corpsebridx · 1 year
Happy pride month!!!!!
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chaoscentral23 · 2 months
intro post
Thought I'd do this since I just realized y'all know nothing about me lol
So hi! Y'all can just call me Chaos or something(i'm not into giving my name out here). This blog will probs just be digital art and sketches and stuff like that. Like my bio says, I probably won't post very often on here so probably don't expect much from your Chaos Doll here, idk. Also I won't do asks or requests and DMs are not open.
Anyway, heres some miscellaneous info about me!
He/it/Lun/Luns pronouns
Likes/interests: BSD, FNAF, Angels of death, manga, Helluva Boss, Hazbin hotel, drawing, and sleeping.
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mykilljoyhq · 10 months
Infodump about my Killjoy Ocs written like my OCs pt.1
Gaz Guzzler-🤪
Aight, let’s get started, assholes
1. What is your full birth name and any nicknames you go by
What are you a cop? You don’t need to know all that. I’m Gaz Guzzler, friends call me Gaz(mainly DJ)
2. Who do you currently live with at the moment
The Batcave with Spellcaster and DJ. Oh and that kid we picked up in like..zone 2. Didn’t get their name, but I call them Red.
3. What is your gender identity and sexual orientation
Man I don’t know….nothing? I’m just Gaz the Killjoy. Never saw myself like a chick or a dude or something in between. As for sexual identity…I read in a book it might be something like…ommisexual…I don’t know. I like everyone but WOMEN MAN, THEY REALLY GET ME!
4. Describe yourself(features, clothes,etc)
Im like a tanish…color I think. Anyways, I have short pink hair and wild magenta eyebrows(that’s right motherfuckers I dyed my eyebrows👌) I have light blue eyes(almost looks white for some reason). There are freckles all over my nose and cheeks. I wear a pink jacket over a light magenta shirt with a blackstar on it(our gang sign). I got dyed dark magenta pants and two patches on the knees that represent DJ and Spellcaster…gotta make one for Red if he stays with us. I also got a duck earing.
5. What are some words or phrases that you use often?
Swears…so many fucking swears bitch.
6. What is your best memory?
One time me and DJ went to a zone rave and we had a bunch of fun. I remember we danced to the music like there was no one else there. Also one time, DJ showed me her favorite songs and we got high and listened to them. Yea most of my happy memories revolve around DJ.
7. What is your worst memory
Well, even though it’s where I got my name, that one time that Fun..uhh another Killjoy dared me to drink gas after I said I’d rather chug gas than be left alone with him. That was pretty sucky. Tasted like shit. Also the ummm…the botched job. Yea that was………..NEXT QUESTION!
8. Out of the people in your gang list them out of how much you like them.
Aight well, DJ’s definitely number one. She’s as sweet as soda. She keeps all of us from dying. But don’t mistake her sweetness for weakness.(looks around to see if DJ is there) Word is around the zones, one time someone tried to assault and rob DJ. They fought behind a shed.yea DJ gave one hell of a beating…legend has it…her words after she finished was “if you die, give my regards to Jimi Hendrix.” Yea…sometimes she scares me. Red…man I don’t know them that much but they seem pretty cool. Spellcaster is last. Bro is a total hothead and a complete Narcissist. But he’s our leader and sometimes he’s okay. Just don’t bring up….uhh “the four”
What four?
You know exactly which ones I’m talking about……THE four…especially the blond one. Yea unless you’re looking for a fight, don’t bring him up around Spellcaster.
…..Ok then next question
9. Any particular hobbies you enjoy
I do graffiti a lot. And I also sew shit together sometimes to make new shit. I’m also pretty good with cars.
Last question: is this a facade just to hide away from the fact that you are afraid of the future? Do you really blame the fab four for the death of REDACTED and the botched job or are you just projecting your own blame onto them to avoid facing your feelings? Do you act rude and inappropriate towards others because in reality you’re worried about being just as bad as “them”. What happened to your old gang before the Blackstars…who really are you REDACTED?
What is your favorite color?
I’m dressed head to toe in pink and magenta…I have pink hair…and i painted my blastah pink….it’s yellow.
Thank you for your time
See ya bitch-🤪
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Omnisexual and Genderfluid flags picked from Kris from Deltarune Chapter 2
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moseni-lotus · 3 years
-rushes over to you- hi :) -hands u this and leaves-
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scrimky · 3 years
Opinion of the Day:
this might sound stupid but I believe that as a community (the lgbtia+ community), we should be more open to new sexualities and new labels because for example someone might not identify with “Bisexuality” but they might identify with “Ommisexuality”. just because it hasn’t been heard of doesn’t make it invalid :>
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exuberantapodyopsis · 2 years
bisexual, pansexual, ambisexual, ommisexual, sure, use whatever word suits your orientation best, but please let's agree that:
ambisextrous refers to a person who can f*** someone using either (or both?!) of their hands 😏
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