#Gelfling family
ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Hmmm I used to draw the Commander without his helmet with solid platinum blonde hair, like Brea
But come to think of it Gelfling with just one color like her are rare, they usually have colored touches. Just look at Jen (blue and silvery strands), Kira (green highlights), Deet (green highlights), Seladon (half of it is lavender), Tavra (pink and lavender highlights), Rian (green strands), Ordon (green strands), Gurjin (rainbow hair) and Laesid (multi colors too), for instance to just mention those he is related to in the rewriting
And it turns out Brea isn't even fully platinum blonde like I thought, she actually has lavender in the back too !
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So should I let him platinum blonde and nothing more pretexting all these multiple genes cancelled each other out so he has one color, or have him have some colored strands or highights like the others ?
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endfought · 2 years
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some tdc sketches from a stream // personals/non mutuals do not reblog
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
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Once again making family trees, partially inspired by this post here. I was just trying to throw in as many muppet names as possible really.
Grover wants them to side with the Greens so I gave him a Bracken wife bc they initially wanted to side with them. I also think the continued cousin on cousin slapfights are funny. Imagine being cousins to the Lord Paramount and they still choose to side with the Blackwoods.
Elmo gets a Piper wife because he resents his grandfather for living so long, knew he’d choose to back Aegon the moment the boy was born, so he married another Rhaenyra loyalist so the blacks would have support in the Riverlands.
Kermit marries Sabitha Frey’s daughter Elayna because he loves his Lads and Sabitha is a Lad. He has a son, Wembley, named after the Fraggle.
Oscar starts the Stormbreakers (that part is canon) and marries a rich noblewoman in Braavos. He has two children, Breha and Kylan, both named after Gelflings from Dark Crystal. Kylan, being a cadet branch born in Essos, married Vale heiress and uses his contacts from Essos to get them both FILTHY rich. Breha married a Reacher. Why? Because I wanted the girls to have Muppet names and I thought "Fossie" as a nickname for Fossoway (aka Fozzie Bear) worked AND I found another reacher house called Risley and I thought that worked for "Rizzo" (aka Rizzo the Rat).
Wembley marries a Dustin - the book mentions that both the Blackwoods and Tullys benefit from the Northerners who stay in the Riverlands so I figured part of that benefit is, ya know, brides! I chose Dustin since Roddy the Ruin was a Dustin and it feels likely he’d have several younger sons or grandsons that stayed for a time in the Riverlands. Wembley’s son is canon because we know there’s a Medgar Tully in The Hedge Knight who has a six year old son.
Medgar dies and leaves his eight year old son as Lord Tully. In canon, they describe the boy as being “surrounded by women” so I gave him a shitton of aunties (like Fossie and Rizzo). Oscar’s descendants through Breha come back to the Riverlands to influence their very little cousin, as do Wembley’s many daughters!
Zooey Shawney is a reference to Zoe from Sesame Street.
Pink Missy Crakehall or Melissa Crakehall was fascinated with her cousin’s stories of Tyroshi fashion and was known to dye her hair pink, hence the name. Yes this is a Miss Piggie Reference.
Janys Keath aka Janice from Doctor Teeth’s Electric Mayhem
Red Rose Smallwood is supposed to be both Red the Fraggle and Rosita from Sesame Street.
Large Marvin is also a Fraggle!!
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timeagainreviews · 4 months
In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Scream for Your Nappy Change
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Few shows have had as many pilot episodes as Doctor Who. From “An Unearthly Child,” to the 1996 TV movie, to 2005’s “Rose,” and now “Space Babies.” However, one could argue that every new Doctor is essentially a pilot episode. There are notable shifts in the show’s dynamic to such a degree that it’s practically a reset. Any major personnel shift is a renewal. The transition from William Hartnell to Patrick Troughton, the transfer of power from Russell T Davies to Steven Moffat, and again, from Moffat to Chris Chibnall, for example. Even series ten began with the cheeky title “The Pilot,” where we find the Doctor earthbound as a college professor with his student, Bill, and his wife, Nardole. But “Space Babies,” is an odd one, for so many reasons. Mostly because it’s introducing us to characters we’ve been getting to know for a couple of episodes now. Then, of course, there’s everything else.
For some, an episode called “Space Babies” was always going to be a hard sale. Back in March when they revealed the new episode titles as a series of vignettes, Space Babies looked and sounded a lot like what we got. Sometimes a very literal title can be a bit of fun. “Snakes on a Plane,” tells you everything you need to know going in. While it may have benefitted from a bit of virality, you could argue that it does more with its premise than something like “Cocaine Bear,” which was little more than its title. I’ve complained in the past that my issue with the concept of the Timeless Child was that you could figure out the story by hearing the words. If I can watch a story in my head from its title, then in the words of Amy Pond- what is the point of you? My reaction to the title “Space Babies,” was very similar. Except in this case, I would say it was closer to a “Snakes On a Plane,” than a “Cocaine Bear.”
We’re off to a great start. I got to mention cocaine and babies in the same sentence. Speaking of awkward starts, why did Russell T Davies decide to open the show with the twee episode for the kiddies? Those types of stories are usually relegated to the mid-season point, after a really good one. I guess they needed a palette cleanser to put some space between “The Giggle,” and “The Devil’s Chord,” as they’re essentially the same story twice. But that’s for the next review. Though “Rose,” has its own brand of wacky weirdness with man-eating rubbish bins and plastic boyfriend doppelgangers with pizza peels for hands. Even still, it’s an odd choice for the “pilot.”
A lot of the episode’s enjoyment is predicated on how cute you think babies are. In my case, it’s not very much. If they had called the episode “Space Kittens,” it would have hooked me. But babies come with baggage. People are weird about babies. Babies are often politicised, which this episode definitely does, but more on that later. Another reason why babies were a hard sell for me is they’re not actors. Child actors are rarely good, so filtering their performances through the vacant faces of babies is like making a bad thing worse. Sure, they animated their mouths with cutting-edge technology straight from 1995’s “Babe,” but their faces gave us no range of emotion unless you count Eric, whose facial expression was that of one constantly bricking it in his diaper. I was reminded of the Gelflings in “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance,” in that it takes some getting used to the look of their faces. Except in the case of the Gelflings, the Jim Henson Creature Workshop knew their limitations and used CGI where the puppets fell short. A furrowed brow would have gone a long way to sell the babies.
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However, I’m not made of stone. I’m not so joyless that I can’t send my critical brain on a little vacay for 46 minutes. I also appreciate that Doctor Who still takes the time to do stories for children. It’s a family show, after all. I was even impressed that the episode was able to sell me on the concept of a booger man (or Bogeyman to be precise) when “Sleep No More,” had so utterly failed to sell me on the concept of eye booger men previously. Even more, I had never expected to feel an emotional connection to said Bogeyman. While a lot of it had to do with Ncuti Gatwa’s performance, I’ll admit I actually got a little choked up at the end of the episode. Even a snotty little freak of nature deserves a place in the world, and I identified with that. It’s nice when a Doctor Who episode ends and it was actually about something.
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As mentioned before, Russell T Davies uses the baggage that comes along with babies to stoke the fire of his own story. Through the eyes of Jocylen, the ship’s reluctant nanny, we see the babies in another light- as a constant source of worry. Having never wanted the job in the first place, Jocylen’s part is one of necessity rather than vocation. No one working in the field of charity or crisis aid wants to be doing the work. Sure, it’s fulfilling, but the nature of its necessity is telling of the world at large, or in this case- star system. In a perfect star system, no child would go unhugged, unattended, or forgotten. Yet here she is, forced by circumstance and emboldened by compassion to rise to the occasion. She may not be nailing it, but seriously, who the hell else was taking care of the children they forced to exist? If “Kill the Moon,” was Doctor Who’s pro-life story, this episode stands in stark contrast as the pro-choice story.
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An episode with a butt-shaped space station that farts its way to the shores of freedom seems like an odd choice to talk about refugees, but it’s also the episode that gave a booger a soul. While a lot of the tone aligns more with “Aliens of London/World War Three,” or “Love and Monsters,” the message aligns more with something like “Turn Left.” Russell T Davies is giving us a spoonful of sugar with our medicine, which seems the correct approach in a show where Christmas trees are capable of murder. Suffice it to say, seeing a Rwandan refugee playing a British icon on the BBC commenting on the conservative government’s Rwandan bill is better than anything the show could do on its own. You almost have to do it, and more than I’m glad RTD rose to the occasion, I’m glad it was Ncuti who got to do it.
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Speaking of things only Ncuti Gatwa could do, I appreciate that his Doctor is emotionally available enough to offer a hug to a child while still being alien enough to scare the bejeezus out of them. I can’t really picture Tom Baker hugging anyone, though I can imagine him scaring the bejeezus out of someone. Maybe Matt Smith would do it. Jodie as well. But Gatwa’s Doctor is an interesting mixture of compassionate and completely aloof. It’s a mixture that is sometimes at odds with itself, but it works. You see it in brief moments like when Ruby’s caretaker instincts take over and she runs head-on into danger, while the Doctor takes a moment to pop around the corner and catch up to her. It’s the classic dynamic of the Doctor being reminded of human nature by his companion.
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I really like this selfless defender of the people streak in Ruby’s personality. It reminds me a lot of an ‘80s companion. She’s like a mixture of Nyssa and Ace. She puts herself in harm's way to protect others. She writes songs to cheer up lovesick lesbians. She’s got a very full personality that is palpable very early on. We got this level of character development with RTD’s earlier companions, and it’s nice to see it continue. What’s less nice is how he seems to have also taken a page from Steven Moffat’s book where the companion must also be needlessly complicated. What’s more is it feels less enticing and more like retreading familiar territory. It’s giving “The Impossible Girl,” vibes with an Amy Pond pregnancy body scan to bring it full circle. This is one of my biggest issues with the RTD2 era so far- it feels like a remix of past Doctor Who. That isn’t to say he’s added nothing new to the show, but it does feel a bit Clara 2.0. I’m just saying, it doesn’t always have to be some star-crossed destiny. If you do it every time, it loses its power.  Sometimes people just meet each other. Say what you will about Yaz’s characterisation, but at least she was allowed to be a person.
The story at the heart of “Space Babies,” is ultimately a bit thin. You could argue that there was never any real threat, but that happens sometimes on Doctor Who (take “Listen,” for example). I’ve seen some people online complaining that the Bogeyman doesn’t die, but what does it really do other than scare people? Sure, you see Eric’s pram toppled and find him characteristically bricking it in his diaper, but he’s not got a scratch on him. What if Eric went missing because the Bogeyman “ate” him. They could reveal that he actually was protecting Eric from the dangers of the malfunctioning bowels of the ship. Imagine the bogey bits tearing away out of the airlock, slowly revealing Eric inside. Not only would Jocylen have almost taken an innocent life, but two innocent lives. Pair that with the Doctor's brave rescue and blammo! It could have upped the tension and implied more danger, is all I’m saying.
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I was a bit confused by the ship’s computer creating the Bogeyman in the first place. That entire aspect of the plot was skimmed over and very flimsy. I thought they were doing something with the show’s new magical premise, a “superstition of the Bogeyman made him exist,” sort of angle. But no, it was just something the ship did, for reasons. I also expected that to be the reason for Ruby's transformation into the weird scaly lizard woman. I expected it to suddenly be possible through superstition that stepping on a butterfly could change the course of history. But instead, the Doctor forgot to push the butterfly compensator on the TARDIS console. Kinda weird that RTD had two moments to further his own mythology but sided on technobabble. Not bad, just odd.
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One aspect that bothered me was how long it took them to reveal the Bogeyman was made of snot. When they took the time to do this whole to do with the babies blowing their noses, I immediately looked over at my wife and said “The Bogeyman is made of baby boogers,’ to which she responded “I hate that you’re right.” They telegraphed it so hard that it made the Doctor seem slow on the uptake. If you recall from my review of "The Husbands of River Song," I felt like they did the same thing to River with how long it took her to recognise the Doctor. However, I imagine it's a bit of a balancing act to know when to reveal something. The Doctor doesn't necessarily have all of the information we have as an audience.
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As pilots go, “Space Babies,” could have done better at introducing a new audience to Doctor Who. Much of the expository dialogue about who the Doctor is or where he came from felt rushed and unnatural. My friend Taryn said she enjoyed this aspect of the Doctor being less cryptic and more forthcoming with information. While I agree, I feel like the execution was clumsy, a word we’re starting to see more often in my reviews of the RTD2 era. For comparison, take Fallout, a show that came out only a month earlier. Both are technically first seasons of tv shows based on pre-existing properties with dense lore. Both have eight episodes to tell their stories. And yet with Fallout, we get a trickle of information as things happen. With Doctor Who we have the Doctor stopping his companion mid-sentence to say “Oh yeah, by the way, I have two hearts.” Look, I get it, I’m neurodivergent. I appreciate a good infodump. But there’s a big reason people are calling Fallout a triumph- it respects its audience enough to reveal things over time.
RTD said recently that young people won’t watch black and white. I don’t know if this is true as I am a cusp gen x/millennial. I don’t know much about what kids get up to these days, but I also don’t go around saying what they will and won’t do. It sounds a lot like “Those damn kids with their hip hop video games,” or like “Kids don’t like anything that isn’t Tik Tok or Roblox.” It feels like it misunderstands the appeal of storytelling in the first place. Studio executives have never fully understood what is good about Doctor Who. In the ‘70s and ‘80s, it was “Why can’t it be like Star Wars?” In the Chibnall era, the goal was to compete with Netflix. And now it’s “We need to meet the same standards of Marvel.” But if Doctor Who is always being compared to something else, you curse it into always being behind the curve. When I fell in love with Doctor Who, it was because it wasn’t like anything I had ever seen before. If I want to watch Iron Man, I’ll watch Iron Man.
Not all of the expository dialogue was without merit. I’ve been continually impressed by RTD’s handling of the Timeless Child storyline. As longtime readers know, I was not a fan of that story. Hell, first-time readers probably picked up on it in this article. But I don’t think it’s fair to discount the people who did enjoy that story. And I think it is far more interesting for the show to develop the idea as opposed to sweeping it under the rug. We learned that the Time Lord genocide was cellular, which helps the whole concept of the Master achieving what millions of Daleks couldn’t do make more sense. It’s amazing how much a single line of dialogue can overcome a lot of shoddy writing. I liked the Doctor stating that it doesn’t matter where he comes from, as I’ve been saying that the whole damn time. It’s also nice that despite everything, the Doctor is still a Time Lord in his hearts of hearts. We as fans kinda need those moments so we can collectively move on from what has been a rather ugly time in the fandom.
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That’s not to say we aren’t still in an ugly culture battle within the fandom. Racism is still a very real aspect to the conversation. As are ableism, sexism, transphobia. And despite RTD meeting these things head-on with the grace of a fish out of water, we’ve still got some great points of intrigue. Who is this woman played by Susan Twist we keep seeing in the background? Who is the one who waits? Is Mrs Flood the White Guardian to Susan Twist’s Black Guardian? I would love to say it’s the Rani because it’s been 20 fucking years of it not being the Rani, which is also the exact reason I won’t say it’s the Rani. But god I wish it was the Rani. They even name-drop her! Give us this one, please. My point being, despite its daftness and its expressionless babies, “Space Babies,” still gives us a lot to go off of. If you didn’t like it, do what I did and watch it twice. The emotional resonance works better when it feels less like you’re watching a car accident.
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Look, if you didn’t like “Space Babies,” I get it. Maybe it’s not for you. There are weird little problems with the episode. The expository dialogue I mentioned, for example. The babies are a bit much. The Bogeyman howling like a werewolf was batshit weird. I guess it was because they compared him to a dog. Even then, why not make it bark? You could ask things like “Why didn’t the Doctor use the TARDIS to fly them to safety instead of setting their space station on a crash course with the planet’s surface?” or "Why didn't the Doctor get sucked out of the airlock? It's air pressure, not gravity." Is the humour still falling a bit flat? Sure. It’s easy to pick stuff apart. But come on, the episode is called “Space Babies,” you knew ahead of time if that concept was going to work for you or not.
Thanks for reading! I'm sorry these articles are taking a while. Having two episodes drop simultaneously doubles my workload! I'll have the review for "The Devil's Chord," up tomorrow! Hopefully next week will be more timely.
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mythicalgeek · 7 months
The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance is a tragically underrated work of art.
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If your a fan of fantasy like Lord of the rings, Harry Potter and Star Wars please give The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance a watch.
Its a prequel series to the 80s movie and it's one of the best fantasy shows in recent years and goes back to classic fairytales and mythical storytelling.
Everything is mostly done with practical effects and only uses CGI where it's really necessary. The show also brings back puppetry and even though none of the character's are humans there's more humanity in this show than most media we get today.
The world of thra is a magical and strange place that you find yourself immersed in, with all the creatures and beuaty of the natural world at full display you find yourself encanted by it.
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The gelfings are really adorable and you can't help but care about them, the main three protagonists have well flushed out personalities and each one has a interesting journey they go on that lead them to start the resistance and the quest to save there world.
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The Skekies are really creepy and make for some pretty great villains. There motivation and interactions are giving just as much time as the heros, they rule thra with cruelty and manipulation, stealing the live force of the planet and the then the gelfing. There some of the most terrifying villains we've gottan in the last few years and I gotta say, I was absolutely horrifying by them.
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This show does a lot of things right and one of them is how it writes the female characters. Deet and Brea (the two female leads) are very feminine heroines who are kind, empathetic, intuitive, clever and strong without it being showed in our faeces. Even when the female characters are warriors or soldiers there femininity is not devalued or see as a weakness. We also have more complex characters like Seledon and the gelfing leaders (who are all female) and it's just so nice to have a fantasy show that handels the female reputation so beautifully.
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At the same time the male character's are also written with the same amount of care and respect, for example Rian (the main male lead) is a soldier who after finding out the truth about the skekies, is faced with the hard challenge of spreading the truth while dealing with loss and trauma, we see plenty of moments where his aloud to be vulnerable and we see him grow into a strong leader for the resistance.
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We also have Hup who even though he is a side character, is a lovable podling who steals every sence he's in. He dreams of becoming a hero and has such a heartwarming friendship with Deet it's hard not to love him and want more of him.
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All the relationships between the gelfing feel so intimate and pure, wheater there familial, platonic or romantic the show gives us so many beautifully written relationship and dynamics, that add to the emotional core of the story.
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There's also some political drama with the gelfling clans and the skekies as they try to hold on to there power, it's done in a way that both kid's and adults can follow.
The action is surprisingly good for show with only puppets, we have sowrd fights, flying gelfings dropping booms, wild carriage rides and it's really exciting and done well.
There is only 1 season unfortunately but it's still worth the watch, I do have to warn everyone that there is a lot of scary and truely horrifying moments so if your sensitive maybe give this a pass, but there's a balance between the dark and whimsical and there's so many funny and sweet moment's that allow you two catch your breath.
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This series is a hidden gem in the world of fantasy and that's a dame shame because it is everything you could whant from a epic fantasy story that we just dont see a lot of anymore.
I like shows like The Witcher and Rings of power but none of those shows have captured my imagination or sense of wonder like the dark crystal aor did. I have so much love for this beautiful, weird, creepy, wonderful, magical puppet show and I wish it got more recognition for the work of art it truly is.
The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance is pure magic and deserve so much more attention. It's on Netflix so check it out if your looking for some good fantasy.
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One of the three daughters of All-Maudra Mayrin, Tavra was a brave spirit whose calm thinking and kind heart held her family together.
Completing the trio of sisters, the mighty swordswoman of the Vapra clan is here.  https://www.wetanz.com/us/tavra-the-gelfling
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talkin-tdc · 3 days
Gelfling come to earth AU
AU where the gelfling are transported to earth and find humans who want to protect them.
-I see Rian and Ordon ending up with a young pompous lawyer (think edgeworth from ace attorney) who only lets them live with him since he knows he wouldn’t want to be left stranded in an alien planet without help but hates them at first. He thinks Rian is reckless and that Ordon adapted poorly to change, but after getting to know them he grew more fond of them and enjoyed the excitement he otherwise wouldn’t experience since he lived alone.
-Mayrin and Seladon were found by a hippie artist (think the van from cars kinda hippie) living off of her parents wealth. She actually loved dark crystal and were worried the government would do something bad to them, so took them in. She teaches Mayrin and Seladon to mellow out a bit and have a stronger bond as she can relate to having a bad bond with parents (her parents gave her things and pressure not affection). In turn, she’s inspired by Mayrin and Seladon to take control of her life and become independent of her parents money by opening up her own art shop.
-Tavra and Brea are found by a local farmer family (best comparison would be apple family from my little pony) and they start getting to work around the farm to earn their keep and after getting to know them, the farmers offer them a place to stay. They learn about farm life and the family learns about Thra as well as how to be more organized as the farm was doing bad for a few seasons due to poor management. Brea and Tavera learn about earth, and Brea in particular is intrigued with their political sphere and how different it is from Thra.
-Naia and Kylan are found by a struggling actor (any male actor you like will do but I prefer thinking of it like a young Daveed Diggs) . He works at a local coffee shop and lives upstairs barely being able to pay the rent and food (don’t ask about his student loans…). From them, he learns to be more persistent and still follow his passion. Naia learns to forgive herself from her past mistakes and that they don’t define her (she messed up a spell that was supposed to be her coronation into being Maudra so feels guilty like actor does for his loans and not being able to pay). Eventually, Kylan teaches the actor some gelfling songs and actor decides to put it online.
-Well the song gets massively popular because of its sound, it resonating with people, and no one being able to translate the lyrics. Actor guy gets super famous from it and goes on a few talk shows and does interviews etc.
-It’s playing in the background of the news one morning as lawyer and Ordon/Rian are getting ready and listen to the song and Rian’s like “Hey! That’s gelfling!! HE’S SINGING GELFLING!!!” Lawyer begins to look for other interviews of actor and realizes that his answers to “What gave you inspiration to write this warm, cozy song?” always change and he gets fidgety or looks away from the camera.
-Seladon and Mayrin hear it on the radio which was playing internet hits at the time, and tell hippie, thinking it could be Tavra or Brea. Hippie (though hating technology) agrees to take them to the local library to look it up.
-Farm family gets the local paper (which Brea reads every morning to improve her human reading comprehension!) and discovers the gelfling as well. The oldest daughter takes Brea and Tavra to the library to find out more since the farm is remote.
-Happens to be same library hippie girl is at with her gelfling and Brea, Tavra, Seladon, and Mayrin reunite. Hippie and farm girl help look up actor and see that in interviews he mentioned auditioning for a theater a few states away from them so they set off to find him in case he knows how to get the gelfling home.
-Lawyer sees the actor as suspicious and looks him up, finding the theater the girls did and taking Rian and Ordon there, all hoping to find a way to bring them home.
-The three get to the theater where actor is rehearsing and try to figure out why the other is there. Lawyer notices their strangely large tote bag and they notices his heavy/unzipped backpack he used to carry around Ordon/Rian if they wanted to go out. They realize pretty quickly they’re there for the same reason and decide to jump the actor. After actor gets out of rehearsal, they confront him and he admits to knowing Naia and Kylan. They ask to see the other gelfling first but actor is too nervous for that. So, actor takes them all to the coffee shop he works at and takes the gelfling upstairs to find naia and Kylan.
-Naia is ashamed she got them into the mess but the gelfling assure her some good’s come out of it and they’ll return home. Mayrin helps naia redo the Maudra spell and they create a portal to go home. They don’t know if they’ll remember the human world, or what all happened, but they have a tearful good bye to their humans and leave.
-Back on Thra, they reunite with loved ones and don’t quite remember all that happened, but seem to be more stable after the disappearance. They return to their normal lives and all is well (of course until the canon AoR takes over 😉 ).
-Alternate part 2 would be after Gelfling leave humans get together one a year to commemorate their friends going home until one decides to look up what Gelfling and the dark crystal actually is. They see the draining, lose their minds, but luckily caught the Maudra spell via actor recording it on an old camera. They do the spell and go help their friends, but when they go to Thra, they forget about anything to do with the Gelfling being on earth and only recall their lives before meeting the Gelfling. Can they save their friends from the claws of the Skeksis or shall they become essence as well?
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raycatz · 4 months
Thank you for giving me an excuse to write this all out. I've written a rambly essay about wings, brief timeline thoughts, and dreamfasting!
I've been thinking way too much about gelfling wings. I like the headcanon that Hyrule is trans ftm so he gets wings (since gelfling born as girls have wings and boys do not)! I don't think he minds them at all. But it's got me thinking about other trans gelfling or how wings relate to gender for gelfling, if at all, and their utility. I've watched the original movie, the netflix series, and have read The Power of The Dark Crystal. I've skimmed Beneath The Dark Crystal and it seems like the flying troops and ground troops are split mostly between those with and without wings. One of the significant side-characters is trans and has a set of wings which are attached to like, a corset, wrap, thing. She gifts them to Kensho and he flies with them. There is a comment that "the council wants a winged leader anyways" which speaks back to the matriarchal society of Age of Resistance, but Kensho does not change anything gender-wise and still becomes leader pretty sure so like, leaders being women is what has been done traditionally but isn't required. But also like, are the worn wings magic? Can they fly on their own? In the movie Kira can't fly with her wings but only glide. Do different wings have different function, have they changed over time? I did a google search and came up with a quote from the novelization that it's the latter, that gelfling have lost the ability to fly. But then they get it back by PoTDC. Was it a symptom of the darkening, then?
BUT ANYWAYS- how does this apply to LU? Also I haven't read any of the other comics or books so I'm making a lot of this up. BUT LIKE wings seem like they'd serve a great utility. Especially for warriors even if they cannot fly but at least to glide (in the situation where the worn wings aren't magic). Maybe wing harnesses that can be worn? So Wild and Sky would get a pair as gliders. Four and Legend get a pair in place of the roc's cape and feather. I swear I saw a picture of the puppets once where it's shown Jen or Rian maybe have the outline of wings on their backs but I could also completely be making this up. But like, is the emergence of wings a coming of age thing? And if male gelfling do have vestigial wings what if there's gender affirmation surgery for trans mtf gelfling? Would it be for gender affirmation and presentation? Would it be for fashion? Utility? Would the wings have function? For gliding? What about full or partial flight? Genderfluid Wild where he's had the surgery and has some flight capability yet his wings are too small on their own so she still keeps a separate full pair which clip on and are then secured with a harness which allow for full flight. And they can swap between depending on how they feel like presenting or for utility. Legend also has a worn pair. He wears them to dress more effeminately, sometimes for gender, sometimes vibes, or as a fashion statement. (Wars too) He might also have a pair of wings that emerged but never developed to flight. There's a lot of interesting things to be done with the headcanon! (worn wings with different shapes to telegraph their function? Legend would have so many pairs, then!)
Would the worn wings be fabricated or something inherited from a passed family member, warrior, donated? There is Onica who has lost her wings so I don't think they grow back. I think Aughra would be miffed but proud of the gelfling's ingenuity: "Gave gelfling binaries to make things simple! Easier to understand! And yet they choose to listen to Thra anyways! Find their way back! PAH! What marvelous creatures! Seems they don't need Mother Aughra after all! PAH" and all the gelfling are like oh stop we do love you.
(and you know what? we can redirect Legend's righteous god-hating anger towards the Skeksis. This man would get along with Mother Aughra like a house on fire. Maybe she gives him too many quests, and maybe he resents her somewhat, but he's too fond of her as well. Aughra is Thra, after all. Maybe he just stops listening for a while. OoooOO internal conflict that has consequences in the world!!! >:D )
aaAAA Happy Pride?! Gender affirmation surgery for gelfling!
I've also been thinking about where to place these guys on the timeline. I think it'd be a shame to take them out of the same reality as the series as the preexisting cast has so much lore. Which I am not as versed in as I could be. But Age of Resistance is what sparked this so probably somewhere in that time or nearby. There's literally a great tree which bestows a vision unto Deet to leave home and save Thra but I don't want Hyrule to replace her... hmmm... I know I want them to be facing the darkening and that the crystal calls them (or calls their Zeldas). From there, idk. I mostly have ideas for some encounters for these guys with the creatures of Thra and general designs and how they're living taking the AoR clans as inspiration. (Currently I've placed them in Thra. I could also apply Thra to Hyrule. I need to weave in more Zelda elements.)
Wind would be Sifa. atm Hyrule is Grottan though that may change. I think Legend would be Sifa and Spriton, spending the harvest and planting seasons with the Spriton, and at sea the rest, but spends most of his time now traveling after an incident at sea. (He does not trust dreamfasting. OH GOD THE POTENTIAL ANGST FOR DREAMFASTING. Dreamfasting has been shown to share experienced memories- I'm unsure about actual dreams or imaginative things. Are the voiceovers in the shows shared through the dreamfast or are the gelfling speaking aloud, I'm not sure. I think that the great tree and probably Aughra might be the only characters shown to share visions? Can you imagine Legend refusing to dreamfast because he doesn't want to find out if Koholint is something he experienced in person or only dreamed of??? You also cannot pass on someone else's dreamfast and it's believed madness can be transmitted through dreamfast so there's that as well. Would there even be a way for him to tell? What if he can share it but is convinced its madness that he willed into memory? Wild's regained memories on the other hand can be eerily confirmed through dreamfast. Though that means I need to find a place earlier on the timeline to place him where something traumatic happens.) (THOUGH THE DARKENING SICKNESS- it manifests in various ways- in Power Of it grows on the gelfling and needs to be burned off with fire or purified by the crystal. It's how Kensho got his scars! It could be how Wild got his scars!) (there are lots of potential little ties to malice, gloom, and the triforce)
Wolfie is very big and has lots of teeth. I want him to be a much scarier creature to gelfling than a wolf is to a Hylian. Currently with six legs and amphibious.
That's all I've got for now. Props if you read everything! 'xD Thank you for asking!
Here are the downfall duo again!
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eanfee · 18 days
Dark Crystal Barbie AU Part 2!
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First, let's understand the geopolitical issue of this universe:
Unlike the Thra we know, this is not a large Pangea. The world is divided between a larger continent composed of the lands of Spriton, Vapra and Sifa and smaller lands across the globe, which can be as large as the Stonewood Empire, as vast as the Dusan Archipelago or as small as the island inhabited by the Drenchens, the furthest from the continent, in a place that went ages without being explored due to the difficult navigation, which kept them isolated from everything.
During the First Age of Great Navigations, the Vapras attempted to cross the cape and reach the unexplored Lands, with a fleet of extremely advanced ships for the time, which carried dozens of explorers and the royal family: Queen Mayrin and her three daughters: Seladon, Katavra and Brea. Unfortunately, their ship sank and their middle daughter, Katavra, was lost at sea and presumed dead, which shook the entire world and kept any explorers away from the area for decades.
Now, the story:
However, Princess Katavra (who now remembered nothing about her past other than the nickname Tavra, as she became known), miraculously managed to survive and ended up on the beaches of Sog Island, home of the Drenchen, where she was found by Maudra Laesid and her family. Too young and not knowing who she was, little Vapra was pitied by Maudra and her husband, who decided to raise her as a legitimate daughter alongside their newborn twins: Naia and Gurjin.
Despite Maudra's support and the love of her brothers, Tavra grew up slightly ignored and rejected by the Drenchens, who found her appearance strange and feared what this strange creature from across the sea might bring. That is, until Tavra gained her wings. The incredible flying ability never seen before in Drenchen history made Sog's adopted daughter a valuable and respected member of her people, and the girl began to receive training from her father to be a warrior. Tavra and Gurjin eventually became leaders of their island's defense force, with Gurjin responsible for overseeing the land and waters and Tavra keeping watch from the trees and above the clouds with her majestic wings. Naia, Maudra Laesid's eldest biological daughter, was raised from birth to succeed her mother, which leaves her with a much more hectic and boring routine than her siblings, making her somewhat envious. However, all this is forgotten when Tavra plays pranks to distract her from her hard work. For being her only sister and for always protecting and comforting her, Tavra became extremely special to Naia, to the point that the youngest did not like strangers interacting with the oldest, for fear of being abandoned.
However, one day, the peace of the inhabitants of Sog is interrupted by the arrival of an expeditionary force from abroad: a fleet of ships led by the heir to the Sifa throne, Onica.
Everyone is frightened and fearful, and they vote that they must drive the outsiders away before they cause any harm. Tavra, as one of the warriors' cheves, should be responsible for getting rid of the invaders, but when she sees a young vapra among the crew, she becomes intoxicated by the possibility that there are more gelflings like her, who can answer the questions she has had all her life: Who was she? Where did she come from? Did she have family beyond the endless sea? What could possibly await her on this so-called "continent" on the other side of the world?
Despite Gurjin's apprehension, Naia's insistence, and the general resistance of her people, Maudra Laesid allows Tavra to sail with the outsiders in search of answers, knowing how important this is to her small, twinkling star. She also sends her two children along (knowing that they will protect each other) in search of what the New World can offer Sog.
During the long voyage, Tavra and Onica grow closer and closer, much to Naia's dismay, and Tavra learns a little about the general history of her people, the Vapras, from some of the crew members.
Upon arriving in Sifa territory, Onica rushes to introduce Tavra (who is now dazzled, like her siblings, by the technology and lifestyle of the continent) to her parents, King Cadia and Queen Ethri, in order to ask for their blessing to marry Tavra. This plan, however, fails completely when her parents introduce her to her fiancé, Prince Kylan, and her adoptive mother, Queen Mera of the Spritons.
Time to explain the villain's past:
(I believe everyone remembers Queen Ariana's goal in the Barbie movie: to marry her daughter to Prince Antonio in order to stage a coup d'état due to the king's resentment. Well, the same goal applies here.)
King Cadia of the Sifas was a new king, crowned while still young after the death of his parents, and still too immature to carry the crown, thought the Spritons, who did not like the new form of trade that had been implemented and was unfavorable to their interests.
Because of this, a group of Spriton rebels joined together with the aim of killing the king and carrying out a coup d'état. However, they were caught and punished severely, some with death, some with exile, as was the case with Mera's family.
Her parents lost all their titles and properties, leaving only a small piece of land for their subsistence, where her parents worked until they died of exhaustion. Revolted, Mera faked her own death and started life over as a maid in the Spriton palace, where she calmly became close to the royal family, especially the queen, who had great affection for her because of the sweet way she treated her little baby Kylan.
Mera, after months of trust, engineered an accident that led to the queen's death, and taking advantage of the king's fragility, who feared that his son would have to grow up without a mother, soon married and assumed the role of queen, poisoning the king not long after.
Afraid of raising suspicions if she murdered the crown prince, she raised him as her own, and after hearing about the birth of King Sifa's daughter, she began to devise her plan, training Kylan to be the perfect heir to marry him to Onica, and thus take possession of the Sifa throne and put an end to the royal family.
To overcome the disagreements that have grown between the kingdoms since the assassination attempt years ago, Cadia thinks it would be a great idea to arrange the marriage of Onica and Kylan, against the wishes of the princess, who is heartbroken when Tavra leaves her, devastated.
The bullying only gets worse and worse, with the sifas, vapras and spritons making fun of Tavra and her brothers because of their customs, the way they speak and behave, and in the case of Naia and Gurjin, their appearance. The king even suggests that they should sleep in the royal stables, alongside other animals, which Ethri vehemently rebukes, and sends them to the royal greenhouse, as they had requested. The brothers sleep together perched in the main tree, homesick, but Tavra cannot contain her thoughts about Onica and her lost family.
On the day of the engagement ball, Onica invites Tavra to attend, and sends her a Vapra assistant, Juni, who tries to guide her in the traditions and customs of the high court. Juni is part of a select group of young people who have moved from their homeland to Sifa territory to serve in the name of the Vapra crown, in order to foster peace between the kingdoms. Another example of these young people is her cousin, the pale sailor with freckles and reddish hair who is Onica's personal assistant.
Juni's behavior displeases the Drenchen twins, who say that Tavra should remain true to who she is and follow the traditions they have learned since childhood.
Tavra decides to strike a balance between the two, fully accepting that she is both Vapra and Drenchen, and attends the ball in the clothes that Juni, Naia and Gurjin have prepared for her. Gurjin wants to see his sister happy, even if she is far from him and with a Sifa. Naia also wants her sister happy, but is afraid of losing her.
Afraid that Tavra and Onica's proximity will disrupt her plans, Mera poisons part of the servants, including Juni, with a strong sleeping herb and blames the girl and her family, claiming that they brought a curse to the mainland, which causes them to be imprisoned. In prison, Queen Spriton tries to poison them too, and Gurjin ends up falling ill.
Onica agrees to marry Kylan if her father suspends the execution of his beloved and her brothers and only allows them to return to their island safely, which the king gladly does. However, Mera sabotages the trip and they all fall into the sea, with Naia struggling to hold her unconscious brother's body so that it does not get swept away by the current while crying out to Tavra, who is in shock.
At this point, she recalls parts of her old life, with memories of the shipwreck where someone calls her name: Katavra.
Before drowning, the siblings are saved by Freckles, who secretly heard Mera's plans and is terribly worried about his cousin. When shown a sample of the plant used to make the poison, Naia recognizes it from one of her mother's lessons on basic healing, and claims that the antidote is a flower that can be found in the palace greenhouse.
Arriving at the last minute to stop the wedding, everyone is shocked when they see Juni awake and right next to her cousin, Naia, Gurjin and Tavra, who expose Mera's plan. When confronted, she ends up exposing the truth about all her crimes, breaking the heart of Kylan who loved and respected his adoptive mother so much, but who joins Tavra at this moment to capture her.
At the end of her imprisonment, Tavra reasserts herself to Mera in retaliation for all the harm she has done to her, and proudly reveals that she is a Vapra-drenchen who may not have found her biological family, but has learned to recognize and appreciate her siblings and adoptive parents, and that she will love them no matter what. She now knows who she is, she is Katavra, and that is who she has always been.
Among the wedding guests was a longing queen, accompanied by her two daughters, who joyfully recognizes the name of her daughter who was lost so many years ago, recognizing Katavra as her own. In the midst of the party, with Tavra now a recognized princess, Cadia finally accepts the marriage of her and her daughter Onica.
Queen Mayrin finally found her beloved daughter again, Naia and Gurjin returned to Sog to tell the good news and every year they receive a visit from Tavra and Onica, who bring products from the Continent for exchange, Mera was arrested and deposed and Kylan assumed the throne, marrying some time later someone he truly loved, as he had always dreamed.
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thanatasia · 7 months
I wanted to ask, what kind of character is Azra?
Does she have a story behind her, personality, likes and dislikes, what?
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Old sketch of Azra!
Azra is a Sifan soothsayer, herbalist, and "witch." Mostly a witch because that's what she prefers to be called....but not many gelfling take too kindly to that title.
She learned much of her talents from her paternal grandmother, who she calls Gran.
Both of her parents died while on an expedition when she was a childling. As a result, she fears the open sea and boarding ships. Unlike many/all Sifa who journey the open seas, Azra stays on land concocting potions and charms. She's quite popular amongst gelfling looking to get revenge on a former lover.
Azra is most famously known for her "odd" behavior of enjoying all things creepy, grotesque, and scary. Not too many gelfling genuinely enjoy her company, but she doesn't care. She has her soul sister, Shiyoon who belongs to my friend @jack-toons
Her personality is kinda hard for me to describe. She's laid back and chill, but she has her creepy antics that make her appear "weird," but she's a fun lass to be around once she's deemed someone her friend.
Azra dislikes loud gelfling, so she avoids big parties and taverns. Although she has a great love for her friends and family, Azra does not have time for romantic love. She's not interested in it and is happy to be single!
Azra has two pet giant centipedes who are named Goldie and Sawtooth. They are her babies and she speaks about them like any pet parent lol
I hope this gives a bit of insight on Azra. She's one of my favorite Ocs- lol I have so many but I love them all.
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mixterglacia · 1 year
TDC/SU AU: The Skeksis and Gelfling
(Note, this is not hyper accurate to SU lore. Just vibe with it y’all.)
Thra is a planet under the rule of Algodonite, the Empress of the Metamorphic Court. 
A result of failed experimentation by Homeworld. The original goal was to split a group of lesser Diamonds to clone them. However, this resulted in the loss of 18 natural Diamonds. They each split into two distinct Gems, none of which mirrored their former glory. Fusion is required to return to their previous state, but the Metamorphic Gems stubbornly refuse. They believe they are the stronger half, fooling themselves into thinking they can become Diamonds without Fusion.
Their counterparts are the Prism Gems. Lead by Shell Agate the Mistress.
While most are still withdrawn, a few of the Prism Gems have reached out to work with the humans that have broken away from the rule of the Metamorphic Court. While they cannot change what their species has done, they feel they need to help save the planet they had a hand in destroying.
Currently, three humans are also considered honorary Prisms.
Rian was born into a long line of guards that served the Metamorphic Court. He accidentally witnessed the Court he protected as they carried out an experiment on his beloved Mira. They were trying to see if a human soul could fill the void left by the Division. While it seems to work temporarily, it doesn’t last forever and kills the human in the process. While this fact doesn’t deter the Court, it sets Rian on his quest to save his planet.
Brea is from a royal bloodline, appointed by the Court to govern the other humans in their stead. She’s deeply curious by nature, and has a thirst for knowledge. This is what leads her to question the Court’s intentions. After seeing a horrible event where members of her people were forced to hand over family heirlooms, she sought the truth. What use are human artifacts to a Gem? These thoughts lead her to a strange, semi-sentient creature by the name of Dolerite. With their help, she joins the Prism’s in their quest to save Thra.
Deethra, also known as Deet, is from a small group of humans that live in a former Kindergarten. She’s deeply in tune with the natural world, often tasked with feeding the farm animals that sustain her remote village. After being attacked by a rampaging bull, Deet woke at the base of the Sanctuary Tree. A living database of Homeworld history, with full sentience. It’s unclear why the Great Trees are aiding the Prism Rebellion. Some think the Trees know they will die along with Thra if the Court is allowed to continue. The Sanctuary Tree gifts Deet with a vision of the future, and sets her on her path to join the Rebellion. Along the way, she befriends a Pebble that goes by Hup. While technically a Gem, Pebbles are treated like slaves. Hup escaped, and she intends to do whatever it takes to help save Thra.
A being by the name of Aughra is now organizing the Rebellion…in her own strange way. She seems to be a physical representation of Thra itself.
The Metamorphic Court:
-Algodonite the Empress
-Crocoite the Gourmand
-Lepidolite the Ornamentalist
-Howlite the Heretic (Banished)
-Yellow Goldstone the ??? (Shattered)
-Prehnite the Collector
-Mookite the Satirist (Banished)
-Bloodstone the Huntress
-Hematite the Slave Mistress
-Ulexite the Scroll Keeper
-Pectolite the Mariner
-Sonora Sunrise Cuprite the Treasurer
-Cinnabar the Chamberlain
-Jadite the Scientist
-Magnesite the Garthim Mistress/General/Empress
-Rutilated Quartz the General
-Scheelite the ??? (Shattered)
-Sunstone the Ritual Mistress
The Prism Gems:
-Shell Agate the Mistress
-Andalusite the Cook
-Coral the Weaver
-Linarite the Wanderer (Sort of Banished)
-Blue Goldstone the ??? (Shattered)
-Milarite the Nun
-Septarian the Storyteller (Self-Exile)
-Tigers Eye the Archer
-Plume Agate the Herbalist
-Sanskrit Jasper the Scribe
-Variscite the Swimmer
-Tektite the Numerologist
-Serandite the Chanter
-Realgar the Alchemist
-Moldavite the Healer
-Iolite the Peacemaker
-Feldspar the ??? (Shattered)
-Boulder Opal the Ritual Guardian
The Fractured Diamonds:
-Radiant Diamond
-Sun Diamond
-Peach Diamond
-Indigo Diamond
-Green Diamond (Shattered)
-Teal Diamond
-Fawn Diamond
-Red Diamond
-Black Diamond
-Umber Diamond
-Aqua Diamond
-Gold Diamond
-Maroon Diamond
-Peacock Diamond
-Gray Diamond
-Sage Diamond
-Fallow Diamond (Shattered)
-Scarlet Diamond
The future is…uncertain for our band of rebels. The outlook is bleak, but you never know. Stranger things have happened.
(Inspired by @sifanjewel / far.dreaming.maudra on tiktok)
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
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And what better way now I'm back in the TDC fandom than my favorite underrated Gelfling, the Lord Commander from the sequel comics ! Well at least his fan rewritten version, Jarra, fanon rewritten as Jen and Kira's son, because the wasted potentials and undervelopped ideas still make me salty lol so recently, with @dracocheesecake we discussed that Gelfling hair are rarely unicolor. I had drawb him plain platinum blonde, like how I used to see who I HC to be his grandaunt Brea, but it turns out even she has lavender strands in the back. So we discussed what colors to give him with all these various genes (Vapra, Drenchen, Sifa, Stonewood and Grottan), and because they return the post we chose green and white/silver. So here he is with a few silvery strands and a green highlight in the back. Also another excuse to draw him barechested in his DILF glory
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gretchensinister · 6 months
An anon ask also included the word "magnate."
It was something SkekOk redacted, for it seemed to show weakness in the skeksis. It was something Aughra spared little thought for, since her concerns had always had a different focus. The gelfling’s own histories, shaped as they were by skeksis meddling, saw it as a way for gelfling of the past to boast of their closeness to the lords. The podlings had songs that were clear about what they saw, but they were never invited to see all, and only podlings ever cared to understand what they were singing.
But the truth of it was that by the end of the era of the urSkeks, there were many magnates among the gelfling. The urSkeks did not think to stop them as they grew wealthy, and made their children wealthy, and their children’s children, until it became impossible that their families could ever be poor in the way other families were poor. The urSkeks saw that roads were spreading, and so was trade, and knowledge, and technology. The details of how these advancements were achieved did not concern them—after all, they would give the gelfling as much autonomy as they could, would they not?
The urSkeks trusted in the principles they gave the gelfling.
And when the skeksis came into the world, naked, animal, ignorant, hollow with inchoate hunger, it was the great among the gelfling, the ones who had flourished like fasciated flowers, who helped them understand much of the ways of the world.
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tophthedaydreamer · 1 year
Question? If you *had* to change the old Disney Snow White movie, either to adapt it to audiences now, or to make it closer to the original story, or fit your own headcanons? What would you change?
Asking because I genuinely haven’t thought about the movie until I saw you talking about the new live action version. And now I’m thinking about rewatching the movie and trying my hand at rewriting it.
What are the things you’d definitely keep, vs things that you might add if it got more screen time, or even stuff you’d cut or change. (One of mine is actually seeing the Hunter’s family. Which might be my forgetfulness? But I don’t think we do in the movie)
personally, I love 1937 snow white so much that I wouldn't change a thing hehe. I think it's wonderful the way it is.
But if I were to make my own adaptation (which I'm dead set on doing if I ever get the resources and ability to do so)....
I would do my own spin that focuses more on snow white's bond with the dwarves instead of the romance with the prince. As much as I am a sucker for romance, I do adore platonic relationships as well, especially those that are family-oriented. And snow white and the dwarves are my favorite parts of the 1937 film, so why not expand on that? Thus, the prince would probably be cut from the story, and it would be the dwarves who break the spell (they each give her a farewell kiss on the forehead that collectively breaks the curse). another thing I'd change is the dwarves, to an extent. they are still seven little men, but they lean more on the fantasy side. I'm thinking they'd look like a mix of a dwarf, gnome, and gelfling.
elements I'd keep are snow white's traditional attributes (hair black as ebony, skin white as snow, etc.), the evil queen setting multiple traps for snow white (I recall in the original fairytale that the queen tried to kill s.w. with a cursed corset and hairbrush? I'll have to brush up on my snow white lore), and the true love's kiss that breaks the sleeping spell.
I'd also load it with German fairytale aesthetics! I'd want it to be traditionally animated, in a similar style to these other works:
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(pls watch a clip of "the girl from the other side" [third picture] bc the animation is crazy good)
The general tone of my version would be a mix of dark fantasy (Don bluth vibes) and peaceful cottagecore (studio Ghibli). Generally a calm, beautiful, but eerie film that isn't afraid to get "Grimm" (eh?! eeeeehhh???!!).
I hope you don't mind my wall of text lol. I just love snow white :P
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fenth-eiria · 1 year
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I've posted him here before, but he deserves a redesign.
SkekShaw is also know as Captain Oldspice by his friends and family (Believe me, there is a lot.)
He is what you would call a defect skeksis as he wants nothing more than to protect all gelfling and hold his word to it. He has tried essence as he was force fed it, but he immediately spit it out and punched SkekTek in the face for it. The thought of him ingesting his family did not sit well with him at all, and he wrecked the Scientist's lab as much as he could before freeing what gelfling he managed to get hi hands on. He then put a hole in the wall and escaped with the gelfling he freed.
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x-0ophelia0-x · 10 months
Hear me out! I’m about to go absolutely batshit nerdy for a second…
What if the Galaxy that Ezra Yeeted himself and Thrawn to, is the same galaxy of the planet of Thra?
Thra is the home world of the Gelflings in “The Dark Crystal” series.. created by the legendary Jim Henson, who was good friends with Gorge Lucas, I think they worked together on “The Labyrinth” anyway… I just think it would be so awesome if the two franchises were apart of the same universe.. and maybe in this Galaxy the force functions just slightly differently to the way it does in the main galaxy..
For instance.. Thra has a massive Crystal that’s uniquely connected to all life on the planet.. it very well could be a strange form of sentient Kyber Crystal, that gets thrown out of balance in the Force, causing its change into the “Dark Crystal” from the original movie, and the Gelflings??
What if the Gelflings are as a species.. somewhat cousins to the race of Grand Master Yoda & Din Grogu.. like their Home planet is within the same solar system as Thra, and both their species once shared a common ancestor..
THAT’S RIGHT!! I’m saying they’re originally from this other galaxy and THAT’S why so little of Yoda’s species is seen throughout the Star Wars galaxy and why information about their race is practically nonexistent!
…. And also I wanna make a Gelfling OC to be Grogu’s adopted big sister..I love wholesome found family fics
Holy moly.
Your theory is good. Like good good. That‘s explain so much actually.. and with Ahsoka we’ve got so many more options for questions like these ahhhhh!
I‘m going to be completely honest, I don’t know that much about Star Wars history or George Lucas‘s other works but what if Master Yodas race used the Purrgils to navigate themselves to the ‚main‘ galaxy?? Just like Ahsoka did but when they noticed that there was a shift in the force they just stayed on their galaxy or travelled to another??
idk if my Purrgill addition is making any sense but your theory is fricking awesome and would explain so much!!!
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