#OceanPetals baby
thanatasia · 2 years
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I rise from my vampire coffin bed to bring you all more IG Questions I made. Some are from a while ago and others are fairly recent.
We know how I love to write so here’s a brief continued thought for each
It’s not often I draw Fleur and Cha’l as childlings so this one was fun! They’re both so whittle and precious- Maeve and Bhihaar created two cutie pies! I apologize if Fleur’s baby talk is written poorly I was having difficulty writing how I think a young kid would pronounce those words lol
Fleur loves reading and writing so I definitely see her enjoying manga/anime as a young lassywings in a modern au lol Pretend that the screenshots I added have Gelfling ears. She’s one of those younger anime fans who doesn’t let anyone but their closest friends know. (I’m sure this idea is a thing of the past now since anime is pretty mainstream now)
I imagine that this particular scene is from Fleur early bounty hunting days, hence the mask. To keep with the AoR canon Fleur doesn’t kill criminals, she fights them into submission or uses sleeping powder/ta
I will never not be cheering that OceanPetals became parents! Definitely one of Fleur’s most treasured memories. Razer belongs to,my dear friend @jack-toons
The next two are from a reverse au myself and Jack-toons made and- I AM OBSESSED WITH IT!! Aahhhh! Y’all are not ready for that AU lol The Cha’l everyone has come to love is a delinquent and a big time charmer. Reverse au Cha’l gets into plenty of fights, likes to show off his physique to the lassywings he takes a shine to, among other fun things I’ll share in time lol. The first image is of both Cha’ls meeting and OG Cha’l being disappointed. The second is of Cha’l beating someone up for saying something disrespectful to Fleur
The last is of a new ship between Takoda and Adora- they’re so sweet! They are like that sweet couple in a cottage. How the two of them met will be shared another time, for now, Adora’s decision to go topside created many wonderful outcomes she had not anticipated. For Takoda, meeting Adora was a breath of fresh air, he didn’t realize how much he really yearned for that companionship Adora brought with her.
I hope you all enjoy these little sketches until the next one!
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thanatasia · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
I’ve been working on and off on this art challenge that I will be continuing until I finish them all despite the month lol
I’ve got an important commission set to finish before my birthday so my time for self indulgent art is lower than before.
We’ve seen Day 1 earlier this month but a cute first kiss between Fleur and Razer when she confessed her feelings to Razer.
Cha’l and Shiyoon sharing a morning kiss before beginning their day with all of their childlings ready to cause mischief lol. I imaging that the two stay in bed a few extra minutes to just enjoy each others company before their days truly begin lol
Next is Kiel and Sammi enjoying a well deserved date away from all their childlings. Azra is probably babysitting because she knows how to gets all the kiddos in line. Kiel and Sammi’s dates are always welcomed breaths of fresh air, enjoying the serenity and quite of the forest or shores, depending on the location.
The following are two characters no one except my bestie and sister would know, because they are Ocs from a story my sister and I were creating. The guy on the left is Tatsuya and the girl is Asphodel. They have a intense slow burn romance because like all stories with young adults, they are trying to prevent the end of the world. Normally Asphodel has much longer hair but I always intended to have her hair short before the big battle. Here the two share a final kiss before that battle because I imagine they confess to each other earlier.
Continuing on with OceanPetals, we have them trying to share a kiss but their itty bitty baby had a nightmare. So kissy time has to be put on hold lol. The romance isn’t lost for the new parents though! They sneak little pecks here and there. But when their precious treasure calls out for them, nothing else matters. A rare pencil sketch from me because my eyes have gotten pretty bad so I need to limit my screen time. A girl can spend hours and hours straight drawing a piece *cough cough* and searching the web lol
Finally, we have a younger Bhihaar and Maeve sharing a secret moment together. I need to figure out what Bhihaar’s lie is to his Xeric that makes it easy for him to sneak out without much suspicion. Maeve is conflicted because on one hand she doesn’t care what her parents think of the relationship. But, she also is deathly afraid of being disowned by them in these early romantic meet ups. Her wings are missing for the laziness I feel atm, I tried but my brain kinda shut off.
All of these pieces range in many coloring styles but certain ones I plan on prettying up like the first piece.
Razer, Shiyoon and Sammi belong to my dear friend @jack-toons and you can check out their work of them on their other account @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 2 years
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Some more IG stories I did a while ago! I wanna a,let a separate post of any of the ones I have that feature other Ocs who belong to anyone on Tumblr as well.
1. Azra was a shy little girl but her Gran, Inaya helped bring her out of her shell. Gran Inaya is the one who taught Azra all there is to know about soothsaying. Azra’s backstory is sad- I forgot how sad she was as a childling until I began writing this down. Poor baby. The good thing is that she’s doing much better nowadays.
2. One day I have to draw the triple date because that 100% happened and you know there were laughs and fun expressions going on. When the shipping trinity is all in one place one would be blessed with good vibes lol. This particular piece is happening on that legendary triple date, EnchantedSandstorms is running fashionably late because they are the OG ship between myself and my friend Jack-Toons lol. Fleur is excited to finally meet Sammi because Kiel definitely brought them up to her when she passed by the Sifa shores. Razer is already acquainted with both Kiel and Sammi and is the one to thank for setting them up together (just don’t tell Fleur that his intentions weren’t to help Kiel find love)
I love them so so much!!!! Although I couldn’t draw the trinity together, all three ships are so happy and in love with their respective partners. It always shows on their faces. They all have my heart!!!! 💖
Razer and Sammi belong to my dear friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
3. The only thing killing this piece is that I assigned that shade of pink to Saffron and instead of me choosing a night sky I chose a pinky sunset lol. Poor baby is merging with the background 😅. Teaching Saffron how to fly is one of Fleur’s many treasured memories since becoming a mother. She also likes to occasionally dress Saffron in a matching outfit. Bless the OceanPetals family they are so sweet- all of the ship’s families are sweet!!
4. The reverse au has me in a choke hold and I am succumbing happily 😂 Reverse Takoda and Adora are fun because they are so different from their og counterparts that the OG’s would try hiding their faces. I’m still surprised that for the most part Taokda doesn’t have a sad childhood, or messed up parents/family members, or was bullied- the gentle lad escaped somehow lol. No one besides my friend knows the full length of Adora and Elkie’s childhood. We still need to see Reverse Elkie, she’s a gem lol
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thanatasia · 3 years
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The last bit of IG asks where people made assumptions about OceanPetals’ childling who will be arriving soon!
The last one is a very canon reaction to how Maeve, Bhihaar and Fiona reacted when they heard that Fleur and Razer were expecting. I imagine that Maeve and Fiona had a mini celebration amongst themselves because this was their mom-tag-team mission lol
So many different variations of what the childling could look like! Soon all will be revealed.
Razer and Fiona belong to my friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 2 years
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I have no other words besides that Star Wars day was 2 days ago, and yesterday I drew this when Star Wars ep3 was playing lol
Very high key, Padmé’s wardrobe in the prequels is Fleur’s dream wardrobe! I had to draw her in one of Padmé’s maternity dresses. Because Fleur is dressed like Padmé, Razer had to be dressed like Anakin! Thankfully, OceanPetals don’t have a tragic love story like Anidala.
Because the big Gelfling oc piece was posted I could get ready to unveil the OceanPetals baby!! Eeeee I’m so excited! Soon they will join EnchantedSandstorms and WanderingSails in the joys of parenthood.
Razer belongs to my friend @jack-toons and you can look at their Gelfling oc drawings on their other page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 2 years
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May I introduce OceanPetals’ daughter, Saffron! And what a little bundle of joy she is!
A little princess who is loved by her parents, Fleur and Razer as well as her Tumbeloths Jujubee and Fabio. Unlike her Momma and Papa, Saffron is a shy and pretty soft spoken little one. As the youngest of all the childlings she enjoys spending time with her older cousins, as well as any of the WanderingSails childlings who enjoy being around the baby lol
Fleur and Razer couldn’t be happier with the arrival of Saffron. They didn’t think they’d become parents until the day they agreed they were both ready. Oh boy are both of their parents, especially their mothers, happy for the arrival of Saffron.
I don’t want to share too much lol
In case I can’t finish my, Mother’s Day sketches, Happy Mother’s Day everyone!!!
Razer belongs to my friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
Saffron belongs to the both of us!
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Happy 2nd Anniversary and my submission for @createforthra Day 1: Favorite Creature
Above we have my two favorite creatures and pets lol From the moment I saw the Tumbeloths in the Bestiary book they became my favorite. I personally like how they were drawn in the bestiary book because they have ears but that’s just me.
This Tumbeloth is OceanPetals fur baby, Jujubee. She loves her dad more than her mom, which makes for funny Fleur reactions.
The second is Piff the Fizzgig, Sass Queen of the Stonesan home. I’ve been watching “House Broken” on Fox and if I could compare Piff to anyone it’s Tabitha the cat. Piff is only mushy with one Gelfling, Ofir. To everyone else she’s a diva. She’s an older Fizzgig but don’t let that fool you lol
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thanatasia · 3 years
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I saw that @midostree-art had an OC-Tober art challenge and had to partake in a few! We all know I have a ton of Ocs to work with lol
I have a few favorite Ocs but Fleur, Cha’l, Kiel and Azra are my most favorite.
For this one I could only draw Fleur who is sporting her new motherly glow! I’ve been itching to draw Fleur with a more prominent baby bump. Ahhh I’m so happy! I believe my last piece with Fleur was her break up with Tore when she was younger. This piece shows how much Fleur has grown since then. She’s so happy and in love with her wonderful husband Razer, Furbaby Jujubee and soon she and Razer’s bundle of joy.
OceanPetals’ baby is super cute and soon they’ll be revealed (we must keep up the mystery and suspense lol) For now let’s enjoy Fleur with her pregnancy glow!
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thanatasia · 3 years
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On IG I had asked my followers to make assumptions for OceanPetals’ baby/childling. The above sketches of the childling are different and aren’t the actual design we’ll all see in time.
Aahhhh I can’t wait to unveil the baby but first we must see the official designs of the EnchantedSandstorms childlings because they are so precious. I want to get a sketch done fairly soon so everyone can see a bit of their personality. Maybe I’ll share a little sketch comic I made of Cha’l and Shiyoon’s oldest childling~
Answering these questions about Fleur and Razer’s baby is so fun and I really enjoy how interested some people are; thank you! Another reason this is so fun is because OceanPetals were originally not going to have childling(s) so drawing them as parents-to-be is sweet.
What do you think the childling will look like? What personality/quirks do you think they’ll have? Are we sure that the childling is just one or is the childling a twin???
If there is one think I can confirm, the childling will have a beauty mark or two because both Fleur and Razer have beauty marks on their faces.
You can’t have OceanPetals without Razer and he belongs to my friend, @jack-toons and you can see their artwork of him and so many other beautiful Ocs on their TDC page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Thought I’d share a low-rez and filter-fied version of the entire Stonesan family so far! My first of two gifts to my very good friend, @jack-toons
I’m also very proud of it and thought it’d be cool for everyone to see the family thus far since I’ve been M.I.A since Halloween lol
I said we’d see all of the EnchantedSandstorms childlings before OceanPetals’ baby and here they are! Cha’l and Shiyoon have 5 childlings in total. Iry is their oldest son and sitting next to his father. Keziah belongs to @everadream and she is at the bottom left in the front. Zipporah and Anasi are the fraternal twins in the center and youngest son Pratt on the bottom right with the mask. The other childlings named belong to Jack-toons and myself. I’ll make a proper post introducing them when my schedule frees up, they are a fun bunch!
Starting with Fleur and moving to the right we have excited parents-to-be Fleur and Razer. Cha’l and Shiyoon embracing in the center. This next one hurt lol, older Ofir! He is giving rabbit ears to his brother and father. Maeve and Bhihaar are leaning close together and Razer’s mom, Fiona, is at the end giving Bhihaar a second pair of rabbit ears. (A stand-in design for now. Prepare to see some Mom friend silliness because I want to sketch some Maeve and Fiona shenanigans lol)
All that’s missing is Jujubee and the newest member to be born! Such a big happy family, I love them so much 😭
Shiyoon, Razer and Fiona all belong to Jack-toons and you can see Shiyoon and Razer on their art page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 4 years
Kiel- 3, 7, 9, 28, 32, 33
Fleur- 4, 9, 25, 31, 34
Cha'l- 4, 9, 23, 30, 35
(I believe everyone knows this already but just in case, all three of these Ocs are shipped with @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash Oc’s
Kiel is dating Sammi (WanderingSails), Fleur is dating Razer (OceanPetals), & Cha’l is dating Shiyoon (EnchantedSandstorms))
3) Your Oc has the chance to to either grab pepper spray, a baseball bat, a knife or a shoe, which one would they grab?
Ooooh the pepper spray and the shoe are definitely two things he would pick up for a prank but if he had to choose one, he would definitely go for the shoe lol
Shoes are excellent hiding places for pranks on unsuspecting friends and captains!
7) If they had a chance to kill someone without being caught, would they? If so, who would it be?
Kiel doesn’t have a killing bone in his body although he would get back at enemies in a harsh way. Once the Garthim Wars happen, Kiel wouldn’t mind if he could kill one of the Skeksis without getting caught, he has a family to protect!
9) What would their username on tumblr be?
Kiel’s tumblr would be “Tro11M45t3r”
28) It’s a nighttime and the zombies are everywhere, your Oc is on the corner of a crowded city block all alone, how do they get off the street?
Idk if you have seen this zombie movie called “Shaun of the Dead” staring Simon Pegg (the voice of the Chamberlain in AoR) it’s a horror comedy and there’s a scene where everyone needs to pretend to be a zombie to get to a safe place....and it works! If the zombies are “dumb” like that Kiel would put on his best zombie performance.
If not he’s going full Walking Dead season 1 and covering his body in zombie guts lol
32) Your Oc has access to a boat and 5 million dollars, now what?
IT’S PARTY TIME!!!! Kiel would throw the biggest party on that boat (if the boat is big enough) He would celebrate all the great things that have happened for him; finding the love of his life, all the amazing friends he’s made, celebrating another trine of pranking Captain Ortun, the list goes on!
He’d also look to use some of the money to open up he and Sammi’s own little shop because eventually Kiel will leave the Sifan sailor life behind for a humble family life and explore the Great Skarith region with Sammi showing him their favorite places.
33) Your Oc accidentally dyed their hair purple, now what?
OMG Kiel would look at himself and then at Sammi and go; “Twinsies!” After throwing himself into a hug with them!
4) It’s a sunny day outside, what is their reaction?
Sunny days are Fleur’s favorite days and she would spend that sunny day either surprising Razer with a picnic of baked goods she made if he’s not at sea.
She would climb up the tallest tree she could find and free fall from the top or fly really fast up and free fall (kinda like Jim in one of the first scenes of Disney’s “Treasure Planet”
9) What would their tumblr username be?
Fleur’s Tumblr name would be either; “KissxFist” or “Fleur’s_Thorns”
25) They see a magical wand, do they touch it?
Yes! In a Modern Au Fleur would hope that some magical Fizzgig or Tumbeloth would give her super powers lol
31) What is your Oc’s go to dance move?
Fleur’s go to dance would be the samba!
34) What would your Oc’s reaction be if there was a giant dog that came to them with a huge bone as the dog wags their tail in excitement?
Her first reaction would be pure terror but when the dog drops the bone and wags their tail Fleur would start to baby talk to it!
“Awww you’re a friendly baby aren’t you? Yes you are! Yes you are!” And she would be in awe at the size of the bone the doggy brought and try to find a way to hide it in her bone collection! She would also try her hardest to convince Razer that this giant dog is their new fur baby lol
4) It’s a sunny day outside, what is their reaction?
Lol, Cha’l also enjoys a nice sunny day and the first thing that will pop up is if either Kiel or Shiyoon has a prank up their sleeves like;
“It’s beautiful out. The suns are shining, it’s so quiet....almost....too quiet”
If he hadn’t been pranked yet, he would find a nice shady spot and work on a special wood carving for Shiyoon.
9) What would their tumblr username be?
Cha’l’s username would probably be; “C00kingG0d” or “Sunsets-on-the-Ocean”
23) Would they much rather banter back and forth with their friends or talk about philosophy?
Omg it definitely depends, but I see Cha’l as the type who likes to have funny banter with his friends and family lol
30) Your Oc is scuba diving and comes across a mermaid, what next?
Cha’l would almost drown from getting surprised lol
He’s probably heard stories of mer-gelfs and when he actually sees one he’s blown away. He’d have to double check that the mer-Gelf isn’t Shiyoon because most/all Sifa see her as a siren and a Sea Witch.
35) A frog appears out of nowhere and starts to criticize their life choices, what does your Oc do?
Cha’l would look at the frog kinda offended and then make a call to attract an Awlis and go; “You were saying about my life choices?”
Thank you so much for these, they were so much fun!
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