#Otherkin Community
wolfislost · 1 day
Life as a Disabled Alterhuman
Let's talk about being alterhuman without being able bodied.
If you've never met me before, i'm a werewolf. I use the label of psychological otherkin, but nowdays I mostly just say alterhuman.
A lot of individuals in the community can relate to wanting to spend time in their natural ecosystem or habitat. Some of them don't live in a country where that habitat even exists.
Conceptually, I'm lucky. I'm surrounded by nature reserves that are an hour away at most. Some are much closer.
Every part of me wants to be out there, in the trees and bushes and soil, every week. I'm sure some of us ARE out there every week based on some of the responses I've gotten on my posts.
I can't be.
I'm chronically ill. Partly from birth, partly acquired later in life. My mobility is limited by my threshold for suffering. The more I move, the more i'll have to pay for it later. And those debts don't have an upper limit.
I would love to prioritise letting my animal out more, being in nature more, travelling more. Hell- even running. But not only would doing that wreck me over and over again, it would make it impossible for me to meet the demands and responsibilities of my human life.
As a werewolf, there's an internal pull towards more feral behaviour and imagery. But my chronic illness requires constant upkeep, constant maintenance. My wellbeing depends on frequent visits to professionals.
I've always dreamed of running off to a cabin in the woods. I'm sure many of you have. But it's patently impossible for someone like me, who relies so heavily on human healthcare to survive.
The truth is I wouldn't be able to function without humans to look after me. And I have responsibilities that come before my desires for freedom.
None of this stuff makes me any less of an alterhuman. Makes me any less of a werewolf. All of these smaller restrictions do add up to a certain kind of distance from the "ideal alterhuman" perhaps. But my identity has always been, and will always be, an internal thing for me.
I'm not a werewolf IN SPITE of being disabled.
I'm a werewolf who IS ALSO disabled.
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thecovenofcrows · 3 days
notes challenge
25: we’ll write a new chapter of our fic as soon as we get home
75: we’ll move out the cedar chest from our room
150: we’ll post more
165: we’ll post about alterhumanity more
190: well post about plurality more.
235: we'll come out to our friends from our old school about our plurality (they already know abt the alterhumanity)
256: we use discord more
340: we’ll research more for Ves’s alter space
400: we'll find a new place for Ves's hoard.
495: we’ll work on the alter space
548: we'll read more physical books
670: we work on actually befriending other plurals
700: We'll work on our sleep schedule
730: We'll begin working out every day.
777: We'll make an intro post
808: We'll change the number on this post to ones that make sense.\
860: We'll sew something new! (well Ves and Nikki will)
900: I'll learn how to bake again! - Nikki
945: we'll clean up our room.
980: we'll each coin a gender!
1000: we'll each make a userbox!
1080: we'll each make userboxes for the genders.
1160: we'll rollerblade more.
1200: we'll ask for help when we don't understand something.
1350: we'll link our ao3 acc so y'all can read our fics.
1476: we'll try to make online friends who know we're plural.
1600: we'll try to make irl friends who know we're plural.
1700: Ves will tell our friends from our old school abt their delusions.
1780: We'll work on labeling our genders.
1920: We'll start a notebook-only story (written only on a ntbk)
2010: We'll change the amount of reqs available at a time too 15 (3/10 slots filled)
2300: We'll research proper diet
2400: We'll try to start to eat icky-texture foods (for context that includes most things that’d be considered healthy)
2600: We'll try to do insys group therapy (idc what you say Nikki- just bc you were a child soldier at 17 doesn't make you not a child soldier, same for you Luka!)
2750: We'll make a list of the activities we want to do and make a schedule for them!
(No more than 10 notes per person, no you can't just letter off number in the comments/reblogs, you have to actually write smth)
Red Text = Notes reached, incomplete.
Green Text = Notes reached, complete.
Blue Text = notes not reached, complete due to stressful circumstance.
Purple Text = notes not reached, complete due to non-stressful circumstance.
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xdextarx · 3 days
literally pagans 🌳are more open to identities, social aspect, diversity and genders than modern society 🔬
you are woman who want to live as man? sure! why not! women can be strong as men! it's not so often here but we have no problem with it!
Modern society:
b-but women have their own standards and men as well!! g-gender role!! it's our tradition that men do nothing and women do everything at home! cooking and cleaning is a woman's job because we said so to have less work!! women are weak child machines and men are strong hunters!!! women must be submissive to men!! it's a tradition!! 😩
you lived alone in the forest for a long time and now you became a shaman and can talk to spirits? that's so cool! let's go on an igloo and you will make an astral trip and then you will tell us what you saw and where all you were!!
Modern society:
what the hell? Impossible. you must be schizophrenic. it is not possible for you to have a sixth sense and be able to connect with things that we cannot see. surely it's just delusions in your head. there are no supernatural things and I don't care that science can't fully explore it yet and that we don't even know how we really got here!
pagans in general:
it's so cool you made your own mask! you are an animal, entity, devil, spirit or something else? let's celebrate us all!
you have wild spirit? that's so cool!
you were an animal in your last life? me too!
you can travel astrally? omg!
someone was born? let's celebrate!
someone died? let's celebrate they are in after life now and their soul is still with us in connection!
god's are our friends and not our masters! we all are just beings!
modern society:
therians, alterhumans no humans are sick! you cannot be anything else than human! you have human body so you're human!
you have woman body so you can't be man!
you have man body so you can't be woman!
there's no reincarnation or soul!
someone was born? oh no we have to pay bills for making one human in this capitalist society
someone died? damn it cost so much!
there's only one god and other religions are fake! you will burn in hell you atheist!
god is the creator and master!
landlord is owner and my master or I become homeless!
my boss is my master or I will starve!
we celebrate Christmas, valentine and Easter just because of having to feed markets and capitalist materialistic society!
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xt0t4llys4n300x · 12 hours
Retreats to the depths of my coffin
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rareblackcat · 20 hours
Does anyone else have an urge problem when it comes to biting?
Every time I'm angry or upset I just wanna rip someone's throat out. And I feel that urge towards people who upset me. I also have bad cuteness aggression so when I see something cute I feel the urge to bite and squeeze it (sometimes this leads into Intrusive thoughts about huring said thing)
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thelittlefirepup · 2 days
Quadrobics look so fun, but my knees say no.
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noticed the ‘eldritchkin culture is’ tag is a lil empty, so…
Eldritch void deity culture is feeling like you’re possessing your current vessel, and occasionally attempting to un-possess it (spoiler alert it don’t work)
Me and a friend (hey @bored-dromaeosaur) refer to our human forms as vessels cuz. That’s what this is. It’s no more than a vessel.
That's so cool, I'm stealing vessel
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pawsthatcausechaos · 13 hours
I know it doesn't look like it but under all of this calm human skin and flesh there is a very angry cat, it has wings and it wants to bite a very specific person
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silly-creacher · 23 hours
Wanted to share some things that make me happy:
Accidentally scared a friend while walking by to grab something and they said they thought I was a cat! Creature moment!! :P
Randomly discovering things about my kintype. Like realizing that my fucked up sleep schedule is just because I'm nocturnal. Also, I don't think I'm supposed to be so sensitive to temperature because quiet nights in the winter feel so homey but human body does NOT like that lmao
(speaking of kintype -- might be a shapeshifting alien? who knows)
Met a therian irl! Amazing moment!!
And because thinking about good stuff is healthy... if there's anything that's made you happy lately, reblog/comment! I'd love to hear about it!! :D
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chaotic-hybrid · 18 hours
Reblog with your favorite nonhuman meme.
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wolfislost · 3 days
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Another full moon passed, and another jumper to repair. Business as usual.
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liminals-angel · 2 days
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starscatteredsky · 2 days
Darkcore fashion kit for a feral black German shepherd?
darkcore fashion for a german shepard
pt: darkcore fashion for a german shepherd end pt
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[ID in alt]
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this one was SO MUCH FUN!! i vibe so hard with this i hope you love it!!
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[ID in alt!]
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xt0t4llys4n300x · 17 hours
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@pinksoftlace @999pinkprincess
@onceifixmehesgonnamissme @swaggytori @blackswanbby @pinksoftlace @unknownn-girl @fuckyeahjazminbean @pinkpinkmermayyy @thatmessedupgurl @gigiex @delightfulbalmainexploreopera @alm-ahh @aahanna @waifspiration @angeliclea @magnificentwastelanddetective @maintohthakgayibhaishaab @electriccherryopium @kirkwahmmett @kitschyclown @yourdolletteprincess @aarabbella @angeliclea @nymph0g4rl @yolisasworld
@aglimmerr @tbeaumont @theverynothumankai @piskielou @lonely-art @fairyflowerss
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rummageraccoon · 1 year
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