#OTP: Flame you came for me
josephinekhawaja · 1 year
I mean, Katee Sackhoff is a natural blonde, and Heidi Klum's Sia wig in this is Bo-Katan length, so maybe if I just squint a bit... (Though important side note, but KS's curves in her Mandalorian armour this episode gave me the fabled Bisexual Panic⌛⏳.) I loved this song when it was first released, and attached it so indelibly to an MCU ship at the time, that I have since abandoned because the show let me down, I never bothered to try to apply it to anybody else. But I was re-watching this recently given our leading man. Lyrically of course, it does not really apply to Din-Katan unless if ever they become an actual romantic, passionate ship. (I think I have misinterpreted this song all these years and thought it descriptive of a tempestuous relationship, given all our connotations with fire...but it is honestly very sweet? Ironically parallel to how my expectations of Din x Bo-Katan dynamic have been subverted two episodes in.) ...which is currently not canon, and we need to manage expectations with that.
But in light of Chapter 18, just kept getting stuck on the line I got all I need when you came after me.🥺🥺 And I suppose, in a way, Din could be the gasoline to Bo-Katan's obvious fire, as inspiration to her towards hope and redemption. (...at least to me, Star Wars has always been a galaxy for second chances; even after how long an interval.) And a lot of the fire imagery and desolation in the lyrics make me think of their homeworld (technically...Mandalore did burn). Especially in the bridge, the determination of Din to complete his pilgrimage at the risk of toxicity. The dude does not seem to know how to back down. Now imagine if that same energy could be applied to other, non-culty areas of his personal life -- but anyway.
But it's a bad bet, certain death But I want what I want and I gotta get it When the fire dies, darkened skies Hot ash, dead match, only smoke is left It's a bad bet, certain death But I want what I want and I gotta get it When the fire dies, darkened skies Hot ash, dead match, only smoke is left
That being said, if it turns out the second episode is an outlier of the season in terms of shippy feels -- this is all a pretty thinly-veiled excuse to grace this small shipping fandom with some classic Pedro Pascal thirst. We could allllll use the throwback, every day☀️🌞.
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shi-daisy · 2 months
Spring Beast and Silver Queen
Day 6 and here we have the second otp! Like Tamcien (or Feylincien) and Neris own my heart but Neslin has so much potential that I wouldn't mind them being endgame in a Canon. So here's a little oneshot for them with some Fairytale tropes. Hope you like!
Tamlin Week 2024- Day 6- Fairy Tale AU
Spring Beast & Silver Queen
Nesta walked onto the decayed manor, it was just as destroyed as the rest of the court.
Lucien might be the only one to come here out of genuine care, but if the mild mannered redhead couldn't do more than this that meant the High Lord was all but dead inside. She understood. Nesta felt the same way.
She found Tamlin sleeping. The male was in his beast form, like that day when he came to their cottage and took her sister. There were times she wished that hadn't happened. Now, she just wished she'd ran when she had the chance.
It didn't matter anymore. It was either Spring or a lock up on Night, and she'd take her chances with the wilted flowers.
Nesta came into the room slowly. A bird that slept on Tamlin's mane woke up, and left out the window, sparing her one last glance.
She kneeled on the floor and gently patted the man. He was alive, just deeply asleep, and he looked so very weak.
'Guess they've broken us both.' She thought.
Who had once been a monster to her now looked so very defenseless and sad Nesta felt compelled to be kind. Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad, at least Tamlin wouldn't bother her about her drinking if the empty wine bottles were any indication.
She didn't know why, but Nesta decided to plant a soft kiss on the beasts forhead, and wait for him to wake. Nesta didn't have to wait long.
Tamlin turned from beast to fae form in a flash, and when his emerald eyes fell on her their bond snapped.
A deep silence fell upon the room as he sat up and stared at Nesta who was equally surprised and stunned.
"I...Think you know what this means."
"Wait! Why are you here, Lady Nesta? Is this another strange dream?"
"Afraid not. I'll explain."
She told him of her downward spiral, of her sister's betrayal and the choice she was given. It nearly made his magic spiral in a rage.
"Stay here I'd that's what you want. I swear I shall protect you." Tamlin managed to say.
"...What about the bond?"
"If you keep it, they cannot take you away. Once we're certain they won't hurt you, then you may do as you wish with it."
It hurt to say, to denounce something he'd once wanted, despite knowing of it worst sides thanks to his parents, and yet...he wanted to prioritize Nesta's free will. It was clear she needed it.
Especially when her frown turned into a slight smile. "I appreciate it."
Baby steps, in time they could be friends.
Lucien had come to visit. After she explained the situation the redhead not only returned to stay with his partners but he cut off all ties to Night.
"We will help you rebuild this court!"
That was all they needed to let the Band of Exiles become part of the Spring council.
The Spring Library was a marvel after it was cleaned and she took to devouring every book she could. It helped fix the court and bring back the population.
In a few months things were already looking up, and Tamlin wouldn't stop thanking her. "Lucien did most of the administrative work. Vassa is in charge of diplomacy and Jurian is training the sentries. Why are you thanking me too?"
"Because if you hadn't arrived that day. I wouldn't be here right now. Your silver flame is what kept me holding on and made me rebuild what I shouldn't have left crumble. Thank you."
His gentle hand on hers gave her pause. Despite the slow friendship they'd cultivated and the bond that kept her safe, sometimes Nesta doubted a man like him could want her if it wasn't because of the mating bond. Still, she didn't want to break it. Her safety was at stake but also...she didn't want to hurt Tamlin further.
Nesta felt a tear slide down her cheek, but it was soon wiped away as Tamlin kissed her forehead. "You don't have to say anything. If I have to wait forever I shall. You're worth waiting for."
Worth. She hadn't heard that from anyone.
"There's a lot I still must deal with, but when I do. I'm certain you'll be who I want to spend my time with."
"I'm honored to hear that."
Tamlin often thought that beyond any person music would remain his ultimate love. Perhaps that would've been right, as he played his fiddle before the Calanmai celebrations and everyone danced with joy.
Then she stepped into the scene wearing the long sleeved silver dress he'd gotten for her and the glass shoes he'd seen her eyeing at the boutique.
Nesta was a delightful dancer. He knew she loved music as much as he did when she organized all his sheets and instruments with great care, probably more than the books.
Nesta danced beautifully for him, and he didn't remember the last time he'd played that well. By the time the song ended and she stopped dancing, Tamlin had picked her up in his arms and they shared a kiss.
"I love you." Nesta said, and he couldn't help but cry.
"I love you too."
No other Calanmai had left him as breathless and full of joy
Eventually they came for her a little over week after their bond was sealed and their frenzy over.
Nesta nearly barbecued the entire inner circle when they tried to get close to Tamlin. He'd wrapped them in thorned vines.
"We are mated. We are happy. We won't bend to you if you're trying to get the crown. Leave!" He said.
Cassian glared at her and Nesta regarded him with indifference, she had the man of her dreams right by her side and wore a crown of roses rather than chains of stars. The only ones she'd mourn for were her sisters, but she was free and she wouldn't apologize for it. Let the. Make their choice for themselves.
And they did. Because when shadows took her to the House of Wind and she was locked in its tower, Nesta could hear a battle far away in the Velaris palace. By now she'd realized Morrigan was the traitor and that Feyre had joined her, but she couldn't wait for them to rescue her. She had to get out herself.
Rhysand had brought her back to fight for Night's side. She wouldn't and so he locked her up. But he forgot she had power and she had read enough to figure out the end of the tale.
Nesta used her power to create thin threads of silver. They grew from her hair and she made sure to tie them onto the balcony rails. It wasn't enough to reach the ground safely, but she wouldn't need to. She saw a figure of green and was aware he High Lord came to save her.
With rope of hair in hand she jumped from the balcony of the tower and safely mounted Tamlin, who was now a dragon.
"My silver flower"
"My fiddler lord."
They flew away as the Obsidian castle in the distance was swallowed up a black hole in the sky. Both of them were worried until the event passed and the castle was nothing but rubble left away.
After landing they spotted Lucien in the distance with the healers. She saw Feyre and Mor with them, out cold but alive.
Tamlin and Nesta both breathed a sigh of relief. Then they looked at eachother. Nesta smiled at the sight of her mate, her beloved and the man who'd come to her rescue.
Tamlin pulled her close, holding his savior, his queen and his beloved.
Nesta kissed him, using words he'd once said to someone else yet were never returned until now. "I love you, thorns & all."
"And love you, my queen Nesta Acheron."
Two birds flew over them as they shared a kiss, into their happily ever after.
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earthgrudgefear · 4 months
Itachi for the ask game !!
YESS it is hard for me to talk about itachi because i have complicated feelings and i'm whatever the opposite of eloquent is but here it goes !
favorite thing about them: ok i know everyone and their mom's favorite itachi thing is that ough he's really the good guy NOPE. i like when he's crazy. i like the moments where you see him crack. i like that he genuinely believed ruining his brother's life was the Right thing to do. i like that the cycle of violence didn't end with him. i know that sounds fucking insane but listen,
least favorite thing about them: it is the fans. itachi fans are so bad. you get the ones who are like "HE SOLOS MADARA. HE COULD KILL GOD." and then you get the ones who are like "he's my sweet baby 🥺 he's innocent and never did anything wrong 💔" and both of them are so Painfully Off Base and are ignoring like the Actual complexity of his character it makes it Insufferable to exist in fan spaces
favorite line: OH it's when he first talks to kisame and he says "anyone who has raised their hand against a comrade, even once, never dies a decent death. remember that." and kisame says "which means you and i are both worthless" and it's one of my favorite interactions of any characters of all time
brOTP: nagato, easy. and by extension konan
OTP: kisaita. they break my heart for real. they're so painfully similar. villages so corrupt they force them into a place they can only kill their way out of. then the split happens where itachi stays loyal to konoha while kisame would watch kiri burn. kisame seeking truth while all itachi does is hide behind lies. like there's such poetry in them.
nOTP: increasingly i am tired of seeing him with d*idara 😭 (censoring that cause i don't know how to shut up, skip to the next bullet if you don't care what i'm on about) i feel like That scene is out of context too much. he only ever saw itachi as a threat. he had no Respect for what itachi did, he was Angry. he was humiliated and outdone by this guy who wasn't even trying. like yes at first it was awe but when it didn't mean anything to itachi, that changed. he literally trained himself to Kill itachi. he was SO mad and really so HURT fighting sasuke because of how Little sasuke cared about him (0% btw) and how he KNEW that look from itachi. so yeah. it's. i don't like it very much at all
random headcanon: ugh. i always had this thing with him and kisame, since itachi has no option but to lie and kisame is NOT for that, they have this rule that itachi Won't ever flat out lie to him, he'll put on the act for kakashi or sasuke or anyone from his old home, but not kisame. omissions of truth maybe, but he's as open and honest as he feels he can be. which over time becomes, Incredibly Honest. to the point of kisame knowing that when he goes to face sasuke the intention is, that's the end.
unpopular opinion: i think i hit a few in the rest of this post, not gonna lie.
song i associate with them: sleep my chemical romance. they're not like tremors they're worse than tremors they're like these terrors sometimes i see flames and sometimes i see the people that i love dying i can't ever wake up
favorite picture of them:
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ok i actually had a different picture that came to mind but i've been dying to share this one and it's already saved on my phone so for now it's this one.
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breezypunk · 4 months
17 for the bbs???? ♥
Thank you! <3
From the soft otp prompt.
17- Write about your ship sharing hot drinks together.
───── ⑅ ♡ ⑅ ─────
Goro watched on as he saw Vaughn inching closer and closer to the fire, any closer and he'd be sitting directly in it. It was cold in the badlands, all the Aldecaldos were bundled in their winter best. Vaughn absolutely hated it, realizing the colder it got, the worse he felt.
He held his hands up near the flames to try to warm them. His hands always froze up the most, and his nose was practically numb, and before he could stick his nose in the flames, Goro sped walked over and plopped down next to him, and mug in his hand that was pipping hot and steaming.
"You could probably use this." He held the cup out for Vaughn to take, but Vaughn kept his focus on the fire. "V?"
"Huh? Sorry.. I guess the cold wind is really getting to me.. thank you." He gently grabbed the mug from Goro's gloved hands and held it close to his chest, letting the steam hit his nose.
Goro watched him with interest, his lips were shivering, his eyes were clenched shut, but the moment the steam hit his face, he became more at ease. Goro always knew Vaughn was dramatic, it couldn't have been less than 55 degrees, maybe even 60, but Goro also knew it was a good opportunity to scoot closer to his lover, putting an arm around his backside and hoping his shivering would let up some.
"It is meant to drink you know." Goro spoke up.
"Do you even know what it is?" Vaughn side eyed Goro, responding in almost a chuckle. Vaughn got his answer when Goro didn't say anything. It was always funny to see how clueless Goro was when it came to anything food or drink related from the city. "It's hot chocolate."
"It looks like liquid dirt.. what are those white things?" Goro pointed his finger at the little white floaties sticking to the side of the mug, Vaughn couldn't help but bust out laughing.
"You've never seen marshmallows before? I thought you were a nomad."
"Those are marshmallows? Please, say no more, V." Goro waved his hand away and looked around camp, so many people had mugs in their hands, every sip of their drink they took made it look like they were in heaven.
"Here, try some. I find it hard to believe you've never had this. Not even in Japan?" Vaughn started lifting the mug up to Goro's mouth, his fingers sliding through the handle effortlessly, while his other hand lay smoothly on Goro's thigh.
Goro's head leaned back, he looked at Vaughn with squinted eyes. "No.. never. It was not something I sought out."
"You can't run from your problems anymore, just take a sip." Vaughn put the mug directly to Goro's lips.
"I can get up and walk away, you know?" Slowly, Goro moved his face closer to the mug, sighing and rolling his eyes before partially opening his mouth.
"I'd never let you, see where my hand is?" The grip on Goro's thigh got tighter, a tiny grunt escaping his mouth before he finally opened his mouth more and took a small sip.
The remnants of the liquid were traced along Goro's mustache, an adorable moment Vaughn wished he could have captured through photography.
"Well?" Vaughn asked, waiting for Goro's lecture about how awful it was.
"It is.... not terrible. I suppose I can see why people drink it when it is cold outside."
"Not the answer I was expecting, but I'll take it. C'mere you got some on your face." Vaughn took his thumb and wiped the chocolate drink off of him, before caressing his cheek with his other thumb. He leaned in and kissed Goro lazily before burying his head in the nape of his neck, letting the warmth of his lover take away any remaining shivers he had.
"You want more?" Vaughn asked, eyes unintentionally shutting, the relaxation setting in.
"You hate it don't you?"
"Yes, V."
Both burst out laughing, Vaughn set the mug on the side of him, instead focusing on Goro's warmth and the fire in front of them.
One step at a time.
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sxturdaysun · 7 months
ya know what, I need more rarepair otp content, so how about 37 + 43 for Izumii as well? 👀
congrats on giving me the most izumiicore prompt ever. holy shit.
↪ cws: there's uh. lots of swearing in this. 💀 also Canon Typical Izumii, but rest assured. he's all bark and literally 0 bite.
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37 - out of jealousy 43 - during an argument
"what the hell is your problem?!"
"what's your fuckin' problem?!"
green eyes narrowed, long-since-bubbled-over anger flashing wildly through them as they glared up into equally livid brown ones. koda's jaw clenched together until it ached — ground her molars against themselves until her mouth opened again, her tongue spitting out another string of words laced with venom.
"i didn't have a fucking problem until you showed up!" anger pitched her voice upward; raised it until she was all but yelling in the enclosed space of the alley she had been dragged into. further still, her eyes narrowed — more and more, until it was starting to make her head ache. "who the hell do you think you are?!"
"i'm your fuckin' boyfriend, remember?" as izumii spoke, his voice dropping and his words coming out as a hiss, he leaned down until his face was mere centimeters from her own. "unless you forgot about that while you were hangin' out with that fuckin' asshole."
the lilt his tone had taken on — the accusatory, almost mocking one meant as a hollow intimidation — only served to boil her blood even further; to light another flame of fury in her already-burning heart. "i didn't fucking forget anything, ran." behind his sunglasses, one of his eyes twitched at the way she spat out his name; and around her wrist, his hand tightened — squeezed hard enough to keep her in place, but not so hard that it hurt. "you're making a big deal out of nothing."
"nothing?" the word was repeated back to her — lowly; menacingly; in a way that might have been threatening if she didn't know him well enough to be unfazed by it. "ya think some bastard trying to steal my girl is nothing?"
if koda hadn't been so pissed off, she would have rolled her eyes. "oh my god, nobody's stealing anybody from anyone." and no one had the gall to try, either — not unless they were dying to find their bones being smashed underneath the weight of the hammer he carried around. but she didn't say that — what she did say, though, was another anger-dipped sentence; a demand forced out between clenching teeth.
"now fucking let go of me."
"why?" even closer, he leaned down to her — until the tip of his nose was a hair's width from hers; until he was so close that it was beginning to get distracting. "so you can run back to that piece of shit?"
"i'm not running back to any—"
her voice died just as quickly as it began raising again; came to an abrupt stop before she could even process what had happened, much less finish her sentence.
a split second later, she realized that his mouth had crashed roughly onto hers.
the force of the action pushed her backward — pinned her squarely between his chest and the wall behind her; knocked the air out of her lungs in a way that came out as a surprised sound that went muffled into the kiss. his teeth hit against hers with a noise mimicking a growl; and as her heart jumped inside her ribcage, his free hand slid around the back of her neck to tangle itself deep into the curls of her hair.
a beat passed, and then two.
and then her arm hooked itself around his neck, too.
all at once, the fury that had been simmering dangerously below koda's surface shifted; pivoted so quickly — so violently — into the sudden, overwhelming desire to pull him closer — and closer and closer — that it made her head start to spin. her eyes squeezed shut and her body pushed up on her toes, the soles of her boots twisting against the concrete in a futile attempt to make herself taller; and with just as much force as he had used on her, she used the same amount back on him.
with each second — each frantic, borderline desperate second — that passed, the tension that had wound itself into every muscle of izumii's body gradually faded — melted away until his fingers weren't digging into her wrist anymore; until the hand in her hair loosened its grip into something far more gentle; until he had pulled away from her, the movement slow and laced with thinly veiled reluctance, his lips hovering just above hers.
softly, koda's eyelids fluttered open — just enough to see out of; just enough to look up at him, her barely-visible irises meeting his in what little space existed between them.
"...do you feel better now?" what would have been spat with vitriol and annoyance just minutes earlier was instead whispered with an undertone of teasing hidden amidst its genuineness — as if all the fire that had once burned within her had been doused with ice water.
"...i dunno." the response came in the form of an uncharacteristically subdued mumble — had they not been so close, koda would have missed it; and had it been directed at anyone other than her, she would have assumed something was wrong with him. "...maybe."
in another context, she might have said that he was acting almost cute.
...or maybe not — he'd hate it if she did.
that didn't stop her from thinking it, though.
gently — and with surprising ease — koda wriggled her wrist out of his grip; and when her arm was free to move again, she reached up to wrap it around his neck with her other one. "what if i said that no one's going to take me away from you?" her voice was still quiet as she spoke — as if she didn't want anyone else to hear her; as if the words leaving her mouth were reserved solely for him. "would that help?"
izumii blinked his eyes away from her — pointed them off to the side in a way that was too blatant for her to think was unintentional. a soft huff of air forced itself out of his mouth a moment later, the sound never quite becoming the scoff he was probably hoping it would. "...it'd help if ya quit hangin' out with assholes all the time."
in spite of herself, an amused smile rose up onto her lips.
"doesn't that mean i'd have to quit hanging out with you, too?"
his eyes widened and then narrowed; and an instant later, they had snapped back to hers, annoyance lining his features and tugging the corners of his mouth down in a scowl. a laugh bubbled up in the back of koda's throat — but before it could roll off her tongue, izumii grabbed her cheek in between his fingers and roughly pushed his forehead onto hers.
the glare he was giving her had no weight behind it.
it had even less when she realized that her head had been cushioned from hitting the wall behind her by the palm of his hand.
"i'm the only asshole you can hang out with, got it?"
now, laughter spilled out of her — softly and lightly; little more than a giggle.
she pushed up on her toes again; pressed her lips to his in a kiss far softer than the first one.
"i got it."
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mxddyhero · 8 months
Day 3: favourite relationship
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BROTP: Okay, no. yuki and juza besties is so so real to me. you don't understand. shaking you all. They both go out to escape their annoying roommates and Juza will happily just munch on a brownie while Yuki talks his ear off about anything and everything and Yuki would help tailor a dress to make Juza feel pretty and they would be so so supportive of each other. And they'd both die for Muku, so they meticulously plan his birthday and gifts and such... Do you understand. this duo means everything to me.
BROTP: omi and juza. okay, this one is so basic but it's so good... omi just wants to look out for Juza... encourage him to follow his dreams and help him to grow as an actor and a person... and yeah, maybe some of that was some misplaced grief over nachi, but he came to see juza as his own person and encouraged him to explore that more...
I specifically need more juza and azuma interactions, and juza and guy. they r my faves and I need to know what they're doing.
OTP: sighs... juban... God, they make me insane. The way they challenge each other the way no one else ever has and it drives their growth as people and actors ?? The way that when Juza thought Banri was going to try to leave Mankai again so bro BEGGED banris mum to not let him leave... you're JOKING. listen, I hate them. I love them, juza deserves so much better, but [grips sofa]
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its-chelisey-stuff · 10 months
The Legend of Anle eps 21-30 (thoughts& feels!!)
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I don’t know why they released this happy poster that had nothing to do with these last eps lol they tricked me! I feel tricked!
What a rollercoaster. Even if I don’t exactly like the direction the drama took, I have to admit it got the plot moving a lot more than the last 10 eps. So let’s recap: Prince found out the truth, got a little cheeky and passive-agressive about it, throwing hints left and right. He went on a date with Anle. The two fell into a trap and off a cliff, then took care of each other (arguably the most romantic eps of the show so far), then they forgot about returning home and stayed there for a few days while everyone else was worried sick looking for them hahaha
And then they got rescued against their will and things went bananas. Anle revealed herself as Ziyuan and everything went angsty weepy sad eyes. Dowager Empress died. HanYe got emo and depressed, then he snapped and killed someone and now Luo MingXi knows Ziyuan’s brother is alive, but because he’s truly the worst, he still won’t tell her hahaha I mean HanYe not telling her is one thing, I guess, but LMX? why? cuz he sucks! and his love for her is conditional. If he can’t be the one to present her with the solutions or the shoulder to lean on, then he won’t give her something that makes her happy, because in his eyes he’d be indebted to someone else that’s not him and he cannot allow that. He said it himself, he’s selfish! He cannot die soon enough.
A list of things I loved the most no sad Crown Prince on my list btw:
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Ziyuan&HanYe living together in some magical valley where days looked fake af and nights looked like fairy tales. They should’ve made out at the very least, by the look of things we won’t have a kiss until the last ep, if ever.
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Ziyuan told WenShuo he can be her little brother (!!!!! girl if only you knew!!) and also, they bonded a bit more in these eps, yay! Why is HanYe not saying anything to any of them??
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Luo Mingxi was arrested and tortured (sorry not sorry, I hate him :P)
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My sweet Crown Prince became a hot murderer lol. Made a whole post about it.
Meanwhile MoBei or Lengbei or whatever is planning the most boring and slowest invasion in the history of wuxias, with zero charisma on his side. It’s almost like he got too invested in the whole Anle is Ziyuan drama that he has forgotten his mission with all the tea happening at court. Maybe he is a shipper as well and the angst has completely slowed down his plans. Unlikely? Yes, but not impossible lol 
But we can’t blame him. It happens when you’re not the main protagonist and just a secondary character exclusively invented for the show forced to be the ultimate baddie but writers don’t care enough about you to give you a personality. Also, someone get him away from Anning!!! arghh!!!
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I hated to see Crown Prince being lovesick and like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. I mean, technically he had one. Ugh.stupid Gong Jun and his sad puppy eyes But I know that, for every scene I watch of him suffering, I have to push through to see Ziyuan suffer unbearable pain because she took him for granted for far too long.
I remember posting once, when the trailer came out, that at the very least I’d be enjoying how pretty the drama was, starting with OTP. And I got what I wanted, but at what cost? Anyway, I made it this far and I actually watched Gong Jun’s The Flaming Heart (which was truly plotless and the FL behaved like a 10 year old, truly haunting given she was a doctor). In here till the end! lol
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thisonesatellite · 9 months
@wistfulcynic tag-summons me and of course i answer. Not least because she has written some of my favorite stories of all time. 😘
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason. <3
OK -- rubs hands. Here we go.
First fic: The road, taken (OUAT /CS)
Look. i was never going to write. i was never even going to get an AO3 account. But then i did (honestly, i'm not even sure why i decided to apply), and then i had this random thought which would not leave, and after three days of constantly imagining Emma and Killian meeting in a bar fight, well--- i wrote it.
Mostly to get it out of my head.
This fic shows very clearly that i was not yet a writer, but i think it also shows the things i would eventually gravitate towards (plot and realistic dialogue underpinned with Feelings), as well as my absolute and unwavering commitment to HEAs, you feel me.
And four short years later here we are, with four fandoms and 37 fics. What have i done.
Last fic: despite all my rage (stucky)
My latest OTP Bucky/Steve hath taken me over and this fic is the perfect illustration of the dangers of telling anyone about anything at all, because i mentioned working on an MMA documentary to @angelicalslayer and she said, "ooooh, stucky cage fight fic!", and then THIS HAPPENED.
i am not sorry.
Only once: Actually, i have two fandoms i dipped into only once.
we build our lives out of chaos and hope (dramione) a sort of homecoming (Leverage)
The dramione fic is an EWE exploration of Draco's and Hermione's lives, both of which get stuck after the war ends and remain in limbo for a decade until they are thrown together by chance. After which they are forced to work out their issues and also face a new threat.
Dramione had the great misfortune that i slid into stucky immediately after i discovered it and got stuck there (hehe). i have been trying to claw my way back to dramione ever since -- i have a really epic fic idea already in mind which i would LOVE to write. Unfortunately i am horribly linear and cannot do more than one fic at a time, and people keep bullying me lovingly into stucky events, so i won't get around to it until next year. But i will write it. i loved writing chaos and hope.
The Leverage outing? i don't know what happened. Stress, too much work, real life drama, and stucky cage fight plot boas came together and needed an outlet, and suddenly i had a Leverage fic.
i am once again not sorry.
Fave fic in most works: we kill the flame (OUAT /CS)
CS is my most prolific OTP so far - although i no longer write it - and this fic i think was by far my best outing. i built an entire world for it, during which i realized i love world building even though it's a ridiculous amount of work that takes a ridiculous amount of time. And this particular sandbox i built is my best one.
Cyberpunk dystopia, plot, action, Feelings, more plot, more action, and then a HEA -- i put all my favorite things into this one, and even viewed from a distance of nearly three years, i still love it.
Fic i wish more people had read: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico (stucky)
i realize that Western AUs are not everyone's cup of tea, so i get why this one is bringing up the rear, it's just that i put so much work into the historical accuracy and transposing the canon into post-Civil War America that i kind of wish more people had given it a try. But i do get that this is a matter of taste.
i'm not angry or disappointed or anything, i loved writing it, and i worked with incredible people ( @angelicalslayer again, she is just that fabulous), as well as participated in my first bang ever, so it was totally worth it. Besides giving me a whole new appreciation for people who write historical fiction, bc omg the work.
Fic i agonized over the most: if you live by the word, you die by the pen (OUAT /CS)
The plot. OMFG the plot. The plot got so loose.
Look. i love wrangling my plot boas, OK? i complain about them a lot, because they always try to strangle me, but all in all i love it.
But. This fic. First of all, i tried a whole new style (noir -- basically stumbling around in the footsteps of Dashiell Hammett and James Ellroy) AND murder mystery AND magic AND linguistics AND battles AND upwards of eight main protagonists (how very LA Confidential of me) and anyway, i nearly didn't survive it.
The only reason i did survive is @wistfulcynic (because she always is) and she is also the only reason that the result is in any way worth reading (BECAUSE SHE ALWAYS IS). In this case she worked harder than ever, but also i tempted her with a linguistics component, because that is how you get the linguists to help you.
Fic that sprang fully formed: a handful of dust (stucky)
i had already left CS and found dramione and was nearly done with writing chaos and hope when i re-binged CATFA and CATWS for the n-th time and finally decided to check out the stucky ficdom. And promptly got sucked into the best vortex ever.
And then this fic just sprang up in my head. No warning. i looked up and there both bois were, looking at me in challenge, going, 'are you going to write us a different post-Potomac ending or what', and really--- what was i supposed to do but nod and write it?
So i did.
And i've been HEA-ing them ever since. (Usually after sending them through various types of AU hell, but as long as they end up happy together, who's counting?)
Fic i'm proud of: all
Look. i'll be honest. i'm proud of all of them, ngl. My writing is not as easily accessible as many others' -- both in style and in subject matter -- but i absolutely love the process of writing and i am proud of every fic i managed to finish and put out there.
Absolutely no pressure tags: @ohmightydevviepuu, @bittersweet-in-boston, @cable-knit-sweater, @mxaether, @greekgeek24 , @angelicalslayer 💖
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 years
Could I get headcanons of Joseph celebrating jewish holidays with his family? Like before and after the war? Could include Webgott too💕🥰
And a oneshot of Joseph Liebgott trying to celebrate Hanukkah during Bastogne if it's not too much?
Hello love! I did research for this I wanted it to be as accurate as possible to Hanukkah celebrations! Some is time period non accurate! I really hope you enjoy! Send more requests this way!!!!
Hanukkah | Joe Liebgott
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Head Canons:
•Your family and the Liebgott’s were family friends from synagogue. Sometimes you guys did holiday celebrations together. Hell, you even went to Joes bar-mitzvah and he went to your bat-mitzvah.
•Once high school came around you and Joe established feelings that you were having with each other. You guys were practically high school sweet hearts.
•Your first Hanukkah together was memorable. Each night you would light the menorah, eat his Ma’s latke’s, and play dreidel together like you did as kids.
•On the eighth night you guys share a single gift with each other. It wasn’t much but you both were coming out of the Great Depression. Joe had gotten you a necklace with a small gold locket on it, the back his initials were carved into it.
You had a similar thought and got him a gold band with your name engraved on the inside. A promise ring of sorts.
•When Joe enlisted you both went back and forth with each other.
•Against his fighting and protesting you enlisted as a medic.
Oneshot (A Continuation)
“Look what I snagged from the church,” you dropped down into your foxhole next to Lieb. You guys had been in Bastogne for about two weeks and things were scarce but you two wanted to find a way to celebrate Hanukkah.
You held up a pack of matches, “It’s not much but I figured we could make it work.”
“It’s perfect, as close we can get it to perfect.” Lieb leaned over and kissed your cheek, “I wish I could’ve got you something.”
“No it’s okay Joe don’t even sweat it love.” You hummed as you stuck nine matches into the dirt on the side of the foxhole. You weren’t able to get matches until the last day but it still meant a lot to the both of you.
You finished and Joe fished his lighter from his pocket and began to light the candles.
Once he finished you two snuggled up together in the foxhole watching the flames.
“I’m sorry we’re not home,” Joe nuzzled himself into your neck. You sighed removing your helmet and setting it on your lap.
“It’s okay, I’m just uh. Glad we’re both here and alive.” You frowned and pushed some more of your messy h/c hair out of your face.
You were in desperate need of a haircut and a shower.
Imagine any human needs and they were gone.
“Next time we’re gonna be home I know we will. Fuck. Y/N marry me?” Lieb looked at you intertwining his gloved hands with yours.
“Yes, yes, over and over again.” You sniffed knowing tears might begin to prick.
“We can get married the moment we get back to Frisco? Okay?” He kissed your forehead.
“Yes of course I’d marry you right now! I’m sure one of the guys are able-“ you babbled on.
“No I want it to be special. Not in this…fuckin’ purgatory.” Joe looked around then back at you.
“Okay, I’ll wait as long as we need. As long as you want liebling.” You ran a hand through Joes dark brown hair, “Happy Hanukkah my love.”
“Happy Hanukkah my liebling.” Joe pulled you close into his chest peppering kisses all over your hair and resting his head on the top of yours.
Join My Taglist Here!!!!
@just-here-to-stan-my-otps @toyes-lipring
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my-dumb-obsessions · 10 months
🎵 9 Ship Songs 🎶
Rules: List 9 songs for one (or more) of your ships. Optionally, tag 9 people.
Not tagged, but I saw a bunch of people do this so I wanted to 😅. Tagging (if you haven't already and you want to play) @sillyliterature, @nowandthane, @wardenkay, @psalacanthea, @anderstrevelyan, @cullenvhenan, @sinquisition, @glowing-blue-feathermage, @thedastrash.
9 OTP Songs - Cariane Amell & Nathaniel Howe
Dream of the Archer (Heart) - HIS song, theme from the fic of the same name.
Wayfaring warrior soul, still wild The archer stands Arrow measured to the goal, sing of Strong and living man
Trouble Me (10,000 Maniacs) - early friendship/pre-relationship song, applies to both of them; theme from the fic Familiar Roads, Forgotten Roads.
(Trouble me) disturb me with all your cares and your worries (Trouble me) on the days when you feel spent Why let your shoulders bend Underneath this burden When my back is sturdy and strong? Trouble me
Dreams (The Cranberries) - theme from Silverite Moon.
I know I felt like this before But now I'm feeling it even more Because it came from you Then I open up and see The person falling here is me A different way to be
Crash Into Me (Dave Matthews Band) - HIS love theme, a mix of boyish wonder and sweet affection that is also incredibly horny.
Touch your lips just so I know In your eyes, love, it glows so I'm bare boned and crazy for you When you come crash Into me, baby And I come into you
Because the Night (orig. Patti Smith, cover 10,000 Maniacs) - HER love theme, also the theme from As the Sun Descends.
Come on now, try and understand The way I feel under your command Take my hand, as the sun descends They can't hurt you now Can't hurt you now Can't hurt you now Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to us
Head Over Feet (Alanis Morrissette) - their "friends to lovers" theme.
You've already won me over in spite of me Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are I couldn't help it It's all your fault
(I Can't Help) Falling in Love With You (UB40 version) - yes, I prefer the reggae-fied cover...it gives me fun Rivaini wedding vibes.
Take my hand Take my whole life too 'Cause I can't help Fallin' in love with you
Hold You in My Arms (Ray LaMontagne) - theme for a future installment of their series, post-Awakening, when shit hits the fan and they really need to be there for each other.
Don't let your eyes refuse to see Don't let your ears refuse to hear Or you ain't never going to shake This sense of sadness I could hold you in my arms I could hold on forever
I Belong to You (Lenny Kravitz) - an overarching theme for what Carie and Nate are to each other.
You are the flame in my heart You light my way in the dark You are the ultimate star You pick me up from above Your unconditional love Takes me to paradise I belong to you And you You belong to me too You make my life complete You make me feel so sweet
BONUS: Fight Song (Rachel Platten) - not super tied to their relationship story but this is Carie's song, since I included Nate's.
I might only have one match But I can make an explosion And all those things I didn't say Wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them loud tonight Can you hear my voice this time?
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for the otp ask game, 2&20?
so since you didn't specify a pairing i'm gonna do this for pianjeong bc i am probably the most unwell about them, they're most OTP for me. if there's another pairing you wanted let me know
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
(i'm gonna assume this was op's typo for "panic" bc i don't think that's how manic states work)
this is unfortunately a fairly regular occurance. there's no way in hell jeong jeong doesn't have horrible nightmares of the world in flames. in fact this is a major part of my fic ghosts. i think piandao's very good at staying levelheaded when other people are panicking, and he's able to be a steadying influence. he'll encourage jeong jeong to talk about it if he wants but not push too hard if jeong jeong doesn't want to. it's kinda cheesy, but i like the idea that jeong jeong has fewer nightmares sleeping next to piandao
i think it would be rarer the other way around, but it's not like piandao doesn't have traumatic memories. i think if it happened jeong jeong would feel like he's not the right person to handle it. he doesn't think he's a gentle, healing person. but he'd find it within him. he knows how to meditate, so he could coach piandao through breathing. i don't think he'd ask what it was about and i don't think piandao would tell him but it'd be okay just because of how important it would be to have that interaction. for piandao to be vulnerable in front of jeong jeong, and for jeong jeong to discover his caregiving side.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
well i have multiple playlists (main, all mitski, all taylor swift) but hot & heavy by lucy dacus is basically exactly the plot of ghosts (which has its own mini playlist)
"being back here makes me hot in the face / hot blood in my pulsing veins / heavy memories weighing on my brain" - jeong jeong returning to the fire nation
"how could i deny a diamond in the rough" - piandao being an exceptional person who came from a lower-class background
"you were always stronger than people suspected / underestimated and overprotected" piandao being underestimated for being a nonbender
"when i went away it was the only option /couldn't trust myself to proceed with caution / the most that i could give you was nothing at all" jeong jeong deserting the military because he couldn't take it anymore and not telling piandao in order to protect him.
"now you're the biggest brightest flame / you are a fire that can't be tamed" - piandao has become a great swordsman and respected fire nation citizen.
"you're better than ever, but i knew you when / it's bittersweet to see you again" - jeong jeong is conflicted about this transformation piandao's undergone. it's good to see him gain the respect he always deserved, but jeong jeong is critical of the fire nation elite and he feels like he doesn't know piandao anymore.
the funny thing is that i first heard the song after i'd already written the first drafts of the fic, so it's not like i wrote the fic to fit the song. in fact, i started the fic in march 2021, and the song came out in april 2021. i would jokingly accuse lucy of plagiarism but i cannot do that even as a joke i love her.
ask game
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romaine2424 · 2 years
Romaine's HP fanfics on AO3...hmm a few haven't quite made it on there, but will in the future.
Easy reading is damn hard writing. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
Currently these are my Drarry stories (not including drabbles), Scarry (including drabbles), Other Slash pairings, and Het pairings. I will be adding My gen fics, gift drabbles, etc... as I get more time. Most can all be found on AO3 right now but just not organized. :)
Just a quick note about commenting on my fics. I love comments and to engage with my readers. If you have a question, comment, or whatever I'm open to discussion. As long as it's not a flame, I'll usually respond back. I do ask that you read my tags, warnings, and notes as many of my fics contain controversial genres and situations. I don't bite or even claw so feel free to inquire.
Hi! Welcome to my HP fanfic collection. I became an HP fanfic reader in 2005 and then writer in 2006. I took an almost decade break in 2012 but put my toes back into the waters now and then to respond to comments or make a post on LJ. I came back into fandom full force in June 2021 when I signed up for HP_fan_fair. H/D, HPDM, or Drarry has always been my OTP, but Scarry is my second. But I also love to write the rare-pair now and then along with gen short stories. I've separated my fics out by my writing era and then by ship.
All of my fics are individually rated and have warnings. However, we did rate and tag things differently back in the day, so if you think I should add a warning or tag, send me a message. I assure you, there were no bad intentions involved.
My Drabbles can be assumed to be G to PG, unless otherwise noted. I love writing drabbles and I hope that some readers will take the time to look at a few of them. *g*
Most of my stories are now posted on AO3 and are not to be copied to any other site without my permission. (historically they were originally posted on various HP fanfic sites. Majority of H/D were on Hex Files.
As I was a prolific writer back-in-the-day (2006-2012) and then took a very long hiatus (10 years), I'll be listing my current stories first. After that, it will be a mishmash of ships and gen. I hope you find something you like!
Current Stories (with summaries)
Drarry & Haphne (Harry/Daphne)
The Azkaban Letters (WIP 2024): This WIP was started in 2007 and has been updated bi-weekly since summer of 2023.
Summary: Harry and Draco’s lives are headed in two different directions. One is destined for death or glory, while the other is going to Azkaban. Harry needs answers, and he goes to visit his Slytherin nemesis while being held for trial. The meetings in a barren, white cell changes Harry’s life. He learns the beginnings of his rich family history that had been denied him. And that there's much more to fight for than just ridding the world of Voldemort. HBP compliant.
Note: This fic was started before HPDH was released. It is canon divergent after HBP. This fic has two Main Pairings and both are treated with respect and will have a happy ending. I chose to use AO3's: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings because of the underage sexual scenes (all are 17 and consensual).
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 210K (estimate: 300K) Warnings & Enticements: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Sexual Content (M/M & M/F), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon divergence after HBP, Azkaban, Mental Health Issues, Potter Family History, Potter family Estate, Character Deaths (not major but not minor), Upholding family bloodlines, Wizarding Traditions, Worldbuilding, Magical Theory, Blood and Violence, Wartime Violence, Bisexual Harry Potter
Pansmione (Pansy/Hermione)
The Supergrass (Valentine's 2024) written for HP Sapphic's Valentines (prompt Auror/Criminal)
Summary: For the past year, Auror Hermione Granger has been coming monthly to Sister Hildegard's Wellness Emporium (attached to St Mungo's) for her Healer-ordered full-body massage because of work-induced stress and injuries. It was the perfect cover for meeting with the DMLE's main supergrass, Pansy Parkinson, who was now a trained masseuse thanks to the Ministry's Criminal Rehabilitation Act. An Act that Hermione Granger had pushed for through her connections at the Wizengamot. A contractual promise was made to Pansy that after one year, if her information led to the arrests and convictions of wanted Dark Wizards, her court-ordered probationary period of ten years for supporting Voldemort and those that served him, would be reduced to time already served. She would be free from all Ministry restrictions.
Today, Valentine's Day, is their last meeting.
Note: Supergrass is a British slang term for an informant who turns King's evidence, often in return for protection and immunity from prosecution.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 6.8K Warnings & Enticements: Auror Hermione Granger, Spa Day, Valentine's Day, Dom/sub Undertones, Informant Pansy Parkinson, Lesbian Pansy Parkinson, BAMF Hermione Granger, Bisexual Hermione Granger, Plot with a little porn, One guess on who is seducing who.
More Than A Legend (Christmas 2023) A Drarry Christmas Story
Summary: Harry volunteers to be Father Christmas at Hogwarts, without truly understanding what it entails.
The first 5 chapters of this fic were written in 2009. I finally completed the final 2 chapters in 2023. In addition, the amazing Ihopeyoustaysafefromharm Illustrated this fic (FTH). This fic is a lot of fun and filled with Father Christmas Cheer!
Rating: Mature Wordcount: 18K Warnings & Enticements: Romance, Explicit Language, Sexual Content, Christmas Legend, Mentions of: Animal Sacrifice, Slavery, and Prostitution. Liberties taken with historical accuracy of Christmas' origins.
Terminal Lucidity (Autumn 2023) written for hd_career-fair
Summary: Harry leaves his Auror position when his dreams drive him to a new profession. One that brings peace to the soul before Death arrives.
This is one of my shortest but probably on of most impactful fics. It was written for gnarf and deals with caring for someone at the end of their life (not Harry or Draco). Harry is the Master of Death.
Rating: Gen Wordcount: 3.2K Warnings: MCD. Enticements: Harry and Draco become a couple later in life. In this fic, they are probably in their early 50s and have merged their families. The whole family will miss their beloved Nana Narcissa.
The Roommate (Winter 2022) written for @hd-erised
Summary: After one year in Azkaban and two years of home arrest, Draco is going off to college. Myrrdin College is Oxford’s magical college, where one Harry Potter is currently attending. Both are going for their teaching certificates with Draco specialising in Potions and Harry in Defence Against the Dark Arts. The Headmistress has insisted all incoming professors must be degreed. However, the Board of Governors insist that Draco also must live in a Muggle house with limited allowance and take Muggle elective courses before he can become Hogwarts' new Potions Professor. Harry is coerced by others into helping Draco Malfoy survive in the Muggle world.
This is a soft fic. I wouldn't say fluffy as there are major subjects discussed and dealt with but angst between the two is not present. Harry's goal is to make Draco fall in love with the Muggle world...and he might have succeeded to well. So wrap yourself up in the warm blanket of The Roommate, oh and Scamp the cat, too!.
Rating: M Wordcount: 42K Warnings: This fic contains a brief fatphobic comment, implications of past food insecurity, and references to past corporal punishment of a child. In addition, mentions of Trichotillomania and lice are briefly discussed. Enticements: Scamp the cat, Draco learning about Muggle appliances, Blaise insisting Draco watch Legally Blonde.
Eight Days a Week (Summer 2022) written as a chapter fic...just because.
Summary: This is foremost a love story and second it's about those growing up years. Becoming adults with adult lives and adult decisions. Yes, Harry's a Trainee-Auror and Draco's a Healer-in-Training after the war. Yes, Harry eventually moves into 12 Grimmauld Place. And, yes, attraction happens between Harry and Draco and they fall in love, but then there's more. Draco is now free from Voldemort, free from fear of going to Azkaban, free from his Father's beliefs, and free to be the person, the witch, the woman she always felt she should be. And for Harry, it’s time to lose the shackles of his childhood and discover who he really is and what’s truly important in life. This story begins one year or so after the Battle at Hogwarts and follows their relationship faithfully for two years. The final chapter will take place later in their lives.
This is a positive transition story without body dysphoria, but will contain moments where prejudice and slights arise. This story is categorized as M/F.
Rating: E Wordcount: ~120K Warnings: (Tranfem- Draco, Transition. See story for complete listing but no majors.) Enticements: Healthy relationship, gender euphoria, pansexual!Harry, Interesting OCs consisting of International Aurors.
25 Days of Draco and Harry (2022) (25 Holiday Scenes for Eight Days a Week (December 2022). sponsored by @slythindor100
Summary: The holiday scenes cover 2001-2023 followed by a future scene. The majority are under 500 words, but there are a few over 1K. The complete set is very family oriented as we learn more about the children's backgrounds and how Harry and Libby cope. Lots of fun!
Threesome: H/G/D
Every Cottage Has A Story (March 2022) written for Salt and Pepper Fest 2022
Summary: Harry and Ginny Potter live in a cottage in Hogsmeade. The previous owner was their eldest son James Sirius Potter, but he now lives in the home he grew up in, 12 Grimmauld Place. The switch happened years before, when his third child came along, and the cottage was too small for the family and Grimmauld Place was too large for his parents. How Draco Malfoy fit into his parents lives he wasn’t quite sure. James did know that his brother and brother-in-law were the instigators of the situation, though. When they became friends in the House of Slytherin, eventually their parents did too. After the death of Astoria, Draco was known to bring a friend, always a different friend, to family occasions. Then after a decade or so he would just show up alone. When his parents moved into the Hogsmeade cottage, so did Draco Malfoy. Rating: Gen Audience Wordcount: 5.5K Warnings: Threesome F/M/M
Home is Where the Cat is (Winter 2021) written for @hd-erised. Gift for @m0srael
Summary: It’s summer and the war is over. Harry is busy in Auror training, attending Wizengamot trials for Slytherin classmates, and having tea with Narcissa Malfoy. Draco is at Hogwarts sharing deep dark secrets with classmates whilst helping with the reconstruction. Someone on the Wizengamot doesn’t think the older Slytherin students should be allowed to return to Hogwarts, whilst Harry does. Repressed emotions get the better of him. After storming out of the Ministry swearing never to come back, but before he lifts his wand for the Knight Bus outside of the Leaky Cauldron on his quest for a normal life, there’s a kiss in the Slytherin boys’ dormitories. Rating: Explicit Warnings: Nothing Major Word count: 41447
A/N: This was so much fun to write. It might be the softest of the longer fics I've written but I wouldn't say fluffy as serious concepts are dealt with. It does feature a purring Draco...literally.
This Ain't the Garden of Eden (Autumn 2021) written for@hd-fan-fair (career edition).
Summary: In 2020, Hit Wizard Harry is starting to enjoy his life. He’s divorced, and no longer Head Auror. His biggest project these days is trying to remodel 12 Grimmauld Place for him and the kids. Draco Malfoy is recovering from his wife’s death. But is happy with his Ministry position as Temporary Head of the Department of Intoxicating Substances, and with his son who he adores. This all changes quickly when Minister Shacklebolt decides not to run for another term. The assumption is that 'all is well' in the British Magical world, and that Hermione Granger-Weasley will easily be voted in as the next Minister for Magic. However, Draco knows better. He knows she has a strong competitor who is wooing those who live in Knockturn. And if he wins, the Ministry, and all that has been accomplished the previous twenty odd years, will be destroyed Rating: Explicit Warnings: Nothing Major. Some Violence and Minor character death (Hey Harry is a Hit Wizard). Oh and Draco has a thing for silk lingerie Word count: ~131,000
A/N: This is an action/political/adventure/romantic fic. It's epilogue compliant and takes place in 2020 and 2021. In other words...H/D are a bit older. Kingsley and Narcissa play special roles along with some worldbuilding for Knockturn and Grimmauld Place. Enjoy!!!
25 Days of Harry Draco 2021 (Additions to This Ain't the Garden of Eden) (Winter 2021) This was sponsored by@slythindor100 A/N: These 25 additions to This Ain't the Garden of Eden cover the missing days in the month of December along with one New Year's Day story. They are individually rated but the majority are G. As the Main Story was way too long for a fic fest (LOL), there were some plot points (most minor but a few major) that I didn't resolve at the end. So the 25 Days of H/D gave me the format to wrap things up. The additions range from 100 to 1500 words. So much fun!
Fics (2006-2013) (Summaries not included, 2 WIPS not included)
(chronological order of latest to earliest. Except Sequels are listed right after the originals.) Some fics I've added the original fest posting links. This is more for me so I don't lose track of them. Most of these stories were re-betad after the fests as my grammar was quite poor and my betas rushed.
Level Two: Series One (November 2013) I wrote Chapter 7. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 113499 Enticements: 10 authors each wrote a chapter for this story. Murder Mystery, Crime Fighting, Drama. Warning: Side relationship for Draco.
The Tell-Tale Owl (Winter 2012 HD-Holidays) Rating: E (barely) Word count: ~23K Warnings: Time Travel, AU. Epilogue compliant. Time Travel.
A Day in the Life (Summer 2012 Glompfest) Rating: Mature Word Count: 6.1K Enticements: Accidental Bonding.
Yuan Fen (Winter 2011 HD Holidays) Rating: Mature Word Count: 14.4K Enticements: Outside Observer view of H/D Warning: 2nd POV (try it. promise you'll like it).
Laundry (December 2010) Rating: Gen Word Count: 475 Enticements: Harry wears Draco's clothes
Souls Lost and Found (Fall 2010 Glompfest) Rating: Teen Word Count: 8.6K Enticements: Beyond the Veil.
The Minister's Master (Summer 2010 Kinkfest 2010) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2.4K Enticements: Public Sex, Collaring, Sometimes the Master also needs a bit of training. Warning: BDSM
The Taste of Magic (Spring 2009 HP10K_showcase) Rating: Mature Word Count: 10K Enticements: Environmental Cause. Loss of Magic. Warning: High Angst, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Death
Hades Paradox (Autumn 2008 HD_Inspired-Back to Hogwarts. Original fest posting: original Hades Paradox) Note: original was heavily betad before being reposted to AO3) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32.7K Enticements: Threesome H/D/H. Warning: Chronic painful curse
My Nawa Jūjun (Spring 2008 HD_Inspired-Animagus (original fest posting: original My Nawa Jūjun )) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 50K Enticements: Shibari, Coven. Warning: Rope Bondage, Animagus gone wrong.
Vanishing Cabinets (Spring 2008 hds_beltane) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 17.8K Enticements: Draco Politician. Warning: Dubious Consent.
Vanishing Cabinets Sequel: Stolen Moments: Rating: Mature Word Count: 304 Enticements: Harry Obsessed
Survival of the Species (Winter 2007) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 47K Enticements: Dragons, Mythology, Island Warning: DubCon (ritual sex scene) Veela, Mpreg, Surgical Procedure, Suicide Attempts. A/N: This is probably the best story I wrote in my earlier years. And one final thing. I will not engage in further conversation about the ritual sex scene and whether it's DubCon or NonCon.
Jolene (Summer 2007 HD_Inspired Mpreg (Original fest posting: Jolene original. Note it has been re-edited on AO3.)) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 21.4K Enticements: Hidden identity, sex toys Warning: Mpreg, Use of Gender Potion. A/N: Member of the Guns & Handcuffs H/D Bookcase #2.
Sequel: Jolene Deux (Autumn 2008 Fall-Fantasia): Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5K Enticements: Violet makes an appearance Warning: Bittersweet Fluff.
Pass the Chocolate (Summer 2007) Rating: Teen Word Count: 1.7K Enticements: Dialogue only, Harry writes fanfic. Warning: No warnings but read if you've gotten "one of those" comments to your fic.
Sequel: Pass the Ogdens (Summer 2010 Birthday Bash H & D turn 30) Rating: Teen Word Count: 660 Enticements: Dialogue only, Harry laments the death hd fanfic.
The Birthday Kiss (Spring 2007) Rating: Gen Word Count: 2K Enticements: First Kiss, Kissing Game.
Silver and Gold (February 2007) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 71K Enticements: Wolf Draco, Good Narcissa. Warning: Suicide attempt, Death of non-major character.
Double Edged Sword (2006-2008) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 555K Enticements: Soulmates, Powerful Harry and Draco, Life story, Too much to list here! Warning: First story I wrote, Suicide attempt, Death of character, Depression, consensual infidelity, tragedy. A/N: I've written a 15th Anniversary post for this story and gave the history, etc... DES 15th Anniversary.
*All of my Scarry has Scorpius as an adult)*
For these 2 fics, I've added the original fest posting links. This is more for me so I don't lose track of them. These stories were re-betad after the fests as my grammar was quite poor and my betas rushed. However, it's fun to have the original comments.
There are no Innocent Vampires (Autumn 2009 HP-SAS (Shag-a-Son: Original fest post: Original There are no Innocent Vampires)). Rating: Explicit Word Count: 31K Enticements: Scottish Mythology vampires, Vampire lore, Vampire Hunter. Warning: Blood and Violence, Death of non-major character. EWE
Possession of the Heart (Autumn 2008 hp-crossgen-fest (Original Fest posting: Original Possession of the Heart)) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 56K Enticements: Starts from the very beginning of when Scorpius is sorted into Ravenclaw, Hit Wizard Scorpius. Political Intrigue. Draco and Harry confrontations. Warning: Blood and Violence, Death of Major and non-major characters (not H/S or Draco). Terrorist attack. Assassination. Consensual infidelity (Harry/OC but is married to Ginny). Epilogue compliant. Notes: If you ever wondered how this ship could happen, then this story is for you. Chapter 14 is the Advent Drabbles (Winter 2008) filling in missing scenes before, during and after the original story.
Drabbles for Scarry
Old Men Rating: Gen Word Count: 200 words Summary: Draco tries to console his son but the roles reverse. Warning: MCD - Harry. Note: Probably my fav Drabble I've written
Street Affairs Rating: Teen Word Count: 100 words Summary: Scorpius needs a Remembrall. Enticement: Role playing. Note: If you want a quick laugh!
Curiosity Killed the Dragon: Rating: Teen Word Count: 207 words Summary: Scorpius needs to move out of his parents' home. Note: If you want another quick laugh!
Drabbles for harryscorp100 LDWS challenge Winter 09-10 *First Place* 9 Drabbles for harryscorp100 LDWS 2009-2010. Ratings and Genres Vary Age Ranges listed for each Drabble (all in the adult range)
Other Slash Pairings (these have summaries *shrugs*)
Eternal Glory Harry/Cedric (February 2008) Written for HPValensmut for eliminate. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 12112 Summary: Five years after the war, Harry finds that the future laid out for him is not one that he wants, but is the one that the wizarding community needs to ensure the peace. The answer to his problems comes to him in his dreams. Enticement: This is HPDH compliant. Warning: suicide attempt Note: This was my first adventure into bloodplay and as requested this is not a romantic story. I gave the warning suicide attempt as it was closest to the warning of suicidal themes, which is what I would have chosen.
Drabbles for Albus/Scorpius LDWS challenge September 2010...second place) 10 Drabbles for ass_ldws (2010). Ratings and Genres vary. Warnings: #7 MCD Enticements: #8 LOL Note: The link goes to my Livejournal account. I'll add it to AO3 someday.
Trinity Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Scorpius (November 2008): A set of three drabbles written for Pushdragon's goodbye party. Rating: Mature Word Count: 300 Summary: Harry's relationships with the Malfoy men in the family. Warnings: MCD Note: The link goes to my Livejournal account. I'll add it to AO3 someday.
Het Pairings (mostly rare-pairs)
The Minister's Affair Harry/Astoria, Harry/Ginny, Draco/Astoria (Christmas 2009). This was written for Adventdrabbles 2009. Rating: Explicit. Warnings: Infidelity, MCD. Word Count: 4786 Summary: Members of two families keep one secret to the very end. Note: I think this is an honest examination of how an affair happens, continues, and ends. People get hurt.
So Good Draco/Cho, Helena Ravenclaw/Bloody Baron (Christmas 2007). This was written for JournalFen's smutty_clause 2007 for SelinaKyle47. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9204 Summary: A ghostly Christmas Eve dance leads another Ravenclaw and Slytherin to a different ending. Notes: This is probably the hottest Draco I've written. *spicy*
Shades of Grey Narcissa/Kingsley (Summer 2007). The was written for Insane Journal's Phoenix Flies for cyan_snape. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1636 Summary: Prompt #50: Someone is giving an important speech at the Ministry. His lover is under the podium giving him a blow-job. Notes: This turned out darker than anticipated. The link goes to Phoenix Flies on Insanejournal. I'll add it to AO3 someday.
Rotten Wood Draco/Pansy (Summer 2007). Rating: Mature Word Count: 2999 Summary: Missing Moment from canon. Draco is returning for his seventh year at Hogwarts. He boards the train knowing his status among his fellow Slytherins is in question. HPDH Compliant. Warning: This is not a Romantic fic Note: The title ‘Rotten Wood’ is a line from the song “Crooked Teeth” by Death Cab for Cutie. The song was the inspiration for this story. Probably the most in-character Draco I've written.
Green Boots Lucius/Hermione (Spring 2008). This was written for Shiv5486's 40th birthday. She is a huge Lumione fan and has a thing for shoes. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 600 (in drabble form). Summary: Lucius has a fetish for someone's green boots. Note: The link goes to cult-of-blonds on LiveJournal. I'll add it to AO3 someday.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
Ship Songs Tag, vol. 2 | tagged by @nightwingshero | Tagging @strangefable @socially-awkward-skeleton @vampireninjabunnies-blog @shegetsburned @poisonedtruth @jacobsneed @direwombat @neverthesameneveranother and anyone that would like to do the tag 🖤
5-10 songs that you think describe or relate to your fav otp/personal ship(s). I did this tag a while back (vol. 1) but since then I've came across new gems, they're definitely worth sharing. 🖤
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Salvation by Christabelle Marbun
I'll deny you of salvation I'll be the reason you repent Kiss me like I'm a conviction Beg for divinity in my breath
Swimming with the Crocodiles by The Veils
And there's no remedy I feel you when there's no one else around Hold me under until I drown Then pull me down Just tell me what you came for
Sin by Lia Marie Johnson
Smoke in my lungs from your burning passion Sing to me in melody Melancholies sew with a golden pistol Speak to me in poetry Bare my teeth to the wind River water on my skin Have I lost my innocence? To love again, is it a sin? The whiskey makes me numb It's never enough I'm feeling for your love I'll write it in blood
Silver Bridges by Skott
When we fall asleep and we don't wake up I believe that love still holds a meaning When the moonlight falls And it's time to cross Maybe we will find a new beginning Silver bridges
I am Fire by J2, Eivør
I am woman, I am child I am an animal, I am dangerous I was born to be wild I’ll entrance you, and enchant you You are brave but beguiled, you can’t hide I’m an angel, I’m the devil I am all the ones who’ve gone before I’m the fever, you can’t fight it I’m the sickness, I’m the cure I’m not giving up, I’ll never stop I am the creator, born to be a troublemaker
All Over Again by Caitlyn Smith
I wouldn't change a single thing If I knew then that we'd go down in flames If I could've seen it all when you first walked in Could've read the last page first If I would've known just how the story ends And how bad it would hurt I would do it allI would lose you all over again
God be You by Nostalghia
Would you die, Die for me Into the sea Would you die for me, baby? With you love is my religion And sickness is my drug Carefully craft incisions Until you fit like glove
A Dangerous Thing by AURORA
Something about you is soft like an angel And something inside you is violence and danger I knew from the moment we met, you are a dangerous thing When you are with me, I feel like I'm living And living besides you can be unforgiving I knew from the very first step, you are a dangerous thing There's no end to the fall You keep on getting better, I keep forgetting There's no love in the end
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ainyan · 1 year
18. Hugging your partner to warm them up when they're cold
Csilla was frigid; a wasteland of ice and rock above, with the only true life found below the surface. Even within the massive caverns that served as cities and homesteads for the Families of the Ascendancy, the temperature was nothing that could be called temperate. Theron Shan was used to cooler temperatures; Odessen was hardly tropical, but even in his thick leather jacket, he still shivered as he stood upon the balcony of the room he shared with his wife.
He had no idea where Kali was at; Tilanu had come and spirited her away this morning. Shortly after, Ikasti had absconded with Shani, saying that he and Ziivan were taking her as they went shopping for their upcoming wedding. He'd thought to find Saganu, but a quick check with one of the manor's servants had earned him the unwelcome information that the Aristocra had left before "sunrise" for a meeting with his sub-commanders in the Expansionary Defense Force.
So here he stood alone, on a world where he was likely the only human within a thousand kilometers. The view was glorious - the Miurani homestead was spread out before him, and from this height his eye could follow the lines and curves of the buildings, parks, and city spaces that formed the stylized flame flower that was the Family crest. The glacier that formed the sky was a rich periwinkle blue, evocative of his daughter's skin, and the reactor-sun that paced across the sky glowed golden, casting light upon the landscape below.
Beautiful, but so damn cold.
Shoving his hands in his pockets, he hunched his shoulders and started to turn towards the open doors leading back into his rooms, determined to find a fire and a datapad and get some work done. Before he could complete even a quarter of the turn, however, arms came around him and he felt the heat of her lips against the back of his neck. Sighing, he relaxed into her embrace, leaning back into her warmth. "You wouldn't be thinking of sneaking off to work, would you?" she asked, her voice edged in laughter.
"Not now," he replied, and she laughed softly, the steam of her breath fluttering past his face. "Mmm. You're warm."
Again, she laughed. "You're not."
Quick as a striking snake, he spun in her arms, dragging his own free and hitching them around her to pull her close. "Maybe not, but I think we can do something to fix that." He grinned down into those glowing scarlet eyes before lowering his mouth to hers and beginning to walk her backwards into the bedroom.
He knew Ikasti would keep Shani until they stole her back this evening. And Saganu's meetings could take all day. More than enough time to heat his blood and hers and warm up the old-fashioned way.
In bed. Or maybe on the couch. That one table looked sturdy...
With her laughter singing in his ears, he steered her towards the bed first.
There would be time to test the rest of the furniture later.
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Want to hear my OTPs/OT3s say the words without saying the words? Give me a prompt!
Thank you for the prompt!
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the-messenger-hawk · 1 year
Wangnan for the “break a character down” ask thing
-How I feel about this character
Beloved. I love the idea that Wangnan is kind of a deconstruction of a certain kind of protagonist, but also one who has a very real reaction to what would happen to someone who experiences so much trauma, but is also unable to quit. He brings so much life to everyone around him, to the point that it becomes a kind of power all its own.
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(But in the end...he still can't help himself.)
-All the people I ship romantically with this character
Ah. I have various~
Bam, for the flawless symbolism and the very many plot ideas I have for this (seriously I came up with a lot).
Khun, because ambition, advisory behavior and opposites attract.
(Both of those two together=checks-and-balances supremacy!)
Urek (brain mush crack pair my beloved)
Vicente (instantaneous trust wow)
Nia, because I'm willing to argue this is actually canon, at least on Wangnan's side of things
-My non-romantic OTP for this character
Him & Ehwa. I really like their introduction (something that made everyone around them cringe to the extreme), and how they're constantly sniping at each other but still see each other as trustworthy comrades. They were back-to-back allies for much of the Hell Train arc, and you really love to see it (Ehwa instantly taking his orders/Wangnan trusting her as a teammate when he decried her flames in the past). Also, Ehwa being the only one to pay attention to Wangnan's questionable origins after all his deflections to avoid just that. There's a reason why they're my favs to come out of S2.
(Also, on the entire opposite spectrum, whatever severely messed up dynamic is going on with Rachel's interactions with him. It makes me really uncomfortable, but is also super super interesting.)
-My unpopular opinion about this character
Do I have an unpopular opinion about him? I'm not sure tbh. I think his interactions with Quaetro are overexaggerated in fandom, but besides that... (I think that if he is 'immortal,' it's not simply because of his bloodline-because that doesn't make sense.)
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
The biggest one: That Rachel didn't fuckin rob him??
The absolute tease of aching for some answers for him and coming into contact with Karaka, but oh wait, he got robbed. Now we have nothing. Thanks Rachel.
(Also like...for him to be active on the Hidden Floor, I know why SIU didn't do it, and it's kinda self-indulgent, but...I really wanted that...)
Give me a character
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luxuriousmalfoy · 1 year
Pet Shopping (Gina Porter/Nini Salazar-Roberts
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fandom: high school musical the musical the series | wc: 575 | ao3 | year of the otp: february, "if i kiss you, will you shut up?" | keep calm and write something bingo: G5, character a and character b go to a pet store | femslash february: day 12, "get in loser we're going shopping"
“Let’s just put the name on the back burner, okay?” Gina suggested as Nini pulled into a parking spot. The two of them had been going back and forth the whole way to Pet Smart—they’d be adopting a cat today, and hadn’t settled on a name yet. “We’ll get the supplies now, and worry about the right name when we see the cat.”
“I guess that’s fair.” Nini was practically jumping up and down as she and Gina walked into the store. “All I’ll say, is that if we meet the little thing and she just is your name—I’ll concede to your choice.”
“Aw, babe,” Gina said, affectionately grabbing Nini’s hand. “I’ll do the same. If we are looking at a cat that matches your name, then that’s that.”
Nini couldn’t keep from singing the Taylor Swift song that had inspired the name. They stopped walking and Gina put a hand over Nini’s mouth with a laugh. 
“If I kiss you, will you promise not to break out into song in the middle of Pet Smart?” Nini’s eyes twinkled, and she nodded, moving Gina’s hand out of the way and pulling her close.
In Nini’s opinion, there were far too many options in the pet accessory aisle. How were they supposed to choose just one aesthetic when there were so many? Nini was drawn initially to the pink and purple, moving onto starry patterns—landing, then, on a little black collar with flames on it. 
“That collar does not match your cat name,” Gina laughed, holding it up. “You’re telling me this says, ‘Hello, I’m Karma’?”
“Well now that you point it out—yes, I am doubting it.” Nini grabbed every single collar she’d looked at and dropped them dramatically into the shopping basket. “Look what you’ve done! I guess we have no choice but to get them all.”
Gina smiled warmly and snaked her arm through Nini’s that was holding the basket. 
They had the same issue when it came to beds. And bowls. And toys. Basically, Nini and Gina could probably open up their own pet shop with the amount of things they bought. They couldn’t contain their excitement as they drove to the Humane Society. All of their cat supplies made it all real. 
They had looked at a few kittens on the website, but hadn’t wanted to get their hopes up about a particular kitten until they saw in person. 
“They are all too cute,” Nini whispered when she saw them all. Most of the kittens were sat, bug-eyed, in the back of their kennels. When Nini approached a little Calico, she pawed at the kennel door. “Oh my god, he waved!”
“She is precious.” Gina put a little finger up and wiggled it in front of the cat, who meowed and nudged his head against the door. 
“She is definitely Fleabag,” Nini mused. Gina leaned into her. “We have to get her.”
“Neens—“ Gina’s attention was drawn across the room, where she led Nini to a little fluffy white cat. “This is Karma.”
“Are we about to adopt two cats?” Nini couldn’t contain the smile that spread eagerly across her face. She was very thankful for the multiples they had purchased at Pet Smart. 
Gina bit her lip and raised her shoulders. “I’m down if you are.”
Karma and Fleabag were friends instantly, falling asleep in the same cubby-hole on the cat tree in the Porter-Salazar-Roberts living room.
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