#One piece oneshot
willowbelle · 3 months
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Sous Chef
sanji & jealousy + possessiveness
per this request from my 500 follower event!
❤︎ sanji x fem reader ❤︎
༉‧₊˚✧ (nsfw, afab!reader, 18+ only) ༉‧₊˚✧
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cw: teasing, jealousy, obsession, possessiveness, body worship, oral (f receiving) (sanji kneels to eat you out while you're standing), fingering, breast/nipple play, piv sex, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, counter sex, dirty talk, dom!sanji (but he also gets flustered a lot), use of "good girl" + "say my name"
summary: chef innuendos, sweet sanji to jealous sanji pipeline, reader is a huge tease ("i bet that swordsman could fuck me harder" type) reader really pushes sanji's buttons, sanji gets jealous, mentions of sanji being jealous of zoro, possessive sex ensues.
word count: ~5,000
tagging: @sanjisprincesswifey @bby-deerling @maddddstuff
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Sous Chef
Sanji is an ardent lover; a devoted man, gentle and caring to the core. He's hellbent on making you his own and maintaining that bond, often expressing it through sweet gestures like gifting flowers, freshly-cooked meals, and handwritten love letters.
However, sometimes the gentle cook gets sloppy, and his tender demeanor falters, allowing his lustful yearnings to take the reins long before his kind heart can intervene. 
He's quite susceptible to teasing, easily flustered by your sharp tongue and playful remarks, often hiding his flushed face behind his blonde bangs. His shy demeanor emboldens you, making you feel uncharacteristically confident. You frequently find yourself pushing boundaries, testing the waters to put his adoration to the test, seeing just how much you can get away with before his gentlemanly persona dissolves entirely. 
You've never witnessed his possessive nature firsthand, but deep down, you're certain it lies within him. It must.
Today is one of those days; you're determined to draw it out.
You’re pushing his buttons, as you often do, and though you've become accustomed to him brushing it off, offering a sweet smile and an amused laugh, today, the tender chef seems… different. 
Silently, he moves about the kitchen, his movements precise and deliberate, taking long drags of the cigarette that dangles from his lips as he works. The sizzle of oil, the rhythmic chop of vegetables, and the gentle simmer of sauce provide a soothing backdrop to his thoughts. Yet beneath the surface of his composed facade, jealousy prickles at his skin like tiny, agitated needles.
As he stirs the saucepan, his mind wanders to the image of you with that swordsman, sharing a moment he's not a part of. It gnaws at him, a subtle ache in his chest that refuses to be ignored. He tries to focus on the task at hand, on the symphony of flavors he's orchestrating, but the green-eyed monster coils tighter around his heart with each passing moment.
His movements become more brisk, more forceful, as if trying to exorcise the unwelcome emotions through sheer physical exertion. Yet, despite his best efforts, the simmering resentment refuses to be quelled. It taints the air in the kitchen, adding a bitter undertone to the aroma of spices and herbs.
And so, he continues to cook in silence, the smoke from his cigarette clouding his face, the clatter of utensils masking the turmoil within. He knows that until he can silence the jealousy that festers within him, his efforts will be in vain.
To an outsider, he appears calm, composed, his attention solely fixed on the task at hand. Yet, to you, the recipient of his affection, it's evident that something is amiss. There's a tension in his demeanor, a subtle urgency that belies his usual ease. He's unusually stiff, his movements hurried, and he nervously gnaws at his bottom lip—a stark departure from the fluid grace that typically characterizes his actions.
So, you aim to tease, yet again.
“Don't like me flirting with that swordsman, do ya, cook?” 
It’s a playful jab, but one that’s sharp, piercing through the thin veil of his composure. It's innocuous on the surface, a needle, perhaps, but to him, it’s a dagger. 
Sanji’s hands momentarily still, the utensil he holds clenched a little tighter. His jaw tenses, and a flicker of hurt flashes in his eyes before he quickly masks it with a forced smile. Inside, jealousy ignites like a sudden spark in the dark, consuming his thoughts and sending a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.
In that moment, the carefully constructed facade of calm shatters, revealing the turmoil within. Your words hang in the air, that damn nickname, a painful reminder of the insecurities that gnaw at his soul. He struggles to regain his composure, to push back the rising tide of jealousy threatening to overwhelm him.
But despite his efforts, a crack has formed in his chivalrous armor, and he knows that once unleashed, jealousy is a force that's hard to contain. With a forced laugh and a shaky exhale, he busies himself once more, hoping to drown out the tumultuous emotions that threaten to consume him whole.
“It doesn’t bother me, beautiful,” he murmurs, more so to reassure himself, “I know you’re all mine.” 
“Are you sure, Sanji?” you press, casually leaning against the kitchen counter, idly twirling a strand of hair between your fingertips, a deliberate gesture intended to stir his interest. “I don’t know, Zoro’s really been grabbin’ my attention lately.” 
Sanji continues to cook, the simmering jealousy within him only grows more pronounced, like a pot left unattended on a blazing stove. Each word that leaves your lips fuels the fire, each syllable stroking the flames of his insecurity. He reaches for another cigarette, his hands trembling slightly as he lights it, the flame flickering in the dimly lit kitchen. The smoke curls around him, a tangible manifestation of his inner conflicts, and he takes a long drag, hoping to find solace in its bitter embrace. He clings to his kind side, outwardly at least,
 “A wonderful woman like you has many admirers, I bet.”
He smiles but grits his teeth, the cigarette dangling from his lips like a lifeline, a futile attempt to quell the storm raging within him. The scent of burning tobacco mingles with the aroma of spices and sauces, a bitter undertone to the dishes he’s preparing. 
"He'd never love you the way I do," the chef mutters through clenched teeth.
The remark is so subdued that you almost question if you heard it, but the tight grip on his wooden spoon, stirring with such sudden intensity, confirms you’d heard him correctly. 
A smirk tugs at your lips. He's jealous. Bingo. 
“What’s that, cook?” you jab, “Did ya say somethin’?”
That nickname again, it slices at his heart. He’s been worn thin, and you’ve stretched him to his breaking point. 
With a sharp exhale, Sanji stubs out his cigarette, the ember extinguished with finality. 
Slowly, he turns to face you, the simmering jealousy that had been gnawing at him now burns brightly in his eyes, an unspoken challenge in their depths.
His movements are deliberate as he approaches, each step echoing with an air of quiet intensity. There's a newfound resolve in his demeanor, a steely determination to confront the source of his unease head-on.
As he stands before you, the tension in the room is palpable, thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Yet, despite the storm raging within him, his voice is steady as he finally speaks, his words laced with a quiet authority that brooks no argument.
“I said,” he begins, “That moss-headed loser could never love you like I do, y/n,” he rasps, making you gulp dryly. His expression is authoritative but not unkind as he looks down at you. 
For a moment, you’re at a loss for words, caught off guard by the unexpected intensity of his presence. It's a stark reminder that beneath his gentle exterior, lies a depth of strength and resolve you hadn't fully appreciated.
As you take in his determined expression, a flicker of admiration sparks within you mingling with the lingering shock. You realize that this is a side of him you’ve only glimpsed in passing, a facet of his character that demands your attention.
Despite the initial shock, the playful, devilish side of you creeps in once again, up your spine, taking root in your skull. 
Leaning in close, your breath tickles his ear as your hand glides up his toned arm, coming to rest gently on his shoulder.
"I believe it's time you remind me who I belong to," you whisper, your voice laced with a playful yet provocative undertone.
The chef feels a tremor run through him, a reaction to the proximity of your touch and the suggestive tone of your voice. His muscles tense beneath your hand as it trails up his arm, a subtle yet undeniable gesture that sends a shiver down his spine.
Despite his efforts to maintain composure, he can feel the telltale flush creeping up his neck, coloring his cheeks with a rosy hue. It's a familiar sensation, one that often accompanies your playful advances, yet it never fails to catch him off guard.
His heart races in his chest, the rapid thud echoing in his ears as he struggles to find his voice amidst the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. With a shaky exhale, he finally manages to muster a response, though it comes out as little more than a breathless murmur.
"Y-Yes, of course," he stammers, his words faltering as he meets your gaze. It's a vulnerable moment, one that exposes the depth of his feelings, and he can't help but feel a surge of both exhilaration and apprehension at the prospect of revealing his true desires.
But beneath the surface tremors and flustered facade lies a steadfast determination, a quiet resolve to seize the opportunity before him and lay claim to the love he knows is rightfully his. And as he gathers his courage, he silently vows to show you, once and for all, just how deeply you belong to him.
In an instant, he’s closing the distance, placing his hands on the countertop on either side of you as he crashes his lips onto yours. 
His kiss is urgent, filled with a hunger that mirrors your own, and though his lips are slightly chapped and carry the faint taste of tobacco, you find yourself equally eager, reveling in the sensation of having him exactly where you wanted him—jealous and possessive.
You moan softly into his mouth as his gifted hands find their place on your waist, slender fingers softly digging into your warm skin. 
Aiming to rile him up even more, you take the opportunity to take his bottom lip between your teeth, tugging softly on the tender flesh, earning a hearty moan from the man before you. 
“Fuck,” he rasps, sliding his hands up your body to grasp at your tits, molding the clothed mounds in his soft hands as his hot tongue snakes its way into your awaiting mouth. 
You mewl out at the sensation, a sound that excites the chef beyond belief. You wrap your arms around his neck as your tongues dance together, desperately attempting to get closer to him, to meld into one. 
He pulls away, making you whine out at the loss. He pauses a moment, to gaze at you, your blushing face, heaving chest, it's almost too much to bear. He’s quick to connect your skin again, swiftly attaching his lips to the sensitive, untouched flesh of your neck. You whimper at the feeling of his hot lips on your body, the sensation is new and intoxicating, instantly causing goosebumps to bud all over your needy skin. 
One of his hands slides up to gently hold your chin as he continues to kiss down the column of your neck, making you softly tilt your head back to give himself more access to your flesh. 
“Good,” he rasps against your skin in between kisses, “Just like that, my love.” 
The gesture is simple and gentle, but it exhilarates you, the chef is always kind with his touches, but tonight, he knows he’s in charge. 
Weak, breathy moans and whines escape your lips as Sanji continues to kiss and nip down your neck, to your collarbones, then your chest. He pauses here, of course, taking his time with each breast. He’s devoted, tracing the contours of your body with reverent hands, his touch tender yet possessive, as if committing every curve and crevice to memory. He hooks his slender fingers beneath the hem of your shirt and shoots you a questioning glance. With your nod of approval, he lifts your shirt over your head slowly, savoring the way your curves are steadily revealed to him. His breath catches in his throat, and his heart pounds in his chest as he takes in the sight before him, drinking in every detail with hungry eyes. 
“You’re beautiful,” Sanji whispers, awestricken. 
Your cheeks flush a deep crimson at his words. While you've grown quite accustomed to this love-sick chef’s constant compliments on your beauty, this time feels different, as if his words carry a weight of sincerity and authenticity that pierces through his usual flattery.
His fingers linger over every inch of your skin, worshipping you with a fervor that borders on obsession. He revels in the warmth of your flesh beneath his fingertips, the way you respond to his touch with a soft sigh or a shiver of pleasure. 
His hands are practiced and skilled, taking their time with your skin the same way he does preparing a plate. He carefully slides his hands up and down your bare torso, tracing your dips and curves with precision. His touches are slow and meticulous but they’re perfect, the right pressure in all the right spots. As if he’s taking his time selecting the finest ingredients, he takes in every aspect of you, savoring each nuance and subtlety. 
He reaches around you, using just one skilled hand to unclasp your bra, letting it fall off your shoulders and down to the floor. You gasp softly at the sensation of the cool kitchen air hitting your bare chest, your nipples hardening instantly. He’s kind, picking your bra up off the floor and placing it on the counter before returning his attention back to you. 
He waits for a moment, taking in the sight before him. His skin is hot and his cock aches in his ever-tightening pants, but he’s dedicated to pleasing you, determined to worship every inch of you before he lets himself get off. He leans down, hot breath against your hardened buds as he speaks,
“You’re so perfect, y/n,” he whispers against your skin before taking your nipple into his mouth, making you toss your head back and whine softly at the sensation. His mouth is hot around your cool skin, and his tongue is no different, melting you as it swirls slowly around the stiff bud. 
“Oh, Sanji-” you whine, your hands flying down and finding themselves in his blonde locks, fingers lacing in the strands as he continues to suck on your breast. 
“Mm,” he moans softly before pulling away, just momentarily, to return to your other breast, rewarding it with the same wonderful treatment. 
As he sucks and licks at your breast, his hand grants the neglected one with attention, squeezing it softly, rolling and pinching your nipple in between his talented fingers. 
The sensation is beyond pleasurable, allconsuming, even, and you feel your core aching for more, dampening your panties. 
“Sanji,” you whine, making the chef pull away to look up at you, “I-I need more,” you beg, “Please.” 
The man's cheeks flush with a surge of blood in response to your plea. He's taken aback, but undeniably aroused; what sort of man would he be to deny your desires?
“Say no more, my love,” Sanji purrs, instantly sinking to his knees in front of you. 
His newfound position ignites something within you—a testament to his unwavering devotion, his fiery passion. As you gaze down at him, the man on his knees before you, ready to fulfill your every desire, it's a powerful reminder of his dedication to your pleasure. It makes heat tickle your skin and take root in your aching cunt, your body slightly trembling as it prepares itself to be pleased. 
Sanji’s preparing, too, eyes wide and pupils blown with lust, his mouth watering as he awaits your taste. He loops his fingers beneath the waistband of your skirt before giving them a gentle tug, pulling the fabric down your thighs to pool at your feet. 
Part of him wants to wait; oggle you for a moment, your trembling thighs, your slick crotch, but the other part of him, the determined side, overpowers this fleeting yearning, making him to instantly lean forward to plant a gentle, yet firm kiss to your clothed slit. 
The sudden sensation causes you to throw your head back, eyes screwing shut as you tug at his strands. 
“Mm, Sanji,” you whine, “Please, more.” 
Despite his jealousy pangs, he's still a giver in every sense of the word; he knows his head is meant to be slotted between your trembling thighs. And so, he gives in to your pleas, looping a finger beneath the crotch of your soaked panties to tug them aside. He immediately leans forwards, planting another kiss, this time to your bare cunt.
“Fuck,” you inhale shakily, instinctively spreading your legs to give your lover more access to your intimate parts. 
“Mmm,” he lets out a pleased noise at your eagerness, granting you with a long, wet stripe of his hot tongue to your needy slit. 
“Fuck,” he rasps against your cunt, his words sending vibrations up your body, “Divine,” he groans, licking once more, “You taste divine.” 
You moan again, needier this time, more breathless, 
“That means a lot, coming from a chef,” you smirk playfully, earning an amused chuckle from the man between your legs. 
Sanji continues his gentle assault, his skillful tongue moving up and down slowly from your aching clit to your needy hole, groaning in pleasure as he works. 
Your limbs are shaking so you try to ground yourself, planting one palm firmly on the countertop while the other rests on Sanji’s head, your fingers tangled in his golden strands. As he continues to swipe his tongue along your slit, he takes one of your thighs into his hand, lifting your leg so you can rest your foot on his shoulder, allowing you take some weight off your feet, and in turn, allowing himself more access to your needy pussy. 
“Fuck,” you moan in pleasure at the gesture, the newfound sensation of Sanji’s tongue stimulating new parts of your cunt making flames of pleasure lash at your skin. 
He takes one more solid lick upwards before latching onto your clit, suckling skillfully on the pulsating nub. 
“Sh-Shit-!” you curse, throwing your head back, tugging harder on the strands of hair between your fingers. 
You instinctively open your thighs, desperate for more, knuckles growing white as your grip the countertop harder with each suck to your clit. 
When you open up for him, he brings his dominant hand up, gathering your essence on the tips of his middle and ring fingers before slowly pushing them inside you. 
You let out a weak whimper as he pushes his digits inside you, grinding your hips against them. 
“Fuck, Sanji-!”
The pace at which he’s suckling on your clit never falters as he begins pumping his slender fingers inside you. They’re gifted things, perfecting cuisine for years, now deep inside you, pulling you further towards your orgasm with each pump and curl. 
He curls his fingers with each pass to hit your sweet spot, stars dancing beneath your eyelids as you feel yourself starting to become deliciously overstimulated.
He’s just as desperate as you, sensing you’re close, he begins sucking on your swollen clit more feverishly, pumping his fingers in and out of you with a heightened intensity, hellbent on getting you off, to make you gush on his tongue, to allow him to taste everything you have to give him. 
It pays off, and suddenly, you’re a trembling mess, shaking beneath his touch, struggling to hold yourself upright as he maintains his sinful efforts. 
“Sanji,” you mewl breathlessly, chest heaving up and down as you struggle to maintain your composure, “I-I’m so close-” 
Your words hold sway over this eager man, and he redoubles his efforts to please you, relentlessly pumping his fingers in and out of your throbbing opening, groaning softly against your clit as he continues to suck on it. 
Pleasure washes over your instantaneously, making your limbs feel numb and tingly, your orgasm hitting you harshly, white and hot, overpowering, head-spinning. 
“Sanji-!” you let out a loud moan, voice trembling as your peak rushes over you. 
“That’s it, my love,” he purrs, “Give me all you’ve got” 
He laps up everything you’ve given him, as if it was his lifeline, your essence clinging to his chin as he rises to his feet. 
Your face is red and flushed, mouth hanging slack as you gasp for air, but before you even have time to catch your breath, the chef’s lips are on yours again. His tongue is rougher this time, more needy, you can tell he’s aching, aching for more. 
“Sanji-” you whine needily into his mouth, “Sh-Show me,” you let out a shaky breath, “Show me who I belong to.” 
And just like that, you feel the gentle tug of a smirk on your lover’s lips as they’re pressed against yours. 
He pulls away slowly, something different in his eyes as he looks down at you. 
With deliberate movements, Sanji’s hands glide over the fabric of his suit jacket, his fingers deftly working the buttons until the garment slips from his shoulders, pooling at his feet. Each motion is executed with a sense of purpose, as if shedding the outer layers of his attire is a symbolic gesture, a stripping away of the barriers between him and the object of his desire.
Beneath the jacket, his white dress shirt clings to his skin, hinting at the contours of his lean, muscular frame beneath the fabric. With practiced ease, his eyes never leaving yours, he unfastens the buttons one by one, revealing slivers of bare chest with each exposed inch.
Your breath hitches in your throat as the intricate details of his body are revealed to you; he’s thin, but toned, skin pale and smooth, untouched by the sun. He’s beautiful. 
He stands before you, exposed and vulnerable, yet radiating a quiet confidence. There's a rawness to his demeanor; he’s willing to do whatever it takes to prove his devotion to you, to show you who you belong to. 
He moves forward again, pressing his soft lips to yours as he slowly busies his hands with his belt buckle. 
With each swirl of his tongue around yours, he makes progress with his belt, eventually removing it entirely, placing it on the counter next to you. 
Soon enough, he’s sliding his pants down his legs, boxers too, making you gasp slightly into his mouth as his cock is revealed. It’s lengthy and slender, pretty, even, tip flushed a rosy pink and weeping precum. 
You breathe shakily into his mouth, placing your hands on either of his toned shoulders, grounding yourself, “Please, Sanji,” you whine. 
A smirk tugs at the chef’s lips as he obeys your plea, gently lifting you up to make you sit on the counter. He takes one of your legs and lifts it up, making it bend at the knee, your ankle resting on his shoulder. 
Your face flushes at the lewdness of the situation, testing your flexibility as you sit nude on the kitchen counter, leg dangling over the chef’s shoulder. 
Sanji lets out a shaky exhale as he takes his throbbing cock in his free hand, bringing his hips forwards to align himself with your entrance. 
He shoots you a tender glance, “Are you ready, beautiful girl?” the kind man asks softly. 
Locking your eyes with his, you nod, offering a soft smile,
“Ready,” you lean forwards, whispering against his warm chest as you prepare yourself for the intrusion. 
Sanji slowly begins swiping his leaking, rosy tip up and down your needy cunt, making you moan softly against his flesh. 
He brings his tip downwards to gently prod at your opening before pressing in, hissing through gritted teeth at the tightness of your walls sucking him in.
“Fuck, my love,” he rasps, his grip tightening on your leg as he continues to press in. 
“M-Mmm, S-Sanji-” you moan shakily stumbling over your words as you slowly become accustomed to the stretch. 
You reach around to dig your nails down his toned back as he finally bottoms out, making the two of you moan in-sync. 
You both chuckle softly at the symphony, and Sanji begins, bringing his lean hips back to thrust into you slowly, carefully. 
In an instant, he’s filling you entirely, the tip of his length cock coming forward to brush against your g-spot with each pass, making your skin tingle with pleasure. 
“Fuck, Sanji,” you curse, nails raking down his back as he fucks you tenderly. 
He’s groaning, face flushed red and chest heaving up and down as he gazes down at you, astounded by your body as his cock stuffs you full. 
He’s gentle, petrified of hurting you, so he continues as he is, softly and carefully, bringing his free hand down to rub gentle circles against your aching clit. 
In the same way a this chef meticulously crafts a culinary masterpiece, he approaches making love to you with a similar intensity, his obsession akin to the creation of a tantalizing dish.
The position you're in--your leg still up on his shoulder-- allows him to get as deep as possible, and although the sensation is welcomed, it’s simply not enough. 
You want this gentle man to rail you, to make you come undone beneath him as a result of his skilled cock and brutal thrusts. 
And you know just how to make that happen. 
You lean forward to whisper against his chest in between moans, 
“I wonder if you can fuck me harder than that swordsman could”
And just like that, something changes inside Sanji--a switch flips, a flame ignites-- soft, gentle Sanji retreats, and something new emerges from within him, just like you wanted. 
In an instant, he brings his hips back to grant you with a particularly brutal, harsh thrust. His cock slams into you, battering your walls. The sudden intrusion makes you throw you head back and let out a weak squeal, but his pace only increases, thrusting in and out of you with a newfound brashness, his tip bullying your cervix relentlessly with each pass. 
He’s brutal, strong, groaning through gritted teeth as he gazes down at you, watching you take his cock over and over and over again, tilting his gaze downwards to watch as your cunt greedily accepts every inch. 
“Fuck you harder than this?” he groans, letting out an amused tsk as he continues, the lewd sounds of your skin slapping together harshly dismissing all other noises in the kitchen. 
“Fuck, Sanji-!” you whine, screwing your eyes shut as sparks erupt beneath your lids. It’s almost too much, but you asked for it. 
“That’s right,” the chef groans, “Say my name”
Your face flushes a darker rouge at the lewdness of his words, you had never heard him speak like this before-- hell, you didn’t even know he was capable. 
Your chest is heaving and your mouth and tongue are hanging slack, and your strands of hair sticking to your forehead from your sweat as you take his harsh thrusts, mind flooded with only visions of this sinful chef and his gifted hips.  
“Say it,” he groans again, picking up his pace once more, pounding into you mercilessly, now, “I wanna hear it from your mouth,” he rasps, “Say you’re all mine” 
Through weak moans and heavy breaths you oblige, your head growing numb as the chef brutally rails you, “Sanji-!” you cry out, “I’m all yours, S-Sanji!” 
A smirk tugs at his lips and his grasp tightens on your raised leg as he continues, still rubbing tight circles into your clit as his cock abuses your walls. 
“Sanji, Sanji, Sanji-” you whimper, his name falling from your slack mouth like a needy prayer, in time with each of his thrusts. 
“That’s it,” he groans smugly, “Don’t forget that name, y/n,” 
“You belong to me.”
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butterfluffy · 6 months
“i am your wife”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· he's heavily injured and drugged with meds, and you're his wife.
⠀⠀➧ fluff | r. zoro  x f!reader | oneshot / scenario
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none. mistakes may be present tho.. so do ignore them, thanks.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed.
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: based on that one audio i heard from somewhere—and, hey lmao. still remember me? oh well, here's something after months of absence. 🤷‍♀️
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your husband, zoro, was heavily injured after fighting enemies off when they attacked—and you, his wife, is beside him on the bed he's resting on, and your hand was gently stroking his hair, down to his cheeks, and then his chest.
“my wife...” zoro began, letting out a groan as he attempted to push your hand away from his chest, but having not much energy to do so.
“my wife, she'll get upset if.. if she sees you touching me like that, especially there on my chest..” he says as he looked down at his chest that you're stroking, a small frown on his face, obviously still under the drug chopper gave him. “don't touch me.. you're not my wife...”
“but zoro,” you whined, sighing as you smiled at him, still caressing his chest in that same gentle and loving manner, almost laughing at zoro's words.
“i am your wife...” you whispered, chuckling and smiling at zoro and his reaction—but he didn't reply just yet, just staring at you with his cheeks slightly dusted red, his heart rate noticeably increasing in the background.
“oh,” he gasped, looking at you with his eyes slightly wide as of a deer in headlights, cheeks flushed as he wore a soft smile on his face, also chuckling as he held your hand, a contented sigh leaving his lips. “right.. my wife. you are my wife. y/n.”
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© butterfluffy 2023
⠀⠀ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs, and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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itjazzbicch · 9 months
Bliss & Care
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Pairing:  Sanji x Fem Reader
First time writing for Sanji so I hope I did well!
Summary: Training with Zoro ends up leaving the reader sore from the intense session and when Sanji comes to check on the reader, he learns that she needs some care and then some…
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Foreplay, Pet Names (Dear, princess, love, Angel) oral F receiving, slight swearing, praise
Word Count: .9k
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“Urgh, damn it!”
Trying to build up some strength by training with Zoro ended up being a regret. I was so sore that I could barely tolerate it.
I thought a hot bath would help loosen and relax my tense muscles, but it didn’t make much of a difference.
Sitting in bed, only in a robe, I was trying to rub my back, not hearing outside the door:
“Y/N! My dear! I brought you a snack! I’m sure you need it after your workout!”
“Shit!” Getting a sharp pain and letting out a loud yelp, Sanji came running through the door concerned:
“Are you okay, my dear?!”
Turning and noticing him, I was pouting at the pain in my shoulders and back:
“Zoro trains like a maniac and now I’m super sore. My back hurts like hell.”
“Damn that Moss head, hurting my princess,” He puffed, sitting the dish tray down on my dresser, “Maybe a good massage would help? I hate to see you in pain.”
He was being his lovesick self again, heart eyes and jaw about on the floor as I lowered my robe to expose my back, asking kindly as I was desperate for relief:
“Please? Only if you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t mind!” He squealed, jumping and sitting behind my back, starting at my shoulders and the first deep rub from his fingertips had my head dropping back.
“Thank you so much,” I whined, the pain hitting then fading away as he hit all the right spots, slowly working down my back.
“No need to thank me, love,” He cooed, taking his time in a rough spot that had me whining again, moaning at the relief I felt after:
“Shit, that’s good.”
Suddenly, he grew quiet and with my eyes closed, I rested back against his chest while he massaged my shoulders again, opening an eye when I felt something poking my lower back, seeing him staring over my shoulder at my breasts that was nearly exposed.
“Sorry,” He chuckled nervously, nearly in a drool as he kept admiring me, “You’re just so beautiful.”
“It’s okay,” I blushed, heating up at his wondering hands, whispering in my ear:
“I can’t help but want to hear you making those angelic noises.”
He worked magic and made my pain disappeared like nothing happened, grateful and turned on as well, offering:
“Why don’t you keep making me feel good then? You’ll surely hear those angelic noises.”
Since he had the green light, he didn’t hesitate to fight any temptations, untying my robe and cupping my breasts with a squeeze.
“So beautiful,” Brushing my robe to the side and revealing my nudeness, I’d never seen his face so red, giggling at it till I moaned at the kiss he left at my neck.
Soft and tender, one hand kept fondling my breasts while the other crept between my thighs, effortlessly finding my clit, instantly making me melt against him with my moans growing.
“I know you trained hard today; I’ll take care of Moss-Head for that later, but now? You just lay back and relax, Angel.”
Gently laying me back, I gladly did as so, breathing in deep as his lips found my nipple, his hums already filled with so much bliss as he sucked a little, hands rubbing my thighs and gripping tighter as his sucks grew a little harder.
A swift swirl of his tongue around my nipple over, not realizing how sensitized they were till he flicked over them softly, watching how my head dipped back into the bed and my body squirm.
“Relaaax,” Massaging my sides and leading his kisses downward, his head nudged my leg and spread them open, lips tenderly finding my inner thighs, “I promise I’m going to take good care of you.”
“Sooo good, Sanji,” I praised, shaking at the wet kisses along my thighs, my chest heaved with a gasp as his tongue dragged through my folds, “Sanji!”
“Fuck,” He breathed in, kissing my clit and quickly getting lost in the bliss we were both feeling, “Delicious you are, angel.”
Burying his head between my legs, his hot breath fanning over my clit while licking up every drop of my slick had my thighs closing his head in, his hands pressing them harder against him as his tongue pushed inside me, upward flicks making me squirm more than before.
I only grew more soaked and wet, my gasps and whines making him glance up till my hand ran through his hair, begging;
“Please keep going, Sanji? I’m close!”
“Don’t need to ask, dear,” He chuckled, licking up through my folds, tongue swirling around my clit before sucking, gently adding a finger and pumping softly but hitting deep to get me closer.
His eyes didn’t leave my body, burning every move and noise I made into his memory to last forever, high pitched gasps from above making focus more on the work of his tongue, gasping and opening his mouth wide with a kiss, a satisfied groan intensifying my orgasm as I kept his head buried with my hand:
“Yes, Sanji! Ngh, that’s; Ah, ah!”
“You taste so so good,” He smiled while lapping up my slick, kissing over my folds, massaging away the shakes I still had, “You feel better, yeah?”
“Never felt this good,” I panted softly, trying to regain my breath, tired but smiling down at him, “Always taking such good care of me.”
“Always,” He smiled back, coming up to kiss my cheek, “I will always give you the best, my dear angel.”
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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beneathashadytree · 5 months
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Warnings : making out, implied grinding, implied NSFW, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : spicy fluff for my love <3
Word count : 1.1K words
Additional notes : Sanji brainrot go brrrr. Love this man infinitely 🫶🏽
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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“Mon dieu…”
The breathless whimper that left Sanji would’ve been inaudible, had they not been greedily soaking up every single noise that escaped his kiss-swollen lips. Pulling back just half an inch, they looked at him through their eyelashes, trembling with effort and loaded emotions as they did.
He looked perfectly ravished, with hooded eyes and mussed tresses of blonde hair. The faint dusting of freckles of his was almost invisible underneath the blush on his flaming cheeks. His glossy lips were parted, breathing out heavy puffs of air as his chest heaved with the exertion. It was true that he always made it a point to say just how badly they’d ruined him, but seeing the results of said ruination always had pleasure shooting down their spine.
Maybe he’d gotten a little greedier over time, because now his hands were desperately clinging to the fat of their hips, tugging them even closer to him. “Easy there,” they languidly chuckled against his mouth, a sound he quickly swallowed into another open-mouthed kiss, kneading their soft skin as he did. Their teasing was all for naught, as they both knew that more was what they truly wanted.
Time was a concept lost to them. After all, this had all started when Sanji had called them to the aquarium bar, with the excuse of wanting them to taste-test a new mocktail he’d made while staying up at night. Since it was alcohol-free, they couldn’t really blame their impulsiveness on intoxication. In fact, even the mocktail was mostly untouched on the countertop, long-forgotten.
But really, were either of them surprised? When it came to their little midnight rendezvous, they never knew if it was going to be ten minutes or a few hours lost in each other’s eyes and entwined with each other’s bodies. Sanji was all lithe muscle and sharp edges and rough stubble, but he somehow carried all the world’s softness and warmth in him. It was no wonder they could barely think of anything else when tangled together.
His tongue was warm sliding against theirs, and his chest was solid underneath their palms. The lingering scent of cigarettes, musky perfume, and expensive aftershave chased after him. Every kiss felt like it would consume them whole; burn them alive down to the tips of their fingers and burrow deep into their chest. Every time their mouths met in a searing chase, he’d push up into their core, their back arching a little despite themself.
It took all the mental fortitude and strength they had to pull away with a gasp, earning a groan from Sanji who looked desperate enough to keen. “You’re cruel,” he somehow managed to whine out, “Mon amour, I’ve not yet had my fill of you—“
Pressing a single index finger to his lips was all it took to silence him. Perhaps as a sort of punishment, they even leaned in to nip at his jutted lower lip, teasing his pout. “Just a second,” they promised him, clambering off his lap before he could protest too much. “I promise I have a surprise for you.”
Smothering a laugh behind their hand knowing the disheveled state they’d left him in, clothes all messed up and so clearly aching for them that he couldn’t even bother to adjust himself, they pranced away to their room to get the box they’d hidden in their set of drawers.
It had been a hassle hiding it from any possible interlopers. After all, you never knew when Nami was about to sell off half their possessions for more cash, or if Luffy was feeling particularly curious that day and wondered if it would sink in the ocean, consequently jumping after it and nearly drowning.
At the very least, they were glad that they had the chance to get back to their sweet man, a forlorn look on his flushed face from having waited for them (what was, in his opinion) for too long. That needy expression of his could melt them with uncontrollable need. They just wish he’d never ever come to know that, or else he’d become insufferable.
Settled back in his lap, Sanji was all too eager to have them ontop of him, a curious look now on his face. “What’ve you got behind your back, my love?”
“A little gift,” they vaguely said, before thinking for a few moments. “You know how you like to wear rings?”
“Not when I’m cooking, but generally speaking, yes.” He hummed, eyes lighting up as he tried to take a peek behind them. “Oh, you really shouldn’t have, ma chéri—“
Interrupting his little rant with a kiss, that shut him up enough for them to wag a finger at him. “I’m not finished yet, you impatient man.” At that, they shifted a little in his lap. “I’d noticed that you always kept your ring finger bare. Knowing you as well as I believe I do, I think I know why that is.” Carefully, as steadily as they could manage, they pulled that small box from behind their back, popping it open with one hand while the other rested over his shirt. “But would you consider changing that now?”
A choked gasp left Sanji’s parted lips, and his eyes had turned large and glassy. The sparkling ring set into the velvet was not just impossibly gorgeous, but looked ludicrously expensive as well. He was certainly taken aback, though they hoped that it was because of him having not seen this somewhat-impromptu proposal coming, and not as a precedent to being rejected.
All that he could do was stumble over his words, his thoughts getting all jumbled up and his heart pounding furiously against their palm. “Is this… are you asking me to—?”
“Marry me, Sanji, yes.” Their laugh came out a little strained, nerves finally getting to them a little. “If you’ll have me.”
“You say this as if I’m not currently and always painfully wanting you,” he breathed out, briefly closing his eyes, before tugging them into his chest. Collapsing against him, they pretended not to know the reason why he’d hid his face into their neck, and pretended not to notice his half-sniffles. “Yes. Fuck, of course, yes.”
“That’s settled then,” they quietly said, surprised to find a lump in their throat themself. All they could do was just squeeze him back twice as tightly, their hands patting his back fondly as the embrace filled every single nook and cranny in their heart with love.
And if they happened to waste a few more hours holding each other so tight lest they break, locking the door to the aquarium bar behind them as they shared tender touches and pleasured sighs that were lost to the quiet night, then no one was to blame.
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @finch-ya @wifeofkyojuro
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malimomo · 2 months
desk job
smoker x gn!reader
nsfw • bj, hair pulling
word count: 429
summary: while Smoker and Tashigi chat, you are having a little fun with him under his desk.
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Tashigi knocked on Smoker’s door loudly. “Sir, I have an important letter for you!” From the other side, Smoker grumbled a string of complaints, irritated that he was interrupted.
“Can we save this for later?” He asked, looking down. You were on your hands and knees, eyes closed, enjoying his cock in your mouth.
“No.” You replied, briefly stopping. “Let her in. Let’s see how well you can contain yourself.”
“You little—”
Smoker made a fist and rested his hands on his desk. “You can come in, Tashigi.” He called out, keeping an even tone. Or at least tried to. The door swung open and in came his protege, a skilled swordswoman who also had a goal of supposedly beating the legendary Roronoa Zoro. From what Smoker told you, she had a lot of work to do.
“What is this letter you are blabbering about?” He asked.
Smoker gritted his teeth as you quietly sucked him off, your lips wrapped around his head and tongue flicking his slit. One of your hands was supporting your body while the other running up and down his shaft.
“It’s about the Straw Hat Pirates! And I’m sure you want to…are you okay, sir?”
His fingers gripped both sides of his desk as you put more of him down your throat. “I’m fine.”
To his dismay, she approached his desk and stood right in front of it, where you were on your knees pleasuring him. Hearing her, you took his length into your mouth and gently wrapped your fingers around his balls, squeezing them as you slowly deepthroated him.
“Are you sure? You’re sweating and it looks like you’re about to… burst? Blow up?”
Burst in my mouth. You thought happily. As you bobbed your head, Smoker eased one of his hands off the desk and pretended to find a pen at the bottom drawer. Instead he pulled your hair, a warning sign that you made him reach his breaking point.
“Ah, I’m tired.” He lied.
“Oh, well, I’ll leave this here then. I hope you feel better, sir.” She replied respectfully. After she left, you looked up at Smoker, your face covered in saliva.
“You did so good.” You cooed.
“Shut up and finish me off.” He commanded, ramming his cock in your mouth. He fucked your face senseless until he came, his cum dripping down your lips as you swallowed. After making a satisfied noise, Smoker leaned against his chair and closed his eyes, only to feel your fingers wrapping around his cock, begging for a round two.
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
The type of dumbass shit theyre up to when theyre alone.
Mihawk, Kid, Law,Luffy,Zoro,Sanji, Franky, Katakuri, Marco ,Buggy.
As stern as he is this guy sometimes lets his intusive thoughts win, slicing carrots with his blacksword, then acting all proud of himself about it.
But he cant share it because what would you even say to that..
he later stares at himself like a snot nosed idiot cleaning his blade proclaiming hed never do it again.
he did it again, it was very fun
If hes super bored and has nothing to do with his time and i mean NOTHING to do with his time.
This dumb tulip will put bolts in his nose, god forbid anyone comes knocking, he'd panic trying to get them out, one would get stuck and hed try to play it off as a new idea. i mean really hed be commited to it trying not to look like more of an idiot than he is.
He doesnt allow his intrusive thoughts to win but one time instead of flipping the rubics cube right because one part was in the wrong place he ripped and reglued all the stickers to solve it "prefectly"
He whines alot when hes bored but he magically solved the issue by putting his finger in his nose, it was like an ADHD thing for him, he sat there staring into space enjoying the void.
He blasts some songs and proceeded to do the nastiest filthiest sluttiest choreography youve even witnessed.
"Dude." you stare at him flash going off from your camera.
He takes it easy when hes bored but he always gets a bit goofy when it comes to Bepo, this poor fluff ball has no idea whats gonna happen to him.
Law proceeds to squish his face feeling like a little kid accomplishing something each time he arranges bepos face in a funny way, he plays with his wrinkly face stretches his gums etc. Bepo sits there constantly not understanding whats going on. Later gets a snack from Law for his bs.
Plays Mr.Potatohead. Rearanging himself ears on his hips eyes on his feet etc. Creeps himself out but does it anyway.
Eats too many sweets then plays with his drool because it acts like putty, he stands there hands in his pockets as he shoots out a strand sucking it back in before hes unable to save it. If it drops it drops
If you see him doing this please play along, he gets bored fast sometimes.
Plays with his feathers. He observes them like hes running his hand through a candle never feeling it burn, the human brain cannot comprehand this fenomenon.
If hes showering he impresionates everyone, Franky chopper Law anyone. For any woman he pictures he holds out two loofas on his chest doing a girly scream.
"Sanji-" you blink at him flash going off as he stares at you before realising.
New navy wanted poster aquired.
If hes truly confident hes alone he'll play with Nami's makeup only to be spotted by Zoro.
"Dragqueen headass."
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zorosq · 1 year
our baby sister ; asl
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↻ fluff, overprotective sabo, luffy being luffy, comedy (??), grammatical errors
↻ pairing ↬ asl x (platonic) fem!reader! x sanji
@br34ky0ursp1n3 asked: Hello! So I was wondering if you could make a modern au fic with the classic asl brothers! Could it ofc be with a fem!reader as the youngest of the four and they're all at a restaurant, a waiter about reader's age starts flirting with reader right in front of her brothers?? Thank you and have a wonderful day! 😋
a/n this was sitting in my draft for so long. im really sorry for procrastinating :( making sanji the waiter bcs its fun.
“hmm... what do you think? should we take her out to celebrate?” ace asked sabo. the blond thought for a moment. “i mean...” he hesitates. “we should!” luffy suddenly chimed in. “she’s done amazing on her tests! but she probably should have done better than me,” luffy added quietly on the last part. 
sabo and ace quickly punched luffy’s head. “as if you’re any better!” ace scolded. “you know better that i did better,” ace suddenly added. and he gets a beating from sabo. “no, the two of you did worse. seriously?! how could you two failed all of the subjects except for p.e class?!” sabo scolded them, crossing his arms together. 
suddenly, you barged in through the door, squealing as you held your test results. “i. got. straight. a’s!” you screamed, shoving the paper in front of your brothers’ faces. ace and luffy only watched with their mouth wide open while sabo looked at you proudly.
“we’re taking you out to celebrate,” sabo announced, smiling widely at you.
“can you believe it?! i still have a good laugh thinking about that story!” ace slapped the table while laughing loudly. “i swear the look on luffy's face when grandpa caught him skipping class!” 
you and sabo laugh along. “but you got caught too!” luffy quickly added. this makes ace’s face to go red with embarrassment. “and your face was deffinitely funnier!” luffy laughed loudly this time. ace’s laughter already died down the moment luffy mentioned his involvement. 
you take a sip of your drink while smiling at your brothers. the waiter finally arrives with your food. “here’s one special drink for a beautiful lady,” the man smiled at you. “oh, you’ve got it wrong. we didn’t order this,” you denied the drink politely.
“is there any other beautiful lady here?” the blond smirked. “it’s on the house,” he added. “sanji? what are you doing here?” luffy asked, tilting his head in confusion. sabo was fuming with anger. he cleared his throat loudly and glared at sanji. “yeah, what are you doing here, sanji?” sabo said in a low, threatening voice.
“i work here, of course!” sanji revealed proudly. “i thought that my attire was obvious enough,” he added quietly. “anyway, i hope you guys enjoy dinner. especially you, beautiful,” sanji said, kissing your hand before taking his leave. 
you flinched when sabo suddenly slammed the table. “the audacity of him to be touching our baby sister!” ace and luffy only shrugged and continued eating their meals. “sabo, relax. he was just being nice,” you chuckled. “he was clearly flirting with you!”
this caused your two other brothers to gasp. “he was flirting with y/n?!” they said in union. ensue to your brothers bickering that the four of you got kicked out of the restaurant for being too loud.
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Guests ↠ Mihawk x Reader
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➼ Word Count » 0.3k ➼ Warnings » Spoilers for the Reverie Arc ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic, Fluff
"Did you hear? The Warlord system's been abolished."
"Of course, I've heard," He looked offended at your words, eyes darting up from the wine bottle he was holding to peer at where you sat near the fire, shrouded in blankets. "Does it make you nervous?"
"Hardly." You told him, putting your hands up to the fire, "The world government's never known what they were doing, I doubt that's changed."
He only hummed in response as he poured himself a glass, his calloused hands sliding gracefully across the white marble countertop of his bar. You watched curiously as he tipped the glass back, taking a sip of the red liquid. Everything he did always seemed so calculated, his movements always blurring together so seamlessly to form such refined motions.
"Is that all the news had to say?" He asked, coming to sit down in the velvet seat positioned to face the mantle.
You shrugged, "It's all I cared to read. Take a look, if you want." You passed him the paper that was open, and slightly crumpled, on the ground beside you.
It was silent for a moment, the only noise being from him turning the pages, which wasn't rare for this castle. Ever since Zoro left, this island has felt a tad empty, although, Mihawk hadn't agreed. He thought it was much nicer now that the brute was gone.
"Hey!" Perona shouted, shattering the silence as she floated toward the both, fear evident on her face, "The marines are here!"
You looked over at the former warlord in surprise, "I guess they're even less competent than I initially thought. They don't actually think they could beat us, do they?"
Mihawk only nodded, visibly annoyed before he went to get Yoru and head outside to deal with the island's new guests.
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fluffycalamari · 1 year
One Piece Relationship Headcannons
Content warning: Fluffy!!
Characters included: Luffy, Sanji, Ussop
Characters you can expect in other parts: Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer, Bartolomeo, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Buggy
I feel like Luffy wouldn't know how to express his attraction and love for you properly. Like he loves you so much he can't physically express it the way he wants to.
He's definitely asking you if he can take your food instead of outright taking it. I can also see him offering you a LITTLE bit of his food.
Definitely gives amazing hugs
A very affectionate partner
Very blunt; doesn't matter whose around he will tell and possibly yell about how gorgeous/handsome/attractive you are.
I can see him doing this goofy little thing where he'll act like he's dying very poorly for your affection like:
"Oh noooooooo!" luffy shouts, clutching his chest; falling to the ground all in dramatic fashion. You snicker at the scene while the other straw hats continued on with what they were already doing. "I think..." he throws his hands to his forehead, palms facing the crystal clear sky. "...I think it dying!! If only...." The goofball coughs a few times too many. "[Name]!" He snaps his head to you when he says that, eyes wide, tounge hanging out. "You can save me! With a kiss! A couple of kisses and I'll be better instantly!!" Who are you to deny saving the life of your captain!? You trot right on over to him, lie on top of him and pecker his face with kisses.
Over the top boyfriend!!
He loves you, he craves you, he adores you, he'll love you even more if you're a tad bit obsessive!!
Will love if you offer to help him cook, he loves instructing you!! Will make an amazing teacher if you want to learn to cook!
Showers you in gifts and words of affirmation, anything you do is amazing.
Hype man!!
He's a bit protective, but he trusts you entirely!!
Now when I say obsessive I don't mean it in the "I'll kill anyone for you" type of fashion. Sanji may be down bad but he isn't insane. This is what I mean:
Moments like these are what the both you crave; the ocean was calm and you guys were currently smooth sailing. You and Sanji laid together completely tangled on his bed in the male dorms. Smothering eachother in kisses and praise you cup his face. "I wish I could buy an island; kidnap you, and we could live together happily forever!" You beam and his face goes red. The fact that you basically admitted that you want to have a life with him warms his soul. AND HES THE REASON FOR YOUR HAPPINESS?!?! he'll eat that shit THE FUCK UP!!!!
Very flustered boyfriend
He knows exactly how he wants to show undying love to you but gets embarrassed or flustered and it never goes the way he plans. It adds to his dorky charm!!
I think he'd be constantly jealous, idunno my Usopp senses are tingling on that one
He loves to tell you stories!! Whether they're true or not.
Will tell you stories to sleep!!
Gets very defensive and will actually shoot at sanji whenever he makes a move on you
"[Name] SWAAAAAA~" The blond shouted from across the ship, running towards you with horrifying speed. It was hot as hell today, so you opted for a tank top and a pair of usopps shorts. "Hello to you too." You chuckle at his behavior, there were hearts bulgding from his eyes; literally drooling over you. "Sanji please...you know they're with Usopp, you KNOW Usopp doesn't like when you do this!!" Chopper shouts, medkit in hand; knowing how the situation was going to play out. "Sorry prince, I'm happily with Usopp; you can stop drooling over me now," You lazily smile. The blonde now on his knees banging on the ships floor dramatically shouts "What does that long nosed bastard have that I don't!! How did he manage to win your heart when I'M RIGHT HERE!!! This is-ACKK!" Sanji howls in pain as you notice rocks being shot at him. Not small rocks either, simular to an snowball. Ussop fires back to back everytime Sanji opens his mouth; only stopping when he's outta rocks. Ussop walks up to you, planting a big fat kiss on your left cheek, smiling. "I have [name], Sanji, you don't!" He retorts as Chopper quickly runs towards the1 bruised cook tensing to his injuries.
My writing is actually so bad I need to improve LMAO
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sashi-ya · 8 months
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 15: WEDDING NIGHT Basil Hawkins 𝘹 F! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Requested by: @lady-winter13 ➡ Sorry I completely forgot to add the gender so let’s try again! 🙈 Could I please ask for kinktober 15. wedding night 🤍 with basil Hawkins from one piece? With female she/her. Thank you a sorry! 💗 tw: mdni. very romantic sex after the wedding. oral. penetration. mentions of pregnancy. wc: 924 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Long locks grazing your face, there was nothing but him and you that night… Both have said “yes, I do”. Both have decided to start a new journey, piracy would not suffice by itself if there wasn’t a person with whom share the One Piece with. The wedding had been amazing. You all drunk, partied, ate, and had fun.
Hawkins slowly peeled you off your white dress, with delicacy and love. Something like a wedding dress should be kept safe, but your skin is what mattered to him the most.
His permanent serious frown had been replaced by soften eyes, adoring, praising, your special lingerie. The finest white lace, a sexy second skin Basil is dying to rip too.
A sweet love, but still so passionate you couldn’t wait no more. His lips reached for yours, impertinently. And melted in one lustful kiss, you slowly walked back until your shins hit the bed.
Him and you fell to the mattress, where rose petals abounded. Your husband took your arms over your head, kissing after your exposed neck. In a delicate motion, he also plastered the pleasing pain of little bites.
“I love you, my wife…” he murmured, tickling your chest with his blonde wavy locks. “I love you, my husband…” you purred, caressing his cheek with loving and protective touch.
Though having made love uncountable times, that time felt absolutely different. The ring adorning your fingers shone the brightest with the warm dancing lights of a thousand candles in that room. And the sound of the waves crashing on the shore so close to your love nest mixed perfectly well with desperate panting.
Hawkins kisses travelled the mountains of your breasts and the holly valley in between them. Down, down he reached your belly button where he stayed long enough to whispers how much he was dreaming of listening to a new heartbeat inside you.
“Soon, my love…” you murmured, trying to hold tears. It wasn’t necessarily urgent nor a reality, but how could speak louder about his love than wanting to bring new life with you?
The magician that enchanted your heart, with whom he only could let his guard down, kept lowering his kisses until your mound of Venus… he made you tremble with just breathing closely to your sex.
Slow pecks over the lace of your panties, that soon turned more and more see through… your wetness was taking over all of it. But as much as he loved how the lingerie looked on your beloved anatomy, he still preferred the natural taste of your skin.
Taking all of his time, Basil pulled your coverings down. Slowly, enjoying the graze of his hands from your hip bones to the bridge of your feet, he undressed you completely.
A kiss in your inner thigh, a bite then. You flinched, smiling. A kiss on your entrance, then the tip of his tongue on your labia. You moaned, louder this time. And from the tip to his whole mouth, devouring you so deliciously, with taste buds rejoicing on the ambrosial taste of your intimacy.
Your hands reached for his hair, grabbing a fist full of it and pulling it along with your arching back, the more he indulge in your sex.
Several times you whined his name loudly and so lustfully, and perhaps bad words you couldn’t quite remember abandoned your lips too.
Basil, whose heart he could swear was about to jump from his chest, smiled the more you quivered and tried to close your legs trapping his face in between them. If the chances of surviving to such deadly pleasure, were no more than 1%, he would have taken them without a doubt.
And the closer you were getting to climax, the more you pleaded for him to kiss your lips. You wanted him, once and for all, inside you. So deep, and for the rest of the night…
“Come here, come here please” you begged.
Basil stopped; he couldn’t say no to his magical wife’s desires.
“But my love… you haven’t finished, yet” he murmured, still touching your sex but crawling on top of you.
“I only want to finish if I have you inside of me tonight, Basil…” you said, causing that man to shake. None of his predictions could have told him how magical your wedding night had turned…
He sighed, in pure need, in pure desire. And your toes helped his black trousers to slide down his legs. Your hands, to unbutton his ruffled white shirt.
Many were the scars his battles had left on his chest, and you loved each and every single one of them. And while you waited for him to finally bury in you, you traced those scars with the tip of your index finger.
He got greedy, though, and didn’t immediately penetrate you. He played with the wetness of your femininity, mixing the sprouting honeys one with the other’s.
You were burning; he was already moaning without even going deep into you. And your heels carved on the small of his back, because you couldn’t wait no more.
“Please…” “Yes, my magic star…”
Slowly, steadily, securely, and lovingly, he let himself slide in. Both moaning at the first sensation of the intrusion. Your walls spasming, milking, getting tight around him. Him throbbing, getting harder, pushing against the pressure of your womb.
And maybe, just maybe and for the first time… his eyes filled with tears, of joy, of love… because that night had been the first of the rest of your lives living them as one… 💖
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taglist: @stephisokay @henriooo @shuzuiikoii @bullbonez @fengxinwifutobecalled @i-started-reading-fanfics-at12 @crimsonlikeshellsing @weebare808 @thestarwasborn @bookandyarndragon @cyberdazetragedy @uzxotic @fushiguroshotwife 💖🙆‍♀️
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willowbelle · 2 months
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Vantage Point
❤︎ sanji x fem reader ❤︎
༉‧₊˚✧ (nsfw, afab!reader, 18+ only) ༉‧₊˚✧
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cw & summary: sanji eats you out ;)
word count: ~300
note: yes, you can also find this fic here: eating you out headcanons but i wanted to post them individually 'cause they're long enough & i had different titles for each of them!
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Vantage Point
You’re perched atop the chef's face, his tender hands encircling your waist, guiding your movements as you sway your slick folds over his waiting tongue.
He’s unapologetically desperate for your taste, your mere aroma could provoke blood to stream from his nose and down his chin. 
Sanji’s eagerly flicking his tongue along your folds as he rocks you against his face, moaning softly into your cunt as he savors the taste of your essence lingering on his tastebuds. 
His desperation knows no bounds as he continues to lavish attention upon you, his tongue tracing every contour of your folds with expert precision. With each flick and suck, he elicits a symphony of moans and gasps from you, his own pleasure evident in the way he hums contentedly against your core.
“So divine,” the cook mumbles hazily in between licks.
You surrender yourself completely to the sensations washing over you, your fingers tangling in his blonde hair as you urge him on with something you know he can’t refuse: desperate whispers of his name.
Your hips begin to rock faster, urgency building within you as the sensations intensify. Sanji matches your pace eagerly, his movements becoming more fervent as he responds to your escalating desire. With each thrust of your hips, his tongue delves deeper, exploring every inch of your trembling folds with a relentless hunger.
You can feel the tension coiling tighter and tighter within you, pleasure building to a fever pitch as you chase the elusive edge of ecstasy.
Sanji continues to worship you with his tongue, prolonging the ecstasy as long as possible even as you cry his name and convulse atop him. 
“You're exquisite," he murmurs, his voice husky with desire as he continues to devour you with fervent kisses and licks, "I could spend eternity lost in your taste."
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butterfluffy · 2 years
No idea if your taking requests, but I’ve had something in my head for a awhile. What about shanks or buggy with a s/o who pranks them by dodging their kisses, and maybe a fluffy ending? 
“don't dodge my kiss!”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· hcs + scenario of dodging their kisses as a prank~! what could possibly go wrong..? 👁️👁️
⠀⠀➧ fluff | shanks, buggy, d. rosinante/corazon (separate) × gn!s/o!reader | headcanons + scenario
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀➧ warnings —  none! swearing and mistakes may be present, though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes : hello anon~ here's your request. i was originally gonna make the scenario for buggy alone, but yk i love shanks v much. and i also decided to include my clumsy bae, cora. ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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when you dodge his kiss
tilts his head to the side as he looks at you with a pout.
tries to kiss you again immediately after his mini sulking session.
but when you dodge him again, shanks frowns like a child who got his candy taken from him...
shanks, your lover, had always been a tease. and to be honest, you weren't a fan of it at all, so you had thought of a way to get back from his teasing... and it's dodging his kisses. not the brightest idea, but you know that shanks won't love it.
“love you bae!” shanks exclaims, a big smile on his face as he embraced your figure that is sat on his lap, his lips pursed, leaning forward to you for a kiss when—...you dodged it, leaving him shocked for a moment.
“eh? wait, lemme try that again—” attempting to give you a kiss that you once again dodged, shanks' jaw falls to the floor, his arm tightening on you as he whined. “c'mon baby, don't be so upset now and let me kiss you, please? now don't dodge my kiss...”
will go whine and whine like a child until you finally let him get what he wants—which is to kiss you.
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when you dodge his kiss
his brows will be quirked up and down when you dodged his kiss, letting a few moments pass, waiting for you to kiss him.
but you didn't. so a ‘hah!?’ expression was on his face after.
this clown is quite childish too, so like shanks, he'll be frowning like a child.
“flashy idiot! how dare you not let me kiss you, moreover, not kiss me!!?” buggy grumbles, his floating body parts going crazy as he did out of anger and annoyance—showing that he really is unhappy of your prank.
“pah! you're annoying me, but i love you, so i'll be back in a flashy minute, and you better not dodge my kiss by that!!” flying away from you as his foot stomped loudly, the fuming clown had his cheeks puffed, sitting on the corner as an aura shrouded him, muttering small curses under his breath while he waited for a minute pass..
and now, returning to you as he had said, buggy once again tries to give you a kiss... which you dodged, again, chuckling by your lover's angered, yet funny face. “I SAID DON'T DODGE MY KISS, DAMN IT!!!!”
holds you in place and gives you kisses, making sure that you won't be able dodge them.
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when you dodge his kiss
insert shocked pikachu face, but make it cora instead, ahshahsah.
tears are hanging by his eyes that moment, and his jaw is still on the floor.
wasn't able to let a single word out too, out of shock and of being heartbroken.
“y/n.. mi amor...” corazon mutters, sniffling after you had dodged his kiss, not beleiving what you just did, causing his heart to crumble by your small joke that had an impact on him.
“do you... do you not love me anymore!?” he then cried, biting on his towel as his towering figure kneeled before yours, embracing you tightly as he cried.
“cora, no—i-i love you, i was just playing a small prank—” “i love you too, so please don't dodge my kiss again! my heart broke, you know!?”
immediately engulfs you into a hug and then kisses your forehead, before moving to your lips that he paid special attention to.
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© butterfluffy 2022
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itjazzbicch · 7 months
Secret Confession
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Pairing:  Monkey D. Luffy x Reader 
First time writing for Luffy, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: Getting up for a late-night snack with Luffy, they get nearly get caught by Sanji, who always yells at fluffy for sneaking in the fridge at night, hiding together, and learning how close they are while enjoying a late-night snack on the Sunny...
Warnings:  Slight Swearing (That's about it!)
Word Count: .8k 
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"Luffy, is that you?" Yawning and rubbing my eyes while making my way to the kitchen, I could hear his stomach rumbling, his eyes still closed as he nodded, walking into the kitchen and mumbling:
"I'm hungryyyy."
"Me too," I yawned, following in behind him, seeing him trying to budge the fridge open, but Sanji had put a lock on it just because of Luffy:
"Why does Sanji have to do this to me?!"
"Shhh," I hushed, stepping up and unlocking the fridge, "Sanji will be pissed if he knows I let you in the fridge, so try to stay quiet."
"Okay," He whispered, giggling and rummaging through the fridge, exclaiming, "You're the best, Y/N! There's so much yummy food in here!"
"Luffy!" I scolded quietly, "I said be qui-"
Just great, Sanji was awake.
I stared at Luffy with fire in my eyes, "Just great. He's going to flip on us."
"Not if he doesn't know where we are," He laughed, shoving the food into my hands before wrapping up with his rubber arm, "Hold on to that with your life, got it?"
"Huh?" Seized in his arm, Luffy took off and out of the kitchen before Sanji could get there, jumping to the deck, his free arm shooting up to the crow's nest, making me squeal as we flung to the top:
"Shhh!" Luffy was one to try and silence me, eyes peeking over the crow's nest to see Sanji searching for him:
"Got damn it, Luffy! Just wait till I find you!"
Slouching back against the floor, Luffy giggled, taking the food from my arms, "He didn't see us. We're in the clear."
"For now," I huffed, staring at the dark sky till he held a piece of meat over my face, mumbling out of his full mouth:
"You said you were hungry, right?"
"Yeah, thanks," I smiled tiredly, taking the meat and chowing it down with him.
"It's good, right?" Luffy smiled at me, sitting up as Sanji was gone now, devouring the food we took.
"Really good," I yawned, relaxing back as just that one piece of meat satisfied my hunger, staring at the full, bright moon as Luffy laid back with me, shivering slightly at the wind passing by, freezing as I felt Luffy's arm around me, sliding closer to me.
I stared at him, a bit confused, and he tilted his head at me, confused himself as he asked:
"What? You were shivering, so I thought you were cold."
"It is a little chilly," I swallowed, looking back up to the sky, "I just want to enjoy the view for a moment."
"Enjoy it," He nodded, looking at me and keeping me close, "And I'll keep you warm till you're done."
Never in a million years did I imagine that someone would make me feel so flustered, let alone that specific someone being my captain! Although, he was warm and oblivious as always when he saw the flustered look on my face:
"The cold getting you sick or something? Why are you making that face?"
"No, Luffy," I sighed, nervous and whispering, "You realize we're practically cuddling, right?"
"Do you not like cuddles?" I only kept on confusing him. It wasn’t that I didn’t like cuddles; I was just so nervous; trying to explain to him:
"I just-I never-"
I had never been in a situation like this, and his goofy but pure ways made me smile as he gasped:
"Oh, you don't know how! It's easy!"
Fixing me against his chest, our legs intertwining, he showed that he had no idea what he was doing by whispering under his breath:
"At least, I think that's how you're supposed to cuddle."
"It's fine," I smiled at him softly, that bright smile of his making me happy like it always did, my heart skipping beats as he placed his hand on my head, keeping it against his chest and playing with my hair, whispering:
"Now, you can enjoy the moon and stay warm."
"Thank you, Luffy," I whispered, curling up against him, staring at the moon, and my brain flooded with thoughts and emotions I never felt before.
Why did I feel happier than ever right now? So peaceful and content? Why did I not want to leave Luffy's arms? I started to realize what I was feeling, and it was a lot to process because Luffy wasn't just anyone; he was my captain.
"Hey, Luffy-" I was going to attempt to maybe talk to him about how I felt, but when I picked up my head, he was fast asleep, snoring, and he looked so adorable.
I didn't want to disrupt his peace, laying back against his chest, whispering even though I knew he couldn't hear me:
"I love you." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. 
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beneathashadytree · 1 year
Congratulazioni for 2k!!💙sorry for the italian. I would like to request some smut for sir Crocodile, prompt #26 #43 #62 (you to him) and #52 (he to you) maybe a sub reader too. Thx and take your time, heal soon
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Warnings : NSFW obviously, oral sex (m!receiving), deep-throating, throat-fucking, masturbation, Crocodile has a sir kink, cum-swallowing, sub!reader (but they’re rather bold), dom!Crocodile, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : actual filth smut
Word count : 1.0K words (oh shit—)
Additional notes : Hi nonnie! Thank you so much for your sweetness, and so sorry for taking so long! I’m sure you’ve seen my reasons for my absences. I’m so glad that you’ve requested for One Piece, seeing as it’s my current hyperfixation, and I scarcely get requests for it 🫣 I was unable to use prompt 43, since it was rather unrelated to the scene. But I hope you enjoy this nonetheless!💗
Prompts : “Take my hand.” “Can you feel what you’ve done to me?” “Don’t stop looking at me while you do it.”
Requests are open for my 2K+ followers event! Check it out <3
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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It would forever be the epitome of perfection to see them like this: down on their knees as they should always remain, bright eyes glazed over with unabashed want and irrepressible need. The image tugged at something deep inside of him; something that felt even filthier when he couldn’t tear his eyes away from their pink tongue, licking at his weeping tip and making a mess of their mouth already, and their dainty fingers, gripping the base of his cock.
Crocodile was already rock hard, and they hadn’t even taken him inside their warmth yet. He knew they could feel his cock pulsating in their hand, his desire palpable and barely restrained. "Can you feel what you've done to me?" His words only had them swallowing thickly, their anticipation and impatience evident in the way they squeezed their thighs closer and shifted in place.
He couldn’t help the smirk that made its way on his face. After all, how could his ego not love it, seeing them completely devoted to pleasuring him, when they hadn’t even started yet?
“Eager, aren’t we?” His chuckle sounded a little condescending, but they didn’t seem to mind, if the way they began to suckle on his tip was any indication. Crocodile sharply inhaled, cursing under his breath at the feeling he could never tire of. He wanted his cock inside them in any way already.
They pulled away for a second, only to lightly tap his wrist. “Take my hand.”
Pausing, they reconsidered. “Take my hand, sir. Please.”
“Much better.” He nodded, before indulging them and letting them place his large hand behind their head. “Oh?”
“You can push me as much as you want. I can take it.” The daring look in their eyes was almost too much, and when they took him past the head inside their mouth, he could only groan out.
“Fuck. Do you get better at this every time?” he sardonically chuckled, somehow managing to keep his sanity intact as they swirled their tongue around his length. Their mouth was so warm and wet, all ready and tight around him; just for him. They expertly sucked on him like it was the thing they most looked forward to, eagerly taking inch by inch as fast as they could.
Crocodile clicked his tongue, at his own wit’s end. He wasn’t about to start babying them. With no warnings but that almost-cruel look in his eyes that he knew always made them whimper in bed, he shoved them further down his length, pushing past the restraint of their throat. Their choked whine vibrated around his cock, and he couldn’t help but hiss at the overwhelming feeling.
Within seconds, he was already thrusting down their throat, paying no mind to their jolts and muffled moans. He knew they could take it; knew they liked it, even, when he treated them so harshly. Otherwise, why would they be meeting his thrusts and pressing their nose into the curls at his base? Why would their hand be slipping past the waistband of their underwear and toying with themself with each time he dragged his cock against their broad tongue?
God, he couldn’t help it anymore. Just one scrape of their teeth against him and he was throwing his head back, coat slipping off his shoulders as he did. “Damn minx,” he groaned, hook digging into the wall as he began to lose his composure. They knew just how he liked it, and knew just what to do to have him teetering near the edge so embarrassingly quick.
Before he could start jerking his hips erratically and making a fool of himself, they pulled back with a ‘pop’ and waited for his eyes to meet theirs again. "Don't stop looking at me while you do it.” Their voice was a little scratchy, but their gaze wasn’t any less wanton, nor did their fingers let up from working themself between their thighs. “I like it when you fuck me with your eyes too, sir.”
“It seems I’ve spoiled you a little too much.” But how could he ever refuse a request of theirs, especially one as tempting as this? It certainly wouldn’t do.
Crocodile needed no further encouragement before he was back to tugging at their hair and pushing them down his cock, ignoring their gagging at the start. They knew how to control it, just as well as they knew how to suck his length so feverishly while fondling his balls. It felt like a string was pulled taut over his sanity, threatening to send him collapsing at any second. Shivers went down his spine with every swirl of their tongue, every light scratch that was just enough to make his hook dig deeper into the wall, and the sight of their spit dribbling down their chin while they desperately ground into their free hand.
But nothing—absolutely nothing—compared to how it felt to have their eyes trained on his, begging him to ruin them with their glossy, teary look and with the strangled whimpers around his length. With that look as an incentive, he could only sloppily thrust two, three times, before that thin cord snapped, and he was pumping his thick load down their throat.
His vision blacked out for a few seconds as he rode out that high, his thighs barely keeping him upright. Such a formidable man, reduced to a blundering mess with just their mouth; it was almost laughable. Still, it was all worth it as he pulled out, and they obediently swallowed any remains of his sticky cum without having him tell them to.
A naughty thumb of theirs reached out to catch a stray drop from the corner of their mouth, and he watched them, entranced. “Got to clean up afterwards, sir,” they rasped out, taking his cock in their hand for a second time just to leave kitten licks at his tip, cleaning it of any remains of his cum like the good pet he’d trained them to be.
Really, Crocodile had never known one with a mouth so sinfully delightful.
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Taglist : @finch-ya
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malimomo · 4 months
something special
sanji x gn!reader
sfw • fluff-ish, light angst
word count: 358
summary: thinking he is asleep, you tell Sanji you love him in your primary language.
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While you sat on your hammock, Sanji’s head was nuzzled between your thighs, back resting against you, and eyes closed. You assumed he was sleeping, for there was silence between you two. It had been a rough couple of days for the crew and Luffy’s appetite grew exponentially. Despite Sanji’s stamina, he was tired from the constant cooking.
As you ran your fingers through his hair, you said the words tucked in your mind out loud. The difference was that you said it in your native tongue; luckily, you taught Sanji enough to save his skin and the crew if necessary.
“What?” Sanji asked, looking up from your lap.
Giving him a small smile, you continued to play with his blond hair and replied, “I thought you were sleeping.”
“Your lap isn’t that comfy, cherie.” He commented, gently grabbing one of your hands. He kissed your palm and added, “now, what does that mean?”
“It means something special,” you said, beating around the bush. “For a special person.”
Sanji smiled, stood up, and turned around to face you. “I’m that person, right?”
Nodding your head, you stood up and gave him a peck on his cheek. “Yup!”
“You going to tell me what it means now?”
You shook your head. “If it is something special for you, I’m sure you know. You’re smart.” He nodded his head, silently replying to your compliment. “Then you know what those words mean.”
“Sanji!” Luffy yelled from the kitchen. “I’m hungry!”
Groaning, Sanji gave you a forehead kiss and looked at you expectingly. He lifted an eyebrow, ready to hear what the words mean. “Well?” He asked.
“Your captain is calling,” you chuckled, “I’m sure he’s more important.”
“No one is more important than you.” Sanji confirmed. “I just work for that asshole.”
You giggled, blushing from his words. “Just go, I’ll tell you later okay?” Sanji reluctantly nodded his head and let you push him to the kitchen. “I promise!” You exclaimed, hoping it was enough to convince him. Surprisingly, it does for he walked on his own will to his new prison.
“I’ll hold you to it.”
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mvrtaiswriting · 2 years
Law x one sliding their hand into the other’s hair slowly
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this is it guys.. the last post for the kissing event. ironically enough, this will get its own post as it was request by dms by the lovely @whateversitsyourchair. this is absolutely one of my favourite piece of writing. I love writing for Law, it brings out the best of me; he makes me so emotional, honestly. it feels so good to round it off with this workpiece, it was one hell of a ride. thank you to all of you for appreciating my work, trusting me with your request and having fun with this event. Sorry this is long-ish.. I. hope you'll enjoy it. as always, do let me know what you think.. love you lots guys, thank you so much! <333
sfw; mention of insomnia, a bit emotional ngl.
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee. - from this event.
It was one of those nights again, for Law. His whole crew was asleep whilst he laid wide awake on his bed, staring at the ceiling unable to get any sleep. He was a doctor, he knew how detrimental this was for his health - but nightmares always kept him up at night, demons from his past coming back to the surface as he vividly relived his traumatic experiences. Sighing and accepting his destiny, Law decided to get up to get some fresh air. Lucky for him, tonight was one of the rare nights in which the ship wasn't hiding in the depths tf the ocean - and he had to admit it was nice. Grabbing his favourite book, he made his way to the deck of the ship - looking forward to let the ocean's wave whisper in his hears; it was the only thing that brought him peace.
Finally reaching the deck, he was surprised to see you there too. Moving sneakingly and avoiding making any type of sound, he laid his back against the door and took a brief moment to observe you. The moonlight caressed your features gracefully - and Law could have sworn you have never been more beautiful, almost ethereal. He wondered what kept you up at night, what was hunting you so much you couldn't sleep. Law knew how hard insomnia was, he has suffered with it for his whole life - and he didn't wish that upon any living soul. Most importantly, you. How did he never notice? The signs of sleep deprivation are obvious and visible, especially on him - his dark under-eyes could be spotted from miles away. But you always looked flawless, a pearl amongst all the delirium that characterised his life. As your doctor, he wished he had done better. But as Law, just Law, he was happy you were there. The selfish version of him, the one he never showed you, was cherishing your company in silence. There was no one else he would have wanted to share the darkness of the night with, and he couldn't help but wonder if you would have been okay with the darkness of his heart too.
Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat to make his presence known and finally took a big step towards you.
"Trouble sleeping?" he asked, sitting right next to you and giving you a soft smile. You nodded in response, resting your head on his shoulder. Law's muscles stiffened for a second, before relaxing once again and enjoying the warm feeling you brought to his body.
"It would have been a shame to sleep anyway. It so rare to get to see the night sky." you answered, tilting your heads up to take a better look at your captain.
Law hummed in response, lifting his head up to admire the starring sky above you.
"You're right." he admitted, sliding an hand around your back, pulling you closer to his body and carelessly resting his hand on your hips. Law's hugs were always subtle, almost casual - but they were the best, strangely comforting despite the careless appearance of his gestures.
You have grown used to this type of affectionate touches. The way he would place his hands on your lower back whenever you walked right in front of him, the way he sometimes wrapped his pinky finger around yours while wondering around a new island, the forehead kisses he gave you every time he wished you goodnight. These little moments always happened away from the crew's eyes, most of the time at least. The two of you have been caught a few times holding hands or sitting next to each other - and that, of course, made the rest of your cremate suspicious. They knew better than that - Law wasn't the type to be so extroverted, nor the type to particularly enjoy closeness or physical touch. Yet, he always looked for all this things whenever he was around you - and it would be a lie to say you didn't like it; you have loved him since the very first day you joined the crew. But you knew Law wasn't the exactly the emotional type, it was almost impossible to imagine a future for the two of you.
However years passed by and your captain became your best friend, midnights became your afternoon and without even realising it, Law slowly let you crawl inside the walls that protected his heart. He told you about his past and about his deepest scars - and although he did that superficially, it was the closest someone ever got to him. Every time he shared something with you, a sudden fear creeped into his heart; he didn't want to scare you away. He wanted you to see the best part of him yet all he could ever show was the dark side of his moods.
The intimacy that now characterised your relationship scared Law. His heart ached for closure and moments like this, but he was scared of feeling new emotions. Happiness, joy, love - were all things he knew once and that life abruptly took away from him, leaving a painful void in his soul that somehow, you were slowly filling again. You were the reason behind his genuine smiles, you made his heart beat faster than anything before - with you, he felt alive. Life was slowly start to have a new meaning, something that was worth fighting for.
"Hey." he finally whispered, breaking the silence between the two of you. You simply hummed in response, waiting for him to continue.
"What are we?" he asked, gulping loudly as if he was trying to keep the lump in his throat under control. "Why do we do this?" he asked, slowly raising his hand up to your neck, letting his fingers playing with your hair.
Placing an hand on your captain's chest, you kept silent for a second, trying to find the right words. Was this his way to tell you he reciprocated your feelings? Did he want to call it quits? Your heart was pounding in your chest, analysing everything the two of you shared, trying to find an answer to your question.
"Just tell me you love me." he whispered again, his voice now shaking. "that's all that I need to hear." he continued, looking way from you as tears started to lightly cloud his vision. This was the most vulnerable he had ever been in ages.
Your muscles tensed up, feeling as if a lighting had just hit you. A million different emotions flooded your mind; it was heartbreaking to see Law like this - but at the same time, you were oh, so happy. The dreams you had about this exact moment weren't even close to how you felt right now.
Finally coming to your senses, you gently placed your hand on Law's cheek. Running your thumb against his skin, you finally leaned towards him, placing a soft, timid kiss on his lips.
"I have loved you since the first time your eyes met mine, dummy." you whispered, your lips still brushing against his before the biggest smile formed on your face.
Law looked at you for a second, feeling stunned by everything that just happened. Lifting his eyebrow in surprise, a surprised laugh escaped his lips. "Really?" he asked, his tone slightly higher than normal.
You quickly nodded in response, and before you could even realise it, Law's lips were pressed onto yours once again. The kiss you shared was passionate, and hungry, and emotional. You could feel Law taking deep breath, letting your perfume invade of all his senses in an attempt to satiate his greed. He wanted all of you, he wanted to feel you in every way possible - he had starved himself for so long of any type of affection. He placed on of his hands at the base of your neck, letting the other slowly slide into your hair, as if he was trying to pull you even more closer to him.
Maybe sleepless nights were not that bad, after all.
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