#Orange toad Lily
mysticsparklewings · 1 year
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Inktober/Drawtober Day 8: Orange Toad 🍊 🐸
In which Mystic was inspired mostly by learning that the “Orange Toad Lily” is A Thing™️! 😮
If you want to know more, DeviantArt gives me way more characters for my thoughts:
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quizzywizkid · 11 months
A few of my most recent adoptions!
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It's been a while since I've been active, but I've adopted a few new pets! Harmony the Peace Bear, Lily the Tigerlily Pup, Edgar the Raven, Dart the Orange Lil' Toil Toad, and Esmeralda the Gypsy Vanner! I may have missed a few adoptions too, but currently I'm up to 142 pets!
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greenwitchcrafts · 4 months
June 2024 witch guide
Full moon: June 21st
New moon: June 6th
Sabbats: Litha/Summer Solstice- June 20th
June Strawberry Moon
Known as: Aerra Litha, Birth Moon, Blooming Moon, Brachmanoth, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Green Corn Moon, Hatching Moon, Hoer Moon, Honey Moon, Lovers Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Partner Moon, Rose Moon & Strong Sun Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Gemini & Cancer
Nature spirits: Sylphs & Zephyrs
Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishtar, Isis, Neith & Persephone
Animals: Butterfly, frog, monkey & toad
Birds: Peacock & wren
Trees: Maple & Oak
Herbs: Dog grass, meadowsweet, moss, mugwort, parsley, skullcap & vervain
Flowers: Lavender, orchid, tansy & yarrow
Scents: Lavender & lily of the valley
Stones:  Agate, Alexandrite, cat's eye, chrysoberyl, emerald, fluorite, garnet, moonstone, ruby & topaz
Colors: Gold, green, orange & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, balance, change of residence, communication, decision making, education, family relations, full & restful energy, love, marriage, prosperity, positive transformation, prevention, protection, public relations, relationships, responsibility, strength, tides turning, travel & writing
While strawberries certainly are a reddish-pink color and are roundish in shape, the origin of the name “Strawberry Moon” has nothing to do with the Moon’s hue or appearance.
• June's full Moon is typically the last full moon of spring or the first of summer. The June Full Moon will be extraordinary. For the first time since 1985, Full Moon happens precisely on the summer solstice, when the Sun is highest up. Because the Full Moon is always opposite the Sun, this year, you will see that the Moon is 10 widths lower on the horizon than the Sun ever is. 
This “Strawberry Moon” name has been used by Native American Algonquian tribes that live in the northeastern United States as well as the Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. The Haida term Berries Ripen Moon reflects this as well. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.
Known as: Alban Heruin, Summer Solstice & Whit Sunday
Season: Summer
Element: Fire
Symbols: Besom, fairies, God's eyes, sunflowers & symbols of the sun
Colors: Blue, gold, green, orange, red, tan & yellow
Oils/Incense: Cinnamon, frankincense, heliotrope, lavender, lemon, lily of the valley, mint, musk, myrrh, orange, orange pine, pine, rose, saffron, sandalwood & wisteria
Animals: Cattle, crab, horse & octopus
Birds: Goldfinch, kingfisher, meadowlark, owl, robin & wren
Mythical: Fairies
Stones: Bloodstone, diamond, emerald, jade, lapis lazuli & tiger's eye
Food: Ale, bread, cheese, edible flowers, garden fresh vegetables & fruit, lemons, meade, milk, oranges, pumpernickel bread, summer squash & wine
Herbs/Plants: Anise, basil, betony, cinquefoil, copal, elder, fennel, fern, frankincense, galangal, hemp, ivy, larkspur, lemon, lemon balm, mistletoe, mugwort, mullien, nettle, orange, orpin, plantain, rue, saffron, sandalwood, St.John's wort, thyme, verbena, vervain, wild thyme & ylang-ylang
Flowers: Carnation, chamomile, daisy, heather, heliotrope, honeysuckle, lavender, lily, marigold, orchid, rose, wisteria & yarrow
Trees: Elder, holly, laurel, linden, oak & pine
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Aine, Anahita, Dea, Cerde, Dag, Dana, Eiru, Fenne, Gwydion, Kupala, Mabd, Phoebe, Skhmet & Sul
Gods: Apollo, Baal, Balder, Bel, The Dagda, Donnus, El, The Green Man, Helios, Huon, Jupiter, Llew, Loki, Lugh, Maui, Mithras, Oak/Holly King, Ogmios, Ra, Surya, Thor & Zeus
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, changes, divination, ending, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Fire & water magick
• Charge and cleanse your crystals in the solstice sun
• Make Sun water
• Create crafts with natural elements such as flowers
• Burn a paper with things that no longer serve you or that you are trying to let go
•  Invite friends & family over for a bonfire and/or feast
• Gather & dry herbs for the upcoming year
• Clean, decorate & cleanse your altar with summer symbols
• Brew some sun tea
• Take a ritual bath/shower with flowers
• Make your own sun dial
• Craft a door wreath out of flowers & herbs
• Enjoy some sunrise/sunset yoga
• Volunteer at a food kitchen or animal shelter
• Plant trees (especially ones that may provide fruit or berries to feed the wildlife)
• Watch the sunset & say a blessing to nature
• Make flower infused anointing/spell oils
• Eat fresh fruits & berries
• Participate in a handfasting
• Create shadow art
The history of Litha reveals its deep connections to ancient agricultural societies & their reliance on the sun's power. Celebrated as part of the Wheel of the Year, Litha symbolizes the balance between light & darkness. Throughout history  customs such as bonfires, herb gathering & the construction of sunwheels have marked this festival. Today, Litha continues to be celebrated by various communities, with gatherings at sacred sites & private rituals in natural settings. It serves as a reminder of our connection with nature and the cycles of life.
• The traditions of Litha appear to be borrowed from many cultures. Most ancient cultures celebrated the summer solstice in some way such as the Celts celebrated Litha with hilltop bonfires & dancing. Many people attempted to jump over or through the bonfires for good luck. Other European traditions included setting large wheels on fire & rolling them down a hill into a body of water.
Litha is often associated with Midsummer, a celebration that extends beyond the pagan and Wiccan traditions. Midsummer festivities are observed in many cultures around the world, including Scandinavian countries where it holds a prominent place in their cultural heritage. Midsummer dances, bonfires, & feasts are integral parts of these celebrations, often accompanied by folklore and traditional rituals that honor the sun's energy and the abundance of nature during this time.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year & in some traditions, Litha is when The Sun(The God) is symbolically at it's peak time of power & the World will soon be ripe to harvest. It is also when The Goddess is pregnant with The God who is to be reborn at Yule.
• In the Northern Hemisphere the Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its highest and northernmost points in the sky. It marks the start of summer in the northern half of the globe. (In contrast, the June solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky, marking the start of winter.)
Some also believe the history & spirit of Litha revolve around two deities, The Oak King & The Holly King. In Wiccan and Neo-Pagan traditions, each King rules the Earth for half of the year. From Yule to Litha, the Oak King rules. On Litha, the two battled for the crown and it is then that the Holly King triumphs. The Holly King will rule through fall until Yule, and the cycle will begin again.
Related festivals:
• Vestalia- June 7th -15th
Was a Roman religious festival in honor of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth & the burning continuation of the sacred fire of Rome. It was held from 7–15 June & was reserved as a women's-only event. Domestic & family life in general were represented by the festival of the goddess of the house & of the spirits of the storechamber — Vesta & the Penates .
On the first day of festivities the penus Vestae (sanctum sanctorum of the temple of Vesta which was usually curtained off) was opened for the only time during the year, at which women offered sacrifices. As long as the curtain remained open, mothers could come, barefoot and disheveled, to leave offerings to the goddess in exchange for a blessing to them and their family.
For the last day, the penus Vestae was solemnly closed, the Flaminica Dialis observed mourning & the temple was subjected to a purification called stercoratio: the filth was swept from the temple and carried next by the route called clivus Capitolinus and then into the Tiber.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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tsunael · 6 months
If there's anyone out there that cares about flower language and symbolism like I do, I made an informal write-up some time ago about the in-game flowers (that you can put in your house) and the different symbolism that they can mean.
I only included the symbolism for the in-game colors and also their general meaning.
Also as a disclaimer these could be incorrect, have contrasting meanings, or have different meanings in different real-world cultures. White chrysanthemums (kiku) are usually a funeral flower in Japan for instance. (My Japanese professor once said they were a faux pas for her to receive in a bouquet!) So your mileage may vary!
Now with added sunflower.
This was simply a fun personal project I made for myself that I thought other people might enjoy as well! So here's a question to answer in the tags:
What flowers would your WoL have in their residence?
Arums (calla lily) 🔷magnificent beauty, feminine modesty
Brightlilies (easter lily) 🔷purity, refined beauty 🔷White: virginity, purity, majesty 🔷Pink: wealth and prosperity 🔷Red: warmth, desire 🔷Yellow: gaiety, falsehood, "I’m walking on air" 🔷Orange: hatred
Campanulas (bellflower) 🔷humility, constancy
Chrysanthemum   🔷cheerfulness, "You’re a wonderful friend" 🔷Red: I love you 🔷White: truth 🔷Yellow: slighted love
Cosmos 🔷harmony, peace, modesty, "the joys that love and life can bring", beautiful
Dahlias 🔷dignity, elegance
Daisies 🔷innocence, beauty
Lilies of the Valley 🔷return of happiness, sweetness, humility, purity
Oldrose 🔷Red: I love you, love, beauty, passion, romance 🔷Blue: mystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight 🔷White: innocence and purity, "I am worthy of you", reverence 🔷Yellow: decrease of love, jealousy, friendship
Shroud Cherries (cherry blossom) 🔷spiritual beauty, a good education
Tulips 🔷perfect lover, fame 🔷Red: declaration of love, true love, eternal love, romantic love, "believe me" 🔷Yellow: hopeless love, unrequited love, brightness, sunshine 🔷White: ask for forgiveness, purity 🔷Purple: royalty
Hyacinths 🔷sports, games, rashness 🔷Purple: I am sorry, sorrow, "please forgive me" 🔷Red: play 🔷White: loveliness, "I’ll pray for you" 🔷Blue: constancy, sincerity 🔷Yellow: jealousy
Hydrangeas 🔷heartlessness, boastfulness, "You are cold"
Morning Glories 🔷love in vain, affection
Violas (violets) 🔷modesty, faithfulness 🔷Purple: daydreaming, "You occupy my thoughts" 🔷Blue: watchfulness, love 🔷White: candor, innocence 🔷Yellow: rural happiness
Byregotia (begonia?) 🔷Beware
Carnation 🔷fascination, love, distinction 🔷Red: "My heart aches for you", deep love, admiration 🔷White: sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love 🔷Yellow: "You have disappointed me", rejection, disdain 🔷Purple: capriciousness, changeable
Moth Orchid 🔷love, beauty, refinement, beautiful lady
Sweet Pea 🔷departure, good-bye, delicate pleasure, tender memory, blissful pleasure
Triteleia 🔷 They're a North American wildflower also called 'triplet lilies' or 'Ithuriel's spear' which is a reference to John Milton's epic English poem, Paradise Lost. It's about an angel sent by Gabriel to find Satan in the Garden of Eden. Satan, in the form of a toad, is introducing evil suggestions into the ear of Eve when Ithuriel pokes him with a spear. Satan then returns to his true form, "... for no falsehood can endure Touch of Celestial temper, but returns Of force to its own likeness."
So, I can't find any symbolism for this one. Would make a possibly good Halone/Ishgard reference if you wanted to read into it, though.
Sunflower 🔷 Haughtiness, respect, passionate love, adoration, radiance.
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anxious-anura · 1 year
Fae Farm; A Basic Guide
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Friend-able Characters
Wisp Mother
The Marquis
Romance-able Characters
Gifts: Blob Globs, Bug Juice, Bullfrog, Common Toad, Ecto Dew, Fae Dust, Flutter Dust, Frog Sweat, Nectar, Rainbow Frog
Gifts: Berry Jam, Cheese, Clay Brick, Cotton Fabric, Fish Jerky, Flour, Fruit Preserves, Mushroom Jerky, Nut Butter, Pickled Greens, Pickled Roots, Pickled Shellfish, Pickled Veggies, Stone Brick, Wool Fabric
Gifts: Azure Spud, Baked Mac and Cheese, Charred Fish, Chili Pepper, Crystal Pepper, Deep-sea Delight, Flame Heart, Frost Beet, Grilled Mushroom, Magic Bean, Mystic Macarons, Scrambled Eggs with Fruit Salsa, Seafood Spaghetti, Twilight Salad
Gifts: Brown Snail, Candied Fruit, Deluxe Fruit Tart, Fruit Pies, Fruit Salad, Flutterwood Lumber, Grilled Fruit, Oak Lumber, Sporewood Lumber
Gifts: Copper Ingot, Feyrite Ingot, Iron Ingot, Polished Amethyst, Polished Aquamarine, Polished Citrine, Polished Emerald, Polished Peridot, Polished Rose Quartz, Polished Sapphire, Polished Topaz, Silver Ingot
Gifts: Berry Tea, Black Hyacinth, Black Lily, Black Rose, Black Zinnia, Blossom Brew, Fae Fairy, Gloom Shade, Milk Tea, Myst Fairy, Willow Wisp
Backpack Upgrades (Skye, Supplies and Sundry)
500 Florins
2,500 Florins
8,000 Florins
Home Upgrades
Starting Home
2,00 Florins , 25 Copper Ore, 25 Beech Log
4,000 Florins, 25 Iron Ore, 25 Oak Log
6,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
8,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Feyrite Ore, 15 Flutterwood Log
Hazy Haven
4,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
6,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
8,000 Florins, 2 Feyrite Ingot, 2 Flutterwood Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Silver Ore, 15 Sporewood Log
15,000 Florins, 3 Silver Ingot, 3 Sporewood Lumber
Fae Acres
Produce Stand
2,000 Florins
7,000 Florins
Tool Upgrades (All Tools)
Copper: 200 Florins, 1 Ingot
Iron: 500 Florins, 2 Ingot
Feyrite: 1,500 Florins, 3 Ingot
Silver: 2,500 Florins, 4 Ingot
Orichalcum: 3,500 Florins, 5 Ignot
Critter Net
Sturdy Critter Net: 1,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 3, Critter Net
Advanced Critter Net: 2,500 Florins, Critter Catching Level 5, Sturdy Net
Master Critter Net: 5,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 7, Advanced Net
Fishing Rod
Sturdy Rod: 1,000 Florins, Fishing Level 3, Basic Rod
Advanced Rod: 2,500 Florins, Fishing Level 5, Sturdy Rod
Master Rod: 5,000 Florins, Fishing Level 7, Advanced Rod
Animals (Coop and Barn must be unlocked before you can buy.)
Chickoo: 200 Florins
Cottontail: 200 Florins
Coop Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Mamoo: 300 Florins
Woolyhorn: 300 Florins
Barn Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Fresh Out Of The Oven (Dominic)
Flour: 85 Florins
Butter: 35 Florins
Holly’s Seed Shop (Holly)
Turnip Seeds: 5 Florins
Cauliflower Seeds: 6 Florins
Bean Seeds: 12 Florins
Potato Seeds: 10 Florins, Farming Level 10
Corn Seeds: 15 Florins, Farming Level 15
Pepper Seeds: 20 Florins, Farming Level 20
Bounteous Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Zippy Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Magic Crop Swap Fertilizer: 50 Florins, Farming Level 3
Daisy Print Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 1 Beech Lumber
Caramel Checkered Flooring: 100 Florins, 10 Clay, 1 Polished Topaz
Dry Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Treemendous Trees (Willow)
All Fruit Saplings: 450 Florins
Beech Sapling: 20 Florins
Oak Sapling: 30 Florins
Fruit Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Chopped Fruit
Grass Flooring: 100 Florins, 50 Plant Fibers
Fresh Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Supplies and Sundry (Skye)
Backpack Upgrades: ^^^^
Masonry Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Clay Brick
Cream Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Beech Lumber
Orange Brick Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Clay Brick
Deep Azure Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Smokey Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Robin’s Egg Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Frostwood Lumber
Vermilion Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Ancient Lumber
Nautical Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sporewood Lumber
Fish Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Tea Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Pantry Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Bag Hook: 100 Florins
Wall Clock: 300 Florins, 1 Copper Ingot, 1 Beech Lumber
Fishing Gear: 100 Florins, 5 Rope
Glass Bulbs: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 1 Glass
Simple Ladder: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 6 Oak Log
Wall Scroll: 100 Florin, 1 Paper, 1 Oak Log
Wonderful Wearables (Millie)
Charles’ Comfy Creations (Charles)
Emily’s Eccentric Extras (Emily)
Rose and Shine Flower Seeds (Rosalind)
House of Healing (Vera)
Millions of Bees (Mel)
Merchants’ Guild Shop (Pearl)
Comfy Critter Inn (Kasper)
Haute Cuisine (August)
Job Quests (You can only have ONE job quest active at a time)
Growing Goals - Holly (10 Total)
Harvest 30 Vegetables in one day.
Make florins selling 40 vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal vegetables.
Use Zippy Fertilizer 12 times.
Harvest 12 potatoes.
Craft 12 pickled vegetables.
Harvest 12 Fae Crops.
Craft 12 Fae Seeds.
Make florins selling 48 Fae vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal grains.
Reward: Farmer Outfit
Mystic Wings: 1 Polished Garnet, 10 Magenta Trillium, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10 Magenta Zinnia, 10 Flutter Dust
Butterfly Wings: 1 Polished Aquamarine, 10 ???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dragonfly Wings: 1 Polished Peridot, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Fae Wings: 1 Polished Rose Quarts, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dark Wings: 1???, 10 Black Tulip, 10 Flutter Dust
Feathered Wings: 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Silver Wings – 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Color Palletes
Soft Yellow: 100 Florins, 30 Sand Dollar, 30 Yellow Tulip
Soft Orange: 100 Florins, 30 Ammonite, 15 Orange Rose
Soft Pink: 100 Florins, 30 Coral, 15 Pink Lily
Soft Teal: 100 Florins, 30 Oyster, 15 White Tulip
Vibrant Sepia: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Yellow: 1,000 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Ochre: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Azure: 5,000 Florins, ???, 30 Blue Hyacinth
Vibrant Pink: 5k gold, 3 Polished Rose Quartz, 30 Pink Hyacinth
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‎‧₊🦋˚✧A Bouquet for you My dear✧˚🦋₊‧
- Pick 3 flowers - Pick a character to give these flowers too - Pick fluff or angst - Add a message
Characters I write for:
- Can be found here
Event Status: CLOSED
A/n: Some might have the same meaning, So if they do, then you can choose a better deeper meaning for them.
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Welcome to my flower shop! Today is our Grand Opening! To commemorate this big day, you can have 3 free flowers to send to someone! Here is our selection along with their meanings!
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1.) Anemone- Protection
2.) Anthurium- Hospitality
3.) Azalea- Fragile Passion
4.) Baby's Breath- Innocence
5.) Hibiscus- Rare beauty
6.) Hollyhock- Rebirth
7.) Zinnia- Remembrance
8.) Plumaria- New beginnings
9.) Primrose- Young love
10.) Pansy- You occupy my thoughts
11.) Nemophila- Healing
12.) Moonflower- Dreaming of love
13.) Lotus- Purity
14.) Marigold- Despair
15.) Larkspur- Strong love bond
16.) Peony- Bashfulness
17.) Cloven lip Toad flax- Notice my love
18.) Coreopsis- Always cheerful
19.) Crocus- Youthfulness
20.) Daffodil- Respect
21.) Buttercup- Charm
22.) Speedwell- Commitment
23.) Primrose- Optimism
24.) Ox-eye Daisy- Patience
25.) Mallow- Consumed by love
26.) Lily of the Valley- Good luck
27.) Delphinium- Levity
28.) Lilac- Wisdom
29.) Honeysuckle- True happiness
30.) Carnation (general)- Fascination
31.) Red- Deep romantic love 32.) White- Luck 33.) Pink- Gratitude 34.) Yellow- Rejection 35.) Purple- Impulsive 36.) Striped- Refusal
37.) Rose (general)- Admiration
38.) Red- True love 39.) Blue- Mystery 40.) Bud- Hope 41.) White- Loyalty 42.) Dried White Rose- Sorrow 43.) Black- Death 44.) Yellow- Friendship 45.) Pink- Comfort 46.) Dark Pink- Apperciation 47.) Light Pink- Grace 48.) Burgundy- Devotion 49.) Coral or Orange- Desire 50.) Lavender or Violet- Love at first sight
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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Warrior Cats Prefixes- T
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Tadpole-: "[noun] the tailed aquatic larva of an amphibian (frog, toad, newt, or salamander), breathing through gills and lacking legs until the later stages of its development"
Tall-: "[adj] of great or more than average height, especially (with reference to an object) relative to width"
Talon-: "[noun] a claw, especially one belonging to a bird of prey"
Tangle-: "[verb] twist together into a confused mass; [noun] a confused mass of something twisted together"
Tangled-: "[adj] twisted together untidily, aka matted; [adj] complicated and confused, aka chaotic"
Tansy-: "[noun] a plant of the daisy family with yellow flat-topped flower heads and aromatic leaves"
Tattered-: "[adj] old and torn or in poor condition"
Tawny-: "[adj] of an orange-brown or yellowish-brown color; [noun] an orange-brown or yellowish-brown color"
Teasel-: "[noun] a tall prickly Eurasian plant with spiny purple flower heads"
Tempest-: "[noun] a violent windy storm"
Tern-: "[noun] a seabird related to the gulls, typically smaller and more slender, with long pointed wings and a forked tail"
Thicket-: "[noun] a dense group of bushes or trees"
Thistle-: "[noun] a widely distributed herbaceous plant of the daisy family, which typically has a prickly stem and leaves and rounded heads of purple flowers"
Thorn-: "[noun] a stiff, sharp-pointed, straight or curved woody projection on the stem or other part of a plant; [noun] a thorny bush, shrub, or tree, especially a hawthorn"
Thrasher-: "[noun] any of various American oscine birds (family Mimidae, especially genus Toxostoma) related to the mockingbird that resemble thrushes but have a usually long curved bill and long tail"
Thrift-: "[noun] a European plant which forms low-growing tufts of slender leaves with rounded pink flower heads, growing chiefly on sea cliffs and mountains"
Thrush-: "[noun] a small or medium-sized songbird, typically having a brown back, spotted breast, and loud song"
Thunder-: "[noun] a loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air"
Thyme-: "[noun] a low-growing aromatic plant of the mint family"
Tide-: "[noun] the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun"
Tiger-: "[noun] a very large solitary cat with a yellow-brown coat striped with black; [noun] used to refer to someone fierce, determined, or ambitious"
Timber-: "[noun] wood prepared for use in building and carpentry"
Tiny-: "[adj] very small"
Tree-: "[noun] a woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground"
Toad-: "[noun] a tailless amphibian with a short stout body and short legs, typically having dry warty skin that can exude poison"
Todd-: "[noun] a male fox"
Tornado-: "[noun] a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system"
Torrent-: "[noun] a strong and fast-moving stream of water"
Tortoise-: "[noun] a turtle, typically a herbivorous one that lives on land"
Trout-: "[noun] a chiefly freshwater fish of the salmon family"
Truffle-: "[noun]  strong-smelling underground fungus that resembles an irregular, rough-skinned potato, growing chiefly in broadleaved woodland on calcareous soils"
Tulip-: "[noun] a bulbous spring-flowering plant of the lily family, with boldly colored cup-shaped flowers"
Tumble-: "[verb] (typically of a cat) fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong"
Turkey-: "[noun] a large mainly domesticated game bird native to North America, having a bald head and (in the male) red wattles"
Turtle-: "[noun] a slow-moving reptile, enclosed in a scaly or leathery domed shell into which it can retract its head and thick legs"
Twig-: "[noun] a slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub"
Twilight-: "[noun] the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon"
Twine-: "[noun] strong thread or string consisting of two or more strands of plants twisted together; [verb] cause to wind or spiral round something"
Twist-: "[verb] form into a bent, curling, or distorted shape; [noun] a thing with a spiral shape"
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greekstar · 2 years
Warrior cat name Ideas Prefixes - A-Z A Acorn Adder Amber Ant Apple Arch Arrow Aspen Ash Asher Alder Amber B Badger Bark Beech Bellow Birch Berry Bird Black Blizzard Brave Breeze Bright Brown Bell Bug Beetle Bluebell Blue Bounce Brindle Brush Bush Buzzard Buzz Bee Bumble Bass Basil Bubble Brine Beaver Bison (I feel like this only goes good with ‘horn’ or Bisonpelt/fur.) Bat Bone Butterfly Burdock Broken Bramble Bracken Bay Brisk Blossom Briar Boil Branch Bud C Cloud Cloudy Crystal Cold Cricket Cliff Cardinal Crying Cougar Coyote Cobweb Chick Cow Cave Cheetah Carrot Coral Cactus Claw Cedar Cherry Cinder Clover Copper Creek Crooked Crouch Crow D Dew Dewy Duck Dusty Dust Dune Down Dagger Dodge Dolphin Daisy Doe Dapple Dappled Dark Dawn Dead Dove Drift Dusk E Eagle Ebony Echo Egg Eel Ember F Fallen Fallow Fawn Feather Fennel Fern Ferret Finch Fire Flame Fleet Flint Flower Flow Fly Fox Freckle Frog Frost Furze Fuzzy Foal Falling Fall G Gale Gust Golden Gold Goose Gorse Gorge Grass Gray Green Grass Goldfish Guppy Ghost H Hail Half Hare Hawk Hay Hoot Hazel Heather Heavy Hollow Holly Honey Honeycomb Hummingbird Horse Happy Hornet Hound Heron I Ice Ivy J Jagged Jay Joy Jaguar Jackdaw Jump Juniper K Kestrel Kink Koi L Lake Larch Leaf Lark Leopard Lichen Lightning Lily Lion Little Lizard Log Long Lost Loud Low Lynx M Maggot Mallow Maple Marsh Meadow Milk Minnow Mint Mist Misty Mole Moon Morning Moss Mossy Moth Mottle Mouse Mouth Mud Mumble Mink Muddy Moonlight Mountain Mushroom Monkey N Nettle Needle Nut Newt Night Nimble O Oak Oat Odd Olive One Otter Owl Orange Ocean Orca Opal P Pale Perch Pool Pike Peak Prickle Pounce Pine Petal Petal Pebble Pear Patch Pirate(kittypet or loner) Polar Peach Panda Pond Pigeon Plum Q Quail Quick R Rabbit Rain Ragged Rat Rattle Root Raspberry Reed Red Robin Rock Rose Rowan Rubble Running Rushing Rush Russet Rust Rye Raven Raccoon Rustle Rattlesnake Ravine Rapid S Sage Short Sheep Sedge Shrew Slate Slow Snail Sneeze Sorrel Soot Spider Spruce Sun Sunny Swallow Shallow Shade Sharp Scorch Sand Sandy Sky Silver Smoke Snake Soft Snow Sparrow Speckle Splash Spotted Squirrel Stalking Stalk Stalker Starling Stone Storm Stumpy Stump Sweet Swift Shred Sloe Shell Seed Shimmer Shimmering Skunk Spirit Squid Shy Sound Summer Sapphire Spiraling Spiral Shark Saturn T Tall Talon Tooth Timber Tiger Twig Tumble Thorn Thistle Thrush Tawny Tangle Ting Trout Torn Toad Tiny V Vine Vixen Void Vole W Wasp Weasel Web Weed Wet Whisker White Whale Wild Willow Wind Wolf Winter Wisteria Whisper Whispering Water Wave Waver Whisper Watermelon Whistle Wood Y Yellow
Yarrow- suggested
You guys DONT WANNA KNOW how LONG this took. I’m crying. And I might’ve missed some so feel free to send me messages in chat to request me editing it and putting it in some (not like messaging but the. Chat in this post lol.)
@cryptidclaw I also did this for our Au to help us with renaming.
I will get to suffixes soon I promise.
126 notes · View notes
thecookieverse · 9 months
List of Characters and Series
Here is a list of all the OC's and Characters that are in the Cookieverse. OC's and media listed alphabetically
Blueberry Muffin Cookie
Hot Dog Cookie
Autumn Herald Cookie
Spring Maiden Cookie
Summer Autarch Cookie
Winter Envoy Cookie
Official Characters
American Dragon Jake Long
Lanatus Dragon Cookie (Jake Long)
Russet Potato Cookie (Arthur "Spud" Spudinski)
Chocolate Truffle Cookie (Trixie Carter)
Yellow Lily Cookie (Rose)
Banjo Kazooie An in-universe video game
Gummy Bear Cookie (Banjo)
Buffalo Wing Cookie (Kazooie)
Green Milkshake Cookie (Gruntilda)
Sausage Toad Cookie (Klungo)
Gummy Skull Cookie (Mumbo)
Steak Pie Cookie (Bottles)
Bubble-and-Squeak Cookie (Jamjars)
Big Hero 6
Maki Roll Cookie (Hiro Hamada)
Marshmallow Creme Cookie (Baymax)
Gummy Hoop Cookie (Go Go)
Yuzu Cookie (Honey Lemon)
Zucchini Cookie (Wasabi Cookie)
Taco Cookie (Fred Frederickson IV)
Pudding Pop Cookie (Chowder)
Bean Soup Cookie (Mung Daal)
Mushroom Bisque Cookie (Truffles)
Rock Candy Cookie (Schnitzel)
Calamansi Cookie (Endive)
Marshmallow Bunny Cookie (Panini)
Pickled Tomato Cookie (Gazpacho)
Strawberry Milk Cookie (Cuphead)
Blueberry Milk Cookie (Mugman)
Au Lait Cookie (Elder Kettle)
Golden Milk Cookie (Legendary Chalice/Ms. Chalice)
The Root Pack
Yukon Gold Cookie (Sal Spudder)
Yellow Onion Cookie (Ollie Bulb)
Chantenay Cookie (Chauncey Chantenay)
Berry Gelatin Cookie (Goopy Le Grande)
Star Spinel Cookie (Hilda Berg)
Gin Cookie and Tonic Cookie (Ribby and Croaks)
Orange Carnation Cookie (Cagney Carnation Cookie)
Cherry Cane Cookie (Baroness Von Bon Bon)
Candy Popcorn Cookie (Beppi the Clown)
Shish Tawook Cookie (Dijimmi the Great)
Serrano Dragon Cookie (Grim Matchstick)
Cuckoo Egg Cookie (Wally Warbles)
Pheasant Egg Cookie (Willy Warbles)
Golden Honey Cookie (Rumor Honeybottoms)
Rum Cookie (Captain Brineybeard)
Turquoise Rose Cookie (Sally Stageplay)
Vienna Sausage Cookie (Werner Werman)
Amethyst Cookie (Dr. Kahl)
Fluorite Cookie (Cala Maria)
King Cake Cookie (King Dice)
Devil’s Cigar Cookie (The Devil)
Sylvanite Cookie (Glumstone the Giant)
Moonshine Mob:
Gin Rickey Cookie (Charlie Left Legs)
Jack Rose Cookie (Light Bug)
Sazerac Cookie (Anteater)
Moonshine Cookie (Announcer Snail)
Moon Mist Cookie (Mortimer Freeze)
Was a teacher for the Parfaedia Institute (taught ice magic). But was fired after attempting to get students to join his cult. Now resides somewhere with the cult in the Giant Icing Ridge (nearby the Dark Cacao Kingdom).
Chorizo Cookie (Esther Winchester)
Howling Aces
Pineapple Mint Cookie (Sergeant O’Fera)
Upside-Down Cake Cookie (Pilot Bulldog)
Pineapple Juice Cookies (Yankee Yippers)
Table Salt Cookie (Chef Saltbaker)
Alfajor Cookie (Inez)
Key Lime Cookie (Matt)
Cranberry Flan Cookie (Jackie)
Dexter's Laboratory
Omelet Cookie (Dexter)
Omurice Cookie (Dee Dee)
Quail Egg Cookie (Mandark)
Disney Fairies
Dianthus Cookie (Tinkerbell)
Water Iris Cookie (Silvermist)
Marigold Cookie (Iridessa)
Alstromeria Cookie (Fawn)
Dahlia Cookie (Rosetta)
Windflower Cookie (Vidia)
Disney Princesses
Apple Streusel Cookie (Snow White)
Blue Pumpkin Cookie (Cinderella)
Loganberry Cookie (Aurora)
Alexandrite Cookie (Ariel)
Profiterole Cookie (Belle)
Bastani Sonnati Cookie (Jasmine)
Jian Dui Cookie (Mulan)
Beignet Cookie (Tiana)
Rampion Cookie (Rapunzel)
Barmbrack Cookie (Merida)
Haupia Cookie (Moana)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Ackee Fruit Cookie (Monika)
Strawberry Cupcake Cookie (Natsuki)
Ruby Chocolate Cookie (Sayori)
Chamomile Tea Cookie (Yuri)
Earthbound (Mother)
Gum Scrap Cookie (Ness)
Apple Pie Cookie (Paula)
Custard Doughnut Cookie (Jeff)
Onigiri Cookie (Poo)
Pork Rind Cookie (Porky Minch)
Lemon Swirl Cookie (Lucas)
Prickly Pear Cookie (Kumatora)
Blue Potato Cookie (Duster)
Orange Swirl Cookie (Claus)
Kid Icarus
Angel Food Cookie (Pit)
Manzanilla Olive Cookie (Palutena)
Souvlaki Cookie (Magnus)
Chocolate Cake Cookie (Dark Pit)
??? (Medusa)
??? (Hades)
Blue Spirulina Cookie (Pandora)
??? (Gaol)
??? (Thanatos)
Salad Cookie (Viridi)
??? (Arlon)
Electrolyte Cookie (Phosphora)
Gravity Falls
Peanut Butter Cookie (Dipper)
Grape Jam Cookie (Mabel)
Club Sandwich Cookie (Grunkle Stan)
Maple Syrup Cookie (Wendy)
Empanada Cookie (Soos)
Reuben Cookie (Ford)
White Truffle Cookie (Pacifica Northwest)
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Sugar Skull Cookie (Grim)
Tangelo Cookie (Billy)
Oleander Cookie (Billy)
Ed, Edd, and Eddy
Camembert Cookie (Ed)
Gelatin Cookie (Edd)
Jawbreaker Cookie (Eddy)
Caprese Salad Cookie (Kevin)
Vieux Lille Cookie (Sarah)
Dandelion Cookie (Jimmy)
Bratwurst Cookie (Rolf)
Passion Fruit Cookie (Nazz)
Granola Bar Cookie (Jonny)
Limburger Cookie (May Kanker)
Mashed Potato Cookie (Marie Kanker)
Fish Stick Cookie (Lee Kanker)
Broccoli Cookie (Edd)
Seltzer Cookie (Tom)
Choco Milk Cookie (Matt)
Peppermint Bark Cookie (Tord)
Cayenne Cookie (Blaze, OC)
Black Raspberry Cookie (Dusk, OC)
Guacamole Cookie (Eduardo)
Cinnamon Roll Cookie (Jon)
Sugar Plum Cookie (Mark)
Tomato Cookie (Jordan, OC)
Blood Orange Cookie (Blade, OC)
Garlic Cookie (Dawn, OC)
Tobacco Cookie (Paul)
Lemon Drop Cookie (Patryck)
Choco Popcorn Cookie (Bing)
Snowcap Cookie (Larry)
Lavender Cookie (Laurel)
Dipped Strawberry Cookie (Kim)
Raspberry Torte Cookie (Katya)
El Tigre
Chili Lollipop Cookie (Manny Rivera/El Tigre)
Blueberry Churro Cookie (Frida Suarez)
Paloma Cookie (Rodolfo Rivera/White Pantera)
??? (Grandpapi Rivera/Puma Loco)
??? (Zoe Aves/Black Cuervo)
??? (Carmelita Aves/Voltura)
??? (Grandmami Aves/Lady Gobbler)
Friday Night Funkin
Slushie Cookie (Boyfriend/Jacob)
Cherry Cola Cookie (Girlfriend/Amber)
Rose Water Cookie (Senpai/Kenji)
Orange Velvet Cookie (Blaze, OC) 
Soft Serve Cookie (Dusk, OC)
Waffle Cone Cookie (Vince)
Vanilla Bean Cookie (Emilia)
Devil's Food Cookie (Daddy Dearest/Maurice)
Cola Cake Cookie (Mommy Mearest/Donna)
Caramel Apple Cookie (Pico)
Candy Bone Cookie (Skid)
Mellowcreme Pumpkin Cookie (Pump)
Lemon Curd Cookie (Lemon Demon)
Starmallow Cookie (Kirby)
Battenberg Cookie (King Dedede)
Jostaberry Cookie (Meta Knight)
Tangerine Cookie (Bandana Dee)
Blueberry Cobbler Cookie (Gooey)
Berry Fudge Cookie (Marx)
Fruit Ribbon Cookie (Ribbon)
Food Coloring Cookie (Adeleine)
Bloodberry Cookie (Dark Meta Knight)
Mirror Glaze Cookie (Dark Mind)
Rainbow Frosting Cookie (Drawcia)
Stilton Gold Cookie (Daroach)
Golden Delicious Cookie (Magolor)
Tarantula Cookie (Taranza)
Honeycomb Cookie (Queen Sectonia)
Strawberry Ripple Cookie (Susie)
Golden Opulence Cookie (President Haltmann)
Rainbow Sherbet Cookie (Elline)
Fondant Cookie (Claycia)
Frozen Yogurt Cookie (Francisca)
Pepper Kebab Cookie (Flamberge)
Lemon Tart Cookie (Zan Partizanne)
Poison Hemlock Cookie (Hyness)
Blue Lemonade Cookie (Elfilin)
Veal Orloff Cookie (Leongar)
Funnel Cake Cookie (Clawroline)
Strawberry Fool Cookie (Nigel Uno/Numbuh 1)
Chili Dog Cookie (Hoagie P. Gilligan/Numbuh 2)
Matcha Choco Cookie (Kuki Sanban/Numbuh 3)
Hokey Pokey Cookie (Wallabee “Wally” Beatles/Numbuh 4)
Salted Caramel Cookie (Abigail Lincoln/Numbuh 5)
Soda Bread Cookie (Fanny Fulbright/Numbuh 86)
Lemon Meringue Cookie (Rachel McKenzie/Numbuh 362)
Caramel Macchiato Cookie (Cree Lincoln)
??? (Chad Dickson/Numbuh 274)
Black Olive Cookie (Father)
Five-Layer Cookie (The Delightful Children from Down the Lane/Sector Z)
Refried Beans Cookie (Lenny), Sour Cream Cookie (David), White Cheddar Cookie (Bruce), Pico de Gallo Cookie (Constance), and Lettuce Cookie (Alessandra). 
Valerian Cookie (Pillow Featherbed)
Sprinkle Cookie (Crumbs Sugar Cookie)
Whipped Cocoa Cookie (Mittens Fluff ‘N’ Stuff)
Circus Peanut Cookie (Peanut Big Top)
Spaghetti Marinara Cookie (Spot Splatter Splash)
Candy Jewel Cookie (Jewel Sparkles)
Rocket Pop Cookie (Dot Starlight)
Beacon Apple Cookie (Bea Spells-A-Lot)
Little Einsteins
Ditalini Cookie (Leo)
Farfalle Cookie (Annie)
Orchid Cookie (June)
Banana Pancake Cookie (Quincy)
Magic School Bus
Honeycrisp Apple Cookie (Ms. Frizzle)
Carrot Puff Cookie (Arnold)
Candy Jack Cookie (Ralphie)
Champurrado Cookie (Carlos)
Blue Taro Cookie (Tim)
Green Bean Cookie (Phoebe)
Mochi Cookie (Wanda)
Daffodil Cookie (Dorothy Ann)
Berry Smoothie Cookie (Keesha)
Marinara Sauce Cookie (Mario)
Pesto Cookie (Luigi) 
Peach Cream Cookie (Princess Peach)
Button Mushroom Cookie (Toad)
Durian Cookie (Bowser)
Garlic Sauce Cookie (Wario)
Breadstick Cookie (Waluigi)
Daisy Cookie (Princess Daisy)
Konpeito Cookie (Princess Rosalina)
Stelline Cookie (Geno)
Marshmallow Spread Cookie (Mallow)
Monster High
Lemon Mint Cookie (Frankie Stein)
Pink Licorice Cookie (Draculaura)
Wolfsbane Cookie (Clawdeen Wolf)
Melopita Cookie (Cleo de Nile)
Gummy Fish Cookie (Lagoona Blue)
Jelly Worm Cookie (Ghoulia Yelps)
Shaved Ice Cookie (Abbey Bominable)
Watermelon Snake Cookie (Deuce Gorgon
Monster Prom
Ghost Pepper Cookie (Damien LeVey)
Purple Kale Cookie (Liam de Lioncourt) 
Saltwater Taffy Cookie (Miranda Vanderbilt)
Vodka Cookie (Polly Geist)
Potato Chip Cookie (Scott Howl)
Sour Snake Cookie (Vera Oberlin) 
Succulent Cookie (Calculester Hewlett-Packard)
Ikasumi Pasta Cookie (Zoe)
Calla Lily Cookie (Joy Johnson-Johjima) 
Henbane Cookie (Hope Halko)
Blackthorn Cookie (Faith Fernández) 
Filius Blue Cookie (Dahlia Aquino) 
Keema Cookie (Aaravi Mishra) 
Belladonna Cookie (Milo Belladonna) 
Elderberry Cookie (Oz)
Cherry Pepper Cookie (Amira Rashid)
Blueberry Tart Cookie (Vicky Schmidt)
Rafflesia Cookie (Brian Yu)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Açaí Cookie (Twilight Sparkle)
Apple Cider Cookie (Applejack)
Candy Ring Cookie (Rarity)
Pansy Cookie (Fluttershy)
Confetti Cake Cookie (Pinkie Pie)
Sports Drink Cookie (Rainbow Dash)
Damson Dragon Cookie (Spike) 
Sponge Cake Cookie (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Star Sundae Cookie (Patrick Star)
Acorn Cookie (Sandy Cheeks)
Calamari Cookie (Squidward Tentacles) 
Crab Burger Cookie (Mr. Krabs) 
Lima Bean Cookie (Sheldon J. Plankton)
Chocolate Swirl Cookie (Jimmy Neutron)
Pixy Powder Cookie (Timmy Turner)
Creme Sandwich Cookie (Danny Fenton/Phantom)
Black Rose Cookie (Sam Manson)
Sour Straw Cookie (Tucker Foley)
Orange Creme Cookie (Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton)
Blueberry Fudge Cookie (Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9)
Tarator Cookie (Vendetta)
Cream Pie Cookie (Charlotte)
Star Jelly Cookie (Zim)
Astronaut Food Cookie (Dib Membrane)
O.K K.O: Let's Be Heroes!
Burrito Cookie (K.O)
Blue Agave Cookie (Rad)
Ramen Cookie (Enid)
Enchilada Cookie (Carol)
??? (Mr. Gar)
Cucumber Cookie (Dendy)
??? (Lord Boxman)
Cobra Venom Cookie (Professor Venomous)
??? (Darrell)
Orange Taffy Cookie (Shannon)
??? (Raymond)
Purple Cabbage Cookie (Ernesto)
Sausage Fruit Cookie (Jethro)
??? (Mikayla)
Knickerbocker Glory Cookie (Elodie)
Cheese Puff Cookie (Fink)
Lemon Gel Cookie (Charlie Brown)
Berry Gel Cookie (Sally)
Raspberry Jam Cookie (Linus)
Blueberry Jam Cookie (Lucy)
Mint Cream Cookie (Peppermint Patty)
Pumpkin Brownie Cookie (Marcie)
Cornflower Cookie (Franklin)
Bitter Melon Cookie (Violet)
Dirt Cake Cookie (Pig-Pen)
Cavatappi Cookie (Frieda)
Blackberry Pie Cookie (Schroeder)
Persona 3
Duck Burger Cookie (Makoto Yuki)
Strawberry Sando Cookie (Yukari Takeba)
Soft Pretzel Cookie (Junpei Iori)
Hamburger Steak Cookie (Akihiro Sanaba)
Champagne Cookie (Mitsuru Kirijo)
Miso Soup Cookie (Fuuka Yamagishi)
Toasted Bread Cookie (Aigis)
Yatsuhashi Cookie (Ken Amada)
??? (Elizabeth)
??? (Theodore)
Persona 4
Beef Bowl Cookie (Yu Narukami)
Potato Stew Cookie (Yosuke Hanamura)
Steak Cookie (Chie Satonaka)
Manju Cookie (Yukiko Amagi)
Yakitori Cookie (Kanji Tatsumi)
Vichyssoise Cookie (Rise Kujikawa)
Popsicle Cookie (Teddie)
California Roll Cookie (Naoto Shirogane)
??? (Margaret)
Persona 5
Katsu Sando Cookie (Akira Kurusu/Joker)
Black Cat Cookie (Morgana)
Meat Bun Cookie (Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull)
Chocolate Crepe Cookie (Ann Takamaki/Panther)
Jagariko Cookie (Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox) 
Nigiri Cookie (Makoto Nijima/Queen)
Curry Cookie (Futaba Sakura/Oracle)
Fruit Salad Cookie (Haru Okumura/Noir) 
Buttered Pancake Cookie (Goro Akechi/Crow)
Pea Flower Cookie (Lavenza)
Pizza Tower
Spaghetti Cookie (Peppino Spaghetti)
Lasagna Cookie (Gustavo)
Brick Cheese Rat (Brick the Rat)
Stuffed Pepper Cookie (Pepperman)
Cowboy Queso Cookie (The Vigilante)
Peanut Bar Cookie (The Noise)
Hazelnut Bar Cookie (Noisette)
Phineas and Ferb
Salsa Chip Cookie (Phineas)
Apple Dodger Cookie (Ferb)
Salsa Cookie (Candace)
Sufganiyah Cookie (Isabella)
Blueberry Kulfi Cookie (Baljeet)
Gouda Cookie (Buford) 
Black Forest Cookie (Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz) 
Gateau Cookie (Vanessa)
Powerpuff Girls
Pink Lemonade Cookie (Blossom)
Sugar Cookie (Bubbles)
Basil Cookie (Buttercup) 
Magnesium Cookie (Professor Utonium)
Banana Nut Cookie (Mojo Jojo)
Devil’s Tongue Cookie (Him)
Fruit Punch Cookie (Brick)
Blue Corn Cookie (Boomer)
Nori Cookie (Butch)
Medusa Pepper Cookie (Sedusa)
Gold Truffle Cookie (Princess Morbucks)
Orange Pippin Cookie (Ms. Keane)
Pickle Cookie (Mayor)
Sauteed Broccoli Cookie (Sara Bellum)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Buffalo Sauce Cookie (Randy Cunningham)
Curly Fry Cookie (Howard Weinerman)
Sailor Moon
Marshmallow Pie Cookie (Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon)
Berry Soda Cookie (Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury)
Furikake Cookie (Rei Hino/Sailor Mars)
Tin Cookie (Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter)
Myrtle Cookie (Minako Aino/Sailor Venus)
Chicken Salad Cookie (Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus)
Saba Sashimi Cookie (Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune)
Ergot Cookie (Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn)
Cypress Cookie (Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto)
Tuxedo Cake Cookie (Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask)
Candy Apple Cookie (Hello Kitty/Kitty White)
Toffee Apple Cookie (Mimmy White)
Pink Almond Cookie (My Melody)
Blueberry Roll Cookie (Cinnamoroll)
Purin Cookie (Pompompurin)
Twin Star Cookie (Little Twin Stars)
Star Sapphire Cookie (Kiki)
Star Ruby Cookie (Lala)
Black Cherry Cookie (Kuromi)
Matcha Donut Cookie (Keroppi)
??? (Tuxedo Sam)
Scooby Doo
Scooby Snack Cookie (Scooby Doo) 
Dagwood Sandwich Cookie (Norville “Shaggy” Rogers)
Sweet Potato Cookie (Velma Dinkley)
Deviled Egg Cookie (Fred Jones) 
Blueberry Cheesecake Cookie (Daphne Blake)
Concord Juice Cookie (Sibella)
Honeydew Cookie (Elsa Frankenteen)
Coney Dog Cookie (Winnie)
Ghost Pipe Cookie (Phantasma)
Babosa Cookie (Tanis)
Rosemary Cookie (Thorn)
Thyme Cookie (Dusk)
Sage Cookie (Luna)
Caffeine Powder Cookie (Sonic)
Butter Mint Cookie (Tails)
Guarana Cookie (Knuckles)
Boiled Egg Cookie (Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnick)
Pink Rose Cookie (Amy Rose)
Dark Roast Cookie (Shadow)
Pink Lady Cookie (Rouge)
Cloud Apple Cookie (Silver)
Catfish Cookie (Big)
Royal Black Cookie (Blaze)
Carrot Cake Cookie (Cream)
Stardew Valley
Hashbrown Cookie (Alex)
Crab Cake Cookie (Elliot)
Pickle Juice Cookie (Harvey)
Cheese Pizza Cookie (Sam)
Pumpkin Soup Cookie (Sebastian)
Jalapeño Popper Cookie (Shane)
Blackberry Cobbler Cookie (Abigail)
Eggplant Cookie (Emily)
Pink Cake Cookie (Haley)
Stir Fry Cookie (Leah)
Cauliflower Cheese Cookie (Maru)
Poppy Cookie (Penny)
Teen Titans
Kale Cookie (Robin)
Coriander Cookie (Starfire)
Tofu Cookie (Beast Boy)
Clam Cookie (Cyborg)
Black Currant Cookie (Raven)
The Emperor's New Groove
Lomo Saltado Cookie (Kuzco)
Ceviche Cookie (Pacha)
Prune Cookie (Yzma)
Spinach Puff Cookie (Kronk)
Total Drama Island and Action
Arsenic Cookie (Chris McLean)
Sriracha Cookie (Chef Hatchet)
Stroganoff Cookie (Eva)
Loco Moco Cookie (Justin)
Turnip Cookie (Beth)
Cronut Cookie (Katie)
Cruller Cookie (Sadie)
Opera Cream Cookie (Trent)
Pepperoni Pizza Cookie (Geoff)
Nanaimo Bar Cookie (Owen)
Jalapeño Cookie (Duncan) 
Kumquat Cookie (Leshawna)
Black Sesame Cookie (Gwen)
Sashimi Cookie (Heather)
Samosa Cookie (Noah)
Coffee Crisp Cookie (Cody)
Seaweed Brownie Cookie (Bridgette)
Biscuit Cookie (Ezekiel)
Protein Bar Cookie (Tyler)
Galette Cookie (Lindsay)
Horchata Cookie (Courtney)
Chickpea Cookie (DJ)
Toaster Tart Cookie (Harold)
Toxic Sludge Cookie (Izzy)
Total Drama World Tour
Saffron Cookie (Alejandro)
Purple Tea Cookie (Sierra)
Total Drama Revenge of The Island
MRE Cookie (Brick) 
Black Bean Cookie (Jo)
Orzo Cookie (Mike)
Orange Blossom Cookie (Zoey)
Bay Laurel Cookie (Dawn)
Collard Greens Cookie (B)
Protein Shake Cookie (Lightning)
Chokecherry Cookie (Cameron)
Pizza Pocket Cookie (Sam)
Watercress Cookie (Dakota)
Turkey Bacon Cookie (Staci)
Gelato Cookie (Anne Maria)
Kimchi Cookie (Scott)
Total Drama Pahkitew Island
Shameplant Cookie (Beardo)
Fruity Puff Cookie (Leonard)
Red Delicious Cookie (Amy)
Red Potato Cookie (Rodney)
Gala Apple Cookie (Sammy)
Princess Cake Cookie (Ella)
Lead Cookie (Topher)
Masala Chai Cookie (Dave)
Cobalt Cookie (Scarlett)
Black Pudding Cookie (Max)
Vegemite Cookie (Jasmine)
Raspberry Crown Cookie (Sugar)
Grilled Salmon Cookie (Sky)
Cordyceps Cookie (Shawn)
Total Drama Ridonculous Race
Corn Puff Cookie (Tammy)
??? (Pete)
??? (Gerry)
Turmeric Cookie (Ellody)
Pumpkin Seed Cookie (Mary)
Flaxseed Cookie (Laurie)
Chia Seed Cookie (Miles)
??? (Tom)
Scabiosa Cookie (Jen)
Chanterelle Cookie (Kelly)
Matsutake Mushroom Cookie (Taylor)
Blackberry Crumble Cookie and Blueberry Crumble Cookie (Jay and Mickey)
??? (Lorenzo)
??? (Chet)
??? (Rock)
Spudnut Cookie (Spud)
Banana Peel Cookie (Dwayne)
Bananas Foster Cookie (Junior)
Blood Lily Cookie (Crimson)
Drakondia Cookie (Ennui)
Shrimp Burrito Cookie (Brody)
??? (Stephanie)
??? (Ryan)
Matcha Scone Cookie (Devin)
Cinnamon Latte Cookie (Carrie)
??? (Kitty)
??? (Emma)
Berry Parfait Cookie (Josee)
Soufflé Glacé Cookie (Jacques)
Chipotle Cookie (MacArthur)
Mint Viennetta Cookie (Sanders)
Total Drama Island (Reboot)
Venison Cookie (Axel)
Fig Roll Cookie (Bowie)
??? (Caleb)
Anchovy Cookie (Chase)
Ajwain Cookie (Damien)
??? (Emma)
Avocado Toast Cookie (Julia)
??? (Millie)
Tteokbokki Cookie (MK)
Caramel Truffle Cookie (Nichelle)
??? (Priya)
Maple Bacon Cookie (Raj)
Baked Beans Cookie (Ripper)
Death Cap Cookie (Scary Girl)
Waffle Cookie (Wayne)
Hemp Cookie (Zee)
Totally Spies!
Poppy Seed Cookie (Clover)
Wonton Cookie (Alex)
Veggie Chip Cookie (Sam)
Chocolate Trifle Cookie (Jerry)
Blackberry Cheesecake Cookie (Mandy)
Winx Club
Nasturtium Cookie (Bloom)
Sunflower Cookie (Stella)
Tulip Cookie (Flora)
Clerodendrum Cookie (Musa)
Coralline Algae Cookie (Tecna)
Water Lily Cookie (Aisha)
Mistletoe Cookie (Icy)
Nightshade Cookie (Darcy)
Zephyr Lily Cookie (Stormy)
The Wonderful 101
Mcintosh Red Cookie (Will Wedgewood/Wonder-Red)
Cioppino Cookie (Eliot Hooker/Wonder-Blue)
Haricot Vert Cookie (Jean-Sebastian Renault/Wonder-Green)
Papanași Cookie (Mariana Kretzulesco/Wonder-Pink)
Yellowhammer Cookie (Ivan Istochinkov/Wonder-Yellow)
White Tea Cookie (Momoe Byakkoin/Wonder-White)
Black Rice Cookie (Krishna Ramanujon/Wonder Black)
Wreck it Ralph
Pound Cake Cookie (Wreck-It Ralph)
Pecan Pie Cookie (Fix-It Felix Jr.)
Beef Jerky Cookie (Sergeant Tamora Calhoun)
Marshmallow Cereal Cookie (Vanellope Von Schweetz)
Planned Characters
Series and characters that are only considered as of now
Amazing World of Gumball
Baldi's Basics
Bug Fables
Disney and Pixar
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Kim Possible
Pretty Cure
Studio Ghibli
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Tokyo Mew Mew
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slytherindisaster · 2 years
Tumblr media
Full Name: Elisabeth Marigold Parker
Nicknames: Lizzie (everyone); Liz; Lisa (by Jacob)
Birthday: July 29, 1973
Zodiac: Leo
Blood Status: half-blood
Gender Identity: who even knows at this point (mostly goes by she/they)
Sexuality: bisexual
Nationality: British
Hometown: Maidstone, Kent, England
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFJ (The Protagonist)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Strengths: intelligent, ambitious, loyal, honest, creative
Weaknesses: competitive, stubborn, hot-headed
Interests/Hobbies: researching, writing, duelling
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Faceclaim: Lindsay Lohan
Voiceclaim: Ciara Baxendale
Height: 5ft 6in / 167cm
Build: average
Hair: red
Eyes: green
Skin: pale, freckled
Body Modifications: pierced ears, several tattoos
Scars/defects: multiple small scars on her hands, wrists and thighs; chipped left ear
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1st Wand: Aspen, Unicorn Hair, 12 inches, reasonably supple
Wand-quality aspen wood is white and fine-grained, and highly prized by all wand-makers for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwork. The proper owner of the aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic. Aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries.
2nd Wand: Red Oak, Unicorn hair, 11 inches, solid
You will often hear the ignorant say that red oak is an infallible sign of its owner’s hot temper. In fact, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand.
Animagus Form: orange cat/european shorthair
Patronus: kneazle
Boggart: Jacob (later Rowan) saying she is cursed and blaming her for not being able to save their loved ones
Riddikulus: she listens to what they have to say instead of casting the spell
what do they smell like to others?: elderflower, cocoa, pine, hay
what do they smell?: butterbeer, floo powder, broom polish, mowed grass
Favorite Spells: Bombarda, Incendio
Misc. Magical Abilities: Apparition; Nonverbal Magic; Occlumency
House: Slytherin
Best Subject: History of Magic, DADA
Worst Subject: Potions
Third Year Options: Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, Divination
N.E.W.T.s: History of Magic, DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Astronomy
Extracurriculars: Duelling Club (4th to 7th year)
Quidditch Position: Keeper (3rd to 7th year)
more of less tbd as of now
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Father: Anthony Parker
Mother: Perpetua 'Tilly' Parker (née Brokenshire-Rosier)
Half Brother: Jacob Mallow Parker
Pets: a toad named Roger
Dormmates: Merula Snyde; Ismelda Murk; Liz Tuttle; Jules Farrier @cursebreakerfarrier
Closest Friends: Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper, Bill Weasley, Andre Egwu, Jae Kim
Friends: Nymphadora Tonks, Tulip Karasu, Barnaby Lee, Charlie Weasley, Julian Bennett, Irena Janda; Jules Farrier, Azariah Steele, Margot Dawes, Will Scarborough, Kester Stagg @cursebreakerfarrier; Katriona Cassiopeia, Reid Van de Lune @kc-and-co; Marti Venturi @smarti-at-smogwarts; Ryan O'Donnell, Sara O'Donnell, Cara O'Donnell, Conor O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow; Isabelle Dubois @endlessly-cursed; Lizzie Jameson @lifeofkaze; Cato Reese @catohphm
Love Interests: Jae Kim, Erika Rath
Color: emerald green
Food: dark chocolate
Flower: lily of the valley
Drink: butterbeer
Book: Quidditch Through the Ages
Music: anything by Queen
Season: autumn
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m--bloop · 2 years
and the sun wields mercy but like a torch carried to high, and the jets whip across its sight and the rockets leap like toads; peace is no longer for some reason, precious; madness drifts like lily pads on a pond circling senselessly; the painters paint dipping their reds and greens and yellows, poets rhyme their loneliness, musicians starve as always and novelists miss the mark, but not the pelican, the gull; pelicans dip and dive, rise, shaking shocked half-dead radioactive fish in their beaks; the sky breaks red and orange, flowers open as they have always opened but covered with a thin dust of rocket fuel and mushrooms, poison mushrooms; and in a million rooms lovers lie entwined and lost and sick as peace; can't we awaken? must we forever, dear friends, die in our sleep?
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yuri-cocaine · 2 years
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thots about euphrosyne under the cut
personally i think aglaia is more fun but thats bc im biased towards azyema and naldthal and rhalgr hehe
menphina’s theme is sooooo good it really is very 90s anime opening!!! i heard the lochs/gyr abania town theme in there too yay ala mhigo mentioned
nophica’s naturals is a very funny joke altho personally im a bit weirded out by ppl who are actually disappointed by them??? if you think C cups are too small idk what to tell you
halone’s fight is kind of a nightmare for adhd mfers with bad memory (it’s me im mfers)
ANYWAYS. LORE REVELATIONS. ppl discovered nymeia has dialogue that’s exactly the same as maira talking about her brother alkaios in an elpis sidequest. furthermore, alkaios is a master of time magicks, and maira created the first nymeia lilies for the okyupetes funeral after you told her about them. 
before you face althyk and nymeia, you fight some ios, toads, and a behemoth. alkaios and maira help an ancient named kleon improve on those concepts. maira talks about how kleon seems to like round creachers
(incidentally, emet remembered who kleon is. kleon is implied to be the shade in the recreater bureau of the architect who asks you to beta test some toys he made.)
there’s also an unnamed 13th among the twelve, whose duty is to watch their charge. this is probs the watcher as krile thinks, but i went to talk to the watcher after the raid and he doesnt have any new dialogue. oh well.
so the twelve are probably recreations of venat’s 12 followers plus the archivist as seen in the cutscene back in 5.2. their “divinity” is probably due to dynamis influencing them, such as menphina suddenly getting a puppy after the 3rd astral era when the allagans made dalamud. 
but then if thats the case...why does thal have emet’s lips LMAO
the halone/ysayle similarities just Don’t Stop halone’s minion form is a fenrir pup and the fenrir boss in snowcloak was ysayle’s dog lol
idk how i feel about azeyma being a meerkat. the meerkat description says they like sunbathing, but i was kind of hoping azeyma would be a little orange cat. the torajiro. 
naldthal mummy is sooo cyute i love that he falls over sometimes like the twins can’t decide which way to go
snoegeim is also the cutest roe in the universe i loves her
menphina: “and of course we love you too, yuma!” ;w;
i want to cuddle the twelve and take a nap on the grass in omphalos
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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Brown is the color of the Earth's energy, grounding, exercise, organization, solidity, the soil, practicality, solitude and honesty. Brown combines the prosperity of green with the intellect of yellow. Brown is used in magick primarily for centering, grounding, building, study, house and home, the accumulation of money and material things, healing plants and animals, finding lost items, gardening and decision-making.
☆ 𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧: Earth
☆ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗞𝗥𝗔: Feet Chakra and grounding
☆ 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗘𝗧: Earth
☆ 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦: Moon/Mondays - Tan Browns, Friday/Venus - All Browns, Saturday/Saturn - Dark Browns
☆ 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥: 2 and 3
☆ 𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗔𝗟 𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗟: Wand, Salt and Goblet
☆ 𝗦𝗖𝗘𝗡𝗧/𝗢𝗜𝗟: Birch, Cherry, Cloves, Lilac, Rosemary, Orange Blossom, Bergamot, Comfrey, Linden, Patchouli and Myrrh.
☆ 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗧/𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗕: Corn, Tansy, Ginseng, Willow, Lily, Ivy, Grains, Oats, Mushrooms, Orange Tree, Almond, Begonia, Daisy, Brown includes all of the aspects of yellow and green.
☆ 𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗟: Toads, Cowbird, Faeries, Dog, Ostrich, Gnomes, Wolf, Bison, Elves, Pigeon, Horse, Deer, Pelican, Turkey, Woodpecker, Ants, Snake, Pheasant, Beaver, Goat, Moose, Cow and Bull.
☆ 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦: Rock Crystal, Smokey Quartz, Amber, some Tiger Eye, Sandstone, Granite, Pumice, and Turquoise.
☆ 𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗢𝗧: the four Pages and the four Tens.
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aininx · 2 years
Flora Truth: Dragonfly wings and Lily dress
Saxa Materiel: Troglocladius hajdi and Pilea cavernicola dress
Helios Dazzle: Butterfly wings and Poppy dress
Realta Ursa: Dung beatle wings and Iris dress
Ophelia Amore: Ladybug wings and Allium dress
Neph Rapids: Banded demoiselle wings and Psathyrella aquatica dress
Kinoko Toad: Bee wings and Stropharia aeruginosa dress
Lalu Mirage: Lead insect wings and Butterfly dress
Brute Fawn: Hawk moth wings and Orange Peel Fungus dress
Nina Lilin: Firefly wings and Firecracker flower dress
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a-mountain-girl · 2 years
I love you sweet peas, I love you sunflowers, I love you daffodils, I love you tulips, I love you hyacinth, I love you lilacs, I love you roses, I love you lilies, I love you anemones, I love you dahlias, I love you fuchsia, I love you petunias, I love you alyssum, I love you bachelor's buttons, I love you lavender, I love you peonies, I love you indian paintbrush, I love you morning glories, I love you pansies, I love you violets, I love you daisies, I love you poppies, I love you lily of the valley, I love you mock orange, I love you hollyhocks, I love you lupine, I love you hydrangea, I love you foxgloves, I love you bleeding hearts, I love you snapdragons, I love you crocuses, I love you black eyed susans, I love you azaleas, I love you wisteria, I love you camelia, I love you forget-me-nots, I love you water lilies, I love you pentstemon, I love you marigolds, I love you echinacea, I love you beargrass, I love you columbine, I love you toad lilies, I love you canterbury bells, I love you yarrow, I love you chrysanthemums, I love you salvia, I love you ranunculus, I love you heather, I love you coneflowers, I love you begonias, I love you magnolias, I love you strawflowers, I love you snowdrops, I love you muscari, I love you rhododendrons, I love you orange blossoms, I love you peach blossoms, I love you
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amorisastrum · 4 years
Ratty would say it with flowers. Give Mole a forget me not as a symbol of true love and then turn round and give Toad an orange lily. "I hate yew".
Say it with flowers because every flower means a different thing yeah :D
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