#Okay let me explain because I mentioned before she'd turn out to end up looking like something out of Resident Evil
oculusxcaro · 1 year
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(Soooo, remember when I wrote a while back about Khare's bad end, where her mutation advances to such a degree that she's no longer recognizable as human, let alone any earthly creature? Stumbled across some GREAT images earlier that provide some juicy inspiration for just how nasty she becomes...)
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Specifically that big white chonker on the left? Very rotund, soft and scary as fuck to have coming after you in some dark wet place. She just needs, oh, about a thousand more eyes, even more human teeth sticking out of her flesh amidst a bunch of tumorous masses as well as being more slithery theeeen she'll be closer to what I imagine she'd turn out like.
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Can I Request All Of The Cullen Family With A Reader Who Tosses And Turns In Their Sleep?
Btw I Love Your Fanfics So Much!
The Cullens with a Restless Sleeper
Sometimes I think you guys are inside of my house the way you guys send me the most specific asks
Also my requests are currently closed! You guys are so sweet, every time I open them back up I feel like I have to shut them again because I get so many!
And thank you for the kind words! I hope you enjoy!
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He doesn't mind
I mean, he's the one who wants to be freaky and watch you sleep
The very least he could do is not judge your sleeping habits
He does his best to work around you
You decided to turn onto your side with one arm wedged underneath you and the other one flopped over his face?
Okay he'll stop breathing so that you don't get disturbed by his breath on your hand
You smack him every once in a while but it's not like it hurts him so he's okay
He'll ask you every morning if you slept well, and if you say yes and he can see that you're rested, then he doesn't press
But if you keep waking up super exhausted then he suggests asking Carlisle if maybe there's a medical reason as to why you move so much
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I've mentioned before that the only way she'd be able to stay with you the whole night would be if she had a tv on or a book or something
Again, she's not really one to be bothered
It's not like you can control it
You're literally asleep
She thinks it's funny more than anything
Whenever you sling your arm onto her and knock her book out of her hands, she can't help but giggle
She just sort of lets you do your own thing
She tends to just stay in her spot
If you move away, you move away
If you cuddle up next to her, then she'll cuddle back
Unbothered queen
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He gets in his own head a bit in the beginning
He thinks that he's the one making you uncomfortable
That you're tossing and turning so much because he's too cold, too hard, etc
You have to tell him that you're just a restless sleeper and that it's not his fault
After that he relaxes a bit
But he still tries his best to make you comfortable
He moves with you the whole night
And he will nudge you a bit if he thinks that your new position looks a bit uncomfortable
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She doesn't like to lay down for hours at end
So chances are she wouldn't even notice that you're so restless
I think it would have to be one night where you asked her to cuddle (and of course she says yes) where she finally notices
She wakes you up instantly
She thinks you're having a nightmare
After you explain she apologizes
She gets a little frustrated
Vampires have no need to be comfortable, but they can still feel comfort
The whole night, she feels like she finds a nice position and then you move
But she doesn't leave
You asked her to stay for the whole night so she stays
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He's squirmy too
Two bugs who are very snug in your rug, only both of you move way too much
So y'all balance each other out
It works out kinda well for him
If you were a really light sleeper who never moved, then he would be waking you up all night
But since you already move so much, his tossing and turning doesn't really affect you
A perfect pair of rotisserie chickens
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She gets a little worried
She thinks you're having chronic nightmares at first
And then she's even more concerned when you wake up and she asks you about them but you say you don't remember having any nightmares
She asks Carlisle to check you out
Obv there's nothing wrong
So she just keeps an eye on you
She really enjoys cuddling, so it's a bit annoying when you squirm away and turn onto your back
And then again when you launch your leg over her stomach and turn yourself until your head's off the bed
She just resets you to a normal position and the cycle continues
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He doesn't mind
Again, the only time he would really care would be if it seems to be affecting your sleep health
But if you wake up energized and refreshed, then he can't complain
He's another cuddler
But since you're so active, he also has a book
He cuddles when you're in the position to do so, and then he reads whenever you squirm onto the other side of the bed
He has no need to be comfortable, so he just moves wherever you need him to
You're trying to roll onto his side of the bed?
Okay yeah just let him get up real quick and go to your side
He's a king sorry my bias is showing
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Vampire! Bella:
She's another nighttime cuddler
It helps her feel a little human again
So she does get a little frustrated when you keep interrupting her zen with your movements
Like she wants to cuddle damnit why are you halfway across the bed with your leg dangling off?
She is not afraid to drag you back
Or to hold you in place with her iron grip
Sorry you're trapped
Good luck moving now ;)
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mxqdii · 1 year
omg i loved the chris imagine so much holy shit
if youve heard the song, could you perhaps do an imagine (chris sturniolo x reader) based on the song Ant Pile by dominic fike?
it doesnt have to be a song fic necessarily, but like just kinda based on it yk? completely up to you!!
fave song fr 🙏🙏
ant pile - c.s
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pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: based on the song 'ant pile' by dominic fike
warning(s): mentions of drugs
a/n: i'm not too familiar with this song so i'm sorry if anything is wrong!! i tried my best :)
not proofread
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"remember the day we met?" he asks and i groan
"i wish i didn't" i say laughing
"wait what happened?" matt asks and i look at chris, letting him explain the story
"first grade, someone tied her to a fucking ant pile" chris explains
"how do you tie someone to an ant pile??" nick shouts
i remember back then, i always knew chris liked me.
then we went to highschool and we started dating..
i push chris against my locker
"hey! ow!" he says and i shush him
"sorry! i just missed you" i say hugging him
"lets go home before my mom gets there" i say, sadness evident in my voice as i grab chris's hand and lead him outside
chris has always been there for me, espically in highschool when the whole thing with my mom went down..
the triplets and marylou let me stay with them for a while because of that whole incident
ever since my dad passed away, she'd bring home a different lover everyday
she even threw her wedding ring away, i had to ding through the trash to find it.
the worst part was, i still loved her, a lot.
chris knew that and even though i didn't understand my feelings, he was good at helping me understand them
espically when all my mom did was drugs.
it's the first day of 8th grade and i'm terrified.. i haven't seen chris since last summer
i look so different..
i walk into school, on my way to my locker, but i stop in my tracks seeing chris
we catch eye contact and he immediately walks towards me
he kisses me unexpectedly and i smile, hugging him.
chris has decided to take me on a date..
i'm really nervous, espically because i didn't have anyone to help me get ready
but i think i look fine, i hope i look fine atleast..
chris picks me up and go to watch a movie.. which was awful
so we then went to dinner, what could go wrong at dinner?
turns out everything because i ended up being allergic to the pasta they gave me.
as chris is driving me home, silence filling the car, he pulls over looking towards me
"let me get a redo. anywhere you wanna go, you can pick it and i'll meet you there"
whats the worst that could happen next evening?
today was the worst it can get.
"i love you" chris says and i look at him, wide eyed
"i've seen you fall to pieces, i've loved you since that day in first grade when you got tied to that ant pile, i love you y/n" he says
theres no more ways this boy can suprise me.
i look at him, seeing his expresssion one unfamiliar, one filled with love.
i run up to him, hugging him.
putting my hands on his face, i kiss him.
"i love you too chris" i say
"how the fuck did we go from you telling us about y/n being tied to an ant pile.. to now telling us your whole relationship story??" nick asks
"sorry! i got carried away" chris says and i laugh
"chris you're a little too enthusiastic at our weird cringe love story" i say and he rolls his eyes
"yeah yeah sure i am" he responds and nick and matt look at eachother in disgust
"can we talk about something else now?" matt says
a/n: i'm not even gonna re-read this because i think i hate it, so i'm so sorry to whoever requested this and i hope i did okay!!
@strniolo @stargirlv0id @annaisabookworm
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nanomooselet · 9 months
Episode Three: Bright Light, Shine through the Darkness
Okay, let's try this whole meta thing.
Bright Light, Shine through the Darkness was the episode where I realised I was in some deep trouble. I was aware of Trigun, but never really got around to looking into it until this ep was airing, and the two episodes before were, how can I say, everything I'd been lead to expect? Meryl is so angry and kind and Rosa so cool, and of course to look upon Vash is to adore him, precious darling boy. But I was still waiting for the hook, the reason to continue. Episode three, then: the one where the series finally begins. It's done saluting the work of the past and pivots to the story it's here to tell.
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And I had no inkling it would be a story of such deliberate, implacable terror. It opens by telling you a storm is coming, but given that in minutes people are dying by land mines and remote drones, you'd think the storm was already here. Blood splashes! Meryl nearly gets her dumb ass flattened! E.G.'s motives aren't the kind receptive to Vash's forgiveness and whoo boy, for a moment you almost believe Vash will withdraw it. But Meryl turns it around (waaah she's so brave, she and Vash and Roberto made such a good team) and it seems the next challenge will be talking the elder Nebraska out of revenge, because anyone will pick up a gun when their loved ones are killed.
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Then the piano rings out, right as Nebraska demands to know whose side Vash is on. It's a haunting, wistful tune and the score fell silent for quite a while first, which makes the notes even more out-of-place. The colour has been drained, everything is shrouded with smoke, and the cinematography has shrunk to mid shots and close-ups. Vash stands there in paralysed in fear for over ten seconds. You forget, in what follows, that we were given fair warning.
Nai was present in the opening scene, and Knives stated his intentions clearly enough at the end of the first episode. We saw this fuse being lit and the detonation still comes as a surprise. Not to mention Knives's influence is felt absolutely everywhere once you know to look for it – the bounty and the threats it inevitably attracts, the military police (and boy do I have thoughts on them, but it's only the final episode that'll come back), even the environment, the insects and birds. Tonis's little cage of buddies that Vash promised he would keep safe! Nothing hasn't felt Knives's fingertips - playing, pushing, manipulating.
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Vash has to accept at the end of the episode that there was no longer any way he could avoid facing his brother, not if he wanted the people around him to be safe. While I don't think Knives was out to get Vash on this particular trip, I think he's just fine with Vash believing that's why he was there. Let him think it really is his presence, his “bad luck” that led to this destruction.
It's at least consolation to know Gofsef and his father are still alive at the end, though they're not in the best shape. I missed it the first time. But my God, poor Rosa. Poor Tonis. We never get that manga bit where Vash explains that if he took a life, Rem would never forgive him, but we don't really need to after that.
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And when it took time out of Vash's self recriminating angst to show us Meryl also feels responsible, I sat up. She'd been so directly driving the plot so far, but I hardly dared hope for more. It was oddly reassuring.
All in all, fantastic episode, and I haven't even talked about the strongest portions. I hope everyone who worked on it is proud of themselves. I couldn't have asked for better. I'll close on what might have been my favourite moment (and by that I mean for me the most emotionally devastating): Vash crying as he flees the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, pulling blood-spattered Rosa after him.
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hanasnx · 2 years
Hello! Okay so im dipping my toe happily drowningin a pool of vader/anakin atm and found your blog. Holy shit your writing is amazing the prefect filthy delicious fics that i have been hunting for in this vader haze. i had a little headcannon that i think you might like?
Vader walking into the bridge of his ship to find the ships engineer loosing her shit and scolding the captain for ignoring her advice and ending up damaging the ships transmission/engine or something. Her frustrated yelling is so loud she doesnt hear vader creep up behinde her. When she finally notices its too late. He instructs her to follow him and she thinks shes done for. But quickly finds out instead of angering the sith lord, she'd turned him on 😏😏
firstly tysm! it always makes me so happy to hear i’m doing something right! (and it makes me so happy u wanted to share ur HC with me :DDD )
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the way you’d be completely in the right. you’d explained this one million times in precise detail, and that idiot ignored you. it wasn’t like you explained it to be excruciating, the part that was damaged is very expensive and very complicated to repair/replace. you’d risk having to scrap the entire ship if the replacement goes wrong! not to mention, i’d imagine the captain would pull some mansplain-y shit to you bcos hes a pilot, while you’re the literal head ship engineer. you’d throw your clipboard at him and tell him to hit the fucking showers before you pull the ship’s replacement costs out of his paycheck.
you turn around and vader’s right there, looming. it startles you, and you straighten because youre in public and hes your commanding officer. arms at your sides.
“is there an issue?”
“no, my lord, it’s taken care of.” you reply, devoid of hesitance but dripping with anxiety.
“come with me.” obediently, you follow, trailing behind him. he doesn’t look over his shoulder when he addresses you again. “relay the events to me, officer.”
quizzically, you glance at the back of his helmet, before understanding. “nothing to relay, sir. standard procedure gone wrong.”
“your reaction says otherwise. i don’t appreciate being lied to,”
“inappropriate use of equipment resulted in damages. and inappropriate use of language resulted in the pilot’s dismissal.”
“pilot’s operating number?”
he says nothing in response, and when he reaches his captain’s quarters, the doors slide open. he steps aside, and lets you enter first. “we shall continue this conversation in private. i’d like to discuss your opinion on the removal of 24141.”
“that won’t be necessary, my lord, i’ve—“
“i’ll not have a lowly pilot addressing his commanding officer in such informal speech. i can sense your distress.”
you don’t even get to respond because when the doors close he spins you around, pressing your back to a surface. large hands wandering until one lands in between your legs, your chin pinched between his fingers to make you look at him.
“allow me to ease your worries,”
DKLFJLDK like he’d LOVE the fact you were so loud about the blatant disrespect, and how you sent the pilot off, and he’d heard it all. lowkey wishing it was he that was getting scolded. he loves it when you hit him playfully or speak to him in that warning tone (occasionally likes it when you yell at him) KJDKJ while his fingers are inside of you, he’s telling you to talk to him. and he fucking loves it when you tell him hes doing a shit job. that competitive nature inside of him bubbling up. growling as he grabs you tighter, fucks you faster. be careful with the phrase “i’ve had better” because he will make sure to blow your back out— like good luck walking.
taking a day to recover because of how fucking hard he fucked you means he’d take your place as head engineer the next day to face the pilot that caused you so much trouble himself.
the pilot walks in, expecting you, and seeing darth vader. he’d fucking implode.
“i imagine you’ve had time to regret your behavior.” he says to the pilot. who’s blubbering, scrambling for words
“of- of course, sir— my lord,”
“i’ll have some officers escort you to the air lock the next time that occurs.”
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lakesbian · 10 months
what do u think Taylor would say to Alec if she did find out abt Sophia before Alec despawned?
the less dramatic option is if she finds out while she's still a ward pre-behemoth--i think she would be like. 'prediction about him maybe turning into his dad vindicated but ive already done all i could to set him onto the right path...can only hope everything goes ok there while i continue being a cop here.' & then mention it to brian at behemoth, which results in them riding aisha and alec's sillay friendship behaviors during behemoth even harder, which makes it even more horrific for everyone involved when 45 minutes later alec dies for the fraction of a chance to save aisha.
the more dramatic option is if she finds out while she's still on the team. i think she'd be liable to pull a taylor and confront him about it in front of everyone like thats SO fucked up alec i cant believe youwould do that when i explicitly told you not to....meanwhile lisa (Knew it was happening and was like cool that solves the sophia problem 4 her 👍) is standing there like 😁(<- lisa equivalent of a deeply alarmed grimace). i think she would probably just keep her mouth shut and let them go at it LMAO. this would be interesting to see because alec genuinely thinks he did her a big ole favor, to the point of wink-wink-nudging her about it. even after he realizes he went too far he still doesn't grasp that the Entire Thing was bad and thinks he did her a favor!! so it would b very funny to watch him standing there like ":( why is taylor being so mad at me....comparing me to my dad and everything....thats so mean :((" trying to issue some flustered defense of himself & ending up exceedingly frustrated as he realizes he can't really explain why he thinks it's okay or make any other argument beyond pointing out that she too does bad things. and he instinctively looks at aisha 4 backup and shes like no yeah we talked about this ithink its like. uncool to revenge torture people. and then the fact that SHE knew but didn't say anything becomes a Whole Thing. alec definitely going home pissed and Stewing about it but ultimately sucking less over the event
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thebiscuiteternal · 2 years
since you said crossovers were okay can we see some of that fashion buddies crossover you mentioned awhile back?
(Man, copypasting and editing this on my phone turned out to be a pain in the ass.)
There are rumblings of a strange new monster wandering about the jianghu. It appears to be a woman dressed in scandalous black clothing with gold armor, except it can't be an actual woman because the scout reports say that she can grow taller than the trees or smaller than a bird, that she can fly on insect wings and shoot lightning from her hands.
A joke, the great sects think. A tale created and spread by drunkards.
Until a group of Lan disciples are the next to cross her path.
Janet van Dyne is having a very, very bad week. She's lost count of the number of magical or technological portals she's been tossed through in her lifetime, so at first she'd been grateful to at least have ended up on Earth this time.
And then the first group of people she had come across had promptly run screaming.
What Mandarin she's picked up on both her jobs is no help, since no one gives her time to speak before they attack, and like hell she's just going to stand there and let herself be stabbed.
Which has only led to this. Staring at a drawing of a snarling face under the hooded visor of her costume.
She groans and pinches the bridge of her nose to stave off a headache, then considers her options.
She's been (guiltily) stealing food in her small form already... maybe if she could nick some clothing, it would be easier to hide...
The only problem being that she would also need to steal a basin so she could particle-treat them to change size with her (no naked escapes, thank you very much), and that would be noticeable.
She's still deciding what to do when two young men, a grouchy looking one Steve's size in greens and greys and the other more placid one in the white and blue of the last group to try and kill her, enter the inn through the doorframe she's currently hiding on.
And they have swords like that last group.
Time to go.
She slips out of a gap between boards and heads for the edge of town, but only a little ways away from the inn, she starts feeling inexplicably exhausted.
Maybe the sleep deprivation is catching up to her. Holes in trees and cracks in walls aren't exactly comfortable.
Without meaning to, her flight path starts drifting lower as the sleepiness gets worse.
-and then she's startled back to fully awake when she's snared right out of the air by a net with glowing threads.
"Fu-" <<Hey! Let me out!>>
The kid holding the net looks a year or two younger than Nadia and Ying, and... oh, damn, he's wearing the same colors as tall, dark, and grumpy back at the inn. That can't be a coincidence.
<<You don't look all that scary for a monster,>> he says, tilting his head.
Oh, thank God. Finally, someone who talks first instead of going right for stabby things.
<<That's because I'm not a monster,>> she replies, retracting her visor into her hood and yanking it back to uncover her hair, ears, and face.
<<But you are magical?>>
She briefly debates how much she should explain, then settles on keeping it simple. <<I was a science experiment.>>
That seems to be good enough, as the boy puts the net down on a table that passers-by are unlikely to notice, letting her start untangling herself.
He sits down and rests his chin on his fists with a grin she knows all too well promises mischief. <<So does that mean you don't want to use your giant size to crush thousands of innocents into soup?>>
<<Alright, one: That's morbid. And gross... Are people really saying that?>>
<<Among other horrors.>>
She groans. <<Great. No. Literally the only two things I want right now are a bath and some sleep.>>
Before he can answer, there's a commanding bark of "Huaisang!" from the street, and the kid winces.
<<Friend of yours?>>
<<My older brother,>> he replies, then scratches his cheek in thought. <<Can you hide in my sleeve?>
<<Your collar would be easier on both of us,>> Jan says. She's still wary, but seeing as he seems willing to risk trusting her, she'll go along.
She flutters up to settle between the third and fourth layers, hiding under his hair and tucking her wings in to curl herself up small.
<<All set?>>
She hopes she's not making a huge mistake. <<Let's go.>>
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wiredaughter · 1 month
@augustwritingchallenge: accidental baby acquisition
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Aventuras de Niñeros
Earn his trust, said the Chilean, and Nacho meant to, by any means necessary, All that said, he didn’t expect this. Lalo had asked whether he knew anything about children and he’d mentioned his nieces, if only because he was sure they were already in the Salamana radar. That’s all it’d taken.
He didn’t even get the chance to fully stop the car when Lalo exited the restaurant carrying the very important package he’d mentioned on the phone. To be clear, a baby. A temporary thing, he said, family business. He was sure the kid loved him already, but he could use the help. The kid, Esperanza, seemed hellbent on gainsaying him, crying from the moment they took the main road.
‘Arrorro, nena, arroro…’ Lalo tried to sing to her, but Nacho could barely hear him over the baby.
‘Okay,’ he cut him off and, blessedly, his tone seemed to get the girl’s attention too. ‘Doesn’t she have a dummy?’
‘El chupon! That’s brilliant, Nachito. Now where can we get one?’
They ended up perusing the baby aisle in El Mezquite, after the child had stopped crying. All it took was a nappy change which Lalo took care of in the sink, much to Nacho’s surprise, after he’d intimidated every other man out of the restroom.
‘Is silicone or natural rubber better?’
‘I don’t know, man, is she breastfed?’
Lalo thought for a moment before shrugging, throwing a conspicuous look to Nacho’s undone top buttons. ‘Probably. Breast is best, eh?’
Nacho rolled his eyes. ‘Bring both. Girl’s got to test them, no?’
‘Asi me gusta! Only the best for la princesa.’
They also got bottles, more nappies, teething toys and a small bathtub to carry their picks in. Before they went to checkout Nacho grabbed a baby toothbrush and the smaller nailclippers either he or Lalo had ever seen. The main source of her agony addressed, Esperanza turned out to be an easy baby, all toothless smiles and reaching hands.
Until it came time to feed. Nacho had never been to Lalo’s Albuquerque flat, so he figured he was doing the trust earning alright. Esperanza had obviously been breastfed, on more immediate matters, and she wasn’t keen on the bottle. They took turns trying, watching youtube videos. At some point Lalo even got him to sing. For all he said he'd done well, Nacho's passing sure Esperanza only took the bottle out of exhaustion, as she conked out as soon as she'd finished it.
'She'll need a crib.' Nacho speaks quietly when he hears Lalo exiting the bedroom, from where he is washing the bottle.
'Sabes que necesita? She needs plushtoys. Did you have any growing up? I always made mine go to war.'
'I guess.' Awkwardness nags at Nacho, although somewhat preferable to the usual paranoia he battles whenever he talks of personal matters to a Salamanca. 'You wanna get her a teddy?'
'A teddy, very gringo.'
Nacho sighs, despite himself. 'Un osito. Get her a golden eagle if it makes you happy.'
'Ah,' Lalo raises a finger. 'If it makes her happy. We'll get the whole zoo. Hey, you know your way around a sewing machine, don't you?'
It's not horror that rises in Nacho's chest at the perspective of making something with his hands for a Salamanca, no matter how tiny, but something he'd rather not define. He shrugs, putting the bottle away to airdry. 'Not unless you want some leatherwork.'
'Hm. Not for Esperanza, then.'
Lalo throws dinner together whilst Nacho goes to remove every blanket and pillow from the bed he can't believe Lalo let Esperanza to sleep in. She can suffocate, he explains, before joining Lalo at the table. They make a list of things they'll need as they eat. A carseat, since she can't ride around on Lalo's lap for the duration of her stay, and a first aid kit. Basic OTC medications and way more clothes. It's a surprisingly normal conversation for him to be having with Lalo Salamanca, but Nacho isn't half as uncomfortable as he wishes he was.
'You should get a white machine noise. She won't always go to sleep this easily.'
'See,' Lalo starts clearing out the dishes. 'That's why I like you, Nacho. Tienes cojones, but you're gentle too.'
Nacho's heart races when Lalo rests his hand on his shoulder for a long moment, and he tells himself is from fear at his proximity, from the relief of knowing his father is safe now he's earned his esteem, from the hot sauce he put on his food. Because if it's not, his life just got incredibly more complicated.
0 notes
capsensislagamoprh · 6 months
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"What the hell did you do?!" Yuri hissed at Mila.
"What? What are you on about now?" She'd been half asleep, staring into the distance, dreaming of questionable things with very suggestive bodies as she dragged herself back to the onsen during the ridiculously early hour of not yet noon. Trust Yuri to ruin her fantasies with his murder face.
"I spent the night on the roof because of you!"
"What the hell, Yurio. I don't know what you're on about, and I for sure didn't make you sleep on the roof. It's too early for this! Make sense!"
"Ah, allow me," Christophe smiled, handing Mila a cup of strong black tea. She took it, reveling in the caffeine as it touched her soul. Yuri sent her death threats through staredown. She took several deep breaths.
"Okay, go," she told Christophe.
"I got a lovely, riveting, rink side view of an interesting conversation last night."
Mila's lips twitched. "Okay, and?"
"Did you or did you not suggest, ever so slightly, that a particular ice skating bad boy would be delighted to perform live at a particular wedding?"
"What? Live? No! I did not say live."
"AH HA!" Yuri snapped, finger practically up Mila's nose in accusation. She blinked, leaning back. "You DID sick the old man on Beka! I knew it!"
Beka? Oh, this was new. Mila raised her free hand in supplication. "I did not tell Victor he would perform live at the wedding. Swear."
"What did you say?" Christophe asked with diplomatic grace as he sank into a seated position, motioning for Mila to join him. Yuri slapped his hands on the wood surface in a show of irritation as he knelt down, ready to spring across the table for blood if need be.
"I merely suggested," Yuri made a face that Mila's fingers twitched to snap a picture of, "a certain someone might be able to get him to make a track for them."
Yuri's eyes narrowed. A track didn't seem so bad, and Otabek was a kick-ass DJ. "That's it? That's all you said?"
"I mean, you do keep going on about how awesome his tracks are."
"Well, they are, but that doesn't explain why baldy was trying to get him to do something live, or whatever."
"It was rather upsetting, Mila," Christophe added. "Yuuri had to go up there," pointing to the ceiling, "to get him for their morning run."
"Morning run? It's supposed to be a vacation."
"Whatever, hag. Some of us don't slack so much."
Mila made a face at the younger skater before sucking down more life giving caffeine. "Why didn't you just ask him what's up anyway?"
"I tried! I told Victor it was a bad idea, but he insisted on bringing it up, and when it didn't work, he kept needling. Eventually Beka just went 'No', like he does, and then he was on the roof!"
Mila did indeed know Otabek's unrelenting 'No'. She'd been on the receiving end once or twice when her teasing crossed some invisible line the Kazakh had drawn. Maybe she did go too far. Time for damage control. "Look, all I did was mention, casually, something JJ said." She could feel Yuri mentally trying to rip her soul out with his teeth. "It wasn't bad, I swear!"
Christophe saw the Russian red in Yuri's eyes. "What was it?" he asked in his most soothing, let's-be-reasonable tones.
"JJ said he's heard Otabek sing, and he's not bad at it. Really good, actually."
"I don't see how that's a problem," Christophe admitted, turning his gaze to Yuri.
"The problem is he doesn't Do that!"
"Doesn't sing?"
"Not in public. He's so frickin’ shy it's like pulling i-teeth to get him to even go to the after parties for events. Fucking hell! If Victor keeps pushing he may just go home rather than DJ the dance floor!" Yuri dropped to his ass, arms crossed, a pout marrying his angry expression. Mila tried not to smirk. There it was. He wasn't mad at her, not really. He was worried his 'best friend' would go home and leave him to deal with Victor on his own. Alright. She'd relent. After all, she was after vengeance on Yuri, not driving Otabek away.
"DJ the dance floor?" she asked with her best I'm-not-being-pushy voice.
"Yuuri," Christophe supplied, "managed to get Victor to leave them alone for a bit by offering to talk to Otabek. They were on that roof for quite a bit this morning. Left for their run an hour ago."
"Behind schedule, and after Sleeping On The Roof!" The venom in Yuri's voice was less toxic than it had been a few minutes ago.
"Apparently," Christophe smoothly slipped over Yuri's fading rage, "Yuuri's compromise was to have Otabek DJ the dance floor for the reception. I have to admit, he had some good points as to why he didn't want to perform live. Victor's upset about it, but knowing he'll get a unique remix seems to have appeased his need for surprises. For now."
"So it's all good then, right?"
"No it's not all good! You did this on purpose! Admit it!"
"Yurio -"
"That's not my name!"
"- how was I to know making a suggestion would wind up with you sleeping on the roof? Why did you do that anyway? You could have just gone to bed."
Christophe not so subtly sipped his own cup of chi, interested in the tale.
"Because Beka was up there and wasn't going to come down until Victor backed off. You can't just let someone be alone on a roof all night! He could have fell off!" He made an annoyed tsk-ing sound as his eyes rolled.
"Was I really that bad?" a properly chastised Victor said, shoulder slumped as he slipped into the main room, still in his bathrobe and slippers. Sinking down next to Christophe, he let his head rest on the Swiss man's shoulder.
"Yes, You Were!" Yuri practically shouted.
"You got excited," Christophe cooed. "It happens."
"The Roof. Victor! The Fucking ROOF!"
"Why did he go up there anyway? Wouldn't it have been better to just, I dunno, go to his room or something?" Mila asked.
"He did. Baldy followed him."
Victor winced. Not only at the disparagement against his magnificent platinum locks, but that he had, in fact, followed the Kazakh trying to get him to at least think about the idea. He'd been just this side of drunk and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
"Yeah, but why the roof," Mila asked again.
"I dunno. He climbs things when he's upset." Yuri snarled as Mila raised a brow. "What?! It's a thing people do. Shut up!"
"M'kay. Well, I don't think that's the best solution."
"It's not like he knows where the ring is."
"Yes, he does. We all know where the rink is."
"Ring. Not rink. Boxing. He doesn't have his rink, too, " seeing Mila and Christophe look fascinated, Yuri flicked his glance to Victor. He was decidedly sparkling. Yuri got up, tossing his hands in the air. "Fuck it. I'm going out."
With a flair of leopard print vans and a quick snatching of his phone off the charger, Yuri stormed from the building.
"Well, that explained the upper body strength," Mila said with a grin.
"I suppose I should apologize to him," Victor sighed.
"Both of you should," Christophe smiled. "But I wouldn't. Let it rest and he'll probably let it go."
"Which one?" Mila huffed.
"If one does, the other will," Christophe chuckled as he rose to create some properly strong wake-up mix for Victor. They had a long day of preparing and song selection if they actually wanted a free DJ on for the dance floor. Christophe wondered if he could get Otabek to sync his gear up to a light show once it arrived. Thank goodness they had a few weeks still. He didn't know how many more major changes he could sneak into the event before Yuuri would have a panic attack, or Phichit threw his hands up in frustration leaving him to sort the whole thing out.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
KTH/JJK: Dreamer 2
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In which both Taehyung and Jungkook decide that there's enough love for three.
Tags/Warnings: poly, strangers to lovers au, hybrid reader, personal trainer kook, high end clothing label owner&designer tae, mild angst, mentions of (past) homelessness
Additional Chapter Warnings: just hybrid things, fluff, fainting
Chapter Length: mid
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"She looks exhausted." Jungkook mumbles to himself as he makes sure the blanket over you is tucked in just right; the original plan had been to let you have a bath and then to talk to you about registration- but you're dead asleep, not even waking up when the trainer had carried you out the car into their shared apartment.
"I wouldn't be surprised if she needs medical attention. Who knows how long she'd been out there." Taehyung says, sitting down close to you before he runs a hand over your head.
"maybe we can call a home visit? That way they can at least register her as in foster care so we've got that legal trouble under control." Jungkook offers, and Taehyung nods.
"that's probably best, that way she can decide if she wants to stay with us or not. But for now, let's let her rest. I'm sure she needs it." he says.
"hey, Tae?" The younger asks, walking behind him into the kitchen. "why.. You seem energized. Like your old self." he asks, and the older one nods, filling a glass with water. "did something happen?"
"no-" Taehyung shakes his head, eyes unfocused. "I don't know. Something with her.. It flipped a switch, in a way. I'm not sure how or why." he tries to explain, though it seems sufficient for his partner, who presses a quick peck against his lips.
"doesn't matter." he says happily. "I'm glad either way. I've been worried about you." he admits, and taehyung nods a bit.
"I know."
Later when you wake up, it scares you a bit because you've forgotten what had happened- but they're both very understanding and patient with you, offering you to go wash up, something you agree to instantly. What you don't think about however is that you might not want to take a bath that's too hot- but after having not had one for so long, you didn't think of it. It lead to the situation you're in now; dressed in underwear and an oversized shirt Taehyung had given you, on the bathroom floor, dizzy and unable to quite hear very well. Your ears are oddly stuffed, like there's cotton inside them preventing sound from getting in properly, your gaze unable to focus as a ringing noise drowns out even the last bit of sound around you.
"are you okay?" Jungkook asks again, knocking on the door. What if you fell asleep in the tub and drowned? What if you'd fallen and hit your head? And why is he so protective of you already?
"we're coming in." Taehyung decides, opening the door to find you barely holding yourself up by your hands on the ground. "what's wrong? Hey-?" he carefully tries, as Jungkook instead seems to instantly connect the dots, eagerly opening a window before he kneels down on one knee, putting your legs over his other thigh to elevate them.
"can you hear me?" Jungkook asks, already familiar with the signs of someone fainting. As a personal trainer, he regularly dealt with things like this. "you don't need to talk, just squeeze my hand." he tries, but you don't react.
"I'm calling an ambulance-" Taehyung gets up, though Jungkook shakes his head.
"give her a bit. She's here, look." he points to your eyes still being open, before you close them momentarily, trying to control your breathing. "take it slow kitty, you're doing great." he encourages, while his partner watches anxiously. It's only when your gaze becomes more focused now, and you try to sit up, that he let's go of the breath he didn't even realize he was holding. "no no no let's stay like this for a moment okay?" Jungkook gently says, pushing yoy to lay back down. "gave us quite the scare there." he chuckles, making your cheeks blush as you turn away from them, embarrassment setting in.
"sorry.." you apologize, though neither of them seem mad.
"It's understandable you wanted a hot bath." Taehyung says, now relieved you're feeling better already. "but please don't overdo it again next time, or someone will have to check the water temperature for you." he threatens with no bite, making you look at him for a moment longer than needed.
Was he implying that you're supposed to stay long term?
"come on, let's get some food into that belly. No wonder you're so faint and tired." Jungkook breaks the moment, helping you sit up before he picks you up to carry you.
"I- I can walk-" you stutter, holding onto his neck, as he laughs.
"I know. And I can carry you." he replies cheekily, making Taehyung laugh.
"he loves to show off." he comments, making the younger one blush a little bit.
"do not." he mumbles, sitting you down at the kitchen table, before he goes to fetch some food he'd prepared, as you stifle a yawn. "yah, you can take another cat-nap later, but right now you gotta eat something." he playfully scolds. "just a small portion, don't worry. We can buy stuff you like once you've settled in a bit if you'd like." he offers, and you nod, though still confused.
"Am I.. Gonna live with you now?" you ask, and Taehyung nods across from you.
"If you'd like. Where did you expect to live when we offered you a place to stay?" he asks, as you shrug.
"you offered me a job, and then said I can sleep in the car." you say, making Jungkooks eyes widen.
"not forever in the car, no no no!" he corrects your thoughts, before the older one chimes in.
"we're offering a home here. With us. Permanently." he explains calmly. "not just a job. We've been thinking of getting a hybrid anyways." he tells you, and you nod, yawning again.
"alright alright now come on, eat, before you fall asleep in the bowl you sleepy cat." Jungkook jokes, making Taehyung laugh when you become a bit pouty at your embarrassment.
You're just too cute.
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
Could I request a song fic for Hotch with this song? Definitely steamy and maybe a little jealous angst with Beth? 👀 only if you get that vibe though. Love the song series collection thingy you got going 😉🫠
Aaron Hotchner Playlist Collection 💕
I see Red by Everybody Loves An Outlaw here
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: infidelity! Angry pissed off Beth, steamy but not full blown smutty, this one was fun! Thank you to @ssa-hotchnershoney for the request & I hope you love it! Sorry it took me so long lmao also mentions of alcohol towards the end. I see a part two in the future
Reader is a member of the BAU.
You were shaking as you made your way up to his door, nervous about seeing him since he'd been out of work. He wasn't due back for another week, but truthfully you'd missed him, and wanted to check in on him. You should've called ahead of time, but that didn't matter now, you were already knocking, looking down at your outfit to make sure you looked okay. It wasn't late, but you didn't want to interrupt if Beth was over. She'd been helping him while he'd been out of work and you didn't know her schedule, but her car was nowhere in sight.
It wasn't long until he turned the lock and opened the door, staring down at you curiously as you stood on his stoop.
"Hi. I just— I wanted to check on you, but if I'm interrupting, I can go," he crossed his arms over his chest and you watched a smirk dance across his lips briefly before he responded.
"You can always come by, anytime you want. Do you want to come in?" He seemed thrilled at the idea of company, but he'd been cooped up for weeks with nothing to do. He led you inside, and you took a seat next to him on the couch, his arm outstretched along the back. He looked good, well rested. You'd never seen him so healthy, with his toned muscles, prominent beneath the fabric of his polo. His skin was glowing, his hair had been cut recently, he looked refreshed. You wanted to scold yourself for being so madly in love with him, but you resisted it; you'd never touched him, although you could have him if you wanted him. You hadn't missed the longing looks, the intimate brushing of his skin against yours any opportunity he got to touch you; he wanted you just as badly.
But there was Beth. Beth, who hated you, because she saw the way Aaron's eyes watched your every move, and the way he let you call him by his first name. She thought she was special in that regard, but you'd been calling him that long before she came along. The tension had been building for years, thick and heavy whenever the two of you were alone together. Like now, your first instinct was to reach out and hold him; take care of him properly, heal him of his trauma. His hand was so close to your shoulder, all it would take was the slight brush of his skin against yours to send you into a frenzy. It was getting harder to hide your attraction towards him.
"I can't wait to have you back," as if on cue, his hand met the nape of your neck, fingertips grazing your skin in a fluid, featherlight motion that would be missed if you hadn't of been so keenly aware of his touch.
"It's been awful. I've been miserable, and Beth... She doesn't want me coming back," he explained, withdrawing his hand and placing them both in his lap. He seemed conflicted, as if he'd truly debated not returning to the BAU.
"Is that what you want?"
He shrugged, glancing over at you for a second while he thought about what to say. You never would've expected Beth would try to keep him from his job; she was almost always out of town. It wasn't fair of her to ask him.
"If I'm overstepping, please tell me, but she expects you to sit here while her career flourishes? What are you supposed to do? That isn't fair and you know it, Aaron. God— I'm sorry, but you deserve better than that."
You were terrified for a split second, until he started to chuckle, relaxing some into the couch, his head resting against the cushions.
"I love how you always tell me exactly what I need to hear."
It was your turn to laugh. Surely he knew he deserved the world and everything in it? That he was the most incredible person on the planet in your eyes, and the shit he dealt with out of Beth was more than any person could handle.
"Were you really considering leaving the BAU? You'd let her take that away from you?"
He shook his head, his palms flat on his lap. You'd never seen him so cozy, almost like he could relax if you were around. He knew he could be comfortable with you.
"She's been gone for 3 weeks. I've been stuck in this house with nothing to do but think about how badly I can't wait to get back. When she gets back, she'll make me choose, and it won't be her."
You sucked in a breath because you never thought you'd hear him say it. He was going to leave her; but then again, she'd left when he needed her the most, but expected him to stay behind.
"Don't let me be the voice in your ear. I can be pretty convincing," you teased, and then he shocked you, because he laughed. Head tilted back, full on open-mouthed laughter that made you laugh too; it rumbled through you like your favorite song and you wanted to hear it all the time. It was beautiful; rare.
"You are most convincing. And so humble," he joked back, the giggles contagious as you kicked off your shoes and tucked your feet beneath you, inadvertently moving closer to him in the process. His body turned towards you slightly, his knees so close to yours that you could practically feel the body heat radiating the space you occupied.
"I'm serious though, you love your job. Don't let her take it away from you."
"I wouldn't walk away from you all like that. If she can't handle my job being exactly like hers, then she's going to have to find someone else. I don't think I'm the one for her."
You could hear the sadness in his voice, because he did care for her, and he didn't want to hurt her feelings, but she'd started to disregard his feelings months ago. It had been obvious by the way he used his job to escape her, and the way he was always sad in the eyes. He hadn't been happy in a long time.
"I'm sorry. You deserve to be happy."
His hand rested on your knee, his thumb tracing patterns on the denim of your jeans. Even through your clothes, your skin was on fire at his touch, heating you up from top to bottom.
"I am now that you're here," he countered, and you blushed uncontrollably, your cheeks flushed and goosebumps covering your skin.
"If I would've known you were all alone, I would've came by sooner," it sounded flirtier than you meant it, but his hand gripped tightly to your knee when you spoke, almost like you said exactly what he wanted to hear.
"You're here now, and that's all that matters. I really appreciate that you've kept in contact. Getting your messages in the morning has made things a lot easier."
You'd started texting him every morning just to remind him that the team was thinking about him. Sometimes it would be to tell him what everyone was up to, or get his advice on a case, but you always found an excuse to talk to him, and he was always eager to reply. You knew Beth would be furious if she knew you talked to Aaron more than she did, but it was her loss. He seemed decided on leaving her, and he made that obvious.
"I just want you to know I'm thinking of you, even when you aren't around."
You couldn't help it, you had no filter when it came to him. You were desperate for him to see how much he was needed, not just by the team. You wanted nothing more than to be the one who got to make him happy, and it was working. He hadn't stopped smiling since you'd walked in the door.
"You're the most consistent thing in my life," he admitted, it felt like an honor, to be the one he considered a constant factor. There weren't many in your line of work, but you considered him one too.
"I'll always be here," you promised him, reaching out in a moment of bravery to place your hand on top of his. He flipped his hand over, opening his palm to grasp your hand in his.
There it was again, in full force; the tension that carried the weight of your friendship in the balance, your bond that was quickly becoming stronger than ever before. He needed someone, and you were happy to be the one to help him, but there was still the voice in the back of your head, whispering Beth's name, because she was still technically a part of his life.
"You know, if anyone else said that, I wouldn't believe them. Trusting you is so easy for me, do you feel that too?"
You did more than feel it; it oozed throughout every room you two occupied, the unspeakable tether you shared with him that shone like a beacon. Morgan often teased you about you two being endgame, but you'd always find a reason to change the subject. It was something that everyone recognized, and that was your sign that it was real. There was more than just a spark there, it was a stick of dynamite, waiting on the perfect time to detonate.
"I feel a lot of things when it comes to you," it left a lot to the imagination, but you knew he understood. He obviously felt the same way.
"No more secrets, can we agree on that? You can always be honest with me," his voice was sincere, and you debated telling him that you'd loved him for a year, or longer, it all blurred together when you were around him, because he was the star of your show. You considered telling him that you needed him like you needed fresh air and sunshine, and that you wanted to wake up to him every morning instead of sending him a message. For a second, with his deep brown eyes gazing into yours, you almost let him in to be yours forever.
"I can't, Aaron. Not as long as Beth is still in your life. When that changes, we can start being honest with each other," your actions contradicted your words, because your fingers laced through his, and he was pulling you closer, until you were nearly in his lap.
"I know it's wrong, but can we forget about that right now? Because you're the only woman who's ever made me feel anything, and I need that from you right now.”
You saw the desperation in his eyes, and you couldn’t help yourself. He needed you terribly, and you’d do anything to make his life easier considering he’d been miserable for weeks. His tongue darted out to wet his lips before he pulled you forward, connecting with yours with more force than you expected, causing you to grip his shoulders. His hands were on your back, working their way past your shirt to trail on your sides, giving you goosebumps. You couldn’t help your hips, grinding into his shamelessly as he moaned into your mouth, gathering your hair into his hands and pulling back lightly, giving him full access to your neck. He placed tender kisses along your jaw, his hand keeping you in place as he softly sucked at your sensitive skin.
“I don’t know if I can live without you,” he whispered into your ear, and you were certain you couldn’t go another day without him as well. You let him lift your shirt over your head, tossing it to the floor as he sucked in a breath. He took his time in admiring you, smothering your chest in open mouthed kisses. You didn’t get a chance to go any further however, because the knob was turning and you’d been caught, Beth eyeing the two of you before she began to shout at you.
“I knew it! I knew as soon as I saw your car in the driveway that I’d find you two like this,” you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks in embarrassment as Aaron slid you out of his lap to retrieve your shirt from the floor. Beth rushed forward as you scrambled to put it back on correctly, but Aaron was quick to keep her from touching you, his hands holding her back.
“You need to stop, Beth. We both knew this was coming when you tried to get me to choose between you and my job,” his tone stayed neutral as he handled the situation. You sat on the couch, watching the exchange because you weren’t about to step in the middle of their argument. You slipped your shoes on and stood up, ready to make an exit before Aaron stopped you.
“Beth was just leaving,” he told you, looking back at Beth and nodding towards the door. Beth gave you one last disgusted look before a string of profanity fell from her lips and she turned to walk away. You hadn’t expected things to end so abruptly, and you definitely hadn’t guessed you’d end up stuck in the middle.
“I’m so sorry, Aaron,” he shook his head as the door closed behind Beth, but once he finished watching to make sure her car was really pulling out of the driveway, he turned his attention towards you.
“Why are you apologizing?”
He invited you to follow him to the kitchen, where he poured himself a drink, leaning against the counter.
“This isn’t your fault. I knew the consequences when I kissed you. I’m tired of pretending that I want somebody else. I want you.”
You knew that the rocky start was jolting, but you felt at peace now that the truth was out for the both of you. You didn’t have to hide how you felt anymore; you’d get to have him for yourself, finally finished with watching someone else have his attention.
“I’ve been waiting a long time to hear you say that.”
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michimichim · 3 years
in fall & bloom | doyeon
disclaimer: top!fem reader x bottom!doyeon, mention of blood.
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your shouts of glee resonate through the bustling streets of the city, pedestrians barely catching glimpse of your zooming figures. the autumn breeze is welcoming against your face, the sunlight warm on your skin as you veer the wheels of your bike onto the next street. your eyes occasionally gaze up at the bleeding tangerine sky through the palm branches without crashing into cars, or worse, have you and your passenger tumbling down the descending street.
“wait!” the latter suddenly yelps into your ear. you press the bike to a stop, both feet coming down to graze the gravel, then to finally land firm on the ground.
“you okay?” you ask when the bike’s stabilized, craning your neck to give doyeon a curious gaze just to find her eyeing the small dip laying a few feet away down the street. there's a pretty blush dusting her cheeks, chestnut hair outlining her forehead and even, darker lashes when her eyes glide back to yours in a form of uncertainty. she's wearing green contacts today, further accentuating her piercing gaze along with the dipping sun highlighting streaks of orange and yellow on her features.
“no way we’re going down that path.” she answers, a tone of incredulity in her voice.
“what?” your brows shoot up as you slightly look back at the road – it is a bit steep, but not dangerously so. you turn back to doyeon. “why not?”
doyeon’s eyes squint back at you, fully glaring, face scrunched – most likely wondering how insane you must truly be. but the endearing and dopey smile you offer back is enough to melt her rigid posture.
“they’ll kill you if i die.” is what she ends up saying instead. the light wind sweeps lightly through her hair, conveying the lulling scent of cotton candy and peach perfume.
you laugh, playfully bumping back into her. “wimp.”
“i’m sorry, is my death a joke to you?” she whispers menacingly into your ear, hooking her index through the belt loops of your jeans.
“hilarious, even.” you tease, tilting your head back to pucker your lips. “kiss.”
“no.” she deadpans, encircling your waist. “first, get me down that road in one piece.” you snort at that, “we can just walk our way down, yeonnie. i was kidding.”
“no, i somehow trust you with this.” she gags out, reluctantly. “why do i trust you?” she mutters right after.
“that’s rich, coming from an arsonist.” you muse, sounding utterly contented, a sharp contradiction to doyeon's allegation.
“shut up,” she starts and you just know she’s about to read you. you furtively feign a roll of your eyes, yet, an infatuated smile stays on the edge of your lips. you'll never tell her, but there’s nothing more attractive than when she gets like this. “–told me you would come and pick me up for a walk, not a bike ride. and unless you have short-term mem–” she stops. “stop staring at my lips.”
you laugh, sheepish, then avert your gaze back to the road ahead. “i'm getting my kiss once i drop you off.”
“if i'm still alive.” she says, hooking her chin on your shoulder.
you whine about her being a pessimist bitch and she lightly, though discreetly presses her lips against your jaw. “kidding.” she singsongs, squeezing your mid.
so you kick off once again. aside from the air being squeezed out of you, you make it down safe and sound. you cycle the both of you through lush paths, to open green fields and watch butterflies fly above, occasionally slowing down the pace of the bike to take it all in. with the scintilla feeling of just the two of you on a bike — blissful with the speed, with the fresh wind in your faces – you’re at home.
doyeon leans the side of her head against your back, letting her eyes take in the beautiful scenery that nature brings. it was nice being able to hold onto you like so, not a care in the world whether she’ll wake up to her name trending on social platforms, or worse, being questioned about her affectionate nature. south korea still has its outdated ideologies, teaching her to enjoy the beauty of whatever it is you’ve started, drawing as much as she can from the light and secretive touches.
unlike her, you no longer seem to focus on the picturesque surroundings. doyeon's hands start having a mind of their own, palms flat on your abdomen, they brush with each movement of your legs on the pedals – and she wastes no time noticing. it's a position she very much enjoys. her eager hands begin to venture areas they’ve never had before. she skims her way up and down your stomach, smiling to herself when she senses you tense. they map their way lower, to the button of your jeans, and without warning, slide up under your sweater. your heart nearly burst from your chest.
the noise that escapes from your throat is a mix of a choke and guttural sound. “christ, doyeon!” you breathe, scandalized. “we’ll fucking crash!”
the frigid feel of her fingers on your skin almost swerves you off the damn bike.
she only laughs, kissing the back of your neck in an apologetic gesture. she resists the urge to tease for the remainder of the ride, only cooing and every so often – she can’t help herself. she’d caress the area over your ribcage, feeling your heart jump beneath the dainty sweater. you can always excuse it as the intensive exercise you have so willingly put yourself through.
you park the bicycle in front of doyeon’s building and lean slightly forward so your elbows rest onto the handlebar. except doyeon doesn’t budge, she stays put, only shifting to press herself further against you.
“you need to keep your hands to yourself, ma’am.” you reproach with a shake of your head, glancing around to make sure no one, especially from her company, is sighting you. “we really could’ve died, and it would’ve been your fault.”
needless to say, that’s no news to you; doyeon has always been quite blasé towards prudence and authority matters. she has a flair for rebellion, not so much that she wants to go against the grain, but she sustains an innate drive towards doing so, and that includes the blatant flirting she would put on at random times.
“but i can’t keep my hands to myself,” she titters and you feel the vibration all throughout your body. you look back at her with narrowed eyes, and she leans her head comfortably against your shoulder, freely gazing at you through long lashes, a smoldering smile on her pouty lips. “plus, i believe i owe you a kiss.”
there's a shout down the street as kids chase after each other, loaded backpacks swinging and feet banging against the gravel.
“i believe you do, yes.” you concur, squeezing her arms that are still wrapped around your mid. “too much people, though.”
and that’s how she ends up dragging you up to her dorms, barely leaving you time to shut the door close behind you – her lips are on yours. thankfully, no one’s home, or at least in the living room because there’s no scientific reason you could come up with to explain why you’re lip locking with one of korea’s favorite girls.
by some miracle, she manages to maneuver you down the hall and into her room, all the while remaining busy giggling and kissing on each other. you throw yourself on her bed, and she ensues, settling down beside you. your feet dangle off the bed as you both lay horizontally – it’s a comical sight that she makes sure to point out.
you're getting progressively mindful of the warmth in your lower belly, the tingling feeling somewhere in your stomach when you engage her into another kiss. the kiss is wet and slow, experimentally tasting the apricot balm coating her plump lips as you leave the sweetest of promises on them. you tentatively stroke her thighs and in turn, her hands resume its trail under your sweater, across your abdomen in a series of affectionate caresses.
you make certain to be slow and considerate as always. after all, this is the farthest you’ve gone. there's only been kissing so far, nothing more, not even touching. you figured if doyeon is ready, she’ll initiate it. which is exactly what’s happening when she leans slightly over you to unbutton your jeans.
“hey,” you whisper against luscious lips, now swollen and tender, while tenderly cradling her jaw into your palm. “no pressure, okay?”
doyeon stills under your earnest look and runs a hand through her locks, pearly teeth toying with her bottom lip. “i know. i just – i need this.” there isn't so much as a slight hint of uncertainty when the reply escapes her lips. more of an emphatic assertion.
you gently push her back down to hover her body, slowly peppering her neck with kisses and tiny licks. doyeon pushes the rear of your head forward, urging for more, however, you take as much time as necessary. your kisses become unbearably slow, irritating her while also lighting up every nerve and muscle within her body. each wet path your tongue leaves further drenches her panties.
you rise back to her mouth, gradually driving her insane with the laid-back, sluggish brush of your tongue on her lips all without fully pressing them. you tease, altering the angle of your head each time she'd drive forward to capture your lips. without much warning, doyeon’s teeth are sinking into your lip, biting harder when you take her sensitive nipple between the spaces of your fingers.
a dainty spill of blood streams down your lip, further startling you when she soothes over the texture with her tongue, gaze darkening as she stares directly into your hooded eyes. “stop fucking with me.” she hisses.
“and since when are you so fucking demanding?” you moan, there’s no denying how turned on and heated the little backtalk makes you. she grinds her hips against yours as your lips crash into hers in a searing fiery kiss. your hands cup her face, both of your tongues rolling, playing and sliding against each other. she’s sucking and biting at your bottom lip, tongue thrusting forward. you close your lips around it and suck with an appreciative moan. god, you could eat her right then.
in the midst, your hands roam over her breasts, fingers pulling her nipples through the thin fabric of her shirt. she breaks the kiss to throw her head back and gasps as you pinch and pull harder at them.
“oh fuck.” with that, she’s once again snaking her hands up your shirt, feeling over your warm skin and bunching the fabric up for you to take off. you grab the hem and slide it off you while the rest slowly comes off in the middle of feverish kisses and explorative touches.
you take to straddle her hips, admiring the pale skin of her tight abdomen with a rapacious curiosity. you gently fondle her pert breasts into your hands, pondering whether to tear the bra keeping you from making skin-to-skin contact. compelling, but an attempt at it will cost you your head – so you contempt yourself by sneaking them underneath the band, relishing in the pretty little sounds rippling out through her lips.
“you like that, don’t you?” you purr out quietly, rubbing your thumbs over the aching, hard peak against your hand.
“harder.” she mewls, torso arching and pushing just to feel more of that pain mixing in with pleasure.
you lean down, a dark glint in your eyes as you bite and tug at her bra’s fabric, she grows wetter at the sight and feel of your warm breath ghosting on her nipples. she wraps her legs around your mid to cage you in, her hand tangling into your hair when you bite down onto her nub. she's letting out a soft cry when your tongue pokes at the tip before sucking the nub into your mouth, pulling on the flesh and grazing the surface, just enough to leave reddened markings on the flesh.
“ooh–” she gasps, breath labored, gripping tightly into your hair as you give the same treatment to the other pair, rolling the tender flesh between your fingers. you're positioned much lower so you rise slightly back up her body so your cores are touching and snap your hips down against hers. it turns her world upside down; everything tingles from her head to her toes as you repeat the motion over and over again.
you lean up to peck her lips, setting an accommodating pace for you both that has doyeon rising up to meet each grind.
she watches you with unfiltered lust; hands coasting down your face, to your shoulders and arms for a few moments, then cupping around the back of your neck and back down to squeeze your breast. she truly cannot keep her hands off of you. “i want it from behind.” there’s always been something impressive, fervent, in the classic simplicity and directness that is doyeon. it still catches you off guard, agape and sputtering. you stop.
with the majority of your thoughts gone, head clouded with wanton pleasure, you’re unsure of what you exactly heard; you ask again, throat closing around the words. “from behind?”
doyeon's brow quirk in a form of amusement, seeming lucid enough to poke fun at you, but still far from collected. the column of her neck is flushed red, eyes low and glazed – she’s beyond gorgeous. “i don’t have a strap, but your fingers will do,” she shoots you a coy look. “so, fuck me from behind.”
you blink slowly. “alright.” you say, heart clenching in what could only be a mix of amazement, lust, anticipation and anything that can match up a synonym in the dictionary. "roll over for me.”
and she does just that, not before unclasping her bra. it falls down her shapely shoulders, exposing her tiny breasts that your mouth begs to take back in. she gets on all fours, back arching and head craning back to stare you down, challenge in her gaze. “better do your best.”
goose bumps break all over her body as you seize her by the shape of her waist, almost taking her up on the challenge. unfortunately, there was only so much you can leave on doyeon’s body. as much as you want to taint her body red with unique markings, she has an image to maintain so it’ll simply have to wait.
you pull her panties down the gracious curve of her ass, leaving it to slip softly down her thighs then off her legs. your hands caress the silky, supple skin appreciatively, tracing over the dip of her waist to the back of her thighs. you give each of her ass cheeks a hard slap, heart pounding with each moan of hers – you’d think she’s used to this.
"come onnn," she whines, pressing back against you.
"relax." you hum, stroking your hand up and down the long of her back, relishing in the way it freely glides. you gently nudge her knees apart and kneel down behind her. the slight bit of slickness trickling down her lips prompts you to give her a few long strokes of your index, doyeon moans and arches her back further down as the same finger gives hot pleasure within her.
“you’re so pretty.” you compliment, fully admiring all esoteric aspects of her body like a tulip about to bloom – the ones who shimmer in the afternoon and reaches to glow of sunshine- as you start licking between her folds, taking your sweet time to lap every drop of her slick melting down her center. you mouth along her swollen clit through the poetic pleasure rolling into every part of her body, spiking in every nerve ending.
you bury your face farther amid the girl’s puffy folds, licking with passion in your movement, your hands gripping her thighs as you lap away at her hole, occasionally reaching up to flicker across her clit and fling her whole body in a mass of spasm.
your sleeked fingertips gradually begin prodding her entrance, easily sliding between the folds, remaining slow and cautious as to not hurt her. doyeon's nails dig into the comforter, unfamiliar pain lightly shooting up her core and spine.
“you alright?” you ask; there is a tiny waver in your voice, concern and apologetic.
“i-” she sucks air through her teeth, “yeah. keep going.”
reluctant, but complying, you extract your index to replace with your thumb. you hope this helps to start small and later on, prep her to take more. she pants softly, eyes teary and unfocused as her body attempts to choose whether she wants to rock back into your hand, stay rooted at the feeling of being stretched or flee from the unfamiliar pain that’s snaking down her thighs.
you thumb through her opening with consoling words along soothing circles of your hand on her lower back. it diverts her from the pain and creeping pleasure probing inside of her. you extend the process, her gradual whines climbing in octaves when she’d try jerking away from a certain spot being brushed by your inquisitive finger. you'd have to grab her by the elegant curve of the waist, pull her back and keep her in place.
it's just a matter of time before she’s past dripping, pleading and moaning for more. hips inclined back, accentuating the fluid lines of her back; she's crying in nothing but divine ecstasy as you switch back to your index. you draw it out until just the tip is in, then plunge it back in her wet tightness. needless to say, she doesn’t simply see the stars but the cosmos in all its entirety before her eyes.
reiteration of strangled sounds and gasps spill from her lips when you start steadily pumping in and out. she tries stifling them by shoving her head down in the covers, not because she wants to be discreet but rather her embarrassment in hearing those sounds coming from herself – they're melodic, symphonic even, to your ears.
it's something doyeon finds herself loving – the feeling of being handled and taken care of. the knowledge that she can easily be reduced to a messy state if you so desired (as one would expect, you’d have to work for it). doyeon's thighs shake with more thrusts of your fingers reaching deep – and she takes it all, with great difficulty, but it’s a start. her eyes flutter closed as the thick stretch that your fingers amply provide, turn into blissful pleasure to bring her closer to her release.
"how about another?" you ask over the high pitched whines. "can you do that?"
"i don–" you swipe your thumb over her clit and her breath catches in her throat before going back to ball the sheets into her hand. you encourage her with a squeeze on her thigh. "yes, yes."
you add your middle finger, cursing at how tight she is, her spasmic muscles start clenching around you. that's all it takes.
in less than a second, your digits are coated in juices and sleek is sliding down her legs as you easily coax her into a slow, staggering orgasm. she bucks her hips up with one last startled moan and you look on, smug, gently twisting your fingers through the slight burn of her orgasm until she slumps down on her stomach with a silent scream.
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helloalycia · 3 years
a bitch [two] // leigh shaw
summary: when you finally decide to confront leigh about the incident, things don't go to plan.
warning/s: cheating, arguing, confrontation
author's note: here’s part two! hope you like it :)
part one | masterlist | wattpad
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I refused to paint Leigh in the worst light, even if I'd seen her that way. She ended up staying the night at mine to pass out without being around her sister with her hangover, and I tried not to mind. I was patient for the rest of the evening and the following morning, trying not to assume the worst. But it was hard to do that when she continued to act like nothing was out of the ordinary.
My paranoia get the better of me, as whenever she got a text or slipped out for a phone call, all I could see was her and Abby making out at the party. Why hadn't she told me what happened if it wasn't what it seemed? The only explanation could be that she didn't want me to know, which meant she was hiding it, which meant she was cheating on me. Just like Alex.
It was later that following day after the party when I was sat on the dining table doing some work on my laptop and she was sat on the couch. Her phone vibrated, followed by a tone, signalling she got a text, and I tried not to writhe with discomfort in my seat. She scoffed before tossing her phone to the other end of the couch.
"What is it?" I asked, trying not to seem too interested, even though my heart was bruising.
"Nothing," she mumbled, eyes fixated on the telly.
I gave her all of my attention now, curious. "Go on, what is it? It's clearly not nothing."
She tilted her head to look at me. Sighing, she said like it was no big deal, "Drew wants me to work on a piece, but with somebody else. And you know I'm not a fan of collaborative writing."
Forcing a smile, I hummed in acknowledgement. "Who is it? The person he wants you to work with?"
Looking back to the TV casually, she shrugged. "Abby."
Just the mere mention of that girl's name in Leigh's mouth left a bitter taste in mine. And the longer I watched Leigh staring at the TV without a care in the world, oblivious to the fact that my heart was breaking because of her, the more I wanted to burst. And I eventually did.
"I know you're cheating on me," I blurted, making her look to me with a baffled expression.
Deciding to roll with it, I closed my laptop and met her confused stare. "Don't try to hide it, Leigh, I know. I saw you last night. At the party." She continued to play dumb, so I added with distaste, "You were kissing Abby."
Leigh opened her mouth, half-gasping and half entertained as if I was suggesting the most ridiculous thing. "You're kidding, right? That's– that's what you think of me?"
I stood up quickly, glaring at her through glassy eyes. "Don't act coy. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I tried to wait for you to explain yourself just in case I misinterpreted, but you continued to hide it. No doubt hiding every other moment you spend with her, too, right?"
Leigh's confusion was quickly replaced with anger, as she stood up from her place on the couch and walked towards me, pointing a finger my way.
"How dare you jump to conclusions like that!"
"It's not jumping!" I shouted, unable to stop my emotions getting the better of me. "It's facts!" Smiling bitterly, I shook my head, vision blurry with unshed tears. "I always had my suspicions that she liked you, but I never thought it could be the other way, too..."
Leigh's glare was fiery. She clenched her fists by her side as she studied my expression, attempting to find an explanation for this accusation. And the fact that she was still playing dumb pissed me off.
"God, everybody told me that you could be like this," I muttered between gritted teeth. "You flip-flop between emotions. The constant mood swings, an explosion that everyone gets caught up in."
She crossed her arms, shrugging sarcastically. "Don't hold back or anything. Say what you really mean."
I clenched my jaw and stared at her, tears finally flowing. How could this be the same person I was in love with?
"I shouldn't have expected any different when it came to your partners," I finished with a hurt voice.
Her eyes narrowed as my words settled in. "Fuck you."
"Well, you won't be, will you? You're too busy fucking Abby!"
"You're not even giving me chance to explain!" she shouted with irritation.
"Explain what?! How you kept this from me? How you had all day to explain and you just didn't?" I scoffed, shaking my head. "You know, sometimes you can be such a..." I searched for the right word before my frustration landed on only one. "Such a bitch."
She pressed her trembling lips together as she glowered at me through teary eyes. It stung, knowing I was the reason she was upset. But she cheated on me. I had every right to be.
"Fuck off," she said harshly, before turning to grab her phone and jacket.
Slipping on her shoes, she stuck a middle finger in the air before leaving my house. I glared at the space where she was stood, heart pounding in my ears and chest tightening with discomfort. She deserved it. She did exactly what Alex did.
But this hurt so much more.
I woke up late the next morning since I didn't have work and I was too devastated to do anything but stay in bed. Last night was difficult, just like the night before, and when I finally found myself falling asleep, all I dreamt of was Leigh.
Even though I didn't want to, I felt a guilt thrumming in my chest when my words came back to mind. I shouldn't have reacted so badly... and I definitely shouldn't have called her a bitch. My anger just took over, pushing away my love for her, and attacked her without question. But God, it still hurt. Just thinking about her with someone else reminded me of Alex and the voice message and–
Staying in bed sounded like the best option. But of course, the world had other plans.
My phone dinged, signalling I had a text, and I reluctantly reached over to my bedside table to pull it off charge. Through sleep-filled eyes, I tried to make out the name on the screen.
           Leigh ♥️
Suddenly awake, I swiped to open the message and felt my heart drop as I read it.
          Leigh ♥️: Fuck you.
Attached was a video, and as much as I wanted to get pissed at her text, I was curious to know what she'd sent. Playing it, I soon realised it was CCTV footage from her workplace, outside the toilets. At first, I squeezed my phone, thinking she'd sent it to rub it in my face. But then as I continued to watch, I saw the moments I missed last night.
Leigh walked out the toilet and Abby pulled her to the side, attempting to talk to her about something. There was no sound to the clip, but it was clear that Leigh was trying to back away and go elsewhere. They talked, Leigh using that smile she used when she was trying to be polite, before Abby suddenly pushed herself on her, kissing her. I pulled a face at the sight, reliving it all over again, but then Leigh shoved her away with anger.
Again, there was no sound, but I recognised that familiar Leigh wrath she subjected people to when they pissed her off. Hands were waving around as she seemed to be shouting in Abby's face, her face set into a permanent scowl as she did. Then she turned and stormed away, and the video ended.
Lowering my phone, I stared at the ceiling with a lump in my throat. She hadn't cheated, I'd just walked in on the wrong moment. Every horrible thing I'd said to her... completely uncalled for. No wonder she was angry and upset when I'd accused her – she hadn't done anything wrong.
"Fuck!" I shouted to nothing, before throwing my phone to the end of the bed with annoyance.
How the hell was I to make this right?
I spent the remainder of the morning trying to think of what I could do. Leigh wouldn't want to speak to me, understandably, but I had to try. It would be a terrible apology, but I couldn't just leave it. I loved her and I could only hope she'd still love me, even after every nasty thing I spat her way.
Knowing she'd be at work, I gave her boss and best friend, Drew, a call. Hopefully she hadn't told him everything I'd done otherwise he was definitely going to ignore me.
After a few rings, he finally answered and I couldn't stop my fingers from drumming against my thigh nervously.
"Y/N, thank God you rang! I was just about to call you," he said before I could build up the courage to speak.
I furrowed my brows. "You were?"
"You should come pick up your girlfriend," he said, and I figured he didn't know. "I don't know what her problem is and, don't get me wrong, I love Leigh, but I can't condone violence at the workplace."
My eyes widened so much I was surprised they didn't fall out my head. "What?!"
With a mixture of amazement and disappointment, he answered, "She punched a colleague of hers, Abby, in the face. It was so out of the blue – a solid punch to the jaw. Broke her knuckles, I think."
Jaw dropping, I forgot how to speak.
"She's at the hospital," he continued. "Thankfully, Abby isn't pressing charges – no idea why not, not that I want Leigh to get arrested obviously – but damn, there's a lot of paperwork to do and–"
"Drew!" I cut him off, worrying myself with thoughts of Leigh at the hospital by herself. "Text me the address. I'm on my way."
The drive to the hospital was agonisingly long, but I reached it quite quickly. I did attempt to call Leigh, unable to stop myself from checking if she was okay, but she didn't answer. This did nothing to ease my concern.
After making my way through the hospital, I finally arrived at Leigh's room. I let myself in, seeing her sat on a hospital bed with an ice pack covering her hand, balanced on a table. At the sight of me, she rolled her eyes.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she muttered lowly, refusing to meet my gaze.
I stepped inside hesitantly, my guilt returning as I remembered everything I accused her off. "Drew told me what happened."
She clenched her jaw. "Well, I'm not a baby. I'm fine on my own."
Ignoring her rightful annoyance, I sighed quietly. "Really, Leigh? You punched her?"
As if realising how silly it sounded when I said it aloud, she looked the other way and stayed quiet. Her jaw was still clenched as she contained her anger.
"What's the damage?" I asked, hoping my concern wouldn't piss her off. As always, I was wrong.
"None of your damn business," she snapped, still not looking my way.
I frowned, approaching her bedside, but she still refused to look my way. "Leigh, I want to apologise, I do, but I need to make sure you're okay first."
She rolled her eyes before finally looking to me and glaring powerfully. If I hadn't experienced being in a fight with Leigh before, I would have definitely tucked tail and ran. But I'd known her long enough to know that the mask of anger she wore right now was only a cover for the hurt she felt. The hurt I'd caused her. 
"You don't need to do anything," she retorted, before nodding to the door. "You can go."
My heart pounded with guilt. "Leigh, please.”
"Sorry, I don't mean to be a bitch or anything," she cut me off bitterly, before looking away and frowning to herself.
The words I'd said to her in a moment of fury returned to mind and I'd never hated myself more than in that moment.
"You know, since Matt died, almost everyone I know called me a bitch," she revealed quietly, voice filled with pain rather than hostility. "Even my family. Especially my family. But you... you never called it me, Y/N. Not once. Not even when I deserved it."
The silence that followed her words was deafening. Why the hell did I have to call her that? Why?
Before I could even think of how to respond, the door to her room opened and in walked a doctor, holding what looked like print-outs of x-ray scans.
"Oh," he said with mild confusion as he spotted me by Leigh's bedside. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. I'm Leigh's doctor. Doctor Syed. And you are?"
"Her girlfriend," I replied, just as she also replied, "My ex."
I gave her a stern look, accepting if she wanted to break up, but definitely not leaving her here alone.
"I'd like to stay if that's okay," I told Doctor Syed, sensing his confusion as he looked between Leigh and I, attempting to make out whatever was happening.
To my surprise, Leigh didn't argue, even when the doctor looked her way to see if she had a problem. She simply rolled her eyes, scoffed quietly, and said nothing.
Taking this as a response, Doctor Syed proceeded to explain about Leigh's injury, particularly the broken bones in her knuckle. Apparently she'd punched Abby with so much force that she'd literally broken the bone with a crack. The x-ray proved just that and gave the doctor a perfect sight of where he could fix it, thankfully, without surgery.
I waited with an unusually quiet Leigh as he put a splint and cast on her hand there and then. He then spoke about recovery times and how she was to look after herself. After writing up a prescription for pain meds and handing it to her, he quirked a brow questioningly.
"Is that all okay, Miss Shaw?" he asked.
Leigh was too busy brooding to listen, so I smiled at the doctor instead.
"I'll make sure she does that," I answered for her. "Thank you, doctor."
He nodded and returned the smile before wishing us luck and leaving. I looked to Leigh, who was quick to get up and grab her jacket, being careful with her hand. The two of us said nothing as we left the room and hospital, making our way out onto the street. Before I could ask how she was getting home, she began to walk away from me.
I groaned inwardly before following after her, stopping her from going any further. She glared across from me.
"What?" she said through gritted teeth.
"I can give you a ride home," I offered. "I parked down the street."
She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine walking."
I gave her a knowing look. "Leigh, you just broke your hand."
Realising my point, she sighed. "Fine. I'll call literally anyone but you for a ride."
Okay, I deserved that, but it still stung.
"Fine," I said, before waiting with her as she made the call.
She took a seat on the bench to the side of the road, waiting for a taxi, and I joined her, making her scoff.
"Just to make sure you get home safe," I said, when she gave me an incredulous look.
"Whatever," she mumbled, before watching the road for her taxi.
When it finally arrived, she didn't even spare me a glance before getting in and leaving. I sighed with regret, glad she was okay but realising I still hadn't had the chance to apologise to her. I was still yet to make this right.
It was the next day when I'd deemed it enough time to have given her space whilst also deciding I had to tell her how sorry I was before it was too late.
Building the courage to approach her front door was one thing, but knocking was another. I'm pretty sure I stared at the wood for ages before actually lifting my hand to knock. And even then, my heart was still pounding nervously in my chest.
After a moment, the door opened and revealed Leigh. But as soon as she recognised me, she made a move to close it.
"Leigh, please, wait–!" I tried, and put my foot in the doorway so she couldn't close it.
"I have nothing to say to you!" she exclaimed with irritation, glaring at me when she noticed my foot in the way. "Move it, Y/N."
"You don't have to say anything," I said with a frown and apologetic eyes. "Just hear me out. Please."
She pressed her lips together firmly, disguising her hurt with frustration. But when her eyes met mine, the pain was there and I felt guilty all over again, knowing I'd made her out to be the worst.
"I never should have said what I did," I started quickly, not wanting to lose my chance. "And I definitely shouldn't have called you a–" I winced, hating the word more than ever. "A bitch. I know you get angry when you're upset and that should've been my first indicator to knowing something wasn't right. I should've heard you out."
"But you didn't," she cut me off with a terrifyingly calm voice. "You jumped to conclusions instead. When I've never given you any reason to doubt me."
I licked my lips and looked down shamefully. She was right. "I know."
"Do you?" she asked rhetorically, a hint of resentment in her voice. "Because you jumped on me so fast that I didn't even see it coming."
Risking looking up, I saw the defensive stance she took, arms crossed judgementally and jaw tensed with annoyance.
"For the record," she added, expression softening a little, "I didn't tell you about the kiss because it meant nothing and I didn't want to upset you for no reason."
I swallowed the rising lump in my throat, the guilt thickening and squeezing the life out of me.
"I can't believe you'd think I would do something like that to you," she admitted with a heartbreaking voice, uncrossing her arms. "I love you, Y/N. I'd never hurt you like that. Never."
Squeezing my eyes shut, I pinched the bridge of my nose, memories of Alex flooding to the surface. "I know, Leigh, I know. I do."
She sighed before me. "Then why?"
Releasing my nose, I opened my eyes and was surprised at the blurriness, tears having formed. I was losing the woman I love because of my stupidity and I couldn't. I couldn't lose her. She deserved to know the truth, no matter how much it hurt.
"Do you remember my last girlfriend?" I asked reluctantly, before clearing my throat. "Alex?"
Her brows creased together with confusion. "Yes. What about her?"
Letting out an embarrassed sigh, I avoided Leigh's gaze. "We broke up because she cheated on me. With... with someone from work."
When Leigh didn't say anything, I looked up and saw her shocked expression.
"What?" she asked with disbelief. "You said it was a mutual breakup."
I pinched the skin inside my palm to feel something other than hurt and awkwardness. "I– it was easier to say that than admit the truth because the truth was– is embarrassing." Unable to hold her gaze for much longer, I focused on the door next to her. "You were going through a lot at the time, Leigh. The last thing you needed was to deal with my bullshit, too."
She frowned, trying to meet my eyes, but I was too ashamed to look her way. "You should've told me, Y/N."
I shook my head slowly. "I shouldn't have. Just like I shouldn't have assumed you'd be like her. I just– I got horribly insecure and I know that you're not her. You're nothing like her. And I shouldn't have treated you like the villain."
"No...," she began, still adjusting to my words. "No, that makes so much sense." Her good hand rested on my cheek as she forced me to look her way. "I'm so sorry that happened."
I pulled back, her hand dropping to her side, and wiped away a stray tear. I'd never meant to earn her pity – I'd done something wrong. This wasn't me earning sympathy, I just wanted her to know the truth.
"I don't want you to apologise," I told her. "I just want you to understand that I'm sorry. So sorry, Leigh. I hate that I– I ruined something good, something amazing. I never meant for this to happen," I motioned to her hand, "and I don't want you to think of me like– like– like this. Like–"
She moved forward and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me close. "I don't. I really don't."
I closed my eyes and stuffed my head into her neck, holding her tightly. She stroked the back of my hair soothingly and pressed a kiss to the side of my head.
"I forgive you," she murmured, and just like that, relief spread through me. "I'm so sorry about what happened to you. I promise I'd never to that to you. Never in a million years."
I pulled apart, wiping my tears away sheepishly whilst nodding. "I know you wouldn't, Leigh. I'm sorry for even thinking that you would."
She cupped my cheek, using her thumb to swipe away a tear. Green eyes met mine, sparkling with unshed tears that made me feel guilty because I'd never wanted to make her cry.
"I know you are," she said gently, before offering me a small smile. "Come inside, yeah? You can make it up to me by watching movies with me."
I let out a small laugh and she smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my lips before holding out her hand. I rested mine in hers and let her lead me inside, hand tingling where her skin touched mine.
Leigh Shaw was anything but a bitch. She was the most caring, considerate person I'd ever met, and when she flashed me a reassuring smile as we headed to the couch, I knew one thing.
I was lucky to have her.
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ca-8 · 3 years
Yakko x Reader Scenario: When You First Meet
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'This is it. The beginning of the end.' 
Gripping on the straps of her backpack, (Y/n) exited the bus and stared up at the water tower that displayed the famous Warner Bros. logo. As expected, it emitted a smug aura onto the entire area; however, surprisingly, there was a slight twinge of mystery to it as well. But she didn't have time to ponder about it, so she only gave it an uneasy look and headed straight for the entrance.
Her heart stopped. She knew the place was going to be busy, but it was like an entire New York City packed in one section! So many writers, producers, actors, large men carrying heavy sets, every type of person working in film was scattered all over the place. It was like an ocean, with the people as marine life doing what they're designed to do, and (Y/n) being the puppy that was abandoned at sea.
The moment it all settled in, an involuntary realization invaded her thoughts. 'I don't belong here.'
The young girl reminded herself to breathe and rushed over to a vacant wall, then pulled out her phone. She had already sent her mother about a thousand messages telling her she was here, but since she hasn't responded, a few more shouldn't hurt. Fingers rapidly typing away, she bit her lower lip, already wishing she had stayed on that bus. 
"Oh, you're just gonna love it!" Her mother's squealing voice had already filled her skull. "You're so talented, I know you're gonna fit right in."
'Yeah, standing around all day with a bunch of people I don't know while doing something I suck at is exactly how I wanna spend my summer.' She let out a soft sigh. 'It's fine. Just shut up and make her happy, (Y/n).'
Several attempts of calling and texting later, no response. (Y/n) sighed again, and her eyes wandered over to the bustling crowd. 'No way. Absolutely no way.' But if she wanted to get the day over with, absolutely yes way.
First, she walked up to a lady looking down at the clipboard in her hands. "Um, excuse me," (Y/n) said. 
The lady's head snatched up. "KYLE!" she yelled, her eyes now ablaze with fury, "YOU IDIOT! THAT GOES IN THE WAREHOUSE ACROSS THE STUDIO!" And like there was nothing but a breeze behind her, the lady stomped off to the poor soul that had to face her wrath.
The breeze took a step back and ran around the corner. 'Maybe I'll find someone else instead…!' (Y/n) stopped and spotted a man sitting on the steps that lead to the entrance of a small building. She swallowed whatever was left in her mouth and reluctantly approached him. 
"E-Excuse me, sir?" she stuttered, hoping her voice was louder than the last time. As she got closer, (Y/n) noticed he was chuckling, and his gaze was glued onto a small piece of paper. 
"I...I did it…!" he said. She yelped and shrinked back when he suddenly jumped to his feet. "I FINALLY DID IT! WE'LL SEE WHO'S REGRETTING THE DIVORCE NOW, MARGARET!" And with a manic laugh, the man dashed into the building. 
'...Or maybe I'll just find it myself.'
It wasn't too long before (Y/n) got herself lost. Despite the help of maps that were stuck to some of the buildings, all of them seemed exactly the same. It was like a maze, and with each passing minute, she was more and more convinced that there was no finish line. Even worse, her mother was too busy to respond to anything she sent her. 
'Oh, what should I do?' (Y/n) thought for the thousandth time. No matter how hard she pinched or held them, her arms refused to stop trembling. Not too long ago, the outside of the studio became deserted and she'd hate to walk in a warehouse and possibly interrupt something important, so asking for help again was out of the question.
...Or, perhaps it wasn't. 
A tiny, hopeful smile crossed (Y/n)'s face when she heard the sounds of frustrated grunts around the corner. It was the first time she was so relieved to see a stranger. 
And thank god that stranger was a security guard. Though she wondered why he had a giant net in his hand, she shoved the curiosity as far in the back of her mind as she could and reached up to gently tap his shoulder. 
"Um, excuse me sir?" she asked as loud as she could. 
His head whipped around, revealing angry eyes and a scowl that said he was ready to kill. But right as his gaze landed on her, it changed within an instant. 
"Oh, hello!" he said with a bright smile. 
(Y/n) blinked, cocking her head. ‘What was this guy up to?’
"I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know where (M/n) (L/n) is filming? I'm her daughter, (Y/n), and I'm trying to look for her. She's not answering her phone either."
His joyful expression slowly melted into a confused one. "Uuhhh…(M/n) (L/n)?”
“Yes. She’s a part of Animal Kingdom? Do you know where that’s being filmed?”
“Oh! I know there’s a zoo around here called Animal Kingdom! I don’t think you’ll find it in a film studio, though.”
(Y/n) frowned. “...No, I mean the show. Aren’t they filming in a warehouse today? Do you know where that is?”
“Who’s ‘they’?”
Her eye twitched, and she was just about ready to drown the entire studio in the nearest ocean. “N-Nevermind, I’ll just-”
As if the universe wasn’t satisfied with tormenting her enough, the security guard suddenly launched up into the air and flew into the sky. Right before her eyes, the heavens were coated with explosives of every color that ever existed. 
“Oh my god!” (Y/n) yelled. ‘Who strapped fireworks on that guy?!’
“Oh, I knew you’d love it!”
Her eyes were ripped from the loud fireworks show as she was immediately smothered in a hug. “It’s so nice that another girl’s here! All the other ones here are either too busy or just keep shouting about a restraining order for some reason. I dunno, but anyway, I just know you're gonna love it here! Anyway, my name’s Princess Angelina Louisa Cantessa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the third! But since we're friends now, you can just call me Dot.”
This confirmed it. This was a trap set up by her mother to deliberately drive her insane, because how else can someone explain the nut jobs and talking dogs in pink dresses? 
A combination of those two things happened to be clutching her head and digging her face into hers. “...Huh?” (Y/n) mumbled.
‘Dot’ jumped off of her and smiled widely. “Sorry about Ralph by the way. I figured out you were coming at the last second and I really needed someone for your welcoming gift.” she said.
(Y/n) glanced up at the sky where the fireworks were slowly dying down. “Um...Is he gonna be okay?” she asked.  
“Of course he will!” her backpack said.
The teen screamed and threw her bag on the ground. A hand popped out and unzipped it with impossible ease, then a taller boy version of Dot jumped out, pulling up his long brown pants and flashing a grin. 
“H-...H-H-How did you…?!” (Y/n) stuttered, pointing at him. 
“What? Never heard of cartoon logic?” he said, approaching her. “And Ralph’ll be fine. His skull’s so thick, concrete’s the last thing that can kill him.”
“Anyhow,” he walked over to Dot and put an arm over her shoulder, “The name’s Yakko, this here’s my beloved baby sister Dot, and this is-” He stopped, staring at the empty space to his left. He leaned into Dot, whispering, “Say, uh, you don't mind looking for Wakko, do ya sis?”
Dot glanced at (Y/n) for an uncomfortable moment and suddenly shot her brother a glare. "I've got eyes all over this studio, Yakko," she warned, slowly stepping away.
Now (Y/n) certainly knew she didn't see pairs of eyes appear around every inch of her sight. 'Oh god, I didn't breath in drugs on the way here, did I? Actually, that would explain whatever the heck's going on.'
Yakko smiled as he watched his sister leave and turned to (Y/n). He walked closer to her, and she realized that his half-lidded eyes had a strange glint in them. “Sooo, your name’s (Y/n), right? A pretty name for a pretty girl.”
(Y/n)’s face heated up. ‘First I get lost, then see a guy get blown up, and now some other guy’s flirting with me? ...To be honest, this is still better than what Mom had planned for today.’
“So what brings ya’ here?” he asked.
“O-Oh, well, my Mom was supposed to give me a tour of the studio, but I’ve been giving that to myself all day. I tried finding her, but I’m pretty sure I’m nowhere near it by now.” Her eyes wandered over to the ground, but a realization made them perk back up and over to Yakko. “Hey, do you happen to know this place by any chance?”
“Know it? Please, my sibs and I live here, we know this place by heart and soul!” He mumbled something else, along the lines of “Basically made our hearts and souls”. 
Her heart jumped; finally, a piece of good news. “Really?” she said, a smile spreading across her face.
He nodded. “So where do ya’ need to go?” Before she could answer, he pulled out a piece of folded paper and moved in so close, their shoulders were smooshed together. Yakko unfolded it, and it turned out to be the biggest map (Y/n) has ever seen. “Well, from here, you’re gonna need to take a right and continue straight until you get to the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts exhibit. But be careful, I heard some of them escaped, and if anyone asks if you’ve seen any of them, don’t tell them I gave one to Dot as a late birthday gift. Anyway, you take a left from there, then a right where you’ll see the lot where they used to shoot Game of Thrones. Now this is only a rumour I’ve heard, but I think some of the producers are still on that set. If you happen to see them, do not, I repeat, DO NOT mention season eight, or maybe just don’t mention the show at all. Actually, don’t even look at them. As a matter of fact, you probably shouldn’t even go there at all, just keep heading straight until you get to the D.C. Universe lot. Then you just take left there, then a sharp right over over, then you keep going straight until you get to here, turn up over there, turn right there, and then you’re there. Did ya’ follow all that?”
(Y/n) stared at his face, which was practically radiating with enthusiasm, and she felt her eye twitch again. “...No,” she said, shaking her head.
His smile dimmed, but it became just as bright as the sun again a split-second later. “Ah well, maps are gettin' old anyways,” he said, throwing the map over his shoulder. “WAKKO!!”
And, low and behold, another anthropomorphic dog popped out of nowhere, and (Y/n) was starting to question if there was an army of them hidden somewhere. But she had to admit, it was pretty cute how this one was dressed in an oversized blue sweater and red hat. 
“Tablet, please,” Yakko said politely, holding out his hand. 
‘You're not gonna walk me there-?'
Wakko suddenly held his head back with his cheeks puffed out, then leaned into Yakko’s hand as he forced out a small object from his mouth. After an incredibly uneasy moment, a tablet glazed in spit was in Yakko's grasp. While he praised the little guy, (Y/n) forced back the urge to vomit.
“E-Ehhhh…?” She couldn’t say anything else while her gaze frantically went back and forth from Wakko and the regurgitated tablet. 
“Oh! Where are my manners?” Yakko said. “(Y/n), this is my dear little brother, Wakko. Wakko, this here’s our new special friend, (Y/n).” 
“Hello!” Wakko greeted, who was suddenly in her arms. “You’re really pretty!”
“Ehh? Thank you? I guess??” she said apprehensively, and finally managed to make eye contact. Despite his...quirks, he's actually a little adorable... She let herself grin a little.
The moment of semi-peace was ruined when she took notice of Yakko’s narrowed eyes. “ALrighty, (Y/n)!” he said loudly, grabbing his little brother by the collar and gently setting him on the ground. “Animal Kingdom, right? Let’s get ya’ right over there.” He moved right beside her and taped the screen a couple times. 
“Um, what’re you doing exactly?” she asked.
“Doing what every person does to get somewhere nowadays.” He grabbed her waist and pulled her against him, and (Y/n) flinched from his touch. “Please keep your arms, legs, and personal items inside the tablet at all times.”
Just when she was about to question him for the hundredth time, he pressed the screen again, and her vision became nothing but white. Her body felt like it was launched into a tornado; a strong force of wind thrusted her back, and somehow, the boy’s arm kept her from flying off from his side. A second later, her feet were back on the ground, the sky was where it needed to be, and reality was back in place. 
Except for (Y/n)’s mentality. 
She stumbled around, trying to find her balance as the world unbearably whirled around her. Finally, she shook her head, and quickly turned back towards Yakko, whose face tried to tell her whatever happened was perfectly fine and normal. 
“What was THAT?” she yelled, staggering towards him and gripping his shoulders.
And he still had the audacity to have that 'why-are-you-freaking-out-so-much-we-do-this-every-Friday' smile. “Thank you for attending Warner’s Travel Tours! I would say my Agent Ralph’ll take your bags, but I left him alone with my sibs, so he’s probably in the middle of the Pacific Ocean by now.”
(Y/n) could only stare at him. Her mind was twisting and turning, trying so hard to make any sense of what happened but only making her headache grow larger and larger. And then, her thoughts just went blank.
She smirked. Then giggled. And a few seconds later, she had burst out laughing whilst holding her stomach. (Y/n) looked back up at Yakko, wiping a tear from her eye. “Th-Thank you…” she said, catching her breath. 
His smile had grown and she thought his white cheeks were red for a moment. Yakko had opened his mouth, but whatever he was about to say was cut off by a net suddenly covering his entire body. Ralph was behind him, his skin and clothes burnt and ears practically smoking. “You’re coming with me, Warner!” he said.
And yet, Yakko only grinned. Like physics was his enemy, he disappeared from inside the net and appeared sprouting from the security guard’s back, cheerfully waving at (Y/n). “I’ll see ya’ around, yeah?” he said, then ran around the corner with Ralph sprinting right after him.
(Y/n) giggled and reached for the straps around her back. But when she only felt the (f/c) fabric of her shirt, her smile dropped, and a deep sigh escaped her lips. “Great…” she whispered.
She gasped as a pair of arms squeezed the life out of her. Her mother spun her around to face her gleaming smile, which was immediately replaced by an apologetic frown. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get your texts! That scene took forever, but I’m glad you found your way here! You’re so smart! Anyway, I know we don’t get as much time now, but there’s still so much we’ll be able to see!...”
She rambled on and on and on and on. Her daughter’s shoulders slumped and she followed her to where she wanted her to go, but the frown on her face didn’t last long when she remembered the fun she had just a few seconds ago. ‘Maybe this summer won’t be that bad.’
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thatgirlstrawberry · 3 years
💛Sunshine💛 pt. 3 - Charlie
In which you all read about Spencer's Family life
Overall Warnings: fluff, mentions of sex, children lol, lmk if anything was missed
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Joshua Bassett and Riele Downs as Charlie Reid and Emmy Sullivan
Maggie Pullman's trial was over. Audrey helped her win of course. But the thing Audrey was most excited about was that it was over. It had been three weeks since the dinner with Derek Morgan and Savanah. After that night, Audrey had been feeling... funny.
It was the day after the case ended and Audrey was buzzing with excitement because today, she'd get to go pick up Charlie.
Audrey got pregnant with Charlie when she was twenty-one. It was before she and Spencer got married. Three weeks after Charlie was born, they got married at the courthouse. They never had a big wedding but deep down Audrey really wanted one. She told herself that it was okay and she didn't need it. She was just happy that she was with the love of her life.
After sixteen hours of excruciating labor on February 19th, Charlie Reid was brought into the world. Audrey was drenched in sweat and Spencer held a cold washcloth to her forehead. "You did so good, Audrey."
She took a second to breathe. "Let's get married." She blurted. Spencer widened his eyes and gulped.
"What?" He blinked.
Audrey swallowed nervously but then smiled. "You and me. Let's get married. You can fly your mom down here, bring Gideon or Hotch or Elle or Morgan. I don't care I just know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Spencer dropped the washcloth she was holding and grabbed onto her hands.
"I can't believe you just asked me to marry you." He shook his head. Audrey's smiled dropped and she became worried.
"You don't want to marry me?" She asked, starting to tear up.
Spencer placed one of his hands on her cheek. "Oh! I do. I really do but I can't believe you beat me to asking." He chuckled. Audrey let out it a breath of relief. "I don't have a ring. I'm sorry." He told her.
"It doesn't matter." She shook her head as Spencer pressed his forehead against hers. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." She whispered. It was like a chant. She was cut off when a nurse came back with their baby.
The nurse smiled at the couple. "Here comes baby...?"
Audrey smiled and held her arms out for him. "Charlie Jason Reid." She breathed out. The middle name Jason came from Gideon. Spencer learned so much from that man he just had to keep him in his life no matter what. The nurse smiled and handed the baby to Spencer who then transferred him to Audrey. "Oh, he's so cute." She smiled as tears stung her eyes.
He already had a lot of hair, probably because of Spencer. "He looks just like you," Spencer whispered, brushing his fiancée hair back, away from her forehead.
The new mother smiled as Charlie wrapped his small hand around Spencer's finger. He smiled lovingly at the newborn but then remembered something. "I uh... I made Morgan turn on the sirens and drive me here. I think I should go explain to my team what happened." Audrey nodded and Spencer kissed her slowly.
When he separated from her, he touched Charlie's nose softly and smiled. He waved at the baby before leaving the room. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and pressed his lips together when he saw his whole team standing there with confusion written all over their faces.
"Spence, what just happened," JJ asked.
The doctor bit his lip and shuffled over to them. "My son was just born." He told them as nonchalantly as he could. Morgan almost completely fell over and JJ widened her eyes, placing her hand on her chest.
Garcia was frozen in shock and Hotch and Gideon just stood there looking even more confused. "Kid, you didn't think to tell us that Audrey was pregnant!?" Morgan almost yelled.
"Reid, I didn't even know you had a girlfriend!" Elle smirked.
"Pregnant," Garcia whispered. "Audrey was... pregnant. Now she's not. Because a little baby boy wonder was just born." She was speaking like she was in a trance. "Big boy wonder didn't think to tell us," The woman walked up to him, her heels clicking on the linoleum, and slapped him a few times on the shoulder. "A baby... Your baby was just born! Why didn't you tell us!?"
"Uh, yeah. I would like to know too! This is so great, Spence!" JJ scoffed. Spencer nodded his head, feeling a little guilty.
"Can we meet the kid or not?" Gideon asked stepping forward and patting him on the shoulder.
Spencer breathed out and smiled. "Yeah. Yeah... I have a son now." He couldn't believe it. It was just so crazy to him. "Come on, guys." He waved his hand in the direction of the room.
When they stepped inside, Audrey was rocking Charlie back and forth and singing to him. "You are my sunshine..." She stopped when she looked up and saw everyone.
Penelope started to squeal quietly as she took short but very loud steps towards them. "Oh... oh! He's so cute!" Audrey smiled up at her. "Oh, what's his name!?"
Audrey looked at Spencer and nodded her head. He nodded back and looked at the rest of his team who stood by the door. "Um. Everybody, this is Charlie Jason Reid." Gideon smiled and placed his hand on his chest.
"That means a lot to me, Reid. It really does."
So the next few minutes were spent with the team congratulating the young couple and introducing themselves to the baby. They all took turns holding him and trying to tickle him. Spencer and Audrey could say that they were the happiest they'd ever been.
"Make sure you use the bathroom before we go!" Audrey yelled at the bottom of the stairs. "It's a four-hour drive and really don't feel like stopping and I'm sure your brother doesn't want to wait any longer than he has to!" She called to her other kids who were shuffling around upstairs.
"Okay!" Joey yelled, obviously annoyed. Audrey rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen where Spencer was busy packing snacks for the road.
"Don't forget the fruit snacks for bunny." The woman pointed out. Spencer looked up with a smile as he put a few oranges in the bag.
"How could I ever forget fruit snacks? Last time we forgot them she screamed all the way there and back." He breathed out shaking his head.
Audrey smiled and walked around the island. She wrapped her arms around him from began pressed her face against the middle of his back. She hadn't grown at all since they had met nineteen years earlier. "Can we stop on the way back for that really good seafood place? I kinda want some shrimp."
Spencer almost gasped when she mentioned wanting shrimp. "But Aud, you hate shrimp." He continued to pack up bottles of water.
"Well, what if after I had Sadie, I started liking shrimp?" She asked, closing her eyes. She didn't really get the big deal.
"Only a hand full of women, approximately five in seventy-eight end up liking foods that they craved when they were pregnant. It's not as common as you think." He told her, turning around and looking down at her. Audrey furrowed her eyebrows.
"What are you saying then, Spencer?" Her arms loosened from around him and she stepped back a little. He tilted his head to the side.
He shrugged his shoulders and bit the inside of his cheek. "You... you think you're pregnant again?" Spencer's voice was quiet. "You're supposed to start your period on the twenty-second. It's the twenty-third and I know you haven't started yet because there aren't any tampons, pads, or batteries for the heating pad in the house."
Audrey shrugged and crossed her arms. "It's just a day late, Spence. It happens." She was becoming annoyed but she didn't know why.
"Can you just..." He looked behind him to make sure neither of the kids were listening. "Can you just take a test? Just to be sure?"
The woman crossed her arms tighter around herself and scoffed. "No. I don't need to because I'm not pregnant." She almost snapped. "I'm going to get the kids that we actually have in the car."
She walked away, her sneakers making her footsteps light. Spencer knew that if she was wearing heels she makes it known that she was stomping. He heard her call the kids down and their footsteps carried through the house until it was silent.
Spencer placed his hands on the counter and sighed. He thought back to when he missed all of Audrey's last pregnancy because he was in prison. It was hard and he didn't want her to come to any visitations because the only time she went, an inmate cat called her and told her that he'd love to be her 'baby daddy.'
He didn't like that so he took her off of his approved visitor's list. She stayed with Spencer's mom a few days at a time and just hope that one day, the list would be updated and she'd be allowed to see her husband. She'd given each member of his team a drawing that Joey had made, so when they'd go and visit him, they could show it to him.
"Dad, are you coming!?" Spencer's son's voice broke him out of his thoughts.
He cleared his throat. "Yeah!" He called back. He grabbed the bag of snacks off the counter and slipped it over his shoulder.
The drive was quiet. Joey was confused as to why his parents weren't talking like they usually did and Sadie just sat there munching on Cheez-its and watching a movie on her iPad.
Joey furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, taking his phone out of his pocket. The couple's song even came on they didn't obnoxiously sing to the kids like they did every time. The boy decided to distract himself with videos of people playing Call Of Duty.
Joey remembered one other time that they were like this. Spencer had been reckless in the field and he almost died. Hotch called Audrey to tell her and she almost passed out. When Spencer returned home, she refused to talk to him. He almost left his kids without a father and his wife without the love of her life. Joey didn't understand what happened at that time but he could tell that his mom was scared.
Once they got to the camp, Audrey looked back at the kids. Sadie was trying not to doze off and Joey wasn't paying attention to anything other than his phone. "Hey, guys. We're here!" Audrey told them excitedly.
Sadie perked up and Joey tugged his headphones off. Spencer smiled at them before getting out of the car and stretching. He walked around the front of the car and opened the door for Audrey who smiled softly and got out of the car.
She went over to Sadie's door and opened it. The girl had already climbed out of her booster seat and jumped into Audrey's arms. "Are you excited, bunny?" The woman laughed. Spencer and Joey watched as the little girl nodded her head vigorously.
"Okay, okay! We'll get to see Charlie after his game okay?"
Every year before the parents took their kids home, there was a basketball game. Charlie was a pretty good basketball player. He messed up sometimes but Audrey just called it, harnessing his dad's athleticism.
Audrey grabbed the bag of snacks from the floor after putting Sadie down. When they were all ready to walk in, Spencer's phone rang. Audrey stopped walking Joey looked up at Spencer. He took his phone out of his pocket and checked it before declining the call.
"Telemarketing." He stated. Audrey sighed in relief and smiled. She took both of her kid's hands and made her way to the multi-purpose center on the campgrounds.
Spencer followed behind. He made sure that Audrey wasn't looking as he tapped on Hotch's contact. He typed out a message.
Sorry, I can't make it. I'll call you later.
He sent it after sighing quietly. Audrey looked back at him to see if he was okay and he replaced his frown with a close-lipped smile. She let out a breath and turned back around.
Spencer and Audrey watched as Charlie traveled up the court, dribbling the basketball. Sweat dripped from his forehead and he took the winning shot. Joey cheered for his big brother as the ball dropped through the hoop and the buzzer sounded throughout the gym. "Yes!" Joey clapped, jumping up and down.
The whole gym erupted into cheers as the game finished. "Audrey clapped and cheered loudly. Spencer held Sadie on top of his shoulders as she squealed loudly, pumping her fists in the air.
Charlie was lifted into the air by his teammates and he caught sight of his family cheering for him. He smiled brightly and waved before he was yanked back down to the ground. His team celebrated with him before the cheering died down. He headed to the lobby to wait for his family.
When they came into sight, his smile grew as Joey detached himself from his mother's side and launched forward, running for his big brother. Once he reached him, they did their "secret" handshake and hugged each other.
When they finally broke away from each other, Audrey ran forward and attacked her son with a big hug. Spencer carried Sadie over.
"Oh, I missed you, Char!" Audrey exclaimed, squeezing him.
Charlie hugged back but after a moment he patted his mom's back. "Mom, you're killing me." He grunted out. Audrey pulled back quickly and held him at arm's length. He'd gotten so much taller since she'd last seen him. He was a little taller than her. "I've only been gone for a month."
The woman rolled her eyes. "Sorry for being such a mom, Charlie." Her laugh was cut short when Sadie jumped at Charlie.
"You smell gross." She grimaced dramatically, waving her hand in front of her nose. Charlie laughed and set her down. "You been gone forever!" She yelled.
"I know. I know. But I'm coming home today, Sades." Despite his sweaty smell, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed.
Spencer was next to hug Charlie. "You did great, Charlie!" He praised after pulling away.
The boy looked up at his dad with a smile. "Thanks. It wasn't just me but-"
"Hey, Charlie!"
The family turned around to see a girl running towards them. She had beautiful dark skin and chocolate eyes. "Emmy? I thought you left already."
The girl, Emmy, smiled and shrugged. "I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye." Audrey looked up at Spencer with raised eyebrows. He looked down at her with the same expression.
Charlie noticed his whole family standing there looking confused and he cleared his throat. "Um. Guys, this is Emmy." Emmy turned to them with a big smile.
"Hi! I was at the music camp across the lake." She greeted.
Audrey smiled and stuck her hand out. "I'm Charlie's mom. That's so cool. I tried to get Charlie to go but he said he wanted-" The woman was cut off by her oldest son clearing his throat and giving her a look. She took a breath. "It's nice to meet you, Emmy."
Charlie's face turned red as Emmy turned to face his two siblings. She kneeled in from of Sadie. "Hi. What's your name?"
"Sadie." The little girl answered. Before Emmy could say anything, Sadie spoke up again. "I have a question. Are you Charlie's girlfriend?" Charlie seemed to choke on air and Emmy widened her eyes. Spencer scooped Sadie up and looked at Emmy.
"Sorry about her. Um... I'm Charlie's dad." He introduced. He glanced at his son to see him shaking his head and blushing profusely.
Emmy waved shyly. "Oh! Charlie told me about you. You're an FBI agent." She nodded, folding her hands in front of her. "That's so cool."
"Yeah! I'm a profiler-" Emmy looked back at Charlie who was looking at his dad. "Uh, never mind. It was really nice meeting you, Emmy."
The girl smiled and nodded. "You too." She clapped her hands together and turned n her heels to face Charlie. "I uh... I have to go. I'll text you when I get home, okay?"
"Okay. Have a... good drive?" He told her awkwardly. Audrey could see that he was scolding himself as she walked away.
Once her figure disappeared down a hallway, Charlie let out a big breath that he had been holding ever since she walked up to them. Joey smirked up at Charlie. "She your girlfriend?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Charlie rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag from next to his feet. "Came we go home now?" He asked. Even though he didn't get an answer he began walking towards the doors of the building. Audrey sighed and headed after him.
Spencer looked down at his other child and nodded before walking towards the exit with Sadie in his arms.
Outside, Audrey was walking right next to Charlie. She was silent which was odd to Charlie who knew that every time he talked to a girl, she'd ask him questions about her.
"Why aren't you asking?" He asked skeptically.
Audrey shrugged. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable. You seemed kind of upset in there."
Charlie smiled and glanced at the ground. "You can ask, mom."
The woman immediately broke into a smile and looped her arm through his. "Do you like her?" Charlie chuckled at her excitement.
He bit the inside of his cheek and looked behind them to see if Joey or Sadie were listening. When he saw them talking to their dad he sighed. "Yeah. We met on bonfire night and we talked like... the whole time."
Audrey smiled up at him excitedly. "Char, I'm so happy for you. Does she live here? In Virginia?"
"She lives like... forty-five minutes away from Quantico." The boy smiled and turned red.
When they got to the car, Charlie called the seat near the window that wasn't by Sadie's car seat. Joey complained about it but Audrey looked at him with a stern expression.
Sadie whined about the car stinking because of Charlie so, Audrey gave the boy some deodorant spray. He rolled his eyes and Sadie stuck her tongue out at him.
The car drive was silent until Spencer spoke up. "Do you still wanna stop at that seafood place?" He asked his wife. She didn't look at him but she shook her head. He was hoping to get a verbal response from her because he hadn't really got on since he mentioned the possibility that she might be pregnant.
Charlie shot Joey a questioning look. Joey pulled out his phone and typed something on his notes app.
Mom and dad are fighting.'
Charlie raised his eyebrows and glanced at his parents and back at Joey. The boy shrugged and shook his head, turning to face the front again.
The family stopped at a gas station on the way back. Charlie went inside with Joey to the boy's bathroom and Audrey went with Sadie to the girl's bathroom. Spencer stayed outside so he could pump gas into the car.
After he put the nozzle in the gas tank, his phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and saw that it was Hotch calling again. He sighed and click the answer button, lifting the phone to his ear.
"Reid is everything alright with Audrey? With the kids?"
Spencer felt bad because Hotch sounded so worried. "Yeah. Um, I'm really sorry. I couldn't be called in then. We were all picking Charlie up from his basketball camp and I-"
"Reid." Spencer stopped rambling. "I understand. It's a local case so just try to come when you can."
The doctor let out a big breath of relief and saw his family walking out of the gas station. "I'll be there tonight. I have to go."
With that, he hung up and smiled at Audrey who looked at him as the kids climbed in the car. "Who was that?" She asked, leaning against the car.
"Hotch needs me to go into the office when we get back to Quantico." He saw how her face fell. "It's a local case so I'll be back."
She nodded her head. "Ok." She crossed her arms and began to walk to the other side of the car.
Spencer sighed. "Audrey." He called. She stopped and turned back to him. "Honey, can we talk? I know something is bothering and I have a pretty good idea of what."
Audrey uncrossed her arms and sighed. "We can talk when you get back home later." She told him before walking around the car to her side to get in. Spencer nodded and took the gas pump out of the tank, placing back where it goes and opening the driver's side door.
Audrey, Spencer, and the kids all entered the house. Spencer told Charlie to go shower because he didn't smell good at all and the other two kids went upstairs to their rooms.
Both Audrey and Spencer headed to the kitchen. "Do you have your go-bag ready, honey?" Audrey asked.
Her husband sighed. "Yeah. It's in the car... listen, Aud. I don't have to go in. We-"
Audrey smiled and walked towards him. "Spence, go. I'll be here when you get back. I promise." She looked into his eyes as he stared down at her sadly. "You have people to save. Go save them." She placed her hands on his chest to fix his tie.
Spencer caught her hands before she could move them. "I love you, Audrey."
"And I love you, Spence." She stood on her tippy toes and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
Four hours later, Spencer could barely concentrate. He stared at the note that the unsub left on the latest victim. He lifted his hand to his chin as he squinted, reading the words.
"Hey, Spence." He looked over to see JJ walking in with a tray of coffees. "Are you okay?"
The doctor sighed and his posture collapsed. He looked over at JJ and fakely smiled. "Not really."
"Why? What happened?" She asked.
Spencer rubbed his face with his hand and sighed again. "I think Audrey's pregnant again and that makes her upset... somehow." He shook his head and stuck his hands on his hips. "I mean- JJ, she has most of the symptoms. She missed her cycle, she didn't sleep with any blankets last night and she usually does that when she pregnant and she wanted shrimp. Shrimp, JJ! Audrey hates shrimp!"
JJ stepped back with her hands up. "Okay, Spence, breathe." She told him. "Maybe... uh I don't know... maybe she's scared."
Spencer looked back up at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Scared? Why would she be scared? We already have three kids, JJ."
The blonde scoffed. "Exactly." The doctor kept his confused look and JJ laughed. "You may be a genius in all other things but apparently your wife isn't one of them." She mumbled, knowing full well that Spencer heard. "She might be scared because she doesn't know if she can take care of three kids. And- and she might think that she can't handle it because you're always away."
Reid scoffed. "I'm not an absent father, JJ. I'd never do that to Audrey or the kids. I will not be like my dad."
"No- no Spence, I wasn't saying that. I'm just telling you what might be wrong with Audrey. I just- I want you to be prepared for the answer you get when you talk to her." She paused. "You are going to talk to her... right?"
"Of course! Yeah! Right when I get home tonight..." He trailed off.
Rossi walked in quickly. "Sorry, kid. You're not going home tonight. We got a lead on the unsub." Spencer and JJ looked at each other and sighed. "Vest up, would you?"
Spencer sighed as he shut the door to his home a day later. It was eleven-thirty at night and he was sure that his kids and wife were asleep. He put in the code to stop the alarm and set his bag down by the cubbies for the kids.
He had called Audrey briefly the night before, telling her that he wouldn't be able to make it home. She was obviously disappointed but she didn't say that.
Reid inhaled slowly and let it out before making his way up the stairs. He stopped at Charlie's door and opened it slowly. The TV was illuminating the room and his oldest son's sleeping body. He smiled softly and shut the door. Next, he opened Joey's door where he laid, cuddled up with his pillow. He'd definitely deny it if either one of his parents asked so Spencer moved on.
He opened Sadie's door and saw her surrounded with a bunch of her stuffed animals as she snored softly. His smile grew and he softly shut the door.
His heart sped up as he neared his and Audrey's room. He opened the door slowly, trying to be quiet. When he entered he observed the bed and saw that his wife wasn't there.
Spencer heard sniffles coming from the bathroom. He quickly but quietly rushed towards the bathroom and opened the door. Audrey sat on the ground in tears with her knees pulled up to her chest. Her hands were folded in her lap as she rocked back and forth trying to hold in a sob.
"Love, what's wrong?" Spencer asked as he stepped into the bathroom, sitting in front of her.
She shook her head as tears escaped her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispered. Her voice shook.
Her husband furrowed his eyebrows and scooted forward, getting closer to her. "About what, honey?"
Audrey didn't say anything. She just pulled her hand from her lap and held it out in front of her. Spencer looked down.
The woman held a stick in her hand. His eyes soft more than they already were as he cradled her shaking hand in his. He studied it and realized what it was.
He saw the two dark lines on the test and glanced up at Audrey. "You're...?" She sniffled and nodded. "Why are you sorry?" Spencer asked, placing his hand on her cheeks and using his thumb to wipe away her tears.
Audrey drew in a slow breath. "You- you were r-right and I yelled at you. I- I just-" She stopped and let out a small sob.
"Hey, hey, hey," Spencer whispered. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and brought her head to his chest. "It's okay, Aud. I know." He cooed as she cried into his chest quietly. "And if you're scared... b-because you don't think that we'll be able to handle it- if you think you can't handle it, Audrey I'll be here. I always have and I always will." His hand rubbed her back as she calmed.
"What if we don't have enough space?" She mumbled, pulling her head back and looking into his eyes.
Spencer tilted his head and smiled softly. "We'll make space, honey. We have a guest bedroom that we can move one of the boys into. We have Sadie's old crib in the basement... Audrey, we've got this."
Audrey nodded at him and smiled a small smile. "Spence..." She trailed off. She looked down at her stomach. "We're having another baby."
The man smiled and kissed his wife's hand. "I hope it's a girl."
Audrey burst out laughing. "God knows we can't handle another boy." She told him through a fit of giggles.
Spencer laughed and placed a kiss to her cheek. "We've got this, Audrey."
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dulceackles · 3 years
The girls' bathroom | Victoria De Angelis
Requested: no
summary: y/n is on a night out with her friends when she starts to feel lonely and self-conscious. And then she meets a girl named Victoria in a tiny restroom of a rusty nightclub.
Okay so this one is personal cus I hate going to a night out thinking you're going to have fun and then ending up feeling like you're left out or 'the unwanted one'. I thought about writing this a while and I really hope someone can relate and find comfort in this the same way that I do.
Pairing: Victoria de angelis x reader (she/her, third person)
if you have wishes for any other pronouns whether it is to switch them in some fic or write a new one using specific pronounces let me know!
word count: 1.2k
content and warnings: lil spicy it is romantic, mentions of alcohol usage, low self-esteem talk, lil sad.
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The music raged in a small nightclub the owners had named 'Beverly Hilla' for some odd reason Y/n couldn't really explain. She felt the bottoms of her shoes stick to the floor as some forgotten spilled drink had stained the dance floor.
The place was tiny for a nightclub. It wasn't really popular either but as for tonight, the place was overly filled with drunken people which made y/n feel a little overwhelmed.
"Anna?" Y/n called for her friend who had been dancing like a Wildrose for the past 20 minutes now.
"Hmm?" Her hymn shattered making the alcohol in her system and awfully clear.
"Maybe we should go take a seat for a while, I'm a little tired." Y/n exhaled.
"Yeah suree." Anna started to make her way to the bar stools, y/n quickly following after her. If she was honest, she was ready to go home but didn't want to leave her friend alone and she was sure she wasn't done yet.
The girls made their way to the couple of free bar stools that were next to a bar. (I know IRL finding two free bar stools in a tiny crowded bub would be a miracle but for the sake of the story, they found two free bar stools.)
"Are you going to order something?" Y/n asked but Anna had no time to answer when a young nice-looking man sat next to her.
"Hi girls." He smiled at them and soon locking his eyes with Anna.
"Hi, I'm Anna." Anna introduced herself to him, smiling and looking at him underneath her long lashes.
"Want a drink?" The guy asked Anna and she nodded.
Soon y/n realized she wasn't really involved or welcome in the conversation Anna and the guy had. She could see that Anna was clearly into him, he was clearly into her and she didn't want to third-wheel. She leaned away from them, studying her surroundings.
Nearly everyone was with someone, a friend, a lover. And if there was something that was lingering in her mind, it was the bitter-sweet question; why was she sitting here alone? If nothing else, she was a perfect individual for someone looking just a one night stand. She was alone and she was drunk, so why no one didn't come to talk to her?
Y/n had to admit that it was bothering her more than she liked. Not that she wanted a one night stand, not that she was looking for anything but it was just the fact how she felt forgotten, left out, and over anything left out.
She turned to look at her friend one last time, seeing her talking to the guy and she knew she wouldn't be her company and on top of that, the smell of the alcohol was making her feel unwell.
Y/n got up, not sure if Anna even noticed, and made her way to the restroom diving past the crowd of people dancing.
The public bathroom wasn't big, indeed in a way it almost felt claustrophobic with its crapped walls and tiny toilet stalls.
Y/n lifted her eyes to look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were slightly tired, makeup little off and her hair had gotten messy from all the dancing. But it wasn't even that. If she could have chosen, she would have the beauty queen. Maybe she'd liked to have different shaped eyes and different lips and maybe nicer hair and nicer jaw.
Suddenly she felt really aware of everything that she thought was wrong in her. A tiny tear run across her cheek as she heard the restroom door open. Y/n quickly wiped her tear and went to the sink to wash her hands.
Y/n heard steps as someone walked into the restroom but to her surprise, she also heard a full female voice spoke to her.
"Are you alright?" The stranger asked.
Y/n turned to look at her. The small light-haired girl was eyeing her up and down with her piercing eyes. She was really pretty and her hair rested perfectly on her shoulders.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine." Y/n nobbed her head, Hair messy hair falling over her own shoulder.
"You don't look really fine if I'm honest; you look quite sad." She quietly giggled a little bit. "I'm Victoria."
"I'm Y/n"
"So did you get lost from your mom or..?" Victoria gently joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Y/n chuckled a little bit to her, "No quite frankly I didn't this time." She tilted her head a little bit before continuing, "hmm, I just think I got lonely."
Victoria studied her a while, "Lonely?" She asked.
"Yeah like I got ditched by my friend who found a better company." Y/n chucked again
"Ohh, well we here now aren't we?" She smiled at y/n and then there was a moment of silence.
Y/n couldn't help but have her eyes glued to Victoria. There was something really comforting, safe and lovely about her. In many ways, she felt like the most unreplaceable person in this world. And she was stunning.
"You look really pretty." It escaped from y/n's lips by an accident.
"Aww, thank you." Victoria turned to look at her, "You too."
Y/n thought about it a while, "Don't think I am." She shook her head before turning back to the mirror.
"What?" Victoria sounded slightly surprised. At the end of the day, Y/n wasn't really good at taking compliments and she knew it herself.
"Just don't feel like I look even somewhat nice." Y/n shrugged her shoulders. It was probably the alcohol that was making her being so open about her self-image issues.
"Well listen.." Victoria took a step closer to her. "You'll never see yourself in the same way others see you and just because you think that doesn't mean it's right. I mean you don't have a say in who I think is beautiful" She smiled at her and y/n's eyes fell to her lips.
What came as a little surprise to y/n, Victoria lifted her hand to lightly touch her cheek and gently pushed her against the stall door.
"Can I kiss you?" Victoria lowly whispered, locking her eyes at Y/n's lips.
"I mean please," Y/n whispered back to her and leaned a little bit closer for her to gently press her lips against her own.
y/n could taste the liquor of Victoria's tongue and she probably could do the same off of hers but it didn't matter at that point when her red burning lips were dancing with hers.
After a while, Victoria pulled away. A blush rose to Y/n's face when she looked at her not wanting to let go of her.
Victoria reached her hand to take y/n's hand into her own and pulled y/n off from the stall door, "Come, Let's go get Pizza. I'm hungry and done with this nightclub anyways." She said flashing a smirk to Y/n.
"Okey." Y/n giggled as she followed Victoria out of the restroom still holding her hand.
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