#Oh yeah achieve 10 years of peace
Since people who hate JGY love thinking about all the things he could have done, why do they always ignore the fact that he didn't actually do them and the implications of that? Yes, he could have killed JL but he let him live for 15 years (and would likely continue that way if he hadn't died). Think of all the opportunities he had for it that he didn't take. If he wanted his son to be his heir so much that he tried killing his nephew (but he accidentally killed his son. BTW that kidnappers must have been very stupid) why didn't he have another child (even by remarrying if you keep enough of his canon personality for him to be disgusted by being in an incestuous relationship) and kill JL later? He had plenty of time to wait and all the different ways to kill him so it wouldn't be suspicious, people would just pity him for losing both his son and his nephew. I'm sure if people tried to look at his actions as they were and not the worst possible version of what could have been (and going yeah, he did that), they wouldn't hate him so much.
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felixora · 2 months
Anders discource
I forgot to post this here as well, lol
This kinda turned into a small essay…. Which is to be expected, it is Anders’ discourse after all.
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This text is a personal view of the DA discourse, that is often summarized in fandom circles as “Was Anders right?”.
So let's start with this question: which is better, a peaceful or violent revolution? The answer is: both, depending on the severity of the situation.
I'm sorry to break your sweet dreams about “peace and love”, and “only peaceful revolution are justified” — but that's just delusional.
While I do believe that peaceful revolutions are the best outcome for both sides of conflict, more often than not they are impossible specifically due to unwillingness of the oppressors to seek true compromise. Because where the marginalized might achieve something slightly better for themselves, the oppressors lose the most important thing for them — they lose control.
And then the only thing that's left is a violent revolution. Or, well, death.
The rule of “turning the other cheek” does nothing but perpetuates further violence, when you're dealing with an oppressive regime. Because while the marginalized side often considers the middle ground with their oppressors (just for the sake of “making things better than before, while not risking the full annihilation by a stronger force”) the oppressors have only one in mind: “We want you fully gone, because you oppose our rule. You are a danger to us”.
The thing that I learned in past 10 years is that — ”Pacifism is a privilege”. And those who are oppressed don't have said privilege. They either fight or they die. Sometimes slowly (for ex. by assimilation), sometimes rapidly (in a massacre).
The thing that genuinely baffles me in the whole Anders' discourse, is the fact, that people forget or ignore that he for years tried to do the peaceful revolution. The Mage Underground was a way to get the mages from the dangerous environment, without engaging in the direct confrontation with the Templars. The manifestos on why mages should be free and letters to the Divine herself regarding the same issues that Circles pose — all of these are methods of peaceful resistance. 
Now, remind me again, did these actions have any effect on how Templars or the Chantry treated mages? Maybe they revaluated their stances, did a thorough investigation of the possible mistreatment of their charges?
Oh, yeah — IT DID NOTHING.
No, not even that — the things started to get worse and worse, actually. 
Any time the Grand Cleric “calmed things down” — the status quo remained. They didn't try to investigate the concerning situation in the Kirkwall Circle or any sort of rumours of abuses by the Templars. No, the Chantry for the most part closed their eyes to these rumours, and when the number of rebellious mages went up, the only thing they considered — was to organise a crusade (an Exalted March) against the Kirkwall. Nevermind, that most of the mages from the Circle and as fugitives were a faithful Andrastians, despite the conditions they were put through by the Chantry.
But of course, “the Chantry is just a religious organisation, it shouldn’t be targeted in such situations”...
So, back to the Templars — they didn't get their wish of cutting down all the mages under their care right there and then. But they sure as hell were allowed to continue to physically and psychologically torture, push mages to their breaking point, and commit any abuses they felt like doing to their charges.
In all of this, the Chantry poses as an enabler and the cause of the laws against mages in the first place. Not to mention that Chantry was responsible for the creation of the Templar Order, and they are subservient to the Divine.
By the 3rd act of the game we have a conformation, almost right away, that Meredith send a letter to the Divine requesting a Right of Annulment.
It's not anymore a question of “if the Divine will approve of this” — she might have said no, it's true. But our characters don't know that. They see the situation, where every peaceful attempt to reach a resolution was met with silence or threats of violence. With all due respect — only a fool hopes for the better and does nothing in such a situation.
This becomes a question of “when will it happen”.
When the oppressors say “I will murder you” you don't go “How about we talk”.
When you propose a dialogue and the opposing side says "No" over and over again, while continuing to tighten up the leash around your neck, the only right action is to fight back. If you fight — at least you have a chance of surviving. Otherwise, — it's death. Slow or quick, depends on the choice of the oppressors.
Another important thing, is that revolution doesn't happen on the shoulders of one person. It needs people. And those people need to believe that the idea has at least some chance to come true, they need to be inspired.
Inspiration not always comes through well-put speeches preaching kindness and unity.
It also can come through acts of violence, if said violence is turned against the oppressors. It shows, that they CAN BE BEATEN.
And Anders’ actions inspired people.
Anders tried his voice, he tried to reach the society in general with his arguments. That didn't work.
He tried to bring change with the Mage Underground, to recruit his friends (Hawke and the party) to join his active efforts of fundamentally changing things — that didn’t work as well. (while the friend group acts uninterested and uninvested in Anders’ righteous cause, Hawke might constantly and only suggest diplomatic solutions, which at the time were already useless and only maintained the status quo)
So the next closest thing is an act of violence against the Chantry — to show all those mages, who are still doubtful, who are scared, who think there is no hope — you can fight back and make it hurt.
What was called “compromise” from the Grand Cleric was maintaining the status quo, where mages in the Circle were still suffering the abuses, while the Templars simply weren't allowed to make them all Tranquil. 
How the fck is that a compromise?
If you didn’t get it already — I am a big supporter of action, when it comes to revolutions and fight against oppression. 
While acting is always a wild card (you have no idea, what reaction you might get from your oppressors, if you'll receive any support from “external forces”, if the luck will be on your side) — it always brings change. 
On the contrary, inaction — leaves your fate in the hands of the oppressor. They might be merciful, they might be cruel — what happens to you and your people in such situation depends solely on their wimps. In many cases — the status quo remains, nothing changes.
The Chantry personnel was part of the problem. For years, they did nothing to investigate possible misuse of power within the Circle, that obviously perpetuated further and further rise of temper among mages. 
They stayed silent on the issues of Ferelden refugees, leaving them to fend for themselves in the slums (while obviously holding significant part of the influence in the city). 
They obviously took part in less than peaceful instalment and fight against neighbouring religions (see Mother Petrice and the Qun). 
And, returning to the topic of mages, they perpetuated as part of their official teachings demonisation of mages as a whole, purposely ostracizing them from society and creating an impossible conditions to fight against. Their word was the law. And even if the mage had a compelling argument for their case — without even a bit of approval from the Chantry, they wouldn't have a chance of bending the society to their side.
So, the Chantry is just as guilty.
Another thing that needs to be considered in this topic are the casualties among civilians as a result of Anders’ violent protest. Because in the aftermath of the explosion there was 100% injured or dead among civilians. One might argue that they are just as gullible, turning a blind eye to the obvious misdeeds by the Templars and apathetic response by the Chantry (all it takes for evil to fester, is for good man to stay silent, after all) — but that still doesn't make their deaths rightful or expendable. 
Anders had to make a choice — either them, or the mages. 
They are the collateral damage of this conflict. One, that could have been prevented, if the oppressive side agreed to at least a compromise with the oppressed. But they didn’t.
And as a result, Anders had to take actions to unsure at least some fighting chance for his people, for the mages. The sad thing for me, personally, is that he will be the one to live with the burden of this choice, and not the personnel of the Chantry or the Templars, as they didn’t consider themselves guilty. 
The other side of this story could have ended with Anders staying silent, Meredith putting into motion the Right of Annulment and then the Chantry sweeping what happened under the rug (which had a high chance of turning the story to the path, where revolution among mages happened decades later or even didn’t happen at all). 
And that would have been the consequences of his choice as well, though a much worse option if we're considering that Anders made it the purpose of his life to bring change to the system and protect his fellow mages.
Another thing that is often brought in discussion is that Anders should have chose the Gallows as his target. In this scenario, there would have still been casualties among the civilians (consider the debris falling from the sky), as well as guaranteed deaths among the mages and tranquil (all were located in the Gallows). Anders wanted to give them a fighting chance, not kill them right away.
So selecting the Chantry as his target to shift the general power balance in the conflict and send a message to both the institution and mages across Thedas — is absolutely logical.
Other thing that makes no sense — is the lack of mages who actively sided with Anders' actions while remaining on the defence against Templars (not that weird shit about creating 2nd Tevinter in the Hinterlands)
Because that's how it went with revolution in my country. We have some people who regret the revolution (even now), we have those who are apathetic to it, and we have those who believe in it wholeheartedly.
People died for their beliefs in this revolution, and both them and those who advocated for a more proactive approach and survived were idolised by numerous people afterwards. 
Some rightfully so, some less. But it still happened. 
They are considered heroes, EVEN THOUGH we also had an invasion of part of our country from our neighbour as a result of this revolution. And in latter years, we are now defending ourselves from a full-scale invasion from the same oppressive force that was largely responsible for the reasons we had a revolution all those years ago.
The majority of people in my country would still, without a doubt tell you, that the revolution and the subsequent violent fight for our future was the right course of action. Even now, knowing how things turned out for us.
Because it brought change. It gave us hope that we can be that force of change.
So when the DA tells us, that there were barely any mages, or relatives of mages who were taken from their families, who considered Anders' actions justified and idolised him into this heroic persona — I call bullshit on that. 
That's simply not how things turn out in these sorts of situations.
Many held grudges not only against Templars, but the Chantry as a whole. Many spend their lives in hiding or locked away from their loved ones. The voices of many were never heard, no matter who they appealed to — and then comes this mage, who dealt an irreparable blow against the authority of the Chantry, who challenged their rule and told everyone “the time for compromise has passed, it is time to fight”.
Are you telling me people won't idolise that?  Span a ton of rumours and legends around his figure? 
I highly doubt that.
I have genuine criticism of Anders as a character — his racist towards elves views are hard to miss. The occasional misogyny (if we're taking Awakening into consideration as well) is also present. All of that can be explained by the upbringing in the Circle and under the Chantry, but it is NOT an excuse, and these are genuine flaws of his personality.
That being said, you don't have to be a perfect victim for your suffering to be acknowledged, related to and your fight against oppression to be supported.
“Oppression” is not an achievement, that you unlock only after reaching certain standards. 
It simply exists.And not only you can fight it, but you must.
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emimaki · 2 months
Alright I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here because I've been seeing tons of memes about the ending of My Hero Academia and I just don't get it.
I'm actually pretty satisfied with the end of MHA because it ends with the protagonist not exactly achieving the title of n°1 hero which is a bland ass goal in the shonen genre; Naruto wanting to become Hokage, Luffy wanting to become Pirate King, it's redundant. So him not achieving his goal? Realistic to be honest.
Now I'm going to get onto another topic which is MHA ending > Naruto ending (imo).
Why? Well I'm going to put it rather simply. Naruto wanted to become Hokage to be recognized by the entire village. But here's the thing; he already got recognized by the village LONG before becoming Hokage. 10 years before that. But he earned other reasons to want to become Hokage. Change the Hyuga clan system, recover Amegakure, achieve world peace. Did he achieve any of these? Nope. Not at all.
Did we see even see him become Hokage? Nope. We saw him as a Hokage, sure. But we didn't get the ceremony. Oh wait yeah we got it in an extra chapter outside of the source material where Naruto gets knocked out by his daughter over a stuffed bear and Konohamaru attend the ceremony in his place.
The anime? It ended with an episode about Hinata (a secondary character) and everyone running around the village to find the perfect wedding gift for her (and Naruto) and it concludes with the wedding. Since when was Naruto about romance and marriage?
Meanwhile My Hero Academia we got an ending where sure, Izuku never became n°1 hero but he became an amazing hero who has inspired many and is continuing to inspire the future generation by teaching them. And we get hopes of a future where Izuku achieves this goal thanks to Hatsume and Bakugo's help creating a tech suit for Izuku.
Anyways, all of that to say I'm tired of seeing everyone shitting on the ending of My Hero Academia when I remember Naruto didn't get dunked on half as much back in 2014
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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moonferry · 7 days
if it ends while i'm gone, be my only - the epilogue /lyr (fsioy chapter 19)
omg ??? the epilogue??? i cant believe it. theres only one more chapter left :( sadge. anyway, enjoy!
summary: it's been XX years, let's see how the neilson family is doing! watch as their family grows and they eventually move to the mystical "pelican town". they even run into an old friend.
warnings: none (i think??)
word count: 2766
other chapters: chapter masterlist
ao3 link: here!
anyway~ stay tuned for the next (and final) chapter. i have something special planned.
20XX | XX Years in the Future | Epilogue 
Kent, Jodi, and their son Sam continued to live in the city for the next few years. Eventually, when Sam was about four years old, the small family moved into a new apartment - one that was only a few blocks between Misty’s own and Diana’s store. Jodi insisted they should move closer to her mother - as a way to “watch over” her - and Kent agreed. 
Two years after moving into their new apartment, Kent returned to service - staying from the time Sam was six years old and returning when he was about eight. 
Then, when Sam was thirteen years old, Kent returned to service once more. This time, staying for three years and returning when Sam was sixteen. When Kent returned, he and Jodi were blessed with another child. A second son. One who they named “Vincent Daniel” to honor Kent’s friends, though Kent would have preferred to use the name “Lee” but it had begun to slip from his mind. The only reason he chose the name “Vincent” was because of the I.D. tags around his neck. 
At much as Kent hated to admit it, the war was taking a toll on his mental health. Time, and repeated exposure to traumatic events, certainly didn’t help. He was slowly beginning to forget the names and faces of the men who were once the closest things to siblings he ever had. It hurt. Kent didn’t want to forget them.
Kent eventually reached out to a therapist - as there were moments when his thoughts would overtake him. The therapist suggested a change of scenery would be a good place to start. With this in mind, the Neilson family (Kent, Jodi, a sixteen year old Sam, and a few month old Vincent) packed up their belongings and loaded themselves into the hand-me-down vehicle from Misty. 
Kent still remembers the mixture of confusion and hope as he read the giant billboard: “Stardew Valley – 10 miles”. He would’ve continued driving, but something about the valley seemed to compel him. It felt… familiar, in a way. As if he had imagined a life in this very valley all those years ago. Now, in his late 30s, Kent was finally allowing himself to achieve this life. He barely thought about the decision before taking the next exit - bringing them all towards their new, hopefully more peaceful, life. 
Everyone seemed to greet the family warmly - from the local saloon owner, the townsfolk, and even the nearby rancher. However, one man seemed to keep his distance. An older gentleman - one who Kent swore he knew, but he couldn’t quite place. 
He pushed the thought from his mind. He would worry about familiar faces later. For now, they had to meet with the mayor and secure a house big enough for their family of four. 
“Oh, yeah,” The mayor said. Lewis, he said his name was. Kent looked him up and down. He was another older man, though this one wasn’t as familiar as the other. Something kept nagging at the back of Kent’s mind, pulling his attention towards the strange man he had noticed earlier. 
“Mr. Neilson?” Lewis asked, concern filling his voice. He waved a hand in front of Kent’s face and tried to regain Kent’s attention. Lewis spoke once more, “Did you hear what I said?” 
“Huh?” Kent asked, shaking out of his stupor. He tore his eyes away from the spot he was watching - the spot where the man from earlier had been standing. Kent swore the man was eagerly watching him a few seconds ago, but now he was gone. It was as if he had just disappeared. Kent looked at Lewis and gave an apologetic look before adding, “Sorry. What did you say, again?” 
“Well, I mentioned we have the perfect house for your family!” Lewis chirped. He made an excited motion towards a light blue house - one that was placed a few feet from where they were standing. It looked relatively new (and well taken care of) and Kent wondered who had built it. 
“And, Miss Yoder lives next door - on the ranch down the street,” Lewis explained, moving to point towards the ranch-like farm building. Lewis looked back at Kent, squinting as he looked him up and down. Kent almost wondered if the man considered him some sort of “competition”. For what, he wasn’t quite sure. Kent raised an eyebrow. 
After some scrutinizing - and Jodi approaching Kent and wrapping a loving arm around his waist - Lewis nodded. The man looked around and tried to find any more “selling points”. Eventually, his eyes landed on the gentle stream and Lewis spoke once more, “Plus, there is an abundance of water! I’m sure that… a man like you loves to fish, huh?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Kent asked, raising another eyebrow in Lewis’ direction. Kent enjoyed fishing, as it always helped clear his mind, but he didn’t like the tone Lewis used. It made him feel suspicious - as if this man had an ulterior motive with his “fishing” spiel. 
The older man seemed to ignore the question and continued speaking, “We even have our own local fisherman, if you need some tips.” 
Lewis pointed once more, this time aiming in the direction Kent had been staring previously. Curiosity overtook Kent and he was filled with questions.
“Oh, yeah?” Kent asked, tilting his head to follow the direction of Lewis’ finger. Another question slipped from his lips, “What’s this ‘fisherman’ like?” 
“He runs a shop down on the docks. You should check it out,” Lewis encouraged, a wide, inviting smile spreading across his lips. Kent gave a small hum of consideration but thanked Lewis for the information. 
He helped Jodi and Sam unpack their belongings. However, his curiosity began to slowly overtake him. Kent placed the box he was currently carrying down and turned towards the beach. His family members turned and looked at him, confused, but made no effort to stop him. They all knew that Kent wouldn’t do something like this if he didn’t have a plan. Despite this, Kent didn’t have a plan. Luckily enough, he seemed to be the only one who noticed his lack of plan, which allowed him to slip away unquestioned. 
He hadn’t really thought much about what he was going to do. He was going to the beach and then what? Talk to a stranger in hopes the man is who Kent thinks he is? Try to gain information about a man from twenty years ago? Kent knew it was a shot in the dark, but it was one he had to take. A wave of determination overcame him and he trudged across the small bridge that connected the mainland to the beach. He needed to find out. The lack of closure had always nagged at the back of his mind. And, with how familiar this man felt, Kent couldn’t shake the feeling that this would lead to the closure he’d been waiting for. 
Kent walked towards the shop, though he stopped as he noticed a silhouette of a man propped against the side of the building - two fishing rods in his hands. The man looked up at Kent and extended one rod.
“I knew ye would make it here eventually, son,” The man spoke, a knowing yet prideful look washing over his face. He watched as Kent eyed him, disbelief and distrust clearly evident on Kent’s face, and gave a small nod. It was a good thing Kent had learned to be suspicious. The man remembered how naive Kent had been in his youth. He remembered how it cost Kent. How it took away something dear to him. 
“Look, I’m not gonna hurt ya,” He explained, rolling his eyes slightly. The man took a small breath - debating if he wanted to do this - before speaking once more, “I just want someone t’ go fishin’ with.” 
“You’ll humor an old man,” The man asked, extending the rod once more. He gave Kent a look - one that Kent was sure he had seen before - winking. He laughed, the sound loud and boisterous as ever, and added, “Won’t ya, Kent?” 
 Kent looked at him skeptically. How did this man know his name? He had never introduced himself, had he? Regardless of how he knew his name, Kent was never one for rude behavior - especially towards someone acting so… friendly. He extended his own hand, though he hesitated before it reached the pole. 
“Well?” The man asked, raising an eyebrow. He motioned towards the rod and then the water. He spoke once more, “Ye gonna take it or not, lad?” 
At the last word, recognition washed over Kent. He couldn’t believe his eyes. In front of him stood none other than the William T. Dodgens. A small surprised, yet relieved gasp slipped past his lips and he approached the man, immediately wrapping him in a tight hug. 
“Willy?” Kent exclaimed. He felt tears well up in his eyes as Willy hugged him back - his grip as strong and fatherly as ever. Kent couldn’t believe that - after all these years - Willy was alright and standing directly in front of him. He pulled his head back and glanced over the man’s features - now, upon closer inspection, the man looked exactly as he did the last time Kent saw him, just older and less well-kept. There was also the lack of military uniform. Kent felt a rush of questions swarm his mind, though he settled on one for now, “Is it really you?” 
“Aye,” Willy responded with a small, curt nod. 
“What happened?” Kent asked. He held the man by his shoulders and looked around - taking in the surroundings - before adding, “And how did you end up here?” 
“Heh,” Willy started, a hearty chuckle slipping past his lips. Willy spoke once more, “That’s quite a long story. Here, grab a rod. I’ll tell ya while we’re fishin’.” He extended the rod to Kent once more, watching as the man took it enthusiastically, before walking towards the nearby pier.
“Hey, Willy?” Kent asked as the two positioned themself on the pier, their lines already cast and the bobbers carefully bobbing up and down on the bright, clear water. Kent always enjoyed the water. It seemed to fill him with a calmness that seemed almost alien some days. He was grateful for the rare moments when he could put everything aside - even his uproarious thoughts seemed to silence themselves momentarily. 
“Well, you mentioned how you ‘knew I’d come here eventually’,” Kent started. He looked over at the man and tilted his head in confusion. Kent continued, “What did you mean by that, exactly?” 
Willy smiled, his eyes crinkling up at the corners. For a split second, Kent’s vision blurred. Instead of Willy, he saw his father - the same expression plastered across his face. Then, Kent blinked his eyes. The image came back into focus - this time with Willy instead of what he had seen previously. 
“Remember what I told ye all those years ago - the day ye got in yer Mammy’s car?” Willy asked, tilting his head in Kent's direction. The memory was quite fuzzy and faded at the edges, but Kent still remembered that day clearly. It was the last time he had spoken to Willy - of course he would remember it. He had thought about it every day since. 
“Which part?”
“The part about ye knowin’ what I’d mean one day – about havin’ a duty to yer country an’ whatnot,” Willy explained. Kent thought back, trying to find Willy’s exact words. They came to him easily - as that was always the part Kent found himself mulling over most often. He hadn't understood it at the time, but he knew that whatever Willy had meant that day would come into fruition. Kent nodded, signaling he remembered that part. 
“Well, lookin’ at ye now.. I see I was right, wasn’t I?” Willy spoke, a small knowing look crossing his features. A small, dry chuckle slipped past the man’s lips. He sighed, looking at Kent with a remorseful look, before adding, “I was like that - when I was yer age. I felt like.. Yoba an’ their minions had set out a plan for me. I threw myself into service ‘cause I believed that’s what I was s’pposed to do, Kent.” 
“Ye an’ I.. we aren’t so different, lad. I knew ye would be just as stupid, recklessly determined as I was. As yer father was. But, I also knew I couldn’t stop ya. Y’see, Kent, I knew ye would end up here because that’s where I ended up. That’s where they always end up.”
Willy sighed once more, turning and staring off at the vibrant hue of the blueish green water. He smacked his lips together before giving a solemn nod - mulling over his own life choices and how similar they were to Kent’s. He turned back to Kent and spoke once more, “It got to ya, didn’t it?” 
“The war, I mean,” Willy explained, looking at Kent with a distant sadness. He pursed his lips into a thin line, shaking his head disapprovingly. He added, “And ye kept goin’ back - no matter the cost, didn’t ya?” 
“You Neilsons and yer damn pride,” Willy spoke, mumbling to himself sadly. He sniffled, and Kent heard slight anger in his next words, “It’ll get the whole lot of ya killed.” 
Kent moved to defend himself though Willy held up a hand to stop him. 
“I don’t blame ya, Kenty boy,” Willy started, waving his hand to dismiss any growing anger Kent might have. He continued, “I woulda done the same thing. I did do the same thing, in fact. The Dodgenses.. Ah, that’s a stubborn breed, eh? Fishin’ themselves to death.. All ‘cause of some greater purpose – an’ to keep the family legacy alive, of course. But me? I was more stubborn than most. I didn’t want a life of fishin’ - I didn’t want to be like me Pappy. So, I tried to fight against it. I joined the naval forces.. I kept puttin’ myself through all kinds o’ unimaginable hell. All because I believed that I was supposed to.”
“But look at me now,” Willy spoke, motioning towards the shop behind him and the fishing rod in his hands. Willy sighed and shook his head. He looked at Kent, a wide frown spreading across his lips. He added, “I went through all of that and - in the end - it didn’t even matter. Promise me you won’t lose yourself like I did, Kent.” 
Kent gulped, unsure of how to respond. 
“Promise me, lad,” Willy repeated, his voice much firmer than usual. Kent looked at his face - it seemed pained and remorseful, as if Willy was watching his own decisions play out all over again. As if Kent was a repeat of his past choices - good and bad. It made Willy afraid to see how badly it had already affected him. 
“I.. I promise,” Kent spoke, though he felt a deep pit build in his chest. That was the first time he had lied since his talk with Jodi. The lie tainted his mouth. It felt sour and wrong in his throat - as if he had swallowed a lemon whole. Willy had urged Kent not to “lose himself” but what he didn’t realize was that Kent already had begun to. He felt himself slipping into a state he wasn’t sure he could escape from. 
To make matters worse, the war was kicking up once again. Kent was consumed by fear that something awful would happen to his son. He couldn’t let that happen. Kent knew that, when the time came five years later, he would be the first one running into the arms of the Ferngill Republic military. He would do it for his family - to protect his son, who would be twenty one at the time. He couldn’t let Sam experience what he had. He wouldn’t let Sam experience what he had. Kent would do whatever it took to keep Sam from enlistment. Kent wasn’t given a choice then, but he would ensure Sam got one now. Even if it took everything from him. Even if it changed Kent beyond recognition. Even if it caused his family to disdain him - to harbor grudges and build up resentment because they believed he only cared about his job. Even if it caused Kent to lose himself. Kent would lose himself a million times over - as long as it meant his family would be safe. Because that’s what you do for the people you love.
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How do you imagine each member of the NSS gang (+ Kay & Gen) in 10 years? What do you think they'd accomplish and lose inbetween that large gap of time?
// Hmm honestly I haven't though that far ahead in their stories yet lol but I do have some vague ideas- not sure if this answers your ask very well though sorry-
Three would still be Captain of the NSS (which would maybe have a few new recruits) and while they would still fight off any potential threats I do think they would- to a degree achieve some sort of peace- at least within the Inkopolis/Splatlands area. He would also take back up DJ-ing part time thanks to Callie and Marina's persuasions, doing something like that would definitely work as a sort of stress relief. Loss wise- Three's sanitization scars would slightly worsen within his eye and ear, causing him to be fully blind/deaf on his right side.
Four- well she wouldn't really change much and nor would her life, other than normal agent achievements I can't really think of much. She'd cut off her dad as she got older and more sick of him (especially after finding out what happened between him and Three)
Eight would've gone on to help Marina more with her Memverse project, motivated by the idea of finding his sister April. Helping those affected by Tartar would kinda help his slight survivors guilt. He would never give up on trying to find his missing sisters (April and May) but wither he does find them? Who knows. OH yeah Eight and Three would maybe probably get married???? Probably
Neo would spend a lot of that time trying to educate others about Salmonids and their culture, how they aren't mindless beasts like Grizzco has paraded. It would take years but at least in the Splatlands Neo would eventually succeed and help with bringing the two together. Neo would also (somehow) become closer to Deep Cut, kinda in the same vein as Eight and Off The Hook lol. I don't think Neo would really lose anything? Maybe their will to give a f-
Kay well he'd advance up in rank, becoming a DCI himself however in doing so means he would no longer be on the same team as his boss Himeka, having to move on and learn to navigate his new job without her. They would still be in contact but no more work mum for Kay lol Oh yeah Kay and Four would be together.
Gen for her the biggest accomplishment she'd make would be becoming one of the very top rank players with her team, filling a goal set out for her since childhood- her biggest loss- technically that's a major spoiler for a flash forward storyline I want to do in the blog eventually :) (i know ask says 10 years but this event would happen a few years post blog anyway so-) but hey another happy thing is she'd get engaged to her girlfriend.
Oh also no art sorry- I have not a single clue what future versions would look like at this moment in time-
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
Is there any ending where Crescent or Merciless become the king?
Sorry for the late response, anyway-
No there's no such ending where Crescent become a king but there's an ending where Merciless did.
It's called unexpected ending and @itzcherrybonbon Discussed it a few days ago and it was wild!
So unexpected ending wasn't like any other ending that only can be achieved at timeline 221. Palette come up with an idea at timeline 120 by guilt tripping convincing Merciless that he can be much more than just an abandoned prince.
So Palette stole the Holy sword and gave it to Merciless to kill Alphonse and boom, he took the throne. Just as Merciless took over the throne, the game is over and Palette achieved an 'unexpected ending'
Now, why do I called it unexpected? Because Merciless kinda- Well he made a lot of unexpected decisions. So yeah, this ending is focusing on Merciless entirely now yahoo-
Of course most of it are good decisions but hey we didn't expect for him to be a good person (kinda?) but he did-
So Merciless fix the kingdom and actually ruled it correctly thanks to Dream guiding him.
Here's a catch, we all know once Passive rest in peace. Lux will gain her old personality back and lost all her memories for the pass 10 years...? Yeahhh she kinda also lost her feelings (that she never have-) for Merciless because she doesn't remember him.
Well sure in surprise ending, they still ended up together but only because Cross was there to watch them communicate-
but we all know Merciless- the obsessive lovesick. Like oh my God, in bad ending he's a bit of a jerk-
Anyway, yeah so Merciless locked Lux in a cage. Very unexpected like we didn't expecting a dog never bite his owner suddenly make such decision... 😬
Overall this ending is cool because I love angst and desperation. Plus I can write how Lux cried because she can't remember shit and being scared of Merciless. Beautiful <3
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thehomophobe · 17 days
Anthropocene & Glorious Nature
Chapter 1: Dulcet Tones
Written by me!
The weather outside was crisp with hints of petrichor. It had just rained last night and the water didn't evaporate yet. A great day for sweaters and sweatpants and a walk through the forest that was cut off from human interaction by a conservation group you were apart of to help. Which in thought, would probably mean you're breaking your promise to leave the wildlife alone. You can't help it, you love the thicket that grew and decayed and grew again by your house. And it isn't like you're disrupting the environment, unless disturbing the peace with your footsteps counts. 
This forest has been here longer than you have; scientific evidence saying that it could date back hundreds of years. Even though, as with all cases of anthropocene, the forest has shrunken in size and wildlife. The average death of deer caused by car collision goes up with more roads being built and highways being cut off for god knows how long. And the occasional forest fire that demolishes majority of the trees due to some rowdy teens playing with fire like uneducated cavemen. Luckily, this grove's been unharmed for about 5 years now thanks to you and the little conservation group. It was a long process of polite protest and perseverance to save this place from turning into some mega mall. Now look it, trees of oak, birch, spruce and others are now growing tall and lush with green. The soft grass swayed in the gallant wind, still a little squishy from the rain. Ah it's fine, you're wearing some old sneakers anyways. You'll throw them out later. Some mushrooms grew from the dampness in soil, eating away from the dead tree and animal matter here. Cute little fairy rings and such. Strangely enough, there were no animals in sight. Probably because of your obnoxious footsteps stamping the soil. Disturbing the peace and such.
You always loved animals as a child, your parents bought you a lot of animal plushies; your room was the San Diego Zoo by the time you turned 10. You were prone to touch the snails and slugs that appeared in your walkway, even hiding them in your pocket to bring to school. (Yeah you were a weird kid.) The moment you learn about what a zookeeper was during a job fair, you strive to achieve that dream job. And you did! Kinda…Well, you nurtured the butterflies in the butterfly garden, and the lizards in the reptile exhibit. Ok you just got the job but it was so worth it! You'll move up, don't worry. 
Dark clouds shourded over the woods. The atmosphere had sullen in sorrow, as if a loved one has passed. 
Oh boy, it's gonna rain again. At least, that's what you think. The drops falling from the leaves reflect the route of rain. You trekked along though, knowing it's a farce. The wind had gotten a little chilly; sweater weather was turning into coat climate. But if you can handle several snow storms, a little wind won't steer you away. 
*crunch crunch crunch*
The water in the grass was drying up from the wind, it's former texture revitalizing. Your shoes were muddy and the bottoms of your sweatpants were soiled.
That was you when you stopped. 
In the distance, there was the only animal you saw in your entire leisurely walk.
Sylvilagus floridanus.
An Eastern Cottontail.
In a weird shade of…purplish black.
No no. Sickly green…
What? You're not colorblind. The foliage must've blinded you from it. You moved closer, away from the blockade to get a clear view of the hare. You tried not making a sound to scare it away. You didn't bring you phone so you're merely observing it. 
The rabbit didn't move, only staring into your eyes. 
You took a couple steps closer to it. The rabbit didn't flinched when you tripped over a root. It only stared at you, never blinking or flicking its ear once. Weird…
As you came closer to the leporidae, the quiet tintinnabulations of the grove turned silent.
The air turned thick and viscous…
Your vision…distorts… 
 *Chirp chirp chirp chi-Thump*
What was that? You turned your head to the sound, knocking you from the strange trance. You stood up from your crouched position to the look for the origin of the noise. A small yellow blob limped from the forest floor, little wings fluttered a hop but not hover. A peep emitted from the small animal. You hurried over to it, leaving the jaundiced colored rabbit behind. 
It was a bird. Serinus canaria domestica. A canary.
The creature was tiny and innocent, its little march and hops were adorable. To the unknowledgeable person it may seem. To you, it was bad.
The thump it made must've been from hitting the branches. Which makes sense considering its wing was broken. The poor thing. You scooped the canary up and held it in your hands. The bird was so tiny, but wasn't small enough to be a baby. It had all its golden feathers so it was mature enough to be an adult. The bird looked to you with curiousity as its head tilted a little, observing you.
You couldn't tell if it was a male or a female…until it started singing to you. You don't if the word was mellifluous or melliferous, but one of them meant a beautiful voice. To state the obivous, canaries are known for singing, but this canary was different. Much different than the others you've heard before. It also help determine the gender of the little bird, male. 
Rain started to pour from the clouds, and since it was already getting late, you decide to head home. With the little canary, who you now called "Goldie", in your hands.
The jaudice rabbit looked with cold eyes. 
A rotting corpse lays behind the hare.
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 year
Kodaka's April Fool's tweets 2023
Neeheehee... Being told it's okay to lie makes me not want to lie. Just kidding! That was a lie!
Anyways, I hacked this account. Oh? Who am I? The supreme leader of a secret society of justice. Every day we do everything in our power to bring world peace!
What are you talking about? I'm perfectly alive! Don't know who you're mistaking me for, but I never died once in my life! After all, I'm a completely nonfictional individual who exists in the real world! I'm seriously alive, ok?
It's been years, so I'm a full-grown adult now. Yeah, I got a normal job as an idol singer, did you know? Uh-huh, in a duo with a robot I met in my school days. We're a small, obscure unit, so our selling point is how close and approachable we are to our few fans. I'm just in it to see the audience's happy faces. Money doesn't feed the heart.
Fiction is so worthless. It's like a dream you forget when you wake up. I think people who get crazy about fiction are stupid. But unlike it, I'm valuable. Because I'm a real person.
Keep this between us, but Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and all those other guys from the Sengoku Period weren't real. They're from ancient fiction that the later generations mistakenly believed to be real.
Robots don't have human rights, so you can do whatever you want with him. If you wanna tip the performers during the concert, toss a sack of coins at him as hard as you can. That's the fun part of our shows. Oh, me? I only take my tips in bills.
Welcome to the Supreme Leader of Justice's official Twitter account. There's only one way to achieve world peace! I need everyone to join this secret society of justice where I'm the supreme leader. The admission fee is only 100 thousand yen! You can get a 10% discount for each friend you recruit! Nee-hee-hee, invite everyone you know. For world peace!
I knew this really cringe guy in my school days, always yelling something or other about going to space. I came across him the other day lying down on the street, drunk on Strong Zero, with dead fish eyes mumbling that he will go to space. Great to see life's been good to him!
What? You can't afford the entrance fee for the secret society of justice? C'mon, just rob someone. It's for world peace, they forgive you eventually. Nee-hee-hee, everyone needs to work together to achieve world peace, one donation to me at a time!
I'm really not a fan of eating bugs. I had a friend who loved bugs in my school days, and the dude was the nicest guy ever. Never told a lie in his life. And you know how much I hate liars. But bugs taste so good.
Agh, I spent this whole liar day only telling the truth. Why am I such a contrarian?
Just kidding, that was a lie!
What exactly was a lie, you ask? What part of what I said was a lie? Why does it matter? Life's not about what's real and what's false, it's about what's fun and what isn't. Oh, that was a lie. I haven't done one of those in a long while.
Anyways, I'll be a character in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, coming out this June 30th! Make sure to preorder it, for world peace. It's a delightful game, full of robots exploding, robots falling into smelting furnaces, and robots losing their personalities and living for revenge against humanity. Seeing all of you again after such a long time sure wasn't boring. Till next time. Buh-bye.
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cogcltrcorn · 1 year
I was tagged by @flippy-floppy , and I have maybe taken this a bit too seriously.
hmmm. this is actually very hard bc I am very bad at remembering things. also I very frequently obsess over books that are like, objectively Bad (like have I spent a solid 2 months thinking about it by stephen king and only about it by stephen king? yes. is it good? no. did I like it? no. did I still analyze it thoroughly? yes. next question). so. yeah. anyway
I will for sure wake up tomorrow like "OH MY GOD HOW COULD I FORGET [BLANK]" but I am at peace with that fact
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in no particular order:
Fathers and sons, Ivan Turgenev - well. it's a book about russian nihilism, it's a book about the political schism between the generations in 19th century russia, and it's a book about idolizing reason and then being forced to contend with the fact that you are still a human being that is both capable of love and craves it deeply. also it is lowkey about being a college student homoerotically enraptured with your very smart and charismatic friend who is an absolute dick. and what happens if you bring this guy to stay with you and your family during the break.
chronicles of amber by roger zelazny - I am gonna be honest with you I do not remember half of that series. including this might be cheating bc it's like. 10 books. whatever. rules are made up. it's good. it's very fucking good. just writing about it right now makes me want to reread it. anyway it's fantasy and there's reality shifting and there is complex lore and yeah no I think this book has radically altered my brain chemistry when I read it.
twenty thousand leagues under the seas by jules verne - look. 9 yo cog fucking Loved boring descriptions of marine wildlife. I was fucking Entranced by this book. this book started my years long obsession with jules verne novels. I may or may not be autistic. like really I can put like. 5 jules verne books on this list. are they incredibly dated and filled to the brim with trademarked 19th century classist and racist bullshit? yes. are they boring as fuck if you do not care about like, the mechanics of building a kiln on a deserted island? yes. but I did. I did care about building a kiln. I wanted to know how traveling to the center of the earth would go. and I wanted to know if the gentleman could get around the world in 80 days. whatever. the important things is that I loved those books and I still love them and they are, at their core, about how fucking cool humans are and how we are capable of great achievements if we apply ourselves and how incredible the world around us is.
do androids dream of electric sheep? by philip k dick - once again there could be like. 4 books on this list. I fucking love his stuff actually. the man has spent his entire life doing coke, getting scared as a result, and then writing kick ass novels about what scared him. he got really into gnosticism by the end of his life. he thought that god talked to him through a spot of light. I fucking love his books. anyway. this specific one is about the way human spirit sirvives in a future that is rendered nearly uninhabitable by capitalistic greed. the world of do androids dream of electric sheep is artificial, obsessed with its own artificiality, and obsessed with proving itself to be Not artificial, ironically, inventing increasingly artificial ways to prove it. plot twist! the only real thing in the world built for profit is the human connections you build! anyway. I have beef with blade runner the movie bc it is NOT A GOOD ADAPTATION OF THE BOOK and has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. I AM SICK AND TIRED.
actually I lied. here is another philip k dick novel
a scanner darkly - well. how do I explain. ok so basically this is a deeply biographical novel about the loss of identity and connection to reality as a result of drug usage. I fucking love it. reading it makes me go fucking insane. I highly recommend this to all of you, my darling succession mutuals
interview with the vampire, anne rice - made me insane. a theological and philosophical discussion with the guy with the weirdest moral code you have ever seen, with the added bonus of him complaining about his stupid greedy whore of an ex-husband
obligatory mention of 1984 by george orwell - well sorry. he did spit some facts here. also i need to re-read this bc I last read it like 6 years ago and I miss it. I feel kinda unoriginal by saying I love it but like. it Is good. I want to kill the protagonist with hammers, but it IS good... I think of her (1984 by george orwell) often....
red dragon, thomas harris - ok well you see I don't actually have to explain anything to you, do I? I just love it. don't know why. will graham is like a bug to me.
the count of monte cristo, alexander dumas - YET AGAIN!! GOD IS THIS BOOK ENCHANTING IF YOU ARE A CHILD NERD. it has everything: prison escape, complex revenge plot, brooding hero, a long ass side story that seems to have no connection to the main plot but eventually connects back to it, 19th century orientalism. man.
seeing the things other people have posted for this thingy made me realize I need to diversify my reading habits. mayhaps a man should not exclusively read postmodernist sci-fi and 19th century adventure novels. oh well.
anyway. if you wanna do it you can and you should. also go read philip k dick he is underrated as fuck
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years
on my way home now. i was surprised that my parents suggested i take the train bc like since when are we millionaires lol trains are so expensive! but turned out they forgot that train tickets were expensive and were v shocked to find out. but it was all so last minute so i ended up taking the train anyway. it was 80 bucks! like dude!
anyway ive been obsessed with the idea of having a swiss german boyfriend. i feel like that would fix me.
i feel like the issue with me and B wasn't that we were different. on the contrary, we're too similar. and we can't give the other what we really need i.e. stability, normality, sanity… we always dreamt about having a family and a house in the country side and kids who are normal and do team sports and go to music school and we're this regular family with family values. but it doesn't happen with people like us. i mean look at us. my dad's an alcoholic. when i was a teenager i had convinced myself that regular relationships weren't for me oh no no no i had to go to clubs underage and get groped by perverts. and then date a guy 10 years my senior and cry myself to sleep every night convincing myself that it was love. and B wasn't any better. his family was torn apart by war. and then he didn't want to date anyone normal either. he would pick up girls on the train and then had a long distance relationship with a girl in turkey whose dad had just died.
normal people, like andre, like a bunch of my other friends, whose parents never divorced, who grew up with family values, they have normal lives. they date and hold hands in highschool, they get into relationships with their classmates in uni. and then they get married and have kids and buy a house in the countryside just like their parents had done. it's all a cycle. and for B and i that kind of scenario would be unattainable.
it's like both of us are in wheelchairs and we want to teach our children how to walk, you know what im saying. meanwhile if we find partners who can walk i.e. partners who grew up normal, we can achieve our respective dreams of a house in the countryside and normality. and that's what we need. not going to the balkans to visit my dad who walks around with a bottle of slivovica in one hand and a baby (that he had at 55 with his alcoholic wife who kept drinking thoughout pregnancy) in the other. and then being like ahh shit do we go on the muslim hill or the orthodox hill. like no. we need to find peace and not continue this whole délire. bc if we did stay together and had a family we would've raised children who were just like us, frustrated and not knowing their place in the world.
so yeah im gonna get a normal swiss german boyfriend and have a normal life. and try not to get obsessed with the dysfunctionality of my family like i had been before. bc sure it's fun and entertaining, but it's not mature, it's not what i need.
and i feel bad for B bc he thought that i was the normal one. he'd tell me that he was so happy that i was a balanced person and that i was well raised. and sure, that's the vibes i give off i guess. and plus he projected a lot of things onto me and didn't see how dysfunctional i really was. he needs someone who is truly normal, just like i need the swiss german boyfriend. someone who has values and who knows how a family is supposed to function, not me who's just doing guesswork.
so my plan is: finish uni, work on the family business, do a masters degree in like business or something, meet a swiss german guy at like 27-28 and then have kids after 30 and try to be as normal as possible. and then i'll move to like zurich or luzern or zug or something. and raise my kids there and drive a bmw, vw or audi like all of them do. and my kids will go to a regular public school in the area and do sports and then go to uni in st gallen and work at a bank. and we'll all be happy and normal. and my husband and i will go to the hotsprings on holiday. and i'll think about B and my dad and the balkans and cringe at how bad it was.
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aellaaellaaella · 1 year
I'm Backkkkkkk
hey guys so like 2 years ago I went into all in recovery which was like best decision I ever made and I still think that. I gained all my weight back which was scary but okay because I started to enjoy my life and stuff BUT...
Recently things have been really shit for me (mainly just academic stress) and so I was bouncing through coping mechanisms that didn't work. and then someone took this photo of me and oh my god I was ready to die right then. I was actually fat. my fat was falling over the top of my shorts and my arms were saggy and ew and so I started eating a bit less without thinking much of it. I got on the scale for the first time in months just to see where I was out of interest. A week later I did the same and the euphoria of losing weight got to me again
so this time I'm here to do it better with more achievable goals and still do the best I can to somewhat enjoy my life.
I've been eating less and less for the past 10 days going from 2 meals a day to none today without even having to think about it. I've somehow lost 5kg already which makes me so happy but yeah hopefully by my holiday on the 7th July I'll be down to 58?
anyways, peace out my lovelies
stay safe
-Aella x
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Magnum Opus (Adrenaline Junkie Part 7)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2,451
(A/N): our dear little (y/n) needed a break from the angst, so I gave them one : )
You were finally done with the prototype for your prosthetic. It took blood, sweat, and tears and hours upon hours to get the measurements precisely right, but you were finally done. You were one step closer to freedom and you were ecstatic. You were practically vibrating with excitement.
Sprinting up the stairs with your pride and joy closed and wrapped in a sheet, you made a beeline for the front door passing Philza in the process. You heard him ask you something, but you were already darting past him through the door and outside. Before long, you were at the top of the cliff you designated as your test site. 
The cliff was perfect for gliding. It towered over the ground at a perfect height for you to gain air resistance in time and overlooked a vast, empty field that stretched as far as the eye could see. A few herds of chickens and cows were scattered here and there, but if you were careful you could probably steer away. Probably. If you hit a cow, it wouldn’t hurt that much, right? 
Sliding on the prosthetic was a little bit of a struggle. You had to awkwardly twist your body around and uncomfortably reach for your upper back to fasten the leather belts securely around your nub, but you would get faster at it once you put it on more. Smiling in satisfaction when it was on, you tested out the abduction and adduction capabilities of the iron joints by pulling on the string you attached to the ends of each joint. The wing opened and closed with ease.
Now, the only thing you had to test out was if it worked or not. You backed up to the point of the cliff where it started to slope down and took a few deep breaths. Here goes nothing.
You broke into a sprint towards the edge of the cliff. The precipice was coming nearer and nearer, there’s no backing out now, you had to follow through if you wanted a successful flight. If you killed yourself in the name of innovation, then so be it. 
When you bunched up the muscles in your legs to jump out as far as you could, you pulled the rope that extends your wing and firmly pulled it taut. You wobbled in the air slightly before you stabilized yourself. The air was flowing freely past you as you glide through the warm summer air. 
You started to laugh loudly in triumph as you soared through the air. For the first time in almost one and a half years, you felt truly free. You felt infinite even like nothing could drag you down. Time around you seemed to slow down as you relished the feeling of freedom and being emancipated from your life on the ground. The warm air rustling through the base of your feathers on your left wing felt like heaven. 
Unfortunately, what goes up must come down. You were getting closer and closer to the ground, so you had to land. You extended your legs under you and your feet made contact with the grass below you. Your momentum made you take a few swift steps forward, but overall, you landed safely. 
Cackling, you jumped up and down in place and repeatedly punched the air. Your wing fluttered happily rustling the strands of grass around you with strong gusts of air.
The nearby herds of animals scurried away from you, their peaceful grazing interrupted by your excited shouting. Normally you would’ve felt bad for them, but you didn’t care; your invention worked! You had to show your family, they had to see this.
Philza was startled by the front door bursting open and banging against the wall. Your loud voice booming through the silence of the house. There goes his quiet day.
You heard footsteps running towards you as Philza ran down the hallways and into your field of vision. His startled wide eyes scanned your form. Your face was split in a wide grin and your eyes were impossibly wide as they regarded him. Your entire body was practically vibrating like you were barely keeping your excitement and elation at bay. Your wing was flittering rapidly behind you.
But what caught his eye was the leather attached to your back where your other wing was supposed to be. It was the exact same size as your left wing.
“I-Is that…?”
You giggled uncontrollably in glee. “Yes! Oh, I need to show you how it works!”
You grabbed his hand and drug him to the couch with a surprising amount of strength. Plopping him down, you began spewing and gesturing wildly towards your newest invention.
“Ok ok ok, so this is just a prototype of course, but I was inspired by a bat’s wings with the leather and the general structure. I made the joints and the structural support rods out of thin iron so that it doesn’t weigh it down or make any drag. I can open and close it with this,” you pulled the rope and the wing opened, “and I have a hole for my wing to go into and it’s secured by belts and it even lets me glide and ohmygoddadisntitamazing?”
Philza looked at you with disbelief as you rattled on about how your invention works. How exactly did you make this without him noticing that you were making it? Where did you learn how to work with leather? When you were done, he looked at you with a smile.
“It’s fantastic hun. But how do you know that it lets you glide?”
You paused and gave him a sheepish smile. “About that… I may have, kinda… sorta, jumpedoffacliff.”
“You what? Do you understand how dangerous that was?”
You felt a burning anger flare up from deep inside of you. You just found out that you could somewhat fly again and he has the audacity to not care. “Yes, but how was I supposed to know if it worked or not? It’s not like I have anyone with the same sized wing as I do. The measurements had to be exact. One wrong measurement would make you crash! But that’s not the important part, I can fly again! Don’t you care about that?”
His eyes softened. “Of course I do, (y/n). It’s amazing that you can fly again but I’m just worried about how you tested it out. What if it didn’t work? You could’ve died again, (y/n).”
You felt your eye twitch. “Dad, life is all about risk. If you don’t take a risk every now and then, you’re just… standing still! What kind of life is that?”
He held your heated glare with sad, desperate eyes. “I… I just can’t lose you again, (y/n). Promise me that I won’t lose you again. That you won’t do reckless things like this anymore.”
You let your stance relax and your left wing tucked itself back in. Walking over to him, you sat next to him, wrapping your left wing around him in an awkward kind of side hug. Fiddling with your thumbs, you replied softly. “You aren’t going to lose me again anytime soon, that I can promise you, but I can’t promise that I won’t do reckless things. Like I said, life is all about risks. You have to take them if you wanna move on. I wanna move on with my life, I’m sick of being stuck in one place.”
He rubbed at his eyes tiredly as he sighed. There was no convincing you when you were like this. He’s learned that trying to steer you in another direction is like Sisyphus finally reaching the top of the mountain only to have the massive stone roll back down again. Getting you to agree was something that went against your motives just wasn’t going to happen. 
“...Do you want to move out?”
“What? Nonononono, I don’t want to move out yet. I just meant that I was tired of not moving on with life after that thing took my wing.”
He gave a watery chuckle. “Good, I wouldn’t have anybody to make me breakfast in the mornings or split wood with me if you moved out.” 
He twisted his upper body towards you and pulled you into a warm hug. “I’m not leaving anytime soon. You don’t need to worry about me anymore.”
You two stayed like that for a while before he pulled back and gestured for you to turn around. You obliged and he got a closer look at your prosthetic, opening and closing it with the rope.
“...This is just a prototype. I’m still trying to figure out a way to automatically move the wing without having to pull the rope.”
He hummed in thought. “Have you thought about using redstone?”
“Yeah, but everything’s just too… bulky. I might have to make a tiny sensor so that it receives impulses from my muscles and moves when I want it to. That’s gonna take me a long time.”
“I’m sure that you’ll figure it out soon, you’re creative. Probably the most innovative of your generation… I’m proud of you, ya know. You’ve grown up and overcome so much in such a short amount of time.” He said genuinely.
You felt your face heat up and a small smile shaped your lips. You loved it when people praised you for your achievements, especially your dad. It warmed your heart to hear that he’s still proud of you, even if you’re almost an adult now. 
He clapped a hand on your shoulder and started to walk to the door.
“...Where are you going?”
He looked over his shoulder with a smirk. “We are gonna go find your brothers so we can show them how amazing you are.”
Your eyes lit up and your previous excitement returned tenfold. Laughing boisterously, you grabbed his hand and started sprinting, dragging him behind you. He laughed with you as he kept up with you with ease. 
You two ran until you hit the forest where Tommy was with Tubbo at the goat hybrid’s bee farm. They looked at you with alarm as you both almost crashed into one of the hives. Bees buzzed around peacefully, completely contradicting the energy you and Philza had. 
“Tommy, Tubbo, you have to follow us!”
They glanced at each other. “Why-”
You shushed them. “No questions! I have something to show you!”
You turned on your heel and started to sprint towards the woods where you can hear the soft strumming of a guitar. 
His head poked out from behind a large tree trunk. “What could you possibly want? I’m practicing.”
“No time to explain, follow me.”
You once again ran away towards the shooting range Techno was in. Currently, he was working on his aim with a crossbow. 
He jumped and accidentally pressed the trigger, making the arrow completely miss the target by several feet. He lightly glared at you. “(Y/n), don’t do that. I could’ve sho-”
“Sorry Tech, but you’re coming with me. I have something to show you.”
Like you did with Tommy and Wilbur, you darted off without letting him respond. In no time, you and your family reached the cliff. At the top, you turned towards them with a slightly crazed grin and sparkling eyes. They looked extremely confused as to why they were up there.
“I bet you’re all wondering why I’ve brought you here today. Well boys, I present to you,” you paused for dramatic effect, “my magnum opus!”
You yanked the rope and your leather wing extended with a glorious fwoosh. You watched as their jaws dropped and they looked at you with differing expressions. Philza looked at you with beaming pride, Techno and Wilbur looked at you with complete surprise, Tubbo smiled widely at you, and Tommy was speechless.
Grinning wider, you pointed out all the intricacies of your invention. They all listened attentively, absorbing every single detail you explained. They were fascinated with the idea of using prosthetics. 
You smirked. “Now, I’m sure you all would like a live demonstration. Step aside.”
You turned around and started walking towards where you started your take off earlier. You steeled your nerves and broke into a sprint. Once again jumping off the cliff and pulling your wing open, you heard your family gasp as you wobbled in the air slightly before you steadied yourself and began gliding. Their horrified gasps and shouts quickly turned into cheering as you glided away from them. 
As you were midair, you heard the flutter of feathers behind you as Philza appeared in your peripheral vision. He was grinning widely at you as his giant wings flapped to keep him next to you. You grinned back and in that moment, everything felt right. You would always have your family to support you.
You landed safely on the ground with a few steps and Philza followed suit, pulling you into a soft winged hug. You squeezed him back with vigor.
“(Y/n),” he whispered. “I am so, so proud of you, my little inventor.”
You felt tears sting your eyes as you hugged him tighter. You could hear your brothers and Tubbo (whom you considered your pseudo brother at this point with how often he hangs around the house) running towards you two. It would be a minute or two until they reached you. Until then, you just wanted to stay in your dad’s loving embrace. 
You were ripped away from Philza’s comforting embrace and pulled into Tommy’s chest. He squeezed you in a bone crushing hug and started to spin you around.
He let you go and you were given a congratulatory pat on the back and wide smile from Tubbo, who wasn’t quite accustomed to you yet. Techno smiled at you with pride and rustled your hair and Wilbur swung his arm around your shoulders, leading you back towards the house. “Well, I say this calls for a celebration.”
The feathers on your wing fluffed up proudly at the praise. “I’m down, but first could one of you help me take this off? It hurts after a while of wearing it.”
The rest of the night was illuminated with laughter and joy, the house booming with life. This was another moment where you felt infinite in the universe, surrounded by the people you hold dearest.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @dirtydiavolo  @yeiras-world  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity  @camisascam
@bongwaterflavoredgatorade  @kakamiissad  @jayistrash4  @lifestylesleep  @speedymaximoff  @sun-shark-tooth  @appetiteofapeoplepleaser  @lestrangenymph  @kinismanditory  @dragons-lurk-here  @rinzyx05  @the-wandering-pan-ace  @sparkling-gayyyy  @angelic-scent  @shinipii  @dont-hug-me-im-a-fander  @izzydimensional  @used-avocado
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Oooh thanks for the tag @ninadove ! 💙 The challenge is the following :
"List the first lines of your last twenty stories. See if you can find a pattern."
Same as you, I don't have twenty stories lying around, so Imma be picking from my google doc and probably mostly from what I call the "Hresvelg siblings snippets", that I add to whenever I have an idea.
Info : Adel is the last Hresvelg sibling and is the proud dad of his wyvern Mirabelle. Meanwhile, Siyn is my Bylethsona.
Without further ado, let's go !
Edit: it's not putting spaces when I put them. I do NOT know why.
1- Siblings bonding time
As they looked up at the setting sun and at the eagles circling up in the sky, they sat in an amazed silence before the beauty of their imperfect world. 
" Hey. Let's make each other a promise. "
" Sure. "
" What's it ? "
" Once this is over… Let's all go to therapy." 
"Oh you bet." 
"Most definitely." 
2- Typical Loki fashion
"They're missing out on one of the most amazing persons ever."
"Who's that ?"
"Me, duh."
3- Karaoke night
"I don't know the lyrics to that song", the teen muttered under his breath.
"It's a prayer, Loki. We're in a cathedral."
"I personally wish I didn't", Adel smiled and kept chanting along. "It's always "Something something goddess", "Something something Sothis", and how you should never throw a revolution against the Church. "
4- Mirabelle
"I was wondering though…" Siyn considered as she gently scratched the wyvern's neck. "Why'd you name her Mirabelle ?"
"Bold of you to assume I think before I act, Professor."
5- Cookie ?
"If one more person dares tell me, "revenge is baaaaaad" and "you're young, you don't know what you're doing", or "you'll regret it later on, trust me, I've got absolutely no clue what you're going through right now, but I'm an adult so I must know better right ? ", I'm going to commit first degree murder. Revenge won't make me feel better or bring back what I lost ? Yeah no shit Sherlock, but maybe, just maybe making you shut up for a damn second will bring me a few seconds of well-deserved peace Karen." 
Aline looked at him with a soft smile as she poured him a cup of chamomile tea.  " Do you… Want a cookie ?"
" Yes. "
6- Releasing pressure
"Here's where I wanted to take you", Adel smiled as he helped him off the wyvern.
Loki perked around curiously, taking in the sight of the starlit deserted hills that surrounded Garrech Mach.
"It's beautiful", he softly spoke. "Thank you for taking me on this ride. When did you start coming here ?"
Adel pondered. "I'd say about a year ago ? There's few places as quiet as this around here, and I find that it helps me unwind, take off the pressure. Wanna know how ?"
The teenager smiled curiously. "Sure."
"I scream into the void at the top of my lungs for however long it takes for me to feel better."
"You what now ?"
7- Defying gravity
"I like gravity. It's really neat for all sorts of things."
"What the hell ? I hate gravity ! It sucks !"
"Well of course you would dislike it, you're a Wyvern Knight."
"Yeah, I'm not a fan of the feeling of impending doom when I'm plummeting to my death."
"Then don't fall to your death. Gravity won't do you anything if you're prudent enough."
"Oh, thank you, Sherlock. What makes you so keen on gravity anyways ?"
"I… Well what would the world be like without it ?"
"No, it'd be f*cking weird, I tell you what. Would you want to float 24/7 ?"
"YES. Yes, I'd love that."
"... What the hell is going on ?"
8- Pancakes
"Do you do that often ?"
"What, kill people or make pancakes ?"
9- Loki hoarding clothes
"I fully plan on hoarding all of your possessions. I've already got your boots, and Edelgard's gloves. I'm on the way to achieve the classiest of looks."
"What's next ?"
"Someday, I'll get Edelgard's horns."
10- Draft of Loki and Hanneman's support convos
Hanneman: In fact, I would like to study the effects of your Crest on your person. Or rather… The lack thereof.
Loki: That's an interesting way to say that I'm weak.
Hanneman: How about this spear right there ? Your brother could snap it in half while he was training there at the monastery !
Loki: I… Can't even imagine how anyone could do that.
11- Fuck
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-
12- Missing you
"Solon was your instructor for many years", Arundel says with a scrutinizing stare. "His death must come as a shock to you." 
The child looks up at him from his book and brings one short strand of black hair behind his ear. "I am devastated", he says in a deadpan voice, and goes back to reading. 
13- An Imperial visit
"You unearthed our father's body." The Empress said with a cold, but mostly just shocked expression, as she stared down her two older siblings- covered in dirt from head to toes and stinking of death. "Do you know how disrespectful this is ?"
"Pfdfpfrpfftpfft-" Loki wheezed, then coughed into his hand to quickly hide the laughter that was threatening to break out.
"Where's the body ?"
They stare at each other, silently.
"... Did you bury him in the gardens ?!"
"Oh ! Goddess no", Aline interjected. You know these poor flowers deserve better than him. "
" Then what did you do with him ? "
Loki was starting to lose it.
"... You know count Varley ? " Adel tentatively asked.
" Of course I do. What has he got to do with this ?"
"Well… We talked a bit with Bernadetta and… Well… we sent him the decomposed body."
"We told him the Emperor was coming to visit-"
14- Aren't we all
The kid looks at her with his almost unnaturally wide and empty eyes, as if they were always widened with fear: but when he talks, it's with the same emotionless and automatic voice she's used to.
"... Kronya. You are insane, aren't you ?"
She smirks and looks back at him, leaning over the table and snatching his book away.
"Are you not ?"
15- Father-daughter talk
"Your mother wanted to be cremated." Ionius bent over and deposited the medium-sized, dark urn that felt heavy in her hands. Even holding it, sat in her bed, still made her every joint ache.
"..." She looked up at him, slowly. "What am I supposed to do with that ? I didn't come to her funeral, why do you think I'd want her funerary urn ? "
"I..." That old, pathetic man looked at her with hollow eyes. "I thought you might want to reconnect. Maybe keep it in your room."
Aline's jaw dropped. "What ? Just- leave. You're delusional."
"I'll leave you alone with her to take this in. I know the loss of your mother affects you more than you let on… you need that closure." He slowly rose up from the chair and, leaning on his cane, turned around to leave by the open door.
"Hum ?"
"Stay here… just a while longer", she said softly as she propped herself up on her pillow, her back exploding with white pain as she held back a cry.
"... Do you want to talk about i-" Was all Ionius could muster before an expertly thrown funerary urn made contact with his face, sending ash everywhere.
16- On Loki and Edelgard
Maybe the reason they liked each other so much was because they recognized themselves as monsters; and in each other, they found the forgiveness they pretended they weren't seeking.
17- Character growth of a child soldier
Solon had to concede it to Thales, who seemed strangely proud: Loki didn't have anything to do with the small, scaredy kid he had been entrusted. The transformation had been radical. He had grown more efficient, more quiet, more observant. But most remarkable was the amount of confidence he had gained.
Some could even say he had become a little bitch.
18- Florem (Bravely Default)
The city of Florem was like a perfectly round and shiny red apple: incredibly appealing and appetizing from the outside, but slowly being devoured by a worm on the inside.
That horrid truth was something its inhabitants did their best to hide from the travelers that came from all around Luxendarc to visit the legendary city of refinement and pleasures, and most of the time, they were pretty successful at it. Any foreigner, upon approaching the outskirts of the town for the first time, would be struck by the overwhelmingly sweet scent of the quality perfumes the artisans of Florem were so renowned for. Lead by the nose to the central plaza of the city, where most of the stores were located, they would be entranced by the beauty of the place: its charming and colorful two-story houses with balconies bursting with local flowers, the care with which most of its inhabitants composed their attire, their dresses made with the softest of fabrics and the most intricate of patterns, sometimes accessorized with a fairy wing for an hairpin if someone felt fancy, their strong perfumes, the lights and the dense crowd of merchants and locals that left anyone being pushed around like a raft at sea.
For Braev Lee, Great Marshall of Eternia, the illusion worked like a charm, and the experience was absolutely exhilarating. It had been quite a few years since he had taken control of the duchy, and yet he had never had the honor to visit the Matriarch in person until now, neither had he had the chance to visit the legendary city that was rumored to be only populated with women. Especially not with his annoying right-hand man and best friend Kamiizumi to spoil the trip ! That reminded him, the Swordsmaster had been quiet for quite a while, and that could never be good. Turning around to look for him, Braev had to squint his eyes to search for the black head of hair amidst the dozens of people passing him by and bumping into him.
Thankfully, a natural hair color was as rare in Florem as it was in an art school, and he soon noticed him sat on the edge of a fountain, taking a well-deserved break. Rejoining him was no small feat due to the tremendous activity of everyone around him, but he could finally breathe as he plopped down next to his bro, and realized just how good it felt to stop running about.
“Hey, Nobotsuna. Thought you could escape from me ?” He teased with a smile.
“I gave up on that dream a long time ago”, the warrior replied with a flat voice.
19- On Aline and Hubert
"Don't play that game with me, Hubert. I saw you get your head stuck in a vase when you were five. You'll never be threatening to me."
20- Family feud
"I'm just saying. Everybody already considers Mirabelle part of the family. What's the deal in making it official ?"
Edelgard sighed, heavily. "Adel, we all appreciate her presence, that is a fact. However, she is just your pet. We can't officially give her the name von Hresvelg."
"Why not ? You did it for me", Loki whined.
"It was a different situation, and you know it."
"How so ?" He retorted, trying his best to put on a vexed expression. "I think it's the same."
Edelgard shook her head in bewilderment and turned to Aline, looking for some support. The woman seemed to be having the time of her life watching the feud between her younger siblings.
"Please tell them, Aline."
She thought it over for a moment, her eyes unfocused. Then, she smiled and nodded to herself, seemingly satisfied with herself.
"I just think you're a bad aunt, Edelgard."
Aaaand there we go ! =D it was fun to revisit those.
19 of them are from my Hresvelg siblings snippets, which I started as a way to develop my OCs' personalities, while the Bravely Default one is the beginning of the first chapter of a fic I've never continued. xD
So, what can we take away from this, apart from the fact that I've got a huge FE brainrot and a weakness for good siblings relationships in media ?
I think I like to have my fun and be a little bit sarcastic when I write. Not take it too seriously and putting my characters into what can be borderline absurd situations. Unsurprisingly, this is also a feature found in my favorite books ! ^^
Tagging (only if they feel like it ofc): @kanohivolitakk @crestofshame and anyone who feels like it !!! <3
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lochnessies · 3 years
ok here’s a dissection of a post an anon sent me the link to and bc i have the worst time management possible and i completely forgot i had it lol so sorry anon here you go ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I am constantly thinking about how Edelgard just doesn’t seem designed to appeal to cishet men.
i hate to be the one to break this news to you op but just because a character doesn’t show skin like charlotte fire emblem doesn’t mean she isn’t designed to pander to men. she’s very much designed to pander to the (majority straight male) player base with her ‘uwu i only trust you professor omg did u see that rat? pls don’t look at my painting of you uwu’.
then there’s the whole edelgard c support in japanese where byleth makes reference to having come to her room for ‘yobi’ which is
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there’s also the scene where byleth can make an unsolicited comment about edelgard’s breast size. which is… uhh… gross.
edelgard also has cipher cards that go from slightly fanserviceie to full on suggestive
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and also her breast armor that my sister relentlessly mocked lol
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and here’s a chart from the 3h subreddit about gender/sexually in regards to edelgard and edeleth. it’s extremely straight male. op might have just overlooked this since they probably don’t go on reddit and stay on tumblr (which unlike reddit is mostly female and has a high lgbt demographic).
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Like the joke is that Bleagles is the Gay House, but everything about her feels deliberately non-hetero.
i don’t like where this is going…
She’s dressed in sharp outfits covering her upper body, with proportions that don’t seem exaggerated.
so women who cover up must be lgbt because straight women are naturally more revealing? oh y i k e s
Her poise and the way she effortlessly flourishes her axe exhibits an air of coolness. While titties out =/= character of no substance, Edelgard being dressed more modestly suggests that she wasn’t designed with male-centred fanservice in mind.
“titties don’t equal no substance but here’s my post on how she has more substance because she doesn’t show titties” ok
And she still looks absolutely stunning in her more modest attire (like seriously, I haven’t felt the need to return to cosplay in years but I want to do her academy look so bad). 
yes she does. amazing design 10/10. i have a feeling this is the only part i’m going to agree with
Edelgard is intense. She does not mince her words and she is constantly evaluating you. Though she tries, she has a difficult time understanding her peers initially. Early on, she talks about how she would sacrifice herself and others in the name of some greater good. She is terrible at communicating with her peers. She has to be seen as infallible. Her heart has been hardened for years and she assumes she has to stay that way. She also assumes everyone mourns the same way she does - which is why she (kind of insensitively) insists you move on when Jeralt dies. Because to her, grief has to be channeled towards action, or else you’ll get lost in it. This attitude is demonstrated time and time again as she presses on. It can make her come off as cold and unfeeling - but look closer, and she’s anything but.
don’t really have anything to say at this part. it is pretty on the nose though i would slightly disagree with that last sentence a bit. i wouldn’t say she’s as i feeling as hubert is but all of her talks of the war boil down to how she feels and never her victims.
Her story is ultimately about her realizing that to achieve her goals, she needs to let people in and allow herself to want things like cakes and tea parties and lazy days in peace. 
????? what ????? her goals include imperialism, ethnic and religious targeting. her story is about having a set of beliefs and mowing down anybody who stands in her way. that has nothing to do with tea, friends, and lazy days. also am i supposed to be sad that she has to get up everyday and work? i do that and i didn’t start a war and only throw a pity party for myself
The game leaves the player guessing as to how involved the Flame Emperor was in each Part I event, makes you feel hurt by her betrayal, and leaves you with a choice: do you follow the orders of the woman who tried to make you a god without your consent, or a young girl with questionable morals about to throw the world into upheaval?
this isn’t an ideal situation but i think i’m going to stick with the woman who tried to make me a god since i’m not selfish and i know it’s not only my desires and life at stake here. plus the green hair slaps ngl
Choosing her of your own volition (not for completionist reasons) requires the basic ability to sympathize with a woman’s pain. It also requires the player to read beyond her unwavering will and dubious methods to get a sense of how deep that pain goes and how the theme of humanity relates to her differently in each route.
i’m not going to touch this since @nilsh13 made a post on it that i’ll link here. i agree with everything he said so to repeat it would be redundant.
The player must be able to see a young woman’s desperate resolve to change the world so it stops exploiting people and ruining lives. They must be able to accept the fact that women can make the same morally wrong and ambivalent decisions that complicated male characters get to make all the time and still be the one to root for.
literally the same reason i love rhea lol her goddess experiments are dubious at best but her reasons are the same you mentioned. i would say that i like this quality in edelgard too if her ending, while bloody, actually ended in a good outcome for fodlan.
This is not unique to LGBT+ people, but this population is likely to understand why Edelgard feels so strongly about why she has to change the system. 
i understand wanting to change a system, i really do. like edelgard, i’m an opinionated bisexual woman (who’s also physically disabled) so yeah i get it. and change can be good but it can also be terrible. even if the church was the boogeyman edelgard treats it as she still replaces it with her own shit regime. so it’s the same circus just with a new conductor.
I don’t think “Edelgard gets undue criticism because she’s a woman” captures the full picture. An important aspect of her treatment by certain parts of the fandom is that she’s a radical woman.
or maybe she does some pretty fucked up shit and it goes unacknowledged in her own route. and yeah she’s radical but in all the worst ways.
Her hatred of the Church and the Crest system resonates way harder with people who have been hurt by institutions that are deeply engrained in our society. 
and what about people who have been hurt by systems where their ‘merit’ didn’t measure up and they were left behind? what about people from nations that experienced imperialism?
Siding with her means siding against the Church - which, while different from real world religious institutions, still invokes language about “sin” and “punishment.
yeah the ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ are used in relation to attempted murders which i think everybody can agree is a bad thing that needs to be condemned.
Choosing Edelgard will likely hit different if homophobic and transphobic Christians used that rhetoric against you.
it has literally nothing to do with ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ in regards to being gay or trans. that’s you projecting. especially since the church has 2 canon gay characters and two coded ones.
like i can understand why having a church condemn you can be uncomfortable but i’m begging you to please look at the context of what’s happening.
I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that the reason F/F Edeleth is the more popular iteration of that ship because most people who would choose to S-support Edelgard are LGBT+ themselves. This is not a revelation. To anyone in the community, it’s fairly obvious. 
i was talking to nilish and he said
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so yeah… while there is definitely sapphic femleth shippers out there, there’s still a whole lot of weird fetishizing going on from straight men about edelgard.
Crimson Flower was my first route. I went into the game knowing absolutely nothing. I played it during the last week of 2020 and hoo boy was it cathartic. 
i can tell. this wasn’t supposed to be a dig but it came out that way and i’m not taking it out.
I felt like I was living out a gay revolution power fantasy, where I could truly change systems of oppression while fighting alongside a group of troubled students I’d shaped the lives of.
so a gay revolution power fantasy (cringe) goes hand in hand with imperialism and installing a dictatorship? also the war had nothing to do with sexuality.
Through your unwavering support, Edelgard learns that she needs to be human, that she must listen to her friends, and that she’s allowed to enjoy the world she’s creating.
edelgard gets to learn how to be human all while hunting those who don’t. and she doesn’t listen fo her friends. she doesn’t even trust them. she’s willing to talk to byleth but keep the people who’s been by her side for five years in the dark about everything. and yeah she gets to enjoy her new words since she’s on top. hate to be a commoner under her rule after she burned down my village in her war.
I love this character so much.
clearly. and i honestly don’t care if somebody likes her. i do as well even if my sometimes scathing words can make it seem otherwise.
It has been six months since I first played and I am still analyzing her,
me too. please help me escape i’m losing my mind
because there’s so much depth. Yet so many people fail to see that depth and dismiss her as evil,
i mean, she does some fucked up shit that goes beyond any of the less than desirable actions of the other main characters and does an extremely poor job in trying to make herself seem innocent. i personally don’t think she’s pure evil but i completely understand where the people who say she is are coming from.
because they never had the will to understand complicated women in the first place. 
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that’s big talk from somebody who implies that a gay pope is comparable to homophobic and transphobic irl religions and that leads an oppressive regime all because she uses the vague terms of sin and punishments that you have to gay power fantasy your way out of
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Vivid nightmare
(words: 1247 important note at the end!)
Spring night, almost 10 pm. You're sitting in the backyard on a swing, cup of hot coffee keeping you up and warm... Everybody seemed to forget about your birthday. Bothering is not worth it, you don't want to come out as being pushy.
Someone's pulling over. Maybe it's your neighbor, getting back from work. You close your eyes, lightly pushing yourself on the swing...
You hear someone's footsteps on the driveway, heading to the gate. You noticed two shadowy figures. Well known to you. It's Tabi and Agoti! You knew they tend to call at odd hours, but they never visited you this late at night. Both of them run towards you and you got down just in time to be squished by them. You tried to give them a hug back, well, at least you tried to move your sandwiched arms. - Happy birthday tiny dude! - Agoti pulled you to himself and put his head on top of yours. Usually, you'll try to wiggle your way out, arguing that you aren't this small, he's just a giant, but-- It felt so good this time. - We got you something. - Tabi handed you a pretty big and heavy box. You tried to give it a wiggle, but it's too bulky for you. - What's that? - you eyed the box from every perspective you could achieve. Agoti let you out, so you can check the gift.
You were expecting it to be a glitter-bomb, exploding right in your face, but...
- OH MY-- IT'S-- IS THAT A-- - Yep. - They both answered, taking a sit around the box with huge smiles. For almost two years you were eyeing one, specific jacket. Expensive as hell, a real leather biker jacket with pads on shoulders, elbows, and back, with huge, glow-in-the-dark angel wings. They got you in a gorgeous color combo - black and neon red with white wings. You quickly put the gift on... It's a perfect size. You're stroking your "new" arms, not getting enough of this quality. - It's-- It's perfect. Thank you. - you whispered sobbing the tears of happiness.
You spent the most awesome night, sitting outside until 2 in the morning, laughing, crying.
"What's that? Why's this beeping?"
It's the last day of detention, a day of releasing the album your trio worked on this entire month. Tabi was right last time, this Toyota tried to kill you. It broke down in the middle of a highway. You had just enough time to drive to the emergency lane, brushing against the barrier. You're lucky, though. Just a few scratches and bruises on your neck from the seatbelt.
- Hey guys. - you waved and dropped onto a chair. - Hey he-- -WHAT IS THAT! - Tabi pointed at your neck. - I-- might have had a minor accident. - you brushed your bruises. - A. MINOR. W H A T!? - he screamed at you. - Ey, ey, ey! - Agoti pulled him back. - They're alive, aren't they? Calm down.
- What's going on here! - Solazar stormed into the break room. - Nothin'. Tabi's just gettin' overprotective again. - sighed Agoti. - Why this time? - Solazar, resigned, took a look at the trio, crossing his arms. - Well, "Y/N" had an accident after I told them to get rid of their deathtrap of a car. - Tabi's attitude became protective and anxious at the same time. - I'm fine! Those bruises are just from a belt and the car has just a small dent! - you got up, glancing at your friend. Tabi sighed and looked away biting his cheek. - When you are ready go to the rec room. We have a small party there. - announced Sol, leaving your trio.
"Okay, time to wake up. Wait. Why I can't open my eyes. What's that in my throat? Shit... Stop beeping! It's getting annoying. I have to- damn. My arms are so heavy..."
That's it. You finally moved out of your abusive love home. Finally, on your own rules. You were able to accumulate a small fortune, enough to rent a house and live for few months. You unpacked your possessions and took a tour of your new apartment. It's tiny, but that's enough for you. You relaxed on the couch in the living room. It's all used, but you don't mind that. It was cheap, the landlord seems friendly... you finally can live in peace. You checked the phone. No new messages. Agoti's offline for almost a year now... But Tabi is still on. You texted him and sat back. Soon after you got a phone call... From Tabi. Odd, he hasn't contacted you this way since Agoti's disappearance.
- Tabi? - your voice echoed. No response... What if something happened?! - Tabi! Are you there!? - you screamed into the microphone, ready to get up and go wherever he is. - Yeah... Hey. - you hear him struggling. It's definitely his voice, but-- different. Lower, raspy, throaty. - Dear goodness! Are you okay? - you asked, moving to the edge of that sofa. - Yes, don't worry. - he assured you. - I saw your text. Congratulations. - he added. His tone is changed. Cold. Something really bad happened to him. - Thanks! Want to come over? - you heard a heavy sigh and a long pause. - Tabi? You still there? - I'll come. Later. - he said quickly and hung up. That was... weird. He never acted like that. Maybe he's in a rush, you thought.
It's 9 at night. Someone's banging at your door. Tabi said he will come... maybe it's him?
- Comin! - you rushed to open the door. The figure on the other side... It was Tabi's but... You gasped and froze in place, looking at his head. Tabi sighed, hanging his head.
- Oh my go-- what happened? - you invited him inside.
Wait, what's happening. Why's everything so blurry? No! Tabi! Don't go...
You woke up on the hospital bed, you can't move your limbs at all. Your head feels so stiff. Something is beeping in the background, getting quieter, then louder back and forth. You hear voices, but you are sure you know the words, but can't understand them. It's so disturbing. The world is both slowed and moving so quickly.
Why is someone at your bed? Holding a pillow... You panicked, wanting to scream for help!... but your voice is stuck in the throat.
- Hey! Hey! - you hear someone calling you, shaking you by the shoulder.
You woke up, drenched in sweat, your mouth feeling like a Sahara desert, your heart pounding like you just run a marathon. It was just a nightmare. Vivid nightmare. You're nervously staring at the environment. It's your dark salon, you are in your house. All safe, with your friend by your side. - Oh my god... what a dream. - you rubbed your eyes with the palms. - I heard you screaming. Thought someone broke in. - he said patting your back. - Are you okay? - Ye-- No. I don't know. - you fell on the back piece, still shaken by your nightmare, digesting what just happened. Tabi gave you a glass of water, the bliss of this cold drink in your dry mouth... it was refreshing. He stayed with you until you calmed down and fell back to sleep. This time with no dreams...
A/N: Hello! It's my 100th post, so i really wanted to celebrate that with some... quite lengthy piece! :D
I hope you will like it AND! My askbox is always open. Feel free to comment, send me a message, ask and feel free to reblog! :D
God, I'm terrible at announcements, I really, really hope you all are enjoying my writings so far! Sendin' love down the way!
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nakedmossy · 3 years
Golden Hour ☼
A Triple Frontier Story - Part 1/?
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: Molly [reader] has been living on the beaches of Mexico for the last 3 years since being honourably discharged from the army and leaving her fiance back in Texas. Riddled with PTSD, she went on a bender, ending up in a small coastal farming town in the Yucatan. Forced into early retirement despite being the best sniper in her company and all the trauma that came with that responsibility, she has worked hard to obtain peace in her new life. She was closer than ever to fully achieving it, that is, until her ex-crew member and lifelong friend, Will Miller, showed up with a proposition to bring her out of retirement for one last job with the boys. -----------------------------
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The sun was hovering around the horizon, beating down on the beach as the water lapped the shore. You rolled the dirty cup around in the dishwater absentmindedly, scrubbing the dried coffee off the sides, letting your hands soak. It had been an easy day, a 5am rise for a morning surf, a bike ride to the market to pick up some fruit, and a mid day Dive to a wreck site with some tourists. All-in you had pocketed around $50, including tips, and a complimentary phone number from the bachelor who had tried to frisk you while you filled the tanks on the dock. It would get you enough food to last through to the weekend, and if it didn't, well, you could always call the bachelor tourist for dinner.
You were caught up in a daydream when you heard something rolling in through the bush, the sounds of the studded tires reverberating off of the rock and palm trees, the sand and jungle brush cracking and moving, the dull hum of the engine. You tipped your head closer to the window over the sink to see a slick black motorbike come to a stop near your hitch, a large muscular figure hooking his helmet on the handlebar before jumping off and walking towards your trailer door. Your hand hovered over the sidearm you kept loaded on your kitchen counter.
“Hey Sweet Cheeks” The voice shouted, the silhouette keeping its arms and hands visible.
Your stomach dropped. No way. The voice belonged to the boy who had pinched your ass as a kid, annoyed your ass as a teen, saved your ass as a new recruit in the army, and more than once grabbed your ass at the bar while you squeezed your ass into a tight dress. You froze for a moment before you looked out your window and saw him standing at your trailer door, waiting.
You opened it abruptly, swinging it hard enough that it hit the side of the trailer with a loud clank. You kept your arm out to keep it wide, surveying the sight in front of you with a shocked expression, your chest rising and falling in shallow, tight breaths of disbelief. He did the same, his eyes travelling up from your bare feet, along your tanned legs, to your jean shorts and your braless tank top, all the way to your shaded eyes.
“Will Miller” You spoke, his name like a muscle memory in your mouth. “What the fuck are you doing here.”
You took three long seconds before you smiled, then you practically jumped out of your trailer and into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist, laughing uncontrollably in surprise and excitement. He squeezed you tight, one hand around your hips, the other on the back of your head, compressing you into his muscular frame. He let out a low growl of contentment while he nuzzled his head into your hair.
“Good to see you Molly” He mumbled.
You squeezed him with as much strength as you could muster before he let you slide down, your feet hitting the sand below. You brought a hand up to shade your eyes, the sun beaming directly in your eyes from behind his shoulder. You knew his face like the back of your hand, you had grown up with it chasing after you with spiders and nerf guns, then spent 10 years in active service being chased by cockroaches and real guns. You hadn’t seen him since you moved to Mexico.
“What are you doing here, man!” You laughed, you couldn’t stop smiling. He hadn’t changed at all, aside from a few new laugh lines around his mouth. His smile was reserved as usual, but unabashed.
“Oh, you know….I was in the area” He winked and looked around, snickering. Your end of the beach was cut off to tourists and hardly even accessible to locals. You weren’t even sure how they got a trailer there in the first place. It was as visibly remote as you could get in the Yucatan these days.
“How did you…find me here?” You watched him watching you closely, like he was looking for something.
“A local kid working at the market. I asked for directions to the little local Turkey with yellow hair and he practically drove me here himself.” He grinned with mischief and dodged my hand as I smacked him. “He seemed to know who I was, too.” He looked at you expectantly, which made you giggle to yourself.
Your friends son, Erik, was one of the few kids who spoke clean English and visited often. You had helped him with his math tests last year and he had agreed to cut you firewood for a year. He had seen the picture of you and your crew in your trailer and demanded stories around the fire every time he came by. He asked about Will the most.
“I can’t believe you’re here right now.” You said, stricken with shock again and unable to gather yourself. “Whats it been…2, 3 years?”
“2 years and 5 months” Will said quietly, smiling at you. “You look younger somehow”
“Yeah, well, that’s the tequila and the saltwater for ya. Stick me back in Iraq and strap a rifle on my chest, ill age 10 years in front of your very eyes”
Will nodded with a knowing smile and looked around, checking out your decaying trailer and old truck, his eyes settling on the boat overturned on the beach, which you were in the midst of patching and doing engine maintenance on.
You shared a quiet moment together, taking each other in, before he smiled again and open his arms for another hug. “Come’ere kid”
He squeezed you again and this time found your butt, pinching it.
“Fucki-OUCH” You wailed, pulling away and smacking his chest. He laughed like a little boy and bounced away a step, stretching his arms and sighing, relaxed.
“So,” You said after a few moments of silence, before stepping back and pacing in a half circle once. “You want a drink?”
He smiled at you and you felt your head spin. It was the same familiar smile he used to give you when you were kids and you couldn’t reach something or you needed his help lifting something. Not patronizing, just…pleasantly amused.
“Yeah, a drink would be nice.”
“Grab a chair, i’ll be right back” You motioned to the seats surrounding the fire pit that was on the edge of the sand. He turned and walked towards them and you felt your chest tighten. You could never calm down when he was around, staring at you, his physical presence was overwhelming. Even still, after all this time. After everything that had happened in the war, your breath caught when he smiled.
When you came back out with two glasses of bourbon, neat, he had his feet perched toe to heel and was leaning back, enjoying the view of the ocean.
“Pretty okay view to wake up to” You said, handing him his drink. You saluted each others glasses and he smiled, looking back out at the water.
“Unreal. I wouldn’t leave.”
“I don’t” You winked.
“So how did you end up here anyways” He took a drink and savoured it, balancing the glass on the armrest.
You took a long, deep breath and leaned back in your chair before exhaling quickly and looking around.
“I came down after Pete and I.…after I left. He took the house, I took…my shit, and I split.” You laughed bitterly, rubbing your eyebrow. “I don’t know. I went rogue for a bit and woke up here one morning after a bender, just never left.”
Will was quiet for a few moments, considering what you said, before speaking.
“Did things end badly - with Pete?” He was watching you intently.
You held his gaze boldly, amidst your discomfort regarding the topic, your face a blank canvas.
“No” You lied, forcing a smile.
His eyes narrowed slightly but he looked back at the water and took another drink.
“What’re you doing to make money?”
“Lots. Pole dancing, escorting. Selling drugs.”
You were mostly kidding about the last part, but you had sold a couple bags of weed to some of the local teenagers after you found out they were buying it from the cartel - trying to keep their names out of the streets as long as you could before they inevitably got recruited.
He was looking at you again, his face dark now, a shadow of the light hearted kid you had gone to prom with.
“Seriously, Mol. What are you doing down here.”
“Getting interrogated apparently. Calm down, Ironhead. Nothing illegal.” But when he didn’t budge you continued “Im a Dive Master, I take tourists out to some of the reefs every couple of days to pay the rent, and I help out at some of the farms on the off season.”
Half satisfied by your half answers he swirled his drink and took a sip.
“Enough about me, care to explain what you’re doing down here? Turning up at sundown like an old friend?” You watched him closely, observing his posture, noticing the hilt of his sidearm poking out the side of his t-shirt.
“Working” He said bluntly, returning your snarky smile with an equally shaded answer. “Recruiting.”
Your breath caught in your throat and you sat deeper in your chair, unbelieving how crassly he was owning up.
“Unbelievable. Just right down to business eh? You turn up here after 2 years, sorry, 2 years and 5 months and you don’t have the courtesy to wait 10 minutes before you pull this shit? No.” You said firmly. “No. Im retired."
He nodded, then leaned forward and downed the rest of his drink, placing the glass at his feet and resting his elbows on his knees. He watched you with such an intensity that you shifted in your seat and looked away.
“Mol, look at me.”
You sneered and looked at him, your hat shading your eyes from the setting sun, but barely.
“Its a 2 day job at most. 1 day and a single shot if we’re clean-”
“No” You cut him off, leaning forward to stand up.
“Its 5 million USD” He said quickly, stopping you from walking away. “Each.”
You took a deep breath and waited, considering sitting back down. You stayed standing. You tilted your head to the side and lifted your hand to your mouth.
“Who” You said quietly, not wanting to give him the impression you were seriously considering it.
You choked you had laughed so hard and so quick. You sat down abruptly on the edge of your chair, looking at him like he had two heads.
“No way. Not a chance. Are you kidding?”
He said nothing, just watched you and raised his eyebrows, the words ‘5 million’ written across his forehead like a banner. When it was clear he wasn’t joking you leaned forward, matching his posture, ducking your head down until you had his eyes squared with yours.
“Listen to me. There’s dangerous, there’s what we did in the army, and then there’s that.” You waited for a reaction that never came. You pressed on. “Will, I have been down here for 3 years. Living, working, fucking with these people. Juarez isn’t just a cartel boss who cuts fingers off and mails them to the victims kids on their birthdays. He systematically brings down monarchies. He beheads children. That man is a fucking monster.”
Will sat firm, his jaw set, not breaking eye contact. He was challenging you, as he had a million times before, only this time neither of you were in uniform and both of you had level playing ground. He wasn’t your superior officer, and you weren’t his sniper.
“We’ve dealt with worse.” He said finally.
You broke eye contact and looked at your bare feet planted in the sand, your tanned skin smooth and warm. No scars, no combat boots, no dust. Freedom. What you had worked for your whole life.
“Its 5 million, Mol. One target, one shot. Nothing more. Freedom for the rest of your life.”
“I already have that. Look around” You put your arms out, the whole of the beach and your paradise encapsulated in them, rage tickling under your skin. “5 million aint worth giving this up, 5 billion wouldn’t even be.”
He looked around and back at your trailer, at the rusting metal and the fraying tarps, before setting his gaze on your arm, on the scar that ran up it, and finally back to your eyes.
“Hows the Physio down here.” He said darkly. “Your off season farm job’s health insurance covering it?”
You flinched like he had hit you, your eye flickering as the memory of the bullet cutting through your arm and shattering the bone blazed like fire in your peripheries.
“Fuck you, Will.” You said finally, your voice cracking when you said his name. You stood up and pushed past him, walking towards your trailer. Subconsciously you held your arm and rubbed it, the phantom pain lingering. The deep and permanent damage had bothered you every day since you obtained the injury 6 years ago, on one of the last missions you had done with Will and the crew before they retired.
“Molly” Will grabbed your arm from behind, pulling you to a stop, and you winced. Not from pain, more from recognition. “Im sorry” He said intently, his eyes searching yours.
“I can’t” You said finally, your posture strong and your eyes set. You were still muscular and built like you were in active duty, but so was Will. “Even if I wanted to - I can’t.”
Will took a step closer, his breath almost on your face now.
“Why not” He pushed.
“Because” You spit back at him “I can’t use a scope. Or Binoculars. My heads fucked up.”
Wills eyebrows knit together and he looked over your head with his gaze, face taught with confusion.
“What’you mean?”
You shrugged and licked your bottom lip, looking away from his prying eyes.
“I had an accident a few years ago. I got a concussion that fucked with my equilibrium, haven’t been able to use binoculars or a scope properly since.”
You took a breath and straightened your back, setting your jaw. If he was going to play hard ass, then so were you. Fuck his intimidation tactics, you had learned how to deal with those in elementary school. He would have to try harder.
You shook your head, your lips pursed.
“After I left”
“What happened?”
Your eye flickered again, the memory of Pete attacking you and knocking you down a flight of stairs, your head cracking off the banister, still as fresh as if it happened yesterday.
“I fell.”
Will, visibly agitated now, shifted his weight to his other foot. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I don’t know, probably because I didn’t expect you to come down here and try to recruit me to whack the leader of my neighbourhoods biggest cartel?”
“Mol, im your friend, you shou-“ He started, but you backed up, shaking your head.
“Oh yeah? And where have you been? Last time I checked a prerequisite for friendship was checking in once in a fucking blue moon.”
Will bared his teeth in frustration and took a deep breath, looking down at his feet with his hands on his hips.
“Was it Pete?”
You didn’t answer, which was answer enough. Will’s hands covered his face and he groaned audibly, rubbing them into his hair in frustration.
“Molly. I have like 5 minutes left in me before I pull the fuse line to your propane, light a match, and drag your ass out of here on the back of my fucking bike. Come for drinks. Hear us out. Please.”
“They’re all here, waiting at the bar.”
You shook your head, smiling bitterly. Of course they were.
“There are better soldiers out there. Better snipers out there. Go recruit one of them.”
“Not true. You never missed a shot.”
“I missed once” You started, your voice lowering reflexively. “And you know what shot I missed.”
He held your eyes as the memory lingered in the air between you, the sound of the bullet hitting the body of the child behind your target would be something you took to your grave. It haunted every minute of every day.
“Molly, come on. Look at you. You’re living in a dump trailer with a half broke boat and a fucking peddle bike. You’re better than this and you know it.”
“Im not better than shit. Don't feed me that 'we were warriors' crap. I was a girl who was good with a gun, and I killed people. And now i'm broken. Thats the truth."
“MOL, I NEED YOU-” He yelled now, his hand shaking. The outburst took you off guard and you stepped back, your face slack. Will grabbed his hand and rubbed it, turning around and sighing deeply before facing you again. “Molly, I need you to hear us out. Come have a drink in town, listen to Pope’s plan. Please.”
You were still on guard from his outburst but you closed your mouth, your eyes dropping to his hand, which still shook lightly. PTSD was a tricky motherfucker.
You blinked silently a few times before raising your eyes to his again, a silent moment of recognition passing between you. He wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t seriously asking for help, and the rest of the crew wouldn’t be waiting if there wasn’t already a good plan in place.
“They’re all here? Redfly?”
Will nodded, his jaw tight.
“Fine” You said then, swallowing your pride and knowing you would regret it. “One drink.”
“One drink” Will repeated, his shoulders relaxing slightly.
“But Will,” You interrupted his budding smile and took a step so your faces were close again. “I wasn’t joking. Im not the shot I used to be. If we do the Recon and I tell you I can’t do it, that’s it. Im out. Full stop.”
Will blinked a few times as his eyes drifted down your face to your mouth and back up, his eyebrow twitching.
“I understand, Mol” was all he replied.
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