face but you pushed his hand away.
“You! You're what's wrong with me! You’re why I’m crying!” You spat. “I stupidly fell in love with you and loving you is a losing game and I got addicted to it. But now l'm done with your games, I have to be because now I need to go and put myself back together. So game over. I'm getting off of this emotional rollercoaster. I am completely drained because I've spent all of the love I had on you!” Tears streamed down your face like a waterfall and you didn't care you needed to say this before you lost the courage and let him back in. “I know I was nothing more than a quick fuck to you but to me you were everything and more. So this,” you gestured between the two of you. “Whatever this is between us is over and so is our friendship. Because if I stay I'II let you back in and I will shatter into a million pieces and I will never be able to put myself back together again.” You walked past him and quickly headed towards the door.
You didn't want to stop but you remembered what you were wearing. You looked down and saw his now tear stained jersey. You turned around and Trevor was right behind you causing you to run face first into his chest, you quickly pushed him away and saw his eyes filled with hurt, panic, and tears.
“Can we please go up to my room and talk about this?” He pleaded. “I can't lose you...”
You softened for a second before regaining your composure. You didn't answer him, you just pulled his jersey over your head and threw it at him, not caring that you were now shirtless in front of all of these random people.
"Goodbye, Trevor.”
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 months
A Misdemeanor Of The Heart, Chapter 7 (Human!Alastor x Married!reader)
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Banner Alastors done by @blobin456drawz, Banner done by @redvexillum<3 Chapter Trigger Warnings: None
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Everything hurt. Not so much that you couldn’t move, but you ached all over with every twitch of your muscles. You took a handful of aspirin and waited for the pain to dull as it always did. There were things that needed to get done and the last thing you wanted to do was tempt Laurence’s temper and not get it done.
It was midday on a weekday. Most of the men were working and many of the women were busy with tending to their children and their homes. You didn’t want to brave the bus, but you wanted to walk even less. Your feet ached from the walking you had done earlier in the week and if you pushed your luck much more, blisters would break out on your feet.
Laurence wouldn’t see that as an excuse for the shopping to fall behind or appearances to be allowed to slip. Better to brave the bus than to make the pain in your feet any worse. A little extra pain now would save you untold amounts of pain in the future. There was really no reason to debate it. 
Luckily, the bus was fairly empty and your gamble had paid off. You could snag a seat and, even better, no one took the seats next to you during the ride. The jostling of the bus over bumps caused little flairs of pain to spike, but it was manageable, for now at least. 
You were used to the abdominal pain that lingered after being kicked while on the ground. It was tiring, but it was easier than when his blows would hit your limbs. There were more of you to absorb the blows when he kicked out at your stomach and far more muscles to compensate. 
Closing your eyes, you ran through your list for the day. Drop off the dress. Grab more coffee from the market, more aspirin from the pharmacy. 
Mesmerizing earthy eyes and a warm smile flittered through your mind, demanding your attention over the mundane tasks of a simple housewife. Mr. Mo-, no- Alastor for you. Alastor had found his way into your thoughts more often than you cared to admit since he had walked out your door. 
You told yourself it was just your lack of real social connections that made your mind latch onto the man. It was easier to blame that and not think about the warmth of his body brushing yours in the kitchen or dwell on the way his warm skin was just a hair darker than was acceptable. 
You could hear his laughter as his banter ran circles around your husband, leaving Laurence with little to do but scramble to keep up in his own home. It wasn’t something you should have enjoyed seeing, but you had. God above damn you to hell, you had enjoyed it so much. 
Alastor was someone you should hate. You should blame your current pain on him. Intentionally or not, his actions had contributed to the beating you were now recovering from. It was his fault Laurence had slapped you so hard your nose had bled, staining washrags that would never really be clean again. If Alastor hadn’t wound up Laurence so much, it wouldn’t have been so bad. 
Resenting him, blaming him, wasn’t something you seemed to be able to make yourself do, no matter how hard you had tried. It was just as much your own fault for not pushing Alastor away, for allowing yourself to call him Alastor as he had requested. 
Being friendly was Alastor’s job. It was probably his persona to have married women falling at his feet. He was charming and handsome. Would he laugh he if knew how he occupied the thoughts of a married woman he’d only met in passing a few times and spent one meal with?
As the bus rumbled to your stop, you shook your head, trying to will the man to leave your head. Dwelling on another man was asking for trouble. You are a married woman. That wasn’t ever going to change. You were faithful and would continue to be. You had vowed till death do you part from Laurence. 
You told yourself you were being nothing more than just a silly woman as you shuffled down the sidewalk and up the stairs to the tailor shop. It took more work than it should have to keep your back up straight and the warm spring weather had your heart pounding in your chest with the effort. 
A car pulled up and parked along the street and you paid it no mind as reached for the door. You didn’t see the sharp brown eyes glance at you through the windshield as you slowly pulled open the heavy door. 
You moved slowly as you crossed the empty shop. Pick up your dress. Drop off last night’s dress. That’s all you had to do. Your heart was beating harder in your chest than it should have been. 
The bell over the door jingled as you stepped up to the counter. The sound was sharp, sharper than you remembered it being. The lights were harsh, too bright when paired with the bright sunlight through the large windows. Ringing. Your ears were ringing nearly as loudly as when Laurence slapped you last night. 
The shopkeeper’s mouth was moving, but you couldn’t make out her words. The counter was cold under your hand as you reached out for it. You couldn’t feel the ground under your feet. 
The shopkeeper reached out for you as you swayed on your feet. It felt like smoke as her fingers grazed your hand. Falling back, you registered that the floor was going to hurt, but you couldn’t catch yourself. 
“Alastor,” the shopkeeper called out, but you couldn’t make sense of it. She wouldn’t be calling for him. It was just your mind. He wasn’t there.“She’s going to go down, catch her.”
Rather than hitting the floor, you remained on your feet, propped up against something warm and firm. Blinking, your mind cleared little by little. 
“Hand me that?” You groaned as the sound of Alastor’s voice filled your ears, mind telling you it was little more than a dream or delusion. “Her nose is bleeding.” 
“I’m okay.” Your words come out thicker, slurred. It felt like you try trying to speak through a mouthful of cotton balls, but the feeling was quickly fading.
“We’ll see about that,” Alastor said, dabbing your nose with the cloth. Pulling it away, he folds to a clean portion and drapes it over your nose, pinching your nostrils together firmly. “Lean forward, I’ve got you.” 
Alastor didn’t give you much of a choice, though. His large hand came to rest on the back of your head and applied enough pressure to force you to lean your head forward, not that it took much in your trembling, weakened state. 
“Breathe through your mouth, darling.” His voice was softer now than it had been while he was in your home. There was a kindness to him now that lulled you along with his directions. You wanted to indulge in that and for a moment, you did.
And then reality came crashing around you., the colors and sounds that had faded into the background slammed back into your mind. Reaching up, you covered his hand over your nose with your own. His hand was much larger than yours, making the task difficult. You tried to ignore the warmth of his skin or how long his fingers were as you ran your hand along his, grasping the fabric over your nose and pinching down just above his fingers. 
“I’m okay,” you said again, voice muffled as you stepped out of his arms. “Thank you.” 
“Let me help you to the chair.” Alastor’s hand on your back was a soft guiding pressure you had to fight to resist. Stepping to the side, you put even more distance between you, letting cold air fill where the warmth of his body had been. 
“Dear, you really should sit down.” The shopkeeper had concern written clearly across her face. 
“It’s just a nosebleed,” you muffled out. “I’m fine.” 
“What happened?” Alastor asked, standing close still but allowing you your distance. If Laurence got wind that you were again close with Alastor, he’d rain hell down upon you. There would be far more than sore abdominal muscles and a bloody nose for you to worry about. 
“I just walked into a pole earlier,” you laughed off your lie. “It must have reopened with the day’s warmth.” 
While you pulled the dress out of the bag to request the mending, you didn’t see the way Alastor’s eyes roamed over you. There were no dirt smudges on your dress, nor were there dried dribbles of blood to speak of a prior nosebleed. The only reason your dress was blood free from this incident was his quick rescue with the handkerchief from the display. 
You were lying to them and he knew it. 
“Susan, be a dear and put that handkerchief on my bill.” Alastor called out, interrupting your continued halfhearted attempts to explain away the bloody nose. 
“No,” you protested, stepping forward and resting a hand on his arm before thinking twice and yanking it back, “I’ve got it. There’s no reason to-”
“Nonsense,” Alastor smiled down at you, “I’m the one who grabbed it.” 
You couldn’t argue. You were too tired for that and really; you needed to get out of the shop before someone saw you and Alastor together. The last thing you needed was someone to mention who was helping you to your husband.
Holding the cloth to your nose, you struggled to lie out the dress and show the shopkeeper, Susan; you had learned her name was, where it the seam was torn. Alastor, once again, was eager to come to your assistance as soon as you showed any signs of a struggle. 
“This is last night’s dress?” He asked, ignoring the way Susan’s eyebrow rose. 
“Another one?” Susan sighed. “I just repaired this same rip. How do you keep doing this to your dresses?” She asked, as if she didn’t know. Whatever Alastor had going on with you that had him knowing what a married woman wore last night wasn’t any of her business, but he’d do well to pick up on a trend of ripped dresses if he was going to get close to a married woman. Susan didn’t feel like mending any more of his clothes, either. 
“I’m just clumsy,” you laughed off your lie, praying they believed it. 
“If you’re so clumsy that you keep ripping the shoulders of your dresses, perhaps I should teach you to mend them yourself,” Alastor laughed at his words as if they were some sort of joke and not an indecent proposal. “All these tailor trips sure must get expensive.”
“Says the man is here more than his own office.” Susan grumbles from behind the counter as she began writing up your ticket. 
“I hardly see how that’s any of your concern.” You tried to avoid looking at the man. “And why would you think it would matter how much I use a tailor’s services?”
Alastor leaned into your space, breath washing over your neck as he spoke softly directly into your ear. “Fist off, your home is only partially wired. I can’t imagine a reason why someone would still have gas lights in their more private spaces if they hadn’t run out of money during the update process.” 
“If you know how to sew so well, Mr. Moreau, why are you having the tailor fix your clothes?” You shoved the ticket into your bag and gave Susan a parting smile, working hard to pretend you hadn’t heard a word said about the state of your home.
The woman only raised her eyebrow higher at the theatrics. Whatever was going on between you and Alastor, it was amusing, at least for her. 
“Just because I can, my dear, doesn’t mean I want to.” Alastor leaned his back against the counter as he watched you close your bag. “And I can afford to have someone else do it.” 
“As can I, Mr. Moreau,” You realized you were stomping when where halfway to the door. For all the aggravation Alastor was causing you, he had distracted you from the ache in your muscles and the bloody nose. 
That realization put the fire out. Your shoulders sagged as you turned to face the two looking at you from the counter. 
“Thank you, Alastor.” You hesitated before continuing, “For the offer and for helping me with this.” You twitched your fist, holding the handkerchief in it in his direction. 
With a deep breath as the door shut behind you, silencing the jingle of the bell. The air outside helped clear your head. Walking toward the bus stop, you dipped the handkerchief corner into a fountain and scrubbed the blood from your face, doing your best to remove any evidence of the incident. Walking through town with blood dried on your face would do nothing but cause talk. 
As you walked, you couldn’t help but think of Alastor and the things he said. Was it really that strange that your house was only partially wired? Was there a reason why Laurence was no longer upgrading appliances and utilities in your home? It used to be something he took pride in. There hadn’t been much changes in the amount of pocket money he had given you each week.
Should you be learning to mend your own clothes? Alastor said he could teach you. What would that be like? Where would he teach you? It wouldn’t be proper for him to come to your home to do so, nor for you to go to his. You couldn’t really be seen out and about with him, Laurence already didn’t like Alastor.
It was a shame, really, that the two men couldn’t manage to get along. You could imagine a world where the two men got on well enough to maintain a friendly business relationship. It would be a world where Laurence wasn’t overly sensitive to Alastor’s barbs and perhaps the barbs came fewer between. It was a world where you could learn to sew from Alastor and indulge in the simple act of sharing space and time with him. 
Maybe you could just sneak away and learn to sew from Alastor anyway, perhaps in a park, well in view of all and with feet between each of you to show the clear platonic and instructional nature of the interactions. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful way to spend the afternoon? There didn’t have to be anything improper about it. You could just spend time learning from him. 
There was no way you could do that. Propriety forbade it. It was nothing but a passing daydream.
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Next? Masterlist
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cypheroo · 7 months
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Relationship headcannons for Laurence Zvhal and Garroth Ro'Meave! ~♡
⭐️ anon requested this! Thank them!
"May I pretty please ask for MCD!Laurance/garroth x reader headcanons?"
Word count : 739
Triggers : none?
AN : it's short buuuut! Here are some basic headcannons for these two boys!
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Garroth Ro'Meave who is insanely protective of you, he always wants you in his sight. He doesn't like you going on lone missons and much prefers traveling with you.
Garroth Ro'Meave who is so In love with you, he can't help but stare at you as you sleep in your shared bed next to him. He can't believe he was really able to be in a relationship with you and he's just speechless.
Garroth Ro'Meave who is usually awake early in the mornings and comes home late at night because of him being a guard. He feels bad he can't be there when you wake up or when you lay down for sleep.
Garroth Ro'Meave who was originally didn't wanna take off his helmet due to his history, but his helmet was also useful for when his face would flush at the sight of you.
Garroth Ro'Meave whos a litteral heater it's snowing or cold out? Trust me cuddling up to garroth in bed on the few days he's home early IS actually heaven.
Garroth Ro'Meave who asked you out by accident one late night, it slipped his tongue when he was expressing worry for you.
"I just really want you to be safe, I love you too much for you to end up hurt"
Garroth Ro'Meave who was worried about the village knowing. He was worried about if word got out of village what could happen to you.
Garroth Ro'Meave whos hands are scarred and battered yet touch you with such care and warmth, he loves cupping your cheeks and just getting to gaze into your eyes.
Garroth Ro'Meave whos insanely touch starved and feels his heart skip a beat anytime your skin grazes his.
Garroth Ro'Meave who sometimes will break down and cry in your chest, he's overwhelmed with guilt and sometimes it just becomes more then he can control
Garroth Ro'Meave who sure will get into fights with you but will attempt just best at keeping a level head, he'll never snoop low and call you names, disagreements happen and he doesn't want it to end your relationship.
Garroth Ro'Meave who would face anything if it meant you were safe and sound at home.
Pet names garroth would call you include but aren't limited to : honey, sweetheart, love, and sometimes sunshine
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Laurence Zvhal who originally flirts with you as a joke and uses it as a nice excuse to talk with you. He'd also would slowly tone down flirting with other people as soon as you came into his life.
Laurence Zvhal who'll leave his stuff around your place as an excuse to come back and "retrieve it" I swear there is a scarf he left on the kitchen table that has been at your place for months.
Laurence Zvhal who originally is terrified of his feelings for you, he doesn't wanna lose control around you and hurt you. He avoided you for the longest time after he realized his feelings for you.
Laurence Zvhal who'd feel horrible when you ask him what you did to cause him to ignore you. It was only after you properly confessed your feelings that he'd explain why.
Laurence Zvhal who to makes up for ignoring you with truely romantic evenings where he and you sit on the beach, having a picnic at sundown.
Laurence Zvhal who can get pretty jealous when someone else is getting too close, and instead of being verbal about it he'd opt to just wrap his arm around your side and kiss your cheek softly.
Laurence Zvhal who will rest his chin on your shoulder whenever you hug. He loves closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around you.
Laurence Zvhal who's hands are Slender and cold, he likes tracing shapes on your back when your asleep in his arms. Those nights he doesn't get much sleep because of how happy he is.
Laurence Zvhal who'll tell anyone who asks about your relationship, he looooves telling people he's dating you, he just can't help it to be honest!
Laurence Zvhal who hates letting you see when he's hurt, Anytime something happens to him he trys his best to hide it, but he always ends up knocking at your door after he's been patched up.
Laurence Zvhal who actually hates arguing with you, he prefers to have conversations and not arguments.
Petnames Laurence would call you include but are not limited to : darling, cutie, babe, and rarely boo
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All my head cannons for aphmau characters.°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Zvahl family. 
Laurence is Italian. 
He’s 5’11
Laurence is a charmer. flowers, dinner dates , stay in dates, anything romantic he gots it. 
He’s very bi and is constantly confused. ( me to laur) 
Laurence was a highlighter kid.
He has really bad Separate anxiety especially from partner. 
He has an iPhone 8 and will keep that thing until he dies or it is dust. I mean like the screen is falling off a little it’s cracked and laggy. 
He can’t do math or tell time on an actual clock. 
He’s dyslexic. ( same same) 
Because he grew up on a farm imma say he’s helped multiple animals give birth. 
Never really had a crush on aphmau he thought he did but he was just jealous that garroth was putting his attention into her and not him. 
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Ro’Meave family.
garroth switched rooms with vlyd to have the room the laurances window faces. 
I like to think garrote and Laurence are next door neighbors. 
Non of the ro’Meave children were allowed animals growing up but that didn’t stop Zane from having a pet spider that his parents didn’t find out about until it died but it escaping and garte killing it since he thought a random tarantula just entered there house.( not that he wouldn’t kill it anyways if he knew it was a pet) 
Zenix is one of the ro’mave brothers but he has a different mom and doesn’t live with them. That’s why he hates them sm. ( fuck garte and his cheating ass ) also Zenix looks a lot like garte but he dyes his hair and does makeup to make himself not look it. 
        (That’s also means Zenix is secretly a blonde. ) 
Zianna has forced all the boys to join an activity since they were 3. 
Garroth joined a bunch of different sports but then baseball stuck for him.
Zane joined cooking.
Vylad did cooking, pottery, painting, soccer, ice skating but ultimately he ended up staying in fencing. 
Garroth is the tallest out of everyone and gene is second tallest. 
Garroth 6’2 
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Rodriguez family. 
Genes real name is Eugene.
Gene and Dante don’t have the same dad. 
Genes dad was abusive and left when he was 4. 
Dante’s dad died before he was born in the military. 
Gene is super cuddly in his sleep and he often cuddles Zenix in his sleep. 
Sasha has a whole album of them cuddling together. 
Dante and gene have there mothers last name. 
Gene 6’0 
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Valkrum family.
Travis is German. ( me to buddy) 
Travis and his dad are best friends and talk about everything together. 
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Shalashaska family. 
In Mcd after aphamu I become Irene or got her relic a lot of people were upset with her due to previous prayers unanswered. 
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Gelula family. 
Zenix and gene sleep fight due to there childhoods. 
Zenix has a staring problem.
He lives with his mom.
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Ashida family. 
So I ignore the nickname Kawaii Chan and just call her nana so that’s how I am referr to her. 
She has 15 siblings. 
10 Boys and 5 girls. 
She's a glass child. 
She a middle child.
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So I can't really think of more but maybe ill update if I do but for my last one Imma say Garroth got cadenza a fashion designing job because he’s rich and has friends in high places he just pestered all of them until someone was willing to take a look at her work and actually loved it. 
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fareehaandspaniards · 3 months
Miquella is nice
After finishing the DLC, Miquella made me think a lot. Before the DLC, he had a rather… one-sided image, I don't know what else to call it. He was incredibly kind, and we saw references for his connection to St. Trina initially (because we still remember Gwyndolin, who lived as girl. And we know Fromsoftware loves the archetype of the sad feminine young man). Miquella was a victim, was a martyr, and was an incredibly kind soul who prayed for Godwyn and invented a true miracle - the Golden Needle, which can help to hold the rot.
But the DLC absolutely turned his image upside down! And it makes me very sad to see a character's incredible transition and acquisition of a new layer of morality (gray) labeled as "bad writing" and "fuck GRRM he spoiled my baby boyy :(((((".
Today after talking with my spouse (He always helps me realize any fragments of lore. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding the simplest things that everyone has long understood and accepted. Also! Happy birthday to my beloved!), I could only finally understand why everyone is getting so worked up about Michella, even though we've had a scenario similar to his "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" a long time ago. That was Laurence, everyone's favorite in Bloodborne, and Gwyn (he really wanted good things and it didn't turn out well :/), etc. I'll also remind you that the fandom (in the general sense) of Fromsoftware games is very fond of villains, and that's fine. But for some reason, when Miquella turned out to be not the good guy everyone wanted him to be, no one appreciated it. And I tried to defend him to the last in a discussion with my husband - Miquella sacrificed everything for the "greater good" in his understanding of the word, Miquella went the way of renunciation, Miquella knew how to love and loved his sister, Miquella wanted to correct all the sins of the past.
However, unlike most Fromsoftware villains, Miquella HIDES his atrocities (even from himself). Nashandra, Shabriri, Micolash, anyone - their motives are clear. They have principles, egos, backstories, justifications for wanting to be a destructive factor, some have these reasons built in at birth, some are insane, etc. Miquella, on the other hand, finds followers by Dishonest means, condemns Radahn to suffering for which to end the festival is organized, leaves his sister to die, condemns Mohg to be a puppet in his scheming, and still thinks of himself as a VIRTUE. He believes that the era he is about to found - will be good and bright. And with words of goodness he kills us in battle with Radahn!
Miquella is a golden apple with a very rotten core. We don't know, really, at what point he started to "rot". What's funny is that of the two twins, Malenia was rotten on the outside and he was rotten on the inside.
Miquella's center is in love. He carries self-love everywhere, charming and falling in love with almost everyone. That is why Malenia says, "My brother will keep his promise. He possesses the wisdom, the allure, of a god - he is the most fearsome Empyrean of all." I think he is the type of child who got used to being loved. The problem with this type is that he can become a wonderful person, or he can turn into a monster who will take love and attention at any cost. (My spouse reminded me here of stories of crazed maniacs who kidnapped those they loved and dreamed of a nonexistent future, not realizing the damage they were doing.)
But there are many questions that, perhaps, everyone should answer for themselves?
What vow did Miquella make to Malenia?
In my opinion, Malenia was not charmed by him. I've always wondered WHY she waits for Miquella at the cocoon in the Tree, even though it clearly shows Miquella being stolen???? She knew, she probably knew his plan originally. She had been waiting for his return like a god. But what had he promised? That when he returned, he would cure her of the rot permanently?
When did Miquella begin his "fall"?
There is no denying that Miquella was a good guy. He tried, he tried to help his loved ones. He looked up to Radahn as a child with respect, as the description of Remembrance of a God and Lord says. Miquella was in harmony with his other self, Trina. But what changed him? Failures? The desire to save everyone at once? The desire to be the most loved? To be perfect - a god? I'm inclined to think it was all of those things that corrupted him at once. After all, as a favorite child, he may have been flawed deep inside from the beginning.
Miquella had resurrected Radahn as a young, beautiful warrior, just as he had been before. But Radahn does not utter a single phrase during the battle, and his movements are more automatic. Radahn feels nothing, and it makes me think more and more that he's more like Miquella's wish come true, his hope of having a worthy consort he loved by his side.
Is Radahn a puppet or a future lord?
Nothing has been confirmed. I've also read that Miquella's spell was broken when his rune was split, that's how many NPCs come to their senses and realize everything. But I think his power would be enough to, like a necromancer, control a resurrected one? And honestly, it's unlikely Radahn would have wanted such a fate. He was holding back fate itself, the stars, so that what did happen to him in the DLC wouldn't happen. Thanks to Miquella, Malenia had turned Caelid into a solid rotten mess and blossomed her divine flower, and left Radahn in an insane state waiting for a noble death at the hands of other warriors. Miquella mutilated him. I don't think Radahn would have appreciated his methods, considering how dedicated he is to warriorship and uprightness, and also honors Godfrey.
What would have happened if the Age of Compassion had happened?
I think it would have been VERY bad. And after a major flourish of life and honoring Miquella, there would have been a decline and another Shattering. Miquella shows himself to be a man who does not tolerate dissent. I think there would have been a flowering of the Inquisition, persecution, murder, and brutal tyranny. And Radahn, most likely, would have simply been "squeezed out" by Miquella and destroyed by his boundless love. Yes, Miquella rejects his love, as @jarognieva correctly pointed out. But he rejected, in my understanding (we need a clear translation from Japanese here), his destined love, i.e., his intended spouse, Trina? Just as Radagon was Marika's spouse. Our Marika is a deity, but she is capable of love - her love for her son, Godwyn, caused her heart to break.
Fandom cancelled Mohg, now he is cancelling Miquella. People don't accept and don't want to comprehend the things that make them change points of view. That's how the witch hunt begins! So stop being shitty and decide for yourself what you think of Miquella before claiming him a "bad written character"
Miquella, as a character, has become an incredible bastard, manipulative and truly evil with a mask of piety. He doesn't go into battle as an honest warrior, he uses others. He "sacrifices" himself by actually sacrificing everyone else. But doesn't that make him MORE interesting?
He's broken a lot of headcanons, but I sincerely hope that the wave of love for him as a VERY gray character will still come! After all, he's a worthy villain archetype! A true evil hidden in a pure soul. How many fanfics, how many musings can be spawned from that. No need to deny him, rather try to accept Miquella for who he is. And don't make it into "good" or "evil". There's a particular aesthetic to how awful Miquella is.
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crownomancer · 3 months
Headcanon for the day: Tharkay is atrocious at keeping up with correspondences. He can do it for his work, but anything personal gets tucked into the back of his mind and often forgotten about, or sometimes simply ignored because of bad memories or bitter feelings or lingering insecurities.
After he and Laurence become friends, he gets better about it. It takes a few letters from Laurence, reminding him to stay safe out there and let him know he’s alright, but he starts answering him. And then he answers his lawyers because they have been with him a while and they worry. He starts answering letters from Granby, who also picked the habit up from Laurence, atrocious though his handwriting may be. He answers Avraam Maden who is kind to him, and Sera Maden too, though it stings. He answers all of Temeraire’s questions because it makes him smile, and he answers Sipho when he starts writing letters to practice.
Suddenly he’s carrying three times as much paper as he ever imagined he would while traveling, and his nights out in the wilderness are spent scribbling out to friends and acquaintances and has to grab another sheet to inform Laurence what an atrocious influence he’s had on his life.
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erroryeswifi · 2 months
Yay! Thank you for responding to my last ask :) I absolutely love the family (Steve, Larry and Rob) Can I know your Mr. Small or Robert headcanons too?
Oughh This one’s pretty long, so once again putting it under a cut ⬇️
(Like last time, if u don’t care abt me yapping there’s some drawings down there too haha)
• Mr Small likes anime and cosplay.
The biggest reason for this is his cosplay of Sailor Moon in “The Ghouls” episode. But along with cosplay I feel like he just likes to dress up in general. He has a surprisingly large amount of outfits throughout the series like: The honesty bear (The sock), Criminal Bozo fit (The allergie), Classic Hippie fit (The Silence), The Small hours music video fits (The Singing) and a couple more that he wears frequently like his rollerblading fit and his meditation fit. And those are just the ones that come to my head first, there’s definitely more in the show I think. He also has a bunch of outfits in the comics but I haven’t read those (yet. I really want them)
Similarly Larry does the same thing actually. Although, it makes more sense for him since he does it specifically for work reasons (And we see him so much more often). The thing is about Larry’s outfits is that I think are especially cute is that he dresses up for his role (specifically as a stereotypical worker you’d expect to see in whichever store he’s in) even if there isn’t a specific uniform. I’ve made a post about this before right here. Basically something I noticed is that he puts on temporary tattoos for a few of his jobs, not to mention he literally put on a fake gotee for his barber outfit. I like to think Larry is too busy to have his own hobbies but he accidentally adopted dressing up and he thoroughly enjoys it, even if he’s not exactly aware that he’s doing it.
• Rob takes both of Larry and Steve’s last names after being adopted.
I’ve thought for a long time which last name was gonna be their family last name but I was sooo hung up about it cuz both Larry and Mr Small’s last names are pretty important to their work. Larry is known all over town for being “Larry Needlemeyer” so it would be a pain to get that changed for him and be bad for his publicity as a well known worker. As for Mr Small he’s literally a teacher, everyone at his workspace adresses him by last name so it would be strange for him to change names as well. Basically what I’ve settled with for now is that they would share a hyphenated last name. So Mr Small’s would be “Steven Needlemeyer-Small” and Larry’s would be “Laurence Needlemeyer-Small”. This same thing would apply for Rob with him being “Rob Needlemeyer-Small”. I feel like this would be the best way for them to share a family name while staying consistent and least confusing. Plus it won’t affect neither Steve’s or Larry’s jobs all that much.
• Rob has a million nicknames
We all know the gag about Rob being called different names. I think it would be fun if when Larry and/or Steve calls for him (whether they need help or he’s in trouble) they call him by different variations of “Rob” like: Robert, Robbie, Roberto etc… I think his legal name would be still be just “Rob” tho, there’s really no reason for it to be anything else as that’s the name he remembers after getting out of the void.
• Mr Small is really bad at relationships
The thing about Mr Small his the he is one of the few middle aged adults in the show without a spouse or family members at all. Almost all of the middle aged adults in the show are the same age, we know this because they all went to school together but most importantly because they all went to prom together. My point is, almost all of the people he went to school with are either married, dating someone or have children of their own. Meanwhile he is single, no known family and doesn’t seem to have many friends outside of work. We even see him talking to Mr Corneille about his struggles online dating (The Wish), admittedly he wasn’t on a dating website but rather a pizza delivery app but that even further shows how he’s not super good with social queues and close relationships as he couldn’t tell the difference.
To contrast Mr Small, Larry is super good with people interactions. Obviously, with his work he needs to be. But as far as romantic relationship go, I think he’d be a very stereotypical good boyfriend type. Where he’d take his dates to nice restaurants, buy them flowers or go for walks. He likes things simple and classic.
• Rob likes video games
Idk I don’t really have a reason for this one. I think he’d constantly play Super Smash Bros on a Nintendo switch he was gifted for Christmas or smth lmaoo. The idea of him ragging online is very funny to me, especially if it’s stupid simple kids games where there isn’t much brain power to do them. He’d stream “Playing Fireboy and Water girl by myself!” if Larry let him.
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Okay that’s already too much writing for one post, but if you wanna know more feel free to ask for it! ❤️
(I may not answer right away, but I appreciate the asks really!)
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princess-ibri · 11 months
Darkside Disney Princesses: Tiana
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Guys, I'm so sorry I meant to write out a whole thing for Tiana too cuz I love her (heck yeah, Lousiana gals) but Real Life threw another wrench my way and atm I'm too tired to do writing, so this also might be the last Darkside Disney Princess :(
But my basic idea was that instead of Charlotte taking her aside when she trips at the party after hearing she doesn't get the restaurant after all, Charlotte is distracted by the faux Prince Naveeen and so Dr. Facilier, seeing a desperate soul and never one to pass up an opportunity for a deal, swoops in, takes Tiana aside and starts laying out his whole sales pitch.
And Tiana is angry and tired and feeling humilated enough to make a deal. Hard work hasn't seemed to get her anything but emptiness and disappointed in the end, maybe it is ok for her to use an easy out. Just once.
She doesn't outright wish for the other buyer to die of course, she doesn't want that. She just wants them to be unable to outbide her on the property.
But voodoo dolls are just so convenient for the good doctor.
And so then, of course, she's in his pocket. The guilt over inadvertently causing a man's death and then benefiting from it, is ripe stuff for blackmail, plus once you make one deal, it's so easy to make another amd another whenever things start to look prickly. Plenty of people in Louisiana arn't happy about a black woman running a major business, and are willing to cause trouble in all sorts of ways.
And having some untraceable trouble come back their way is just so much faster--and satisfying--then trying to fight back clean.
Of course its not all bumping off bigots and bad critics. The good doctor knows so many well connected clients who'd be willing to help the restaurant out in less magical but equally prosperous ways--in exchange for some favors here and there, some permanent table seats shall we say? Use of a backroom or account book here or there.
After a while, it just becomes more expident to have the good doctor on the premises, a permanent background fixture at the increasingly high-end restaurant, with its increasingly shady bunch of wealthysharing his skills with so many of Tiana's willing patrons.
Between his front there and his puppet prince Laurence splashing his now orphaned wife's cash towards him whenever he needs, Dr Facilier's doing more than alright for himself. At this rate, with all the souls he's collecting, he'll be paying off his debts in no time. What Lousiana (and Tiana herself) looks like with all this voodoo and increased shady dealings...well, thankfully, that's just the Darkside verse's problem...
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months
I'm sure you've already answered that but what was the criteria to choose the main picture for the poll? Because i think it has swayed many polls for the worst, at least to me, like there were some slightly grainy pictures or with very bad lighting that obiviously didn't paint a very flattering image
I really hate comments on the poll pics and am on my last nerve, but ok, sure, I'll answer this.
In the original submission form for the hot men poll, I didn't make including photos mandatory. That means a lot of people came in, dropped names of their fave hot guys, and left. I had 320+ submissions and a couple days to get the bracket together. When I could, I used a submitted photo. When I couldn't, I did my best in a quick time frame to find a photo that showed the hot man decently—avoiding ones cloaked in super dark, sexy shadows where you couldn't actually see the features, or ones that didn't really convey the hot guy's vibe. But still, a lot of photos to sort really quickly, and I didn't have time to go looking for the perfect photo for every hot guy. I tried.
With that said, we're on round 4 of the bracket and have been doing this since Christmas, and whenever anyone's pointed out the photo isn't great and supplied a better one, I've switched it. I really have no patience left for bitching about the photos—there's been plenty of time for people to submit better ones, and at this point if you hate a photo, you can either tell me constructively and supply a new one or realize that what you find attractive doesn't do it for everyone. the laurence olivier pic discussion alone shows an apparent 50/50 split on whether he was hotter as a Typical 1940s Leading Man or An Eyeliner Cloaked Drag King. I do my best to get the photos to match the hot man's vibe, even if it isn't quote-unquote "sexy," and if these polls show anything it's that sexy is a different concept for everybody.
tl;dr if I see another thoughtless comment about the poll pics—or something like the above, lovingly worded to point out how lacking they find photos that have been up since December—I'm blocking. Help me solve it or get out.
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madcatlad · 6 months
Warning: Mention of Subst@nce-Abuse
I want to talk about Shadowknights and what the call actually is.
I've seen headcanons and fics for Mystreet that explore Laurence's time with the Shadowknight Gang, mainly with Gene, and how the gang (Gene) got him on dr*gs. I don't really want to get into that in this post, but it got me think...for MCD shadowknights, most importantly Laurence and Vylad.
Theirs definitely an Analogy there to explore with the way that the "Call of The Nether" is portrayed in MCD for both characters. BUT I'm not here to get into that either. What I want to see explored more is the withdrawal from The Nether.
I know this isn't exactly new BUT I think that the long term and short term effects of removing from The Nether should be broadened with more depth. Nether Withdrawal essentially. I think that this adds more outward struggled for the viewer to visualize to Laurence's character other than ANGRY RAWR, and also adds more complexity to Laurence's relationship with The Nether and his shadowknight form.
And there is actual evidence for this within MCD as well!!!
We already know about Laurence's Post-Nether fever after his return. His direct physical reaction after removing from The Nether. A detox.
(I feel like he shouldn't have recovered from that as quickly as he did, I know he went blind for a bit, but I feel like it should have been a slow burn to truly recover his strength enough to normally function let alone be second guard in command. ESPECIALLY after being tortured!!)
When Laurence transforms I recall him describing that the power felt good but he didn't feel like himself. It feels good but he changes. I think this really ampts up the URGENCY of Laurence transforming. His tranformations were used mainly as a plot device to get out of a situation BUT if we must do it I want more consequences than "he felt bad about it".
I want to PHYSICALLY SEE how that reversed his progress by maybe returning a particularly bad symptom or Post-Nether habit. I want to SEE how each and every lost of control brought him closer to square one. I want to SEE how every transformation eventually brought Laurence closer and closer to the character we find by the Ned of season 2.
YES, I want the usual tropes like nightmares, sleepless nights, mood swings, body heat. BUT NOW I want to see aches and chills, I want to see nausea, I want to see cramping, I want to see extreme sweating, and itching.
Let. My boy. Suffer.
I want to SEE how he was called right back to that portal.
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killerzshadow · 2 months
Shadow Knight Laurence AND Vylad Ramble? Of Course, Why Not? Because Nobody Talks About Their Trauma RESPONSES Enough.
Cw: Mentions Of Torture, Physical & Psychological, Self Blame, Violence & Yknow. Gene Being Gene (Because Gene Keeps Tormenting People. 😔)
Laurence Is Clearly Royally Fucked Up To The Point To Just Seeing The Bitch Who Utterly Ruined Him And Broke Every Fragment Of His Being Apart Sends Him Into A Panic. I Just Have This Idea Of Terms Like "Sir/Ma'am/Mx" Being A Trauma Response That He Often Reverts Back To It When He's Scared Of Upsetting Somebody, Because Gene Being Referred To As Such By Most People Isn't Surprising Considering His High Ranking Amongst Shadow Knights. Then The Whole "Lord" Thing With The Shadow Lord.
So It's Like These Terms Of Respect That Give Them Power And A Sense Of Superiority They Both So Desperately Crave Being Used Against The Person Being Harmed. And Ripping It Out Of Somebody So Defiant? As Absolutely Defiant As Laurence Would Be? If That's Not A Power Move, I Don't Know What Is.
Now, There's Also The Whole Idea Of Vylad And Laurence Being In Cells Next To Each Other. Vylad Is Somebody Who You Can't Exactly Tell If He's With Or Against The Shadow Knights. Of Course, This Isn't Taken Lightly, And He's Often Tortured Extremely For Every One Of His Little Disappearing Acts. That Time Wasn't Any Different. Yet, While Laurence Was Able To Escape, Vylad Was Left Alone. Again.
I Like To Think They Grew Rather Close, Or At Least Laurence Did; Vylad Definitely Has Attachment Issues Because He's So Cut Off From His Emotions. However, Vylad Did Help Laurence Cope A Bit Because Who Else To Know Better Than The Person Who's Basically A Test Dumby For Every Fucked Up Method Of Torture? Because Like, Vylad Wears A Mask Due To A Scar That Crosses From The Corner Of Either Side Of His Mouth, Up To Under His Ears In My Headcanons, And That Alone Speaks Volumes.
I "Like" To Think Vylad Is So Accustomed To Torture That He's Fairly Numb To It. He Knows Gene Like The Back Of His Hand, For Better Or Worse. Vylad Can Pick Up On Little Expressions, His Mood — He Knows Whether Or Not It'll Be A "Good" Or "Bad" Day. The Thing With Vylad Though, Is He Does Hate The Idea Of Others Being Harmed & Him Being Utterly Helpless. Even Worse If He's, Per Say, Forced To Harm A Captive.
Let's Take This Canon Quote From Him, “One good deed does not fix a thousand wrongs done. I'm not a good person, let's just leave it at that. Please.” No Matter What Good He Does, In His Own Eyes Nothing Will Fix Everything Wrong He's Done. Whether It's Self Blame Or Him Actually Doing Something Horrible, It's Always His Own Fault. He Couldn't Ever Be A Good Person And He Doesn't Deserve Forgiveness. He Knows He's Just A Pawn For A Great Evil, And He Signed His Fate Away When He Became A Shadow Knight. So, That Is His Own Fault.
Every Ounce Of Torture He Endures, He Believes It's Deserved. Both Because Of His Own Beliefs And The Severity Of The Manipulation. Maybe, Just Maybe, He Hopes One Day All The Torture Will Amount To Something, Anything, To Rid Of That Guilt That Haunts His Very Being.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 months
A Misdemeanor Of the Heart, Chapter 8 (Human!Alastor x Married!Reader)
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Chapter Trigger Warnings: aftermath of domestic violence, jealousy, domestic abuse
AN: Bonus chapter to celebrate the new welcome post and cleaning up my masterlists <3
Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord where we talk Vox, Hazbin, writing, reading, art and who knows what else. You may even catch some exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming fics from some of your favorite writers!
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
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“Hurry up,” Laurence snapped, his voice little more than a harsh hiss as he leaned into your side. His hand rested on your waist, fingers flexing one at a time, digging into you in a rhythm you knew well. 
“I’m trying.” Whimpering, you hoped he didn’t take your words as back talking. You didn’t want to move slowly, it’s just he didn’t let you take anymore aspirin before leaving for lunch and your muscles ached.
It was a near weekly standing lunch date between you two, a trip to a cafe or a bistro. It was important to be seen, and these weekly lunches served that purpose, just like the trips to the cinema. There was rarely any care for your enjoyment of the dates in it. 
Calling it lunch today was a big generous. Laurence didn’t allow you to order anything more than biscotti and coffee. After spending the morning washing laundry and hanging it out to dry, you were starving, but that would have to wait. 
You stumbled, tripping over your feet as Laurence pushed you to shuffle faster. Whispered warnings dripping with venom were dropped into your ear as Laurence helped straighten you with a kind smile on his handsome face. You pulled your lips into a smile to match. A picture perfect couple as you made your way slowly to the car. 
Laurence slammed the door to the car once you were nestled inside. The sound made you flinch as the force of it rocked the car. You’d messed up again. You’d done something wrong. It was your fault he was in a bad mood and you’d pay for it later. If only you knew what you could have done better, so you could be a better wife to him. 
Maybe it would get you out of going to the cinema.
“I don’t have time to drop you off at the house,” Laurence slammed his door after settling into the driver’s seat. “You’re just going to have to come with me. Be on your best behavior and do not embarrass me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you looked at him pleadingly. “I can walk or take the bus if you’d rather.” 
Laurence struck you with the back of his hand, slamming your head back against the seat. It wasn’t as strong of a blow as he was capable of, even in the confined and awkward space of the car and you were thankful for that. Pain flared, but it was manageable, more of a sting. 
“Just shut up.” 
You nodded, tears gathering in your eyes. You grabbed the handkerchief from your bag, not your good one, but the one stained with splotches of blood, and dabbed at your lip. It was bleeding again, not having had a chance to heal. While the car roared to life, you held pressure on the reopened wound to your lip, trying to decode what you had done wrong. 
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Scott, the marketing manager, paced the hallway between offices. Alastor’s annoyance rose with each of the man’s passes by his office door. His unsightly haircut bobbed past the window and drew his attention, distracting him from working on the scripts for that evening.
There were murders he needed to focus on the reporting of. He had to get it just so, report all the details without saying anything he shouldn’t know about them. 
Alastor groaned in frustration as he pushed back from the desk. If willing the man to stop would not work, Alastor may as well take a break from watching his head pass by the window in his door again and again. 
“Oh!” Scott nearly walked into Alastor as he stepped out of his office. “Sorry Alastor, must have been stuck in my head.”
“What troubles you, ol friend?” Alastor asked, not really caring. 
“I vouched for this marketing firm,” Scotty started, following Alastor down the hall and even further, trailing behind him as he descended the stairs. “They were supposed to expand our market. The guy’s been putting off delivering the marketing materials for weeks and then when he did, they were rubbish. Total rubbish.” 
“Oh dear,” Alastor hoped walking out of the building would end the conversation, but Scott followed him still. 
“Right?” The man threw his hands up as Alastor walked down the sidewalk, thinking more of how to get under Laurence’s skin than Scott’s ranting. 
What colors would you like? Alastor pondered the question as Scott went on and on about the meeting and how much he dreaded having to end the contract. Purple? Purple sounded nice. Alastor picked a few purple flowers from the beds lining the sidewalk. Yellow too, he decided. 
“What you cutting flowers for? Gotta lady to impress?” Alastor resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 
“An associate and his wife had me over for dinner. It is only proper to present the lady of the house with a token of my gratitude.” Alastor stopped in front of the rose bushes at the side of the building. 
“I suppose,” Scott’s voice trailed off as Alastor pulled a larger than expected knife in a leather sheath from his pocket. “A bit excessive, no?”
“I was working on some things before heading in,” Alastor shrugged, slipping the leather from the blade as he looked at the different deep red roses. They were almost an unnatural shade of Burgundy and would contrast nicely with the brighter flowers. 
Adjusting his grip on the antler handle, he reached out and pulled forward the first rose. The blade cut through the woody stem as if it was nothing. The blade was honed to a razor edge. Alastor selected three more roses, just in the early stages of their blooms, and cut them free as well. It wasn’t a large bouquet, but it was thoughtfully put together. 
“Well, good luck with the meeting. Pacing the hall likely won’t help you much, however,” Alastor excused himself with a nod.
“Mr. Latimer should be here soon anyway,” Scott grumbled to himself. 
Alastor froze, turning on his heel to face Scott again. “Who now?” 
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Alastor leaned against the railing on the second floor, overlooking the station lobby. He should be finishing his script, but this was a once in a lifetime chance to get under Laurence’s skin and save himself a trip as well. Efficiency was a virtue his mother had instilled in him, and he wouldn’t let that slip now. 
Alastor had wrapped the bunch of flowers in some old newspaper, folding the corners down to expose the blooms once he had gotten back to his office. He tied it all together with some hemp twine, wrapping it around the stems until it was nearly as wide as his hand before tying it off in a clumsy bow.
It didn’t look half bad, if he said so himself. 
Now all he had to do was wait. There was a solid chance you wouldn’t be with Laurence when he got there. It was not common for men to bring their wives to business meetings, but there was a chance. On the off chance that you did grace the station with your presence, he wanted to be ready to strike. 
Alastor didn’t have to wait long at all. In less than ten minutes, the front door opened and Laurence shuffled his meek little wife inside, much to Alastor’s delight. He watched as Laurence directed you to the chairs and you sat in a heap. 
From his place high above you, Alastor watched as you looked around. There were no magazines or newspapers anywhere within reach for you to read. Your bag was small today. Clearly you didn’t come here prepared to pass the time. 
Alastor watched as Scott lead Laurence away. After counting down from ten, Alastor pushed himself back from the railing and made his way toward the stairs. Just as he intended, he met Scott and Laurence in the hall. 
“Oh,” Scotty paused, “Here we have our leading host at the moment, Alastor. Alastor, this is Mr. Latimer of Latimer Marketing Solutions.”
“We’ve met,” Laurence said harshly. 
Alastor’s smile only grew wider. “We share a mutual acquaintance. I’ll let you get into your business. I was just stretching my legs for a moment.” 
Alastor’s grin split his face as he walked down the empty hall and toward the stairs. It would be a frightening sight, such a ghastly smile if anyone had been around to see it. 
Oh, this would be fun. What a delightful way to have some pre-broadcast fun. As he came into view, Alastor pulled his smile in. It wouldn’t do to be grinning like a fool as he came into view. 
Alastor took you in as he crossed the lobby. Your eyes were trained on your lap, doing nothing but counting the stitches on your dress as you waited. Did you know your shoulders were slumped, or that you had begun to curl in on yourself?
“Well, hello darling!” Alastor called out, a peaceful smile on his face. 
You startled at the sound of his voice, head shooting up. Wide eyes met his as you jerked your shoulders up and into place. He was impressed to see your spine straighten. You didn’t hold the position long until it slowly slipped again, the weight of something dragging your shoulders down. 
“Hello again,” your voice was soft as you glanced around, looking for Laurence. You know the building was for broadcasting but you hadn’t realized it was for radio or that Alastor would be here. Perhaps this was where Alastor and your husband had become acquainted. 
“I had thought I spotted Laurence earlier, I hadn’t expected him to leave his darling wife just wasting away in the lobby,” Alastor chuckled to himself, holding his hand out for you. “I was just stretching my legs before I sit down for the show later. Why don’t I give you a tour?”
“Oh,” you held your hand up in protest only to have Alastor snag it in his as if you had offered it, “I really couldn’t, it wouldn’t be proper.”
“Nonsense,” Alastor pulled you to your feet where you stumbled, “What wouldn’t be proper would be letting you waste away in the lobby. Besides, I’ve got something for you I had planned to drop by after the show. No time better than the present!” 
With a guiding hand placed just below the middle of your back, Alastor left little room for protest. What would Laurence want you to do? He wouldn’t want you anywhere near Alastor but he also wouldn’t want you to make a scene and Alastor was right. It wasn’t improper for him to give you a tour. 
Your heels clicked against the polished wood floors, old, rich and warm in a way you liked but knew Laurence would loath. It was just a matter of time before the similarly rich floors in your own home would be ripped out and replaced with something more to his taste. 
At least if Alastor was right and money was tighter than believed, it could be a few more years before you’re parted from your home’s rich floors. Eventually, Laurence would ruin them, though. 
Alastor’s charming voice was the background music to your thoughts, allowing you to simply nod and listen as you walked alongside him. His large hand was ever present on your back, sometimes sliding lower as he showed you an award or framed newspaper clipping before he seemed to catch himself and pull it higher again. 
Though his hand constantly drove you forward, he never rushed you, unlike Laurence. The pace the two of you walked was peaceful, meandering, and relaxed. It allowed your pained shuffle to feel almost normal. 
“And here,” he said, wide smile pulling in to become something far more charming that made your heart pound, “Is my office.” 
You were not sure what to say as the ever present hand on your back guided you inside the dimly lit room. The blinds were pulled closed, filtering out most of the harsh sunlight. Dust glittered as it floated through the air, lit up by the few rays of light that fought through the slats. 
The hand was gone suddenly as Alastor moved deeper into the room, effortlessly navigating the dark space with ease that told of countless late nights spent in the room. He switched on the lamp on his desk, bathing the room in a soft warm light.
“This isn’t proper,” your voice came out closer to a whisper than you intended. 
“Nonsense,” Alastor laughed as he picked up a bundle of something wrapped in newspaper. “The light’s on. The door’s open. Nothing to be worried about.” 
You hated how your heart beat harshly in your chest. Why did this man, his soft eyes and charming smile, make you feel like taking risks? Why did he make you feel this way? Why did he make you feel anything at all?
“I don’t-”
“These are for you, my dear,” Alastor presented the bundle, a bouquet of fresh flowers wrapped in newspaper, to you with the soft smile you were catching yourself thinking about more and more. 
“I couldn’t possibly-”
“A perfection appropriate expression of gratitude from a dinner guest to his hostess,” Alastor assured you as he placed the flowers in your hands.
“They’re lovely,” you settled for saying instead of protesting anymore. “You shouldn’t have spent the money on them,”
“I didn’t,” Alastor’s smile spread wider as he watched you examine his offering, pleased with the soft smile that had taken up residence on your face. Had he ever seen you smile, truly? He didn’t think so. It looked good on you. “I picked them earlier.” 
A slam of a fist against the door frame scared you out of your skin. “There you are!” 
“Laurence!” Startled, you clutched the flowers to your chest and turned to your husband. He was read faced but clearly composing himself. “Alastor was just giving me a tour-”
“Of his private office?” Laurence bit out, clearly in a terrible mood. 
Alastor laughed, fearlessly walking up to your husband and patting his shoulder, “Hardly at all, my dear fellow. I simply had some flowers for your dear wife, a token of my thanks for the lovely dinner she prepared. Since she was here, sitting all alone in the lobby, I figured why not eliminate the trip and give them to her now?”
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Scott had said the meeting went poorly. Laurence didn’t take the news well and threatened legal action to challenge the canceling of the contract. There was nothing the station needed to fear. The promised services had not been delivered and what was delivered wasn’t near the quality promised. It was a shame. Thethe Latimer name was well known for marketing success through the changing times. 
Such a spectacular failure by a well-known company would be the talk of the town. Even if they tried to keep things private, word would get out. Their reputation would take a hit. Alastor shook his head, performing the required show of dismay for Scott as he made his way back into his office. 
As Alastor opened the blinds in his office, he was already thinking about the ways he could drop little nuggets of the recent failings around town. It wouldn’t do to run his mouth about their shared business, but this business failing had nothing at all to do with him. 
Alastor stood at the window and watched the scene unfolding below, eyebrow cocked and smile tight. He was witnessing left his hands curled into fists, knuckles white. Cold rage he knew well rolled through him. It was the very same rage that sent him hunting in the deep darkness of night. 
What he saw was far beyond the reaction he had expected. Laurence had his hand wrapped tightly around your arm, your sleeve bunching on either side of his hand. Even from a distance, Alastor could see how you stumbled over your feet, dragged along behind Laurence, who seemed uncaring of how close you came to falling. 
Alastor had every intention of provoking a reaction in Laurence, but what he was witnessing was excessive. For someone so concerned with appearances, he was causing a scene. His rage and jealousy made him sloppy. 
Laurence shoved you toward his car. He threw the door open with so much force that the whole car rocked enough for Alastor to see it at a distance. Alastor watched as your husband threw you into the car, clutching the flowers Alastor had spent time picking, trimming, and wrapping for you to your chest. 
Liquid iron rolled in the pit of Alastor’s stomach as he watched the car door slam shut, catching the edge of your shawl. No longer could he see you as the sunlight reflected off the window. Laurence stomped around the car and dumped himself into the driver’s seat. There was nothing for Alastor to do as the car pulled away from the radio station. 
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Next? Masterlist
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cypheroo · 6 months
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Differing Tastes | Zane Ro'Meave ~ ♧
no request this time! little gift for being gone for long
Word count : 2,226
Tw : heavy angst (reader has a crush on Laurence and it gets found out he's dating someone else), reader is extremely sad, can be seen as self deprecating, not fully cannon
AN : SO uh haven't seen a Zane fic out (if you have drop the link rn) but i wanted to write angst. Zane came to mind mid way through and made it a fic about him PLEASE DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA I DONT HATE LAURENCE PLEASE. i just needed good angst. ALSO THIS IS RUSHED, IDK IF ILL MAKE A PART TWO??? IF YOU WANT IT ILL FOR SURE WRITE IT BUT YEAH
You were supposed to be happy for him, glad he found someone he was able to really click with! But why did it hurt so bad when he smiled so much at her? When he laughed and cooed at her? You were his best friend for so long. Laurence was your friend. He was supposed to hug you like he did her! He was supposed to cup your face as he did hers. But here you were. At the other side of the table, both of them were unable to keep their hands nor eyes off each other. You were there with Katelyn, Garroth, and a few others you couldn't bring yourself to name. You tried your best to seem happy as the two finally exposed the relationship they had, you didn't know why they rounded everyone up for something so…sigh. But even with your own jealous thoughts clouding your mind you could find many reasons they would want to take everyone out to dinner. But the moment they brought it up you felt your heart smash into so many pieces, you wanted to cry and curl up. The man who had your heart, the man you wanted more than anything in this world, the man you…loved. It really was one sided. You couldn't believe how stupid you were, thinking someone like him would ever look at you as anything more than a friend.
You sat and smiled for the two in front of you, Laurence looked at everyone, you noticed how he stopped, showing a softer much warmer smile as his gaze as he looked at you. You hated it, you hated how you could really tell it was a truthful smile, how he genuinely was so happy with the woman who sat next to him. But the moment that thought raced through your head you became overwhelmed with guilt. Everyone was so happy for them, everyone was congratulating them and here you were, mad you didn't get what you wanted…gross. You felt so gross for even allowing your personal emotions to get in the way of such a good and happy occasion. You listened to everyone's conversations, just feeling too tired (or guilty) to really join in. you tried your best to be present, to smile and nod as much as you could…you really couldn't eat so you asked for a box to put your food in, so as to not waste it. And honestly the rest of the night was a blur…you remember Travis waving you off, Dante right next to him with a smile, getting into your car, driving home, going to your room, leaving the takeout in your car, now here you are…sitting on your bed, tears streaming down your eyes, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You looked down at your hands, you didn't feel good…you didn't feel ok. But since you were alone you allowed yourself the time to cry, to sob, even though you didn't fully understand why you were sad.
The next morning was rough, you layed in bed, eyes staring blankly forward, you had cried most of the night. You pierced together a little bit why you felt like such a mess, the thought of losing your friend? Or maybe the idea that you wasted so much time yearning for his love and turning down even the idea of going on a date or just dating anyone else? Besides, it was on you, you didn't voice your wants to him…but it was clear now he didn't feel the way you did. His eyes and heart were for someone else. You turned the other way in your bed, eyes now dry and almost unable to cry now, you cried all the tears you could, and now you lay here motionless, feeling hopeless, sad, stupid… 
It was late into the evening when you sat up, finally. Slowly you unplugged your phone to check your messages, scrolling at the various group chat messages you had received. You let out a heavy sigh, knowing you'd get overwhelmed if you went through them all, you turned off your phone again and set it on your pillow and slowly got up dragging your feet to your kitchen, making yourself a small snack. You had been crying so much you didn't remember how long you were awake or when you had slept, so after this meal you needed rest, you needed to sleep and go to work tomorrow, life wouldn't wait for you to sob and mope in your own self pity. It wouldn't let you, life would never allow you such stupid things.
The next few days went by slowly, you were barely really on your phone, clearly tired and absolutely out of it, sure you read the messages sent in the group chat, laughed at a few of the messages, sure yeah. You’ve kind of been in a limbo sure it was just a petty crush and all but it really hurt for some reason, in one swoop you felt like you lost your best friend and your crush. And god it hurt. Today you woke up as normal, maybe a little more excited than usual as you were expecting a package. So after getting ready to head out to your mailbox, you slipped on your shoes and walked outside, the sun shining nicely this afternoon, yawning you walked outside to the mailbox, opening it and pulling out the usual mail, after digging into the mailbox again to see if maybe you had missed the small package you sighed, maybe you had expected it too early? Looking back down at the mail and looking through it again you didn't see the figure walking on the sidewalk behind you. You didn't pay much mind as you knew most of the people who lived on this street. It was when you heard a small hum before you looked back, your eyes met with that Icey blue one, “rare, haven't seen you out of the house in a moment” he chuckled. You and Zane had a very odd relationship, sure it was friendly and full of teasing, but it was only as acquaintances, hell you didn't even have his number. You huffed and crossed your arms, still careful with the mail in one of your hands, “what? You've been lookin for me?” you asked with a small smile. He rolled his eyes, before he shrugged, “just stating the fact that i haven't seen you in a second” he continued, sure trying to sound again like he was teasing you but it was laced with a bit of worry. You giggled and shook your head, “well i mean I have not much left the house, so you have a keen eye” you answered before you sighed. Zane caught onto this, “why is that?” he asked without putting much thought into it, almost immediately wishing he could take it back, “if you'd like to share that is” he hurriedly continued. Becoming slightly stiff. “Oh my heart was just broken is all” you huffed overdramatically, sure telling the truth but wanting to kinda lead it on as a joke, after all it was stupid to mourn over something as trivial as this. Zane seemed visibly confused as you seemed to joke about that, to which you shook your head, “don't worry it'll get over it soon enough” you assured with a smile. Zane seemed a little more taken aback, “oh you were serious? I didn't know you were dating anyone” he said as he tilted his head slightly, the hair covering his right eye ever so slightly moving. “Oh no! No no i just ... .uhm long story short my crush got into a relationship so I'm kind of dealing with that” you attempted to explain with as little detail. No one knew of your crush on Laurence, well maybe except your roommates. They both knew full well of your feelings for Laurence and nonstop teased you, until a few days ago when they caught wind of his new relationship, then suddenly the teasing stopped.
Zane nodded as if he understood, “I hope your able to work through it, although i need to go, i cant bother to hear your sob story much longer” he said before he chuckled near the end, it was clear it was a joke and it made you chuckle a bit yourself. “Well hope to never see you again you asshole” you teased back at him as you turned to walk inside again, him continuing to walk down the sidewalk after a small huff that covered his small laugh poorly. Slowly you stepped inside and were surprised to be faced with not only one of your roommates but both of them, Lucinda smirked, “so zane?” she asked as she covered her mouth with a laugh, you were taken aback, “what about him? We were just talking” you sighed, “no no you were laughing too” Emmalyn continued off lucinda, “I could see the appeal but really? Going from laurence to zane is like changing your favorite ice cream from chocolate to vanilla” lucinda continued, you felt your face flush and you sighed, “we barely know each other, i mean i don't even have his number” you set down the mail, avoiding the two, “oh so you want his number?” Lucinda teased as you looked back at her, “No! I'm just saying” you groaned, “i'm going upstairs” you pushed passed the two and walked upstairs. Emmalyn and Lucinda looked at each other, “you think she does actually like him?” Emmalyn asked. “Nope, but he definitely feels something for her,” Lucinda laughed softly as she shrugged, “either way, nice to see her smile after these past few days” Lucinda walked away to the kitchen, leaving Emmalyn looking through the mail.
The next week or so went a little different, you were kinda moving past the idea that Laurence was happily with someone else, or you thought you did, that was until you were at the mall with Katelyn and Nicole hanging around. You were doing fine until…you saw Laurence and his girlfriend walk past. You thought you were finally over it. And before you thought it was over Nicole called them over, she knew and was close with Laurence's girlfriend and just had to say hi. You didn't blame her but god seeing their fingers interlocked and the smile on his face made you feel sick all over again. Once they walked over you smiled at the two, Laurence noting how he hadn't seen you much anymore, “sorry! Been busy, we should hang. I feel like we have lots to catch up on” he smiled. It was so clear he didn't know the pain he had caused. You tried to be present in the conversation, but before you knew it you were thinking of a time to excuse yourself. You cleared your throat before you finally said you had to run to the bathroom. once you finally rushed away you let out a heavy sigh. Finally relaxing your shoulders you didn't know were tense.
The moment you thought you were alone you heard a small covered chuckle, you looked around and were once again met with that same Icey blue gaze, “lemme guess, Laurence broke your heart?” he asked, you groaned, “stalker” you hissed as he shrugged, “i mean i work here, of course I'm gonna be here 9/10 times” he rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, it's Laurence” your throat tightens as you stated it out loud, “i just thought i was over him” you sighed. “I get it, seeing him again just reminded you of the pain?” His voice was gentle and softer, clearly understanding how embarrassed you were of it. “Yep” you sighed. “I mean” he sighed as he continued, “you'll find someone you're bound to” he hummed as he looked away. You shrugged, “I don't know,” you shrugged, “Well I do, just give it time, you'll find someone,” he said with a huff. “What makes you so sure? You know someone who has a little crush on me?” you smiled a little, joking of course as you looked back at him, he avoided your gaze and seemed a little panicked, “and if i did?” he asked, which surprised you, “really?” you asked as he sighed, “yeah, he just doesn't know how to approach you” he said still avoiding you gaze, you smiled a bit more, understanding what was happening. “Well next time you see him you should give him this, I'd like to ask him out for dinner sometime” you said as you pulled out a extra napkin from your pocket from the lunch you and the two girls shared, you pulled out an extra pen as well sloppily writing  your number down and handing him the napkin. He took it and seemed to relax a bit, making you giggle, “I'd like to get to know you better Zane. It'd be worth a shot.” you explained revealing the fact you knew he was only talking about himself” instead of continuing to avoid his gaze he looked back at you, “sure i guess dinner would be nice” he nodded as he pocketed the napkin. You nodded as you waved, walking away, “got to get back to Nicole and Katelyn, be safe” you turned on your heel and continued to smile at the thought of knowing more about that Zane.
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