#Our lady underground
nosidekickspod · 5 months
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cpmhew · 1 year
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from The Magician King by Lev Grossman
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Honestly, I love when Divine Spark Julia starts to do stuff with her god level magic. Like fixing Fogg's eyes. Or resurrecting the talking trees in Fillory. I know there were conflicting agendas and she didn't do some of those things completely altruistically, but it's still so fun to see her magic grow and her blossom into a full fledged goddess
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lesbiamano · 3 months
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i watched all of hadestown last night and i'm still not okay. i listened to the entire track list again as i doodles shuake a billion times. they're so eurydice and orpheus if i tried hard enough
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ourladyofeternity · 7 months
Press launch for the Hadestown UK cast today
Video from @whatsonstage in instagram [story]
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arceal-doodles · 2 years
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paps is the type of person who would use loopholes to get discounts
Bonus - Blue’s tired of him:
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thesweetnessofspring · 10 months
The only disappointing thing about Hadestown is that "Our Lady of the Underground" is just Persephone singing to the audience with the band and Hermes on stage instead of a fully glorious number of her interacting with the workers and having them be her audience in her own underworld speakeasy.
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ourladyofomega · 11 days
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Interviewer: "Have computer games replaced pinball for you?"
Reed: "Well, it's just…I don't have a place big enough to put pinball games in, you know? Lots of pinball games. There's some interesting computer games. No, they don't replace pinball. I happen to believe that if pinball have been invented after computer games, it would be this incredible new...you know...tactile game where you could shove it around and people would be really amazed by it. It's just that they break so easily compared to video games and take up so much space."
(Lou Reed interviewed on New Zealand TV; 1984.)
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jubjubmaz · 4 months
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Hehe I love drawing her <3
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grillbyz · 3 months
Save me undyne undertale,,, undyne undertale,,, undyne undertale save me,,,
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alexandrainlove · 5 days
Just redownloaded Pinterest and saved two hundred pictures. Now I’m gonna share bits of Feyd-Rautha fanfics I love like a creep.
Our Lady of the Underground
by @reythemandalor
Paula had changed to a rosy sleeveless dress, anything but demure and boyish. His wife certainly brightened the castle halls. His Uncle had scarce given him a glance since they had all sat. His dark eyes, lingering.
Paula was breathing..deeply. In that dress it looked near obscene. Feyd found his Uncle’s eyes on his wife’s chest. A Bene Gesserit is never not deliberate . Feyd clenched his fists.
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rhysdoesstuff · 8 days
I love having a playlist with all the musicals I like listening to on it! It means when I put it on shuffle I can go from listening to a dead girl lamenting that she doesn’t know who she is, to listening to a drunk Greek goddess, to listening to Russians singing about communism and rumors, all back to back-
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And then! When Divine Spark Julia and Kady finally confront a de-divined Reynard, P23 actually advocates for murder/revenge because of what Reynard did to Julia40. Not because it happened to Julia23 ("his Julia") but because it happened to *Julia* at all. And he can't wrap his brain around how being mortal is more of a punishment for Reynard than anything else.
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lucimiir · 2 years
Wonder if Persephone’s need to have the workers say her name in Our Lady of the Underground has anything to do with the fact that Hades doesn’t say her name once in the whole show
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redladydeath · 2 months
POV: You're a denizen of Hell who's turned on your radio and discovered that the Radio Demon is in a generous mood today
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kareenvorbarra · 1 year
Even just reordering the songs in bway hadestown so that Eurydice is on stage during Why We Build The Wall and Our Lady of the Underground would improve things so much….you have the “step into my office” bit, you have Persephone react to that, then you have the song where Eurydice meets the other workers and sees what’s actually going on, then Why We Build the Wall is her having apparently given up and lost her identity like the others…..THEN at the end of Why We Build the Wall, Hades leaves the stage and the other workers turn to Eurydice and take her by the hands and smile, and they bring her to Persephone’s bar and they’re all in the chorus for Our Lady and Eurydice realizes that the people here ARE still people and they do have somewhere to talk where Hades isn’t listening (and all the lyrics to Our Lady actually make sense again lmao, ESPECIALLY “there’s a crack in the wall”)
Also I just really want to see Persephone and Eurydice interact on stage in this context….like Eurydice is a little wary bc she’s pretty sure Persephone is jealous of her, but Persephone knows what’s up and sees the new girl that Hades tricked and discarded and picks her out of the crowd during the musical interlude, and twirls her around while the rest of the cast cheers, and gives her a drink and sends her back to her seat…Eurydice stares at her like she’s entranced…idk. Just a little something that sets up how close they are in “I Raise My Cup to Him” as well as Persephone’s sympathy for Orpheus and Eurydice specifically
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