#Owen Wingrave
The spring day was warm to his young blood, and he had a book in his pocket which, when he had passed into the Gardens and, after a short stroll, dropped into a chair, he took out with the slow soft sigh that finally ushers in a pleasure postponed.
—Henry James, Owen Wingrave
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operasrsly · 10 months
Benjamin Britten’s opera for television: Owen Wingrave 
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The Wingrave family prides itself on being a family of soldiers. When Owen Wingrave decides that he will refuse to fight in the military, they don't take his decision well. Both he as well as his fiancé Kate lost their respective fathers in battle; while Owen sees this death as pointless, Kate embraces the apotheosis offered by society, that they died for a greater good, for honour, for King and country. Owen's decision challenges her own narrative. She calls Owen a coward and puts him up to a test of courage: in the attic of the Wingrave mansion, generations ago, a boy has died. Since then, the room is said to be haunted. If you're in a hurry, I recommend listening to just the two minutes starting at 55 min that blend Act I into Act II - a beautiful cantilene with an edge, and a disturbing children's choir, recounting the story of young Wingrave who refused to fight. [x]
Kent Nagano - conductor Margaret Williams - director
Gerald Finley - Owen Wingrave (baritone) Peter Savidge - Spencer Coyle (bass-baritone) Hilton Marlton - Lechmere (tenor) Josephine Barstow - Miss Wingrave (dramatic soprano) Anne Dawson - Mrs Coyle (soprano) Charlotte Hellekant - Kate Julian (mezzo-soprano) Martyn Hill - Sir Philip Wingrave (tenor) Elizabeth Gale - Mrs Julian (soprano)
The Deutsches Symphonie Orchester Berlin
Libretto: Myfanwy Piper, after Henry James Directed by Margaret Williams, 1991.
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flanaganhorror · 10 months
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THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR 1x09 The Beast in the Jungle
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bvrtysbvtches · 11 months
i'd let kate siegel drown me in a lake
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noitsforthebetter · 1 year
Anyone who sobbed their way through the last episode of the Haunting of Bly Manor deserves financial compensation
(and probably therapy)
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thatsashitplan · 2 years
the haunting of bly manor/thobm incorrect quotes/textposts part 1!
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eimehh · 2 years
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thinking about a stizzy bly manor AU
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nerd-at-sea5 · 8 months
i have one single ‘complaint’ (it barley is one) abt the haunting of bly manor. more like a request tbh lol
at some point, dani should have said something and every single person in the room look at her with the upmost and utter confusion.
dani sighs ‘is this another weird american thing?’ to which both the kids nod, and flora runs it get a little notebook she’s filled with ‘american things’ from dani. miles helps her spell it out while jamie and owen break out into laughter and hannah asks dani what she means and to explain it.
this has clearly happened at least 5 times before
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monarchteen · 2 years
i have such a hate-love relationship with miles
oh i fucking hate miles. wait, his sister asked him to come home? thats why he did all that stuff? nvm, love him for that. king shit.
oh fuck miles, he's a bitch. wait peter was possessing him? nvm, love miles again.
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Owen: *gazing out a window*
Dani: Do you think he's feeling depressed?
Hannah: He might just be thinking about life.
Flora: What if he's sad?
Jamie: Maybe he's just planning what to cook for dinner.
Owen, in is mind: *Wii menu music playing in loop*
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3 AM thoughts: A hannigram and Margot/Alana Bly manor AU
Will as Rebecca Jessel
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Hannibal as peter quint
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Margot as Dani Clayton
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Alana as Jamie Taylor
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Bella Crawford as Hanna Grose
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Jack Crawford as Owen Sharma
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Miriam as Viola Willoughby( aka lady of the lake )
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Abigail as Flora
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Fredrick Chilton as the Uncle Henry Wingrave
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baubeautyandthegeek · 6 months
Bly In Spring - Charlotte Wingrave/Hannah Grose
A/N: Day 6 for @flufftober fluffspring 2024. GIF made for me by @whoreofthecottage
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It’s supposed to just be a holiday home. Charlotte knows that, she does, but ever since Henry and Dominic were killed and she was left with the children, she finds it easier to simply come home to Bly. It's Spring, warm but cool at the same time. Spring allows them all to settle, allows Charlotte time to find the children a governess and an au pair, allows her time to simply be as she is, grieve quietly. Hannah, she finds, is a balm for a hurting soul. Hannah whose smile is warm and honest. Hannah who is always caring, who leads her out now to sit on a blanket, share a meal she knows Owen prepared, the housekeeper’s closeness with the cook helps a lot. They will share a picnic whilst the children learn and play, Hannah’s smile warm as ever when Charlotte admits she’s missed her. “I missed you too Ma’am… Charlotte.” A calculated risk. One rewarded with a real, honest smile, Charlotte leaning to kiss Hannah softly, her voice low and gentle. “I missed you too much Hannah, missed someone who doesn’t just… presume I’m broken now, or used up.” “You are neither, Charlotte. Neither thing. Tired, perhaps, in need of kindness… but aren’t we all.” Hannah pauses then speaks softly. “Spring is a time for starting anew… perhaps we all can. Here. Together.”
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Courage- Owen Sharma
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Pairing: Owen Sharma x Reader
Characters: Owen Sharma
Warnings: N/A
"The Haunting Of Bly Manor" request: I'm so sorry if this isn't where I am supposed to write a request, but I've never written one. If it's possible I would like an Owen imagine. I am the housekeeper in bly manor instead of Hannah and me abd Owen would flirt at times, but we haven't kissed or anything. In the end, The lady in the lake was dragging me towards the lake and Owen saved me. Now you can either make it so we kiss after he saved me or when we meet a few years later in his restaurant because I can't make up my mind. If you don't like the request, you can ignore it haha.
Word Count: 534
Author: Charlotte
Sometimes you wished you had chosen differently. Maybe you should have wished to not have come to Bly Manor, to not be amongst the dead that haunted the halls, but you didn’t regret that. It wasn’t how you anticipated your job at the manor going, but you loved the family you worked for, and you were certainly grateful for those who you worked with. Your biggest regret involved him. Owen had been the chef for nearly as long as you had been the housekeeper for the Wingrave family, and you instantly hit it off. You liked each other and it was obvious to everyone that saw you but neither of you wanted to make the first move, scared to ruin your professional and platonic relationship. Now, you wished you had let the nerves and worry dissolve and allow you to be happy but maybe you would never get a chance.
Rumours of hauntings had been around long before you started working at the manor, but you had always been sceptical, even if there were things that had made you question it. Part of you never believed in the lady in the lake, no matter what you hear of it, but when you felt an uncontrollable force grab hold of you and drag you towards the lake, there was no denying it anymore. Your only saving grace was Owen had stayed late and happened to see the attack.
Everything happened in a blur of fear and panic as you attempted to kick and hit at your invisible assailant. You were too busy focusing on your own mortality to see how he stopped you from being pulled under the water of the lake, leaving you only aware when you finally felt him tug you back onto the bank, successfully removing you from the grasp.
You clutched onto the man in front of you, not caring that you were covered in dirty lake water and a sludge of mud that coated you both as your bodyweight forced him into the bank.
“Are you okay?” He asked, pushing your wet hair from your face.
You panted, trying to get your breath back to normal but adrenaline still pumped through you, forcing the uneven breathing pattern.
“You saved me,” you croaked. “You saved my life.”
You peered up at your saviour, part of you questioning if it was true or some weird dream, but when you saw his smeared glasses and panicked smile, you knew it was him. With a mixture of panic and confidence from being in the face of death, you realised there wasn’t anything to fear between you and let your instincts take hold. You leant up, pressing your lips firmly to his, taking you both by surprise.
When you pulled away, you couldn’t help the smile that took hold of your lips.
“Was that for saving you or because you actually wanted to?” He questioned.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long but almost dying gave me the courage to actually do it.”
His smile mirrored yours, dopey, slightly confused but joyous. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time too.”
You didn’t take a second thought before you kissed him once again.
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noitsforthebetter · 1 year
the lady in the lake was also dani, and dani wouldn’t. dani would ne — STOP IT NOT ANOTHER WORD
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“ Dead doesn’t mean gone. ” 
character name:
[flora gabrielle wingrave]
[flo, flower, princess, etc.]
[waitress at a local diner by evening, horticulture student by day]
[originally from essex, moved to bly manor on crockett island when she was ten.]
[hair: light to dark brown eyes: baby blue height: 5'6" scars: one prominent scar on her wrist from a night when she was found by the lake at bly, but nothing else]
[flora prefers softer, oversized clothes, things that are comfortable and flowy. when she was younger she wore dresses but now she prefers leggings]
personality traits:
[weirdness -- flora is a more than a little strange and into some weird stuff. ghost stories and big foot sightings and UFO blogs, true crime podcasts. sweetness -- she's got a big heart and a lot of compassion, she never judges anyone for anything and can make conversation with absolutely anyone chameleon-ing -- flora tends to copy the people around her, out of a desire to fit in. she doesn't always mean to, and sometimes it's harmless, like picking up a new word or listening to new music. but it can get her into trouble at times.]
[flora's parents died when she was young, leaving her in the care of an extremely wealthy but incredibly distant uncle. mostly she was raised by servants, nannies, and tutors, some of whom she's still close with to this very day. some of whom were her only friends, because her privileged position on the island left her ill-equipped to connect with anyone very deeply]
[flora enjoys gardening, growing plants of all kinds, reading mysteries and romance novels, and playing guitar]
[flora is naturally personable, though she struggles to connect one on one. she's also fairly skilled at solving puzzles and loves to tell stories to the younger kids on crockett.]
[flora is very good at blocking out background noise, or even someone talking directly to her, and can sometimes 'zone out' completely. she likes to braid a strand of her hair over and over, especially when she's nervous. sometimes she acts like a totally different person, especially if she's tagging along with a group. on her own she tends to be very quiet.]
favorite things:
[food: soup made by owen, music: taylor swift, flower: calla lily, school subject: art and history, season: late summer, drink: root beer]
relationship status:
[flora dreams of connecting deeply with somebody, with finding someone who can really understand her]
[her privileged upbringing has left her naive and sometimes embarrassingly out-of-touch. she can talk to anybody, but struggles to maintain a friendship because she can seem snobby or rude when she's really just... distracted. by all the thoughts in her head, the ones that remind her how alone she feels, like all of the time. she doesn't know how to switch it off, but sometimes she thinks she'd do anything if she could. that she'd be able to do anything -- or that she would do anything to make it stop. maybe both. ]
[flora is kind and principled, she has a strength of character that few people do. when she's sure of herself, she can be very brave, even if she's the only one standing there. she wants to do well and be liked very badly, and it's made her an extremely friendly person]
[flora can often be unsure of herself, and her desire to fit in can sometimes lead her to taking on other people's personality traits. while she's not afraid to stand alone, she doesn't enjoy it and will do almost anything to try and fit in with a group, which often leads her to embarrassing herself. she can be naive and easily tricked, especially because she loves to see the best in people. ]
[flora's always been weird and shy and easily tricked and easily scared, and she played with toys a little longer than other kids on the island and she grew up kind of sheltered. and she grew up kind of alone, except for her brothers and the servants. it was weird, so she's kind of weird. sweet, but strange. she tries not to be, but she can't help it. the weird always comes through and she always ends up doing something that makes everyone wanna sit on the other side of the diner, in any section except hers. ]
current situation:
[currently, flora has decided to take on a job during the evenings. a normal, every day, regular-person job because she can totally be a regular person. that's the goal. regular-ing it up!]
poe poem :
[alone from childhood’s hour i have not been as others were—i have not seen as others saw— ]
theme song:
[ seven by taylor swift, folklore ]
song lyric:
i was too scared to jump in but i, i was high in the sky with pennsylvania under me are there still beautiful things?
graphic credit:
[psd template by poeticfleurx]
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edgecastlema · 1 year
what are the mw (new) fandoms and mw characters?
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hey non! we're giving you a bit of a mix of brand new fandoms, but some fandoms we've got around that our members just really wanted to see. of course just cuz something isn't on our list, doesn't mean we wouldn't be obsessed with seeing them.
fandoms: grey's anatomy, buffy the vampire slayer, shin megami tensei, fire emblem, shadowhunters, the vampire diaries and all it's spinoffs, shameless, the walking dead, outer banks, stranger things, queer as folk, legend of vox machina (any critical roll honestly), dimension 20 (crown of candy and fantasy high esp), haunting anthology, yellowjackets, monster high, the wilds, texas chainsaw, cobra kai, star trek, classic horror, and barbie charas: lottie matthews, vanessa palmer, ben scott, travis martinez, misty quigley, johnny lawrence, ali mills, chozen toguchi, miguel diaz, robby keen, samantha larusso, eli "hawk" moskowitz, demitri alexopoulos, tory nichols, kenny payne, byleth, alear, lyndis, corrin, edelgard, dimitri, ike, roy, chrom, dorothea, marianne, azura, camilla, marth, lucina, luke crain, miles wingrave, nell crain, dani clayton, theo crain, steve crain, shirley crain, flora wingrave, rebecca jessel, owen sharma, jamie taylor, hannah grose, willow rosenberg, cordelia chase, angel, oz, dawn summers, tara maclay, faith lehane, kendra young,
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