#Oh Ri Jin
mugglebornstuff · 1 year
 “If you live while separating yourself into different people, is it fun?” – Oh Ri Jin
“Rather than saying it’s fun, it’s a way to save yourself from this cruel world. It could be the heart’s strategy. It is something like that.” – Oh Ri On
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dreamsandstars24 · 5 months
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EPISODE 7 (Up there)
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EPISODE 8 UP THRERE - I promise this is not a BL.
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I already knew the sorrow of being a survivor, but I didn't know just how heavy that sorrow would be.
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rellasnowheenim · 6 months
i'm sorry but “moon in the day” kdrama has got me in a tight chokehold it's going to be my personality for next few days
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glitterfairy-21225 · 1 year
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Ideas for AoUAD season two, some good, some bad, some absolutely terrifying. Not to say that I want everything on this to happen, obviously, some of these keep up at night shaking in fear (Ha-ri, get behind me). But all things I can see the show maybe doing.
Will reblog once the season comes out. 
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dopening · 10 months
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Revenant 악귀 NG (2023) Gif
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Hyo-ryung: Hey, Dae-su. Are you wearing your running bottoms... and your hoodie?
Joon-yeong: Dae-su, are you going running?
Dae-su: [nods and leaves]
Ha-ri: Have fun.
Joon-yeong: Oh my god, what is wrong with Dae-su?
On-jo: Yeah, is he okay?
Ha-ri: Dae-su is going for a run. If anything we should be asking what is right with him.
Hyo-ryung: He only goes running if he’s upset, and he’s wearing his sad hoodie. And by the looks of it, it’s been washed! Which is bone-chilling.
Ha-ri: He’s fine. Everything’s okay.
[Woo-jin storms in]
Woo-jin: I just passed Dae-su on the street! Running! ON PURPOSE! OH MY GOD!!!
Ha-ri: Maybe I was wrong.
Woo-jin: [opening a window] DAE-SU! ARE YOU OKAY!?! I SEE YOU! AND I LOVE YOU!
Ha-ri: In my defense, no one here emotes in a normal way.
Joon-yeong: That’s fair.
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theinfinitedivides · 6 months
i'm sorry i saw Do Ha smile a little bit right after Young Hwa told him to when they were taking selfies even though he did it after the fact and all i could think of was
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minghio · 1 year
Si Jeo Soo Ri 저수리 (autore de semantic error) me lo pide de chill le bajo las estrellas al océano, convierto el agua en fuego, plantó un árbol en júpiter, enseñó a los peces a respirar, si tan solo me hace un spin-off de Semantic Error donde Choi Yu Na y Ryu Ji Hye se enamoren
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Pero todo de chill por supuesto, ni me duele ni nada el vivir en una realidad donde Yuna y Jihye supuestamente no son una pareja unida por el hilo rojo del destino
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cercasinomeworld · 1 year
3o Days Kdrama Challenge
Day 3 - Kdrama you recently finished: Touch Your Heart
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And I'm currently watching Mr. Sunshine
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korelist · 3 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,5 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: My First First Love (English title) / Because It's My First Love (literal title)
Hangul: 첫사랑은 처음이라서
Director: Oh Jin-Seok
Writer: Kim Ran
Date: 2019
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Soo, Jung Chae-Yeon, Jin Young, Choi Ri, Kang Tae-Oh
8 + 8 olmak üzere 2 sezondan oluşan bir platform dizisi. Birbirinden bambaşka karakterde dört kişinin aynı evi paylaşmak zorunda kalmasıyla, onların hayata dair yaşadıkları zorluklara dostluklarına ve aşk hayatlarına şahit olduğumuz bir diziydi. Güzel bir dizi miydi? Yeaaaniğ! Kötü bir dizi miydi? Yeaaniğ! Var ile yok arasında bir diziydi. Çekimleri, oyunculuklar kötü değildi o yüzden rahatsız edici bir şey yoktu. Bayıldığım bir detay var mıydı? İlgi çekici bir şey gördüm mü derseniz o da yoktu o yüzden güzel dizide diyemeyeceğim.
Konusu gerçekten tam anlamı ile 4 kişinin “ Slice of life “ından oluşuyor. O yüzden karakterleri anlatayım;
Tae-O(Ji Soo); Zengin bir ailenin oğludur. 20 yaşında kendi başına eve çıkar. Arkadaş canlısı bir insandır. 3 yaşından beri Song-Yi (Jung Chae-Yeon) ile arkadaştır.
Song-Yi(Jung Chae-Yeon) babası ölünce annesi evi terk etmiş tek başına yaşamaya çalışan bir üniversite öğrencisidir. Oturduğu ev satılıp onu kapının önüne koydukları için evsiz kalır. Bir şekilde arkadaşı Tae-O’nun yanında kalmaya başlar.
Ga-Rin(Choi Ri); Ailesi çok zengin olan bu kızımız büyük bir şirketin varisidir. Ama şimdiye kadar bir fanusta yaşadığından hayatı deneyimlemek kendi ayakları üzerinde durabildiğini görmek için evden kaçar. Bir şekilde tek tanıdığı arkadaşı olan Tae-O’nun evine gelir.
Hoon (Kang Tae-Oh); En hayalperest olan karakter Hoon’dur. Müzikal bir tiyatroda rol almak isteyen amatör bir oyuncudur. Ama ailesi bu duruma şiddetle karşı çıkmaktadır. Babasının şiddete başvurması bardağı taşıran son damla olur ve evi terk eder. Geldiği yer ise Tae-O’nun evidir.
Böylece ev ahalisi olan dörtlü tamamlanmış olur. Karakterlerimizin dışında iki kişi daha vardır. Biri Do-Hyun(Jin Young); Tae-O’nun yakın arkadaşı. Ailesini durumu kötü olduğu için birden fazla işte çalışarak geçimini sağlayan realistik ve yalnız biri. Diğeri ise ; Ryu Se-Hyun(Hong Ji-Yoon) ‘dur. Film kulübü öğrencisi olan bu kızımız Song-Yi’nin evini satın alan ailenin şımarık kızıdır. Aynı zamanda Tae-O’nun hoşlandığı kızıdır.
Dizide ikinci erkek, ikinci kadın kavramları biraz birbirlerine giriyor. En başta çocukluk arkadaşları olan ikili çift olacak gibi dursa da kızımızın aklı Do-Hyun’a kayıyor. Zaten Tae-O’nun hoşlandığı kız da Se-Hyun. Ama böyle olunca da izleyici ha şimdi ha sonra diye karakterlerin ayrılıklarını beklerken buluyor kendini. Çünkü biliyoruz ki onlar başrol değiller… Aslında bir yere kadar izleyiciyi ikna etmeyi de başardılar diyebilirim. Gerçekten yakın arkadaş olunabileceğine inanmanın eşiğine geldik.
Dizi çok durağan, olağan ve aksiyonsuz bir yapım olduğu için bütün mevzuyu son bölüme bırakmaları beni biraz darladı. Kötü karakter olsaydı biraz duygu geçişi yaşasaydık bile dedim. Zira yoktu. Dizide entrika, baş ağrısı, sinir krizi yoktu. Ama öte yandan şeker şerbet bir aşk, kıskanılacak bir arkadaş ortamı falanda yoktu. Dizinin eksiği, dizide bir şey olmamasıydı.
Dizideki tek güzel şey, o da güzel bir şey bulmak için çabalarsanız, Hoon ile Ga-Rin çiftiydi. Birbirlerinden inanılmaz zıt iki karakterin yakınlaşmaları dizinin durağanlığını bir tık sarstığı için izlemeye değerdi. Keza oyuncu Kang Tae-Oh’u severiz.
Sonuç olarak, izlediğimi bile hatırlamayacağım çok ortalama bir diziydi. Boşsanız izleyip geçebilirsiniz. Pek bir şey beklemeyin.
Oliver – My All
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 11 months
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Oh Jung-se, 'a demon' for mother Recall 'shock' directly .. Kim Tae-ri saved
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dreamsandstars24 · 6 months
AGAIN, this post includes spoilers (All my posts do) so if you haven't seen this episode, I recommend not to read this post.
However, if you want to know just how bad your mind will be mess up, you are welcome to stay.
First of all
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I had this very interesting post that I was about to post in which I explained how the girl with the ax in the intro was Lee Yoon Seo, and now I see that it was a good idea not to post it because it would have made me look stupid considering what happened at the end of episode six.
So, that saved me.
It was kind of obvious that Park Woo Ram was Mafia but the way it was delivered? that was unexpected. But let's not jump ahead of the whole kidnapping/dividing thing, because WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT.
I, for once, knew Go Kyung Jun was going to be a pain in the butt but I will not take away the credit for his intelligence.
Like, the way he was right about who was the mafia? That was detective work right there. The way he delivered the confession? I won't lie, torture is a good way to make someone confess to something you had no part of but Woo Ram was mafia.
I am sure Kyung Jun is a citizen. I have no proof but I have zero doubts. But, I do think that he'll be able to kill somebody if it means protecting himself or someone he cares about.
As it was shown in episode 5, he tortured Woo Ram to get a confession out of him, and as an avid reader of mafia romances -and currently writing my own, if I may say- the way he managed the torture was exceptional.
Tumblr don't flag me, but a girl has to admit when torture is on point, and this one was. It wasn't the physical torture that surprised me but the psychological. The way he would smile in a clear way that showed he didn't care about making somebody suffer was the CHERRY IN TOP OF THE ICE.
(And if I may mention, he is very cute.)
However, every bad character has a soft side and as we saw when he locked himself in the canteen, he started crying because he caused someone to die, and he tortured someone and everybody hates him so that ought to hurt.
When I tell you my mouth went
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I have a feeling
That the ghost is trying to help Yoon Seo, as a matter of fact, I don't even think Woo Seok is dead but I'll dive into that theory later.
What I mean by the ghost trying to help Yoon Seo, I mean that the ghost seems to be leaving clues for her to find. Why is the ghost doing this? I don't know but I'm sure they are connected somehow.
When Yoon Seo found the secret room, I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in how she didn't stay longer to investigate.
Girl reads crime and mystery novels, and she just looked for a bit and left.
If that had been me? I would have looked through the freaking cameras in the room to try and find out who was the mafia (We know who is the mafia, we are expecting the results) but she just left, so that was a bit disappointing.
I feel the ghost is making every clue obvious for her to find because she is not looking properly. You would expect her to be more invested into the whole thing but as of right now the only thing she has found was how the second body didn't had defense marks and the black light used to look at the door.
The door was obvious, it was not as if someone could break a door open like that with the power of hate.
However, everything else has been the ghost doing. Finding the entry to the secret hall? The ghost pushed the boxes.
The picture? The ghost had to put a light on it so she would actually find it interesting.
The exit? Again, the ghost had to say "Girl, it's this way" and I find that hilarious.
The ghost is carrying the show.
This game is cheating in the most awful way possible. Like, it is legal for someone to not vote! But the game changed the rules and now they either vote or die.
As I approach the ending, I am allowed to touch the rules of the game.
Everybody must vote. As we saw in episode 3, the consequences are catastrophic. Great way to get rid of most of the cast.
The game must take place inside the designated zone. I am not a tech wizard but there must be some kind of sensor that alerts whoever is controlling this game when someone steps out, right?
If two people have the same amount of votes, then the voting has to be repeated and if it happens again, then they all die.
The third one was genius. Like, I can't find any crack in the rules and that is amazing and frustrating.
and finally,
what we were all expecting,
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Woo Seok dying:
This was sad, and it probably hurt me more than it hurt Yoon Seo
I don't think he is dead
Like, sure. His head did the ringing of possession and his eyes went white but I don't think he died.
I think he is alive
I think he is not a mafia
I think he is controlling the game
Why do I think he is not dead?
All the other deaths have been very gruesome
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(This is just an example, I won't put all of them)
Even the ones with the pillow and the curtain were gruesome and awful but Woo Seok?
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Look at that
His head is not even underwater,
his body is not belly down
he is just there
like a water lili
He looks like a model.
So I don't think he is dead
Him dying defies the purpose of the whole show
He wants to protect Yoon Seo and dying won't grant him that
Now, if he is actually dead then that was a stupid move from the producers but I'm sure we'll get our plot twist.
We all knew she was mafia.
We all know she wants to survive
But she is a psycho
Like, real psycho
Why all of them thought that leaving the ax out while there is a killer on the loose was a good idea, I don't know, but she has it and she has a victim in mind.
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The end of episode six clearly shows her about to slice Yoon Seo open, but the the screen goes dark and she screams
And I don't think it was a scream of "Getting ready to kill you in the most awful way possible" but I think it was a scream of "Something is awful and I am about to die."
I think the ghost showed up, or the doctor/police stopped her
It may be hopeful thinking, but I think she is dead
like, really dead.
Yoon Seo can't die. She is the main character and even though kdrama writers and producers are fond of killing the main characters (we all know what I mean) killing Yoon Seo would be a stupid move.
Yoon Seo remains alive, So Mi? I'm not sure.
Now, this is not a point but just some questions and theories I have.
Why is Oh Jung Won so protective of Yoon Seo? I mean, I would also defend my best friend with my life but the way Jung Won is so protective makes me think there is something else happening here.
Jin Da Beom. He is one of the main characters. Why is he a main character acting like an extra? This is annoying me.
This may be random, and this is me being crazy but I am SO SURE that if Kyung Jun and Yoon Seo joined forces, they would find the mafia.
Besides, the way he only stops when she speaks? I may romanticizing stuff but you don't join kdrama land while being sane.
You are welcome to call me out in something I may have mistaken, and you are welcome to share your theories with me too!
Until next episode.
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still-love-the-moon · 2 years
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Even if you're gone, I'm gonna drive
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sinning-23 · 23 days
Hot Tatted Uncle Pt.2 (Uncle!SukunaAu x Teacher!Reader)
Thanks so much for the love and support on pt.1 you guys are the besttt lol, honestly might be a 3 parter we'll see! ANyway, enjoy :0
Also pleaseee excuse any spelling errors yall
Link to Pt.1
You stared at the text message, throat tight with excitement but dread. It had been a few months since the last incident with Yuji and his Uncle. The roguish male often picked up the young boy, tagging along with Yuji’s father. You’d usually just give Jin a rundown of his son’s day, ever so often catching Sukuna’s gaze as he leaned against the door frame. And every time it happened, you’d choke, clearing your throat and focusing your attention on Yuji and his father.
It didn’t help that he was always texting you, asking his his nephew was behaving. Even though it was cordial and polite, you still felt giddy getting texts from him.
This comes to the next point, why you’re sitting here practically gawking over the most recent message request from Yuji’s father.
Hello Miss Y/n! Do you babysit? I know Yuji loves having you as a teacher and I was wondering if you’d be interested in babysitting for him along with his Uncle while me and my wife go on vacation. Of course, you will be paid as well.
-Jin Itadori @ 6:28pm-
You wait to open it, pacing for a moment, thinking, first of all if you were available for the weekend and second, why couldn’t his uncle handle it?!
Well, given the man’s track record maybe an experienced hand in childcare could be useful. With a heavy sigh, you respond and you'd have to quickly come to terms with the fact that you would be essentially babysitting over 2 days with your students' hot uncle.
It's Friday now, and arrangements for you to simply drive Yuji back home and meet up there with his uncle were already in place. You were trusted with a spare house key, and their precious baby boy, who so seemed to be happier than a fly on shit that you would be spending even MORE time with him.
You gather your things and a few activities to pass the time, loading them into your car. Yuji insists on helping, carrying a small container of building blocks with his chubby hands. And god damn does he not stop talking while he does. It's adorable really, whatever comes off the top of the boy's head simply flying free.
"My-My uh uncle, he doesn’t have no girlfriend." He speaks, the statement making you choke.
"Ahaha is that so? He tells you to say that?" You joke, setting the pink-haired toddler in his car seat, and buckling him in with ease.
"MHM! My uh-" He coughs, quickly covering it with his elbow as you give a small 'good job' seeing as he's learning to keep his germs away from everyone, including you.
"My Uncle says uh he says that you got pretty eyes." He explains, your heart fluttering.
You sit in the driver seat finally, the boy still rambling on and on about what his uncle thinks about you. Though all you can do is respond with a simple, "Oh that's very kind, or a awee", Yuji is nonstop.
It’s quiet for a moment and as you’re pulling into the driveway when he says it, clear as day.
"Uncle says your ass is fat too."
You slam the brakes, the car jerking a bit when you do. What. The. FUCK-
The culprit is already awaiting you, arms folded over his chest as they flex. He’s got a white tank top on and a pair of black basketball shorts paired with slides and ankle socks.
Yuji squirms, growing ever more excited as Sukuna takes him out of the car seat and lightly jabs his knuckles to the boy's sides with a 'Rahhhh', as if he were some kind of tickle monster. Yuji of course laughs and if ALMOST makes you forget about what he'd just said a moment ago.
"Wanna help Miss Y/n put this inside?" Sukuna asks the small boy, handing him the block container from before. Yuji is quick to nod and scurry to the front door.
"I can bring the rest of this, Jin gave you the housekey right?" He asks, leaning against the frame of the car, your neck snapping towards him as you swallow thickly. Fuck you can see even more of the tats now in that shirt.
"U-Uhm yes, yes. I'll go get the door. I can get some of this too I-" You speak, fumbling to find the key. He only puts his hand up and shakes his head, the silver chain around his swishing a bit.
"Nah I gotchu. Yuji knows how to turn the TV on so he can watch his lil show for a bit.”
Sure enough, the minute you unlock the door, Yuji crawls atop the couch, using the remote to try his best to navigate. It takes a while, and he mispresses a few buttons but after about 5 minutes he manages to play something entertaining for him.
Sukuna had finished bringing your bags in as well as the one with activities in it, setting it on the stairs. He rolls his shoulder, pointing at Yuji who was immersed in the show.
"See." Sukuna hums, leaning against the countertop next to you, also skimming over the note. His body heat is practically radiating off of him, just standing by him is warming you up.
You nod in response, looking over the brief note Jin left for you both and according to what it said, your next step was to head up some leftovers for Yuji and then run him a bath.
"There’s two bathrooms so I can get the boy.” He offers, resting his hand behind his neck as you give a nervous laugh. FUCK this nervousness was most likely only on you. There’s no way he could be just as filled with anticipation as you were?!
You take the offer, giving a small thank you before fishing the shower and taking one considering you did just get off of work. Packed away in your bag was a set of comfortable clothes and a book with you figured would help pass the time once Yuji went to sleep.
You could hear footsteps and Yuji fussing back and forth with his Uncle.
“Hush man you’re making me look bad.” Sukuna groans, throwing the toddler over his shoulder as he giggles but continues to thrash, pounding tiny fists against the older male's back.
“No! NO BATH! I don’t wanna!” Yuji whines, his Uncle only growling in response.
“I’ll give you candy if you stop.”
And just like that it was quiet.
The night had gone smoother than you thought, you and Sukuna both interacting with Yuji as it’s beginning to be time to wind down. His eyes were beginning to get heavy and before you knew it he was slumped against the couch, clutching an unfinished sucker in one hand and a white puppy plush in the other. You smile, scooping him up and patting him when he stirs.
“Be right back, let me tuck him in.” You whisper, seeing Sukuna look up from his phone and nod, one arm slung over the sofa while he practically manspreads
Turns out, Yuji took a bit longer to fall asleep when he realized he was being put down and so you had to sit and pat him for an extra 30 minutes. And once you returned to the living room, there was Sukuna, still scrolling. Well, that was until you came in.
“Sorry, he wouldn’t go back to sleep.” You explain, sitting at the farthest end from him, picking up your book in the silence.
“So you like working up there? At the school?” He asks, putting his phone down to hold the conversation with you.
It takes you by surprise for a second but you are quickly to respond.
“Well yeah, I love the kids and I love working there and teaching them things. Yuji is a sweetheart and it’s definitely kids like him that make it all worth it.” You explain, a smile making its way to your lips.
“You got kids?” He asks, eyes on your frame as you laugh a bit in response
“Nah, don’t really plan on it right now either. Kids are difficult.” You answer, now facing him a bit more, body relaxed.
What was there to be so scared of?! He’s a chill guy who just so happened to be hot as fuck asking you about your career and life?!
“How about you? Kids? Working?” You flip, seeing him shift a bit uncomfortably.
“Hell nah. I see how Jin deals with Yuji and I’m not really cut you to be a dad. And for work well, I’m a priest.” He states, smirking at the surprised look on your face.
“R-Really??” You question definitely surprised.
“Nah I’m just fucking with you.” He laughs and you do the same, trying to keep your volume down since Yuji did just fall asleep.
It was crazy to believe you’d spent about two hours just talking back and forth, with him about his past, his brother, and his nephew. You about your own life and current living situations. Somehow the conversation took…a turn.
“Y’know, it’s funny because Yuji keeps telling me about these things you say and I think it’s so funny. Like he’s tone little wingman.” You laugh, seeing him grin right back at you.
“Yeah like what?” He asks, more teasing than anything.
“Well he said that you said I have pretty eyes and on the way here he goes, ‘uncle says your ass is fat’” you explain with a laugh that he doesn't return.
Instead you see his lip tuck between his teeth after he licks them.
“I did say that.”
Suddenly the room is hot, and you’re very aware of how sharp his canaines look in that stupid grin. How his hand is grinning the back of the couch cushion. And for some goddamn reason you just had to look down, that fucking print so visible against his inner thigh.
Your breath falters, eyes wide and you swallow back any doubt. So he had said all that stuff and it want just Yuji repeating something or just talking.
“I-Well I…Thank you? I-I mean I’d be lying if I said hadn’t looked at you too.” You admit, his body shifting to face you more, almost caging you in on the couch.
“I figured. Every time I come to pick up you can’t seems to form a sentence correctly .” He notes.
“Ryo.” He corrects. Lifting the strap of your nightshirt over your shoulder, playing with the fabric for a moment.
“Ryo.” You test, hearing his exhale heavily.
“Let’s stop pretending there’s nothing happing and has been happening here. No rule against fooling around with me is there?” Sukuna tests, his hand trailing up to rest no on your neck, his thumb pulling your lower lip down.
And with that your make the hood move to connect your lips, his arms immediately going to lift you up ans set you against his lap.
Damn does that bulge feel to much better resting between your legs than just looking at it.
Authors note: OKAY YEHA ITs gonna be a 3 parter with smut in the next one I cant resist lol yall know smut is my specialty! LMK if you wanna be added to the taglist shawty!
Taglist: @manikosii @ya-boi-v @tergyri @ninacutebee16 @minaloq @kriegsumire-blog @samisfunky @peachhiz @teupaidecalcinhasblog @khaotic-luca @gurutoru @molita111 @snail-squasher @rowrowrowyourboat13
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glitterfairy-21225 · 1 year
Do you know what it feels like to constantly be checking for an All of us Are Dead season two release date, so that I know when I can write the sequel to my goddamn reaction fic, when I also technically don’t know if the season is gonna deserve a reaction?
It’s not great.
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