cyberrat · 7 months
BONUS Reverse A/B/O Fic
Cole/Hanzo – Alpha!Cole; Omega!Hanzo; small dick Cassidy; small dick humiliation; Omega auction gone wrong; Omegas being the top of the hierarchy and Alphas being just breeders – Hanzo auctioned himself a playmate for some easy fun times but finds out that his new purchase was falsely labeled...
Staring at the crate that his guards carefully carried into his office, Hanzo vaguely remembers a night a couple weeks ago. He’s been horny and drunk back then and had been making the rounds on one of the auction sites on the darker sides of the internet.
It’s made sense at the time; getting himself a down-on-his-luck Omega to spend a few hot, slick-filled nights with and then let them go on their way. A good, clean transaction – at least in his books.
He’s completely forgotten about his purchase, though, and his schedule is filled to the brim today. Still… the soft scratching coming from the inside is too tantalizing to simply ignore.
He steps closer, hands on the warm wood, fingers trailing toward an easy latch on the outside. He pauses, though, finger barely touching the metal as a whiff of something curls out from between the slats of the crate.
What in the…
One of his guards shifts. He’s completely forgotten about the both of them. They stand in the background, their faces clearly showing their curiosity. He couldn’t have that; even without the strange, thick scent curling out from the crate he wouldn’t want them to know his preferences.
Like his enjoyment of plump Omegas that feel so nice and soft when he plays around with them.
“Out. Now.”
The guards stand a bit straighter, then turn on their heels and hurry outside – not daring to take even a second longer than necessary. His temper is legendary after all.
He waits for the door to close with a soft click. Inside the crate, he had been able to hear hurried shuffling; its occupant having crawled toward his voice before they call out: “Hello?”
Nice and deep. Hanzo starts to remember more from that night; the live feed of a tall, hirsute man restlessly making his rounds through the small cell that he had been put into. Nice and muscled and plump.
A sensual shiver runs along his spine. He lightly lets his fingers drum against the wood. “I completely forgot about my little present to myself… I have to apologize,” he murmurs through one of the gaps in the slats, then frowns again and slightly rears back at the scent once again drifting toward him.
His purchase replies haltingly: “I don’t… understand.”
Hanzo likes playing with his partners – but he does not particularly enjoy being deceived. It would be the first time the auction site had let him down…
He grabs the latch and unceremoniously opens the door. The man inside the crate crumples to his feet, brought out of balance after having pressed himself against the wood.
Hanzo stares down at him. He is clean, probably freshly hosed off from where he had been packaged; but the scent cloying almost nauseatingly thick around him is still there and a dead give-away that this is, in fact, not a fellow Omega.
“An Alpha,” he hisses, instantly disgusted. He lifts his foot, the toe of his boot beneath the Alpha’s chin to lift his head up. Despite everything, the man looks relieved. He gathers his limbs beneath himself, ostensibly to stand up.
“Yeah. Finally. I’ve been tellin’ everybody that they’re makin’ a fuckin’ mistake.”
Hanzo narrows his eyes. He kicks the Alpha hard into the shoulder, forcing him to roll around on his back – where he belongs. He puts his foot across his throat to keep him down.
The Alpha stares up at him wide-eyed, lifting his hands in capitulation. “Easy now. I ain’t gonna hurt ya-”
Hanzo snorts. “Funny. You may try but I can guarantee you that it would not end well for you.”
He is disappointed – and quite annoyed. He had been looking specifically for another Omega so he could have some light and easy fun. He does neither have the patience nor the time to train himself an Alpha the way he needs him to be.
There are only so many hours in a day and he can not spend them preparing himself for a uselessly big…
His eyes trail down the Alpha’s body – pleasingly chubby just like he can remember – before pausing and just staring at his genitals.
His brain has trouble processing what his eyes are seeing. The sight is so at odds with what his nose has already found out… he slowly takes his boot from the Alpha’s throat and walks closer to the ridiculously small cock he’s sporting.
He needs to get a better look at it. A different angle.
The Alpha seems to finally notice what has gotten his attention, though, and he quickly shields himself from Hanzo’s view. His hands are big like the rest of his body – well… most of it – so when Hanzo gives one of his wrists a sharp kick and he pulls them away with a soft hiss, it makes his dick look even smaller in comparison.
“What on earth is that supposed to be?” he finally gets out.
Whatever this man is – whoever he is – he still does not seem to grasp his situation.
There’s an angry and embarrassed flicker crossing his face before he starts to get up – only to be cut short by Hanzo casually pulling his firearm and pointing it right at his face while his eyes are still stuck on the most ridiculous Alpha cock he’s ever seen.
“Back down,” he tells him calmly.
The Alpha, finally catching on, slowly lies himself back down, his arms now at his sides. He obviously is one of the dimmer creatures. Idiot studs whose brain has diminished in favor of increasing the size of their cocks. He tells him as much idly while he walks around him, not letting his dick out of sight.
“Though you… you really caught the short end of the stick, did you not? A stupid brute with a… well… it could be called a cock with a lot of good will.” He squats down next to the Alpha. His scent is so strong and potent… he would have bet good money on him being an absolute stud.
Hanzo lowers his gun, hearing the Alpha exhale in relief, only for him to once again tense when Hanzo uses the tip of his weapon to lightly nudge his cock.
The man whimpers.
Hanzo throws him a small glance. “What is your name?” he asks him, already back to paying attention to his dick. It is soft, the shaft having a generous amount of folds, so he will probably grow a little bit once he’s hard… but that girth seems interesting. Nearly wider than it is long. He’s never seen such a pathetically ugly cock.
He shifts a little and is surprised to find his hole growing nice and warm with interest.
“Cassidy… Cole… Cole Cassidy,” the Alpha finally manages to stutter out.
Hanzo hums. He nudges at his cock again with his gun while he thinks. He glances toward his firmly closed doors. His office rooms are, naturally, sound proof. So whatever happens in here…
“I bought you for a purpose. You being an Alpha is not exactly desirable but I suppose this thing here will do. I doubt it would be able to reach deep enough for impregnation.” Hanzo is downright ashamed at how hot he gets from the thought of letting this pathetic Alpha fuck him. His hole clenches hard. He can hear the soft smacking sound once it relaxes again. He’s already wet.
Well shit. It’s been a while since he got this horny this fast.
“If you are a good boy, Cole… I will not hurt you. So keep your hands to yourself and do only what I tell you.” He smiles to himself as he adds with a croon as if saying a sweet little nothing to a lover: “Or I will put a bullet in your head and call it a day.”
He glances up to the Alpha’s face. He’s gone a bit pale beneath his beard but his eyes are glittering.
Hanzo throws a leg over his face, positioning himself in a 69 position above the Alpha.
“Have you understood?” he asks him.
“I… guess so,” Cole replies.
Hanzo lowers his ass onto the Alpha’s face. He’s still fully dressed of course, but he’s horny and he can feel his hole starting to swell for him and his pathetic dicklett… so there’s no doubt he’ll be able to smell it. He drags his ass against Cole’s face, hearing him grunt in confusion and surprise.
His big hands twitch at his sides, ready to grab the Omega before he forces them flat on the ground.
Hanzo smirks to himself. His eyes are on Cole’s cock, watching it with morbid fascination.
Cassidy takes long to finally catch on to what Hanzo is doing. Idiot fucking Alphas. Even the ones with cocks the size of peas seem to have difficulty getting that marble in their skulls to work.
Softly, he can hear him sniff a few times. Hanzo grinds his ass down impatiently, hard enough to probably threaten to break his goddamn nose.
“This is why nobody likes Alphas,” he announces. “You’re all just. So. Dense!” He drags his cunt against Cole’s face until he finally starts to take some nice, deep sniffs of him.
The audacity of having to work to get an Alpha to scent him. The sheer gall they bring to the table. Hanzo can’t help a constant low growl spilling forth. He’s horny and he wants to get mounted and he’s annoyed that that is his current state of being. That he’s getting nice and wet for this ridiculous short cock – that is starting to fill out some now.
Hanzo is stuck watching with rapt attention as the thing twitches and grows. Not much… but at least it gets a couple inches longer until it feels like it might even reach him for a bit of penetration. And god it’s fat!
“This is the ugliest cock I’ve ever seen,” he murmurs; mostly to himself. He doesn’t really consider the Alpha hearing it until there’s a muffled whimper from underneath his ass.
He gets up and turns to thoughtfully look at Cassidy’s face. It’s flushed a ruddy red, his eyes full of confused arousal and hurt. In fact it looks like Hanzo might have given him a bit of a rug burn with the desperate humping of his pants clad ass.
That’s okay.
He notices Cassidy’s eyes straying back toward the gun in his hand, so he lifts it and waves it slightly between the two of them.
“You will mount me now,” he tells him. “You will mount me and you will fuck me with that… thing.” He jerks his chin in the general direction of the small Alpha dick, derision dripping from his words. “And you will not speak about this to anybody. Or…” He lifts the gun higher between them and smiles. “You understand. I don’t want my reputation ruined by people knowing I let that ugly excuse for a cock get inside me.”
God, but he’s hot for it. He’s hot for it. He keeps staring at that squat dicklett as he undresses, his mouth watering like it really wants to be stuffed full of it. By the time he bends down to push his pants to his ankles, he can feel the slick bubbling from his pussy.
He can’t remember the last time he’s been so excited for a mounting. From an Alpha, no less. Fuck, this is humiliating.
Chewing on his tongue, Hanzo turns around and gets on his hands and knees. The wetness is sliding down his inner thighs. He can feel the cool air against it. He doesn’t want to feel the cool air. He wants to feel that hairy heavy body on his back and that ridiculously fat cock spreading his cheeks.
But there’s nobody covering him. In fact, he can’t hear the Alpha at all.
He peers over his shoulder to see Cassidy just staring at him, his mouth soft and open as he subconsciously keeps scenting him in the air, looking for all the world like he has no idea what to do with a prime Omega that is showing him exactly where he can stick that ugly short dick of his.
“Get to it!” he barks. That at least seems to do the trick and Cassidy flinches before hastily starting to get up.
Maybe he is one of those rare Alpha examples that can be taught after all… Hanzo kind of likes the thought of having an Alpha at his beck and call that he can use however he wants to.
Slowly, Cassidy shoves himself over Hanzo’s back. He feels just as hot and satisfying there as he had imagined him to be. His body hair scratches against his skin and his stomach presses against the dip of Hanzo’s spine in the most gratifying way.
He’s breathing heavily; wheezing almost as he awkwardly hunches his sturdy hips forward. Hanzo can just about see them in the reflection of the chrome feet of his furniture. He quickly humps a few times before realizing that he is still far too far away to do anything at all.
Muttering an awkward: “S-Sorry…” he shuffles even more across Hanzo. He’s a big boy; much taller than Hanzo had given him credit for with him having been cowering or lying on the floor the whole time.
By the time he really is in position, he can pretty much hook his chin over Hanzo’s head.
Cassidy’s breathing has gone even deeper. He hunches his hips again; all animalistic reaction to being on the back of a horny Omega. Hanzo can feel him this time; his hopelessly ugly dick pressing between his cheeks. It’s hot and fat – and he wonders all of a sudden what his knot might be like. Whether it is as stupidly small as the rest of his dick or unproportionately fat.
In his mind it is the ugliest knot that could be perceived and the thought has him arch his back down even harder, more slick bubbling from his flushed, swollen cunt. He is so horny for this mounting that it aches. It aches deep in his belly. In his womb.
“Fuck,” he breathes out, sweat starting to pearl on his forehead. Cassidy is a heavy asshole and barely holding his own weight, too preoccupied with the back-and-forth humping of his hips, it seems. “Go on… get in already!”
Cassidy’s heavy, wheezing breaths hitch. His hips pump faster, that fat, sturdy cocklett dragging between Hanzo’s cheeks and kissing up to his hungry pussy in the most infuriatingly tantalizing way. Hell, he can even hear it smacking underneath Cole’s asthmatic gasps. How his cunt, nice-as-you-please, keeps kissing that ugly tip, just trying to lure it in deeper.
“Go on… go on-” he hisses through his teeth. Cassidy has managed to push a bit deeper, giving him just a taste of the stretch that is about to follow- When all motion above him stops and a whining sort of whistling escapes Cassidy’s lungs while hot, gooey cum splashes against Hanzo’s hole.
His unfucked goddamn hole that he wanted to get stretched on the ugliest Alpha cocklet he’s ever seen.
He’s too stunned to speak for a while, his overheating brain having to work through the fact that this idiot Alpha managed to shoot his load no five minutes into a breeding. Before even penetrating him.
“...Sorry…” Cole mutters again, apparently the only word flying around that empty Alpha skull of his. Which is fine in and off itself, but Hanzo is livid. Horny and livid.
He whirls around, a hand on the Alpha’s broad chest pushing him back and toppling him to lie flat on the ground yet again.
Cassidy’s face is still red; maybe from getting to pump out his load with a gorgeous Omega… but probably more accurately, from prematurely pumping said load out before Hanzo got anywhere near where he wanted to be that moment.
“You will be sorry,” Hanzo replies back, voice gone dangerously low and silky.
Cassidy looks worried but when Hanzo grabs his legs and pushes them up, telling him to hold them, he does so without complaint.
Even when Hanzo reaches between his own legs to gather a generous helping of thick Alpha cum on his fingers and smear the mess between his hairy ass cheeks he just grunts softly.
Maybe he understands what is about to happen and that there is no way in Hell that he’ll be able to stop Hanzo from pursuing it… or maybe he has no idea and is just trying to keep up with shit – keep the angry Omega placated in some way shape or form so he wouldn’t kill him after their fucking.
In any case, he remains nice and still as Hanzo gets himself into position and begins to push his dick into the tightest goddamn hole he’s ever felt.
The sensation crawls along his shaft and toward the base of his spine. He closes his eyes briefly, mouth opening on a low groan that is echoed by Cassidy. Is it a groan of pain or surprise?
Hanzo opens his eyes and peers at his face. If anything, the Alpha looks mildly confused and embarrassed; he probably never got fucked by an Omega before-
It’s then, finally, that Hanzo starts to put two and two together. His stomach clenches with hot need. (His womb clenches. He’s so hyper aware of it sitting low in his belly, hot and greedy for this disgusting Alpha.)
“Virgin…” he croons out between clenched teeth. “My fucking God, a virgin Alpha with an ugly little dick got dropped into my lap.”
If Cassidy’s face had been red before, it is nothing compared to the color it takes on now. He inhales shakily, eyes flicking away from Hanzo’s face… oh but his useless little dick… oh, it is twitching in the mess he made. His cum is smeared everywhere at it is still twitching and excited for the humiliation.
“I’ll teach you how to fuck,” Hanzo tells him, voice trembling and ominous sounding. “I’ll fuck that precious little Alpha flower of yours until you can manage to squeeze your ugly dicklett into my pussy. I’ll make you take it as long and as often as you need to figure out how to make that useless thing work. You’ll be the best fucked Alpha on the planet by the time I’m done with you. You understand? Huh?”
His hips are snapping, fucking into the hot, confused clench of the Alpha’s body until the cum he used as lube is starting to froth.
It only gets him angrier. That his body is responding to the scent of Alpha cum like it is starved for it. That what he really wants to do is turn around again and wave his pussy in Cassidy’s face until he mounts again and again and again, trying to stick that disgusting Alpha cock into him.
God and the sounds he makes as he’s getting fucked for all that he’s worth; hiccuping, low grunts, fingers digging desperately into the legs he holds up like a good boy.
His whole body is moving; just like Hanzo likes. Just as he hoped it would when he still thought he’d be an Omega and that he could fool around with him before sending him on his merry way. His belly is jiggling. His tits are jiggling. It is absolutely mesmerizing.
He’ll be reeking of him like a  bitch by the time he’s done with him… but he’ll have to deal with it. Everybody will have to deal with it.
Because now he’s got a new pet project.
He’s got a pet Alpha.
One that flushes like the virgin he is while he gets fucked in the ass by an Omega. Hanzo leans forward, hands on the backs of Cassidy’s legs, forcing them closer toward his chest until he is wheezing again.
His dicklett looks ridiculous between his meaty thighs. Hanzo feels himself getting obsessed with it. He wishes he could lean down and suck on the ugly thing while he fucks Cole’s cunt into a soft, frothy mess.
“I should not have been surprised,” he murmurs with a low voice, gaze boring into Cole’s face, forcing him to look at him without having to grab that beard of his. “Who would let himself get bred by such a small thing? It is no wonder people have mistaken you as an Omega with a particularly ugly dick. You should be thankful for the opportunity. Say it. Thank me for fucking your virgin ass after you unloaded your nasty little clit dick on my perfect ass.”
Cole’s dark eyes look watery. He’s overwhelmed by the situation – probably still wondering if Hanzo is going to put a bullet in his head after everything is said and done… and so confused by his body’s reaction. So eager. So needy.
He inhales as much as he can, then stutters out: “Th-thank you… ah… f-fuck-”
His eyes flutter closed. He drops his head back with a thump, his fingers trembling on his legs. Hanzo has slightly shifted his angle and is probably pushing right against his prostate.
Hanzo has a nice cock, after all. With a good length and a nice bit of girth and an upward tick that is almost designed to massage those sweet little spots.
Certainly leagues above this pathetic Alpha dick. He tells him as much, and Cassidy hiccups out a low moan before saying repeating, unprompted and with much more feeling: “Thank you.”
Hanzo hates it. Hates it, hates it, hates it. How his body reacts to this stinking Alpha being so submissive and sweet and letting him insult him without any ifs ands or buts. He hates how his cunt feels so needy and empty and the slick is bubbling out again without any hopes of this pathetic cocklett satisfying him today.
So instead he puts all that frustration into fucking his virgin pussy. He grits his teeth and furrows his brows, grunt fucking into Cassidy because he can take it. He’s sturdy and jiggles in all the right places and god, even his ugly cock is bouncing. Has it gone hard again? It is so difficult to tell. This pathetic… ridiculous… thing-
Hanzo throws his head back, heat rushing through his body and out of his twitching cock. His toes are curling. Maybe he’s wailing too, it’s difficult to tell through the rush of blood in his ears. He could see himself singing all those sweet orgasmic Omega songs because apparently he’s lost all sense of dignity today.
He can’t believe how good this nasty Alpha feels on his dick. He can’t believe how easy it was to get him under his heel.
By the time he groggily blinks his eyes open, Cole is just lying there, panting, exhausted from his awkward little premature orgasm he’s had.
Though… he pumped out a lot. A nice fat load. Fuck, I didn’t even look for his knot.
Next time. Oh, next time he will. There are so many things he wants to do to this Alpha.
He’s spent so much money on him. He’ll get it’s worth out of him.
Every single yen.
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apocalypseafic · 9 months
I JUST HAD A GREAT IDEA for a Smoke x Reptile OmegaVerse where they’re both omegas who agree that they don’t need an Alpha and ~_•
@sugarcubeshark what do u think ???
41 notes · View notes
mavrintarou · 10 months
[2:18 PM] Miya Osamu A/B/O
Hello - sorry for temporarily abandoning you all. I've been needing lots of motivation to finish WYE. Thought in the meantime, I could get reinspired again... and this is what I got. Completely smutty alpha Osamu.
Warning: My A/B/O works are never safe for work... completely explicit content that I'm wondering what is wrong with me lol. If you're new, do check out the other HQ and JJK A/B/O works too in my masterlist. .
Osamu sighed for the millionth time, running a hand through his gray mane. His dark brown-black roots were beginning to grow longer each day lately he has not cared to touch up the artificial color.
His mind has been preoccupied with Y/l/n Y/f/n.
Every second, minute, and hour of the day.
He has been making minor mistakes throughout the day, making his employees concerned.
His second in command had to kick him out, telling him to take a couple of days off.
“I can sort of detect your pheromones. Are going into a rut soon?” Hanzo asked, he is an alpha too.
Osamu groaned, losing track of his cycle. “Yeah, I’m due for it.” He stood up, “I should hurry and get out of here before I make the rest of you guys uncomfortable. Please take care of the restaurant for me, Hanzo.”
Hanzo saluted and watched his boss slip out the back door.
Osamu groaned as he ejaculated all over his hand for the second time. He barely made it through his apartment doors when he pulled his straining cock out to find relief.
His breath is uneven and he stumbled straight into the bathroom to wash his hands before searching for his medications. It felt different, stronger, and uncontrollable this time around.
His eyes widened when the cartridge was empty.
He couldn’t go out, shouldn’t go out when he couldn’t control his pheromone at the moment.
Osamu let out a deep breath, “I’ll be okay without them, I did fine last time.” The tiny voice in his head whispered, yeah, before you met Y/n.
His body was heating up, he fumbled to strip his black shirt off, tossing it on the ground as he stumbled into his bedroom. Immediately searched for the few clothing items she had left over at his place. The lightbulb in his head lit up when he remembered she tossed her worn dirty clothes in his hamper a few days ago. “Ah,” he sighed in relief and brought her panties to his nose, inhaling deeply.
His fist wrapped around his cock again and began pumping fast.
He needed Y/n.
Only her.
His cum shot out, dripping off his hand and onto the floor.
“’Samu?” He lifted his head, her panties still smothered against his nose. Was he hallucinating by seeing Y/n stand in the doorway?
He’s finally gone mad.
Osamu lifted one hand out towards her, his eyes hooded as he tried to focus them on her. “Y/n….” He sensed her hesitating and stumbled to stand back on his feet. His cock was still hard even after cumming three times, it bounced against his happy trail of hair. It was now thicker and longer than before. He was excited to see his Y/n. “Y/n… please… I need you.” His feet stumble as if he was drunk.
“Osamu,” she murmured, “you – you’re in your rut cycle…” her breathing became rugged as his pheromone began affecting her.
“I need – I need you…” he begged, “you’re the only one… I only want you… you my omega.”
Y/n flinched, choking on her breath as her body began to heat up. She gripped a hand over her heart, trying to control her breathing. “N – no…” Her knees trembled as she tried to press her thighs tightly together. The ache between her legs intensifies by the second. “’Samu…” she looked up and Osamu’s brown eyes were now golden-yellow, an obvious sign an alpha is in a full-blown rut.
“Y/n, my love,” he smiled, his voice full of sweetness, “my omega, right?” He cupped her cheek, his eyes shutting at skin-to-skin contact. He opened his eyes, “my omega, right, Y/n?”
She gripped his wrist, feeling his pheromone seeping through her skin. “Ye – yes… yours…”
“My what?”
Her other hand reached out to wrap around his cock, “your omega. I am your omega, alpha.”
His arm is around her tiny waist, tugging her against his chiseled body. Osamu’s mouth is on hers, tongue slipping past her lips to dance with hers. Her sweet moans ring like a melody and he wants to hear it for the rest of his life.
Osamu hoists Y/n up, carrying her to his bed. He set her back on her feet and began undressing her. His fingers working at a speed she couldn’t even keep track of which piece was coming off.
“’Samu,” she called his name softly, “I’m not going anywhere…” She placed a palm over his beating heart, feeling it thump. She released her pheromone and immediately felt him relax.
“More,” his voice is low and rough, he inhaled deeply.
Her pheromone mixed with his, creating a new euphoric ambiance.
“Ah!” Y/n gripped Osamu’s shoulders, being lifted off her feet again as he carried her to the middle of his bed. He gently placed her down on her back before pulling the remaining of his pants and boxer off.
Each time Osamu breathed, his cock twitched.
Y/n lift herself upward and reached for his cock, wrapping both hands around it and stroking it. “It’s bigger… than usual.” She glanced up at him with doe-like eyes, “will… it fit?”
The first time she took Osamu’s cock, she was nearly expanded beyond her imagination. It took a few times before her pussy finally molded to fit his cock.
The hint of pride was evident on Osamu’s smile, “it will fit, you were meant for me. You were meant to take my cock and you will take my knot too.”
“I’ve never been knotted before,” her statement was innocent but it was fuel to rile up Osamu. He was even more eager than ever to knot her at that moment.
His fingers brushed her hair out of the way before tilting her chin, “I will knot you as many times over until you become pregnant.” Something flickered in her eyes and Osamu pressed her onto her back, anchoring her petite small omega body beneath his large alpha body. “You are mine, Y/n, my omega… mine to fuck, to love, and to breed over and over… right?”
She bit down on her lower lip.
“Submit to me, Y/n,” he growled with a quiet but soft tone. “Say you’re mine to fuck, love, and breed.” His hand reached between her legs, and three of his thick fingers breached and penetrated her. Her tight walls hugged his fingers and he released more of his pheromone, instantly feeling her relax. They began thrusting in and out of her pussy, soaking his fingers to his knuckles before he slipped a fourth finger, making sure to stretch her wide for his rutted cock.
“Yes,” she murmured, her eyes shut as she fully submitted.
Osamu smiled widely, pecking her lips, “open your eyes and say it, tell me what I want to hear. Tell your alpha what he wants to hear…”
Her pussy clenched around his fingers hearing him speak in such a way. Her eyes opened and she gazed directly into his, her hand cupping his face. “I’m yours… yours to fuck… to love…”
“And breed?” He questioned, the tip of his nose trailing along her neck as he inhaled her scent emitted more sweetness than usual now that she had fully submitted to him. “I will breed you tonight, Y/n, take my word for it. You will never leave my home now without my scent on you, everyone will know you are mine.” His teeth bared, hovering over the sweat glands. “I will mark you mine for eternity. I will make you pregnant by the end of the night.” Her pussy fluttered around his fingers, and he pulled them out, coating her essence on his cock. “Answer me, Y/n.”
“Yes, breed me. Mark me… I’m yours. All yours.” She lifted her hip, “fuck me, ‘Samu… I need you…”
Osamu grabbed his aching cock and pressed it to her pulsing entrance before thrusting fully deep inside her. His head is thrown back as he groans her name. “Fuck, you’re so tight… so tight for me.” His fingers gripped her waist as his hips began moving in a steady rhythm.
His eyes lazily gaze down, mesmerized at how his thick cock would appear and disappear in her sweet pussy. Because it was his rut-cock, his size was enormous than usual, allowing him to see a visible outline where his cock was nestling inside of her. This was his first time seeing her belly bulge form from his cock.
Osamu admit he had a thick and long cock, and during his rut cycle, the size increased twice as much. He enjoyed watching his past partners struggle to take him and get off from the size of his cock. His size kink increased until he met Y/n.
She was the smallest of his partners. Rather than finding joy and excitement like he normally would, Osamu was nervous that Y/n wouldn’t be able to take his size. She struggled to take his cock the first time even when he took it slow and tried to be as gentle as possible. Though she was in pain, she still encouraged him to continue. Osamu had never felt the unfamiliar spark in his heart for someone until her.
She was the first person he held afterward, refusing to let her leave. When he woke up, she was gone with no trace at all. He did not know where to even start to search for her. They had encountered each other at one of those weekend events that alphas and omegas attended to search for their next cycle partner.  
Osamu couldn’t take his eyes off her when she entered the room with two other girls. Her hair was in a high bun and she wore a simple dress that came down to her knees. They finally made eye contact from across the room and she winked at him before looking away.
That was Osamu’s cue to make the move.
He attended the next event, in hopes of running into her again but he was let down by the end of the night.
Weeks later he succumbed to a deep despair. His employees tipped toed around him, feeling like he was a ticking time bomb. No one knew what to do or how to help their boss.
Until their blessing entered the shop…
The onigiri slipped from Osamu’s hand and everyone stared at him confused and before anyone could ask him what was wrong, he was out of the kitchen. They all scurried after him and peeked through the curtains to see what startled him.
Standing before their boss was a pretty omega, staring at him with the same shocked expression. Her expression softened and she smiled, “hey, you.”
Osamu truly believed Y/n was his fated partner. She had been looking for him as well.
“I regretted leaving, I’ve never experienced such emotions and left my heart with you that night.” She cupped his face later that day, bringing him in for a deep kiss. “I don’t want to be without you again.”
They got to get to know one another, the proper way. Osamu took her out on dates and after the fourth one, he officially asked her out.
He was dying by the second as she teased him, contemplating on his offer before saying yes.
“Only if you make me cum,” she teased against his lips.
And he did, thrice.
“’Samu,” Y/n mewed, grabbing his wrists. Osamu is a master of her body, inside and out. He knew when she was ready to cum. “’Samu… please.”
“You ready to cum, baby?” he cooed, fastening his pace. He spread her legs wider, pushing her knees into the mattress. He shifted over her, slamming his cock deep and hard, his room echoing with skin on skin. He had control over her body, he has trained her to only cum on his command. Her walls began to tighten around his cock and her moans amplifies. “Okay, you can cum… cum for me…”
As soon as her pussy wall tightens and trembles around his cock, his cock explodes, shooting his thick load of seed into her womb.
He withdraws gently, watching his seed gush out like a waterfall instantly. Osamu quickly flipped her over, shifting her lower body upward. His cock is impaling her once again.
“’Samu – oh! Wait…” Y/n reached a hand behind to push against his abdomen but it was futile. He gripped her hips tightly, pounding into her from behind at a faster speed than seconds ago.
He leaned forward, his large frame easily towering over her. He licked her shoulder blade up to the sweet gland that was now emitting a heady aroma, one that was causing his mouth to water.
Osamu’s hands found her small ones and he threaded his fingers through hers, “need to mark you…”
Though he just came, he was ready for a second round. He spread her thighs wider, angling her so that he could reach her cervix. He groaned when the tip of his cock pushed against the secret opening of her cervix. “Need to knot… need to knot my omega…”
The cervix opening had the ability to stimulate the tip of an alpha’s cock. The tip becomes redder, and thicker to be able to lock the potent seed in the womb to ensure breeding was successful.
To prove, Osamu winced when the tip of his cock enlarges, he felt every ridge of Y/n’s pussy walls.
Y/n felt it herself, she whimpered into his pillow, her thighs widening and hips lifted to find comfort in the bulbous tip enlarging inside of her. She can feel it poking her cervix entrance, simulating and forcing entry.
As soon as the tip broke the barrier and her cervix opened allowing entrance, his knot inflated and filled her womb. Osamu took the opportunity to sink his teeth into her skin, over the sweet gland, breaking the skin so his essence could now mix with hers.
This will tie her forever to him.
It is natural her body will fight against him, he quickly shifted them onto their side, lifting her leg over his to keep pressure off the knot. His cock was still ejaculating, filling her womb beyond its limit. Glancing over, he can see her lower belly bulging almost as if she was already pregnant.
“Shh, it's okay,” he cooed, he licked her mark to cool the broken skin. He released his pheromone to calm her down.
Once mated, an alpha’s pheromone can provide more than before. It is the only medicine that will help their omega.
Her whimpers quieted down but she hugged his arm tightly. “It hurts…” she murmured, “too much…”
“I know, baby. I know. I’m sorry. You will get used to it. Only you can handle my knot. Only you…” He kissed her temple. They lay there in silence, just enjoying the quietness of each other’s breathing. “I love you.” He had yet to speak those words to her, but he felt this was a perfect time to tell her. “I think I have loved you from the first time I met you.”
Y/n kissed his bicep, “I love you too, Miya Osamu.” The romantic moment was ruined when his hand began to fondle her breast. She playfully slapped his hand but it remained, he squeezed them, sending a jolt down to her pussy. “Stop…”
Osamu groaned, feeling her squeezing around his sensitive cock. “I didn’t get to give them attention today,” he reached to cup the other side, flickering her perky nipple.
“Leave my small tits alone,” she demanded, yet moaning and squirming under his touch.
His knot had slightly deflated but she was still extremely uncomfortable from being plugged up with his cum.
“I love your small tits,” he kissed her neck, making sure to lick her mark. “It’s my third favorite thing about you.”
“Yep, first is your face, second is your pussy and third are your small tits.”
Y/n burst out laughing. “Well, I hear they do get bigger… once I become pregnant.”
One of Osamu’s hand slides down her front and rest against her bulging belly. “Yes, I promised I’ll breed you until you’re pregnant.” He tugged her closer, spooning her small frame. “They will get bigger with milk for you to feed me.”
“You?” she laughed.
“Well, one side, the baby will have to share one side with me.”
Weeks later, she found out she was expecting twins.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to eat your pussy while you breastfeed them.”
. . .
>>> @queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
E/n: he sooooo nasty I love it.
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Closed - Stressed
Well he wasn't sure what he expected. The suppressants weren't taking as well as they use to and he could tell his own scent was coming through now. He had to figure out how to do his damn job with this stupid monthly cycle hanging over his head! He stared at his reflection in the mirror for a long time. The dark rings under his eyes, and the paleness of his skin. He was small even for an omega, but he was far stronger. He worked hard to compete with the alphas and betas in Overwatch. He was NOT going to let his heat ruin that.
So he threw back another handful of the suppressants and started his day.
After the mission however he felt even worse. He felt hazed, and it was hard to not be tired. While everyone else was enjoying a meal and talking about their take downs, Jol was sitting quietly, resting onto his forearm. Even as his master, Hanzo slapped him on the back and praised his timing on the improving of his aim. He just nodded, forcing out a smile before getting up to get some air. Fuck he was in trouble. Everything hurt, he was stressed to the brink, and he was still going to have to figure out what he was going to do about his suppressants.
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ivymarquis · 1 year
Intro + Masterlist
Hi! I’m Ivy and I have been known to write things on occasion. 
27 | Sapphic | Lover of dark content
I have a penchant for writing about scary men (+ women!), and am not opposed to writing smutty and/or dark content. Because of that, this blog is strictly 18+.
Minors + ageless blogs will be blocked
Dark content **is** placed under a cut for those of you who don’t wish to see it!!
Requests are currently ||open for snippets|| (pls check ((rules)) and ((F-List)) before sending requests!
Masterlist Key:
⚠️= Dark | ✨= Smut | ❗❗= Angst | ⚪ = Consensual |  ⚫ = Dub Con | 🔴 = Non Con | ✔️ = Completed Series | ⭕ = WIP Series
**UTD as of 6/5/23; Check the “my writing” tag to see if Ive posted anything that hasn’t been added to the list yet :)
Kinktober 2023 masterlist here!
Unspecified male OW!character x Reader
Heat Stroke He was a furnace and a cuddle monster- a trait you’d greatly appreciated when you’d started sleeping (as in, literally sleeping) with him in the winter. Now? The temperatures were rising and his grip was borderline suffocating at night.
Gabriel Reyes/Reaper
Gabriel throat fucking Reader   ✨⚪ Free use throat fucking kink
Kinktober Day 6 (2018)  ✨⚪ Daddy | Corset
Kinktober Day 7 (2018) ✨⚫ Praise Kink | Aphrodisiacs
Kinktober Day 10 (2018)  ✨⚪ Wax Play | Hair Pulling
Incubus!Reaper Gabriel has something to tell you. Hopefully he doesn’t have a secret wife.
Gabriel Reyes vs 2-year-old toddler Gabriel underestimates the power of a nap
Daddy kink headcanon Tis what it says on the tin. Reyes’ reaction to their s/o having a daddy kink
Reaper teaching his S/O how to kiss Tis what it says on the tin
Moira O’Deorain
Kinktober Day 2 (2018)  ✨⚪ Medical Play | Begging
Kinktober Day 11 (2018)  ✨⚪ Aphyxiation | Object Insertion
Moira with an affectionate S/O Headcanons of Moira with an S/O who enjoys showing random affection
Looks Can Be Deceiving  ✨⚪ Moira thinks you’d look adorable squealing underneath her.
Birdy   ⚠️✨🔴 Moira’s in rut and has plans for you.
Daddy Part of your self-appointed job as Moira’s girlfriend was to annoy her on occasion.
Us  ❗❗ You can’t overlook this.
Chocolate Kisses  ✨⚪ You agree to go on a date with Moira
Problem Solving  ✨⚪ You take control when Moira gets too stressed out.
Jack Morrison/Soldier 76** ** F!Reader fics written prior to announcement of Jack’s sexuality
Daddy kink headcanon Tis what it says on the tin. Jack’s reaction to their s/o having a daddy kink
Brat Tamer!76  ✨⚪ You weren’t acting out because you’d missed him. Definitely
Sleeping Dogs Lie  ⚠️✨🔴 Jack just wants to make you happy
Movie Night  ✨⚪ Jack starts seeing a new mother and develops some new kinks as a result.
Hang Ups  ✨⚪ Jack moves past his hang ups.
Stealth  ⚠️✨🔴 You’re not nearly as stealthy as you think you are.
Cole Cassidy** ** Older fics refer to Jesse McCree, pre name change
Kinktober Day 1 (2018)  ✨⚪ Smiles/Laughter | Deep Throating
Demon!Hanzo x Werewolf!McCree x F! Reader  ✨⚫ You decide to summon a demon and there are some… unintended consequences
Nap Time It’s just a fact that boobs make the best pillows
Gratitude  ✨⚪ Jesse shows his gratitude to his sweetpea getting a tattoo themed after him
Welcome Home, Baby  ✨⚪ Jesse comes home
Daddy kink headcanon Tis what it says on the tin. Cassidy’s reaction to their s/o having a daddy kink
Trying for a baby with his wife headcanons Tis what it says on the tin
Genji Shimada
Late Bloomer (I) (II)  ✨⚪✔️ Genji’s precious beta is actually an omega- one whose heat hits her like a freight train.
Dragon!Genji x Reader  ✨⚪ You’re ready to carry your lover’s eggs
Bother  ✨⚪ You figured Genji wouldn’t care for a second if your cousin was visiting. As it turned out, he cared very much.
Stay  ✨⚪ Genji hasn’t been with anyone since his near death experience. Then you join blackwatch.
Playground You and Genji go to a playground
Kitten Play  ✨⚪ Being a well respected professional in your work life is fine and all, but there’s comfort in handing the reins over to someone else.
Genji w/ S/O who struggles with penetration  ✨⚪ Tis what it says on the tin
Idol Genji has his own way of wishing you good luck for your concerts- This has unintended consequences.
Hanzo Shimada
Demon!Hanzo x Werewolf!McCree x F! Reader  ✨⚫ You decide to summon a demon and there are some… unintended consequences
Daddy kink headcanon Tis what it says on the tin. Hanzo’s reaction to their s/o having a daddy kink
Sugar  ⚠️ You just got cold feet is all
Incorrigible  ✨⚪ You’re an incorrigible tease when you want to be.
Hanzo x Reader  ✨⚪ You let Hanzo tie you up like a thanksgiving turkey
Candy Hanzo has some concerns about all the reader's candy
Trying for a baby with his wife headcanons Tis what it says on the tin
Kinktober Day 3 (2018)  ✨⚪ Sensory Deprivation | Edgeplay
Aleksandra Zaryanova
Zarya + Chubby!Reader Self love is important, but can be hard
Akande Ogundimu
Phone Etiquette Akande knows how to make a boring business call much more interesting.
See Something You Like? You notice when Akande starts timing his workouts to match with yours.
Wilhelm Reinhardt
Sugar Daddy!Reinhardt Headcanons of sugar daddy Reinhardt
Lucio Correia dos Santos
Trying for a baby with his wife headcanons Tis what it says on the tin
Far Cry 5
Jacob Seed
Apex Predator (I) ⚠️⭕ The Deputy has a secret, and Jacob makes it his mission to bring her to heel
What You Want  (I) (II) (III) ⚠️✨🔴»⚫ ✔️ Jacob learns the deputy is his mate and sets out to subdue her
Quality Over Quantity (I) (II)  ✨⚪✔️ Jacob ensures the continuation of the Chosen’s line
Happy  ✨⚪ She was content with her place in the middle of the pack. Then Jacob took notice of her.
All Good Things He's been sweet on her ever since she propositioned him back in Missouri
Better Late than Never Pushing 50, Jacob had figured years ago his dreams of a wife and kids weren’t happening
Unrequited ❗❗ Not sure I’ll ever actually finish this- Jacob is in love with the deputy, but marries one of the women in the cult after the deputy marries John
Kinktober Day 4 (2018) ✨⚪ Spanking | Spit Roasting
Kinktober Day 8 (2018)  ✨⚪ Hate Fucking/Angry Sex | Fisting
Illness The Deputy gets sick in the cages
Can’t Sleep Jacob's insomnia is not new- when the Reader can't sleep, he offers a potential solution
Good With Kids John gives commentary on Jacob's baby-handling skills
“You smell like wet dog” Fluffy one-off where Reader informs Jacob he needs a bath.
Love Language Tis what it says on the tin
Favorite Kinks Tis what it says on the tin
John Seed
Baptism of Blood  ⚠️ John finally has a willing soul to cleanse
Kinktober Day 5 (2018)  ⚠️✨⚪ Sadism/Masochism | Blood/Gore
Love Language Tis what it says on the tin
Favorite Kinks Tis what it says on the tin
Joseph Seed
Love Language Tis what it says on the tin
Favorite Kinks Tis what it says on the tin
Faith Seed
Love Language Tis what it says on the tin
Favorite Kinks Tis what it says on the tin
Eli Palmer
Kinktober Day 4 (2018) ✨⚪   Spanking | Spit Roasting
Kinktober Day 9 (2018)  ✨⚪ Titfucking | Lingerie
Call Of Duty
Simon Ghost Riley
Simon’s Spotify Playlist Don’t ask me for anyone else’s lol. He’s the only one who gets one.
Spoiled  ✨⚪ Spoiled the thought flashes across his head. Course it doesn’t help that he’s utterly whipped. He’ll give you anything you ask for just because you want it.
Bonded ❗❗ You and Simon are caught off guard during a mission
SS: Overstim Tis what it says on the tin
John Price
Blind Date John goes on a blind date. It goes well
John Soap MacTavish
Steel Magnolia Soap falls head over heels for the base’s fire breathing preceptor
Character Study: Honey
Kyle Gaz Garrick
Under My Skin Your situationship uncomplicates itself on a rainy night
SS: Pregnancy Risk Not only does König not care that it's not safe to finish inside- that's kinda the point.
Platonic Reader + 141
The B.A.G. Coalition You accidentally spill the beans on why Graves can’t get a date
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Day 19: Hyperemesis Gravidarum
For Hanzo.
Kuai Liang sighed. He summoned as much strength as he could, reached up, and flushed the toilet.
For Hanzo. He deserves…
His stomach lurched as he pushed himself away. Smelling the thick bile was hard enough. If he had to see it go down, he wouldn’t be able to eat for the rest of the week.
Kuai Liang pushed himself back until he hit the wall, then rested against the cool tile. It felt so nice against his clammy skin. It felt so nice to rest. He only needed a moment. His throat was sore, his stomach felt watery and he was so tired.
He was so tired.
When he opened his eyes, he did feel a bit better. It was dark in the bathroom and there was a blanket over him.
Kuai Liang removed the blanket and slowly rose. The room was saturated with his Alpha’s pheromones. While that usually soothed Kuai Liang, right now, it made him unsettled. Anxious. Dizzy.
He just needed to get to bed. As apprehensive as he still felt about sleeping in a bed, he knew that if Hanzo found him sleeping outside of the bed, he wouldn’t let it go. Kuai Liang felt like enough of a problem already.
He entered their bedroom, where the smell of Hanzo only grew stronger, a bouquet of strength and tenderness and warmth and…
Too much. Too many different smells, making his stomach lurch.
“My treasure.” Hanzo’s voice was a heavy murmur as his arms came around Kuai Liang, guiding him to their bed.
Almost. He should have known. Hanzo’s omnipresence was something he'd never escape, now that they were bound together through a bite.
And this thing inside him.
“I am fine,” Kuai Liang insisted hoarsely. His throat ached with every vibration of his vocal cords and his stomach begged him to stop talking.
Hanzo’s frown deepened. “Yes, I know.”
He sat on the bed, easing Kuai Liang next to him. “I know that you can forgo eating for quite a long time. My concern is for our child.”
He pulled Kuai Liang’s face against his neck. “How long has this been going on?”
“A few days.”
“Kuai Liang.”
“If you know the answers, why do you patronize me with your questions?” The cryomancer asked, standing.
He wanted to be on the bed. Every day that he spent… like this… made him give in more and more to his desire to just be somewhere warm and soft.
But not in front of Hanzo. He was worried enough about this child. Kuai Liang could handle himself. He wouldn’t add to his Alpha’s troubles.
“I can prepare some tea,” Hanzo offered.
His brow furrowed in concern as Kuai Liang turned with his hand over his mouth. “Or perhaps we should retire for the evening.”
“Yes,” Kuai Liang agreed, fighting the heartburn crawling up his chest.
He clutched his throat and gave a low sigh. There was nothing in his stomach, but he couldn’t risk getting sick in bed. As comfortable as it looked… it wasn’t worth it. No one would bother him on the floor.
He touched the duvet. When he slept on the floor, he didn’t deserve to have such nice bedding. But there was a pull in his body. An itch at the thought of not having it that was irritating and confusing. He didn’t belong in the bed but Hanzo’s child deserved some comfort.
Hanzo watched Kuai Liang’s fingers move across the duvet. He needed sleep. He needed to eat, but the sour scent that clung to him explained why he didn’t bother. Hanzo could see his mind working. Kuai Liang was his Omega. His pregnant Omega, no matter how uncomfortable the adage made him feel. The only thing a pregnant Omega should concern themselves with was their child.
The sickness Kuai Liang was struggling with had gone on for weeks now. Chiyoko warned them of morning sickness but he was feeling ill at all times of day. His body was going into overdrive, trying to mask the acidity of his scent with a cloying perfume that got the attention of every Alpha he passed.
The looks told Hanzo that it wasn’t normal. He wasn’t allowed to be near Harumi during her pregnancy, though he obsessed over every stray whiff of her that he caught. He didn’t know much but he knew that his wife loved being pregnant. Kuai Liang refused to even say the word.
Another curse put on him by yet another Alpha.
Enough. Hanzo finally tore the duvet off the bed and tossed their pillows and sheets to the floor. Kuai Liang watched, though the bitter ash of anger was weakly emitting through his pheromones.
“It is fine if you wish to sleep here but only on the condition that you nest first,” he insisted.
Relief touched the cryomancer’s shoulders as he lowered his crossed arms and took a pillow. His nesting still left much to be desired but Hanzo waited patiently as he established the area and set to work. His nest was large and empty, bare in some spots, overflowing with poorly folded sheets in others. He looked at Hanzo expectantly, yet another thing the Alpha was getting used to.
Nesting was an Omega thing. An Alpha’s approval in the matter should mean nothing to them.
“It’s perfect, my treasure.” Hanzo answered with admiration and love, as he always did. “May I enter?”
Kuai Liang nodded, as he always did, and allowed Hanzo to embrace him. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for building it for us.” He wasn’t sure if his Omega heard him; he was falling against Hanzo far too easily. He pulled Kuai Liang closer and eased them into a more comfortable position.
Getting him to eat would be his next task. But for now, rest would do them both good.
Hanzo fell asleep to the drone of Kuai Liang purring against his chest, but it wasn’t long before the feeling was gone and the sound was replaced by a heavy coughing fit.
He opened his eyes and saw his Omega sitting up, doubled over with his hand over his mouth.
“Shh, shh, come,” Hanzo whispered. He tried to pull Kuai Liang along but he refused to budge. He thought for a moment, then pushed the coughing man down on his left side and rubbed his back. “This is your nest. You are safe here. If you need to make a mess here, it's fine.”
He waited for Kuai Liang to recover from the dry heaving before getting a damp washcloth and wiping his face and his mouth. The washcloth felt amazing and the opportunity to rinse out his mouth was one he hadn’t thought to take.
“Thank you,” he rasped.
“You're so ill that there is nothing to expel,” Hanzo sighed. “When was your last meal?”
Kuai Liang had no intention of answering that question. But then Hanzo pulled his head against his chest and started stroking his hair and he felt such relief that he would have confessed anything to keep it going. “I– I had a glass of milk some time ago…”
He wondered if Hanzo always smelled this good, if his pheromones were always so warm and enticing. He grabbed Hanzo’s waist and pulled him so close that he could barely breathe. Hanzo was his air. His pheromones were all the food Kuai Liang needed.
It had been so long since he felt such peace. He wondered why he ran from this.
Hanzo sighed again and kept stroking his Omega’s hair. Kuai Liang’s purr was almost deafening and it was lulling his Alpha into a sinking slumber. If this was how his family needed to rest, Hanzo would facilitate it.
For now.
The sun invaded the nest and forced Kuai Liang to open his eyes. The canopy was too thin, he realized.
He wasn’t surprised that Hanzo wasn't there, but it didn't make the hollowness of sudden solitude any easier. He rolled over, preparing to stand.
But the entire room rolled with him.
But as quickly as the nausea came, it dissipated. And he smelled something new.
Something light. Sweet. Marshmallows? He immediately purred and heard a chuckle over him as someone rubbed his back and continued flooding him with these safe, sweet pheromones.
“You have hyperemesis, my dear. Likely hyperemesis gravidarum,” came the whisper of a familiar voice. “Hanzo told me that you can barely move without feeling sick. We just need to get you hydrated…”
Hanzo’s pheromones made him feel sick but Chiyoko’s were filling his body with simple joy and awarmth. A small smile. Short hair. He was small and she was so warm…
“You… smell…”
“I hope it is a comfort to you,” She said softly. “You and the beautiful child we’re all waiting to meet.”
“It’s… killing me…” he murmured.
“I’m sure it feels that way,” she said, helping him stand. “But I know you are much stronger than you credit yourself for.”
“My strength… is in fighting. Killing,”
“Your view of yourself will change once your little one opens their eyes and sees you for the first time.”
He didn't argue with her as she led him out of their room. Nothing that carried his cursed bloodline could be good. The very thought brought his stomach to his throat.
“You will recover.”
Kuai Liang looked up and saw Hanzo, as fierce, determined, and confident as ever. “And our family will be complete.”
Despite himself, Kuai Liang smiled. It was a dangerous thought, but one that settled his stomach at least for the moment.
My family will be complete.
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deadbydad · 10 months
I am writing a Subscorp and Jinkeda A/B/O fic rn. It's a gift for my friend @thelovelywarriorsheart for always just being a great friend and being super helpful and they're just a wonderful person and I do hope they enjoy this gift!
The plot is that Hanzo and Kuai watch Kaida for a few nights while Jin and Takeda go deal with Takedas heat. But during this babysitting gig, Hanzo and Kuai both realize they might want a pup of their own.
Kung Jin and Hanzo are Alphas, Takeda and Kuai are both Omegas.
Kaida is Takeda and Jin's pup.
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wolfasketch · 8 months
Tumblr media
Ohmigosh, actually OW Shapeshifter AU lore and not OC related stuff?? Okay, now to be serious.
Echo Rank: Omega(Ω) Animal: Hummingbird Status: Ex. Waterhole Flock, Morrison Clan Info: Traveled with Jesse for a bit(after he left Gabe) Joined the Flock after the first visit Ends up rejoining Jesse the same time Winston joins Morrison Clan
Illari Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: Black Jaguar Status: Wanderer/Traveler Info: Last of her Clan Can be found near the Tropical Dessert
Junker Queen Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: African Wild Dog Status: Ex. Traveler, Junker Pack 2.0 Info: Exiled from the first pack Rebuilt the pack near Roadhog and Junkrat
Kiriko Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Fox Status: Ex. Shimada Clan, Wanderer/Traveler Info: Healer & Fighter Left Shimada Clan after Genji's 'death' and Hanzo went 'missing' Lived with Blizzard Clan for a bit Ends up living near the Waterhole Flock
Ramattra Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: African Buffalo Status: Big Ass Meadow Info: Protector of the Big Ass Meadow Zenyatta's brother Helped chase Doomfist away
Sigma Rank: Omega(Ω) Animal: Bald Eagle Status: Talon Clan Info: Out-thinker Joins after Gabe leaves
Lifeweaver Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Peregrine Falcon Status: Ex. Niran Clan, Waterhole Flock Info: Left his old clan when he was young Baptiste's mate
Sojourn Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Lioness Status: Ex. Black/OverWatch, Wanderer/Traveler Info: Helped Jack chase Gabe off Left the waterhole with Ana and the others Left OverWatch later Hangs around the Big Ass Meadow
OverWatch belongs to Blizzard
OW ShapeShifter AU belongs to @overdrugs-mayhem
OW Shapeshifter AU Info: https://martiverse.wixsite.com/owshapeshifterau
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arrowtossingtournament · 11 months
Contestant list (full list below the cut)! If you would like to send in an image for me to use in the poll, please do it via the ask box!
Legolas (Lord of the Rings)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Robin Hood (folklore)
Merida (Brave)
Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Artemis and Apollo (Greek mythology)
Oliver Queen (Green Arrow/DC comics)
Chris Yukine (Symphogear)
Aloy (Horizon)
Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
Decidueye (Pokemon)
Yukara Takeba (Persona 3)
Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
Hanzo Shimada (Overwatch)
Omega (The Bad Batch)
Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Vex’ahlia (Critical Role)
Pit (Kid Icarus)
Uryu Ishida (Bleach)
Sera (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Varric Tethras (Dragon Age)
Zane (LEGO Ninjago)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
Big the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Wolfgang (Skylanders)
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Theon Greyjoy (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Silk (Epic Seven)
Huntress (Shadow Pixel Dungeon)
Hugh O’Connor (Ace Attorney)
Veralidaine "Daine" Sarrasri (The Immortals)
Akura Mercy (Cradle)
Anna (Epic Battle Fantasy)
Hela (When Jasy Whistles)
Barbatos Bachiko (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Bard (The Hobbit)
Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke)
Hayakawa Ken/Kaiketsu Zubat (Kaiketsu Zubat)
Junna Hoshimi (Revue Starlight)
Archer (A Practical Guide to Evil)
Beet Cookie (Cookie Run)
Lina (Riviera: The Promised Land)
Yoichi Saotome (Seraph of the End)
Kaguya Shinomiya (Kaguya-sama Love is War)
March 7th (Honkai Star Rail)
Elysia (Honkai Impact)
The Hunter (Enter the Gungeon)
Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Halt O’Carrick (Ranger’s Apprentice)
Archer (Fate)
Revali (The Legend of Zelda)
Venti (Genshin Impact)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Clint Barton and Kate Bishop (Marvel comics)
Roy Harper (DC comics)
Sagittarius (the sky)
Wilhelm Tell/William Tell (folklore)
Shamir Nevrand (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Petra Macneary and Ignatz Victor (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Fingon (The Silmarillion)
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mcbethins · 10 months
And now a scene from the as of yet untitled WIP that is Marionette 2:
(For @idonttakeshipsseriously and @bloody-arty-myths 😘)
((Fuck me I Forgot to thank the bestie @hey-michael-young-history for proof reading literally everything I write 🥰🥰🥰))
Kuai Liang didn't have a nest. 
There was a space for it, in their bedroom. But the area was bare except for a single round cushion. 
Sakura had seen plenty of abused omegas in her time. And not having a nest was always indicative of deep trauma. 
He didn't feel safe. Even in his own home with his alpha. 
Still, she asked Kuai Liang if he would prefer to sit there. She could see him trying to figure out the correct answer. 
"Here," Hanzo retrieved the lone, white pillow and gave it to Kuai who immediately hugged it to his chest. "Why don't you sit on the bed?" He suggested. 
Kuai carefully sat on the edge of their bed while Hanzo stood next to him in quiet support.
Sakura proceeded to take his vitals, wordlessly taking in the scarring along his back and the scar tissue where a mating gland was supposed to be.
This man had been through far too much. 
"Does this scar tissue hurt?" She asked. "I have ointments that could help alleviate the pain." 
"It's not that bad," Kuai said. 
"Ah, but it is some degree of bad. So I will be prescribing you medicine for it."
Kuai looked at her like she was some incredible puzzle to solve. "...Thank you."
"You are most welcome," she pat his hand. 
"Now," she sat across from him in a chair Hanzo had brought over. "I believe I know what is causing your symptoms." She glanced at Hanzo, "You have a seat too, dear." 
Hanzo's eyes widened and he hurriedly sat beside Kuai Liang, taking his hand. It would have been adorable, if Sakura wasn't quietly concerned about how Kuai would react. 
"Kuai Liang, you are pregnant." 
Kuai blinked at her. "That is impossible." 
"Why do you say that?" She asked gently. 
His brow furrowed. After a long moment he said, "The Elders told me I was infertile." His breath started coming quicker and his pheromones which had been shocked into silence were building in a maelstrom of anger and confusion. 
Hanzo put a hand on his back, but Kuai flinched, standing and stalking off to the other side of the room. 
Sakura raised a hand when Hanzo tried to follow. "Kuai Liang, did they tell you how they knew this? Did they examine you?"
"They…I don't remember. When I presented…" he hugged himself, skin shimmering with frost. 
"Did they give you anything?" She continued. "Food or medicine?"
At that, Kuai looked up at her. His eyes were piercing blue. "They always gave me this one herbal tea…" he looked away, far into the past. "Even if I was on food restriction. Someone made sure I had it."
"Do you remember what it tasted like?" She carefully took a step towards him. 
"It was bitter," he said with distaste. "It…made me nauseous." 
Sakura sucked in a slow breath. "It sounds like they infused the tea with a contraceptive herb. Depending on the herb, it can temporarily sterilize you for the duration you are taking it." 
Kuai's lips parted in shock. "I…" he swallowed, eyes glistening. He looked at Hanzo, "I'm sorry-" his voice thinned. "I swear I didn't lie to you. I didn't know." His lips quivered and he leaned against the wall, shuddering. 
Hanzo was at his side in an instant, holding his face. "I know," Hanzo said, voice painfully soft. "I'm not upset with you, Kuai Liang."
Kuai Liang closed his eyes, a sob wrenching out of him. Hanzo pulled him into an embrace, holding him close as he cried. 
Hanzo's pheromones were a warm honeyed layer of soothing reassurance and Sakura struggled to keep her eyes open as she watched them. 
Eventually Kuai quieted, an uneven purr in his chest. The tang of anger had mellowed out, leaving his scent drowning in rainfall. 
"Hanzo," he said, "Hanzo I'm-" he started crying again. Hanzo merely hummed, rubbing his back as he gently swayed them. 
Sakura smiled softly. Hanzo was someone who loved with all of his heart. He was the only kind of alpha for Kuai Liang. 
She waited patiently, letting Kuai Liang calm down once more. Eventually Hanzo guided him to lie down on their bed. 
Sakura came over and patted Kuai's arm. "I know this is overwhelming. If you like, I will let you rest now and we can discuss your options tomorrow." 
Kuai frowned. "Options?" Hanzo stiffened beside her, the briefest plume of distress escaping him.
"Yes," she let instinct take over and smoothed Kuai's hair back. He sighed, relief cooling his scent. 
Her heart ached. 
"You don't have to have this baby if you don't want to. You are only around two months. There is still time to terminate." 
Kuai Liang looked at her, calculating. And then he looked over at Hanzo. "I…You want another child." 
Hanzo sighed, "I will not lie to you and say I haven't dreamt of it." He reached over, cupping Kuai's face. "But the decision is yours Kuai Liang. If you do not want a child now, or ever, I will support you." 
Kuai sighed deeply, rubbing his eyes. "I don't know what to do," he confessed quietly. "I didn't even know this was possible."
"That's alright, dear," Sakura said. "Take some time to think about it." She reached into her bag and pulled out a couple of books. "And read these." She placed them on the nightstand. "And please ask me anything at all. You are not a bother," she smiled, patting his cheek. 
Kuai nodded. 
"Thank you, Sakura-chan," Hanzo said, eyes bright. She offered him an understanding smile.
"My pleasure, Grandmasters." 
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apocalypseafic · 9 months
omega Kuai and alpha Hanzo fic coming soon lol
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Alters looking for sourcemates
feel free to interact even if youre not a sourcemate!
Luz (host)
Tracer (host)
Aoi Shimada (oc)
Jack/Soldier 76
Corpse Husband
Mystic Messanger
'mc' (host)
Hades the game
Meg/Styx (host)
Jinx/powder (host)
the arcana
apprentice (host)
critical role campaign 1
keyleth + cassandra (host)
CR campaign 2
beau (host)
apollo (dabi)
shoto (host)
valkyrie/wanda/layla (host)
poison ivy
black manta
harley/barbara/kori (host)
Jason todd
fire emblem
corrin (host)
double trouble
catra (host)
wrong hordak
stranger things
El (host)
Tales of arcadia
claire/douxie (host)
not Enrique
Korra (host)
Apple bloom
Sweetie Belle
bee/soundwave (host)
Tex/Maine/479er (host)
rhode island
Robin (host)
Yang (host)
Dragon Prince
Callum (host)
Carmen Sandiego
Agent Devineaux
Hiccup (host)
Sucker for love
Monster prom
James (host)
Res E
Jill (host)
Watch Dogs
aether (host)
hu tao
Monster high
draculaura (host)
canada (host)
Star wars
ahsoka (host)
Obi wan
The quarry
Jules (host)
Black Butler
klaus (host)
Murder drones
Vanessa (host)
Phineas and ferb
/ngels of death
rachel (host)
list may be updated in the future!! feel free to ask for someone specific or for other sources not listed! this isnt a full list of our introjects but its a huge chunk of our system
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oakantony · 11 months
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Hanzo said, “You’re a virgin omega. You could have had anyone. I was sure you chose me because I was all you could choose with your family watching your every move.”
“Virgin?” came Hisoka’s voice, strained and tinny, like it was the only thing he heard.
“I chose you because I like you,” Illumi said.
“But,” Hanzo added.
You can read the next chapter of ABO Hisoillu, A Castle in the Rain, over on Patreon now!
It'll be live on AO3 Friday. See you then!
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sketchyelvenasss · 4 months
Just a snippet of the fic I’m currently working on… have some fluff cause it’s 10pm on a Monday?
“You are going into heat.” Hanzo stated in near disbelief. How incredibly foolish it was that he didn’t realize it sooner. He cast a worried glance at the door of Marybelle’s room. It was like there were two different alphas in him. One wanted to protect the pup. Bring her to his den and nurture her until her father was in his right mind again. The other craved to ignore any responsibility he felt—the child wasn’t his—but Jesse was in any way that mattered, and he wanted to drown in his heat. He scowled at that ugly, greedy part of himself.
“Yes. In a couple of days. I had called Ange just before you showed up. After her nap I was gonna get Marybelle packed and take her over.” When Jesse saw Hanzo’s worried frown his heart skipped a beat and he quickly continued with a nervous laugh. “Not that she didn’t want to stay with you, but…. I want you to stay with me.”
“Jesse, I don’t think—“
“I know it ain’t fair of me to ask. But I’m asking. I’m afraid. I don’t wanna try to go through this alone; or with anyone other than you.”
Any argument Hanzo could have tried to make would have been like trying to retain water in a colander. Still he was at a loss for words. He felt Jesse squeeze his hands, the omega’s brown eyes were wide and anxious. In answer Hanzo freed his hand to pull him into a hug. One hand tangled in Jesse’s hair, the other supporting the small of his back as Hanzo buried his face in Jesse’s neck. Even this early, the change in the omega’s pheromones was driving Hanzo mad. All the restraint he had exercised for the last month was shattered as he took Jesse’s face in his hands and kissed him. He had missed the feel of his beard against his own and the taste of his tongue. Why had he ever let him go to begin with? Even back then he was too old to blame youth for his pride. He wouldn’t let something so foolish dictate him anymore.
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Hotline Bling: Another Excerpt
Johnny and Hanzo got into an argument and learn something new.
“Calm yourself.” Hanzo was next to him now, subjecting him to the intensity of his brown eyes. “Regain control of your pheromones. You will disturb Kuai Liang.”
Johnny scoffed and rolled his eyes. “He's out like a light. I can't believe you don't know how hard he sleeps after he cums. Or maybe you just never noticed.”
Hanzo growled and grabbed his face, fingers digging into his cheeks. His pheromones slipped out, focused and seething. Towards Johnny.
Whoa, is he targeting his pheromones just to me? He felt like a kid about to get scolded. Oh well. Any attention is good attention.
He smirked at his own internal sarcasm, which did not help his present situation.
“You take nothing seriously, not even a matter as grave as my Omega. Your insolence will not be tolerated, even if I have to punish you like the child that you are.”
“Oh yeah, spank me, Daddy,” Johnny growled back, rolling his eyes.
Hanzo scowled but something on Johnny caught his attention, leaving him speechless.
Johnny looked down And almost jumped out of his skin. He was fucking hard, fully erect and leaking. Come on, little Johnny, don't do this now!
“You… what is this?” Hanzo snapped.
“Okay… uh… look, hold on, hold on, okay hold on,” Johnny stammered, backing up. “There's a lot going on.”
“You… want me to spank you…?”
“No, geez, ah– maybe? No, no. Look.” Johnny held his hands up. “I've got shit of my own to work out, okay? Shit that I thought was tucked away in the vault.”
“Vault? I have no idea what nonsense you are spewing. You are an unstable Alpha.”
“Back the fuck up,” Johnny growled. “I'm a lot of things, but I don't deserve to be called that. What's your issue with me? You think I’m a clown? You don't think I notice you challenging me every fucking time I see you? What, you think I'm a sucker just because I didn't go to hell and become a bitter fuck when my wife died?”
Hanzo started to speak, but Johnny continued, “You think anyone who doesn't react with to any slight inconvenience with insurmountable rage is a fucking pussy. You think I'm living in a fantasy world but look buddy, I'm living in the real world where there's consequences for my fuck ups. Not everybody reacts to everything with their fists. Not every situation needs a total disaster response. Everyone isn't an asshole like you, Dad!”
He hadn't even realized what he said until Hanzo’s expression shifted from annoyed to stunned. Johnny scoffed and waved his hand dismissively.
Alright, I just unloaded some pent up daddy issues on a guy who breathes fire. This is punishment. I deserve this. No running, Johnny Boy. Cages don't run.
Johnny cleared his throat, turned on his heel and promptly walked out of the room, leaving Hanzo even more confused.
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summerwritesfics · 1 year
🍡LGBTQ Bingo Masterlist
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Masterlist of work for LGBTQ Bingo, get your own card here!
Current Status: In Progress!
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Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 💨❄️Tomas Vrbada/Kuai Liang - Childhood Friends To Lovers
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - ☠️🌪️Shinnok/Fujin - Trans!Omega
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 👒&🏹Getting Kicked Out - Getting Kicked Out
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Lingerie
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Bound And Gagged
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Rockstar AU
Fic Title - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Phone Sex
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Sub Zero X Scorpion
Fic Title - 🧡 Mature - 🔫&😎Gen - Coming Out Party
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔫🌹🌨️Cassie Cage/Frost/Kira - Only Out Online
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️💨Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Tomas Vrbada - Love Triangle
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 😎❄️Johnny Cage/Kuai Liang - “Misgendering Me On Purpose? And You’re Proud Of Yourself?”
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🤠❄️Erron Black/Kuai Liang - Free Space
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️🌊Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Rain - Alpha With Two Omegas
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🌼⚔️Tanya/Mileena - Bi!Mileena
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Rut Going Bad
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 😎❄️Johnny Cage/Kuai Liang - Holding Hands
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Running Away
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - “Wear That Dress, Life Is Too Short To Blend In”
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Photographer AU
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔫🌨️Cassie Cage/Frost - NB!Frost
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Accidental Boner
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🔫🌹🌨️Cassie Cage/Frost/Kira - Polyamorous Relationship
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - 🤠❄️Erron Black/Kuai Liang - Shower/Bath Sex
Fic Title - 🖤 Rating - ⚰️&💨❄️Gen & Tomas Vrbada/Kuai Liang - Supportive Siblings
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