moonlit-dreamers · 10 months
"Hurts." Says the Sun.
"I know." Replies the Moon.
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Moon can't eat the nightmares this time.
rubs my grimy little rat hands together IT DONE!! ITS BEEN COMPLETED! this has to be one of the biggest projects ive done in a while. but its finally finished!
made this for @sootybunny once upon a dream au/fic. this specific scene was so- mwah heart wrenching. the lines i put down are the ones that hit me the most emotionally so here ya go <3
versions without static and without text will be under the cut
also maybe a bit of rambling :) (also warning for spoilers teehee)
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ill be honest, this was quite the struggle. took me a bit to find the posing and the fucking hands were a pain in the ass. the clothes were also a struggle but quite a big of it was covered by shadows or different body parts so yippee! but despite how i struggled and how i still lowkey dislike certain parts of this drawing im still really proud if it!
but just- this entire au the fic the everything- all got me in a choke hold. i have so many theories about it and so many thoughts but my brain isnt letting me put it in a way thats even mostly coherent so yeah- maybe someday i can reblog this and write down my feelings fully when im not half asleep
but im just loving the apocalyptic setting and how everything is so scary and messed up. the whole "virus" going on with the automatons (which i have my own theories about tho sooty has seen/heard them a bit :]). im also obsessing over moons character. he sees himself as such a monster and it doesnt help that the way hes treated only reinforces it. we see it especially in chapter 3 and OW all of them hurt/pos
but yeah! this was by far my favorite scene in the fic. except maybe that one silly scene where sun gets yoinked and things get a bit goofy and everyone nearly dies :) but thats a close second
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Days in the sun - Walter Deville x Reader - P4
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The rest of that afternoon was spent with Evie and (y/n), I had to hide my smile behind my hand as I chatted with Evie, (y/n) was practically ignoring us for the book I had given her. Her eyes were completely glued to the pages, almost forgetting there was food in front of her as Evie and I talked about her stay so far and how exactly she had been found by Oliver.
“Seriously you put a book in front of her and she goes into her own dimension,” Eive chuckled, waving her hand in front of (y/n)’s face, (y/n) not even glancing up, flipping another page of the princess bride. I couldn't help my grin, laughing quietly as (y/n) finally looked up, only to grab a strawberry and then go back to the book.
“Are we boring or something?” I asked Evie, scrunching my nose as she shrugged, sticking a fork into her salad. “Compared to the book-probably” Evie mumbled, reaching out and tapping the top of the book down, (y/n) pouting at Evie once her face was revealed. “Do you mind? I'm invested.” (y/n) grumbled, making Evie and I laugh as she went back to the book.
I snorted softly, licking my lips as I pushed my finished plate aside, one of my servants quickly taking it away and to the kitchens. “So, how exactly did you and (y/n) meet?” I asked, (y/n) had given me some insight into their friendship, but I don’t recall if she had told me the details. Evie hummed, giving me a knowing look as she rested her elbows on the table.
“Well, we met about four years ago, we were both working at a gig, and we got along pretty well. I heard her talking to herself about using that night's tips to get herself a hotel room that night, and well-I offered her a place to stay for a little bit-at least till she got back on her feet.” Evie explained, (y/n) glancing up to smile at her and joining in on the conversation “I told her she didn’t have to, I was a practical stranger, but she insisted-and four years later-here we are~” (y/n) sang, I couldn’t help but laugh, gods I had missed her so much.
“Here we are,” Evie hummed, stealing a strawberry from (y/n) as she went to reach for one, giving her a smirk of victory as (y/n) glared/pouted at Evie. “There is an entire bowl of strawberries right in front of you, and you go for the ones on my plate? For shame Eve” (y/n) hissed playfully, stealing a crouton off Evie’s plate and making a loud crunch noise as she ate it. I laughed as Evie gasped like (y/n) had insulted her mother, her hand on her chest while her mouth gaped open.
“Please, no cat fights at lunch.” I joked, taking my ‘strawberry’ lemonade and taking a long sip, shaking my head as (y/n) rolled her eyes and gave a dramatic flair of her hand as she spoke-Evie almost cackling as she did. “As the lord commands~”
Fuck I had missed her so much. And I really loved this developed sarcastic/funny side to her, she had been sarcastic before, and never failed to make me laugh-but the way she spoke now just sent butterflies through my stomach.
(y/n) went back to the book as Evie and I continued to talk, she eventually asked about the non-existent Cecile Deville, correctly assuming I would be related to her-but unfortunately, she didn’t exist. I did my best to create a sudden lie about my ‘niece’-not really expecting Evie to ask about the false Deville. I could feel (y/n)’s eyes on me, and I could tell she knew I was lying, but she didn’t say anything; just going back to her book.
Soon enough my attention was called away, and I had to hold back a sigh; wanting to spend more time around (y/n). “Well, have a good afternoon ladies, I’ll see you later.” I chanced a glance at (y/n), smiling as I saw her already looking at me, a small smile on her lips. ‘see you’ she mouthed, going back to her book as Evie turned to her, chatting away as I walked back into the manor, Mr. Fields stepping closer to me.
“Good afternoon sir, the dresses you ordered for Lady Alexander have been delivered” I hummed with a nod, taking the small stack of papers he handed to me and heading towards my study. “Good, have the cocktail dress delivered to her room, and the other two to my room for now, ” I muttered, pausing for a moment as I remembered (y/n)s plight. “oh, I have one more to order for tomorrow night, once it’s here, deliver it to lady Godkin’s room.” I muttered, continuing on as Mr. Field paused, wondering who lady Godkin was.
“Godkin, sir?” I froze, oh shit-I hadn’t realized, licking my lips slightly as I turned back to my butler, just glad I hadn’t called her by her married name. “Yes, (y/n) Godkin.” he actually looked surprised to hear her name connected to the last. “Make sure her dress is delivered to her room upon arrival.” He just slowly nodded, hiding his frown as I turned away and went into my study, sitting at my desk and getting back to work.
While I did that, I made sure to call one of my younger servants, the one who had helped me order Evie’s dresses(since I wasn’t exactly tech savvy) and ordered (y/n)’s cocktail dress, my mouth watering as I imagined her in that sleek black gown, her leg peeking out from the fabric.
Fuck I needed to calm down…and a cold shower. I let out a long breath, forcing the image from my mind and getting back to work, soon perking up as someone knocked on my door. “Come in,” I said aloud, just in case it wasn’t one of my wives-but I could smell Lucy’s perfume from here.
She stepped inside, her bright blonde hair pulled back in a small ponytail, two locks of hair framing her face. “Ah, Lucy.” I stood, making my way around the desk and leaning against the front, nodding at my youngest wife. “Is something wrong?” she shook her head, glancing back at the door before smiling at me. “I was just wondering, who Evelyn’s friend is? I know this morning Viktoria asked about her, and you were….iffy about it, but I was hoping you might give me better insight without her around.” I just hummed, crossing my arms, wondering how to explain (y/n) to Lucy.
I couldn’t tell her the truth exactly, while I did trust her, I didn’t trust her enough to not accidentally spill to Viktoria-who wouldn’t hesitate on destroying (y/n), even if it meant her death. I settled on a half-truth, “She is connected to my family, a Godkin actually-the original heirs to the Deville fortune,” Lucy looked genuinely surprised to hear that, and I held up my hands to prevent any gossip from her. “Do not mention this to anyone, including (y/n), she has no recollection of her past, she has severe memory loss and I fear any mention of-well, anything-without immense care, could hurt her.” Lucy slowly nodded, not expecting my explanation but looking satisfied all the same.
Then she perked up, another question coming to mind. “Another thing, what is our story to Evelyn?” I corrected her mindlessly. “Evie,” Lucy easily corrected herself. “Evie, just so none of us cross stories and such.” I let out a low hum, crossing my arms, telling her of Cecile Deville and Marvin Alexander, and their wedding on Sunday, they would be arriving on Saturday night, for the rehearsal dinner.
“Try to steer clear of that story however, so there are less lies for us to untangle” I muttered, rubbing my jaw as Lucy nodded. She peeked behind her shoulder and I knew Viktoria was listening in. “Enjoy the rest of your day Lucy, there should be a new shipment of blueberries coming later today as well” Lucy beamed at the mention of her favorite fruit and nodded, squeezing my arm before she left the room, her short ponytail bobbing as she skipped out; closing the door behind her.
I hummed to myself, remembering I had made an order of shrimp along with that, a smirk coming to my lips. Evie had dinner with her family tonight and while I was sure (y/n) was invited to eat with them being Evie’s +1, I hoped she would accept my invitation for her to dine with me tonight, cooking was something I had always liked doing for her, even when I barely had any ingredients to cook.
I snorted at the thought of my cooking bringing back a memory, and got back to work, a smile on my face at the thought of my (y/n).
Several hours later, I was finally done; I had several last-minute meetings with a few people from the one, one being something about needing approval to edit their terrain for better water tunnels. Another about their livestock being attacked and needing funds to hire animal control and new fencing. I approved both, knowing their farms were a direct source for me, the one needing the terrain being my fruit distributor.
By the time I finished, it was starting to get dark, the sun slowly drawing its curtains as cooks bustled down in the kitchens, getting food ready for the Alexander family dinner. I sniffed, ruffling my hair as I stood from my desk and made my way to my room, needing to change out of my clothes after being in pinching shoes all day.
I grabbed a dark teal Henley shirt, pulling it over my head and rolling up the sleeves slightly, changing into some dark trousers and some comfy shoes. I perked up as I hear my butler begin to hiss at someone, freezing as I heard my beloved almost squeak back in fear.
Oh no he fucking didn’t. not on my watch. I threw my door open, storming down the hall to make the short path towards my personal kitchen, where I saw Mr. Field with his back to me, glaring down at my (y/n) with a vile tone to his voice. “No one is to enter his personal kitchens. Especially not someone like you,”
I didn’t hold my fangs back, my eyes flashing dangerously as I snarled out my butler's name, a fierce protectiveness in my chest as I saw him whirl around to look at me; his eyes wide with sudden fear. “What are you doing!?” I quickly stepped between (y/n) and Fields, glaring down at my butler, who had quickly and unfortunately signed his pink slip. “I told you not to treat my guests so harshly!” I had mentioned this twice now, to be nice to Evie and (y/n), especially (y/n). You’d think calling her by her last would turn some cogs in his brain but apparently not.
“I was told your personal rooms were not to be intruded on!” Mr. Fields tried to defend himself, he was right, I had told him my rooms were for only me unless someone had permission, and I had permitted both Evie and (y/n) the night before. I just shook my finger in his face, as if he was a toddler throwing a tantrum. “And I gave them, Evie and (y/n), access to my kitchen, personally! If I hear you talk to them, especially (y/n), this way again; I will have you forcibly removed from this manor! I don’t care how many years you’ve served this family.” I hissed you, grabbing (y/n)’s hand and pulling her into the room, forcing myself to calm down as I slammed the door shut, running my hands through my hair and forcing my fangs to retreat.
I took several deep breaths, covering my face as (y/n) stood a few feet away from me, thankfully not scared of me and my sudden anger. I had to control myself, I had to keep myself from ripping Fields limb from limb. I would not tolerate the way he treated my (y/n), it was a sin to even think such a way of her. I took one more deep breath, turning to look at (y/n), my anger dissipating as I looked into her eyes. “I’m so sorry (y/n),” I said with a wince, rubbing the back of my head as she tilted her head at me, clutching the book to her chest. Heh-she was still reading it after I gave it to her this morning. “I told him to treat you and Evie with respect, yet as soon as I turn my back he does,” I flung my hand in his general direction, anger burning in my teeth. “that.”
(y/n) just hummed, tipping her head up at me with that sweet smile of hers. “Thank you, for not letting him continue.” She muttered, tilting her head slightly as I huffed, glaring off in my butler's general direction-I would have an intense talk with him later, if he pulled that bullshit again he was out of this household. I really didn’t give a fuck how loyal he had been to me, no one talked to my (y/n) that way. “He shouldn’t have started in the first place,” I muttered back, ruffling my hair until my bangs were in my eyes, turning back to (y/n) as my shoulders relaxed.
Then it hit me, why was she going to my kitchen in the first place? Weren’t the Alexanders having dinner right about now? I asked her as such, making my point to say she was Evie’s friend, but she just curled in on herself, and I was going to fucking strangle Oliver and Alfred. “They uh-“ she coughed into her first, looking uncomfortable. “-they didn’t have space for me.”
I let out a low grown, almost a demonic growl but I held that part of me back, I didn’t want to scare her. I pinched my nose, muttering curses under my breath as (y/n) looked up at me with an unsure frown. I covered my eyes for a moment, feeling them flash with anger then dropping my hand, licking my teeth. “I’mmmmmm” Going to fucking kill them. “fucking hell.”
Instead of going off to murder the Alexanders, I clapped my hands, rolling up my sleeves as I got to work making the dinner I had planned to make for (y/n) in the first place; but that had been when I didn’t know Oliver was going to be a bitch. “so, I’m gonna guess you’re hungry?” I asked (y/n), who nodded, clutching the book to her chest as she watched me walk around and get things ready, walking back and forth between the stove and fridge.
“Are, are you going to make something for me?” (y/n) asked, completely surprised I was cooking for her, she hadn’t known I had made breakfast that day. I just nodded, getting out a large skillet and a large pot, filling the pot with water, and starting to boil it. “And why not?” I chuckled, turning back to (y/n) with a soft grin. “I haven't eaten yet either, so might as well.” I really didn’t need to eat, but anything to make her feel welcome with me. “besides, it was unfair to you for them to leave you out, so now you get premium service, food made personally by the lord of the manor~.”
I gave her a small mock bow, grinning as she smiled and continued to watch me cook. I got out a pack of frozen shrimp from the freezer and set it in a small running bowl of cold water, letting them thaw out as I got to work making the two sides. (y/n) soon set down the book and washed her hands, I let out a soft chuckle as I heard her. I set the pack of vegetables away from the stovetop and got the pasta out, turning as (y/n) asked me what she could do.
I just rose my brow, smirking down at her as I leaned on the counter. “You can go stand over there,” I nodded back towards her book “and look pretty, which I assure you will take no effort from you. I’m taking care of you tonight.” I enjoyed the rush of blood I heard go to her cheeks, but she just pouted up at me, and if I knew my (y/n)-she wouldn’t step down if it meant helping me, so I chuckled and nodded over to the bowl of now thawed shrimp. “Okay okay, could you please peel the shrimp?”
(y/n) nodded and did as asked, getting right to work and we soon fell into a rhythm, dancing around each other with ease and I felt like nothing had changed, being with my (y/n) and cooking with her, unable to keep the smile off my face. (y/n) began to hum her mother’s song, and I couldn’t help but hum along.
Soon enough everything was done, along the way I had invited (y/n) to taste the sauce I made for the main dish, grinning as her eyes sparkled at the taste. “That’s wonderful” she muttered, holding her hand just under the chin as she licked her lips, clearly wanting more. I just went back to stirring it, making sure the vegetables were seasoned properly and cooked through before beginning to serve up our plates.
“Wine?” I asked, holding up two bottles, one red and one white-both easily paring with our dinner. She pointed at the one in my right hand and I nodded, she had always preferred that one over the other, and set to pouring two glasses, handing one to her and joining her at the counter, where our dinner had been set. “Bon appetit~” I purred, feeling a smile at my eyes as (y/n) happily dove in, nearly moaning as she took her first bite.
"Oh, my gods, this is the best thing I’ve ever had” she muttered, almost rushing to eat as I watched her with fond eyes, good to know my skills hadn't faltered in the last 900 years. She muttered something else under her breath, but I was practically hypnotized by her as she happily ate her food. I averted my eyes as she looked up at me, chuckling as she glanced down at my plate-which I hadn't touched yet. “Good to know my cooking is still good, I haven't done this in a long time.” I took a bite of the pasta and shrimp, nodding to myself. Yep, still got it.
“For a British dude, you sure know your spices” I nearly choked at that, holding a laugh as I looked to (y/n), who seemed to be holding back a laugh of her own as she stared at me with those wonderful eyes of hers-filled with delightful teasing. She let out a giggle as I rolled my eyes and gently pushed her shoulder. “ha-ha, laugh it up,” I chuckled, then paused, a smirk growing on my face. “because it’s true.” she burst into loud laughter, leaning over a bit as I continued to joke about. “We raided the world for their spices only to not use any of them.”
I smiled as (y/n) cackled, setting down her plate as she took a step back from the counter and held her stomach. I could still make her laugh, her wonderful laugh that would finally bless my ears again. Oh gods how I have missed her, and I had no plans of ever letting her drift away again.
When we finished I took her plate and mine-beginning to wash the dishes as (y/n) put the left-overs away, stealing an extra piece of shrimp as she did. She glanced away as I smirked at her from over my shoulder, chuckling as she tipped her head up and away like a puppy caught trying to steal food.
I peeked into the fridge, glancing back at (y/n) as she dried her hands and picked up her book. I took out a can of croissant dough and two chocolate bars; turning to (y/n) with a shy grin on my face, hoping she was in the mood for dessert. I just wanted to spend more time with her. “Dessert?” I asked, my shoulders relaxing as she beamed and nodded, reaching for the croissant dough and popping open the can while I busied myself with the chocolate.
We talked quietly as we waited for the dough to bake, sitting on the counter with our thighs touching. I loved listening to her talk, every word out of her lips was like music from the heavens, she had no regard for what she rambled about, just enjoying her time with me. I wondered if anything from the last hour had brought back any memories for her? I hoped so-I really wanted to kiss her-I wanted her to kiss me till I was breathless.
My eyes drifted to her lips, swallowing as she laughed quietly about some-post- she saw online or whatever. Fuck I really wanted to kiss her.
We were both jumped out of the conversation when the oven screamed at us and I quickly hopped off and put on some oven mitts-taking out the hot tray and letting the croissant cool for a few moments. (y/n) practically stared down the chocolate croissants like they were the only food in the world, her eyes practically sparkling. I laughed, picking one up and handing it to her as I sat on the counter, the tray now between us as (y/n) happily dug into the dessert. “fuck I love chocolate croissants,” She muttered and I couldn’t help but laugh again, grabbing one for myself and letting the chocolate melt on my tongue.
Fuck I forgot how good chocolate was.
We continued to talk; my eyes unable to leave her as she chattered away. Gods I really had missed her so much, we both perked up as Evie stepped into the room, her nose in the air as she took in the smell of chocolate croissants. “Evie~” (y/n) cheered, reaching out for her friend who quickly grabbed her hand and then a croissant. “how was dinner?”
“Boring” Evie groaned and I couldn’t help but laugh, “dinner itself was good but they are painfully white and rich.” She took a bite of the croissant as I hit my chest, nearly choking on my croissant as I laughed. She wasn’t wrong, nearly every one of the three families was boring as shit-it had been the main reason I chose Lucy all those years ago-she was interesting, bubbly and sweet. “god that’s good,” Evie muttered, talking about the croissant. “but yeah-nothing to talk about but marriage, money, n other boring shit like that.”
(y/n) just hummed, happy she hadn’t been a part of any those conversations, thanks to the pettiness of the alexander family-and I would be having a word with them about purposefully excluding Evie’s friend. “Sounds so exciting,” I said sarcastically, smiling down at (y/n) as she pushed my shoulder. Evie glanced between the two of us, and I had to stop myself from holding her stare-she knew there was more to the story, but (y/n) would be the one to discover it- it would be far too much for Evie to handle.
“So what have you two been doing for the last two hours?” Evie teased, giggling as (y/n) kicked her thigh, pouting at her friend as Evie continued to laugh. “I made her dinner” I started, chuckling at the look of surprise on Evie’s face, as if she didn’t think I could cook. Which-I could, and I was a damn good cook. “and then we both made these” I gestured to the croissants, then shrugged-there wasn’t much more to the story. “just…hanging out I suppose.”
“suppose,” (y/n) giggled to Evie, who laughed at my ‘eloquent’ words, I rolled my eyes with a fond smile, taking another croissant from the tray and taking a bite, hopping from the counter and started to pack up the leftover croissants. “Well, I have some things to attend to,” I handed the bag to (y/n), who happily took it and tilted her head at me. Gods I just wanted to take her face and kiss her. “enjoy your evening ladies.” I said instead, bowing out and biting my lip as I heard Evie tease (y/n) with their friend over the phone.
I saw Ms. Swift exit (y/n)’s room as I made my way into mine, nodding as she informed me (y/n)’s cocktail dress had been delivered. “thank you, Ms. Swift,” I muttered, closing my door behind me and sighing, rolling my shoulders back as I went back to my paperwork.
Later, I heard a small muffled scream come from (y/n)’s room, and as I went to check on her-I heard her mutter some frustrations to herself, talking about how she shouldn’t be thinking about me that way-I was her dead lover's brother after all. I smiled sadly. “oh darling,” I whispered, reaching up to clutch her ring that still hung around my neck. “I cannot wait for the moment I can hold you again.”
Viktoria curled her lip as she watched Walter and commoner chat away in Walter’s personal kitchen, deep burning hatred in her chest as she watched and heard how Walter so easily laughed and conversed with the woman. Who the hell was she? And how had she captured the master's attention so easily? How could she make him laugh like this when he had hardly spared her a glance within the last 500 years?
She glared you down as you slept through the night, wondering how much trouble you were worth as she thought about ripping your throat out.
-end of p4-
Oh wowie-it’s been a while huh? Sorry for the long wait after p3~ but I just got super fixated on other shit lol. But yeah-more Walter~~~
@sessediz @reallystressedhoneybee @reallysparklychaos
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onceuponadream-rpg · 1 year
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¿Y qué sería de nosotros sin los profesores? Conozcan a Nina, Edward y Elijah, o como serían conocidos en el Bosque Encantado: Wendy, Eric ¿y quién? 
La identidad de Edward aún es un misterio, pero si quieres estar ahí para descubrirlo sólo debes entrar aquí.
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pensandposes · 2 years
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This WIP is currently out with betas. Hopefully just one more round of editing and then it's off to agents!
It's my love letter to fairytales, and baking, and the search for purpose and belonging.
It's my anger that this absolutely horrific story is taught as one of love--and a reimagining in which the main character has full agency over what happens to her.
This book is sweet, and a little creepy at moments, and I have loved every second I've spent with it so far.
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Congratulations on your 500 Followers!🎉 Hope you will grow more! I would like to choose the number 1 prompt, "Someone decides to ask you for your opinion about someone, and you decide to take advantage of your anonymity to admit your feelings. For some reason this flusters them."
For Jack, Sebek and Silver please
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1. Someone decides to ask you for your opinion about someone, and you decide to take advantage of your anonymity to admit your feelings. For some reason this flusters them.
Thank you very much friend! I really hope this is to your liking, and I really hope that you continue to find things that entertain you posted to this account.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, mutual pining, I find Jack really hard to write for because of his whole soulmate thing but please know he loves Yuu so fucking much he is in pain, Sebek thinks he's slick, and Silver is oblivious to a lot. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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There is a distressing lack of fluffy tails within your line of sight in the ballroom this evening. A feeling has been growing within you these past few months, similar to a crush but so intense it makes you want to fall over with the strength of your longing. You have no idea if Jack feels the same, he has continued to treat you with the same degree of feigned indifference he's held you at since the day you met.
And now he has left you all alone in the middle of a ballroom full of people that very much aren't him. Well that's how you feel it's not like you made any sort of concrete agreement to meet up beyond the typical first year friend group "hey let's all get together" texts that always populated your group chat when the school hosted events like this. You suppose your feet were always going to hurt at an event like this, but you had been hopeful that your heart wouldn't ache as well.
"Come here often?" A strange strangled voice asks, clearly trying to break the ice and not at all serious. You are both leaning against a pillar after all.
"Not really." Your stomach is still firmly in your throat, this person is massive and you see no sign of the comforting ears and tail of a wolf. "You?"
"Nope." And though neither of you make much a move to keep the conversation moving, you don't move to leave either despite the growing awkward aura around you both. You look out across the ballroom, eyes drawn towards Leona desperately searching for a sign. Your strange new friend takes note, he also seems to be looking at Leona. "Not afraid of staring are, you?"
"Is that what it looks like?" You ask slightly distressed.
"Most people just tuck tail and run when they see Savanaclaw." He almost sounds disgusted, but you can't quite tell with who. "I'm surprised you can stand to look."
"I've got good friends in Savanaclaw." You huff. Sure there's a chance this guy doesn't mean anything by what he's saying, but this is NRC. There is a much bigger chance that he does.
"Oh? Like who, Jack Howl?" This bitch-
"No." You cross your arms. "Friends don't make you want to explode."
"... I'm sorry?" The strange man apologizes, and it really does sound like he means it if the way he's scratching the back of his head is anything to go by. Unfortunately you have been sitting on these stupid feelings all night and really need them out in front of someone who isn't Grim, seven knows he doesn't care.
"Seriously like- wolf beastmen have only one soulmate? Forever? So it doesn't matter how I feel I just- never have a chance like ever. Ever ever ever, he's just always going to see me as some annoying hanger on- well maybe not annoying because I actually put in an effort you know?" The captive audience doesn't nod but that's ok, you just keep charging on. "And I know he appreciates that because his tail wags every time one of us do and it's so cute to watch."
"'m not cute."
"But that just doesn't matter he's got somebody already he just hasn't met them yet and I don't even know the right music to try and get rid of my feelings to. It's not like I can just ask him out and hope rejection will make the feelings go away because there is just no way he would be like in anyway nice about it-"
"What if you were that person though?" The stranger's voice is so strangled it's almost recognizable, and it successfully snaps you out of your stupor.
"But I'm not." You want to scream it, but it comes out so very quietly. "He was really clear about that, he'd just know."
"I'm stupid. I mean he is. Stupid. And you're human, maybe the feeling's different because there's a chance for rejection. It's not like humans always have soul mates." A dull silence falls over you both. Unease working it's pesky way back into both of your minds.
Not all humans have soul mates, but you most certainly do. Just... give him a moment, a ball is not his scene. But later when you're all alone, traipsing your way through the woods towards that lonely cottage there will be a wolf primed to strike. Just why did he ever worry Jack wonders, glad for the mask hiding his grin, he knew he only needed to be lucky once.
"Just what is your opinion on Malleus anyway?" Sebek tells himself he is asking you this for safety reasons. It's a question he has asked you before, just louder and with force enough to "blow down a barn door" to quote Epel, but this damn mask had a mockingly fitting enchantment that pitched his voice down and quieted it the more he tried yelling. He almost sounded like he was impersonating Jade, something that would likely deeply amuse the strange upperclassmen and seems to have a soothing effect on you. Not that he was jealous!
"Tsunotarou and I are bros." Yuu puts up what Master Lilia had told him was a "peace sign" and "extremely cute" but makes him seethe with rage and actual jealousy, not whatever that sickening feeling he'd had before was.
"You are not." The mask makes his dull roar sound like a middle aged mother gleefully scolding her friend for buying a particularly saucy pair of heels and not the justified rage of a royal retainer. "If you are bros just what does that make you to his retainers hmmmm?" That makes Yuu falter for some reason, mouth moving before the words are fully formed like they are considering hiding something.
That scares him. Because it compromises his lord's safety. Obviously.
"Well, I think Lilia's super cool." An objectively true statement human. A bit sparse on the praise but then what use would Master Lilia have for a human's praise? It would be better spent on him anyway. "He's really smart and happy to talk about what he knows, even if he lies about things sometimes, gotta have fun with yourself sometimes I guess. Silver is a bit dense, but he tries so hard you have to respect him for it." Again Sebek finds himself agreeing with Yuu, but the praise stings for some reason. It's minimal, but he supposes Yuu's avoidance of addressing the issue- not that they are he supposes, they may have stopped speaking but he doesn't think they intend to not give an opinion about him.
"And Sebek?" But he prods for it anyway because he wants it. He knows himself, he is not exactly ashamed of himself but Sebek knows you would never tell him the full truth of your opinion to his face. He can't even call Yuu by their name, why should they-
Sigh, like a besotted Princess in a fairy tale, play with the edges of their cape like a Prince questioning his propriety in voicing his desires but unable to swallow their emotion-
"He's really something else." You mean it, not that you are too sure why you feel like telling this stranger your deepest secret or why you chose to phrase it like a complaint. But the compliment suits Sebek like that you think. And the stranger doesn't stop you. "Knights are sort of out of fashion where I'm from but I've always liked them, and Sebek's the perfect image of one you know? I just wish there was some room in his heart for someone other than Malleus... not that I think his devotion's a bad thing y'know? I just- want to be treasured by a knight too."
"Just a knight?" The stranger asks. "Silver's there too I suppose."
"Nah he's not really my type." You shrug. "I like my guys a little pathetic. Look-" You barely notice the familiar way the stranger splutters as you bow to signal your exit. "I gotta go get Grim before he lights the place on fire, if you see Sebek tell him I'm looking for him? I want to dance with him at least once I just know he's good at it." And with that they're gone leaving an extremely competent and not at all pathetic thank you very much! Flustered mess of a man behind them.
"Oh hello Prefect." You have no idea who this student is but it is not unusual for people to know who you are given everything that's happened at this stupid school since you accidentally enrolled. "Nice to see you are enjoying yourself, the rolls are really good." And he is not judging you for the amount of bread you have in front of you so as far as you are concerned he can stay.
"They really are." You nod sagely, offering your new friend some of your hoard which he happily accepts as you both turn towards the ballroom to people watch. "I shouldn't be surprised at how good the food is, but somehow I always am." The stranger nods ruefully.
"I know what you mean. After eating so much of fa- Lillia's cooking you forget what things are supposed to taste like sometimes." Oh so this guy is in Diasomnia then? You'll have to compliment Tsunotarou later, this guy is super polite.
"Yeah I can see that, it makes feel bad for Silver sometimes what with how close those two are." You continue munch on your bread, too caught up in the fluffiness of it to notice how the "stranger" pauses, a thought forming in his mind he is sure to regret later but is unable to fully resist.
To long is human, which he is, painfully so.
"Do you think about Silver often?" He hopes he sounds playful, you fluster, looking the man up and down wondering if maybe Lilia has decided to alter his appearance to tease you some.
"More often than I should." Even if this is Lilia, it's not like anyone can really mock you for this can you? It's a Masquerade Ball, you're allowed to spill your guts to a stranger and reasonably expect nothing to come of it. Hell, just because this guy's in Diasomnia doesn't mean he'll say anything. "He's hard to ignore you know?"
"Not really." Silver picks at the bread, half hoping you will drop the topic, half agonizing about how to feel if you do. "He... doesn't have the best reputation in our dorm. People think he's too intense."
"Hmmm." You can see why, people who lack facial expressions often find themselves failing to express their intent. "That doesn't bother me." Oh he could practically soar, his whole body straightens in pride when you say that. "Silver is one of the few people I feel truly safe and... well sometimes I feel cherished around him. But I don't want to put pressure on him since we aren't even really friends I don't think."
"Why wouldn't you be?" He is deeply confused, he knows Lilia's advice is always coached in jokes but Silver didn't think the flowers he asked his animal friends to find would hinder his progress too badly. You were even wearing them tonight, it was how he found you, so it's not like you hated them... right? "I- He cares about you, I mean you know that right?"
"Maybe." Is all you say, eyes looking for someone in the crowd that's sat right next to you oh so painfully unaware- "But if I said I liked him would he even know what I meant? Would he still want to be friends... if..."
"Of course he would." Silver means it, but somehow he feels like he is missing something. The weight of your hand maybe, as you leave the "stranger" in search of... well he hopes "Silver" because if he knew you loved him, because he thinks that was what you meant maybe he wouldn't want to be just friends.
Best friends maybe? He'll have to ask Li- his father later.
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heresmytale · 6 months
why is the original version of at the beginning from anastasia not available anywhere but FUCKING YOUTUBE
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aberooski · 7 months
So uh... I have a stormshipping Barbie as Rapunzel au getting thrown into my pipeline as of 12:30 am last night.
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synthghoulme · 3 months
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Jareth DeVaughn es el rey John de Nottingham... Ahora se entiende esa aversión irracional que siempre tuvo hacia su primo Travis en Storybrooke!!!
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avionvadion · 1 year
“Do you have an update schedule???”
Me, every time I’m asked that question, knowing fully well the chapters are only posted whenever I have them written and the time varies between a few days to a few weeks to several months to a year depending on whether or not I have writer’s block:
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splintergirl13 · 2 years
Hey yall!
@bi-ocelot and I wrote a collaboration piece. That’s right! Two minecraft fanfictions for the price of.... well fanfic is really free but whatever. Please go give them a look! Very excited about these pieces I hope you all enjoy :) we’ve been working on it for a hot second
Here’s my version
And here’s Oce’s version
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obsessedbee · 1 year
i hope everyone appreciates that it is taking me taking two (maybe three hehe) days to write out *one* action scene because I do not know how to describe punchpunchkickspin.
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moonlit-dreamers · 10 months
He found!
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for @sootybunny 's au of once upon a dream! absolutely obsessed with the fic and cant get enough. i loved the scene where him and moon tried on different clothes in the first chapter. it was very cute! love the lil guys
also everyone should totally go read their fic rn bc its absolutely amazing and is written SO WELL! highly recommend it
and a silly lil lune for your troubles <3
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oh! and dont worry! the angst will be released soon :)
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Days in the sun - Walter Deville x Reader -OUAD alt fic!
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Will I tremble again, To my dear one's gorgeous refrain? Will you now forever remain Out of reach of my arms? -
“(Y/N)-NO-(Y/N)!!!!” I screamed out her name, her hand having just slipped from mine-her ring now sitting in the palm of my hand as her form crumbled to the ground-her head hitting something hard-I flinched as I heard her skull crack. I called her name over and over again, my castle staff holding me back from leaping off the cart and going back to save her-I would be no use to her or them dead from the townsfolk.
She wasn’t there when we came back after everything calmed down-I desperately searched for her throughout the forest-calling for her-her ring clutched to my chest, tears streaming down my face. “(y/n)!!!” I screamed and screamed and screamed.
She never responded.
All I found was the rock that was stained with her blood-where her head had been cracked open. I collapsed over it, curling into myself as I cried my heart out, my throat getting sore and dry with how much I cried.
I think I cried out all my emotions that day-because-after that-I felt…nothing. just-emptiness.
Things stayed that way for the next 900 years.
There's not a day that goes by that I don’t miss her. My beloved.
My (y/n).
It had been over 900 years since she disappeared, since I last held her hand, since I last heard her voice. At some point-you’d think I lose count of the days, the months, the years since that fateful day. But I hadn’t, my brain constantly reminded me of her, of how long it’s been.
328,777 days. 900 years, two months, three days. That’s how long it had been since I lost my heart-my soulmate. I sighed, leaning back from my current paperwork, reaching up and taking the thin silver chain from around my neck, bringing (y/n)’s wedding ring out to rest in my palm.
To this day-I had, no clue-to where she had gone. She wasn’t dead-I knew that, if she had been killed I would’ve become human again-maybe even died with her. But instead, it was almost as if my heart was taken and locked away, only to be released when I thought of her.
I sighed again, bringing her ring to my lips and closing my eyes; wondering what the villagers had done with my beloved so many centuries ago. Had they buried her? Locked her away? Was she chained to the bottom of a lake-wasting away, waiting for me to find her?
I hated the thought, hated the thought that she might still be waiting for me; waiting to be rescued by her beloved. I covered my eyes at the thought, biting the inside of my cheek as my chest felt heavy all of a sudden. I forced that feeling away as my butler knocked on my study door and I sat up in my chair, taking a deep breath before calling him to come in, hiding her ring behind my shirt.
“yes?” I asked him, a bit tiredly, the current week had been a bit exhausting-with the news of a suddenly appearing Alexander female that was of marital age, there was a shortage of something within the town that apparently needed my attention, Viktoria was being oddly clingy in way that wasn’t exactly-endurable, and the sudden waves of paining guilt that were piercing my chest before, during, and after each meal I ate.
That had happened more often-first starting 10 years ago now. I couldn’t quite place why-for the last 900 years-after she disappeared-it felt like my emotions were locked behind my own heart. I never had time to dwell on why it was happening.
My mind was brought back to the present as Mr. Field stood in front of my desk, handing me a file with Ms. Evelyn ‘Alexander’ Jackson’s information in it. “oh, good” I muttered, taking the file and opening it, pulling out a printed version of Evelyn’s Facebook profile. She was quite the specimen, dark curling hair with piercing brown eyes, a nose ring complimenting her facial structure and lips. She was beautiful-though no-one would ever match my darling (y/n). I looked up, seeing Mr. Field still standing there. “Anything else?”
“Oliver Alexander called, he said Ms. Alexander did agree to fly in for the wedding, she thinks it’s a wedding for their cousin and your niece at the moment” I chuckled, sipping at the scotch that sat on my right-hand side. Niece, I was the only Deville left-neither of my sisters wished for children and I never had the opportunity to…well, I did-but the person I wanted kids with wasn’t around anymore. “but, she requests to bring a friend of hers along”
I nearly choked on my drink, looking up at my butler in shock. “really?” I asked, calming myself and setting my drink down, licking my lips as he nodded “and-who is this friend?” maybe this friend of Evelyn could be her first meal as a vampire-as a proper goodbye to her human life(I felt a sharp pain in my chest at that idea, what was this feeling?!)
“Oliver says her name is (y/n).”
My heart skipped a beat.
No….no it-it couldn't be-it couldn’t.
It would be impossible.
There were millions of (y/n)’s in the world-there had to be-it-it couldn't be my (y/n). It would be impossible.
Her ring sitting on my chest suddenly felt so present-even more so than usual. I didn’t realize I was zoning out, Mr. Field looking down at me concerned, tilting his head slightly “Sir? Master Deville?” I looked up at him, clearing my throat, waving my hand in dismissal. “yes-of course. This, (y/n)-” my mouth felt dry at the name-and my body felt warm-but I forced myself to believe that it wasn’t my (y/n).
It couldn’t be.
She was gone. I had to accept that.
My mind went to the pocket watch that sat in my bedroom desk drawer, our song sitting locked within its gears. “-is welcomed to come along with Evelyn.” Mr. Field nodded, a bit-concerned-at my current reactions to this friend of Evelyn. But he bowed out with a wave of my hand, leaving me to practically sink to the floor out of my chair, my heart suddenly beating out of my chest-something it hadn’t done in decades. Centuries even.
Just her name sent me into a whirlwind like this.
“it’s not her, it’s not” I whispered to myself, covering my face with both hands and taking a slow sobbing breath. “it’s not. She’s gone.” I bit the inside of my lip-I hated admitting that to myself, but-the man who she loved was gone, so reasonably-she was gone too. The man who clung to her had been left behind in the abandoned castle-I needed to let her go.
I touched my cheek-it was blazing warm-my eyes burning with tears. “fuck” I cursed, tipping my head back and taking several deep breaths; i needed to gain control of myself-all while wondering where all this had come from.
Guilt for feeding on innocent people, pain when I remembered my dear (y/n), and all this-blubbering-over her name.
What had happened? What had happened to the emotionless Walter Deville?
Mr. Field stopped as he made his way through the halls, feeling as if he had forgotten to ask the master something about the new Alexander brides friend. He brushed the thought off-he was sure it wasn’t important.
In the next three weeks-the household of new Carfax abbey got ready for the arrival of the new lady Alexander, and her friend. An extra guest room was made up, and the Alexander suite was readied for a new generation-fitted for a young woman like Evelyn. Soon came the day of her arrival-only five days before the wedding. Only she didn’t know it was hers just yet.
I brushed my shirt clean-running my hands through my lightly gelled hair to smooth it back. My eyes caught onto the painting that hung above the doors that led into my room-(y/n)’s ever-kind eyes staring back at me. I sighed, feeling her ring press warmly against my chest-I blew her painting a kiss and exited my room-it was around the time Evelyn would arrive along with her friend so I should get going. I frowned at the odd-tugging sensation that pulled at my chest-a wisping wind at my back-pushing me towards the front yard.
I shook the feeling off, doing one last check of the house before I began making my way downstairs, huffing to myself as I read through the report Mr. Field had given me for the wedding. “of course, the flowers are all messed up-and then her dress won’t be here till Saturday-only a day before the wedding.” It was Wednesday now, and I hated cutting things close-I preferred everything to be on time-maybe even early.
“You’re going to give yourself grey hairs worrying like that” I sighed, turning to see Viktoria, her dark hair pulled halfway back into a bun-the rest of her hair framing her face. “and you’re supposed to be in your room” I muttered back, looking down at the papers and signing a few with a pen I had taken along for the ride. “Evelyn has no idea about all this-so technically-you shouldn't exist quite yet, not till the cocktail party.”
Viktoria clicked her tongue, making her way down to me-meeting me halfway on the staircase “oh don’t worry, I’ll be away from your blushing bride in just a moment, I was just wondering if the food had arrived?”
The maids, she meant the maids-but Viktoria had always been easygoing about what we fed on-even if I was beginning to feel queasy about it. I cursed at the feeling, not 10 years ago I could ravage several women within a day and feel nothing for them-yet now I could hardly kill a mouse and not feel guilt. I-I didn’t necessarily mind feeling this way-it…it made me feel like (y/n) was around again. But it was useless for the life I lived now.
“They should be out front,” I muttered instead of revealing my inner thoughts to my eldest bride, folding away the papers and going to put them inside my study “now go. Evelyn should be here any minute.” Viktoria huffed at the mention of the new bride, she was jealous-of course she was- but she obeyed and stalked away. But I knew later there would be some complaints from her.
I made my way outside to check with the gardener-when a voice caught my attention-a new one. And she sounded quite perturbed with my butler, I sighed, having a feeling he had gotten a bit cruel with the maid staff that had arrived-if I recall-I heard one of them drop a case of champagne glasses.
I began to make my way over-hoping to smooth over Evelyn’s first interaction with my staff and make sure her initial impression with the manor wasn’t on such a sour note. “Did I stutter?” Evelyn snapped, holding an intricately made vase to her chest, glaring at my butler who seemed ready to spout some words that neither I nor Evelyn would have liked to hear.
He was a good butler-but gods he was a bit of an asshole. “At ease Mr. Field” I quickly called out, hands in my pockets as I approached my new bride, her dark brown eyes turning over to me-the thinly laced anger in her eyes not disappearing at the sight of me. Though I didn’t expect it to-from her files-she was a bit of a spitfire. “I believe this is one of our important guests” I ended with a soft smile aimed at Evelyn-though something-I didn’t know what-was screaming at me to look just behind my new bride.
I only glanced, holding back a frown as I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked at the new person that had arrived with Evelyn, she was holding her finger in her mouth-her back turned to me. I looked back at Evelyn, smelling blood from this new person-she must’ve been Evelyn’s friend; (y/n). My heart skipped another beat at the thought of her name.
“And that makes a difference?” Evelyn muttered, glaring at me a bit-at the notion that her new connections to the Alexander family made a difference in how she was treated by my staff. Mr. Fields bowed-all but confirmed Evelyn had made a correct assumption “my sincerest apologies ma’am.” Evelyn just glared, and I glanced at my butler-who quickly bowed off, realizing he wasn’t welcome anymore.
Why was my heart going crazy-what the hell was happening? I could feel it beating out of my chest like I was alive again-the last time this happened was-was when I saw (y/n) in her wedding dress. “Apologies,” I said instead of focusing on my odd feelings, turning to watch as my butler walked away “he can be a bit demanding.”
Evie grumbled to herself, glaring after my butler “More like an asshole,” I couldn’t help but chuckle, smirking at my new bride-she was quite amusing “Ah, so you must be Evelyn~” she furrowed her brows at me, moving her hair out of the way as squared her shoulders slightly. “Evie. And you are?” I was about to introduce myself, my eyes flickering back over to Evie’s friend, something kept drawing me to her-and I couldn’t figure out why.
I felt like I knew her.
“Walter!” Evie’s friend’s shoulders dropped slightly, as if disappointed by my name, slightly glancing at me as she continued to nurse her finger-I couldn't see her eyes just yet but I could feel them on me-and my heart continued to beat like a hummingbird's wings. What was going on with me? Oliver jogged over to stand next to Evie’s friend, taking my hand and smiling at Evie “You beat me to the punch,” Oliver joked, pulling back and putting his hands in his pockets. “you’ve been introduced?”
Evie gave a very disappointed sounding “Yes.” while I said no, so I just grinned in that way I knew made every girl melt and tilted my head slightly “Well, not formally” I muttered, I watched as Evie clicked her jaw and stepped back towards her friend-who finally turned to look at me. And I locked eyes with her-and
Oh, oh my gods.
It was impossible-it couldn’t be?....
That-this was my (y/n), my darling (y/n), it had to be-no one could ever match her beauty so well as this woman did-she had the same eyes-the same lips-the same face, the same shining hair-this…
How-how was she here?
What had I done to earn her presence again?
I felt my heart stop again-my hands shaking in my pockets-my lungs unable to function as I took my long-lost beloved in. It-had to be her, it had to be-this had been what my body was pushing me towards-begging me to reunite with my beloved, to be with my darling (y/n). every part of me screamed to take her in my arms, to hold her, and never let her go again.
I forced myself to look back at Evie, trying to convince myself that this wasn’t (y/n), that I was forcing her visage upon Evie’s friend. But every time I looked at her-that visage never faded, and that pull I felt never left. Oliver introduced Evie and her friend; (y/n), and I could only try to keep my eyes on Evie while my hands trembled, unable to focus as my mind speed-ran the stages of grief and disbelief.
This had to be a-a dream of some sorts-a trick-a nightmare-(y/n)-my darling, my dearest-couldn’t have just-shown up suddenly. I was going to wake up in my bed-and restart the day-and this (y/n) wouldn’t be my (y/n). Oliver introduced me, and when (y/n) heard my last name-she perked up, and-and that gave me just a bit of hope.
Did she recognize me? Maybe this was my (y/n). I kept switching up on myself, telling myself it wasn’t my (y/n), and then the next moment I believed it truly was my darling.
Then It hit me- I should probably talk again, and so I told Evie she could just call me Walt-teasing her for telling me I could call her Evie instead of her full name. (y/n) licked her lips at that, pulling out her sliced finger from her mouth, frowning down at it as Evie finally noticed the injury-as did i-and pulled (y/n)s hand into her face “(y/n)! when did that happen?!” (y/n) was about to answer but I stepped forward and took her hand-and the moment I touched her skin-it was like lightning went down my spine.
Her eyes met mine-and I felt my body come alive again, my mind a flurry of emotions I hadn’t felt for years.
It was truly her-this was my (y/n), my beloved. My lady. I could hear the blood rushing to her cheeks as I examined her cut, frowning at the blood that began to pour from it again “glass-shard-cut” (y/n) stuttered out, her cheeks flaring to life as I held her hand gently.
Oh gods-how I had missed the sound of her voice-like soft snow bells on a winter evening, calm waves on the shore, songbirds in spring-oh how I could listen to her for hours on end, wishing to bury myself within her voice. I blinked back to reality as I realized I should get her taken care of quickly and started tugging her into the manor, leading her towards the kitchens-she resisted for only a moment, glancing back at Evie-who shrugged, looking just as confused as Oliver did-wondering why I had taken a shine to this ‘random’ girl.
I wondered when (y/n) would drop the act, and smirk at me like she used to when she played teasing tricks on me-like she always did when she helped my little sister prank me. Probably once we were alone-then that look in her eyes that she reserved for only me would return-and I would shower her in the affection I had missed giving her these last 900 years.
But as I cleaned her wound, and placed a Band-Aid on it-that look never appeared, instead, there was only confusion. There was no spark of familiarity-and I realized-I hadn’t seen it once from her. Why was she acting as if she didn’t know me? “There we go,” I muttered as I finished dressing her wound, stepping back to give her some space-watching carefully as she curled her hands into her chest-looking up at me through her lashes. “All better” she thanked me quietly, bowing her head as she did.
“you didn’t have to do that” she muttered, and I nearly scoffed, shaking my head-how could she say that? I would do anything for her. “no worries,” I said instead, my eyes drawn down to the leather chord that laced around her neck, her fingers fiddling with it-could that be? “so how do you know Evie?” I asked, genuinely curious on how my beloved had come to know my new bride…okay that sentence was very weird to me now that (y/n) was back.
Might have to make a major change of plans.
As (y/n) explained how she had met Evie-and became friends-my mind was stuck on the fact that she had been homeless for six years. I could only imagine her scared and alone-shivering as the night chill settled in. my gaze settled back on her as she tucked her chin into her chest-something she always did when she felt shy or uncomfortable.
“Why were you homeless, if-if that’s not an invasive question?” I needed to know, why had she been alone? Lost in a world she had been missing from for 900 years-when had she appeared? How long had she been just out of reach? (y/n) laughed awkwardly, fiddling with her necklace as she glanced to the side, shrugging a bit. “oh! Uh, this is-going to sound strange but uh,” she bit her lip, as if unsure she should tell me something “I woke up about ten years ago, with no memories.”
She…..she didn’t remember anything?
She-she didn’t remember me?
I felt the brimming hope in my body die out at that, my shoulders dropping as I looked at my beloved, who had finally returned to me after 900 years…only to not know who I was, and who she was to me. “I barely knew my name, I really only remember it thanks to this-voice,” I perked up at that, a voice? “I remember calling for me but uh-yeah, I was just-wandering around by a town and this-old couple brought me in and gave me a place to recuperate for a week, and then…I was in New York.”
She shrugged after she finished her sentence, as if it wasn’t a big deal-but all I could feel was a resounding ache in my chest, (y/n) didn’t remember me, or our past-or what she had done. And-and I didn’t know if she would ever remember me. I licked my lips, glancing down at my feet before she caught my attention again, bringing out the necklace that was hidden by her shirt.
“But,” and there it was, the necklace-the blood red gem held by silver and leather hanging from her neck, my first initial and last name carved into the side. Our eternal bond, her spell, my soul.
This was truly my (y/n).
“I do have one clue, and that’s H. Deville….” She looked up at me, biting the inside of her lip, as if unsure she should ask me something. “i-I was wondering if you knew him? or her?...them?” I couldn’t help but just stare, my tight grip on the kitchen counter about to break the marble-wishing to just-take her in my arms and hold her tight, wishing for the universe to never take her away again. Half of me expected to wake up, as if this was just a dream-that I would wake up to her missing from my life again.
But it wasn’t, she was here-my darling was here-I just had to find a way to get her memories back. “You really are her,” I whispered instead, running my hands through my hair, my bangs falling into my face “Holy shit, I thought you died.” (y/n)’s entire face lit up and she stepped towards me, our faces about a foot apart-I didn’t move, just staring into her wonderful eyes. “You know me!? You actually know me?!” she nearly squealed, and I felt awful for what I was about to do-I couldn't just-tell her I was Harrison-her beloved-her husband-for that was who I was-or who I used to be.
Everyone in the manor knew an entirely different person-and If I told her the truth-it would could break her-I didn’t know if she could handle it all right now. She only just got here-assuming H. Deville was someone other than i. “Yes, H.Deville” I nodded at her question, pointing at her necklace that meant so much more than she realized “Harrison Deville” it felt so odd to talk about myself as if Harrison was a completely different person-as if he wasn’t me. “he uh, was a close family member, my uh” quick what was he to me? What could I use that would be close enough to him so I could keep close to her? “my brother in fact”
Perfect-and if she asked-we were twins. I would apologize later if she regained her memories but for now-this story would have to do-I could only hope no-one got in her face about it because I had never had a brother-only sisters-and not even my wives knew that fact. I smiled through the pain of lying to her-watching as she took a breath and covered her smile with her hands-her eyes so full of hope and life.
Oh my beloved (y/n), if only you remembered.
“Harrison” she whispered my name so sweetly, and I wanted to cry, I hadn’t heard my name since before…all of this, since she disappeared. Oh, gods I wanted to hear it from her over and over again. I wanted to take her and run away, live as we used to, I-I wanted to love her again, as she deserved. “Is-is he here? can I see him?” she asked, looking so excited to see the name behind her necklace.
‘You’re looking at him’ I wanted to say, I wanted to tell the truth, to tell her I was her beloved, and she was mine. But I didn’t, holding the pain behind my heart and shaking my head-biting the inside of my lip as her shoulders dropped, looking so disappointed-a look I wanted to throw into an inferno. “why not?” she asked, furrowing her brows. I had already cornered myself, telling her the name of the man she had been looking for and then telling her she couldn’t see him.
I didn’t want to lie to her again, so I told her a half-truth-since he had died 900 years ago-when she disappeared. “he’s uh…” I sighed, tipping my head down “he died a long time ago, just after you disappeared” I whispered, watching as her entire demeanor dropped-looking so…disappointed, and sad-like her heart had been repaired only for it to be shattered…by me.
Oh my darling-I’m so sorry, how I wish I could tuck you away in my arms, and keep you safe, like I couldn’t 900 years ago.
“Who was I to him?” she asked, voice soft and unsure, those gleaming eyes looking into mine-eyes I had missed so much. Who was she to Harrison? Oh, darling;
She was sweet cream on a bitter day, a spring breeze in a cruel winter, a rose in a garden of thorns, the full moon in a blanket of stars, sweet rum on a snowy night, snowflakes in a sweet snowfall, songbirds on a battleground, warm blankets on a rainy night, sweet kisses through heartbreak.
My beloved, my true love-my soulmate. My savior.
“You were his beloved, his first and last true love,” I said instead, forcing away the crack in my voice as (y/n) flushed at the thought of her being someone’s beloved, I held back a smile as she bit her lip, fiddling with the necklace. “Come,” I said, holding out my hand to her “there's something I have to show you”
She tilted her head at me, then took my hand-lightning going down my spine again as I led her out of the kitchens and upstairs, taking a right at the hallway split and towards the master suites-where my room was.
And a room I had hoped to be used one day-but never thought it would be. Her room.
-end of p1-
Well-hope yall enjoyed p1~~~~ be prepared for a whole lotta angst-longing inner monologues, simpness, and Walter/harry being a sweetheart/protective asshole. More to come soon!!!
taglist! (so far, if u want to be added just ask~!)
@sessediz @reallystressedhoneybee @reallysparklychaos
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
I bootlegged Anastasia on youtube and now I'm plotting the fic (since Elucien is the clear winner) and I can't get Once Upon a December out of my head.
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artseventhart · 9 months
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📜⠀Título: Head (with Nose). 👨🏻‍🎨⠀Autor: John Baldessari. 🗓️⠀Datación: 2006. 🎨⠀Estilo: Arte conceptual. 🌍⠀Ubicación: Colección Nabil Aouad, Lisboa. 📏⠀Medidas: 137.5 x 120 cm.
🎬⠀Aparece en: The Simpsons (1989), temporada 29, capítulo 13. Creada por Matt Groening, Sam Simón y James L. Brooks.
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Gerri Weagraff as the Dowager Empress and Kyla Stone as Anya in the Secons National Tour.
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