#Odia Translation
translationwala · 6 months
Our exact English to Odia Translation services will help you get to the heart of your content in Odia, making sure that every word is clear and true to the culture.
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apostilleserviceind · 2 months
How to get Marriage Certificate translation from odia to english?
Steps to get Marriage certificate translation from odia to english
Register for document translation from translation portal
submit your documents and select your language from which to which language you need to translate.
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transcriptioncity · 5 months
Odia Translation Services and Language Services
Introduction to the Odia Language Odia, distinguished by its classical status in India, offers a rich tapestry of culture through its ancient origins. Predominantly spoken in Odisha, this language connects over 40 million people not only within India but also across global diasporas in the United States, Canada, and the UAE. As the primary linguistic medium in its home state, Odia plays a vital…
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pebblegalaxy · 5 months
Xenogenesis of Culture: The Modern Adaptation of Odia Classics and Their Impact #BlogchatterA2Z
Xenogenesis of Culture: The Modern Adaptation of Odia Classics and Their Impact #BlogchatterA2Z #OdiaLiterature #CulturalHeritage #ModernAdaptations #OdiaClassics #DigitalTransformation #FilmAdaptation #LiteraryTranslation #OdiaCulture #EducationImpact
Reimagining the Classics: The Modern Adaptation of Odia Literature Odia literature, with its rich heritage and profound cultural narratives, has long been a source of inspiration across generations. The classical works of Odisha not only resonate with timeless themes but also reflect the social, political, and spiritual milieu of their times. In recent years, there has been a burgeoning interest…
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onlinetranslatortool · 10 months
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It could be difficult for persons whose first language is not English to translate from Odia to English. Numerous companies and websites offer services for translation, localization, and interpreting. You can translate phrases, sentences, and words that are used frequently for free. To do this, use our online Odia to English translator.
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devnagri · 1 year
English to Odia: Save the heritage with the help of Translation
Language serves as a conduit, across boundaries and transports the complex web of culture, history, and identity. The translation is the key that unlocks the hidden gems within each language in the linked world of today. The switch from English to Odia is one such amazing adventure, one that involves more than just verbal communication. It's a journey intended to uphold a message's authenticity, foster human connections, and ensure that a larger audience can appreciate the vibrant tapestry of Odia culture. Below are the fundamental importance of English to Odia translation, sorting through the difficulties it poses, recognizing the retained cultural nuances, and discussing its enormous influence on communication.
The core function of English to Odia translation is to protect the cultural identity of the Odia-speaking population. Language serves as a vehicle for cultural legacy, and Odia stands out as a language rich in history and customs that provides insight into the complex and varied cultural fabric of Odisha.
Overcome the difficulty of translation
The difficulty of translating rests in crossing the linguistic divide between English and Odia, two languages with roots in separate language families. Understanding the cultural tapestry weaved into each word is necessary in order to capture the many subtleties, idioms, and cultural complexities specific to Odia.
For speakers of Odia, translation throws open the door to a world of information and concepts. By making this wealth of knowledge accessible, from literature and education to the most recent technology developments, English to Odia translation equips the Odia-speaking community with the skills needed to succeed in the contemporary world.
Any message's core is contained in its context. Context determines meaning, and it is crucial to appropriately maintain this meaning throughout translation. Depending on the circumstances, an English statement may take on many meanings in Odia. Effective translators skillfully maneuver this intricacy to make sure the desired message comes across.
Audience matters the most
It is crucial to modify translation for various audiences. Whether translating official papers, artistic creations, or casual correspondence, the translation must appeal to the intended audience. This flexibility prevents the message's main points from being obscured by translation.
Automated translation techniques are available thanks to technology, but they usually lack the subtlety that comes from human translators. The human-led translation is characterized by cultural sensitivity, in-depth comprehension, and the capacity to discern minute differences, ensuring that the translation process retains its authentic essence.
It is crucial to promote accuracy and excellence in translation. Mistranslations can have serious effects, causing misunderstandings and affecting many facets of life in industries including literature, commerce, and legal papers.
Enrich your culture
The ability of English to Odia translation to enrich culture and foster intercultural understanding is one of its most important functions. It helps English speakers understand the richness and attractiveness of Odia culture, fostering linkages between various groups and enhancing the world's linguistic diversity.
The skill of translating from English to Odia acts as a conduit that preserves the cultural legacy and identity of the Odia-speaking community while also facilitating contact. It is a delicate discipline that necessitates fluency in many languages, cultural understanding, and an unrelenting dedication to accuracy. We ensure that the vibrant Odia culture stays accessible, forging meaningful relationships and adding to the enrichment of the world's language mosaic by acknowledging the significant influence of this translation.
Source: English to Odia: Save the heritage with the help of Translation
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onlinetranslpro · 2 years
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Free online Odia to English translation site to easily Translate Odia text into English . You can translate words, sentences and paragraphs from Odia to English easily and fast!
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flan-tasma · 6 months
Wait for him (Neuvillette, Wanderer & Aether)
💖~ When they can't be with you because they have to fulfill their responsibilities, these men really try to come back to you.
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Neuvillette no demuestra su tristeza, sino que algo más te lo advierte. Es involuntario, a pesar de que él es bien consciente de ello, no es capaz de solo detener sus sollozos cuando tiene que quedarse hasta tarde por su trabajo. Mientras que él está revisando detenidamente cada documento en sus manos, escribiendo de manera clara cada cosa y manteniendo su mente lo más alejada de ti que puede, tú sabes que ��l no quiere nada más que mandar al diablo los metros de distancia que está de ti.
Siente que su piel arde porque no estás a su lado, no soporta la idea y lo considera una tortura. Lo sabes, puedes verlo en sus sollozos y en sus maldiciones mudas, puedes verlo en el viento que da golpes en la ventana de tu habitación, la lluvia torrencial era igual a ver a Neuvillette sufrir por ti. Las gotas de lluvia dejan de golpear violentamente las calles de Fontaine cuando por fin ha terminado su trabajo y se dispone a volver a su hogar, dejando caer mínimos lamentos del Dragón Hydro que solo cesan cuando te tiene entre sus brazos.
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Wanderer tiene cosas que hacer: está ocupado estudiando, quejándose y cumpliendo las misiones que Nahida le da muy amablemente. Balancear todo eso junto a ti siempre es una molestia, pero lo logra de alguna forma que le permite darse un buen y merecido descanso contigo al final del día, si es que no se queda despierto revisando notas y tesis nuevas.
No es el más emocionado por las veces en las que el cielo despejado se burla de él, la luna alta está riéndose de él mientras que le recuerda que probablemente ya estás en cama, sin siquiera pensar en que él está viajando a casa para dormir por fin. Odia todo. Maldice a la noche, a los árboles y a las casas que debe rodear hasta que decide pasar por encima, maldice a la Shogun Raiden, a Inazuma, a Sumeru y a los arcontes. Simplemente ya no aguanta más y si tiene algún problema, aunque sea el menos molesto Hilichurl que se le ocurra mirarlo y decidir que lo atacará, lo mandará a conocer Celestia.
No le podría importar menos si hay un grupo de ladrones de tesoros planeando robarle, los mandará a volar a la primera que se acerquen. No piensa en nada más que llegar a casa y lanzarse a tu lado en la cama. No importa si no necesita dormir tampoco, solo necesita que el mundo entero cierre la boca y lo deje mirarte hasta caer dormido.
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Aether es un aventurero nato, está acostumbrado a realizar campamentos y dormir a la intemperie en sus viajes, pero desde que sabe que puede irse a dormir tan a gusto por la maravillosa relajatetera fue bienvenido cuando descubrió el invento adéptico. Hay varias veces en las que prefiere quedarse mirando el cielo de Tayvat antes de entrar a su casa portátil, pero son más las ocasiones en las que quiere realizar el viaje de noche lo más rápido posible antes de descansar. Quiere llegar rápido a la siguiente nación, pero cuando Paimon y él ya están cansados, deciden que es mejor acompañarte por fin a dormir.
Es más fácil transportarte así, te quedas dormida más temprano en su habitación y cuando por fin entra, después de saludar a Gordi, estás durmiendo tranquilamente. Confías en él, que te llevará mientras puedes tomarte un descanso de los duelos y peleas dentro del hogar que creó para ti. Y él está feliz de poder tenerte a su lado. Mañana pueden seguir explorando, ahora solo piensa en dormir.
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Neuvillette does not show his sadness, but rather something else warns you. It's involuntarily, even though he is well aware of it, he is not able to just stop his sobbing when he has to stay late for his work. While he is poring over every document in his hands, clearly writing everything down and keeping his mind as far away from you as he can, you know that he wants nothing more than to say to hell with it all for how many meters he is away from you.
He feels like his skin is burning because you're not next to him, he can't stand the idea and considers it torture. You know it, you can see it in his sobs and his silent curses, you can see it in the wind that hits your bedroom window, the pouring rain was the same as watching Neuvillette suffer for you. The raindrops stop violently hitting the streets of Fontaine when he has finally finished his work and is preparing to return to his home, letting out minimal cries from the Hydro Dragon that only cease when he has you in his arms.
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Wanderer has things to do, he is busy studying, complaining, and completing the quests that Nahida very kindly gives him. Balancing all of that with you is always a pain, but he manages it in a way that allows him to have a good, well-deserved rest with you at the end of the day, if he doesn't stay up reviewing notes and new theses.
He's not the most excited about the times when the clear sky is mocking him, the high moon is laughing at him while reminding him that you're probably already in bed, without even thinking about the fact that he's traveling home to sleep for the end of night. He hates everything. He curses the night, the trees and the houses that he must surround until he decides to pass over them, he curses Shogun Raiden, Inazuma, Sumeru and the archons. He just can't take it anymore, and if he has any problem, even the least annoying Hilichurl who can think of to look at him and decide that he will attack him, he will send him to meet Celestia.
He couldn't care less if there's a group of treasure hoarders planning to rob him, he will blow them away if they get close. He doesn't think about anything other than getting home and throwing himself into bed next to you. It doesn't matter if he doesn't need to sleep either, he just needs the whole world to shut up and let him stare at you until he falls asleep.
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Aether is a born adventurer, he is used to camping and sleeping outdoors on his trips. But since he knows that he can go to sleep so comfortable in the wonderful serenitea pot, it was welcomed when he discovered the adeptic invention. There are several times when he prefers to watch at the Tayvat sky before entering his portable house, but there are more times when he wants to make the night trip as quickly as possible before resting. He wants to get to the next nation quickly, and when he and Paimon are already tired, they decide that it is better to finally accompany you to sleep.
It's easier to transport yourself like this, you fall asleep earlier in his room and when he finally enters, after greeting Tubby, you are sleeping peacefully. You trust him to carry you while you can take a break from the duels and fights within the home he created for you. And he is happy to have you by his side. Tomorrow you can continue exploring, now he only thinks about sleeping.
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belit0 · 11 months
holaaaa vi que hablabas español y no pude aguantar las ganas de pedirte algo 😭😭💪 pense que podrias hacer algun hc de la s/o de los uchiha hablando español 🤠 btw amo amo amo tus obras, son de las mejores que he encontrado aca 😭💕
Gracias mi reina, la verdad que le pongo todo la onda pero a veces me saturo jeje, ultimamente tengo solo ganas de escribir a Indra e Izuna y eso me esta carcomiendo por dentro!!!
Al caso, vamos con esto
Request translation: heyyyyy I saw that you were speaking Spanish and I couldn't resist asking you something 😭😭💪 I thought you could do some hc of the s/o of the uchiha speaking Spanish 🤠 btw I love love love love your works, they are some of the best that I have found here 😭💕
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SPA version
Lo domina a la perfección. Este hombre odia, no puede tolerar, DETESTA, ser malo en cualquier cosa. No lo hablara en voz alta hasta manejar una pronunciación casi nativa, y hasta logra que sea difícil distinguir de que país es.
Bastante bien, pero a veces olvida palabras y pierde el hilo de todo lo que estaba tratando de decir. Un segundo de desconcentración lo hace cometer errores de principiante, y se frustra tanto que ya no quiere seguir mas.
Aprendió gracias a todas las chicas latinas con las que estuvo. Izuna se sumergió en Latinoamérica y salió hablando una variación de acentos de español que le dan un acento único, impecable, maravilloso (solo sabe chamuyar tho).
Algo penoso, pero hace lo mejor que puede. Las malas lenguas diran que usó el Sharingan para memorizar conversaciones en español y utilizarlas como material luego, pero eso es incomprobable. Muy mala pronunciación, pero le pone onda.
De los que hace que sea gracioso equivocarse. Nunca se sabe cuando Shisui habla con seriedad o no, pero la forma en la que de pronto pronuncia todo mal u olvida lo que intentaba decir la da un toque de diversión sin iguales.
Maestro de los idiomas, y aun asi tiene bastantes problemas con el español. Como Indra, Itachi no expondrá su talento multilingüe hasta ser perfecto en ello, prefieriendo escuchar durante años y empezar a hablar luego. La paciencia hace al maestro.
ENG version
- He masters it to perfection. This man hates, can't tolerate, LOATHES, being bad at anything. He won't speak it out loud until he has a near-native pronunciation, and even makes it hard to tell what country he's from.
- Pretty good, but sometimes he forgets words and loses track of everything he was trying to say. A single second of lack of concentration makes him commit beginner's mistakes, and becomes so frustrated he doesn't want to keep trying anymore.
- He learned thanks to all the Latinas he was with. Izuna immersed himself in Latin America and came out speaking a variation of Spanish accents that give him a unique, impeccable, wonderful accent (he only knows how to flirt tho).
- A little embarrassing, but he does the best he can. Evil tongues will say that he used the Sharingan to memorize Spanish conversations and use them as material later, but that is unverifiable. Very bad pronunciation, but he tries hard.
- The one that makes it funny to make a mistake. You never know when Shisui is serious or not, but the way he suddenly mispronounces everything or forgets exactly what he was trying to say gives it a touch of unparalleled fun.
- Master of languages, yet has quite a bit of trouble with Spanish. Like Indra, Itachi won't expose his multilingual talent until he's perfect at it, preferring to listen for years and start speaking later. Patience makes the master.
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txttletale · 1 year
Hello, you speak spanish, right? if not, I will try to translate it later, I hope it isn't out of place to leave my two cents here. Vi el reblogueo que hiciste sobre las personas transmasculinas, y fue raro ver eso. Porque, si bien entiendo a lo que se referia la chica, no me parece que una persona trans exprese eso con la intención de ser desconsiderado con las mujeres trans o transfemeninas, es muy pero muy raro que nos vean como hombres (hablando de aquellos que lo son exclusivamente, porque ser transmasculino avarca un sinfin de generos, incluso algunos en el que la persona se identifica como mujer), para el mundo somos mujeres de alguna manera u otra, y por eso que una persona nos diga eso, para algunos es como valido. A los transfobicos no les importa que genero sea une, nos odian por igual, y no solo necesariamente porque la persona sea, por ejemplo, una chica trans, porque hay muchos casos de hombres siendo agredidos, asesinados, etc, simplemente por ser transgenero, y no, no es porque los confuden, sino porque como ya dije, al transfobo le molesta nuestra existencia sin importar lo que tengamos ahí abajo. En internet tiendo a ver gente siendo un poco transfobica con las personas con identidades masculinas y siento que ese post tambien venia desde ese lugar, por eso supongo me cayo pesado. No hablo con la intención de ofenderle o insultarle, pero quería comentar sobre mi perspectiva de como creo que es realmente. Perdón por la longitud del mensaje y espero que tenga un buen día.
pues claramente entiendo porqué a un chamo transgenero ésa interacción le podría hacer sentir válido — y no es eso realmente el problema en fondo, pero más la manera en de se habla sobre este tipo de interacción. porque yo siempre lo he visto contado como chiste de 'jaja, transfobico idiota, por accidente me ha afirmado mi masculinidad! que inútil de intolerante!'. pero para las transfemininas es muy difícil encontrar el humor en estas anécdotas porque se tratan de alguien que nos odia y nos quiere muertas. asi que aunque claramente no hay ninguna intención de faltar de respeto de los que hacen esos posts, en cualquier caso salen con esa implicacion.
porque además, aunque clato los transfobicos odian a todos nosotros, las chicas trans son la cara de el movimiento transfobico. escucha a cualquier programa de fox news o lo que sea y nota cuánto hablan de drag queens contra drag queens. y claramente no nego que hay mucho odio también para los transmasculinos! pero siempre es el imágen de la transfemenina peligrosa y asquerosa que usa la derecha para enrabiar y asustar la gente -- así que cuando oímos que alguien le dijo algo transfobico a un chamo trans lo único en que podemos pensar es justamente esa hiperinvisibilidad -- y que se trate como chiste de "jaja transfobico idiota" nos cae muy mal por eso
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biblioklept-writes · 2 years
The Foreign Queen (Aemond Targaryen x Desi!Fem!Reader)
Summary: There is a new ship in the land, carrying riches Westeros has never seen before. The people are interesting, sharing some common and other completely different ideas. Aemond decides to deal with one claiming to be their Princess, the beautiful Y/N, and something clicks in place.
Content Warning: canon divergence (duh), i have only watched the show, might contain some spoilers, reader has black hair and brown eyes (typical of most desis) and wear kajal (kohl), reader will be good at maths and physics (i had too i need the representation), reader is hindu and will talk of hinduism, there will be “strong” jokes, I invented a whole new continent in the hotd universe, okay? Explicit language to be expected, other than that we are good i guess? No other physical description of the reader is involved
Ps: will use hindi, sanskrit and odia (translations in parentheses). Currently this is just an idea, i will write further if the motivation and plot strikes. 
Series Masterlist
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It had been a rather dull autumn afternoon, the only highlight yet being the morning flight Aemond had gotten with Vhagar. Business in the council was proceeding as usual, with Aegon missing and their grandsire, Otto Hightower acting as the King Reagent in his stead while their mother, Dowager Queen Alicent Targaryen sat at the head. The lords had been discussing an upcoming tourney when a messenger came in with a flushed face, looking as though he ran from port to the Red Keep. He barely caught his breath before he started speaking.
“There is a large ship being docked in the port, Your Grace, My Lord Hand,” He breathlessly said. “Their messengers speak mostly in a foreign tongue, but they claim to be here for trade. They say their princess is with them, those strange people. They are asking for permission to enter King’s Landing.”
“Where are these people from?” Otto Hightower asked. “Did they say?”
“They said… Bharat.” The messenger added, still struggling to catch his breath. “Your Grace, My Lord Hand, you must send your word with me back, the matter requires your urgent attention. They wish to speak with His Majesty in his court.”
“I don’t think a message would be apt for this situation,” Alicent calmly said. “It is better if we send a representative of ours with you, Ser.” Her big brown eyes scanned the room once, and said, “Ser Cole, I would like you to go to the docks as Aegon’s representative, make sure that these people are not of ill intentions.”
“It would be better to send a royal to accompany Ser Cole, Your Grace.” Ser Willis Fell said, earning agreeing nods from the other lords in the council. “For if this Princess' claim is true, it wouldn't be… appropriate for a Knight to meet a lady of such stature. If My Lord Hand could go-”
“I will accompany Ser Cole,” Aemond said. He agreed, if it were indeed a princess of a foreign land, sending a non-royal to speak with her would reflect poorly on them. A foreign land meant more resources and soldiers, and they needed both of them in abundance as the war threatened to bloom in Westeros and Essos. A strong alliance for them meant a weakness for their opponent.
“Aemond-” Alicent started, but he interrupted her.
“I’ll be fine, Mother.” He said. “I really wish to see these strange people claiming to be traders.” Aemond’s gaze fixed on the messenger, who seemed to cower under his calculating stare. Of course, the eyepatch must have been a contributing factor with the reputation that he had built for himself.
Vhagar was simply too big to fly to the dock, so Aemond had to take a horse along with Ser Cole, unfortunately. It took them a bit over an hour but they managed to make it to the dock before sunset, and there he saw it: a ship in the horizon, larger than anything he had ever seen before, gleaming like liquid gold in the late afternoon sun. A red and white striped flag with a yellow swastik flew high in the oceanic winds.
Two men adorning mustard colored tunics and some white pants with black hair, white turbans and twining moustaches signalled at the ship upon his arrival, and a small boat moved toward the coastline. They were still too far away to make out clearly, but once the boat got closer, he noticed the woman sitting in the front, majestic on the waves. The man and the woman behind her rowed her quickly to the shore.
He thought her claim must be true then, for she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on with her hair blacker than midnight and her brown eyes stern yet deep. Her presence commanded attention, and she carried herself with the poise of a queen.
She was dressed in a lavender and white garment he had never seen before, her dark mane complimenting her brown, kohl-lined eyes. Her body held a certain feline grace - her steps quiet and calculated, her gaze confident and conniving. 
Aemond got off his horse as she stepped off the dock and towards the port, the messenger escorting her to him and Ser Criston, who stood behind him with his hand ready to raise his sword. “This is Princess Y/N of the Bharat,” the messenger said, unable to take his eyes off you. Everyone present on the dock stared eagerly, trying to soak up the gossip.
“And I assume you must be Prince Aemond,” She said, her voice firm but sweet. Her pronunciation held an accent, but it was fairly accurate. He was more surprised to find that she actually knew him by name and recognised him this quickly. “I hear you have a reputation for brutality,”
“Only to the people that pester my family and my brother’s kingdom.” He replied in his usual monotone voice. “I hope you aren’t here to threaten my brother’s kingdom, for I’d hate to put a blade through you.”
“Bharat reaches to you in good hopes, Prince,” She said. “We are merely here to offer trade: we have skilled workers manufacturing weapons, chariots, even defences of all sorts. We have great food and spices. You ought to give us a chance to present our goods before disregarding us.”
“Would these weapons fight against dragons, Princess?” Aemond asked.
“There’s only one way to find that out,” she said. “I hope to be able to get an audience with the King, we will do as he sees fit -  we shall leave in peace if he demands that, my Prince.”
“Mhm,” Aemond glanced over at her and her people once more. They all had a curved knife strapped to their hips, and the princess carried a two-foot long blade in a bejewelled holster, the hilt seemingly made of gold with a leather grip. He noted the big gold hoops that gleamed in her ears and the three large rings that occupied her right hands’ fingers. “Only you and one more person will be granted permission to meet the King,” He carefully said. “And… you must leave your weapons behind.”
“Going into a foriegn land with no people and no weapons seems like a fools’ errand, my Prince,” She countered. “Are your swordsmen and fighters so incapable that you are afraid of being attacked in your own palace by two foreigners?”
Aemond slowly blinked, a devious grin forming at her words. “Very well then,” he said, voice decisive. “You and your companion must be accompanied by a knight or me at all times, for we have no intent of trusting someone… unfamiliar with our home. Times like these demand such action,”
“I hope we wouldn’t bore you with our dull company,” She said, brown eyes glinting with amusement, and something dark, something he pictured in his own gaze.
“I can tell that your company will be anything but dull, Princess.” He said. “Ser Criston, please get two mighty steeds for our companions from Bharat.”
Presently, they stand in the King’s Court, the drunkard King sober for a change. Aemond supposed the foreign Princess’ commanding presence was a contributing factor to his brother’s sobriety, but he knew it was her enticing allure, her charming voice and her regal poise that appealed to him. The princess reminded him of wildflowers - magnificent, all consuming in their scent and most of the time, deadly. 
His keen eye had not missed the way the knights of the Kingsguard and the lords at the court had eyed the bejewelled sheath of her blade up and down, as if trying to see through the sheath and capture the blade.
“You talk of trade, yet you carry weapons deadly enough to cut a man,” Aegon noted, gaze eagerly fixed on the woman in front of him. The whole court was silent save for his words, all eyes and ears focused on the stunning princess. “What sort of trade requires that, pray tell me,”
“Your Majesty, the blades are to defend the supplies,” She said, voice neutral. “And to hunt animals for meat. The blades only cut through those who threaten our peace, honour and survival.”
Aegon scratched his chin, leaning forward. “What did you say your trade in?”
“Spices, fabrics, weapons, gold, skilled labourers,” She said, seemingly holding everyone’s gaze at once. “Silver, bronze, blacksmiths who can build chariots, soldiers who would kill for your cause.”
The silence that followed was ringing, one could hear everyone’s breath.
“Why do you need this trade?” Otto Hightower asked.
“My Lord Hand,” Princess Y/N started with a respectful bow. “Why do merchants sell? Why does a servant work? All of the work that we do comes down to one thing - money and power. We have skilled labourers, we have gold, we have silver, we have copper. But even gold becomes worthless when it is in excess, and the flow of trade would make both of us more powerful.”
“What would we get in exchange for our money?” Dowager Queen Alicent asked. Aemond knew from the gleam in her big brown eyes that she was curious, at least, about the goods the princess promised.
“Allow me to present to you a small gift, Your Grace,” The Princess bowed again. From the bags, her moustached companion fetched the finest of the silk Aemond had ever seen - his fingers involuntarily twitched at the sight of the sage-green fabric. A servant brought the fabric from the foreign man to his mother, who was visibly impressed by the silk. “It is the finest silk in the known land, Your Grace,”
Another sample was a thick gold chain with a tiny hourglass pendant, given to his Grandsire Otto Hightower. “My Lord Hand, this hour glass turns over itself in a period of five and forty minutes,” She said. “It is made of the most intricate designs and is sturdy enough to be worn daily.”
“For His Majesty,” The Princess said as her companion fetched a foot long box wrapped in a silver-grey cloth. “We present the blade forged by our best swordsmiths, we present a gauntlet sword - Dandpatta - made in silver reinforced with the best steel we make.”
Aegon eagerly opened his present, the silver blade almost blinding in its shine. He stood up and tested the blade, and commented, “It has great balance, Princess.”
“I am glad to impress Your Majesty,” She said. Her companion fetched another box wrapped in silver-grey cloth, this time the servant handing the box to Aemond. He opened the box, normally, as the Princess’ sweet voice said, “For those who prefer sleath over pomp, for the one known to be quiet, I present to you, Ratri, the blade of the night. It is made of the highest quality of wootz steel, and can cut silently even through the toughest of barks and scales.”
It was a wicked blade, curved slightly like a scythe, but much smaller and easily concealable. When did the princess get to study each of them? Has someone been ratting them out to people they didn’t even know existed? For such precision in giving gifts was impossible without proper prior knowledge of the receiver.
The Princess turned to Haelena and curtseyed for the first time. “For Her Majesty, I present a jewellery set fit for a Queen of her stature, it is all in steel reinforced gold - can be used as a weapon lest someone corner the beautiful Queen.” 
“Quite thoughtful of you, presenting these gifts,” Aegon said, clearly impressed by the sword he received. “I will let you trade with us, Princess.” 
Perhaps you had impressed his brother with the presents you had so thoughtfully brought, but you had imprinted yourself in his head with all the inside information you must have known to think of such gifts. Either that or you and your companions were quick judges of character, but that seemed a bit of a stretch. Your face was one he could never forget, with the intense kohl and the gleaming brown eyes and hair darker than the night, you were a sight meant to be remembered.
The only logical explanation seemed that you had spies in the Red Keep, getting updates about everyone from that source. He had to find that source, pull it off the roots, for you knew the royal family a little too well.
The court was dismissed and you were sent back to let your ship dock at the port and your people had been granted an empty warehouse to store the goods along with a clear plot of land to build the temporary housing facilities your people would need.
Alicent had generously offered you to stay in the castle walls, but you had politely declined, saying that your heart and duty lies with your people and travelling companions. Aemond respected that, his respect for you growing tenfold on learning that you spoke in four tongues and were learning a fifth. But he had so much to learn from you, and from your manners in court today, he knew it would be a big challenge for him - you had earned his respect, but he had to know how you spied on his family without them being aware of you and your peoples’ existence.
How was it that the mighty Targaryens with their dragons had never explored the unknown? How was it that a fleet of ships managed to survive the unresting sea from lands so far away that the dragonriders didn’t spot it? It was this primal hunger for answers that urged him to get closer to you, to dig out the answers he needed to sate his curiosity. Why were you promising them your soldiers? Were you one of his half-sister’s ploys to usurp the throne that was rightfully Aegon’s? Were you sent on a mission, falsely pretending to be a princess sent by Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen to wipe his family clean and leave the Iron Throne vulnerable and up for them to do as they please?
There were so many questions, but no answers in sight. Aemond doubted you were from Driftmark - you and your people were too different, with skin that glowed like gold under the sunlight and new languages he hadn’t even heard of before. Self-appointing himself as your contact person to the King’s council, he frequented your camp, not seeing any ill intent - at least for now.
But he didn’t know what to make of the Bharatiyas either. The people were welcoming and nice enough, even treated him to delicacies he never could have imagined. There were some names he was struggling to speak, but Aemond was nothing if not determined. With the eyes of a hawk and the hearing of a wolf, the dragon carefully observed the foreigners and slowly picked on your languages. 
One of them - Hindi - was simpler than the other tongues that people used. It seemed there were as many dialects as there were people, and Aemond found himself terribly lost as he tried to keep up with them. But he had vowed to himself that he would learn to understand your languages, at least. Yet, he was drawn in by the complexities and fun of their culture, how they worshipped their Gods and Goddesses; how each member of the camp contributed to the working; how the few kids there were allowed to be exposed to the Westeros languages and culture (lack thereof, he thought later).
Aemond had never expected to enjoy someone else’s customs this much. He had appointed himself on a mission, and he wouldn’t let himself be distracted. He swore that he will abstain from gazing at your intense eyes and glowing skin, from the confidence you exude and the power you command.
But each second he spent in your presence, he found himself more enraptured by you - your kohl lined eyes, your pretty mouth, your heavy gold jewellery and the delight with which you spoke. He would be damned to the seven hells and beyond with all the teasing he would get if Aegon or Daeron ever read his mind, full of thought with admiration for you.
Here it is! for all the desi!readers out there like me, I hope you enjoy this. This part mainly describes their entrance and welcome, and I will try to include more political intrigue as I write further. Do drop by some scene ideas that i can include so all the desis feel represented. It is currently 2 am for me but today is Halloween and my birthday so I am posting this as a treat for myself (yes this is another treat for me hehe) Lets hope that i can get around to finish this one. Also, if you are a team black stan who would rather stay off some anti-sort remarks, i am sorry loves but this one is not for you. Better if you scroll past than start an argument.
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translationwala · 6 months
How to Use English to Odia Translation to Create a More Inclusive Learning Environment
An educated culture is a strong one, and it is very important that everyone can get a good education. In India, where English is often used as the language of teaching, making a truly open learning setting means taking into account the needs of students whose first language is not English. English to Odia translation can help people who know Odia get ahead in school by bridging the language gap.
Understanding the Challenges of English-Medium Education for Odia Speakers
It can be hard for kids whose first language is Odia to find their way around an English-only program. Here are some of the problems they have to deal with:
Comprehension Difficulties: It can be hard to understand complicated ideas and scientific terms that are only spoken in English.
Reduced Participation: People who are afraid of making mistakes or not being heard in English may be hesitant to speak up in class talks.
Lower Confidence Levels: Language barriers can make it hard for students to understand what they are being taught, which can affect their confidence and general academic success.
How English to Odia Translation Can Foster Inclusion
Teachers can make the classroom a friendlier and more helpful place for Odia-speaking students by using translation techniques from English to Odia. How to do it:
Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Giving students translated forms of important learning materials like textbooks, homework, and lectures helps them understand things better.
Enhancing Participation: It makes the classroom a better place for everyone when you encourage kids to use both English and Odia. Teachers can translate important points or lead talks where students can use Odia to explain ideas.
Building Confidence: Students feel more confident when they can understand and say what they want to say. Translation can give them the confidence to take part, ask questions, and get their worries cleared up without holding back.
Practical Strategies for Implementing English to Odia Translation in the Classroom
To make the classroom more welcoming for everyone, teachers can use English to Odia translation in the following ways:
Utilize Bilingual Resources: Students can use extras like translation textbooks, glossaries, and online dictionaries as quick reference guides.
Embrace Technology: You can plan ahead and use translation apps and software to translate certain words or phrases during lessons.
Encourage Peer Learning: Pair students who speak Odia with friends who speak English well so that they can help each other and share what they know.
Incorporate Odia Language Activities: Give students time to read books written in Odia, write short sentences in Odia, or take part in talks about culture topics related to Odia. This helps them feel proud of their culture and strengthens their mother tongue.
Beyond the Classroom: Building a School-Wide Culture of Inclusion
English to Odia Translation has effects that go beyond schools. Here are some ways that schools can make the setting more welcoming:
Signage and Announcements: Make sure that all of the students can read important school messages, signs, and papers by translating them into Odia.
Parental Engagement: Set up talks between parents and teachers where information is given in both English and Odia. Encourage parents to talk to you about any language-related worries they may have.
Celebrate Odia Culture: Set up culture events that show off the Odia language, writing, and customs. This helps students who speak Odia feel like they fit and encourages cultural understanding among all students.
The goal of English to Odia Translation is not to replace English, but to build links for better learning. By using these translation techniques, teachers can create a learning space where all students, no matter what language they speak at home, feel like they can join, learn, and do well. Remember that a classroom with a lot of different people and cultures is a lively place where learning grows and everyone’s voice is heard.
Source: https://translationwala.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/how-to-use-english-to-odia-translation-to-create-a-more-inclusive-learning-environment/
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pokefangamebrainrot · 19 days
Se pueden HCS de Bennet? Me parece interesante y los tipo bichos son de mis favoritos (a quien no le gusta volcarona y scizor)
of course!! (spanish translation under the read more, sorry if it’s bad / Traducción al español debajo del corte. Disculpas si no es buena)
Bennet Volclain headcanons
-he’s much more confident once he joins the elite four, and encourages other people to also have that same confidence (especially laura)
-ironically, he does get into fashion in the post game. serra designed his outfit
-he dotes on his pokémon, because they were his first friends
-he modelled for serra when he was younger. he was an adorable child
-when he was a child, he often had to act as a therapist for serra. she feels incredibly guilty about it
-as such, he hates alcohol, drugs and anything of the sort
-in the garden laura makes, he cultivated an ecosystem of bug types
-he’s bisexual with a preference for women
-when he gets older, he actually does start to be religious. he attends church with elias
-he’s very much a gentleman when it comes to him courting laura. he learned from his mistakes with luna
translation below!
-Tiene mucha más confianza una vez que se une a los cuatro mejores y anima a otras personas a tener la misma confianza (especialmente a Laura)
-Irónicamente, se pone de moda en el juego posterior. Serra diseñó su atuendo
-Él adora a sus Pokémon, porque fueron sus primeros amigos
-Fue modelo para Serra cuando era más joven. Era un niño adorable
-Cuando era niño, a menudo tenía que actuar como terapeuta de Serra. Ella se siente increíblemente culpable por ello
-Como tal, odia el alcohol, las drogas y cualquier cosa por el estilo
-En el jardín que hace Laura, se cultiva un ecosistema de tipos de insectos
-Es bisexual y tiene preferencia por las mujeres
-Cuando se hace mayor, realmente comienza a ser religioso. Asiste a la iglesia con Elías
-Es todo un caballero cuando se trata de cortejar a Laura. Aprendió de sus errores con Luna
hope you enjoyed. thanks for the ask! / Espero que lo hayas disfrutado. ¡Gracias por preguntar!
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awesomefringey · 2 years
como vi muchos chismes en twitter de tu tumblr sobre un besito y puso las fans en pánico- les voy contar un chisme verdadero. mi mamá trabaja en el hotel en cual se quedó Louis. Y como yo soy fan de One Direction le pregunté como fue servele a un gringo tan rico e famoso. 1) el no llevo ninguna morra a su cuarto. la única persona que entró con él fue un chico que Louis pidió para interpretar y los nombres de los clubs más padre 🤣 2) cuando se fueron, Oli le levo todas las xtra cobijas a la amiga de mi mamá que pidieron en la noche pq tenían frío. por cierto la amiga de mi mamá lo llamo guapo, un flaco Octavio ocaña, muy amable y hablaba español muy bien para un pelirrojo 3) tal vez si invitaran una chica fue para hacerle compañía a Oli jajaja el pobre merece amor 4) la primera mañana pidieron hevitos con chorizo leche de chocolate un burrito unos panqueques y un plato con fruta (no pidieron pero mi mamá se lo llevó jaja) 5) se robaron unas chanclas del hotel, unos jabones para la cara, un muñequito, camisetita de fútbol y un sombrero (regalitos de las fans), un champú y dos toallas rosas de baño (creo que le gustó el debujito 6) no tomó fotos con las del hotel pero les agradeció mucho por cuidarlos y México es su favorito lugar de luis tomlinson ☺️ 7) louis estaba saliendo del elevador pa fuera cuando mando al pobre oli otra vez arriba por sus cigarros (se le olvidaron) 8) (mi favorito) louis pidió tacos de vario sabores sin saber que uno llevaba aguacate y le dió una mordidita (casi le di un ataque de corazón a mi madre cuando le conté cuánto odia el maldito aguacate 😭 el taco se lo dio a Oli 😔 9) miraron la película “Coco” en la tele 10) (no me manden hate porfa pero le pedí a mi mamá que oliera su almohada y su funda 🫣 mi dijo que su almohada olía a flores como su champú y su funda olía limpio o normal (perdón pero quien no iba quiere saber) Bueno, eso es todo chicas. Es una persona súper especial y hermoso. No lloren por un besito! dejen que disfrute su vacaciones! -Vale
Hi Vale, I asked @andreaxcb (thaaaanks 😍) to help translate your ask for all of the non-Spanish speakers.
I hope it does justice to what you meant to tell (which we take with a big grain of salt since it’s packed with fandom canon about Louis)
“As I saw a lot of gossip on twitter from your tumblr about a little kiss and it made the fans panic- I'm going to tell you real gossip.
My mom works at the hotel where Louis stayed. And since I'm a One Direction fan, I asked her how she served such a rich and famous gringo.
1) He didn't bring any girls to his room. The only person who came with him was a boy that Louis asked to interpret and the names of the coolest clubs 🤣
2) when they left, Oli brought back all the extra blankets they asked for because they were cold at night to my mom’s friend. By the way, my mom's friend called him handsome, a skinny Octavio Ocaña, very kind and spoke Spanish very well for a redhead
3) maybe if they invited a girl it was to keep Oli company hahaha the poor guy deserves love
4) the first morning they asked for eggs and sausages, chocolate milk, a burrito, some pancakes and a plate with fruit (they didn't ask but my mom took it haha)
5) they stole some flip flops from the hotel, some soaps for the face, a little doll, a football shirt and a hat (gifts from the fans), a shampoo and two pink bath towels (I think he liked the designs)
6) he didn't take photos with the hotel staff but he thanked them very much for taking care of them and Mexico is his favorite place of Louis Tomlinson ☺️
7) Louis was getting out of the elevator when he sent poor oli back upstairs for his cigarettes (he forgot)
8) (my favorite) louis ordered tacos of various flavors without knowing that one had avocado and he took a bite (I almost gave my mom a heart attack when I told her how much he hates the damn avocado 😭) he gave the taco to Oli 😔
9) they watched the movie “Coco” on TV
10) (don't send me hate please but I asked my mom to smell his pillow and its cover 🫣 she said that his pillow smelled like flowers like his shampoo and his pillowcase smelled clean or normal (sorry but who didn't want to know)
Well that's all girls. He is a super special and beautiful person. Don't cry about a little kiss! Let him enjoy his vacation! -Vale”
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fenrirmoon · 7 months
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66 hates Cobalt/ 66 odia a Cobalt
C- Do you forgive me?
66- >:(
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goldsteinheads · 18 days
Ecco perché dovremo rivalutare Tina Goldstein
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This post is in Italian. Use the translate if you don't know Italian.
Tina, a primo impatto, potrebbe sembrare dura e presuntuosa, ma se si riesce a rompere le sue mura di durezze, scopriremo che è molto, molto di pi��...
Infatti, scopriremo che è una ragazza molto dolce e sensibile; sensibilità, dovuta al fatto che ha perso i genitori troppo presto, e, dovendo badare a una sorella di giovane età.
Ne "I Crimini di Grindelwald", quando lei capisce per sbaglio che Newt si sposa con Leta, Tina non risponde più alle lettere di Newt, e va in Francia per cercare Creedence.
Ora, la maggior parte del fandom critica il suo personaggio per questa sua scappatoia, dicendo che avrebbe dovuto andare da Newt a chiarirsi.... Posso dire ma che ca••o? Tina ha fatto quello che minimo l'89% di noi avrebbe fatto: scappare per dimenticare le persone che ci hanno tradito, scappare perché si sta soffrendo.
Quello che io leggo tra le righe di chi odia Tina è che credono che tutti siamo Dio; ora, io sono cattolica, ma credo che chiunque di qualsiasi altra religione (più o meno), sappia che Dio è solo uno, questo discorso vale anche per chi è ateo, almeno, spero che sappiano almeno per cultura, che, almeno nella quasi totalità delle religioni, Dio è uno.
Dire che si è Dio, è come dire, con tantissima superficialità/presunzione "Io non sbaglio mai", cosa sbagliatissima; sì, perché ogni giorno sbagliamo, anche nelle cose semplici, basta però ammettere le proprie colpe per essere perdonati.
Anche se Tina non ha chiesto esplicitamente scusa, credo che negli archivi francesi, lo abbia fatto a modo suo, magari con uno sguardo.
What do you think about it? Comment for say your idea,
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