#Owen and TK are father and son
whineandcheese24 · 4 months
my unpopular opinion for the day: i don't like the way the 911 fandom shoehorns the firefam into a nuclear family situation. Bobby may be a father-figure for Buck, but he is not really his father and Athena is definitely not his mother. neither of them raised Buck, or even knew him when he was a kid, and that's kind of a big part of being a parent
the thing that pisses me off is the mom!Athena thing, because it feels like the only reason people say that is because of Bobby and Athena's marriage. Buck and Athena never had that kind of relationship. she may affectionately scold him, but like Bobby she didn't raise him, and unlike Bobby, she doesn't feel any kind of responsibility towards him. she loves him and cares for him, and he's part of her family, but that doesn't make her his mom. in fact, Buck already has a mother figure, and it's MADDIE. frankly, Maddie is more of a parent to Buck than Bobby is
and this goes for Maddie, May and Harry too. Bathena are not parent-figures for Maddie. Athena is Maddie's friend, and Maddie's on-screen relationship with Bobby is almost non-existent, same with Buck and Maddie's on-screen relationship with May and Harry. they're not siblings, as far as we know they barely know each other.
I just hate the way people want to shove Buck and even Maddie into the Grant-Nash family like a little nuclear family cutout. Bobby will always feel responsible for Buck, more so than he does for the rest of the firefam, and Bobby is one of the most important people in Buck's life. but being a parent isn't just about a relationship dynamic, it's about child-raising, and money, and teaching.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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Like Father, Like Son
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random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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Whumptober Day 31: Bedside Vigil ↳ 9-1-1: Lone Star S01E08
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lonestardust · 1 year
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scattered-winter · 2 years
thinking about that post that said owen is the shrapnel from his own family's implosion and he's tearing tk apart with it again
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911lsbts · 12 days
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The fifth and final season wastes no time addressing Sierra McClain’s departure, explaining Grace’s absence in a manner that’s meant to both satisfy viewers and honor the “irreplaceable” character. “People are allowed to feel the feelings they have about it, but I would say that we did all we could to protect her,” showrunner Rashad Raisani says to TVLine of the chosen storyline. Grace’s exit leads to a time of great “complexity” for Judd, who recently stepped away from the 126 and becomes “adrift” in a “deep place of isolation,” leading him to confront “uncomfortable feelings he doesn’t want to admit to himself.” Judd’s son Wyatt, now a dispatcher, “had a whole training period with Grace that happened before the season started, so he’s been taught by the best.” Still, we’ll see him “waffle under pressure” as he settles into his position. Meanwhile, Owen finds himself “living in a fog,” an overwhelming feeling he must “go to a dark place” to overcome; Tommy attempts to move forward in her relationship with Trevor, culminating in a “character-defining” moment; Carlos’ obsession with solving his father’s murder takes a toll on his marriage to TK, creating some “interesting and compelling drama”; and Marjan and Paul will “share in the delusion” that competing for lieutenant won’t affect their friendship.
BONUS SPOILER!: Now a Texas Ranger, Carlos gains a new partner with whom he goes to some “very interesting places,” Raisani says, adding that he’s been “desperately pushing” for them to get their own spinoff. “They’re great together, and the stories they tell are some of the most explosive and dynamic that we’ve done.”
RETURN DATE: Monday, Sept. 23, at 8/7c (Fox) — A.S. (X)
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callsign-dexter · 1 month
Love and Homemade Treats
Request: Hey could you do fluff Owen Strand x wife fem!reader from 9-1-1 Lone Star where she visit the station and she brought something homemade for all of them with their child? Just fluff and comfort. Tag me later! Thanks:))
Pairings: Owen Strand x Wife!Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: Thank you @pear-1206 for requesting this!
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“Mommy! Daddy!” A tiny voice sounds through the early morning immediately waking you and your husband, Owen Strand, up. That tiny voice would belong to your and your husband's 4-year-old son, Dakota Strand. You and Owen had met through Grace and Judd Ryder and the both of you hit off pretty well. The two of you dated for about 2 years and then got married and have been married for 4 years. Owen’s son, TK Strand, and you hit it off pretty well. You treated him like a son and he treated you like a mother and he even started to call you mom and you were delighted. When you told them both that you were expecting they both were ecstatic and they treated you like a queen and still do. When you met Carlos Reyes, TK’s boyfriend, you didn’t judge them one bit and opened them with open arms, you even considered him a son. 
“Babe, our son is calling to us.” You said already starting to wake up and he groaned. 
“Who is taking this one?” Owen asked and you chuckled as he sat up and so did you.
“He called for both of us.” You said 
“Well then we better get going.” He said as he was starting to push the covers back and you did the same. 
“Mommy! Daddy!” Dakota said 
“We’re coming, Bud!” Owen said as the both of you walked out of the room and down the hall and to his room. When you got there, he was sitting up and tear tracks were running down his cheeks and your heart broke. 
“Kota, what’s wrong?” You asked coming over to sit on his bed and he crawled into your lap.
“I had a bad dream.” He said as he snuggled into your chest and you stroked his dark hair that he had got from his father, it was scary at how similar he looked to his father with almost no trace of you. Sometimes you were jealous but your husband was so good looking you didn’t mind it. You looked up at Owen and his face was one of sadness and worry. 
“What was it about?” Owen asked as he came to kneel in front of the two of you. 
“You and TK went into a building and you didn’t come out.” He said and your heart broke further.
“Oh, Bud. Your brother and I will always come back to you.” Owen said and he looked at him with his father’s eyes.
“Really?” He asked
“Really, they’re always super safe. You know why?” You asked and he looked up at you.
“Why, Momma?” He asked
“Because they love us and don’t want to leave us behind.” You said and sniffled and you wiped his eyes with your thumb. 
“I wanna see TK and Carlos.” He said and you chuckled and smiled and Owen smiled.
“How about we see them for lunch before they go to work?” You asked
“Ok!” Dakota said happily.
“You have a few more hours before having to get up. Do you want to sleep here or with us?” Owen asked, running a hand through his son’s hair.
“You.” He said sleepily and you smiled.
“We can certainly make that happen.” You said “Up we go.”  You said and started to stand up with him. You repositioned him to make it more comfortable on him and you. Dakota laid his head on your shoulder and started to fall back to sleep as you and Owen started the walk back to your room. Owen smiled at the sight. You sat down on the bed and laid your now sleeping child down on the bed in the middle as Owen went to his side and sat down and started to lay down. You made sure Dakota was comfortable and then you laid down. Owen and you both turned on your side to look at each other.
“This is the 4th night he has had this nightmare.” Owen whispered and you nodded.
“I know. I think there is something more to it.” You said and then yawned.
“We’ll figure it out now get some sleep. We’ll sort it out in the morning.” Owen said and you nodded.
“Sounds like a good plan.” You said and then you were closing your eyes and snuggling into your son. Owen stayed awake for a few minutes longer taking in the scene and thinking about how lucky he was to have you both, and TK as family. With those thoughts running through his head, he slipped off into sleep.
The next time you were waking up was when your alarm started to go off and you groaned and you quickly shut it off. You quickly noticed the lack of heat and little body that was snuggled into you all night and then when your hand met an empty bedside where your husband slept you weren’t too concerned. You knew Dakota was with his father and it only confirmed it when you started to smell something delicious coming from the kitchen that had you getting up and making your way there. When you got there your husband was standing behind your son as they stood over the stove, Owen making sure that Dakota didn't burn himself even if he did then he would be able to treat it. You smiled at the scene and thanked yourself for grabbing your phone before snapping pictures. “Do you think Mommy will like them?” Dakota asked and Owen smiled.
“I think anything you make for Mommy she's gonna love because she loves you.” He said and attacked him with kisses making him giggle a sound you both loved. 
“This is the sight I love to see.” You said and they both turned around.
“Mommy!” Dakota shrieked “Down, Daddy.” He said and Owen helped him down and he ran to you. He jumped and thankfully you had fast reflexes and caught him. 
“Hi, Baby. Are you helping daddy with breakfast?” You asked 
“Uh huh.” He said nodding.
“Actually, it's almost ready. Carlos and TK should be over here any minute now.” Owen said 
“Oh, I thought they were coming for lunch?” You asked
“They were but had something come up with afternoon and wanted to do breakfast.” Owen said
“Well, that's wonderful! I'm gonna go and get us ready for the day while you get everything ready.” You said
“Sounds wonderful.” He said and that's what you set out to do. Once you both were changed and teeth brushed there was a knock on the door and Dakota looked at you wide eyes.
“You know who that is?” You asked 
“Carlos and TK!” He shouted and then he was rushing off to the door with you not far behind. 
“Hey, no running.” Owen scolded as he got food onto plates.
“Sorry, Daddy.” He said as he reached the door and was about to open it before you stopped him.
“Hey, no opening the doors without one of us.” You said and he nodded and you grabbed the door handle and opened it. 
“TK! CARLOS!” He shouted and rushed to them and TK picked him up.
“There's my little buddy.” He said and hugged him. “Hi, mom.” He said looking at you and you smiled.
“Hi, Baby.” You said and hugged him as Dakota was passed to Carlos. 
“Hi, Mrs. Strand.” Carlos said as he hugged you as Dakota was quickly transferred to TK as he asked to be back in TK's who was heading into the kitchen with his little brother.
“Hi, Carlos. Please call me Y/N.” You said, chuckling as you released him.
“If you want.” He said smiling.
“Come on, the food is ready.” You said and then he was walking into the kitchen as you shut the door. You joined them in the kitchen. Dakota was talking TK's and Carlos’ ear off but they could care the least bit. Breakfast was eaten with some fun mixed in and many many laughs were thrown out. Carlos and TK stayed until they needed to leave which everyone was sad about but Dakota was the most upset about it, he loved his older brother even if they weren’t full brothers.
Lunch came and went and the rest of the time was spent with Owen cuddling his youngest son and cuddling you. You had him do some stuff that he needed to do that couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to do such as using the ladder. Yes, you were capable of using a ladder but Owen didn’t like it just because he wanted to keep you safe. Although you do get on there and he doesn’t know about it but what he doesn’t know what hurt him. Currently you were helping him pack his bag more like you were putting the clothes that Dakota was taking out back in. Dakota always struggled with his dad leaving but he usually got over it after a few hours he was gone. After about the fifth time Owen was getting frustrated. “Kota, daddy has to go to work.” He said.
“No, Daddy you stay.” He said looking up with puppy dog eyes and suddenly you knew it was because of the nightmare. So, you got to his level and made him look you in the eyes.
“Dakota, look at me.” You said and he did so.
“Daddy isn’t going to leave you neither is TK. They’re extra careful to come home to us. They have to go and save people’s lives. Ok, Baby?” You asked and he nodded and Owen got down to his level too.
“That’s right Buddy. We’ll always come home to you and Mommy.” Owen said and Dakota nodded.
“Ok.” He said and you both kissed him and got back to packing. Soon the packing was done with the help of Dakota instead of him disrupting the packing. Soon it was time for Owen to leave and after a very tearful goodbye from Dakota, Owen was kissing you and heading out the door. Dakota was still crying.
“Hey, it's ok. How about we call Daddy before you go to bed and we go see him tomorrow and bring him and TK some really tasty treats, hmmm?” You asked, looking at him and brushing his bangs to the side and wiping his eyes.
“Ok, Mommy.” He said and you smiled and kissed his forehead.
“Now what do you want to take to him and TK?” You asked, still holding him and walking into the living room.
“Pie. No cheesecake. No cookies!” He said and you chuckled.
“How about all three or we make the pie or cheesecake for us and send the cookies to them?” You asked 
“I like that idea, Mommy.” He said and you smiled and kissed his cheek.
“Very well then let’s get to it.” You said and set him down while you got all the ingredients. You and Dakota started to put ingredients together and soon after about 3 hours of baking you had everything baked and cooling down ready to be packaged to take to the firehouse tomorrow. “Alright, what do you want to eat?” You asked him already knowing the answer.
“Chicken nuggets and fries!” He said excitedly and you chuckled.
“Of course, how could I forget?” You asked not expecting an answer but got a giggle back. You turned to the stove and got the air fryer going “Hey, why don’t you go wash up and then go watch something?” You asked and he looked at you.
“Ok, Momma.” He said and scurried off while you started getting the fries and chicken nuggets out and waited for the oven to preheat before putting everything in and setting it for the time required. Soon you were hearing the TV turning on and some kids show queuing up. Soon the food was done and you were putting the food on plates and grabbing the ketchup and drinks and heading into the living room.
“We don’t tell daddy about this.” You said “It’s our secret.” You said and he nodded, taking it very seriously. 
“Our secret.” He said and then started to eat snuggling up against you. Soon you both were done eating and now it was time for him to start winding down and head off to bed. It wouldn’t take that long considering his eyes were already drooping. Your phone started to vibrate in your pocket and you got it and saw it was a facetime from Owen and you smiled and answered it. 
“Hey, Honey.” Owen said keeping his voice quiet and you could see he was in his office.
“Hey, Baby.” You replied
“Kota still up?” He asked 
“Barley.” You said and showed him his son.
“Hi, Buddy.” Owen said and that stirred him a little.
“Hi, Daddy.” He said in a sleepy quiet voice.
“Did you have a good day with your mom?” He asked and you nodded.
“We made sweets.” He said and rubbed his eye.
“You did? What kind?” Owen asked and Dakota looked at you.
“Strawberry cheesecake, apple pie, and chocolate chip peanut butter cookies.” You said
“Oh, I’m so jealous.” Owen said “I wish I was there to eat it all.” He said and Dakota chuckled and then yawned. “You get some sleep. I’ll see you in a few days. I love you.” He said.
“Love you too, Daddy.” He said and then you turned the phone to face you.
“Goodnight, Babe. We’re planning to make a trip up there at some point. You ok with that?” You asked 
“Always. Goodnight, Honey. I love you.” He said
“I love you too.” You said and then you both were hanging up the phone. You looked down and found Dakota sound asleep. 
“Out like a light.” You said and got up and carefully picked him up and walked him to his room and tucked him in and bent down and kissed his head. “Goodnight, Baby. I love you.” You said and made sure his night light was on and walked out of his room cracking his door. You went back to the living room and cleaned up and turned on a show that you had been watching and watched it until your eyes were drooping and you were headed to bed.
The next morning you were waking up to your son crawling into the bed with you. “Mommy?” He asked.
“Yes, Kota?” You asked
“We go and see Daddy and TK today?” He asked and you smiled and pushed the hair out of his eyes.
“Of course, Baby. Let’s get dressed and brush our teeth then we can pack up the sweets and head that way.” You said and he nodded and he was scrambling to get off your bed and do what he was told. You chuckled and shook your head and did the same. Once you were changed into jeans and one of Owen’s hoodies you went and checked on him and found him dressed similarly, jeans and a hoodie. “You ready?” You asked and he nodded and the both of you went into the kitchen and packed the food up and put it in a bag. You headed for the door with your bag and grabbed your purse and keys. “Remember to hold my hand while we are crossing the street and in crowded places.” You said and he nodded.
“I remember, Momma.” He said and you smiled. He was so much like his dad. You arrived at the elevator and let him press the button and it instantly opened and you both stepped in and let him press the button that you told him too. You quickly arrived at the lobby and you held out his hand for his and he took it. You walked out of the building and to your car you put the food beside his car seat and then strapped him in. You got in and turned the car on and headed off to the station. The car ride was filled with laughter and signing. When you arrived the firetruck and ambulance were just rolling in.
“Hey, there’s daddy.” You said and he looked out the window excitedly. He was always amazed by the firetrucks and ambulances. You parked the car beside Owen’s truck and waited until everyone was pulled in and out before you got out. Once they were in the garage you got out and saw Judd walking over. “Hey, Judd.” You said and smiled and started for Dakota’s door.
“Hey, Y/N. Need any help?” He asked and you smiled at him.
“Actually yes. I have some sweets beside his car seat. Do you mind grabbing it?” You asked
“Yes ma’am.” He said and opened the door.
“Judd!” Dakota shrieked as you opened the door and started to unbuckle him.
“Hey, Bud! How are you?” He asked
“Good! We’re seeing daddy.” He said and you chuckled and smiled.
“You are? I know he will be happy to see you.” He said as you finished getting him out and picking him up as Judd grabbed the bag and walked around the car after shutting the door and you locked the car. 
“Yea!” He shouted and the two of you started to walk in and he spotted TK. “TK!” He shouted and wiggled and you put him down and he ran to his big brother who easily caught him. You stared at the sight for a second smiling and then you and Judd walked over to the table and began to put the desserts on the table. A pair of arms slinked around your waist. 
“Fancy seeing you here.” Owen said and you smiled.
“I told you that we would be coming to see you.” You said as you turned around in his arms and the others gathered around. 
“Daddy!” Dakota shouted and that made him turn around and come face to face with TK holding Dakota and he reached for him and he took him. 
“Hi, Buddy.” He said and he wrapped his little arms around his father’s neck.
“I heard desserts were brought.” Mateo said and you chuckled.
“That would be correct. We have strawberry cheesecake, apple pie, and chocolate chip peanut butter cookies.” You said 
“Marry me.” Matteo said and everyone laughed.
“Sorry, she’s already taken.” Owen said and everyone laughed again.
“Dig in!” You said and everyone did as you stood back with Owen and your son as you watched your other children fulfill themselves on the desserts.
“How did I get so lucky to have you two in my life?” Owen said and you chuckled and kissed his cheek.
“Thank Grace for that.” You said and he chuckled.
“Hey, Dakota, do you want some?” Marjan asked, looking over at him.
“Can I, Daddy?” Dakota asked
“If it is ok with your mom.” He said 
“It’s alright with me.” You said 
“Yay!” Dakota shouted and then Owen was walking over to the table. You smiled looking at the scene. TK walked over and stood next to you holding two plates with a slice of apple pie and handed one to you. 
“Thank you.” You said
“You’re welcome. So, what made you decide to come down?” He asked
“Well, a little someone wanted to see his daddy and big brother.” You said and TK smiled.
“He’s such a good kid.” He said and you smiled.
“He is and so are you.” You said bringing an arm to pull him in a side hug and he smiled and laid his head on your shoulder.
“Thanks, Mom.” He said and you kissed his head.
“You’re welcome.” You said and then he was getting called away leaving you to stare ahead smiling while you ate your pie. 
You don’t know how you got so lucky but you were glad you did. You got a good husband, two good sons and a lot of extended family, who act like kids sometimes but you wouldn’t trade them for anything or ask for anyone better. You were happy with your family.
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carlos-in-glasses · 10 months
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Where All This Love Comes From
I'm so excited to share what has been known as Flashback Fic! 107k words, with all 14 chapters here on Ao3, rated E.
Six months after Gabriel Reyes’ death, TK grows concerned about Carlos’ drinking and brings him to a meeting at the Y. Afterwards, over omelets at the diner, the husbands open up to each other. TK reflects on meeting Carlos after years of addiction and self-destruction, while Carlos has continued to seek closure by uncovering two unknowns: The identity of his father’s killer, and how his father truly felt about Carlos as his son.
Carlos puts his arms around him from behind and holds him still, kissing his neck. TK tries to twist in Carlos’ grip, but he won’t let him. He starts walking him towards the bedroom. “I’m desperate for you,” TK says, his blood hot, cheeks red, eyes pricking with tears. “I know.” “Make me forget everything.” “I will.” “I only want to think about you.” “You will.” Carlos stops for a breath. He smells TK – his clean hair, his evanesced cologne, his natural man scent, his salty tears that have imbued his skin, the sweat of stress. Sad, but still beautiful to Carlos. TK, delicious. “I never thought I’d have you. I never thought–” he can’t speak anymore.
Chapter 1: A Trail to Follow
In 2023, TK discovers something that triggers memories of heroin withdrawal seven years before – and Carlos makes amends with Gutiérrez after accusing him of his father’s murder.
Chapter 2: A Very Nice Sweater for the 'Y'
TK takes Carlos to the N.A. meeting – but when things don’t go as hoped, he instigates another method to get Carlos talking.  
Chapter 3: Snowballing
A messy situation in 2010 causes TK as a high school junior to lash out. In 2023, Carlos realizes it's time to tell TK about one more secret. 
Chapter 4: Original Sin
In 2013, Carlos accidentally destroys Gabriel’s oldest friendship. Nine years later, he attempts to make peace after he and TK get engaged.
Chapter 5: Between Two Bridges
In 2022, a grieving and struggling TK is compelled to talk to Owen about his 2020 overdose, which leads him to remember when his addiction nearly killed him years before. In 2023, TK asks Carlos about his history with alcohol. (Note: Chapter features TK using and gets fairly graphic)
Chapter 6: One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor
TK and Carlos compare notes on when they first came out – with Carlos spiraling in 2011 after an unexpected outburst, while TK in 2008 is embraced (and embarrassed) by his parents. In 2021, both handle the raw days of their breakup differently too.
Chapter 7: A Boy's Best Friend
In 2009, Gabriel attempts to connect with his increasingly distant and unhappy teenage son. In 2013, the fallout of Carlos leaving Iris has begun, and he knows his relationship with his parents will never be the same. In 2023, TK tries to talk to Gabriel about the bombshell revelation that Carlos doesn’t want kids.
Chapter 8: Your Heart, As If It Was My Very Own
In 2011, TK is left bewildered after he loses his virginity. Years later, with Carlos, TK's mind (among other things) is blown in a whole new way. In 2022, TK has an important conversation with a certain visitor when he wakes from his coma.
Chapter 9: Coffee with Gutiérrez
In September 2023, Carlos seeks an important but painful truth from Gutiérrez, and finds an unexpected ally within the 126. Two months later in Blue Moon Diner, TK gets ready to tell Carlos more about his past in New York.
Chapter 10: The Day Begins Like Any Other
In 2016, after TK experiences an assault and sees an old friend again under devastating circumstances, he makes a life-altering decision when his dealer suggests he try something new. In 2009, TK is attacked at school. (Note: Please heed the tags and the chapter note. Reader discretion advised. Look after your hearts).
Chapter 11: Lonely as a Sparrow in the Rain
When Carlos confesses to TK about where he went with Judd back in September – and why – TK has to tell Carlos something he won't want to hear. In 2014, a rift develops when Carlos shows off his new Camaro to his parents.
Chapter 12: Happy For You, Son
Before moving to Austin, TK falls out with his parents over his relationship with Alex. In December 2020, it's a different story as Carlos hosts Owen and Gwyn for TK's birthday meal. In 2012, Carlos has some unexpected news for his own parents, but Michelle tries to intervene. When TK and Carlos get engaged a decade later, Gabriel has something to say about it.
Chapter 13: The Risk of Love
In May 2023, Owen and TK save a spiraling Carlos from making the biggest mistake of his life when he thinks he’s found his father’s killer. In 2020, TK and Carlos become boyfriends beneath a sky full of aurora borealis.
Chapter 14: A Night Worth Celebrating
On a rainy night in 2020, TK and Carlos meet for the first time. In 2023, weeks after their big talk at Blue Moon, TK celebrates his thirtieth birthday with his husband, their family and their friends by his side – and Carlos is a little bit better at sharing his secrets.
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cobbbvanth · 1 year
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#like father like son #the strand men really know how to pick ‘em
OWEN & TK in 4.13 “Open”
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thestarwarslesbian · 5 months
-At the Tarlos wedding-
Owen: We should do a toast.
Carlos: That’s a nice idea.
*10 minutes later*
TK: Okay but it took awhile but we are already for the toast. Owen: What did you do that took so long? TK: I got everyone ready for the toast. Carlos, walking over to the father and son: Hey, do either of you know why all of our guests have pieces of toast? TK: For the toast. Carlos: I love you.
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littlemissmarianna · 2 months
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Marriage is hard. 
The statement is cliché, but TK never doubted its truth. For years, he watched his parents struggle to make their relationship work and promised himself that his marriage would be different. He wouldn't argue with his spouse. He wouldn’t twist their words to manipulate them. He wouldn't yell and slam doors. He wouldn't bring up past hurts to inflict new pain. He wouldn't withhold affection as punishment.
TK was convinced he had safeguarded his marriage from all the pitfalls he witnessed throughout his childhood, but there's no precedent for this. He and Carlos are facing challenges neither saw coming. And while TK doesn't want to give up, he also doesn't know how to save their marriage when it feels like he's the only one fighting for it.
Carlos will save everyone except himself.
Andrea has always known that, but it's still painful to watch him spiral like this. It's painful to watch her son disappear a little bit more each day.
Carlos doesn't look up. He never looks up. He never makes eye contact. He just sits at his father's desk either staring at the evidence or staring at nothing, distracted and distant.
And yes – Carlos has always been dedicated. He's always been focused and determined, but this...this is obsession. This unrelenting compulsion to investigate Gabriel's murder at the expense of everything else must stop before it's too late to salvage the life Carlos has abandoned. His health, his career, and his marriage are suffering from chronic neglect, and Andrea refuses to let it continue.
"Carlitos. You need to go home."
"I am home."
Andrea shakes her head. She can't deny that the ranch will always be her son's home, but that's not what she's talking about...and Carlos knows it. He spends more time in Gabriel's office than anywhere else, and while TK has been patient and supportive, Andrea sees how Carlos's absence is impacting his husband. She sees the sadness in TK's expression. She hears the uncertainty in his voice when he asks if Carlos is spending the night at the ranch again or if he's returning to the loft.
"You haven't seen TK in over a week."
"I've seen him," Carlos defends, gesturing to his phone. "We FaceTime every night."
"That doesn't count, Carlitos. TK deserves to sleep beside his husband."
"So do you," Carlos replies, his tone cold and sharp. "But Dad is dead, and whoever killed him is still out there somewhere."
"You're right," Andrea admits. "That person needs to be found and brought to justice. But your father wouldn’t want you to sacrifice your future for him."
"I'm not sacrificing my future," Carlos counters. "I'm trying to protect it. I can't move forward if I have to constantly look over my shoulder, Mom. What if this person isn't done with our family? What if you're next? Or Ana or Luisa or..."
Andrea knows the name left unsaid is the one Carlos fears losing the most. But her son doesn't realize that on some level, he's already losing TK. Carlos doesn't realize that the biggest threat to his future – to his marriage – is his apathy.
"Go home," she repeats, leaving no room for argument as she nudges Carlos out of his father's chair.
This feeling never gets old – that straight shot of adrenaline that floods TK's system whenever the alarm goes off.
"Train derailment?"
"That's a new one."
"Sounds like a cluster..."
TK agrees, but he welcomes anything that takes his mind off his own train wreck. He never imagined he would feel this lonely being married. He never imagined he would be ignored by his husband or treated like a bother.
"Are you with us or the jocks this time?"
TK smiles and shrugs. Since Judd left, that's always the question when a call comes in: who will have custody of TK – the firefighters or the paramedics?
"We'll decide on scene," Owen says but tells his son to grab his turnout gear just in case.
It's worse than they thought.
Some train cars are stacked on top of each other; some are scattered like toys after a tantrum. 
Survivors are covered in soot and dirt and blood as they wander around the scene in shock...while those who were not as lucky lie motionless on the ground.
"We interrupt this broadcast with breaking news."
Carlos glances up as he pushes the food around on his plate. His mother insisted he eat lunch before heading back to the loft, but Carlos isn't hungry. He's just tired. Tired of feeling empty and detached. Tired of feeling like a failure.
Andrea gasps at the live footage. She recognizes the location instantly.
Carlos does, too. He also recognizes the 126.
"Do you see TK?"
Carlos shakes his head. He knows his husband has been putting his dual certification to good use, which means TK could be anywhere. The likelihood of spotting him in such a chaotic scene is slim, but Carlos keeps scanning as the reporter provides details.
Andrea leans forward, her own lunch forgotten as she also tries to locate TK. She always feels better when she has eyes on her boys. 
"Okay. We've just been told we need to move further back for our safety."
Carlos frowns. He's not there, but it looks like the reporter is already far enough from the scene.
The desk anchor seems to agree. "Has there been a new development?"
"Yes," the reporter confirms, glancing at the camera as she walks. "At least one of the train cars was hauling – "
The rest of her statement is lost as static fills the screen.
The last thing TK will remember is trying to outrun an explosion.
The faster something occurs, the slower it seems. Seconds drag on for hours.
Owen is familiar with that phenomenon, yet it still catches him off guard when it happens. He saw TK running toward him as the explosives began to ignite. 
But when the smoke clears, his son is gone.
Andrea is holding Carlos's hand when the signal is restored.
"Sorry about that," the reporter says, breathless and disheveled. "We were just rocked by a huge explosion, but we're still here. We're fine."
Carlos never wants to see anyone get hurt, but this stranger's well-being is not his priority. He takes out his phone and sends a message to his husband, asking TK to let him know he's okay as soon as he can.
There are now two active scenes – the derailment and the giant crater created by the blast. 
Even with flashlights, it's impossible to see the bottom of the hole...but Owen knows TK is down there, unconscious and injured.
"What do you need, Cap?"
"My son," Owen replies as he prepares to rappel into the darkness.
Carlos tells himself TK is just busy. That's why he hasn't answered. 
Or maybe TK is giving Carlos a taste of how it feels to be ignored. That seems cruel in this situation, but –  
"We have an update," the reporter announces. "All passengers are accounted for, but sadly, one firefighter is missing. We have his photo..."
Andrea holds her breath, then tightens her grip around Carlos's hand as a smiling TK appears on the screen.
"This is TK Strand, the 29-year-old son of fire captain Owen Strand. Both are with the 126, which has a history of tragedy. Viewers may remember the station's catastrophic loss back in 2020. A paramedic was also killed in 2021."
Carlos's ears are ringing as he stares at the photo. Andrea was right when she said Carlos hadn't seen his husband in over a week. TK does FaceTime him every night, but Carlos doesn't hold the phone. He leaves it on the desk, so he can continue working. Each night, TK converses with the ceiling while Carlos grunts or hums his responses. 
Carlos can't even remember the last time he had an actual conversation with TK. He can't remember the last time he looked into those beautiful green eyes or kissed those soft lips. Was their honeymoon the last time Carlos held his husband? It was certainly the last time they made love.
When they returned to Austin, Carlos allowed himself to be consumed with rage. His only focus was avenging what he lost...which made him forget to love what he still had. 
But this is his wake-up call.
Carlos pulls away from his mother as he stands. He took an indefinite leave of absence from APD to pursue Gabriel's case; he took the same leave of absence from being a husband.
But as of right now, Carlos is back on duty.
The 126 executes the rescue like they always do – as a family, as a team.
TK is unresponsive when they find him, but he's alive.
That's all that matters.
Carlos is halfway to the scene when Owen calls.
"Please tell me you found him."
"We did," Owen confirms, though he doesn't ask how Carlos knew TK was missing. "We're still wrapping up here, so can you meet him at the hospital? If you're not too busy..."
The words are meant to sting. They're meant to send a message of their own, and Carlos deserves it.
"I'm heading there now," he replies as the Camaro sails through an intersection.
A miracle.
That's the doctor's only explanation for how his patient survived an explosion with just a minor concussion.
My miracle, Carlos thinks as he kisses TK's bruised forehead.
TK doesn’t remember coming to the hospital. He doesn’t remember anything, except –
“Baby. You with me?”
TK blinks as he realizes Carlos is sitting beside him.
“Hey. How do you feel?”
“My head hurts,” TK admits as he glances around the room. “What happened?”
“There was an explosion,” Carlos explains, his fingers gentle as they fan through TK’s hair. “But you’re gonna be okay. They’re discharging you soon.”
“Is Dad coming?”
“He’ll meet us at the loft.”
“Us?” Maybe it’s the concussion, but TK is confused. “You’re taking me home? Don’t you need to – ”
“I don’t need to be anywhere except right here,” Carlos replies, holding TK’s gaze. “I love you. It’s been too long since I’ve told you that.”
Carlos has said those three words every night before he hangs up, but they were delivered on autopilot. For weeks, I love you meant practically nothing. To hear them now with such conviction and sincerity makes TK want to cry.
“My dad’s case is important,” Carlos continues. “But you are my husband, TK. You will always be the most important part of my life. I’m sorry I haven’t been showing that lately. And I promise I’ll never make you doubt that again.”
TK nods and reaches up, closing his eyes as Carlos wraps him in a hug.
The next morning, TK wakes up in his husband’s arms.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispers, smiling when their sleepy kisses turn into something more.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 3 months
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Thank you for the tags @freneticfloetry @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @honeybee-taskforce @heartstringsduet 💕
From Chain of Fools, which went up a couple days ago
“It’s okay, we’ll just call my dad.”
“Oh, no the hell we won’t.”
“What?” TK asks incredulously. “He won’t care, he’s seen me in way worse positions.”
Carlos can’t even begin to imagine what positions Owen could have walked in on that were worse than this. “TK, I don’t want my father-in-law walking in on me naked on top of his son.”
“Carlos, he knows we have sex.”
“There’s a difference between knowing it and seeing it.” He shudders. “The time he walked in on us when we were staying with him was bad enough.”
“Oh,” TK shakes his head. “That barely even counts.”
“Barely even counts?” Carlos scoffs, sitting back as far as he can. “Barely even counts? TK, I was knee deep inside you when he walked in.”
It was a late morning on a day Carlos had off, a few weeks before TK and his team went to work at the private ambulance company. TK had kissed him awake sweetly, murmuring sleepy words of adoration into his skin before seductively whispering into his ear that his dad and Mateo had gone to work, and that he should fuck him into the mattress until he screamed. Carlos proceeded to do just that, and was enthusiastically mid thrust into a moaning, panting, red-faced TK when Owen flung the bedroom door open with a cheerful greeting, two peanut butter banana smoothies and an excited Buttercup who bounded into the room and flung himself onto the bed, licking all over Carlos’s mortified face.
“He said he didn’t see anything.”
“My ass was in the air and your legs were slung over my shoulders,” he says flatly. “He saw.”
“Well,” TK says defiantly, “do you wanna call your mom?”
“Oh my god! No! I don’t wanna call anyone!”
Tagging @bonheur-cafe @chicgeekgirl89 @emsprovisions @welcometololaland @carlos-in-glasses @tellmegoodbye @paperstorm @thisbuildinghasfeelings @ladytessa74 @americansrequiems @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @tommy-kinard-buckley @orchidscript @whatsintheboxmh @basilsunrise @captain-gillian @carlos-tk @fifthrideroftheapocalypse @strandnreyes @eclectic-sassycoweyes @fitzherbertssmolder @fallout-mars @your-catfish-friend @kiwichaeng @iboatedhere @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @literateowl @alrightbuckaroo @guardian-angle22 @tinyluminaryzombie @herefortarlos @filet-o-feelings @rmd-writes @theghostofashton @reyesstrand @never-blooms @decafdino @certifiedflower and OPEN TAG 🏷️
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Redemption and Owen as a Father
One of my favorite bits of redemption in Lone Star is Owen's journey towards being a better father.
It's made pretty clear that Owen struggled to be a good father to TK in the aftermath of 9/11. I certainly have sympathy for Owen here because I can't imagine how difficult it would be to deal with that kind of trauma, but my heart absolutely breaks for TK when I think of the pain he had to endure because of it.
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From the very beginning of the show, Owen is presented as a father who undoubtedly loves his son a great deal, even if he sometimes struggles to do the right thing. Despite the fact that we see him struggling, I think it's clear that he's always trying to do better.
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Owen can get a bit caught up in his own thing at times. Sometimes he can make the wrong choices out of a misguided attempt to protect his son or even to protect his own feelings. However, it's always clear that he loves his son so much and he makes sure to let him know that.
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One of the things I love most about season 4 is that we can really see Owen trying to do better. He's making a serious effort! He goes all out to help make his son's wedding perfect. Then, when he realizes he's gone too far, he reaches out and apologizes and opens up with TK about his feelings.
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Later, when he finds out that he might have the Huntington's gene (meaning TK might have it too), he goes to TK right away and tells him everything. Not being honest with TK about his health has been one of Owen's biggest challenges in recent years. In season 4, we see him clearly recognize this problem and take a major step to correct it, making a conscious choice to avoid making the same mistakes he's made in the past.
Owen has come a long way as a father, both since TK was a kid and in the time that we've seen him on the show. I hope season 5 will continue to give us even more great Owen and TK moments!
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doublel27 · 8 months
Alright, @paperstorm and @liminalmemories21 , based on this post, and your very sweet anon who asked what Carlos thought about TK getting snuggly with his dad:
Carlos is a man who wouldn’t imagine an adult relationship with his father with that much physical contact or intimacy and seeing this very attractive man who has an amazing relationship with his father probably was really, really appealing to Carlos.
We know, now, after four seasons, that Carlos desperately wanted a better relationship with his father than the one he had. When Carlos meets the Strands in 1.01, he finds a father and son team who work together who came down from New York, together, to join the 126. And the idea for Carlos that you could have an active working relationship with your father where the two of you were on the same team and there was as much respect as TK clearly had for his father when Carlos deeply believes his father never wanted him to be in law enforcement because he’s too soft. Carlos Reyes cannot imagine a world in which he is allowed to work with his father and be so unabashedly proud of him.
And then, LATER, at the bar, when Carlos is looking at this man who is actually too attractive to be real, he watches as TK snuggles in and leans on his father, and I agree with @paperstorm that part of this is about touch and that TK is snuggly and this is a good sign. BUT ALSO, that a grown man would cuddle his father in public and his father would ALLOW it. WILD. INCONCEIVABLE. And so very attractive to a man who I think WANTS that.
Which leads me to the part of my essay in which we get to how this leads to 2.04. It’s no secret, I adore 2.04. The lead up from 2.02 when TK is like “you spend so much time around my crazy family, when do I get to meet yours” and Carlos being like “refill?” and then the issue got forced at the farmers market. In the fight that ensues after the farmer’s market, the thing that Carlos says when he explodes is about how not everybody grows up with parents that threw the closet door off the hinges. Because Carlos is deeply envious of TK whose parents didn’t go silent when he came out and then pretended it didn’t happen. He’s envious of a TK who if he had tried to marry a woman a year later would have been like “Ummm….what the actual fuck, TK?” and made him sit and talk about it. (Do I still hate this storyline, yes? But it fits the narrative in this way) and like…not only did you, TK, come out and be accepted and encouraged, but it didn’t put a chasm between you and your parents of what they thought a man should be and what you were.
Like Owen Strand accepts and encourages the man that TK is. He accepts that TK is a gay man who is incredibly physically affectionate with anyone he loves and that’s okay. They still have a physical relationship and it’s not a problem and it’s actually something that is encouraged, meanwhile Carlos hasn’t said an honest thing to his father about who he really is and what he wants outside of showing his father he’s a good cop and a good man. And like, they’re not-not physically affectionate, Gabriel is a hugger, but the hug in 2.08 where Carlos is clearly craving more because his father whispers in his ear about the right kind of instincts still hurts every time, and the way he’s so pleasantly surprised with the hug from his dad in 4.08 after he asks Gabriel to be his best man and they hug for even a little longer and it’s just so happy that it’s relieved almost and that required a lot of work on Carlos and Gabriel’s parts to get there.
And so yeah, I think if we think about who Carlos says he was, and who we knew him to be in season 1, this man who was very clearly locked up in his own sense of who he should be versus who he is at his core, and what he craves. The narrative throughout season 4, that Carlos brings up, is that TK was the key that unlocked a lot of the parts of himself he didn’t accept and wanted to fix. And I think he saw this grown man who is gay and his age having the kind of relationship he wanted with his father and that man’s father not only accepted it but openly encouraged it and wasn’t embarrassed…I think it meant the world to Carlos.
I think he saw TK and not only wanted him but wanted to believe that the life TK had was possible for himself, and he wanted to get there. And damn it he did.
Which I think made it even harder for Carlos, in seasons 1 and 2, who was working to get rid of the idea that the queer parts of him and the parts of him that didn’t live up to the machismo of his community were broken and in need of fixing, to introduce this very unabashedly unashamed person to his parents. In 2.04, Carlos talks a lot about not wanting to shove his gayness in his parents’ faces, because in some ways the concept that being gay is something in him that needed fixing comes from his family and their lack of conversations in the years before TK.
To introduce TK to his family is the chance to have them confirm that they do feel that way, to reject Carlos and TK, to a man who strives for perfection and doing the right thing…terrifying. Not only for Carlos, but for someone to come and wound TK like that. So he avoided it, until he ran right into it…and then was mad because TK gets from Gwyn and Owen something Carlos wants desperately, and TK has always had it. And then to think of Carlos afraid of his parent’s reaction to TK when Gwyn and Owen just like love Carlos unconditionally…yeah…yeah, I think he was into it and envious from the start.
Which makes me want to go rewatch scenes between Carlos and Gabriel for their physicality for more research. Damn it, haven’t wanted to do that in awhile. Also, if the show would kindly retcon the murder of Gabriel Reyes and I can have a redo of the finale with Gabriel as Carlos’s best man (even though I hate that trope and want Carlos to have friends) as the start of season 5 I may start to forgive them.
(Please go watch With, Love to be filled with joy and rage about what we could have had as Benito is at his other gay son’s wedding…)
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tinyluminaryzombie · 9 months
911 Lone Star rewatch 1x02 thoughts:
PRE OFFICAL TARLOS SIDE CONVOS AT WORK - "why do I feel like he's doing a thing?" "he's totally doing a thing" 😏🥺 BABIESSS so many feelings for such a tiny moment
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Also connected to: PAUL AND CARLOS INTERACTING 🎉 i love their friendship and both of them doing their detective thing. Also, they look so cool standing together as the delivery guy who poisoned the food is taken away
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Judd saying "I BET HE'D RATHER HAVE A BALD DAD THAN A DEAD DAD" to Owen 😭😭😭😭 WHILE THE CAMERA PANS TO TK RUNNING, SHIRT UNBUTTONED, probably late to shift. There are so so many layers to this scene - with a snippet of TK after his hookup with Tarlos and the feelings that came with Owen hiding his cancer from TK.
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Honorable mentions include: the entire racist lady scene, LAST NIGHT I SLEPT IN MY STILETTOS, father-son team Owen and TK detecting overload vibrations, the buttons on Carlos's shirt (RIP), Grace and Judd ❤️❤️
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Instincts - Strands and Carlos + Reader
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Summary: You fall victim to a kidnapping, and your brother-in-law has to use his instincts to save you
warnings: kidnapping, mentions of guns, mentions of a break-in
There was no doubt TK Strand and his younger sister, Y/n, were close. Ever since little TK met his baby sister in the hospital room whenever she was born, he knew that she was gonna be his world. Owen and Gwyn were proud to have kids that were so close and protective over each other, but it did come with its struggles. After the divorce there was split custody, but your older brother mainly lived with your father on weekdays, and you lived with your mom on weekdays, and neither of you took it well at all.
You moved to Texas with them, you stood a four week argument with both parents about going with the boys, you couldn't leave your brother, different cities is one thing, but across the country? No.
So now you sat on your dad's couch, watching them get ready for a shift, both of them arguing about who needs to be here with you "I vote nobody because I'm old enough to be home alone?" You questioned, they were acting like you were a kid and had never been home alone before. "I can have Carlos stop by occasionally between calls?" Tk suggested, Owen humming in agreement as he grabbed his keys "Alright, let's go then" You watched as the two left leaving you in the giant home with only buttercup as company.
Carlos sighed taking a right onto the street he's become all too familiar with, as he pulled into the Strand residence, he got an eery feeling. He no longer felt like he was checking in on his boyfriend's sister, but as if he was responding to a call. Every light in the house was on except for the outside lights, and there wasn't a noise to be heard whenever he pressed his ear to the door, Now Tk and Carlos have scared you for fun way too many times, and normally every time, he can hear some type of music or tv going, but absolutely nothing other than the faint whine of Buttercup.
Carlos felt his body tense, his hands started to feel clammy as he called Tk "Hi baby" His excited tone came through the phone, and it was almost enough to return Carlos back into his calm state. "Carlos..what's wrong?" Tk became nervous, Carlos was never quiet on the phone unless he was also getting himself into something. He looked over at Owen who was a few feet away from him, who in return walked over worried as well from his son's expression. "Tk. Don't panic..but the door is locked..and I don't have a good feeling..I need permission from your dad to force myself into the home" Carlos's tone was tensed, but trying to remain calm "Carlos listen to me, They put her on a new medication, so most likely she's asleep a little earlier than usual" Owen's voice came over the speaker of Carlos's phone, He took a breath trying to calm himself down "I-I'll see if I can't wake her up by knocking" He said before hanging up, Carlos couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong though, he just wasn't to call anything in until he was sure. As he walked around the house, his heart sank, Owen's sliding glass door was completely shattered out. He took off for his cruiser "This is Officer Reyes! I have a break in at 7329 Kinsle boulevard, unknown on any suspects or victims, requesting backup" He called over his radio before putting his tactical belt on and running back up to the door. "Dispatch, I need patched into a call" He said shakily while trying to kick Owen's front door in "What's up Carlos, baby?" Grace's voice responded getting her screen ready "Grace, there's been a break in at Captain Strand's. I need you to connect me to him" He said finally busting through the door, Buttercup slowly running over to him timidly. "Carlos? What's going on? Grace said it's urgent" Owen said over the radio, Carlos felt a lump in his throat as he started clearing rooms "Owen. There's been a break-in, they broke through your balcony door, Y/n's not here" He said standing in your bedroom, trying to process how badly the house was ransacked. "I'll be there, Carlos" He said sternly before his radio went quiet again, It felt like eternity but finally, Tk broke his trance, standing in front of his boyfriend with tears brimming his eyes.
"Baby. what happened?" Tk asked, Carlos could hear Owen in the background screaming your name.
Everything hurt, you could barely feel your hands, and the smell wherever you were made you gag. You blinked your eyes repeatedly trying to clear your vision "d-dad!?" You yelled, trying to gain familiarity in your surroundings. "Wrong" You heard a voice a couple feet away, any feelings of safety you felt were gone. "W-Who are you? My brothers are a cop and firefighter, and my dad's the fire captain, they're gonna find me" You tried to sound intimidating, but the fear in your voice was obvious. "I know." If they could've said anything, anything at all, you wished they hadn't. As you looked around you noticed your hands starting to turn purple "H-Hey! I-I'm losing circulation, I need my thing loosened" You yelled out trying to loosen the ties, but the person never came out, you could only hear the creaking of a rocking chair.
Carlos stood off to the side watching the detective trying to track down where you were. Tk stood next to him staring at the screen of your BOLO "I-I should've been there sooner..I'm so sorry Tk" Carlos whispered, trying to fight back the tears he had been fighting all night. "You couldn't have known..it's okay" He whispered pulling Carlos into a hug. "Reyes..We got a possible lead, ready?" His captain asked, Carlos gave Tk a nod before getting into his cruiser following behind the rest of the police officers.
As they pulled up to the warehouse, Carlos slowly got out, pulling out his gun as he caught up with his captain to figure out their spread plan.
You whimpered forcing your head as far away as you could from the woman squatted in front of you, explaining how killing you will send a message to government officials in Austin. You screamed loudly as you heard a loud bang, almost like an explosion, you held yourself tightly tucking your head down to protect yourself "Y/N!?" You heard Carlos yell along with other officers "Carlos!" You cried out trying to move "No! No! She's got a gun!" You yelled out seeing them approach the room you were in, you kept eye contact on the woman, she had the gun aimed right at your head. "Please just let me go" You whimpered "m-my big brother..The firefighter..we just lost our mom..we've always been close..please don't take me away from him.." You begged, jumping and starting to cry whenever you heard a loud gunshot echo off the cement walls. Carlos ran over after watching the woman fall to the ground, trying to cup your cheeks in his hands but you swung your arms and kicked at him in protest "Y/n! You're okay" He yelled out, watching as you let your guard down falling into his hug "You're okay, you're okay..we're gonna get you back to your brother and dad" He whispered petting your hair down as he cut the ties off of your wrists and ankles, lifting you up into his arms as he carried you out towards the EMS vehicle. "18 year old female! no surface wounds from what I can see" He called out as he laid you out on the gurney. You squinted your eyes to the light seeing your brother running towards you, Tommy and Nancy looking down at your smiling trying to comfort you "Hey sweetheart, we're gonna get you all looked at" Tommy whispered as Tk grabbed your hand "Tk" You smiled sighing in relief as you closed your eyes letting yourself relax. "Y/n?..y/n!" You heard Tk shout "She's flatlining! Nancy start compressions!" Tommy shouted as she loaded you into the ambulance.
part two?
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