#Office Bag Adelaide
livingjutebags · 1 year
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Homeware and Clothing Store in Adelaide - Living Jute's Best Collections  Available.......!!!!
Are you in search of exquisite homeware and trendy clothing options in Adelaide? Look no further than Living Jute, your ultimate destination for all things stylish and sustainable. With a wide range of products crafted with care, Living Jute offers the best collections that cater to both your homeware and clothing needs. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at Living Jute's finest offerings and explore why it should be your top choice for homeware and clothing in Adelaide.
We are at Living Jute, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We understand the importance of conscious living and strive to offer products that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also eco-friendly. With a commitment to reducing environmental impact, Living Jute brings you an extensive range of homeware and clothing items that are sourced ethically and made with sustainable materials.
Whether you're looking to revamp your living room, bedroom, or kitchen, Living Jute has a diverse range of homeware collections to suit every taste and style. From beautifully woven jute rugs to organic cotton bedding, their homeware offerings bring warmth, comfort, and elegance to your living spaces. Explore their collection of handcrafted ceramics, eco-friendly kitchenware, and sustainable decor items that will add a touch of sophistication to your home.
Living Jute's clothing collections are designed to make you look good while feeling great about your choices. They believe in offering fashion that is both trendy and environmentally responsible. Whether you're searching for comfortable organic cotton basics, stylish linen outfits, or unique accessories, Living Jute has you covered. Their clothing line is perfect for those who appreciate high-quality, sustainable fashion that stands the test of time.
Why Choose Living Jute?
Quality and Durability: Living Jute takes pride in offering products that are made to last. Their homeware and clothing items are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring their longevity and durability.
Ethical Sourcing: Living Jute carefully selects its suppliers and manufacturers to ensure ethical practices are followed. You can shop with confidence, knowing that your purchases support fair trade and responsible production.
Eco-Friendly Materials: Living Jute prioritizes the use of eco-friendly materials such as jute, organic cotton, and linen. By choosing their products, you contribute to reducing your carbon footprint and embracing a sustainable lifestyle.
Unique and Stylish Designs: Living Jute curates collections that are both fashionable and unique. Whether you prefer minimalistic designs or bold patterns, you'll find something to suit your taste and make a statement.
Living Jute is your one-stop shop for homeware and clothing in Adelaide. With their commitment to sustainability, high-quality products, and stylish designs, they are the go-to store for those seeking ethical and fashionable choices. Experience the joy of conscious living and enhance your living spaces with Living Jute's best collections. Visit their website or their physical store in Adelaide to explore their wide range of products today.
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slcwshow · 3 months
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the gentle warmth of the rising sun. love in the form of a home-cooked meal. meeting people where they are. motes of dust in a beam of light. the comforting presence of an animal companion. deep-set laughter lines. taking your time. the smell of fresh hay. the velvet hide of a newborn calf. offering someone a taste of whatever you’re cooking. keeping the door open and leaving the light on. coming when you’re called. the unshakeable belief that people will always deserve another chance.
full name:  joshua alain bennett nickname(s)/alias(es):  josh, jay name meaning:  god is deliverance age:  thirty-six date of birth:  october 16th star sign:  libra place of birth:  pelican town, stardew valley current location:  pelican town, stardew valley gender:  cis-male pronouns:  he/him sexual orientation:  bisexual occupation:  rancher family:  thomas bennett (father), dominique bennett (mother, née alain), lisette alain (maternal grandmother), katherine ‘katie’ bennett (wife, deceased) education level:  high school graduate living arrangements:  lives by himself at sweet pea ranch loved gifts:  hashbrowns, apples, honey hated gifts:  rabbit foot, parsnips, ginger
biography. (death of a spouse tw)
Joshua was born in Stardew Valley, and had no intention of ever leaving it.
He’s a farm boy through and through - Sweet Pea Ranch is his family home, and he’s worked there since he was old enough to toddle around on his own. One of his earliest memories is of a calf being born.
Even as his childhood friends grew up and moved away, Joshua was content to keep treading water, going through the motions of small town life as naturally as breathing.
Things changed when he met Katie. She blew into town for the Stardew Valley Fair, and he was smitten with her right away.
Katie was only supposed to stay in town for a week, but a week quickly became a month, and months became a year, until it was as if she’d always been there.
After three years of dating, Joshua finally asked Katie to marry him. The ceremony was held in the Pelican Town Square, and you couldn’t’ve asked for a happier couple.
A year after Joshua and Katie got married, the couple relocated to the suburbs of Zuzu City, to be closer to Katie’s parents.
For five years, everything seemed certain. Life wasn’t easy, but it didn’t matter because they were happy - they were together. And then, with one telephone call, everything fell apart. Katie had been hit by a car as she cycled into the office she worked at, and died of her injuries en route to the hospital. Joshua didn’t get to say goodbye to her.
After Katie died, Joshua went home to his family in the Valley. He didn’t recognise himself, couldn’t make sense of his life in the city without his wife, and he couldn’t think of anything to do except go back to what he knew.
It took a long time to get back to himself, but Joshua threw himself into his work at the ranch, and as the hurt grew less, made increasing efforts to engage with the community that had always taken such good care of him.
Four years ago, Joshua’s parents left the Valley and moved south to care for his grandmother, Lisette, in her old age. He runs Sweet Pea Ranch by himself now, and he is happy… but sometimes the old farm house feels a little big for just him and his dog.
other things.
Joshua only stopped wearing his wedding ring in the last year.
He’s a big gridball guy, and proudly supports the Zuzu City Tunnellers. He was there with his dad when they won the league a few years back.
Never let this man think you’re going hungry - he will turn up on your doorstep with a bag of groceries and half a dozen foil-covered dishes, no questions asked.
All of Joshua’s cows have southern belle names (Adelaide, Beatrice, Clementine, Delia…), and his bull is called Bruce.
Work permitting, Joshua tries to speak on the phone with his family at least once a week. He also writes them frequently, and mails photos of how things are going at the ranch.
He rescued his dog, Cricket, three years ago. She’s the ranch’s only other full time employee.
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celestialsister0918 · 5 months
Chapter 2, "Someone's Dirty Bathwater"
Jackson Lamb x fem!OC, Slow Horses
Rated 18+ for later chapters.
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If you have time to show some love on AO3 or want to bookmark for later, head here! :)
Adelaide throws the rubbish in the giant bin outside of Slough House and hops into her car. That interaction was certainly something.
She does not understand at all how smelly, greasy old Jackson Lamb, King of the Fuckups, had her so horny right now. Attraction is a very mysterious thing. Perhaps she likes the challenge? Or maybe she likes the way he spoke to her. Maybe a little degradation is sexy? At any rate, she knows nothing can happen until he learns the most basic of hygiene. She wasn’t asking for him to clean up like a prince, but some Pears soap and a bit of attention under the nails might be nice. As it stood right now, he would finger her into needing a double round of antibiotics.
She has dreams about him that night. He wasn’t really doing anything in the dreams. Just repeatedly pulling his pants up over his belly and glowering at her with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He looked like a caricature in a comedy. She should have woken up laughing at the absurdity. But she actually wakes up with a damn tingling between her legs and an excitement to start her day. What the actual hell?
That morning, when Lamb appears in the Slough House office, unshaven and unshowered, he's surprised to see such a glow on her face. In fact, Lamb is surprised at the brightness all round. The office is clean. Spotless. But more importantly, it smells a lot nicer than usual. Even with him in it.
“Good morning,” Adelaide says brightly. “I decided to start at 6 instead of 8. Ho took a break from his game to let me in. Apparently he gets here and games with people overseas before everyone else reports to work.”
“Does he now?” Lamb huffs, but he’s too distracted to give that tip too much thought. He looks around at the office, which now gleams in the morning light. It was like she was trying to piss him off. "You’ve been pretty busy, I see."
“I have,” she agrees, taking steps toward her pile of belongings in the corner. “And I brought a few things for you as well.”
The thought of this woman doing something nice for him was starting to irritate him a little. "A few things? What kind of things?"
She drags a carpet bag up on the table like a fucking sunshine-bubbly Mary Poppins.
“For starters— chocolate croissants. Something tells me the way to your heart is through your stomach. Assuming you have one. A heart, that is. But if we’re going to spend a month around one another, I’m determined to at least make you pleasant.”
Lamb is stunned into silence by her generosity. No one has done anything this considerate for him in… longer than he could remember. She thinks this is the way to his heart? That it'll be some kind of chink in his armor? This girl must be crazy. Insane. But the thought of those chocolate croissants and the scent of the accompanying freshly brewed coffee has him considering how it might be possible to like her, even if just long enough to eat.
“And here we have…”
She takes items out of the bag one by one: a bar of soap, body wash labeled “blood orange and spice,” anti-dandruff clarifying shampoo, deodorant, Nivea, and some concoction called “Moroccan neroli” aftershave. She also sets out nail clippers and a file. A fucking nail file!
That girl is out of her mind - a nail file? But he’s beginning to see the effort she’s making. This girl's really thinking out of the box. This could be the best way to get to him. She is getting to him, that much was certain. "Well, well… how fucking considerate,” he mutters. That was all he could manage for the moment.
“So I won’t be able to work in the washroom today, then? Because you’ll be occupying it?” she asks pointedly.
Lamb laughs, enjoying the sparring– the sense of them working each other to their breaking point. "Oh God, I guess you won't. I guess I'll be doing my personal grooming right here. On the office table. In full view of everyone."
“They might buy tickets,” Adelaide laughs.
"I can see it already,” he drolls. “Long queues outside the office. Tipping their hats from every direction. All to see that distinguished silver fox take the most refreshing shower of his career. You'd think I was bloody Brad Pitt for the way everybody’s going to be staring at me.”
She seems pleased with herself. “I bet you’ll clean up quite nicely. Then you can take me out for a drink after work.”
“Oh? And why would I want to do that?" he demands. "This isn't a date, is it?"
She shakes her head. “Of course not. It’s a drink.”
"Oh, so there’s no expectation of anything romantic in any way whatsoever?" He stares hard, a gleam in his eye.
She looks away briefly. “I don’t get the sense that you’re the romantic type.”
"Oh, you think you've got the measure of me, do you?” he says in a surly voice. “You think that I don't know how to treat a lady?" He moves slightly closer to her, so close she can smell the hint of chocolate croissants on his breath and feel the heat of that breath hitting her skin.
She appraises him with a raised eyebrow, leaning back slightly at the waist but not actually stepping away. “I’m not sure, to be honest.”
Lamb closes the gap between them again. He’s so close now she can see grey flecks in his blue eyes. Close enough to kiss her….
Close enough to kiss her deeply and passionately, if that’s what she wants. And then he remembers... the smell. The smell of his breath, his clothes. And the fact she’s so very young. No. She can't actually like him like this. Can she?
Adelaide tightens her jaw and doesn’t breathe. She’s very attracted to him carnally, but her nose is still unfortunately fully functional. And it’s betraying her more forgiving body parts.
Lamb can tell he's got her on the hook. He's been able to read women since before he could read at all. Women tend to find him irresistible, even in the midst of his worst moments. Of course they didn’t like to show it; they preferred to banter and fight. But he knew. And this girl was no exception.
Just to prove it to her, he takes the cigarette out of his mouth, takes a last drag, and crushes it out in the ashtray next to her. And then he leans in toward her and whispers in her ear, "Let me know what time you're free tonight, and I'll remove any mystery.” Before she can say anything in response, he leans his head slightly back and smiles smugly.
“I’ll feel comfortable leaving around 5:00,” she finally replies. “I should be able to tackle a few of the other desks by then.”
“So then you'll be free at... say seven?" He's trying his damndest to sound nonchalant. 
She laughs. “You’re giving me two whole hours to go home and get dolled up for you? Do you think this is a date or something?”
"Yes," he answers flatly. "It is a date, and there's nothing you can do about it but prepare to have your wet knickers seduced right onto the floor."
She laughs out loud at this. “You’re pulling my leg.”
"I might do that later, too,” he remarks. “You can deny it all you like, but the truth is, you're already going to dress up for me, and we both know it. Even if it's only for dinner, there's still an element of courtship taking place. Or, if you prefer, seduction. And I'm telling you now, I'm going to seduce you. There's nothing you can do to stop me.”
She blinks again, biting her thumbnail in amusement. “We shall see then, won’t we? You might want to start on that bath. You only have 11 hours.”
"Oh, that's plenty of time,” Jackson assures her. “And remember, you might find that you like what you see when I'm clean. After all, you haven't experienced the unadulterated essence of Lamb yet."
Adelaide’s face feels like it might burst with the effort to hold back her giggles. “Is that something you share with women often? Your essence?”
"Women love my essence." Lamb's tone is playful, confident. He's got her hooked. "And you're no exception - you'll love it too. Once you get a taste, there won't be another guy you'd even consider. I'm going to ruin you."
Now she’s really chomping on her nail. He’s got her fascinated. It’s like he actually understands the disconnect between his appearance and the power he has over the female sex. Though she’s sure 99% of women would never admit it, and would therefore never spread their legs for him. She’s quite interested to find out just how much experience he’s actually had.
"The other men in your life will pale into insignificance,” he continues, taking a seat that nearly sends the rolling chair crashing into the wall. “They won't be able to compare to me. Once our lips meet, I'll make you crave me for the rest of your life, even when I'm not around. I'll be the one you have wet dreams about. The one you picture when you're trying to get turned on. The one whose face you imagine at your most private moments..."
She squirms and darts toward a feather duster, going to work. She simply can’t take it anymore. For one thing, she didn’t bring a change of knickers. And as he’d predicted, these were quickly becoming uncomfortable.
Lamb smiles to himself as he watches the girl squirm. She can't pretend to ignore him, even with a duster in her hand. Even now, she's pretending to clean, when they both know she's thinking about more lascivious things. The woman is a tease, but it's obvious she has a plan. She's playing hard to get.
About that time, River Cartwright pokes his head in with nervous eyes.
Lamb doesn’t even look over. He’s never surprised by the interruption of ineptitude. 
“Um…” Cartwright begins.
“What do you want, Cartwright?” Lamb still doesn’t take his eyes off the girl.
“You told me to bring your car around and wait for you. That was 30 minutes ago,” Cartwright reminds him.
Lamb looks across to Cartwright, and his demeanor suddenly changes. He goes from arrogant playboy to irritable, annoyed chief in seconds. And it's all for show. He doesn't want Cartwright thinking he's been flirting with a girl, even if he’d actually rather be flirting with a girl. "Get my car to the front. I'll be down in a minute."
Cartwright disappears, and Adelaide shakes her head with a “tsk tsk.” “So you’re out in the field today? Time’s really ticking on that bath. I bet you’ll show up at 7 tonight looking just like you do now. Only with maybe a few extra stains from lunch.”
"Oh, I'm sure the stains won't be a problem for you." His tone is smug again. He knows he's already got her under his spell. And there she is, biting her nail, again.
“As a matter of fact it will,” she snaps back. “No bath, no drink.”
"Are you telling me you'd actually turn me down if I was still dirty?” he asks incredulously. “It's not like you're the epitome of cleanliness. That nail is getting shorter by the minute, you know."
“I’m dirty from cleaning decades of muck up from this shithole,” she says with rolled eyes. “Believe me, I pretty-up quite a bit before I go out for drinks.”
He props his feet up on his desk, revealing a big toe poking through an undoubtedly putrid old sock. "So you're saying you're planning to get washed and ready tonight for your hot date?” he teases her. “That's good to know."
“You’ll take one whiff and wish you could drown in me,” she promises.
"Is that a challenge?" Lamb raises an eyebrow, as the girl is clearly trying to flirt with him now. He can practically hear her heartbeat through the air between them.
“A challenge on who will smell the best? Or a challenge not to drown in me?” she clarifies.
"Either one," Lamb grins, enjoying this. It's good to flirt again. The girl is attractive– beyond attractive. And witty enough to keep him from boredom. “I guess both."
She grins back. “River Cartwright’s waiting.”
Lamb's face hardens abruptly. "Fuck River Cartwright. He's still there?"
She laughs, aghast. “In your car, Lamb. Christ, you’re really slipping, aren’t you?”
"No I'm not,” he insists. “He's... he's..." It's hard to think clearly. The girl has thrown him off his usual game. He's finding her extremely distracting. And to have something like a bath waiting for him at the end of the day is just unbearable. This girl might be the end of him.
She's looking at me with those big innocent eyes. She's biting her lip again. And that nail is almost gnawed all the way down to the knuckle . 
She's going to make him lose focus, and it's driving him mad.
“Go to work, Lamb. I’ll see you somewhere at 7. Where are we drinking?”
"Anywhere's good. What about the Gristle?" It's a nearby pub he knows she'll like. It's dark and moody - and it has a billiard table - but he also knows it'll cost about £20 to get into the place with his stink. At least he'll probably be able to get her to pay for the first round.
She shrugs. “Sounds fine. I’ll see you then. If I recognize you, of course.”
"You might remember me as the guy with all the charisma, whom you had a long, suggestive conversation with earlier,” muses Lamb. “The guy you're almost definitely going to sleep with later."
Adelaide snorts. “You’d be so lucky.”
He winks. "Oh, I don't think it's me that'll be the lucky one. I think you might even think I'm a little bit handsome after a couple of drinks. Though you might not admit that."
She crosses her arms defiantly. “I would say I’m eager to find out how you think I look after two drinks, but you could probably tell me that right now. I’m assuming you’ve already imbibed this morning?”
He slaps the desk and stands. "You're damn right I've imbibed this morning. I drank enough to make your knees shake and your tongue curl. I'm going to need a bath just to sober up.”
“Bath— good. Work also good. Go find River.”
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't give me any more orders or we'll forget that date altogether."
She laughs lightly. “Yes, sir.”
"Don’t suck up to me, buttercup. I've already got the date. Besides… if we’re playing that game, I think I’d fancy ‘Master’ or ‘Daddy’... anything other than Sir. You’re not one of these lame fuckups around here, so don’t refer to me like you’re one. Got it?"
She blushes a deep red at this but says nothing, simply waiting for him to go off to the field.
Lamb gives a little smirk, which makes her blush even harder. Then he looks her up and down. He enjoys the way she blushes. "I expect to see you tonight, then?" he demands.
She nods. “7. The Gristle. We’ll both clean up.”
"No need for you to clean up. I'll enjoy you either way." Lamb doesn't care how it sounds. This girl is going to get what she asks for, and then he's going to have what he wants too. There'd be no need to clean anything up, as far as he's concerned. But he's not going to say that to her face; he’ll just string her along thinking she’s won… for now.
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🫶🦅❤️‍🔥 for kit and jacob!!
Thank you, Liz!!
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
Ah there are some odd technicalities to this question, considering their romance starts with some really weird ass obsession. Jacob has a whole file devoted to her and watches footage of her like he's checking for bigfoot on trail cams so you could say it was him. Kit drives up to the saw mill here's him talking about strength and weakness, and pulls the holding a butterfly meme going "Is this love?"
In reality, it's a lot of "love ( *cough* lust) at first sight" for them during the slideshow even though they've already been somewhat obsessed to begin with.
It's definitely Kit who figures out that she's caught feelings before Jacob though, he's still up in his office convincing himself it's just part of his job to have a pinterest filled with pictures of her that he stares at on the regular
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
I mean Adelaide kinda knows from the second visit Kit has up at the vet center that a little something something is going on there. But considering Kit doesn't really do friends, she doesn't have much of a wingman hovering in her corner. The most she gets is Staci saying he gets why she's into ol' Jakey Bake and he doesn't hold it against her.
Jacob being the weird old lone wolf man yelling at kids to get off his lawn doesn't really have anyone in his corner either, unless you count Joseph and his creepy speeches about Kit needing to join the Project
otherwise it's just these two idiots hyping themselves up for the relationship that leaves everyone else going "thank god they are together so the rest of us don't have to deal with either of them"
❤️‍🔥: Who tends to take the lead with showing affection?
generally they are fairly equal, the older they get (and the less randy they are) the affection even borders onto sweet. Considering neither are very good at actively telling the other that they care for them or love them, they do a lot of it by physically showing affection and through acts of service (Lots of forehead touches, and brushing of hair out of the face, and the caressing of scars is a big thing with them)
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tacosaysroar · 1 year
1) Starting Tuesday, this will be my first week spending a little time in the office. I’m not excited. At all. But I’m trying not to think about it too much so I can avoid that old, familiar feeling of Sunday night dread.
2) In college, my friends and I would occasionally elect to stay in and do what we called “World of Beauty,” where we’d paint each other’s nails and do each other’s hair and makeup. (And actually I’m realizing this plays into male fantasies about women’s colleges, so let me also say that there were many occasions where pajamas were worn to class and people didn’t wash their hair until way, WAY after they should’ve.) ANYWAY, Heather and I did an abbreviated World of Beauty with Adelaide this weekend (nails only) while we watched a movie MST3000 style. It was fun.
3) We also took Heather downtown on Saturday. Bookstore. Thrift store. Downtown walk/exploration. Pizza. I feel like I’ve been more out in the world in the last few weeks than the last few years combined.
4) At that thrift store, I managed to score a t-shirt and a purse for Adelaide (the latter will be a birthday present) and an exquisitely soft Calvin Klein pea coat and large Kate Spade bag for me. All for less than $90. *high fives all of you*
5) In a meeting on Friday, in the context of retail liquidation, someone said “we’re missing Dick’s” and I had to turn my camera off for a second.
6) I need to iron out the visitation schedule for the next few months. It’s always so clear in the fall because of holidays, and then every year we get to January and I have no idea what’s happening. Gotta figure that out.
7) I made chicken stew and drop biscuits tonight, and I love that there are plenty of leftovers. Of the former, anyway. Might buy some good bread for round 2.
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nadja-antipaxos · 2 years
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Title:  Rebel Rebel 
Fandom: Stripes 
Pairing: Russell Ziskey x OFC
Summary: Before he enlists, Russell Ziskey has an amazing one-night stand and wakes up alone. To his surprise, 18 months later, she interviews him and John about their rescue and doesn't seem to remember him at all.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: swearing, sexual jokes, smoking (cigarettes and pot), PIV protected sex, oral (male and female receiving)
Word Count: 5,641
Author’s Note:  What can I say? I adore Harold Ramis and have it bad for Russell. I cooked up this fun little one-shot and had a blast with this couple. It's strictly from Russell's third-person POV which I usually don't do. I don't know anything about the army so if the promotions are inaccurate, I don't care. Also, yes, I know Lance Link Secret Chimp was on 10 years before Stripes, but it's too funny not to mention. Title from the David Bowie song. Graphic by me. Please enjoy and leave kudos, comments and the like if you did.
With a sharp turn out of the classroom, Russell Ziskey’s chest hits something solid. Well, rather, someone.
“Shit.” A quiet, husky voice mutters.
He looks down to see the voice belongs to a petite brunette woman with a long French braid.  The top of her head meets his shoulder.
She looks professional but young as if she isn’t quite used to being out of the university setting.
“I’m sorry.” Russell steps back with his hands out.
“No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” She gestures behind her. “I just saw two guys singing ‘Da Doo Ron Ron’ with Eastern European accents.”
“What now?” He blinks.
“You know? The Shaun Cassidy song?” She tilts her head. She sings the chorus a little and her voice is sweet.
“Really? Wonder where they learned that.” Russell clears his throat and looks off.  
“It was kinda funny.” She laughs and shakes her head. Man, she has a stunning smile. “Sorry for running into you.”
“It’s okay.”
Before she can walk off, he sidles up to her. He never sees any women this pretty around here. He’d let her bump into him any day of the week.
“I gotta say your English is great. I don’t think you need lessons.” He cracks a smile.
“I’m here to teach.” She smirks and keeps walking.
“That’s very altruistic of you.” It’s very easy to keep up with her short quick strides.
“Hardly. Saving up for a move.” She peers down at her application. “You teach here?”
“Yeah. Just started.” He rubs his hand across his jaw. “Russell Ziskey.”
“Adelaide Glaser.” She keeps hold of her paper. “Bet you got picked last for all the sports in gym class.”
“What makes you think I’m not a former All-American?” He cocks a dark eyebrow.
“Z. Last letter of the alphabet.” She looks up, amused.
“Oh, you’re gonna be a great teacher.” He chuckles when she scrunches her nose at him.
They make it to the end of the hallway where she gives it to the office. The secretary takes it and hands her a schedule.
“You start Thursday.”
“Thank you.”
He trails behind her, not too sure what to say. She stops walking.
“Did you need something?”  She peers up at Russell with big brown eyes.
“What’re you doing tonight?” He rests his arm against the wall trying to seem casual.
“The usual.” She deadpans. “Blowing guys at the bus station.”
Russell nearly snorts. She just lifts her eyebrows. She looks very innocent, but she’s got a mouth on her.
“This must be some move.”
“The rent in New York is brutal.”
“Can I take you out tonight?”
She studies him, letting her eyes rove over him.
“I’m very attached to my spleen.”
His brows knit together.
“But you don’t look like a killer.”
“I promise if we go out all your organs will remain intact. And your knees get to rest for the night.”
She laughs again and Russell can’t help but smile. She pulls a notebook out of her purse, jots down her number, and hands it to him.
“You know the alphabet and you have great penmanship. You’ve got this in the bag.”
She lifts her eyebrows again with amusement. “How does 8 sound?”
“8 is good.” He looks at the clock on the wall. “I gotta get back to teaching, but I’ll see you tonight, Adelaide.”
“See ya, Russell.” She rolls her R a bit and walks away.
After work, Russell leaves John a message canceling their plans before he calls Adelaide. Her roommate Paula answers and hands the phone off. They agree to meet at a bar. He’s willing to pick her up, but she declines.
The bar is crowded and noisy. It’s practically impossible to hear each other. Russell believes his choice might’ve been a bust.
“Why are you moving?” He feels like he’s screaming.
“I love you.” He knows that’s not what she said. So, he leans closer and inhales the warm scent of her perfume. She brings her mouth up to his ear. “I love news. Got an office job working for a local station.”
Russell nods with relief. He didn’t think she seemed clingy or attached, but he had been wrong before. Her face is inches from his now and he could kiss her so easily. He likes the wine-colored lipstick on her mouth. Fuck, those eyes are looking up at him with a challenge. Before he can make a move, someone yells and a body hits the floor.  
The body pops back up and a full-on fight breaks out. Adelaide looks at him and jerks her head to the door. There’s no need to stick around for this. Russell throws cash on the bar and follows her before she disappears into the crowd.
The cold air hits his face the minute they step outside. She adjusts her black peacoat and blue scarf. He lifts her braid up so it doesn’t get caught.
“Thanks.” She digs in her purse for a cigarette.
“Good call getting out of there.” He looks back at the window before another body gets slammed into it.
“Let’s keep walking.” She chuckles and gives up on her purse searching.
“Mmm, yeah.” Russell nods.
They keep walking until she sees a 24-hour diner.
“Too low rent for you?” She wiggles her eyebrows.
“Not at all.” He smirks.
She checks for traffic before jogging across the street and he joins her.
The diner has a lot of customers, but nothing compared to the bar. They get a booth after he tries to suggest the counter and she just points to her short legs. They’re short, but killer in her black tights, but Russell doesn’t say that.
She gets pancakes and he orders a burger. The only downside is that the diner does not serve alcohol. She looks at the television hanging above the counter.
“Think you’d ever do that?” She nods to the army commercial.
“I’m a little old for it.” He looks at the television and back at her. “Would you?”
“I’m more of a pacifist.” She shrugs.
“Oh, I see, Yoko.”
“They’re just trying to help. Could use a little more peace.“
“And they stay in bed all day.”
She shakes her head, but he sees a small smile tugging on the corner of her mouth
“So, what do you do besides teaching immigrants how to sing and swear?”
“Hey, that wasn’t me.” He looks down at his plate.
“You have a tell when you lie.” She leans forward.
“What?” He tilts his head.
“My dad’s a shrink. Makes me a good poker player.” She muses. “You break eye contact when you lie. It’s common.”
“That would be really creepy if you weren’t incredibly hot.” Russell laughs.
“But I’m good?” She raises her eyebrows and lifts her chin. “I can carry it off?”
“Absolutely.” He smiles, locking eyes with her.
“So, I’m an aspiring journalist, you’re…” She gestures from herself to him.
“Tarzan?” He squints then chuckles. “I don’t really know. Followed a friend here after college from Chicago. See what happens.”
“Midwestern Jewish boy.” She teases.
“Hey, I grew up in the city.”
“It’s why you’re so tough.”
“Obviously.” He arches an eyebrow. “So, Glaser? You part of the tribe?”
“Yes, yes, I am. Not that I’m religious or anything.”
“Me neither. Our mothers must be very disappointed.”
“I'm sure they are.” She muses.
When they’re done, Russell opens his wallet and Adelaide puts her hand on his.
“I can pay. I’m a very cheap date. Pancakes and a coke.”
“That’s why you should let me pay. I was willing to shell out more.”
“Oh yeah? How much?”
“For a classy chick like you? Steak dinner, at least.”
“Gotta make it my while for missing out on the bus station.”
“Exactly.” He pays and they walk to the exit.
He opens the door for her.
“Who said chivalry is dead?” She applauds.
“I do my best.” He smiles. It didn’t really feel like a date. Yes, he is very attracted to her and he knows she likes him, but he didn’t feel the need to try to put on a front. She’d see through it anyway.
“So, it’s almost ten. What are you normally doing right now?” She asks. “And don’t lie. I’ll know if you do.”
“Probably be a little buzzed from the bar, go home, get high, and watch Lance Link Secret Chimp.”
Her brown eyes widen. “Okay, you’re making that last part up. That’s not a thing.”
“It is! It’s a secret agent and he’s a chimp and they dub his voice. It’s for kids, but it’s fucking crazy. They show it before the channels go off.” He puts his hands up.
“This better not be a ploy to get me to your apartment.” She narrows her eyes.
“Have a little faith. Besides, baby, if it was, it’d be a little better than a monkey spy.”
They walk back to his car and he drives to his place. She follows him up the stairs.
“Are you feeling safe about your spleen and other organs?”
“I am.” She grins at him and he can’t help but grin back. He really likes this girl.
She follows him inside to the couch where he flips on the television. True to his word, there’s a chimpanzee with a gun and another in a wig. It’s ridiculous.
“You want a nightcap?” He offers.
“I’m pretty sure you mentioned getting high.” She opens her coat and throws it over the arm of the couch.
His eyes move over her form-fitting green sweater and black skirt. Her hips are curvier than he originally noticed. He stops staring at her and rolls a joint. He lights it, inhales, and hands it to her. She inhales much more deeply than he expects before giving it back.
Ten minutes later, the joint is smoldering in the ashtray, the chimp in the wig yells for Lance, and Russell’s on the floor of his apartment hovering over Adelaide.  She takes the hand on her hip and places it higher on her breast. She moans as he spreads his long fingers to knead the soft flesh through her sweater. She’s heaven. He pulls back.
“No.” She murmurs chasing his lips.
“No?” He looks at her.
He lifts his hands and she sighs. She shakes her head trying to get her thoughts straight.
“I mean, I don’t want you to stop kissing me.”
“I don’t either. I just think we should get off the floor. “ He gets to his feet and swoops her up before she says anything. Her legs squeeze his waist.  “Kinda got a roach problem.”
“Ahh, did they lure you in with cheap rent?”
“Mhmm.” He kisses her again.
“Are there any in your bedroom?” Her arms wind around the back of his neck.
“We should probably go in there, huh?”
“Yes, we should.”
She rubs herself against the growing hardness on his thigh and he nearly bolts into his bedroom. He takes off his glasses and sets them on the nightstand while she tugs her sweater over her head. He shrugs off his sweater and throws it somewhere in his room. She pulls him to her by his belt buckle and kisses him. He shucks his pants down and kicks them off. Before she touches her tights, he stops her.
“I wanna do that.”
She lays back on the mattress while he kneels on it and tugs her gently to him by the ankle.
“You have great legs.”
“They’re short.”
“Still great.”
He rolls the waistband down and kisses her stomach holding himself over her. She sighs, closing her eyes. He peels the fabric down kissing every newly exposed inch of skin until they’re off. She looks at him, breathless. She smiles at the tent in his boxers and opens her legs a little wider.
She gasps as he mouths at the fabric before pulling her underwear off. He groans and shoves his head further between her thighs. She’s gripping onto his thick curly hair and moans his name. She laughs, almost giddy. He eases in two fingers and her back arches off the bed.
“That good for you?” He pants creating a steady rhythm.
“Yes—oh!” Her hand hits the mattress.
His mouth latches onto her and she whimpers. “Don’t stop. Please. Please. Russell, please.”
She’s rocketing towards her peak, legs trembling around his head. She looks fantastic like this. Every sound makes him want to shove his hips into the mattress for some kind of relief. She barely recovers when she surges forward and pushes him back against the pillows.
“Condoms?” She unhooks her bra and tosses it.
“Top drawer.” Russell chokes out, head spinning.
He hears the foil tear and bucks his hips when she grabs him. He hears her whine and looks to see her dipping her fingers in between her legs. She runs her glistening hand over him in a few strokes. It’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Her hands seek purchase on his shoulders as she rocks down on him. He lets out a strangled gasp of her name, bottoming out.
“Mmm, you feel good too.” She smiles at him.
Adelaide moves slowly at first like she’s getting used to him. Russell bucks his hips and she moans. She looks down at him and circles her hips.
“Shit.” He didn’t realize it was a competition, but now he wants to win.
It’s a battle for dominance as their bodies find a rhythm. She’s absolutely wild pushing him further and further. It’s incredible. It’s never been like this. Her body goes rigid and he knows she’s close. His thumb plucks that little nub over and over until she shatters.  He rolls her over slamming his hips harder. He hitches her leg higher up his back chasing his own high now. It’s muggy and sweaty in his tiny bedroom but all he can think about how tight she’s gripping him and the way her nails dig into his back. He yells her name and collapses on her in a sweaty, tangled heap. Fuck, that was the best he’s ever had.
Russell pulls out of her and gets rid of the condom in the trash.
“Bathroom?” She asks.
“In there.” He points to the door.
When she comes back, he sees how messy and tangled her braid is now. It’s barely together and her beautiful face is flushed and pink. He leans over and kisses her.
“Glad you asked me out.” She whispers against his mouth.
“Glad you said yes.” He smirks.
In the morning, Russell opens his eyes to find himself alone in the bed. It surprises him because he thought they had a great time, twice. He had only dozed off for an hour when she asked him if she could return the favor and show him how well she used her mouth. He remembers her getting back into bed and he didn’t tell her she had to leave, but either way, she was gone.
18 months later
Russell checks his watch. He and John are meeting a reporter to talk more about the Czechoslovakia rescue and the EM-50. They made the army look good and they wanted to seize the opportunity to catch up with their media darlings. They aren’t late but Russell wants this over as soon as possible. He really can’t talk about it anymore especially since the Army’s story was a lot smoother than what actually happened. After a well-deserved promotion, Louise had been reassigned to Spain and called it quits with Russell. She was much more interested in work than him and that was fine. Stella is somewhere in Italy without John. There were really no hard feelings. At least they’ll always have basic training and General Barnicke’s house. The newly single men are waiting in a hotel in Switzerland for a reporter.
The cameramen walk through first and greet them. They seem nice enough.
“Addie should be right behind us.” The one called Eric tells them.
As if on cue,  she walks in. Her brown hair is curled and reaches her shoulders. Makeup defines her large dark eyes and a nude lipstick outlines her mouth. She looked like a regular college student before and now she looked like, well, a reporter.
“Addie Glaser.” She gives a polite smile to both of them. It hasn’t been a long time, but she looks older now. Not in a bad way.  Perhaps, it’s the professional pantsuit,  the perfect hair, and makeup.
“John Winger and Russell Ziskey. Privates First Class.” John gestures to himself then Russell.
Russell stares at her, watching for any sign of recognition, but she doesn’t give any. She gave him a polite smile with still no indication that she knows who he is and what they’d done together. He didn’t imagine it. He had the scratches on his back to prove it. It’s not like he’s been holding out for her or anything. He’s an adult and he moved on, but even a wink would be nice.
“So, I don’t see the piece taking more than a few hours. I have the questions here if you’d like to review them. The military often does. We’re really just checking in on the both of you.” She explains sliding a piece of paper over to them. Russell just blinks owlishly at her from behind his thick glasses.
“Sure, sounds good.” John gives her a smile. She simply nods.
“We need to do a bit of scouting, so if it’s okay I thought you could read the questions and we find a good location to talk?” She suggests. Her voice sounds huskier. Maybe it always was.
John nods and watches her walk away. He lets out a low whistle.
“She’s definitely made for the camera.” He looks back when Russell doesn’t say anything. “What? Hey, you okay?”
“That’s her!”
“Yes, she is the reporter.”
“No, remember back in Kentucky, I told you I had a date with this awesome girl, and the next morning she was gone?”
“Um, I’m gonna be honest, no.”
“We met at the center teaching English. She was moving to New York—”
“Wait, the dream girl you ditched me for? No. We decided you smoked too much pot that night and made her up.” John shakes his head.
“I didn’t though. It was her. Adelaide Glaser.”
“C’mon before Louise when did you have a chance with makin' it with a classy chick like that?” John shoots him a skeptical glance.
“She looks classy but she’s got a filthy, filthy talented mouth.” Russell sighs. He can’t start thinking down that road. It was dangerous.
“Little Miss Wake Up Cincinnati is Bus Station Blowjob Girl?” John laughs.
“She was kidding but yes that’s her. I swear. Those eyes. That voice. I didn’t make her up.” Russell puts his hand on his buddy’s shoulder and looks in his eyes.
“Huh. Say I believe you. You gonna say anything?” His blue eyes narrow.
“Well, she didn’t.” He shrugs.
“What’s she supposed to say, Russ? Hi, I’m here for the interview. Here are my questions. Ps. Remember when I sat on your face? Not very professional.” John scoffs.
“I should’ve never given you so many details.” Russell scratches the back of his neck.
“Just play it cool.” John pats him on the chest.
They skim her questions and cross off the ones that might give away a little too much. Adelaide returns.
“There’s a little study. I talked to the manager and he said we can shoot it there.” She points behind her.
“You speak German?” John asks.
“Yeah, but it’s not as good as my French.” She shrugs.
John looks back at Russell with raised eyebrows.
She sits them in front of the alcove and lets her crew get settled.
“Do you come to Switzerland often?” She crosses her legs. Her tailored trousers sit well on her hips. God, she looks good.
“Occasionally. We move all around Europe.” John answers. “How about you?”
“I work out of the London office, mostly, but they send me wherever they want.” She opens a bag and dusts her face with light powder. She offers it to them and they shake their heads. “Yeah, shine shouldn’t be too much of an issue for you two.”
“We went through your questions and there’s a few we won’t be able to answer. For national security.” John hands her back the paper.
Her eyes roam over it and she chuckles.
“Well, I didn’t think you would, but thought I’d try.”
The cameras start rolling.
“Good afternoon, I’m Addie Glaser and I’m here with two American heroes, John Winger and Russell Ziskey. Privates First Class. Right out of basic training, they were assigned to watch over new technology. They didn’t know they’d be using it to launch a full rescue of their unit.  We’re here to find out more about their remarkable story.”
The camera operator calls cut and Adelaide brushes her bangs from her eyes.
“Okay, Addie. That’s good for now.” Eric tells her.
“If I go to too fast, please let me know. Otherwise, we’ll just go through the questions as listed.” She explains.
“Why was your unit picked to protect the EM-50?”
“The higher-ups felt we showed initiative when our drill sergeant was injured and completed our training by ourselves,” John answers, his voice as smooth as silk.
“So, you weren’t officially trained?”
“No, no, we were.” Russell steps in. “They just recognized that we had the kind of drive they needed for the project.”
She watches him but he stares at a spot behind her.
“Interesting. You were brought to Italy, correct?”
They nodded.
“We were reunited with our original drill sergeant.” Russell answers.
“That would be Sergeant Hulka?” She looks down at her notes, knowing the camera is on them.
“Yes.” Russell nods.
“And how long were you on the project before the incident happened?” She tilts her head slightly.
“A week or so,” John replies.
“You really enjoy baptism by fire, hmm?” Adelaide lifts her eyebrows.
“We just naturally have that instinct to go all in.” John puffs out his chest.
“Why were you in Germany if the project was stationed in Italy?”
John and Russell look at each other. Russell leans forward.
“Since she, the EM-50, was so new, they felt she needed a test in friendly territory.”
“You mean West Berlin. There was no intention to go to East Berlin?”
“No, never.” Russell clears his throat.
They pause to let the cameras adjust and she looks over her notes.
“Okay, since you can’t say why your unit was in Czechoslovakia, we’re just gonna pick up with the rescue, yeah?”
They nod, silently. Russell hopes she’s buying what they’re selling. He can’t really tell since she seems so pleasant. That could just be for the cameras or he’s nervous for no reason. Her crew says something to her and she frowns.
“What’s wrong?” Russell can’t help but ask.
“Equipment issue. I’m sorry.” She shoots a look at the cameraman who bows his head.
Adelaide grabs her purse and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. She offers them to John and Russell who shake their heads. She lights up and blows the smoke out of her mouth.
“How long have you been a reporter?” John asks.
“About seven months. When they found out I could speak multiple languages and look half decent on camera, they sent me to Europe.” Her tongue wets her lower lip and Russell stares.
“I’d say more than half-decent.” Russell clears his throat. John’s eyes widen “Y-You look really nice.”
“Thanks.” She takes another drag of the cigarette. She’s really acting like she doesn’t know him. He thought she had been amazing. Was he that forgettable?  Did some guy in New York completely erase him from her memory?
Her eyes flick over to him and he raises his brow.
“Have you been stationed in Europe long?” She looks at both of them.
“Yeah. We only left for the medal ceremony.” John answers.
“What kind of medals?” She leans forward and Russell takes the bait. He removes the medal from his uniform and hands it to her. She inspects it in her small palm.
“Valor, huh? I didn’t know they gave those out right now.” She hands it back and Russell feels the heat move down the back of his neck.
“What do you mean?” He swallows hard.
“Well, we’re not officially in a war with Russia.” She puts out her cigarette.
“It’s more for helping our fellow man. We didn’t really engage with the Russians. In an official…battle.” John straightens up.
She hums and turns her attention back to her crew. John and Russell look at each other. At least the cameras are off right now. It takes about an hour for them to fix the equipment and they have to reshoot everything. She keeps things upbeat and asks if they were scared or nervous. How lucky they were to be so close when their friends happened upon the wrong place at the wrong time. John got to peacock his own bravery and Russell speaks vaguely to the capabilities of the EM-50.
“Now, two female military police officers had been with you, yes?”
“Yes. Corporals Cooper and Hansen.”
“And you’re both involved with them?”
“No. Not anymore. We’re all just really dedicated to our work and they’re fantastic soldiers. I’m sure they’ll continue to do great things.” Russell answers truthfully.
Adelaide’s face stays stoic as she nods.
“Kicking off your military careers with such a bang, it’ll be interesting to see how you two continue to serve our country. Thank you for your time, gentlemen, and thank you for your service. I'm Addie Glaser here in Switzerland.” She smiles at the camera. “Back to you, New York.”
She unclips her lavalier microphone and helps the crew pack up. Russell and John lend a hand. By the time they’re ready to move the equipment back out to the van, they see they’re surrounded by thick white snow.
“Fuck.” Adelaide growls. They’re definitely not leaving now. She huffs and goes back inside. She explains the situation to the manager who told her she did not see any snow in the forecast and that they were welcome to any of their open rooms. Adelaide hands over her credit card for three rooms.
Russell and John help them bring the equipment up to the rooms.
“Now’s your chance.” John nudges him in the ribs.  
Russell glares at him before walking over to her. “Since you’re stuck here cause of us, can we treat you to dinner?”
“It’s fine. Thank you though.”
“Not even a steak dinner?”
Her dark eyes glitter. Does she remember after all?
“How bout a drink?”
“Now you’re talking.”
They make it down to the little restaurant inside the hotel. Everyone eats together, but after a while, the camera crew heads up to their rooms and John takes a taxi back to the base. It’s only Russell and Adelaide left in a cozy corner by a fireplace. She holds her whiskey in her hand. They’ve been tiptoeing around each other for the last half hour.  He’s hoping to get to the truth.
“Wanna play 20 questions?” He arches an eyebrow.
“I used all of mine.” She sips her drink.
“You’re Addie, now?”
“They said Adelaide sounded like an old lady.”
They both laugh.
“Well, I got another.” His fingers drum on the glass.
“Why are you pretending like we’re strangers?”
She lets out a long sigh before answering. “Because I’m here to do my job. I don’t need everyone at the station knowing I fucked the cute soldier.”
“Cute, huh?” He tilts his head. He can’t really blame her for wanting to keep everything above board in front of her coworkers.
“Shut up. You already know you’re cute.” She rolls her eyes.
“Why did you leave?” He looks at her seriously.
“Did you really want me to stay?” She shifts in her seat.
“Really. Why did you leave? I thought we had a good time.”
“We had a great time. But I was leaving for New York in a few months.” She crosses her legs. “And—it doesn’t matter.”
He lifts his eyebrows. “What?”
“You were fun but you were also a mess. No real job. The cockroach apartment?”
“Okay, can’t argue with that.” He sighs. “But I did like you.”
“Not enough to call.” She shrugs. "And when I went back to the center, they said you'd left without notice."
“Touche.” He brings his glass to his lips.
“I do have a question.”
“What really happened on that rescue?”
“Exactly what we said.” He looks away from her.
“Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.”
Russell laughs. “You’re so charming.”
“I mean it.”
“It’s classified.”
“You’re lying again.”
He shakes his head. He’s drunk and very attracted to her. He should’ve left with John. The words spill out of his mouth before he can stop them. The weekend trip with the girls. Stillman coming after them and taking the wrong turn. All of it.
“I knew it.” She smiles, satisfied.
Russell sighs and buries his head in his hands. He should’ve kept his mouth shut.
To his surprise, two weeks later when the piece airs, it’s exactly what they filmed. He holds his breath when she mentions the rescue but she sticks to their story. The next day he calls her station, explains who he is, and asks for her number. They give it to him.  She picks up on the second ring.
“Hey, Addie. It’s Russell. Russell Ziskey.”
“You finally called. How’d you get the number?” She sounds more amused than upset.
“Your station.”
“Wow. They’re just handing it out to anyone.”
“Hey, I’m an American hero and they liked my interview.”
She laughs on the other end. He really likes her laugh and presses his face into the wall. He’s got it bad.
“What can I do for you, Private Ziskey?”
“Why didn’t you tell everyone what happened? About the rescue? I didn’t say it was off the record.”
“Please, you were drunk.” She scoffs. “Besides, I just wanted to know if I was right. I didn’t actually wanna burn you.”
“You little minx.”
She laughs again.
“Listen…” He takes another deep breath. “I’m gonna be in London in two weeks and I owe you a steak dinner. Can I take you out?”
“Sure, why not?”
The date is much more adult than their first. He’s wearing a sports coat and she has on a burgundy dress. The restaurant has cloth napkins and a coat check room.
“I didn’t mean to blow you off at the interview.” She says after dessert. “No one takes me seriously. They think I got the assignment cause I’m a pretty face. Tom and Eric, especially.”
“Fuck ‘em. You’re a good reporter and you know it.”
“Thanks.” She smiles and takes a sip of her wine. “When I heard about the whole rescue, I'll admit I was impressed.
“Yeah, I read what I could find on that EM-50 and it’s pretty technical. You understand all that?”
“I do. I know her like the back of my hand.”
“And I already know what you can do with your hand.”
In a blink, they’re back at her apartment and she’s riding him on her sofa. He barely got his jacket off.
“How’d you, uh, how’d you have the condoms ready?” He pants.
“You think I’m gonna see your sexy ass again and not fuck you?” She rolls her hips.
“Fuck, Addie.” He gasps. “You’re so good at this.”
“Mmm. Thanks for the feedback.” She chuckles, breathless. “So are you, Russ.”
Russell wraps his hand around the nape of her neck and captures her mouth in a kiss. His other hand disappears between her legs. She whines.
“Oh, oh, god, I’m right there! Russell!” She cries out and shudders on top of him.
He buries his face in her neck and follows after a few thrusts. She smiles at him, winded. She runs her hands down his face and kisses him.
“You really thought I forgot you?”
She runs her pointer finger down the slope of his nose. “Silly man.” She kisses him again before getting off his lap.
“Hey, where are you going?” He asks, watching her stand up.
“To the bathroom. This is my apartment, remember?” She laughs.
Russell gives her a dimpled smile and rubs the back of his neck.
“Now, take your clothes off and get in the bedroom.” She nods towards the door.
He doesn’t need telling twice. “Yes, ma’am.”
A year later
In a traditional Jewish ceremony, SPC Russell Ziskey (US ARMY), 38, married Adelaide Glaser, 27, fresh off her hiring from BBC News as their new travel correspondent.  A small reception will be held on Saturday with family and friends. Best wishes to the happy couple.
The sun creeps in through the soft white curtains in their  Parisian honeymoon suite. Adelaide looks down at her new husband. He’s fast asleep. She plants a hand on the mattress and shoves off. She gets to her feet but feels a tug on her wrist. It’s Russell’s large hand.
“No. Stay.” He mumbles, voice hoarse from sleep.
“Wow.” She chuckles. “That first night really did a number on you, huh?”
She crawls back over to him and places a knee on either side of his body. He nods.
“Ooh, my poor baby.” She cups his face with her hands.
“I’m very traumatized.” He smiles, dimples blooming.
She leans down and places delicate kisses on his forehead, cheekbones, and nose.  Her hand cards through his thick, soft brown hair and he sighs, closing his eyes at her touch.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, Mr. Ziskey.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Ziskey.”
18 notes · View notes
lokifae42 · 2 years
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Chapter 2/? Chapter 1 Warnings: Nothing yet Rating: 18+
Tagging: @becauseicantthink (thanks for letting me tag you! I love your writing and you are a big inspiration!)
Read on AO3!
The date had absolutely wiped Maddie out, thankfully she was spared a hangover as she only had two drinks. But the tension, the banter, the flirting, all of it made her exhausted by the time she got into bed last night. Even this morning, the bags under her eyes seemed worse as she tried to cover it up with foundation. It took a good hour before she was out the door and off to get a cup of coffee. And still she thought she looked like shit. 
Entering the ANVIL lobby, it seemed its usual busy, people milling about and sitting, no doubt for Billy. She walked up the stairs and into her cubicle, placing her coffee down and getting straight to work. 
But before she could get any ‘real’ work done a man came and tapped her on her shoulder, 
“What are you doing here? You’ve been transferred” he said in a gruff voice,
Madison blinked, “Oh… I wasn’t notified”
“Huh, thought you knew,” the man leaned down and whispered, “it’s all the way up from the big boss himself,” he handed her a letter, “you’re to work for him personally,”
The words on the page did not register in her mind, “Uhhhh, thank you for telling me” taking her bag she smiled at the man who waited for her to leave. She entered the elevator and took it all the way up to Billy’s office. The doors opened with a ding and revealed a luxurious lobby space. A large black desk that was topped with white marble stood in front of her, large black leather seats were to her left. A window as tall as the wall gave the room a beautiful room and natural cool lighting. 
“Miss Woodworth, Mr. Russo is just in his office,” the lady at the desk motioned to the large dark brown doors to the right.
“Thank you,” Madison said as she went over to the doors, but before she could enter a man came in front of her,
“I’m going to need to check your bag, ma’am,” the bodyguard said and looked at the bag on Madison’s shoulder.
Her anxiety spiked as she had her S.H.I.E.L.D USB stick within but she knew it was located in a secret pocket. She was about to hand it over when Billy opened the doors to his office. 
“That’s not necessary, John,” he said, “Madison here is my new personal assistant, she can be trusted,” he looked at her with a grin “you can be trusted, right?” 
“Of course! Or I doubt you would have given me the job,” she chuckles and kept her bag on her shoulder.
Billy led her into his spacious office which seemed simple and well kept. Another large window identical to the one in the lobby was behind his enormous desk. The rest of the office was minimalist, a small black couch sat up against the wall and two chairs sat in front of his glass desk. 
“I only let people I trust into my inner circle,” he went back out to the hallway and opened up another relatively large door that opened up to a small but still luxurious office, “I hope the transfer wasn’t too much of a shock”
Madison chuckled “A better warning might have been nice but I’m assuming this is a… last minute decision,” she walked into the mini office and put her bag down, thinking of the date from the previous night, “anything to do with the date or just a ‘corporate’ decision?” 
The comment made Billy smirk with a little chuckle, his almost black eyes flicking to the floor then back to her, “perhaps a bit of both, your talents were wasted in your last position.”
Madison eyed his movements to see what his true motives were, there was a smirk on her face in response, “I appreciate the upgrade, much better than the beige cubicle I was at,” 
The whole situation almost made Maddie laugh, the fact that after a date she became a ‘personal assistant’ seemed like a plot of a shitty porn video. 
Billy stood at the foot of the doorway, “Miss Adelaide at the front desk will be your other ‘supervisor’ only to avoid the appearance of impropriety but your office is right outside mine. Miss Adelaide is there should you need anything.” He took a badge out of his pocket and handed it to her, “the projects you will work on will be at my discretion and here is your new badge. It should get you anywhere in the building,”
That last statement shocked Madison but years of S.H.I.E.L.D training kept her face completely neutral. She passed her old badge to him and took the new one and there it was, ‘unlimited access’ typed on the bottom. Maddie looked back up to him with a brow furrowed, “so… what exactly is my job? Sounds like I’m a glorified secretary,”
Billy laughed again but shook his head, “Not at all, you’ll be a project manager, dealing with the creation and refinement of training sessions and contract security. You’ll be the special eye that makes sure it looks final and is secure. You’re my girl, FRIDAY. The only calls you’ll be getting will be related to the projects you’ll be working on,”
“I can do that,” Madison nodded and pushed a strand of hair behind her ears as she sat down at her new desk.
“Perfect. Take today to move your stuff and get settled in. Adelaide will give you a tour later on and tomorrow we can dive right in,” Billy gave a curt nod and a smile to Maddie before walking out and back into his own office. 
Billy closed the door and stood in front of the large window, looking out into the vast New York skyline. He took out his phone and while dialing and putting the phone to his ears he looked at the tiny specks down below walk by. 
“She’s settling in, now to see what happens next. I want weekly reports and immediate contact if there’s anything out of the ordinary,” Billy smirked at the city skyline, “New York, New York…”
Maddie spent the rest of the morning setting up her new personal office. It was quite the step up from the tiny cubicle with a gorgeous pine desk and an expensive looking computer. But before she did anything she gave the office a… pat down of sorts. Scanning over surfaces and drawers, shelves and walls to spot any devices. None were seen, to Maddie’s surprise and there were none on her computer hardware as she checked. No cameras, no listening devices, nothing. It made Madison uneasy, the quick promotion, the speed in which she was asked out by him. Billy Russo had to know something but was sure to make no show of it. Madison decided to play along, not wanting to put any sort of spyware in his devices or office or apartment for the time being.
Around lunch time there was a knock on her door and Madison looked up to see Billy there at the door,
“Lunch?” he said with a cool smile as he leaned on the door.
“I’d love to, I’m guessing you have another fancy place to go?” Maddie grabs her purse and gets up.
Billy gets off the doorway and brings around her waist, not quite touching but the presence of his hand had set Maddie’s skin aflame. “Standing place only, but they have the best tacos in the city.” he said as they walked through the building and down the busy New York street. 
“Tacos!! I love them! But I’m a messy taco eater,” Maddie chuckled and still kept close to Billy.
He smirked and looked down to her, “If you make a mess, I’ll just have to clean you up,” he winked as they walked past a large line of people. He opened the door at the start of the line and went right in. 
Maddie gawked as she saw him just go right in, as if he really was a VIP of somesort. Between the people staring at her and the comment Billy made Madison’s cheeks blush hot.
“Mr. Russo!” A voice called from across the counter and there Maddie found a middle-aged tanned man with his arms upraised. “And you brought a friend!”
Madison smiled and Billy introduced the to the owner of the restaurant,
“Pleasure to meet you, Madison. It’s not often Mr. Russo brings friends, and certainly not pretty girls. Tell me, what can I get for both of you?” 
Both Billy and Maddie order some tacos and a burrito to go and in the meantime they wait at the back of the store while others come and order too. 
Maddie looked up to Billy, “What did you do for him? To allow you to skip 20 other people in line, I mean,” 
Billy gave his usual cocky smile and looked down to her as they waited, “I gave him the money to start the place. We were friends before and once ANVIL became successful I wanted to help him,” 
Maddie nodded and the owner of the store brought over their order, he also had a bag in one of his hands, “Here you go, and your bodyguard…” he looked down at the order name, “John ordered this, mind giving it to him?”
“Of course not,” Billy said as he took both the food and the bag. But before they left he handed the owner a couple of hundred dollar bills, “take the wife out tonight, on me,” 
“You are too kind, Mr. Russo!”
Billy gave another charming smile and escorted Maddie out of the small establishment. They walked down the busy New York streets back to the head office and the entire time Maddie’s mind was spinning. What the hell had Billy done with that owner and what the hell was in the bag he was carrying? The whole situation had Maddie’s training tell her this was an illegal operation but there was no proof. Yet. 
They made it back to the building and into Billy’s office, 
“We can eat on the couch,” Billy said as he moved the coffee table closer, he sat down and placed the bag of food. 
Maddie took a seat beside him on the couch and opened up her coke as Billy passed her the tacos. She took a bite and a bunch of crumbs and pieces fell back into the tray,
“You weren’t kidding about being messy,” Billy chuckled and passed her a couple of napkins, “do you like your office?”
There was another crunch and some more mess as Maddie took the napkin. She gave a nod.
This time Billy leaned over and wiped her chin and Madison stopped. Her eyes met his dark brown —almost black— irises and it took her breath away. His face was stunning from being this close. No amount of S.H.I.E.L.D training could stop her cheeks from going a shade of red. 
“There we go,” Billy said softly “perfect”
Still Madison’s cheeks burned in a blush, “Tacos are meant to be messy, definitely not a first date kind of food” she chuckled and took a sip from her coke. “Although this is the best taco I’ve ever had,”
Billy laughed in return, “right? I keep asking for his secret but he never tells me”
There was a pause in the conversation and it allowed Maddie to think. Her mission was to get information out of Billy by going undercover. And if she blew cover it was by any means necessary. Her goal was eventually to seduce him somehow and as the days went on it seemed easier and easier. Until she again made a mess and again Billy cleaned her mouth and chin. Madison willed herself to stay focused on the task; on the mission to find Rawlins but it was becoming ever more difficult with each passing glance from Billy’s gorgeous face. 
“So, tell me more about your family,” Billy broke the silence.
“Hmm.. there’s not much to tell. My parents did live in New York once but moved around when they wanted to have kids. Eventually they liked Washington state better than New York for raising a kid”
“You make it sound like New York is filled with drugs, sex, and crime,” Billy laughed as he ate,
Maddie laughed in response, “well only in the bad parts,” she took another pause before continuing, “other than that.. I’m an only child and my mother was a mail carrier and my dad worked for a lumber yard as an accountant. Just an average American family”
Billy sipped his coke and leaned back in his chair, watching her, “They can’t be that average, they had you” he gave another charming smile, “and you’re anything but ordinary” 
His comment elicited a soft chuckle from Maddie, “You flatter me, really I’m nothing too special,”
“No,” Billy said almost immediately, “you are extraordinary and you know it,” his stare was intense and it sent shivers down Madison’s skin. He was both beautiful and threatening.
He sat back in his chair and smirked, his dark eyes still gazed at her. There was something as he looked at her, something… off. As he gazed at her he could almost confirm it. The sudden cute employee, way too over qualified for the job, the whole thing reeked of a plant. Of a covert operation. But he kept quiet, studied her, and left her to make the first move.
“Thanks again for lunch,” Madison said
“My pleasure,” Billy responded, “Perhaps we make these lunch dates a weekly affair? I’d love to see more of you,” 
“As if you aren’t seeing me daily anyway. But who can say no to a free lunch?” She smiled and walked towards the office door.
“You’d be surprised who would turn down a free lunch,” Billy stood and put the garbage in the bin, he came over and opened the door for her, “have a good day, Madison,”
“You as well,” she smiled and left for her own office. She heard the doors to Billy’s office close. 
After an hour Billy called John from his office, “Was it in there?” A few moments later his jaw clenched and he took a deep breath, “Go remind him of what happens when I don’t get what I want. Thanks John.” Billy’s voice was lethal as his eyes turned black. He sat back down in his office chair and after a few moments to breathe and calm down he opened up the security cameras to Madison’s office. He smiled.
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apacbusinesstimes · 2 months
Elevating Property Search: Rhett Dallwitz’s Mission with Listing Loop
Have you ever been in situations where searching for a house or property to buy or sell was a tedious and frustrating task? Yes, most of us have been there. The real estate business is a tricky one and without a basic awareness and knowledge of the industry and market, one can only successfully proceed with the help of a real estate agent. Not all real estate properties are listed and open to the public. To address this many companies and businesses in the industry offer their services by providing details on both the off-market and the pre-market property listings. This can be beneficial to customers and interested investors. Therefore in his article, we are talking about one such company called Listing Loop and also the entrepreneur journey of Rhett Dallwitz, the brain behind it.
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Rhett Dallwitz: Co-Founder and CEO
Rhett Dallwitz is an Australian entrepreneur, who is the co-founder and CEO of ListingLoop.com.au, which helps in connecting buyers and agents with all kinds of properties. He has the experience in real estate industry for around 20 years, where he initially started his career with the franchisees business with Subway. Later he founded a real estate website named Real Estate Portal was worked as a director which was acquired by ASX:100, the name of the business was withheld due to purchase agreement. Adding to his experience of working in real estate he was General Manager at Homesales.com.au, for around 8 years.
He also worked as a General Manager at Carsales.com.au which is the largest automotive, marine classifieds, and motorcycle business in Australia. He also founded a bag company named Wine Travel Bag that aims for people to travel without risk-free stains. The bag contained an ultra-absorbent material that acted as a protective layer at the bottom. 
Later in the year 2018, with his vast experience in the field of real estate, Mr. Rhett Dallwitz founded Listing Loop.com.au. Where he holds the responsibility of chief executive officer and looks after the overall management of the company. Rhett Dallwitz about Listing Loop – “We built Listing Loop to bring previously untapped opportunities for buyers, sellers, and agents to the forefront so that everyone wins. Real estate is an exciting industry but the way it’s done has become stagnant and cookie-cutter. We love to challenge the status quo and are shaking things up through
Smart tech that’s personalized and instantaneous.”
About Listing Loop
Listing Loop is a real estate property platform that was founded in the year 2018 by co-founder and CEO Rhett Dallwitz. The headquarters of the company is located in Mornington, Victoria, Australia. It is a platform that connects buyers and agents with different kinds of properties with their full end-to-end property ecosystem. The company uses smart technology, data, and modern designs to offer buyers listed off-market properties for sale. 
It is Australia’s no.1  marketplace to offer off-market, pre-market listing, and many more services apart from listing properties. It is the first place where properties are advertised by real estate agents. The company will help you get dibs on the property listing and buyers are altered according to their criteria in buying a home. The dashboard helps buyers filter according to their choices and keep track of the property matches. Hence can easily search for properties in Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane, Brisbane, Hobart, and Perth.
The process of accessing the service is easy one can search for a property on a website, opt for a home loan and refinancing options from around 40 lenders, and further the professional buyer will assist you with negotiation. Legal documentation of property is done along with settlements and transfers, next is the fast cash accessibility and staying connected with the team by moving the app. The company will help you get a home loan in a simple process and home cleaning at the end of the lease will be done by the partners.
Listing Loop is growing at a faster pace across Australia where more agents are using this platform as it helps to sell their vendors’ properties easily and quickly. With the use of smart technology and data-driven models, it has made the process of property searching easy for buyers.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/elevating-property-search-rhett-dallwitzs-mission-with-listing-loop/
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adelaideriedesel · 4 months
Ziploc Bags and Lucky Stars - Week 4: February 2, 2024
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Another week…another story time! Before story time started a very kind and local Mom came to Lisa, the Education Director, and gave her a hand-drawn map of the woods around the mansion where she used to play as a child. This included a huge tree that had rickety metal ladder steps leading to an overgrown metal platform, a deep ditch with a ladder, and fallen windmills. The fact that she was casually playing in untouched woods was such a wonder to hear. She recounted memories of her and her friends finding artifacts like leather boots and buckles. Tracy said that if that area the mom drew is on county property, we’ll go explore it next week. If that happens, that will be a very long post! To get back to story time there were around 15 kids this week. The theme was all about birds and the kids colored some really sweet paper birds. This story time was not as exciting as last week’s, but still cute as always and this time somehow louder. We cleaned up the storytime supplies and then I started on the bin from last week!
I started off light and updated the spreadsheet of the excavation papers. To be honest I was a little bit nervous because I didn’t know if all the bags were disintegrating and what I was going to do. To my luck there were quite a few bags that were still intact. My plan of action was to take out the complete bags and do my best to read what bags were broken before it literally crumpled in my hand the second I touched them. I found this practice quite successful as I referenced the excavation papers to see which bags were missing and pieced together the clues that way. As I was carefully going to pull out the intact bags, I noticed a complete small bottle within a bag. It was a clearly very old bottle that had raised writing with “Clovers Imperial Distemper Cure, H. Clay Clover, New York”. I did a quick google search and found that it was veterinary medicine made around the 1890s! This was such a fascinating find as a lot of the artifacts were broken glass, burnt wood, and other small fragments. I continued to comb through the bin piece by piece until at the bottom were the artifacts spilled from the broken bags. In total there were roughly 50 bags in the bin! To make it even easier to find something from the spreadsheet I put all the same bags in another bag. To put it simpler, bags 14.3 - 14.9 are all in one big bag. This will make it much easier to sift through three or four bags rather than a grand sum of 50+.  This whole process took quite a few hours, but I honestly loved every minute of it. 
Throughout all of this I showed Tracy, the Director, what I had found like the veterinary medicine bottle, another complete bottle, St. John’s pottery, and some ceramic pieces with beautiful flower designs. She then said that there was a room in the stable that she wanted to make a little exhibit in and have some artifacts displayed… and she suggested that maybe I could do that for another segment of my project. I obviously gladly and enthusiastically accepted and simultaneously thanked my lucky stars for leading me here. I already have so many ideas and thoughts on what to do, but I’m going to take it one step at a time. In my second post I talked about humanizing the past and the people who lived here, and this is an amazing opportunity to do just that.
I am so grateful that I stumbled upon this sanctuary of a space and extremely lucky to have Lisa and Tracy guiding, trusting, and believing in me.
The pictures for this week include my workspace (Tracy’s office floor and photo credits to Tracy), a close-up of the veterinary bottle, and my view on the way home.
That’s it for this week!
0 notes
narutardad · 8 months
Loch was surprised to arrive in Canada and see that there was indeed a S.H.I.E.L.D base. Hidden as a former post office, the jet landed on the roof of a huge brick building on Adelaide Street in Toronto. As they touched down, the Quinjet disengaged stealth mode, and the group within exited onto the roof. Two agents awaited them outside a rooftop fire exit.
"Welcome to the Great White North, Agents." one of the two agent’s said, a wry smile playing on his lips. He seemed to be nearly rocking on his heels in what Loch sensed was excitement. "I'm Agent Burrows, and this is Agent DeSwan. Follow us, please."
Loch followed as the caboose of the march, taking her time to look over the edge of the building to see the streets below. The streets of Toronto were… very similar to New York except there wasn’t hoards of people walking in packs like buffalo. There was a strange smell in the air. Almost like salt water fish in the hot sun.
Entering the building, they were met with more agents who handed them security badges, burner phones and some other identification that they would need. Loch had never really been through all of this before, so when she finally stood there with her fake ID and files piled to her chin, she admittedly felt a little overwhelmed. Lochlyn didn’t even have time to ask any questions before they were escorted to their respective cars to be relocated to their safe houses.
Sam stood next to the two agents who flew with the group and was getting into the large black jeep in front of another smaller car. A dusty grey Nissan that looked like it needed a serious repaint. Bucky was loading several large duffle bags into the trunk of the Nissan and slammed the lid closed.
“Okay.” The soldier began, resting against the side of the vehicle. Sam wandered over and so did Loch. “Everyone knows what we’re doing?”
Sam nodded but Loch shook her head. She hadn’t really been paying attention when Agent DeSwan was briefing them. She was too concerned at looking through all the new documents and things she had been given.
“We’re gonna meet at our rendezvous point at four o’clock. Sam, your safe house is closest to the last known incident. You’re gonna be scoping that area for anything that might tell you where our guy went.”
            “Since when were you in charge?” Sam asked with a playful smile. Bucky shot him a disinterested look but continued.
            “Loch, you and I are on surveillance duty. We’re just gonna walk around Toronto and see if we can catch this guy in the act. Maybe we can catch him before he does anything else stupid.”
            “What do we do if we see him?” she asked, now feeling clod feet creep up on her.
            “You’ll stay back and I’ll try and deal with it. If thing’s go sour…”
            “You call me and we’ll sort it out. You’re a last resort. Don’t expose our trump card, okay?” Sam finished for his partner, giving Loch a firm but gentle order. Loch nodded, knowing this was very important that she didn’t blow it. This guy was dangerous. And she’d fucked things up before. She couldn’t let it happen again.
            “Okay, now that everyone is aware of the plan, we split up and get to work.”
            Loch and Bucky piled into the Nissan and Sam into the Jeep. They peeled off in opposite directions, and Loch could finally get a good look at the city up close. She knew she shouldn’t expect much from a large city, but it was… disappointing. Loch saw homeless encampments, people passed out on the sides of the streets, their heads lolled back, dazed. Trash bags lined the curbs the further away from the Post office they drove.
            “It’s not… as nice as I thought.” Loch found herself saying out loud. Bucky looked over for a second as they came to a red light.
            “Things are tough up here. Especially where we’re going.”
            “It’s a shame we can’t help them… S.H.I.E.L.D should help them. They have the money and resources.” Loch mewed slightly, her heart sinking as the neighborhoods seemed to look more like slums.  
            “S.H.I.E.L.D doesn’t operate like that. You know that. This is for the Canadian government to fix…”
            Loch sighed, and her eyes fell on a group of kids standing around a lamp post. They didn’t look much older than fifteen or sixteen, but they were all puffing great white clouds of scented vapor from their tank sized vapes. Lochlyn shook her head and forced herself to look away from the window.
            The ride to the safe house wasn’t long after that. No more than ten minutes later they were parked outside a moderate sized house. The windows had closed curtains and the yard was poorly kept. More trash bags lined the end of the drive way and a grey tabby cat sat unmoving on the front porch.
            “I guess this is it.” Bucky said as he looked at the house from the car. Loch gazed at the horrendous excuse for a house, and nodded.
            The two of them got out of their car, and Bucky grabbed both the duffle bags from the trunk, carrying them over his shoulders like they were filled with feathers. Loch new otherwise, as she had tried to help, only to nearly fall over from the weight.
            The inside was no better than the outside. The carpet was stained, but even without the stains that smelled oddly of cat piss, the disgusting grey and brown color of the pattern was an eyesore. The furniture, that looked like it was from the early 90’s, was covered in plastic and a thick layer of dust. The whole main living room smelled like mold, and old cigarettes.
            The kitchen was small, modest and filthy. Everything was dusty, and there was old grease splattered and solidified on the backsplash. The kitchen also consisted of a tiny circular table and two chairs, one missing a leg.
            Loch dragged one of the duffle bags to the back bedroom. There was no bed, but inside the duffle bag were two collapsible cots used for camping. It also contained some blow-up mattresses and think fire blankets.
            “They couldn’t send us with pillows at least?” Loch complained under her breath as she pulled out the sleeping equipment and started to pitch the cots. She was relieved to see that the mattresses were at least powered by a motor to inflate, so she plugged them into the dirty, old sockets and let them inflate.
            Bucky entered the bedroom carrying the second duffle bag. He threw it down on the floor next to one of the cots and began to go through it. Loch watched as he removed two AR rifles and several other weapons like handguns and knives. She tried not to watch, and kept her attention on the mattresses. Sometimes, Loch completely forgot who Bucky was at work. It’s not like she was often deployed on missions with him. She was so used to the quiet but funny introvert who liked staying home with a game of Risk, or hanging around the compound bar and having a few beers he could never get drunk off of.
            Loch surveyed the makeshift sleeping area when she was finished; a stark contrast to the usual comforts of home. The room, devoid of any personal touches, emanated an air of transience that didn’t feel… like… well she couldn’t describe it exactly. It felt empty. It reminded her a lot of Bucky’s apartment.
She stole a glance at Bucky, who was meticulously arranging the arsenal of weaponry on the floor. The dichotomy between the mundane act of setting up cots and the arsenal of lethal instruments laid bare the duality of their lives. She didn’t even know how to shoot a gun. She didn’t need to. She was a walking loaded weapon herself. Her emotions like a finger on the trigger, and the safety was off.
“What’s wrong?” Bucky’s voice broke through the silence, and Lochlyn’s thoughts. She jolted a little, looking over at Bucky. He was seated on the floor, now looking at her with a puzzled gaze. She immediately put on a fake smile.
“Nothin’. Just thinking about stuff.”
“About what stuff?”
“Stuff that’s none of your business.” She said, feeling a little passive aggressive. Bucky didn’t seem to take it personally and gave her a hard stare. She knew this look. The ‘if I try hard enough, I can read your mind’ look. She clicked her tongue and sighed, rolling her eyes in an exaggerated manner.
“Knock it off. It’s not gonna work.”
He remained silent, continuing to stare her down as if all he needed was sheer determination. She groaned, pulling off her boot and throwing it across the room at him. Bucky batted it out of the way with his arm and laughed.
“I almost had it. You ruined my concentration.”
“Boy, the only thing you concentrate on is being an absolute fucking goof, mkay?” Loch quipped playfully before retrieving her boot. The super soldier held his hand over his heart with a smile.
“Oof, ouch my heart. You’re verbally abusing me. I’m gonna report you to HR when we get back.” He said sarcastically, only to be clobbered again by Lochlyn’s boot.
“Report that, hm?” she snickered and smacked him in the shoulder with the boot before balancing on her other foot to put it back on. Bucky pushed himself to his feet, brushing dust from the carpet off of his jeans. Loch managed to get her boot back on and the soldier clapped his hand on her back.
“Lunch? Before we have to meet up with Sam?”
Bucky and Loch enjoyed sandwiches on their walk through the city. Subway seemed to be the cheapest option, so Bucky enjoyed a cold cut with green peppers and olives, meanwhile Lochlyn chowed upon a chicken, bacon, ranch club; minus the ranch. The streets of Toronto seemed to have some kind of music playing from everywhere. Shops were crammed shoulder to shoulder like sardines in a can with outdoor displays for consumers to browse. There were a lot of eye-catching things from street food to cheap carnival plushies that you wouldn’t even think about spending three dollars, let alone ten.
Honestly, the streets could bee in hellfire and chaos, but Lochlyn was just happy to walking around with Bucky. She walked alongside him, her arm laced through his, which his hand was buried in the pocket of his thin jacket. Their shoulders bumped lightly as they walked, but neither seemed to mind.
“Aside from the fact we’re looking for a psychopath; this is a nice vacation away from the compound.” Bucky said through the last bite of his sandwich. Loch shrugged, agreeing with him. He was right, it was nice.
“Yeah, nice to get away from… well… you know.”
“Your mom?”
“Everyone. It’s not that I don’t love my mom and Happy… and the Compound is like a second home, what with Clint and his family moving in… but it just-” she sighed, trying to string together what she was feeling.
“I get it… It was the same with me when I came back from Wakanda. People are so nice, but there’s always that… look they give you. Even if you’re prim, proper and put together.”
“But you got to prove to everyone that you can help. I haven’t gotten to show everyone that I’m just as capable.”
The two of them stepped up to a cross walk curb, waiting for the signal to walk. When it changed, they stepped off the curb and onto the tarmac. Loch was staring at the ground, thinking about if she could really prove herself. She didn’t want people to look at her like she couldn’t handle herself in a fight. She knew she could never fill the shoes of her father, or even the big six, but she had to prove she was useful.
Loch didn’t have time to look up when the sound of screeching tires came hurtling towards Bucky and her. The sound of metal scratching against metal as the car was crushed upon impact. Screams and cries of the people in the general vicinity watching as debris flew in every direction. Loch saw a flash of red light as Bucky’s arms shielded her from the collision.
But it was unnecessary. The impact never hit them. In fact, when Loch and Bucky eased up and looked around, there was a perfectly circular rea with car parts littering the road. A totaled chevy was tossed to the side of the road, the entire front of the vehicle seemed to be cut off. Melted by what looked like two extremely precise lasers. A huge trench lied in the black tarmac leading to the front of the car, which was smoking.
Bucky and Loch looked around, noticing the source of the screaming was not aimed towards the nearly flaming vehicle, but rather the man levitating a few feet above the wreckage. Loch and Bucky recognized him immediately as the target. The man they were looking for. He was clad in red, black and white with a long cape billowing behind him. He looked like someone straight out of a comic book. That bright ken doll hair and unnerving blue eyes that looked down at them.
“And just when I thought I was saving two innocent civilians.” The man spoke, his voice echoing around them like it was being broadcasted in their heads. Loch only had to meet his eyes once to know he was a horrible man. The way he stared back at her. He could see into her soul. It wasn’t even a question. This guy was bad.
“Relax, Loch. Just stay back.” Bucky’s voice was firm and serious as he stepped in front of Loch defensively.
“Okay, look Clark Kent, we don’t want to fight you. Just… ground yourself so we can talk about this.” Bucky barked at him as he pulled the leather gloves off his hands, exposing the black and gold Vibranium arm he kept hidden. The man seemed disinterested in what Bucky was saying, cocking his head to the side dangerously to look past the super soldier.
“Does this mudman speak for you?” he asked, directing his question at Lochlyn, who didn’t reply. She couldn’t understand why he was even talking to her.
“No, no, don’t look at her. Look at me.” Bucky yelled again, before tearing off the sleeve of his jacket to have full range of his arm. The gold joints and groves glistened in the later afternoon light.
“First of all, show a little respect. It’s Guiding Star to you.” He scoffed with a sneer, “Secondly, you really think I’m interested in your little prosthetic after that amazing display of raw power? You’re laughable.” The man mocked the soldier, slowly floating down towards the ground where he touched down, light as a feather. Loch grabbed her phone and quickly began to dial Sam’s number, holding the phone up to her ear. Bucky still standing between her and the stranger. It rang twice before Sam’s voice picked up.
“Loch? What’s ha-”
“Sam. He’s here. And he’s mad…. We need your help. Now. Dundas and Starling.” She said quickly before hanging up. She knew Sam would find them using Redwing. Right now, she needed to focus.
“Look buddy, I don’t know what your whole… gimmick is, but that death ray thing you’re doing. You gotta stop.” Bucky spoke confidently, really showing no fear. Loch didn’t know how he could speak with the confidence of a bull. The man stood unconcerned, an unpleasant smile on his thin lips. Loch didn’t like it. He looked at Bucky like he was a bug, or a lizard, and he wanted nothing more than to step on him.
The tension in the air crackled like electricity, but Bucky remained surprisingly composed. Lochlyn, on the other hand, felt the weight of the situation sinking in as she anxiously awaited Sam's arrival. The stranger's unsettling smile only added to her unease.
Bucky, undeterred by the stranger's indifference, continued, “I don't know what comic con convention you came from, but you need to come with us. I’d really rather arrest you without the whole… yanno, punching and shooting thing.”
The man laughed, before aiming a punch directly at Bucky, who braced himself for impact. Lochlyn’s heart sank as she watched as if in slow motion, the man’s powerful fist come within a half an inch of Bucky’s face before his hand hit dead air. The shockwave of the collision sent the man backwards, flying into a parked bakery truck. The pavement cracked from where he had been standing, due to the shock.
Bucky lowered his arms, looking around before looking back to Loch, who was staring down the spot where the man had been catapulted into a truck. Her eyes crackled with a toxic looking yellow light that flickered like what could only be described as the power of a hundred nuclear bombs.
Bucky began to push her back, shaking Loch by the shoulders. She blinked a few times, looking at Bucky in shock. She had a headache that pulsated at her temples and the fear but also pride in Bucky’s eyes told her something really bad just happened.
“Lochlyn. We need to get out of here… that was amazing, but we have to go find S-”
Bucky didn’t finish as a blur powered right into him, taking him off his feet and dragged him deep through the rubble of the road. All Loch had to do was blink, and Bucky was ten feet away from her, buried deep under rock as the stranger floated above him, dusting off his hands as if he had touched something foul.
There were hardly any people around now, but the sound of police cruisers could be heard approaching from the distance. Loch looked around for anyone. She had never seen someone take Bucky down like that. So… fast.
Lochlyn felt a surge of panic as she scanned the area for any signs of help. The stranger, seemingly unbothered by the approaching sirens, turned his attention to her. He slowly walked towards her, a look of amusement and twisted curiosity in his almost too perfect face His eyes glowed with an unsettling energy, and she could feel the weight of his gaze on her. As the anxiety built up inside her, she could feel the boiling energy tingling throughout her body.
"You're quite the anomaly, aren't you?" he remarked, his voice carrying an otherworldly echo. Lochlyn clenched her fists, readying herself for whatever might come next. He cocked his head again, and Loch saw it once more. That arrogant, pompous glint. He thought he was better. She could see it in him. He thought he was a God.
Before the stranger could make another move, a burst of wings announced the arrival of Sam, soaring down with Redwing by his side. He circled over the roof tops for a second before landing down with a puff of dust between them. Lochlyn's relief was palpable, but the stranger seemed unfazed, and that worried her. A super soldier couldn’t handle him… what if Sam couldn’t?
"Step away from her," Sam demanded, his wingspan expanding as if to shield Lochlyn from any potential threat. He held the iconic red white and blue shield on his arm as if challenging him.
The stranger chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Lochlyn's spine. "Ah, the Falcon. How quaint. I thought they’d send someone a little more… relevant.”
“It’s Captain America to you, asshole. Why don’t you put it in park before anyone else gets hurt?”
The man boastfully laughed, throwing the deepest disrespect in every breath.
“You’re not Captain America. Captain America is dead. You’re just the diversity hire because the real Celebrity kicked the bucket.”
The sound of rubble being pushed over with a groan as Bucky pulled himself from under a rather large piece of concrete.
“You disrespectful bastard.”
Sam's eyes blazed with fury, and Lochlyn could feel the tension in the air. The stranger's words lingered like a bitter taste, but Sam didn't let it deter him. He stepped forward, shield raised high.
“I might not be Steve Rogers, but I damn well earned this shield. And I won’t let you disrespect everything he stood for.” Sam's voice carried a weight that echoed through the desolate street.
“Blah, blah, blah. Did you rehearse that? It sounds like you rehearsed. Anyways, you little people bore me.” He sighed. Loch watched it happen at the speed of light. The man’s eyes glowed a threatening red before two blazing hot beams of pure condensed light came flying at Sam took a knee and deflected it with his shield. It didn’t pierce it, but the beam ricocheted and hit a building, smashing several windows in the process. It left a deep black scorch mark across the vibrant paint. The man repeated, each time, the impact driving Sam further back. Loch could see him struggling, the sweat beading down his face. He was laughing Maniacally as police cars began to surround the area. Police in uniform aimed their firearms at him. He stopped laughing and threw a disgusted look at the authorities before leveling his gaze across the crowd.
Loch was paralyzed as she watched the blood and gore explode. Police officers were decapitated, and sliced in half with the force of pure heat. Blood sprayed, coating her face and hair. Sam and Bucky ducted for cover, screaming for Loch to snap out of it as she watched blindly as the carnage flood the streets with blood. The sirens faded in her ears as she felt her own blood pumping through her head, beating like violent drums.
“LOCHLYN! LOCHLYN, WE NEED TO FALL BACK! LOCH!” Bucky yelled at her, dragging the agent by her wrist. Her legs moved as if on auto pilot, but she couldn’t focus. Not on what Bucky was saying. Not on the screams, or the flying hands that hit the puddles of blood with sickening splashes. She could however, hear the sound of the man’s laughter as he slaughtered the police in droves like cattle.
When the screaming faded and Loch was finally able to hear Bucky through the pounding headache and echo of the laughter stuck in her head, she felt like a brick of lead was sitting in her stomach. Covered in blood, all she could smell was metal. It made her sick. The three of them clambered down an alleyway, collapsing against the wall. Bucky looked the worse for wear, with a huge gash across his cheek that was smearing blood across is face. That was nothing compared to the amount of gore Sam and Loch were covered in. Sam was trying to wipe his goggles off, but Loch just sat. Staring at the ground, the fresh memory of what just happened playing in front of her eyes like a cinematic movie.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Bucky was the first one of the trio to say anything. Sam was shaking his head as if trying to convince himself that the events that had just transpired… hadn’t. Loch had no words. She still couldn’t get over what she had just seen.
“Lochlyn, you good?” Sam asked, looking over to see Loch in a state of mental paralysis. She shook her head, eyes wide as she stared at her feet. Lochlyn could feel only two things in that moment as the adrenaline of fear faded from her mind. Rage and shock.
“Sam… I don’t know if I can do this…” Loch said blatantly, blinking as she looked up and stared at both men who gazed at her with surprised looks. They knew better than anyone that Loch never threw the towel in on a mission.
“I just mean… I want to…” Lochlyn broke her gaze and stared back down at her feet, clenching her fist in anger. The hatred she felt spreading through her chest like a virus… she didn’t like this, “all those cops…” she released her fists and held her head as she felt an earth rattling headache coming on.
Even when Bucky dropped himself down next to her, groaning as he leaned into the wall, she didn’t look up. He tossed his arm around her shoulders, exhauster from being dragged through concrete. Pulling her close, he sighed, but kept his silence.
“I want to rip him apart…” Lochlyn whispered, barely loud enough for even Bucky to hear over the oncoming ambulance sirens. It only made the electricity in her brain spike out of control. Flashes of bodies played in her mind, each like a bomb going off in her brain.
“I know, kid. But you know that won’t solve anything. We need to bring him in. Play by the rules.”
“Come on guys, we should report back. I’ll call for a car to come get us.” Sam spoke up, now on his feet. His once blue and white uniform now crusted with drying blood.
Arriving back at the post office, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents were more than accommodating and understanding. When Agent Burrows came to pick them up from the alleyway, he was horrified. Loch was dead silent the whole ride. She couldn’t stop thinking about the North Guardian or whatever he called himself… That disgusting smile and the way he carried himself. Calling Bucky a mudman as if he was subhuman.
The car engine shuddered, making a dangerous sound, and Lochlyn caught herself; exhaling to relax. She leaned into Bucky who was in the back seat with her. His arm still draped around her as if it could shield her from all the horrible things racing through her mind. It didn’t work.
When she was debriefed back at Headquarters, Loch got the sense that her fellow agents were treading very lightly upon eggshells. Instead of asking her questions right away, like Bucky and Sam, they let her shower, get dressed in clean clothes, and tried to give her something to eat. She denied it, leaving the McDonalds burger on the table. She was so grateful when it was all over. She only lost her temper once, which did startle Agent Burrows, but he brushed it off with a nervous laugh and continued.
Bucky awaited her arrival outside the debriefing room. He was now cleaned up, a heavy hoodie over a pair of grey sweats. He had both his hands full with a Styrofoam cups of piping hot coffee. As soon as they saw each other, Bucky pushed off from the wall he was leaning on.
As Loch approached Bucky, her exhaustion evident in the lines on her face. The weight of recent events seemed to have settled on her shoulders, but there was a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes as she took one of the coffee cups from him.
"Thanks," she murmured, cradling the warm cup in her hands. The aroma of the coffee wafted through the air, a welcome comfort in the midst of chaos. She felt so empty inside, which was only amplified when she felt the hot liquid boil like lava as it trickled down her throat. She walked with the super soldier, neither of them saying much. Lochlyn was oh so grateful for that. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say. Loch half hoped she could just forget, but knew that was an impossibility.
            Bucky and Loch were chaperoned back to their safe house, where the two agents were dropped off on the curbside. Loch sighed, her cup of coffee now two thirds empty. She wished for more coffee. Loch really didn’t know if she could continue this mission. Her heart ached as Bucky wrapped his arm around her and began to walk the silent agent towards the house.
            Once inside, that musty, old mold smell almost snapped Lochlyn out of her trance.Bucky had wandered off to the kitchen to dispose of his now empty coffee cup. She looked around, and as if she was reliving the trauma right in the living room of the dilapidated safe house, she felt the tears swelling. This whole time, she had tried to keep a stone-cold face, showing very little emotion aside from shock. It was like a crack had formed in her façade. And like a dam; one crack spread like a web and soon, the floodgates were gushing.
            Loch stood in the closed doorway, sniffling pathetically. Her shoulders shook but she was unable to prevent the onslaught of tears which fell down her face.
            As if called by a dog whistle that only the Winter soldier could hear, Bucky came rushing into the living room. There was a look of calm concern across his face as he hurried to Loch’s side. The lights within the safe house seemed to faintly flicker as each tear hit the carpet with a muddled ‘thup’.
            “W…why did… i… come?” she croaked, her voice breaking with every syllable. “I… I’m… n-not ready… for… this.”
            The soldier gripped Loch tightly to him, and she found herself crying like a pathetic child into his chest. Her eyes leaving wet stains on the sweatshirt he wore. Bucky did not care in the slightest. He gently stroked the back of her head; as she wrapped her arms tightly around his torso. He was soft, and his body gave off a comforting warmth. His heart beat was slow and soothing, but her mind continued to race.
            “I…I’m sorry…” Lochlyn sniffled, pulling away from Bucky in the hopes of sparing his sweater from any more snot and tears. Bucky sighed, but didn’t let go of his embrace.
            “Don’t…” Bucky said, resting his chin on the top of her head, “You didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t go apologizing for shit you didn’t do.”
            This only made Lochlyn cry harder. She didn’t know what she did to deserve such patience and sympathy from Bucky. She just squeezed her eyes shut, burying her face in his sweater, inhaling a deep, shaky breath. With his cool, smooth metal fingers, Bucky gently tugged at Lochlyn’s hand, lacing their fingers together as he held her waist.
            “Just breathe, I’m here… this too will pass.” He muttered to her, planting an ever so delicate kiss to her temple. The ache in Loch’s chest slowly dulled, but did not go away.
Bucky continued to hold her, providing a sense of solace in the midst of the storm raging inside her. The rhythmic sound of his heartbeat against her ear started to synchronize with her breathing. Lochlyn clung to the warmth of his touch, feeling the reassurance that she wasn't alone in this darkness. They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Bucky knew he couldn't erase the pain, but he could be a steady anchor in the turbulence. After a while, Loch dreaded letting go.
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hjmskips · 2 years
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Disposing of waste can be overlooked among other routines of the day. Of course, it can be time taking and tedious for most of us, and most prefer to be done at the last. Sometimes the household and office waste are so hazardous, bulky, or too much to fit into the normal trash bags and garbage bins of the locality. Therefore, skip bin services become your safest bet to seek complete peace of mind for waste.
To ensure you get the top-notch skip bin service in Adelaide, we have gathered a few essential things you must consider before hiring. 
Read more - https://www.klusster.com/klussters/hjm-skips-110240/publications/quintessential-things-to-consider-before-hiring-skip-bin-service-110240-281505?
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Thanks for the tag @funkypoacher
tagging: @strafethesesinners @beautiful-delirium @schoute @thomrainer @roofgeese @ashren @kirjanikv6ilill anyone else who has something to share. Feel free to tag me!
So I've started playing around with a werewolf au for FC5. I've already posted a snippet on AO3 for writer's month but I'm having fun with the idea and other folks seem to be interested as well so I figured I should continue with it:
Earl stormed through the office, his face dragged down into a sour expression, his cup of coffee still steaming. The bags under his eyes were deep. Kit wondered if he’d been there all night, she’d seen him last evening still at his desk when she was off the clock.
“Cross, Hudson, Pratt – my office, now.”
There was no point standing around when Whitehorse was in a mood like this. He was usually well-mannered, perhaps a little stony, but otherwise he was pleasant enough as a boss. The three deputies marched into his office, Joey and Staci taking seats in the chairs in front of his desk while Kit stood off to the side.
"Bodies washed up on the shore of Adelaide’s marina again. She’s convinced it’s the Seeds, they seem to be the ones who most people blame these days whenever something doesn’t go their way.”
“Does she have any proof?” Joey asked leaning forward in her seat. She rested her chin on the back of her hands as her elbows pressed into her lap.
“No. We still don’t have any either.”
“Sir?” Kit had a confused look on her face, she’d been left out of the loop on this one and felt very out of place all of a sudden.
“Sorry, Cross, keep forgetting you haven’t been here that long. We’ve had a string of bodies, sometimes just parts washing up on the shore of the Henbane for the last few years. Some of them coincide with the missing people’s reports we’ve been getting. Others don’t. ”
Kit pushed off from the wall, her interest suddenly piqued. “Serial killer?”
“No, Cross. Nothing like that. We live in cougar country. Not to mention the wolves, the grizzlies, and too many hikers and campers who think they know the forests better than the rangers do. I keep trying to tell her that the markings we have managed to find are from an animal, but she refuses to listen. Says all these dead bodies are bad for business. Doesn’t help that we’ve got Dutch on top of that telling everyone who’ll listen it’s some sort of mythical creature.”
“You mean the werewolves?” Pratt mocked.
“Don’t remind me.” Whitehorse bristled and slurped from his coffee cup.
“Cryptids,” Kit said.
The room fell into an awkward silence after she blurted out the word. Earl looked at the Junior Deputy from over the rim of his mug. His droopy hound dog face was suddenly pulled up along with his brow in his confusion.
“What was that, Cross?”
“Uh, werewolves are cryptids not mythical creatures.” She rubbed at her neck, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She didn’t like being the center of attention when it wasn’t for one of her talents.
He blinked at her several times too tired to argue the proper nomenclature at that moment, “Fine. Either way, we got Dutch suckering people into thinking we’re in the middle of the goddamn x-files.”
“Well if that’s the case we might as well tell them to call the men in black,” Pratt scoffed.
“The last thing we need is the feds getting in on this. We just have to keep reminding folks that we’ve got all manner of creatures running about who’d be more than happy to chase down an ATV for a meal on wheels. Pratt, I want you to take Cross and go see Dutch. He can consider this a cease and desist on all this damn – what was the word?”
“Cryptid,” Kit mentioned once more.
Earl nodded at the redheaded deputy and continued, “Cryptid business.”
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nightwingshero · 2 years
WIP Day, Yay!!!
I was tagged by the ever amazing @xbaebsae to post a WIP! Thank you, lovely!!!
Tagging: @euryalex @chazz-anova @cousingregstan @sstewyhosseini @water-writings @pen-in-hand @simonxriley @playstationmademe @geronimo-11 @fadedjacket @minilev @beemot @chyrstis @strafethesesinners @cobb-vanthss @ziorre @smithandrogers @hoesephseed @foofygoldfish 
Have some of Randy’s oneshot I’ve been working on for way too long and it definitely needs work and uhhhh, you know, to be finished.
Merle twisted his face as I walked back to the office. “You kiddin’ me? Now you listen here, Miller. Those two boys ain’t worth my fuckin’ time. Weirdos, they are. You hear about that Adelaide Drubman? Word is she’s got her claws on some young college kid now. Him and a few friends stopped in for spring break or some shit, looked at her, and decided to stay a bit longer for the experience, if you catch my drift.”
“I don’t need to fuckin’ know that, Merle.” My tone was a little clipped when I turned to look back at him. He threw his hands up in the air in defense.
“Alright, alright. I hear yah, buddy. Loud and clear. I’m just sayin’ that a titty bar would be fun and we ain’t got one here. A bunch of the guys are goin’.”
Scoffing under my breath, I shake my head. I was almost curious to see what the roster for that had turned out to be, but I spared myself the fucking nightmare. I find the Jeep paperwork, filling out the invoice to reflect the work that was done. New brakes and tire rotation and alignment with a quick oil change. Easy enough.
“I’m sure y’all will have fun, mate. I got shit to do and I ain’t interested.” I mumbled as I rubbed my beard, no longer paying much attention.
Aaaaaand here’s some of my Haikyuu vampire au because apparently we’re dragging myself today. Don’t look at me. I REPEAT, DO NOT LOOK AT ME.
“I already died, what does it matter?” The words were barely more than a rasp and my throat erupted in invisible flames from the effort, but it doesn’t dull the harsh tone. I didn’t think it through, the words left before I even realized I was replying. I wasn’t even sure what my intention was at this point. But whatever mark I had aimed at, the words struck true and for the first time since I had met him, Kuroo bared his fangs at me in pure fury. Whatever semblance of a heart I had in my chest had stilled, my breath catching as his demeanor changed. He quickly shot the glass back, draining the contents before turning and reaching for the bag on the table. I was confused—and a bit terrified—as I watched him, unsure how to navigate whatever shift had happened. I had seen him angry, seen him vicious and cold, but it was always with a gently but firm arm around my waist or shoulders, a hand sometimes resting against my lower back. It was always aimed at someone else, never me. For a moment, I worried that perhaps he would finish me off. But he brought the bag to his mouth and used his teeth to rip into the plastic before pouring a healthy amount into the glass. After tossing the bag back where it laid before, blood pooling on the wooden table, he paused for a moment, as if waiting for something—giving me a chance to move or do something. But I didn’t. So he shot back another glassful, his mouth full as red liquid seeped through his lips just a bit. He didn’t swallow, however. He just held it in his mouth.
And took a step forward.
My eyes widened, and for the first time since being placed in here, I felt fully awake. Enough to realize just how bad I had truly gotten. “No…no.” The words were nothing but a rasp, but I knew he could hear me—could understand me. That didn’t make him stop in his approach, however, and I began to scramble to put more distance between us. Before, I probably would have put up a better fight, even if he would have found it amusing—like he usually did—I would have been able to at least try. But my body was too weak from just laying in bed, refusing to feed to maintain any sort of health by their standards. My arms shook as I tried to prop myself up, as I tried to move away, and I just collapsed against the mattress as my attempts to scoot closer to the other side became futile. Kuroo moved swiftly, gracefully climbing on the bed and sliding up close. Tears swam in my eyes as he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close as he gently held me, almost cradling me against his chest as he laid on his side beside me. It was enough to stun me, but not enough to keep my hands from trying to shove him away—no matter how pathetic the attempt—as I continue to try to tell him to go away. It caused something in his hazel eyes to flicker as he used his free hand to gently caress my cheek.
If I hadn’t known better, I would have said it was sorrow.
It was gone in a second. His gentle caress—his thumb tracing my cheekbone delicately—quickly transformed into a firm grip on my jaw. I gasped from shock as panic filled my chest, but it gave him the perfect opportunity to squeeze, forcing to keep my mouth open as he quickly ducked down, crashing his lips hard against mine. An opened mouth kiss that would have been obscene to witness allowed the dark liquid to pour into my mouth as my nails dug into his shoulder. I tried hard to spit it back as I kept my throat closed, trails of red warmth escaping from the kiss and meeting his fingers
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spookiifi · 3 years
Seeing Red (4)
And here we are! The final chapter of Seeing Red. This fic features @tinalbion’s oc, Adelaide, who I consider a power couple with Savage <3 The force COMPELS YOU to go check out her work!!
This fic feature’s canon x oc content.
The only warnings for this finale are angst and a slight smut mention at the end.
Summary: After receiving advice from Adi’s mistress, Baljai, Sasha and Adi head back home to the Sundari Palace in Mandalore.
Part 3 is here.
Sasha gazed at the green hills of Naboo for the last time before they shifted into hyperspace.
“So Bal, she’s quite a character isn’t she?” Adi smiled.
“Yeah. She has such a mothering personality, but you never told me she sliced some guy’s head off!” Sasha grinned
“I figured I’d save that as a surprise.” Adi shrugged. “I knew you would like her. She took me in and treated me better than anyone ever had. She likes you, I think you guys will get along great.”
“I’m glad I made a good impression. I shouldn’t have been that nervous in the beginning when meeting her,” she laughed it off.
“It’s not familiar territory, Red, you had every right to be nervous! She’s very comforting though, she’s good at that. Can you believe she has no kids even though she’s so motherly?”
“Really?” She raised an eyebrow. “In a way we’re her kids, if that makes sense.”
“Exactly, she fosters us and teaches us stuff that our biological parents wouldn’t even think of teaching.”
“Is this what it feels like to have a mom?” She asked, resting her head on the dashboard while holding her face.
“Yeah, most definitely. She’ll adopt you, don’t even let her get that idea in her head,” Adi laughed.
“The ride back felt much shorter than the trip to Naboo. Sasha felt at home whenever they dropped out of hyperspace to Mandalore.
She docked the ship. Adi had walked beside Sasha as they spoke, and of course, she couldn’t forget the small satchel of goodies she brought back from the palace.
Upon entering, Savage had greeted them both, so Adi placed a kiss on his cheek and handed him the bag.
“As promised, my love. Now, what kind of mood is your brother in?”
“Nothing I can’t handle, hopefully?” The redhead asked.
“Maul has been...preoccupied since your departure, he may be in a delicate mood. He hasn’t emerged from the office area since,” Savage explained.
“It’s that bad? I’ve never seen him that distressed,” Sasha said.
“I haven’t been around him like this before, but maybe he requires a much gentler touch than mine.” Savage shrugged and looked down at the girls.
“C’mon, big guy, we’ll leave her to it, yeah?” She wrapped her hands around his large arm and smiled up at him. “Remember what Bal said,” Adi reminded.
“Be honest and open with him and be gentle, vulnerable. He will slowly but surely listen.”
As Adi let Sasha and Maul have their peace, she and Savage wandered toward the library where the large stained glass window was, and Adi couldn’t help but recall Bal’s words.
“Take your man away from them so they can have as much time as they need.”
“Savage, I hope you know how lucky I am to have you,” she grinned.
“What is it, Sunflower?” Savage asked softly.
“Nothing,” she smirked. “I’m just happy.”
When Sasha slipped into the room and closed the door behind him, it seemed as if Maul hadn’t moved from before. He faced the massive windows overlooking the city with his hands clasped behind his back.
“You’ve returned.” Maul sounded rather cryptic.
Sasha raised an eyebrow. “Yes? I was merely out for a girl’s trip.” She could tell he was tired by the way his voice sounded.
“I thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me after what happened.” He turned around, and she could see the exhaustion on his face.
“Maul, of course not.” She strode toward Maul and he froze on the spot.
“I hurt you though. Why aren’t you running?”
“Because I love you too much to leave. I was afraid of you getting hurt.”
Maul’s eyes widened as she entwined her fingers with his. “What? But I-”
“I wouldn’t lie to you,” she said gently.
Maul looked straight into her eyes. Shame rushed through his mind, and Sasha could sense his unease.
“Maul, I’d never leave you behind.” Sasha reached up and cupped his face. “Can we please just live in the moment?”
Adi had a good feeling about the two and couldn’t help but feel proud and soft over her little found family.
Bal’s words had echoed through her mind when it came to Sasha and Maul, and maybe she herself could take the opportunity to listen.
“Savage, it’s been some time that we’ve been in one another’s lives and I want to continue that. I want to be in yours forever. If you had me.”
Savage looked at her, gauging her words carefully. “Are you saying what I think you are?” He asked aloud.
“Of course I am.” She replied with a smile.
Maul let out a sigh and held Sasha's hand on his face. “I’m sorry for screaming at you. Gods, I didn’t mean it when I asked you to leave.”
“I know.” She closed the gap between them as she embraced him. “I just worry for you sometimes. More than you’d think... Can you promise me that you’ll stay?”
Maul held her tightly. “I swear on it.” He kissed her forehead before carding his fingers through her hair.
She closed her eyes and smiled against his chest. They shared a moment of silence before Maul spoke up. “I have something to show you.”
Sasha’s eyes opened as Maul released his grip.
He glanced toward his desk. “Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”
“Okay?” She smiled, confused as to what Maul was planning.
“I must admit, I am unfamiliar with human customs such as this…” Savage blushed and grabbed the woman’s hand. “But whatever happens, I pledge my life to you, Adelaide.”
Adi smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. She pulled away and nuzzled her nose against the side of his face.
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Open your eyes,” Maul said as he placed a small box in Sasha’s hand.
Sasha was met with Maul’s nervous smile, and she proceeded to open the small black box.
“Oh, Maul.”
“It’s not Mandalorian tradition, but it’s close enough.”
Sasha’s eyes lit up at the sight of a perfectly carved ruby with a silver band. “It’s perfect.”
Maul slipped the ring over her finger. “My dear, would you do me the honor of becoming the true lady of Mandalore?”
Tears threatened Sasha’s eyes. “Yes!” And she embraced him one again, kissing him deeply.
“You don’t know how happy that makes me feel.” Maul grinned.
“I’m pretty sure I do.” She kissed him again.
This was the start of a new beginning.
Adi paused and stood there with Savage, blissfully unaware of the overwhelming joy she was feeling from across the palace, knowing that Sasha and Maul possibly made up? She wasn’t sure, all she knew was that Red was happy.
An added part that I didn’t know where to put
Sasha brought him into another passionate kiss, only to be interrupted by his data pad.
“Lord Maul, we need y-” Without even looking, he tapped the power button.
“Why don’t you cancel meetings for the rest of the day?” Sasha smirked. “You won’t regret it.”
Maul chuckled and hoisted her onto his desk. “What a pleasant idea.”
@a-dorin @maulieber @justalittlecloud @lestrange2703 @always-on-tatooine @danipixel @botherbother-blog @danipixel @rogue-wonderful @lovelyzabrak-meadow @lordfriendpatine
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hpcprecure · 2 years
Happy Campers Precure Chapter Eleven: New Camper! Adelaide Finds her Passion!
Airi, Mei, Hina, and Adelaide walked into the president's office of the camp, holding their breath. "Hello, girls," Ms. Hyuta said, a warm smile on her face. "What's the problem?"
The three girls immediately looked at Mei, who nervously cleared her throat. "Umm.." She gestured towards Adelaide, who looked back at her embarrassed. "Ms. Hyata, This is Adelaide."
"Why hello, Adelaide!" Seka looked towards the girl, who awkwardly waved at her.
Airi took over for Mei, who was getting more flustered by the second. "She's my cousin, and she just arrived at camp." Airi explained, avoiding eye contact. "Her parents had something come up, and my mom suggested she come here for the remainder of the summer."
Hina cut her off, "But they forgot to tell you, Ms. Hyuta!" She said, a bit too loudly.
"Well that's a dilemma." Ms. Hyuta replied, getting up and rummaging through a closet. She pulled out a blue sleeping bag, and threw it to Adelaide, who caught it in her hands, barely being able to see over the top of it. "Since you know Airi, you can stay in her cabin for now."
Ms. Hyuta sat back at her cluttered desk, pulling papers out of a drawer. "Now, let's get on with registration. What are your hobbies, Adelaide?" Adelaide looked at her surprised, and shook her head.
"I don't have any." Ms. Hyuta looked at her surprised. "No hobbies?" Adelaide hid her face in the sleeping bag as Ms. Hyuta looked at her. She gestured to towards her cabinmates, "Well then, I suppose these lovely girls can show you around the camp. You can choose from there!" The girls thanked her, and started walking to the cabin to drop off the sleeping bag. Adelaide placed it near Anzu's bed, and then ran out into the sunlight, a smile on her face.
"So, what do you guys want to show me first?"
"Hmm.." Hina pondered, before coming up with an idea. "How about we each pick something to show you!"
"I know!" Airi looked towards Adelaide, then grabbed her hand. "Let's go to the tennis court!"
As Airi and Adelaide arrived, Airi pulled out two rackets and handed one to Adelaide. "Are you ready?"
"Yep!" Adelaide exclaimed, clutching the racket.
"Ok!" Airi replied, getting ready to hit the ball. When she hit it over the net, Adelaide tried to hit it, but the ball smacked her in the face. She lost her balance, and fell backwards. "Adelaide!" Airi yelled, running up to her. "Are you okay?"
Adelaide stood up, a slight bruise on her forehead. "I'm fine. Maybe we should try something else, though."
Mei walked up to her, excited. "I suppose I'll show you the art room, then!" Airi gathered her things, then the four girls walked towards a large barn-like structure. "I know it's not what I do, but I still want to show you!" Mei then opened the sliding door to a counselor planning something near a small desk.
Mei walked up to her, and asked, "Can I show my friend some of the art supplies?" The girl nodded, and Mei walked over to a row of canvases, and pulled out some paint.
"What should I paint?" Adelaide asked, looking at the various colors.
"How about you guys paint each other!" Hina suggested, almost knocking down a canvas.
"That's not a bad idea." Mei replied, her and Adelaide starting their portraits. After ten minutes, Mei sighed. "All done." She said to herself, as she looked at her portrait satisfied. "What about you, Adelaide?" Adelaide nodded in agreement, and they took their canvases to each other, facing backwards.
"Three, two, one!" They both exclaimed, and turned around their paintings. Mei's one of Adelaide was detailed, wind blowing as Adelaide looked up at the sky, seeing a butterfly.
"Yours is amazing!" Adelaide exclaimed, leaning towards it to get a better look.
"Thank you!" Mei replied, looking at Adelaide's artwork. Her's was a stick figure of Mei, with a stick as her black ponytail, and a hastily painted face, with large off center eyes and a thick smile. "Your's is..unique!" Mei exclaimed, Adelaide flustered.
"I know. It's horrible," She sighed, tossing it into the garbage. "I don't think art's my thing." Hina perked up hearing that, and grabbed Adelaide's hand.
"Then let's go on a hike!" She exclaimed, pulling Adelaide out of the barn and into the woods. Hina pointed out all of the different plants excitedly. "That's a Hosta, and that one's a-" She looked back at Adelaide, who looked bored. "How about we pick up the pace!" Hina exclaimed, trying to make Adelaide less bored. She started jogging, yelling, "One two three four! One two three four!" Adelaide followed closely behind, but soon ran out of stamina.
"Wait, Hina!" She yelled as Hina sped away from her. Hina ran back, wiping the sweat off of her forehead. "Since I grew up in The Realm of Happiness, I'm not very good at running." She explained, hunched over.
"Hmm.." Hina thought for a second, before sighing. "I guess we should go back then." They started walking out of the woods and into the sunlight.
"I'm sorry." Adelaide said, as she looked at the ground. "That I didn't like anything that you guys showed me."
Mei looked back at her, smiling. "It's okay! You just happen to not like any of our hobbies."
They walked past various buildings and courts, and Adelaide watched all of the kids around there, having fun. She wished she could find something that she loved, that she looked forward to doing every single day. She perked up at the sight of flower of various colored flowers, glistening in the sunlight. Various people were looking over the flowers, watering them and planting them. She hadn't noticed that she had stopped walking until Airi tapped on her shoulder.
"Gardening?" Airi asked her, before pushing her towards the garden.
"Wait!" Adelaide said back, and Airi looked at her.
"You aren't interested?" Airi said confused.
"Wait, no!" Adelaide cleared her throat, "I mean, I am interested-" Airi started pushing her again.
"Then go talk to them!" Adelaide was about to yell at Airi again, but one of the girls gardening looked up at her, smiling. Adelaide looked back for Airi's guidance, but she had already left.
"What are you doing here?" The girl asked sweetly.
"I-um, I'm new to camp, and I'm...interested in gardening!" Adelaide paused for a second, but then continued. "I haven't done it before, but this garden is so pretty, and it looks fun!" The girl stood up, and brushed dirt off from her knees.
"Well, I could give you a tour of the garden, it is quite big." She said, looking at Adelaide. "If you wanted to, there are activities that take place here all week, so your entire schedule could be centered here!" She showed Adelaide around the garden, explaining more about the clubs. "There aren't very many people interested in gardening, which is sad considering how big it is. Usually the people here are Me, Akio, and some camp counselor. Oh! By the way, my name is Sumire!"
"I"m Adelaide." Adelaide quietly replied back.
"Well, nice to meet you, Adelaide!" Sumire replied back. She looked at the sunset over the lake, and sighed. "I should probably go to dinner now." Sumire took her gardening gloves off and looked at a patch of dirt, mumbling something. "Bye, Adelaide!" Adelaide waved at her, and continued looking at the flowers.
Sumire ran off out of the garden with a frown on her face. "Now I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to plant those lilacs tomorrow!" She said to herself, before being thrown back by a gust of wind. A girl with Snow White hair and purple eyes landed, looking at her.
"Who are you?!" She demanded,
"Sofia." Sofia announced loudly. Sumire looked back at some of the flowers behind her, some of them with fallen petals due to the wind.
"Well Sofia, you just ruined my flowers, so I take it you're not very interested in gardening. Can you please go away?" Sumire replied impatiently, looking over at the dining hall where people were gathering.
"That's a very sour heart of yours." Sofia said, pulling out a pearl of light.
"Sour Heart, what do you-" Sofia hit Sumire with the ball, and a hose nearby turned into a taikutsu.
"Leave her alone!" Sofia turned around, seeing Adelaide holding out her compass. "Creative Compass, start!"
"The hope that flies through the clouds, Cure Mariposa!"
Mariposa launched into the air, flying at the hose. She grabbed onto the hose, punching it from the top. It fell to the ground, and Mariposa landed on the ground, celebrating. The hose then got back up, and squirted water all over the garden, destroying many of the flowers. "How dare you!" Mariposa yelled, flying into the air. The hose pointed the water at her, and Mariposa was soaked. She fell to the ground, her flying not working. "Of course I can't float, why can't I be Cure Eagle or something?!" She yelled, trying to attack the hose from the ground. The hose would easily dodge the attacks, so Mariposa tried jumping. She wasn't very used to jumping though, so her attacks weren't as clean as they could be. She fell to the ground into a patch of dirt.
"Now I understand why Queen Eudoria demoted you, you're incredibly incapable!" Sofia stared at the weak girl, crushing a rose in her hand.
"I won't let you destroy anymore of Sumire's precious garden!" Mariposa looked over, and saw Spirit, Fern, and Luna.
"Girls!" Mariposa yelled, "Took you long enough!"
"Sorry," Fern said, pulling her up from the flowers. "The food tonight was just too good!"
"Even though we saw the taikutsu, Fern refused to leave until she was done." Luna explained.
"Enough with the small talk. Taikutsu, get them!" Sofia yelled, directing the taikutsu again.
"Okay, Let's do this!" Spirit exclaimed, grabbing Mariposa's hand. Together, they kicked the taikutsu, flipped around, and punched it again, causing the water to stop.
"We did it!" Mariposa exclaimed, looking at the tired taikutsu. "We still need to fully finish it off, though."
"Right!" Spirit replied. "Fern, Luna, will you do the honors?" The two girls nodded, grabbing hands and leaping into the air. They jumped in different directions, the taikutsu following them. Soon, it was tied into a knot, and the two girls landed and high fived each other.
"Okay!" Spirit ran up to the two other girls, and they transformed into their other forms.
"Precure Sunset Burst!" The taikutsu dissapeared, and the girls high fives each other. The three girls transformed back into their civilians forms, and Airi looked at the mess around her, sighing.
"Don't worry!" Mariposa shouted, pulling her wand out. "Ruby Butterfly Shower!" She yelled, and the butterflies appeared and cleaned up the area. She transformed back into Adelaide, and put her compass away.
"I'm so hungry!" Adelaide exclaimed, running with the other girls towards the mess hall before remembering Sumire was still at the garden. "Wait!" She yelled. "I'll catch up with you guys in a second!" She ran back to the place where Sumire had her sour heart taken, leaned her against a flower box, and waited for her to wake up.
"What happened?" She yawned, her stomach rumbling.
"Let's go get something to eat!" Adelaide exclaimed, pulling her to her feet.
"I think that's a good idea." Sumire laughed, and they ran to the mess hall together, Adelaide hoping there would be any food left for them to eat.
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