#Orthostatic Tremor
weaponizedhorse · 2 years
So this is what one of my wheelchair legs is SUPPOSED to look like
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And this what my right one looke like right now
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Sooo my wheelchair leg broke:/ which means I am completely homebound at the moment since my leg is messed up (I can barley "walk"* on it and does that weird shaky thing which if you wanna see what I am talking about just ask and I will tag you in the post!! Lol) I can't walk I need my wheelchair but without the wheelchair leg it's extremely painful to use the chair.
If some kind generous human being would buy me new wheelchairs leg I can't even express how happy that would make me or how much anxiety and stress that would take away. This is the one I need it is in my Amazon wishlist
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I have these ones in my list instead of the cheaper ones that don't straighten because if I end up needing surgery for my leg, which I think I will, I will most likely need to keep my leg straight and you need these specific legs to do that.
And because of the stress of my wheelchair leg breaking, and the stress and physical pain from my leg being all jacked up I also have mini brands in my wishlist. It's really stupid but I love them and they make me feel better even if it is only for a little bit. And they are much much cheaper than the wheelchair leg (only $11) so if anyone want to get me some that would seriously make me so happy and make life a little more bearable right now here is what it looks like
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Here is the wishlist! If you are unable to help I ask that you please, please reblog this so hopefully it can get to someone that can, fingers crossed!! 🤞
I am sorry I keep needing to ask you guys for help. I just have no other option. If there was any other way I wouldn't be bothering you guys with this:/
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dazzlinglybitter · 11 months
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It's Disability Pride Month!! Let's talk about POTS!
Hello beautiful people. Since it's Disability Pride Month, I wanted to talk about my disability. I have a condition called POTS. It stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Sydrome, which is a very long name, and you can see why we just say POTS. Essentially, it means that when I change position or stand up, my heart rate gets too high. It is normal for your heart rate to go up when you change positions. But what makes POTS different is it changes too suddenly and much higher than average. The National Institutes of Health defines that a person with POTS has "an increase in heart rate of 30 beats/min or more when moving from a recumbent to a standing position that lasts more than 30 seconds". Which on its own doesn't sound all that bad. I would be a much happier human if that's all it was. However, POTS comes with its own host of symptoms. That swing in heart rate can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, and sometimes fainting. Other symptoms of POTS include:
Exercise intolerance
Dry mouth
Excess thirst
Leg pain
Blood pooling
Brain Fog
Swollen Extremities
Sleeping problems
Bladder problems
Digestion issues
Shortness of breath or chest tightening
Memory issues
Poor temperature regulation
Chronic dehydration
Neuropathic pains
Increased sweating to the extremities
Loss of appetite
Light sensitivity
Dry eyes
Heart palpitations
Chest pain
Cold extremities due to poor blood flow
Heat intolerance
Hypovolemia (low blood volume)
And probably more that I've missed! Doesn't sound all that fun, and trust me, it isn't! POTS is a condition under the larger umbrella of Dysautonomia. There are several different types of dysautonomic conditions, POTS is only one of them. Here are some fun facts about POTS:
POTS effects around 0.2% of the world's population
It is most common in females, 75 to 80% of all patients are female
Though it can be diagnosed at any age, it is most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 25 (I was 19 when I got diagnosed!)
There is no cure for POTS and it's a chronic illness
Some teenagers will outgrow the condition in their 20s
The average time to diagnosis is 5 years and 11 months (took me almost a year, luckily)
According to Dysautonomia International, 25% of POTS patients are so disabled they cannot work or attend school
There is no singular cause for POTS, and many patients will likely not know what caused their condition
Research on POTS is incredibly sparse, making advocacy, treatment, and diagnosis even harder
The usual recommended treatment is increased fluid intake, increasing salt intake, wearing compression stockings, raising the head of the bed to conserve blood volume, reclined exercises like rowing, recumbent bicycle, or swimming, and a healthy diet
While there is no FDA approved medication for POTS, some medications such as beta blockers can be used to aid the condition
Though the heart is directly involved, POTS is not technically a heart condition. It is technically a nervous system disorder stemming from the autonomic nervous system
There's lots to be said about POTS! I don't think I could fit it all in one post if I tried. But if you made it this far into the post, thank you for taking the time to learn about it! Awareness is key, and the more people that know about the condition, the better we are. Happy Disability Pride Month!!
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ashenmem0ries · 2 months
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I figured I'd changed my pinned post but add a little additional bio info so 🤷‍♀️
My name is Emily, I am 28 years old and reside in beautiful Washington state🌲
I am a mother to one wonderful little boy, as well as 3 fur babies (2 cats and 1 Corgi)
Outside of work and parenting I very heavily game. Do not ask me to play with you, my game preference heavily revolves around single player JRPGs; especially if it is an Atlus, Square Enix, Spike Chunsoft of Namco title
Occasionally I watch anime, it comes in waves where I'll binge heavily and fall out of it for a few months, I'll talk your ear off about Elfen Lied, Akame Ga Kill, Cowboy Bebop, Hunter x Hunter and others of the like.
You can find me at a Deathcore/Metalcore show. You can't buy me a drink, but we can dab😎
My health is a never ending mystery. I every so often will post little updates here and there.
I am one of many living with both
POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
hEDS (Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)
Most of my days are spent very disoriented, very dizzy. My vision heavily blurs, my body experiences Pre-Syncope (which is a fancy term for "before fainting") heavy tremors as well as numbness and loss of feeling in many parts of my body.
Tumblr is a way for me to pass time, I am not here for relationships and hardly here for friendships.
You can privately inquire about 18+ Content as I do not sell on OF.
My name is Emily,
I live with multiple chronic illnesses but I'll still rock your shit in the pit 🤘
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potsiepumpkin · 8 months
Dysautonomia Awareness Month Challenge Day 1
What type of Dysautonomia do you have?
I have Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
Also called: POTS
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition that causes your heart to beat faster than normal when you transition from sitting or lying down to standing up. It’s a type of orthostatic intolerance.
The symptoms of POTS include but are not limited to lightheadedness (occasionally with fainting), difficulty thinking and concentrating (brain fog), fatigue, intolerance of exercise, headache, blurry vision, palpitations, tremor and nausea.
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A message from a Long Hauler to a friend…
“I’ve lived with anxiety, my whole life. I’ve managed it for this long and on meds and therapy breathing exercises, mindfulness, cbt, etc. i made so much progress from 2011-2018 with my mental health. But THIS. This is causing anxiety/flight or fight inside my body, and making mesad. the virus is still in here. in my cells. breaking down my organs. it’s affecting every system. this is what i’ve been learning about long covid…for 3 years now. and it can’t be seen on any medical test, yet, a medical anomaly. enigma. how can i trust anyone anymore, when people with years of the best medical education, and research, and scientists, can’t even figure this out yet. In fucking 2024. No cure. No pill. No treatment. There is not much I can do to help the symptoms. And they’re unpredictable, like a swarm (symptom storm) can happen any second, any day. I lose my balance at work, drop things, so many typos on the computer from tremors and shaking and making drinks and shaking, like a mouse. I don’t know what’s happening to me Amanda. My hair is greying, thinning. My hands are numb cold wet and shaking always. How can I take pictures? I can’t even leave my bed. Or couch. Mostly bed because it hurts to sit up. And I STILL work FULL time. I’m losing my mind, my sanity, my identity, my security, my purpose, my esteem. I don’t know what to do in “this space”. My future is so uncertain, questionable, based on my health. My heart scares me. My cholesterol spiked after covid, all of them, and now I have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome where my heart rate spikes and falls, when standing/moving. I have heart problems on dads side, so i’m concerned of my heart health now. AT thirty fucking six. Its effecting my brain/cognitive abilities, cognitive slowing, dementia type symptoms, extreme forgetfulness, can’t learn/retain new info, trouble reading, slurred speech at times, at times i can’t swallow. The physical act of eating makes me winded and tired. I need naps after everything. How Do i live? I think of all i used to do before. And i feel so incapable. So inept. Unable. Disabled. And I’m burned out. I’m so tired. And If i die tomorrow, my job will just replace me, within a few days. Most days I feel dead already.”
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chris-continues · 11 months
Abwisbwisnwiw not me back with another medical question but you mention Bash having a few different medical conditions (that mean Wolfwood doesn’t smoke around him, causes fainting spells and that effects his diet,,,, is it too obvious I’m binging your college AU haienskszbwksns)
I was wondering if you had specific diagnoses in mind?? If you’ve already mentioned this and I’ve just missed it I apologise!! I genuinely adore your AU writing and your Pinterest board for College Vash is so on point for him, it’s adorable!!
Vash’s medical conditions/chronic illnesses/autoimmune disorders
I’m so glad you like my college au! I’ve been thinking of some diagnoses for him and I’m probably going to add onto this more, but here’s what my brain has conjured up for now! (I definitely didn’t project into these at all cough cough)
PS: if anyone has these disorders/diseases/conditions and wants to add onto these, I’d love that! Please feel free to correct me, I cite the resources I used to research these but if anything is inaccurate lmk!
Keep in mind that Vash had a lot of health issues before the car accident w/ Rem, so some of these he just naturally developed while others are now present because of the accident^^
TW: mentions of car accidents, mentions of depression, medical talk (duh)
TAGS: @macncherries @h4venpha @lune010 @vashfantasy @millionsvash
POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
 “Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition that causes a number of symptoms when you transition from lying down to standing up, such as a fast heart rate, dizziness and fatigue. While there’s no cure, several treatments and lifestyle changes can help manage the symptoms of POTS.”
Vash has to keep a snack cart in his room (that he drags around) and salty stuff on him all the time since salt can help w/ some of the tremors and shakes
He’s fainted a couple times- almost hit his head on the coffee table a number of times. Nai’s pushed back the table a number of times to Vash’s complaint (because he wants to rest his feet on the table when he sits), but is reminded that between the choice of footrest and potential concussion, he should make the wise choice.
I also think he’s had to deal with several other complications due to this + high blood pressure (he has to check his blood pressure regularly)
Loss of arm/amputation
Vash lost his arm in the car accident w/ Rem, leading to the money they’d inherited from Rem mainly going towards his arm. Vash feels incredibly guilty about that still, so he does his best to take care of it (sometimes he treats his prosthetic a bit better than the rest of him)
Whenever he takes it off for the night he settles it by his glasses on his nightstand.
Suffers from body dysmorphia a bit when his arm is gone. Waking up without it terrified him for awhile.
Due to this, Nai had to literally check and make sure he took it off so his body had a chance to breathe and not constantly be maneuvering the prosthetic.
Definitely was wary about people touching it at first, but now he’s a lot more comfortable with it (in his college years)
Little kids will ask him questions about it and instead of shying away partly uncomfortably and awkwardly like he did in highschool, he’ll indulge them (with a cool make believe storytime and allow them to touch his arm).
Type 1 Diabetes
This guy has such a sweet tooth help him
Knives will have to hold him back like, “You’ll overdose on insulin no,” and swat his hand away
Has long acting insulin, has to have short acting on hand (usually in a Fanny pack) because when they go out he’ll grab a snack lol (he snacks a ton. The guy is hungry and when he sees smth that looks good, chances are he’ll usually grab it and offer you a piece <3)
Nai has to remind him to check his A1C, has it on a calendar in his phone for every 3 months
When Vash didn’t eat/forgot to eat when his depression was really bad in highschool, his blood sugar would crash bad. Nai had to shove glucose tabs down his throat while he was shaking, berating him on how irresponsible he is. It comes from a place of love.
When it’s high (DKA/ Diabetic Keto Acidosis) he’s incredibly sluggish and has to be sitting/laying down while waiting for his short acting/fast acting insulin to work.
A glucometer/blood finger stick was cheaper (and a blood sugar sensor wasn’t covered in his insurance) so that’s what Vash uses to check his blood sugar
Whenever Vash gets snacks for himself he claims it’s for his blood sugar (which partly, it is), but they both know it’s partly a lie LMAO. When Nai confronts him on that with a deadpan look Vash simply excuses it as study snacks. “They help me concentrate!” “..sure.”
Mixed hearing loss
Thanks to the accident, Vash has mixed hearing loss.
Mixed hearing loss means that unlike sensioneural hearing loss (hearing loss caused by damage to the inner ear or the nerve from the ear to the brain) and conductive hearing loss (hearing loss to outer and middle ear) 
He has to wear hearing aids thanks to this, but it takes him awhile to actually acknowledge it since he doesn’t want to stress out Nai any further after the accident. This leads to his hearing loss actively getting worse since he isn’t seeking out treatment.
He looks incredibly sheepish and guilty once he finally brings it up, as it’s impacting his life more often and becomes more difficult to navigate in his day to day life.
His hearing is better in his left than right. Insurance wouldn’t cover 2 hearing aids and his hearing was 50-70 percent in his left while his right was 30-50, so he only got one hearing aid.
To help him sluggishly get ready in the morning and because he keeps mixing up his left and right when he’s half awake he gets one ear pierced in college (with Wolfwood’s advice)
Nai thinks it looks ridiculous but yk what? If it helps him to use his hearing aid? A win is a win.
He forgets to put it in sometimes T<T
He has to constantly change the frequency/setting/channels like if he’s in a cafeteria with a lot of voices it can get really squeaky and overwhelming for him
Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid gland. Leukocytes attack the thyroid.
He had dry skin and thinning hair and brushed it off as him not eating enough.. haha, guess what it was-
Eyebags. Constantly fatigued but he pulls through
Can easily get cold (he wears long sleeves and sweatshirts religiously lmao)
He takes naps often because he’s rlly tired
Hashimotos causes joint pain too so I’d imagine he feels like crap with that too sadly
There’s also the fact he often has to handle brain fog- he already struggles doing tasks thanks to his ADHD and so this only makes it more difficult. What helps him I think is a website that breaks things down for you step by step and he uses a reminders app with timed reminders for certain things (like https://goblin.tools/)
Vash is a pretty naturally warm person but his fingers and toes can get cold
One reason why he wears gloves (that and sensory issues + he got used to wearing gloves to hide his arm in highschool- he doesn’t hide his arm anymore when he’s in college though).
When he stands up is the dizziness from POTS, anemia, his diabetes, or hashimotos?? Guess we’ll never know (poor blood circulation and dizziness)
He has some iron supplements he either forgets to take or doesn’t take as much as he should (so Nai remembers to incorporate more iron into his diet)
His arms and legs tend to fall asleep kinda fast sometimes (so you’ll have to help shake them awake lol)
Along with help from @cowboylivio , @blu3lanc3lot + my own personal experiences (+having disabled family members)
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My experience with disability has been long, painful, and frustrating.
I have too many stories to tell in one post without making a new ‘Color of the Sky’ so instead I’ll be putting one and rb-ing a new one every now and then. Maybe one story per day for this month? I certainly have enough for that lol
Let’s meet the ~lovely~ little pains in my butt!
You know what ADHD is. You use TUMBLR. There’s no way that you don’t
🥳Severe Depression
While you likely know depression, here’s what mine encapsulates: suicidal ideation, suicidal impulses, self harming ideation, Intense self hatred, Disregard for my life and well being, difficulty with hygiene, and of course, a general intense feeling of unhappiness and dissatisfaction at nearly all times unless coping through escapism.
💕Raynaud’s Syndrome
Circulatory disorder characterized by a discoloration of the extremities such as fingertips, toes, nose, ears, (and knees in my case, dunno if that’s normal tho). Extremities are often red. purple, or white and freezing to the touch. My fingers are a direct binary of burning or freezing. They are never the same temperature as the rest of my body. They are either too hot or too cold. When cold: fingers have decreased mobility and are often extremely painful.
🎀Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Autonomic disorder that can basically be summed up as When Stand Blood Go To Feet & Don’t Come Up So Brain No Worky Right™️
Blood pools in the feet, causing there to a be a decreased amount of blood circulating in my body which causes a variety of ~fun~ effects, including but not limited to: Dizziness, fainting, temporary loss of vision, burning like pain in legs, decreased ability to move, brain fog, decreased ability to think, decreased ability to breath, rapid heartbeat, temporary loss of hearing, body tremors, many assorted stomach issues, fatigue, decreased endurance for physical activity of any kind (including laughing and chewing), near constant nausea, and more~
🥰Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
THIS IS NOT PERFECTIONISM. OCD is a variety of anxiety disorder that causes a sort of delusional response unit to randomly appear in your head. Your brain convinces itself that something specific has to be done in a specific way or else something terrible will happen (often to myself, for me). It is NOT PERFECTIONISM, it is a fear of DEATH over something like someone not excusing themself after they burp (that’s actually a real one that I have). It is a state of panic that causes the person afflicted to do rash, unreasonable things fueled by adrenaline and fear. Even when explained to that the thing could not possibly happen, (i.e. my arm will not fall off if I hold it up for more than 5 seconds in class) the person cannot be convinced and will continue to panic. These compulsions happen more than once, often daily occurrences that can be so SO frustrating to deal with.
Thank you~ See you with a lovely story sometime tomorrow 💕
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kylejsugarman · 4 months
been having a low level panic attack all morning about clinical rotation accommodations and having to pass off on a suture checkoff on monday and maybe going on a beta blocker for my tremors but knowing it'll exacerbate my orthostatic hypotension and i have to go to the doctor in like an hour and and and and and and
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
Thanks to a cancellation, yesterday I was able to see the neurologist with whom I had an appointment for March next year about my shaky legs.
Good news:
It’s not Parkinson’s, he was confident about that and I was very relieved to hear it
Ambivalent news:
He’s not sure what’s causing it
It could be “essential tremor” or “orthostatic tremor”
Next steps:
He’s referred me for an MRI to check my head and spine for any signs of nerve compression or anything else amiss, so I’m just waiting to hear back from the MRI people about an appointment
So that’s where we’re up to on that.
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longhaulerbear · 10 months
all these data support the hypothesis that cognitive impairment in PoTS is not a global problem caused by the disease itself, but a functional deficit induced by orthostatic stress, which might alter cerebral perfusion or central neurometabolic mechanisms. A second important finding was that leg crossing did not improve executive function in patients with PoTS. Crossing the legs increases the venous return and improves cerebral perfusion, but also reduces the balance compared with standing. A situation with an increasing need to maintain balance might result in impaired cognition [44]. Interestingly, the significant difference that exists between PoTS and HCs in the upright posture is no longer detectable in the ULC posture. While the performance in Stroop worsened on average from U to ULC in the HCs, in patients with PoTS, the performance in Stroop improved during ULC, considering the absolute values. However, the change is very small, and it should be interpreted with caution. For further studies we would suggest reducing orthostatic stress by other methods, e.g., using compression garments that reduce orthostatic symptoms without affecting balance.
Although the effect of NE, not only on orthostatic symptoms such as tachycardia, palpitations and tremor, but also on cognitive dysfunction in patients with PoTS, has been extensively discussed in the literature, there is little research and evidence to date. Thus, in this study, one finding was that NE levels were elevated in both the supine and upright positions, similar to previous research [11], indicating an overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system in patients with PoTS compared with HCs. Moreover, there was a negative correlation between the degree of NE rise and Stroop performance while upright. In our study, we can exclude an effect of stress during the cognitive test on NE release because cognitive testing and NE testing were not performed at the same time, as recorded in another study [11]. An excessive NE rise in the PoTS group might negatively influence cognition, either by the central effects of NE itself or more profound symptoms during standing, as described previously [11].
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chronicallye · 1 year
3 years ago today is when this shit show of health problems started.
I was at an event making hot coco for some kids and my hands stopped working. There was pain up to my elbows and I couldn't move my fingers. Local doctors had no idea what happened and they couldn't diagnose me correctly. I called the closest specialty clinic that is 2 1/2 hours away and had to wait until the end of the next month to even be seen.
The neurologist who saw me said "essential tremors" and sent me on my way to rheumatology who gave me no answers to my other problems. It was about seven months later when I found myself back in that hospital's ER due to having a worsting of my visual blackouts and pain. I was in that specialty ER for about six hours and only got an IV and was told to eat more salt and drink more water. My mom and I decided that that wasn't worth the hours spent there and headed to another specialty hospital's ER.
We were there for about seven more hours and that's where we were told about POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and were recommended to their movement disorder specialist.
When we saw him, everything changed. I was diagnosed right off the bat with POTS, EDS, Functional Weakness, and vestibular migraines. He recommended me to other doctors at that hospital and we fell in love with the care they took with everything. They got to know me before even looking at the chart and wanted to make sure that everything is just right.
I am still going back to that hospital for other reasons, but I am getting the help I need. The doctors talk to each other and that helps to move things along smoother. Just a month ago, I was invited to a Comfort Ability workshop with other teens my age to learn about how to manage our pain easier. We were separated from our parents, as they were having to talk together about how they can help us, and we were allowed to sit or lay down and had blankets and yoga mats to lay or sit on and the room was really welcoming as we talked about our experiences with our pain. We were given a 'goody bag' of sorts with reusable heat/cold packs, essential oils, and stress toys. And everything was provided by the hospital and was free to us.
All I can say is that my experience with chronic illness has definitely had it's ups and downs. I am both grateful and sad that December 7, 2019 happened - but it got me where I am today with these diagnosis and I have learned more about what I can do for myself and how to adapt to new situations.
With hope,
~ E
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BasilSmall litter fun facts 5/7: Leafcurl!
Mentor: Fadingstar
Dark Defects: Has orthostatic tremors (her legs shake really badly when she stands up), constantly dry mouth (when she smacks her lips it sounds like dried leaves being crushed), hard of hearing
Dark Benefits: INSANELY good reflexes
-A little bundle of perpetual anxiety (think Kobeni from Chainsaw Man)
-A total daddy's girl who sticks to Smalljump like glue
-Afraid of almost everything you can think of (including and especially insects)
-Good friends with Breezewhisper and Mellowtooth
-Her best friend, however, is her dad Smalljump :3
Smalljump is a mommy's boy
Smalljump has a kit that looks almost exactly like his mom
that kit is a daddy's girl
circle of life
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idlecommotiony · 1 year
Yesterday, I was diagnosed with Orthostatic Intolerance Syndrome so my “seizures” may be an episode where my hearts doing the funky funk and making my head feel funny, my legs and arms feel weak, my vision blurred and spotty, fatigue, and cause body tremors. My EEG still hasn’t come back yet though and I still need to do an AEEG so we’ll see.
If anyone has any advice etc. about OI/POTS/dysautonomia PLEASE let me know.
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alusa12 · 2 months
Massage for Parkinson's Disease: Managing Symptoms with Gentle Touch
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, characterized by symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia (slowness of movement), and postural instability. While Parkinson's disease primarily affects movement, it can also lead to non-motor symptoms such as depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and reduced quality of life. While there is currently no cure for Parkinson's disease, complementary therapies such as massage therapy offer a gentle and holistic approach to managing symptoms and improving overall wellbeing. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of massage for Parkinson's disease, discuss how massage can address both motor and non-motor symptoms, and provide practical tips for incorporating massage into a comprehensive treatment plan.출장안마
Understanding Parkinson's Disease:
Parkinson's disease is a chronic and progressive neurological condition caused by the gradual degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating movement, coordination, and mood. As dopamine levels decline, individuals with Parkinson's disease experience a range of motor and non-motor symptoms that can significantly impact their daily functioning and quality of life.출장마사지
Common motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease include:
Tremors: Involuntary shaking or trembling of the hands, arms, legs, jaw, or other parts of the body, particularly at rest.
Rigidity: Stiffness or inflexibility of the muscles, which can make movement difficult and uncomfortable.
Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement and impaired coordination, making simple tasks such as walking, writing, or buttoning a shirt challenging.
Postural instability: Impaired balance and coordination, leading to a stooped posture, shuffling gait, and increased risk of falls.
Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease may include:
Depression and anxiety: Mood disturbances and emotional changes are common in Parkinson's disease, often as a result of alterations in brain chemistry and the impact of living with a chronic illness.
Sleep disturbances: Parkinson's disease can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia, restless legs syndrome, vivid dreams, or excessive daytime sleepiness.
Cognitive impairment: Some individuals with Parkinson's disease may experience cognitive changes such as memory loss, confusion, and difficulty concentrating, particularly in later stages of the disease.
Autonomic dysfunction: Parkinson's disease can affect the autonomic nervous system, leading to symptoms such as constipation, urinary urgency, orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure upon standing), and sexual dysfunction.
While medications such as levodopa and dopamine agonists are commonly prescribed to manage motor symptoms, they may be associated with side effects and become less effective over time. Complementary therapies such as massage therapy offer a non-invasive and holistic approach to managing Parkinson's symptoms and improving overall quality of life.
Benefits of Massage for Parkinson's Disease:
Massage therapy offers several benefits for individuals with Parkinson's disease, addressing both motor and non-motor symptoms:
Improved mobility and flexibility: Massage therapy can help reduce muscle stiffness and rigidity, improve joint flexibility, and enhance overall mobility and range of motion in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Gentle massage techniques such as effleurage, kneading, and stretching can help loosen tight muscles, improve circulation, and promote a greater sense of comfort and ease in movement.
Reduction of tremors: While massage therapy cannot cure tremors associated with Parkinson's disease, it can help reduce the intensity and frequency of tremors, particularly during periods of relaxation. Gentle touch and rhythmic movements can help soothe the nervous system, promote relaxation, and temporarily alleviate tremor-related discomfort.
Pain relief: Many individuals with Parkinson's disease experience muscle pain, tension headaches, or musculoskeletal discomfort as a result of the disease's impact on movement and posture. Massage therapy can help alleviate pain and discomfort by reducing muscle tension, improving circulation, and promoting the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving hormones.
Stress reduction: Living with Parkinson's disease can be stressful and emotionally challenging, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, or frustration. Massage therapy offers a calming and nurturing experience that promotes relaxation, reduces stress hormones such as cortisol, and enhances overall emotional wellbeing.
Improvement of sleep quality: Sleep disturbances are common in Parkinson's disease and can significantly impact quality of life. Massage therapy can help improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension, and calming the nervous system, leading to deeper and more restful sleep patterns.
Enhancement of mood and well-being: Massage therapy has been shown to have a positive impact on mood, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety and promoting a greater sense of overall wellbeing. The nurturing touch and supportive presence of a massage therapist can help individuals with Parkinson's disease feel cared for, valued, and emotionally supported.
Practical Tips for Incorporating Massage into Parkinson's Disease Management:
If you're considering incorporating massage therapy into your Parkinson's disease management plan, here are some practical tips to help you get started:
Consult with your healthcare provider: Before scheduling a massage session, consult with your neurologist or healthcare provider to ensure that massage therapy is safe and appropriate for your specific condition and stage of Parkinson's disease. Your healthcare provider can provide guidance on timing, frequency, and any precautions or contraindications to consider.
Choose a qualified massage therapist: Look for a licensed massage therapist who has experience working with individuals with Parkinson's disease and understands the unique needs and sensitivities of this population. Ask for recommendations from healthcare providers, Parkinson's support groups, or friends and family members who have experience with massage therapy.
Communicate openly with your massage therapist: Before your massage session, communicate any motor or non-motor symptoms, preferences, or areas of discomfort related to your Parkinson's disease with your massage therapist. Be specific about your symptoms, treatment goals, and any precautions or contraindications that may affect the massage treatment.
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swatikhanduri · 4 months
Arip MT 5 mg Tablet: In-Depth Exploration of Side Effects
Arip MT 5 mg tablet, a widely prescribed antipsychotic medication, can exhibit various side effects. While many users tolerate the medication well, it is crucial to be aware of potential adverse reactions. This detailed examination aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the side effects associated with Arip MT 5 mg tablet.
Common Side Effects:
1. Drowsiness:
Arip MT 5 mg tablet may cause drowsiness, particularly during the initial stages of treatment. Users are advised to exercise caution while engaging in activities that require alertness, such as driving, until they ascertain how the medication affects them.
2. Weight Gain:
Weight gain is a reported side effect of Arip MT 5 mg tablet. This can be attributed to its impact on appetite and metabolism. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help manage this side effect.
3. Dry Mouth:
Some users may experience dry mouth, a common side effect. Staying well-hydrated and using sugar-free gum or candies can alleviate this discomfort.
Less Common Side Effects:
1. Orthostatic Hypotension:
Arip MT 5 mg tablet may lead to a drop in blood pressure upon standing, resulting in dizziness. Users are advised to rise slowly from a sitting or lying position to minimize this risk.
2. Extrapyramidal Symptoms:
In rare instances, users may experience movement disorders such as tremors or stiffness. Prompt reporting of any unusual symptoms to healthcare providers is essential for evaluation and potential adjustments to the treatment plan.
3. Hyperglycemia:
Arip MT 5 mg tablet may influence blood sugar levels, particularly in individuals with diabetes. Regular monitoring of glucose levels is recommended, and users should promptly inform their healthcare provider of any significant changes.
Serious Side Effects:
1. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS):
Though rare, NMS is a severe reaction characterized by hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, and altered mental status. Immediate medical attention is crucial if any symptoms suggestive of NMS arise.
2. Tardive Dyskinesia:
A potentially irreversible movement disorder, tardive dyskinesia may develop after prolonged use of Arip MT 5 mg tablet. Regular monitoring and early detection are vital for minimizing the risk.
Mental and Mood Changes:
1. Suicidal Thoughts:
Antipsychotic medications, including Arip MT 5 mg tablet, may, in some cases, lead to suicidal thoughts. Close monitoring by healthcare professionals is crucial, especially during the initial stages of treatment.
Allergic Reactions:
1. Skin Rash:
Allergic reactions may manifest as skin rashes. If any unusual skin changes occur, seeking medical attention promptly is advised.
2. Swelling:
Facial swelling, particularly around the eyes, lips, or tongue, requires immediate medical attention, as it may indicate a severe allergic reaction.
Understanding the spectrum of side effects associated with Arip MT 5 mg tablet empowers users to make informed decisions about their mental health treatment. It is imperative to communicate openly with healthcare providers, promptly reporting any concerning symptoms for timely evaluation and intervention.
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bentleyhoff83 · 1 year
Examination of COVID-19 Therapy made up of equally Hydroxychloroquine and gelatin: An all-natural clinical trial
These kind of networks might be relevant from the crosstalk among joint chambers along with greater understanding in this field can result in the development of far better strategies for inducing normal cartilage restoration.History: Non-motor signs and symptoms (NMS) within Parkinson's illness (PD) are common, boost the patients' incapacity and also have a significantly unfavorable impact on their particular standard of living. Crucial tremor (Ainsi que) is additionally affected by non-motor signs and symptoms and sometimes enters into your differential medical diagnosis using PD. Mental faculties scintigraphy with [I-123]beta-CIT SPECT is really a strategy utilized to assist in differential analysis among PD along with Et aussi. Approaches: All of us looked at each motor disability (MDS-UPDRS-III) along with non-motor signs or symptoms (NMSQuest) inside patients whom went through a [123I]beta-CIT SPECT evaluation for analytical uses. The two medical as well as the scintigraphic data extracted from the chosen PD (d Is equal to Thirty one) along with Ainsi que (n = 25) people had been in contrast. Outcomes: We would not discover a tremendous difference in the whole number of NMS reported by possibly PD (15.4 +/- 4.Nine) or ET sufferers this website (Eight.Forty one +/- Three or more.Three). PD patients described much more salivating (29%), hyposmia (33.2%), hallucinations (Twenty.3%), trouble throughout concentrating (51.6%), orthostatic faintness (Sixty seven.7%), dropping (19.3%), dazzling goals (32.2%), REM snooze actions problem (58%), as well as diplopia (22.5%) compared with ET sufferers. PD people which reported drooling, orthostatic dizziness, and also diplopia experienced better denervation in the caudata when compared with does the PD people who didn't report the same signs. The actual differences noticed were not linked to differences in grow older, making love, UPDRS-III report, and also the presence/absence involving tremor. Conclusions: Your declaration of non-motor signs and symptoms is actually influenced by subjective aspects which are learn more widely suggestible. While assessed first and also before receiving a defined analysis, PD patients make a complaint regarding certain signs and symptoms that seem to be able to rely on distinct pathogenetic components. (D) The year 2013 Elsevier Ltd. Almost all protection under the law reserved.The effective use of different ways gelatin for the microstructural investigation regarding practical factors will be described for that demonstration of diverse Cu/ZnO-based methanol synthesis causes. Tranny electron microscopy as well as diffraction were chosen since complementary ways to draw out information on the size and also the deficiency concentration of the Cu nano-crystallites. The outcome, strengths and constraints of the strategies and of distinct evaluation means of line profile evaluation of diffraction info which includes Rietveld-refinement, Scherrer- and also (changed) Williamson-Hall-analyses, single peak deconvolution along with entire natural powder routine custom modeling rendering are usually in contrast along with really reviewed. It had been discovered that when compared with any macrocrystalline natural Cu sample, the particular reasons just weren't just seen as an a lesser crystallite measurement, but in addition by way of a high power lattice defects, specifically stacking faults.
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