#Organic tea production in Nilgiris
greenthestral · 1 year
Discover the Exquisite Flavors of Handmade Tea and Herbs from Nilgiris
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Exploring the Rich Tea Culture of Nilgiris
The picturesque region of Nilgiris, nestled in the Western Ghats of southern India, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and lush greenery. But there's more to Nilgiris than meets the eye. This region is also home to a vibrant tea culture that produces some of the finest handmade teas and herbs in the world. Join us on a journey as we delve into the world of Nilgiri's exquisite flavors, craftsmanship, and the age-old tradition of tea-making.
The Perfect Climate and Soil for Tea Cultivation
Nilgiris, with its idyllic climate and rich soil, is truly a tea lover's paradise. The region's unique geographical features and environmental conditions create the perfect setting for cultivating exceptional tea. From its high altitude to its cool temperatures and abundant rainfall, Nilgiris offers an unparalleled environment that nurtures tea plants and bestows them with distinct flavors.
The altitude of Nilgiris plays a significant role in the quality of tea produced in the region. The tea estates are situated at elevations ranging from 1,000 to 2,500 meters above sea level. This high altitude not only provides a picturesque landscape but also contributes to the unique taste and character of the tea leaves. The elevation exposes the plants to cool mountain breezes and mists, resulting in slow growth and concentrated flavors.
The cool temperatures of Nilgiris further enhance the tea-growing conditions. The region experiences a moderate and pleasant climate throughout the year, with temperatures rarely exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. The cool weather helps the tea leaves develop slowly, allowing them to accumulate complex flavors and aromas. It also prevents the tea plants from becoming stressed, resulting in a smoother and more delicate taste in the final product.
Abundant rainfall is another crucial factor that contributes to the tea's exceptional quality in Nilgiris. The region receives substantial precipitation due to the influence of the southwest and northeast monsoons. The well-distributed rainfall ensures that the tea plants have a constant supply of moisture, promoting healthy growth and preventing drought stress. The combination of rainfall and high altitude also contributes to the unique terroir of Nilgiris, influencing the mineral content and pH levels of the soil, which in turn affects the flavors imparted to the tea leaves.
It is this exceptional terroir of Nilgiris that truly sets its teas apart. The mineral-rich soil, combined with the high altitude and cool climate, infuses the tea leaves with distinctive characteristics that captivate the senses. The unique flavors range from floral and fruity notes to hints of earthiness and a natural sweetness. Tea enthusiasts worldwide seek out Nilgiri teas for their nuanced taste profiles and the sense of place they encapsulate.
The flavor profiles of Nilgiri teas vary depending on the specific tea estate and the altitude at which the tea is grown. For example, teas grown at higher altitudes tend to have a lighter and more delicate taste, while those from lower altitudes may exhibit bolder and more robust flavors. The specific processing techniques employed by the skilled tea artisans further refine the flavors and bring out the best in each tea variety.
The distinctiveness of Nilgiri teas has not gone unnoticed in the global tea market. These teas have garnered recognition and appreciation from tea experts and enthusiasts worldwide. They are valued for their quality, complexity, and the harmonious balance of flavors they offer. Whether it's a fragrant and aromatic black tea, a refreshing green tea, or an intriguing oolong, Nilgiri teas are celebrated for their ability to provide a truly exceptional tea-drinking experience.
Nilgiris, with its optimal climate, fertile soil, and unique terroir, is a haven for tea cultivation. The high altitude, cool temperatures, and abundant rainfall create the perfect conditions for tea plants to flourish and develop exceptional flavors. The teas of Nilgiris are a testament to the region's natural beauty and the skill and dedication of its tea artisans. So, the next time you sip a cup of Nilgiri tea, savor the essence of this enchanting region, and allow yourself to be transported to the mist-covered hills of Nilgiris, where every sip is a celebration of nature's bountiful gifts.
Artisanal Tea-Making Techniques
What sets Nilgiri teas apart is the meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into their production. Unlike large-scale tea plantations that rely on machinery, the tea farmers of Nilgiris employ traditional, labor-intensive methods to handcraft their teas.
The process begins with plucking the tender tea leaves, usually done in the early morning when the leaves are at their freshest. These leaves are carefully selected to ensure only the finest ones make it into the final product. The skilled hands of the tea artisans then roll and shape the leaves, releasing their natural oils and flavors.
After the rolling process, the leaves undergo oxidation, a crucial step that determines the tea's characteristics. This is followed by withering, a process that removes excess moisture from the leaves, further intensifying their flavors. Finally, the leaves are fired or roasted to halt the oxidation process, preserving the tea's unique taste.
An Abundance of Varieties
Nilgiri teas offer a remarkable range of flavors and aromas, catering to diverse palates. The region produces a spectrum of teas, including black, green, oolong, and white teas. Each type has its own distinct characteristics that reflect the nuances of Nilgiri's terroir.
Black teas from Nilgiris are known for their bright liquor, brisk flavors, and floral notes. They are often described as being well-rounded and refreshing, making them an excellent choice for both hot and iced teas.
Green teas, on the other hand, have a delicate and grassy flavor profile. They are minimally processed to retain their vibrant green color and natural antioxidants, making them a healthy and refreshing beverage choice.
Oolong teas from Nilgiris exhibit a perfect balance between the floral notes of black teas and the freshness of green teas. They undergo a partial oxidation process, resulting in a nuanced flavor profile that is both complex and captivating.
White teas, the most delicate of all, are made from young and unopened tea buds. They have a subtle and nuanced taste, often accompanied by a sweet and floral aroma. White teas are highly prized for their minimal processing and high levels of antioxidants.
The Magic of Nilgiri Herbs
In addition to its remarkable tea production, Nilgiris is also a treasure trove of herbs and botanicals. The region's pristine forests and fertile lands nurture a wide array of medicinal and aromatic plants that are used in traditional remedies and herbal infusions.
Nilgiri herbs, like the teas, are carefully handpicked and processed to retain their natural flavors and therapeutic properties. From soothing chamomile to invigorating lemongrass, these herbs offer a myriad of health benefits and make for delightful herbal teas. The aromatic blends of Nilgiri herbs can be enjoyed on their own or combined with Nilgiri teas to create unique and flavorful infusions.
Embracing Sustainability and Fair Trade
Nilgiris' tea industry is not just about taste and craftsmanship; it also places a strong emphasis on sustainability and fair trade practices. Many tea estates in the region prioritize organic cultivation methods, eschewing the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This ensures that the teas and herbs from Nilgiris are not only flavorsome but also free from harmful chemicals.
Furthermore, the tea industry in Nilgiris has a significant social impact on the local communities. By supporting fair trade practices, tea estates provide fair wages and improved living conditions for the tea workers. This commitment to social responsibility adds another layer of richness to the tea experience, allowing consumers to enjoy their cup of tea with a clear conscience.
Savor the Essence of Nilgiris in Every Sip
As you sip a cup of Nilgiri tea or indulge in an herbal infusion, you're not just experiencing the flavors; you're immersing yourself in a rich cultural heritage. Nilgiri's handmade teas and herbs are a testament to the region's age-old tradition of tea-making and the dedication of its skilled artisans.
Whether you're a tea connoisseur seeking new and exciting flavors or someone looking to explore the world of artisanal teas, Nilgiris offers a captivating journey of tastes and aromas. So, brew yourself a cup of Nilgiri tea, close your eyes, and let the enchanting flavors transport you to the verdant hills of Nilgiris, where every sip is a celebration of nature's bounty.
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eximpedia1 · 3 months
Rise of Tea Export from India: A Statistical Analysis
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Tea is a globally cherished beverage, whether it's Turkish Oralet, Assamese, or Moringa ole from Egypt. In India, a day often begins with a cup of tea, a tradition echoed worldwide where tea serves as an immune booster, energizer, relaxant, and social drink. By 2022, India had dedicated 6.19 lakh hectares to tea cultivation, with 80% of its domestic production, marking it as one of the top tea-consuming nations globally.
However, the true origins of tea lie in India's regions like Nilgiris, Darjeeling, and Assam, renowned for their premium taste and distinctive quality. This article delves into the rising trend of tea exports from India, providing detailed market insights, export data, and highlighting top Indian tea exporters. Let's explore this fragrant journey together.
Why Are Tea Exports from India Profitable?
India stands as the world's second-largest tea producer. Several factors contribute to the profitability of Indian tea exports:
High Production Volume: Historically, over 80% of mid-20th century Indian tea production was destined for the global market.
Strong Industry Structure: The Indian tea industry is robust, with a well-organized system encompassing growing, processing, trading, and exporting.
Economic Contribution: Tea cultivation significantly impacts the Indian economy, contributing to GDP and providing extensive employment opportunities.
Diverse Tea Regions: Key tea-producing regions include Assam, Darjeeling, Nilgiri, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal, each offering unique flavors and varieties.
Top Tea Producing Countries
The leading tea-producing nations in 2022 were:
China leads the world in tea production with an impressive output of 2.2 million tonnes. India follows as the second-largest producer, contributing 1.2 million tonnes to the global market. In third place is Kenya, with a production of 432,000 tonnes, while Sri Lanka ranks fourth with 340,000 tonnes. Vietnam and Turkey are close contenders, producing 214,000 tonnes and 212,000 tonnes respectively. Iran comes next, with a production of 160,000 tonnes, followed by Indonesia at 148,000 tonnes. Argentina produces 105,000 tonnes, securing the ninth spot, and Japan rounds out the top ten with an output of 85,000 tonnes.
Major Types of Tea Exported from India
India exports various types of tea, each with unique characteristics:
Black Tea: Dominates Indian tea exports, especially varieties from Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri, known for their robust flavors.
Green Tea: Though less exported than black tea, green tea is gaining popularity due to its health benefits and refreshing taste.
Oolong Tea: A semi-oxidized tea combining elements of green and black tea, growing in popularity in some international markets.
For accurate and updated data on tea exports from India, including suppliers and export data, Eximpedia.app is a reliable resource.
India Tea Export Data: 2023-24
Preliminary statistics for January 2024 highlight the following:
All India:
Quantity exported: 20.10 M.kgs
Value: Rs. 499.50 crores
Unit price: Rs. 24.85/Kg
Comparison with January 2023:
Quantity exported decreased by 2.19%.
Export value fell by 10.45%.
Unit price dropped by 8.45%.
Top Tea Exporting Countries
Here are the major tea exporting countries, highlighting India's position:
In terms of export value, China leads the list with an impressive $2.1 billion, making it the top exporter. Kenya follows as the second-largest exporter, with an export value of $1.2 billion. Sri Lanka ranks third, with exports amounting to $732.4 million. India comes in fourth place with exports valued at $687.9 million. Poland secures the fifth spot with an export value of $262.8 million, closely followed by Germany, which has exports worth $242.5 million, placing it in sixth position. Japan ranks seventh with an export value of $189.9 million. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ranks eighth with exports totaling $152.2 million. The United Kingdom (UK) is ninth with exports valued at $135.7 million, while Vietnam completes the top ten list with an export value of $130.7 million.
Key Destinations for Indian Tea Exports
India exports tea to over 25 countries. The primary destinations include:
During 2021-2022, India exported significant quantities to Russia (32.5 million kg), Ukraine (1.68 million kg), and Kazakhstan (6.48 million kg). The CIS countries collectively received 42.5 million kg, constituting 21% of total exports. The US, UAE, and Iran also ranked among top importers, with exports valued at $277.3 million.
Leading Tea Importing Countries
In 2022, global tea imports amounted to $6.62 billion, with the top 10 importing countries accounting for 61.3% of this value:
China leads the world in tea production with an impressive output of 2.2 million tonnes. India follows as the second-largest producer, contributing 1.2 million tonnes to the global market. In third place is Kenya, with a production of 432,000 tonnes, while Sri Lanka ranks fourth with 340,000 tonnes. Vietnam and Turkey are close contenders, producing 214,000 tonnes and 212,000 tonnes respectively. Iran comes next, with a production of 160,000 tonnes, followed by Indonesia at 148,000 tonnes. Argentina produces 105,000 tonnes, securing the ninth spot, and Japan rounds out the top ten with an output of 85,000 tonnes.
Finding Top Tea Exporters in India
To discover leading Tea exporters in India, visit Eximpedia, a comprehensive data-driven platform. Eximpedia provides authentic, current international trade information for over 130 countries. It offers extensive data on tea exports, including HS codes and detailed export statistics.
Global tea production and consumption are poised to grow over the next decade, driven by rising demand in emerging markets like China, India, and Japan. While entering the global tea market may seem challenging, it offers rewarding opportunities. Leveraging platforms like Eximpedia can help transform local expertise into a successful international venture. For any queries regarding tea exports from India, visit Eximpedia.app and schedule a free live demo today!
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mishkaexports · 4 months
Unique Products to Export from India: Opportunities for Global Trade with Mishka Exports
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1. Handicrafts and Handlooms
India’s handicrafts and handlooms are renowned globally for their intricate designs and superior craftsmanship. Each region in India offers its own unique style, from the delicate embroidery of Kashmir to the vibrant textiles of Gujarat.
Kashmiri Shawls and Carpets: Known for their intricate embroidery and fine quality, Kashmiri shawls and carpets are highly prized around the world. These products are often handmade and use traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations.
Rajasthani Block Prints: The block-printed fabrics from Rajasthan, featuring vibrant colors and unique patterns, are a favorite among fashion designers globally. These fabrics can be used for a variety of products, including clothing, home decor, and accessories.
Mishka Exports specializes in sourcing these high-quality handicrafts and handlooms, ensuring that each piece reflects the rich cultural heritage of India while meeting international quality standards.
2. Spices and Herbs
India is often referred to as the “Spice Bowl of the World” due to its rich variety of spices and herbs. Indian spices are known for their potency, flavor, and medicinal properties, making them highly desirable in international markets.
Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties, Indian turmeric is in high demand worldwide. It is widely used in cooking, cosmetics, and traditional medicine.
Cardamom and Saffron: These spices are some of the most expensive and sought-after in the world. Indian cardamom and saffron are prized for their unique flavor and aroma, making them essential ingredients in gourmet cuisine and high-end products.
Mishka Exports ensures that all spices and herbs are sourced directly from trusted farmers and suppliers, maintaining the highest quality and authenticity for our global customers.
3. Ayurvedic Products
The ancient science of Ayurveda, originating in India, offers a holistic approach to health and wellness. Ayurvedic products are becoming increasingly popular worldwide due to their natural ingredients and therapeutic benefits.
Herbal Supplements: Ayurvedic supplements, made from a blend of herbs and natural ingredients, are used to promote overall health and wellness. Products like ashwagandha, triphala, and brahmi are highly sought after for their health benefits.
Natural Skincare and Beauty Products: Ayurvedic skincare products, made with ingredients like neem, turmeric, and sandalwood, are gaining popularity for their effectiveness and natural composition.
At Mishka Exports, we collaborate with renowned Ayurvedic practitioners and manufacturers to bring authentic and high-quality Ayurvedic products to the international market.
4. Organic Food Products
With the increasing demand for organic and health-conscious food options, India’s organic food products are making a significant impact globally. India’s diverse climate and agricultural practices enable the production of a wide variety of organic food items.
Organic Grains and Pulses: Products like organic basmati rice, quinoa, and lentils are highly valued for their nutritional benefits and purity. These products are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, ensuring their health benefits.
Organic Teas and Coffees: Indian organic teas, including Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri varieties, are cherished worldwide for their rich flavors and health benefits. Organic coffee from regions like Coorg and Chikmagalur is also gaining popularity.
Mishka Exports is committed to promoting sustainable and organic farming practices, ensuring that our organic food products meet the highest standards of quality and purity.
5. Jewelry and Precious Stones
India has a long history of producing exquisite jewelry and precious stones. Indian jewelry, known for its intricate designs and craftsmanship, is in high demand globally.
Handcrafted Gold and Silver Jewelry: Indian gold and silver jewelry, often adorned with precious and semi-precious stones, is prized for its beauty and craftsmanship. Each piece reflects India’s rich cultural heritage and artisanal skill.
Precious Stones: India is a major supplier of precious stones like diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. These stones are sourced from some of the finest mines and are known for their quality and brilliance.
Mishka Exports works closely with skilled artisans and reputable jewelers to bring unique and high-quality jewelry and precious stones to the international market.
6. Leather Products
India’s leather industry is renowned for producing high-quality leather goods. From fashion accessories to footwear, Indian leather products are known for their durability and style.
Leather Bags and Accessories: Indian leather bags, wallets, and belts are popular for their quality craftsmanship and stylish designs. These products are made from high-quality leather and are available in a variety of styles to suit different tastes.
Footwear: Indian leather footwear, including sandals, shoes, and boots, is appreciated for its comfort and durability. These products are made using traditional techniques and high-quality materials.
Mishka Exports ensures that all leather products are ethically sourced and crafted, maintaining high standards of quality and sustainability.
7. Eco-Friendly Products
With the growing emphasis on sustainability, eco-friendly products from India are gaining international recognition. These products are made using environmentally friendly materials and practices, catering to the global demand for sustainable living.
Jute and Bamboo Products: India produces a wide range of eco-friendly products made from jute and bamboo, including bags, home decor items, and kitchenware. These products are not only sustainable but also stylish and functional.
Recycled and Upcycled Products: Innovative products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, plastic, and fabric, are becoming increasingly popular. These products promote environmental sustainability and creative reuse.
Mishka Exports is dedicated to promoting eco-friendly products, ensuring that they meet international standards of quality and sustainability.
India’s diverse and rich cultural heritage, combined with its expertise in various industries, offers a plethora of unique products for export. From traditional handicrafts and handlooms to organic food products and eco-friendly items, the opportunities for global trade are immense. Mishka Exports is committed to bringing the best of India to the world, ensuring high quality, authenticity, and sustainability in every product we offer.
By partnering with Mishka Exports, you are not only gaining access to a wide range of unique and high-quality products but also contributing to the promotion of India’s rich cultural heritage and sustainable practices. Join us in exploring the endless possibilities of Indian exports and bringing the finest products to the global market.
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stayvista525 · 7 months
Tranquil Escapes: Enjoy the Charm of Homestays in Ooty
Nestled amidst the quiet hills of the Nilgiris, Ooty is a scenic hill station in Southern India famed for its rich foliage, agreeable climate, and peaceful atmosphere. Homestays in Ooty are ideal for guests looking for an immersive and unique experience, combining comfort, hospitality, and local character. This article is a guide to finding the charm of Ooty homestays, highlighting the unique experiences and attractions that await visitors to this picturesque area.
Introduction to the Ooty Homestays: Set the tone by establishing Ooty as a famous tourist location and emphasizing the growing popularity of homestays as an alternate lodging choice for guests looking for a more customized experience. Highlight the benefits of staying in a homestay, which allows guests to immerse themselves in local culture, engage with pleasant hosts, and experience a home-away-from-home atmosphere.
Charming Accommodations in Nature's Bounty: Explore the various selection of homestays offered in Ooty, from cozy cottages and heritage bungalows to eco-friendly retreats and farm stays, each with its own character and setting in the beautiful hills. Highlight the appeal of staying in lodgings surrounded by beautiful gardens, tea plantations, and spectacular mountain vistas, offering a calm and restorative getaway from the hustle and bustle.
Warm hospitality and personalized experiences. Highlight the warm hospitality of Ooty's homestay owners, who greet guests with real warmth and attentiveness, resulting in a memorable and comfortable stay. Discuss the unique experiences provided by homestay hosts, such as guided nature hikes, food demonstrations, cultural encounters, and insider advice for discovering Ooty's hidden gems.
Culinary delights and local flavors: Display beautiful handcrafted dishes created by local hosts using fresh, organic products collected from their gardens or local markets, allowing tourists to experience true regional cuisine and flavors. 
Immersive Cultural Experiences: Explore Ooty's cultural richness through contact with local populations, trips to adjacent villages, and participation in traditional rites and events. Showcase the chance for guests to participate in cultural exchanges, learn about local customs and traditions, and get an understanding of the Nilgiris' unique legacy.
Nature and Adventure Activities: Highlight the wide range of outdoor activities accessible around Ooty homestays, such as trekking, birdwatching, mountain biking, and animal safaris in nearby national parks and sanctuaries. Emphasize the opportunity for guests to reconnect with nature, breathe in fresh mountain air, and discover the magnificent grandeur of the Nilgiris through guided nature expeditions and outdoor adventures.
Relaxation and wellness retreats: Highlight the calm ambiance of Ooty homestays, where guests may relax and revitalize amidst nature's tranquility, participate in yoga and meditation classes, or pamper themselves with Ayurvedic treatments and spa therapies. Highlight the holistic approach to well-being provided by some homestays, which focuses on physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal through tailored wellness programs and holistic therapeutic techniques.
Homestays in Ooty provide guests with a beautiful blend of comfort, hospitality, and authenticity, serving as a doorway to the Nilgiris' tranquil beauty and cultural diversity. Whether you're looking for a calm retreat surrounded by nature, engaging cultural activities, or outdoor adventures in the hills, Ooty homestays guarantee a pleasant and enriching stay that captures the essence of this lovely region. So, pack your bags, escape the city life, and start on a voyage of discovery and relaxation in the heart of the Nilgiris, with Ooty's quaint homestays serving as your sanctuary.
For more info:-
homestay in ooty
cottages in ooty
villa in ooty
mountain view cottage ooty
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kheoniskincare · 1 year
Not very long ago, in a deep dark forest named Kheoni, a man found his calling of afforesting a bare, barren land, Keshar Parbat. Now a biodiversity awarded site, it took 7 years of unconditional labour, love and support to plant 35,000 trees and procure water for the same.
It was in the jungles of Kheoni that we realised it takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a forest to support a village.
Kheoni was born out of this very thought of supporting the small indigenous community of the Nandakheda village near the Kheoni Forest. We employed locals to plant herbs and flowering shrubs under the shade of the trees and it led to a good produce. The abundant availability of organic ingredients from the forest and the traditional wellness wisdom of the community led us to put together the first few wellness products for Kheoni.
Just like the wildfire spreads, so did our communities.
Today, we are proud to be associated with amazing indigenous communities across the remote regions of our country bringing their age-old traditional wellness rituals right from their inhabited forest to your homes and lives.
Our endeavour is to bring the goodness of nature into your everyday skincare and food. The Kheoni collection is an exclusive range of skincare products and superfoods that are handcrafted in small batches using sustainably sourced local ingredients by inclusive communities in the beautiful setting of their faraway villages.
The most pristine and wellness-promoting ingredients are gathered from nature, handcrafted into these beautiful products and packaged in eco-friendly materials of reclaimed pinewood, organic cotton, coir by self-help groups to bring together the Kheoni collection.
Our collection is as extensive as our communities.
We have teas from the mountains of the Himalayas, honey from the hills of Nilgiris, soaps from the villages of Nagaland and Jharkhand, essential oils, hydrosols, and mists from the valleys of Kashmir, healing products made using the God plant of vijaya leaf and hemp sourced again from the Himalayas, perrilla oil from the Northeastern hills, diffuser oils handcrafted from the herbs found in Jharkhand, body butter made of 100% pure kokum found in the Western Ghats.
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ootymadeooty · 2 years
About Ooty Tea Factory
Ooty Tea Production line is arranged at the level of 1839 meters in the Nilgiri slopes, around 4 kilometers from the focal point of the city. The total tea factory ooty plant is laid out in the space of 1 section of land. There is a tea gallery, where we can know how the tea is handled utilizing the Cut, Wind, and Twist technique. Alongside this, we can gain proficiency with the set of experiences and the advancement of Tea.
We should begin with knowing the historical backdrop of tea, which we got to know when we visited the Tea Processing plant as everything was outlined.
Beginning of Tea:
Close to a long time back in old China, the narrative of Tea started with a gifted and researcher ruler. He used to drink bubbling water as a safeguard. One day while visiting a far objective, he halted in the halfway to take a rest and to hydrate he began bubbling it. A portion of the dried leaves from the close by shrub fell into the bubbling water and framed a tanish fluid.
As the Ruler was a researcher, he was interested to realize what is that. So he drank that beverage and he felt so reviving. What's more, that was the occasion, Tea was found. The Chinese word for Tea is Cha.
The tea seeds were shipped off Japan and became well known there. At the point when the Chinese and East India Organization began tea exchanging, Tea turned into the most famous among the Britishers and immediately turned into the public beverage of Britain. Tea was spread all over society.
There is an extremely old story throughout the entire existence of America and English known as the Bosten Casual get-together.
The Bosten Casual get-together:
Setting an illustration of disobedience to the English, the Bosten Casual get-together is extremely well known in American history. In Dec 1773, the boats taking tea freights were boarded away the Bosten shore. The local Americans crushed and toss the tea freights into the ocean as a demonstration of insubordination. Different ports followed something similar. That is the manner by which each American surrendered Tea and changed to Espresso even at this point.
Beginning of Tea in India:
Before the business creation of Tea in India, tea was at that point filling ridiculously in Assam wildernesses, which was distinguished by East India Organization workers, Robert Bruce and his sibling Charles Bruce. However, since the organization was at that point exchanging with China, they were not keen on burning through cash on Indian tea.
Later the organization lost its exchanging syndication from China, and they became keen on developing tea in India. In the year 1833, everything was changed. In Assam, Charles Bruce alongside his collaborators cleared an immense region for tea development. They figured out how to get a mysterious prerequisite of top notch tea development from the Chinese, the best tea develops under the shade of encompassing trees, so the new seeds were established in the holes between the generally developed tea plants.
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ibeforg · 2 years
Which Are The 10 Best Tea Products In India?
India is the second largest tea producer in the world after China, but the country has no absence of tea brands and flavors. The range of tea products in India is quite wide, and it is difficult to list all these products in a list. But here you will find the top 10 tea exporter brands in the country, which are Tata Tea, Wagh Bakri, Organic India, Society Tea, Vahdam, Chado, Dancing Leaf Tea, Jokai Fearless Tea, Timsak Nilgiri White Tea, and Vedka Premium Tea. Click on the link to know more.
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eootymade · 4 years
OotyMade.Com, the name of our company implies in itself that we OotyMade.Com are a Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamilnadu based organization that is engaged in offering Ooty based Special and Delicious Products on Online and Offline Our endeavor at OotyMade.Com is to provide Pure, Fresh, tasty and Healthy Ooty (Nilgiris) based Products such as Homemade Chocolates, Tea, Varkey, Essential oils, Spices, Fresh Vegetables ..etc… to people all over india at affordable costs. We have our own online shop www.ootymade.com, and our products are available in all the leading e-Commerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, Paytm, shop clues…etc….. List of our Nilgiris products to market: ØOoty Homemade Chocolates ØOoty Tea and Coffee ØOotyVarkey and Cookies Ø Nilgiris Essential oils Ø Spices Ø Strawberry Ø Mushroom Ø Nilgiris Fresh Vegetables Ø Other Nilgiris Handmade Products Please note that the above-mentioned list of products is not exhaustive
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Top Most Export Import Business Ideas For Suppliers in India
Starting an export or import business really increases your global reach and gains. In this blog, learn further about top export- import business ideas, products, and ways involved.
As the world becomes further connected each day, openings for exporters and further variety in terms of selection for guests and exporters are added. We're no longer in a time when you're confined to buying products within your region. moment, a client shopping in Chicago, USA, can place an order for a Made in India home décor product vie-commerce platforms.
Therefore, starting an export-import business really increases your reach and gains. still, it's essential to dissect request conditions, compliance, and logistics and choose the right product to be exported from India. It's essential to know what kind of product should be packed, and how important an investment that would bear, along with other rudiments like pool, paperwork, warrants, hookups, etc.
Why start an export business in 2022?
Did you know that wares exports from India touched an- time high of$417.8 billion in 2021- 221? With the growing exports, there has been a significant enhancement in the ease of doing export business in India including paperless deals and online documents. piecemeal from the regular export products, Indian exporters are also decreasingly dealing fabrics, spices, Ayurveda and herbal beauty, etc.
With-commerce exports programs like Amazon Global Selling, access to set up an online store, and list, and vend products to millions of guests have come easy and simple, furnishing further openings for global expansion.
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List of top Export business ideas
Depending on your area of interest, available coffers, and target request, you can select an export business idea. They are some of the top export- import business ideas in India.
1. Textile
India is one of the leading exporters of cloth and vesture products worldwide. Did you know that in July 2021, exports of fabrics made of cotton yarn, fabrics, and handloom products from India increased by50.862? India is known for its aesthetic prints, high-quality fabrics, and a  range of products – formal, casual, athletic, ethnic, etc. Some of the top exporting countries of fabrics from India are the European Union, the UK, the USA, Japan, Canada, UAE, and Singapore. The Government of India has also launched several schemes and Export Promotion Councils like WWEPC, AEPC, and TEXPROCIL to support cloth exporters.
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2. Footwear
Did you know that the Indian footwear request was valued at$9.70 billion in 20193? Like vesture, indeed footwear has several parts like formal, casual wear and tear, sports, etc. The established value chain in the country can help you source products at competitive prices and vend them in transnational commerce without investing a sizable sum in manufacturing and setting up a business.
3. Spices
India is the largest patron and exporter of spices in the world4. The country produces nearly 75 of the 109 kinds listed by the International Organization for Standardization( ISO). From turmeric export to cumin and cardamom export, Indian merchandisers are decreasingly dealing spices in transnational requests like the USA, Canada, Australia, and the Middle East. You need to dissect the demand for colorful spices in popular requests and find a product-request fit that works for your business. Post that, you can establish a spice export business in India.
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4. Tea
India is the alternate- largest patron and one of the top exporters of tea globally5. colorful geographical suggestions( GI markers) are granted to Indian teas like Darjeeling Tea, Kangra Tea, Assam tea, etc. India contributes close to 10 of the world’s tea exports and kinds like Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri are considered among the most stylish in the world6. numerous startups, brands, and merchandisers across the globe have linked fissionability and demand, and have been successfully running a tea export business. Closer home, Bala Sarda started Vahdam Teas with the same passion to serve Indian chai to global guests. ” The Author of the New Delhi- the grounded brand says. “ By investing in innovative technology and barring gratuitous mediators from our sourcing process, we want to revise the way the world drinks tea.
5. Jewelry
Gems and jewelry are strong helpers to the overall exports from India. Contributing 12 to India’s exports, the gems and jewelry sector has seductive growth openings for Indian exporters7. India is known for its cultural creativity in jewelry designs and cuts across the globe. Owing to its rich heritage and culture, the country has a varied range of jewelry types that are popular in the transnational requests like Kundan, bobby, tableware, gold and ivory, among others. Did you know that India is ranked first in cut and polished diamonds and tableware jewelry exports across the globe8? India exports gems and jewelry to popular requests like USA, UAE, Belgium, Hong Kong, and Singapore, among others. You can elect a member grounded on the coffers available and establish a gem and jewelry export business in India.
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6. Leather
With leather being one of the loftiest growing export diligence in India, thousands of merchandisers from the country are exporting leather products across the world. From Tamil Nadu and Telangana to West Bengal and Jammu and Kashmir, leather products are manufactured and exported in huge amounts from across the country9. Finished leather products in footwear, apparel, cabinetwork, and accessories are some of the top orders.
7. Sports goods
India has established its presence as one of the leading sports goods exporters in the world. Products like exercise outfits, inflatable balls, and outfits for sports like boxing, justice, and tennis are some of the top orders. Toys like board games and educational or soft toys are some of the products that are in demand in transnational requests. Did you know that India contributes INR,000-,000 crores in global toy exports10?
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8. Handcraft & home décor
India’s handwrought and handcraft goods are pets among guests encyclopedically. A variety of crafts like woodware, metalware, crockery, dinnerware, and fabrics are exported from India. With a strong base in requests like the USA, UK, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, and UAE, Indian exporters can make the utmost of this demand and establish their export business in home décor.
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How to start an export business in India?
Starting an export business in India is fairly simple. You can follow the way below to start an export business in India.
Step 1 Register your business
Step 2 Obtain Permanent Account Number( visage)
Step 3 Open a current bank account
Step 4 gain Import- Export Code( IEC) number from DGFT
Step 5 gain the Registration Cum Membership Certificate( RCMC) of the separate export creation council
Step 6 select the right products and target the business
Step 7 Find guests or importers
Step 9 Finalize pricing and gain all necessary documents
Step 9 Boat goods and admit payments
iiiEM is a platform that will make you learn how to export and import various products and achieve growth in the international markets. We provide various courses at reasonable and affordable prices. The syllabus offered will give the prospects about the international market, market trends, export and import strategies though our Export Import Course Program in Mumbai etc,. With the experience of several years, our professional professors guide the sellers to reach and expand globally. All you need to do is to fill out our form and register quickly.
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reeiiedu · 4 years
Significant Crops in India 
An assortment of food and non-food crops are filled in various pieces of India, contingent on the varieties in soil, atmosphere and development rehearses. Significant harvests filled in India are
oil seeds 
We will examine these individually, in detail. 
It is a kharif crop. 
It requires high temperature and high dampness with yearly precipitation over 100 cm. 
India is the second biggest maker of rice on the planet after China. 
It is filled in the fields of north and north-eastern India, waterfront territories and the deltaic locales. 
This is a rabi crop. 
It requires a cool developing season and splendid daylight at the hour of aging. 
It expects 50 to 75 cm of yearly precipitation equally circulated over the developing season. 
The Ganga-Satluj fields in the north-west and dark soil district of the Deccan are two primary wheat-developing zones in India. 
It is the second most significant oat yield and principle food crop, in the north and north-western piece of India. 
Jowar, Bajra and Ragi are the significant millets filled in India. 
These are known as coarse grains and have high dietary benefit. 
It is a Kharif crop. 
It requires temperature between 21°C to 27°C and fills well in old alluvial soil. 
It is utilized both as food and feed. 
Significant maize-creating states are Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. 
India is the biggest maker and purchaser of heartbeats on the planet. 
Heartbeats are the significant wellspring of protein in a veggie lover diet. 
Significant heartbeats filled in India are Tur (Arhar), Urad, Moong, Masur, Peas and Gram. 
Heartbeats are generally developed in turn with different yields so the dirt reestablishes fruitfulness. 
Significant heartbeat creating states are Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka. 
Food Crops other than Grains 
It is a tropical just as a subtropical harvest. 
It fills well in hot and muggy atmospheres with a temperature of 21°C to 27°C and yearly precipitation between 75cm to 100cm. 
It tends to be developed on an assortment of soils. 
Needs physical work from planting to reaping. 
India is the second biggest maker of sugarcane simply after Brazil. 
Sugarcane is the primary wellspring of Sugar, Gur (Jaggery), Khansari and molasses. 
The significant sugarcane-creating states are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana. 
Oil Seeds 
Distinctive oil seeds are developed covering roughly 12% of the all out trimmed region of India. Primary oil-seeds created in India are: 
Groundnut: is a Kharif harvest and records for half of the significant oilseeds delivered in India. Gujarat is the biggest maker of groundnuts. 
Mustard: is a rabi crop. 
Sesamum (until): is a Kharif crop in the north and rabi crop in south India. 
Castor seeds: It is developed as both Rabi and Kharif crop. 
Linseed: is a rabi crop. 
It is likewise a significant refreshment crop presented by the British in India.
The tea plant fills well in tropical and sub-heat and humidities with profound and prolific very much depleted soil, wealthy in humus and natural issue. 
Yemen espresso is created in India and this assortment of espresso is in extraordinary interest everywhere on the world. Its development was presented on the Baba Budan Hills and is restricted to the Nilgiri in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. 
Cultivation Crops 
India is a maker of tropical just as mild organic products. Significant yields delivered are pea, cauliflower, onion, cabbage, tomato, brinjal and potato. A portion of the renowned cultivation crops filled in India are: 
Mangoes of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal Oranges of Nagpur and Cherrapunjee (Meghalaya), bananas of Kerala, Mizoram, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. 
Lichi and Guava of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar 
Pineapples of Meghalaya 
Grapes of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra 
Innovative and Institutional Reforms 
Farming gives a vocation to over 60% of its populace, so this area needs some genuine specialized and institutional changes. The Green Revolution and the White Revolution were a portion of the changes started by individuals to improve farming. 
A few Initiatives taken by the Government are: 
Plans presented by Government, for example, Kissan Credit Card (KCC), Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS). 
Unique climate releases and horticultural projects for ranchers on the radio and TV were presented. 
The administration additionally reports least help value, gainful and acquisition costs for significant harvests to check the misuse of ranchers by examiners and mediators. 
Commitment of Agriculture to the National Economy, Employment and Output 
In 2010-11 about 52% of the complete labor force was utilized by the ranch area. The portion of agribusiness in the GDP is declining. 
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), rural colleges, veterinary administrations and creature reproducing focuses, cultivation development, innovative work in the field of meteorology and climate estimate, and so forth are a couple of the activities acquainted by the legislature with improve Indian farming.
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thevueindiatours · 5 years
Exotic Indian Locales to visit in 2017
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India never stops to amaze you with its exotic landscape which is so vast that it is practically impossible to travel across the entire country during one lifetime. Every state has something to offer in terms of tourism and India is truly blessed with natural splendor which mesmerizes visitors from all over the world.
Listed below are some of the off-beat locales of India which can be explored in 2017:
Sanjauli, Shimla
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A quaint little suburb of Shimla, Sanjauli is situated in north-western ranges of the Himalayas and is a peaceful sojourn away from the noisy streets of main Shimla.
Lachung, Sikkim
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Located near the border of Tibet in North Sikkim, Lachung is a small hill station surrounded by lush green valleys and snow covered Himalayas.
You might be interested to know: Top 15 most visited places in India by Foreign Tourists.
Loktak Lake, Manipur
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Loktak Lake in Manipur is the largest fresh water lake in northeast famous for soil and organic matter floating over it. Nature and bird lovers can enjoy the beautiful vistas of flora and fauna around the lake which has around 57 species of water birds and another 14 species of wetland birds as its inhabitants.
Coonoor, Tamil Nadu
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Situated just 16 km away from Ooty is the beautiful hill station of Coonoor which serves as a peaceful getaway in Nilgiris. Located at an altitude of 6070 ft, Coonoor is known for its production of Nilgiri tea.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
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The magnificent group of Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers who can look forward to an exotic holiday in the beautiful islands blessed with natural abundance and marine life.
Chitrakoot Falls, Chattisgarh
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The majestic Chitrakoot Falls in Chattisgarh fall from the height of 95 ft and are often compared to Niagara Falls. Visitors can plan a weekend getaway at Chitrakoot to explore the splendor and the serene surroundings around the falls.
Do you know Top 10 Enchanting Waterfalls in India? : Explore here….
Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur
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Dhuandhar Falls in Bhedaghat near Jabalpur make their way through marble rocks and create a bouncing mass of mist as they plunge from 30 meters high. Enjoy the mystic beauty of Dhuandhar Falls during a full moon when moon light falls on it giving it a silver appearance.
Tapola Lake, Mahabaleshwar
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The magnificent Tapola Lake in Mahabaleshwar is an ideal weekend getaway to enjoy the picturesque hill surroundings and unwinding in the lap of nature.
Nubra Valley, Ladakh
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Nubra Valley is one of the most pristine regions of Ladakh where you can enjoy the beautiful vistas snow capped Himalayas as you cross the Khardungla Pass, the highest motorable road in the world to reach the valley.
Suraj Tal, Himachal
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Situated in the Lahaul and Spiti valley of Himachal Pradesh, Suraj Tal is the third highest lake in India originating from the glacier close to Chandra Tal in Spiti valley of Himachal Pradesh.
Sela Pass, Arunachal Pradesh
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A high altitude pass in Arunachal Pradesh, Sela Pass is situated at an elevation of 13,700 ft above the sea level and is usually covered with snow all through the year. The pass offers magnificent views of the Eastern Himalayas.
East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya
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East Khasi Hills in Meghalaya are interspersed with deep gorges, ravines and river valleys and offer panoramic views of the Meghalaya countryside.
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tripstations · 5 years
India’s tea gardens beckon tourists
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India, one of the top tea producers in the world, is experimenting with tea tourism in view of the growing interest shown by tourists to visit tea plantations and tea factories. Ambling through a sprawling tea plantation with greenery all around in the early hours of the day watching a group of local women plucking two leaves and a bud at a fast pace with their nimble hands and collecting them into baskets slung on their shoulders is a winning sight for tourists. India now leads to give tea-buffs and tourists a closer understanding of tea by organizing tea tourism at places like Assam, Darjeeling (West Bengal), Nilgiris belt in Tamil Nadu, and a few pockets in Kerala and Karnataka.
Tea tourism is defined as tourism that is motivated by an interest in the history, culture, traditions and consumption of tea. Estate bungalows amidst sweeping acres of manicured tea plantations have now been converted into tourist accommodations. Not just staying in the midst of tea gardens, tea tourists are taken to a tea factory, where they get to experience how the fresh green leaves are brought into the tea factory for withering to the rolling, drying and shifting stages, grading and packaging and followed by a tea-tasting session where they could sip some of the finest tea that is grown in that area.
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A view of Tea plucking in a tea garden of Assam
Assam in the lead for tea tourism
The first name that crops up in mind for tea tourism is Assam, the largest tea producing region in India. The Assam Tea Tourism Festival held at Jorhat every year is a big hit with tourists. Staying in a rustic colonial-era planter’s bungalow has its own charm. Home to more than 800 tea estates in the state, where amidst luxury and serenity one can drift back in time to days of that elegant colonial aristocracy. The B & A Limited operates through seven quality Tea Estates in the India’s largest tea growing region of Assam. The Guwahati Tea Action Centre, one of the busiest tea trading facilities in the world, is a place not to be missed. Others include Corramore Tea Estate, Teloijan Tea Estate and Khongea Tea Estate besides a host of others.
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Another major development which is currently in progress is the tourist-friendly makeover of world’s oldest and biggest tea research center at Tocklai (Assam), with edifices that each have a story to tell. A.K. Barooah, director of the Tea Research Association, said recently that the Tocklai Guest House, a heritage building, was home to British tea planters A tea museum will be built with suitable dioramas, models and displays. He said Tocklai can tie-up with other tea tourism enterprises like Kaziranga Golf Resort (Bura Sahib bungalow), Banyan Grove and Thengal Manor bungalow in Jorhat district, the Mancotta chang bungalow and Chowkidingee chang bungalow situated in the heart of Dibrugarh town.”
West Bengal is also fast catching up with Assam in promoting tea tourism. Its Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee last month mentioned that her government will consider tea tourism to benefit tea plantations in the state.
She said, “We have allocated more than Rs. 1,000 crore for the welfare of tea garden workers since 2011. Tea tourism is also under our consideration.”
The WB state government permits one acre of tea estates to be used for tourism purposes. Currently there are 87 operational tea gardens in Darjeeling district covering an aggregated area of about 19,000 hectares under tea plantation. Darjeeling surrounded by tea orchards that produce the famous light-colored and aromatic Darjeeling Tea has the right ingredients for tea tourism. Makaibari Tea Estate and Homestay in Kurseong, 37 kms from Darjeeling, is one of the top tea producing gardens in the world. In the vicinity of Darjeeling is the Happy valley Tea Estate, one of the highest tea gardens in the world. Raj-era estates located in some of the most scenic destinations in India — the rolling Himalayan foothills of Darjeeling and Dooars beckon tourists. Some famous estates include Glenburn Tea Estate, Sourenee Tea Estate, Singtom Tea Estate and Resort, Ambootia Tea Garden, Barnesbeg Tea Estate and Castleton Tea Estate among others. Goodricke Group Ltd. is offering tourism opportunities in one of its tea estates in Darjeeling where it has five gardens.
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South India also catching up fast
Besides the Northeast belt, in south it is Tamil Nadu which is home to some of the largest tea-growing belts in the country. Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu is the largest tea producing district in South India, and its tea is renowned for its aroma and flavor. With Tamil Nadu producing 65% of tea in South India spanning an area of 65,000 hectares, the Nilgiris area offers great scope for tea tourism. Valparai, a quaint hill station located about 100 km from Coimbatore, is teeming with tea plantations. Billimalai Tea Estate at Glendale, about 10 kilometers from Coonoor, is a perfect place to experience how tea is processed.
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Munnar in Kerala is rustic belle of hill stations where acres and acres of tea plantations feast one’s eyes. A visit to country’s first Tea Museum at Nallathanni Estate is highly recommended at it narrates the history of tea production in the region. The Kundala Tea Plantation in Munnar offers tourists the tea making process in great detail. Tea Sanctuary here is home to refurbished vintage colonial style bungalows amidst misty tea plantations. Considered the highest altitude tea plantation in the world, Kolukkumalai, near Munnar, is known for preserving the British heritage in tea-making at the factory here. Wayanad in Kalpatta district produces substantial amount of tea whose lush green tea gardens are a feast for the sore eyes. The Wayanad Tea County in the midst of the picturesque 395 acre estate, many vantage viewpoints, and trekking routes is a better option.
In Karnataka, Coorg, and the Baba Budan Hills in Chickmagalur are tea-producing regions, but tea tourism is yet to catch here.
Travel News | eTurboNews
Original Article
The post India’s tea gardens beckon tourists appeared first on Tripstations.
from Tripstations http://bit.ly/2VLnD0R via IFTTT
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jeramymobley · 6 years
Seth Goldman Is a Startup Branding Ninja, From Honest Tea to Beyond
Seth Goldman has managed to achieve a rare trifecta for an entrepreneur: Start a successful company and sell it to a bigger entity; continue running his brainchild with the greater resources of a larger parent; launch another successful startup. All while keeping his integrity (and sanity) and having fun.
He co-founded Honest Tea 20 years ago (with Barry Nalebuff of the Yale School of Management) as a unique brand of organic bottled teas that are “just a tad sweet.” Already a father of three, he took a gamble and quit his job to focus full-time on growing the company.
He sold the brand to Coca-Cola in 2008 and stayed on as “TeaEO” Emeritus to help guide the brand’s growth while enjoying Coca-Cola’s financial, distribution and marketing clout.
Now, while he’s starring in a new advertising campaign for Honest Tea, he’s also providing expertise and guidance as executive chairman and advisor to Beyond Meat.
In that latter role, he is seeking to revolutionize the non-meat “meat” business with vegetable proteins that it has engineered into “chicken” tenders, “beef” burgers and other products. Goldman also is a board member of Ripple, a fast-growing maker of milk analogs from pea protein.
Goldman has been heavily involved in the burgeoning better-for-you food-and-beverage business in the U.S. since he leveraged his simple proposition for Honest Tea into a powerhouse brand.
He helped secure significant space on grocery shelves, and, ultimately, interest from a beverage giant that has spent the last decade trying to diversify into healthier beverages—making Honest Tea a natural choice for the Coca-Cola Company to acquire.
In the 20th anniversary “Honest Adventure” campaign that’s now running across cable networks and on Hulu, Goldman makes his first appearance in advertising for the brand. He’s shown talking with farmers in a United Nilgiri Tea Estate garden in Korakundah, India, discussing the heritage of the brand, including its “fair trade” sustainability ethos.
Honest Tea also is introducing three new flavors featuring on-trend ingredients, including Golden Turmeric Pineapple Herbal Tea. And the brand has redesigned glass bottles, in a taller, slimmer silhouette that now are available nationwide containing 15 flavors.
“Honest Tea is now at a place where we’re finally harvesting all that effort,” Goldman told us last year. “In our struggling days, I used to daydream about moments like this.”
Meanwhile, Goldman has been bringing his expertise to bear as a guiding force for Ripple and for Beyond Meat, each of whose founders are trying to revolutionize and reinvent categories that long have been dominated by animal products. Each brand’s strategy has been to mainstream plant-based products for meat and dairy consumers and “flexitarians” as well as for vegetarians, so Goldman has been helping them with that positioning.
Beyond Meat, for instance, is marketing the Beyond Burger, which tastes, chews and even behaves more like meat than previous plant-based products, even “bleeding” with red plant juices during the cooking process.
“Our point of view is that we think of ourselves as part of the meat industry, but we do it with plant-based meat,” Goldman told us. “We think of ourselves as part of that spectrum. And we talk about transforming the [grocery storey] meat case into the protein case.”
Beyond Burger continues to expand its foodservice and supermarket footprint with new distribution deals at A&W restaurants in Canada and at Tesco stores in the UK. As a result of such moves and growing expansion internationally, Beyond Meat plans to triple its manufacturing footprint in Columbia, Mo.
“Both Ripple and Beyond Meat bring taste- and texture-competitive products to market,” Goldman said. “That’s where we have the opportunity with mainstream customers—in ways that veggie burgers and soy milks in their first iterations didn’t succeed.”
Hear more from Goldman below:
"If you think something should be done, you don't wait on someone else to do it" –@HonestSeth. Learn more home-brewed life lessons from Seth via @Reuters: https://t.co/qZuiulDI1j pic.twitter.com/AFBS2zF5e4
— Honest Tea (@HonestTea) July 5, 2018
The post Seth Goldman Is a Startup Branding Ninja, From Honest Tea to Beyond appeared first on brandchannel:.
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oinfernoblog · 4 years
5 hours ago
3 min
Origin and History of Tea
India is a very rich & diversified country, having 29 different States & 7 Union Territories with different languages, religious and cultural beliefs, along with a variety of food &dishes. But one thing which is common among all is the “LOVE for TEA”, whether you call it “CHAI” in Uttar Pradesh or “CAHA” in Punjab. Whether it’s Mumbai’s Famous “Masala Chai” or Haryana’s “Kadak Chai”, “TEA Is an EMOTION” for everyone.

But have you ever think that how & when tea was discovered? If not, then fasten your seat belts & let’s go back to China in the year 2700 BC, when China was under the “King Shen Nong”. King has a habit of drinking boiled water, One day when he was taking around over his kingdom, his servants stopped under an unknown tree and start boiling water for a king, unknowingly some of the leaves just fall into the water, when the king drank it he found it only tasty but also refreshing & energizing. And that’s how they discovered tea, which was kept as a secret recipe from the world till 9th century AD.
Japan is the first country that came to know about china’s secret recipe(Tea) by a Buddhist Monk of China. After that, it went to London in the year 1658, when there was an advertisement for the Chinese Tea in Newspaper ”Mercurius Politicus”.

Tea’s Existence in India was first noticed by a “Colonel Latter” in the year, 1815 when he saw the people of “Assam” used to make a drink using the leaves of a locally grown plant in the area, having the smell like of tea. But the big turn in Indian tea history comes in the year, 1823 when“Major Robert Bruse” when he went to “Arunachal Pradesh”& become sick then the king of “Singapho Tribe” offers them tea as a medicine. From there he has sent the plant to Kolkata’s laboratories Twice for testing but there was no confirmation that is was tea, Until 1834 when Charles Albert Bruce has sent it again for testing and at the time of Christmas they finally recognize it as tea.
Coincidentally that year only, the tea trade between Britain and China ended & they choose India as a new source of their Tea Supply. Thus a Tea Committee is being made of finding fertile lands in India for Tea Production. In 1935 “Charles.A.Bruce” is chosen as a “Superintendent of Tea Forest”. In 1838, Assamese Tea was send to London where it got auctioned in a successful manner & after that, they made a company “The Assam Company.Ltd” which become so successful that till 1855, India Exported Tea worth 500K Pounds. All this was possible due to cheap and good no of labor along with Area like “Nilgiri Hills”. But after all this Britisher’s still apply the “Fugitive Slave Law”.

Modernization comes in Tea Industry when they have made a tea factory attached with tea gardens that have helped for the faster and economical export from India & with this by 1888, India beats china in tea export.
Today India is the second-largest tea producer in the world. All the North-East Indian states, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Bihar etc…are major tea producing states.

About the Author:
Nandini Mittal is a B.Com(H) student from GLA University who is equally passionate about Knowledge & Music. She is having her own Instagram Business A/c With 500+ Followers with 3K+ views on one of her videos. She has worked as an Organizer in an Online Fashion Show and won all three prizes for singing.
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4 hours ago
This was really fascinating , great job miss Nandini
4 hours ago
It's informative dude👍keep goin🌸
sritu Pandey
2 hours ago
Seriously..! Tea is from china😐... Great miss researcher 🙇
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