Panzer Dragoon Saga (Team Andromeda - Sega Saturn - 1998)
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carnelianwings · 4 months
Since I'm not sure if I'll ever get the chance to properly touch on this in a fic because it's more character analysis than something I can properly include in dialogue/exposition without it being very awkwardly out of place and telling not showing, I figured I'd just dump it here. It's something I think about a lot whenever I write for post-Seed Destiny Athrun in a fic, because in so many ways, this is actually something of a non-magical "Ideal (Fake) Reality" situation that Durandal very nearly succeeded in pulling off, but ultimately failed at because Durandal overplayed his hand and underestimated Athrun's loyalty to his friends Kira, who was pulling triple duty opposing Athrun because Kira himself didn't agree with what Athrun was doing, protecting Cagalli, and supporting Cagalli at a time when she was powerless.
It's a trope I very much love in magical/sci-fi settings because it says a lot about the character and the lengths they'll go to get what they want (the willingness and determination to take the longer, harder path to make the dream reality vs the instant gratification option even if it's fake), and also just gives me so much to work with when I write when it comes to character motivation/dialogue/actions.
I feel like a lot of this gets missed in all the memes that he's (somewhat deservedly) suddenly a part of after Seed Freedom, because while Seed Freedom Athrun is very self-assured and confident in his course of action, he definitely took a long hard road (with more downs than ups, in my opinion) between Seed and Seed Destiny to get there.
(Rest behind the cut because there's a reason Athrun Zala is my favorite Seed character, and not just because he's got a lovely voice - thank you Ishida-san for that - and is easy on the eyes.)
When Athrun re-enlists in ZAFT and "continues" his life again as himself, he's given a choice thanks to Durandal's string-pulling: Resume the life that was planned for him by his parents and PLANT (his "destined" life, if you will), or find his way back to the life that he's chosen for himself (with Cagalli and Orb).
If he chose his "old" life, he would've had it all - the glory of being a decorated war veteran, a post as a FAITH member (resuming the role he'd previously gotten thanks to his father), a "Lacus Clyne" for his fiance, and the honor of being the pilot of the Legend (while being something of a "legend" himself). Durandal saw to it Athrun would've seamlessly resumed that life to all external appearances, even if it would've been an absolute sham behind closed doors. Athrun might be a decorated war veteran, but that came with a lot of trauma and grief - trauma from having to fight and kill at such a young age, grief at being the one to survive when those he'd called friends die around him, plus all the unresolved emotional turmoil and grief of having never been able to properly resolve things with his father and his genocidal ideals (because Patrick Zala, too, was a man who never got over his grief at losing Lenore during the Bloody Valentine Incident, and only became the way he did because of that). He might've had a highly coveted position within FAITH, but that power would ultimately be in service to Durandal (a head of state Athrun alternates between wanting to agree with and being directly at odds against). Durandal needed more capable "Yes men" ace pilots like Shinn Asuka to spread and enforce his plans, not people capable of thinking for themselves like Athrun (at least, Athrun got there after Operation Angel Down). The "Lacus Clyne", is, of course, Meer under the best cosmetic surgery money could buy, but she is nothing like Lacus Athrun knows and cares for as a friend and whose cause he had once lent his power to (and would again at the end of the Second War).
And the Legend? It might fit Athrun in name only (in the sense that he's the "legendary pilot who helped end the first Earth-PLANT War) but the entire suit (even if it had an updated OS for the DRAGOON system) doesn't even play to Athrun's core strengths as a pilot. It's almost comedic how Durandal didn't even bother tailoring the Legend to Athrun - the Saviour is more Athrun's style both as a spiritual successor to the Aegis and weapons load out, yet it's coincidental that it would end up in Athrun's hands. There's no way Durandal could've known and planned for the Saviour to go to Athrun, but Durandal arguably had that time with the Legend. In the episode where both the Destiny and Legend are revealed, Durandal made a point of telling Shinn the Destiny was fine tuned to him, but neglects to tell Athrun much about the Legend beyond the DRAGOON system and the updated OS for it (the closest Athrun arguably ever came to a DRAGOON system was flying right past Kira and Rau's duel in front of Genesis at the end of Seed).
On the flip side of that, there's the life Athrun had chosen for himself after the first Earth-PLANT War. It's not an ideal life, not by any means - the fact he's essentially a powerless civilian with no means to reach for his ultimate goal chafes him to no end, especially when there's the ever-looming threat of Cagalli getting taken away from him due to circumstances neither of them want nor are able to deal with. Cagalli can't get out of the arranged marriage, Athrun as "Alex Dino" has no claim to power and as "Athrun Zala" would only invite larger scale international problems - even if Athrun himself has no political ties to PLANT, his family name says plenty. Athrun is patient, yes, but even his patience has a limit, and seemingly losing Cagalli to someone he doesn't respect and she doesn't love (in a reversal of Athrun's situation with Lacus and Kira) pushes him to action out of desperation. And while it puts him at odds with Kira and Cagalli (including lashing out at both of them when Cagalli finally breaks down and gives in and gets coerced into going through with the arranged marriage), it does also get him to realize that he's not the same person he was before the war - he's no longer capable of living that same life he had before, where he would fight where his country tells him because that's the fastest way to end the war. The easy (destined, if you will) option is no longer an acceptable choice for him, because it's not the one that ultimately leaves him fulfilled and truly happy with the one he loves in the end.
And it's this that ultimately brings him back to Cagalli and the (Infinite) Justice, metaphorically reclaiming his sense of justice (ha ha). He's always going to be looking for a cause to serve, and a just cause by his own terms, because he's dedicated far too much of his life serving in the military to just stop doing that and he's spent too much time around Lacus to just mindlessly follow whatever the higher ups say, anymore. So this leaves the only way forward: serve under a head of state whose ideals he can agree with, with the freedom of choice to act according to his own sense of justice, and to that end, there's only one choice for him - return to Orb and Cagalli.
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dragoon theorycrafting: FRESH DRAGOON LORE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SIX YEARS (new Rising story)
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(I'm counting the Stormblood side story in this yes)
So where to begin? First off, we're setting Estinien to the side and the fact he's drinking off to the side as well. We'll get back to it, don't worry.
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Ratatoskr's death is in 545. Twenty years later puts this in 565, which means Haldrath has been witness to the gross rewriting of history that's taken place in Corethas.
(also shoutout to @mariyekos and their Haldrath -> Estinien theory let's gooo~~)
So the first Azure Dragoon's shown up, and he is not in a good way. Nidhogg's Eye (the first) has fused itself to his armor, and is now effectively corrupting Haldrath's flesh. He's beginning to have fits more frequently and intensely --moments where Nidhogg's will threatens to override his own. Haldrath has been a solitary hunter of dragons for twenty years, and he is fucking tired. His will is starting to falter.
He passes out from fighting another dragon, and wakes up a while later to find himself in a tavern. And much to his surprise and pleasure, he's among friends-- one of the original Twelve knights who survived and (wisely, I might add), fucked off once Nidhogg was robbed of his original eyes.
Ser Aureniquart de Cordillelot, who decided to open a tavern, and is insinuated in lore to have been the founder of the Forgotten Knight. It's his daughter Berteline who found Haldrath, and she's been raised on stories of him as the dragonslayer. She wishes to be a dragoon like him too!
Berteline however, admits that she didn't find Haldrath on her own, that a voice that sounded like 'storm winds' led her to him. Haldrath, who has recognized that Berteline has drive and passion, realizes that the young woman's been lured by Nidhogg's eye.
(And here is when we enter the territory of fuckery)
At this point, Haldrath makes a choice. He's doing this on the fly, but also probably had been stewing on his thoughts for a while. He's tired. On his last legs. This is probably not how he wanted to do it, but he's got no choice. And Halone seems to have merciful enough to let him be in a safe and warm environment among friends.
Haldrath tells Berteline that she's heard Nidhogg's voice, that the Eye seeks out those who desire power. That it's fused to him, that it's corrupting him, and he is in danger of becoming the elder wrym's thrall. And if that happens, he will be a mighty threat to Ishgard, which is still finding its feet. He looks Aureniquart in the eye and asks that his old friend, his brother knight, kill him before that happens.
Aureniquart refuses to pick up arms against Haldrath.
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(side note: I'm wondering if Aureniquart was possibly Haldrath's First Knight/general 2IC.)
Haldrath, before the Eye tries for the final time to take him, also officially recognizes Berteline as the new bearer of the evil orb and names her his full successor.
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Berteline de Cordillelot is now charged as the second Azure Dragoon. We won't have another named Azure Dragoon show up until 761, when Valeroyant fends off Nidhogg. (Valeroyant dies two years later in 763).
We are also given confirmation that Azure Dragoons essentially are on a limited lifespan once they receive the Eye. This possibly gives new meaning to this:
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When searched on Google, score is equal to twenty years. Two score and ten equals 50 years. Ere means 'before'.
Basically? 'Your ass will be dead before you turn fifty.'
Which in the story, makes sense because:
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Aureniquart has aged. It's possible that by this time, he and Haldrath were in their mid-40s, if they were in their 20's back in 545.
Becoming the Azure Dragoon is a death sentence. And now your mileage is gonna vary, because not everyone's gonna have the same mindset regarding power and duty and protection of Ishgard. We have the door open for some high level shenanigary here! An Azure Dragoon who may not have wanted to pick a successor? An Azure Dragoon who might have been forced into the job?
(No no we're not discussing Alberic don't @ me I'm typing this out on my phone and it's taking me forever WE WILL POKE AT HIM LATER)
Haldrath feels one final fit coming on, and knows this is the one that he can't fight against. Nidhogg will claim him. He needs to die. He realizes almost too late that Aureniquart can't kill him, because of the bond of love/friendship/battle blood/loyalty to my liege and he's cursing him to suffer another sin. But Berteline steps up to the plate, puts her hands on the spear, and helps her father perform the mercy kill.
Shoutout to @autumnslance for this spot on commentary on THAT:
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Aureniquart: Perma-traumatized now. Man gets like twenty years of peace and then it just gets blown outta the water. Had to kill your leige-lord as he lay dying on your floor, under your roof, violation of sanctuary and hospitality and your sworn oath to protect him, to spend your life before his own so he could be safe...
Anyroad. We have one final interesting tidbit.
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This...is interesting. Sovereignty has various meanings, but the one that stood out the most to me from Merriam-Webster was 'freedom from external control'. There was also 'supreme power over a body politic', 'controlling influence' and then 'one who is sovereign, especially: an autonomous state'
It's said in lore Nidhogg was dismissive of mankind. And at that point can you blame him? He's lost three siblings to Allag, his other brother's lost his damn mind mooning over some elezen before consensually participating in voreplay, and his sister drank ALL the mortal Kool-Aid.
Oh and baby brother? Is hiding somewhere.
That also possibly has Ascian fuckery hiding somewhere in the depths. What exactly, I don't know what to say or imply. But a good friend of mine pointed out that Nidhogg's attitude towards humans could have been a rather toxic ingredient that could have maybe been added to a growing resentment of dragonkind that had been festering. Maybe old grudges that had been settled by Shiva's sacrifice were coming back from the dead. Maybe mankind was growing too much in the region and was straining natural resources.
We don't know.
Last but not least, Estinien. Nevermind that this man decided to hit up a bottle of Raz-at-Han alchemist-made liquor.
Estinien. Pls.
However there is real world historical context for alcoholic spirits being used to help a body and mind relax so that one can see visions/perform magic. And as I stated one time, we don't know fully about all the changes Estinien has undergone ever since absorbing the remnants of Nidhogg's essence. This could be a random fluke--brought on by unpredictable draconic magic mixing with whatever unholy abomination against the gods concoction this particular Hannish alchemist thought to brew.
(listen Raz-at-Han alchemists fear neither gods, nor man, nor dragons, nor aliens. YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT)
But it's definitely interesting to see more of a solid connection between the first and the last Azure Dragoon. Especially since Haldrath hasn't shown up in anything dragoon connected since the level 50 questline, in which he helps you violently snap Estinien out of a Nidhogg-induced frenzy.
Hoping this story leads us to more dragoon stuff, especially considering the class is getting a revamp in 7.0!
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doom-nerdo-666 · 3 months
Most of my thoughts/observations on The Dark Ages' trailer
It's long and copypasted but
"BEFORE HE BECAME A HERO", He always was, though this unintentionally gives a point to people who think Slayer could've been a seperate character from Doomguy
Sentinel Prime on fire, i see floating rocks and castles. Could be Sentinel related like the Fortress in DE and we also see a pentagram in the sky
Sentinel ship hits a building, i also think that ship shooting stuff is demonic
Giant demonic castle with skull. Hope that thing is both a location and "alive"
Floating place reminds me of 2016 MP Empyrian. Maybe the Sentinels either build it as a tribute to or got it from the Maykrs
Slayer has a fur cape. Always expected this to happen, whether it's a superhero thing or even a Berserk reference
The new base also has Maykr tech
SSG has no meathook
Maykr ship attacking, seems to be demons/possessed and Imps it's targetting
I LIKE that Doomguy has gray colors in the helmet. Also almost thought some details resembled a crown
Helmet has no Slayer mark this time
Mancubi shoot 2 fireballs per cannon, which is an ability i always thought they deserve (It's like a mix of both modern Mancs shooting the cannons individually and the classics shooting 2 fireballs at once)
Fireballs look solid, like magma. Possible D64 homage
Their design has differences from Eternal, like a different species of fat humanoid beings
Their tech has an HR Giger look, as if they're biological: Possibly a middleground between 2016 and Eternal
It looks cool but still comes from a place of "Hell had no metallic tech until the UAC"
SSG seems lever based, probably because of the shield
New weapon crushes skulls so it shoots bits of them. Maybe skulls will be an ammo pickup
Hell factory place?
I wonder if the Possessed Soldiers, no longer being UAC, are either Sentinel or still Hell related. Maybe they're based on that 2016 concept art of the Hell razer, who knows
Shield = chainsaw
Sentinel Plasma Rifle, i knew they'd get an equivalent
Revenant looks like a grim reaper. clever
Its multi skull attack is also cool
A pink demon with horns shooting verticle stuff. Is it Pinky related? Those are usually melee
There's also someone riding them
Arachnotrons look more twisted even if their model is still Eternal inspired
Flying brain creatures. Reminds me of Duke's Octobrains and D3 Cacos. And of course, those things from Valiant (Likewise, the Mancs reminded me of Hellforged)
Shield used to block attacks (hope it can reflect them too)
Boomerang shield. Always said Doom could use a boomerang item and even be it Sentinel related
Classic imp? Is cool but i like when demons get new looks and abilities. Maybe this imp has something more going on
A weapon that shoots nails? Doom's Nail Gun?
Shield dash
The Imp fireball being charged looked green. Could mean they have a new attack type. Maybe a poison projectile, inspired by the Cursed Prowler
Said Imp is literally "nailed" to the wall
Hellknight looks like it has new details on their skin, like a bit of Giger
Demonic cyberknight, probably to keep up with Marauders and the Gladiator
Insert Castlevania reference here
You can kick too
Seems melee is reworked, so maybe no Glory Kills. I guess that would happen since you need to think of like 5 animations for each demon and maybe design them around that mechanic
A tiny thing on this demon knight's chest looks like an eye. Remember the lore for the Gladiator saying his shield had the soul of his master?
Cable connected to red part of Doomguy's armor. Different from Eternal having it light blue to open that thing in Exultia
Mech finally pilotable
Titan with melee weapon, gets punched
This location looks different, is it even the same Sentinel planet? Could be that one city on Mars before it vanished and became Mars Core's final area
Mech Dragon, background looks like a giant ribcage
Insert Panzer Dragoon reference
Also, is the thing shooting purple orbs a demonic ship?
This section also makes me wonder how much vehicle stuff will be in game or in the series in general
Wonder if this "kiss of death" is a reference to that 2014 Godzilla scene
Regardless, lots of good stuff.
It will obviously have that prequel issue of "cool new stuff that will not be addressed in the follow ups that came later" but Doom is also a series i think is fun because the setting is a mess, so at that point you start to think more of "is cool" than "is logical".
The game seems solid and it shows they did suddenly start making it after being done with TAG2, even if i still worry about the dev cycicles and think the release of a new Doom should be special. So after this game, id should calm down.
It's also lot more Sentinel focused, probably the least UAC presence in a Doom game.
A weird idea i had was if they could still use the name "Year Zero" for a small campaign with an ARC guy during Hell's invasion on Earth.
Basically, if id makes a campaign that is like half the lenght of Dark Ages (If the main game itself is also like 13 chapters) but about a UAC soldier with new weapons and cool locations on Earth, maybe that could balance the Sentinel focus due to the UAC always being more prominent.
Some say the gameplay could be closer to classic Doom, which can mean a lot because personally, i associate some of old Doom's traits with even engine stuff and also on why the new games play differently.
What matters is that the new stuff is good.
maybe the shield really is Captain America inspired
wonder if "taking inspiration from classic Doom" could mean stuff like a different working armor, since it'd suit the lore behind the Praetor suit
going back to the ARC soldier expansion idea, imagine riding a helicopter because the Slayer can ride a dragon or fighting zombie soldiers piloting tanks or mechs because you can fight zombies riding Pinkies
going back to the Manc, hope they at some point use both cannons at the same time to shoot 4 fireballs.
after an interview video from gamestop, i hope the level design really is Hexen-like
Almost forgot the zombies with shields, presumably based off the Possessed Security
The Maykr ship shooting from the sky could be Doomguy's new hub
And maybe that factory was making Atlans
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
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The Venture Bros. #46: "The Revenge Society" | November 16, 2009 - 12:00AM | S04E05
Look, I love and respect The Venture Bros. Please know that I’m coming from a place of love when I say that this episode has that season three stank on it. 
Generally speaking, I feel like the show has ebbs and flows, vacillating somewhat between episodes where the humor and standalone adventure is emphasized and episodes that feel like an exercise in world-building and character lore. I enjoy piecing together the somewhat complicated story and character histories and stuff like that, because I love this show. But the reason I love this show is for standalone adventures and humor.
This one focuses on Phantom Limb’s reemergence as the head of the Revenge Society, which we find out is comprised of a lady’s shoe (Dr. Mrs. The Monarch’s shoe, I think), a Mug with the word WISDOM on it, and a toaster. Phantom Limb has lost his mind, and treats these all like they’re real guys. One of my favorite jokes of the episode includes the use of the oriental riff, used when Phantom Limb introduces his mug Wisdom. Guy’s gone so crazy that he’s assigned a race to a dang cup. 
This one features a lotta people explaining things to each other. We find out what two of the Council of 13 look like, for instance. We also find out that they are elderly Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper (now known as the Red Mantle and Dragoon, respectively), and they were coaxed away from the airplane that would have killed them by Phantom Limb’s grandfather Phantomas. The fact that these supervillains began life as kidnapped musicians is the explanation for why David Bowie is the Sovereign. Phantom Limb kidnaps Billy Quizboy and has him surgically place Dragoon’s head onto the Red Mantle’s body after attacking them so severely that such a drastic act is their only hope for surviving. They become another Jackson and Doc comedy duo.
Eventually, the Guild of Calamitous Intent show up to the Venture compound while Hatred, Hank, Doc, and Dean all sorta spit off into pairs and stall for time. This makes the episode feel a little listless, like those boring-ass sequences in the Two Towers movie where Hobbits are goofing off with those walking trees. I don’t mind scenes where nothing really happens and characters just chit-chat, as long as it’s funny. I don’t find these scenes to be particularly strong.
Okay, so Phantom Limb is trying to get the Orb (from before). Billy Quizboy knows where it is, which is why the Guild show up to the Ventures door. At some point, the Ventures confront the guild. Dean is paraded as the heir to the Orb or maybe the guild? I guess because Rusty’s grandfather was the protector of the Orb? I don’t know if I really “get” this part at all, but it’s all leading to the conclusion of the orb saga.
Dean knights the current Soverign as the heir to the Orb (I think?) and Phantom Limb tries to get it, only to find out that it’s broken. We then cut to the same flashback from season three, which shows Sandow seemingly strangle Rusty’s father’s father. The scene continues to reveal that Sandow simply broke the orb, and left the elder Ventures’ skull in tact. Apparently this reveal was planned all along, which is why they make the skull-smashing/neck-breaking sound a little metallic-sounding in season three.
The final scene also features a Brian Eno stand-in called Eon. I didn’t know who this was, honestly, and had to look it up. I know who Brian Eno is, I just mean I don’t think I remembered at all what that dude looked like. Is that the real Brian Eno doing the voice? Seriously, no source that would list such a thing lists an actor for him, nor do they point out that he’s voiced by “(unknown)”. I also don’t see anyone asking who the voice is. Am I dumb? 
Other stuff ahead: the dilapidated mansion that Phantom Limb brings Billy, Red Mantle, and Dragoon to comes back later, so keep your peepers peeled if you are a huge dork who likes remembering stuff from cartoons.
More other stuff: this episode pays off Hatred’s fixation on Billy, who is a child-sized but oh-so-legal little man. Billy is knocked unconscious and eventually finds himself in Hatred’s bed. The commentary, the book, and eventually dialogue from a later episode all insist that Hatred didn’t rape Billy; Hatred just cuddled him while he recovered.
And finally, the joke at the end, where Red Mantle tries to jam in a two-headed-related quip to no effect is real funny. I like that joke. See? I told you I love and respect this show.
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estiniensays · 7 months
Thus did this eldritch orb become a sacred treasure of Ishgard, lending its power to every knight deemed worthy to bear the title of Azure Dragoon.
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
Gamigan hoard you say? Hmmm
I could go the generic route and say gold but that’s all Tartarous and he isn’t from there, maybe gemstones? Like Foras?
Maybe a diamond collection, he looks like he would have a mega fuck ton of Diamond imo
(I’ll share my thought on Amon being a brat tamer later, it came to me while at work)
Yeah. Gold is definitely Tartaros coded, but so are jewels I feel. I feel like anything in that same school is too "wealth" coded. You know what? I want him to collect plants. Specifically, I want him to collect cacti and succulents and have an entire room full of them to the point that he can't even move. Or!!! Since he is likely an Eastern dragoon, let him hoard orbs. Glass orbs, stone orbs, those moss balls. Let him be an adorable weirdo.
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bbcmerlinbracket · 1 year
Episode descriptions under the cut (contains spoilers).
1x04 The Poisoned Chalice
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Nimueh tips Merlin off that Arthur’s chalice has been poisoned, he drinks from it instead to save Arthur and begins dying. Against Uther’s wishes, Arthur goes on a quest to get the cure for the poison. Nimueh and her monsters try to kill him, but Merlin sends a magic orb that saves him and he’s able to get the cure back to Camelot in time to save Merlin.
4x06 A Servant Of Two Masters
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Merlin falls into Morgana’s hands and she plants a magical creature in him to mind-control him into killing Arthur. After multiple failed attempts, Gaius and Gwen get Merlin under control and he goes to confront Morgana as his elderly alter-ego Dragoon.
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jefarawol · 3 months
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Ah, Jefara, there is something I would fain discuss.  I must ask you to recall the events which unfolded at the peace conference, though I daresay you would sooner forget them. Not that which occured after, but what we all bore witness too.
In what way?
My mind returns again and again to the moment when Nidhogg appeared before the crowd in the guise of Estinien. It was a sight to chill the soul─but one which gave me reason to hope that our friend might not be beyond salvation. When you described his fateful transformation at Azys Lla, I feared him lost forever, but the mere fact that some semblance of his former self endures must surely count for something. Alas, I have no evidence to support this impression... Thus did I turn to Y'shtola and Krile for a more empirical appraisal─and full glad am I that I did, for it would seem they have some observations of their own to share.
The ladies have saved us a table at the Forgotten Knight. Shall we go?
Excellent. Let us not keep our honored colleagues waiting.
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We have kept you waiting overlong, I fear...
Not to worry, Alphinaud. We had some rather fine mulled wine to keep us company. Truth be told, you could have delayed your arrival a few moments more...
Gibrillont got the spicing just right this time. His latest batch is not only delicious and warming, but soothing to the humours!
Indeed. But 'twas not to soothe our humours that we gathered here.
Ah, no─quite right. The matter of that poor dragoon...
You have discovered something─a means to save him?
Let us not jump to conclusions, shall we? Assess the facts presented, then make an educated analysis, as you were taught.
Pray cast your mind back to the moment of Estinien's transformation. Do you recall how you described it to us?
You spoke of the sudden pangs which racked his body when he took up both of Nidhogg's eyes─and of how his form was twisted thereafter into a shadowy semblance of the great wyrm.
I felt them myself.
When he appeared at Falcon's Nest, the wyrm's eyes were fused to his mail.
Would that only his armor had been corrupted... Snaking forth from the eyes, I descried dark tendrils which entangled his very being. His aether has been all but smothered.
Then he is lost to us forever?
What did I just say about jumping to conclusions!? Y'shtola clearly stated “all but smothered.” As I later discovered, her impression matched my own. Though Nidhogg's presence filled my mind's eye, beneath his seething aura, I sensed the merest hint of something else. And after listening to Y'shtola's observations, I became more certain of my suspicion: that the “something else” I had sensed was, in fact, the trace of a different will, submerged in the sea of Nidhogg's rage.
You mean...
Yes. 'Tis like that Estinien's spirit yet lingers.
It is... Nidhogg... For a brief moment... Let him speak to me...
You heard him? You heard Estinien?
Only because Nidhogg let him through. He snuffed him out like he was nothing... But he was there... He was weak...
Can we not wrest him from Nidhogg's grasp, then!? Tear the eyes from the armor!?
We know not if that would serve to separate wyrm's soul from man's. None have ever attempted such a feat.
Should it offer even the faintest hope of success, then by the gods, I shall be the first to try
Alphinaud... By all means, hold fast to your hope. But be mindful of the dangers. Even should you succeed in excising the eyes from the dragoon's mail, we have no way of knowing if your friend's soul would survive so violent a separation. And that is to say nothing of the possibility that his would-be savior might become Nidhogg's next host.
But what other choice remains to us? Should the opportunity present itself, I will tear those foul orbs from Estinien's armor and trust in the resilience of his soul─even at the risk of mine own!
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kootiepatra · 1 year
#FFxivWrite2023 - Day 21: Grave
“The eyes! Cast them into the abyss!” 
A cry that would haunt Aymeric for moons to come.
In the moment, the urgency and overwhelm was like nothing he had ever experienced. The fate of his city stood on a knife’s edge. Was their millennium-long ordeal about to end? Or was it about to start all over again?
Long had it been known that the Azure Dragoon would have to constantly steel their will against that of Nidhogg. It was one of the terrible burdens and risks of such a calling. They knew that relenting in their discipline could lead to becoming corrupted by the Eye. But never in Aymeric’s worst nightmares would he have imagined such a total, complete possession and transformation was possible.
Did Nidhogg require the Azure Dragoon to achieve such a feat of incarnation? Or was it simply a feat achieved by having both of the eyes in one place? Nidhogg had been killed once before; Aymeric had no confidence he would stay dead now.
Seeing Estinien on the ground, motionless, maybe lifeless and maybe not, already wrenched at his heart. He was elated that the eyes had come free; it gave him hope of reclaiming his dearest friend. He did not know if Nidhogg could re-bind him again. Get those things away from him.
But another dreadful possibility presented itself. Both eyes were still here—one in the hands of the Warrior of Light, the other in those of the young master Leveilleur. Estinien was a seasoned fighter, with years of experience managing the power of the Eye, and even he was vulnerable to being taken over entirely. How was a largely untested 16 year-old supposed to stand a chance against him?
Or worse still—the Warrior of Light. Not only had Aymeric come to love her, feeling ill at the thought of losing her, he could scarcely think of a more dangerous vessel for Nidhogg to overtake next. The wrath and rage of that ancient dragon, with her strength, and possible access to the Echo? How could Ishgard repel such a being?
There was no keeping the eyes of course. Too many radical elements remained in and around Ishgard for it to be remotely safe—to say nothing of the rest of Nidhogg’s brood. Aymeric could not believe that any number of vaults and guards would be sufficient to prevent them being stolen away. And even if they miraculously could, it would only be a matter of time before one foolish generation down the line decided they had both a good reason to use that power, and the arrogance to assume they could handle it.
Absolutely not. The eyes must be destroyed.
But how?
Even just prising the eyes from Estinien’s armor had generated an enormous orb of aetheric light that had Aymeric fearing for the lives of all involved. The eyes were unfathomably powerful—just one had been strong enough to pierce an otherwise impenetrable Allagan shield. Could mundane weapons even harm them—assuming the bearer could get close enough to do so, without being struck down by a burst of either, or corrupted by Nidhogg’s influence? Would magicks be able to destroy them, without causing a devastating reaction as they did so?
There were so many unknowns. Ishgard never tried to destroy the Eye; they stewarded it. They protected it. They used it. Surely Nidhogg’s eyes were not invulnerable, but there were, so, so many unknowns, and so, so many potential horrifying outcomes should they make the wrong move now. And they may only have seconds to decide it.
Thus the obvious and safest solution seemed to lie right underneath their feet.
The abyss ever churned with violent winds and ice that would shred anything softer than stone which was hurled into it. It had long served Ishgard better than any moat ever could. Nothing lived in it. Nothing could survive in it.
With any luck, the eyes themselves would be destroyed by the raging elements. But even if not, at the very least, they were as good as dead to the world. No one could go in after them. No heretic, no zealot, no man, no Dravanian. No amount of noble intentions or evil motives could match that destructive power. And the abyss could never be bribed, convinced, or seduced into yielding up their bounty.
It was impossible for any living being to visit the depths and survive. 
Little could Aymeric know that the status of “living” would be the loophole. Never could he have predicted that a snap decision would carry such grave consequences. His intent was to get rid of the eyes for certain and forever. By all known logic, it should have worked. How was he to know?
Yet none of that stopped him from seeing the glowing, bound primal looming over Gyr Abania, and feeling like he should have known. If he had only anticipated. If he had just one, single better idea.
This was all his fault, wasn’t it?
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Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Recap: Beast's Castle (Beauty and the Beast)
We open on Belle in her room, wearing the iconic yellow ballgown as she hums a tune I don’t recognize.
“I hope tonight goes well,” the Wardrobe notes.
“So do I,” Belle replies, “But I wonder why he’s so nervous.”
“The master does have his shy side, you know,” the Wardrobe points out.
Meanwhile, in the Entrance Hall, the Beast is in his iconic blue suit, pacing nervously.
While there is voice acting for the Beast nervously growling…
“Hey there!” a VA-less textbox reads.
The Beast turns to see Sora, Donald, and Goofy walk up.
Donald looks around.
“No Heartless and no Nobodies!” he declares.
“I think they’re close, though…” Goofy remarks.
“Better watch out!” Sora cautions as he folds his hands behind his head.
Beast turns towards the stairs.
In order to continue the story, you must use the “Approach” Reaction Command.
Donald asks what Beast is so mad about.
Beast just wants to know what SDG are doing here.
Sora explains that they’re looking for a way into the Nobodies’ world.
Beast’s just turns his back and “hmphs” in response.
This leads into a fully voice acted cutscene.
Belle descends the stairway.
“Tonight is very important,” Beast explains to SDG, before ascending the stairs to meet Belle in front of the ballroom.
The two link arms and step into the ballroom.
“Uh, maybe we came at a bad time,” Goofy remarks.
“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” Donald replies, before rushing up the stairs.
“Donald!” Sora calls after him, before he and Goofy give chase.
Cut to the ballroom, the camera zooms up to the ceiling, dives through the chandelier, and sweeps over the ballroom to zoom in on Belle and the Beast.
“Now then, Monsieur, Mademoiselle,” Lumiere opens as he stands alongside Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and Chip (not the chipmunk), “Please, enjoy the evening.”
They then notice SDG, Goofy awkwardly waving while Donald folds his hands behind the back of his head.
“And of course, our honored guests are welcome, too,” Lumiere adds.
“A welcome indeed,” Xaldin remarks.
Beast and Belle embrace in fright.
Sora dashes into the middle of the ballroom and looks around, before finding the Nobody in question looking down on the ballroom from the upper level.
“The Organization!” Sora declares.
“You don’t know when to quit,” Xaldin remarks.
“Oh yeah!” Donald replies, “We’ll show you!”
Beast glares at Xaldin.
“Get out!” he roars as he lets go of Belle to run at him.
“Not tonight!” Belle… “Grumbles” doesn’t feel like the right word, but she says that upsettedly.
Xaldin snaps his fingers, and three never-before-seen Nobodies drop in from Corridors of Darkness.
Beast swats them away, but there are two Dusks and three more of the new Nobodies already surrounding him, Sora, Donald, and Goofy.
“I’ve come to take something you hold very dear,” Xaldin announces.
Beast roars in response.
“Yes,” Xaldin remarks as he disappears into a Corridor of Darkness, “Let your anger grow…”
“Beast! We’ve got to get rid of these guys first!” Sora reminds him.
Beast is in his party (wearing his regular outfit, rather than the fancy suit), and you’re given a chance to toggle your party as needed before officially starting the battle.
As implied by the never-before-seen Nobodies, new Nobodies are introduced here: Dragoons.
Dragoons wear dragon-headed hoods (which makes it look as though they have faces on their necks), wings sprouting from their backs, and they also wield lances.
They primarily attack with their lances, occasionally jumping and diving down like a Final Fantasy Dragoon, and a couple of their attacks leave behind white orbs.
These white orbs give the “Learn” Reaction Command, which turns “Attack” into “Jump”.
Jump leads to Sora copying the signature move of the dragoons of Final Fantasy fame, leaping into the air and diving down onto his target, Keyblade first.
You can use Learn to stack up to 10 Jumps. Once you run out of Jumps, “Jump” reverts back to “Attack”.
Very rarely, they’ll drop a “Nobody Lance”, a Staff for Donald. It gives +5 Strength, +5 Magic, and Item Boost.
After the battle, another textbox cutscene:
“Where’s Belle!?” Sora asks.
“Over here!” Belle answers.
She walks in from the balcony, with Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Chip, and Cogsworth following closely behind her.
“Whew, she’s okay,” Sora notes.
“Guess Xaldin didn’t take anything after all,” Goofy notes.
The Beast visibly gasps and runs out of the room.
“What’s wrong?” Sora asks.
Belle rushes after him.
“Belle?” Sora questions, “What’s with them?”
“Maybe Belle isn’t the only thing precious to the Beast,” Goofy suggests.
“C’mon!” Donald invites.
Beast has left the party.
In order to progress the story, you need to go to the Beast’s Room.
The Beast is pacing angrily. He roars and slams the ground.
“What’s wrong?” Belle asks.
Beast growls and seethes.
“Please, calm down!” Belle begs.
The Beast swipes through the air to shove his cape out of the way, unknowingly swiping close to Belle’s face.
“Calm down?” he snaps, “You just had to have a party, didn’t you? Do you see what’s happened?”
“Hey,” Sora interjects, “What’s with you?”
“The rose…” Beast answers, “My rose…”
The camera cuts over to where the Enchanted Rose once was, only for the rose itself to be gone.
“What, that?” Sora asks, “He took it?”
“But surely, you can find another rose…” Belle replies.
“Silence!” Beast snaps as he swipes through the air (his claws coming pretty close to Sora’s chest), “You don’t know anything!”
Sora jumps between Beast and Belle.
“That’s not fair, Beast,” Sora scolds, “Don’t take it out on Belle! It’s not like she stole it!”
Beast growls and covers his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Belle replies.
“You don’t have to apologize,” Sora insists.
Beast averts his eyes.
“Belle… Sora…” he opens, much calmer than earlier, “I want you to leave the castle.”
Belle is visibly shocked at that order.
“Look at me. Look,” Beast continues, “This is what I am.
“When you first got here, I tried to change.
“But I was only fooling myself. I can’t be any different.
“I’ll always be a beast. So, I should live like a beast.
“With no one, alone.
“Good-bye, Belle.”
“You can’t mean that…” Belle protests.
Beast tries to meet her gaze, but can’t bring himself too.
“Aw, I think his mind’s all made up,” Goofy whispers into Sora’s ear.
“Yeah,” Sora acknowledges, before turning to Belle, “Look Belle. Leave this to us.
“If we can get the Beast’s rose back, he’ll calm down.”
Belle shoots a sad look over her shoulder, before walking out.
Out in the West Wing, we see Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth, and Lumiere.
“Poor child,” Mrs. Potts remarks.
Belle walks up to the trio, waves, and continues on her way.
“How could it come to this?” Cogsworth wonders.
“And they were so looking forward to this evening…” Lumiere remarks.
“Now, now – no need to be so sad,” Mrs. Potts assures, “Once the rose is back safely, this will all be over.”
Sora asks what’s so special about the rose, and the others explain the extra details for the curse.
Namely, the fact that the Beast has until the last petal falls to love and be loved in return.
As such, the Beast has had to take good care of the rose, and it became a cherished part of his day-to-day life. It’s the embodiment of all his hopes and dreams. As long as that rose is alive, there’s hope that he can regain his humanity.
Sora is now even MORE determined to help the Beast get it back, but also acknowledges that they can’t get it back without the Beast.
“If it’s that important to him, he has to do it himself.”
If you go back into the Beast’s Room, you’ll notice something in the back right corner.
An Absent Silhouette, this one depicting a scythe.
When passing through this one, Sora is transported to a smaller version of the Station to Oblivion, where he fought the Specter.
Petals swirl around the Absent Silhouette until it transforms into Marluxia.
At the start of the battle, Marluxia teleports to Sora’s side and whispers something into his ear.
A number equal to Sora’s current level materializes over his head.
Marluxia has just cast Doom on Sora.
Now, every time Sora is hit, in addition to his HP decreasing, the number above his head will drop by one.
If it drops to zero, Sora will be instantly killed.
Making matters worse, Marluxia has some attacks which will ONLY lead into combos if they hit Sora, meaning that even if you have abilities that’ll keep Sora alive at 1 HP, he can STILL get instakilled by Doom.
Marluxia attacks with his scythe, but can also generate thorny vines, sink into the ground and spin his scythe like a buzzsaw blade to strike Sora, and also create red circles that will produce danger zones that damage anyone standing in them when their insides turn black.
Marluxia’s most powerful attack has him float behind Sora while the lights are dim, firing off fifteen petal  geysers consecutively (forcing Sora to keep moving) and then throwing his scythe at Sora as the finishing blow.
Whenever Marluxia rests, Sora can run up to him to use one of two Reaction Commands:
Aerial Strike: Prompted when Sora runs up to Marluxia while he’s resting. Sora attacks Marluxia three times and knocks him back, acting as a finisher.
Restore Count: Prompted when Sora approaches Marluxia’s scythe while he’s resting. Sora steals it, slashes Marluxia with it, knocks him back, and then throws the scythe at Marluxia. This deals no damage to Marluxia, but raises the Doom Counter by 13, allowing Sora to absorb more hits before he’s insta-killed.
When Marluxia is defeated, he reverts back to his Absent Silhouette, which fades into pink petals.
Defeating Marluxia’s Absent Silhouette rewards Sora with +1 Drive Gauge, Donald with +3 Max HP, and Goofy with +3 Max HP. He also leaves behind another “Lost Illusion” synthesis material, and the “Eternal Blossom”, another synthesis recipe.
This allows Sora to synthesize the Full Bloom, an accessory that gives +3 strength and +10 AP. (The upgraded version gives MP haste as well.)
Using the “Persuade” Reaction Command on the Beast continues the story.
“Hey, Beast,” Sora greets.
The Beast groans.
“Leave me alone,” he mopes.
“C’mon, you need to hear this,” Sora continues, “You used to be fearless. You would have given your life to save Belle. Don’t you know what that meant to us? You gave us all courage.
“Hmph, maybe you should have kept some for yourself.
“I mean, are you really gonna throw your happiness away?
“The rose is your only hope, isn’t it? Well, it’s the only hope for Cogsworth and the others, too.
“So, don’t throw away your last chance. Remember what it was like before Belle lived here?”
The Beast looks up, his face hardening into a more determined expression.
“See?” Sora continues, “You can’t give up. Not now.”
“I know one thing,” Beast replies.
“What?” Sora asks.
“This castle belongs to me!” Beast answers as he turns to face Sora, “Xaldin will NEVER be welcome here.”
And it would appear as though I was wrong about Circle of Life being the only mid-Disney world Keyblade, because this rewards Sora with Rumbling Rose.
Rumbling Rose grants +5 Attack, +0 Magic, and Finishing Plus (allows the user to unleash an additional  combo finisher after landing a combo finisher).
Reminder: humanoid bosses in this game have Revenge Values which are triggered every few Finishers. Think VERY carefully about what fights you take this Keyblade into.
You also get the Castle Walls Map, granting access to your minimap in the area surrounding the Castle.
Beast rejoins the party.
In order to progress the story, you need to go to the Entrance Hall.
“So Beast… You came after all.” Xaldin comments as he holds the rose, standing atop a windowsill above the doors to the ballroom, “You had me worried. I was afraid you’d given up for good.”
The Beast looks up at Xaldin and growls at his nemesis.
“What do you guys really want?” Sora shouts.
“… Kingdom Hearts,” Xaldin answers.
That shocks Sora.
Xaldin FINALLY lowers his hood, revealing a head covered in black hair, with dreadlocks coming out of both the top of his head AND his sideburns.
“When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely.”
Donald lets out a confused quack as he shares a glance with Goofy.
“So you see, Beast – that’s why we need your Heartless AND your Nobody!”
Cue Nobody swarm as “Desire for All That is Lost” plays.
When the last Nobody falls, Xaldin gracefully lands in front of the doors leading out to the courtyard, smirks at the Beast, then waltzes right on out with the rose, closing the door behind him.
I suggest you save before following him.
Sora, Donald, Goofy, and the Beast fan out to look for Xaldin as soon as you exit the castle.
Goofy notices Belle moping up on her balcony, back in her casualwear.
She notices Goofy motioning at her to hide and, remembering that Beast ordered her to leave (even if he seems to have calmed down enough to work with Sora and the others) decides to go back into her room, only to find the rose is also with her on the balcony.
She grins, picks it up and calls down to the others to reveal that she found the rose.
The second Beast notices, Xaldin clamps a hand over Belle’s mouth.
“Belle!” the Beast cries out in horror.
Xaldin, having everything he needs for his plan, leaps from Belle’s balcony and over the walls outside the castle in a single bounc.
The Beast, tired of Xaldin’s game chases after them, SHOVES his way through the siege gates (meant to stand up to BATTERING RAMS) with his shoulder, allowing the party to chase Xaldin out onto the Bridge.
“You!” the Beast growls at Xaldin, “Get out of my castle, now!”
“With pleasure,” Xaldin replies, holding the rose with one arm and Belle with the other, “but I’d rather travel light…
“What shall I leave behind?
“Or the rose?”
The Beast growls and sees the fear on Belle’s face.
“Belle!” he answers, charging at Xaldin in case this is another trick.
Belle, equally sick of Xaldin meddling in her love life, elbows him in the gut, grabs the rose, and runs right past the Beast, Sora, Donald, and Goofy with an audacious grin on her face so it won’t be damaged in the coming brawl.
“Good one, Belle!” Sora cheers.
With Belle safely out of the way, the Beast charges Xaldin and attempts to gore him with a slash of his claws.
Xaldin leaps out of the way, landing further down the bridge.
With a sweep of his arms, he conjures six tornados around himself, and transforms the whirlwinds into lances.
The lances shoot up into the air.
He grabs one into his right hand, two into his left, and lets the remaining three hover in the breeze around him.
Xaldin attacks primarily with thrusts of his lances, Dragoon Jumps, and blasts of wind.
He can shoot a slow-moving ball of air that homes in on Sora.
Very rarely, he can also combine his lances into a draconic mecha, ride atop its head, and fire a sweeping whirlwind beam across the bridge.
However, some of his attacks will give the “Learn” Reaction Command, allowing Sora to stock up “Jumps” to hit Xaldin with.
Be warned, he is invincible while riding his lances.
Additionally, this is another battle the King can save Sora from.
This is by far one of the hardest boss fights in the whole game, so if ANY boss battle will prompt multiple Mickey Mouse rescues, it’ll be this one.
You can also SPAM Learn in this battle for as long as it’s up, and uses MULTIPLE Jumps if necessary. Jump can even be used to dodge Xaldin’s attacks and damage him in turn.
Be warned, he has access to KH1’s version of Aeroga, meaning he can wrap himself in a barrier of pure wind that deals damage on impact.
Defeating Xaldin earns Sora +5 Max HP and a Reflect Element (upgrading “Reflect” into “Reflera”), Donald Auto Healing (heals party members when they are not an active member of the user’s party), Goofy +4 Max HP, and Beast +25 Max HP.
Xaldin’s six lances all stab into the ground in a circle around him and glow as each one evaporates into a beam of light.
Xaldin can only scream as he fades from existence, vanishing into a gust of wind.
Secret Ansem Report 4:
The distant days spent in that beautiful paradise are an illusion to me now.
How long have I been here, banished to the realm of nothingness?
It is only by relying upon my anger and hatred that I have been able to retain my sense of self here where all existence is nullified.
My heart is being overcome with hatred toward my apprentices, possessed by the darkness, and with the anger I feel for stupidly allowing myself to be betrayed.
Is this darkness, eating away at my heart?
I cannot continue to idle away my time here.
What are Xehanort and the others attempting to do?
I must unravel the mystery of these Ansem’s Reports, intercept my apprentices, and defeat them.
That is my mission…the only way to repay the world for my sins.
Those beings who lack hearts—the Heartless—must be the key.
The darkness of the heart, made flesh. Cursed shadows who not only lack hearts, but multiply by seizing hearts from any and all living things.
Where have they come from, and where are they going?
Three elements combine to create a life: a heart, a soul, and a body.
But what of the soul and body left behind when the heart is lost?
When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves?
A being does not perish when its heart leaves its body. The heart alone disappears into the darkness.
There is little time.
If I remain in this realm much longer, I will certainly learn these answers the hard way.
My heart is already a captive of the darkness.
Back in the courtyard, Belle returns the rose to the Beast as Sora, Donald, Goofy, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and Chip look on.
“Here, it’s yours again,” Belle says as she hands it over.
“Belle…” Beast opens.
“I know,” Belle interrupts, “You want me to leave the castle.”
The Beast grunts as the others look on with worried expressions.
“What matters is… You weren’t hurt by Xaldin…” he explains, “You’re safe.”
The others silently urge him to keep talking.
“And… I’m grateful to you…” Beast continues, “for bringing the rose back to me.
“Thank you.”
Belle giggles.
“It’s the least I could do,” she replies, Beast having placed the rose back on the ground and out of the way while it was out of frame, “You’ve been good to me. And you didn’t have to be.”
“Listen, Belle…” Beast opens.
“Yes?” Belle replies.
The Beast awkwardly tries to articulate his response, and then shoots a glance over at the others for guidance.
“Say it!” Sora tells him.
“Go on!” Lumiere adds.
“C’mon!” Donald urges.
“You can do it!” Mrs. Potts encourages.
“We have confidence!” Cogsworth throws in.
“Don’t be bashful, now,” Goofy instructs.
Beast steels his nerves.
“Belle, I’d like you to stay… With me… Please?”
Belle’s face brightens up even more.
She offers her hand, Beast takes it.
“I will.”
The Beast smiles that big, goofy grin that should not be as endearing as it is with all those razor-sharp teeth, but he just looks adorable.
“Maestro – music!” Lumiere calls out.
Belle and the Beast finally get to share that dance as an instrumental version of “Beauty and the Beast” plays. They might not be wearing their iconic outfits from the dance scene, they might not be in the courtyard instead of the ballroom, but they’ve earned this moment.
“Hey, did you see that look on Belle’s face when she grabbed that rose?” Sora asks, his hands folded behind his head as he watches his friends dance.
“Huh?” Donald quacks.
“Yep,” Goofy answers, “she sure was havin’ fun, all right.”
“She is rather unique, isn’t she?” Lumiere remarks.
“Always ready for a little adventure,” Mrs. Potts adds.
“The two of them do seem made for each other,” Cogsworth comments.
“Yeah, they sure do,” Sora agrees.
The camera zooms out from the Beast and Belle as the instrumental fades out.
Beast’s Castle’s story is finally complete.
Back on the world map, Olympus Coliseum finally reappears.
“Hey everybody!” Chip alerts SDG, “I’m picking up a strange reading.”
“Are you sure?” Dale asks, “Let me see!”
“Look – it’s all cloudy and kinda fuzzy,” Chip explains.
“Prob’ly just a glitch,” Dale remarks.
“I don’t know…” Chip comments.
If you fly up to the top of the World Map, past Twilight Town, something is starting to materialize there.
 I NEED more batb stories where Belle throws hands with someone tbh. (if we’re not doing a KH crossover, I highly suggest the Enchantress).
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warchirfsminitures · 9 months
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Some photos from my 1k game. I enjoyed the phalanx detachment. I finally got to play necrons with what i like without much penalty.
I had first turn; i marched forwards to take the mid field, blasted away with tesla only to do one wound to the tank people. In return i lost all my tesla immortals.
Second turn i primed my lychguard but lost 3 in overwatch. I popped a res orb, plus reanimator to bring them all back. Fired some gauss and ray gun to no avail. Charged in my warlord, used a stretegum to give my unit precision and iced my opponent’s warlord. In reply, my opponent onemt struggled to damage in melee and failed any other serious damage.
Third turn i took out the striders with lances and the last tank man. With nothing but a transport and some dragoons we called it.
I got lucky on the second turn. I almost lost all three of my vehicles and lychguard, but the invulns held them together just enough.
We are playing a 1500 point game next with the same lists as a foundation.
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musicalherbalist · 7 months
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I have come up with a creative way to get around talking about Trimax spoiler characters with my roommate. Sorry for the new probable string of mh posts, currently it's been giving me serotonin and an occasional stress distraction. I love my bf, and he gave me a fantastic present! ^^ Also, I just want to bring up... I don't get why people hate Rise so much? Honestly, it feels like funner Dark Souls to me.(If you know my old content, I *love* Dark Souls' world, story, artstyle, and music, but I actually lowkey hated actually playing it. If any of you come at me saying I should just 'get good', I'm sorry for this, but I just didn't find actually playing it fun. Elden Ring was kinda fun when I tried it at a friend's house, though.) When you make an attack, you have to commit to it, unless you have a way to animation cancel out of it, unless you use a faster weapon. I don't. So far, I loved Hunting Horn the *moment* I picked it up, and have lowkey kind of...haven't picked anything else up. The Blunt Force Instrument doesn't have a lot of ways to get out of it's animation lock, but using what you can to slip by monsters' attacks is just plain *fun*. It reminds me of playing Dragoon in ffxiv. Also, the music is utterly fantastic, and I love the environmental storytelling at play in almost all of the areas. I actually really adore base Rise because, while the story was really bare bones at first, it genuinely sold me on the 'close knit community' vibe. Elder Fugen feels like a loveable father-figure, I really love just talking to Hinoa and Minoto(they do have actual sibling vibes), and Iori and Yomogi feel like genuinely good kids trying to do what they can to help their community. I also genuinely think that Master Utsushi is a funny 'mentor' character. I have more to say about the characters, I love just running around and *talking* to the npcs. I'm not going to touch on the Kabuki Theater references in pretty much almost every aspect of the game, but the moment I recognized certain tropes and nods, especially when it came to Ibushi and Narwa, as well as Magnamolo, it sold me on the game's subtler writing. That's where the story shines. Although, I do think that the story *is* rather bare bones, and nearly every other MH game I've looked into seems to suffer from this, but in Rise's case, almost everything else makes up for that. Also, a fair amount of the armor is pretty cool, and while I don't like how utterly grindy the game can be, at least the fights don't really get boring to me. I've fought Narwa probably 10 times while trying to get a Thunder Serpent Orb for the horn, and I still haven't really gotten bored of it. I *have* gotten confused, because I keep accidentally face-tanking her desperation move, and I have no idea why I keep living through it. I might post more photos soon, but not before I post more art. Thank you to everyone who reblogged my commission prices, and I do finally have a Ko-Fi, too. :) If anyone wants to do a one-time donation, or pay for a com through there, my Ko-Fi is https://ko-fi.com/tokotoko14879 ! Thank you all!
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dragoon theorycraft headcanons: Azure Dragoonage
Posting in response to @mariyekos 's most excellent analysis of the new Rising side story (i hope you don't mind a small stream of consciousness xD)
Lifespan of Elezen, Estinien and Haldrath
You hit some really good points with these. I feel that you're right, the Eye probably stopped Haldrath from aging. And it probably could have an effect on Estinien.
However, when it comes to the aging aspect--and I'm applying this to not just Estinien, not just Haldrath, but I'm applying it to everyone--I'm choosing to be leery right now. And I've got one big reason for that.
The Source has been Rejoined seven times. Hell at the start of the Dragonsong War, it had already gone through the 6th! To this day, we do not know what effect this has had/will have on the people living there. If we go by the Ascian's planning, it was basically them putting a puzzle piece back together and everything was gonna go back to the way it once was. We don't know if that would have happened or not.
What we do know? Those Rejoinings have resulted in the people of the Source--many of them probably reabsorbing their Sharded selves. They're unaware of it, but it's happened. What kind of effect are you gonna get out of that?
Are you gonna live longer? Are you going to stay healthier? Are you going to age but still be in your prime? We have a LOT of cases of people well past their 40's, in their 50's, in their 60's still fucking wrecking shit like they're in their 20s! Now factor in for the dragoons--including the Azure, exposure to draconic aether and it's...
It is hardcore up in the air right now. And honestly I'm waiting an expac or two to see how stuff goes on the aging front.
Fuckery in the Land Of The Azure Dragoon
I think retirement for an Azure Dragoon (followed by at least two decades of survival) is EXTREMELY uncommon in Ishgard's history.
So maybe Ishgard kills Azure Dragoons who are too far gone (whether they're actually too far or whether the people in power are paranoid about it).
You may be more right than you think. And here's why. I strongly suspect once Haldrath breathed his last, Aureniquart probably reached out to his old brother-knights, who probably took charge of Haldrath's body and the Eye (I honestly think he probably had the second Orb of Evil stuffed in a traveler's bag or something like that). Haldrath's corpse and the Eye then gets turned over to the Church, who then gets told everything the prince revealed. From there, we don't know. But we do have the following from EE1:
761: The Azure Dragoon Valeoryant repels an attack by the wrym Nidhogg, who had been dormant for several decades.
763: The Azure Dragoon Valeoryant leaves Ishgard to defend a small village from the Dravanian Horde, but is slain in battle protecting a group of shepherds.
(really? really? this motherfucker managed to get Nidhogg to fuck off and go back to sleep and two years later gets KO'd protecting shepherds? Yes I know it's possible but at the same time that man was probably staving off the MOTHER of all the fits during Nidhogg's attack and came out of it somehow in one piece and then two years later it's 'oopsie?' That's what we're going with?)
1058: The Azure Dragoon subdues a massive dragon in the western highlands of Coerthas, aided by a contingent of mages from the Holy See who spellbind the foe into slumber. The body and limbs of the great wyrm are enveloped in ash and stone, forming the floating isle known as the Dreaming Dragon. (this Azure is unnamed)
(now here's a real interesting bit)
1146: The lady dragoon Reinette carries out her revenge on the dragons who killed her lover. She then lays down her spear Gae Bolg and takes a vow of poverty, living out the rest of her days as a nun in service of the poor and downtrodden.
1189: Lady Reinette, the former Azure Dragoon, expires in a nunnery at sixty and six.
1289: Lady Reinette is canonized by the Holy See a century after her death. Unpopular with the clergy for having abandoned her duties as Azure Dragoon at a young age, she is beloved by the commonfolk for having devoted her life in service of the poor and downtrodden. The See elevates her to sainthood, in what is widely seen as an attempt to distract the public from corruption within the church.
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Aside from Reinette being a real one (YES QUEEN), looking back at this story with the lens of As Azure Fades...for me, this is coming off a little sus. It's plausible. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was the truth--but at the same time if it was, holy fucking shit. And if there was something else behind this, the implications are not good. There is potentially a lot of fuckery in the story of Reinette.
1560: Upon the death of his predecessor, Thordan VII is ordained Archbishop of the Holy See.
1562: The mountain village of Ferndale is laid to waste by a recently awakened Nidhogg. (Ser Alberic Bale, the Azure Dragoon, forces the great wyrm to retreat. He takes in Estinien, sole survivor of the attack, as his ward and resigns as Azure Dragoon.)
From then on, it's kaput until Estinien is encountered either in ARR with the dragoon 30-50 questline or is encountered post-ARR/pre-HW.
I also kinda want to point out, by 1562, Coerthas/Ishgard has been having a bad time. They've lost all but one of the Vigils (which gets taken out during the Calamity). They lost chocobo grazing pastures to the Horde. They lost LARGE portions of land to the Calamity. They can't catch a break because whenever Nidhogg's out of it, there's still his offspring/Horde/heretics still raging. They have lost public face because they refused to come to the Eorzean Alliance's aid during the events of Carteneau.
And honestly? It's a little weird we don't have a single peep from the Eye or hear anything else Azure wise until Estinien shows up either in DRG questline or post-ARR.
(I need dinner and my brain is like 'bleh' so there's probably going to be another part to this later XD)
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deadgravity · 1 year
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Folks I've done it, I've defeated the evil (got my printer to print colors correctly)
Get Dragoon Pondering Orb at Koishi's Market this Satruday!
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023 Prompt #15: Portentous
portentous (adj.): being a grave or serious matter
Rating: Teen (Light violence, death discussion)
Word count: 528
"But what other choice remains to us? Should the opportunity present itself, I will tear those foul orbs from Estinien's armor and trust in the resilience of his soul─even at the risk of mine own!" Alphinaud boldly declared.
Immediately, Y'dehlya countered him with greater ferocity. "Absolutely not! I refuse to allow that wyrm's influence to corrupt another! Estinien had continuous exposure to Nidhogg's power and look what has become of him. In this matter, besides him, I alone have experience with it. My soul and will thus have already been prepared. Should the opportunity present itself, I will be the one to handle the Eyes, not you." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw U'reksh about to give his own retort, and she rounded on him. "And especially not you."
U'reksh hit the table with his fist. "Why not? I want to help Estinien, too!"
"Because the grasp you have on the powers within that soul crystal," she spat those words as if the object in question was unworthy of being called such, "is still not yet firm! If it were to mix with the power of Nidhogg, gods know what could become of you."
U'reksh growled in reply, knowing full well that she was correct.
Krile and Y'shtola looked among them as a thick tension filled the air. Krile spoke up. "Alright, alright. Let's simmer down now." She looked to Alphinaud and U'reksh first. "Now, boys, Y'dehlya only wants to keep the two of you safe. She understands the fraternal affections you both possess towards him, but she is also highly aware of the dangers Nidhogg's spirit possesses, more than any of us, and wants to shield you from them." She turned to the woman. "Isn't that right?"
Y'dehlya solemnly nodded. Krile continued looking at her.
"But as for you, you're putting up quite the brave front; tied between the duty you shoulder and your desire to help Estinien. You are less confident in the odds that we can still save him due to having seen him succumb once before." That sentence made Alphinaud flinch, and U'reksh tensed himself further. Krile continued on. "Ironically, I fear you may be a tad overconfident in your abilities to handle the situation yourself. So I beg of you: let Alphinaud and U'reksh assist you where they can."
The tension lessened, yet the three still could not meet each other's eyes.
"Shall we try our initial discussion again?" Krile gently urged.
Alphinaud looked up at Y'dehlya pleadingly. "I...I know you and Estinien scarcely got along, and...I know you have your duty as an Azure Dragoon to vanquish Nidhogg. But, if it is at all possible; should a chance arise, can you please save Estinien? Please?"
Y'dehlya's face noticeably softened. "I will try. But, Alphinaud, if all else fails and worst comes to worst, you know what must be done. I don't like the idea either; I want to save him, too, but please tell me you at least understand."
"I..." He sighed heavily. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he released it, he opened them and faced her with a steeled, stoic mask. "I understand."
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