#One A. Rady
alecz-obssesionz · 6 months
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Some concepts as I want to retake the lore we planned with my bestie for the au of which we talked but never showcased properly ;^
Hope you're still interested!!💥💥💥
HALLOWEST AU by @pinktrapped and I
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dovalore · 6 months
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since i already drew little ghost a while back but no other characters from hk as little guys you can use as signature/blog/page decoration, i made 3 others and a new ghost as well
bonus under cut
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hollypies · 8 months
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Radiance Babiance
Still redrawing things!! Found a new stylus tip yippee. Anyway the this is a redraw/finished wip I never posted lmaooo
I want the little gods to be friends
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allykatsart · 1 year
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A wild Grimm appears!!!
Previous ish?
This doesn't technically have to be connected to my Mortal Radi Au... However it is possible there cause Hollow's still alive and Grimm... Well, Grimm's taking a visit to a long dead kingdom. For reasons. :) you'll see soon enough.
Commission me!
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muneersecstasy · 7 months
How fascinating love it would be, in which you fear your beloved.
What a fascinating love it would be if you feared your beloved. Subhan'Allah! The real love. For the sake of Allah, in Divine love, i.e., Allah's Love, The love of Allāh ﷻ also includes the love of our prophet Muhammadﷺ, and all the prophets (عَلَيْهِ ٱلصَّلَاةُ وَٱلسَّلَامُ), and the Khulafa-e-Rashideen◌ؓ, Azwaj-e-Mutahirat◌ؓ, Ummahat-ul-Momineen◌ؓ, Ahl al-Bayt-e-Athaar◌ؓ, Shuhuda-e-Karbala◌ؓ, Ashra-Mubashra◌ؓ, Baqiya-tu-Sahaba Ikram (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ), Hazrat e Tab'in Tabe Tab'in, Shuhuda-e-Islam, Mufassireen, Muhadiseen ؒ , Awliya-Ikram ؒ Ajma'in (رضوان الله أجمعين) and our parents, brothers, sisters, family, relatives, neighbours, friends, the entire Ummah and all the living beings. Subhan'Allah!
"And those who truly believe, love Allah intensely."[Al-Baqarah | 2:165] Subhan'Allah! In which you also love the other lovers of your beloved. Not like any other metaphorical love, i.e., love for Allah ﷻ's creation. In which you detest other lovers of your beloved. Well, how can one's heart not love Allah, our Lord, the Almighty, the most compassionate and merciful, to whom belong the most beautiful names? To whom you can't thank enough, even if you spend your whole life in prostration. That heﷻis not in need of our worship, yet he showers us all with his abundant blessings. Allahu-Akbar! Heﷻ is "al-Shakur", rewarding our few deeds with limitless happiness, even though he's the one who gifted us the ability to carry out those very deeds. In fact,
it is said that fear denotes abstaining not only from all that is forbidden but also from those deeds from which it is advisable to refrain. According to a scholar, fear forces a traveller on the spiritual path to hold back and refrain from displeasing Allah. Just like when you love someone, you are afraid of making them upset with you or refrain from doing anything that will displease them. Also, just like lovers who are unable to meet, they send letters, and the lover reads them over and over. Qur'an-e-Kareem is also like a love letter from Allāh ﷻ. From the beloved to you. so that we read it over and over again. Subhan'Allah! It implants fear in our hearts concerning our end. The Qur'an warns us to be steadfast in our belief and practice of Islam. May Allahﷻ guide us all. Many verses of the Qur'an cause hearts to tremble with fear and are like threads with which to knit the lace of life. "And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it."[Al-Zilzal | 99:8]
and Say: "Shall We tell you who will be the greatest losers by their works? Those whose efforts have been wasted in the life of the world while they thought they were doing good. " [Al-Kahf | 18:103-4] Allahu Akbar! May Allah ﷻ grant us all forgiveness and protection against Shaytan and his deceptions. And may he ﷻ make it easy for us to fight against our Nafs and to oppose our desires and sins. Allahumma Ameen! How happy and prosperous are those who knit the laces of their lives with these threads? With such warnings, the Qur'an orients us toward the Hereafter and encourages us to consider it more important than anything else. In his luminous speech, Allah the Almighty uses fear as a whip to force us into His presence and honour us with His company. Like a mother's reproofs to her child that draws him or her to her warm, affectionate arms, this whip attracts the believer toward the depths of Divine Mercy and enriches him or her with Allāh ﷻ's blessings and bounties that He compels humanity to deserve and receive out of His Mercy and Graciousness. Subhan'Allah! How can one's heart not melt out in the love of their lord? Indeed, One whose heart is full of fear and awe of the Almighty cannot be afraid of others and is therefore freed from all useless and suffocating fear. In His luminous, hope-giving speech, the Almighty Allāh ﷻ tells people not to fear anything or anyone other than Him: "Have no fear of them. Fear Me, if you are true believers." [Aal-Imran | 3:175] "They arise from [their] beds; they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what we have provided them, they spend." [As-Sajda | 32:16]. Heﷻ praises those who design their lives according to their fear of God use their willpower carefully and strive to avoid sins. Such sensitive and careful souls fly in the heavens with the Almighty's approval and pleasure. Also, those holding Him in reverence drink the sweet, enlivening water of nearness, which comes from taking refuge in Him. One who fears God sometimes sighs and sometimes weeps, especially when alone, in an attempt to extinguish the pain of being separate from Him as well as the fire of Hell, which is the greatest distance between him and Allāh ﷻ. Allahu Akbar! Why do we not fear him? Is our love for Allah just words and no action? May Allahﷻ protect us! And shedding tears is the most effective way of putting out the fires of Hell. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to put it in words. Cry your heart out to Allāhﷻ, because the thing is, even if you don’t understand it yourself, Allah does. Indeed, "whether you conceal what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah will know it. He knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. Allah is powerful over everything." [ Aal-Imran | 3:29] Indeed, imagine a single teardrop that occurs whilst you’re repenting. Just one single teardrop, that rolled from your eyes down to your cheeks whilst you begged Allāh for forgiveness for your sins. Imagine that this one drop of water, was enough for Allāh ﷻ to extinguish all of the fire and torment that was awaiting you for the sins that you committed. We just have to repent with sincerity. Surely, Allah ﷻ loves to forgive. You know, every tear that falls from your eyes in repentance to Him makes your heart feel lighter, happier.Istighfaar can do that. It raises you in rank even more than when you first fell. And his mercy is greater and ever nearer to the one who comes to him with a repentant heart. So repent and allow your heart to blossom. Subhan'Allah! Lately, I read a quote: "I know of no better love story than that of a forgiving Rabb and a repentant slave." Also, you don't have to tell anyone that I cried in the love of Allāh ﷻ or I please him in alone or anything. When you love someone, you hide it. I know, love can't stay hidden for long. People around you get to know about it through your actions. But just don't express it to others with your own tongue. Yk!
However, don’t allow your emotions to overwhelm you into falling into the traps of Shaytaan. causing you to drift away from your deen, your beloved. Keep your head up and cope in beneficial ways. Sit with the Quran and recite or listen to recitations, get up and pray and make your sujood longer than usual. Find comfort in Ibaadah and know that Allāh ﷻ knows and Allāh ﷻ does not burden a soul more than it can bear. Trials and afflictions are to improve us and make us stronger. Think back on the difficult times in the past? Did you not come out stronger and wiser? Patience is key. Hold onto the rope of Allah with patience and aim for his mercy and love, which eventually leads you to Paradise. In-Sha-Allah! "Fa Inni Qareeb": 'I am near. I respond to the call' - Allāh ﷻ guarantees that he will respond to the one who calls. Subhan'Allah! How foolish of us to think that he won't respond to our supplications. "Na'auzubillah!" (We seek refuge in Allah.) Also, if someone doesn't have anyone to speak to, pour your heart out in front of your lord, may it be in Tahajjud. Subhan'Allah! Talk to Allāh ﷻ, your beloved. He is the "Al-Wali" (the Protective Friend) of those who believe. Heﷻ surely will turn the darkness of your life into light. May Allāh ﷻ grant us all patience, self-control, and strength. May Allahﷻ honour us and not humiliate us in this world and especially in the hereafter. May Allahﷻ cure all of our illnesses, our distresses, our pains and grant us the best of healing. May Allah ﷻ replace our anxieties, our worries, our fears, our depression and our problems with peace, contentment and barakah! "Allahumma inni as'aluka hubbaka, wa hubba man yuhibbuka, wal-'amalalladhi yuballighuni hubbaka." (O Allah! I ask for your love, the love of those who love you, and deeds that will cause me to attain your love.
Ameen allahumma ameen!✨
Fi-Aman-illah 🍂
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featherlouise · 7 months
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Jumped on the MLP infection train so of COURSE I had to make it hollow knight themed
Makes a ponysona then immediately puts them in a Situation
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maddieandangel · 3 months
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eleanor-is-fine · 3 months
Tune in every day and check out the #Radi00Q tag for the latest selections and marvelous mood boards by @thestalwartheart
(thanks Mac for letting me make the playlist 🎶❤️🎶)
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hollownest-whore · 1 day
If I had a nickle for every bodyswap I did, I'd have two whi
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tearsofthesoul · 16 days
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Czy to już szaleństwo, nie wiedzieć kim jestem i czego pragnę ? 💔
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lightgriffinsect · 1 year
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void and the tall bois ft. space gang
and some other friends of Void too ig
Sadcholy's here! she belongs to @mirabean0123 <3
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Lemme see them wyrm behaviors!!!!! Pk deserves to go feral. He needs to rip and shred.
Anon you are so lucky that PK is an extremely odd wyrm in that he hates conflict and is extremely intruigued by mundane things and cares deeply for the free minds of his people because I shit you not, if he acted on even a fraction of his instincts or intuition on what a wyrm should be, he'd be unfit to live in the palace. He'd just eat anyone who irritated him and brainwash the rest. He'd have ruthlessly conquered as much of Hallownest as he could or died trying (mostly to eat the other gods tbh). That all he wants to do is live in his lil hole and play dollhouse with his dinner is a blessing that all bugs should be grateful for
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foileadeux · 1 year
if the radiance ever got bored of being pkradi do you think she'd just start doing random bullshit to confuse people when pk's back in control most of the time
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ok i lost the plot w this one but this idea was making me laugh so
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hollypies · 8 months
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New Goddess of Light
Bby Radi all grown up... sniff.. they grow so fast 🥲
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pedroam-bang · 10 months
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Courage Under Fire (1996)
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zelena777 · 7 months
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This is Radi, he supports/saves Israel of the pathetic terrorists in Hamas who [mortis]ed Israeli people in October 2023, terrorists from Hamas did. Which the forms of him you choose? Make sure that do not giving me hate.
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