#primary cannon ship
capsensislagamoprh · 6 months
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Victor Nikiforov takes the ice. His music is named, something classical and full of power. His theme: searching.
The music swells as the flute makes a melancholy sound. An oboe adds undertones of distance, whispering against the shrill cry of the high notes. Invocation of a tree-less landscape, open to the biting winds. His hands twist in elegant motions, arms rising as his back arches. With out seeming to move his feet he begins to slide back, ice a silken mirror beneath his blades.
A low drum picks up a hollow beat, pounding its rhythm into the chest, a second heart beat trying to over take the listener's own. His side arch, his back rolls, his blades speeding along the ice as he keeps a slow look of constant agony in his eyes, his limbs seeming to call out for any answer they can get. His feet flip one over the other as he twizzles himself into a camel spin, the music picking up like a blowing tumble weed. Chimes and xylophone add a drip-drip-drip of cold ice as it hits the winter sun. A listener could almost feel the bitter winter playing make believe with the brilliant sun.
Foot change into a sit spin that lifts him into rapid step, his stretch calling out for desperate spaces to give up secrets, to cry there hiding places, to help him find. The music responds with anger, the drums backed by a responsive violin. Go! We Tell You Nothing! it seems to say, as he turns himself into a double, a triple, a double, trying to jump the obstacles the music puts in his way. These are hills, holes, mythical things, and he is the Ice King. He will over come them all.
The music thinks, how to defeat him. There is a mystical sound, perhaps the swell of winds playing secrets with the strings. A chime seems to count the hours as he steps his way thrugh the rink, turning in brackets and counters, rocketing as he uses one foot or the other, his leg high and straight, his arms longing to reach further than his form allows. His face is forlorn, his eyes full of hope. A loop, a twist, and then he jumps. Quad Sal, a slide spin, a triple toe, a leap that defies the length of his legs, and then a double to give him the lift into a flying spin as he keeps his body moving with that desperation, love, promise of hearth and home as he searches for what he's lost, what the ice cannot find.
The music refuses to give. It calls upon something sinister, the oboe dropping register, the violin wobbling vibrato. A cello adds shadows to the darkness, warning him to keep away. There is a threat there. It evokes retribution. His hands are thrown back, his arms bending behind his head as if struck a dangerous blow. He steps his twizzles into a sit, drives it up into a Biellmann, and drops into a scratch. The music stops just as suddenly, echoing a lone flute note, crying like a distant bird trying to summon spring in a barren land.
The audience is shook, their surprise clear. A junior competitor worthy of there attention. They cheer. It is evoking. It is powerful. He takes his bows, skates to the kiss and cry, then sits, waiting for his score. When he sees it, his eye grow large. His smile beams. He is the Ice King. They are pleased. For a moment he can see the beginnings of that rainbow glow as glamour collects. They keep throwing flowers and other things. Somehow he knows, tonight he will stop starving.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 23, part 24, part 25
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bignickrgxa2 · 8 months
Things to remember about Magnus Protocol:
1. It's in a parallel universe. In which, the events that took place during the story of The Magnus Archives podcast, never happened. Due to the fire taking place circa 2000 (I believe it was stated as 1999)
2. Any statements that were given or events that took place prior to the fire? Head cannon what you want at this point. We're two episodes in. Nothing means anything yet.
3. Clearly Jonny and Alex are playing some form of "character". Would it make "sense" if somehow they are are Jon and Martin? Possibly. Probably. Or are they just a way to keep the primary storytellers from the original series in the new show, in a way that doesn't murder "established canon". Either way, Nester or Chorris ship fans stand up!
4. The entities? Avatars? Artifacts? Rituals? Anything? They might not even remotely apply here. I believe both Alex and Jonny have said that you don't need to have prior knowledge of The Magnus Archives to enjoy Protocol. Will it help? Fucking maybe? Or not?
5. It is a podcast.
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jiubilant · 4 months
tamriel not yet having gunpowder (so no cannons with which to broadside a foe's brig) suggests that in sea battles ships' primary modes of attack are
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katakaluptastrophy · 10 months
Has anyone looked at ritual scarification in the Nine Houses? Because it gets mentioned at least twice as a practice.
Isaac says:
“The Fourth isn’t cannon fodder. If we’re first on the ground we need to stay alive … wards were the first thing I learned. When we get shipped out next year, we’ll get them scarified onto our backs.”
Which would seem to suggest that both Fourth adepts and cavaliers are warded in this way. How does that work? We know when a necro wards a room or suchlike, it prevents others from entering or is otherwise repellant. Are these scarified wards like shielding of some kind? Early warnings? How does that work on a non-adept?
And in the Harrow Nova AU:
“Harrow,” said the skull-faced cavalier of frightful aspect—upon stepping down from his post five years previous, Mortus had scarified the skull into his son, when the adopted necromantic heir had confirmed Ortus for her cavalier primary; the cicatricial lines showed clearly beneath the paint"
Is this just a gruesome detail that Harrow has come up with for her dark and gritty AU? Is it actual practice that would have happened if Mortus had been able to do the usual handover to his son instead of dying with the Reverend Parents?
These are both mentioned almost in passing. Is this sort of thing more widespread? Are other Cohort soldiers warded like the Fourth? And what about other kinds of wards? Do the Fifth or the Eighth use ghost wards like this, given their close traffic with the River? Is the Ninth (at least historically) doing this sort of thing for aesthetic/sacramental reasons part of their reputation for being weird and creepy?
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Soooo I made thing. I will probably redraw this in the cannon style in the future. As for my own personal style for drawing GF stuff, I'm still fleshing it out. But I have another AU now. My Hand of God AU has Ford committing to Bill and spending years trapped in a very abusive relationship, also the apocalypse so that's fun. This one's the complete opposite direction. Ford and Fidds accidentally come into possession of a pair of twins, these boys end up being the motivation it took for Ford to cut things off with Bill and do whatever it takes to keep him from ever getting out.
(I've yet to flesh out exactly how these two were born but the boys were created through anomalous means.)
On the left is Nik (Nikola) An adrenalin junkie who loves adventure and is an absolute menace to society as is the Pines tradition. On the right is Newt (Newton), a pastel-loving soft boy who will cry if you tell him pink is a girl color and gets overly attached to every weird critter Ford brings home.
Nick is missing a pinkie because Bill cut it off while possessing Ford when he was a baby as a threat. Trying to scare Ford into compliance by threatening to kill the boys. Ford did some very unsafe brain surgery on himself to make it impossible for him to ever sleep again. Cutting off Bill's ability to control him for the most part.
Portal is gone, still living in Gravity Falls though, and keeping an eye out for anyone Bill might try to manipulate. Fidds and his wife are divorced. Emma has primary custody but Tate stays with them in GF during the summers where he often bullies Nik and Newt. But Nik and Newt don't tell their dads about it because they know how much Fidds loves his other son and they don't want to make things complicated for him. Tate is just taking out his frustration over his parents failed marriage on his half-siblings. Fidds takes the twins with him when he visits Tate and the rest of his family in California for Christmas. Ford stays behind because Emma hates him and he doesn't want to deal with her family.
Ford and Fidds aren't married both cause it's not legal yet but also tbh not sure they ever would regardless just cause Ford is pretty disinterested in those sorts of formalities. Whatever it is they have going for them right now works for him.
Heavy thoughts below the cut.
TBH I made myself sad thinking about autistic people and our relationships. The way we love isn't always obvious to NT people and it can sometimes feel like you're not good enough for anyone because loving people in the way you're expected to is such a struggle.
Sometimes I see people frame Ford^2 as this completely unrequited thing and it reminds me of the experience of loving people very intensely but feeling unable to prove it because it's so difficult to live up to the standards most people have in relationships.
I like Fiddlestan as a ship it's cute and a fun idea and I get the appeal but there's a little nagging thought in the back of my head that it kind of implies Ford's neurotypical brother is better. More capable of real love. That Ford was never good enough. Not to say Fiddleford didn't deserve better but the idea that these two couldn't have worked makes me kind of depressed for kind of personal reasons so I wanted to make up a universe where they do.
Not to say there isn't plenty of material of Ford and Fidds reconnecting as old men and making it work but the fact they lost so much of their lives to bad decisions is still sad.
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
ok the xp leveling chart is updated:
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this is my best guess at the dragons. bunch of wyrmlings, bunch of young dragons. sometimes brennan referenced wyrmlings for the little weenies, sometimes he said the young ones, so i made my best guesses based on the state of the minis.
everything has a 1.5 modifier for the number and the fact that the bad kids are dealing with the party mechanics and piloting a ship. it would be higher, but the fact that they had a ship to both take damage and do big damage (3d10 per cannon, 10d10 from the ram) knocked it back down. nightmare king is modified because of k2's divine intervention.
all in all the bad kids basically oneshotted most of the dragons out of the sky from the cannons to individual attacks. they got lucky with saves, and the fact that gorgug could tank the damage that he did was incredible. he only actually went down once and got immediately healed, so functionally the bad kids stayed up through the fight. if we go by the vote counts, this fight was only three rounds. three rounds to kill most of oisin’s extended family, one of which was technically a prep round.
the challenge for the finale is going to be going in with resources spent on the dragons--5-6th level spells gone, barbificer features used (elemental rage & tool knack!), all of their minute concentrations from the fight are gone, artifacts from the vulture king have been used, k2 is gone (only 1 primary healer instead of 2), 2 rages used, bardic inspirations have been sent. gorgug is below half health. adaine is below half health. kristen is below half health. riz, fabian, and fig are okay and have some of their resources left.
depending on the timeline they could squeeze in some healing to start the fight in better condition, at the cost of kristen coming in without spell slots.
i'm lowkey hoping the divine intervention gets them the equivalent of a short rest at least, because they could roll hit dice and get some resources back: adaine gets some spells, fig gets her warlock spell, bardics, and channel divinity, fabian refreshes action surge, his superiority dice, and bardics, kristen gets channel divinity, gorgug likely gets his gadget uses, and riz doesn't get anything, but doesn't really need it because he only cast 1 spell and used sneak attack, which isn't part of the action economy and thus doesn't need a refresh. no wonder riz can just go all the time--rogues don't need to rest unless they need to heal.
in terms of the coming conflict, they've done very well to obfuscate the name of ankarna, claim her domain, call cassandra forth from the nightmare king, and get the votes in. brennan says something about the ritual having invoked too much energy without them being able to complete it--if they hadn't done what they did, the battle would likely be way worse than it already is. as it is they're looking at an unstable divine realm, 7 high level npc opponents plus porter in ascension mode, potentially ankarna, and maybe the nightmare king.
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Portrayal of Betrayal
Author's Note: Y'all gave me Black Templar Brain wars >:|. So I made yet another Space marine oc. Give a shout if y'all wanna use him. Also, tag me so I can read and reblog your stuff if you do. This is a long chapter. over 2k.
Summary: Ramiel has a Bad Time, almost dies, and wakes up. Traitors are to die.
Warnings: Black Templar Shenanigans, major character death, abusive relationship, abuse of power, cannon typical violence, Black Templars TM , let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog,
Tagged Again: @sleepyfan-blog and @whorety-k
Ramiel, like many of his general of Primaris marines is highly honored, and more than a little nervous when he is informed of his assignment, he is to become a member of the Honorable Black Templar Chapter, as a proud son of Dorn, he and his battle brothers ask their Utramarine First Born Cousins what their Chapter brothers are like and listen as they are described as dutiful, loyal, proud, stubborn, and fierce warriors. One of the other Ultramarines also murmurs something about certain unsavory traits about them, and gets a glare from the first Ultramarine that had the other quiet down.
As he and the other Primaris Marines meet and settle in with their First-Born Battle Brothers of the Black Templars, at first, the elder brothers don't seem to know what to make of them, some are hostile, some are curious, and all of them are carefully watched and monitored. Ramiel has great pride that Cedric- a brother who he's been helped by, and worked with before, got chosen as an Apprentice to one of the most Important and Eldest of the Apothecary First Born Battle Brothers of the entire Black Templar legion.
Ramiel hopes that he will gain a mentor, and does his best to do his tasks, whether it is missions, or chores to help maintain their ships and other things. As months go by Ramiel’s hearts are heavily burdened as so many of his fellow Primaris Marines have fallen, in battle, due to missions that were... well, he's not one to argue against a person in authority over him. He's been beaten enough, and remembers the lessons that were given to him by the Mechanicum, and the Black Templar elder brothers are eager to maintain discipline and punish them, justly, for their wrongdoings and sins.
He's glad that he's able to get patched up by one of his fellow Primaris Apothecary brothers, at least some of the time, sometimes they are not allowed to help patch them up after a flogging or other sort of punishment, left to heal with their own regenerative powers, and rations are one of the longer-term methods of punishment they are given. So he's surprised, honored and a little hopeful and honestly, more than a little shocked, and he hopes that the God Emperor will forgive him, afraid, when one of the harsher, and much stricter Black Templar Chaplains has decided to take Ramiel on as an apprentice.
He's worried and nervous, he's not been trained as a Chaplain and he accepts the Mentorship, before nervously telling him that he's just a battle brother. Honorable Veteran Black Templar Chaplain Mephisteil Petras has chosen him in particular. The First-Born Space Marine informs him that as his mentor, he'd be teaching him how to do the tasks and duties of a Chaplain. Ramiel bows his head and accepts the honor and new duties to be assigned to him. Following after Chaplain Mephisteil two steps back and to the left as requested by his new mentor.
It's hard, learning the duties of a Chaplain, and one of the first duties that he's ordered to do is to help with the punishment of several Primaris Black Templars, to go over their sins and help them purge themselves of their shame with use of whip and words. Traitorously his lips tremble, and he's grateful that no one can see it, and he hides his flinch by heading over to grab the punishment whip. The words lodge hot, hard and heavy in his throat, which has become dry and it feels like his eyes are burning.
He has a couple of false starts before Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras snaps at him to "Stand up straight like a real Marine."
He snaps to attention and snaps a salute. "Yes Sir!"
"Now," The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras says, "Recite their sins and punishments abom- boy."
"Yes Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras," Ramiel says, thankful that his voice doesn't crack or croak. He takes in a deep breath and reads the three Primaris brothers the scroll that contained what they had done, and the punishments that they were going to be receiving and after that there is silence.
"Abmon- Boy! Get the whip." The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras demands of him.
He nods to his mentor, the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras and grabs the whip, "Have them count out the strokes of the whip."
"Yes sir," Ramiel replies as his throat seems to constrict and it feels like it's become harder and harder to breath.
He snaps the whip a couple of times, the crack and sound of it has them all flinching minutely, but not enough that The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras does not notice and snarls at them for it. Ramiel would also be getting a flogging after this for being so slow to obey his superior officer and mentor. Ramiel mentally apologizes to his fellow Primaris brothers as he starts to whip them, the words he's been taught to tell them as the whistling sound of the whip, the sound of their flesh, and their voices counting the whip marks.
Slowly, yet all at once he as to continue to whips them at the proper pace, to slow and he will get more time added to his flogging, to fast and he will hurt them more than he should, and his punishment for not properly doling out punishment will be worse. Slowly, and all at once he has finished whipping his fellow Primaris Marines. His nerves are screaming at him. He wants to apologize for harming them, yet he locks the words behind his teeth. The punishment he gets for that, and he only did it just the once when he was ordered to Punish Cedric had been... well...
He was blessed with the regenerative powers of a Primaris Marine, which is significantly faster and he's much hardier than a First Born, much to the scowl he got from his mentor The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras. He can't even try to go find them later to apologize, for his mentor The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras has eyes on him at all times, and the punishment he got for trying to apologize after the fact, and trying to do so out of sight and eyes (not that it worked) of their First-Born brothers had also been a test of his body's healing capabilities.
Ramiel hoped that, with time, and showing his dutiful, diligence and obedience, that hopefully The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras and the other Chaplains, and other First Born Space Marines of the Black Templar Chapter would slowly start to trust them. He has seen how warm, affectionate and caring they can be towards their fellow first born space marines. But there must be something wrong with him, and his fellow Primaris Marines that they are treated so coldly and harshly. But he holds out hope that someday, somehow, some way, they will be able to have that easy trust and affection, or barring that, be good enough that they were no longer given such harsh, and swift punishments for even the smallest of infractions.
Infractions that usually their First-Born brothers do not get punishments for, or if they do, not as harshly as the Primaris Marines do. Perhaps, it is because they are so much younger and new than their elder brothers? That they want to instill good habits and proper behaviors? Oh, he so dearly hopes that's the case. His mentor The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, among a larger number of First-Born Space Marines have started to get more agitated recently over the years. He's noticed that, and while he's sent a message or two to his fellow Primaris Marines, has no idea how to bring it up or address it with The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, without offending or upsetting the other sooner.
He gets a vox call from The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, "Sir? Apprentice Chaplain Ramiel speaking."
"Abomin- Boy, come to me, I need to speak with you about something," The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras snarls at him.
He flinches, "yes sir, I'm headed to your coordinates."
Ramiel wonders what has put his elder brother and mentor into such a foul mood, and dreads what the potential answer could be. Even as he braces himself for likely more rounds of justified punishment for infractions, he did not know he had done until The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras informs him of them. He sends a message to Cedric, who's awake and on the same ship as him. Just as a warning about the mood that The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras is in.
He is sure and swift in his movements as he heads towards where The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras and several the more... irascible and mistrusting of the first-born black Templars are.
"I have arrived, The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras," He says snapping a salute.
"Abomination," The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras and his hearts sink to his chest and his throat feels like its closing, "For the crime of existence I, The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, have decided that you shall cease living."
"Bu- Mentor, H-Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras," He stutters out moving backwards a little, "I-I'm a loyal Black Templar of the Chapter... I'm not an abom-"
Whatever he was going to say next was cut off as he dodge the blow he recieved from The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, who charged him. As a Primaris Marine, they are fast, stronger, and have a higher mental processing speed. He continues to dodge and weave, not attacking back as more of the First-born Space Marines go after him. He knows that they will hit him, and they do, he is only one and they are half a dozen strong.
"Foul Abomination, thy existance will be purged and our chapter restored!" The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras roars at him.
Ramiel continues to dodge and tries to speak with him- with the other First Born Black Templar Battle brothers that are slowly trying to encircle and cut off his mode of retreat. They and The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras are starting to get past his guard and one of the systems pings a warning and sends a distress signal off to the nearest Apothecaries that he was wounded. He was starting to get far more badly wounded.
"What did I do wrong mentor? I have only ever tried to heed your words, Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, and be a good, obedient mentee," He hears a familiar voice cry out and he turns to see Cedric staring at him and the group of First-Born Marines in shock, a medic's kit in hand.
Ramiel notices The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, his mentor swerve to try and strike out at Cedric. With a burst of speed he runs and blocks the blow- unfortunately where it lands, the chainsaw sword strikes him a lethal blow as Cedric desperately grabs him Ramiel manages to murmur something to Cedric as blood spills from his lips.
"I'm sorry, sir, whatever it was that I did to deserve this, please don't take it out on my brothers." He apologizes as blood bubbles from his lips. It feels nice, paradoxically to be in the arms of one his brothers, it’s been so long since he’d been held, even if Cedric is trying to keep him upright.
He closes his eyes, as his vision grows dark, and feels blood flowing rapidly out of his wounds. He wakes up with a pained gasp and blinks. Treacherous tears are blinding his eyes as he blinks rapidly. He is alive. Ramiel, somehow, survived what had felt like a killing blow. He jolts as he tries to get up to find Cedric or The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, and the other First-Born Marines to Attack him, upon his command, of course. He pulls of his helmet and buries his face in his hands as he shakes and allows himself to feel, just for a moment or two before he scrubs is face clean of salted water and puts on his helmet as he gingerly gets up.
He looks around, a frown forming on his face, he doesn't recognize the flora and fauna of this place. As he looks up to the night sky, the stars aren't something he recognizes either with jolt of unease. He has many questions that he has no answers for. And he will need to find a way back to... back to his brothers. He ignores the way that had his body flinching and curling in on himself. Coward. He hisses at himself, he's an apprentice chaplain, honored to have been chosen by The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras.
He needs to find out where he is and how he got here and how to get back to The Sigismund. He finds a stream of fresh water, that is flowing fast enough, and after a cautious test, is clean enough to drink from and he does so gladly. The water is bitingly cold, which helps further ground him in the here and now as he ruthlessly squashes the thoughts and questions that run amok in his mind. He puts his helmet back on and continues to wander the forest, which is lovely, and filled with bird song and the rustling leaves of the trees that sway in the wind.
One of the things that Ramiel doesn't know, is that his death at the hands of the First-Born Black Templars had started the overt schism within the Black Templars, between the ones who viewed the Black Templars as Abominations to be purged, and the first born (who found them to be useful) and the Primarus Marines who didn't want to die and were not abominations against His Imperial Majesty. They had been created upon the orders of Him on Terra, created and raised on Mars for the majority of their training before The Imperial Regent in all his wisdom had decided to have them sent out to reinforce the various chapters of the Space Marine Chapters.
But that is something he doesn't know yet, simply that his mentor, The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, had thought him something to kill. He notices movement and hides in the shadow of a massive tree when he spots three or four base line human children running around and playing in a camp site, with the adults talking to one another amiably as the kids played nearby. They looked so happy, which both soothed and hurt something inside Ramiel that he couldn't understand for some reason as he watched them, entranced.
Keeping very still and shrinking back further when he noticed some of the adults glancing his way. He doesn't think they saw him, otherwise they likely would call back the children and leave the area. One of the children notices something and shrieks with emotion, and runs towards- oh no. Oh child no! He spots a couple of Chaos Marines and growls softly. The child is not at fault for not realize that wasn't an Angel of the God Emperor, but a Scummy traitor.
He pulls his blade shifts his body and, despite his wounds Charges towards the Chaos Marines with a bellow, getting in-between the child and the Chaos Marines who swear and pull back as he growls at the Chaos marines, “Scum and Filth to be purged. You Heretics shall die by my hand! Child- run back to your parents and leave this place.”
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providence-park · 1 year
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The Gauntlet starfighter is a sleek combat ship that also serves as a troop transport. It has a sleek primary hull flanked by large pivoting wings that contain the craft's drives. The wings are on a collared mount, which can rotate independently from the hull, offering the ship remarkable maneuverability for a fighter of its size. In addition, the Gauntlet packs a punch, carrying two forward laser cannons and a pair of rearward-facing cannons that flank its boarding tube.
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atlasdoe · 11 months
Unpopular Marauders opinions
i'm bored so here are some opinions that i'm too scared to say on any other platform
Deciding that Pandora Lovegood had to be from a death eater family (Rosier, Malfoy, Lestrange) was the worst thing this fandom ever did to her character
The fannon characterisation of Marlene McKinnon gives me massive self inset pick me vibes and i hate every part of it (and i really mean every part of it)
This fandom isn't misogynistic y'all are just too demanding and expect the fandom to be the exact same as any other where we have a hardcore cannon source for every one of these characters and ships. we do not. we know more about Barty Crouch Jr then we do about Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald and Dorcas Meadowes combined. it's unrealistic and stupid to expect everyone to care about the same characters and ships to the same capacity as you do when we are not watching/reading the same thing. (if any of that makes sense)
Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier and pretty much every single other death eater were villains. it's okay to like them and want to expand on them but stop trying to make every bad guy secretly good
We cannot keep blaming Dumbledore for everything. Dumbledore had nothing to do with half of the deaths that you are accusing him of. blaming Dumbledore and headcannoning that he obliviated Mary and turned Regulus away and all that takes away from everyone else's characters, sacrifice and choices
The Marauders weren't child soldiers. They had a choice on if they wanted to join the Order or not and they chose to because they're Gryffindors and they're The Marauders and probably thought of themselves as some invisible hero's. They don't need to be seen as victims to Dumbledore for them to be tragic
There is a cannon and you cannot be mad at people for wanting to stick by it
Similarly Fannon Sirius is against cannon. Sirius is one of the primary adult characters in the Harry Potter series. He is literally the title character to the fan favourite book/film. We have so much information about how he acts and "oh Remus i'm your little bitch please let me sit on your lap because i'm only small" ISNT ONE OF THEM
Death to alpha male Remus. DEATH I SAY
This fandom is so obsessed with making every character tragic that the word has lost all meaning. It is possible for Mary to be happy yknow???
Someone in the fandom: "hey look at this cannon character who seems quite interesting" The rest of the fandom: "how can we make this character have some kind of relation to every other character that we already care about??" IM SO SICK OF IT!!! NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE DATING EVERYONE
Stop trying to change the name of the Slytherin Skittles. Yes it's a stupid name but it's somehow stuck and you're not changing that. just let it be
I ship Remus with anyone who is not more then a year younger then him and i mean literally everyone. Give me Remus and Voldemort fanfic for all I care
I've already said this before but the prank is overrated
Leave my girl Emmeline alone. Why are y'all shipping her with Barty?? Why are you making her the other women to Marlily?? Why are you making her anything but a Ravenclaw?? Do you hate her?? She hasn't done anything to you😭😭 (no but seriously tho i get that headcannons are headcannons but Emmeline is my girl and i have been expanding on her character since 2019 when no one gave a rats arse about her so seeing her shipper with BARTY ruined my life)
That's all i can think of for now please don't hate me but if you wanna talk send me an ask or reply cause i love talking about this kind of stuff :)
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thehydromancer · 1 year
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J03 Hunter Class destroyer & F16A Marathon class Heavy Cruiser, scaled for playing Mobile Frame Zero: Intercept Orbit. Inspired by the MCRN Donnager battleship from The Expanse.
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The J03 Hunter Class destroyer, designed and built by the First Great Expansion megacorp Northern Sky, was a dedicated seek and destroy platform designed to overrun targets with a single minded ferocity. The class often performed picket duties or acted as forward deployed scouts, but it truly shined when it was able to engage in one sided fights, chasing wounded and/or isolated prey, and was known for pack hunting, multi-dimensional pincer attacks that drove a target into a vector for one of the destroyers to ram for a killing blow.
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Its primary weapons were two side mounted dual railgun chase armaments, a capable enough system to damage enemy light to mid armor while being relatively easy to maintain. In lieu of thick hull plating which would have slowed the class, a multi-layered defense of PDGs and defensive missile turrets (capable of firing anti-missile missiles as well as chaff/dazzlers) allowed the destroyer to capitalize on its speed for both aggressive as well as defensive maneuvering. The forward section of the class was also heavily reinforced for ramming, and was painted to evoke the grinning maw of an apex predator like aircraft nose art of old.
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The F16A Marathon class heavy cruiser on the other hand was a dramatic scaling up of the venerable Hunter class, albeit with a much different mission in mind. This heavy cruiser was intended for extended solo operations such as deep space exploration, strategically hidden emergency reinforcements, or advanced system scouting; as such it needed the legs to operate on its own, carrying enough bullets, beans, fuel, and propellant to maintain happy and fully operational battle stations. Its massive armored bulk was supported by no less than eight engines, the primary four of which were over engineered for safety's safe; a catastrophic failure when the ship was millions or billions of miles from the nearest safe harbor or ally was a serious concern. Its primary weapons were two 3-barrel cannon launch missile turrets with exceptional firing arcs, that offered an impressive range of initial firing arcs. By forgoing traditional VLS cells or launch tubes, the Hunter class sacrificed volley mass and refire rate for exceptional accuracy and engagement ranges. The Marathon also mounted the same model PDGs and defensive missile turrets the Hunter class did, though with double the number of both included (later 'B' and 'C' variants instead tripled the number of missile turrets as instability throughout human and Ijad space began leading to large scale space fleet combat).
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A Marathon could also easily have served as a flagship for a military or megacorp fleet, although the newer 'B' (improved C&C facilities and outsized comms arrays) and 'C' (mobile frame hangar and catapult) hulls were better suited for modern mobile frame centric combat. Despite its age, the original Marathons were still powerful forces to be reckon with, should an organization have had the resources and manning to support one. Unfortunately, as space combat transitioned from one-sided curb stomp beatdowns between well funded militaries and upstart colonists with more bravado than brains (not to mention the occasional megacorp skirmish over resources) to full on interspecies warfare between the human goverments and the Ijad forces with Free Colony Cells not only popping up more frequently every day, but also increasingly better trained and better geared, the heavy cruiser saw the end of its heyday. While the purpose built combat ship was ton for ton superior to most converted civilian vessels used by free colonists, as well as the oddly alien designs the Ijad introduced, the increase of space based mobile frame companies closed the gap enough that many militaries decided that the class just wasn't worth the manning and logistics to field any longer, in favor of smaller, more modern light cruisers, battle cruisers, and carriers that came to dominate The Second Great Expansion.
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capsensislagamoprh · 6 months
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Being the calm, cool, and collected ten-year-old that Yuuri was, he pretty much knew he had life figured out. He didn’t realize it then, but he was experiencing awe for the first time. The experience of admiration and elevation in response to physical beauty, displays of exceptional ability, or deep emotional expression being put out for the world to see sirening a song into his very being. The awe-inspiring stimulus could only be experienced as vast and difficult to comprehend for his young mind. It challenged his worldview. His limited sense of island and onsen and town, surpassing the scope of his current frame of reference. Suddenly the world was large and round and waiting.
The realization started in the distance with the sound of an oboe, it's low mournful sound calling the start to an event. It drew in the dark eyes. Ten years on this earth. Five years learning, really learning how to glide and turn, twizzle and slide. Jumps were new, and while he wasn't so bad at it, he admitted he was still learning. And thrugh it all, he'd merely done it for fun. It was a joy, just a thing that could easily become a passing phase. Then he saw Victor Nikiforov make the ice his home. The ease, the grace, the way he seemed to tell stories - older than cold itself - called to him. He turned towards his family and smiled, pointing at the television. "I'm going to skate like him!"
"You'll have to practice hard to get to that level," Mari said, staring at the screen. "Gonna be a lot of work."
"I can do it! I'm going to skate on the same ice one day."
Mari grunted, smiling when Yuuri couldn't see. "Right. Well, if you want to do that, we'll have to figure out some things."
"But I can do it right?"
"I dunno. Can you?"
Light illuminated the the determination in Yuuri's awed smile. "I can do anything! I'm gonna do it! Watch me!"
He lay on the cheep cotton sheets, his silken hair spread like a fan behind him, damp from the shower, smelling of cold and hotel soap. He'd feasted. He'd dined. He'd savored every crumb. Flowers adorned the thin dresser, lay tossed about the bed, tangled in heaps on the table. These were a mere tokens of the crowed gratitude. Tomorrow was the free skate. Tomorrow he would gorge.
As the drops of water glistening against his winter flesh crackled and steamed, evaporating into mist, Victor smiled to himself. Something was fabulous about this new feeling. Something distant and full of wonder. Perhaps his connection to the Dream was growing, becoming more stable now that he wasn't starving.
He heard what the announcers said. He listened to the cries of shock and delight. He felt the pull of there gasps, sucking life out of the room, afraid to let air back in lest it be their last breath. He'd landed a set of daring combos, wanting - no. Needing to make himself known. The shadows in the ice could echo a summers warmth all they wanted. The shred of snow from its surface could succumb to the heat of artificial lights when ever it wanted. They would not move him from his goal. He'd come here for a reason. He was going to find Yuri. Then he would return to the Dream, where precious things were safe from mundane reality.
His eyes closed, cerulean orbs ready to reflect the day in memory. Breath came in long steady pulls. His skin tingled. He lay limp, a smile tugging his lips.
From the mirror hung uselessly on the wall, far from any purposeful placement, a flicker of something darker remained. It watched, waited, and when the Ice King was well and truly in somnic dreams, it flicked with a quiet presence into dark being, watching. Waiting. When no reaction came, the thin comforter pulled itself over the sleeping teen before shimmering thrugh the shadows into a near by chamber.
"Tell me," Christophe said to the reflection of a very powerful being, "how is the plan proceeding?"
"If any harm comes to Yuri..."
"That's the mortal world, I'm afraid." Before the threat of manifestation became corporal, the spring fey held up a gentle hand. "You have to trust." The lack of response didn't change the weight in the air. It threatened to suffocate Christophe with a sulfuric caress. Gulping, he reached quickly for the dross he kept in the shape of breath mints, popping open the red and white tin. The stench of peppermint threatened to overwhelm. Despite knowing it would hurt, he crunched three quickly.
"He's here! I know he is! We'll complete him, and then he wont be so reckless. That's what you wanted isn't it? For Victor to stop putting lives at risk because he couldn't figure out what was missing?" For a precious moment he thought the shadow wouldn't listen, was to upset. Then the pressure lifted, leaving the smell of spice and warm autumn breezes. Gasping, Christophe swallowed hard. Clamoring to stand, he looked around. The shadows were merely shadows, the mirrors showing nothing more than they should. When he turned to sink into his bed, he cried out in alarm. He'd sat on a dried leaf, it's crinkling decay crunched under his weight.
He was lucky, he knew, to only receive a warning. The Hero didn't do half measures, no unseelie did. They really needed to find Yuri. And Victor's other half. He didn't know they could survive what would happen if they didn't.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 23, part 24, part 25, part 26
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
🔅Sun morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
🔥FOREST FIRE - JERUSALEM.. near the Ben Zion intersection and the Beit Hanina neighborhood.
▪️BLOCKED ENTRANCE TO JERUSALEM BY PROTESTORS.. Demonstrators from the "Change Direction" movement handcuffed themselves to a display in the form of a ballot box and blocked the primary road entrance to Jerusalem. Police and firefighting team are working to remove the protesters.
▪️BLOCKED THE TEL AVIV HIGHWAY OVERNIGHT.. as has become the weekend custom, protestors blocked the Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv at night and were gradually removed by police.  Above at the Kaplan intersection, water cannon were deployed to break up the protest after they refused to disperse.  1 arrested, the police are also now handing out NIS 1,000 fines on the spot for illegal protest and refusing police dispersal orders.
▪️IT’S ALL POLITICAL NEWS.. The focus is moving to the domestic arena in Israel.  The balance problems of Israel’s many-party non-representative democracy are coming to the fore, with all the leadership types blaming each other for the current situation EVEN THOUGH MOST OF THEM have either been part of the emergency government & war cabinet, part of the coalition, or part of the previous government.
HERO SOLDIERS HAVE FALLEN.. Nachman Meir Haim Vakanin, 20, from Eilat, and Noam Batan, 20, from Moshav Yad Rambam have fallen in battle in the Gaza Strip.  May their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge their blood!
▪️US NEGOTIATING WITH IRAN.. Iran's representative to the UN confirms the reports of indirect contacts between the US and Iran in an attempt to achieve calm in the region. Contacts are made through the Sultanate of Oman. (( Well so far the US has given in on the ability to prepare materials for nukes, on funding of terror, on funds ceased due to funding of terror.  In the meantime Iran set up and armed regional terror armies and took control of 1/3 of world shipping, as well as building nukes.  Hmm, what can the US give them this time? ))
▪️HOUTHI UPGRADE.. US Central Command eports that the Houthis used a new and particularly dangerous ballistic missile for the first time.  More range, higher accuracy, higher ship damage.
♦️IDF CAPTURES long range rockets and rocket manufacturing facility in Jabaliya.
♦️POWERFUL IDF ATTACKS.. in Jabaliya, Gaza this morning.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR OVERNIGHT in Kalkilya and Shechem.  “Lions Den” terror group firefight with IDF troops, and al-Aqsa Martyrs in Kalkilya.  Several captured.
⭕ YESTERDAY EVENING’s HAMAS ROCKETS at Ashkelon was a BARRAGE of 10.  5 intercepted, 5 missed.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS at Sderot this morning, intercepted.  Last 
⭕ SUICIDE DRONE ATTACKS VEHICLE.. overnight military vehicle in Metulla hit by drone.  No casualties.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH rockets and suicide drones this morning, Malkia,  Dishon, Iftach, Malkia, Mevuot Hermon Regional Council, Ramot Naftali, Yir’on, Baram, Avivim.
⭕ ANTI-TANK MISSILES fired at Mt. Dov and at Arab al-Aramsha.
🔅Sun afternoon - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️EDITOR COMMENT.. For most of this war, the majority of Israeli politicians kept quiet and disagreements somewhat behind closed doors. And even segments of the public and activist groups kept a low profile.
Unfortunately that seems to be coming to an end.  
When we share reports on political statements, protests, and activist actions, we get a fair amount of negative feedback and accusations of bias.  We believe we are presenting a fairly balanced view, taking information from sources that lean both directions and trying to translate them (language and culturally) for our English speaking readers.
Since these political moves directly affect all of Israel, the war, and the Jewish people - we can’t ignore them.  
We do, however, try to limit political and activist reports to the main players and major events.  
▪️POLITICS: GANTZ TWEAKS TERMS.. National Unity MK Gantz adjusts his letter from yesterday - the return of the hostages is not an overarching goal but "a goal of highest priority”.
▪️POLITICS : LAPID CALLS.. Opposition Leader MK Lapid calls on Gantz to resign, he calls on Defense Min. Gallant to stay (as he says because he doesn’t want his deputy to take over).
▪️MASS MURDERER GETS SURGERY.. After Ichilov hospital on Thursday refused to accept the Hamas Nokhaba terrorist for pelvic surgery and he was returned to Sde Yemen, at the end of the week the security forces coordinated with the hospital for the terrorist's arrival and he underwent the surgery.
▪️ATTEMPTED TERROR STABBING - Abu Dis checkpoint.. A terrorist arrived at the "Kiosk" checkpoint located near the town of "Abu Dis" in Judea pulled out a screwdriver and tried to stab the fighters at the checkpoint.  Terrorist killed.
▪️HOSTAGE SHANI LUKE’S FATHER.. at her funeral “I ask all the people of Israel not to go to demonstrations. This is the fuel of our enemies.”
▪️JERUSALEM PROTEST.. that blocked the city entrance.  3 arrested.
▪️RA’ANANA TERROR OR MENTALLY ILL?  A resident of Taiba was arrested by a gym in Ra'anana threatening the exercisers and shouting that they should die "like Shahid". Arrested and police say will be transferred to professionals for mental health diagnosis.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR A-Rihiyya.. near Hebron, raid.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH ANTI-TANK fire at an IDF Hummer in Malikia, followed by artillery at the responders.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH DRONES, 2 rounds, Beit Hillel, Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Metulla, Manara, Ma'ayan Baruch, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai, Dafna, HaGoshrim, Ghajar, Kibutz Dan, Shear Yeshuv, Snir, Avivim, Baram, Yir'on 
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Let me know if this catches your fancy as a reasonable and useful Hunchback IIC variant that is acceptable for prolonged front line service:
Replace the twin UAC/20s with twin UAC/10s
With the 4 tons in weight and space savings do the following: add 2 tons of armor and upgrade from standard to FF to make it more durable, 2 additional tons of ammunition for the UAC/10s
Other variations on this theme could be going twin LB 10-X autocannons, one of each LB 10-X and UAC/10, twin UAC/5 autocannons and/or mixing in a UAC/5 with one of the aforementioned cannons and taking the additional weight savings for more armor and ammo.
However you want to mix and match the guns the concept remains the same: reduce the primary armament to where it is still quite potent at 50 tons, but throw the weight savings into battlefield endurance with extra ammo and better armor so that the Hunchback IIC is less of a dueling mech and more of a viable combatant.
According to some of my friends -
"Defeats the point of a H2C but it's workable I think." - @scorpians-sting
"I mean. If your intent is for the pilot to survive the experience, sure. But where do you find a Hunchback IIC pilot without a death wish?" - @the-clawtake
"Mechanically sound, but you don't pilot an HBK-IIC to be sound. You pilot it to deliver mechs to the great mech lab in the sky with same day shipping." - @starcolonelkatrinamoon
"You don't pilot any variant of HBK to be sound. Unless the sound is BOOM on repeat." - @wolf-among-mechs
The general consensus is, it's decent, but talk to us when you've gotten crazier with it.
Multiple plasma rifles, for instance.
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black-aengel-07 · 23 days
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Scythe Model: Arrowhead
An interceptor-fighter craft known for its speed and unique style of combat that had made it the bane of all Imperial attempts at air superiority. The Arrowhead Model is specialized for Aeronautics combat, while its much larger and heavily armed variant, the Viper, is specifically constructed as an orbital fighter.
General Design:
Shaped like a leaf, the Arrowhead is quite small for an aircraft, not even nine meters long, with a width of three meters, its small profile makes it a challenge to target, especially when its right up in your face about its deadly intentions. Yet its proportions hide a surprisingly sturdy frame, on top of having a passive sensor mask that makes it very challenging for standard targeting equipment to get a lock on it or detect their approach until they are almost on top of its target.
Propulsion and Manoeuvrability:
The Arrowhead Scythe is propelled by six thruster engines at its caudal side that are not too dissimilar to the design of the plasma thrusters on void ships, if only with a much smaller profile. Furthermore, it is aided by grav-plates to remain suspended in the air without the need of wings to support its flight. However, these are not the most outstanding features of this craft, those would have to be the Gyroscopes.
Mechanicum adepts are still in heated debates as to the inner workings of recovered pieces of the Gyroscopes, as they have been dubbed, from dead Arrowhead craft. But what they all agree upon its that they are the singular most fundamental piece in the Arrowhead’s near physics defying agility.
Named after the device they most closely resemble in appearance; it is theorized they emit some form of gravitational anchor point that allows the craft to always be relative in their positioning to the closest primary gravitational well.
This is how the Arrowhead is able to remain in stable flight and turn without the need of any form of wings, as well as perform manoeuvres that would otherwise kill an organic pilot within. For instance, by simply rotating both Gyroscopes inside the Arrowhead in the same direction along a horizontal plane, the craft immediately spins on its axis without changing direction, allowing it to suddenly turn around on a pursuing target and light it up with its main armament before reconfiguring its trajectory back into a stable flight configuration.
For this reason alone, the Arrowhead has earned the righteous ire and fear of all Imperial pilots who have ever faced them in battle and survived to tell the tale.
Arrowheads are a significant threat to face in combat, made all the deadlier by their arsenal.
Primary Weapon: Arrowheads maintain their weapons locked beneath their plating when in cruising mode or whenever they are performing their most famous attack. Depending on the Sub-Model of the Arrowhead, one could either expect forward facing twin linked las-cannons with surprisingly high rates of fire or a missile volley, ranging up to ten fire-and-forget missiles before the craft needs to fabricate replacements.
Secondary Weapon: Arrowhead Scythes all tend to be fitted with a secondary weapon on its underside, usually geared for smaller targets like infantry. These weapons tend to vary greatly from direct energy weapons like Laser Beamers and Volkites, or kinetic weapons such as RCGs.
Power Field Blade Wreathe: The most famous weapon of the Arrowhead, even if it’s the one with least range, if only due to the sheer gal of the Men of Iron to create a fighter craft specialized for melee.
Given its sturdy design and high manoeuvrability, the Arrowhead is designed to ram against enemy aircraft to immediately achieve a kill or shatter formations, forcing a chaotic dogfight where the Arrowhead holds the advantage or is actively forcing enemy craft to focus on it while other aircraft deal the finishing blow.
This final armament converts the Scythe into a flying Power Blade capable of slicing clean through a Lightning Strike Craft without hardly loosing speed, and given its agility, entering close quarters combat with these crafts is always a deadly dance where one wrong move could result in a swift end by the reaper’s blade.
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My head cannons on how some of the top gun couples sleep. This kinda ended up being a lot of Slooserole but that ship needs love so. Also clearly, fuck cannon I’ll write my fluff in which Goose is so clearly alive. This is just 86’ but if people are interested I have TG:M couples cuddling headcanons too.
Icemav early on in their relationship is just Ice on the edge of the bed struggling to stay on bc Maverick starfishes and hogs the bed. It’s truly impressive how such a small man can take up so much space. Eventually it turns into Maverick treating Ice as his own stuffed animal which he hugs in his sleep, Ice just deals with the human barnacle because he’s cute.
Slooserole - Nick and Carole are very tactical, their primary love language is touch so it’s not that much of a surprise that they cuddle in bed. It’s just Silder wasn’t expecting them to both sandwich him in-between them and not let him go the first time he sleeps over. They switch up how they cuddle but more often than not Carole is getting hugged on both sides by her two hunks.
Of course they aren’t all always together,
Carole and Nick hug in their sleep if it’s just the two of them, in the morning it’s always a mess of limbs because their legs get tangled together and they can’t get out of bed without waking the other and someone’s arm or leg is always numb but it’s worth it to be so close to the person they love all night.
Carole and Slider usually end up spooning but it would surprise most people to find out that Slider likes to be the little spoon. She’ll wrap her arms over his shoulders and hold him. Slider jokes she’s just like a Koala bear.
Nick and Slider are awkward when they sleep together. Mainly because they didn’t get the chance all that often. On ships they can’t exactly show any affection for each other much less sleep in the same bed, and when they’re home Carole is almost always there. But there are times that she’s not there and it’s just the two of them. It starts with Nick just kinda hugging Slider from behind like Carole does but after the first few times of this Slider starts to hold Nick instead and that’s how Carole finds them when she get home, Slider holding Nick to his chest like a raccoon holds onto shiny objects. They are adorable. (Even as adorable as they are she lets Bradley wake them up by jumping on the bed. The kid definitely lands on more than a few tender body parts.)
Hollywolf is just Leo laid on top of Rick. They got use to sleeping like this on carriers because there’s no room to cuddle in the bunks. They’ve always been affectionate and by being careful they got away with this practice until they retired from the navy to fly commercial.
Now they have a nice large bed at home, and in every hotel they stay at while flying commercial planes, but Leo still climbs on top of Rick to sleep like a cat on its owner. (They find other ways to make use of the larger beds 😏)
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mostrizzaward · 1 year
so much of the steddie ship and characters are head cannons…y’all what actually happened in the show…can someone please give me a binder of evidence from the primary source?
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