#gelfling Cha’l
thanatasia · 2 years
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I rise from my vampire coffin bed to bring you all more IG Questions I made. Some are from a while ago and others are fairly recent.
We know how I love to write so here’s a brief continued thought for each
It’s not often I draw Fleur and Cha’l as childlings so this one was fun! They’re both so whittle and precious- Maeve and Bhihaar created two cutie pies! I apologize if Fleur’s baby talk is written poorly I was having difficulty writing how I think a young kid would pronounce those words lol
Fleur loves reading and writing so I definitely see her enjoying manga/anime as a young lassywings in a modern au lol Pretend that the screenshots I added have Gelfling ears. She’s one of those younger anime fans who doesn’t let anyone but their closest friends know. (I’m sure this idea is a thing of the past now since anime is pretty mainstream now)
I imagine that this particular scene is from Fleur early bounty hunting days, hence the mask. To keep with the AoR canon Fleur doesn’t kill criminals, she fights them into submission or uses sleeping powder/ta
I will never not be cheering that OceanPetals became parents! Definitely one of Fleur’s most treasured memories. Razer belongs to,my dear friend @jack-toons
The next two are from a reverse au myself and Jack-toons made and- I AM OBSESSED WITH IT!! Aahhhh! Y’all are not ready for that AU lol The Cha’l everyone has come to love is a delinquent and a big time charmer. Reverse au Cha’l gets into plenty of fights, likes to show off his physique to the lassywings he takes a shine to, among other fun things I’ll share in time lol. The first image is of both Cha’ls meeting and OG Cha’l being disappointed. The second is of Cha’l beating someone up for saying something disrespectful to Fleur
The last is of a new ship between Takoda and Adora- they’re so sweet! They are like that sweet couple in a cottage. How the two of them met will be shared another time, for now, Adora’s decision to go topside created many wonderful outcomes she had not anticipated. For Takoda, meeting Adora was a breath of fresh air, he didn’t realize how much he really yearned for that companionship Adora brought with her.
I hope you all enjoy these little sketches until the next one!
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fenth-eiria · 4 years
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So I did my morning Gelfling studies, and I drew @thanatasia Ocs, I know some of them look crappy, but It was my first time drawing them^^
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thanatasia · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
I’ve been working on and off on this art challenge that I will be continuing until I finish them all despite the month lol
I’ve got an important commission set to finish before my birthday so my time for self indulgent art is lower than before.
We’ve seen Day 1 earlier this month but a cute first kiss between Fleur and Razer when she confessed her feelings to Razer.
Cha’l and Shiyoon sharing a morning kiss before beginning their day with all of their childlings ready to cause mischief lol. I imaging that the two stay in bed a few extra minutes to just enjoy each others company before their days truly begin lol
Next is Kiel and Sammi enjoying a well deserved date away from all their childlings. Azra is probably babysitting because she knows how to gets all the kiddos in line. Kiel and Sammi’s dates are always welcomed breaths of fresh air, enjoying the serenity and quite of the forest or shores, depending on the location.
The following are two characters no one except my bestie and sister would know, because they are Ocs from a story my sister and I were creating. The guy on the left is Tatsuya and the girl is Asphodel. They have a intense slow burn romance because like all stories with young adults, they are trying to prevent the end of the world. Normally Asphodel has much longer hair but I always intended to have her hair short before the big battle. Here the two share a final kiss before that battle because I imagine they confess to each other earlier.
Continuing on with OceanPetals, we have them trying to share a kiss but their itty bitty baby had a nightmare. So kissy time has to be put on hold lol. The romance isn’t lost for the new parents though! They sneak little pecks here and there. But when their precious treasure calls out for them, nothing else matters. A rare pencil sketch from me because my eyes have gotten pretty bad so I need to limit my screen time. A girl can spend hours and hours straight drawing a piece *cough cough* and searching the web lol
Finally, we have a younger Bhihaar and Maeve sharing a secret moment together. I need to figure out what Bhihaar’s lie is to his Xeric that makes it easy for him to sneak out without much suspicion. Maeve is conflicted because on one hand she doesn’t care what her parents think of the relationship. But, she also is deathly afraid of being disowned by them in these early romantic meet ups. Her wings are missing for the laziness I feel atm, I tried but my brain kinda shut off.
All of these pieces range in many coloring styles but certain ones I plan on prettying up like the first piece.
Razer, Shiyoon and Sammi belong to my dear friend @jack-toons and you can check out their work of them on their other account @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 2 years
POV: this post is gonna hit the nostalgia for some of you lol
This series is an ode/friendship letter to 2007 - 2012 AMVs but with a Gelfling twist lol One of these Gelfs is listening to Cascada- we all know which song lol
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Only six so far. Idk who will be the cut off but I know who is gonna be in the next bunch!
I had come back from Anime NYC when I sat at a pizzeria that played; Pain by Three Days Grace and when I tell you my nostalgia ignited- I remembered the early days of YouTube (the anime side of it) and the thousands of AMVs my sister and I would watch. Then I also remembered those iPod anime compilations some people posted where it mimicked the iPod ads and used silhouettes of said characters.
OMG the music! The AMVs with the ICONIC songs of the genre and era of early internet anime fandom. The endearing moviemaker watermarks, filters, and transitions. Fanart used without the artist’s knowledge or consent. A lot of dance pop. I was thrown back and it only continued when my sister and I reminisced and listened to some of our favorite AMV songs.
What a marvelous time. Literally any song/most songs you typed in would have an amv, or a slideshow. I believe many of the AMVs my sister and I watched are either deleted, privated or taken down for copyright. The worst is a, Nightwish Sleeping Sun AMV that was BEAUTIFUL sad but well paced, but I believe it’s gone because I can’t find it anymore.
Present day AMVs are good- I saw a recent one for Demon Slayer S2 that was chef’s kiss. The crisp animation makes them more epic compared to the charming but also kinda wonky animated clips in AMVs of anime before 2010-ish.
This was also a mini test to see how recognizable some of my Ocs are when they’re just a silhouette. I’m gonna tag their names below but for funsies in my long description I won’t name them although the placement of a few of them is gonna give it away lol
2 of these Ocs belong to my dear friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash Again, I think we can all tell who they are because 1) their characters have strong silhouettes. And 2) the Gelfling they’re next to give it away lol
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thanatasia · 2 years
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This is a messy doodle of a random thought that came to mind of how Kiel and Fleur first met
Before the two of them found their soulmates Kiel and Cha’l would kinda hype the other up to strike a conversation with a Gelfling that caught their eye. In this instance things didn’t go down how they normally did- Kiel finally got to see the sister Cha’l would talk about- and witnessed Cha’l’s overly protective big brother side XD
Kiel didn’t put two and two together when he first saw Fleur because at first glance she and Cha’l don’t automatically look like siblings (mostly because their skin tones/patterns are very different, but that hair is a dead giveaway lol)
Idk if my handwriting is too hard to read since I was speeding it so I’ll type the dialogue here:
Kiel: Hey Cha’l! Check out that cutie.
Kiel: Do you think she’ll give a guy like me a chance?
Cha’l: NO
Kiel: Ouch Cha’l what-
Cha’l: That’s my sister
Kiel: … You have a cute sister?
Kiel: Chill! I was looking at her respectively
The big splotch on the second image was Cha’l basically saying that he didn’t want to see Fleur get her heart broken. Before this moment Fleur confessed to Rek’yr but was rejected. She was by the Sifan market to have a little retail therapy and surprise her brother.
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thanatasia · 2 years
I live! Just very busy with a lot of things.
In between a commission, I pieced together this reels for IG. These things usually look neater due to video editing apps buuuut I don't have one of those yet (and don't know how to use them 🥲) hence the shaky video and sound.
There were a few ocs that I heard the voices and knew just who I would put for them. Others I had to choose what sounded close in my head.
I love how no one really likes Tore and he ended up getting the longest part lol
All of these are sketches from many months- about a year ago. If some look nicer than others that's most likely why.
Cha'l gets the lost one because he CANNOT sing to save his life. Only his wife, Shiyoon, can listen to him without covering her ears. It's also funny that the only gelf who can't sing, he also gets a long part.
In the future I want to redo this with better drawings and probably different ocs.
I know myself and I will write a paragraph explaining why I chose who for each part, but I'll save everyone the lecture 😅
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thanatasia · 2 years
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As we can see from the screenshots I forgot crop these were meant to be posted a lot earlier lol
I still have quite a few of these IG questions to answer. I wanted to share these four because they were my most fun. There’s another that I will post up but it will be included with any other angsty questions
The first one is a few Ocs and their taste in music. I separated them and wrote more but I forgot to watermark them. I don’t think anyone would steal these drawings but still.
Sera loves opera and takes Ortun and Tau to them as often as she can. It’s one of the few activities she keeps up with from her childhood. Ortun wasn’t the biggest fan but grew to enjoy opera and is quite the connoisseur lol On IG I had the two of them listening to a talented opera singer, Maria Callas. My friend introduced me to
Fleur and Takoda in particular like just about everything. If it’s got a catchy beat they will be fans of the song/artist/group. I had watched, Turning Red, before drawing this and had them dancing to, I Want It That Way, by the Backstreet Boys. The two of them would be those friends who sing with a hairbrush and put on a performance in front of an invisible audience lol
Azra I want to say gets introduced to anime and amvs by her soul sister and discovers a bunch of rock and symphonic metal. She has no regrets watching amvs lol She’s listening to Nightwish, Sleeping Sun. A personal favorite song my sister and I discovered one day that cemented our days surfing YouTube for good amvs
Cha’l can be an old soul and enjoys music similar in beat to Frank Sinatra. It’s easygoing and Cha’l has to have music on when he’s cooking for his family. He’s the type that can play music and not get distracted if he’s focused on a task. He was listening to, “Poetry in Motion” a song my sister showed me from a Fisheye amv from Sailor Moon! But, Cha’l also loves music that makes you want to dance! I’m getting pictures in my head- like if he’s making a recipe he’s done a thousand times he has no problem letting the music speak and make him dance. If I drew him dancing he’s be listening to either Hector Lavoe, Marc Anthony or Elvis Crespo because those artists hold specific moments I see Cha’l and his family doing
Fleur singing in the tavern! There was a commercial that was playing all the time (maybe January? That’s when I believe I drew this) and it gave me jazz bar vibes. The poses and composition were taken from a childhood favorite movie of mine. If anyone could guess it will get a digital cookie! I will say the movie is a direct to video sequel to a much better movie. I’d give another hint but the other hint is giving too much away
MY FAVORITE!!! Lol Kiel and his expressions. He and Fleur are the most expressive but Kiel is the king of expressions. Kiel is a menace to Captain Ortun and he thrives off of knowing that. I love how close he and Tau are. He’s an only childling so Tau gives him a taste of what having a sibling is like. If Tau looks like they’re in vampire garb that’s because I was looking at/thinking about, Interview with the Vampire lol
Lastly, Gelfling Viara and Podling Fleur! Something I never would’ve considered. Even as a Podling Fleur still looks like she can take anyone on while looking cute doing it lol Viara is still just as sweet looking as a Gelfling.
I hope you all enjoy these!
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Happy Valentine’s/True Love’s Day
Here we have the wonderful and dear ships @jack-toons and I have; EnchantedSandstorms, OceanPetals, and WanderingSails. As well as introducing EnchantedSandstorms’ childling, Iry ,and WanderingSails childling, Zuri.
What most of these kisses have in common are that they are from romance movies my mom introduced to me lol EnchantedSandstorms are doing the end kiss from, Titanic. OceanPetals are doing a kiss from, Tristan’s and Isolde. And WanderingSails are doing a kiss from, The Notebook.
I imagine that these kisses happen when the pairs have been reunited after a long while. Especially EnchantedSandstorms and OceanPetals because neither Shiyoon nor Fleur join Cha’l or Razer on their voyages. Or maybe Shiyoon does, she gets along with Captain Sera lol. Fleur is afraid of big open water. The closest she’ll get to a boat ride is a small boat ride on the river or not far from the docks.
I think WanderingSails’ kiss might be their first kiss as an official couple because the two of them hung out a lot after meeting. They also weren’t shy of stealing a few kisses with one another.
OR! This is everyone’s first kiss that was shared out in public.
Iry and Zuri is referenced from the kiss in the movie, My Girl. I have never seen this movie though. The kiss between these two is probably Zuri saying that they should give each other their first kiss so they don’t give their first kiss to someone who they regret. Or maybe that was the plan but Zuri got the jitters and stopped it. Iry and Zuri have an interesting friendship, especially since their personalities are so different.
I love these ships! They are too precious and aahhh their stories are so good!
Shiyoon, Razer and Sammi belong to Jack-toons and you can see them all on their dark crystal page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
Both Iry and Zuri belong to the both of us
I hope you all enjoy today and enjoy that discounted chocolate tomorrow!
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Happy Halloween/Thralloween everyone!
I hope everyone had a fun and safe celebration. To celebrate the festivities I share with you all OceanPetals, EnchantedSandstorms and WanderingSails all dressed up in cosplay.
I included the reference photos for the side by side of the originals. For some reason I couldn’t find a nice official Haruhi and Kyon full body to redraw (everything was fanart or the entire S.O.S Brigade) but I loved the pose from this cosplay.
Fleur and Razer are dressed up as Minmay and Hikaru from “Macross: Do you remember Love?���
Cha’l and Shiyoon are dressed up as Kyon and Haruhi from “Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”
Sammi and Kiel are dressed up as Nezuko and Zenitsu from “Demon Slayer”
I could go on and on about why each is dressed in each costume but we’d be here all day lol
It all boils down to conversations me and @jack-toons had about our ships, anime, and modern au! EnchantedSandstorms being Haruhi/Kyon was my idea because Shiyoon loves anime and I remember when “Haruhi Suzumiya” was really big. I really like these cute sketches of the ships decked out in their best cosplays!
Fleur, Cha’l and Kiel belong to me
Razer, Shiyoon and Sammi belong to Jack-toons and you can find their art of them on @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers/mother figures of our lives.
This took me so long to complete but here it is!
From the top we have Maeve kissing Ofir goodnight. He’s her youngest and her little prince. Ofir makes Maeve feel young and she loves raising a young childling again!
Captain Sera can’t have childlings so all of her crewmates see her as a mother figure, especially the ones who are without any parental figures. She later learns of another way of having a childling of her own thanks to WanderingSails, but for now she is content with her found family of crewmates.
Azra didn’t grow up with either parents because they had died during a fatal ship wreck. Her grandmother is the closest Gelfling she has to a biological mom. The two of them are super close and she gets to see a side to Azra very few Gelfling get to see.
Quinta belongs to @nurloxx and Kenai is her loving boyfriend. The baby in her arms is her little sister Zora, who sees Quinta and Kenai as her parents. I love their relationship so much!
Shiyoon and Cha’l have already begun their big family lol The childling on top of Cha’l’s shoulders is Keziah who belongs to @everadream EnchantedSandstorms has some of the most mischievous childlings and their family is so entertaining.
Fleur and Razer are the happy parents to their Tumbeloth, Jujubee! There's another Tumbeloth they have named Fabio (Jujubee's mate) but I couldn't fit him in nicely. We'll see what the future holds for them, 👀
And finally we have Sammi and Kiel who have created a found family. Here Sammi is teaching they and Kiel's adopted daughters how to fly. Kiel is here because this is a moment Kiel didn't want to miss (the boys are being watched by Azra lol) and he can't pass up the chance of getting flown in Sammi's arms (it's not everyday the smol can look down on from high heights lol) WanderingSails also has a lively family and we will definitely be seeing them! In this piece they're with Zuri (Spriton), Ula (Sifa) and Cinder (Grottan)
Shiyoon, Razer and Sammi all belong to @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Thought I’d share a low-rez and filter-fied version of the entire Stonesan family so far! My first of two gifts to my very good friend, @jack-toons
I’m also very proud of it and thought it’d be cool for everyone to see the family thus far since I’ve been M.I.A since Halloween lol
I said we’d see all of the EnchantedSandstorms childlings before OceanPetals’ baby and here they are! Cha’l and Shiyoon have 5 childlings in total. Iry is their oldest son and sitting next to his father. Keziah belongs to @everadream and she is at the bottom left in the front. Zipporah and Anasi are the fraternal twins in the center and youngest son Pratt on the bottom right with the mask. The other childlings named belong to Jack-toons and myself. I’ll make a proper post introducing them when my schedule frees up, they are a fun bunch!
Starting with Fleur and moving to the right we have excited parents-to-be Fleur and Razer. Cha’l and Shiyoon embracing in the center. This next one hurt lol, older Ofir! He is giving rabbit ears to his brother and father. Maeve and Bhihaar are leaning close together and Razer’s mom, Fiona, is at the end giving Bhihaar a second pair of rabbit ears. (A stand-in design for now. Prepare to see some Mom friend silliness because I want to sketch some Maeve and Fiona shenanigans lol)
All that’s missing is Jujubee and the newest member to be born! Such a big happy family, I love them so much 😭
Shiyoon, Razer and Fiona all belong to Jack-toons and you can see Shiyoon and Razer on their art page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 3 years
I'd like to see your human! Gelfling interpretations 😊
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@imagin8 I interpreted this as my Gelfling Ocs lol
These were all done on my train rides the past two days (hence why I personally think Cha’l and Kiel look slightly off) I also added Viara because she was my second Dark Crystal Oc and she deserved to be included. Originally this was going to be most of my young adult ocs but then Ofir, Rizzi, Sera and Ortun said, “hold up! What about....us?”
I need to get back into human proportions because some of their noses are slightly off. I also have a ship I am getting tempted to draw from an anime I’ve watched and my IG feed shows me all the cutest drawings of them.
Maybe I’ll do some of the canon characters as humans. I’m afraid my interpretations of them won’t be so unique or something that hasn’t been done.
Anywho~ these are just a portion of my Gelfling (and one Podling) ocs as humans! I hope you all enjoy this!
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thanatasia · 4 years
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My sweet ships with the wonderful @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
Our ships are so sweet and wholesome and I just think they’re all so neat and adorable!
Cha’l, Fleur and Kiel belong to me.
Shiyoon, Razer and Sammi belong to them.
Together the ships make the sacred trinity, EnchantedSandstorms, OceanPetals and WanderingSails
When I say I step closer and closer to making comics of them, I mean it. There’s so much to draw!
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thanatasia · 3 years
i really wanna see razer and cha'l have a dance off lol
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If you read this with the Mortal Kombat voice it makes it funnier lol
As we all must know, Cha’l and Razer are two of the best dancers and they don’t mess around when they’re feeling the music. If these two see the other, move aside because it’s gonna be a dance battle full of moves you’ve never seen before. And they will not hold back until one of them yields...or the tavern owner tells them to stop. They are two kings of the dance floor and Shiyoon and Fleur are their queens. When either or both couples are dancing it’s gonna get attention and end with applause.
Cha’l won’t admit it but his dance battles with Razer are their bonding moments, especially when he noticed Fleur spending a little too much time with a certain Sifa. And you better believe at big family gatherings (WanderingSails, Azra, Tau, etc are all included because they are all family to the Stonesans) these two will break out into a dance-off, their dance rivalry will go down in history lol
Razer belongs to @jack-toons and you can see a post of him in their style at @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 3 years
I would be curious about "11. What is their dream pet?" for any of your OCs! I'm not very familiar with the Dark Crystal OCs people have on here, but it's cool to see everybody having fun with them!
First off @urgohaway I love your paintings!
Second, thank you! Dark Crystal Ocs are so fun! If I could I would make a series of graphic novels lol
I have a ton of Ocs but I'll write for a few that connect with this question.
Fleur: Tumbeloths! She and her boyfriend have two. One was his surprise gift to her (but this tumbeloth Jujubee loves Razer more). The second is Jujubee's mate who they adopted into the family (his name is Fabio, and he likes Fleur more lol
For a long time Fleur wanted a Crystal Skimmer but that will be a dream to dream.
Cha'l: Muski and Fizzgig. Growing up Cha'l had a family Fizzgig named Piff but he would like one that is his own. He and his girlfriend/fiancé were on a quest to find a Muski. The Musli is more of her dream pet but Cha'l gets excited for her and the adventure they have.
Kiel: Lunarkin! As a childling he had a plush Lunarkin and boy did he love it! It became his favorite animal and by Thra he wanted one. But he knows it's impossible to own one so he and his partner, Sammi, enjoy watching them when they can.
Azra: Awlis (I hope I got the spelling right, it's the big black bird that can pick up an adult Podling) She wants one solely for that reason and because they look scary, Azra loves scary/frightening and creepy crawlies. She also would like to at least befriend a Ruswha, a predatory fish. She does own two Gigantic centipede-esque creatures and they are her babies.
Ofir: Literally anything fuzzy and cool tempered. Don't tell Piff though she will get jealous.
Tore: Rakkida. He just wants to be a show-off but isn't capable of dedicating time to any pet. He's also pretty scared of them but wants to one-up or be equal to Eri.
Elkie: A Hollarbat. She loves their colors but she doesn't know how to go about adopting one in the wild, yet.
Kenai: Pluff'M. He loves their colors and big eyes. He also fancies the idea of teaching it how to play the drums as well so they could put on performances for his girlfriend Quinta and her siblings.
I might reblog this answer with some of the others. I'm away from my Bestiary book at the moment and I got an idea for another Oc.
The ocs Shiyoon, Razer and Sammi I mention belong to my buddy @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
The ocs Eri and Quinta I mention belong to my other buddy @accursed-one / @nurloxx
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thanatasia · 4 years
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Here are some EnchantedSandstorms sketches I hadn’t shared with everyone.
The first is a panel from a 3 panel comic on Shiyoon showing her appreciation for Cha’l’s “unique” singing voice.
The second is Cha’l stumbling upon the soul sisters Shiyoon and Azra. He’s crying because the best and most powerful concoctions are always the smelliest and the ingredients make him a bit nauseous lol
As always Shiyoon belongs to @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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