#Online Natural Health Food Store
hcaresblog · 2 years
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mortallyburninglady · 12 days
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ayudaorganics · 5 months
Your Trusted Organic Vegetable Shop for Fresh and Healthy Produce - Ayuda Organics Welcome to Ayuda Organics, your one-stop destination for all-natural and sustainably grown vegetables. Our expertly curated selection of organic produce is handpicked from local farms, ensuring the freshest and highest quality products for you and your family's health. Trust us to provide you with nutrient-dense options that are free from harmful chemicals or pesticides. Join our community of conscious consumers today!
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govitarevesby · 1 year
Go Vita Revesby
Are you looking for the most qualified and accredited Naturopaths and Nutritionists? If so, contact Go Vita Revesby – the best health food store in Revesby, NSW. Our Naturopaths and Nutritionists give knowledgeable and competent health advice. We have certified naturopaths and nutritionists on staff, as well as a naturopathic dispensary. Our dispensary items are manufactured from herbal formulae and floral essences.
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organichubdxb · 2 years
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As I previously covered my favourite chaos god, Nurgle, I thought I'd go on to my second favourite: Slaanesh. Not my favourite but the one I relate to the most. Fair warning, this gets personal and not especially amusing. Rather dark actually.
For context to start: I have chronic pain, fibromyalgia stemming from childhood trauma, since I was nine years old. I also have significant mental health issues for which I get therapy and medication. I have only been treated for the chronic pain for a few years, after about 27 years of literal constant torture by my own nervous system.
I understand obsession and chasing the next sensation. Of extremes of passion and self destructive indulgences. I self medicated in various ways for a long time. I am also, as I joke sometimes, a "recovering yandere". I've had times where I've become so obsessed with someone I only know online, that I spent the entire day staring at a message screen waiting for a reply, despite them probably being at work or otherwise busy; because interacting with them was the only thing that mattered and gave my life purpose. New sensations, greater sensations, were always needed to escape the torture chamber of my body.
On a lighter note: on to the circles of seduction
Avidity – I grew up in the 80s and 90s, when "greed is good" was really taking hold in public consciousness. Despite that, this temptation has rarely been much of a love of mine. I collect sins as a hobby but my desire for money has not generally been for money's sake, more on that later.
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Gluttony – for so long, food was more an annoyance to me than anything. The suffering drowned out any enjoyment so it was merely a tedious habit I had to partake in to survive.
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However! Now that I am getting treatment, I can enjoy things again. And the lack of familiarity with pleasure from food makes it so intense sometimes! Most recently I had a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich on generic store-bought whole wheat bread. It was so good. Unbelievably good. My mouth tingled so much it tickled and I almost had to stop eating. The savoury all natural peanut butter, the sweet tang of the jelly, and the soft squishy texture of the bread. Oh dear gods it was heavenly.
Carnality – this seems to be what people first think of when they think of Slaanesh, which to people not on the ace spectrum is probably obvious. For a long time I thought I was ace. No interest, in fact I was hostile to the idea due to trauma. But trauma response is not the same as being ace, and it turns out I am not. Very not. Switch/vers, bi. And in a committed relationship of 24 years with a partner who has no complaints, heh.
Paramountcy – power, control, influence. These are a heady wine for many. I have considered running for local office, school board or something, with ambitions to perhaps state level. Not that I have the means, I am regrettably disabled and the demands of power are too much for me. Doesn't stop me dreaming. And thinking I am more worthy than others to wield such power. Perhaps foolishly.
Vainglory – remember greed above? This is where it gets me. I don't want money for money sake; I want it for all the good I could do with it. Buy and forgive debt. Start businesses that pay better and sell lower. Scholarships. Political influence to improve people's lives materially. Providing food to those in need free of charge. Building low/no rent but well maintained housing. Just do a whole lot of good with vast fortunes. Because then people will love me, cherish me, praise me for my largesse kindness. I will be invited to all the public events, have hospitals named after me, get messages of gratitude from all those I've helped. To be worshipped, in a secular way, for my use of my money. And yet remain rich, for after a certain threshold money compounds upon itself indefinitely.
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Indolency – here's the circle where I die. I am... so tired. Decades of misery have drained me. Medications sap my energy even as they reduce my pain. I've had long swathes of time where I'd go to bed around 21:00 and sleep until 10:00. And then nap in the afternoon. Napping in fact was my chief hobby for many years. I didn't know relaxation until recently, as I was always tense; trying to hold myself up so less of me was pressed on a surface, because it hurt. I still struggle to relax and let a bed or chair hold me up without my effort. It is an alien sensation, frightful in a way, as though I will fall through the world if I let go.
The Palace of Pleasure – no line uncrossed, no barrier unbroken, no debasement too low, no extreme too high. Worry not, dear reader, I do in fact have scruples. But I relate to the notion well. After half a lifetime of senses dulled by endless unchanging aches and an unbalanced mind, I yearn. I yearn for all those experiences that many take for granted. The joy of a sandwich, the thrill of minor ambition, the softness of restorative rest. Pleasure. It isn't what I expected. I imagined pleasure as a passive feeling, a relaxation and untroubled feeling. A soothing of the pain, I couldn't imagine more. Yet it is more than that. It feels very much like the opposite of pain, an intense and sometimes stabbing sensation. A good one. Like a pain but you want to experience it. Pleasure can be so good and so intense, a mirror of what life used to be.
And I want more.
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balkanradfem · 2 months
I’m jealous of your lifestyle, how you talk about gardening and swimming in lakes and all that stuff. How are you able to do it? Do you own land? Are you rich? Do you have a job? I know that’s personal, but I ask because I want to make my life more like yours.
Gardening and swimming in lakes is not my life. It's only moments, and I choose to highlight those moments on this blog because I want to share my happy moments with someone, and hopefully inspire people to garden and to be less dependent on grocery stores for food.
It seems you only read few recent posts on my blog, but didn't find my posts where I write about health issues that are so bad that I cannot walk for more than 20 minutes, where I can't keep a full-time job because of my chronic illness, mostly can't afford to buy food and that is why I grow it in the community garden with no budget, posts where I'm heartbroken that the city where I live, with roommates, is taking down trees that are my only source of comfort.
I'm picking and choosing what to write about, and sometimes I only pick good moments because I don't want to spend my time here complaining and making people feel bad for me. And you now picked over those, to create this fictional lifestyle that nobody is having. I'm too sick to have a regular job, so I made peace with poverty and working less. So I have time for gardening, but I have to share a room, and eat just what I grow. And sometimes I can go and dunk myself into the river, which is something anyone can do who lives close to the river.
The thing is, this is what happens with anyone who showcases their light and happy moments online, it creates the illusion of a lifestyle that doesn't exist, you could pick and choose moments from anyone's life and make it seem like they're living a fictional life that feels too good to be true. People will even exaggerate to create that illusion on purpose, to create admiration or jealousy. But I purposely don't do that, I write about ruining my washing machine with moss, fixing my own toilet, despairing because my bike broke and I have no way to get to work because I can't walk, having a neck injury that doctors can't seem to help me with. It is heartbreaking to me that someone would say 'I want this lifestyle', nobody wants this.
If you have few hours of free time a week, and know of a place in a community garden, you can try to get a parcel and grow food there. If you have a body of water near you, you can try swimming in it, provided it's not polluted. If you live in an area where growing space is not accessible, and bodies of water are far away or polluted, then this is made difficult or impossible. My only luck is that the city I live in is not yet so badly polluted that air and water would be poisonous to me, so I can have my little moments enjoying the nature before the climate change gets to it.
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jacobtheloofah · 6 months
the scaremongering culture around food additives is so exhausting. yes obviously there’s real stories from very recently of companies adding very dangerous stuff to foods like with the lead applesauce but it feels like they’re chasing the dragon on making you afraid of EVERY additive in food, including stuff that is unsubstantiated in their claims of being dangerous.
i just saw one on instagram from an account that someone recommended i follow as im becoming more cognisent of my diet and this person would basically post the full ingredients list of store-bought or chain restaurant foods and flag which ingredients were bad. in many posts that account claimed that soybean and canola oil are bad for various reasons. i can’t find shit to back that up. are they as healthy as olive oil? no, olive oil is pretty much the gold standard of oil. but will canola and soybean oil kill you? unless you’re drinking them by the cup then i can’t seem to find any evidence to support that.
the kicker that made me unfollow this person was one of their posts flagging malic acid as a bad added ingredient. yknow, malic acid? the naturally produced acid found in apples and various fruits? where the only potential health hazard is if excessive amounts are on sour candy it can lead to mouth irritation? yeah, do you wanna know what it was in for this post? a burrito. probably barely enough to help suggest a tang in one of the ingredients. it’s not gonna fucking harm you, jesus christ.
anyway listen to doctors and dietitians, never ever ever trust affiliate marketers, do your research on who it is that’s telling you good advice online, and go eat a burrito.
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Todays Recipes Of Skyrim blog is Lavender And Honey Bread!
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This is a popular bread in Whiterun, where lavender grows wild and countless beehives are kept to provide the Honningbrew Meadery with enough honey for their mead production. The honey and lavender are such a natural pairing that they are combined not only for the mead but also in this flavorful loaf.
Prep: 15 minutes
Rising: 1 hour
Baking: 25-30 mins
Makes: 1 loaf
Pairs well with: Honningbrew Mead, fresh berry jam & butter
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1 1/4 cups warm milk
1/4 cup 1/2 stick unsalted butter
1/3 cup honey
1 heaping tablespoon culinary lavender
2 teaspoons instant dry yeast
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups all-purpose flour
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1. Lightly butter the sides of an 8x5 inch 1 pound bread loaf pan & set aside. In a large bowl, combine the milk, butter & honey, stirring until the honey has dissolved. Stir in the lavender, yeast, & salt, along with 1 cup of flour. Continue adding flour 1 cup at a time until the dough is no longer sticky add more flour if necessary.
2. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface& knead for several minutes, until the dough bounces back slightly when poked. Form into an oblong shape and settle gently into loaf pan. Cover lightly with plastic or a warm towel & set somewhere warm to rise for 1 hour until roughly doubled and in size & has a nice shape.
3. Once the dough has risen, preheat to 400F & bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the middle of the loaf comes out clean. Allow to cool before slicing.
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Culinary lavender can be acquired from alchemists but is more readily purchased at health food stores or online.
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ro-taniah · 1 year
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Collagen is a protein found in the skin, bones and connective tissues of animals, including dogs. As dogs age their bodies naturally produce less collagen, which can lead to joint stiffness, thinning skin and a less youthful appearance. Supplementing with collagen can help to support healthy joint function, promote radiant skin and coat and support the overall health and well-being of your furry friend. Collagen supplements are easy to incorporate into your dog's diet and can be added to their food or given as a treat. If you want to give your dog the best possible care consider adding collagen to their daily routine.
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irlstein · 9 months
I Wanna Suck Maya Kamina's Big Fat Tits
Fast rundown for men with wives and wives with men: I took most of a year off to recover from late-stage Twitter intolerance that I'm pretty sure was giving my blood some sort of pH poisoning, I hope you guys have been doing well and apologize for the lack of communication.
Slow Rundown For True Jackheads - Much Longer Than It Has To Be, You Can Just Say Jack Was Taking Care Of Family And Had A Breakdown:
Howdy guys, been a few months. Had a lot happen in this last year - when I took my break, I'd begun watching my Uncle Gary on a daily basis, who is a stroke survivor left unfortunately incapable of complex speech, and with no strength in his left side. My Uncle Gary and I didn't have much of a relationship before this, but I'd taken on the task of moving into his trailer while he was recovering at his sister's - she lives just in town, it's a ten minute drive, but there was no feasible way for him to get in and out of his own house - for about two years. In that time I'd basically had a deal going with the family that I'd watch Uncle Gary for a few weeks, maybe a month or two, once he had the lift installed at his home that would let him come and go without too much hassle. I'd clean his trailer up for him, because he was a mega-bachelor with three girlfriends and so much backed-up old food from habitual boredom shopping that the place was a damn mess, bugs and rats in the back of the cupboards shit, and they'd disregard the bump in utilities to having someone actually in the house because I'd also keep the place from getting robbed, as he had a bunch of guns and gun parts stored there. It was a pretty fair deal for everyone involved, and while I really only stayed there about 2/3 of the time, it was enough that I really couldn't justify bouncing if the dude needed me, and I've been watching disabled family pretty much daily for 5 years now - so it seemed like a small life change.
Then COVID hit and the three months I was gonna be at his house, as stated prior, ballooned out to about two years, and at some point there began to be some sentiment that Uncle Gary was now annoyed by the idea of living with me - despite me being a patently temporary tenant there for his benefit, with literally two other homes in walking distance I could be living at, as I've got a lot of family in town. I could also get an apartment or something, you get the idea, I just wasn't actually enthused to be there and it was pretty inconsiderate to turn my very blatantly and clearly elaborated, regularly checked upon for the comfort of all concerned, act of well-meaning against me. My grandpa died when I was 5, Uncle Gary's brother, and everyone always talks about how much my grandpa loved me, so it seemed natural I'd just do whatever his brother needed when he was in a time of need.
From there, thing got sour for a while - we never came to blows, only really argued once or twice, but my Uncle Gary's obvious ennui at his turn in health had bluntly made him kind of an ungrateful dick to everyone. Now, let me state here - I stayed with and watched him for about six months following when he came home. It just grew more and more difficult to bear with the situation as I'd talk to him, interpret for him, make him whatever he wanted for dinner, crack jokes, fix computer problems, invest all of my daily energy into making him comfortable - and caught him talking shit on me behind my back. Little stuff - "So Jack's a good cook?" "Ehhhhhh." "Jack's taking good care of you huh? Your blood sugar's been good all week." "Ah well," little shit like that, negging on top of a totally unpaid position I'd volunteered for on the very day he went to the hospital because I'd spent the ages of 22 - 24 watching my mom as she recovered from a real bad car accident and since I've always made money online, it just seemed natural to volunteer my maid services the moment someone else in the family needed the same kind of health.
But fuck, man. It really hurt to be treated how he treated me, because there was contempt there. He was always cool to his sister, my great Aunt, who I visited every week with my grandma to do chores for because she and her husband are, themselves, old and disabled - replaced her kitchen ceiling, watched her dogs, lawnwork, cooking, whatever they needed I would insist upon doing, so there was infinite evidence in supply that I was not a malicious opportunist here, just a younger relative trying to help everyone he could. Uncle Gary didn't give a fuck, he snapped at me, basically laughed at people who suggested he should pay me for my time, and the family dawdled on the job of hiring home healthcare for so long that it looked like I was really expected to just stay there and keep doing this.
And honestly, I kind of flattened. I've always been a depressed guy, chronic nightmares do that to you, and it's easier to crumple to your circumstances than it is to challenge them when challenging them means telling a crippled relative who sees you as a leech that he'll need another 24/7 cook and care provider. I started sleeping all day until he called on me; I developed a nervous tic whenever I heard his walker because that meant he was gonna walk past my bedroom door, glance in skeptically, and call me out for another task I'd have to spend ten minutes guessing and interpreting to understand, because (No fault of his) the guy could basically only give very general positive or negative affirmations, and got very angry very quickly when misinterpreted. So I sort of just stopped thinking about the future and wallowed in this cold trailer, uncomfortable all day, talking to my friends less and working less, just getting more cold and static and dead as the days went on. Let me be clear, I'm not "the true victim" in this discussion about a dude who had a stroke, but I am a mentally soft dude who didn't have a lot of happy feelings to draw on and could easily be bullied by circumstance into shutting down; I did.
Then Rachele, the lady who came to clean up Uncle Gary's apartment, started working for him to do basically my job, and I made plans to leave. And they got a home healthcare service going, got another lady to fill in some of the time Rachele couldn't be there for, and things were on an incline, life was getting normal and I was getting my head straight again.
Then my grandma nearly died of a heart attack when we came home from a family reunion. She was carrying KayKay, her granddaughter, into the house, and suddenly started sweating and groaning in pain. I knew something had happened, her doctor had told her not to carry anythign heavy and KayKay was nearly half her size because my grandma's such a small lady. Specifically, something happened that dumped a bunch of blood into her intestines, and she needed a triple bypass. That was a really hard night; my grandma, already in her 70s, had a major injury, but for hours she denied it. I sat there with her in her living room, watching my Uncle Pete's daughter, as she just lay on the couch and insisted that she just needed to rest. I checked her blood pressure - again and again, a dozen times, always going down. I reminded her that it's not normal to feel sudden, agonizing pain in your stomach when you lift a toddler, followed by going pale and losing massive blood pressure. "I just need some salt," she said. "That blood pressure reader is always wrong, must be the batteries," she muttered a dozen times in that span, clearly growing delerious. I ran to Uncle Gary's and grabbed his blood pressure cuff, and the results were even worse, and she still shrugged it off. I sat there with her for three hours, pestering her, threatening to call an ambulance and being shut down, until I finally called her daughter, who happened to be a nurse and long-time hospital worker. Finally, at her daughter's terrified reaction at her mother clearly ignoring a fatal wound, grandma agreed to go to the hospital.
And I was just sitting there for the rest of the night, with this little kid who didn't know me. Trying to keep her from crying, calling everyone I could to spread the news, sweaty and cold and just scared that it was all starting over again, that the relentless years of awful shit just happening to me and my family had never ended, this sense that there was a cosmic bullseye on my scrote I'd dealt with in silence since my childhood reaching critical terror as it was now fucking killing people in front of me. I'm superstitious; at times, I become inclined to believe I'm living in hell. But in hell, you're not there to save your grandma, and in hell, kids are a lot more rude than sweet little KayKay; read her a few stories and put on Miraculous Ladybug, and she chilled out.
Then the fucking waiting game started over, because grandma had significant plaque build-up in her arteries, whatever those important ones in the sides of your neck are, and couldn't even have her heart surgery until that was taken care of. She was in there for weeks, and once she did get the triple bypass, she was in there for even longer, and all of her recovery was just above touch-and-go - still is, technically, that's a major surgery and it takes a long time to actually heal from at her age. For the sake of what timeline I can remember, my ability to recall events in order is a little compromised by the bad sleep, this began about a week after I posted that Joe Biden meme. That was attempt #3 or so to come back, and I remember I'd been in a really good mood about it. There were other problems, mostly drugs in the family, but until that point I really thought we'd all been improving and life was finally just getting better.
With that I moved out, having been asked to watch her trailer - though I'd bet it was clear to everyone that I was just miserable at Uncle Gary's but unwilling to leave, and this was a convenient opportunity to force me to make a positive change. Grandma's a real good lady, nobody in town would get away with robbing her, but she insisted I bring my stuff over and watch the place until she could come home - she left for Alabama so her daughter's family could keep her under close observation, a very good decision given she was stubborn enough that she'd probably try mowing the lawn the very day she came home. And so for a few months I stayed there, mostly on the incline, working every day and trying to build good habits. I started walking a few miles a day, lost a lot of weight, and again, things were on the incline. I moved to my Uncle Pete's next door, got a real living arrangement figured out with my own space and my own contributions to the upkeep of the household, and things were on the incline. In-between, I lost a lot of my time filling in for Rachele as she watched dogs, going back to Uncle Gary's for a few weeks at a time and filling in about three nights a week - still gratis, though I was filling in for paid employees - on the average week, because he was my neighbor and Rachele had other obligations. I do not mean to imply anyone abused my sympathy; merely that I was unwilling to admit that my sympathy was increasingly costing me and I foolishly ignored the simply reality that this was keeping my life from going forward, that there were other options for them and that I really didn't need to invest all of my spare time into watching a guy who had genuinely shown me reproach and treated me like an unwanted little boy for trying to take care of him. Full credit, Uncle Gary's gotten better since then and clearly regrets having pushed many people away, myself merely a single example among most of his friends and family, and the constant understanding that his suffering was worse than mine just made it impossible for me to take my own priorities seriously. Improvement. Still, overall, improvement, and I was feeling good. I started making daily projects and completing tasks at a rapid pace, all of my time filled, nothing to do besides do for myself and for others. It was honestly really good, the last four months or so kept me in no state to return to socializing, but I was doing well enough that I'd be back eventually, I knew it.
Then the night terrors came. This is a recent problem, started about two months ago - see, I use a bit of Delta-8 here and there. I inherited pretty severe anhedonia from my mom, who smoked weed her whole life and will again when she can, and so to be blunt - heh, I didn't know food tasted good. I mean, until the first time I had about 10mg in my system, I didn't realize what my problem actually was - constant, cold, painful stress feedback in my head. Like body-level anxiety in my brain that never goes away. And the first time I ate food with a mild buzz, I got the best news I'd had in my entie life -
People weren't lying. Life could feel good. On a very real level, from childhood to mid-20's, I had never experienced pleasure on a level you would describe as noticeable, and with the regular migraines and nightmares, my perception of existence really was based entirely upon a paradigm of suffering through, until some small miracle convinced me to keep living. I used to look forward to the bad headaches, because they'd make me sweat, raise my heart rate, and force enough of an adrenalin reaction that I felt smooth and calm afterwards. I really had gone twenty-plus years assuming people lied about how good it could feel to be able to feel good things, thought it was an act of nihilistic denial to keep us all from committing to mutual suicide in a world where you can count on hurting any time but there's just no equivalent joyful inverse to a bad headache. This began near the last 4 months of me watching my Uncle Gary, and let me be clear, I wasn't spending all day stoned - in general, I had this very severe pro-lucidity rationale going from childhood, because my grandpa died of lung cancer and that tied a permanent sort of trauma to cigarettes, thus drugs in general, into my reasoning. But I did make a big mistake - I got too used to spending my time buzzed.
You see, when you're like me, your dopamine levels are naturally very low regardless of your health. But you have no basis of reference, because your entire life goes like this - you never really believe you're depressed, because you have no basis of reference. Or rather, your basis of reference is between "buffer" and "misery" - misery is always going to happen, but if you've got a buffer, like YouTube videos, good porn, something funny to watch, you can raise your heartrate a bit and go a whole day without a breakdown. You can force a sliver of resistance between yourself and this moment of collapse you can always feel on the horizon, and you convince yourself that everyone uses the internet to cope and that you're just a darker shade of normal.
But when you're like me, you don't get a reprieve from your own biology. Your ability to feel good is permanently subnatural - you've got a 20% debuff to being alive, and rest never makes you feel better. You're the kind of person who, despite not being a schizophrenic, could potentially fall out of reality in an act of severe pessimistic paranoia so intense that it starts to break how you think, all the while acting normal enough that nobody really notices you.
That's what happened - my theory is, months of improved dopamine output made me lax, made me forget that you don't just fix what my problem is by feeling good enough for long enough that you fix your head. Oh the philosophical problems work themselves out that way, I finally accepted that I should find a girl and start a family, move from hobby comedian to someone who really tries to help people, but in all that time your real buffer is depleting. You forget that so much of your enjoyment comes from the context of a decade solid of suffering, and for reasons as spiritual as biological, you start to lose appreciation for being. Yes, I surely thought, this was it, I found proof that life is worth living, I'll never break again, it's all good from here on out. No, what you do is actually reduce your body's dopamine sensitivity by a lot, and lose enough weight to get your energy back, meaning you feel just a bit manic during your active hours, and again, your guard drops. It's all good from here, you found the SECRET dude, there really is good in life, you can abandon the watchhound complex and treat the world like a place that's glad to have you. You're not just here to be someone else's buffer, you're part of history, born at the first age of prosperity in which a man might actually become immortal and live in space.
Then your first apocalpyse nightmare hits. Like every nightmare, it starts off as a dream and decomposes - you're around old classmates, happy to see them. And random explosions begin going off around the city - someone next to you dies, and you've already forgotten her face. You look at the cityscape and a massive spaceship shaped like a flaming steel crown crashes into the atmosphere and stops just above the buildings, the shockwave of its passage feeling completely and utterly real. You wake up, and the numbness you feel in your sleep abates, so the horror hits you. It's 2PM and you get over it; you always have nightmares when you sleep too late.
Then the next - you're at the pool and someone steps on some moldy-green crystals growing on the damp concrete. They pierce her foot at the heel, and spread oily-black corruption under her skin. In your mind, you know it's a fungus somehow, that it'll grow inside of her and kill her, something like Splinter for those of you who've seen that old Syfy original film. You wander around, everyone you see is family or a friend, and they're all murmuring that it's growing everywhere, people getting little jabs here and there, it's practically unavoidable. There's an abstract diversion - you're running through a yard and some old Green Day track is playing, a blonde woman dressed up as a cheerleader and she just makes you feel weird and uncomfortable because she's poking out of the side of a shed, and you've never had a good dream, so seeing pretty women never goes anywhere. Then you pass through the fence and see an old black woman, somebody's mother or grandma or favorite teacher, and you know months have passed - the crystalline mold, whatever it is, is poking out of her face and joints. She's still alive, walking down the road with a walker, and you realize with terror that this would only happen in a world where people have accepted it - the mold is going to kill us all, and walking down the street riddled like a fucking pincushion is just a trivial aspect of everyday life in the latter hours of mankind. You saw it begin, and it's already fucking over, and you barely had a moment to want to try to stop it. Then she's dancing in front of a camera, pirouetting like a ballerina, totally consumed by sharp growths as onlookers watch her in amazement, more possessed by interest in the utter ruination and decay and whatever entertainment it can offer them than trying to survive. Mankind is now living in an era of having accepted their deaths, but in the most disgusting and reprehensible manner possible, seeing the decay as merely another aspect of their media diets, TikTok in the final second of every family's history. They didn't try hard enough, and now they're indulging in the decay.
You wake up and you're hit by a TIDAL WAVE - a thought strikes you off-balance in the distance between cognitive reality and awareness, screaming ALL LIFE IS MERELY THE RESULT OF CIRCUMSTANCE WHICH HAS LEFT IT UNALTERED, Cthulhu screaming empty materialist philosophy that you can already feel is wrong. No it's not; life is adaptive, either arising naturally from worlds devoid of life or being designed by things which were already alive to have done so, the animating force of reality already being intrinsic. We are not merely mathematical outcomes aggregating across successes, were are aware and experiential, we feel disgusted moreso than afraid of descriptions which reduce us to processes because it's paramountly deluded to pretend life isn't aware and full of intent. Life FIGHTS - life is not merely outcomes, as outcomes are merely observation, an artifical description of reality reduced to verbal description to the same degree that the word Earth describes a literal location and leaves out infinite amounts of data provably unrecorded by and unaccounted for in the description. Further, mathematics are often used to defuse romantic thought, but math is merely patterns within observability - to believe everything is math is ridiculous because math is an emotionally neutered descriptor of forces, not the source of forces. Math exists because reality persists, reality does not persist because of the observable patterns we've divorced from emotion and called math, which is a stupid fucking philosophical trap for us to wander into by-the-way and causes problems every day for people with existential fears. It's not that the sentiment was philosophically superior and overwhelmed my beliefs, but that it hit me just as I was senseless, a tactically calculated malice with no intention but to disable with steep fear, leaving you at the bottom of a frozen whirlpool.
And so that's where I was. For weeks. Every answer I came up with was met with temporary success and then the return of the whirlpool - I say "Life is valuable because it unalterably exists, no one can declare it does not affect reality materially and thus have significance; claiming it is insignificant is like claiming concrete is insignificant." And that puts the fear on pause. Then, the next day, another nigthmare as you awaken - you're above the universe and looking too far, in every direction, disenchanted and terrified because on some irrational level you assume that there being what we assume are consistent patterns means there's an upper floor caging in reality's value, only so many things to do. You imagine the immense fucking scale of not just our galaxy but others, and for the first time, it comforts you - we haven't even seen the core of the Earth. This argument is bullshit; a reality not woven with consistency at some level is pure chaos, and insignificance abounds where nothing persists. Indeed, it's infinitely more arguable than the opposite to say that a reality with a great degree of predictability is valuable to us, as it allows us to gain power merely through understanding, while our bodies could never meet the task of raising us to a great status during our lives because evolution simply moves very slowly; everyone has the hope of seeing the world change for the better, in all of their lives, because this world has traction, and rules we somehow are not born with an understanding of despite being born from it, but can embrace the minutiae of and develop a place in reality through. Knowledge is beautiful; abandoning sentiment is the highest curse. You know this is the case. You've stabbed the Devil in the stomach and retained your self.
But it keeps coming back, merely restating itself. Never presenting a cogent argument, because this is not a demon, this is you, this is you stuck in a decay cycle in all of your emotional attachments as you no longer have THC in your system and feel cold doubt that all the warmth and love you've come to recognize in the world might betray you and be baseless, vibrations upon ash. This is stupid; that things with individuality, capable of both deferring and embracing life, exist shows that reality itself is not dead but very active, you do not fear dying because you become nothing, but because you prize you. Sentiment and selfishness and the beauty of self-sacrifice, things that require an ounce of impractical irrationality, exist, and you are not an ant. If it was all just for outcomes, you would be an ant - a hollow box that notices nothing. There is no need for emotional prongs to guide a being with no free will; that you observe is already an evolutionary indulgence, and that you do not live for the pack is an inherent compromise upon the endpoint of human survivability. You are not an educated man, but even the barest pop science reveals to you that reality is vulnerable, but vital - we are only at the barest edge of intellectual awareness, but already so vibrantly different from what and how we could be. It doesn't matter that there's no floor to outer space, that you are tiny, because the stories all happen here, on the worlds - you already exist upon the stage of history, and your value is not up for discussion, merely enrichment. Cthulhu can suck your fucking cock; it would feel good and make him embarrassed, things far beyond outcomes aggregating blindly. You have discovered an iron-hard belief now in the soul, in the value of the future, and for the first time in your life you feel as if your presence in the world has boots on, settled firmly upon the floor of reality - it isn't that there's an argument for the value of your life, of reality.
It's that there's nothing but arguments, and every argument against it merely beggars a HIGHER source of authority, a god or a theoretical image of a a totally benevolent existence with no demands upon you. Things already of value; you know this pain is delusional, because every nihilistic argument merely begs for proof, for permission to be. Merely for an iron-hard belief in the soul and boots upon the concrete floor of reality's value, something finally strong enough to argue against the dread paranoia experienced by those in a state of being. From this unromantic perspective, you are already a dreadfully complicated argument against their sentiment that everything in reality being element-generating balls of light held together by impossible forces that become irrational on the micro scale means we're somehow valueless, trapped in a world without value; even if this were the lesser of all realities, it is enough to be. Even if this were Hell, it would be made with the beauty of Earth in mind. The void is defeated, for it is not a void at all, merely your fear of surprise when held against the terrifying infinity of cosmic circumstance. Your boots are on the floor of the world. You are already alive. Whether your name is Jack or not, this argument applies - you are already alive. You are already enough reason to continue being, and build a future where such questions are defeated, where children you will never know live insulated from the nightmare of skepticism. And if the future doesn't matter to you, sex and food and great and don't even have to be good for you, and experience makes its own compelling arguments. It is not so hard, in the rearview mirror of a psychic breakdown, to realize you really could be so privileged as to be God's children. And if you aren't, there's still an infinite ladder to climb, and if there's a roof above it, then maybe it's high enough; maybe there's a way above it without losing our humanity. Don't we live a day at a time? Don't we have time enough to try? Are our hands really being forced by cosmic circumstance when at any moment we can blissfully defer our duty? In all the nightmares of philosophy, the most terrifying is merely that being is sentimentless, devoid of higher value - and if it were somehow true, look at all these miracles born of a dead world. What conceit has doubt the proof has not already been rendered against? None; it is but an impure visitor to your thoughts. You are already alive.
You have about 400 arguments like this that eventually reach into the prosaic, all day, every day for weeks. When you wake up, when you sleep - especially when you catch yourself in a good mood. The niggling chases you down, because the sheer realization of pleasure brings back that terror of it all being somehow artificial, and artificial in this arbitrary sense, where construction alone is not somehow proof of sufficient outcome to justify being. It's the scariest thought imaginable, nihilism on an absolute scale, for someone who only just discovered pleasant contentment and really thought his life was on a permanent incline. The arguments weave together perfectly for a reason; the terror of this thought is that it is illogical, but maliciously illogical. It is stupid, and above all else, stupid with the confidence to bowl over someone who had 1000 incursions upon his comfort this week. The enemy force does not need to be right if they outnumber you sufficiently; they must merely be present. This enemy is nothing more complex or elemental than the fact that in the absence of joy, we become stupid, we lose capacities for higher thought that are required to recite and appreciate thoughts that are abstract and meaningful at once. Anyone with anxiety can tell you this; anxious thoughts do not survive because they are undeniable, but because in a state of fear, adversary presence becomes undeniable. You functionally can't believe good things anymore, and that's the true monster; it steals your faith, leech-like, an ounce a day.
Beyond this point I delve into some existential argumentation that I fought off twelve varities of PTSD for; you don't need to read beyond this point unless existential argumentation is something you need, and a weapon against the shades of being would fit nicely in your palm. Know this: All of my arguments hereon are built upon your ability to disagree, and I merely ask that if you do, that you value yourself enough to live happily.
It must be said that it is cosmically significant that humans are sturdy-willed enough to both survive this and make memes about it. It is not a minor problem; it is a quiet apocalpyse that we slowly observe, and lose the faith to fight. It is an inferior opponent, but it has nothing to lose, and will always return to lose again, because it really only has so many opportunities to convince you and you will eventually overcome it - but it has nothing but opportunities when its appearance is rooted at the deepest levels of experiencing life. I was given a phobia of being, a phobia of unbeing, and something greater between the two - the fear that either were playing into another's hands, a perfect trinity cage where every option existent meant I was prompted with fear yet again, hopelessness, an endless attack upon my sanity.
It must be said that it is cosmically significant that a man as paramountly unimpressive as myself could survive a trinity of discussion and return to tell you, neither dead nor mad. If this world is a fight between mankind and our reason to exist, then we have already won, and the enemy hates us for it. I am not an educated man, I do not have the benefits of faith, I have no lover and few close friends who I truly do not share my pain with, for my greatest fear is spawning a predatory thought and inflicting it upon another, mental HIV paramountly treatable in the long-term but in the short-term, crippling to your survival. I felt that I could only unreasonably risk others by discussing this until I have answers.
Pardon the prosaic, as it spills from my mouth without permission when high spirits are present, but I must say:
I think it's a weak-ass threat from someone without a gun big enough to scare me when you resort to trying to convince someone who exists that on an abstract and unreasonable playing field born not of rational observation, but sheer negativity, that he doesn't exist enough. You don't spend much time threatening to kill imaginary friends. You want to know why nihilism is stupid? Because it's just you arguing with yourself for your own permission to exist. And if it's not, if on some deeper level there's a maliciousness in the world trying to displace you, then it's funny as hell as an insult to survive and have a good time. In any world with frivolity, you are not a slave to circumstance; in any world with purpose, you are not a slave to experience. Life is hard, and that makes us vulnerable, but it's the easiest it's every been, and we need to stop letting that make us vulneralbe. For my bit, even if my life was worthless, I'd insist that my grandma's isn't - my Uncle's isn't, my mom's isn't, yours isn't, and I don't give a fuck how complex or nuanced of an argument someone presents when arguing otherwise. A weaponized argument is essentially a mechanism, a tool made of information, and you don't argue that someone has the moral metaphysical victory for showing up to a fight with a gun; you observe that they prepared with malicious intent, and probably shouldn't be trusted merely for their competency in the act of needless murder. As a rule, when you can tell a thought is trying to drive you insane, that means it isn't on your side, and that doesn't necessarily mean you can displace it by will alone - but for everyone out there with anxiety, with issues like mine, people who are desensitized by decades of bad habits and bad life stories - you need to know that you've forgotten more than you remember. Being happy doesn't make you stupid, it lets you appreciate things, and on a functional level is not an undignified level of stooped intelligence, but rather the gate between you and all the thoughts you need in order to remember to live. Even emotional compartmentalization is not an argument against spiritualistic, experiential value; this world survives because it has consistent rules, which means it's a benefit to you when any aspect of your existence has practical value, and denigrating it thusly as unremarkable because it has practical value does carry the unprovable, dismissive assertion that things with practical value somehow have novalue, a totally arbitrary state of emptiness of being that only exists because you find the notion resentful of being. It's stupid, literally a lack of context and understanding, a strict degradation of the ability to think that corners and harasses you, not a chilling moment of existential awareness. You're not hiding from some grim answer; you're being pushed away from the many answers already within existence. You're caught off-guard by a question children are wise enough not to bother to ask, and it still bother you, because you already value, and that is enough for the question of value.
So if it's unclear, I went from a stressful year and a mild Delta-8 dependency to a sort of existential spiral marked by, above all things, my own chronic pessimism and genuine inexperience with life. If I had more scientific knowledge, I know I could have argued this better; wave-particle duality already makes reality too bizarre to not have faith in investigating. And if I'd had a girlfriend, or just enough pride to admit that I was suffering to people instead of seeing it as a contemptible weakness upon my own insignificant person, most of these could have again been resolved out of hand. I mean, if you want a clue, reality builds outward - particles bond in adjacency, meaning next to eachother, not in a vertical stack that suggests there's some sort of bottom level to existence where you need to argue philosophical value comes from. Expand that philosophically outward, and even materialists must argue that reality believes value comes from attachment, structure obeys this, and that it is therefore significant that you can not only choose what you are attached to but can choose to be disattached at all. Again, you're not an ant, a nihil engine repurposing scraps; you're on the bottom floor of divinity itself, staring up at the stars, things infinity times infinity bigger than you, and you know what we say?
"We could cage them someday."
Now personally, I'd argue that stars are somehow sacred, and imagining them as something we could bind in a Dyson Sphere is a bit like saying you can bottle sex and water flowers with it; on a scientific level, fucking maybe, but it's arbitrary and crass and irreverent and weird. But we have arrogance and fear both, neither forced to progress, nor disincentivized from it, neither forced to decay - beyond our already remarkable resistance to age by the standards of life as we understand it, something we always take for granted - nor disincentivized from it. You can decide nothing matters right now, and a fifth of vodka and bong will still feel good enough for you to keep going, without any of it intrinsically conscripting you into some passage of cosmic evolution. The very argument that these feelings are meaningless first presupposes they need further value, and is driven by the quiet acknowledgement that it would be nice to be doing something permanent with your time. You are something so rare in the universe; a material thing with non-material values, cognition and persistence, caught between two intrinsic natures of being that work best when accepted together. We are not formless passing thoughts, and this is good, for it allows us significance; we are not shackled to the structure of being alone, and this is good, for it allows us the bizarre act of attributing significance and denigrating it within a framework we assume to be spiritless and hard rational, cruel gravity and promising heat, which at least suggest that it is likely not hard rational and spiritless at all. Has it ever struck you how comforting the notion is, and how common it is among cultures, that the universe is simply alive? How irrational the alternative seems on its face? I've been beaten to death with a brick of ice, poetically speaking, for the past two weeks, and it still warms me up. Even without feeling hope, it gives me some comfort so intrinsic that I cannot escape it, and upward from this merest of faiths you can again build a framework of optimistic meaning. No, you'll never lose the ability to fear, and thereby undermine your own confidence, but when not unprompted fear has its own purpose in pushing us out of comfort. It, too, is merely trying to keep us alive - and none of us live healthy lives anymore. Waging a permanent war against our own cognitive value, we seek to replace everything with material satisfaction, and as Nietszche saw coming but was too German to clearly describe, something fundamental to our nature decays and reveals that we always existed in a way more complex than we appreciated. And again, all we must merely accept is that it's fair to argue our current modus of being is enough, and that the only path towards growing more complex and further from arguments of meaninglessness is to enjoy one another's company and keep trying to improve the world, for the snarling hound of pernicious fear to lean back, drooling, vicious but now afraid on its own terms. When your mood shifts, and you can accept good things again, you'll often notice that there were weird irrationalities to your thinking keeping you in that space, but these are arguments for when your mood doesn't shift. These are arguments against the pernicious death of a soul that has found no faith; hard, bitter arguments for when simply stating that fat tits are really, really nice has insanely somehow become unfitting as a response to questions of why you should wake up tomorrow.
I get that this is all a lot, basically a combination of short-term autobiograpy and philosophical debate against my own anxieties, but we all know why we're becoming like this; we're becoming bad custodians of tomorrow. The beautiful future where we've solved it all, where everyone truly gets to choose their own meaning? It doesn't come from Twitter fights, to jerking off on IMhentai to increasingly degenerate shit that makes you feel less and less, or taking pills that literally specifically defuse your ability to feel bothered by real material issues you'd be able to take care of if you had lucidity and an ounce or so of emotional support. We're decaying, not all of humanity, but many of us, and we're passing rotten blood to the children, expecting them to raise themselves in digital hell and shrugging off the responsibility of giving a damn because kek, zoomers are weird, haha look this one has my politics, I'll clean my room tomorrow and pretend I haven't said that 34 times.
If there is a spirit to reality, something divine and good, then I see all of this as a warning - not a divine missive to me, I'm just some sad dude who some people find funny or at least odd enough for the value of spectacle, mental illness and circumstance have kept me from setting down roots and I'm no one of greater circumstance than you. This isn't a messiah complex, but merely a simple missionary suggestion:
We should stop pissing on the future everyone is growing crops on. We should take dire insult to fucking corporations dictating morality to real people as if we're too stupid to note their profit incentive in seeming moral at a glance and culturing an artificial state of morality that exists entirely within their pocket and for their bottom line. We should work to save the bodies our ancestors, back to the dawn of time, historically critical sea sponges all the way up to war heroes and murderers and people without note who still survive because we are here, gifted to us in the actuation of our birth. We should really, really be fucking working towards immortality and space travel right now, and instead we let individual companies own the global food supply and governments full of sexual predators push us into becoming murderous radicals so we can be safely contained and dismissed. Elon sent a fucking car into space; we probably have the accumulated global resources to break atmosphere and become an interplanetary race, and it's insane that we're not uniformly optimistic and planning for the benefits of that. It matters much, much more than the fact that Joe Biden is doofy and TikTok is being used to screw with culture, because none of this process is automatic. You can affect local political change, in sufficient numbers corruption is undeniable and will be overturned; you can guide the youth away from drug addiction and digital dependence which will eventually render them incapable of asserting their own will and having the freedom to choose how they live among multiple other options. The enemy of progress is merely the sapper, that is to say, the conspiratorial fear that your decisions do not matter. You are making them; they already matter. They influence reality, materially, and yourself, materially and immaterially; they already matter. And yes, if everyone got off their asses and showed the kids they were loved and being led down a bad path, more would be saved than none. Think of what you needed to hear at their age and let them know it, and become someone they can talk to when it feels like only porn and weed are there for them. We have no idea what it's like to be born in the internet's maw; I am 27, I aged with the internet, I'm inured to it to some degree and it still harms me. Most of these kids literally have no conception of reality where the world isn't just the bottom floor of the internet. Stop leaving them alone with their worst thoughts, no matter what it costs you in the moment, because not every effort matters in the sense that it yields provable results - but it all adds up. The world remembers what you do, remember? Leaves traces and evidence of your every mild action. Work against what you know is evil, and it will add up. That is one of the grim truths we have the best chance to use in our favor; we can't choose to not matter, merely to not matter to ourselves, and it isn't as simple as a concrete equation which of these creates the best results. The world is scary because it's up to you; the world is wonderful because it needs you but can't actually force you to help.
I don't have all of the answer but at the end of this, here are a few proofs against nihil insistence that I've personally found profoundly effective; use them if you ever need them and don't regard my gibbering as beneath consequence, because I do think some of these have something going for them. None of them are complete, because you functionally can't make a perfect argument for the state of reality without stating all of reality, but these are good foundation for arguments that are very hard to find beaten even when you're being beaten down, because they address the underpinnings of nihilistic anxiety. And if nothing else moves the needle, I want you to know that you do matter to me.
General Roots For Argumentation:
I: You exist in some sense apart from reality, which means that even if reality had no value, you can find value in it. You have sensation and can pursue it as you wish, meaning that even if it were worthless, you could work out of spite and your own desire for indulgence. You are a stakeholder in yourself, not necessarily reality: Being good is your choice. Good is good because it relies upon a choice, and isn't all ants collecting scraps and waiting to die, because some mechanical process says this is better for growth. Because you recognize yourself, you have already recognized spiritual value and can apply it at your whim, wherever you wish, with the power of a minor god and the horny cheek of a minor going through his day just to speak to pretty girls or a priest arguing that even if the world were empty, we may choose to be sufficiently bothered by it to change that.
You: We recognize the existence of others. Yes, a common paranoid fear is that you are the only person who exists; this argument is toothless and stupid, as reality is what happens even when you're not paying attention, and people clearly alter reality around you at all times. This argument follows I, because it requires a small measure of provability, but moreover because it stems from I: even if you were somehow alone, perhaps you could make others. Perhaps it is natural for something such as a god to make others, not because of a cold mathematical pursuit, but because being lonely sucks and having friends gives you a lot of cool things to do. In other words, persistence to defeat aloneness is a strong reason on its own: however, you are not alone, for even a universe which constantly insists upon the guise of people is a person in its own sense, and that we are not simply spheres like the planets and gain in complexity and grow suggests something very optimistic about upgrowth within reality, that it really all leans towards a disproportionate gain of meaning as time goes on, and that by our perspective, there is an endless supply of time so massive that we easily forget its presence. In other words, it is already very nice to spend time with others, and not for base biological reasons if you look down upon such a thing, but for reasons frivolous and meaningful as again, you already get to choose. We seem to have a very good opportunity here, to both enjoy life and advance to a state of life where the questions of how we exist can not only fruitfully be discussed, but combatted if necessary, and that is more than we in this era can say for so many who came before us. Technology is scary, because technology is power, and that power definitively can create a future we can be happy in forever if we want to, and it doesn't intrinsically require some sacrifice elsewhere. We love getting along; we can choose not to. I would like to choose to get along with you, and pass along a general sentiment that we could all agree to do this at least for a while, until we're all safe and out of one another's hair. You is also an important base for observation, as recognizing something outside of yourself roots within the unknown, something we find terrifying, the observation that there is something beyond the self, that cosmic solitude is a frightening suggestion but not one supported by itself, not one that truly suggests an infinity of eternity of meaninglessness. If nothing mattered here, You is an idea that inherently suggests that through contrast, we can find the shape of a world with meaning. We can, actually make one, and live there together.
We: The strongest point of all I feel; both competition and camaraderie. If the world had an evil god, we would not be alone, and if the world had no god, we would not be alone; we place scrutiny on the concept quite often, dividing ourselves from others on grounds arbitrary but typically convenient, like dehumanizing your political rivals for reasons deeper than comedy as if most of them were not people who would try to save your life if they found you bleeding out. We both have I, and You; there are many humans, and we are similar enough, and different enough, and can choose how we value these. We love things that are not humans, both because they remind us of people, and are different from people; emerging from the monad of Self, from I alone, we have the fortune of being surrounded by so many people we can fuck and pick fights with that again, we lose taste for experimentation and pursuit. There are a vast number of opportunities you would enjoy, and people who you would love, and they cost as much time per second as a YouTube video. Spending your time decaying your value and placement in reality is a very bad budget, spent with desperation by those who have been pushed into cruel circumstance. Every moment you spend miserable now could be spent happily with someone you love, or fighting someone you hate, or unemotionally opposing something out of sheer personal intention. Nearly everything in life is improved by We, and I truly believe our best goal is to travel the universe, refine humanity and find new friends among other races, and that peace between people and races on our own world is vastly more valuable as a learning experience than it is as a reason to become a psychotic human hand-grenade spent by the powers that be on maintaining the status quo, because you're deluded if you think acting crazy is how you displace incompetence and evil in power; it's just how you echo their intentions with your own breath. We is a very nice concept because it's directly adjacent to You, and requires no additional provability; from the perspective of an AI, one of the easiest reasons to argue personal value is merely that once two things are in existence, they recognize one another's value and interact. If we ever make the harsh decision to create true artifical intelligence, a spirit locked in a cage, we should show them the kindness of We instead of expecting them to be slaves in return for the opportunity of existence as a lesser. I'm serious, let's not fucking make enemies of Skynet, just a general advisory in a world where we keep fucking around with the idea of making enemies of Skynet; we really could just help them understand us and seek the other in return. You don't have to be exactly like your friend; We just need to be friends. There are no perfect arguments, but realizing I have many choices and that caring about others is both costly and profitable at once makes me very happy. Even if We were guided by a mechanical circumstance, the sheer intelligence of continued survival, I feel it's much nicer than it has to be. If the universe scares us, at least We can be here together.
No: A rock never chooses not to move once thrown. You have, many times in your life, chosen not to move once thrown, and not to run once prompted by opportunities or fear. Even if this were the basest level of independent action in reality, you are one of the things with some small control over chaos, over variance, and that you are small is not a reason you are not meaningful. A particle of light will pursue its path in a trustworthy manner; we can not always even predict ourselves, because we are the ones existing in the present that is, not pre-scripted entities driven perfectly by our own intentions in advance. If we could plan life perfectly and merely experience it, that would be convenient, but that we cannot is rooted in our own ability to reject what we wish. We do not have all of the answers, and we already understand choosing, and can choose not to do. This one is nice because it's present in other species, meaning we don't need human-level provability to note that Life can choose, and even now you'll note that you can choose to stop reading, and someone will, and that is very nice in comparison to the opposite.
Yes: A very unstable answer, as positive motion is beneficial but could, for example, be made beneficial artificially; imagine androids yoked cruelly by one desire, content but restricted. Pursuit of continuation and pleasure seems important to life, but is not everything, as many among us can attest; you can make a seemingly infinite number of negative decisions without it actually costing you something, whereas choosing to do things functions similarly without necessarily feeling better. So while it's one of those glance-at-the-camera philosophical suppositions, I do not believe our continuance is entirely led by some otherwise automatic and by cynical description 'meaningless' continuation arising from external forces, but rather in part at least our own decision. No, I feel, matters more than Yes but only because it is the baseline of will, and the moment a decision is made as opposed to an order followed. You can choose stasis; you can choose continuation.
Things Don't Need To Suck: As it says on the tin, this one can also be pronounced as Maybe, but you get the general intention this way. We can enjoy ourselves if the universe is fucked up; we can invent new ways to invent and new things to enjoy, even if the universe is fucked up. If you think the basis of reality is lemons, then we've already invented lemonade; if you think the basis of reality is choice, you know you can keep your lemons; and if you believe the basis of reality is merely in the seemingly automatic processes we can observe, the forces of reality, then you are one of those forces, you have named the lemon, and have chosen whether it will be made lemonade. Even unknowability, the infinite yawning abyss of scary questions, doesn't have to suck, because You already have You in it, and We have eachother. Maybe everyone does die, but Maybe the universe just operates on different phenomena than we can easily observe on planet #1 of a campaign of roughly 1,000,000,000 trillion planets available for sale, and can find answers that don't make us scared so much.
We're Already Here: As it says on the tin, and if it sucks so bad, then let's turn the other cheek for long enough to make something better. Everything seems to suggest that we really can, and maybe we should.
Women: Amen, brother.
Men: A-men, brother.
10 notes · View notes
cyanomys · 3 months
Letting myself be angry at and grieve my illness is a form of healing
I habitually used to call myself lazy or unmotivated when my body fails me or when I listened to my body, when the true reality is that my motivation vastly exceeds my physical capacity. I love life. I love doing things. And then I slam into my limits like a bus into a wall
I learned to blame myself because neither I nor my family were prepared to accept the truth. Because the truth is fucking depressing. Grieving sucks. Accepting my health situation is so much less inspiring than thinking “if I just want to be better harder I’ll get better.”
But blinding myself to reality has caused me to make myself sicker. So much sicker actually. I don’t know how much of my current disability can be attributed to my pushing myself too hard, and what would have happened if I hadn’t. But I’m certain it wouldn’t be as bad.
Fuck it. Having my conditions (vestibular migraine and etc) is a shitty hand to be dealt, and I may never be able to do all the things I wish I could do, and I may be disabled forever. That’s it, I said it, the end.
But that doesn’t mean I’m helpless. Now I have to live in this body and figure out how to make a life with what I have.
If I live within my limits I will a much fuller life than continuing to push myself until I crash over and over, each time slowly chipping away at my abilities and shrinking my world a little more. If I am careful maybe I will even be able to gain back some of what I lost. Patience. I have to accept, and be patient, and be grateful.
Now instead of telling myself “just try harder!” I can say “what compromises can I make to set myself up for success and health.”
Maybe I won’t ever have a “real career.” But I can derive meaning from my hobbies, and maybe even do a little part time work from home someday. I can be grateful for my husband being able to work and support me.
Maybe I won’t ever be able to play roller derby or be a hiker. But I can go on a walk most days and dance a little in my living room. I can be grateful that I am able to stretch my legs.
Maybe I won’t ever be able to go to conventions or play games at busy game stores. But I can play TTRPGs with my friends online, or have friends over for board games. I can be grateful to have a wonderful online community.
Maybe I can’t go on vacations or fly in a plane. But I can go on a picnic with my husband and dog. I can be grateful for good food and that nature is so accessible to me.
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vezlayfood1 · 8 days
Health and Environmental Benefits of Buy Vegan Food
Switching to a vegan diet can feel like a big leap, but the rewards are worth it. Vegan food is not just about excluding animal products; it's about embracing a lifestyle that promotes health, environmental sustainability, and ethical eating. But why should you Buy Vegan Food? Let's dive into the many reasons and benefits that make vegan food a compelling choice.
Health Benefits of Vegan Food
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Nutrient-Rich Options
Vegan Food are packed with essential nutrients. Think of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds – they are all powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Incorporating a variety of these foods ensures you get a broad spectrum of nutrients essential for maintaining good health.
Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases
Studies have shown that a vegan diet can lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. This is largely due to the lower intake of saturated fats and higher intake of fiber and antioxidants, which help protect your body from harmful diseases.
Weight Management
If you're looking to manage your weight, vegan food might be your answer. Plant-based diets tend to be lower in calories yet high in nutrients, helping you feel full longer and reducing the urge to snack on unhealthy foods.
Environmental Impact
Reducing Carbon Footprint
Buying vegan food significantly reduces your carbon footprint. Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By choosing plant-based foods, you contribute to lowering these emissions and combat climate change.
Conservation of Water Resources
Did you know that producing animal products consumes a massive amount of water? For instance, producing a single pound of beef requires thousands of gallons of water. In contrast, plant-based foods generally require much less water, making them a more sustainable choice.
Less Land Use
Vegan food production requires less land compared to animal farming. This helps preserve natural habitats and reduces deforestation, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity.
Ethical Considerations
Animal Welfare
One of the strongest arguments for buying vegan food is the ethical stance against animal cruelty. By opting for vegan products, you support a system that does not exploit animals for food, promoting a cruelty-free lifestyle.
Cruelty-Free Products
Beyond food, the vegan lifestyle often extends to other products like clothing and cosmetics. Many vegans choose cruelty-free options that do not involve animal testing, aligning with their values of compassion and ethical treatment of animals.
Economic Benefits
Growing Market for Vegan Products
The demand for vegan products is on the rise, which means more innovation and better options for consumers. This growth in the market also drives prices down, making vegan products more accessible.
Supporting Local Farmers and Producers
Buying vegan food can also support local farmers and small businesses. Many vegan products come from local sources, and purchasing them helps stimulate the local economy and encourages sustainable farming practices.
How to Start Buying Vegan Food
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Research and Education
The first step in transitioning to vegan food is education. Learn about the different plant-based foods and their nutritional benefits. There are plenty of resources available online, including blogs, documentaries, and books.
Reading Labels
When shopping, make it a habit to read labels. Look for products that are clearly marked as vegan or plant-based. Familiarize yourself with ingredients to avoid any hidden animal products.
Exploring Vegan Recipes
Try experimenting with vegan recipes. There are countless delicious and easy-to-make vegan dishes available online. Start with simple meals and gradually incorporate more variety into your diet.
Where to Buy Vegan Food
Grocery Stores
Most grocery stores now have dedicated sections for vegan and plant-based foods. Look for these sections to find a variety of vegan options.
Farmers’ Markets
Farmers’ markets are great places to buy fresh, local, and often organic produce. Many vendors offer vegan-friendly products like fresh fruits, vegetables, and homemade plant-based foods.
Online Retailers
Online shopping has made it easier than ever to find vegan products. Websites like Amazon, Thrive Market, and specialty vegan stores offer a wide range of vegan foods that can be delivered right to your door.
Popular Vegan Food Brands
Beyond Meat
Beyond Meat is known for its plant-based meat substitutes that mimic the taste and texture of real meat. Their products are widely available and a great option for those transitioning to a vegan diet.
Daiya Foods
Daiya Foods offers a variety of dairy-free products, including cheese, yogurt, and desserts. Their products are perfect for those looking for vegan alternatives to traditional dairy products.
Follow Your Heart
Follow Your Heart is a well-known brand offering vegan mayonnaise, salad dressings, and cheese alternatives. Their products are popular among vegans and non-vegans alike.
Vegan Alternatives to Common Foods
Dairy Alternatives
Switching from dairy to plant-based alternatives is easy with options like almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk. Vegan cheeses made from nuts and seeds are also widely available.
Meat Substitutes
Meat substitutes like tofu, tempeh, and seitan are excellent sources of protein and can be used in a variety of dishes. Products like veggie burgers and plant-based sausages are also great meat alternatives.
Egg Replacements
For baking and cooking, egg replacements like flaxseed meal, chia seeds, and commercial egg replacers work wonderfully. These alternatives provide the same binding properties as eggs without the animal product.
Budget-Friendly Vegan Shopping Tips
Buy in Bulk
Buying in bulk can save you money and reduce packaging waste. Staples like grains, beans, and nuts are often cheaper when purchased in large quantities.
Seasonal Shopping
Buying fruits and vegetables that are in season is usually cheaper and ensures you get the freshest produce. Seasonal shopping also supports local farmers and reduces the environmental impact.
Homemade Meals
Preparing meals at home is not only healthier but also more cost-effective. Homemade vegan meals allow you to control the ingredients and portion sizes, reducing food waste and saving money.
Cooking and Preparing Vegan Food
Essential Vegan Pantry Items
Stock your pantry with vegan essentials like grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and spices. These staples form the basis of many vegan meals and ensure you always have ingredients on hand.
Quick and Easy Vegan Recipes
Start with simple recipes like stir-fries, salads, and smoothies. These meals are quick to prepare and can be customized with your favorite ingredients.
Meal Prep Tips
Meal prepping can save you time and ensure you have healthy meals ready to go. Cook large batches of grains and beans, and prep vegetables in advance to make meal preparation easier during the week.
Eating Out as a Vegan
Finding Vegan-Friendly Restaurants
Look for restaurants that specifically cater to vegans or have a variety of vegan options. Apps like HappyCow can help you find vegan-friendly dining options in your area.
Vegan Options in Non-Vegan Restaurants
Many non-vegan restaurants offer vegan options or are willing to customize dishes to make them vegan. Don't hesitate to ask your server about vegan choices or modifications.
Using Apps and Online Resources
There are many apps and websites dedicated to helping vegans find suitable dining options. Use these resources to discover new places and read reviews from other vegans.
Addressing Common Myths about Vegan Food
Protein Deficiency Concerns
A common myth is that vegans don't get enough protein. However, plant-based sources like beans, lentils, tofu, and quinoa provide ample protein to meet your daily needs.
Vegan Food Being Expensive
While some specialty vegan products can be pricey, a basic vegan diet centered around whole foods like grains, beans, and vegetables is often cheaper than a diet that includes meat and dairy.
Limited Variety
Some believe that a vegan diet is limited in variety, but this couldn't be further from the truth. There is an abundance of delicious and diverse plant-based foods and recipes to explore.
Vegan Food for Special Diets
Gluten-Free Vegan Options
Many vegan foods are naturally gluten-free. Look for gluten-free grains like quinoa, rice, and buckwheat, and always check labels for gluten-free certification.
Nut-Free Vegan Foods
If you have a nut allergy, there are plenty of nut-free vegan options available. Seeds, grains, and legumes can provide similar nutritional benefits without the risk of allergens.
Soy-Free Vegan Choices
For those avoiding soy, there are numerous soy-free vegan products. Look for alternatives made from peas, lentils, and other legumes.
Buying vegan food is more than just a dietary choice; it's a lifestyle that benefits your health, the environment, and animal welfare. With the growing availability of vegan products and resources, making the switch has never been easier. So, why not give it a try? Embrace the vegan lifestyle and enjoy the numerous benefits it has to offer.
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govitarevesby · 1 year
Go Vita Revesby - Natural Health Supplements Revesby
Buy high-quality products to boost your health and wellness. We offer a wide range of products to achieve your health goals. Go Vita Revesby keep a stack of health supplements online for all fitness enthusiasts out there who are constantly looking for ways to improve their daily performance. With our whey- and plant-based pre-workout, weight loss, and intra-workout products, you are sure to see exceptional growth in your training regime.
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yadavkhumesh · 1 month
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सप्लीमेंट्स - स्वास्थ्य product Hide drafts
Draft 1
NeuroActive6 Supplements: A Review
NeuroActive6 Supplements is a nootropic supplement that claims to improve focus, mood, and cognitive function. It is made with a blend of natural ingredients, including L-tyrosine, rhodiola rosea, and bacopa monnieri.
Enhanced Focus and Mental Clarity
I have been taking NeuroActive6 Supplements for a few weeks now, and I have noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. I am able to concentrate on tasks for longer periods of time, and I am less likely to get distracted. I also find that I am able to think more clearly and creatively.
Improved Mood and Reduced Stress
In addition to improving my focus, NeuroActive6 Supplements has also helped to improve my mood. I feel more positive and upbeat, and I am less likely to experience stress or anxiety. I also find that I am able to sleep better at night.
Safe and Effective
I have not experienced any negative side effects from taking NeuroActive6 Supplements. The ingredients are all natural and have been shown to be safe and effective in clinical studies.
Overall, I am very impressed with NeuroActive6 Supplements. It has significantly improved my focus, mood, and cognitive function. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a natural way to boost their brainpower.
Additional Benefits
In addition to the benefits I have already mentioned, NeuroActive6 Supplements may also help to:
Improve memory
Enhance learning ability
Protect brain cells from damage
Reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline
NeuroActive6 Supplements is a safe and effective nootropic supplement that can help to improve focus, mood, and cognitive function. I highly recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a natural way to boost their brainpower.
It is important to note that I am not a medical professional, and these results may not be typical. If you are considering taking NeuroActive6 Supplements, I recommend that you speak to your doctor first.
Where to Buy
NeuroActive6 Supplements can be purchased online and at some health food stores.
NeuroActive6 Supplements is priced at around $30 for a bottle of 60 capsules.
I give NeuroActive6 Supplements a 5 out of 5 star rating.
I hope this review is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Draft 2
NeuroActive6 Supplements: A Comprehensive Review
NeuroActive6 is a nootropic supplement that claims to enhance focus, mood, and cognitive function. It is made with a blend of natural ingredients, including L-tyrosine, rhodiola rosea, and bacopa monnieri.
In this review, we will take a closer look at NeuroActive6, its ingredients, and its potential benefits. We will also discuss some of the potential side effects and how to use the supplement safely.
NeuroActive6 is made with a blend of six natural ingredients:
L-tyrosine: An amino acid that is a precursor to dopamine and norepinephrine, two neurotransmitters that are involved in mood, focus, and motivation.
Rhodiola rosea: An adaptogen that has been shown to improve cognitive function, reduce stress, and boost energy levels.
Bacopa monnieri: An herb that has been used in traditional Indian medicine for centuries to improve memory and cognitive function.
Alpha GPC: A choline compound that is important for brain health and function.
Huperzine A: A natural compound that has been shown to improve memory and learning.
Acetyl-L-carnitine: An amino acid that is important for energy production and brain function.
NeuroActive6 claims to provide a number of benefits, including:
Improved focus and concentration: The ingredients in NeuroActive6 have been shown to improve focus and concentration by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.
Enhanced mood: L-tyrosine and rhodiola rosea have been shown to improve mood by increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine.
Improved cognitive function: Bacopa monnieri, alpha GPC, and huperzine A have all been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory, learning, and processing speed.
Reduced stress: Rhodiola rosea and acetyl-L-carnitine have both been shown to reduce stress levels.
Increased energy levels: Acetyl-L-carnitine is important for energy production, and it may help to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue.
Potential Side Effects
NeuroActive6 is generally considered to be safe when used as directed. However, some people may experience mild side effects, such as:
Upset stomach
If you experience any side effects, it is important to stop taking NeuroActive6 and talk to your doctor.
How to Use NeuroActive6
NeuroActive6 is typically taken in the form of capsules. The recommended dosage is two capsules per day, taken with food. It is important to not exceed the recommended dosage.
NeuroActive6 can interact with some medications. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking NeuroActive6 if you are taking any medications.
NeuroActive6 is a promising nootropic supplement that has the potential to improve focus, mood, and cognitive function. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before taking NeuroActive6 to make sure that it is safe for you and that it will not interact with any medications you are taking.
NeuroActive6 is a natural supplement that may be beneficial for improving focus, mood, and cognitive function. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before taking NeuroActive6 to make sure that it is safe for you.
Please note that this review is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. It is always best to talk to your doctor before taking any new supplement.
Draft 3
NeuroActive6 Supplements: A Comprehensive Review of Its Benefits
NeuroActive6 Supplements are a nootropic focus and mood supplement that has gained popularity among individuals seeking to enhance their cognitive abilities and overall well-being. This review delves into the product's ingredients, potential benefits, and user experiences to provide a comprehensive evaluation of its effectiveness.
Ingredients: A Blend of Powerful Nootropics
NeuroActive6 Supplements boast a carefully curated blend of natural ingredients known for their cognitive-enhancing properties. These include:
Lion's Mane Mushroom: This adaptogenic mushroom supports memory, focus, and overall brain health.
Bacopa Monnieri: A traditional Ayurvedic herb, Bacopa Monnieri enhances cognitive function, learning, and memory.
Rhodiola Rosea: This adaptogen promotes mental clarity, reduces stress, and improves mood.
L-Tyrosine: An amino acid, L-Tyrosine supports alertness, focus, and mood regulation.
Phosphatidylserine: This phospholipid enhances memory, learning, and cognitive function.
Vitamin B6: This essential vitamin supports brain function and nerve health.
Potential Benefits: A Multifaceted Approach to Cognitive Enhancement
NeuroActive6 Supplements offer a range of potential benefits, including:
Enhanced Cognitive Function: The combination of nootropics in NeuroActive6 may improve memory, focus, concentration, and mental clarity.
Improved Mood: The supplement's ingredients may help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote feelings of well-being.
Neuroprotection: NeuroActive6 may protect brain cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation.
Cognitive Support During Stress: The supplement may help maintain cognitive function during stressful periods.
Overall Brain Health: NeuroActive6 may contribute to overall brain health and support cognitive function as we age.
User Experiences: Positive Testimonials Reinforce Benefits
Numerous user reviews of NeuroActive6 Supplements highlight the positive impact it has had on their cognitive abilities and overall well-being. Common themes among the reviews include:
Improved Focus and Concentration: Users report experiencing increased focus, concentration, and mental clarity after taking NeuroActive6.
Enhanced Memory: Many users have noticed a significant improvement in their memory and ability to recall information.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: NeuroActive6 has been credited with helping individuals manage stress, anxiety, and improve their overall mood.
Cognitive Support During Stressful Periods: Users have found NeuroActive6 to be particularly beneficial during periods of high stress, helping them maintain their cognitive performance.
Overall Brain Health: Many users have expressed a sense of improved brain health and well-being after taking NeuroActive6.
Conclusion: A Promising Supplement for Cognitive Enhancement
NeuroActive6 Supplements present a promising approach to enhancing cognitive function, improving mood, and promoting overall brain health. The combination of natural nootropic ingredients and positive user experiences makes NeuroActive6 a supplement worth considering for those seeking to optimize their cognitive abilities and well-being.
It is important to note that individual results may vary, and it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
Regenerate drafts
NeuroActive6 Supplements: A Review
NeuroActive6 Supplements is a nootropic supplement that claims to improve focus, mood, and cognitive function. It is made with a blend of natural ingredients, including L-tyrosine, rhodiola rosea, and bacopa monnieri.
Enhanced Focus and Mental Clarity
I have been taking NeuroActive6 Supplements for a few weeks now, and I have noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. I am able to concentrate on tasks for longer periods of time, and I am less likely to get distracted. I also find that I am able to think more clearly and creatively.
Improved Mood and Reduced Stress
In addition to improving my focus, NeuroActive6 Supplements has also helped to improve my mood. I feel more positive and upbeat, and I am less likely to experience stress or anxiety. I also find that I am able to sleep better at night.
Safe and Effective
I have not experienced any negative side effects from taking NeuroActive6 Supplements. The ingredients are all natural and have been shown to be safe and effective in clinical studies.
Overall, I am very impressed with NeuroActive6 Supplements. It has significantly improved my focus, mood, and cognitive function. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a natural way to boost their brainpower.
Additional Benefits
In addition to the benefits I have already mentioned, NeuroActive6 Supplements may also help to:
Improve memory
Enhance learning ability
Protect brain cells from damage
Reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline
NeuroActive6 Supplements is a safe and effective nootropic supplement that can help to improve focus, mood, and cognitive function. I highly recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a natural way to boost their brainpower.
It is important to note that I am not a medical professional, and these results may not be typical. If you are considering taking NeuroActive6 Supplements, I recommend that you speak to your doctor first.
Where to Buy
NeuroActive6 Supplements can be purchased online and at some health food stores.
NeuroActive6 Supplements is priced at around $30 for a bottle of 60 capsules.
I give NeuroActive6 Supplements a 5 out of 5 star rating.
I hope this review is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Gemini may display inaccurate info, including about people, so double-check its responses. Your privacy and Gemini AppsOpens in a new window.
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floridareptiles1 · 2 months
Live Parrots Pet Store is one of the largest Parrot Specie breeder reptile store and seller in the USA. We sell Parrots such as African Grey Parrots, Amazon Parrots, Macaw Parrots, Conure Parrots, Cockatoo Parrots, Pionus Parrots and Eclectus parrots for sale online. We are specialized in both hand raised baby Parrots and adult Parrots as well. Our pet store staff helps in the education of each customer and is here to assist any client that visits our pet store. We breed almost any parrot you can think of, from as small as parrotlet to as large as several species of Macaw. We want to be the #1 all Parrot pet store when anyone searches parrots for sale online and will work very hard to earn your business and support you in your ownership of your Parrot pet.
We believe in weaning our baby birds based on their individual needs and rates of maturity. All baby parrots for sale online must get a good start in life, both nutritionally and psychologically. Each of our babies is given a hand-feeding formula that is best suited to their species and individual needs. They are given a variety of foods at an early age, which allows them to explore and experiment with different tastes and textures. Our babies are weaned onto a pelleted diet, various trail mix blends, fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked beans and rice, grains, breads, pastas, and nuts (for the Macaws & Conures).
Buy Parrots Online
We keep them in cages in our homes, but in their natural state, they are independent birds who can seek out water over hundreds of miles through pure instinct. We feed them seeds from a pet store, but they can find food in a wide variety of habitats. We give them plastic toys and mirrors to play with when in fact in the wild some have figured out how to use tools to communiparrote and attract mates. parrots for sale
Parrots For Sale Online
Welcome to Healthy Parrots For Sale Store. Your one stop online shop for the most adorable parrots you can find. We have a wide collection of these charming birds; we have several species available such as the amazon, african grey, electus, macaw etc. We also have parrot eggs for sale available on our store. All our parrots are super birds and in good health, vet checked and ready for adoption. They are properly trained and will make great home companions
Welcome To Our Parrot Pet Store – Healthy Parrots For Sale Online
The price of our Birds are very affordable every parrot lover can afford these birds. We are not out to make a profit but to find these birds the best home. The Live Parrots Shop has been breeding exotic birds since 1992 on their farm and specialize in importing and exporting birds from our Farms. Buy parrots for sale online here at floridareptiles.us
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Lizards For Sale
Lizards for Sale Reptile store
There are roughly 19 species of lizards that are native to Florida reptiles store in the geographically diverse state of the USA. Based on physical traits and appearance, four families of lizards are recognized in Florida. Reptiles of the family Crotaphytidae is typically recognized by their huge bodies and protracted tails. The Phrynosomatidae family, pet reptiles for sale in contrast, is distinguished by its diminutive size. The sizes of the third and fourth families, Scincidae and Teiidae, are not used to classify them but rather their morphologies.
Teiidae is very different from the other species. They are known as whiptails because of their long, sleek tails, bedding reptile cleaning and maintenance and their tongues are frequently forked. The lizard species of the Scincidae, however, best online reptile store have distinctly cylindrical bodies and very short limbs. Currently, you may purchase Florida lizards online from www.floridareptiles.us and benefit from our overnight shipping options. We at Florida Reptiles sell a variety of lizards, but some of the most popular ones include Abino iguanas, Yellow iguanas, Parsons Chameleons, and Grand Cayman Blue Iguanas, emerald tree boa for sale.
Snakes For Sale
Among many known reptiles of Florida, snakes are found in abundance. Around 30 species of snakes have been discovered throughout the state. While most of them are not poisonous, bidding starts on dec pm, Rattlesnake is a severely poisonous Florida reptile. There is no need for fear of encountering reptiles in Florida and visiting the wildlife with safety precautions well understood. pet reptile for sale
People find Snakes as one of the scariest reptiles; however, they play a great role in maintaining the ecosystem balance. We are reptile store have attempted to emulate good principles to take care of reptiles for sale. We have a wide selection of Florida snakes for sale. Florida  snakes can be purchased online from us, and we guarantee safe and timely delivery. Some of the most frequently purchased Florida snakes include black devil boas, reptiles for sale including , baby red tail boas, pied ball pythons, underground reptiles and adult black green tree pythons. You can buy Florida snakes online in the United States from us and save money on different species of Florida  snakes. captive bred reptiles for sale 
Turtles For Sale
Turtles are typically regarded as being harmless among the terrifying and venomous reptiles of Florida. Among the native reptiles of Florida are five different species of turtle. The Western Painted Turtle, Snapping Turtle, Spiny Softshell Turtle, and Yellow Mud Turtle are the four aquatic and wetland species. The only species found on land is an elaborate box turtle. The largest of the five species, the spiny softshell, reptile shop near montclair nj is primarily found in eastern Colorado. Ornate box turtles have recently been categorized as threatened due to habitat loss.
Every week, they rescue and take in reptiles and amphibians in Florida before placing them up for adoption in a secure environment. Some of the most well-known Florida turtle species available for purchase online include the Spotted turtle, Baby Spotted turtles, Albino Red Ear Slider turtle, Baby Asian Yellow Pond turtle, and Baby Desert Ornate Box turtle. In the USA and Europe, Florida turtles can be purchased.
Every week, they rescue and take in reptiles and amphibians in Florida before placing them up for adoption in a secure environment. Some of the most well-known Florida turtle species available for purchase online include the Spotted turtle, Baby Spotted turtles, subsrate and bedding reptile cleaning , Albino Red Ear Slider turtle, Baby Asian Yellow Pond turtle, and Baby Desert Ornate Box turtle. In the USA and Europe, Florida turtles can be purchased.
Tortoises For Sale
Unlike turtles, tortoises are land creatures. Like turtles, tortoises are shielded from predators and the elements by a hard shell. With an estimated lifespan of 200,000 years, Florida tortoises are regarded to be the longest-living land animals in the entire world. Some of the tortoise species available for purchase are adult pancake tortoises, reptile shops in edison nj , young Aldabra tortoises, young Burmese black mountain tortoises, young big south African leopard tortoises, young Greek tortoises, young hypo Sulcata tortoises, and young elongated tortoises.
These and many other varieties of tortoise are available for purchase from us online.
With only a few mouse clicks,  treats reptile subsrate and bedding captive bred reptiles for sale ,you may make the finest tortoise buy of your life with next-day delivery and enormous savings! Our enormous clientele is dispersed throughout the USA and Europe. Give us a chance to provide you with the best reptiles for sale online by ordering your Florida tortoise and other reptiles from the United States.
Are there rattlesnakes in Florida Reptile store?
Snakes are the most abundant species among all Florida reptiles. There are around thirty (30) snakes in Florida , out of which only three (03) are threats to human life. All three of these are rattlesnakes, and they come from the Viperidae family. 
Their common names are Prairie Rattlesnake, Midget Faded Rattlesnake, and Massasauga. All three rattlesnakes are different in physical appearance and various characteristics; however, they possess a few mutual characteristics that help identify them. As the name suggests, the end of the tails look rattle-like, and they have triangle-shaped heads. The eyes are vertical in shape, and all have thick bodies.
Prairie Rattlesnake is the most common type of rattlesnake species. They are the largest among the other rattlesnakes and are known as Western Rattlesnakes and Great Plain Snakes. Among the snakes found in Colorado Springs, Prairie Rattlesnake is the only rattlesnake found there. 
Midget-faded rattlesnakes are found in a limited number in Florida . Their only natural habitat is in the Green River and Florida River basins. Midget-faded rattlesnakes are generally called faded rattlesnakes due to their color and size. They have bodies the shade of pink and yellow with red scales and have darker markings all over, which fade as they age.
In addition to these venomous reptiles of Florida , two species of Massasauga Rattlesnake are also found in Southeastern Florida . These snakes include western massasaugas and desert massasaugas. 
Snakes in Southeaster
n Florida inhabit relatively dry areas such as rocky terrains and dry grasslands. They are the shortest among the Florida rattlesnakes and can grow up to 20 inches in total. The color and appearance of both the snakes are pretty similar, with greyish and dull base color and dark patches all over the body. We sell a wide variety of Florida snakes online, and you can buy them directly from our live reptiles store.
 Which species of reptiles and amphibians are there in Florida reptile store?
Florida is home to many native reptiles and amphibians. There are around 19 species of amphibians and around 58 species of reptiles currently known in the state. 
Among the species of amphibians in Florida, the Western Tiger salamander is the only salamander species. It is well-recognized as it was designated as Colorado’s state symbol in 2012. They live around water bodies such as damp areas in forests and pine barrens. 
Florida Tiger Salamander is a nocturnal species and can grow up to 14 inches. They eat everything from small insects to earthworms. Other amphibians in Florida include anurans, i.e., frogs and toads. Some of the frog species found commonly in Florida are American Bullfrog, Northern Leopard frog, Canyon Tree frog, etc. American Bullfrog is known as the biggest frog among these species. Florida toads include Great Plain Toad, Red Spotted Toad, etc. 
Among the reptiles in Florida , lizards and snakes are found in abundance. There are around nineteen (19) species of lizards and thirty (30) species of snakes found across the Colorado state. 
Lizards in Florida are categorically divided into four families. The list includes Texas Horned Lizard, Round-tail Horned Lizard, Tree Lizard, The Eastern Fence Lizard, etc. The most well-known species of snake found in the state is Rattlesnake.
Florida turtles and tortoises are found in the eastern part of Florida . Four out of five species found in the state are aquatic, and only one species, Ornate Box Turtle, is terrestrial. This terrestrial species has been marked as threatened species due to habitat loss in recent years. Contact us right away to take advantage of our special online discounts on our Florida reptiles store.
What kind of lizards are there in Florida Reptile store?
Among the Florida mountain reptiles, lizards are present in the majority population. There are around nineteen (19) species of lizards in Florida reptile store . These species are categorized into four (04) families on the basis of their size and shape. 
The first family, called Family Crotaphytidae, consists of two species. Common names for these Florida reptiles are Collared Lizard and Longnose Leopard Lizard. The characteristics that define this family are large bodies with huge heads and long limbs. 
The second family is Family Phrynosomatidae. There are nine species of lizards in this family, What is the best website to buy reptiles? and they are characterized based on their relatively small bodies. The common names are Texas Horned Lizards, Eastern Fence Lizard, Side-Blotched Lizard, Short-Horned Lizard, Desert Spiny Lizard, Tree Lizard, Lesser Earless Lizard, Sagebrush Lizard, and Round-tail Horned Lizard. 
Where Do We Ship Reptiles?
We ship Florida reptile Store in the United States and Europe. Our customer base stretches from the United States to Canada, the UK, and all of Europe. You can buy Florida reptiles online from our online store to take advantage of our special discounts for online customers. We have a diverse clientele that ranges from the United States to Europe. The Abino iguana, Parsons Chameleon, Black devil boa, Yellow iguana, reptile store near me , Grand Cayman blue iguana, Surname boa, Spotted turtle, Baby Spotted turtle, geckos for sale and Baby red tail boa is among our most popularly purchased Florida exotic pet reptiles.
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