#October 12 2022
crawfishcomic · 2 years
Realistic Santa
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dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2836 - October 12th Patreon / Twitter / Discord Server
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dmwrites · 2 years
As RentheKing’s crazed antics and laws continued to ramp up on the server, the soup group met up quite frequently to discuss revolution plans. The plans had gone from silly little pranks to now planning out the battle they were sure would soon take place within the crastle walls within the next few weeks.
The sun was just beginning to set when the soup group adjourned from their meeting of the day, all going off to their own bases to attend to their evening chores. It turned out to be exhausting, leading a revolution. It wasn’t always pranks and goofs, as it turned out.
Pearl fed her cats and then flew to the top of one of the huge mushrooms that defined her land. She liked to watch the sunset from up there, see the sparkling lights of the two mega bases across the river, just feel the nighttime breeze across her face.
She had just settled down, laying on a blanket she’d brought up, when her communicator rang. She looked at the screen, snorted in amusement, and answered.
“Hello Grian.”
“Heyyyyyy Pearl! How are you?” Grian sounded cheery, like he was smiling big on purpose.
“A bit tired, but can’t complain.” Pearl said. “What about you?” She bit back a giggle.
“Good, good…” Grian trailed off. Pearl raised her eyebrows, motioning with her head slightly for Grian to continue, even though he couldn’t see her. She knew what he wanted, but she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing without him asking. “So…” Grian continued, but trailed off again.
“So.” Pearl repeated, grinning.
“You know, I just remembered, just casually, mind you- you’re still doing that little revolution against the king stuff, aren’t you?” Grian asked, his voice shooting up half an octave to show how casual he really was.
“We are! How clever of you to remember.” Pearl said, not elaborating.
Grian made a small noise, like he was sticking his fist in his mouth to stop screaming. “So, you know, not that I’m all that interested, but how’s the whole revolution… planning… thing going?”
“Good!” Pearl said, still refusing to elaborate.
“I’m glad to hear it.” Grian said through what sounded like gritted teeth.
“Ah, but you don’t really want to hear about some silly revolution, do you? Since you don’t care about it.” Pearl sighed. “Oh! Let me tell you all about what Nugget and Olive have been up to, my goodness, they’ve been so-”
“FINE!” Grian interrupted. “You win! Oh my gosh, Pearl, I’m begging, please tell me something, everything, about the revolution! I’m dying to know, I’m gnawing at the bit, I need to know!”
Pearl cackled. “I knew you’d break! You come to revolution like a bird to seed!”
“Shut up.” Grian muttered.
“Oh, definitely not, Mr. Resister of Resistances. I’m going to hold this over you for the rest of your life.” Pearl laughed. “How many days have you been calling me, trying and failing to subtly get revolution information out of me? Like a month?”
“Feels like decades.” Grian said.
“Ah well, I knew you’d break.” Pearl said, giggling still. “But, we could use the help of a Grian here. So, let’s talk about this revolution, shall we?”
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card-of-the-day · 2 years
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Today's Card Is: Gastly
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mermaidinthecity · 1 year
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October 12, 2022
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1morteveryday · 2 years
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285/365 👣
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There's nothing left to see in the clearing smoke, the remnants of the buildings that stood there. Eliza's fingers brushed the stones where they had fallen.
Perhaps the visions would come now, again, the aftermath of what she'd seen long-promised. A voice somewhere close by cried out. It didn't sound familiar yet.
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yahooanswersblog · 2 months
👤: Ask fm filled with weirdos Agree or disagree
Me: Either they keep this place alive, or they keep it obscure by scaring off too many mainstream people.
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music-asylum · 2 years
October 12, 2022
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0nlinejournal · 2 years
Hello. Sorry for disappearing for however long. I've been fluctuating between being in a good place and not, so it's been difficult for me to sit down and write. Mentally, that is. Once I fall out of a good habit it's a bit hard for me to pick back up on it, ya know? Already fucked up so what's the point in trying anymore.
I've actually been doing really well recently. Changed my whole schedule up a bit since I came back from house/dog sitting. I wake up at a 6:30am to clean the tattoo shop now instead of cleaning in the evenings. I've been stretching to help with the back pain that comes with my manual labor job, actually eating, and it's been almost a month since my first day without nicotine. I generally feel a lot better in my day to day.
I was in a bit of a rough patch during and after my last entry, though. The nicotine withdrawals on top of stuff going on with my boyfriend. It was just hard mentally. Since that bit of turbulence with the bf something has finally clicked in place, though. Things are running a lot smoother. Thank god. Only took 7 months. But, it feels so nice now. I've been watching him play through the Kingdom Hearts series, and reading The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle to him. I do need to stay home a bit more though. I need to be able to recharge in my own space, but I have a problem telling him no when it comes to me coming over.
Anyway, I'm currently reading The Priory of the Orange Tree, and I'd like to get to it tonight. It's already been a few days since I last picked it up, and I genuinely enjoy it, I just find it hard to have time to myself. And I mean, even when I do find that time, I usually spend it aimlessly wandering and slowly cleaning my 400sqft studio apartment. I hate that. I hate the walking in literal circles. I need some kind of medication honestly.
Ah, I got distracted. I am going to bounce. I shall return (in a shorter period of time this time)!
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there’s something so helpless, so dwindling, about being a woman in the presence of an angry man. in my eyes he is a storm.
see, when a man expresses his feelings through, say…tears— you as a woman just barely have the upper hand: for the man is doing something he should not. he is doing something you are supposed to do, and that makes him lower than you. momentarily.
however, when a man expresses his feelings through slamming doors? breaking objects? huffing and puffing like he’s trying to blow down the house? imposing his mood onto everyone with the misfortune of existing in his vicinity? well, there is nothing that can be done. you just have to wait the storm out.
this has been said before, many times: a man who is angry— destructive, rageful, hostile— is merely doing what he is allowed to, and nothing more. for he is not granted more. he is merely acting how he thinks a man should act. and you, as a woman, must make yourself small to suffer the wrath of the storm, or evade it entirely. but a storm is a force of nature; it cannot be stopped.
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on-this-day-mcr · 8 months
On this day, October 12
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their 55th show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour in Inglewood, California, USA. At this show, Gerard Way wore a red "black sheep" sweater (a design also worn by Princess Diana) with a black neck-scarf, and two tally marks were drawn on the drums. The majority of the songs performed at this show were from their second album, "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge". (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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Lillia Duran
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Oli, seeing his base gone: My base has been eroded and lost to time and the elements of nature entirely! Woe is me!
Pix, having uprooted the entire damn thing from the beach and moved it to the Museum because he was scared Oli would tear it down:
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rekhtaa · 1 year
Ek din aap yun hum se chhin jaayenge dil ki duniya mein hum yuhin gir jaayenge
Humne socha na tha
Pyar karne se ab hum to dar jaayenge Aansuon ki kahani mein beh jaayenge
Humne socha na tha
Faaslay hum mein itne yun badh jaayenge jab nigahon se hum teri gir jaayenge
Mar ke bhi hum na tumko milenge kabhi khwaishen sab adhuri rahengi wahein
Humne socha na tha
Ahmed Nadeem
December 19, 2022
7:50 PM, Bangalore, India
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
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janelparrish: When it’s almost Scorpio season 😈
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swan2swan · 19 days
Hate when an official source comes out and gives information that is either Wrong or Severely Narrows Probability
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