#Oxygen sensor management
sonicrainbooms · 4 months
something something, there's no oxygen in space so things can't decompose so there's hundreds, maybe thousands, of perfectly preserved bodies of clones floating aimlessly in the galaxy. mouths agape, frozen in a scream that no one ever heard. some had their eyes closed, vision as black as the darkness they're surrounded by. some had their eyes open, and at least have a good view in death. a view they can't see, but can reflect. i wonder how much of their life they managed to reflect upon right before they died? some have probably been discovered, perhaps had their armour and gear stolen. some were probably eaten. how many collided with ships whose proximity sensors only called them "debris"? i wonder if their frozen bodies are collector items. almost all of them are stuck reaching toward something they will never know they didn't catch. isn't it funny how those clone corpses, drifting for eternity without reason, without anyone to remember them by, are the lucky ones?
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marlynnofmany · 3 months
Mystery Colors
Our first delivery after a bit of shore leave at the local space station, and it was a stealth mission. The client didn't say why they needed this delivery to be handed over without catching the attention of the authority figures at their work site, but they were paying extra for it. I wasn't part of the conversation. I don't know what other details Captain Sunlight got from them to make sure this was a safe risk on our account. But she was always smart about that sort of thing, and at any rate, she assured us all that we didn't need to worry. Flying in to an unpopulated area out of sight of the main science installation would be fine. 
We trusted that, but we were curious. And since the client was human, the rest of my crewmates volunteered me for the delivery in hopes of wheedling out some tactful details. 
I didn't object. I wanted to know too. 
So I got into my exo suit, checking all the seams and settings even though the safety gear was inspected regularly. This planet wasn’t even all that dangerous according to the readings — it was mostly terraformed to an acceptable standard, though the air wasn’t quite up to standard levels yet — but this felt like a good time to be careful. I wasn’t likely to be entrusted with any secrets if I passed out from lack of oxygen.
Paint was waiting for me with the box. “We’re almost there!” she said, scaly tail swishing behind her. “Best of luck!”
“Thanks,” I said, taking the box and wondering for the umpteenth time what was inside it. The logos were all from a megastore at the space station. Zhee had picked it up, and it was already sealed when he signed for it as official intermediary courier. The person at the checkout counter hadn’t known what it held either.
The engines made their usual landing hum. Since our ship had good landing gear and reliable artificial gravity, it would have been easy to miss otherwise. Paint scuttled out of the way while I walked toward the exit. Blip and Blop peeked around a corner, frills waving in curiosity. Zhee was parked in a cross hallway, not trying to hide.
He tapped one bug leg on the floor and said, “I hope to hear any juicy secrets first.”
Before I could answer that, Mur scooted by in a quiet slap of tentacles and put in, “I’ll be in the cockpit to see if Wio can eavesdrop with the sensors.”
I left Zhee to grumble about it and threaten to tattle on Mur for bothering the pilots. We all knew Zhee was just jealous that he was too big to perch in an out-of-the-way corner. At least he wasn’t Trrili’s size; she barely fit in the cockpit at all.
The door panel said the airlock was engaged, and the air outside was as expected. I stepped through the first door with the box held tight, letting it close behind me with a shush of air that drowned out the bickering in the hallway.
The outside door opened to let in bright sunlight, alien air, and distinctly less gravity. I didn’t notice that last until I stepped out onto the ramp and nearly made a fool of myself. Caught my balance, though. I tried not to leave finger-shaped dents in the box as I hopped awkwardly down the ramp and mentally kicked myself for not reading the briefing more thoroughly. I’d been focused on the air and hadn’t noticed that the gravity was lower than I was used to.
No time to worry about that now, though: a pair of human shapes in bright red exo suits were approaching from the edge of the flat rocky area. A metal roof visible over the boulders behind them was probably their own shuttle. Everything else in sight was rocks in a range of gray-to-orange colors. A hill in the distance held tinges of green that could have been plants.
“Hello!” said the human who was one step ahead of the other. She sounded a little younger than me. Her face wasn’t visible through the reflective visor. So clandestine. “Thank you for being prompt.”
I said, “We aim to please,” and managed to stop moving without smashing into either of them. They had clearly been working here long enough to get a feel for the gravity. “Here is your package,” I said as I handed it over, “And here is the payment tablet,” I added once my hands were free. I unhooked it from my waistband and passed it to the second human.
The first was busy ripping the box open like a kid with an anticipated present.
“Oh good, it’s the right kind!” she said in relief. She set the box on the dusty ground and pulled out something that I recognized as a turbo cleaning wand, the kind usually marketed towards the parents of small children. I’d seen artists use them too, both for cleanup and for making some neat inverted-color murals.
Not wanting to sound like I was doing more than making conversation, I said, “I’ve heard those are good ones.”
“They’re definitely the fastest,” the human said. “Lemme just see if they work on this particular ink.” She opened a thigh pocket with a rip of velcro, and took out what looked like a chunk of tile with deep pink scribbles on it.
The other human finished with the payment tablet and handed it back. “They’d better work,” he said. “If not, we’re toast.”
“How come?” I asked with concern in my voice, hoping that wasn’t too much.
I shouldn’t have worried. The first human activated the wand and wiped the tile clean in one swift pass, then laughed with clear relief. “Saved! We should have just enough time to get everything before the inspectors arrive. Now we just have to hope Julian didn’t leave any more of his rude notes somewhere we haven’t found. The shopping lists and tally marks would be bad enough, but his stuff would get all three of us canned immediately.”
I looked in the direction of the large encampment I’d seen from space. “Are you working this whole place alone?”
She laughed and put the tile back in her pocket. “Oh no, we’re just the only humans here. Everybody else is a Waterwill. Did you know those guys can’t see the color magenta?”
“Really!” I said. This was news to me.
She pulled a pen out of a different pocket. “These are completely invisible if you write on a pale surface. Which has been handy for keeping track of specimens when we feel lazy, and leaving each other notes by the door..”
“…But Julian took it a bit too far,” added the other guy. “With this gravity, he jumps and writes insults on the ceiling.”
“Ah,” I said. “I see why that might not go over well with inspectors. Who are not Waterwills, I take it?”
“Nope,” said the first human as she stowed the wand back in the box then picked the whole thing up. “But they’re not coming until tomorrow, so we should be able to clean it all away in time. Even if we have to do some quiet climbing around in the middle of the night.”
“Hey, what’s that?” the other human interrupted, reaching for something else in the box. He came up with a bundle of green cloth.
“Oh!” said the first. “That’s for Julian. I’m going to say it was at the bottom of the last food shipment as an error.”
When the guy unfolded it, the cloth proved to be a T-shirt patterned in green specks of multiple shades. The side toward me had black text that said “The Best.”
But the two humans were laughing about something on the back. When they saw my confusion, the guy turned it around.
Among all those green dots were a series of orange ones that spelled out “I’m colorblind! And also an asshole.”
The first human explained to me, “Julian is actually red-green colorblind. The magenta pens were for his benefit originally, since they don’t blend with the green ones like red does, and sometimes we need to chart things in color-coding. But—”
“But the Waterwills can’t see it at all,” the second continued. “So they were retired. Officially.”
“I see,” I said. “Well. Best of luck in cleaning up his messes!”
“Thank you!” they chorused. Once the shirt was stuffed into the bottom of the box and the lid was safely shut, they gave me a wave and bounded across the low-gravity rocks toward their waiting shuttle.
I made my awkward way back up the ramp to where my alien coworkers were waiting. I was considering an impromptu color vision test for them, just to see if something bright and obvious to me was invisible someone else onboard.
But then I realized that it would lead to a contest for smell-vision, and I was absolutely rubbish at that.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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whumpbump · 6 months
Quarantined pt. 2
Cw: sick whump, syncope (fainting) lab whump, experimentation
Whumpee breathed in and out with a lot of effort. In. Out. In. Out. In….. Out. Cracking their eye open, the saw the hazmat suits enter again. ‘Ugh. What now?’
The shorter of the two scanned Whumpee with a temperature sensor and gleefully exclaimed “Wow! In three hours after inoculation, Specimen 7.6.G’s temperature has soared from average to 104 degrees Fahrenheit!”
The tall one recorded this information and curtly ran through a checklist of symptoms for Whumpee to answer. Barely able to speak, they yes/no’d their way through the seemingly never-ending list.
Fever: yes
Vomiting: no
Nausea: yes
Nasal congestion: yes
Chest congestion: yes
Diarrhea: no
Racing heart: no
Aches and malaise: yes
Headache: yes
Light sensitivity: yes
Sound sensitivity: yes
Sweating: yes
Chills: yes
Loss of senses: no
Limb numbness: no
Sensation of pins and needles: no
Difficulty breathing: yes
Episodes of syncope: no yes
Episodes of syncope was crossed out and corrected when they did a tilt test to see how Whumpee’s blood pressure would respond.
“7.6.G I will NOT ask again. Stand UP.” The tall one was losing patience. Whumpee couldn’t see their face through the mirrored face shield but they knew it likely wasn’t a pretty sight. Taking a deep breath, they pulled the blankets back, shivering violently. They managed to stand up, though they were hunched over, holding onto the bed frame.
“Stand up all the way.”
Shaking, knees quaking, and wheezing, Whumpee straightened their spine out and immediately collapsed to the floor. Their body couldn’t handle it. The tall one corrected the symptom list as a third and fourth person entered wearing hazmats. They lifted Whumpee back into bed as the first two were above lifting and moving specimens.
The tall one and short one debated on whether they put Whumpee on oxygen.
“We need to see how nature takes its course.”
“Do we not want to see how long we can sustain someone’s last bit of health with the new pathogen?” The shorter of the two asked, concerned for the answer.
“No. That’s what specimens 7.6.H and 7.6.I are going to demonstrate. You’re not assigned to them, you are assigned to 7.6.G.”
Looking back at the sick person curling into themselves on their institute-provided bed, the shorter person in hazmat gear felt a pinch in their soul. Was it.. remorse? They’ve never felt it on the job before. Taking one last peek, they followed the tall person from the cell to enter notes into the database.
Sweaty and uncomfortable, Whumpee slipped into a fitful sleep.
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silkendandelion · 8 months
The Real Thing (original version)
A Fears to Fathom: Ironbark Lookout drabble, related to My Own, Distant Home
We reached 100 hits on My Own, Distant Home while I wasn't looking, that's so exciting! Thank you all for your support, and have this as a gift. I'm working on another long fic for Ironbark, a proper sequel to this one, so this should line up as a teaser. Something soft and sweet, with just enough dread
UPDATE: This is the original version. A new, longer version is posted to the masterlist and ao3, which is considered the canon version in this AU.
Jack Nelson x Connor Hawkins Words: 1.3k Genre: Fluff (too sweet maybe), horror elements
Tall, bright green trees lined the winding blacktop road, obscuring the path around the upcoming curves, but not able to block out the sun on such a clear, summer day. The RV navigated the road with ease at the hands of it’s owner and operator, most recently passing a green interstate sign, “You are now leaving Idaho”, and the doubly large sign after it where a cowboy on his horse declared “Welcome to Wyoming: Forever West.”
“I think you were more excited to get your CD collection back than your truck,” said Jack, as Connor flipped happily through his shoe-box of albums, the edges worn down to the cardboard where it had been slid out and back under the bench seat over and over for years.
“The joy is split, for sure. I let the kids keep all the Journey and Alice Cooper. They were vocal about wanting those.”
Jack took his eyes off the road long enough to smile at him, admire the childish joy on his face as he hunched over the box, thumbing over the track lists like he was a teenager again, in a music store for the first time. Behind their RV, they towed along said truck, a 2000 Toyota Tacoma in what Connor affectionately called “Stacy’s favorite green”, bought brand new for cash the year he left the army. The truck he only drove for a few months before he became a fire lookout at Ironbark, and since then had been driven almost exclusively by Stacy: Connor’s older sister, another deceptively charming blonde with two children under 10 and no one to rely on besides her brother.
“That was an incredible thing you did, Connor,” Jack said seriously. “To buy Stacy a car in exchange for getting the truck back. When it was yours to begin with, and she wasn’t going to fight you on wanting to keep it with us.”
“Nah.” He shooed away Jack’s admiration, flipping over the CD in his hand. “I wasn’t gonna leave her with nothing. And it wasn’t like I got her a Mercedes, just a little something for her to get back and forth to work and the kids to school. I should be thanking you, actually, you’re the one who looked over the engine and told the guy to change the oxygen sensors before we would pay for it.”
Jack offered a shrug, managing a shy smile when Connor reached over to nudge his cheek, unable to kiss him with his seat-belt on.
“What kind of albums do you have, Jack? I think we’ve listened to nothing but the radio since we left Washington.”
“I like the radio. It’s got NPR, weather, rock, every—THING! Connor, no.” He yelled (squeaked) in alarm when Connor began rummaging through the glove compartment, looking for evidence to the contrary. Curse the RV for being so wide, he risked swerving if he reached far enough to slam the lid closed. Meanwhile, smiling and completely unbothered, Connor continued to snoop.
“What do we have here? Oh, Jack. Jackie, baby, what are these?” He grinned in triumph to hold up a handful of CDs: his partner’s most private feelings in rhythm and prose. “Is this what you listened to before you picked me up? Toto, Tracy Chapman, Annie Lennox, BOBBY Caldwell—Jackie? Blue-eyed soul?”
Jack’s face was red enough to pass for a farmer’s market tomato, hands tight on the steering wheel. If Connor squinted, he might see steam rising from his collar beneath the tight line of his lips. “Don’t make fun of me, Connor, please.”
“I would never, Jack,” he replied earnestly, all whiskey and warmth as he popped open one of the cases and began to decipher the RV’s stereo system. Static seemed to be the most common channel in their current neck of the woods, among a brief news transmission: ‘—ark state park in Washington, where the body count is up to 9—’, lost to both their ears with Connor’s searching for the right button.
With a slip of the disc in the slot, a sensual piano filled the cabin, only worsening Jack’s embarrassment when a sultry saxophone joined the singer, the iconic croon of a soulful ballad. He burned, resisting the urge to enjoy himself, and chanced a quick look at Connor.
To the tune of his fluttering heart, he only found him smiling, no longer looking through his box or reading the billboards. Smiling at him, all warm brown eyes as he began to sing along, as if to say that between them, everything was sacred because nothing could be wrong.
“I want the real thing, or nothing at all. I need someone that I can be sure will catch me if I should fall. Someone who’ll be there when I call, then I’ll know that it’s the real thing.”
“How… do you know all the words?” Jack mumbled, and Connor cut off his amateur singing.
“Why do you think?” He reached across the console to touch his hand where it loosened it’s grip on the wheel. “You never have to be embarrassed, Jack, not with me.”
Easy for him to say, when he’s the one playing with both the tempo of the poor man’s heart and the temperature in the room. They came to a stop under a light, and Jack busied his hands tapping his thumb on the wheel until he heard Connor’s seat-belt click, saw him rise to walk towards the back of the RV.
“Where are you going?” As long as he was out of sight, he would miss him.
“Use your imagination, Jack, I can’t exactly wander far. Although, I suggest you find a place to park soon, or you might miss the good part.”
“The wh—” He kept his foot on the brake, turning away from the red light to look for him, only to bite down on his words as Connor slowly slipped his belt free, let it fall to the rug with a quiet thump. Next came his shirt, pulled off by the hand on the back of his collar. Among the slow reveal of his toned back, the moles on his spine, the song urged Jack onward, a different one, something about “Come to me” and “Let me love you, honey”.
“The light’s green, Jack.” Connor smirked at him, tossing his shirt in the vague direction of the driver’s seat.
He snapped his eyes back to the road, pressing the gas a little too hard and hearing Connor’s laugh drift up from where he grabbed the kitchen counter to steady himself. If Jack didn’t find a place to park in the next 3 miles, he vowed, he would pull them onto the damn shoulder and hope this road was as rarely traveled as the map had suggested.
From the bedroom, a quiet moan piqued his hot ears, among the sound of what might have been his name if the CD player wasn’t still going in the speaker beside his feet.
Shit. All right, 1 mile.
By the grace of somebody, otherworldly or other, the parking lot to a campsite appeared on his right, empty too, all thanks to the heat advisory that was meant to last for the rest of the week. Jack was probably the only person in the county grateful for it, if only because it meant leaving the key in the ignition to keep the AC running left the music on too.
They deserved their break.
Neither of them knew the winter was going to be a hard one. That before the end of the year, they would be in danger again. Better to grab some comfort while they can, hold each other close, before the leviathan resident of those Ironbark woods extends itself from the trees and begins to seek out the only survivors who know it’s name.
They couldn’t know it was already awake.
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govindhtech · 3 months
ASUS VivoWatch 6: Advanced Health Monitoring on Your Wrist
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Keep tabs on your health with the first smart watch in history that can sense your blood pressure and ECG with just a touch of your finger.
Full health data tracking around-the-clock: With its unique one-touch measuring design and dual, exclusive sensors on both sides, this device is meant to give you continuous, all-around access to detailed health status information.
The new health trends indicator, Body Composition Analysis, and daily stress management tools like Sleep Tracking, Relaxation Index, and Body Harmony Analysis can help you stay healthy.
Its 1.39″ AMOLED touchscreen, dual-frequency GPS, and 9-day battery life make it stylish, functional, and durable. It offers the perfect balance of fashion and use.
The brand-new ASUS Health Connect App was created especially for you, with your needs in mind when it comes to well-being. See how you’re doing in terms of your health performance and quickly review your statistics.
1.39-inch AMOLED Screen
Gorilla Glass 3 Touchscreen
The ASUS VivoWatch 6 AMOLED display provides crisper, more contrasted images. The touchscreen’s Gorilla Glass 3 material offers remarkable scratch and smudge resistance in addition to outstanding durability.
1.39-inch AMOLED Screen
454 by 454 pixels in size
350 nits of light
VivoWatch 6
Amazing Energy Savings
With the exceptional efficiency of the AMOLED display, the VivoWatch 6 may be used for up to 14 days when fully charged.
Nine days of consistent daily use
In Power Saving Mode, for up to 14 days
The following are the battery life circumstances for the VivoWatch 6 in standard mode testing: Fully charged, with the default brightness of the watch face set to 5, the blood oxygen background measurement turned off, the pulse wave index background measurement turned on and measured once every 60 minutes, the ability to receive up to 100 messages, two alarms set, three medication reminders set, a manual blood pressure measurement twice a day, and the device not worn while sleeping.
The following battery life requirements apply when testing the VivoWatch 6 in Power-Saving mode: Fully charged, with the default brightness of the watch face set to 3, the blood oxygen background measurement turned off, the pulse wave index background measurement turned on and measured once every 120 minutes, the receipt of 100 messages, two alarms set, three medication reminders set, a manual blood pressure measurement twice a day, and the device not worn while sleeping.
Measurement of One Touch on Demand, Anytime, Anywhere
Single-Touch Measuring
To receive health-related insights, all you need to do is lightly touch the sensors with your hands. Your fingertips have a higher microvascular density than other parts of your body, which makes it possible to measure them more precisely and decrease outside interference to obtain data that accurately represents your body’s actual condition.
Internal testing has shown that the VivoWatch 6’s dual sensors are at least 10% more accurate than single optical sensor measures. More accurate results are also obtained because the fingertips have a higher density of blood vessels than the wrist. Two smart watches: one displays a sensor on the front, while the other displays a sensor on the back.
Multiple Sensor Architecture
Side Sensor
You may view real-time measurements of your blood pressure, heart rate, body composition, ECG, and SpO₂ by placing your fingertips on the left and front sensor modules of the VivoWatch 6. The features that allow for measuring blood pressure and ECG may differ depending on the location.
Rear Sensor
The rear sensor tracks your vitals automatically when it’s worn, even when you’re sleeping. There are multiple periods for setting up data recording, ranging from every 5 minutes to every 2 hours.
Throughout the day, keep an eye on your health with the most recent
Algorithm of ASUS Health  AI 5.0
The most recent ASUS Health care AI 5.0 algorithm was created by a group of experts in medical algorithms and biosensing technology. It gathers and analyses data in real-time to deliver health insights all day long.
ASUS Healthconnect app
Blood pressure monitoring with the ASUS VivoWatch 6
International healthcare regulators have recognised the Software as a Medical Device standard, and ASUS VivoWatch 6 supports it. VivoWatch 6 assists you in tracking your cardiovascular health by monitoring your blood pressure and heart rate in conjunction with the ASUS HealthConnect app.
Using the ASUS VivoWatch 6 to take an ECG
For 30 seconds, place your thumb and fingers on the dual sensors on the VivoWatch watch face to record in-depth information using the electrocardiogram (ECG) app. Your healthcare provider can then access the ECG results via the ASUS HealthConnect app.
Physical Make-Up
Handling Stress and Emotions
Monitoring Sleep
Additional Health Functions
Body Composition Monitoring Your Development
Physical Make-Up
Water content, fat percentage, skeletal muscle mass, and basal metabolic rate are all measured by VivoWatch 6 using built-in electrical sensors and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology.
How to calculate your body’s composition:
Once you have chosen the Body Composition option, enter your weight.
Grasp your index finger on the metal ring surrounding the watch face and gently press your thumb against the left sensor.
Your body composition data will show on the screen after a brief wait.
Keep track while working out
You may track a variety of exercise activities, such as cycling, yoga, walking, and jogging, using our many workout modes. Water-resistance ensures that ASUS VivoWatch 6 is equipped for water-based sports as well.
5 ATM Water Resistance
Rain or shine, the VivoWatch 6 is prepared for use. It can endure pressures down to 50 metres with 5 ATM water resistance, so it’s more than ready for a swim, shower, or unexpected deluge.
Fulfils the ISO 22810:2010 standard 5 ATM water-resistance rating criteria, making it appropriate for daily use and shallow-water activities like swimming in beaches or pools. Because of normal wear and perspiration, the water resistance may diminish over time and is not always effective.
GPS with two frequencies
VivoWatch 6’s integrated dual-frequency L1 and L5 GPS allows for quicker satellite acquisition and more precise location tracking. Take pleasure in outdoor pursuits and gather the necessary data without needing to bring your phone.
Five-star positioning system GNSS includes GPS, QZSS, Galileo, GLONASS, and BeiDou.
The weather
VivoWatch 6 makes it easy to monitor weather predictions, including temperature, rain chance, air quality index, and UV strength, anytime, anywhere.
Residing Helper
Conveniences of every day, all at your wrist
Notification of Messages and Incoming Calls
Control a camera remotely
Locate My Phone
Music Control
Alarm Clock
Set the timer.
The Pomodoro Clock
Global Timepiece
Reminder for Medication
Reminder for Sedentary Behaviour
The ASUS HealthConnect Application
Your medical journey in a summary
This ASUS VivoWatch 6 only app compiles gathered data and displays it in graphs and charts that are simple to read. This makes it simple for you to monitor your health progress by simply looking at VivoWatch 6.
ASUS Health Group
Taking care of the household
If you have senior family members, this cloud-based sharing tool is really helpful as it lets you monitor their health data weekly.
You must be logged into your ASUS  Cloud member account in order to utilise this function.
The Caring Mode function of the app allows users to keep an eye on family members’ health data even in the absence of a smartwatch.
Maintain contact with your family
Track of Care
Family members can see your location and current health information in real-time using this tool.
Select your look
You may mix and match the several watch faces on the ASUS VivoWatch 6 to fit any mood or style of clothing. You may even add a personal touch by changing the watch face to one of your own images.
silicone wristband
Complying with multiple allergy prevention (ISO 10993 biocompatibility), optical safety (IEC/EN 62471 photobiological safety testing), and burn prevention (IEC 60601-1 3rd medical electrical equipment safety standards) specifications, the soft and hypoallergenic silicone watch strap is appropriate for prolonged use without causing skin irritation.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Dear Mr Tracy (Part 4, Bit 1)
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Sweetapple | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 - Bit 1
@flyboytracy​​​, @amistrio​​​ and @onereyofstarlight​​​​  you asked for it, so you get to suffer more :D
Many thanks to @gaviiadastra​​ and @katblu42​ for the read throughs and their amazing support. And special thanks to all of you who have cheered Alex on. I did not expect such an amazing response to this OC and I cannot express how grateful I am for all your kind words ::hugs everyone::
This again is mostly set up, but it is what it sets up that is going to be...interesting.
I hope you enjoy it :D
The test went off without a hitch.
Alex stood staring at the sealed habitat as its pumps churned out the remainder of the water and reinstated oxygen, creating a liveable interior in what had been marine overnight.
“Now, isn’t that something.” The words were said with awe. A glance behind him, and Alex found astonishment on Mr Jeff Tracy’s face.
Mr Tracy beside him caught Alex’s eyes and smiled, dimples, and eyes sparkling.
Alex was confronted with all the power of the renowned Tracy charm. God, he could see how this man could inspire so much. In that moment, Alex would have given him his soul if he had asked.
He blushed and turned back to his readouts.
“Thunderbird Four to Determination II. Alex, that was perfect!”
He had to admit that the jubilance in Gordon’s tone was heart-warming. He hit the comms. “I am very happy with the results. Did Thunderbird Four catch any detail I might not have?”
“Transmitting all readings now, Alex. Man, this is worth celebrating. Scott, you there?”
“Gordon.” How did Mr Tracy manage to shove so much warning into a single name?
“I think this is an O’Malley’s moment.”
Alex eyed the readouts sent over by the Thunderbird. They corroborated his own sensors, though there was far more definition. He had to admit to some grabby hands towards whatever equipment had generated the data.
“I think that is a fantastic idea.” Jeff Tracy agreed with his son. “Call Virgil, John, Alan, Kayo, Brains and Mom, we are due a celebration.”
Alex registered the conversation, but wasn’t really paying attention. He prodded at the data, noting slight discrepancies in the organic end of the matrix. It still sealed across some organic life, its bioelectric sensitivities unable to distinguish inorganic from the milder bioelectric fields, but that was a good thing. He just needed to push the design a touch in the more sensitive direction. God forbid if the sensitivity failed and trapped a living creature more complex than seaweed in the sealing net.
How to distinguish between organic and inorganic had been the true challenge in this design and he had been fiddling with that sensitivity throughout the entire project. He almost had it. The numbers were good and-
“Yeah?” It had indeed trapped a strand of seaweed, but no fish despite at least one species showing an interest in the habitat at the time of Siliwrap deployment.
There was always the issue of what to do with life that was too dense in the target area, hence the need to tweak the sensitivity-
“Yo, Alex!”
He jumped and discovered he had a room of people staring at him. It was Gordon’s voice over comms that had broken him out of his train of thought. “Oh, um, sorry. These results are important.”
Mr Jeff Tracy was smiling. “I have no doubt. However, my sons were asking you if you would like to join us for a celebratory dinner.”
Alex blinked. What?
“Alex, we’re talking O’Malley’s best steak and burgers in the southern hemisphere.” Gordon’s voice piped over the comms circuit. “Bonus points if we get to see Scott devour an entire apple pie.”
“Hey, it’s true. You ate my half last time as well as your own.”
“Gordon, this is not the time.” Mr Tracy was actually flushing a little red.
Alex had the sudden realisation that the aquanaut on the team may have warning in his name for a reason. Especially since he continued to egg Mr Tracy on, despite that warning.
Mr Jeff Tracy rolled his eyes and took a limping step towards Alex, as if to leave his quarrelling sons behind him. “There is no pressure, Mr Sweetapple, but as we are going to be celebrating your success, I think it is only fair that you attend.” A soft smile. “Tia will also be joining us.”
“Okay.” It was weak and stunned thoughtless, but how else could he answer such a question?
“Alex, bring your results. Virg will want to see them.” Gordon piped up from comms again. “I’m calling him in to pick me up. Perhaps he’ll be kind enough to give us a lift.”
It took Alex a moment to realise exactly what that meant. When it clicked, he froze solid. Thunderbird Four was carried by Thunderbird Two.
“Let me guess. He’s gobsmacked. Scott, my bro, you have to stop terrifying our employees.”
“Gordon, for goodness’ sake!”
But there was only a cackle over comms followed by, “See ya soon, Thunderbird Four out.”
On the scope, the submarine spun on the spot and darted out into deeper water, far more agile than any underwater craft Alex had ever seen…which was a short list, but Alex reserved the right to be awed by any vessel sporting the name ‘Thunderbird’.
Mr Tracy stepped away and started quietly speaking into his shirt collar.
Not weird in the slightest.
Alex took the moment to examine his test results again. Elation returned at all those wonderful numbers.
“You’ve done a great deal of good today, Alex.” Mr Jeff Tracy’s voice was deep beside him. “This invention will save many lives.”
“That’s all I can hope for, Mr Tracy.” He still needed to work on that sensitivity. Perhaps if he increased the conductivity…
He barely heard the soft chuckle beside him.
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xtruss · 1 year
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By holding their breath, scalloped hammerhead sharks may be able to regulate their body temperature when diving thousands of feet below ​surface waters. Photograph By Greg Lecoeur
Do Sharks Hold Their Breath Underwater? This Species Might.
The “completely unexpected” behavior reported in scalloped hammerhead sharks raises questions about how widespread it may be among other species.
— By Dina Fine Maron | May 11, 2023
Scalloped hammerhead sharks may be holding their breath when they dive deep into frigid waters. The revelation, published today in Science, suggests that this strategy may allow the warm-water dwellers to regulate their temperature while they hunt.
This technique is “completely unexpected,” says Mark Royer, a shark biologist at the University of Hawaii who led the research. “This kind of behavior has never been observed in any kind of deep-diving fish,” he says, and it now raises questions about how widespread breath-holding may be among other species.
These critically endangered hammerhead sharks typically rely on forward movement to force water across their gills, which enables them to extract needed oxygen to breathe. Yet when the predators swim half a mile down to catch squid and other prey, the colder water could impact their metabolism, cardiac function, and eyesight—all factors that would reduce their hunting prowess.
By closing their gills and mouths—holding their breath—the animals could limit their exposure to cold water.
Some species, like bluefin tuna and mako sharks, have specialized anatomy that allows them to conserve their body heat in cold waters, but scalloped hammerheads don’t have that advantage.
That’s why some scientists have theorized that scalloped hammerheads maintain their body heat using simple thermal inertia—essentially relying on their large body size to help maintain their temperature and carry heat down as they dive into cold depths.
“Imagine you are trying to defrost your 15-pound Thanksgiving turkey: you bring it out of your freezer, and it takes a long time to thaw—that’s like thermal inertia,” says Marianne Porter, a biologist who studies shark movement at Florida Atlantic University and wasn’t involved in the study.
Yet tiny sensors that the team placed on adult scalloped hammerhead sharks—basically a “Fitbit for sharks” as Royer says—suggest that thermal inertia isn’t the reason they remain warm during their hunting trips at depth.
Hunting in Frigid Waters
For the study, the team analyzed detailed information about the swimming behavior, depth, and location of a small group of six tagged male sharks that collectively completed more than a hundred dives around Hawaii over several weeks.
Tiny probes also recorded the animals’ muscle temperatures during these repeated nighttime dives. That data, alongside further modeling, indicated that the sharks managed to largely maintain their body temperatures both when they were at surface waters around 80 degrees and when they plunged to more than 2,500 feet below where temperatures dropped by roughly half, to around 41 degrees.
Surprisingly the animals’ body temperatures did eventually drop when they had ascended and reached slightly warmer waters about halfway back to the surface—apparently when the sharks had opened their gills to obtain needed oxygen. That’s not what you would expect with thermal inertia, since there’d be a more constant warming and cooling to reach equilibrium, Royer says.
Though they didn’t observe the sharks actually closing their gills, his team suspects that’s what’s happening. To fully confirm their breath-holding hypothesis, Royer says, they will next need to affix cameras to the pectoral fins of these hammerheads to observe the gills opening and closing as sharks dive.
It’s still unclear how the 12-foot-long species may have acquired this breath-holding skill. “It’s possible they learn it from social interactions from other hammerheads that are diving,” says Royer, adding “another possibility is they’re following the example of other animals that dive and eat prey at the same depth.”
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A school of scalloped hammerhead sharks navigates deep water near Costa Rica’s Cocos Island. The sharks sometimes dive thousands of feet below the surface in search of squid, fish, and other prey. Photograph By Greg Lecoeur, National Geographic Image Collection
Compelling Evidence
Further backing the team’s breath-holding conclusion: prior footage from a remotely operated vehicle that shows an adult scalloped hammerhead shark swimming in Tanzania at more than 3,000 feet below the surface with its gills closed, and footage of the species in its typical surface waters with open gill slits. What’s more, another experiment from Royer’s team with deceased hammerheads in warm and cold water baths also supported their results.
“It’s a compelling paper—the way they have all these lines of evidence suggesting this might be happening,” says Porter. “I’m convinced” there’s breath-holding, she says.
Female scalloped hammerhead sharks also conduct deep dives, she says, so though this study only included males she suspects this applies to non-pregnant females as well.
The implications of this breath-holding work are “remarkable,” write the University of Western Australia’s Mark Meekan and Murdoch University’s Adrian Gleiss in an accompanying scientific commentary also published in Science.
If these rapidly declining species can pause respiration while foraging at depth they may cope with the increasingly common low-oxygen environments in our changing world better than expected, they write. Already, scalloped hammerheads occupy low-oxygen waters in the Gulf of California, and this newly discovered breath-holding skill may explain their presence, they note.
It's true that these animals may survive in low-oxygen areas for short periods, Porter says, but that’s likely not sustainable long-term. “I would wonder what happens if that becomes their reality all the time.”
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nocluejustexisting · 1 year
The Poor Way Pt. 3
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Street Racer!Reader
Warning: stealing, a bit of swearing, a few dirty thoughts, and most importantly, I have no idea how to steal a car so I just wrote what I saw in a video of how to disassemble a car
Ransom and Bolt had their sights set on their first target: Derrick Philsburg, a name that had long lingered on Ransom's list of least favorite people.
The animosity between Ransom and Derrick started when Derrick, a fellow socialite in their elite circle, stole Ransom's idea for a new mysterious book. Ransom had been secretly working on a plot for months, hoping to step out from his family shadow and prove himself as a writer. But Derrick had shamelessly stolen the concept, leaving Ransom fuming with rage.
Not only because he stole his idea but because no one believed Ransom could even write with a pen and paper. Everyone just laughed at him when he called Derrick out on the media. Hs whole family couldn't take his anger seriously, they just saw it as Ransom wanting attention.
As they approached Derrick's luxurious mansion, Ransom's anger bubbled beneath the surface. He couldn't let this slide any longer. "Get ready, Bolt," he muttered to his accomplice. "This is personal."
Bolt, always up for a challenge, nodded in understanding. She knew that this wasn't just about him having fun; it was about Ransom's pride.
The duo managed to slip past the security cameras and guards with practiced ease, the adrenaline pumping through their veins. They reached Derrick's prized car collection, showcasing wealth and arrogance. Ransom couldn't help but smirk. "Let's make this count."
Bolt, the expert in their odd partnership, took the lead. She whispered her plan to Ransom, explaining the precise order and technique to remove the required car parts.
"First, we'll need to pop the hood," she said, her voice barely audible. "That's where the engine is located."
Ransom nodded, watching intently as she deftly unlatched the hood. She continued, "Now, let's start with the spark plugs. They're right here." She pointed to the engine's side. "Use the socket wrench to loosen and remove them, but be careful not to damage the threads."
Ransom followed her instructions, his fingers trembling with nerves and excitement. Bolt's guidance was invaluable as she moved on to the next component. "Next, we'll disconnect the ignition coil. We must do this carefully so we don't fry the electrical system."
With each step, Bolt explained the process from removing the air filter to detaching the intake manifold. Her expertise was evident as she demonstrated how to disconnect the oxygen sensors and carefully extract the fuel injectors.
Ransom couldn't help but think, “damn, I think to get laid,”
He felt too cocky after their smooth progress and accidentally brushed against an alarm sensor while working on the intake manifold. The car's alarm began to trumpet loudly, piercing the silence of the night.
Panic washed over Ransom's face as he cursed under his breath. Bolt, quick on her feet, reached into her toolkit and swiftly disconnected the alarm sensor, silencing the intrusive noise.
Ransom let out a sigh of relief as the silence returned, and he sheepishly grinned at Bolt. "Oops, got a bit carried away there."
Bolt shot him a knowing look but didn't scold him. Instead, she nodded and gestured for him to continue their mission. Their heist continued smoothly, with Ransom now a bit more cautious, realizing that their actions had to be precise and stealthy.
As they progressed, Ransom found himself in awe of Bolt's knowledge and skill. With Bolt's guidance, they swiftly disassembled the required car parts, making their collaboration seamless and efficient.
In his mind, he couldn't help but think, God, she's intoxicating. No. Stop thinking with your dick. I’m out of her league. I can find someone way better.
Back in the car, the adrenaline still coursing through their veins, Bolt couldn't help but chuckle. "I have to admit, Ransom, that felt satisfying."
Ransom couldn't help but think, “I’ll show you satisfying, my dick slamming against-” he quickly stopped himself to continue.
He turned to look at her and grinned, his resentment towards Derrick momentarily overshadowed by their successful heist. "Yeah, it did. But this isn't over yet. On to my next victim."
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nebula003 · 1 year
Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active: The Ultimate Fitness Companion
In today's fast-paced world, staying active and healthy has become more important than ever. Smartwatches have revolutionized the way we approach fitness and health monitoring. One such device that has captured the attention of fitness enthusiasts and tech-savvy individuals alike is the Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active. Packed with a plethora of features, this smartwatch has quickly become a popular choice for those seeking a comprehensive fitness companion. In this blog, we will explore the key features and benefits of the Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active and discover why it stands out in the competitive smartwatch market.
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Design and Display
The Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active boasts a sleek and modern design that blends seamlessly with both casual and formal attire. The watch's round AMOLED display measures 1.39 inches, offering vibrant colors and sharp visuals. The touchscreen is responsive and easy to navigate, allowing users to access various functions with just a swipe or a tap. Additionally, the Always-On Display (AOD) feature ensures that you can glance at the time and essential information without needing to wake up the watch, preserving battery life.
Fitness and Health Tracking
The true essence of the Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active lies in its comprehensive fitness tracking capabilities. Equipped with an array of sensors, it can accurately monitor various health metrics and activities. The built-in heart rate monitor keeps a continuous track of your heart rate, providing insights into your cardiovascular health during workouts and rest.
The watch also includes a SpO2 (blood oxygen saturation) sensor, which has gained significant importance in recent times. Monitoring your SpO2 levels can help you identify potential respiratory issues and ensure you maintain optimal oxygen levels during physical activities or sleep.
For fitness enthusiasts, the Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active offers a wide range of workout modes, covering everything from running, cycling, and swimming to yoga and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). With 5ATM water resistance, it can withstand water pressure up to 50 meters, making it suitable for swimming enthusiasts.
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Sleep Monitoring and Stress Management
Understanding the importance of rest and relaxation, the Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active provides comprehensive sleep tracking. It analyzes your sleep patterns, including deep sleep, light sleep, REM sleep, and awake time. Armed with these insights, you can make necessary adjustments to improve the quality of your sleep and overall well-being.
In addition to sleep monitoring, the watch also includes stress tracking features. Using heart rate variability data, it assesses your stress levels and provides guided breathing exercises to help you relax and manage stress effectively.
Battery Life
One of the standout features of the Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active is its impressive battery life. With typical usage, the watch can last up to two weeks on a single charge, depending on the usage and settings. This means less frequent charging and more time enjoying its various features.
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Smart Features
Beyond fitness tracking, the Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active functions as an extension of your smartphone. When paired with your smartphone via Bluetooth, you can receive notifications for calls, messages, emails, and various other apps directly on your wrist. This feature ensures you stay connected even when your phone is not easily accessible.
Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active emerges as a versatile and reliable fitness companion with its sleek design, comprehensive health tracking features, and impressive battery life. Whether you are an avid fitness enthusiast or someone looking to improve their overall well-being, this smartwatch has something to offer for everyone. From real-time heart rate monitoring to sleep tracking and stress management, it empowers users to take charge of their health and fitness journey. Moreover, the smart features make it a seamless extension of your smartphone, ensuring you never miss an important notification.
So, if you're in the market for a feature-packed and affordable smartwatch that goes beyond just telling time, the Mi Smartwatch Revolve Active is undoubtedly worth considering. Embrace a healthier lifestyle and make every step count with this incredible smartwatch by your side.
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lookninjas · 1 year
Update: Car will be more expensive than I wanted, but less expensive than I feared (throttle issues, so not a fuel injector or oxygen sensor like I hoped, but also not the damn transmission [so far], so...). ASM hinted around that I should take the day off anyway, which means I'm tired enough that it's showing, so I'm taking the day off. Also, and after three tries, I finally managed to procure a working color ink cartridge for my printer. So I'm going to eat some watermelon now, and then decide what I'm doing with the unexpected day off.
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8866553223 · 1 year
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A radiant heat warmer is a type of medical equipment used in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) to provide warmth to premature or sick newborns. It is designed to help maintain the baby's body temperature by emitting infrared radiation without the need for direct contact. This equipment is essential in NICUs as premature or sick newborns have not yet fully developed their ability to regulate their own body temperature, making them vulnerable to hypothermia. The radiant heat warmer works by creating a warm environment around the baby, helping to stabilize their body temperature and prevent complications. The use of this type of equipment, along with other devices such as incubators, is crucial in providing optimal care for premature or sick newborns in NICUs.
PRODUCT LINK:https://bit.ly/3lNm9Q8
Bilicure LED phototherapy is a non-invasive medical treatment used to treat jaundice in newborns. Jaundice is a common condition in newborns where the buildup of bilirubin in the bloodstream can cause yellowing of the skin and eyes. Bilicure LED phototherapy uses special blue LED lights to break down bilirubin in the baby's bloodstream, allowing it to be excreted from the body more easily. This type of treatment is safe and effective, and is commonly used in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) to manage jaundice in premature or sick newborns. The use of Bilicure LED phototherapy, along with other medical interventions, can help prevent complications associated with jaundice and ensure the healthy development of newborns.
PRODUCT CATALOG LINK:https://bit.ly/37mOac2
A neonatal pulse oximeter is a medical device used to measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood of newborn infants. This device uses a non-invasive technique that involves attaching a small sensor to the baby's skin, usually on the foot or hand, which emits light and measures the amount of oxygen in the blood by analyzing the color of the blood vessels. The pulse oximeter can also measure the baby's heart rate.
The use of a neonatal pulse oximeter is important in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) as newborns are more vulnerable to oxygen deprivation, which can lead to serious health complications. By measuring the oxygen saturation level, medical professionals can quickly identify any potential issues and intervene as needed to ensure the baby receives the appropriate oxygen support.
The neonatal pulse oximeter is a safe and non-invasive device that can provide valuable information to healthcare providers, allowing them to monitor the baby's oxygen saturation level and ensure that the baby is receiving the appropriate level of oxygen therapy.
PRODUCT CATALOG LINK:https://bit.ly/3orlDZG
The Vein See Neo is a neonatal vein finder device used to help medical professionals locate veins in newborn infants. It is specifically designed for use in neonatal units and is a non-invasive tool that aids in identifying suitable veins for various medical procedures such as intravenous (IV) access, blood sampling, and medication administration.
The Vein See Neo works by utilizing near-infrared light technology. When the device is held over the baby's skin, the near-infrared light is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood, while the surrounding tissues reflect the light. This creates a contrast between the veins and the surrounding tissue, making it easier for healthcare providers to identify and locate the veins.
The device provides real-time imaging, allowing medical professionals to visualize the veins beneath the baby's skin and determine the best site for vein puncture or catheter insertion. This reduces the need for multiple attempts and helps minimize discomfort for the baby.
The Vein See Neo is a valuable tool in neonatal care, particularly for infants with difficult-to-locate veins or those requiring frequent medical interventions. By improving the accuracy and efficiency of vein identification, the device can contribute to better patient care and outcomes in neonatal units.
PRODUCT CATALOG LINKhttps://bit.ly/3mRquD1
MFG.BY DOCTROID INDIA PVT LTD. (MAKE IN INDIA) 📧 [email protected] 📞.09510205430 📱08866553223 WEB:DOCTROID.COM
NICU PRODUCT LINK: https://bit.ly/37jJKDq
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versatileitsol · 2 years
Benefits of IoT Applications In The Healthcare Industry
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New technologies are quickly filling up the healthcare sector. The ability of hospitals, doctors, and service providers to provide high-quality healthcare services in order to enhance patient outcomes is constrained by escalating healthcare difficulties, such as the growth in chronic illnesses and the aging global population.
They have come to the doors of cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics as a result of these issues. IoT is the one that has the most caught the eye of healthcare service providers.
What does IoT mean for Healthcare?
IoT solutions for healthcare are being implemented or are being researched by more than 60% of healthcare companies globally. In the upcoming years, a large rise in the number of individuals and healthcare professionals adopting IoT-connected devices for health monitoring is anticipated. Some of the issues that have arisen in healthcare throughout the years may be resolved by the Internet of Things. For example, low rates of drug compliance, a lack of instruments for treatment management, poor patient monitoring, and a professional skills gap.
Benefits of IoT Applications in the Healthcare Industry
Smartens Up Hospitals
The use of IoT in healthcare allows for continuous and precise patient health tracking. In addition to this, there are a number of other ways that IoT improves the performance of the healthcare sector. Asset management represents one of the components. Wheelchairs, oxygen concentrators, defibrillators,  nebulizers, and other monitoring devices are all regularly tracked to know where they are in real time. These IoT sensors enable hospital administrators to track their real-time whereabouts in a matter of minutes.
Transparency of Insurance Claims
One of the upcoming significant things is likely to be the expanding healthcare regulations combined with IoT connection. Why? This is due to the fact that many people make up medical conditions in order to get the most out of their insurance money. It implies that the insurance company will suffer a loss. As a result, insurance firms may use the data collected through top-notch health monitoring devices for underwriting and claim procedures due to the clear validity of the IoT-driven data. Such methods would make it simple to identify fraudulent claims. The insurer will thereafter be able to locate unsuitable applicants for underwriting.
Maintains A Record Of Your Patients
These days, wearables as well as other smart sensing technology allow doctors or personal nurses to evaluate the health of their patients remotely. The IoT sensors built into this equipment let the doctors follow the patient’s medical diagnostic state efficiently. It is simple to organize the patient’s treatment program and to keep an eye out for those who need emergency medical attention. Many patients at a hospital are in need of various types of medical care.
IoT makes it easier to maintain an organized and hassle-free database of each patient’s prior medical history, present medical needs, and potential future medical support.
Supports Medical Research
Medical research takes many years to complete, and IoT may greatly speed up this process. It is as a result of the data on medical conditions that may be utilised for statistical analysis. As a result, IoT not only reduces research time but also associated costs, making it possible for larger and more effective medical research and therapies.
Wearables are now the most popular smart gadgets in use for healthcare. However, they are not the most helpful when it comes to research labs. Modern laboratories need sophisticated monitoring equipment that can keep an eye on anything from lab temperature to CO2 leakage. The appropriate authorities are informed right away if any irregularity is found.
Creating Healthier Cities
Almost over half of the world’s population lives in cities, which are remarkably diverse systems. Millions of people live happy lives, choosing modes of transportation, sitting in traffic, and bike riding through parks. The addition of weather to this already complicated mix of individual and group activity results in more intricate patterns of air quality that alter daily.
We require real-time information on all scales in order to comprehend the patterns of air quality throughout the cities and how they influence the urban population. Here, IoT systems deliver real-time data from various points around the cities, pointing towards smart city initiatives. The decision-makers for creating healthier cities will be better equipped with a higher resolution image of the air quality.
How Cost-Effectively Can IoT Healthcare Solutions Be Implemented?
IoT in healthcare ultimately aims to improve patient health, empower medical professionals, and reduce costs for everyone involved. You may create a low-cost IoT sensor network with a dependable technology partner.
Reduced expenditures, clearly defined roles and functionality for sensors, and sending and receiving data only when necessary are just a few of the foundations of cost efficiency that may be used to the creation of IoT apps for healthcare. In order to accomplish all of this, you must work with your technology partner to design an efficient IoT app development strategy and application architecture.
IoT In Your Health Sector?
In conclusion, we can say with certainty that IoT has fundamentally altered the healthcare sector. With the exception of the Internet of Things, among the most important industrial areas is healthcare. Additionally, the delivery of services and facilities in the healthcare industry has altered as a result of IoT app development.
Hire IoT developers, set up a project, and take a step towards creating the healthcare of the future if you want to take advantage of this change. There are several reputable IoT development businesses that have been offering a variety of IoT development services, but very few of them consistently meet or exceed customer expectations.
Versatile Mobitech has skilled IoT developers that are now working on several IoT-based healthcare software projects.
For a FREE consultation, Visit Versatile Mobitech
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scifigeneration · 2 years
Artemis: why it may be the last mission for Nasa astronauts
by Martin Rees, Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge
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Neil Armstrong took his historic “one small step” on the Moon in 1969. And just three years later, the last Apollo astronauts left our celestial neighbour. Since then, hundreds of astronauts have been launched into space but mainly to the Earth-orbiting International Space Station. None has, in fact, ventured more than a few hundred kilometres from Earth.
The US-led Artemis programme, however, aims to return humans to the Moon this decade – with Artemis 1 on its way back to Earth as part of its first test flight, going around the Moon.
The most relevant differences between the Apollo era and the mid-2020s are an amazing improvement in computer power and robotics. Moreover, superpower rivalry can no longer justify massive expenditure, as in the Cold War competition with the Soviet Union. In our recent book “The End of Astronauts”, Donald Goldsmith and I argue that these changes weaken the case for the project.
The Artemis mission is using Nasa’s brand new Space Launch System, which is the most powerful rocket ever – similar in design to the Saturn V rockets that sent a dozen Apollo astronauts to the Moon. Like its predecessors, the Artemis booster combines liquid hydrogen and oxygen to create enormous lifting power before falling into the ocean, never to be used again. Each launch therefore carries an estimated cost of between $2 billion (£1.7 billion) and $4 billion.
This is unlike its SpaceX competitor “Starship”, which enables the company to recover and the reuse the first stage.
The benefits of robotics
Advances in robotic exploration are exemplified by the suite of rovers on Mars, where Perseverance, Nasa’s latest prospector, can drive itself through rocky terrain with only limited guidance from Earth. Improvements in sensors and artificial intelligence (AI) will further enable the robots themselves to identify particularly interesting sites, from which to gather samples for return to Earth.
Within the next one or two decades, robotic exploration of the Martian surface could be almost entirely autonomous, with human presence offering little advantage. Similarly, engineering projects – such as astronomers’ dream of constructing a large radio telescope on the far side of the Moon, which is free of interference from Earth – no longer require human intervention. Such projects can be entirely constructed by robots.
Instead of astronauts, who need a well equipped place to live if they’re required for construction purposes, robots can remain permanently at their work site. Likewise, if mining of lunar soil or asteroids for rare materials became economically viable, this also could be done more cheaply and safely with robots.
Robots could also explore Jupiter, Saturn and their fascinatingly diverse moons with little additional expense, since journeys of several years present little more challenge to a robot than the six-month voyage to Mars. Some of these moons could in fact harbour life in their sub-surface oceans.
Even if we could send humans there, it might be a bad idea as they could contaminate these worlds with microbes form Earth.
Managing risks
The Apollo astronauts were heroes. They accepted high risks and pushed technology to the limit. In comparison, short trips to the Moon in the 2020s, despite the $90-billion cost of the Artemis programme, will seem almost routine.
Something more ambitious, such as a Mars landing, will be required to elicit Apollo-scale public enthusiasm. But such a mission, including provisions and the rocketry for a return trip, could well cost Nasa a trillion dollars – questionable spending when we’re dealing with a climate crisis and poverty on Earth. The steep price tag is a result of a “safety culture” developed by Nasa in recent years in response to public attitudes.
This reflects the trauma and consequent programme delays that followed the Space Shuttle disasters in 1986 and 2003, each of which killed the seven civilians on board. That said, the shuttle, which had 135 launches altogether, achieved a failure rate below two percent. It would be unrealistic to expect a rate as low as this for the failure of a return trip to Mars – the mission would after all last two whole years.
Astronauts simply also need far more “maintenance” than robots – their journeys and surface operations require air, water, food, living space and protection against harmful radiation, especially from solar storms.
Already substantial for a trip to the Moon, the cost differences between human and robotic journeys would grow much larger for any long-term stay. A voyage to Mars, hundreds of times further than the Moon, would not only expose astronauts to far greater risks, but also make emergency support far less feasible. Even astronaut enthusiasts accept that almost two decades may elapse before the first crewed trip to Mars.
There will certainly be thrill-seekers and adventurers who would willingly accept far higher risks – some have even signed up for a proposed one-way trip in the past.
This signals a key difference between the Apollo era and today: the emergence of a strong, private space-technology sector, which now embraces human spaceflight. Private-sector companies are now competitive with Nasa, so high-risk, cut-price trips to Mars, bankrolled by billionaires and private sponsors, cold be crewed by willing volunteers. Ultimately, the public could cheer these brave adventurers without paying for them.
Given that human spaceflight beyond low orbit is highly likely to entirely transfer to privately-funded missions prepared to accept high risks, it is questionable whether Nasa’s multi-billion-dollar Artemis project is a good way to spend the government’s money. Artemis is ultimately more likely to be a swansong than the launch of a new Apollo era.
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
The Nine Tell-tale Signs Your Catalytic Converter Is Faulty or Clogged
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Numerous issues could arise from a faulty catalytic converter. If you believe your catalytic converter may be faulty, keep an eye out for these symptoms.
Catalytic converters are notorious for breaking down and are sometimes very expensive to replace, particularly if you're searching for a brand-new one.
To address a problem with your car before it becomes worse, it's critical to recognise the early warning signs of a problem and book your car in with a car services in Reading garage.
To avoid replacing a catalytic converter that is in good working order, it is crucial to diagnose a damaged catalyst. What are the most typical symptoms of a damaged catalytic converter, then?
These are the most typical symptoms, though there are many more.
It is advised to check MOT expiry date of your car and, if you are having any problems, have it fixed before your next MOT test to avoid a failure. A defective catalytic converter can also result in an emissions test failure.
If you think your catalytic converter may be malfunctioning, schedule a complete inspection by searching online for a car service near me garage. When the engine is warm and the check engine light is on, the sulphur smell is the most common sign of a failed catalytic converter. In addition, you can observe engine performance difficulties like misfiring, fuel economy issues and sluggish acceleration.
The following are 9 faulty catalytic converter symptoms:
1.Check Engine Light Illuminated - This is one of the most blatant signs that something is wrong with your car, is also one of the best signs that your catalytic converter is failing. It will display a catalytic converter-related issue code when checked with a suitable OBD scanner, which you must be interpretated with the aid of the owner's manual. The P0420 trouble code is the one that is most frequently associated with a faulty catalytic converter. If you check MOT history for your car and establish that a previous MOT test failed due to the engine management light, this could well have been linked to a faulty or clogged catalytic converter. Refer back to any old car repair invoices (if available) to confirm exactly how this issue was fixed.
2.Acceleration Lag - If all other components, such as spark plugs, filters, sensors, etc., are working properly but you notice delays when accelerating or a loss of power when driving up hills, the problem may be with the catalytic converter. Many times, mechanics will confuse a malfunctioning catalytic converter with other parts, such as a bad oxygen sensor or any other sensor.Keep your hand near the end of the exhaust pipe while having someone else press the accelerator pedal to raise the car's RPM to 2000 to check the catalytic converter. You can have a blocked catalytic converter if your exhaust output is insufficient. If you can, compare the flow to a comparable car.
3.Fluctuating Fuel Consumption - One of the signs of a bad catalytic converter is high or low fuel consumption, higher or lower fuel mileage. Even though getting greater fuel mileage can seem like a good bargain, it can harm your engine and lead to even more costly repairs. Your car's engine will be much less efficient and require more effort to produce the same level of power due to inefficient combustion of the fuel when the exhaust is clogged. Therefore, even if lower fuel consumption is occasionally feasible, a defective catalytic converter will typically result in higher fuel use.
4.Smell of Sulphur – A blocked catalytic converter will hinder the airflow of exhaust fumes, causing the air-fuel ratio of the engine to become rich (too much fuel, leading to unburnt fuel). The smell of burnt sulphur or rotten eggs is produced when this extra air-fuel mixture burns, which is a clear sign that your catalytic converter is broken.
5.Discoloured Housing – If you notice that the catalytic converter's housing has taken on a blue or other colour, it may be clogged and producing too much heat. Unburned fuel may enter the catalyst if your engine is not operating as it should, which is another possibility. Due to the heat, this combination then ignites in the converter and melts the inner material, resulting in even additional obstructions. You should not drive your vehicle if you believe that the catalytic converter is faulty since it may be clogged and generate excessive heat inside the engine, which might quickly harm other components.
6.Starting Issues - The engine receives too much fuel, which it cannot burn, due to a blocked catalytic converter. Back pressure will also be created, which will increase the effort required by the engine to expel the exhaust gases. If your car starts for a few seconds before dying, a blocked converter can be to cause. This is because it could take a few seconds for the pressure in the exhaust system to rise enough to choke the engine and force it to shut off.
7.Increased Emissions - There is a chance that your catalytic converter is no longer performing its function as it should if it is broken or clogged. The emissions from the car engine will increase as a result. This is presumably quite evident as the catalytic converter's primary function is to reduce harmful emissions. During acceleration or at idle, you will frequently discover this by observing dark exhaust smoke emanating from your exhaust pipe. Your vehicle will probably fail an emission test on your next MOT test.
8.Engine Misfires - A blocked catalytic converter reduces the oxygen flow in engines, which need a lot of oxygen for efficient fuel combustion. Due to the overabundance of unburned gases produced by the restricted airflow, the engine may misfire and overheat. If your engine is misfiring, you should have it addressed as soon as possible because ignoring the problem could result in more costly repairs down the road.
9.Rattling or Other Noises - Inside the catalytic converter is a "honeycomb" that can wear out and fragment as a result of wear and tear. When you rev your car's engine, this will make the catalytic converter rattle. While you try to hear underneath the car to determine whether the rattling sounds are coming from the catalytic converter or somewhere else, you can ask a buddy to press the accelerator pedal.
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vertuphone1998 · 17 hours
Breath-Taking Health Insights: VERTU AI vs. Oura Ring
Have you ever imagined that a tiny ring could reveal your health conditions?
The VERTU AI Diamond Ring, this smart jewelry that defies traditional concepts, is not just an exquisite decoration but also a round-the-clock breathing monitor. It perfectly blends technology with fashion, allowing you to grasp health in elegance.
Breathing Monitoring, The First Step to Health
Breathing is a fundamental activity of life, reflecting our physical condition. Minor changes in breathing rate may indicate potential health issues. Traditionally, we could only monitor our breathing in hospitals or during check-ups, which undoubtedly limits our real-time understanding of our health.
The VERTU AI Diamond Ring, with its built-in high-precision sensors, can continuously monitor your breathing rate and provide intuitive charts and data analysis through a mobile app. Whether you're working during the day or sleeping at night, it can accurately capture the subtle changes in your breathing, letting you know your health status in time.
VERTU AI Diamond Ring VS Oura Ring: Who's Superior?
The Oura Ring, as a leader in the field of smart rings, has always been known for its powerful sleep monitoring capabilities. But the VERTU AI Diamond Ring, with its unique breathing monitoring feature, adds a bright spot to the smart ring market.
The VERTU AI Diamond Ring excels with a comprehensive suite of health monitoring features, including respiratory tracking, blood sugar monitoring, sleep tracking, heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen level monitoring, and stress tracking, offering a holistic approach to health management. The Oura Ring, while lacking blood sugar and respiratory monitoring, matches the VERTU AI in sleep, heart rate, and blood oxygen monitoring, and also provides stress tracking, making both rings valuable companions for health-conscious individuals.
VERTU AI Diamond Ring, More Than Just Breathing Monitoring
In addition to breathing monitoring, the VERTU AI Diamond Ring also has a variety of health monitoring functions, such as:
Sleep Monitoring: Monitors your sleep time, depth, and stages, helping you improve sleep quality.
Heart Rate Monitoring: Monitors changes in your heart rate, helping you understand your physical condition.
Blood Oxygen Monitoring: Monitors your blood oxygen saturation, helping you detect potential health issues in a timely manner.
Stress Monitoring: Monitors your stress levels, helping you relieve stress and maintain mental and physical health.
VERTU AI Diamond Ring, Your Health Guardian
The VERTU AI Diamond Ring perfectly blends technology with fashion to protect your health. It is not only a fashionable accessory but also a 24/7 health monitor, allowing you to grasp health with elegance.
The VERTU AI Diamond Ring is worth owning!
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likitakans · 3 days
The Digital Health Revolution: Where IT and Healthcare Investments Collide
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The healthcare industry is undergoing a transformative shift, driven by advancements in information technology (IT). As digital innovations revolutionize patient care, health management, and medical research, the intersection of IT and healthcare is creating exciting opportunities for investors. From telemedicine and AI diagnostics to personalized health apps and blockchain-secured medical records, the digital health revolution is reshaping the way we think about healthcare delivery.
This blog will explore how IT-driven healthcare innovations are redefining the industry, why investors are flocking to this space, and how they can capitalize on these groundbreaking opportunities.
1. The Telemedicine Boom: Virtual Healthcare for a New Era
One of the most prominent areas of growth in digital health is telemedicine. The global pandemic accelerated the adoption of virtual healthcare, and now telemedicine is here to stay. With the ability to bring healthcare services directly to patients' homes, telemedicine is not just a convenience — it's a necessity.
a. Bridging the Gap in Healthcare Access
Telemedicine platforms like Teladoc and Doctor on Demand are providing medical services to patients who otherwise have limited access, whether due to geographic constraints or a shortage of healthcare professionals. Virtual care has made it possible to extend healthcare access to underserved communities, reducing the gap between patients and care providers.
b. Investment Opportunity
The telemedicine market is projected to reach over $460 billion by 2030, driven by advancements in telecommunications, AI, and patient demand for accessible care. Investors can tap into this growth by backing innovative telehealth platforms that offer scalable solutions to modern healthcare challenges.
Key Takeaway: Telemedicine’s expansion offers a dynamic investment opportunity, with the potential to reshape healthcare accessibility while delivering strong returns.
2. AI-Powered Healthcare: Smarter, Faster, Better Care
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing healthcare, from diagnostics to patient monitoring and personalized treatment plans. AI's ability to process massive amounts of medical data and deliver real-time insights is creating a paradigm shift in how healthcare professionals approach diagnosis and treatment.
a. Enhancing Diagnostics and Treatment
AI-driven tools are streamlining processes such as medical imaging and genetic testing, allowing for faster and more accurate diagnoses. Companies like PathAI are developing AI platforms that assist pathologists in identifying diseases like cancer more accurately and efficiently. AI’s predictive analytics are also improving patient outcomes by identifying health risks before they escalate into serious conditions.
b. Investment Potential
AI in healthcare is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 45.7% over the next few years. Investors interested in cutting-edge solutions that improve diagnostic accuracy and efficiency should look toward AI-powered platforms as a lucrative area for investment.
Key Takeaway: The integration of AI in healthcare is providing significant opportunities for investors to support tools that improve diagnostics, treatment, and overall patient care.
3. Wearable Health Devices: The Future of Personalized Health Monitoring
Wearable technology is revolutionizing personalized health management. Devices such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and health-monitoring sensors are giving individuals real-time insights into their health, from heart rate and sleep patterns to stress levels and oxygen saturation.
a. Continuous Health Monitoring
With companies like Fitbit, Apple, and Oura Ring leading the charge, wearable tech allows for constant health monitoring and the early detection of potential medical issues. These devices are critical in managing chronic conditions, preventing emergencies, and promoting overall wellness.
b. The Market Outlook
The global wearable healthcare devices market is projected to exceed $195 billion by 2027, driven by consumer demand for health data and preventative care. As health data becomes increasingly integrated with telemedicine and AI-driven platforms, wearable tech will become a critical component of personalized healthcare.
Key Takeaway: Wearable tech offers investors a window into the future of proactive healthcare, making it a hot sector for investment.
4. Blockchain in Healthcare: Securing Data and Reducing Costs
Blockchain technology is making its way into healthcare, offering secure, decentralized ways to manage medical records, insurance claims, and payments. By creating tamper-proof and transparent systems, blockchain can reduce fraud, ensure data integrity, and lower administrative costs.
a. Data Security and Transparency
In an era of increasing cyber threats, securing sensitive healthcare data is paramount. Blockchain technology allows for decentralized, encrypted health records that can be shared securely between providers and patients, ensuring privacy and integrity. Startups like MediBloc and Medicalchain are pioneering blockchain solutions for healthcare data management.
b. Streamlining Payments and Reducing Fraud
Blockchain is also transforming healthcare payments, enabling faster, more efficient transactions while reducing the risk of fraud. By automating processes through smart contracts, blockchain can eliminate intermediaries and improve payment transparency in healthcare systems.
Investment Outlook
As blockchain continues to gain traction in the healthcare sector, early investors have the chance to support secure, scalable solutions that address some of healthcare’s most pressing challenges, including data security and cost efficiency.
Key Takeaway: Blockchain offers investors a powerful tool to drive efficiency and security in healthcare, making it a promising area for future growth.
5. Digital Mental Health: Addressing a Growing Crisis
The demand for mental health services is surging, but the global shortage of mental health professionals means that millions of people do not receive the care they need. Enter digital mental health platforms, which are filling the gap by providing online therapy and AI-driven mental health support.
a. Teletherapy and Mental Health Apps
Teletherapy platforms like BetterHelp and Talkspace are expanding access to mental health services, breaking down traditional barriers like stigma, cost, and geography. Meanwhile, mental health apps like Headspace and Calm are helping individuals manage stress, anxiety, and depression.
b. Investment Landscape
The global digital mental health market is projected to reach $20 billion by 2026, as more individuals turn to online solutions for therapy and mental health support. Investors can capitalize on this growing demand by backing platforms that provide accessible, affordable mental health care.
Key Takeaway: Digital mental health services are gaining momentum, offering investors a chance to support solutions that address a growing global mental health crisis.
6. Personalized Medicine: Tailored Treatments for Better Outcomes
Precision medicine is revolutionizing treatment by using a patient’s genetic profile to tailor medical care. This approach not only increases treatment effectiveness but also reduces the trial-and-error methods typically associated with finding the right therapies.
a. Genomics and Targeted Therapies
Companies like 23andMe and Foundation Medicine are at the forefront of using genomic data to create targeted treatments for diseases like cancer. Personalized medicine offers the potential for more effective treatments and fewer adverse reactions, particularly for patients with complex or rare conditions.
b. Investment Insight
The precision medicine market is expected to reach $175 billion by 2030, driven by advances in genomics, data analytics, and biotechnology. For investors, the ability to back companies that provide more effective, data-driven healthcare treatments represents a significant opportunity.
Key Takeaway: Personalized medicine is paving the way for the next frontier of healthcare, offering investors a chance to be part of a data-driven revolution that improves patient outcomes.
The digital health revolution is reshaping the global healthcare landscape, driven by innovative technologies that improve access, efficiency, and outcomes. For investors, the fusion of IT and healthcare presents a dynamic opportunity to support life-saving innovations while generating substantial returns.
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