#Oh and I said so in a tag update but it's easy to miss - for the two requests pls shoot me a message of how you'd like to be tagged!
everparanoid · 10 months
Make me lose my breath, make me water ┃Wriothesley
pairing: f!reader x wriothesley
genre: fluff , NSFW
rating: 18+
tags: Cunnilingus, consent is hot, Reader is from Natlan, cuffs used inappropriately, Body Worship, My First Smut, Fontaine is France but it's not but it is, PWF, PWP, Mutual Pining, No use of y/n, Reader is Not Traveler (Genshin Impact), Creampie, biting kink, Written After 4.1 Update, Minor spoilers for 4.0 quest, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Light Bondage, light orgasm denial
wordcount: 6.1k
synopsis: The notorious Duke of the fortress of Meropide hasn't been on his A-game lately, and it shows.
Originally posted: 25.10.23 on AO3
a/n: I am now reposting my AO3 stuff onto tumblr. If you know me....no, you don't. ;) Also check out my AO3 for more wriothesley fics.
Song Inspiration: 'Water' by Tyla.
Three quick knocks rattled the door to his large office. The sound echoed up to the second floor where his desk resided.
“Come in,” Wriothesley said not looking up from his papers.
Wriothesley was a busy man. Well, being the Duke of the self-running, man-powered Fortress of Meropide wasn’t an easy job. It wasn’t exhausting either, but that was beside the point.
He took a slow prolonged sip from his teacup. The second sip in the last hour; the flavoured water had long since cooled from the general chill in the office. Not that he could feel anything beyond the normal chill of the underwater Fortress; and with the added benefit of his cryo vision he considered himself well-suited for the climate. That didn’t mean he didn’t miss the sun. Although, he could see the sun whenever he found a reason to leave the fortress, which he often didn’t.
He sighed for the fifth time that hour.
“I hear you’ve been doing that a lot,” You said ascending the spiralled staircase.
He paused and lowered his teacup, placing it on the small pile of report papers he was using as a mat. One side of his lips raised threatening to become a half smile. He quickly wiped it away.
“Oh? Have I now?” he asked.
“Yes,” you said, your voice smooth and confident. “I think I’m going to have to report you to Sigewinne.”
“Am I to assume she isn’t the one who sent you?”
His eyes met yours as you arrived atop the stairs, a hand on your hip and that sassy look in your eyes that he had grown fond of. He realised now why he had been so distracted.
He missed you.
You often frequented the fortress. First as a commissioned messenger between Wriothesley and Neuvillette, then a ‘convict’, and after that a friend and now… he didn’t know, but he wasn’t going to complain about the company. It was nice having someone as into tea as he was. Not that he would admit it, but it got lonely in the Fortress sometimes. More so since he met you.
“What? You afraid of a couple of stickers?”
“You know about that?” he grumbled, glancing at the pile of crumpled Melusine stickers littering the side of his desk, freshly pulled off the back of his coat.
“I have ears everywhere, Your Grace,” you smirk, withholding the crucial fact that you were the culprit providing the stickers for Sigewinne and her Melusine friends. They paid you back in giggles and smiles, and just the joy on their small faces was enough for you.
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You probably know more about what’s happening in my humble home than me,” he said. Only a half lie on his part. You had an aptitude for making tough things bend to your will. Him being the toughest of things in question. He dismissed the thought of you flashing that blinding smile at anyone other than him.
Your shoulders rose and fell as a melodic laugh left your lips and graced his ears. If he could keep your voice in a bottle, he would.
You shook your head and pushed off the railing. His attention remained on you as you took a seat on the settee a bit away from his desk.  His throat—as if he hadn’t just taken a sip of his cold tea— felt overwhelmingly dry. He cleared it gently and picked up his teacup.
“How’s the Traveler and Paimon?” he asked, taking a sip.
The flavoured water was colder. He needed to calm down lest he froze the entire thing. He imagined you would be the only one to find amusement in him sipping ice.
You crossed your legs, and your skirt rode up. He looked away respectfully, much to his dismay and the favour of his quickly deteriorating will. He didn’t remember when it happened. When he started seeing you as more than just the middle woman between Neuvillette and himself; more than just a pawn in this game against the fatui, but now he found himself knowing the way your cheek dimpled slightly only on your right cheek when you laugh; how the skin around your eyes crow when you yawn or squint; how you change to fix your posture every thirty minutes when you’re lost in a book, and your neck starts to get sore, and your lower back begs to be stretched out. He pulled himself out of his thoughts before they had a chance to spiral further.
“They send their regards and a thank you for your help with ‘the situation,’” you said making air quotes. You didn’t mention how you didn’t plan to return to them for a while, but some things were best left unsaid with Wriothesley.  
Wriothesley nodded and gestured for you to join him in for some tea.
“If you have some time, of course,” he finished.
“Of course, If you are offering,” you responded. 
You went to stand but Wriothesley beat you to it. Thankful for the excuse to busy himself with something other than your smouldering presence. If he was an icy avalanche, then you were like a raging inferno, melting him into warm water. Perhaps it had something to do with the pyro vision dangling from your hip. He glanced at the vision and caught a glimpse of your bare legs. He froze, curious about what colour you might be wearing underneath your skirt: black, white, blue, red? Instead, he was beyond relieved when he saw black shorts. He breathed a sigh. That’s so you.
“I can heat the pot, you know?” you say, growing increasingly more tired of his strange mood and equally as obscure silence. Never had Wriothesley sighed so much. Honestly, you never would have considered him a sigher; more a hmpher or a quiet snickering type.
You and everyone in Fontaine who had the pleasure or misfortune—mostly the misfortune—of knowing the Duke, knew that recently he had been off. In truth, your visit hadn’t been to express Neuvillette’s message (though that made a great cover). No, you were there because of a chain of strange letters from Sigewinne, given to you by an equally as annoyed Clorinde, telling you of the Duke’s bizarre behaviour. According to these letters, he was more attentive than usual. He had appeared around the fortress checking in on the production zones and the inmates an alarming number of four times in the last month, nearly causing several heart attacks amongst the inmates, which as a result caused Sigewinne to be on high alert from all the overworking; he hasn’t been partaking in as many fights in the ring, and he hasn’t been drinking as much tea.
It was the last two on the list that shocked you the most and was most of the reason why you were there now. Wriothesley not drinking tea? Was Fontaine’s archon a fraud?
Uncrossing your legs, you stood and approached him. Placing a hand on the teapot, you heated the water with your vision.
“Let me do that," you said.
You sounded more breathless than you had intended to, but being so close to him does that to you. He always managed to take your breath away, but you had stupidly thought that with time those senseless reactions would die upon learning more about the mysterious brutish duke. The way all crushes faded when the mystic i.e., the lack of information and the delusions of projection, disappeared. Instead, it seemed to have only worsened. A butterfly somersaulted in your stomach when you accidentally brushed your hand against his.
Wriothesley stiffened. The touch went straight to his gut.
“Why are you here?” he responded smoothly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. Not that he was concerned about why you were here—he couldn’t be happier—but you were supposed to be away for the next six months on a quest with the traveler to your home region, Natlan. Had Sigewinne called you back out of concern for him? He had to be more careful around the small nurse in the future.
“Your tea collection isn’t as depleted as usual,” you observed, staring into the box filled with other miniature boxes of tea, skilfully deflecting the question.
“An interrogation. You’re making me nervous,” he joked. “I am a busy man, I don’t always have time for tea.”
The look you fixed him with was not amused.
“You always drink at least three cups a day,” you said putting stress on the ‘at least.’ If it wasn’t tea, it would be a terrible addiction.
“Wow, you’re counting? I’m impressed.”
“Which flavour do you want?”  you said, ignoring him.
“The special blend.”
Without a second thought, you plopped the tea bag into the teapot and left it to brew.
It was your favourite, and that is why he chose it. He was more of a black tea or green tea kind of person, but the special blend he had made specifically for you. You didn’t know that though; you didn’t have to, he enjoyed hearing your quiet hums of happiness with each sip. It was great fodder for his late-night thoughts.
His heart warmed, as the skin around your eyes crowed the way he loved. Loved? He cleared his throat.
“You aren’t booking yourself as many fights. Which I would be happy about if I thought it didn’t directly correlate to why you’re acting so strange,” you lectured, and to him, you sounded like a particular short blue-haired Melusine.
“I can’t help but feel that you are worried about me,” he jested.
“As anyone would be about a friend,” you said.
Friend? Yes, that was what you were. Friends.
“Friends. Yes,” he agreed albeit stiffly.
You gave him a cautious side-eye unsure as to why his tone hurt you.
The word left a bitter taste in Wriothesley’s mouth and when you offered to fill his cup again, he accepted. Suddenly needing the soothing numbing effects of his tea more than ever. You topped up his cup before you poured the heated water into the teacup that had unintentionally become yours.
 Wriothesley didn’t let anyone else use it. It was superstitious really, and he didn’t consider himself a superstitious person. However, he worried that if he let anyone else use it you suddenly won’t come back one day. Not that you would be able to tell the difference if he did let someone else use the cup; all the teacups he owned looked exactly alike, but yours was different. It was a cup with a little chip on the rim near the handle from when you decided to have your tea with Neuvillette, Clorinde, the traveler and himself after the recent troubles with the Fatui. Your cup had chipped due to the heat of your hand; he could recall the horror on your face when he informed you how much each cup cost after letting you ramble on about owing him another cup.
You eventually fell into a comfortable silence sitting together on the settee.
“Clorinde has been visiting you a lot recently,” you said from behind your teacup. You took another sip.
Wriothesley recalled his earlier meeting with the champion dualist.
“Yes, we had some tea.”
You turned away.
“There is no need to be, I assure you,” he said, feeling a deep sense of relief at the way you seemed so bothered by his meeting with your mutual friend. The same friend who had been lecturing him about his ‘mutual’ feelings for you. Perhaps it was because of your reaction, that he realised that Clorinde might have been right. Or he was delusional? Maybe it was both.
Wriothesley placed his mug down on the coffee table. His hand brushed your bare thigh and you both jolt.
“Who says I am jealous?” You snapped, your lip twitching.
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because your lip twitches when you’re upset, and your pyro vision makes you heat the things around you without abandon. Your eyes lose that spark which makes them look like the spotlights guarding Meropide, and you refuse to look at me because you know I’ll see right through you. And I do. I see you.”
He took another sip from his tea, pretending to not notice your tea bubbling in your hand, and the crack growing on the side of the teacup.
“It’s not nice to make jokes like that, Your Grace,” you said nervously.
Your eyes darted about the office settling on anything but him. The bookshelves looked fuller than usual. Has he been reading more books?
“Indeed. It is not but come on you should know me better than that by now. I never joke about things like this,” he said. His voice was clear and sincere. “Is it so strange that I would want to give a few words of praise out of genuine adoration?”
Especially since he saw the way you’re reacting; he knew that it was real and not a fantasy from his misguided thoughts. He wouldn’t lose this opportunity to make his feelings clear. He was a straightforward guy, after all. When he knew what he wanted was within his reach he wouldn’t simply pass it up. It would be unjust. He wanted to watch you smile, to be the one that caused that smile; he wanted to be the first person you went to when something good happened in your life; he wanted to feel your skin and not just in passing touches; he wanted to let it scold him, to embrace the flames.
“Ah, it seems I have ruined the mood,” he said smoothly.
He stood.
You went to stand too, but when you did the boiling liquid in your teacup splashed your hand. You hissed and dropped it. The porcelain shattered against the metal ground; the liquid spilt everywhere.
Wriothesley sat back down on the settee and took your warm hand in his immediately not sparing a second to glance down at his soaked boots. They encased yours and worked to chill the burn; one of the many benefits of having a cryo vision. The two of you couldn't be any more different. Fire and ice co-exist? Impossible.  Unimaginable. Dangerous. The tenderness in which he held your hand sets your heart ablaze as if it wasn’t already. Had he been telling the truth? You knew the Duke better than most, and with that knowledge you know he wasn’t the type to lie about that, but did he mean it? Could he mean it?
“I’m sorry,” you said.
Wriothesley’s attention remained on the forming boil on your soft skin. He soothed it gently, trying not to give you frost-burn. Thankfully the natural heat of your skin stopped his cryo from hurting you further.
“For what?” he responded softly, bringing your hand up to his lips and breathing out cool frosty air. You felt like mush, and if it weren’t for the dull ache in your hand you would have snatched up the opportunity to run said hand through his salt-and-pepper hair. It always looked so soft and maybe he would allow you to touch it.
You pulled a face between flustered and self-loathing.
“That was one of your expensive teacups,” you managed to choke out.
He continued to blow cool air onto your hand.
“There will be other teacups,” he says, his lips barely an inch from your skin.
You wanted to melt on the spot.
He sighed and said your name sternly looking up at you through the haze of dark lashes.
“Why would I worry about a teacup when you are hurt?” he asked and lowered your hand from his lips. “In any case, I should apologise for ruining a perfectly good meeting. If you have said all you need to say then—”
You waved your hands, flabbergasting him as you snatched them from his cool encasing, momentarily forgetting about the burn, and cutting him off mid-speech.
“No, you didn’t,” you yelped.
He half smiled at the scarlet tint of your ears, and taking your burnt hand back into his, he proceeded to gently apply cryo to the festering burn.
“Ah, is that so?” he chuckled. “Alright then, how will you pay me back?”
“You broke my favourite teacup, after all. So—“ he said your name with a hint of mischief in his smooth voice. “How will you pay me back?”
“That’s not fair!” You straightened in your seat. “How can that be your favourite teacup when they all look the same? Are you just saying that to make me feel worse than I already do?”
He cocked a brow and tugged you forward. You fell into him, your free hand coming to rest on his lower abdominal. Your nose brushed his, and you felt his cool breath against your cheeks. His breathe smelt of spearmint. Your lips twitched and you tried to focus on the scar under his eye (the one you’ve always wanted to trace with the tips of your fingers) so as to not meet his icy blue stare, or to glance down at the obvious smirk on his lips. You wanted to kiss him; you could kiss him; would he let you kiss him?
Wriothesley watched your tongue dart out to swipe across your lips; he wanted to bite it; but he had more control than that. He had an image to uphold. The Duke was supposed to be fair and reasonable; he was supposed to lead by example and be a neutral figure of respect and reverence, not a brute without self-control. He pushed you back gently, hoping beyond hope that in your shock you haven’t noticed how hard he was.
“Kidding, of course,” he drawled.
Anger coloured your face and you punched his shoulder, half seriously. You hissed and shake your still very much wounded hand. You had been duelling partners for a while when you had spent a significant amount of time in the Fortress pretending to be a convict back when you were neither friend nor whatever you were now. He’d only agreed to it at the time because you managed to beat everyone and nearly him.
“You are breathtaking,” he muttered. “Come on let’s get you to Sigewinne.”
He stood and offered you his hand.
Your heart stuttered. Even though you weren’t native to Fontaine you were well-versed in their mother language, but even then, you didn’t believe your ears.
“What?” you asked.
He chuckled again, a deep and hearty sound.
“When will I stop doubting the ears of a seasoned traveler,” he said out loud although it was meant for his ears alone. He must have been mentioning your mutual friend, the blond traveler, and their small pixie pie companion, Paimon. You have been accompanying them on a few commissions and quests here and there, especially through Natlan. Which kept you away from Fontaine for significant periods of time, much to Wriothesley’s silent dismay.
However, he would never keep something so precious away from the light. He tried to keep a pet once—not that you were a pet—but he soon realised that it was wrong to keep something meant to be in the sun away from it. And if he couldn’t do it to a small animal then he definitely couldn’t do that to you. You were a traveller, not even native to Fontaine. Although you have made it clear countless amounts of times that Fontaine is your favourite region; he can’t help but feel like you weren’t meant to be chained to one place. He won’t be your administrator, the fortress won’t be your prison, and he couldn’t imagine keeping you in this cage with him. He refused to, even if his more selfish desires would have you cuffed to his desk where he could gaze upon you forever till you hated him and wished him gone.
“No, I want to talk first,” you said.
“I assure you we can talk after your hand has been seen too.”
Your tone went straight to his cock. You have never said his name, at least not his face. Even when you’re both around your mutual ‘friends’ you still have only ever called him ‘your grace.’ He wanted to hear you say his name again. He wanted to hear you say his name breathlessly, desperately, whilst you crumbled into each other. He cleared his throat and walked across his office hoping that the distance would stop you from noticing the obvious tent in trousers. He fiddled with the cuffs on his hips to distract himself and pulled at his tie.
“You really should go…to Sigewinne,” he said.
You approached him. He turned away from you facing a bookshelf. You brushed your fingertips to his forearm feeling the chilling aura around his skin. You expected him to pull away, for him to stop you from going past the point of no return, but he didn’t.
“Wriothesley,” you said his name again, this time with a wistful air. You don’t even realise you’re saying it. You never said it; not to him, only to the crisp cold darkness when your back arched on your sheets late into the night.
“Say it again,” he said.
“My name. Say it again.”
Your eyes widened as you realised your mistake. You have always tried not to say his name to separate your lustful fantasies from the real man.
He faced you, capturing your gaze and with it your heart too in his glacial eyes that looked so warm. “Please.”
You couldn’t help but obey. His name slipped out in a hushed prayer: “Wriothesley.”
In turn, he said yours; just as quiet, just as wanting.
“You really should go to Sigewinne,” he said and ghosts his thumb along your jaw.
“What if I don’t want to?” you stepped closer. “What if I want to stay right here?”
His expression darkened.
“You shouldn’t,” he said with no bite behind it.
You didn’t budge.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, sounding way more desperate than you intended. Before you could cringe at yourself, he had you caged in his arms, mouth cold against yours. He groaned when you bit down on this bottom lip, and for the first time, you felt his thick erection brush against your stomach.
None of your wildest fantasies could compare to the reality of kissing Wriothesley and any pain in your hand disappeared altogether. He kissed you like you’re the only thing tethering him to the earth; like you were his last gulp of air before he dissolved into primordial water.
He tugged on your shirt.
“If you don’t take this thing off right now I’m going to rip it,” he said, his breath laboured.
You reached under your shirt, and he helped you slip it over your head. He threw it away and pulled you into another kiss. His hand wrapped in your hair.
You took off his tie and his waistcoat, his usual fur coat was already draped on the back of his large red chair. He stopped you unbuttoning his shirt, shaking his head, trailing kisses along your jaw, and down your neck as he walked you backwards to his desk. He unclasped your bra. He watched it slide down your arms and then tossed it somewhere that was going to be your future you’s problem.
“Up,” he ordered.
You jumped up, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grasped the underside of your thighs and placed you down on the free space of his grand desk.
He bit your shoulder, and you moaned out his name in a way that had him almost feral. He lapped at the wound and kissed it. You threw your head back biting down on your lip. He continued leaving kisses and nibbles along your collarbone, slowly lowering until your breasts were under his hungry gaze. You suddenly felt nervous. You wouldn’t say you were insecure in your looks. You knew that your looks were something to behold and of which you were very proud. They’ve come in handy in your many jobs as many times as they have caused unnecessary issues but being under the watchful gaze of Wriothesley felt different… intimate. You tried to bring your hands up to cover yourself. Wriothesley caught your wrists, looking up at you from his crouched position.
“Don’t you dare. You’re beautiful.”
“Wriothesley,” you said.
“If you aren’t comfortable, we can stop,” he assured you, although the words pained him and his dick, consent was king—always. If you weren’t comfortable, he could always sort himself out later. You were the most important thing to him. He let go of your wrists and you dropped them, letting him feast his eyes on your breasts.
“Don’t stop. Please.”
“Are you sure?” he asked again.
“If you change your mind, just tell me and we’ll stop,” he said. “Give me a safe word.”
“Cake,” you instantly responded.
“Cake?” He cocked a brow. “Cake, it is.”
Without a moment spared, he grasped your breasts and planted a kiss there, dragging his lips over your nipples in a way that made you shiver. He smiled to himself at the occasional whimpers that left you; even more pleased that he was the one causing them.
“I love the noises you make. I love your voice. I’m obsessed with it. I wish to capture it and listen to it whenever you’re away,” he groaned.
He dragged his tongue down, further, and further until he was on his knees, he pushed up your skirt that had been bothering him since you crossed your gorgeous legs earlier. He was tempted to have you keep it on when he fucked you, for no other reason than the thought that the next time you decided to wear that poor excuse of a skirt he knew all you would be able to think about was how he messed you up in it. The thought brought him immense pleasure.
 He slid his hands into your shorts, squeezing your thighs. The flimsy piece of black material and whatever surprise underwear beneath it were the only things keeping him from what he wanted. He wanted to taste you. He wanted to feel how you’ll curl on his tongue; he wanted to feel you gripping his hair and screaming his name as he brought you to a high only he could give you.
“These damn shorts,” he grumbled.
“I climb mountains. How else am I going to keep myself comfortable?” you asked.
He tutted and tore them open; the fabric did not put up much of a fight at all.
“I guess you won’t be climbing mountains anytime soon,” he said guiding the torn fabric down your legs.
“Those were my favourites, you brute.”
He winked up at you.
“Ah, I suppose that makes us even,” he drawled.
Was he thinking about that damn teacup right now?
“How are you?” He said, checking in on you.
He smiled and your heart melted a little.
He froze when he took in the sight of your lingerie.
“Were you thinking of me when you bought these?”
“Don’t get too cocky,” you said.
“Too late.”
You bit your lip. It hadn’t been intentional, your underwear matching the colour of his eyes. He trailed his nose up the soaked fabric brushing your clit. You grabbed his hair at the stimulation. You felt the beginnings of the scruff threatening to break out of his chin tickling you as he guided your lingerie aside and gave your clit an ardent lick. Wriothesley wasn’t big on savoury treats, but you weren’t savoury, you tasted like you, and you were fast becoming his favourite dessert.
“You taste divine,” he said.
“Oh Archons,” you muttered.
“They won’t hear you down here,” he said.
It didn’t take long before your toes were curling, and you were chanting his name. Wriothesley gripped your thigh with one hand and fingered you with the other, stretching you out in preparation for him; because if there was one thing he was sure of, it was that you were going to cum around him. He was going to feel the way you would clench around him; he was going to watch your blissed-out face twist as he fucked you hard into his desk. Although he would love to feel you climax on his face there would be time for that. He’d be damned if this was the first and only time he had you. You were his. Morals and reputation be damned, he wanted—no, needed to be inside you. He didn’t care if the entirety of Meropide could hear you; in fact, he got off on the thought.
Just when you felt like you were about to climax, he pulled away and licked his lips. You glared at him as he stood and bent over you kissing you softer than before. You could taste yourself on his lips, and instead of it turning you off it spurred you on. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, grinding against his clothed erection.
“Do you trust me?” he asked between heated kisses.
Everything felt wet like you both were melting, and you probably were. If so, you didn’t care, becoming water wasn’t half bad if it was with him. You heard his cuffs before you saw them spinning around the two fingers that had been inside you.
“Right now, no,” you lied.
He half smiled.
“I suppose I deserve that. I guess I’ll just have to persuade you then.”
You untangled from around him. He stepped back unbuttoning his shirt and revealing lean scar-littered skin. You wanted to reach out and so you did, tracing the long jagged discoloured scars, slightly keloid. Some looked fresher than others. He shivered and breathed out a low groan when you grazed over his nipple. He raised his signature cuffs.
“Give me your wrists,” he said.
It clinked when it secured around both wrists. The spiked metal looked so beautiful against your skin; he was almost tempted to throw away the key.
“Oh no, you’ve caught me, your grace,” you teased. Something you shouldn’t have done because the way he looked at you after told you that you had triggered something in him.
“You did break my favourite teacup after all,” he said.
“I thought we were even.”
You watched him slowly unbuckle his belt and step between your legs. There would be time for savouring the moment later, many moments if he could help it but not then. You felt his erection only covered by the thin fabric of his boxers press against your vagina, he leans over you caging you between his arms and the desk.
“Indeed, we are for breaking.” He nibbled on your ear, “but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. That was an expensive cup you know some flimsy shorts won’t cover the costs. You should know I only play fair, and you got some of the tea on my freshly shined boots.”
Your cuffed hands resting on your stomach fiddled with the lining of his boxers. You lost your breath when he nuzzled into the base of your neck.
“Don’t tease me,” he grunted.
You manage to slip his cock out.
“Says the man who denied me my orgasm.”
You felt his smile on your neck.
He rubbed his cock along your folds but didn’t push in. He wanted to be sure that you’re sure.
“I don’t think friends do this,” he said as he continued to edge your hole.
“Just fuck me already,” you sassed.
He thrust into you, filling you completely. He was thicker than you expected, thicker than you had had before. You couldn’t be more thankful for the earlier foreplay because without it he wouldn’t have fit. He remained still for a while, and you slowly adjusted to his size. The dull ache of the intrusion quickly turned from discomfort to bliss.
“Fuck, you feel amazing,” he breathed. “Don’t stop saying my name.”
You didn’t.
“Good girl,” he said.
The desk jutted, the papers shook, and books slid off the desk smacking the floor in their wake, but the sound was lost to you both. Despite his strong persona, and much to your delight, he didn’t hold back his occasional whimpers, and grunts. The sound blessed your ears like a symphony. Sometime after your first orgasm, he took off the cuffs and threw them to his settee.
He left the occasional bites and kisses on the underside of your jaw, and down to your breasts. You, in turn, added to the long scars down his back, your nails clawing into the flesh. He would treasure those when they scarred.
You guided his face up from your neck, where he had been breathing you in as if he couldn’t get enough of you into his system. In truth, he couldn’t. You kissed him deeply, filling it with all the words you hadn’t yet been able to say. You felt your third climax on the horizon as he hit the same spot that made your back arch.
“Wriothesley,” you said against his mouth. “There.”
He chased your lips.
“That’s it,” he said, rolling his hips. He slipped a hand between your rocking bodies and rubbed your swollen clit. You let out a needy moan.
 “I’ve got you,” he said as you clenched around him.
Your orgasm washed over you like a tidal wave of primordial water. He held you to him, as he continued to thrust towards his own high, encasing you in his arms.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” he groaned.
 Wriothesley felt like he was on cloud nine. Being with you was entirely different from what he imagined in the best way possible. It felt like a dream having you here, in his arms, pliant to his every desire. In each kiss, he pretended that you felt the same way; that you wanted the same things. He pretended that this moment wasn’t just a moment but forever—because he wanted you forever.
He slowed down prolonging the experience and straightened up looking down at the fucked-out expression on your face. He knew he didn’t look any better. Swiping a hand through his hair, he continued to roll his hip slowly. He placed a hand on your pelvis steadying you. Your body was covered in a sheen of sweat which glistened under the light of the office. He felt like he was melting into you—like you were melting into each other.
“Can I?” he asked.
“Yes,” you answered opening your arms for him, beckoning him home. And truly, to him, you felt like home.
He pushed his damp hair back once again, before leaning over you. With a final grunt and a spam of your walls around him, he came. He didn’t pull out right away, wrapping his arms around you as if afraid to let go.
Your thighs were sticky from your combined releases, and your body felt like it had been sitting in a sauna for hours but seeing the rare, satisfied look on his face made it all worth it. He closed his eyes and sighed.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“You owe me new shorts,” you said.
“I’ll buy you as many shorts as your heart desires,” he uttered, tiredly.
He hummed and nodded slowly.
“Good because I think I’m going to need a lot of them if you’re going to rip them off every time,” you said causing him to perk up. “You know to repay for the teacup.”
“Unless this was a one-time thing then—“you hesitated.
He kissed you again, unable to hide his smile.
“Next time let’s use my bed.”
“I’d like that,” you said.
He tried to intertwine your hands, but you winced when he brushed against the forming boil.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and to Sigewinne, for real this time.”
“First, can we have a cup of tea?” you asked.
He laughed. Of course, you wanted to have tea. He could do with some tea too; he was famished after all. He laid a kiss on your forehead and made a mental note to send Clorinde an extra box of his finest tea.
“Of course, first let's clean up and then we'll have tea. I promise, but don’t spill it this time.”
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evermoresqueiswriting · 6 months
“I was scared of dentists and the dark I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations Oh, all my friends are turning green You're the magician's assistant in their dream”
summary: going on the camp's field trip to olympus because clarisse asked you to, meeting your father and clarisse's father and also, there are new updates from camp - luke gone, and percy's arrival
pairing: clarisse la rue x f!reader
word count: 6.7k (14 year old me would never believe me if i said i casually wrote a 6k chapter)
tags: mostly fluff, tiny splash and angst
series masterlist 3/?
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The date ended really late – you fell asleep on the beach, and Clarisse didn’t have the heart to wake you up. She didn’t dare, you looked too peaceful to disturb. You loved taking naps and whenever you were around Clarisse, you felt safe enough to do so. By the time you woke up, it was already dark, and Clarisse had put your blouse back on you because it started to get chilly. When you realised what time it was, you hurried Clarisse and grabbed all your bags before leaving the beach. 
The ride back home was quite long, and once you got into camp, it was really quiet. You and Clarisse tried to be quiet, and walked slowly towards your cabins, but then you heard footsteps. Both of you whipped around. Chiron, hands on his hip and Mr D, standing next to him. 
“Hi,” you waved.
Clarisse swiftly grabbed your hand to put it down. 
“You missed the curfew,” Mr D said.
“What– What curfew? There was one?” you hesitated, looking at Clarisse.
“Yes,” Mr D continued, “it was written, black on white, that you should be home before 9pm. And it’s, would you look at that,” he showed you his watch-less wrist, “it’s past 11!”
“We– I didn’t know,” you explained, “I- I mean– I can’t read and neither can she.”
Chiron shook his head, and Clarisse stepped in front of you, shielding you from their disappointed faces. 
“We’re sorry, we didn’t see the time.”
Your hand was grabbing tightly onto Clarisse’s arm.  
“Go back to your cabins and rest,” Chiron said.
“Yeah, cause you’ll need it for the cleaning duties you’ll get for the whole week or month, I still haven’t decided yet haha,” Mr D finished and walked away. 
You were once again alone. You sighed.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, not daring to look at her. 
“What for?”
“I should’ve read the whole letter, I should've known and now because of me you’ll have cleaning duties for maybe a whole month!”
“I don’t mind, I had a great time today,” you raised your head up at this, “I’ll do another month again if it means we get to do that again.”
“Really?” you smiled.
“Really, now go to sleep.”
It ended up being a whole month of cleaning duties, but neither of you cared because you got to be together.
Your summer was split between three people, Clarisse, Will and Lee. 
Fighting and combat with Clarisse. Clarisse was ruthless, not letting you rest for a bit, always pushing you to your limits. She had one thing in mind and that was for you to be the best version of yourself. You were progressing fast which she was extremely proud of. Just like Luke said, you were a natural fighter, and everyone noticed that during Capture the Flag. You went from hiding behind Clarisse the whole time from leading the fight. 
Archery lessons from Lee. Lee was also very insistent as a teacher. Never letting you rest. 
“Hitting a still target is easy, a child could do it,” Lee told you in his first lesson. “But no monster is going to stay still for you to hit it at your pace. So, we’ll practise on moving targets, fast and unpredictable ones.”
And he was right, it was much more difficult. There was no time for you to prepare, and see where the wind went. But after some practice, it was easier. He was a good teacher, after all. You were tired and sore at the end of every day, which seemed a bit excessive for a fun, safe, summer camp for half bloods. They looked like they were preparing you for war at this pace. And when you had some free time, you spent it with Cornelia painting and playing old board games they had in the cabins. It was a great way to relax. 
Alongside sharpening your skills, you also spent an absurd amount of time at the infirmary with Will. Michael was the one teaching you everything, with a tiny Will following you there too. He was absorbing information at an incredible pace.
“Isn’t he a bit young to be learning all of this?” you asked Michael.
“Yeah, but he’s good at it, so who cares? Surely not Mr D.”
Will was a really nice kid, and obviously a natural healer. With the two of you at the infirmary, Michael was able to leave for longer periods of time. Will and you often held karaoke afternoons while cleaning the infirmary. And this time, it was your turn to choose the song. So, You and Will were dueting ‘august’ by Taylor Swift when someone came in.
“But do you remember? Remember when I pulled up and said, "Get in the car" And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call? Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all "Meet me behind the mall" Remember–” you sang with Will. 
“You’re having fun here,” Clarisse leaned on the doorframe. 
You screamed, and turned around. 
“Clarisse! Hi,” Will waved.
She gave you a questioning look. They had never met.
“This is Will Solace, my brother,” you smiled.
“Yeah, y/n talks about you all the time!” Will smile proudly, before you shoved him aside.
“Betrayal, I said all of these things in confidence, but whatever,” you dragged him outside. “Go grab some more supplies, we’re missing ambrosia.”
“But it’s ful–.”
You slammed the door. 
“He doesn’t know what he’s saying,” you laughed, turning back to Clarisse. 
“Sure,” she smirked. 
“What are you doing here anyway?”
“I forgot to give you something.”
“A gift?” you beamed.
She took out a small tissue bag from her pocket and handed it to you. You opened it, and let the object slip into your palm. A ring.
“Are you proposing?” you joked. 
She rolled her eyes, and smiled. 
“I watched you pick this size when choosing yours, so you shouldn’t lose this one.”
“Thank you, it’s so pretty I love it!” you put it on your left index. 
Clarisse had the one you gave her on her necklace. 
“Great, don’t lose it.”
“I won’t!”
And just like that – in the blink of an eye –  summer was over, and it was time for you to leave camp and go back home. You knew it was time to leave when Mr D started yelling that those who weren’t staying for the year to leave immediately because he had enough of seeing you bunch. When you walked away from your cabin, you noticed Clarisse was already waiting for you at the entrance of camp.
“I guess this is goodbye,” she smiled.
“Until October, for the field trip,” you corrected her. “I talked to Mr D and he said it was ok for me to come. So really it’s only two months away! And I’ll send letters, I’m sure Hermes Express have those next day delivery types of… offers?”
You fiddled with your fingers. 
“I’m going to miss you,” you admitted. “And I’ll miss Capture the Flag and being on your team, and I’ll miss sparing with you, and I’ll miss… seeing you everyday.”
Her eyes softened. 
“Only two months, like you said.”
You nodded. Then, hesitantly, you opened your arms. 
“What?” Clarisse frowned. 
“We should hug goodbye.”
She had her arms crossed, but then she uncrossed them and you went to wrap your arms around her torso. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around your shoulders. When her arms loosened, you let go. 
“I’ll see you soon Clarisse,” you squeezed her arm, before walking away.
“See you soon sunshine,” Clarisse watched you walk away, “I’ll miss you too,” but you were already too far away to hear it. 
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Once you were back home, the first thing you did was to go find your mom’s old walkerman. You had to go search the old boxes your mom had put away in the attic – it was difficult but worth it.
“Why do you need this?” your mother asked once you came out of the attic with her walkerman. 
“It’s for— my friend?”
“Yes. Clarisse.”
When you told your mother about your summer at camp, it had included a lot of Clarisse related stories. 
“And I told her I’d send letters so we could keep in touch, but now I realise I can’t write for the life of me, and even if I did write something, she’s spent too much time trying to decipher what I wrote, and it's just not– good. So I thought I’d send her this,” you waved the walkerman, “and I’d buy empty cassettes to record things, and send pictures along with it.”
“Oh, that’s a very nice thing to do,” she nodded. 
“Oh! I forgot to tell you– to ask you really. Hm, there is this field trip at camp… in october. It’d be during the halloween vacations, so I won’t miss school. Can I go, please?”
“Sure, I don’t see why not.”
Well that was easy. 
So every week, you’d record what you did and update Clarisse about your life, you’d take pictures and buy her favourite snacks — you tried out a lot during your date — and ship it to camp half-blood. Clarisse would also send you pictures. The dinner, pictures of Will and behind one of his pictures he’d written ‘i miss u <3’ on the back, people training, their win at Capture the Flag, and you’d keep everything in a box dedicated to Clarisse. 
Two months. Two months at camp went by fast, too fast even. But two months at school, minus your friends and the fun at camp, it was slow. You woke up every day at 6:45am, got ready and left for school, came back around 5:50pm and did your homework, ate, washed-up, and then scrolled on twitter, fighting with random accounts, and then went to sleep. Your routine was boring to no end, but you tried so you could have things to tell Clarisse. But life outside of camp was boring and your mother could see that.
“You know, if you wanted to stay at camp for the whole year, I wouldn’t stop you.”
“But, what about you then? I don’t want you to live alone in this big ass mansion.”
“I’m an adult, I’ll be fine,” she reassured you.
“I won’t, knowing you’ll be alone.”
Your mom wasn’t on good terms with her parents after they learned that she’d be raising a kid alone, without marriage or even a boyfriend. After you were born, they did visit and spent time with you, but never with your mom, their daughter. So she couldn’t even call them to come live with her. You weren’t going to abandon her when she only has you. 
“I–,” she put her chopsticks down, “I met someone at work.”
“What! What does that mean?”
“It means, I’ve been seeing someone.”
“Oh my– you’re trying to get rid of me to have—” you stared at her, mouth wide open from shock, “sex,” you mouthed. 
“Oh grow up y/n, I’m an adult, where do you think you came from.”
“Uh– rude.”
“I’m just saying, this is your last year in high school, if next year you want to stay at camp, you can.”
“And you’d be fine with it?”
She nodded.
“What if I want to stay here, at home?”
“Then you’d stay here, as long as you want, this is your home as well.”
“I’ll– I’ll think about it.”
And then it was finally time to leave for camp again. Your mom drove you to the airport and you left with your suitcase in hand. It was the longest flight ever, and the cab seemed to be driving even slower than a snail. An old lady on foot was faster than this, but then you were finally there. 
“Are you sure this is where you want to get out?” the cab driver asked, seeing the empty road.
“Yes,” you gave him the money, “keep the change, bye.”
When you arrived at camp, Chiron was waiting for you at the entrance already, and you greeted him happily. 
“How was the trip to camp?” 
“Great. Long and tiring for sure, but I’m so excited too.”
“Good, we’re going to leave soon, you can go put your things in your cabin first.”
The first one to spot you was Cornelia, and she came running to hug you. And then Will came in very quickly to give you a hug as well. 
“I missed you guys so much,” you smiled. 
“I wish you were staying here all the time,” Will said. “I’m all alone at the infirmary.”
“You’re leaving him alone?” you gasped at Michael. 
“He kicked me out! Said you had a whole system going on there and I wasn’t following it correctly.”
“He also wasn’t doing karaoke afternoons with me,” Will told you.
“How dare he. That’s ‘cause he has no taste.”
“I can hear you,” Michael stood beside you.
“Do you mind? I’m having a private conversation.”
“Yeah do you mind, we’re having a private conversation,” Will repeated. 
It felt great to be at camp – it felt safe, familiar and comforting. You put your suitcase beside your bed, and grabbed some chocolate bars  from your backpack and put them in your pocket. Will, who stayed by your side, pleaded with his eyes to get one too and you couldn’t resist. 
“I’ll give you more later,” you promised him.
You left your cabin with your siblings as it was time to leave camp. Everyone was on their way to the entrance. You looked around, hoping to catch Clarisse, and there she was, way ahead of you. You turned around, facing your siblings and after a brief “see you up there”, you ran off. 
Clarisse was talking to her brother, and she looked around for you. She was expecting you to be beside Chiron at the entrance, but you weren't. Maybe you were late? When suddenly, she felt someone jump on her back, and her immediate response was to grab their arm and throw them on the ground. 
“Ugh! Motherfucker,” you moaned, laying on the ground, with Clarisse holding down on your arm on the ground. 
“What the hell!” Clarisse immediately let go and helped you get up. “Why would you do that?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” you rubbed your arm. “Why would you do that?”
“You jumped on me! Are you ok?” Clarisse worried. 
You stared at her, dumbstruck. 
“No! I’m not!”
Just when she was about to talk, Chiron called for all the campers to gather around, and you left without giving her the chance to speak. Your whole back was aching, and you tried not to think about it too much, but that was impossible because of Clarisse’s strength. Clarisse tried to grab your arm to slow you down, but you shook her off. Then, Michael and Lee just had to get involved. 
“Butt off Clarisse,” Michael squeezed himself between you two. “Didn’t you do enough by crushing y/n to dust? So much for being friends,” he snickered. 
“Fuck off Michael unless you want to wake up in the morning missing your front row teeth,” Clarisse spat.
Michael did back away a little, bumping into you. 
“How can you be friends with her,” he turned around to look at you. 
Clarisse has been wondering the same thing for the past few days. The Apollo cabin and the Ares cabin weren’t known to be friendly with each other. They tolerated each other at best when they were on the same team for Capture the Flag, but that was it. And when you left, she started to wonder about your friendship. Maybe you’d forget about her once you’re back at home. And the first week, all she could think about was when – or if – you’d reach out. 
But every Sunday, at 9:00am she’d receive a package with your recording and pictures and candy for your siblings and her. You had never given her any reason to doubt your relationship, but not everyone in your cabin, or at camp, were thinking that way. Michael had been one of those people, always wondering loud and clear about your friendship. So that was Clarisse’s final straw. 
She grabbed Michael’s collar, ready to punch him, but Lee tried to calm the situation down. 
“Clarisse, please don’t,” Lee grabbed Michael’s hands, “he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“He clearly does. He’s been talking about it nonstop for the past few weeks.”
You frowned. You looked at Michael, then Lee and finally at Clarisse. The pure rage in her eyes would make anyone run away, but you stepped up.
“Clarisse,” you put your hands on her arms, “it’s fine, let go please. Chiron is waiting for us.”
She locked her eyes with you, clearly still upset about the situation, and pushed Michael away, but Lee was behind to hold him back. 
“Clarisse, what was that about?”
“It’s nothing,” she shrugged, “it’s fine. See you.” 
And she walked away, leaving you confused. You turned around, giving a questioning look at your brothers, but Lee only mouthed a ‘I don’t know’ and Michael avoided your gaze. You were ready to argue with them, but Will came running, telling you they were ready to leave.
The trip to the Empire State Building was long, especially with Clarisse ignoring you. You tried talking to Michael, but he was also ignoring you, and suddenly, everyone at camp lost their ability to talk. Annoyed, you went to the back of the bus, where no one was. But then Will came. 
“What’s wrong? You look like Clarisse all the time. Frowning and sulking.”
“I’m not!” you relaxed your face. “Also while we're talking about Clarisse, what’s that about how we’re not supposed to be friends?”
Will grimaced, and looked away for a second. 
“People have been wondering about how you, sweet and fun Apollo daughter, could be friends with ruthless Clarisse La Rue, Ares daughter. Because the Apollo cabin does not get along with the Ares cabin, like at all.”
“And Clarisse was upset? Over people’s opinions about us?”
“Well…” Will stretched that vowel for far too long. “You know people, and how they love to gossip. And somehow it went from enemy cabins to how there are better friends to have… than Clarisse. And how she’s not… worth it,” he hesitated. “And she only brings you trouble… things like that.”
You were too stunned to give any type of answers. 
“Clarisse doesn’t look like someone who cares about those kind of rumours and speculations, but insecurities are created by people’s opinion,” Will said, “that’s what Lee told me when people were talking about me and I started to feel bad.”
“What were people talking about?” you frowned. 
“I’m not as good as you all with my archery skills.”
“That’s not–, I mean it doesn’t matter.”
“I know, Lee and Cornelia and Michael and everyone at our cabin was there to tell me that.”
“Okay, and they’re right.”
“I’m saying… maybe Clarisse doesn't have that sort of support system. And maybe she is starting to feel like other people are right.”
You looked at where Clarisse was sitting, in the middle, sitting next to her sister. It was a four seat table, and her three siblings were all laughing and shouting, but Clarisse wasn’t. She was staring out the window, her arms crossed. 
You saw her frown and turned her head in your direction, but when she saw you looking at her, she quickly turned her head to her siblings. 
“You should talk to her, and clear things up. Because Clarisse is nice. I like her.”
“Since when? You never talk.”
“Clarisse is nice to me, she always has been since we’ve met that one time,” he admitted. “I think she deserves good friends. Like us.”
“I think so too,” you agreed. 
When it was time to get off the bus, everyone rushed out, separating you from Clarisse even further. Well, the talk had to wait. 
The trip to the 600th floor took too long. Every cabin went one by one since it couldn’t hold the whole camp at once. The Ares cabin went before the Apollo cabin, but Clarisse stood straight and looked ahead. She had her back turned to you, even once inside the elevator, but at the last minute she turned around and locked eyes with you. 
“We’ll talk,” you mouthed clearly. 
There was no escaping you. When it was your turn, you stepped in last so you could leave first. It took forever to reach floor 600. And just as you expected, there was no sign of Clarisse. She stayed close to her brothers. 
Each cabin had to do a presentation in front of the gods, and it was the worst thing for them and for you all too. Every time they clapped at the end, you knew it wasn’t as a compliment but more as a cheers to being closer to the end. 
After that, there was a big feast. The gods watching you eat and burn your food for them – it was weird and you couldn’t keep your eyes off your father. His tanned skin, golden hair, and bright smile. 
“Blinding isn’t he,” Lee said. 
“Yeah, I should’ve brought my sunglasses. Do you ever talk?”
“Not much. They don’t come just to hang around their kids.”
“He kinda looks like a classmate I’d have if people at my school weren’t all dressed like they just left prison. He looks young.”
 “You’ll get used to it eventually,” Lee shrugged. 
After dinner, campers just hang around talking, and some of the gods would come and talk to their children. You looked around and spotted the Hermes cabin staying together, far away from the main event, and then you tried to look for Clarisse, but she was nowhere. You turned around and bumped into your father. You quickly stepped away.
“Sorry,” you mumbled. 
“It’s alright. How have you been? Have you been settling well with everything?” he smiled.
“Um… Yes.”
What more could you say? You weren’t going to start saying the truth to this god that happened to be your father. 
“How is your mother?”
“Great,” you nodded, smiling. “She’s been seeing someone you know, after,” you looked at your wrist and pretended there was a watch, “eighteen years of having no one.”
“y/n,” he sighed looking away, “that’s just how things work with us gods. She knew from the start who I was, I told her.”
“It’s fine. I was merely stating a fact.”
Please somebody end this conversation, you prayed. 
“Well, well, well,” someone slapped your dad’s shoulder.
“Ares,” your dad greeted him. “This is y/n, my daughter.”
“Ah, the girl my daughter has been seeing.”
Apollo whipped his head around, beaming at you. 
“You have a girlfriend?” he held you in his arms. “I’m so proud of you. Way to go, who and where is the lucky girl.”
You stared at him, and then at Ares, mouth wide open in shock.
“I– I don’t! It’s– It’s not!” you stuttered. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Clarisse is my friend, who is a girl indeed. So yeah girl,” you paused, “friend. I haven’t been seeing her, I’ve been seeing her as in, she lives at camp and so did I during the summer!”
“Oh,” he let go of you. “My bad. You could’ve been more clear,” he looked at Ares. “Well I have to go now,” he walked away. “See you soon, y/n.”
Ares didn’t follow your father. He stayed with you, staring at you. Clarisse looked at you the same way when you first arrived at camp. 
“I feel like I know you from somewhere,” you admitted. 
“Well, I am the war god. They had to have shown you my picture somewhere between those classes they have,” he nodded toward Chiron.
“No, it’s not that,” you frowned. 
Meanwhile, Clarisse was talking to Mark when she spotted Apollo leaving in a hurry, and she looked at where he came from. And her eyes spotted you immediately, and then she saw her father standing tall, towering over you. 
“Fuck,” she mumbled before leaving the conversation without any notice. 
She rushed to where you stood. There was no way she was going to let you alone with her father. 
“... on twitter!” you shouted, hiding a smile. “Clarisse, I was just telling your father about us knowing each other through twitter!”
“What?” she mumbled, pulling you closer to her. 
“I’m always starting fights with him on twitter, because he’s always talking shit and nonsense. He doesn’t know me though.”
“Wait–,” Ares interrupted. “Are you that fan account of that blonde singer?”
“Yes!” you laughed.
He snickered, then stopped and turned to Clarisse. 
Then he stared at you, before going back to Clarisse. 
“You can leave now,” he gave you a brief look. “I want to talk to Clarisse. Alone.”
Clarisse, who the whole time didn’t let go of your hand, squeezed it. Hard. Before letting go. But you didn’t move, slightly worried.
“I–,” you started, but Clarisse turned to you, face blank.
“I’ll find you after this, go.”
You nodded without arguing and left. You quickly spotted your siblings and joined them, listening to what they were saying. You’d glance at Clarisse’s direction, and all you could see was Clarisse nodding, looking at her feet. Ares was in his human form, but even like that he looked impressive. He was tall and broad, he had these eyes you didn’t want to look straight into from fear. He gave Clarisse a final, firm, pat on the shoulder before leaving her there. She stood there for a full minute before straightening her back and searched for you in the ocean of people. But before she could find you, you were already on your way to her. 
“Are you okay?” you immediately asked. 
“I’m fine.”
“What did he say to you?”
“He…” she hesitated. “It doesn’t matter.”
You stood there, torn between insisting and letting it go. If you insisted when she wasn’t ready to talk, then you’d be a pushy friend who doesn’t respect any boundaries. But if you didn’t, then maybe it’d seem like you didn’t care. 
“Okay,” you nodded slowly. “Well, if you don’t have anything more to say, I do.”
“y/n…” Clarisse sighed.
“No! You ignored me the whole day when I just came back for you. And then that thing that happened with Michael,” she rolled her eyes at the mention of his name, “what was that about?”
“It doesn’t—”
“Stop saying that! It does matter. It matters to me how you feel. About this and everything else.”
Clarisse stared at you. Her eyes pleading with you to let it go. 
“I just…” you sighed, defeated. “I don’t want this to ruin our friendship. And I don’t—” you groaned in frustration. “Will told me,” you admitted, “about what people have been saying and what Michael has been saying,” you found it hard to find your words. “I– I want you to know that’s not what I think. And I—.”
You should’ve been rehearsing this. You took a deep breath.
“They’re not right about this. And I don’t want you to think that they are. Because you, Clarisse La Rue, are the best friend anyone could ask for. And because of you, I’m better than ever. I’ve been a better fighter because of you, I’ve been a better friend because of you. You taught me how to stand up for myself, and I’ve just been happier since I’ve met you. So I don’t want you to listen to what people have to say.” 
Clarisse still hadn’t said anything, which was excruciating. Just as you were about to continue ranting about this, she pulled you in her arms. You wrapped your arms around her, and put your head on her shoulder. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, and let go. 
It didn’t last long enough, but you’ll take what she gave you. 
“Are we ok?” 
“We’re ok,” Clarisse nodded. 
The rest of the evening was spent with you sitting on some big rocks that served as chairs, catching up. She’d tell about all the times she won at Capture the Flag, she’d tell you about the indigestion everyone had due to food poisoning that one day, she’d tell you about that time she had to go to the infirmary and only let Will heal her because there was no way she’d let Michael help her. She’d tell you about every little thing you’d miss during those months when you went home, and you listened to everything she had to say, with your head resting on her shoulder.
“Oh gods,” you straightened your back, pointing ahead of you. “Is that your dad with Aphrodite?”
“Fuck,” she cringed. “Are they making out?”
“I mean– he definitely is. It’s weird,” you looked away, then went back to staring at them.
“Stop staring at my dad sucking the goddess of love’s face.”
“Are you sure he’s your dad though? Cause Aphrodite looks exactly like you.”
Clarisse whipped her head around, eyes wide, staring at you.
“What?” she breathed. 
“What, what?”
She paused, still staring at you. 
“Nothing,” she smiled, and then looked back, “they’re gone.”
“Finally. It’s gross to make out in front of your children like that.”
All the campers spent the night in Olympus, all sleeping in the same area. The room looked exactly like inside a normal cabin at camp, with bunk beds and cupboards, and for once, friends from different cabins were allowed to sleep together. You dragged Clarisse with you, where the Apollo cabin stayed. 
“We’re all used to staying together,” you explained, “but you can stay with me. Are you sleeping on the top bunk or bottom one?”
“Bottom one,” Clarisse sat on the bed. 
“Ooh,” Cornelia sat next to Clarisse,” so does y/n.” 
“It’s fine, it’s only for one night,” you waved it off. 
“Did you see Clarisse’s dad making out in the open with their mother,” Cornelia pointed at the Aphrodite children. 
“We did!” you squealed, squeezing yourself between the two of them.
“I think everyone did,” Clarisse added. 
“Did you notice how Aphrodite looked exactly like Clarisse,” you looked at Cornelia.
Her eyes widened, and shook her head slightly. Clarisse was leaning against the bed frame, her legs crossed on the bed, smirking. You frowned.
“What?” you mouthed. 
“We’ll come back”, Cornelia dragged you away. 
“Do you know what it means to perceive Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, passion and lust, as someone you know?” she asked. 
“As someone I know? What does that mean?”
“Aphrodite doesn’t look like Clarisse,” she explained, “you perceive the goddess as such because you think Clarisse is those things.”
“Oh,” you paused. “Is that common knowledge or?” 
You hoped not. 
“Yeah it is, so you probably shouldn’t say those things in front of Clarisse if you’re not…”
“If I’m not what?”
“I already told her, twice now with what happened a few minutes ago. Oh gods, couldn’t you have taught me this earlier!” you panicked. “What–What does that mean though? Do I– Am I—,” you gave a quick glance at Clarisse. 
“I don’t know! I mean, you did ask her on a date like the first week you arrived at camp, what could that mean?”
“I don’t know? I think she’s pretty, and– and apparently I think she could look exactly like the goddess of love herself. It’s—,” you took a deep breath. 
“It’s fine, you don’t have to know.”
“I think,” you hesitated. “I don’t know!” you whined. “Clarisse is nice to me, she’s fun to be around, she’s pushing me upwards and I think I might– maybe– perhaps have a tiny crush on her, yes,” you admitted. 
“Aw,” she beamed, “I think you’d make such a cute couple.”
“Calm your tits down,” you playfully rolled your eyes, “I don’t know if this will ever go further than us being friends. Now look natural, and never tell anyone else this. Okay, let’s go back.”
Clarisse was talking to Will when you two came back, but they abruptly stopped. Will stood so Cornelia and you could sit. 
“What was that about?” Cornelia asked them.
“It’s a secret,” Will smiled. 
“We were talking about how sunshine over there thought I looked like a goddess,” Clarisse grinned. 
Will tried to hide his laugh.
“No one told me!” you hid your face in your hand from embarrassment. “You could’ve stopped me the first time I said it,” you accused Clarisse, who was still laughing. 
“The first?” Will interrupted. 
“Both times in front of Clarisse,” Cornelia added. “It was hard to watch,” she teased you. 
Time went by very fast when you’re surrounded by friends and family, because it was already time to go to sleep. The lights disappeared, and you climbed onto your bed, and whispered Clarisse a goodnight before closing your eyes.
The silence was deafening. You couldn’t fall asleep, you needed white noises, music, anything but this. You tossed around, left your right leg outside the blanket, but then it was too cold, so you put it back inside, and tossed around again. 
“What the hell y/n,” Clarisse whispered loudly.
“Sorry, I can’t fall asleep.”
“Why?” she sighed.
“It’s too quiet, and I’m cold.”
Clarisse let out a bigger sigh, before getting up.
“Where’re you going?” you sat up.
“Get down here, and bring your blanket.”
You did as she told you. You put the blanket on your shoulders and climbed down. 
“Get in the bed,” she pointed at hers. 
You did as she told you. And then she climbed back inside her bed, next to you, with both blankets on you.  The beds on Olympus were bigger than the ones at camp, so it was no problem to fit you two in one single bed. 
“Yes,” you nodded.
Clarisse fell asleep very quickly, like always. As soon as she closed her eyes, she was gone. But it took more time with you, you were used to looking at your phone until your eyelids were too tired to stay open, but now you couldn’t. You had nothing, only Clarisse sleeping peacefully next to you. 
She slept on her back, with her head tilted toward you. Unlike her, you slept on your side, so you turned your back to her, and closed your eyes. And just as you were about to fall asleep, you felt Clarisse arms wrapping around you to bring you closer to her. And then, in an instant, you were gone. 
The happiness from staying at camp didn’t last long as it was already time to go home and say goodbye to everyone. Your holidays came to an end and so did your stay at camp, and just like last time, Clarisse was already waiting for you at the entrance. 
“So,” you started, ‘I guess we’ll see each other next summer?”
“Yea,” she nodded. “Next summer.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” you promised, “and I’ll keep sending you updates, though I don’t know if I’ll continue to be as regular as before. I do have my high school diploma to get, and I’ll have less time but I’ll do my best!”
“It’s okay, good luck on your exams. I know you’ll do great.”
“Thanks,” you smiled, but still didn’t leave. 
It was too soon, and it felt like you barely spent any time with Clarisse and your siblings. 
“Did you say goodbye to Will and the others?” Clarisse asked.
“Yea, before I left the cabin I did. It sucks that I have to, but–,” you hesitated, “maybe I won’t have to next year.”
“You wouldn’t?”
“I don’t know yet, but… it’s a possibility.”
“Oh,” she smiled, “okay.”
“Okay. Well… I have to go now.”
You two stood there, without moving. But then you lunged forward and hugged her tightly. 
“I’ll miss you,” you whispered. 
And you let go, and left before she could give you her answer. 
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One recording per week became one every other week, and by December, it was only one per month. Clarisse didn’t send anything from December to February either, but then on a random day in March, you received a package from Hermes Express with Clarisse’s usual pictures from camp, without any notes explaining what happened those last few months. You didn’t mention it either, but you gave yourself a quick reminder to ask her when you’d be back at camp. 
“It’s almost time, are you ready?” your mom asked.
“Yep, a minute!”
Your exams were done, you didn’t have the results yet but that didn’t matter – your mom promised she’d send them to you once she’d receive them so you could leave for camp peacefully. You packed lightly – a third of your belongings were already at camp – and went inside the cab your mom had called for you.
“Be careful okay,” she kissed your temple. “And write to me about your decision, okay?”
“I will, I promise,” you gave her a last quick hug and closed the cab door.
The journey to camp felt familiar now, you’d done it a few times already so it was a stress free trip. So you kept your suitcase close to you, you turned your phone off, and walked. 
But something was off when you got closer to the entrance. It was loud. Louder than usual, and there were more people at the border everywhere as well, which were usually empty. You crossed the entrance, and most campers were wearing their gears, and weapons. 
“What the hell,” you whispered. 
You quickly noticed Clarisse, giving orders to campers, and walking around. When she turned around, she spotted you and ran to you, very quickly. 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier when you were going to be here!” she shot. 
“I wanted to surprise you! Why are you yelling at me!” you shouted back. 
Clarisse stepped back and mouthed a quick apology.
“A lot of things happened while you were gone,” she explained.
“Like when you stopped sending me anything?”
She nodded reluctantly. 
“A new camper came in, got claimed by Poseidon, and then got his quest to retrieve Zeus’ stolen bolt, and…” she hesitated. “We know who stole it in the first place. Luke.”
“Luke?” your eyes widened. “As in Castellan, Hermes' head– former head counsellor?” 
She nodded again. 
“And now Thalia’s tree has been poisoned, meaning the camp’s borders are weakened and we have to keep them safe ourselves.”
“Okay,” you proceeded with this information as fast as you could. “Okay.”
“I was worried sick for the past few days! You didn’t send me anything like last time. I didn’t know when you were going to be here, or if you’d gotten attacked and died.” 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me this earlier!” you argued. 
“I–,” she hesitated, “I didn’t want to burden you with your studies.”
“They’re not important, this is obviously my priority and much more important.”
“Okay,” she looked around. “Stay beside me, I want to keep an eye on you whenever a battle is going to break out.”
You frowned.
“That’s cute, but I’d be much more useful if I stayed with the rest of the Apollo cabin where we’re needed. I’m a great fighter, I know,” you said before she could interrupt, “thanks to you, but I’m much better at archery.”
She stared at you, then looked down. 
“I can’t…” she whispered, “I can’t protect you if you’re this far away from me.”
“Clarisse,” you cupped her face. “I’ll be fine, I promise. You worry about staying alive, and I’ll do the same. It’s going to be fine. Remember, you taught me everything I know.”
She nodded reluctantly. 
“Where’s your spear by the way?” you asked when she walked you to your cabin. 
She grimaced, and sighed.
“Gone? Wha–.”
“Percy Jackson,” she spat. “The new kid, I’m sure you’ll meet him soon enough.”
You threw your stuff inside your cabin, and changed your clothes before walking out with Clarisse still outside, waiting for you. Clarisse was about to talk, but was interrupted by screams from campers at the entrance. 
You looked at each other and ran off to where the screams were, and saw it. Two immense bulls – colchis Bulls – coming straight towards campers. 
“Go find Lee, I’ll handle this from here. He’ll know what to do,” Clarisse ordered before walking away.
“Clarisse!” you shouted before she was out of range. She turned her head. “Be careful.”
She nodded. 
“Don’t die,” she added before leaving. 
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kayentokk · 5 months
Easy Peasy Sukuna Squeezey(Part 3);What Could Go Wrong
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Pairing;Sukuna x Fem! Reader
Summary;What could go wrong during your weekend with Sukuna? Not much except one thing, or one person.
Contains;fluff, lots of fun, ex, sukuna gushing, childhood memories, some cussing
A/N;I am literally so sorry, tbh I forgot I made this a series 😅 and then I checked my comments and I was like oh. So my bad guys I will try to update this regularly and get my schedule back together. Also just comment on any of the posts for this series that you want to be tagged to get on the tag list. 
Tag list 🏷️; @charlie-xo
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The week felt like it took forever to be over, exams, loads of homework, part-time job, all that hectic stuff. But this weekend you get to-well you’re not really sure exactly what Sukuna has in store for you but whatever it is you’re excited for it. 
You had texted your roommate the day you were over Sukunas apartment that you’d be staying there at least until the weekend was over. You often stayed at Sukunas for long periods of time when you needed a break or just wanted to hang with your best friend. He never really minded you were pretty good company, in your own words, and he was used to spending long periods of time with you. During school, after school, in the summer, whenever your moms wanted to have a girls night, just whenever. 
Anyways your roommate was obviously cool with it, she had mentioned she wanted to have “company” over anyways so it all worked out. You took Sukuna’s advice and blocked your ex, you were probably going to do that anyways since the relationship was definitely over, so you have no idea if he’s texted or called. Not that you care though, he’s an ass and he should have enough shame, decency, and brains not to call and understand it’s over. 
To be honest you’re at the acceptance stage of grief, it is what it is he wasn’t the one for you, but it still sucks. Sukuna has actually been really helpful, he’s been, for lack of a better word, a great distraction. He won’t tell you what he has planned for tonight though, all he said was to be ready in pajamas. Maybe a movie night? 
You guys used to do those every Friday, but then college got too hectic with it being senior year and all. Sukuna said his classes are pretty easy, although you aren’t too surprised on that one he’s always been exceptionally intelligent, he claims it’s because he just decided to major in business since he’s not exactly sure what he wants to do.
He didn’t want to be a chef, even though he’s exceptionally talented in cooking too, but he’s a waiter at a restaurant for his part time job. When he first got that job you visited to see the restaurant, and him, it was a nice little quiet diner. He was annoyed and disgusted about it on the outside but you could tell he was embarrassed about you visiting, mostly because one time there was a couple that sat in the booth behind you and made comments about, “young love.” And every time you would sit in that same booth just to annoy him because you knew he thought about it each time, it was honestly hilarious. You and him? Being a couple? What a joke.
Sukuna texted he was on his way back, he had a lecture that was in the evening that day and he left a little early to start you guys’ weekend plans. Apparently you hadn’t been paying much attention to any calls or messages because you had about 10 missed calls from your friend and a dozen text messages. You immediately called back.
“Hello? Girl! Why have you not picked up, I’ve been calling you for forever.”
“I’m sorry! I was just laying here, and I had on dnd from when I was in classes earlier. I guess I never turned it off,” you replied in an anxious tone.
Mai just sighed before continuing, “anyways your boyfriend-“
“Ex,” you cut her off before she could even begin.
“Your ex-boyfriend,” she corrected herself with irritation, “has been showing up like every other hour asking about you, and I wasn’t paying much attention before but I’m pretty sure his car was outside yesterday for a while. He’s probably waiting on you, has he texted?”
“I don’t know if he’s texted I blocked him. That’s probably why he’s showing up, he thinks I’m home. Just ignore him, and if he continues to knock call the police or something.”
“Why can’t he just leave you alone? It’s clearly over, there’s nothing there anymore.”
“I know, I’m so sorry by the way.”
“You’re fine, enjoy your weekend babes! I just wanted to give you a heads up.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Mhm my company should be over soon, talk to you later, be safe.”
“Kk you too, bye Mai,” and with a small beep, the call ended. 
He was coming by every hour? How insane. You hoped he wouldn’t give Mai much trouble, but then again she could handle herself. What if he knew you were at Sukuna’s? Well he didn’t know the address….he’s dropped you off before though. Maybe he doesn’t remember it? Oh no what if he shows up?! And then your whole weekend of distraction will be ruined, and all of Sukuna’s hard work will be-
“-n? Y/n! Hey, Earth to y/n again. Seems like I’m having to do that a lot this week huh?” Sukuna jokes. 
“Hm, oh yeah sorry-“ you say lost in your thoughts.
“Uhh you sure? Why’re you all spaced out?”
“It’s nothing-“
“We both know it’s not nothing you might as well tell me, you’re not very good at your poker face I’ll have to teach you sometime,” he says playfully.
“It’s just- he showed up at my apartment. He was looking for me-“
“But you’re not there so what’s the problem?”
“Mai is there, which I’m sure she’s fine he’s not crazy he’s just a whore, but what if he shows up here?” 
“Wow never thought I’d hear you slut shame someone, that’s a new low y/n,” he smiles and then continues, “but you don’t have to worry about him showing up here. That is if he knows what’s good for him.”
Oh yeah one small thing, the time your ex dropped you off him and Sukuna did not get along. It was the briefest moment, it felt like when your dad dropped you back off at your moms’ after spending a weekend with him, but it was tense. You could tell, Sukuna’s sharp maroon gaze stayed on him even after you had stepped inside. So, safe to say he’d have to be pretty ballsy to show up here.  
“Put on some boots or something we’re going out,” Sukuna says gruffly.
“Going out where? I’m in pajamas-“
“I know, good. I told you to be, glad to know you listen.”
You scoffed, “no way I’m going in public like this-,” you gestured with your hands waving in an up and down movement to your unprofessional getup. 
“Relax. You won’t be the only one, I’m about to change too.”
“Oh because two of us looking like we just rolled out of bed is better than one,” you said sarcastically.
“Exactly, I knew you’d get it I had to admit I was getting a little worried there,” he teased.
“Oh shut up dimwit,” you said smiling.
There it was again, stunning.
Sukuna went to quickly throw on some sweats and an old faded t-shirt, probably sporting some random band. He grabbed his keys, and you were out the door. 
You loved night time drives, everything just hit different. The music vibed better, especially when Sukuna let you have the aux, the car ride is just more fun at night. When you arrived at the destination Sukuna parked the car and reached to turn the knob on the volume down.
“Look where we are,” he said turning to stare at you.
You immediately turned to look out the window, and even though it took you a second you realized-
With a big shriek and gasp you turned back to Sukuna, “this is-!”
“The ‘best convenience store ever in our hometown’ I know you said it to me so much it’s engraved in my brain.”
Sparkles were in your eyes, along with some unshed tears. So many great memories were here. Every time you passed a test with an A your mom would bring you here to get your favorite snack, and since Sukuna always did well on tests you’d take him about once a month to continue the tradition. But then you guys’ campus was at least a 35 minute commute from here, and when it was busy during the day maybe 45, so you stopped coming. There just wasn’t enough time and you guys got really busy. But not many people were on the road at night, and with Sukuna’s driving you guys probably made it there in 20-25 minutes tops. 
You were so happy you could scream. It was apparent in your face, the brightest smile. You jumped out of the car and immediately ran into the store, Sukuna not far too behind you. 
You had already grabbed one of the small dark green dingy looking baskets, ah the same as always, from the entrance and were halfway down your favorite aisle by the time he got inside. 
He greeted the kind old lady at the register who had witnessed your excitement just moments ago, screeching with joy, which scared her when you rushed in. 
He quickly found the aisle you were in and watched you decide which snacks you wanted, carefully picking the items and placing them in the basket. 
You rushed from one place to another, grabbing drinks, chips, snacks, anything you wanted because who knows when you’ll visit here again. Then you just stopped, and Sukuna watching your madness didn’t think you were ever going to. Then your eyes started to well up with worry.
“What’s wrong?”
“I- I left my wallet back at your apartment, I can’t buy any of this-“
“What? I’m obviously buying, dimwit,” he scoffed repeating your words from earlier.
“Really?” You asked, the excitement immediately perking back up inside you. 
He didn’t even get to answer before you continued happily on your shopping spree, how could he say no anyways? By the time you were done you couldn’t even pick up your basket. You quickly looked to Sukuna for help, and he rolled his eyes taking the basket with his left arm. You began to giggle watching him walk to the register. You couldn’t help it, the sight of him carrying a basket like a soccer mom was just too funny. 
A stuffed full basket being carried by his well built arm, the vein bulging from the somewhat strenuous task being carried out. His hand flexing and unflexing to stretch after putting the basket down, making the veins even more visible as they pop out due to his contractions-
“Y/n? You coming? Don’t you wanna get home to eat all this stuff?” 
You quickly snapped out of your haze, and ran up to the register where Sukuna had already taken his wallet out to pay, making a comment about how you were most definitely going to eat it in his car. You left a happy customer that day.
Before you left you made Sukuna stop in front of the shop so that you could snap a quick photo of the two of you together, you wanted to send it to your moms. 
You smiled the whole car ride home, and when you got in the house. 
“Thank you,” you said sincerely with a huge grin on your face.
“Yeah, yeah I know I’m the best,” he replied with a smirk.
“Can you cook the ramen please?”
“Who else was gonna-“
And then the shrill ring of the doorbell rang. 
“Are you expecting someone?”
“No, no one comes over here. Maybe it’s just a package.”
“At 10pm?”
“I don’t know, maybe some drunk has the wrong door.”
Then it rang again.
“Okay maybe not…”
“Sukuna just go get the door I’ll start prepping-“
Before you could finish your sentence though, he already opened the door ready to tell off the drunk.
“Oh. It’s you.” 
You didn’t like Sukuna’s tone, and being the nosey person you are sometimes, you rushed to the door. You immediately understood his tone. 
“Oh, of course it’s you.”
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@/cafekitsune for the divider
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
Meet Me at the Sea: Chapter Nine
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Meet Me at the Sea: Chapter Nine
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Your best friend, Bob Floyd, had insisted you join him for the summer at his family's home along the Carolina coasts. You had been hesitant at first, but ultimately agreed to his request. Now, here you were in a new town with strange locals who spoke in hushed whispers and cryptic retellings about glistening scales, glowing eyes, and haunting songs that echoed from the sea. You didn't believe them at first, but when you wake up on the beach one morning after having fallen overboard the night before, you can't help but think that maybe you hadn't imagine the strong arms and deep, green eyes of the man that had saved you.
Trigger warnings: Language, Angst, Talk of death, Talk of losing a loved one, Mentions of drinking, Talk of Magic, Character Deaths, Graphic description of a dead body. I think that's it, but let me know if I missed anything.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: This...was a doozy lol Also, if you DO NOT fill out the form below (Tag List) then you will not be tagged! I will be referring to that Google form from now on! As always, reblogs, comments and likes are greatly appreciated! Asks/requests are always open! 18+ ONLY!! You can find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator where I also post my updates!
Series Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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The restaurant wasn’t as crowded as the other night, and you supposed that was due to the fact that it was the middle of the week. Penny was stationed behind the bar, cleaning out the glasses in between drink orders. You were cushioned between Jake and Natasha at the round table, picking at the fries left on Jake’s plate as he looked at you fondly. His arm rested on the back of the booth behind you, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair as you joked with the group.
“And then Bob over here decided that it would be a good idea to climb on top of this guy’s roof!” You grinned, earning a groan from the man in question.
“I hate this damn story,” he pouted, leaning back and running a hand over his face as the others peered over at him.
“Sweet, innocent Bobby climbed on top of some guy’s roof?” Bradley asked, leaning forward to look down the table at the blushing man.
“It wasn’t that big a deal,” Bob grumbled.
“That was the drunkest I’ve ever seen him,” you told the group. “He kept saying something about being able to fly and something else about the cannonball to end all cannonballs, but I was just so focused on getting him down that I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“Oh yeah?” Bob smirked, giving you a devious look that made the smile drop from your face. “And what about the time I had to haul your ass back to your apartment because you almost went skinny dipping with the sharks?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bullshit,” he grinned, leaning towards you. “You were crying your eyes out for twenty minutes because you thought we were hurting their feelings by going home.”
You felt your cheeks heat up as the group broke out into fits of giggles, scowling at your best friend and his smug expression. You felt Jake shift next to you, placing a soft kiss to your temple before leaning back.
“Don’t worry, Angelfish,” he winked as you looked at him. “I’m sure you didn’t hurt their feelings.”
“I’m sure they were more upset they didn’t get an easy meal,” Bradley joked. “Although, they say that humans taste like plastic.”
“They?” You questioned. “You mean the sharks?”
Bradley nodded. “Yeah, I asked them once. Said that humans taste icky.”
“I’m sorry,” you blinked, “are you trying to tell me that you can talk to sharks?”
“I wouldn’t really call it talking,” Javy amended, casting a pointed look at Bradley who shrugged. “It’s more like, we can sense the intentions.”
“Like telepathy?” You asked.
“Sort of,” Reuben nodded. “It’s kind of hard to explain. It has a lot to do with the magic.”
“Huh,” you murmured thoughtfully, glancing at Bradley. “And they told you that people taste…icky?”
“That was the general vibe, yeah,” he shrugged. “I asked them one day after I ran into a group of them and they kept avoiding me.”
“Are you sure it wasn’t just because it was you?” Nat asked with a raise of her eyebrow. “Maybe it’s just you who tastes icky.”
The rest of you burst into a fit of laughter as Bradley scowled, the noise dying down as a figure approached your table.
“Hey guys,” Cole grinned as he stopped in front of the table.
“Hey, Cole!” Mickey greeted, “what brings you by?”
“Did you wanna join us?” Reuben offered, Mickey and Javy already scootching in to make room on either side of the booth. Cole shook his head, raising his hand to stop them.
“Nah, don’t worry about it,” he smiled, eyes darting to you. “I was just coming by to pick up some lunch for me and my aunt when I saw you guys, and I figured I’d say hi.”
“Saw you chatting up some of the girls at the dance the other night,” Bradley said with a wolfish grin. “See anybody that caught your eye?”
“Maybe,” Cole smirked, looking at him. “Did you guys have a good time?”
“I thought all the costumes were really amazing,” you hummed, “but I didn’t get to see much of it, unfortunately.”
“That’s a shame,” Cole murmured with a frown. “Well, hopefully you’ll get to see more of the next one here in a couple of weeks.”
“What’s that?” You asked.
“The Moonlight Masquerade,” Bob supplied with a roll of his eyes. “It’s another costume party. Everybody gathers downtown to check out the local vendors, but the actual dancing is at city hall.”
“A perfect excuse to take you dress shopping again,” Natasha grinned as you wrinkled your nose.
“Are you going to let me pay for my own dress this time?” You asked, earning a short laugh from the brunette.
“Nope!” She grinned, popping the “P.” You rolled your eyes but smiled fondly at her, turning your attention back to Cole.
“I don’t suppose your aunt will have more jewelry for me to wear?” You questioned, fingers curled around the pendant holding the black pearl that hung around your neck. You felt Jake press closer into your side, his arm moving down to encase you as Cole gave you a smirk.
“I’m sure she will.” he hummed, eyes shifting to look behind you at Jake with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “She just got a new shipment of masks in that we’re working on putting out today. Stop by soon before they’re all gone. I’ll even give you the friends and family discount.”
“That sounds great!” You chirped, turning to give Nat an excited look. She flashed you a quick smile in return, eyes quickly looking back up at Cole in curiosity.
“I didn’t know you had that discount,” she murmured, arching a brow. Cole shrugged good-naturedly.
“We don’t, but what my aunt doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
“We’ll be sure to stop by soon,” you assured him.
“It was good to see you all,” he smiled, giving a small wave before turning to collect his food from Penny. You all waved at him as he exited, turning back to your conversation.
“He’s always so nice,” you commented, earning a disgruntled hum from beside you.
“Maybe a little too nice,” Jake muttered with a frown. You raised an eyebrow at him in amusement.
“Are you jealous, crooner?” You teased, fighting the smile that threatened to overtake you. Jake scoffed, pressing his lips into a thin line as he looked at you.
“You gonna go and run off with him?”
You pretended to think about it, earning a less than amused look from the blond man sitting next to you. Finally, you shook your head, shooting him a wink. “Nah, I’ve already got great company right here.”
Jake let out a please hum this time, leaning in to place a gentle kiss to your temple, earning a gag from across the table.
“You two are gross,” Bradley frowned, wrinkling his nose at the two of you. “Let’s go before I lose my lunch.”
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You sat on the blanket that did little to shield you from the sand underneath, the sun casting a golden glow over the beach as it crept towards the horizon. It was just you on the blanket, the others running around with a football in some game they had made up years ago. You grinned as you watched them, laughing when Jake’s team scored and he yelled out in victory, the whoops and hollers from his teammates joining him. You reached for a bottle of water when you noticed Bradley trotting towards you, his skin slick with sweat as he collapsed beside you. Wordlessly, you handed him the water, turning your attention back towards the game as he took a long sip, catching his breath as he did so.
“Having fun?” He grinned up at you, his sunglasses obscuring his eyes.
“Oh, most definitely,” you grinned down at him, wiggling your eyebrows. He barked out a laugh as he laid down, resting his hands on his stomach. You turned your attention back to the game as the two of you sat in silence for a few moments.
“How are you feeling about everything?” He asked, turning his head to look at you.
“About what?” You countered, arching a brow.
“You know,” he prodded, propping himself up on an elbow to get a better look at you. “The true mate stuff.”
“Oh,” you breathed, glancing back at where the others were still heavily engrossed in their game. “I’m okay with it.”
“Oh yeah?” Bradley challenged, sitting up fully now. “Somehow I don’t think you’ve really thought about it like you should.”
“And you’re suddenly an expert?” You huffed, earning a half-hearted shrug.
“It’s serious shit, Skipper. None of us want to see either of you get hurt. True mates is nothing to shrug off.”
“Look,” you sighed, “I get that it’s a big deal, okay? But why do you care so much? How could we possibly get hurt?”
Bradley was quiet for a moment, a frown tugging on his lips as he stared off into the ocean. You were about to say something when he broke the silence.
“Did you know that the house Jake and I live in used to belong to my mom and dad?”
That grabbed your attention. You had met everyone else’s parents over the course of the past few weeks, but you had yet to meet Bradley’s. The more you thought about it, the more you realized that you couldn’t recall a time when he had talked about them either.
“I didn’t know that,” you said carefully, eyeing him wearily. He gave you a tight-lipped smile before continuing.
“Yeah, it’s the house I grew up in. My dad was a sea person, you know? He, Mav, and Ice used to be best friends growing up, and he actually grew up in the house himself. He and my mom knew each other since they were babies.”
“Were they true mates?” You asked him, bringing your knees up to your chin as you listened to him.
“They were,” he nodded, and there was a profound sense of sadness rolling off of him as he spoke. “My dad used to say that he knew she was his even before he knew he was a sea person. Said everyone around them knew they were in love before they knew what that meant.”
“That sounds like a fairytale,” you murmured, and Bradley let out a humorless chuckle.
“It was, I guess. My mom was the happiest person you’d ever meet, actually,” he rasped, a sad smile tugging at the edge of his lips at whatever memories played through his head. “She always had a smile and joke for someone, and my dad always called her ‘sunshine.’ He was a great guy too, you know. He’d always help out when he could, and I remember that he was really funny.”
“Oh, Bradley,” you whispered, tears kissing at your lashes. “Can I ask what happened?”
He was quiet for another moment.
“It was a hurricane,” he breathed, emotion thick in his voice. “I was fifteen at the time, and I remember Mav and Ice coming by the house to ask for his help down at the marina. My mom told him not to go, that she had a bad feeling, but my dad could never say no when someone needed his help.”
He took a shuddering breath, a hand coming up to wipe at his eyes, pushing his sunglasses up against his forehead before taking them off and letting them drop down onto the sand.
“I stayed up with my mom that night, sitting with her as she sat on the couch, just waiting for him to come home. But then, she got up and just started pacing, clawing at her throat like she couldn’t breathe, and I tried to get her to calm down, I really did,” he sniffed, and for a moment, he was transformed back into the fifteen year old boy he was when this happened. You reached out a hand, placing it gently on one of his as he continued on. “And then she just stopped, and it was like a light went out in her eyes. Then she let out this scream. I’ll never forget the sound of it, Skipper. Not for as long as I live. It was like someone reached inside her chest and ripped her heart out. It wasn’t until Ice and Mav showed up on our doorstep that I found out what happened.”
He looked at you then, a haunted look in his honey-colored eyes.
“Turns out,” he muttered, “that my dad had been trying to help some fishermen make it to shore, but the current got away from all of them. The boat smashed up against the rocks, pinning my dad and crushing him, and because of their bond, my mom felt every second of it. She felt it when he-”
He cut himself off, pressing his lips firmly together as if afraid to speak the word aloud. You squeezed his hand gently.
“When did your mom pass?” You asked quietly. Bradley stared at you for a second before letting out a bitter sounding laugh.
“She’s not dead, Skipper,” he murmured, causing you to blink in shock.
“No, she’s very much alive,” he sighed, drawing patterns in the sand by his feet. “But she’s never been the same, and she might as well have died for how little she’s been present since it happened.”
You balked at the bitterness in his voice.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” he spat, “that when my dad died, the part of her that made her her did too. She hasn’t been able to utter a single word since it happened, and from that day, I was on my own. I took care of her for years because she was just this empty shell. She didn’t laugh, or smile, or love anymore. Then my grandparents, her parents, made plans to move to Florida, and they made the arrangements to take her with them. I got to keep the house and everything and invited Jake to move in with me because I couldn’t stand the thought of being there by myself. I wouldn’t.”
You didn’t even notice that you had started crying until Bradley looked up at you, grimacing as he reached up to wipe your tears away.
“Shit, I’m sorry, Skipper,” he murmured. “I didn’t mean to make you cry, honest. I just wanted you to know what you were getting yourself into. I want you to think about what you’re risking if you agree to all of this.”
“I know,” you sniffled, “and I appreciate you telling me all that, Bradley, I do.”
Bradley nodded silently, and you reached over to wrap him up in a hug, squeezing him tightly.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” you told him. “It sounds like they really loved each other.”
He gave you a short squeeze back. “They did.”
The sound of your friends growing closer had you shifting your focus forward just as Jake dropped down at your other side, pulling you close to place a smacking kiss to your forehead.
“Gross!” You giggled, pushing him away. “You’re all sweaty, get away from me!”
He feigned hurt as his green eyes twinkled with mischief. He reached out for you, pulling you closer and rubbing his forehead against your shoulder.
“Ah, but Angelfish,” he smirked, “I thought you’d miss me!”
“Not when you’re gross!” You shrieked, trying in vain to pull away from him. He let out a laugh as you made a disgusted face at him, the two of you dissolving into a mess of giggles.
“Is he fucking giggling?” Mickey asked Nat, giving Jake an incredulous look. “Since when does golden boy giggle?”
“Since he fell in love!” Nat sing-songed in a teasing voice, laughing as Jake flipped both of them off. You chanced a glance at Bradley only to find that he was back to his usual happy self, not a trace of the sadness that had just surrounded him. You shifted your focus back to Jake who was looking at you quizzically.
“Everything alright, Angel?”
“Just peachy, Crooner,” you smiled, pecking his cheek. He chased after you as you pulled away, placing a firm, sweet kiss to your lips. You hummed happily against him, hearing a gagging sound from off to the side.
“You two are disgusting,” Javy remarked, rolling his eyes. You pulled away from Jake to give him a knowing look.
“You’re one to talk,” you told him, smirking. The others looked back and forth between the two of you as Nat shifted nervously.
“What are you talking about?” Reuben asked, earning a half hearted shrug from you.
“Oh, nothing,” you giggled, a saccharine smile on your face as you batted your eyes innocently. “So, what’s the plan for tonight?”
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You walked alongside Bob down the cool sands of the beach towards his home, the last remnants of the sun fading below the horizon.
“What did you and Bradley talk about?” He asked you, glancing at you curiously. “Seemed pretty serious.”
You didn’t answer right away, unsure as to how much Bradley had actually told the others.
“He was telling me about his parents,” you decided on. You heard Bob suck in a breath as the two of you continued walking.
“He’s never told us the whole story, you know,” Bob murmured. “All we know is that his dad died one night and his mom was never the same after that. He missed some school because of it, too. We tried to get him to talk about it once, but he just brushed us off and acted like he was okay. Eventually, we stopped pushing him to.”
“I think it still really affects him,” you said quietly. “He told me the whole story. I guess he thought I needed to hear it in order to make an informed decision about what to do.”
“And what is it you want to do, Skip?” He asked, looking over at you now. You considered his words.
“I suppose,” you hummed, “that I’m not exactly sure yet. I have a lot to think about now.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, grimacing slightly. “That’s fair.”
“How are you feeling about all of this?” You asked him, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. He rolled his eyes at you.
“You two are disgusting,” he scoffed. “Why don’t you two get a room?”
“We agreed to take it slow,” you shrugged, causing Bob to belt out a laugh as he almost tripped into the sand.
“You could have fooled all of us!” He snickered, earning a scowl from you. You punched his arm lightly, trying in vain to hold back your smile.
“You’re such a jerk sometimes,” you giggled. He swung an arm over your shoulder, pulling you close by your neck as you squawked in protest.
“Just gotta tell my best friend how it is,” he beamed. You went to respond, but let out a grunt as Bob stopped short, nearly making you trip over your own feet. The smile was gone from his face as he narrowed his eyes in confusion at something ahead of the two of you. You turned to try and see what he was looking at. Up ahead, a large lump lay amidst the sand, and the two of you pulled apart to make your way slowly up to the mysterious object.
The clouds rolled out from in front of the moon, illuminating the beach with the pale rays. Your heart stopped as the object became clear. It was a girl, that much was plain. She wore no clothing, and her skin was pale. Her torso was practically hallowed out, deep, angry claw marks etched into her bloated skin, her familiar blue eyes widened in a mixture of shock and fear. Her lips were still parted as if she had been killed mid-scream, a gaping hole in her neck that made the contents of your stomach churn.
Her brown hair still clung to her face from the water, and you heard Bob let out a curse beside you. That was when you heard the screaming, a panicked, high-pitched wailing echoing along the beach. Your eyes were still trained on the body in front of you, her limbs twisted in an unnatural fashion. Your hands gripped at Bob’s arm, and you felt him run a hand over your hair as the screaming continued. Shouts could be heard coming from the street, and you felt the fresh, hot tears cascading down your face as the voices grew closer. It wasn’t until Bob pulled you into his arms, cradling your head close to his chest that you realized that it was you who was screaming. Your screams died down, turning into violent sobs as you clung to Bob, unable to block out the image of Mandy lying there, even after you closed your eyes.
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Tag List: @jakeseresinlover @haley-hotchner @queerqueenlynn @dempy @fanficfandomlove @aworldwideapart @stoptaking-the-good-names @maximus890 @sky2nd @devil-angel-winchester @hopip99 @hookslove1592 @lemmons1998 @yuckosworld @uniquedreamlandcheesecake @imamomof8 @pietrothemovie @kmc1989 @mamachasesmayhem @hangmansgbaby @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @deliriousfangirl61 @hangmandruigandmav @na-ta-sh-aa @witchybabel @keyrani @i-wanna-be-your-muse @buckysteveloki-me @clancycucumber230 @dreamlandcreations @emotionallysalty @fandom-life-12 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @nouis-bum @topherwrites @squeaky-bumblbee22 @hangmansgbaby @goldenseresinretriever @bobgasm @linkpk88 @number-0-iz @xl-pr @stillreadingfantasy @shibble @horseshoegirl
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justmeinatree · 1 year
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Everything updated oldest to newest. Send me a message to be added to taglist !
Requests accepted, not guaranteed. Just ask !
Mostly smut. Everything listed will have a TW when necessary.
Enjoy ✌️
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The Greatest Show
a group of misfits, a mysterious leader, a string of murders, and a life on the road.
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Cocaine, Side Boob, ...
harry wants to go to the beach. and there’s cocaine.
... Choke Him With A Sea View
Part 2 to Cocaine, Side Boob, ... with a hint of subrry.
Step Into The Light
you’re one of the dancers in the lights up video. harry takes a particular liking to you.
So Bright Sometimes
Part 2 to Step Into The Light … harry’s wish comes true.
I’m Not Ever Going Back
Part 3 to Step Into The Light … your wish comes true.
Just A Little Taste
harry plays into your pain kink in a way you never could have imagined (feat. lhh)
Think I’m Losing It
weed makes harry submissive. until it doesn’t.
Your Delicate Point Of View
you & harry switch bodies. and well, you’ve both always been fairly curious.
I Was Thinking About You
part 2 to Your Delicate Point Of View … the next morning.
Black And White Film Camera
photography student harry x reader autumn meet cute.
Oh, I Think She Said
a tooth rotting harryween treat.
A Wet Dream Just Dangling
vampire harry wants to eat you out.
harry drabbles/prompts tag
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Made Of Something New
you meet niall in your hotel bar. and there’s an intense connection.
Astoria - Mini Series
you find yourself trapped on a pirate ship, desperate to be saved. or is it the pirate that needs saving …
Let Passion Get Too Much
niall x louis x reader threesome. with a sprinkle of feelings.
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Empty As A Bottle Of Wine
niall gets home from tour. you’ve missed each other incredibly.
To Wake Up By Your Side
Part 2 to Empty As A Bottle Of Wine … the next morning.
Stoner Niall - Request
shotgunning with niall.
Reader Birthday - Request
waking up hungover with niall.
Dancing In The Rain - Request
you just wanted a cuddle. niall just wanted to dance.
First Christmas - Request
your first christmas tradition with boyfriend niall.
Workout Niall - Request
his breathy groans caught your attention. his barely dressed, sweaty self convinced you to stay.
niall drabbles/prompts tag
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Let Passion Get Too Much
louis x niall x reader threesome. with a sprinkle of feelings.
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Open Up And Looking Down
you get home to louis getting stoned & watching porn.
She Is Beauty
louis pisses you off to no end. you admit some things you’ve been hiding. (friends to lovers)
We Are World Class
Part 2 to She Is Beauty … back at louis’ house.
Feeling It The Most
your first time in subspace with louis.
What We Shouldn’t Do
alcohol makes you horny. weed doesn’t help.
Last Night Of Tour - Request
the aftermath of louis’ tank top being ripped off at barricade.
Teasing - Request
as niall’s sister, louis is forbidden from making a move on you. you’re not about to make that easy.
A Hard Man To Lose
part 2 to Teasing - Request … the smut.
Flirting - Request
louis meets you at a meet & greet. and he wants to know you more.
louis drabbles/prompts tag
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filmtv2022 · 1 year
In the Bleak Midwinter: Chapter Four (The Sound of Shovels)
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Previous Chapter Next Chapter (Updated Once Posted)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby X Reader
Chapter Summary: Y/N begins her healing process, and Tommy is forced to open up about the nature of the letter. Past trauma haunts Y/N, but Thomas isn't ready to give up on her yet. The two begin to find their way back to life with one another's help, but finding a new normal again after all this time proves very difficult. 
Warning: memories/nightmares of previous sexual assault + mentions of suicide + violence (in the context a war 'flashback') + some smut/heavy petting + language
A/N: First of all, sorry about the delay. Work has been off the charts, and I don't see it slowing down for a while. With that being said, I hope that you enjoy this chapter. Tommy and the reader are finally realizing how much they need each other. Additionally, I think there is another story being published right now that has the same/a similar title. That is totally okay, but I'm trying to think of a way to differentiate my story from those in the title so that readers aren't confused. Oh, and as always, I apologize for all mistakes.
** If you'd like to be tagged in future updates, let me know in the comments.
“This one’s yours.” Turning the knob, Tommy opened the door to a grand bedroom. The walls were covered in ornate carvings and elaborate paintings filled the blank spaces. The room screamed of a woman’s touch, but as of yet, there'd been no hints of other inhabitants, not even the lingering scent of perfume.
“This place is beautiful, Thomas. You and your family must be very happy here. ” Making your way across the room, you ran your fingertips along the smooth edge of the bed frame, the shake of your hand already proving to make simple actions difficult. 
With your back turned to him, you missed the way his shoulders tensed. Desperate to avoid any further conversation about him, he found himself staring at you. Your steps were as steady as they could be given the circumstances, but your hands gave away the struggle. Standing in the doorway, Tommy’s focus remained on you, scanning for signs of what was sure to come. The increasingly erratic tremble of your hands caused his body to go rigid once more.
“Y/N, there are some things you need to know.”
Glancing over your shoulder, your brows scrunched up in uncertainty, “Okay, I'm listening.”
Pushing off of the frame on which he was leaning, Thomas made his way over to you, his palm gently resting on your shoulder as he guided you down to sit on the bed, your knee bumping with his as you settled. A heavy silence filled the space as you waited for him to speak, his touch shifting to brush over your fingers. Holding your hand in between both of his, a steadying warmth rolled off of his skin as he cleared his throat but remained mute for a moment longer.  
“This is gonna get worse. You might-” 
“I know how this works, Thomas. It’s not my first time. I’ve been down this road before.” dragging your face up to meet his, a flash of worry and confusion split across his eyes, “I had a whole life before this… before I ever met William.”
There was devastation in your features. Some form of it had been there the whole time, but something deeper, more broken joined as you spoke about the past. Tommy held fast to you, his thumb smoothing over the back of your hand in an arc. 
“How long have you been back at it?”
“It was just the whiskey at first, it helped… it dulled the edges. And it was easy enough to get.” Embarrassment bled into frustration at your admission. This man deserved nothing, not an ounce of explanation, and yet, the words flowed of their own volition. 
“And the rest?”
“I buried my children, Tom. When do you think?” 
“All right.” Standing up, he started toward the door, but your words caught him before he could leave. 
“The opium... I started again with Will’s, he had an open prescription left over after he...” Tommy stopped in his tracks, turning back to look at you, a mask of calm painted over his features, “The doctor gave it to him for the headaches and the nightmares. But uhh, it didn’t work, not the way it was supposed to. He still heard ‘em.” 
“Heard what?”
“The shovels.” 
Stunned, Thomas stood staring blankly back at you, the commanding touch of his voice faltered as he finally spoke, “Someone will be around later with food. I’ve… I’ve got a meeting to get to. This door is to remain unlocked at all times, understood?” 
“Of course, and I won’t keep you.”
Watching him go, you remained seated, slipping your pantyhose off and discarding them on the floor. Wasting no time, you changed out of the clothes you’d worn to travel this morning. You were quickly running out of fresh ones, but it had yet to become an emergency. Pulling on a soft blue jumper, you pulled back on the tattered bottoms you’d worn for bed. Laying back on the pillows, you snuggled your nose in the collar of the sweater. The faint musk of tobacco and cologne lingered in the fabric. The scent was weak, barely clinging on, but it was there, the last physical reminder you had of William.  
Evening settled over the house, and the tremble in your hands intensified as the remnants of your vices left your body. Sweat coated your skin in a sticky sheen, while every muscle in your body tightened in vicious knots. The spasms were strong enough to take your breath away, but not enough to pull you into unconsciousness. You were stuck, the loop of pain and anxiety trapped you inside your mind. The real world was hazy as the memories cut like knives in the night, hacking and slicing away at your sanity. Falling somewhere between the layers of what is and what was, the food and water on the nightstand next went untouched. Darkness sat as a constant companion. 
Raised voices crashed in waves from somewhere far off in the house. The words were lost, but their desperation and anger were clear. Most were foreign to your ears, but there was one that caught the fragment of your mind that held firm to the present, Tommy’s. Even with the rage that flowed freely over every syllable, the sound of his presence brought a sense of peace to you. 
The dead of night brought with it a hollowness to Arrow House. With his family long since departed from the residence, memories of the past flooded in without hesitation. Papers were cast in haphazard piles around the desk in front of him. Running his hands over his face, Thomas pinched the bridge of his nose, shoving out the rest of the world. The small amber vial in his pocket weighed heavily on his heart. Slipping it from its hiding place, he held it firmly in his fist, letting the edges bite into his calloused skin. 
Releasing a heavy breath, Thomas moved quickly, unstoppering the bottle and bringing it to his lips. Draining it, he fell back into his chair and waited. The whisper of her voice calling to him slowly slipped into focus as the opium took control. 
“Grace” Her name was a faint prayer, begging the universe to bring her back to him.
Caught in that thin line between wake & sleep, you felt the ghostly presence of another hovering somewhere in the room but lacked the strength to respond. Panic flared white hot at the sound of approaching footsteps. Struggling to regain control of your limbs, you stirred under the covers, your breaths coming in ragged fits. The steps fell away, replaced by the press of another body. It fell hard on your chest, pinning you to the bed. Fingers dug savagely into your neck as warm breath wafted over your exposed skin, their teeth biting harshly along your chest. Terrified screams caught like barbed wire in your throat, the column of your neck strained with fear. Tears began to flow in steady streams down your cheeks, the release of emotion allowing the agonized howls to rip from your lungs. 
Tearing you from your sleep, the phantom sensations gave way to reality. Strong hands held firm to your biceps as you writhed against the touch, your eyes still jammed shut to block out the memories. A stern voice called to you, repeating your name over and over. 
“Y/N… Y/N… you’re all right. There’s no one else here, you’re safe.” 
Your eyes snapped open, but the face in front of you remained out of focus. Shoving yourself away from the figure, you pleaded in wheezing sobs, “Stop, please, get off me…” 
“It’s me, it’s Thomas. I’m not-”
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me.” Yanking yourself away from Tommy, his hands dropped from your body as if he’d been stung. 
Backing away, he raised his hands, holding them up by his shoulders showing that he meant no harm. He continued to stare, his attention never leaving you as his eyes raked over your body. Forceful sobs shook you, your face buried in your hands as a small, youthful voice rang clear through the chaos.
“Daddy, is everythin’ okay?” 
Turning to look, Thomas found his son standing in the doorway, his hair mussed up and pajamas rumpled from a deep sleep, “Everything’s all right, Charlie. Why don’t you back to your room, and wait for me there, eh?”
“But I heard the lady cryin’.”
“I know son, I know, but she’s all right. Now be a good boy go on, go.”
The light patter of bare feet on wood floors bounced into the room as Charlie took off toward his room, his little legs carrying him away as quickly as he could manage.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” you mumbled over and over, continuing to shake not from withdrawal, but from fear, “I’m so sorry Thomas.” 
Carefully, Tommy returned to your side, finding a place to sit near your feet. Avoiding any physical contact with you, he waited for your breathing to slow before speaking again.
“What happened, Y/N? Who were you seeing just now?”
Pulling your face from your hand, you went rigid at the intrusive question, “That is none of your business.”
“You just scared my child, and disrupted my home with your screamin’. I think I’ve a right to know.”
“But you don’t ‘ave a right. If you want me out just say so. I’m happy to leave. You’ve done enough already, and I’m sure my dead husband won’t care one way or the other.” 
“I’m not lookin’ for a way to get rid of you. I just… I want to know you’re okay.” 
You huffed an incredulous laugh, “I appreciate the sentiment, Thomas, but I don’t need it.” 
“Need what?”
“Your pity. I’ve had my fill of that from everyone else. I’m tired of people lookin’ at me like I’m ready to break.” 
“I don’t pity you, Y/N.” 
“You’re a liar, Tommy Shelby, I can see it in your eyes. That sad, worried look, like you’re afraid to turn your back on me lest I decide to end it all.” 
“Can you blame me for that? Given everythin’ I’ve seen it seems an honest concern.” 
“Maybe you’re right, but I still don’t fuckin’ understand your concern! You don’t know me!” 
“You’re right, I don’t. But I did know William.”
“What the hell does that have to do with me?! Why the fuck did he write that letter anyway? Why am I here Thomas?”
Standing up quickly, Tommy put space between you both as he spoke, “Because he almost died trying to save my life! And I prom-” Thomas’ voice wavered, the confession taking the wind from his lungs, “I promised him that I’d do whatever I could to keep you safe if he didn’t make it out alive.” 
“What are you talkin’ about? He never said anythin’, I never heard anythin'…” Lost and confused, you begged for more. 
Seeing the hurt wash over you, Thomas returned to your side, this time sitting close enough that your bodies touched. Your hands sought his the moment he was settled, pulling them onto your lap. 
“Tell me what happened.” 
“We were down in the tunnels, god I don’t know how many days it’d been, but we could hear the Germans through the dirt. Their shovels were working fast, closing the gap. We knew they were getting close, but when they broke through… all hell let loose. In the chaos, I don’t know what happened exactly, but they had guns. William, he… he pulled me out of the way as they fired. I got hit in the shoulder, but if it hadn’t been for him… that bullet would’ve… it would’ve ripped straight through my chest.” 
Thomas paused, his eyes glassy with images of the past. He was relieving that night over in his mind as he spoke, feeling him slip further away from the present, you held his hand tighter.
“What happened after that?” 
“They just kept comin’ with their bullets and bayonets. Shooting and stabbing. William put himself in front of me, and they got him before he could fire a shot. The others, we managed to fight them off, but by the time the threat was gone he’d lost so much blood. We tried everything we could, but it just kept pouring. I thought, everyone thought, that he wasn’t going to make it out of that tunnel.”  
Thomas exhaled a shaky breath, pausing for a moment, to collect his composure, “I stayed in the tunnel with William while the others left to go get help. He talked about you. You were the only thing on his mind as he lay there. He just kept asking for asking for you. I lied to him, I told him you were comin’, that the boys had gone to fetch you..”
“He made me promise that I’d bring him back home. So that you wouldn’t have to wonder where his body was and you could move on with your life. He made me promise that I’d make sure you were all right, that I’d take care of you, no matter what. He didn’t want you to be alone, Y/N. He lost consciousness before the medical team got to us, but he was still holding on. They managed to get him back to a field hospital. He was sent back home after he recovered.” 
The trance broke as his blue eyes found yours once again, “He loved you. And I know how broken you feel, but you can’t let the pain win. Not this time, not ever.” 
Leaning forward, you cupped his face, your thumb running along his cheekbone, “You can’t let it win either.” 
He pressed his forehead against yours, his breath was hot against your skin, the scent of whiskey and opium strong enough to sting, “Y/N.” 
“Where’s your wife, Thomas?” Turning your face away, you tried to put space between yourself and him.
Feeling you hesitate, he pulled back just enough to meet your eyes, his thumb ran over your lips, “She’s dead… because I couldn’t keep her safe. I promised I’d make her safe, and I failed.”
“You have to forgive yourself. You can’t hold onto that guilt, it’ll kill you.”
“How can I do that when it's all my fault? If it wasn’t for me she’d still be here, and Charlie’d still have his mother. I don’t deserve…” 
“Stop it, Thomas. You told me that I deserved a life, and to be happy, and the same goes for you. You deserve happiness, you deserve a life.” Your fingers found the simple metal band that adorned his hand, “There are people who need you… I need you.”
Letting go of his hand, you slid your palm along the buttons of his shirt, stopping at the collar, his breath hitched. Dropping his face closer to yours, lips touching in a near caress. Thomas panted, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he let his touch wander over your body. Gingerly, he fumbled for the hem of your jumper, one hand finding a home on your waist while the other wandered higher, cupping your breast. A gasp fell from your lips as he brushed over your nipple. Needing more, his lips found your neck, laying a line of fire from the shell of your ear to the hollow of your throat. 
“We shouldn’t do this, Thomas.” Holding him to you, your words and actions were at odds with one another. A clear depiction of the war going on in heart and mind. 
Bringing his face back to yours, Thomas captured your lips with his. It was a hungry kiss, teeth and tongue clashing in a desperate embrace as if the dam had broken, and he was holding back the flood waters with the last of his resolve, “Tell me to stop, and I will.” 
Hovering over you, he shifted so that he was kneeling, one hand gripped the headboard, while the other remained on you, waiting. Seconds passed and when no answer came, he pushed you back into the pillows and continued to work at your body. Featherlight touches over your stomach and sides sent shivers down your spine. Stunned and overwhelmed by the feeling of him, you found yourself moving without thought as he tried to take off your shirt, the collar catching before he freed it from your body. 
The chill of the room sent goosebumps across your exposed skin. Feeling you shudder, he pressed closer, the heat rolling off of him was enough to relax your muscles. Settling his weight between your thighs, he groaned as he rolled his hips into yours, relishing the sensation of having you so close. Your head fell back against the pillows as he kissed down your chest, nipping at the tender skin as he went. Soothing over the bites with his tongue, he found his way back to your breasts. Threading your fingers through his hair, you tugged roughly at the silken strands making him moan.
Laying open-mouthed kisses along your stomach, his one hand reached for your throat stopping just short, while the other ran down the outside of your thigh. A whimper tumbled from your lips as his free hand toyed with the top of your pants. Sliding the hand on your chest up the rest of the way, his wide palm spanned the width of your neck, his fingers curling around the sides applying pressure. 
Your lungs hitched, and anxiety flooded your system as the same images you’d seen in your dreams were now haunting your waking moments too. Your heart thrummed in an erratic pattern as you began to panic. Quickly the room around you started spinning, your breathing coming in rapid gasps as you wrapped your hand around his wrist and pulled hard. Tears spilled down your face as you finally managed to speak, shoving him away, “Stop, Thomas, please.” 
Crawling out of the bed, you wobble a few steps before gaining your footing and leaning against the wall. A harsh sob wracked your body as he stood up and made his way to you. Holding onto your waist he dipped down so that he could look into your eyes, “Y/N, hey, look at me… look at me, what’s wrong? Talk to me.” 
You shook your head no, unable to form the words you so desperately wanted to say. Seeing you continue to collapse further inside of yourself, he wrapped his arms around your body, one coming to rest on your lower back while the other wound into the base of your hair. Whispering words of comfort in your ear, he held you fast and let you cry. There was a conversation to be had, but not now, not until you were ready. 
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Tag Yourself : Freddy Carter x Reader SMAU
Desc: Social media AU preference for Season 2 Premiere y/n attends to support Freddy and his cast-mates
Warnings: Freddy looking far too attractive for his own good, otherwise fluff with some light flirting.
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Liked by freddycarter1, amitasuman_, benbarnes, and 523, 498 others
yourusername: The Barrel might belong to bastards, but as far as I’m concerned,he’s still the King of Thieves 🖤 #sabseason2premiere
view all 148, 394 comments
freddycarter1: 😘
kittheyounger: what a fit man 😍
yourusername: ain’t that the truth! Too bad he’s taken 😉
lbardugo: The caption is perfect y/n 🖤
shadowandbone: and how am I supposed to go on today after this 🤩
kazzles258: he’s so beautiful!
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Liked by yourusername, amitasuman_, benbarnes, and 852, 247 others
freddycarter1: The best Barrel mates.
@/nextflix Shadow and Bone Season 2 Premiere!
view all 246, 874 comments
yourusername: such a gorgeous trio! 😘
freddycarter1: thank you precious ❤️
kittheyounger: ….beg your pardon??
freddycarter1: yes?
kittheyounger: i think you’re missing a ‘barrel mate’ 🤔
freddycarter1: oh, I see the misunderstanding. I said ‘Best’ 😌
kittheyounger: i have no words…
calahan.skogman: ❤️
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Liked by freddycarter1, amitasuman_, lbardugo, and 639, 261 others
yourusername: Kazzle Dazzle living up to his nickname ✨
view all 186, 354 comments
freddycarter1: ❤️
yourusername: I seriously love that smile 😍
freddycarter1: and I seriously love you 😘
benbarnes: i need shades just to look at this photo
lbardugo: Kazzle Dazzle is canon now 🖤
shadowandbone: what a smile 😍
freddyandkaz: literally sobbing rn
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Liked by lbardugo, yourusername, benbarnes, and 727, 193 others
freddycarter1: the one who made all this possible ❤️
📸: @/yourusername
view all 237, 581 comments
yourusername: so happy to have an updated Freddy and Leigh photo 🙌🥹
freddycarter1: thanks to you being such an amazing photographer 😘
kittheyounger: 🤩
lbardugo: ❤️
shadowandbone: our Queen 👑
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Liked by freddycarter1, netflix, shadowandbone, and 746, 558 others
yourusername: the one where the crows reunite
@/netflix @/shadowandbone
view all 297, 736 comments
freddycarter1: sunning photo my dear ❤️
yourusername: you all made it pretty easy; especially you Mr. Carter 😘
kittheyounger: fam
lbardugo: this!🖤
shadowandbone: we’re stealing this 😇
sabkazzzz: we have a family photo guys!!!🙌
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Liked by yourusername, amitasuman_, jacktwolfe, and 885, 975 others
shadowandbone: Season 2 Premiere part 1, swipe through for more photos of the fun times tonight
view all 532, 467 comments
yourusername: everyone tag yourself, I’m Jack Wolfe looking at Freddy 🥰
freddycarter1: 😂 I love you x
kittheyounger: simp
yourusername: @/kittheyounger jealous much?😌
jacktwolfe: haha, i feel like it’s a instinctual response to being around Freddy 🤷‍♂️
yourusername: couldn’t agree more Jack ❤️
lbardugo: such a wonderful night!
amitasuman_: ❤️
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Liked by freddycarter1, yourusername, lbardugo, and 965, 347 others
shadowandbone: Part 2!
view all 736, 583 comments
freddycarter1: thank you @/netflix for the smashing night ❤️
benbarnes: 🖤
yourusername: I’m also tagging myself as Patrick Gibson looking at Freddy 😘
freddycarter1: lmao darling 🥹❤️
shadowandbone: us too!
lbardugo: I’ll never forget tonight! It was such an honor!
grishaforlife: living for these photos!!!
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Liked by yourusername, amitasuman_, jacktwolfe, and 685, 347 others
freddycarter1: 'Kazzle Dazzle' is officially canon so we threw a party to celebrate.
An absolutely incredible night at the 'Shadow and Bone' Season 2 Premiere @/netflix
Thank you everyone who came and celebrated with us and extra special thank yous to @/pinnaclepruk @/shawnesssss @/mrfabioimmediato @/dior @/shadowandbone and of course @/yourusername ❤️
view all 325, 886 comments
yourusername: it has to be illegal to look that good 😍
freddycarter1: 🥰 it has to be illegal to be that sweet 😘
kittheyounger: ❤️
lbardugo: 🙌 For the purpose of this comment these are jazz hands
kazswife16: sCreEeaMiNggg😭
yourusername: so proud of you gorgeous boy ❤️
freddycarter1: thank you sweetheart 😘
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Taglist: @historynerd7 @alex-kazbrekkersimp @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @nikfigueiredo
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
this absolutely screams you and your writing skills and i'm so excited to see what you do with it
we both know who's saying this to whom hehehehehe
You Bought Me a Sword!?
Written for my Drabblefest
THANK YOU SO MUCH. You and @elentiyawhitethorn both sent me this one, but I’ll see if I have another idea for this prompt heheh love you two so much ❤️❤️
Also I made it canonverse!! (Aelin’s birthday in HoF to be exact)
No warnings, 524 words
⨯ ⁺ ✦ ・ 。゚⨯ ゚♡ ✧* ・。* ★,。・:*:・゚☆
The weight in Rowan’s sack was heavy, but not in a way that made his muscles burn, no. Instead, it felt heavy for the way it filled his heart with excitement and anticipation.
It was the princess’s birthday today, and a trip that would take one morning easily became an entire day of looking for something that’d light up her face. It had been easier than he anticipated since the merchants of the town she charmed were more than happy to see him, showing him all their goods before he could ask.
Still, Rowan felt an unusual twitch in his stomach every time he tried to anticipate what Aelin would look like when she first saw it.
Entering the kitchen, it was as full as usual.
“Price Rowan.” Malakai got up from a stool. “Any news on the murder?”
At the same time, Emrys said, “Want some porridge, Prince?”
“No,” he answered Malakai, then turned to Emrys to say the same, but stopped.
It was mid-afternoon, and Aelin almost burned out days ago.
He grabbed some porridge to take upstairs. Rowan found her lying in bed, reading a book she lent from another demi-Fae from the fortress.
The princess whipped her head towards him, the afternoon sun streaking into the room making her golden hair look like a halo. “How was it?”
“Predictable.” He opened his sack and grabbed one of the two packages. “Happy birthday.”
“You didn’t!” Aelin jumped off the bed. “I thought your gift was leaving me alone.”
“That’s insulting,” With Fae speed, he whisked the package away from her when she reached for it. “but I don’t think I could grant you such a gift, Princess.”
“Good.” Aelin gave him an adorable coy smile and extended her hands towards him, clenching them. “Now I want to see the gift you can give me.” She opened the package with a loud gasp, a thrilled gleam in her eyes. “Chocolate!”
Aelin sat up on the bed, tossing one into her full lips. And she moaned, the sound so unintentionally lascivious Rowan had to glance away in order to calm down the roaring in his blood.
“God, I missed those. Thank you.” She smiled at him, her eyes so content she looked intoxicated by the chocolate truffle.
“And…” he turned to grab the—
“You bought me a sword!?” When he handed it to her, Aelin’s jaw fell slack. “It’s so pretty!”
Rowan frowned at the overjoyed princess. Really, that was what she was thinking about? How the sword looked, not the first-rate steel or the easy grip of the hilt?
She was flailing the sword award, posing with it. “I’m going to be so dangerous now!”
“You like it?”
She bent her knees, side-thrusting the sword. “Fuck yes, I do!”
“Good.” As quick as his heartbeat, he took it from her hands. “I’ll keep it with your other blades.”
Her shoulders dropped. “Oh, come on!”
Rowan barely heard her protests, he was just swallowing his conflicted feelings down, repeating one thing to himself until he believed it.
Rowan was not, under any circumstance, physically attracted to that childish display of swordsmanship. Absolutely not.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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I'm-Not-Going-To-Count-These-Sentences Sunday
Thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and @hushed-chorus for the tags! (Guess what hushed-chorus I did that thing we talked about.) Also thank you to everyone who has tagged me on other WIP-days! I really appreciate it <3
So... I'm not counting sentences this time. I write long sentences, and I make rabid use of sentence-extending punctuation. And I have this thing about posting excerpts that are semi-contained in some way. Plus it's going to take me forever to get this fic posted, so I gotta give ya'll something. THUSLY: Here have a bunch of words.
(I really should have pinned my bi-weekly updates on Wednesday, but OH WELL.)
Context: Baz POV, with Agatha in the chapel after midnight, being 17 year olds. Simon is out of the picture after Baz kinda sorta stole his voice with a tape recorder in fifth year.
“I never thanked you for saving me,” she said, with just a little too much effort at nonchalance. “You did, actually,” I said, not slowing, or sparing her so much as a glance. “You might recall how you resembled a hypothermic beached mermaid? You were quite free with your gratitude once you caught your breath. It was all very melodramatic.” There was a brief pause - possibly an attempt to work out whether my description of her was complimentary or not. Either way, it didn’t deter her. “I never got to thank you the way I wanted to,” she said, a hint of a whine working its way past her shoddily built facade. I didn’t answer right away as I fought down a sudden surge of irritation, one that threatened to trigger my more destructive tendencies - self-destructive, perhaps, but not exclusively so. The only thing worse than being considered a villain was being cast as a tragic hero - someone only misunderstood, just waiting to be saved. “Basil—“ she began, apparently ready to try something else. I stopped short, forcing her to halt both her forward movement and that regrettable demonstration of poor judgment. We were at the entrance to the chapel, now, and it was easy to crowd her against the cold statuary. “How exactly did you want to thank me, then, Wellbelove?”
Later it's entirely likely these two are going to put special effort into trying to forget any of this ever happened, because teenage mistakes are brilliant like that. You're welcome, Bazatha.
Also, super stoked to be working on a couple @caught-on-tape-fest podfics as well as cowriting with @ileadacharmedlife for the @carryon-reverse-bang. Wheeeee I can totally do this all! >.>
Tags/Hellos under the cut! (BTW regarding tags - I'm often unable to browse tumblr, so if you've posted something creative Sunday/Wednesday/for the hell of it, please feel free to tag me so I see it!)
Thanks for the tags over the past couple weeks @aristocratic-otter, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @ileadacharmedlife, @prettygoododds, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @tender-ministrations, @ic3-que3n, @artsyunderstudy, @youarenevertooold, @ivelovedhimthroughworse - I love love love seeing what everyone is up to! (Sorry if I missed anyone - apparently tags don't always work? Sigh.)
Tags and hellos also to @fatalfangirl, @katmiscellanious, @shrekgogurt, @rimeswithpurple, @alleycat0306, @ebbpettier, @supercutedinosaurs, @nightimedreamersworld, @thewholelemon, @theearlgreymage, @bubble-gumhead, @raenestee, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists (thanks for the extra notes XD), @ionlydrinkhotwater, @erzbethluna... And anyone else who wants tags, please let me know! Or just tag me! I love them.
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Chapter Nine: The Drop
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Summary: A night at the bar doesn’t go how you and Eddie thought it would and it ends with you getting punished. Eddie lets you in on some of the darker moments of his past that no one really knows about. 
Pairing: Rockstar/Bar Owner!Eddie Munson x Baker!Reader 
Words: 9K
Warnings: 18+, dom/sub dynamic, smut, spanking, vibrators, fingering, safe word used, sub drop, alcohol, mentions of drugs, jealousy, an almost bar fight, angst, cussing, overuse of pet names, Y/N used, talks of past jail time, the word whore is used a lot, mentions of canon character death by suicide. Please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Hello! Gonna be honest this chapter was hard as hell to write. I had zero motivation and I ended up re-writing a part of it like three times. I'm sorry it's been so long since my last update but here is chapter nine! As always the girl in the gif does not represent what the reader looks like, I just needed the aesthetic of a pinky promise! Please tell me what you think! Also I've never experienced sub drop so I probably didn't portray it correctly please be nice about it!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! <3
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! I will be double checking if you have your age in your bios! AGELESS OR BLANK BLOGS WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE TAG LIST!
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They say that time heals all wounds and you knew that was what you needed for your heart to get back into shape. After taking a few days to grieve you easied your way back into work, knowing Nana wouldn’t want you to dwell on her passing and soon you found yourself back in the swing of things. The kitchen was a place where you could let your stress melt away, letting you focus on the task at hand; currently that was a cupcake cake in the shape of a dinosaur. You went about adjusting the cupcakes into the perfect spots before you were confident enough to start frosting it. Outlining the dino with white buttercream you then moved onto filling it in with the light green and blue buttercream for its skin and spots. Cartoonish. Cute. The kid will love it. 
“Y/N,” Emma said as she poked her head back into the kitchen. “Mrs. Reynolds is here for that dinosaur cake.”
“Just finished!” You smiled as you picked it up and placed it in a box for your customer. “I’ll bring it right out!”
“I’ll let her know!” Emma smiled as she moved back into the front of the shop. You heard her quiet. “It’ll be out in just a minute.”
Slapping the sticker on top you picked it up and maneuvered your way out of the kitchen into the shop towards the empty register. “Mrs. Reynolds?”
“That would be me!” The red-haired soccer mom said as she stood up from your cafe table and bounced over to you. She seemed more excited about this cake then her kid probably was.
“Your order is ready!” You smiled as you placed it on the counter pushing it towards her. “I hope the birthday boy likes it!”
“I’m sure he will!” She smiled as she touched the top of the box. “Can I look?”
“Be my guest!” 
You watched as she lifted the lid and did an excited little dance. “Oh my it’s perfect! I knew you wouldn’t let me down!”
“I’m so happy you like it!” You laughed in glee holding your hands to your chest. This. This reaction is why you decided to open the bakery in the first place.
She smiled brightly at you as she closed the lid on the box and pulled it carefully into her arms, gave you a little wave, and headed towards the door with a little bounce in her step. 
Grinning, you headed back into the kitchen to finish a few more orders until you had to leave. Tonight you were going to the bar for the first time in a few weeks. You hadn’t been ready to face a lot of people since the funeral but Eddie had convinced you to come out cause the boys were playing again and getting the chance to get out and listen to your favorite band with a few drinks with friends is just what the doctor - or in this case the Dom - ordered. Plus the band would be leaving for New York soon to work on a deal and a new album with their record company and Eddie wanted to spend as much time with you as he could before he had to hop on that plane out of state for a few weeks. 
Looking at the clock you nodded to yourself and got to work on a new order. Just a few more hours and you can see your boy.
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The bar was busy tonight as you pulled into an open space in the parking lot. Grabbing your purse you pull it over your shoulder and exit your car, bumping your hip against the door to close it after you locked it. It was nice out, the heat of the day had diminished enough that your sundress could be paired with a light jacket and you were comfortable. Walking up the steps to the patio you smiled as the sound of the bass rattled your bones before you even opened the door, pulling it open as you stepped inside. By the looks of it you were late to the party, Eddie was already on stage, singing his heart out into the mic with his guitar in his hands but once he saw you his face lit up like the fourth of July. Mid song he gestured for you to come over to the stage. He wanted his hello kiss. Didn’t matter to him that he was in the middle of a performance or that you haven't even sat your purse down yet. He tossed his guitar over his shoulder so it hung against his back before he pulled the mic from the stand and knelt down, holding his hand out to you which you gave as he sang. You laugh a little at the attention he was giving you and for a moment it's like he's singing just for you, completely forgetting the crowded bar behind you. 
Once the lyrics had momentarily stopped to allow for a good second guitar solo from Jeff, Eddie moved the mic away to pull you closer with your hand, placing a kiss on your lips before he pulled back his voice starting to get raspy from singing. “Hi baby.” 
“Hi.” You smile up at him, your sweaty rocker. “You look sexy up there.” 
“Yeah?” He asks, his eyebrows disappearing under his bangs as he fakes shock before a smirk graces his plush lips.
“Yeah.” You nod before tapping his hand holding the mic with a little smirk of your own. “You have a song to finish. I'll be at the bar.” 
He nodded with a chuckle pulling you back in for one more kiss before he let you go with a wink and let out an over exaggerated groan as he stood up just to make you laugh. Puting the mic back on the stand he pulled his guitar back into place as he started to sing again.  
You mouthed the words along with him as you walked to the bar, knowing the song by heart since college, and a smile flashed on your face as you noticed Lizzy sitting with her back to you. Slowly you crept up behind her and placed your hands over her eyes laughing as she jumped in surprise. “Guess who?!”
Lizzy’s hands came up quickly to grab yours, her fingers feeling around for anything that would give away who it was. “Well the band’s still playing and these hands are way too soft to be Jeff’s. I was just talking to Robin so… it has to be… Y/N!”
You laughed as she pulled your hands away so she could turn on the stool to face you as you perched yourself on the stool next to her. “Hey!” 
“Hey! How have you been? Are you doing okay?” She asked with a low concerned voice, her hand rubbing up and down your arm. 
“I've been alright,” You smiled tilting your head a little with a small shrug. “Finally getting back to normal.”
“That's good. If you ever need to talk you know Robs and I are here for you.” Lizzy said as Robin slid you your usual drink order.
“Thank you.” You said for both the drink and her offer. It was nice to have friends like the ones you made here at the bar, you’ve missed them. “Where’s Steve? I thought he was working tonight.”
“Over there.” Robin said pointing behind you. 
Steve seemed almost back to his old self. He was always able to move on with things faster than you ever could, but Nana's passing took a toll on him, you could see it. His smile wasn’t as wide as it normally would have been but by the look of it he wasn’t doing too bad of a job flirting with a girl at a table by the stage. 
You smiled at your cousin when he looked up at you with his own little grin. Yeah. You guys would be okay. Moving your gaze back to the stage you watched as the band finished their last song on a strong note, Eddie always loved a big finish when it came to his performances on stage. He was sweaty and winded but smiling at the ceiling lights as the last note was played, he really loved what he did. Turning to Robin you ordered Eddie a water knowing that his throat would need it after all that singing.
The crowd went wild as the band moved off the stage to take a break and mingle with the patrons of the bar. Eddie stopped at a few tables on his way to the counter, to you, he was checking in on the crowd seeing if they were having a good time or needed anything else. A few people slapped him on the back making him laugh with a well placed joke or comment. Soon he was behind you, his arms going around your waist so his chin could lean on your shoulder. “There’s my beautiful girl.”
“Well hello handsome.” You smiled as you looked at him the best you could from the awkward angle he was forcing. “You sounded great tonight. Sorry I missed most of it.”
“It’s okay. We’re playing again another day.” Smiling he kissed the side of your neck before he pulled back with a fake little pout. “And are you saying I don’t sound great every other night?”
“Yeah…” You smirked, it was time to mess with him. “You were a little pitchy last time.”
“Pitchy?!” He gasped as he leaned back to look you in the eye, his eyes narrowed when he saw that little gleam of mischief in them. Tickling your side he pushed his nose into your hair so he could whisper in your ear. “Oh you are such a brat.”
Your laugh was interrupted as the small redhead from open mic night walked up to Eddie. She was back in her tight corset and short skirt.“You were great tonight Eddie!”
“Huh?” He asked as he pulled back a little to look at her. Misty. She was a nice girl but extremely pushy. There was no telling how many times he had turned her down. “Oh, thanks Misty.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” She asked, lifting her hand towards the bar, cocking her head to the side in a flirtatious manner.
“No thanks, Misty. I’m good.” Eddie said as you passed him the water that you had asked Robin for. “My girls got that taken care of. Thanks baby."
“You’re welcome.” You smiled as you looked over at her before you turned around to take a sip of your own drink. 
“Then maybe I can buy you dinner sometime?” She batted her eyelashes at him this time. She was laying it on thick, trying to get Eddie to fall for her in some way shape or form. 
This whole conversation was awkward to be in the middle of and you looked over at Lizzy and Robin with a wide eyed glance. Was this girl really trying to pick up your boyfriend right in front of you? Lizzy gave you a knowing look back while Robin just shrugged and went about making a new drink for another customer. She had seen this time and time before, she knew Eddie wouldn’t go for it.
Eddie sighed, leaning his head against the back of yours as he rolled his eyes and whispered into your hair so quietly that you barely heard him, “She doesn’t give up…” Before he lifted his head and looked over at her. “No, thank you. I’m not into cheating. The only girl I’m going out to dinner with is this pretty girl right here.”  
“So… You're dating someone?” She asked in shock as she looked you over behind your back. Her tone made you look over your shoulder at her. “You told me you weren't interested in dating anyone right now.” 
“And I wasn't. Then I met her and I changed my mind. As a fully functioning adult and human with free will I'm allowed to do that.” Eddie said as he set the cup down on the counter next to your drink after he took a gulp of it, one of his hands caressed the small of your back while his other one sat on his hip.
Misty's lips puckered like she just sucked on a lemon and her eyes narrowed. “I've been trying to get your attention for months and this chick walks in one night and you fall all over her?!”
“Look Misty,” Eddie sighed as he dropped his hand from his hip to your thigh rubbing it up and down. “I don’t have to explain myself to you. If you don’t like the fact that I’m dating someone you don’t have to come back.”
“But that’s not fair!” She snapped looking at you again with a glare. You didn’t look like the type of girl Eddie would go for. What could he see in you? “She’s not even your type!”
Eddie blinked at her before he turned to look over at you, he took in your hair, your eyes, the little smile you always gave him when you looked at him. “Nah, she’s definitely my type.”
All of Misty’s questions and arguments were starting to get to you. So what if you didn’t dress like her? Sure you didn't dress the way people thought Eddie would like, you weren’t a metalhead or even a punk but Eddie was your boyfriend, your dom. He likes you for you. Rolling your eyes a little you look back at your drink trying to ignore Misty the best you could. 
Taking a deep breath Misty straightened her shoulders and stomped away back to her spot at the other end of the bar. 
“Well she's pissed.” You mutter at Eddie as he invades your space again. “Does she bother you a lot?”
“Yeah. She started coming around for a few months before you did and I made the mistake of sleeping with her. She has not left me alone since.” He shrugged as he laid his chin back on your shoulder. “She'll find someone else to cling on to, that's kinda what she does. I feel bad for hurting her feelings but she won't take no for an answer.”
“My offer to fight her still stands, Eddie Bear.” Lizzy said as she took a drink looking a little too eager to fight the redhead.
“And while I appreciate it, I think Jeff would kill me if I let that pretty face get hurt.” Eddie said as he poked her nose before he leaned over giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for the offer though.” 
You and Eddie laughed as Lizzy put her fists up punching the air in front of her slightly. “Just say the word.” 
“Hey Eddie!” Someone shouted over the music getting his attention. The older man waved in a come here motion. 
“Be right back babe. Behave. Both of you.” He said kissing the side of your head and ruffling Lizzy's hair, cause he knows she hates it, as he went by to see what was up.
“One day that boy is going to learn the hard way about messing with a black woman's hair…” Lizzy snarked as she fixed her ponytail. 
“I would pay to see that!” You said raising your drink in her direction. 
Lizzy lifted her own drink and tapped your glass with hers. “And I will take your money!”
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After a while Gareth had taken up residence on the stool next to you, leaning over the bar to grab a lime slice to go with his tequila shot. “I have been looking forward to this shot all night!”
“Only one shot?” You asked as you watched him down it before he bit into the citrus in his hand.
“I promised my wife I wouldn’t drink a lot tonight.” He muttered around the slice. “She wants to have a serious conversation and being hung over is not an option.”
“Ooooh…” Lizzy smirked as Jeff wrapped his arms around her. “Trouble in paradise?”
“Maybe she’s pregnant…” You offered as you gave him a playful wide eyed look that made him nervous.
“Stop it.” Gareth quipped as he threw the rind at you. “I’m not ready to be a dad yet!”
You and Lizzy laughed at him as you took the last sip of your drink. Putting the empty glass on the counter you smiled as Robin and Steve joined you both behind the counter passing out drinks and taking payments. Eddie flitted about the bar going in between loving on you, taking smoke breaks, and talking to the people who had come out to see them play. It was just like old times and exactly what you needed, well except for the glares of a certain redhead being thrown your way from across the bar, you could have done without that, but you just ignored her. She wasn’t your problem.  
One of the times that Eddie had found himself behind the bar you hopped off the stool you were perched on and went around the counter. Since you were the boss's girlfriend you were more than welcome behind the bar but you mainly stayed on your stool more than content to watch them mix and serve drinks, you didn’t like feeling like you were in the way. Tonight though you had a plan to mess with Eddie. You needed to make a little bit of trouble to get back into the swing of things so to speak in your dynamic with him. He’s been treating you like spun glass since Nana passed and while you were grateful you were ready to go back to your regularly scheduled program. 
Coming up behind Eddie you wrapped your arms around his waist as he leaned on the counter talking to an older gentleman you haven't met before. His hand dropped down to hold yours as he looked over his shoulder at you, “Hey sweetheart. Come here I wanna introduce you to someone.”
You let him pull you around so you were standing between him and the bar so you could see the older man. “Hi.”
“Hey kiddo,” He said in his gruff voice. He was balding and the little hair he did have was gray and white, scruff covered the lower half of his face. He had the same kind look in his eyes that Eddie did. 
“Y/N, this is my Uncle Wayne.” Eddie introduced as he smiled down at you. “Wayne, this is my girlfriend Y/N.”
“Nice to finally meet the girl that Ed doesn’t shut up about.” Wayne smiled as he held his hand out for you to shake.
You laughed as you shook his hand. “He’s told me so much about you too! Please tell me you have embarrassing stories?!”
Wayne laughed as he took a sip of his beer. “Oh you bet I do. That boy’s been an adventure since the moment he stepped foot in my house!”
“Fuck...” Eddie sighed leaning his head back towards the ceiling. “This was a terrible idea.” 
The three of you chatted for a while laughing as Wayne told you of the time a young Eddie tried and almost succeeded in befriending the raccoon that dug through their trash at night. “That animal bit his arms up real good. He’s lucky there was little to no scarring. We spent almost a full night at the ER making sure that boy didn't get rabies!”
Snorting into your water you looked up at Eddie as he rolled his eyes. “A raccoon really?”
“What?! They’re wearing masks! They look like cute little bandits! I thought I could teach him to help me steal snacks!” He laughed. “I went for an easier pet next time.”
“A possum.” Wayne laughed into his glass as he finished the last mouthful. “He kept a possum in his room for three days until I found it. Little bastard started hissing at me from under the bed.”
“I would have gotten away with it too if you didn’t go searching for cigarettes.” Eddie mumbled into his own beer.
You shook your head as you laughed. 
“Laugh it up babe,” Eddie smirked as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, making you bite your lip to hold back your smile. “We’ll see who gets the last laugh later.”
Wayne smiled at the two of you as he pushed his empty glass away and stood up from his stool. “Time for this old man to head home. This is enough excitement for me for one night. Moving from the night shift to the day shift has me all tired.”
“You know you can always retire.” Eddie said as he watched his father figure stretch his tired muscles. “I can pay your bills as you do whatever you want. Shit you could go fishing everyday for all I care.”
“Maybe next year. But you ain’t payin’ for shit, I got my money handled just fine.” Wayne said with a look at Eddie before he turned to you. “It was nice meeting you sweetheart. You and Ed should come by for dinner soon.”
“I would love that!” You smiled.
“You two have a goodnight. I’ll talk to you later, son.” He said, leaning over the counter to pat  Eddie on his shoulder. Taking his wallet from his back pocket he dropped a couple bucks on the counter for his beer and gave you both a little wave before he moved through the crowded bar towards the door.
“I like him.” You smile as you look up at Eddie as he grabs the money off the counter and puts it into the tip jar. He would never tell his uncle that his money was no good here. So no matter the amount Wayne left on the counter it went straight into the tip jar for Robin and Steve to divide up later.
“He likes you too.” He smiled as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. 
“You think so?”
“I know so.” Eddie nodded as he looked down at you. “He wouldn't have invited you to dinner if he didn’t.” 
The thought made you smile, you had somehow won over his uncle, that was a big step. But you had no time to sit in that moment because now it was time to put your plan into action. Slowly you slipped your hand into the pocket of your sundress and produced a shitty pair of plastic handcuffs. It was the type you would get in a childs police officer costume. A kid at the bakery insisted on trading them for a cookie, a free cookie, but hey a trade was a trade. They were easy to break and wouldn’t hurt Eddie but it would get the point across and that’s what mattered. Quickly you slapped the cheap cuff onto his wrist and the otherside onto the handle of one of the fridges that sat under the counter. 
Eddie raised his brows at you as you ducked away from him when he went to grab you, a little smirk on his lips. He jostled his wrist that the plastic was holding him hostage. “Really?”
Jeff and the other boys leaned on the counter to get a better look and laughed at Eddie's plight. Biting his lip Jeff chuckled at him. “Gonna be the sub tonight Ed?”
“Shut up.” He muttered as he pulled a little on the cuff before looking over at you. “You wanna play this game?”
“Maybe,” You shrugged, sticking your tongue out at him. You winked as you took a step back out of his reach when he lunged for you, the tiny fridge door opening as he moved. “Careful baby. Don’t want to hurt your wrist.”
“The only thing that’s going to hurt tonight is that cute little ass of yours.” He smiled as he took a step back to close the door and fiddle with the cuff until it fell off his wrist. Standing up straight he pointed to the ground in front of him. “Get over here.”
“Hmmm,” You hummed as you rocked back and forth in your converse. “No.”
“Child.” A scoff sounded from behind you. 
Turning you looked at Misty as she rolled her eyes at you. “Excuse me?”
“I said you’re a child.” She sneered as she propped her head on her palm. “Why would you embarrass him like that? In his own bar? In front of his band?”
“I wasn’t…” You shook your head. You were just playing. Your brows scrunched together as you stared at her, your hands balling into fists at your sides. It was just a prank.
“Misty.” Eddie said in warning as he came up behind you. “Don’t listen to her baby, you're fine. You didn’t embarrass me.”
“I don't know what he sees in you…” She said ignoring Eddie. “You’re nothing special.”
Your eyes narrowed slightly as you stared at her. 
“And you think you are?” Lizzy asked as she leaned on the counter to get a look at her from where she sat not too far away. Jeff put his hand on her shoulder in warning.
“I would be better for him than you will ever be.” Misty said as she leaned in towards you. “I wouldn’t embarrass him or act like a child. I would be the perfect submissive.”
“Enough.” Eddie warned as he put his hand on your shoulder. “Don't listen to her Y/N… Hey. Look at me.”
You turned and looked at him, he didn’t seem bothered by your prank, so instead of dwelling you took a deep breath and rolled your eyes at Eddie to show your frustrations and shook your head turning back to look at Misty. “I’m not having this conversation. I’m sorry you feel slighted but that’s not my fault. Have a goodnight.”
“Scared I’m right?” She called as you started to walk away.
“No,” You shook your head again at her. “I just think this conversation is stupid. You’re just mad that Eddie made a choice and it wasn’t you. Simple as that.”
“Come on baby.” Eddie said, pulling you away from Misty. He wanted to get you as far away from the bitter woman as quickly as possible.
“I bet he’s only putting up with you cause you put out like a cheap whore.” Misty snapped, throwing one more jab at you as you turned to walk away. 
Your steps faltered as you snapped your head around to face Misty. You were getting really tired of people who don’t know or care about you calling you a whore. “Wanna say that again?”
“I said. You’re. A. Cheap. Whore.” 
Eddie could see you were about to fly over the counter at her so he grabbed you around the waist pulling you back to him. Your back slamming against his chest. “Okay, calm down, feisty pants.” 
Looking at Misty he glared at her for a moment before he was distracted by you. You were fighting Eddie's hold on you not caring that your nails were digging into his arm as you tried to get at her but he wasn't having it. Leaning down so only you could hear he muttered in your ear. “Take it easy, she's not worth it.” 
“Eddie. Let me go!” You said as you tried to lunge for her, making her take a step back in shock she hadn't expected that. She had expected you to sulk like a child not try to fight her. The other patrons of the busy bar turned to see what the commotion was about. “I'm not going to hurt her, I'm just going to rip her hair out!” 
“No you won’t.” Eddie said sternly as you struggled in his arms.
“I’ll do it…” Lizzy said moving to get off the stool but Jeff pulled her back with a hand on the back of her neck. That shut her up quickly but she was still seething.
“Let me go Eddie!” 
“Nope.” Eddie announced and lifted you off the ground easily, carrying you out from behind the bar and over to the stairs. As he placed you back down on your feet he blocked you from getting back down the steps. His dom voice in full effect as he pointed at the ground “Stay here.” 
You tried to push past him but he wasn’t going to budge. Sometimes you forget how stupid strong your boyfriend is. You wouldn’t know it by looking at him but he wasn’t a pushover. With both hands on the railings as he took a step up so he could now tower over you. “Enough Y/N. Get upstairs. Now.”
Glaring at him you stomped your foot like the child Misty said you were. You hissed out his name before he gave you a stern look making you huff in anger before stomping up the stairs muttering the entire time.
He watched you go before turning around to look at Misty. The anger he felt in his chest for her was overpowering. He had never regretted sleeping with someone more than in this moment. She had put some weird claim on him and that was ending right now. He was never comfortable with the attention that Misty had lavished him with but he dealt with the photos and her slipping him her number, not wanting to look like some asshole rockstar but tonight he wasn’t having it. Enough was enough. You had finally felt okay enough to come back out and she had to open her big mouth. Dom voice still out to play he moved back to the counter glaring at her. “You need to leave.”
“She tried to attack me!”
“You provoked her.” Eddie said, trying to stay calm. “Everyone saw it.”
“But Eddie..” She muttered as she looked around. 
“No.” He said with a shake of his head. “I’m not interested in your excuses, Misty. Whether you like it or not, I have a girlfriend. So I won’t be having dinner or drinks with you tonight or ever. It’s time to let that idea go. You’re no longer welcomed here. Get out."
“You made a mistake picking her. You'll see.” Misty seethed for a moment before she flipped her hair over her shoulder and grabbed her purse muttering about not wanting to be in this shit bar anyway under her breath.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Eddie yelled back at her. Watching her leave he sighed as he looked at his friends. “Make sure she doesn’t come back, yeah? I need to check on Y/N.”
“No problem..” Robin said with a nod. She was happy to see her go but watching that scene had ramped up her anxiety a little. She would not have pegged you for the fighting type.
“I'll make sure of it,” Steve said with a nod and a serious look on his face. It had been a long time since he's seen you like that and he hated every single second of it. Moving around the counter he followed Misty’s path and stood at the door watching as she got in her car and drove away. 
Nodding his thanks, Eddie walked through the crowd and up the steps to the top landing, moving around the walkway until he was at his door. He took a moment to calm himself a bit more before he opened the door. He needed to go in with a level head. Twisting the knob he pushed the door open slowly, he could hear you muttering to yourself and he had to duck the moment he walked through the door as a pillow sailed through the air towards his head hitting the wall next to him. Closing the door behind him, he grabbed it from the floor and tossed it back on the couch. “Easy babe."
“I'm… ugh!” You cried as you paced around the living room. “You should have let me hit her!”
“That wouldn’t have made the situation better.”
“It would have made me feel better!”
“Calm down sweetheart.” Eddie said, holding his hands up. “She’s gone anyway.”
“Tell me to calm down one more time.” You threaten glaring at him as he walks farther into the room. Huffing you watched him cross his arms again, his eyebrows disappearing under his bangs. 
“If you don't lose the tone I’m going to beat it out of you. Take a breath.” Stepping into your path he grabbed your shoulders rubbing his thumbs over your spaghetti strap covered shoulders. “Don't let her get to you like this. She’s not worth any of this.” 
“Did you hear what she said? She called me a whore. I'm so sick of being called a whore for no reason. First my dad and then that bitch! She was acting like we didn’t belong together. Just cause I don’t dress or act like her… like she’s so fucking special.” If the situation wasn’t so hostile Eddie would have said that angry look on your face was hot. But now was not the time and you were still ranting. Once you got started it was hard to stop. “You make me happy… and I make you happy right? So she has no place to talk about our relationship…”
“Yes baby you make me very happy and you're right she doesn't. But right now I'm very disappointed in how you handled that situation.” He said as he cupped your jaw in his big palms.
“What? Why?” You asked, your eyes wide with shock. It's not like you actually hit her. 
“Let's count. You handcuffed me to a fridge, almost started a fight in my bar, was a complete brat on the stairs, and then you threw something at me. If we count all those offenses up you owe me… five per offense… so twenty hits.” 
You whined at him with a pout wanting to protest. It wasn't your fault! “She started it, that's not fair Eddie!”
“Nope, nuh uh, not getting out of this. I understand you didn’t start it and that you were upset but you almost jumped someone. I've never seen you act like that, and as incredibly hot as that was, that’s not how good girls act is it? So..” He kissed your forehead before he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the couch making you face away from him. “Get undressed.”
“But Ed-Sir I-”
“No more buts. Strip and wait for me.” He said as he gave your ass a slap. “That doesn’t count as one.”
“Yes, Sir.” You mumbled as you started to pull your dress off your form. You listened as he moved around the room, the sound of a drawer opening caught your attention as you tossed your dress on the usual spot, the one chair he had in his living room, your panties soon joining it after you toed off your shoes and socks. You heard him walk back towards you, felt the heat of him against your back but he never touched you, not yet. You wanted so badly to look over your shoulder at him but you also wanted to hear him call you a good girl again so you had to listen. 
Eddie moved around you, setting down the items he had in his hand before he took a seat on the center cushion of the couch holding his hand out to you. “Come on baby. No more waiting.”
Sighing, you took his hand and let him pull you over his lap adjusting you to his preference, your ass on his lap and your chest on the cushion next to him. Then he started your punishment, by kneading the fat of your ass. You gasped and wiggled when he gave a couple of quick slaps to your sit spots. 
“Sit still.” He commanded as he continued his slaps breaking them up with more kneading. 
“Sorry Sir.” You whispered as you counted the slaps in your head when he went past twenty you glanced back at him. 
“This is just a warm up baby.” He said giving you one more powerful smack before kneading the spot. Once he was sure you were ready, the blood flowing to your bottom heating your skin, he grabbed the wooden paddle and showed it to you. “Twenty hits. Count them out for me, you can cry if you gotta. What’s your safeword?”
“Red, Sir.”
“Good. Deep breath.” He waited until you took your breath before he started, the sound of the paddle making a loud crack against your skin had you gasping and your eyes closed at the pain. He was starting out easy.
“Three.” You clenched your fists on the cushion. The hits were getting steadily harder as he hit you in quick succession. “Four, five, six.”
“Why are you being punished, baby?” He asked as he smacked you again.
“S-seven. I almost started a fight..” You muttered your eyes starting to tear up. This hurt so damn bad. “A-and I was a brat and threw a pillow at you.”
“And?” Another two smacks on your sit stops. 
“Eight! Nine! I handcuffed you to the fridge!” You cried as you tried to not focus on the pain when he smacked you again. Shame welled up in your chest making you feel terrible. “Ten!”
He took a break then, rubbing the small of your back as you tried to control your breathing tears falling down your cheeks. “Doing so good, baby. Ten more. You can do it.”
The last ten hurt so badly that you shoved your face in the cushion to hide your sobs as he hit harder and harder and you counted higher and higher. At one point you swung your arm back to try and stop him but he just grabbed your wrist and held it tightly at the small of your back. “Don’t do that. I could hurt you. A bruised ass is nothing compared to broken fingers.”
“I’m sorry, Sir!” 
The very last one was the worst, making you cry out into the room. “Twenty!”
“That’s it. All done. You did so good sweetheart. So good for me aren’t you, baby?” He said as he dropped the paddle on the cushion next to him out of your line of sight and pulled you up carefully to sit in his lap. Your flaming cheeks hitting his jeans made you hiss out in discomfort as he cuddled you. “Deep breaths. Good girl. My sweet girl.”
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled into his shoulder as you leaned into him. “I’m sorry, Sir.” 
“It’s okay baby. Water under the bridge right?”
“Y-yes Sir,” You nodded sniffling. That feeling of shame was still sitting heavy in your chest, this punishment didn’t make you feel better at all. How could you have been so thoughtless? Trying to fight that girl, you were just as ugly as she was. Nana would be disappointed in you. She taught you better than this. Whore.
He leaned back on the couch letting you get comfortable on his lap as he ran his hand up and down your arm, whispering sweet things to you as you settled down. “You okay? What's your color?”
You didn’t feel okay but you nodded anyway. Placing a kiss on the side of his neck you looked up at him as he maneuvered you to straddle his thighs with his hands on your hips. Sniffing you wiped under your eyes. “Green, Sir.”
“You sure?” He asked as he watched you. He searched your eyes trying to see if he needed to call it.
“I'm okay," You nodded. You felt heavy in a bad way but you continued to nod anyway. “I'm okay.”
“If you're sure, beautiful.” He mumbled as he looked into your red and mascara smudged eyes. “You gonna continue to be a good girl for me?”
“Yes, Sir.” You nodded.
“Took your punishment so well. I think you deserve a reward.” A mischievous little grin grew on his face as he manhandled you so you were standing between his legs with your back to him as he brought your hands behind you and placed a pair of leather cuffs around your wrists. 
Usually this would have done something for you. Excitement would have burst through your veins but all you felt was a tightening on your chest and a sick feeling in your gut. You didn't want to do this. Your safeword was at the tip of your tongue but when he turned you around the smile he gave you made you swallow it. He looked so proud of you and happy to be doing something you usually both found fun and you had caused him so much trouble tonight. Could you really ruin his night even more? Giving him the best smile you could muster, you let him move you around so you were back on the couch, the fabric rubbing against your abused bottom as you laid down. You moved around until you found a comfortable position for your hands and watched down your body as Eddie picked up the vibrator from the same cushion the paddle sat on. 
You heard it before you felt it and jumped a little as the head of the vibrator hit your clit. Closing your eyes you tried to focus on that, just focus on how the vibrator made you feel. It felt good but you still couldn't get into the right headspace. You were thinking too much. Whore. Shame still bubbling inside you. He said you didn't but you couldn't stop thinking about how you had embarrassed Eddie in his own home, in front of his friends and patrons and fans. Tears bit at your eyes making them sting. Whore. You felt his fingers start to prod at your entrance but you weren't wet enough. This wasn't what you wanted. The tears you were holding back finally pushed through and you were sinking into the shame that was drowning you as you gasped out your safeword. “Red... Eddie red. Red.”
His eyes snapped up to you as he stopped immediately, you felt him move his hand away from you and heard as he tossed the vibe on the table. His hands came back towards you grabbing your shoulders gently and pulled you to him to lean on his chest as he reached around you to get the cuffs off. Tossing them to the side he pulled you into his lap again his arms holding you tight as if he could hold you together while you cried into his shoulder. “Shhh it's okay baby. You're okay.” 
“I'm sorry,” You repeated as you sobbed. “I'm sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry I didn't notice you weren't in the right headspace. I'm proud of you for using your safeword. Such a good girl.” He whispered into your hair as he rocked you, shushing you the whole time.
“I have to go. I need to leave.” You muttered as you tried to pull away, shaking your head. You needed to stop being a burden and hide away with your shame. You embarrassed him. You weren’t any better then Misty, and you brought shame to yourself and the memory of your grandmother. Was she watching you right now? Was her spirit mad at you for being so weak and letting Eddie do this to you? Did she think you were a whore too? Everyone else seemed to think you were. 
“No baby, no.” Eddie said, shaking his head. Leaning back so he could get a good look at your face he cupped your jaw gently, his big brown eyes searching yours as you cried. It was finally happening. You were dropping. “No sweetheart, you're not going anywhere. I got you. I'm right here. I’ll take care of you.” 
You shook your head but continued to let him hold you as he grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch. Pulling it over you to warm you, tucking it around your body, careful of your stinging ass. He simply held you for a long time. Knowing that after a scene you needed that closeness as he brought you back down but today the quiet did nothing to settle your racing thoughts but having him just holding you helped a little. You started to calm down and your tears were finally drying up. He moved, bundling you up more and laying you gently on the couch before he got up and went into the bathroom to get some lotion for your butt. You watched as he moved into the kitchen to get your aftercare snacks. He managed to juggle all the things in his hands as he came back over setting them down on the table. 
Handing you your water bottle he stroked your head calmly as he watched you take small sips before you handed it back and he gave you some fruit snacks. Placing your bottle on the floor next to you for when you needed it. He also had your favorite chocolate sitting there in case you wanted some. Holding up the bottle of lotion, he smiled at your little nod and helped you turn around lifting the blanket up and off your bare ass so he could rub some on. You hissed a few times but made no real objection to his gentle massage. The lotion was cool and it felt nice as you wiped your nose on the blanket.
“I saw that,” He chuckled as he finished rubbing the lotion into your skin. Pulling the blanket back down he set the lotion back on the table and helped you turn back around moving your head so he could sit down and you could use his thigh as a pillow. His hand is now sitting softly on your chest while the other stroked your hair some more. “Feeling better?”
“Not really.” You mumbled.
“Wanna talk about what happened?” He asked as he played with a lock of your hair. “You can tell me anything, you know that right?” 
“I know.” You hiccupped as you looked up at him. You thought for a moment and then you told him everything. All of your feelings, the shame you felt, how you were sure your Nana was angry with you, how you were starting to feel like everyone was right and maybe you are a whore. 
“No.” Eddie shook his head. “None of that is true. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You're not a whore, and your grandmother isn't mad at you.”
“It's not the first time someone's called me a whore you know? There was this guy in college. We had been fooling around for a while and I brought this up and he rejected it. Told me that this kind of stuff was for whores and he couldn’t be with a whore. I told him to fuck off. I don't know why it bothered me so much this time.” You sniffed, biting your lip.
“First of all, if you ever see that guy, point him out. I’ll punch him in his stupid face. Second, you've had a hard few weeks, baby. A lot has happened that’s thrown you for a loop.” He said as he dragged his finger over your forehead and down your nose. “Not to mention we rushed into this today. It was your first night playing in a while and I had to give you a punishment and not one of the fun ones you like. I misjudged that. I'm sorry.”
“It's not your fault.” You said taking your hand out of the blanket to reach for his face. You smiled a little when you felt him kiss your palm and hold it to his cheek. “I know I was being a brat. Are you okay? I didn’t upset you did I?”
“No baby you didn’t.” Eddie said as he shook his head. He was now only disappointed in himself for not seeing the signs but all he could do was make a note of it and do better next time. No one was perfect, not even him. He smiled down at you. “I'm fine. I could use some cuddles though. Wanna get in your Pj's and watch TV while we cuddle?”
“Yes please.” You nodded as you went to sit up, Eddie helping you with a little push on your back to help you. He followed you up not long after, watching as you walked to the bathroom to wash your face. He took a detour to his dresser to grab your Pj's.
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It's been about an hour since the start of your drop and you still weren't feeling like yourself. This is the first time you've ever dealt with it so you didn't even know how long it was supposed to last. Has Eddie ever dealt with this? Did it always feel like this? Sighing, you adjusted on the couch as you curled into Eddie as best you could. You both had been mindlessly watching some cartoons on the TV. You think it was Futurama, that's what Eddie said it was at least. 
“You okay baby?” He asked as he played with the back of your sleep shirt. The one you always wore here, the Iron Maiden one. Eddie tilted his head at you, his hair being mushed by the pillow under it. 
“Just thinking.” You said looking up at him. “You said you were a sub before you were a dom right?”
“Mhm.” He nodded. 
“Have you… dropped… before?” 
“Plenty of times.” He confirmed as he looked down at you, his hand still fiddling with your shirt. “I would hit a real low sometimes. I had a lot to work through at that time and the drops only made it worse. It felt really lonely.” 
“This doesn't feel like loneliness…” You give him a sad look. “How long does this usually last?”
“It’s different for everyone. It could be a few hours or a few days. All we can do is make sure you're feeling comfortable and safe. I'll be right here with you for as long as you need. I'm not letting you go through this alone.” 
You nodded looking back at the TV. You needed something else to distract you, the cartoon wasn't cutting it. “Tell me about your time as a sub? How did you get into all this?”
Eddie stared at you for a bit, like he was thinking of a way out of this conversation and for a moment you thought he was going to avoid it all together but instead he sighed and closed his eyes. “It's not a fun story and I'm not proud of it. I made mistakes when I was younger and I paid for them but I need you to understand that I'm not that kid anymore. I've grown up a lot. Can you listen with an open mind?”
You nodded your head. What could he possibly tell you that would make you think any differently? “I will. I promise.” 
“Okay.” He said as he took a breath trying to figure out how to start his sad tale. “Remember how that night on the porch when we talked about our parents, I told you I lived with Wayne until I was about twenty?”
“Yeah.” You nodded blinking up at him.
“When I was twenty I was still living with Wayne in that one bedroom trailer, I was in my third year as a high school senior, and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t find a job in that town to save my life. Everyone thought that I was no good. The town freak. Because I didn’t dress like the others, or listen to their shitty music, and I played D&D. I was the devil sent to corrupt their children and since I was doing so poorly in school I was seen as unreliable for the workforce so no one would hire me. Wayne was working long hours at the plant to keep us above water but money was tight so I did the only thing I could. I met up with the local dealer, Reefer Rick, and I started dealing for him. I was good at it. Jocks, cheerleaders, burnouts, nerds, desperate housewives, stuffy business men; you name them I gave them drugs. Weed mostly, a few pills here and there, but I never sold the hard stuff and I tried not to sell to minors.” Eddie always tried to be smart about who he sold to. He closed his eyes as if he could look back in time and see where it all went wrong. “There was this one girl that year, Chrissy, she was the Queen of Hawkins High. Popular, a cheerleader, always smiling but no one knew how terrible her home life was. She was stressed, had trouble sleeping, and just needed help. She asked to meet up after school for a deal and I tried to sell her weed but she needed something stronger, so I sold her Special K. Ketamine.”
You blinked at him completely enraptured by his story. He looked so sad. You had never seen him like this before, so you did your best to wrap your arms around him as he took a moment. Saying her name after all these years made his chest tighten and he took in a little stuttered breath, his hand stopped moving as he clenched your shirt in his fist. 
“What I didn’t know was that she had been stockpiling the pills. Her mother was hard on her, she always had to be perfect, and one day she just couldn’t do it anymore. She OD’d on the drugs I had sold her. If I had known this was her plan I would have never sold them to her. Her friends knew she was buying from me so when that happened they told the cops where she got them, they came and searched the trailer. Found my stash and I was arrested for possession and the selling of illegal substances. They tried to get me for her death but since I just sold the pills and didn’t force her to take them they couldn’t. I also got a lighter sentence because I ended up cutting a deal and giving them the name of my supplier. In the end I was sentenced to five years in prison.”
“Oh, baby.” You muttered as you hugged him. “Five years?”
“I only served three out of the five I was sentenced to. Got out early for good behavior with one year of probation.” He looked down at you now, that sadness was still pinching at his features. “Does that change how you see me? Knowing I was in jail on drug charges? Slightly responsible for the death of the one person in that fucking school who was ever nice to me?”
“It wasn’t your fault.” You said, shaking your head. “None of this changes how I feel about you.”
“Good.” He sighed in relief as he moved his hand to cup the back of your head. “I don’t want you to be scared of me or anything because of this.”
“I'm not scared of you.” You whispered, pressing your face into his chest. "Never could be."
“I’m glad.” He smiled at you a little. He took a moment to let you take in all the information before he continued with his story. “I got out just after my twenty-third birthday and I was… angry. Really angry. No one tells you about the shit you have to deal with when you’re on the inside of a prison and how it would make you feel once you’re out. I was so scared that Wayne was going to hate me, that all he was going to think was that I was just like my old man. But he didn't. He would visit every week and when I got out he welcomed me back home. I crashed on his couch until I was able to get a job as a mechanic with the help of my probation officer and saved up enough to get a shitty apartment in town. I was careful for that first year I was out, never did anything that would make it so I had to go back. But when that year was up… I spiraled. Hard. I’m talking about drinking, drugs, anything to make me forget and it was bad. I barely remember this but I was at a bar in Indianapolis one night and I was plastered apparently but I got into it with this biker guy, he almost murdered me, but some guy in a business suit stepped in and saved my ass. That guy was Daniel Christianson.”
“I’ve heard of him.” You spoke up then. “Seen his billboards on the highways and around town when I go into the city.”
“Big time lawyer man.” Eddie laughed a bit then. “Well mister big shot, don’t tell him I said that, took me to his place to sleep it off, said he didn’t trust me to make good decisions so he revoked my driving privileges. Stole my keys right out of my pocket. The next morning when I was more or less myself I wanted to leave but he didn’t let me, not until we talked about what happened that night. I was about ready to fight him but he put me on my ass. He saw that I was lost, and angry, and that I just didn’t care about what happened to me. He had been in this community for a while but hadn’t had a submissive for a few years. He brought it up carefully saying he could help me and gave me his number and time to think about it after he dropped me off at the bar so I could go home. I sat on it for a few days, BDSM was something I hadn’t really thought of before. I mean, I’m a guy, so yeah I’ve seen the porn, had a ridiculous amount of dirty mags that kinda leaned towards it, so I thought what the hell. I’ll give it a try and if I don’t like it I can leave. So I called him, we set up a meeting, and he became my Master. I stayed with him as his sub for about three or four years. He helped me get my head on straight and taught me a lot, he helped me let go and forgive Chrissy and myself. When I decided I wanted to try being a Dom he took over my training, everything I know is because of him. He was with me when Corroded Coffin got back together, when we got our first record deal, when we bought the bar, and everything else after that. He’s actually my lawyer.” He sighed as he played with a lock of your hair. “And that's the whole story.”
“Damn,” You muttered as you blinked. All of your issues seem so frivolous now. “You had a rough couple of years. I’m surprised none of this has gotten out before.”
“Dan looks through all our contracts and interview questions so no one can ask questions we don’t feel comfortable answering,” Eddie said, his fingers tugging at your hair. “It wouldn’t look good for the record company if my history got out so no one knows anything we don’t want them to. I told you because I trust you.”    
“I won't tell a soul.” You promised as you held up your pinky. A little giggle left you as he hooked his pinky with yours and pulled it to his lips dropping a kiss to your knuckles with a little grin. 
“Thank you sweetheart."
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@eddiesprincess86 @haylaansmi @micheledawn1975
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Do you guys know that thing about creative writers with ideas (plot bunnies) and how they always seem to multiply one after the other? That's me with Twisted Wonderland AUs. I can't help it! The series just reminds me of all the stories I loved as a kid, with characters that had depth and / or developed or we got to learn more about--even if it was stupid little things they do in their everyday life! I've grown to appreciate it in ways I never imagined I could any form of media. ;;v;;
To be honest...this game has given me the creativity to consistently create and build upon ideas, and the support you all have given me has meant so much. I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me for so long, and for sending me all the ideas or scenarios you all have been daydreaming of. ;;v;;
So I wanted to give a bit of an update on a few things I'm going to do with the blog:
1) Create a rules page. I've gone far too long without updating my original set, and I feel it's long overdue 😂 Plus, it'll help me keep track of certain things!
2) Go back through and update the links on the Masterlists with posts I may have missed. I didn't realize that some things I was referencing in some of my latest posts (aka the grape incident in the monster!AU) were missing, so I'm gonna comb through my posts and make sure I label and organize them easier for you guys to find (and for me to refresh myself on what I write)!
3) Answering asks (of course). Things are a little slow going and my muse has been getting finicky with me, but I will make sure I get to everyone's asks! Some I may answer because they're quick and easy, others...I may end up getting an idea for something more expansive, so that'll take a bit longer. 😅
And finally, 4) Introducing a(nother) AU:
Twisted Wonderland!Mermaid AU!!!
Honestly, this started because I got inspired by the artwork by this artist here where they drew the characters based on Floyd's nicknames for them, and it started as a Marine Biologist AU where Yuu is a marine biologist and taking care of the mermaid bois (all 22 boys + one fire-breathing cat) buuuuuut...at the moment, Yuu getting shipwrecked and living on the island with the mermaid boys wouldn't leave me alone. 😂
As well as an idea where Yuu is a full-blooded Kaiju/born a Kaiju and has Land Before Time like adventures because I got emotional at baby Littlefoot hatching, but who's counting the ideas? Certainly not me!
Anyway, I wanted to share a snippet of the prologue I have written that's currently under construction, so the final product may differ. I'm honestly really excited about this AU too, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do~ ;;v;;
Snippet under a read-more because this post is going to be long anyway 😂 Enjoy!
Oh, and if I need to tag it a certain way for future posts, please let me know and I'll be sure to add them!
If anyone were to ask Yuu what they were going to be doing over the summer, they likely would have told them: catch up on their reading, or playing video games, or any number of different things they had planned. Even just relaxing at home or on the beach would have been an enticing offer.
A scuba diving trip was not something they expected to get dragged into.
“First time diving?”
“Was it that obvious?” Yuu asked, one hand gripping the bar on the seat next to them until their knuckles were white while the other kept hold of the oxygen tank sitting in front of their flippered feet.
“Yeah…kinda obvious for a first timer,” the instructor said with a chuckle, the man giving them a reassuring pat. “It can be a bit nerve-wracking for new divers, but you’ll be fine. You’re one of the contest winners, right?”
“I put my name in as a joke, I didn’t think I’d actually win!” Peering over the edge of the railings, Yuu couldn’t make out anything in the dark water. “I…thought we were going to dive near the shallows closer to land. What are we doing so far out?” they asked, swearing they saw a big shadow pass by…only to realize it was the ship’s frame reflecting on the water.
“I know we’re a lot further out than we normally would for first time divers, but we had problems with our normal ship and the only one that was available was this ship a couple of marine biologists were using.”
“…why didn’t you just cancel and set it for another day?”
“Try telling that to my bosses,” the man muttered under his breath before the smile was back on his face. “Anyway, I think this will be a fun change to the program! These biologists are actually working to explore the reactions of marine life to musical instruments, and we’ll get to see it firsthand ourselves!”
Before Yuu could respond, the ship came to a stop and the driver said, “We’re here! You folks ready to go diving while we get set up? There’s a coral reef not far below us, so you’ll have plenty of time to sightsee.”
“Yup! Okay, so let’s go over the basics again, and I’ll make sure your gear is on properly.”
Yuu listened nervously as the instructor walked through each procedure and rule of diving, the wetsuit sticking tightly to their body as the tank weighed heavily on their back. This was not how they imagined their first time scuba diving would be—they could barely even make out the shore from a wave in the distance. Finally—with mask secured and breathing apparatus in—the instructor gave them a reassuring nod…before falling backwards into the water with a  ‘sploosh!’. For a brief moment they froze, but the motion of the ship and the weight on their back knocked them off balance and forced them backwards.
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skymaiden32 · 8 months
Bad News
AO3 link here
Fandom: Thunderbirds, Stingray
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn @idontknowreallywhy (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Continuity: TOS
Last chapter, here we go!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Gordon learns who Trench really is.
The walk along the beach was surprisingly peaceful, and Gordon found himself relaxing a little, although he knew there was no way he could fully let his guard down. 
Trench broke the ice. “So, you must have questions. What do you want to know?” He asked in that tinny voice of his.
“Okay, that one’s easy enough.” He chuckled without any humour. “Who the hell are you?”
Trench paused. “Oh, right. Thanks for reminding me.” The mask was off before Gordon could even blink. He held back a gasp when he saw who it was. “It’s been too long since I felt the crisp sea air on my face. Can’t take the mask off in front of the Aquaphibians. I’d be dead in two seconds flat.”
“Troy Tempest…?”
The man in front of him bowed. “The one and only.”
Gordon frowned, trying his best to regain his composure. “You’re the last person I’d expect…” Shore hadn’t been kidding at all, had he? This was bad. This was really bad. “You and Titan hate each other.”
Troy hummed. “That was before he… shall we say… opened my mind to Marineville’s faults.”
More like brainwashed, Gordon thought, but didn’t say aloud. “What about Atlanta? Phones? Fisher? All the people you left behind? I’m sure they all miss you.” When Troy didn’t answer, Gordon changed tactics. “Okay, then what about me? I know you’ve met Scott and Virgil before, so that explains how you knew we were siblings, but it doesn’t explain how you knew I was IR.”
Troy smiled. “X20. He was on a routine mission to Marineville and overheard your little conversation with Shore. Which he then reported back to me.” They approached a large rock, and Troy gestured for Gordon to sit next to him. Gordon glared at him in reply, but eventually complied, fearing what might happen to his brothers if he didn't. “It was simple to set up a disaster that would be too hard for International Rescue to ignore.”
“So it was you who attacked the USS Rodgers.”
“I would’ve thought that would be obvious. It was my tracker that allowed me and my men to follow you here.” The other man hummed. “The plan originally was to follow you to your base and seize your technology. Well, that was Titan’s at least.” Gordon raised an eyebrow. “My plan was to just talk to you. I’m glad you found the tracker. Makes my task of explaining our failure to the King easier.”
The aquanaut froze. “Wait, just making sure I’m understanding. You were never going to attack our base? You really were just going to talk?”
Troy grinned. “I may not be on the surface dwellers side anymore, but I still consider you a friend. And Titanica has no pre-existing quarrel with International Rescue. Attacking you would be unwise.”
“You’ve changed your tune.” Gordon hissed, not falling for any of it. “You were taking my brothers prisoner less than ten minutes ago, and now you’re saying that ‘attacking us would be unwise’. I see right through you, Tempest.” He frowned. “Or should I be calling you Trench now?”
Captain Tempest, Captain Trench, whoever it was in front of him, sighed. “Look. I meant what I said. No harm will come to them. As a matter of fact, if the Aquaphibians hurt them, I’ll end them myself.”
“Bet Titan won’t be happy about that.” Gordon scoffed. 
“I learned he doesn’t care a long time ago. So long as someone does the work and the work is done.” Troy retaliated. “And I learned that when I was in WASP.”
“I see.” An uneasy silence followed. Gordon had just one question to ask. “Okay, I’ll bite. Why talk to me in the first place? Why not just disappear?”
More silence. For a minute, Gordon didn’t think Troy would answer him. But eventually, he did. “To say sorry.” He said in a low voice. “Sorry I didn’t manage to say goodbye.”
Gordon’s eyes widened in realisation. It had been too quick, leaving WASP after his accident. He hadn’t been able to stay at Marineville General for long. His injuries had needed to be specially treated. And since he’d already been honourably discharged following the whole mess, he’d never gotten a chance to wave farewell to the group of aquanauts who had taught him so much, who’d done their best to steady him and be a secondary family. He’d never gotten that closure. But then of course, neither had they.
“I’m sorry too. Sorry that I lost touch with all of you. Sorry we’re on opposite sides now…” For the first time since Troy had made his presence known, Gordon looked at him. Really looked. “You look exhausted, Tempest.” He said honestly, and was surprised at his own concern. “How hard is Titan working you?”
“Oh, it’s not that bad.”
Gordon gave him a look, channelling his best Scott impression. “Troy.”
“The undersea races don’t need as much sleep as humans do.”
The look hardened. “Troy. How much sleep do they get?”
Troy winced. “Four hours? At most?”
“And Titanica is the better option over Marineville?”
The other aquanaut huffed. “I’m not going back there.”
“Then leave Titanica at the very least. You don’t have to work for WASP. Just…” Gordon paused. “Just come back to the surface. You said yourself, you haven’t felt the air on the surface for ages.”
Troy sighed, looking out to the sea. “I can’t do that. The ocean is my home now…” He frowned. “Plus, I’d be in for one hell of a Court Marshal. They’d track me down, make me pay for leaving WASP, and then I’d be stuck in a prison cell.” He laughed dryly. “What sea air would I feel then, Gordon?”
“That’s what you think, Troy, but the truth of it is that WASP will defend you. And that’s because you didn’t leave. You were taken.” Gordon frowned when Troy froze, confirming his worst thoughts. “I’ve got it, don’t I? Titan abducted you. He moulded you into someone you’re not, and then he forced you to fight your friends.” Troy’s continued silence was damning. “Tell me I’m wrong!”
“How dare you speak of Titan in that way? He saved me from that life.” Troy’s voice was barely above a whisper, and Gordon immediately knew he’d pushed too far. He couldn’t stop himself from looking down. He knew though, he was right about what Titan had done. The tyrant couldn’t kill his worst enemy, so instead he shaped Troy and his mind as he saw fit. “I will not return to life on the surface.” 
Out the corner of his eye, Gordon noticed the mask slip back on. He supposed Trench was fully back. A crunch was heard as he crushed something in his hand. Gordon recognised the tracker that had let the Aquaphibians follow them here in the first place. “I will not tell His Majesty about this conversation we had, but I believe that conversation is over.” He pressed something on his collar, and began speaking in the Aquaphibian language. Gordon could only barely make it out with the little he’d been taught at WASP. His brothers were being released. “As promised, your brothers are unharmed. I strongly advise that the three of you leave. The rest of your family must be worried.” He gestured in the direction of the Thunderbirds, letting Gordon lead the way there. 
The aquanaut breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them standing there in front of Thunderbird 2. He broke off in a run, just wanting to stick to them like glue now. When they saw the look on his face, they frowned. Scott glared in Trench’s direction. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“No! Absolutely not. Just…” He looked back at Captain Trench and his Aquaphibian men. He didn’t like what he saw in his old friend, now a new enemy. “I just want to get home.”
His two brothers nodded, clearly agreeing with his decision. It had been a difficult day. And as Thunderbirds 1 and 2 both lifted into the air, Gordon processed everything that had just happened. It took a while. All throughout the journey home and the debrief, where Scott had the unfortunate task of telling their father what had just happened. Jeff Tracy was out for blood now, and Alan had looked mortified. . 
Gordon took his secret to bed with him, locking the door for as much privacy as he could get with three brothers in the house and one able to get in contact from space at any given moment. He turned on his video-call, taking a deep breath as he typed in the familiar number. His heart beat in his chest as it rang. Finally, the person he was calling answered. 
“Hello?” Voice only. Dang it. Oh well, it was better than nothing. 
Swallowing down his nerves, he continued what he’d started. “Hi Atlanta. You probably don’t remember me, but I’m Gordon Tracy. I used to work with you at WASP.”
The woman on the other end gasped. “Of course, Lieutenant Tracy! It would be difficult to forget you.” Gordon smirked. His reputation still preceded him, then. “Father said he’d contacted you about temporarily replacing a crew member. Have you changed your mind?”
He shook his head. “I’m afraid not. I called to talk to you about something else.”
“I, umm…” He hesitated. This wasn’t going to be easy to tell her. “I… saw Troy earlier today.”
“Oh.” Atlanta’s voice wilted. “So you know then.” It wasn’t a question. “He tracked you down.”
“Yeah, and…” Gordon sighed. “I just wanna talk to someone about what he said. Someone who’d know…”
“You don’t have to finish that sentence, Gordon. I understand. Do you want to talk now?”
“Yeah, I would.” 
So that’s just what they did together. They shared what had happened among themselves. The conversations they’d had with Troy since his turn and how they felt. And Gordon felt so much lighter, to know he wasn’t alone in this feeling.
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
If Pryce and Cutter hate the youths so much, then why don't they move across the universe to get the marriage counseling they clearly need and stop making their BS everyone else's problem?
(Or my reaction to Episodes 59-60 of Wolf359).
I said I would have self control. I said I wouldn’t listen to or react to anymore Wolf359 this whole weekend. But guess what dear readers? As usual, I lied, to you and myself. Sadly, I am weak. Now, with my confession out of the way, let’s get into it!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom @lovelyladylavie
Episode 59: Crash and Burn
"Oh how fun. Come on kids, scream if you want to go faster." It's trippy that when I hear Pryce talk for a moment I'm like "Hera?" and then I realize. Also she and Cutter really do act like criticizing and mean disappointed parents.
"But just a small fire, and look it's out now!" good point Doug.
"This time you finally killed us" Congrats Doug!
"It's a fire on a spaceship, you shouldn't need explicit instruction to know it's a bad idea" "You don't know the first thing about commanding Douglas F. Eiffel" LET HIM KNOW DOUG!
"Cyborg De Vil" Eiffel really does have the best nicknames.
"I'm just a poor little old lady" Oh, I've met old ladies like you Pryce. Terribly entertaining, but awful all the same. Hated their own children too. At this point, I'm just waiting for your sad little backstory.
"Nobody says "thank you" anymore. Kids these days..." Pryce, maybe when you do something worthy of thanks, then you will be thanked.
"If it seems like I'm wrong, you don't have all the data" Well geez, I hope that pride doesn't kill you.
"Why are you asking us to read the values for you?" OH GET HER MINKOWSKI.
Okay, Pryce, in fairness to Doug, I think we've well established that most characters in this show are "metaphorically blind" in one way or another.
"Blinded by my own survival manual" it's fitting to be honest. The next edition? No, we don't need another edition Miranda.
"Well this should be easy!" Doug...Doug when is it ever easy?
Well gang, it looks like the gang's not getting out of this one this time. I will miss you all. Minkowski and Doug most of all. Kepler and Pryce less so.
Calling Pryce's husband is unfortunately the only plan. Let's see how he feels about wifey being in danger. This is either gonna go one of...potentially a few ways, and I'm very interested to see his reaction.
Will he leave her to die in space? Will he feel bad about that? Will he give up an advantage for her?
Wait. Is this Hera? Oh it's Marcus and Hera. I love the juxtaposition between Doug and Pryce and Marcus and Hera. I guess they both have a common interest. Nothing brings people together quite like it.
Oh gross Rachel's here too.
Skin alive whoever designed the flight's pod system? But this is so arbitrary...if all their enemies had been the ones to get blasted off, Cutter would give the man a promotion. For a guy who only promotes "the best" a lot of this is really just luck.
Wait. GUESTS???
Oh they got Lovelace and Jacobi. Oh dear. At least they can't kill or control Lovelace.
"I can't do much without her" I see. So she is the brain's behind Cutter's little happy murder business operation.
"Part of my signature look" Jacobi's sarcasm is growing on me the more he uses it against the right people.
"Pretty please with sugar on top" OH SO CUTTER DID HEAR JACOBI SAY THAT AND THREATEN TO SHOOT KEPLER. I think those were the exactly words he used too.
And speaking of that episode, we're back to singing about beer! 🍻Jacobi really is (formerly)evil Doug. 😂 They even sing the same song.
Is Pryce threatening to...EAT Doug? Well this is creepy.
Pryce, shut it. If you're so much of a grownup, stop acting like a pouty child.
Geez all Pryce knows how to do is complain. I guess Cutter is into that. For some weird reason. "Do I have to do everything around here." All you do is make trouble.
"You can't afford to take a chance on this" CALL HIM OUT JACOBI! I love his arc, I love his arc so much, it took way too long, but I'm so happy he's gotten here.
Oh dear. Is Jacobi in the right headspace for this? "Prettiest pumpkin princess at the ball?" Well good for Jacobi. Also very similar to the line Pryce gave to Hera. It's scary how much they sound and speak alike.
That is true. It might need to be a self-sacrifice mission. If Jacobi misses, Cutter kills him, and Eiffel and Minkowski don't survive. It's a tough situation, especially because we're not even sure how many lives are at stake here. But Jacobi, the whole point of self-sacrifice is that the people making the sacrifice agree to it, or there's literally no other way.
Yeah, Doug, Pryce is not gonna be reassuring. That's not in her generation's vocabulary.
Uh oh. Jacobi, I hope you know what you're doing.
Oh dear. Marcus seems testy.
And how much longer do we have with Rachel and Reimann? (Yes, I was corrected on the spelling).
"Just get it right this time Marcus" wow she is demanding.
Ah...there it is.
...or not...
Well they got them. But what happens now?
Oh great Marcus' slow clapping. And let me guess, he kills him anyway?
Business to catch up on? Pryce doesn't sound too happy.
And yeah Minkowski, hold her at gunpoint! (Though in my experience, people like her don't fear death, rather they complain it's not coming fast enough), but whatever gives you the upper hand.
Episode 60: Terms and Conditions
What's with the beeping?
"You are alright?" Strange that Rachel asks that. I guess she'd be the one to notice he's quiet.
Ah. The sunset. Very fitting.
Westerns. Cutter probably saw some of them down at the old timey picture show when he was a wee lad.
Yes, yes, "the bigger picture". But what if there is a bigger picture to even your story, Cutter? One that you're not in control over?
Cutter knows what's about to happen. He knows it's time to choose. Work wifey or scary evil plan? What's it gonna be old man?
"Who is it?" 😂 I love Doug. I love him so much.
"We could have a cup of tea" oh gosh Cutter really is every old person stereotype.
"Reflect on the working conditions. Are you fostering a supportive company culture? One that values the contributions of its employees?" Doug is the best. Doug is the best.
"If you ever want to see your worst half ever again" 👏 Tell him. TELL HIM.
So now Cutter has to a choice. He can go Legend of Korra and kick Pryce to the curb, or he can drop his tragic backstory and try to come to an understanding.
"Can you guarantee the safe recover of Dr. Pryce?" "96%" Hm. Cutter doesn't seem happy with those numbers.
Special Projects? "Similar to you while still not you. You will see what you miss and say what you don't want to" interesting. So that's why Cutter keeps Rachel around.
"How possible would it be to complete the mission without Dr. Pryce?"
DANNGGGGGGG... Rachel asking the real questions.
"I don't know what your partnership with Dr. Pryce means" Interesting...so Cutter kept that even closer to his chest.
"Before I decide, I want the information" Cutter is unraveling.
See this is why you shouldn't talk when Cutter can hear them.
"Handle this personally?" Did he just crack his knuckles? Is he going to try to fight them? 😂
Neat idea? Is Cutter gonna make his own radio show?
Kepler and Lovelace are speaking for them? This is weird. And unnecessary unless some other mischief is a foot.
Kepler reading out Eiffel's words too 😂
Cutter's promises are stupid. And taking the collar off Hera doesn't mean that Pryce can't do something else terrible.
"Those are big promises" That's basic human decency.
"That's one thing. I'm giving you three. What else?"
Kepler and Pryce are two people. I love how it clearly shows Cutter views Kepler, who he's having Lovelace talk to, a disposable.
"You wouldn't lift a finger to help anyone if you didn't need them for something." CALL HIM OUT. CALL HIM OUT. 👏👏👏
"With all due respect to you Warren, that Dr. Pryce's return is worth two of your demands" wow, Cutter just went there didn't he?
"We won't annoy you" "I'm not sure you can promise that" "First off this is...this is your boy, Douggie Fresh at the mic" 😂 I knew it was Doug when he said the "won't annoy you" thing, but having him use Kepler like this is amazing. "Gumming up the works" I love Eiffel. I love his whole speech.
Is Cutter making her slow clap? Cutter and Eiffel really are a theatrical duo.
Reject your terms? Taking advantage of you guys? You should be asking for way more. That's very true. They should ask for way more. They really should. But um...what is Cutter doing???
Ugh. It's like Cutter is still trying to teach them a lesson. Like an evil twisted mentorship figure.
I have a bad feeling about it too.
"You two crazy kids still there?" Shut up Cutter (no offense Isabel).
Cutter is gonna destroy the sol when it leaves. He has a plan to do so.
"Talk to us baby" Aw, I'm so happy Hera loves it. 💕🥰
"Tell us who you are and what you're doing up here?"
Ah, Doug has figured it out. Cutter is just ecstatic.
"Super old, look like you're 28, no need to sleep or eat, know everything, obsessed with aliens..." Oh Doug thinks they are aliens.
Not a bad theory Doug, but I feel like you're not correct.
I feel like they're about to say something like "no silly Doug. We're not aliens. Don't be an idiot. That would be over the top and ridiculous. We're obviously cyborgs from the past and future who have travels here to enslave all of humanity and rewrite the course of human history. Which is SO much more reasonable."
Also given that Lovelace WAS an alien, it's not that crazy of a guess. They're being a little unfairly mean to him right now.
Modified???? Wait, no, no deal, what does modified mean? Explain that first please, explain it now.
Send Kepler first. Cutter doesn't care about him.
"You want to stay with us" "No Boy" oh dear. Looks like they're in the middle of a little marriage spat. "You'll never be rid of me 214" I knew it, Pryce has a thing for keeping Hera under control.
Yeah, what did Jacobi do? Hopefully that alien blood works quick.
"Better to be lucky than good" something tells me you won't be for long, Miranda.
Rachel is going with them? Um. It doesn't sound like either of them like that. "Fill you in on the details" that's obviously code for something. I don't like how fast Rachel agreed to that.
Oh dear. Trouble in paradise it would seem. Worried about wifey, Marcus? "Be quiet. I was worried." "For me?" "I was." "You're not immortal" "yet" "of course, I was worried for you."
"Your only task is to back my play" wow. They really ARE a toxic married couple from the early 1900s. I guess Cutter couldn't stand the thought of losing his precious cold detached mean evil science early 1900's house/work wife.
"Friends?" "Partners." Hm.
This relationship fascinates me. Miranda shows him hardly any respect or gratitude. Yet Cutter seems to care about her in a...weirdly toxic way. Though I do wonder if Miranda feels the same.
Very true something has to be wrong here. Cutter wouldn't let them leave unless...
Wait. Unless it was irrelevant to his plans. Unless them getting back to Earth didn't matter.
"That's not why you're not gonna leave" ...um Rachel. What are you talking about? Please fill us in on the plan.
Oh Kepler's here too.
Wait...oh my gosh...
So...there will be no Earth to return to? And all the people on it?
Well I did say in a private discord chat that it was odd that they mentioned Minkowski’s husband and Doug’s daughter only to never bring up threatening their lives again. I guess they really saved that one in their back pockets for the grand finale.
Kepler, how much longer are you going to go along with this? If they destroy the Earth, everything on it goes too, including your beloved Whiskey.
Rachel, idk how much longer you think Cutter is gonna keep you around, but he clearly only cares about his evil science arm candy, and that's not you or Reimann. He'll toss you both under the bus when he's done.
Cutter, wifey seems a bit unstable, and Pryce, your man seems to not be valuing you as an equal, and as much as I dislike you, I'm still not cool with that on principle. Perhaps the two of you ought to see to some marriage counseling, somewhere...oh I don't know...far far far far far away on the other side of the universe? Where you two can finally stop having to deal with those pesky youths you claim to hate so much?
Well at least the thing about Cutter naming the AI and putting on a charming appearance and Pryce hating it and acting so cold towards them makes so much sense now. Cutter wants to play house. House where he casts himself in the role of a toxic, stereotypical, controlling, abusive, and terrible father, with a flimsy "I care so deeply" facade and horrible taste in women, but house all the same. I guess it makes sense given when he was born. Pryce views the AI and their employees as things, Cutter views them as their children or rather their "creations" but at the end of the day, their views amount to the same thing: tools from which they demand unquestioning obedience that they can cast aside if and when they chose to do so. Absolutely disgusting.
Wait. 2 hours?
And Volte Face is one hour. But then...when will I have the time to...
oh boy. Stay tuned everyone. Hopefully I'll get my answers soon. Thanks for reading!
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leatafandom · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @reallyreal-madeingold!! It was long, so I thought I'd make a new post I did not know you wrote a Willow/Spike, and I am going to have to check it out tonight I adore them.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? I have 122 works on my Ao3
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 887,007, which for some reason made me laugh really hard, seven little words.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly for Supernatural, but I've written for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spider-man/Deadpool, Merthur, Arrowverse, and starting to write some more DC stories
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Distraction: Scars - One of my favorites of mine, a spideypool story.
This is a Bad Idea - This is just a little smut I wrote for spideypool
Waiting for the Perfect Time - A Merthur piece I wrote with some HC of mine
Distractions -Voice(s) - This is part two of the Spideypool Distraction series
Breakfast - Another Merthur smut piece.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! I love comments, I normally respond to them whenever I'm updating a story or posting a new one anymore though so sometimes it takes me a bit to get back to people, but I do!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Umm I feel like I've answered this before, but I don't remember what I said and now I don't know what to say. Maybe Not Yet? It is a prequel to Waiting for the Perfect Time and without reading that one, it does not have a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I feel like I write a lot of bittersweet and untraditional happy endings. I leave them in a better place than they were a lot of the times, but they are not always happy. Despite my want to always go for no happy endings I tend to write them anyway. But~ ah I think maybe Conversations in the Dark I feel like that one is pretty optimistic at the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No I wouldn't say hate maybe some discouraging comments but not hate, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hahaha, I write porn, let's be clear. It's not sex there is a difference. Ah, I write a lot of rough stuff, some bloody stuff, some soft loving stuff, mmm, and I've been starting to write some more variations of bodies doing it. So that's fun
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I don't write crossovers, but I have done a crossover between two of my stories, and it was crazy. It was like two years in the making and it was so much fun. Taste of Cherry is a crossover between a very rom-com soul bond sabriel fic I wrote and a dark horror-themed version of sabriel. It was thrilling to have them meet and play off each other.
11. What's the craziest one you've written? Totally missed this one before but ah idk I write some weird stuff. Maybe Holy Hole? Since I made a world just so I could have a sabriel tentacle smut fic.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yup a few, I am always open to getting my fics translated so more people can enjoy them. I just ask that the translator asks first, tells me, and share the link to the translation so it's easy to find from the original. It's a joy whenever someone wants to.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! It was very recently, and a wonderful experience! Freaks Like Us, is a Buffy verse fic featuring Dru, Spike, and Angelus and lots of smut. It was so fun to write with @aufredpratt and to get help and advice writing women.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh, this is so hard, I love so many ships from so many fandoms. I...I don't know especially since it's different when talking about who I'd love to write the most and who I like to read the most. I'm sorry I refuse to choose. x_x
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Once and Future Soulmates. It's an unpublished WIP that I just picked up again yesterday, but it is such a big Merthur project, and I'd love to finish it but also oh my god it's so much.
16. What are your writing strengths?  I'm bad at these kinds of questions. I think characterization and world-building. I like poking at stuff until it breaks and then making sure it won't do that. My worlds have many layers that never come up, but they're there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes (though I think I'm getting better... maybe), word choice, and conveying fear and some other emotions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Unless its one I'm fluent in, or have someone who is helping me I probably won't and find another way to convey language being said in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings~~
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Still Distractions: The K-word/Distractions: The New Kid. They both overlap the same year in Spideypool's relationship. I love how it came out and I will always be happy to have written out my HC comic mass up of them. Maybe they're just still my all-time OTP....
No Pressure Tags: @idabbleincrazy @heavenssexiestangel, @michaelmilligan, @fantasticstoryteller, @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes, @incorrectcoldflashblog, @toutes-les-routes @angst-is-love-angst-is-life anyone else who would like to!
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
Someone I follow recently abandoned their Tumblr and their stories over low engagement and I'm so sad about it! Like I get it, low engagement sucks and some fics get so many more notes than others but also posting anything is like throwing it into the void so it's not necessarily that ppl don't like it engage they just don't see it ahhh I just have so many feelings about this as a reader but I know writers will have bigger feelings about it. I'm just mourning this story I loved that'll be abandoned and I feel bad that they lost their passion for writing ahhhh. I make sure to reblog and leave tags or comments cuz I see so many writers being upset with silent readers. It's just a whole thing 😭
Oh that’s devastating. 🥺 And it is!! It is a whole thing, which is why I appreciate that there’s even push back to begin with. Because!! None of us want to see each other lose motivation or the love of writing over something seemingly so small. 🥺 I’m sad for this writer you followed—and for you. It’s such a weird and specific longing, LOL, being left with an unfinished story. There’s exactly one fic that I remember from when I was like, idk, 14 or something—I had found it years after it had stopped updating, just at the emotional climax of the story too, where one of the Leads was going to make or break their relationship with the other Lead—ugh. 😩 The bittersweetness of never knowing how that writer would’ve ended it. 🥺🥹 In some ways I think that fic specifically is just as formative as a the book it was based on, for me.
idk why the writer never updated—maybe they just moved onto something else, or ran out of steam, or just didn’t want to write anymore. I hope your writer keeps their love of stories, though, anon. 🥺 Maybe they’ll come back. 🥺 It’s especially hard because there’s no easy band-aid for this—because you can be written a nice comment praised to kingdom come from one person, but in a space like tumblr where we’re all peering over each other’s fence it can be hard to avoid seeing how other writers or fics might have that same kind of letter of praise, plus a nice little party going, with music and lights and someone always laughing. 🥺 And you might never have your own little party—because it is such a chance, posting it online. People miss things so easily because of timezones, or they stick with what they’re familiar with (guilty 🥹) or they’re writing something niche. 🥺 The only insurance against the loneliness and the comparison is to have friends, which is easier said than done and also not total immunity against being, you know, human lmao. We can only ever try our best though—and protect ourselves where and how we can. 🥺 Hopefully your writer is writing something else they love, where they don’t feel the gap of numbers or notes or capslock tags or followings. 🥺🌷📖
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Today's Focus
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09.11.23 - God I wish America would turn this stupid day into a national holiday so at least I could take time off for it. That being said, at least it's sunny and relatively warm out without being like desperately hot. I am going to miss summer as the fall rolls in tho.
Work - I have a couple of efiles from Friday to save; PACER was not wanting to load for shit again at the end of last week so I decided today was early enough to save those. I have to make up a physical case file for a bunch of papers on my desk, and I should move Stephanie's final files to her new cabinet. Oh right, and there's mandatory training to do by the end of the month.
Background Noise - No DeFranco from Sunday, but I have like half a dozen of Charlie's videos to watch, a Dark Asia with Megan, and then a drama update and a couple of lists. After that I think I'm switching off of YouTube and going to Spotify to do some of my podcasts, starting with Mobituatries by Mo Rocca.
Studying - I have two (2) press releases from Friday to read; both contain embedded media. I'm going back to my Panama Papers deep dive with 3 articles to read: a methodological study I'm plowing through, a 5 piece series on the crimes of one of the exposed parties, and a Guardian article. I've got the Anderson v. Redman case on prison overcrowding to finish reading; after that one comes the recent 303 Creative SCOTUS case, the one about not creating a website for a gay wedding or something. I'm still going through the Inflation Reduction Act; I'm finishing up an environmental protection complaint against an automaker, and then going into federal education funding complaints.
I know it reads like a lot, but I do a page or a section of one thing at a time and just...cycle through the list. When I get to the bottom, I go back to the top and when I finish something I pull it off (and sometimes replace it with another related thing)
Extras - Today they include: responding to things on Facebook, working on the archive of this blog (it needs some tagging updating mostly), writing the draft of an essay, typing up and posting the final of a second essay, and working on a Kamen Rider Den-O fanfiction. I only have to scoop the cats and vacuum today; since the Bills kick off their season with Monday Night Football tonight I'm doing homemade air fry wings which should be easy-peasy.
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