#Oliver Flament
fossegrimmen · 2 years
The Medic & The Big Pissy Cat
Pairing: Olivier "Lion" Flament x Håvard "Ace" Haugland
Fandom: Rainbow Six
Description: Ace finally gets to show of his medical skills off.
Note: This is my first fanfic, so constructive criticism is wanted. Enjoy
If Olivier’s life could get any worse, first he gets punched in the face by Thatcher. Now he has to wait in the sick-bay waiting for a medic to give him the all clear. Olivier, really wasn’t looking forward to having Kateb give him a lecture on how his words to their British counterpart were brash and arrogant. 
“You know what Flament, if you wanted my attention all you had to do was ask.” The Norwegian accent pierced the almost silent room.
“Haugland, I am not in the mood to deal with your theatrics, so how about you get Kateb and get me out of this fucking sick-bay.” Olivier demanded. 
“Fine. Have it your way. Oh and by the way the Doc ain’t examining your injuries, I am.” Håvard grinned as he spoke. 
As Håvard rolled his chair over the laminated floor, to become face-to-face with Olivier. 
“Olivier, can you tell what month it is?”
“Really?” Olivier began questioning the Norwegian’s practices. Håvard just stared back at him, egging him to respond to his question. 
“The month is September, are you happy now?” 
“Yes and can you tell me what the date is today?” Håvard once again asking with a softer expression
“It is the 21st” 
“What year is it?” 
“Look straight ahead and keep your head still, please.” Then a light flashed into Oliver’s eyes. “Merde, you didn’t need to flash me you know.” However, Håvard didn’t reply and just kept inspecting Olivier’s face. 
As Håvard was inspecting the injuries on Olivier's face, Olivier noticed the change of expression from one of fun to one of concentration in a matter of seconds. This got Olivier thinking, how does Håvard just change with a flip of a switch. Like yes, every operator has a professional side to them, yet there is something different in Håvard, he just couldn’t put his finger on it.  Olivier’s thought process was interrupted with Håvard breaking the silence once again. 
“Well, good news, you don’t have a concussion. The cuts aren’t that bad either, well not bad enough to warrant the use of regular stitches, so I am gonna clean the wounds, put a steri-strip on and then you are free to go. Okay.” 
“Whatever you say Haugland, the quicker the better.” Olivier quipped back with impatience. Håvard rolled his eyes, as he moved to retrieve equipment needed for the quick procedure.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what made Thatcher, you know, hit you in the face?” Håvard asked while motioning the punch. Olivier gave Håvard a questioning look, but decided it would be better to answer the Norwegian, than to leave it in the air. 
“All you need to know is that I said something and the old man didn’t like it and the rest lead to me being stuck here with you.” As Olivier was talking about the incident, Håvard began cleaning and patching up the wound. 
Olivier once again began studying Håvard’s face, as the plaster was being placed on the cut. Olivier started to notice, little things, like pale freckles littered across his face. Or how when he concentrates, Håvard tilts his head to an angle. Once again Olivier was ripped out of his thoughts with the sharp movement of Håvard snapping his head back into position. 
“No wonder why Gustave didn't want to assess your injuries, you can’t seem to stop moving your head.” Håvard stated as he rolled away from Olivier’s proximity to the desk. The clipping of keys filled the crisp sterile air. 
“Anyways, Flament. You are all patched up now and cleared for duty. So you are free to leave, unless you have any other questions for me?” Håvard questioned. 
“My Hero”, Olivier stated sarcastically, further adding on “who knows i might even give you a five stars on your yelp page.” As Olivier moved towards the door as he was chuckling to himself, Håvard once again interrupted. 
“Yelp page? I don’t have yelp? Should I make a yelp?, Flament, what is yelp?” Håvard going into overdrive into branching out onto a new media page. 
“Relax, Haugland, it is just a joke. Please take my advice, DON’T MAKE A YELP PAGE.” 
“Okay I will take your advice, if you take some advice from me.” Olivier nodded in agreement. 
“Just be careful with our teammates, especially those who can knock you out. I rather not carry your ass back to base.” The worried look hidden behind the joyful gleam in Håvard’s eyes said it all. 
“Who knows, Hero, I might take you up on that advice.” 
And with that Olivier left the medical sector of Rainbow, with a smile and small plaster on his face.
Sidenote: Yes I do know that the Thatcher incident technically happened before Ace join Team Rainbow. But lets just pretend it happened in the same year as Ace joining.
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levi-is-husbando · 3 years
Santa photos, Beach, Secret Santa
Part 3 of Lion x Reader
Mature language
Story discontinued on Wattpad.
Later today Harry will be arriving just a day before the other r6 crew will be here. Well the ones that said they’ll be able to make it with some of their family members. Harry wanted to arrive a day before because he had secret Santa to organise for everyone. He already done away for everyone else that will be coming, he just had Mozzie, and Lion left with their family members. Everyone was gonna be involved no one will be missing out.
It’ll be a few hours before Harry will be arriving, the Goose family and guest have a long day planned ahead, plus it was a scorching hot day 38 degrees Celsius today. Prefect day to go to the beach and cool down. And well Oliver and Alexis was for sure no where used to this hot weather. Alexis was laying on the tiled floors in the lounge room under the aircon, he had to change out of his jeans to some shorts. He was still sweating, he was most definitely uncomfortable by the heat.
Oliver was understanding why the house had tiles all out the house, and only carpet in the rooms.. the house would be way too hot if the lounge room also had carpet. He was sitting on the armchair which had a direct view of the kitchen, he could not understand how y/n could be cooking in this heat. Maybe she was a bit cooler, wearing what she was wearing. A crop top and short shorts, honestly it was a nice view to look at. Oliver couldn’t help but admire the females body, as he watched her mess around in the kitchen, whatever she was cooking it also smelt nice. Before he could get noticed by anyone, he adverted his eyes and looked at the tv. Some ballet training movie was being big played, which is what Samantha, laying on the on the couch was watching. “Why you watching ballet?” Oliver asked as he was curious on why an Australian teenager was just watching a ballet training video of all things. Like he knew it wasn’t a problem if she liked ballet of course. Samantha rolled over to look at him. “Oh um.. my instructor told me to.” She shrugs. “I do ballet” she told him and rolls back over to look back at the tv. “Oh” was all Oliver said. “Yeah, mum used to as well, but ended up quitting” There was some sadness in her voice. She had even mumbled something, but Oliver didn’t quite hear what she said. Oliver was just about to ask what she said but Samantha quickly spoke again. “She sometimes helps me out, and she used to be really good at too, Nana and Poppa have a lot of trophies” Samantha smiles.
And at that moment y/n came out of the kitchen. “I’ve made breakfast” she tells the people in the lounge room. Samantha paused her video getting off the couch and headed to the dinning table. Alexis managed to get up from the floor, he didn’t want to move he was finely stopped sweating. McKenzie who was sitting on the floor also got up and hurried to the dinning table.  Oliver stood up from the armchair. “That’s what smells good” he grins. “Well yeah, there’s pancakes, bacon, egg, toast, baked beans, hash browns, stuffed mushrooms.” Y/n listed, with a proud smile. “Oh wow a big breakfast” Oliver was slightly shocked how much food that was mentioned. “Well a lot of people” Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, and wondered off to go get Max, Lozza and the twins.
After everyone had eaten breakfast, Max had mentioned to Oliver that Harry will be coming around later. But beforehand, they’ll be going to a shopping centre for the kids to see Santa and to take a photo, then they’ll be heading to the beach after lunch to cool down and have a swim. He then had to explain that a shopping centre was a massive centre with a whole variety of shops and a food court, the American movies and television shows call them malls, and supposedly every other also calls a shopping centre a mall, and understood the confusion Oliver did have. 
It was around 1100 and everyone was ready to head to the shopping centre. Y/n had dressed up in some Santa dress, and dressed McKenzie and Samantha in festive clothes as well, all ready to get photos with Santa. Max’s twins had matching clothes as well.
They took two cars, the Toyota ute and the Toyota Camry. Max, Lozza and the twins went into the ute, meanwhile Y/n was driving the Camry, had Oliver in the passenger seat and the three children in the back. Yes it was squishy but it was the best way to go.
They all arrived at the shopping centre and went inside by the entrance Santa and his elves were just set up and other families were lined up to take their photos. Max in his own Santa suit stood next to y/n “you ready?” He asked her. “Every year” she smiles, holds Mackenzie’s hand as they lined up behind the other families. Max pulled Oliver and Alexis into the line with them. “You should get a photo with Alexis” he says and pays Oliver’s back. “We booked you in” y/n smiles. “Our Christmas present to you.” Oliver looked at the two and smiles softly at them, then looked at Alexis and spoke to him in French. “We’re getting a photo with Santa, y/n and Max organised it” Alexis smiles “okay papa” 
Once it was their time with Santa. It was Y/n and Max first they always took a photo each year for their parents. They got their photo done, Max stepped to the side so Mackenzie and Samantha could get a photo done, they stepped to the side so Max, Lozza could get one done with the twins, it would be the first photo for the twins to be taken of. It took awhile because one wouldn’t stop crying one of the elf had a toy and was dangling it behind the camera to get babies attention, and it worked the photo was taken. Oliver and Alexis then got their photo taken. After the photos were taken they had a look of the results and got the packs they wanted, a mug for the parents, a few different sized photos.
“What we gonna do for lunch” y/n peered over to Max. “Well the food court has a variety.” He pointed behind him. There was an area that did in fact had a whole variety of different food places. From McDonald’s, KFC, Red Rooster, Hungry Jacks, Subway, sushi, Chinese food, Indian curries, Kebabs, and just a few other places as well. “Or we could go to a café”. Max suggested. Y/n looked up at Oliver. “Well you’re our guest here what would you like to to do?” She asked him. Oliver looked around at the fast food places. “What does that pink place have?… Wendy’s?” He asked “oh hot dogs, ice cream, milkshakes and coffee” y/n told him. “Oh okay.” He spoke, looked like he started to think. He looked down at Alexis. “Is there anything you want?” He asked him. Alexis looked up at him. “What’s hungry Jacks?” He had asked his English was broken. Oliver looked at y/n, she smiled and bent down to Alexis height. “Do you know what Burger King is dear?” She asked. “Oui” He nodded. “Well it’s like that honey, just a different name, for reasons.” She said standing up straight. “The burgers are better at Hungry Jacks” she says the slogan of the franchise. Yes it was true in Australia Burger King was named Hungry Jacks, the story behind that is when Burger King was first introduced to Australia, they had to change their name, as Australia already had a burger shop, named Burger King. So Australia went with Hungry Jacks.
Alexis told Oliver that he wasn’t really interested in the food that was in the food court. So everyone had headed to the café that Max had mentioned. The Coffee Club. It was a café that was basically big in Australia and pretty much at every town. Everyone knows The Coffee Club.
After lunch, everyone had headed back to Max’s residence. Well y/n dropped Oliver and Alexis off, so she could drive herself and the girls back to their home so she could do some washing, and get them ready for the beach. By 1430 They were ready and the washing was done. The young adult female that was house sitting the house, just had to bring their clothes back in from the line once everything was dry. Y/n had let Samantha drive them back to Max’s house, and by 1500 everyone had headed to the beach, Samantha was lucky to drive to the beach as well, with Alexis and Oliver also in the car. This was normal in Australia for learner drivers, they can start driving around the age of 16 if accompanied by a full licence driver. Which in this case was y/n. Y/n just found it funny that a tall gentleman with a large body mass was squished in the backseat with a child in a car seat, and a grown child on his left, maybe the middle seat wasn’t the wisest choice for Oliver to sit, at least the car ride wasn’t that long.
Once at the beach, the car was unloaded and everyone headed down to where the sand was. Max was setting up the beach umbrella, y/n went to give him a hand with the beach tent that max had gotten for Lozza and the twins to sit in. Everyone was having their fun in the water, Lozza was happy with the twins in the beach tent, and Samantha stayed on the towel just relaxing. Y/n was with Mackenzie just at the start of the water, Mackenzie didn’t want to go too far in because she still wasn’t good at swimming, this gave a relief for y/n she didn’t have to worry about Mackenzie too much with the massive waves. Oliver quickly learnt that the beaches in Australia were rough, he too was happy at the start of the water standing next to y/n, who was just watching Mackenzie. Oliver was keeping his eye on Alexis though, as he kept getting knocked by waves, he wasn’t yet in any danger, plus Max was staying with Alexis. So Oliver knew he was safe.
“It’s nice to finally cool down” y/n says to Oliver. “Yes it is” He responded, a soft sigh of relief.
It was just unexpected, out of no where, rain. Heavy rain just started to pour down. This was a cue for everyone to head back home. Lozza took the twins up to the ute, strapping them up in their seats and waited in the car for Max. While everyone hurried to get everything packed and into both cars. “Mum..” Samantha began to speak to y/n “no you’re not fucking driving in the rain.” Y/n interrupted, knowing exactly what Samantha was gonna ask. “You aren’t ready yet” she added. Samantha mumbled to herself and snatched her L yellow plates throwing them in the back seat, she was grumpy the drive back home.
Once everyone got back to Max’s, y/n instructed for Mackenzie to have a shower. Max was in the dinning room rubbing lotion on himself, he was sunburnt, and badly. Y/n sat down at the dinning table with him. “I’m need that for Mac” she tells him. “Sure” Max nodded. Oliver came into the dinning room. “The rain.. came out of no where, there wasn’t even any grey clouds” He says, he sounded a bit confused and shocked. “Yeah, our weather a bit wild” Max laughed a little. Y/n laughs and slapped his sunburnt shoulder. “No wonder it was so fucking hot today” “ouch fuck you” Max winches from the pain from the slap to his sunburn. Y/n just grins. Just some normal blunter.
After everyone had showered to wash away the sand, and those that got sunburnt which was mostly everyone had put some lotion on. Everyone was sat around the tv and a movie was playing. The rain was still pouring but it was soft now, and pizza was ordered for dinner, no one was bothered to cook dinner tonight. 1830 a knock on the door, everyone one thought it was pizza, although it was a British man. Harry, Max let him inside out of the rain and lead him to the lounge room. “Well hello everyone, I see that Oliver here as well, which is prefect” Harry says. The movie was paused as Harry shuffles paper in a hat he was holding. He had explained why he was there and that everyone will be doing secret Santa. He bent down to McKenzie. “Would you like to pull the first name?” He asked her. She stood up quickly and ran off to run of the rooms. “Oh” Harry stood up. “I’m sorry” y/n stuck her hand in the hat, pulled out a named piece of paper and shoved it in her pocket without looking. “Don’t worry about it.” She smiles, and shoves her hand again in the hat pulling out another named piece of paper, this time looking at it, and walking off to the side. Then Alexis followed after Samantha, Lozza Max and Oliver. “And that’s everyone” Harry says and sat down on the couch. The door had a knock, y/n answered it this time, Oliver had gone with her to help her out to carry the pizza inside, while she had two large soft drinks in her hands. “You look a bit stressed” she says to Oliver. “It’s just the Pierson I got for secret Santa, I don’t really like him. That also means he’ll be here in a few days” he tells her putting the pizza boxes on the bench. “Here pass me you paper, you have Macs” she says pulling out the named piece of paper out of her pocket and hands it to Oliver. Oliver handed her the paper and took the one she had out of her hand. “When you don’t like someone, let a child pick out their presents” she grins.
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Disclaimer: Photo found on google
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tartaricing · 4 years
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Toon Boom Harmony Practice!
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dollarstorejager · 5 years
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Operator Lion - MIA
I like this one but oh man was it tough! spent so long on this, finally decided to leave it as is and just move on. I like it but still isnt the best thing I could have done. 
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readerimagines · 6 years
Stitches (Lion x Fem!Reader part 3/3)
A weird distance had been created between them. She found herself eating alone or having to seek others’ company. Thankfully Twitch, Valkyrie, Ash, Finka and Caveira were more than happy to let her join their little group. Of course she was in touch with most of Rainbow Six’s operators, being a paramedic, but it was still somewhat… lonely. No matter how many silly jokes Blitz fueled her laughter with, or how many funny scenes Jager made with his absolutely terrible reading of social gestures, or again, how entertaining was to see Mozzie fuming after being teased for his height (even though she was short as well).
Not even her hunting days with Frost did anything to fill that emptiness. Those all were absolutely fun and great moments and she was more than grateful to live them with such nice and wonderful people, but his presence was still far.
There were times where the two of them found themselves alone accidentally and he just left, after brief excuses that she replied with faint and evidently hurt smiles to. Something happened and maybe she knew what was it, but how could she excuse her behaviour? And Lion didn’t seem to have hated what happenned either, so what was the problem now? She sighed sitting on a bench on the training area, looking at the others exercising and waiting for her turn. There he was, focused, almost angrily and she wondered if it was her fault.
“You’re going to consume him with your eyes, if you keep staring at Olivier like that.”
Twitch commented sitting next to her, making the younger blush like hell.
“I wasn’t looking at... Him.”
“Did something happen? Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that we were finally able to get to know you better after all the time you abducted each others, but you’re not too good at hiding your discomfort, you know?”
The paramedic found herself blushing harder, looking away.
“I… I can’t say it… it would be so disrespectful for him…”
“I won’t say a word, I promise.”
She looked at Twitch and sighed nervously, before biting her lip agitately.
“I… I don’t know…”
Her name was suddenly called and it was her turn to do the obstacle run and she never felt so nervous in her life. She was one of the best in that, second only to Ela, Caveira and Ash, but she wasn’t feeling well.
She reached the starting point, looking at the various exercises between ropes, things to jump, others to crawl under to… and took a deep breath.
“Go! “
She sprinted and in matter of a few seconds got out of the ropes mess, then jumped agile between the various obstacles and crossed the little tunnel instantly, then the climbing wall. It was her only weakness, being not too strong with her arms, but for some reasons that day she climbed it at the speed of light, sliding down the pole and reaching the ending point. Everyone was astonished.
“You finished in exactly Twenty-six seconds… No one ever did that.”
She tilted her head confused and in a matter of seconds the others gathered around her cheering, patting her shoulders or ruffling her now sweaty and messy hair.
“That was amazing.” That damn voice said and Twitch made silently sure to leave some space for him too. He was giant.
“Thank you…” She murmured blushing, but her eyes filled with tears for some reason. She didn't feel like crying. It was just overwhelming, the cheers, him coming up like that, the short time she put all of her energies in… She fell on the floor, closing her eyes.
“Just a little Blood sugar crash. She probably didn’t rest well and ate too little this morning.” Doc spoke to the other man in the room. She didn’t hear his voice, but she heard some bitterness in Doc’s.
“Are you planning on sabotaging one of our best soldiers’ career or will you finally talk that off?”
An irritated hiss and some rapid footsteps were the only reply she heard, at least before the other voice, a voice she knew too well, spoke back.
“Thank you for the empathy, Doc.” He pointed out, leaving behind a very disappointed Doc.
“Fuck…” She grunted sitting up and holding her head.
“Oh, you’re awake. Have you eaten this morning? You can’t exercise without fuel, you know that?” Doc’s voice went back to it’s reassuring tone, while walking to her with the analysis paper.
“There. Nothing alarming but you should eat more. This is a training military facility, you pass your days moving back and forth. It’s not healthy for you to avoid food. “
“But I’m not hungry…”
“No buts. Don’t force me to report the situation to Six as an eating problem and put on a planned diet, will you?”
She sighed and pouted nodding.
“We are worried, You are young and talented, plus, a nice and fun person to be with. We all care about you as much as we care for each other. You are part of this now, we don’t want to give up on you, keep this in mind. We will do our best to help you, but you need to help yourself too or it’s useless.”
And she knew that he wasn’t talking about anything more than the situation with Olivier. Was it so noticeable?
“I need to clear things up.”
She said determined, making Doc smile and ruffle her hair.
“That’s a start. And don’t let the situation let you down, got it?”
She smiled and nodded, hugging him.
“Ah, thank you Gustave.”
He hugged her back laughing and let her out, nicely.
“Now go and punch him!”
She laughed slightly and covered her mouth, before going out of Lion’s room. She took a deep breath and knocked.
“Who’s that?”
She heard and she cleared her throat.
“It’s… It’s me!”
A deep sigh, nothing more.
“What do you want?” He asked dryly behind the door, monotone.
“Just go. I don’t want you around, okay? I’m avoiding you.”
In that moment the floor crumbled under her feet and she gulped in the useless attempt to get rid of the awful sensation in her throat, stepping back. Was the situation that bad without her even realizing it? Above all else, what did she do? That was the most soul-devouring question that her life decided to put in front of her path once more.
“What did I do. “ She repeated to herself, chocking down a sob while her eyes started watering, but she held back. She couldn’t give him the burden of hearing her cries. After all, he was a nice person, she knew for sure. What was happening was because of something she did, she was even more sure now.
“I’m so sorry, Olivier…” Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she cought them rapidly with her palm. She couldn’t hold it in anymore. She tried to be strong about it, but the reality of things was even worse. She thought she could afford a straight “no”, but was she ready for it to happen that way?
She walked off and bumped on Rook, that seeing her, held firmly on her shoulders, bending over to look at her face.
“Hey, are you okay? You passed out in front of everyone and- Why are you crying, are you hurt? “ The young man asked and she felt so weak under his sincere gaze. What a sweet person he was and in situation like those she felt unable to hold back. She chocked the tears with all of her strength, but her heart itself seemed to force her to let go.
A couple of tears streamed down her reddenned cheecks as she shook her head, smiling slightly.
“I’m fine, I promise, just… My head hurts, that’s all…” She tried to reassure him pinching his stomach as she liked to tease everyone, but his expression didn’t change too much, no matter that small smile that formed on his lips, still making sure to hold her in case she passed out again, but he understood that the situation involved something else and not just some closed stomach that didn't allow her to feel hunger.
“Paramedic. Don’t lie.”
“I’m not lying, I’m just avoiding the topic…” She tried to joke, laughing so slightly, now looking up at him.
Rook looked at the door she was coming from and sighed, it was the confirmation to his doubt.
With his hands still on her shoulders, he guided her towards the Female's Locker room, walking behind her. Such a big brother he was sometimes.
“Hey Twitch, come out a second. Finka too, please!” He called from the closed door, loud enough to let them hear him.
When the both of them came out to see the paramedic trying her best to keep it cool, they shook their heads almost at the same time.
“Now we go and do some walking in town, shall we?” Twitch winked and the younger nodded, wiping away her eyes, walking away with them as Finka adjusted her freshly changed clothes.
“We can’t do anything, you know that right? It never happened someone got in this kind of situation in here, but both of you are stubborn as hell.”
Twitch joked, warming her hands with the cup of chocolate she was holding. They found a nice bar where they decided to stop after two hours of compulsive shopping. Something the paramedic never did, but now, with that paycheck, could afford. Both women basically forced her into the shower by just talking to her at the same time, it was almost confusing, so she just showered and prepared herself without having the possibility to speak back.
“Beauty is therapeutic, people always think girls are stupid for prettying themselves up, without realizing how nice it feels to cleanse and have a nice aspect! “
The girl never understood it either, until not long before. What do you do after practically rob entire shops? Of course stuff your mouth with pastries and hot chocolate. She had to recover, after all.
“Oh look at the girl who wasn’t hungry.” Finka commented and Twitch laughed softly, making the younger blush.
“That places pastries taste like carpet, pf. Let me enjoy some good food."
“How does Olivier taste like, instead? I can bet you kissed him already.” Lera teased, without walking around it too much and the younger nearly choked, starting to cough on a side, to avoid spitting on them.
“What the fuck! Don’t say it like that!” She managed to say between the compulsive coughs.
The other two laughed, pouring her some water.
“Come on! Just admit it already! This is a safe no-shame zone, I promise!” Emmanuelle pushed, patting her back to try and help her gain her breath back.
“Why do you want to know… It’s not like it matters now.” She let out with a sigh, hiding behind the pastry, to nibble on it.
“Did he tell you about… You know? Those past things.” Finka asked carefully, taking a bite of her sandwitch.
She nodded looking down and shrugged.
“We had dinner together and drank a bit… We were sober though. Just, you know, a bit euphoric. As we parked back at the base, we kissed and…” And she blushed even harder, coughing on a tissue.
“Wait wait. Didn’t you say you never did that?!”
“In fact we didn’t… It was similar… Like… We didn’t take our underwear off because I was scared, and he had been so nice about it… I thought maybe it can be one of the reasons he got mad…? I Don’t know what to think anymore… “
Finka and Twitch looked at each other confused, tilting their heads. That wasn’t really something that they expected from Olivier. Not that he was bad, but so patient?
“Do you realize how you are the only one he treats very differently, right? I never heard him saying anything badly sarcastic to you. It is pretty strange, seen how sour his words can be.”
“I noticed it too, in fact I spoke to him that day, telling him to stop being so closed with you and come with you to buy that gift… I feel guilty now.”
“I know right, but he did it just today, so… Wait, did you? It was weird in fact, he usually doesn’t change his mind!” She smiled thinking at it. He looked so silly sometimes.
“Should we go back? Tomorrow it’s our day off, maybe we can do this again or wander around the camp!”
Twitch said and they all agreed.
That night it was impossible to sleep. Too many thoughts and sleeping in the afternoon, after passing out, was disturbing her sleep now.
She went out of her room, just a normal, warm pajama and a hoodie on, and walked to the courtyard, to enjoy some freezing cold air. She loved it. She loved doing that with Lion. They spent their nights talking or just sleeping after a fast beer, it felt nice and familiar… Now she was there alone. Laying on the usual bench they used to sit on and sighing slightly, looking up at the nice clear sky, before starting to feel bad again. She never actually cried it off and that day she had the confirmation that he didn’t want her around anymore. Or did he? He had this thing where he tried to push away people. She knew that he did feel like trash for his past, many times he said it even without saying what he did and he openned up so much with her… Did he think she just wanted to get in his pants? Or her being untouched bothered him somehow? Did he just get tired of her?
She felt her cheeks getting wet again and slight sobs shook her chest, silently and softly, but it was so nice to free herself after so much going on. She didn’t even realize being observed.
“Are you stupid? Do you want to get a fever or directly freeze yourself?”
The girl gasped jumping on her feet and realized who that was. She blushed so hard and wiped away her tears immediately.
“I-I called an old friend of mine and-“
“So I can keep on ignoring you without feeling like shit to make you cry in the middle of the hallway after telling you to fuck off?” He teased, mostly to let her know that he heard. She looked down, hugging her arms to protect herself a bit from the cold. Or maybe from his stare that leaned on her for half a second, before going back to his beer.
“If you know, why do you ask…” Her voice was choked by the recent crying, her shiny eyes on a side and she felt like maybe she had some possibilities again. Maybe not everything was lost.
He just sipped the last drop of beer and threw the bottle in the trash, walking away.
She couldn’t find the force to stop him.
“Wait, wait, wait… So he just walked away? “ Lera asked and huffed, pinching the younger soldier on her cheek.
“And you didn’t slap him? Or tell him your thoughts about it?!”
“I… I couldn’t, I didn’t know how to react… “ The paramedic admitted softly slapping off the woman’s hand, gaining back her now even more red cheek.
“This is just getting weirder… If I didn’t know him I’d say he’s just being a piece of trash, but this is a bit strange for real. “ Emmanuelle thought. This time they decided to reunite in the Paramedic’s room, trying not to talk too loudly. If Lion heard such things the situation would have gotten worse, if possible. Probably. Maybe. She didn’t know him anymore.
"The thing that got me the most was... I mean... It looked like he was coming there for a reason...? We usually saw each other in that spot... But everyone does, in fact we often saw other people, but still... I think is just my mind that likes to think it was for me, honestly..."
She giggled sadly, shrugging.
In that moment a knock on the door interrupted the chatting and Dokkaebi peeked into the room.
"Paramedic, you're needed for a special mission. DOC can't go." She explained adjusting her newly put on gear.
"On my way." She replied making her way to the stalls to gear up. It wasn't a problem to change in there, it was enough to hide behind the locker's door and in ten minutes her gear, helmet and weapons were on their place. She made her way outside, reaching the team for the mission: Dokkaebi, Thatcher, Lion, IQ and Ash, plus herself.
"There was an attack at the university, we were the closest ones. Another gas attack."
"Yeah, I figured." Dokkaebi commented from behing the mask, as Ash kept explaining.
"As protocol, we have to disable a bomb, this time are estimated more units, the enemy is learning our best team compositions-..."
The explenation kept going for the whole trip in the attempt of finding a good plan, but in those cases, every plan could have been their last. The White Masks started putting out their best men now that they were more familiar with their tactics.
The defuser was planted, but the time it was taking to actually disable the bomb was more than usual. Maybe it only felt like it, since the effort to tear down the enemy was heavier than ever, maybe they really perfected that damn bomb.
Everyone was focused on their task, so much that not even Lion's presence could rub against Thatcher or the Paramedic.
"Merde, Paramedic shoot at those damn windows, they are getting in!" He shout to her direction as he reached for her side, helping to diffuse the situation. Too many of them, still manageable, at least until the young soldier fell on the ground with a bang and a loud crack.
When he turned, all he saw through the dense yellow mist was her body contorcing with little whines and coughs.
His eyes widened but Ash was quick to catch the situation.
"Lion, focus." She recalled him as they took down the last terrorists. A damn long work, but was worth it.
"Is she breathing?" Thatcher asked calmly reaching for her neck with two fingers to check the pulse, but firmly as he turned the girl's body to notice her chest compulsively moving, the only vital sign other than her mouth trying to grasp for air and the alterated beating.
"You. Take her outside. We are securing the zone."
"Without the drone how are you supposed to-"
"Lion, go the hell out or we're losing her!" Ash repeated and he grunted, charging the young paramedic on his shoulders as he rushed out, finally reaching the van.
"You stupid idiot." He murmured closing the isolated doors with too much emphasis.
"Fucking idiot."
He repeated checking her breath once again, before stripping from the suit and doing the same with her, leaving on their uniforms.
She was pale and sweaty as she dizzily looked around trying her best not to close her eyes, coughing small clumps of blood on the side, weakly. That wasn't good, probably the gas was making it effect, more than the shoot on her chest.
"Fuck, Ash, Lion here, I think the gas has entered her organism, her suit was heavily damaged and she has difficulty in breathing."
"Got it, we just finished here, be there in five minutes."
"Got it." He whispered as his eyes landed on the younger's face, washed away from it's usual lively redness.
She just reached weakly for his hands, leaning her gaze on his, tearing up as she was practically begging him not to let go now.
The guilt suddently assaulted the man that just got closer and pulled her in an embrace, careful not to disturb her unstable breathing or the bloody wound on her chest, that he kept pressure on.
"Don't you dare to die." He whispered in her ear with a gulp, as his heart started racing at the idea of that possibility.
"I would be so fucking pissed, don't force me to hate myself more than I've already done, don't give me another thing to regret. I'm fucking begging you."
He continued barely holding the tears that started to trace their way on his cheeks, followed by a couple of sniffles while he rocked her gently, whispering prayers under his breath.
Paramedic wasn't a religious one, but in that moment she thanked God for letting her go peacefully between the arms of the man, she fully realized only now, loved more than anything else.
She reached for his cheek and smiled softly, sniffling slightly as she bit hardly on her lower lip, before slowly going limp.
"Gustave, I'm fucking serious right now. Stop bringing that shit up, our coworker, our Friend's life is on the table here."
"Like the life of the people you left there? Those were friends of mine too."
"I'm done wasting my time with you. I said sorry, I can't bring those people back, that you like it or not. The only person that actually cares for me in this fucking place is the woman inside that room and I just... I need to know." Olivier concluded as he made his way to the room's door, before being stopped by the doctor.
"She is safe. I'm not like you. I actually look for alternate ways to help people out instead of leaving them to die." He only said, before letting him go, with one last warning. "At the first sign of agitation I see from that monitor you're going out."
Lion grunted and the temptation to slam the door with that man's face in the middle hit him hard, but he contained himself, took a deep breath and openned the door, carefully closing it behind himself.
That view was... Reassuringly terrifying.
He was happy she was safe, but that pale skin, those dry lips and closed, pesty eyes weren't hers. It was like the life had just been drained from the body that he loved so much right before the terror of disgusting her decided to make him dump her like trash. She would have said not to be so hard on himself, that he did what he thought it was right, maybe, but the words of a nice, young and naive woman like her didn't count. Maybe not objectively for all the people that hated him, but for him, actually, meant the world. And it took a tragedy to make him understand that. Typical of him.
He sat down slowly and looked at her, not able to process what actually was the right thing to do. Kiss her? If many stories spoke of magical kisses and waking beauties, maybe it actually worked, but that was just his mind desperately trying to run away from the acceptance of the fact that he had to apologize to her. But what could he say?
Not even the time to start thinking about the right words and she mumbled, stretching slightly with a sudden whine as the stitched hole on her chest sent a deep and intense wave of pain across her torso. A small yawn and a quick check glance around the room.
"You're at the infirmary. They brought you here from the hospital, but Gustave wanted to make sure to constantly keep an eye on you." He spoke softly, to let her recovery a bit of sense of time and space.
She then looked at him, blushing slightly as she parted her lips to spoke but stopped, clearly embarrassed, confused and other things that her tired face was showing all together.
The sight made the man's heart flutter and bounce in his chest for a second as he just gave up to those words, that he found so hard to speak.
"I'm so sorry..." He said looking right into her eyes, after enjoying the view of her pale face brightenned by that soft red spread across her skin and how her tongue tried to hydrate her lips, reddening them slightly. It was like he found himself dealing with a first love, when butterflies destroy your stomach and bells absolutely stun the hell out of your head, as they sing into your ears.
"I've... I just wanted to keep you away from me. I didn't want you to deal with the Me the people that approached me had to deal with. I wanted you to feel safe and give you the opportunity to run away, to embrace the life you deserve.
I made people suffer, I tried to convince my son's mother to reject him... The idea of hurting you killed me. "
She looked at him and... As always, was too much. Her physical state was already really unstable, her mental was... Like before, but this time in positive.
She bursted out in tears, sobbing softly as she tilted down her head to hide her face. She just needed to let all out, from the fright of losing her life to the one of losing him.
He collected all his courage and swallowed back his pride, reaching out to hug her tightly as she hid her face on his shoulder, tightening, as she could, her hands on the fabric of his freshly changed shirt.
"I... I thought I did something wrong and... And I didn't understand what was happening, Olivier... I loved every moment with you. I even thought I disappointed you when we got back here and... " she stopped, embarrassed, as he shook his head caressing her back softly, trying to keep her warm, as she was basically an ice cube.
"You never disappointed me. " He reassured her kissing her temple, making her smile shyly.
"Not even when I catched that bullet? "
"No, but you shouldn't take some sayings literally, you silly head. "
"I had to show off... " she replied laughing weakly, finally looking up at him.
Their gazes intertwined and a soft smile curved his lips, few inches from hers.
Forhead pressed together, their lips met, in a sweet smack.
"I love you. " She whispered on them looking up at him again.
"I love you too." He replied, as he leant down with her, hugging her smaller frame against his chest.
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feyspeaker · 6 years
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Lion. ♥
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shatteredamn · 5 years
☕ sitting alone at a coffee shop / lion
Early mornings are often disliked by those who do not see how precious life can be.  Opportunities like jogging and early morning walks or enjoying a delicious breakfast before truly starting out the day, are always overlooked by today’s youth. With sudden desire, Liu woke up simply wanting to go outside and purchase a cup of coffee from the new place that opened up nearby. His fellow operators told him the location had this amazing dark brew he had to try. Coffee is one of the two greatest life savers he always says. After taking care of his daily hygiene, Tze Long proceeded to drive to the rumored paradise. 
Getting out of the car, he could smell the strong aroma from the parking lot, making his desire for a coffee grow even stronger. Anyone could tell he was exhausted from working yesterday. The group worked on a new defensive strat that required an entire day to perfect. He needed that coffee yesterday.
While waiting in line, he spotted a familiar face in front of him...It was Oliver from the attacking team. Maybe he heard everyone else talking about the place to from the others? Liu poked him softly enough for Flament to notice him. “Good morning! How are you this morning?”
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astheraa · 2 years
GIGN hcs of them doing NNN (No nut November) with their s/o teasing and tempting them through it.
Gustave Kateb (Doc)
Olivier Flament (Lion)
I decided only to do two from the GIGN \^^ /and yes Lion counts as a GIGN member :3
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He didn´t want to do it at first, he´s lazy when it comes to this sort of things and being a doctor he knows what this does to a man´s brain.
He got some kind of convinced, when he was chilling with friends when he had the one or other beer.
He started off strong, with a 11-day streak not being bothered by anyone until you came home from your mission.
He told you while cooking that he was participating in NNN and how many days he got so far, but since you came home from yyour mission, you wanted some extra attention.
starting off harmless with simple touches you tried to get him going. Of course he didn´t let that slide and frankly told you that he wants to get atleast to two weeks and getting him to fail was your goal for the next 3 days.
You tried anything from sitting on his lap to literally joining him while showering. Nothing got this man out of his mindset.
,, You´ve never been so determined to do things! Why do you do this like your life depends on in ", you said while -again- sitting on his lap poutting.
He simply responded with a :,, I just want to get to two weeks and it´s literally tommorow. Can´t you just wait my love?" You just looked at him with a disappointing face and decided to do the same things he did.
He achieved his goal and you decided to not let him touch you, to show him how it feels. He realized it in a nano-second what you wanted to do and just groaned at your stubborness.
In the Evening he laid in bed, stroking himself, knowing it would get you heated and he wasn´t wrong. You came into the room seeing your boyfriend of a mess laying there and couldn´t resist.
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NNN has been going around since the early 2010er. Oliver has been trying for years, since 2017, to succeed and break his record of 16 days which he set up in 2018.
But since you came into his life he found it really hard -literally- to do this challenge. You walking around in just a towel in the middle of November, picking something up, or reaching over him to get something gets him thrilled.
He just wants to but he can't, he swore that he will break his record this year but you just happened to be his partner all of the sudden.
He rants to his friends, how hard it is to contain himself around you, when you're literally making it hard for him unintentionally. How you look so innocent when he groans at you from his chair at his desk scanning you from head to toe.
He failed at 6 days, it was devastating for him, the third "towel-time" just ended him and his tempter.
You were just walking around with a towel wrapped around you and you dropped something, picked it up and - like in a cliché romance book-the towel dropped, while Oliver was coming around the corner.
You both just looked at each other with a smirk and Oliver failed this year, but maybe next year. ,, Next year I'm going to beat my record ", he whispered while you were laying on his chest sleeping. But he knew damn well that he wont make it again
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konigsprinzessin · 3 years
You should make more versions of the lion fic you just did. It was so comforting to read. I hope that anon is doing ok too
by my side | oliver flament x reader
hello anon! i'm glad you enjoyed my previous fic! it was therapeutic to write (as writing always is) i hope this can help you as well. if you're going through a tough time don't hesitate let someone you trust know. you can always direct message me and vent or if you just want to chat i'm here!
gentle kisses were placed on my forehead. i felt oliver's arms wrap around me as i cuddled up into his chest. i felt his hand reach around me to rub the back of my scalp.
"shhh" he softly cooed before reassuring me. "good morning, love." i could sense that he was smiling, by the way he was talking. i noticed he opened the bedroom window to our flat judging by the boisterous french streets down below. " i thought that today we could either go down into the town and go visit the shops" he stopped semi-abruptly as the talking down in the streets turned into a verbal argument. oliver raised himself onto his elbows looking at the town below. groaning, he closed the window. "or we could lay in bed all day." he finished. i opened my eyes to be greeted by his big brown orbs shining back into my own. "what ever you want, mon amour." once again smiling and continuing to rub my hair.
"not feeling up to it." i spoke not expecting my voice to come up barely even above a whisper. although to my suprise the frenchman didn't even ask for me to repeat.
"that's alright." i could feel his body warmth even more intensely as he pulled me closer to his own body. i missed these soft touches and intimate moments between the two of us when he had to leave for team rainbow meetings and missions. " i just wanna stay here with you." i confessed.
I agreed with him as he moved and sat on the edge of the bed, stretching his arms outwards letting out a loud and long exaggerated yawn.
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ask-team-rainbow · 4 years
Would doc smoke and lion ever want kids ?
“I have a daughter, but I’m not sure if I’d want another kid. It’s still something I’ve been thinkin’ about.”
-James “Smoke” Porter
“I have my son Alexis that I see from time to time, but I have considered adopting a kid once this quarantine settles down and I’m not stuck in my office all the time.”
-Oliver “Lion” Flament
“Family is very important to me, and I know better than most how big of a deal it is to have enough time to spend with your children if you have them. I’m always so busy with work and my volunteering that I’m not sure I could give the proper attention to my child if I were to have one. I’m still thinking about it, but I’m not sure.”
-Gustave “Doc” Kateb
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levi-is-husbando · 3 years
Welcome To Australia
Part 2 of Lion x Reader
Originally posted on my Wattpad, link at bottom.
Mature language
Oliver got off the plane, his son right behind him. Following the signs to the baggage collection. They waited till they saw their bags to come around on the conveyer belt. Oliver grabbed his two bags then grabbed Alexis' two bags. Seeing as they had six bags in total, their two checked in bags each, and their one carry on bag each. It was just a little too much to carry, even if they all had wheels, this was the problem they had back at France, however they had the bag trolly, Oliver looked around to see if he could find exactly that. Alexis pulled on Oliver's sleeve. "Over there papa" he spoke in French and pointed at the bag trolly bay. "Merci" Oliver said with a smile, and went over to the trolly bay. One problem it took Australian dollars and Oliver only Euros.
Oliver looked around to see if he could find a change exchange, but was out of luck. However he saw Max walk through the airport doors. (I just assume the bag claim is by the exit for international)
"Mozzie, hello!" He waved and called out to Max.
"G'day!" Max waved back and made his way to Oliver. "Do you have any change?" Oliver asked. "I have my card" Max pulled out out his wallet from his back pocket. "What ya need?" He asked. "One of these trollies" Oliver suggested to the trollies then at Alexis with all luggage they have.
"Oh fuck me that's a lot of luggage" Max pulled out his card, tapping it on the card pay spot, and pulled a trolly out of the bay. "There ya go mate" he handed the trolly to Oliver. "Merci" Oliver thanked Max before taking the trolly back over to Alexis and putting the luggage onto it, then wheeling it back to where Max was, Alexis following behind. "Oh, Mozzie this here is my son Alexis. He still has a hard time with English but he knows a fair little of it" Oliver tells Max.
"Alright, nice to meet ya Alexis, I'm Max" he hold his hand out to the boy. Alexis looks up at Max then at his hand. "Hello, monsieur" Alexis shook Max's hand.
"Alright let's go, the ute this way" Max leads them out to the car park, and to where he had parked the car, the four door manual Toyota helix.
Max puts the luggage in the trailer, while Oliver and Alexis get into the car.
Max pulls himself up into the drivers seat. (Short arse... but mood)
Max starts up the car and heads out of the airport and heading home, having a small chat with Oliver while they drive.
Max pulls into into the driveway, only to see an automatic Toyota Camry in his spot in reverse. With a yellow L plate on the front of the car, and a young girl in the driving seat, while a woman was in the passenger seat, stirring at him. She pulls her hand up and and out the window, turning her hand around, and putting her fingers down except for the middle one flipping Max off. Max turns the engine off, pulls his hand out the window and also flips the woman off. They both laugh and smile.
Oliver looked at the both of them, confused of what just happened and who this person was.
Max jumps out of the ute and unloads the luggage. Meanwhile Oliver steps out of the car and catches a glimpse of the woman that flipped off Max, as she gets out of her car. She looked to be around his age, (burnet, dirty blonde, redhead) and her eyes were green. She smiles and waved at Oliver. "Hello mate" Oliver smiled and waved back, smiled a little, which turned to a concern gassed when she got knocked over by the car door as the Toyota Camry rolls back a little. "Oi for fuck fake Sam!" The woman yelled. "You gotta put the car in park, and then release your foot off the break" she sighs and looks inside the car, looking at the mortified teenager in the drivers seat. Oliver made his way to the woman and holds out his hand, to help her up. She grabs hold of his hand, and he pulls his up. Max poked his head around to see what happened and just cracks up laughing.
"Fuck up Max!" The woman says to Max and dusts herself off. "Thank you, you must be the one that took my room." She jokes "I'm y/n, Max's sister, baby Goose" she smiles. Oliver smiled back at her. "I stole your room?" He questioned her. "Oh no, I just normally have the spare room during this time" she tells him. "Oh I'm sorry" he genuinely looked apologetic. "Yeah, nah it's right" she tell him and then heads to the boot of the car and pulls out a folded tent. "We love camping." She tells him.
"We normally have the caravan though" the teenager says handing the keys to the woman. "Sorry mum" she frowns. "Don't worry about it kiddo" she kisses her forehead then the teenager heads inside.
Max joined in on the conversation. "Lets get you and Alexis inside and show you around" he holds up one of the bags. "That'll give me time to set up the tent before I forget and it gets too late" y/n nods and walks off to the back. A little girl gets out of the backseat slamming the car door shut and running inside. Normally she would have given her uncle Max a hug but seeing the stranger she became scared and shy.
Oliver, grabbed two bags as well as Alexis and they followed Max inside the house. In the entrance way there was a little shoe rack.. which was more of a shoe pile now. "You can kick your shoes off there. Lozza just cleaned the house she'd hate if mud gotten around" Max had told them. "Well that's fair" Oliver took off his shoes that he was wearing, leaving his socks on. He had translated for Alexis, Although seeing his father already taking his shoes off, he pretty much followed. Max also took his shoes off however they were just a pair of thongs. (Flip flops)
He lead the two of them to a room upstairs. The room was a standard size which had two single beds made up, and a folded towel on the end. A dresser on the side by the wall, with a standing mirror. The window was open, and the ceiling fan on a medium speed. "If it does get too hot don't be afraid to use the aircon" Max hands Oliver the aircon remote, as he puts the bag he had down. Oliver says thank you, puts the bags down, and places the remote on the bed. Max then shows them around the rest of the house, before grabbing the last bag to put away in the room.
Alexis lays down on a bed and closes his eyes telling Oliver that he'll have a nap as he was tired because of jet lag. Oliver sighs and sits down on his bed. He was also tired but didn't want to have a nap as well. He wasn't sure on what he could  do he sat there for a little while to think, should he go make himself known, and talk to the Australians or should he be an introvert and either check his phone or read a book.
Alexis lays down on a bed and closes his eyes telling Oliver that he'll have a nap as he was tired because of jet lag. Oliver sighs and sits down on his bed. He was also tired but didn't want to have a nap as well. He wasn't sure on what he could  do he sat there for a little while to think, should he go make himself known, and talk to the Australians or should he be an introvert and either check his phone or read a book.
While he was thinking the little girl from earlier was being curious on who these people were, that she was standing at the doorway, peering in. She didn't want to speak nor make a sound. She was too afraid, she didn't realise it was weird to spy on people. "Mackenzie, what are you doing?" Y/n had come upstairs, to check on the guest only to run into her daughter standing outside the room. The little girl known as Mackenzie looked up at her mother. Then ran past her and downstairs.
Oliver glanced over, and looked at y/n. "Hey, you want a cuppa?" She asked him. "Hm?" He kind of looked confused. "A coffee or tea?" She asked "we even have Anzac briskets to go with" she smiles. "What are Anzac briskets?" Oliver asked standing up from the bed. "And I'll have a coffee Merci"
"Oh an Anzac brisket like a honey oat, kind of cookie. It goes well with tea and coffee, and us Australians love them" she steps to the side so Oliver can leave the room. Oliver walks out and closes the door so Alexis can sleep. "I'll try one" he says as they walk downstairs together, it was decided that Oliver was gonna make himself known and socialise.
They went into the kitchen, that's open to the dining room. At the dinning table Lozza was feeding the twins, some of that lovely baby food, and Max sitting at the table, it seems like he had something cooking in the oven and was waiting, he had also had a cuppa with him and would occasionally take a small sip.
Y/n picked up the kettle to get a feel of how much water was in there, it wasn't enough so she filled it up and placed it back on its little dock before switching it on to boil. "It won't be long" she says to Oliver, and opens up the fridge, in the corner of her eye she noticed her teenaged daughter was standing in the corner eating the Milo. "Samantha!" She slaps the back of her head and snatches the tin out of her hands. "We aren't at home"
Samantha just grins and tots to the dinning table sitting down. "Uncle Max didn't care"
"What is that?" Oliver takes the tin out of y/n hand and examines it. "I've never seen this before" he looks down at y/n considering she was way shorter then what he is. "Oh it's just milo, it's like a chocolate malt powder, gives extra energy to kids. And is so much better then energy drinks" y/n tells him. "Best cold, but you can also have it hot" she takes the tin back from him and puts it down on the bench. "Or some idiots" she looks at Samantha. "Will eat it out of the tin"
Samantha just pokes her tongue out. "Oh okay" Oliver goes and sits at the table. Mackenzie joins them in the dinning room, she sneaks up behind everyone and finally gives Max a hug, and stares at Oliver, but also tries hiding from him from under Max's arm as he hugs her back. "You finally come and say hello" she just nods and gives a hug to Lozza, before looking up at the twins in their hair chairs. She pokes both of their noses then runs over to y/n and hangs off her leg. "Mac, I'm trying to do stuff here, just go play or sit at the table" y/n sighs. Mackenzie shakes her head. "Please" y/n pulls her off her leg. "You you you aren't allowed in the kitchen it's too dangerous" Mackenzie frowns and runs outside. Y/n gives Samantha the mum look, which Samantha sighs and goes outside with Mackenzie.
Curious Oliver looked over at y/n. "Where's her father?" He asked. "Good question don't know." Y/n shrugged. "Samantha's father fucked off and disappeared sixteen years ago, and well Mackenzie's father stayed for a year but then left, that was four years ago. He sends Christmas gifts so he trying in his way but he never sees her." She tells Oliver. And makes the both of them a coffee, placing his in front of him and sitting down. "If you haven't guessed Sam is also mine, I was sixteen at the time" she blows into her mug to cool the coffee down a bit. Oliver spoke a little about how Alexis came around, and how he regretted ever wanting the abortion, he is grateful now for ever having a child, that he does try hard to be there and that he glad that he has just over a month with his son in Australia. Y/n listens to Oliver's stories. They ended up actually talking for a little while, all the way through dinner, and till night was late.
Disclaimer: photo was found on google.
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desenhaumarcoirus · 4 years
Eoin "vigil" Byrne - Daniel Sharman // gustave "doc" kateb ~ milo ventimiglia
Elora "valkyrie" Vogel - Lauren German // michiel "thatcher" cowden ~ charlie cox
Sarah Flament - Inbar Lavi // olivier "lion" flament ~ matt bomer
Maja Wiśniewski - Rachel Keller // demetria brunsmeier ~ priscilla quintana
Cecile "frost" Charpentier - marie avgeropoulos // john "thermite" tracer-cohen ~ hugh dancy
Kingsley "blackbeard" Graham - David Giuntoli // nienke "iana" meijer ~ emilia clarke
Altiva "Mira" Messias - Eiza Gonzalez // ryad "jackal" ramírez al-hassar ~ pedro pascal
Zofia “zofia” Refn Höelscher - Scarlett Byrne // maxim "kapkan" senaviev ~ armie hammer
Donnatella Haugland - Candice Accola // eirik "ace" haugland ~ gaspard ulliel
Ioanna “Gridlock” Borisovna - Caity lotz // maeve "buck" kriergaard ~ rooney mara
Abel “Warden” Sartori - Alvaro Morte // sanaa "nomad" el maktoub ~ najwa nimri
Aimée “Twitch” Chauveau - Sophie Cookson // myrtle "glaz" shulman ~ aya cash
Laufar “Fuze” Bladwood - Bill Skarsgard // jaimini "kali" kalimohan shah ~ anya chalotra
Caecilia “IQ” Colias - Michelle Borth // thaysa "caveira" neves ~ tainá müller
Dominica “Bandit” Brunsmeier - Priscilla Quintana // lana maria kantor ~ emeraude toubia
Eun Jung "dokkaebi" Bak - im jinah // benjamin "smoke" black ~ michiel huisman
Bae Sooyeoung "Aruni" Park - Yeri // yumiko "hibana" imagawa ~ karen fukuhara 
Natasyia "Finka" Melnikova - Phoebe Tonkin // letizia "ying" castillo ~ angelique boyer
Ahmed "Wamai" Aziz - Rami Malek // elżbieta "sun" bosak ~ florence pugh
Piero "Maestro" Bianchi - Tom Hardy // aria "alibi" de luca ~ jameela jamil
Millicient "Blitz" Fischer - Lily Rabe // mildred belladini ~ sarah paulson
Leonoro "Kaid" Nguyen - Aiden Turner // agathe elizabeth "nokk" donaldson ~ eleanor tomlinson
Sébastien "Rook" Brodeur - Chris Evans  // marius "jäger" streicher ~ sebastian stan
François "Montagne" Couture - Henry Cavill // mary "ash" eliza mizrachi ~ jessica chastain
Georgina Kateb - Mandy Moore //  cordelia "lesion" mei lin ~ chloe bennet
Maria Guadalupe "Goyo" Sánchez - Ana de Armas //  miles "castle" campbell ~ idris elba 
Fayola "Melusi" Buhle - Tessa Thompson // erika "maverick" thorn ~ brie larson
Achilles "Pulse" Rehan - Oliver Stark // maximilian "mozzie" desreaux ~ ryan guzman
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dollarstorejager · 5 years
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“Their blood is on your hands. I could have saved them!”
Doc yelling at lion. This one was fun to make but i started to bang my head against a wall towards the end of it. Colors arent my strong suit and its pretty obvious in this. Finally decided to just finish it so i have it done rather than sitting on it for a couple more days. Been working on it at least 2 days now and i really just needed to finish it up and move on.
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cheemingwan1234 · 5 years
Rainbow Six Siege-esque Precure game idea.
The 'Do prepare yourself' catchphrase  in Go Princess PreCure brings into my mind the Preparation Phase in the Rainbow Six games and inspired me to create this.If a Rainbow Six Siege-esque game was set in the Pretty Cure series ,what gadget would the Pretty Cures use? Here are my ideas for which Operator Gadget would the Pretty Cures use and the connection between them and the gadget/operator who uses the gadget in Rainbow Six Siege.Feel free to contribute with your own ideas.
(Now,why would the Cures use gadgets if they have magical powers.Well lets just say that in this scenario the Cure have weaker magical powers than in canon,hence they place a larger emphasis on tactics and teamwork to take down monsters and hence some Cures would bring gadgets to help their team and other Pretty Cures in addition to their powers.)
(The Cures have to transform first into their Cure forms before they can access their gadgets.When the Princess PreCures are in Mode Elegant,they cannot use their gadgets.)
(Yep,Rainbow Six Siege but in Pretty Cure.Both the Cures and the villains also have access to the gadgets used by attacking and defending operators including drones and breaching charges when they attack or wall/hatch reinforcements,barricades (yes,a PreCure whipping out a stapler gun and a rolled up mat of planks and using it to cover up a doorway or window),Nitro Cells and barbed wire when they need to defend (For the villains,they take hostages and other things that the villains do in a magical girl show.For the Cures,they defend a person that the villains have a interest in such as persons that fit the criteria needed for the villains to create a powerful monster from that person or items of interest to the villains. )
Cure Flora:Trax Stingers. Cure Flora is the Princess of Flowers and a deployed Trax Stinger can be likened to a field of flowers at full bloom....if said field of flowers are hexagonal spike mats ready to impale anyone who steps on them. (Cure Flora's version of the Trax Stingers are basically small (0.5 meters in diameter) flat disc-shaped bushes of beautiful roses instead of hexagonal shaped spike mats with thorns pointing up.The thorns retract if they sense a Pretty Cure,friendly or a civilian about to step on them reducing the effect of the Trax Stingers to just a slight prickly feeling on their feet when they step on it.When a servant of Dys Dark steps on them,the spikes shoot up into the foot of that servant,harming them.The 'grenade' that Cure Flora uses to deploy the Trax Stingers differs in appearance in that it has ornate flower engravings instead of the caution stripes of Gridlock's Trax Stingers.) Cure Mermaid: Gryo Cam Mk 2 'Black Eye' Throwable Sticky Cameras. The user of the 'Black Eye' camera in Rainbow Six Siege is Valkyrie who is a Navy SEAL and hence a sailor.Cure Mermaid derives her name from mythological legends of mermaids told by sailors. (Here's how Cures access Cure Mermaid's Black Eye cameras,Cures that use a phone to transform with the exception of Cure Black,Cure White,Cure Bloom/Bright and Cure Egret/Windy would use their transformation devices to directly access the cameras.Other Pretty Cures would carry a phone with them to access the cameras.) Cure Twinkle:Candela Cluster Flashbang Grenades. Cure Twinkle is the Princess of Stars and a Candela going off in Rainbow Six Siege can be likened to twinkling stars that can cause you to go blind temporary if you look at them. Cure Scarlet:Exothermic Breaching Torch. The user of the Breaching Torch in Siege is Maverick who according to the game's lore was MIA for a long period of time.Similarly Towa (aka Cure Scarlet.) was missing from the Hope Kingdom for a long period of time,brainwashed into Dyspear's 'daughter', Twillight before she became Cure Scarlet. Cure Gelato:EE-ONE-D Aerial Surveillance Drone. Cure Gelato has a sonic roar which can stun enemies.Similarly the EE-ONE-D can stun enemies in a way when activated by forcing them to stay still or else their movements will be detected.Also note that Oliver Flament who uses the EE-ONE-D in Siege has the codename of 'Lion' and Cure Gelato is partially based of a lion in design. (The way the EE-ONE-D works is slightly different here.When Cure Gelato activates the scan function on the EE-ONE-D,information about movement activity are displayed on the transformation devices or cellphones of the Pretty Cures and the wrist display that Cure Gelato uses to monitor the functions of EE-ONE-D in the form of red dots displaying movement instead of a wallhack as seen in game) Cure Chocolat:Eyenox Model III Footprint Tracker. Cure Chocolat is partially based off a dog in design and dogs are known for their sense of smell which is used for tracking.The Eyenox tracks people in a similar way by scanning their footprints and pinging the owner of the footprints. Cure March:Airjab Grenades (Hand-thrown variant.). Cure March has powers over wind and a strong gust of wind can knock people off their feet if it's strong enough.Airjab Grenades in Siege do the exact same thing as well. Cure Peace: Crude Electrical Device-1/Shock Wires. Cure Peace has powers over electricity and the Shock Wires used by Bandit in Rainbow Six Siege electrify metallic gadgets.Also note that the operator,Bandit shares a similar colour scheme with Cure Peace's Bad End Kingdom counterpart;Bad End Peace. Shiny Luminous: G52 Flash Shield. Shiny Luminous has powers over light and often uses it to support her teammates,Cure Black and Cure White by creating barriers of light.Blitz in Rainbow Six Siege does the same thing by using the Flash Shield to absorb bullets and flashing enemies with the flashbangs on his flash shield. Cure Aqua:Electronics Detector (Built into Pinky Catch.). Cure Aqua is known as the Pretty Cure of Intelligence.The user of the Electronics Detector in Rainbow Six Siege is IQ who derives her codename from a measure of intelligence. Cure Lovely: Tactical Breaching Hammer. Cure Lovely is memetically known for her brutal fighting style.Similarly in Siege,Sledge is known for his equally brutal breaching method as he uses a sledgehammer to smash into unreinforced surfaces. Cure Melody:"Yokai" Hover Drone. Cure Melody's civillian identity's (Hibiki Hojo) given name means "Echo" in Japanese and the operator who uses the Yokai Drone in Rainbow Six Siege is codenamed Echo. (Cure Melody controls the Yokai using her Cure Module instead of a wrist display that Echo uses.)
Lines sometimes said by Pretty Cures when deploying/ activating their gadgets. Cure Flora: "Trax Stingers in full bloom!" Cure Mermaid: "New camera feed up and running!" Cure Twinkle: "Time to twinkle some eyes!" Cure Scarlet: "Torch is a-go." Cure Gelato: "EE-ONE-D scanning for prey!" Cure Chocolat: "You better start running." Cure March: "Airjab out!" Cure Peace: "Placed device!" Shiny Luminous: "Hearts of light and wills of light for them to become blind!" Cure Aqua: "Deploying Pinky Catch ! If it runs on batteries,I'll see it!" Cure Lovely: "Who needs explosives when you got the power of love and a hammer?" Cure Melody: "Yokai deployed and ready to give hostiles a performance!"
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buzzweedrobins-blog · 6 years
My Opinions on Lion and Finka and Why I Believe They Signal A Change in Operator Design
With the introduction of Operation Chimera and the start of year 3 of Rainbow Six Siege, the operators Lion and Finka have been firmly in play and... oh boy.
Oliver Flament or ‘Lion’ is a two armour two speed attacking operator with the ability to show the position of any enemy that decides to move within the time his ability is active. He has the choice of the V308 assault rifle, the 417 marksman rifle and the SG-CQB shotgun. He also has the choice of the P9 and the LFP586 handguns and the gadgets of a claymore and stun grenades. Lion appears to be the lesser of two OP evils of Operation Chimera but the announcement of a nerf on Ubisofts behave leaves Lions future as a favorite operator of mine and a mainstay in the pro leagues in the balance, as this may become another Ela situation. I’ll be keeping my eyes out for any future Lion news and will keep you all posted on it.
Now, now, now... We move on to the talking point of this Operation, Finka. Lera Melnikova or ‘Finka’ is a two armour two speed attacking operator with the ability to, an this is a mouthful but, she can activate nanobots that, provide a 20% health buff, reduce ADS recoil by 45%, reduce ADS time by half, reduce reload time by 15%, move through barbed wire about 40%, reduces the effects of... jeez how much longer... Reduces the effect of concussion and blinding gadgets by 50-70% and can revive downed allies from anywhere on the map. She has the choice of the Spear .308 assault rifle, 6P41 LMG and the SASG shotgun. Her secondaries are the GSH-18 and PMM handguns, with the gadget choice of breach charges and stun grenades. Now, reading that long list you may assume that ol’ Ubisoft would nerf her but no, poor old Lion gets it instead. An incredibly popular operator in both normal gameplay and in the pro leagues, Finka may be a signal of things to come...
Now, in year 2 we had many operators, such as Dokkaebi and Jackal, who would affect other operators, rather than the environment and gameplay however, these never went too far as Mira and Vigil respectively would affect these other things, however, as year 3 begins we get not one, but two operators that directly affect other operators and don’t add anything to the environments the characters interact with, or the gameplay that serves as the foundation for the character interactions. Many people in places such as the subreddit have voiced their concerns on this very issue and so I hope Ubisoft listens to the playerbase and work hand in hand with us as we move into year 3.
Thanks for reading and leave any of your opinions in the comments or in DMs.
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sofridaschars · 4 years
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‧  ˖  ❛     ꒰     💌    ꒱      rainbow six ╱    luhlist.
Eoin “vigil” Byrne - Daniel Sharman  
Elora “valkyrie” Vogel - Lauren German
Sarah Flament - Inbar Lavi
Maja Wiśniewski - Rachel Keller
Cecile “frost” Charpentier - marie avgeropoulos
Kingsley “blackbeard” Graham - David Giuntoli
Altiva “Mira” Messias - Eiza Gonzalez
Zofia “zofia” Refn Höelscher - Scarlett Byrne
Donnatella Haugland - Candice Accola
Ioanna “Gridlock” Borisovna - Caity lotz
Abel “Warden” Sartori - Alvaro Morte
Aimée “Twitch” Chauveau - Sophie Cookson
Laufar “Pulse” Bladwood - Bill Skarsgard
Caecilia “IQ” Colias - Michelle Borth
Dominica “Bandit” Brunsmeier - Priscilla Quintana
Eun Jung “dokkaebi” Bak - im jinah
Bae Sooyeoung “Aruni” Park - Yeri
Natasyia “Finka” Melnikova - Phoebe Tonkin
Ahmed “Wamai” Aziz - Rami Malek
Piero “Maestro” Bianchi - Tom Hardy
Millicient “Blitz” Fischer - Lily Rabe
Leonoro “Kaid” Nguyen - Aiden Turner
Sébastien “Rook” Brodeur - Chris Evans
François “Montagne” Couture - Henry Cavill
Georgina Kateb - Mandy Moore
Maria Guadalupe “Goyo” Sánchez - Ana de Armas
Fayola “Melusi” Buhle - Tessa Thompson
Achilles “Pulse” Rehan - Oliver Stark
Ambrosio “BOTAR O OPERADOR” Caraballo - Oscar Isaac
Émilie “BOTAR O OPERADOR” Delacroix - Hande Ercel
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