jualtanamantelang · 1 year
WA 0813-5812-3335 (informasi pemasaran)
rosemery,tanaman rosemary,bunga rosemary,pohon rosemary,cara menanam rosemary.
tanaman berdaun mungil dan berbunga cantik ini kaya manfaat. Selain berguna untuk kesehatan, juga mampu menunjang kecantikan. Simak, yuk, ulasannya berikut. Tinggi Kalsium Rosemary diketahui memiliki kandungan kalsium tinggi. Tanaman ini sangat bagus untuk mencegah penyakit tulang seperti osteoporosis. Di samping itu, juga baik untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi. Rajin mengonsumsi rosemary bahkan bisa mengatasi rematik.
Antioksidan Tanaman yang bentuknya seperti jarum ini kaya zat antioksidan, zat yang mampu membuat radikal bebas menjauh. Rosemary mempunyai kandungan asam carsonic dan carnosol. Kedua zat ini bisa menghambat pertumbuhan segala jenis sel kanker, seperti kanker payudara, kanker rahim, kanker hati, dan yang lainnya.
Menjaga Kinerja Otak Selain mampu menangkal radikal bebas, tanaman herbal ini bisa memperbaiki kinerja otak sehingga berkhasiat mencegah kepikunan, membantu kita mudah berkonsentrasi, dan memperkuat daya ingat. Hal ini diperkuat oleh penelitian dari Internal Journal of Neuroscience yang membuktikan adanya kandungan zat carnosic dalam daun rosemary, zat untuk melawan kerusakan sel-sel otak.
Memperlancar Pencernaan Rosemary bisa mengatasi permasalahan lambung dan usus. Tanaman herbal ini bahkan diklaim mampu mengatasi penyakit pencernaan, seperti kram usus dan sembelit. Kandungan rosmarinic acid berpotensi sebagai terapi atau pengobatan gangguan saluran pencernaan.
Penyubur Rambut Perawatan rutin menggunakan ekstrak rosemary bisa mengatasi keluhan rambut rontok. Menggunakan ekstrak secara teratur selama enam hingga tujuh bulan akan membantu merangsang pertumbuhan rambut. Ekstrak ini juga berfungsi sebagai tonik atau penguat rambut.
Sebagai Anti Aging Kaya akan kandungan anti oksidan membuat tanaman herbal ini bisa menghambat proses penuaan kulit. Rosemary mampu memperlancar peredaran darah sehingga membuat warna kulit merona. Bahkan, rosemary bisa merangsang regenerasi kulit dan membuat kulit terlihat lebih kencang. Rosemary juga berfungsi sebagai anti inflamasi untuk mencegah jerawat meradang.
Bisa langsung hubungi no admin nya yaa…
📲 0813-5812-3335 https://wa.me/6281358123335-
Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di : Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia https://g.page/griya-mint-malang?gm
Atau Bisa Klik Di Shopee https://shopee.co.id/product/375800954/3990560007?smtt=0.375820531-1631863477.9
Terimakasih dan happy shooping
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lascitasdelashoras · 3 months
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osemarie pierer
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 months
(After seeing Rosemary have a crush on Lucy) I now wonder is her story pre or post 1918?
Ah, so the actual Rosemary is for Remembrance story I pictured as happening in about 1910. I put Rosemary's birth year at 1890 (the og publication date of TPODG) and she's 20 in the story for peak portrait resemblance.
The little doodle of the crush was more of a wobbly wobbly crossover idea than anything that would actually happen in the story itself, though I definitely think those two would be friends.
Lu would actually be about 17 at this time, so any crushes wouldn't happen until they've met when she's a proper adult, and a three year age gap wouldn't mean much.
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
anyways the lords are clearly some (occasionally badly chosen) rep for the creatures shown in V/an H/elsing 2004, M/other M/iranda shares near identical traits and powers to Q/ueen R/avenna in S/now W/hite and the H/untsman / H/untsman W/inters W/ar.... so who thinks the Res team just started watching a lot of modern day cult classics and went ‘yeah, we like that.’ 
edit: the only thing i have for donna is the o/ther m/other from c/oraline tbh, but m/iranda’s shape shifting thing also puts her in line with that. moreau doesn’t need words tho he’s both frankenstein, the monster, and a lovecraftian horror thing, bc for some reason they sliced v/an h/elsing franky in half and put half in heisy and half in moreau. donna’s softer side fits some of the o/ther m’other’s beginning personality, but the fact angie is vicious and technically donna’s under the impression she’s supposed to kill you, also fits into o/ther m/other. 
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faerociousbeast · 11 months
WOAHHH am i an official fan now to get this question tgats so crazyAnyways i have no idea. thanks ❤
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Not to be an asshole but like homestuck canon firmly cements Davekat and Rosemary. So, like, do with that as you will, but word of god (the author) is still word of god.
LMFAOOOO ???? this blog hasn’t been active in like 4 years you loser, who gives a shit
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pixelateddust · 4 years
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Rosemary appreciation! 
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tenrita-a · 5 years
Taffy. You are surrounded by demons, there are too much of them but you are managing well so far. Suddenly, you hear a cry. It is Rosemary, she was captured by some high-ranking demon. His hand, glowing with dark and terrible magic, is held close to her throat, tail binding her legs together. "Such sweet girl. It would be rather terrible if something was to happen to her."
“Let her go.”
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At that point it doesn’t really matter how many they are. He’d rather die than let something happen to her. Any fatigue he may have felt from the fight was gone, replaced with new adrenaline. He would do what he could to get over there, even if he couldn’t do anything. He had to at least try...
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saralynnx · 3 years
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Rosemary is getting behind on household chores, so she decides to hire a maid.
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chyrstis · 4 years
Spell your URL with 🎶 songs 🎶
Tagged by @teamhawkeye @scarlettkat86 @naromoreau @returnofthepd3 and @shallow-gravy! Thank you all a bunch by the way! I’ve been meaning to complete this, and now’s the time. :D
Tagging: @honesthearts @narcis-the-monk @seedlingsinner @geronimo-11 @fadedjacket @foofygoldfish @firstofficeruna @christopherrpike @raisinghellinotherworlds and @shellibisshe ! But no obligation intended at all, and no worries if you’ve been tagged before too. <3
C all - Zamilska
H elp I’m Alive - Metric
Y ou Know You’re Right - Nirvana
R osemary - Deftones
S anctified with Dynamite - Powerwolf
T ake the World - She Wants Revenge
I Am Terrified - IAMX
S trange Waters - Bruce Cockburn
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impulsivexcreator · 4 years
... Osemary?
I think I miiiight go with Onyx bc hnnngh gemstone name..
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askwhatsforlunch · 4 years
Rosemarino e Timo Quattro Formaggi Pizza
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Even if I haven’t been to Italy in more than ten years (almost fourteen years, actually!), two dishes immediately take me back there. Linguini al Pesto reminds me of Pompeii; I ate the best I’ve ever eaton in a small trattoria by the ruins. The other is a Quattro Formaggi pizza, which I had in Naples, and was quite special. Well, I reckon this Rosemarino e Timo Quattro Formaggi Pizza is rather special too, enough to bring back fond memories of strolls through Napoli. 
Ingredients (makes one pizza):
2 or 3 Whole Peeled Tomatoes
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon Modena Balsamic Vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Red Chili Flakes
1 tablespoon caster sugar
255 grams/9 ounces Pizza Dough
75 grams/2.25 ounces Gorgonzola
75 grams/2.25 ounces soft Goat’s Cheese
75 grams/2.25 ounces fresh Mozzarella di Buffala
2 small sprigs fresh rosemary
4 sprigs freh lemon thyme
In a deep container or bowl, combine Whole Peeled Tomatoes, dried basil, dried oregano, Modena Balsamic Vinegar and Red Chili Flakes. Process with a stick blender, until just a bit chunky. Stir in caster sugar; set aside.
Preheat oven to 250°C/485°F. Lightly oil a large pizza pan.
On a lightly floured surface, roughly roll out Pizza Dough (you can also hand-stretch it, if you prefer. Place Pizza Dough onto prepared pizza pan.
Generously spread tomato sauce onto Pizza Dough, just leaving out the edges.
Cut Gorgonzola and Goat’s Cheese into chunks, and scatter all over the tomato sauce. Drain Mozzarella, and tear into chunks. Scatter Mozzarella chunks all over the pizza. Using the coarse side of a box grater, generously grate Parmesan all over. Sprinkle with rosemary and lemon thyme leaves, saving a sprig of each. Place pizza in the hot oven, and bake, at 250°C/485°F, for about 14 to 17 minutes, until crust is beautifully golden and cheese is bubbly.
Remove from the oven, and sprinkle with reserved rosemary and lemon thyme.
Serve Rosemarino e Timo Quattro Formaggi Pizza immediately.
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Basilica Reale Pontifica San Francesco da Paola, on Pizza del Plebiscito, Naples, Italy (August 2006)
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] Kiss Me Quick + Unmei no Pendulum Creator’s Comments
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Here are the creator’s comments for SolidS RE:START Vol. 5 and Growth’s RE:START Vol. 6 from TsukiPro Info’s May Issue~! 
As usual, SolidS artist is Satsuki You-sensei and Growth’s artist is Shijima Tohiro-sensei ^^ Both units’ composer is Takizawa Akira-san~! 
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate this interview under any circumstances. If you want to translate it to your native language, I can provide the kanji I transcribed from the scans ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Kiss Me Quick Creator’s Comments
Creator’s Comment ・ Artist ・Satsuki Yuu
In front of Dai-chan is his very good (self-proclaimed) older brother Tsubasa. While he feels a bit salty about Tsubasa’s constant self-important acts of being his older brother, I believe that he still trusts and relies on Tsubasa a lot. I drew their facial expressions and poses while keeping that nature of their relationship in mind. By the way, Dai-chan’s outfit is, [I meant it to be an oversized jacket but since his body build is so good, it ended up being a perfect fit (from the stylist’s point)] or something exquisite (?) like that was what I came up with.
  Creator’s Comment ・Composer・Takizawa Akira
[Kiss Me Quick] is an adult’s bittersweet taste. In cocktail language, it means [Phantom Love]. Ho-ho. “It’s not completely there so I want to confirm it, I want to believe that it’s there.” I wonder if that’s love. No, what do you think? Was the word [kiss] used because in the end, they wanted to make the illusion a reality? … No, I don’t know myself either.
Music-wise, I wanted to be able to convey the realization that they were satisfied with it being a paradise of illusion so I used a very unusual pitch and tone. I made it feel fickle as the notes continue to play. The happiness in front of their eyes will someday be gone… is what I thought. It’s something to want to be immersed in for a long time, isn’t it?
»»————- ★ ————-««
Unmei no Pendulum Creator’s Comments
  Creator’s Comment・Artist・Shijima Tohiro
This time, it was for the compilation of the series so I decided to give them a sort of religious touch. I drew it like that after I adjusted a bit of my pen settings. The last flower is a white Hebe. In the language of flowers, it means [youth] and [eternal life]. With this, Geranium, Rosemary, Opuntia…
Starting from [Vol.] 1, the first letters of the flowers actually spell [Growth]. I chose them based on what they meant in the language of flowers, too. I believe that the people who read TsukiPro Info may have been able to realize that early on. I will be very happy if it becomes a series that leaves an impression in your hearts.
  Creator’s Comment・Composer・Takizawa Akira
As an appropriate end to the series, I wanted to convey the theme of this collaborative story work into the song. Still, just like how the heathen woman was able to continue despite all, I thought that their story is endless, too. The personalities of the four people singing as well as the main characters for each of their songs are different but, I feel like there is a common ground and feeling somewhere.
It is something to do with the [ALIVE] title but, I want to continue being able to explore music together like this as if it’s [what it means to be alive].
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Translator’s Notes:
- For those who aren’t aware, the flowers for Growth’s RE:START Series are:
Geranium (Toki no Hazama ni)
Rosemary (Promessa)
Opuntia (Tsuioku no Naenia)
Waxberry Tree (Apostasy) 
Tweedia (Namonaki Hoshitachi)
Hebe (Unmei no Pendulum) 
»»————- ★ ————-««
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate this interview under any circumstances. If you want to translate it to your native language, I can provide the kanji I transcribed from the scans ^^
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So I was thinking
For something that has been written by woke-ass people, you’d think there would be more w/w pairings in H omestuck^2 ? And yet, from what I’ve heard, it seems that they became an endangered species. ( = _=)
There was R osemary but apparently this pairing is more or less doomed now, and I was never much of a rosemary shipper to begin with. (I feel really sorry for the people who ship it tho. I feel like they were done a big dirty.) I don’t remember if R oxycallie was ever a thing but that’s not something I ever cared about either.
The only pairings that were spared are made of characters that I couldn’t see together even if I was paid for it, and/or m/f pairings I find absolutely boring. 
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the kind of person who think that LGBT couples have to be mandatory in a story, or that “hetero” pairing sucks, especially since we have bisexual pairings and that I’m an avid Ampora x Serket shipper myself, but damn. When I think of all the relationships that had potential that were torpedoed, I can’t help but feel a tad frustrated. 
What could we have that would redeem this mess of a story to my eyes, and make it at least a bit enjoyable ? A Vrisrezi reunion (admitting there isn’t even too much of an age gap for that)? Kanaya and Vriska reconciliating ? Kanaya and Terepipes becoming closer, some budding relationship between two background female trolls, anything would be good, but noooo, let’s have some more bullshit involving some random kids issued from poorly assorted pairings and their random quadrants, that's soooo much more intersting (nope!)
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lukexwolff-blog · 5 years
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→ Rosemary War » Aesthetic. { @uxloveme-rw }
¡¡¡ Muchísimas felicidadeeeeeeeeesss !!! Espero de corazón que disfrutes mucho de tu día y que te traiga muchas cosas maravillosas como lo eres tú porque te lo mereces un montón <3333333. Muchas gracias por estar ahí y por todos estos años de amistad, t’estimu molt!!! Y ojalá sigamos sumando muchos más momentos <33333. Siempre siento que se me dan mal las palabras *se esconde avergonzada*, pero te mando desde aquí muchísimos abrazos bien fuertes y mis mejores deseos y años de shippeo y de matrimonio con Scott Eastwood (????). Felicitaaaaatsssssss <333333333!!!!
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sunieepo · 5 years
mgs for that salty ask list
thanks for sending me an ask!! :^D i’m. Going To Do Em All. it’s a Doozy.
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? S/olimiller, im just not a big fan of it romantically, i also dont really get how anyone can be attracted to or interested in the romantic escapades of Volgin, and i hate anything het EDIT: I FORGOT ABOUT BB/BOSS I HATE THAT SHIP SO MUCH
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? V/Quiet although i guess that isnt hugely popular since it’s het..? i guess S/olimiller too? i see em as having more of a parental relationship personally
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? probably? i’ve def muted ppl but i cant rly remember who i’ve unfollowed
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? post-TPP bb/kaz is a big no for me, i love pre-TPP bb/kaz a lot ofc tho! i just rly dont see kaz being able to love bb after. tpp, also s/olimiller which i already mentioned not liking and bb/boss
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? nope! i dont like letting fandom ruin things for me i find that. Weak
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? hmm… honestly no? maybe solid snake/raiden bc im v neutral to raiden as a character but when i see ppl post of them it’s kinda valid i think! and also it’s not that i hated this ship but i just didn’t realize it was a thing- paz/quiet!
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? post-TPP bb/kaz
Have you received anon hate? What about? not mgs related!
Most disliked character(s)? Why? volgin, hes just gross. also, johnny s/asaki and r/osemary. i spite johnny for marrying meryl who is clearly a huge lesbian and r/osemary just kinda skeeves me out for being manipulative
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? NAOMI HUNTER is a complex and interesting character who was treated poorly by a misogynist and shitty narrative in mgs4. her character in mgs1 is legitimately fascinating and i love, love love her ending monologue!! she’s an interesting woman and all yall are just misogynists esp the ppl who hate her “just bc she gets in the way of gay”!! :^(
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? PEACE WALKER.. its an important and good game and the entire thing with the Boss AI is sooooooo powerful and i just. [inhales] oh my gosh. also it introduces paz and kaz… the Peace Duo… the Meaning of my Life. also i guess MGSV:TPP as a whole is very important to me personally but i do get why people don’t like it
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? KAZHIRA MILLER IS NOT BB’S BATTERED BOTTOM and V is either a bottom or a service top
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? idk ppl complain the fandom is too discourse-y or w/e but it’s a normal amount, idk most fandoms is same, while certain media certainly attract certain types of people, in the end all types of people can do wild, inappropriate things, just like there are some ppl who are great and fun to be around. u just need to find the right friend group! this is true for every fandom and it’s not exclusive to mgs
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? n/a
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? n/a
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… i would have changed p much Everything with the last third of mgsv:tpp but we all know this already. also i would use my giant brain to prevent MGS4 from happening and also Destroy the gray fox retcon in MG:PO
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? yes. please stop caring what other people think
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? horny on main. which to be fair the game series itself… is horny on main. im not saying u cant be horny on main but damn either warn for it in ur bio or tag it Blease,
What is the purest ship in the fandom? ota/sune!
What are your thoughts on crack ships? none, i dont usually gravitate towards them much unless they’re f/f like paz/quiet
Popular character you hate? raiden- i dont hate him, im just intensely neutral towards him
Unpopular character you love? naomi hunter
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? yes. it is subversive, interesting, and shows the potential of video games as a storytelling medium. in particular i would rec mgs1, 2, and 3.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? I WOULD PROBABLY CHANGE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE END OF MGSV:TPP AND ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISH MGS4 AS A CONCLUSION OF DAVESNAKE’S CHARACTER ARC. the end of mgs1 completes davesnake’s growth perfectly and he does NOT need to keep fighting after that and i hate that he keeps getting dragged into shit lol
Most shippable character? davesnake… he goes well with so many ppl… otacon… gray fox… raiden… he’s just a good egg
Least shippable character? volgin.
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