#Of Dreams and Fury
id0ntkn0w0101 · 1 year
Of Dreams and Fury - Chapter 5
I felt myself slipping into that half-awake place some called the Lucid World, where all the conscious and unconscious minds were open and available to Dreamwalkers and their less nice Fearweaver counterparts. Psychic protection runes and sigils like the ones at the Barracks could easily keep out normal Retrievers, and even make it difficult for Dreamwalkers to get a lock on anyone, but usually if the Dreamwalker in question tried hard enough, they could power through the psychic walls put up. I braced myself for the noise I knew was coming and opened my eyes. I could hear the idle thoughts of everyone in about a mile radius. I could hear the couple a few doors down from my hotel room talking shit about the other one in their minds, and I could feel someone’s fear coming from some other room in the hotel. I floated through the wall and glided down to the ground, letting my thoughts unfurl behind me in the form of wings, just as any other Dreamwalker or someone with particularly honed psychic abilities could in the Lucid world.
Some things I looked at had a blur to them from me not remembering every detail of them and nobody around me looking at them and thinking of them. I jumped up, letting my wings push the air behind me as I launched up into the air. I glided above the street, keeping an ear out for any mention of Dorian Merrick, but heard nothing. If I focused on the Barracks in the distance, all I heard was a quiet hum, but I know that if I got close that hum would become a shrill screeching sound that would likely slow me down too much. I drifted to one of the other warehouses near the Barracks, resisting the shriek of the safehouse’s psychic protections that kept telling me to fuck off. Blurry figures moved to and fro, going about their late night business.
I looked towards the Barracks once again, seeing one of the casually dressed bouncers shut the barn-style door behind them as they entered the worn out looking building. They both were thinking about how great it would be to finally get some rest after a tiring day, one of them thinking about how happy they would be when they got to see their wife again. I let out a puff of air. Maybe Bernard was right, I briefly wondered before flying off in search of some kind of input regarding the little Lord’s whereabouts.
After an absolutely fruitless search, I woke up from my lucid sleep and took off the headgear, rubbing my ears and taking some of the migraine pain medication on the nightstand next to me. I could still feel the sharp ringing in the very end of my ear canal from the protection sigils, but it would probably go away in a couple hours. I grabbed my sleeping medication, took the dose, and laid back in hopes I could get actual sleep and not just work sleep.
I woke up just a few hours later to the sun peering in through the windows. My mother was sitting in the reclining chair by the window, after having drawn the curtains and moved the small desk halfway across the room so she could perch herself in the comfier chair and work on her computer some more. “What are you doing here,” I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes and stretching before standing to go to the small single-cup coffee maker on the counter.
“I’m simply here to check in on the case,” Eris Cramer said, looking over at me with an annoyed look, her fingers never stopping typing, “This one is very important for the agency, you know. If we can solve this, His Majesty the King might even use us as his official Retrieval agency!”
“I know, Mom. I’m working on it, Bernie is supposed to call me today about a lead.”
“You went to Bernard,” she scoffed, “Honey there is a reason he was sent to the other branch. And it wasn’t because I expected him to end up taking it over. It’s because he can never focus on the big cases. I could’ve helped you, dear.”
“Mom the reason you made my brother move was because his wife is human and you didn’t want to see his halfling children. He is based in the area I needed sources in and he offered to help.”
“Let me guess, you think Mr. Merrick is at the Barracks.”
“That’s the best bet I’ve got, now can you leave so- “He’s not there,” she interrupted, barely glancing at me before her eyes returned to her screen, “If he was, he would’ve been found when the King sent out the first batch of his forces.”
“Oh yeah it’s not like the Barracks are a tight knit community with psychic sigils and guards or anything. The King always hires Retrievers to do these sorts of things, because his ‘forces’ are clearly incompetent, mother.”
“Whatever you say my dear,” the stern woman said, her hair perfectly up and sleeked down in her everyday bun, “But I know for a fact that he won’t be there. Mr. Lumin has a very strict policy against anyone in the Barracks having any Dreamwalker on their tale. Calls it an ‘invasion of innocent people’s privacy’. He told me himself when I went to question him immediately after the King arrived to hire you.”
“Well did he tell you where he was going?”
“No, Emmett is too smart for that. He made sure to avoid any information about where Mr. Merrick would be running off to. He knew someone was going to ask him about the Lord’s whereabouts, and didn’t want to risk getting caught in a lie. He’s done it before.”
“Listen, Mom,” I said, looking at the clock and seeing I only had about 45 minutes to get ready and meet Kellin at the cafe he wanted to have lunch at, “I appreciate your help, and I’ll follow the lead. But I’m also gonna talk to Bernie’s contact whenever he sets up the meeting. Now I’ve gotta get ready to go, I have another potential lead to follow.” The woman simply grunted dismissively and I sighed, grabbing my clothes and walking to the bathroom to get ready.
I texted Kellin during the taxi ride there to tell him I’d be a tiny bit late and, remembering who my mother is, he was completely understanding. The taxi dropped me off at a familiar coffee shop and I froze staring at the big sign. Mochamotion Station was Claire’s favorite place. She’d spend hours here just sipping at her sugary coffee drinks, writing little short stories and fanfiction on her laptop that she’d never let anyone else read. It’s where she met Kel too, who was sitting at one of the benches outside the big windows that graced the front of the cafe. “I figured this was as good of a meeting place as any,” the man said, his tightly coiled hair thrown up into a bun at the back of his head.
“I guess so. I haven’t been here since she…” I let my words fade, knowing full well that he knew what I meant.
“I haven’t either, but I figured we should face it together.” I simply nodded my hesitant response and he opened the door to let me in.
The place hadn’t changed at all since the last time I’d seen it the day Claire had died. Our table that we’d always sat at every time we came over was empty, and without realizing it I started walking over. Kellin followed behind me and we each slid into the booth. I couldn’t help but stare at the empty spot closest to the wall in the booth in front of me. Kellin hadn’t even scooted all the way in to the booth, a force of habit from years of Claire demanding to sit closest to the wall. “So,” I said, voice cracking as I tried to block the memories out of my mind, “How have you been?” Kellin released a dry chuckle, smiling bitterly as he shook his head. “I’ve been pretty busy,” he replied, “Had to keep myself busy so I wouldn’t break down for a bit, but then the HR person at work basically demanded I go to grief counseling because my emotions were apparently bad for morale and my writing wasn’t up to par anymore.”
“I’m so sorry, Kel,” I said without thinking, “I barely got out of bed after it happened. Couldn’t help but blame myself for what happened, and I figured you’d hate me for it.”
“I did for a while if I’m being honest. I hated you so fucking much because you were the reason she died and you just basically ran away from everyone afterwards. And then I realized that there was nothing you could’ve done to prevent her death, so then I just hated you for the running away thing.”
“I still blame myself, to be honest. If I had just focused on the case, I would’ve found that bastard faster and Claire would still be alive. You two would probably be married with like one and a half kids by now.”
“Hel, it’s not your fault. Claire knew the risks of being around you, especially when you were actively working. She was relentless in the best way possible, even if it ended up getting her killed. She wanted to go with you to interview the asshole’s family, and he killed her. You didn’t make her go with you, you didn’t make that guy be there, you didn’t make him stupid enough to make a simple theft charge turn in to a murder charge. Hell she probably would’ve followed you there even if you told her she couldn’t go.”
I knew he was right, and he knew I knew when I just looked down at the table, scratching my fingernail against the worn our grain of the wooden table just as I used to when I was thinking or had gotten my ass verbally handed to me by one of me best friends. A familiar waitress came over, but I didn’t recognize her until Kellin saw her and said, “Abs! You’re here!” Abby had been our usual server before the incident, and had even been invited to the funeral, though she hadn’t shown up. She looked understandably surprised to see us again. “Hey you two, it’s been awhile,” she said in her normal customer-service voice, though I noticed a tinge of sadness lurking behind her smile and happy words.
We ordered our sandwiches and coffee and waited for them to arrive. Kellin pulled out his laptop, a much newer and nicer one than he had a few years ago before he was some fancy hotshot editor. He twisted uncomfortably to plug his computer into the booth wall behind him instead of opting for the much more convenient outlet built in to the side of the table. Claire always used the table outlet, and I knew Kellin remembered that when he sighed sadly. The screen of his computer illuminated his sad expression in blue light with a quiet whir from the fans. “Does damn near everything still remind you of her,” he asked, not bothering to make eye contact. I nodded and tried to focus my sight on a chip in the table so I didn’t have to look around and see more reminders. Like the stain that undoubtedly was still on the light-cream walls from when she accidentally spilled the tray of all our drinks, or the accent wall that her and I had papered together to help modernize the place for the old man that used to own it. I tried not to think about the fact that she used to walk through the door and ask Abby if the old man had died yet, and that Claire had probably missed the awkward day when she’d walk in, as that, and be told yes. But she wouldn’t have missed a beat, she would’ve immediately switched from joking to comforting in a heartbeat just like she always did without even being phased by the awkward switch in conversation.
“Hel,” Kellin said insistently, looking at me with a worried look over the top of his laptop screen, “Are you ok? Do we need to leave?” I wiped the tears that had started slipping down my pale cheeks. “Yeah I’m fine,” I said, “Were you saying something?”
He nodded, “What was the favor you needed?”
I sniffled and tried to get my brain back into work-mode. “Oh um… my current contract is to find the late Lord of Fire’s son,” I said in a quiet voice, looking around at the few patrons around us, “And I found it weird that his name wasn’t in the tabloids or anything even though he was in them a lot before and now he’s missing. I was wondering if there was any order to keep the news of him being missing secret or something.”
“Let me look. Dorian Merrick, right?” I nodded, and he typed away at those freaky superhuman speeds he always typed at. “You’re right, it is kind’ve weird that there’s no mention of him. All the articles about him in our archives are gone too, which is outrageous, I’ve even edited some of the articles about him. What did he do to piss someone this high up off?”
“He stole the Amulet of Light and ‘absconded from his duties’.”
“Yeesh,” he said, before rubbing the back of his neck and getting an expression of worry on his face, “Listen, after what happened with Claire, I just don’t know how I feel about helping you out with a case this high profile.”
I nodded understandably, “Can you please at least keep an eye out for any information about him please? And let me know if you hear anything. I’m struggling with leads.”
As if timed by one of the gods, my phone vibrated on the table. It was a text from Bernie, “Meeting set up by my contact for 3pm sharp, in the old park by the warehouse compound the Barracks are in. Don’t be late or I will not help you again.” I chuckled at the reminder of the one time I was two hours late to a meeting he had set up for me. “Let me guess,” Kellin said with a small smile, “You’ve got to go?”
“It’s about the case, my brother set up a meeting with someone who knew Dorian. I’m so sorry.”
“Nah don’t worry about it,” Kellin said passively, “You did this shit all the time when Claire was alive, just please don’t be a stranger. And tell me when you’re going to be meeting the person and let me know when its over so I know you’re safe.”
“I 100% will Kellin, I promise. Thank you for talking to me.”
“Don’t mention it, Hely.”
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egophiliac · 1 year
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his magic is so PINK and FLUFFY and PRETTY! I love it!
I'm ready to process the Diasomnias now, buckle up
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#art#unique magic posters#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#meanwhile at the super awesome kalim dream base#anyway I KNEW IT! I KNEW HE WAS A DREAMWALKER!#VALIDATION#love me a unique magic that is only really useful in one extremely specific and exceedingly unlikely situation#sure was lucky that silver was on the island huh!#okay everybody i am about to be even more embarrassing than usual over anime characters. hold on.#but i am ALL OVER silver right now. just really really enjoying him!#i love that his reaction to all of this is anger. i love that his reaction to malleus is basically 'how DARE you'#my boy is full of righteous fury and he is going to make it everyone else's problem#his deeply-ingrained respect for mal and lilia is such a big part of his character that it's just.#always such a nice character moment when that breaks!#like when he yelled at lilia during endless halloween night! granted it was lower stakes then but. still.#it'sgoodstorytelling.jpg#meanwhile sebek is over in a corner sobbing and going 'what is HAPPENING' which is its own brand of deliciousness#god. this game really does just slam its fists down onto all of my personal 'I LIKE THIS' buttons.#and now they give me silver's beautiful pink fluffy cloud dream palace. find me a chef to kiss because MWAH#i can't believe they cut it off RIGHT before we were about to learn his backstory. i mean i absolutely can. but you know what i mean.#i have to know the meaning of the shitty acorn bracelet. twst. twst please.
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adornareart · 6 months
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Happy New Year ❤️❤️❤️
Ps. I am open for commission
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kemetic-dreams · 1 month
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thegeekstressart · 1 year
In August of 2021 I finished reading the mega-hit series: A Court of Thorns and Roses. I love these books, so of course I wanted to stay in Prythian a while longer. I designed a gown for each of the courts and did a little designer world building to go with them. This was a fun project, and I keep meaning to go back and create designs for the men and other key looks.
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Bonus: My take on the Starfall gown
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
It was Mad Max: Fury Road but I was there with The Three Stooges.
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captainsophiestark · 4 months
To The Stars
Rhysand x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses
Summary: With war on the horizon, Rhys and his mate have been busier than should be possible, with almost no time to even see each other. But sometimes, to stay sane, you have to make time.
Word Count: 1,064
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I squinted at the words on the paper in front of me, trying to get them to stop blurring. My eyes burned, and my head ached, and before I knew it, I was face down on the desk.
Not the first time it had happened to me, and probably not the last. But the Night Court was basically the only court who had our shit together and stood a chance at stopping Hybern, which meant it was on me and the rest of the Inner Circle to organize what we needed to organize to save the world as we knew it. That tended to lead to a lot of exhaustion.
Even worse, it had left me no time to see my mate, Rhysand, as we were both running around like maniacs, often in different directions. His face floated across my subconscious as I fought to stay awake despite my body begging me to rest my eyes and stay down on the desk. I thought I'd finally lost the battle when I heard his voice, calling my name in his smooth, soothing voice that had come to feel like home. Then I felt his hand on my shoulder, and realized this wasn't an exhaustion-induced dream.
I groaned, slowly dragging myself back into a sitting position as I blinked at Rhys through bleary eyes. He hardly looked better than me, with dark bags under his eyes. Still, he pulled a soft smile onto his face when he looked at me.
"You look about as tired as I feel," he said, voice a little more gravelly than usual. I huffed a sigh.
"I'm absolutely exhausted. But we have to do what it takes to have a chance at winning this war."
"We do."
The silence hung between us for a moment, the massive weight we carried together resting heavily on our shoulders. Then Rhys, my wonderful mate, sighed and gave me a tired smile, running his hand along my cheek.
"Come outside with me."
I raised an eyebrow at him, but his face didn't change. I held his stare, but when his calm expression didn't crack with even a hint of what he was up to, I finally gave in with a sigh of my own.
"Fine. But only because I love you so much. If anyone else was asking me to accompany them for mysterious reasons rather than wading through these papers or sleeping, I would tell them to fuck right off."
"I'll make sure to remember how lucky I am to be met with a different response."
I snorted, at myself more than him, and he shot me a small smile as I got to my feet. He held out a hand and led me out of our bedroom and up the stairs to the roof.
"If we had even a single extra second to string together, I would've told you to close your eyes first," Rhys said, a smile in his voice from ahead of me. I raised an eyebrow, more curious than ever as he stepped out onto the roof of the Velaris townhouse and I followed after him.
Rhysand stared at me with a massive grin on his face, holding his arms out slightly on either side in a 'ta-da' gesture. I looked just past him to find a nest of blankets assembled on the roof, with glasses of sparkling wine waiting for us. A small fire roared in a firepit that hadn't been there the last time I'd checked.
"We have to rest at some point, or so I've been told by every other member of our court. And if I have to take a break, I'd much prefer to take it with you."
I smiled, none of the tiredness leaving me but most of the tension draining away. I crossed the short distance between me and my mate, wrapping my arms around him tightly and breathing in his scent. I could hear his heart beating in his chest, the soft thud mixing with the crackling fire, and for just a moment everything was right with the world.
"How did I get so lucky as to find you?" I asked, a soft smile on my face as I at last pulled back to look at Rhys. The corner of his mouth quirked up, and he leaned in until his lips were just a breath away from mine.
"I wonder the same thing, how we could be so lucky to find each other, almost every day that I walk this world," he murmured. My heart swelled, and a heartbeat later Rhys closed the distance between us. I lost myself in his embrace and his soft, tender kiss.
We stayed locked together for a few long moments, then finally, reluctantly, I pulled back. Rhys watched me like a hawk, but I just gave him a little smile.
"We'll have time for that after wine and stargazing," I promised. He sighed, playing it up a little, even as he leaned back.
"I suppose it would be a shame to let it all go to waste."
I winked and gave him one last peck on the cheek, then led him over to the pile of blankets. The two of us made ourselves comfortable, snuggling into the warmth together and staring up at the crystal clear night sky. I sighed, the light from the stars shining out through the darkness above.
"This is beautiful," I murmured. Rhys handed me a glass, which I took, my eyes never leaving the night sky above.
"It really is. It helps, to look at this. To look at Velaris. And you. To... remember what we're fighting for."
"Yeah. Yeah, it does."
I finally tore my eyes away from the starlight overhead to look at my mate, meeting his sparkling eyes. I would go to the absolute ends of the world for him, and I knew he would do the same for me. The road ahead would be hard, against Hybern and the other courts, but how could anything hope to stand against us? Especially when we had the rest of our friends behind us, too.
"To the stars who listen," he said, lifting his glass to mine with a half-smile. I returned the gesture, the soft clink of the glasses ringing out in the night.
"And the dreams that are answered."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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theaceace · 7 months
Though Roderick and his followers didn't realise it at the time, the magic in the circle and the glass orb meant that the only people who could see Dream were the ones that were there when he was summoned, so as far as the guards are concerned they're guarding an empty glass sphere that a delusional old man thinks holds something. And then of course, Hob gets hired as a guard and it's dealer's choice if Dream has realised by then that no one but Burgess and his Order can see him.
But then because Hob is sort of aware that magic and esoteric things do exist, he sees Burgess (sr or jr) talking to the globe and is like, huh. Maybe there is something in there. But maybe it's a demon like the rumours say and I shouldn't let it out. But Hob starts talking to Dream anyway while the other guard takes longer and longer smoke breaks.
Whichever Burgess is around at the time realises that there must be something about this guard, because the next time he comes down to yell/bargain/threaten, Dream has moved. He's hidden his face, there are handprints against the glass, and the dreamlord's shoulders are shaking.
It doesn't take him long to figure out the pattern - that this only happens around Robert, for whatever reason, and the man himself has no notion of what's in the circle - and eventually he sends the guards out so that he can tell Dream exactly what he'll do to this Robert if Dream doesn't comply. That he may not understand what it is about this one man that compels one of the Endless so, when he has been so unaffected by everything else but the death of his familiar, but that doesn't matter. He will find out, and he will leverage it, however he needs to.
He turns and leaves, and basically I want Hob to wander back in none the wiser and settle into his chair and his usual routine of talking all moony eyed about his stranger, while Dream is roaring his fear and fury and beating his fists bloody against the glass
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yidou · 3 months
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"It's been such a long time, old friend!"
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half-maintain-heavy · 2 months
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quibvsposts · 5 months
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a better knife, you are, than a person
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id0ntkn0w0101 · 1 year
Of Dreams and Fury - Chapter 4
I looked up at the darkening sky and at the setting sun in the horizon before entering Schafer Electronics Emporium. I would’ve thought Adalia’s instructions were wrong or some sick prank if it wasn’t for the name Cornelius Schafer emblazoned on the line above the address. “We’re closed, kid,” an older gentleman behind the counter shouted, his reading glasses sitting on the tip of his nose as he looked over some old fashioned log book, calculator balanced on his knee. “I know,” I started, “But my friend said you could help me. Her name’s Adalia.” The man’s expression turned grim and he slid his glasses off his nose before calmly setting them on the counter next to him. “Adalia Webster sent you,” he asked, and I nodded.
“What trouble have you gotten yourself in boy?”
“A Dreamwalker called the Hellhound is after me. Can you help?”
“Depends on why the Cramer girl is after you.”
I paused, shock he knew of the Hellhound by name since it was only really known by people on the streets and the authorities. “I’m Dorian Merrick,” I said, scanning the man’s face for any reaction, “I’m supposed to be the new Lord of Fire, but I ran.”
“You gonna tell me about the fancy necklace you stole too, kid, or are you already going to hide stuff from me. Because that shit won’t fly.”
I sighed. “Fine. I stole the Amulet of Light, too. Since I hadn’t inherited all my father’s shit when I left, I didn’t have any money and I knew it’d get a good price.”
The man sighed again, “Damn girl needs to stop sending me all the stray puppies. So what do you expect me to do for you,” he asked, and I froze. I didn’t know what I expected of him. Dali had just given me his address so I figured he’d done this before or something.
“Do you have a place I can stay,” I asked, feeling sheepish, “Where I might be safe from her while I figure out what to do?”
“There ain’t no place in all of Orain that can save you from the Hellhound, kid. She’s possibly the strongest Dreamwalker we know of in the world right now, and she’s determined as hell. She’s only ever hired for really important contracts, because she gets them done everytime. She was the one who helped bring down that terrorist group few years back.”
“Is there anything I can do to not get killed? Leaving before I could be sworn in as Lord of Fire is already considered treason.”
“Did you keep the Amulet?
“No I sold it a couple hours after I ran.”
“Fuck, kid,” Mr. Schafer said, running his aged hand through white hair, “You might, and I mean might be able to get off without dying if you are able to return the Amulet and you do the job. And even all that’s not a guarantee, with that damned King of ours.”
“You’re not a fan of Nikolai either?”
He gave me a look that said “What do you think” before he stood from his creaky stool and walked over to me. His hands grasped my chin firmly as he tilted my face in different directions. “You’ve got a recognizable face, but if the King was the one who described you to the girl, you might be ok. Man could never remember a face.”
“So what do I do”
“I’m getting there,” he said, switching to fiddling with the curls of my hair and my nose and ear piercings, “Take the metal out, and you’ll probably have to dye your hair. I’d go with a dark brown. Style it to cover your ears too.”
“So you’re solution is to just change my appearance until she can’t recognize me? She’s a Retriever, she doesn’t even need to see someone to be able to find them.”
“I know kid, but this is just to keep you safe for now. She can’t hunt you until she knows your psychic signature, and that’s going to be hard as hell to do if she can’t recognize its you or touches an item you’ve touched a lot.”
I thought back to Adalia, who no doubt had multiple of my personal items she either stole long before I had to leave the Barracks or things I didn’t take with me when I left, but I tried to bottle back my mild worry in favor of remembering that I could trust her. “I’ll let you stay upstairs, all the TVs in here should interfere with the Hellhound’s read of you if she gets one,” the old man said, leading me through the curtained doorway just out of sight from the main room of the store. We passed by older TVs and a bin of outdated phones and other mobile devices. Computers lined a wall to the side, most of the towers missing panels and parts that even I knew should be there, and to the right of the big work desk riddled with boards and cables was a door. He twisted a key into the knob before handing it to me, opening the door and leading me up the stairs. There was a small studio apartment, with basic psychic protection runes that were standard for a lot of rental places. The kitchenette was sequestered off by a wall and half-wall. The couch had already been folded out into a bed and the table in front of it was riddled by empty beer bottles and cans and books on everything from computer repair to plant hybridization.
“Over there,” he said, pointing at the door hidden in the shadows of a narrow hallway next to the kitchen, “Is the bathroom. Use what you absolutely need, don’t go snooping though. You may have to jiggle the hot water dial in the shower. You can clearly see where the kitchen is, and the main room. I’ll be by early tomorrow morning before I open to give you the hair dying stuff you’re going to need.” “Thank you Cornelius,” I said, and the man turned towards me with a glare.
“I am not ‘Cornelius’ to you, kid,” he grumbled, “You call me Mr. Schafer or sir or even old man. But not Cornelius.” I blinked owlishly at the man, standing just an inch over my height despite me being considered somewhat short. “You can help yourself to stuff in the kitchen, but I’m not going to make a store run for you until Tuesday so make that shit last a few days if you can.” I nodded curtly, and he looked at me in contemplation before rolling his eyes and walking back out the door and down the stairs.
I looked around the room at my new reality before looking through the kitchen cabinets. Once I finally found the box I was looking for, I pulled out one of the trash bags and started cleaning up all the bottles and stains. When I was done, I immediately dug through my bag to find clean-ish clothes to wear and went to the bathroom to take my first shower in weeks. The bathroom was decorated entirely in a color that can only be described as piss yellow, down to the tiles on the floor and walls. Even the bathtub had a yellow tinge, though that was likely more from a lack of cleaning than anything else. It was a far cry from the massive room and claw-foot tub I’d grown accustomed to before I ran, but at least this didn’t come with a hate-filled career and a loveless marriage like my old life would surely force me into.
After my shower, I put on my clothes and went to the kitchen to find a styrofoam of takeout from one of the local restaurants. It was some kind of noodle dish with chicken with a note written in chicken-scratch handwriting: Ordered food right before you arrived. Figured I’d just give you the food I usually keep in my fridge for tomorrow’s lunch. Enjoy. I briefly wondered, as I sat there eating the lukewarm noodles, if I had made a mistake running away from that life. Maybe Adalia was right and I could just try to delegate the work better amongst the probably hundreds of people that would work for me so that I myself would barely have any work. And the loveless marriage… well my mother never loved my father, but I think she might have loved the man she stayed with in the guesthouse. Perhaps I could just have an affair as well and maybe find someone who loved me enough to not be the lover seen with me in the public’s eye.
I sighed, gazing up at the ceiling and shutting my eyes as hard as I could. Like I’d told Dali: “If he lets me live, I still lose my life.” Even if I’m not killed, it’s no more parties or late nights reading or going to the park just to lay on the ground and look at light filter in through tree branches. It’s no more “I have a migraine, I’ll just go take a nap until it wears off.” It’ll just be people needing me to make important decisions all the time. I’d be the one in charge of running their electricity and deciding how strict to be on bills getting paid and I’d be determining who was making little enough that they deserved aid to pay their bills and it’d be me possibly ruining their lives with my decisions in council meetings. It’d be me in a job I never wanted and still don’t want while the people look up at me in my stupid manor on the stupid hill and hate me and protest me being in charge when they’d all probably make the same decisions. I don’t want that. I gave up on holding back tears and let out a quiet sob before curling up with a blanket that either left my shoulders or my feet uncovered and closed my eyes.
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lazy30 · 3 months
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‼️ ‼️open commissions‼️ ‼️
If you have anything to ask just message me 🙌
I can’t do:
- complex background
- heavy armor
- mecha
- fury (besides hazbin hotel or lego monkie kid, maybe tmnt too)
- gore
Support me in my ko-fi
30% of my income for a month I will donate it for Care For Gaza
Likes and reblog are appreciated! 🙇🙇
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
and to think these motherfuckers all saw him as some creepy weirdo they needed to keep a safe distance from and debated to just LEAVE HIM TO DIE. i am trembling with rage i will burn them alive i will fucking stab them open i will feast with their guts i will
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 5 months
I don't know how to explain this but..
Zutara is 'Hozier bf' x 'Florence + the Machine gf'
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
Mad Max Fury Road but the cast from Futurama was there.
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