#Ozark spoilers
cassiopeialake · 13 days
other than the ruth thing i do like ozark's ending and how it contextualizes the show as a whole. if we take your typical crime drama, over the course of the series the narrative will hint at some very dark themes but ultimately end up with justice being served (our antihero dies/goes to jail/etc.). it's satisfying not only narratively but morally, the idea that these terrible people finally get what is coming to them, that these elaborate schemes on top of schemes are unsustainable and will, at some point or another, come crashing down. ozark considers that idea and says - well, no not really. most evil people don't get what's coming to them and in fact continue to find success. of course, they pay for it with their souls and their consciences, but ultimately if you're wealthy you can escape consequences. money does solve all your problems. you'll become a deadened shell of a person and destroy all your relationships, but you and your family will be safe.
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mairas-labyrinth · 2 years
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Ozark s4 spoilers
So I read the Vantiy Fair interview with the Ozark showrunners, and now I’m just even more frustrated with the writing choices they’ve made. Particularly with Jonah. Again. 
They said that Jonah having the final shot was meant to be him ‘coming into the fold’ so to speak. That he was the last family member to get on board with being a criminal. Which just proves that they had absolutely no idea what they were doing in season 4a, and most of 4b. In my write up of the issues with 4a, I mentioned that the problem with Jonah is that none of his actions fit any sort of motivation. One thing I specifically pointed out was that if Jonah’s motivation was intended to be that he was having a crisis of conscience (which the VF interview confirms), then it makes absolute no sense for him to be working with Ruth and Darlene. If the entire point is that Jonah hadn’t been fully indoctrinated into the life of crime, then that makes that plot line even worse. 
Especially when the way they brought Jonah back to the family was by having Wendy admit that yeah, she’s been a monster, but she’s willing to put her own desires aside for the sake of her family. That basically confirms that he’s hurt not by the killing but by the betrayal, which makes the money laundering kinda make sense (she betrayed him, he betrays her) but goes against the intended symbolism of him ‘finally’ becoming a criminal at the end. 
I saw a great tweet that said if they were going to focus the ending on Jonah, then they needed to focus more of the season on Jonah, and that is painfully true. Season 4 treats Jonah like a prop to be passed around, rather than an actual character, so the ending doesn’t have as much impact as it should. Freaking Sam gets more of a storyline than Jonah in season 4. The only indication we get that Jonah wants out of the criminal life entirely is one line in the finale, which also is just him being whatever they need to be at the moment.   
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times24by7 · 2 years
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faeriefrolic · 1 year
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Ozark is so so so sweet with little Chandler, they're always playing with him and taking care of him 🥺
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billy-crudup · 9 months
How are you feeling after last night’s episode?
i hope this is about FAM bc there are 3 shows im currently watching that release on fridays lol
uhhhh well, all my previous asks aged like milk 🤡 i already read the spoilers for ep9 two days ago so i knew what’s coming :// that last margo x sergei scene broke me, i cried 🤪 sergei's delulus didn't come trululu.... also genuinely enjoyed that ed and kelly scene at the end, ed's character arc is really making sense to me now. but the rest…. idk season 4 is my least favorite season so far, i’ll be honest. i truly don't care about the mars crew and the asteroid. and i can’t say that reading about sergei’s death in the spoilers surprised me. it was upsetting at first, sure, but i still don’t get why would they bring him back for a few eps just to kill him, and why would irina do smth that risky. i found this whole plot line very annoying, it felt like i was watching some kind of torture porn, since most of the characters on FAM suffer through hell and never get their happy ending (except for ellen, good for her!). we never saw margo and sergei be happy together or live with each other, and it was very unsatisfactory to me that we only saw them long for each other and suffer just for sergei to die like that. i'm not saying they should have went to brazil (that plan seemed impossible from the very start) but those crumbs we got were not enough for me. i couldn’t even cry when he was killed bc i was just so DONE with everything. can’t even begin to imagine what margo’s gonna be like in s4 finale, it’s gonna be hard to watch 😭 she doesn't deserve this
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episodeoftv · 10 months
Prelims, Vote 8 of 8
The top 5 finales will move on to be included in the main bracket
Propaganda is under the cut, may include spoilers
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - 8.09 / 8.10 The Last Day
It just... season 8 had been so bad as a whole, it attempted to touch on the blm movement and did it in an okay at best way and in the wake of it all, i think a lot of people just weren't here for cop shows. The finale tried to bring the magic back with one last heist and it did pull out all the stops but I don't know, it just left me feeling really cold. And the ending being that even though the main character wasn't a cop anymore, that he would return to the station every year for the heist... it just never escapes the cop narrative even after he's left.
Chén Qíng Lìng/The Untamed - Episode 50
I nominate this final on grounds of CCP information control, censorship and homophobia. They were so scared of the power of wangxian that they ended up banning ao3 in china and in the show they have to inexplicably have them part ways just to hammer home the no-homo. Plus the show is just kind of objectively bad.... but it rewires your brain all the same
Community - 6.13 Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television
ok i haven’t watched it in a while but it wasn’t the episode’s fault this show had been going downhill for a while. The finale put it out of its misery mostly.
Kyle XY - 3.10 Bringing Down the House
The writers knew they were getting canceled and chose to raise more questions than answers and set up cliffhangers, rather than have a satisfying end. I'm sure it was a last ditch effort to save the show, but it didn't work and now it's just a bad finale.
Northern Exposure - 6.22 Let's Dance / 6.23 Tranquility Base
No propaganda submitted
Ozark - 4.14 A Hard Way to Go
No propaganda submitted
Soul Eater - 1.51 The Word Is Bravery!
ugh god it just gave up on any attempt at character development or the ending of the story in any meaningful way. instead of a complex universe journey exploring her bond with soul, and death the kid becoming the new god of death, maka just...wins the day by 'being brave', extremely underwhelming and borderline nonsensical
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - 7.25 / 7.26 What You Leave Behind
Man so okay like it’s not the worst worst one out there but man they really just fuckikg did that. Found family all went and spread themselves across the quadrant with the head of the show the leader, Captain Benjamin Sisko who really just wanted to live on Bajor, got turned into an incorporeal being who could no longer live a linear life while his wife and unborn child had to go on without him. They didn’t even have him saying goodbye to his actual son. His literal son did not get a goodbye, they only gave that to Kasidy, and no hate to Kasidy, she’s my girl, but she’s only been there for three year while his actual son Jake sisko was still basically a kid. He was like 19, 20 and no goodbye fork his dad he’s lost time and time again. Some characters got a satisfying ending but then Julian Bashir is left to stay on deep space nine supposedly still in love with Ezri Dax and together (but let’s be honest, it was a terrible forced decision. They made no sense, and had no chemistry) and still stuck without moving forward or changing. Like what a cop out. Not to mention the terrible cgi fire caves where literally gods got thrown into a fire pit and that was the big climax
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rwby-redux · 2 years
You keep saying you want to talk about Oz, Oscar, etc. but can't because they're spoilery. What if I say pleeeeeaaaase? :P
You’re twisting my arm, anon. D:
There’s a lot I want to say about Ozma and his hosts—in particular, how the curse works and how magic affects them—but those topics are strictly off-limits for now. They would give away major spoilers for the Relics, the gods, certain locations in the story, and important details about other characters.
But since you asked so nicely…
King Ozark was the last monarch of Vale, and Ozpin’s immediate predecessor. While opinions of him nowadays are generally favorable, he was a fairly controversial figure for his time. In life, he was an exceptional fighter (and that’s saying something, considering he’s from a culture of dyed-in-the-wool warriors). Even before the Great War kicked off, he was a source of irritation for Mistral, largely because he went out of his way to hide slaves that managed to escape Anima and flee to Eastern Sanus. He would feign ignorance whenever Mistrali diplomats travelled to the capital and demanded that he return their lost property. Apparently, he delighted in watching them fume when the best he could offer was a shrug. Ozark was also a bit of a playboy, to the endless dismay of his advisors, who regularly harped on him to get hitched and sire heirs. (Historians like to joke that dissolving the Valin monarchy was Ozark’s way of getting out of marriage.) His fabled sword—the one he carried into battle—was allegedly lost during the Great War, as no records of its whereabouts exist in the present day. Both collectors and anthropologists occasionally make the dangerous trek out to the Vacuose deserts in search of it.
Ozpin is Beacon’s Academy’s third headmaster, and currently its oldest, having held the position for over forty years. In the present-day, Ozpin is in his sixties. Like in the canon, he’s widely regarded as a prodigy.
Oscar is from the town of Ameneurosis, an important agricultural settlement between the City of Mistral and the seaport Etesia. The chalk grassland makes the area ideal for farming sheep, rabbits, and takin (the latter of which is a common mount). Oscar and his aunt (along with his neighbors) breed takin as familiars for Huntsmen. His parents died when he was six, and he’s been raised by his aunt ever since.
Ozma is the only one who I’m hesitant to talk about. I will say that his relationship with Oscar is a bit tumultuous in the beginning—there’s an incident early on that puts them both in immediate danger, and leaves Oscar with little in the way of choice regarding his circumstances. While Oscar understands that none of this is necessarily Ozma’s fault, that doesn’t stop him from being low-key resentful. (Oscar in the Redux is somewhat sassier than his canon counterpart, and he regularly tests Ozma’s patience.) Trust is something that the two of them gradually build, hindered by the fact that Ozma withholds rather important information, and Oscar sometimes doesn’t listen to him out of sheer pettiness.
Edit: I caved. If you want to know a little more about how the curse works, proceed.
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powerlineprincess · 2 years
☆☆SPOILER☆☆I'm on episode 3 of Ozark and Sara McLachlan talking thru the TV to Marty has me gasping for air
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geographerdose · 2 days
Ozark S4E5; Love Marty’s matter-of-fact humor, he’s such a Virgo
Clare: “How many heroin dealers do you people know?”
Marty: “Just three.”
Also a foreshadowing to the season finale, as Three is the only Langmore remaining. And Clare is the reason why. Clever.
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chromaticramblings · 9 months
book review - the puttermesser papers by cynthia ozark
its been a hot second but we are getting back into books wahoo and what better way to do it than through a modern day retelling of old stories that refuses to call itself as such, written in a way that makes you question what's actually real the whole time you're reading it?
this was an interesting one.
(no spoilers at this point, no plot points revealed past what is on the inner jacket of the book. read on if you wish)
the plot of the puttermesser papers follows Ruth Puttermesser, single Jewish law school graduate past her 40s in NYC, struggling to live a life she's proud of. this isn't an easy task for her, as she is an idealist of epic proportions. she works in a government office, slogging through bureaucracy, believing that if each code written is followed perfectly, that it would cure society. unfortunately the other employees of the municipal building are more preoccupied with their prestige and salary than with actually doing their jobs.
Puttermesser is also a tad bit delusional. while priding herself on her reasonable approach to everything, it seems that even she is not free from some irrationality. at one point she wills a golem to life from houseplant clay. at one point she lives vicariously through George Eliot biographies so forcefully that the reader is left wondering whether she is still talking about the late writer or about herself. especially in her later life, some of her writings leave the reader wondering if the events earlier in the book happened at all.
overall i enjoyed this book, although it made my head hurt at times. I particularly enjoyed the chapter on Puttermesser's rise to mayor, with the golem's help; it was a creative incorporation of Jewish folklore into modern times that led me to doing a bunch of further reading on said Jewish folklore. (i am not Jewish so i cannot speak a ton on how accurate a retelling it is, although Ozark is, so i trust it has basis) i also enjoyed the chapter in which Puttermesser hosts her Soviet cousin for a time. her cousin Lidia is in some ways Puttermesser's opposite; rather than searching for keys to the ideal timeless life, she seeks to gather whatever opportunity is present right in front of her. their clashes, and consequent digs at political theories and their theorists, were quite amusing.
throughout her entire life, Puttermesser walks an uneasy line between reality and fantasy. she seems to try and avoid this through her methodical way of thinking, but instead she becomes further disconnected from the ins and outs of everyday life.
TLDR: kind of a mindfuck and probably intended for people with more of a grasp on classic literature and philosophy tbh. but nonetheless an amusing read. 7/10
(the following section includes some crucial plot points. if you do want to read the book, stop here, and be warned the last chapter contains rape you can easily skip (pg 220) if you need to)
Puttermesser insists on creating a better path forward through thought, and imagines herself as a citizen of the mind and thus more enlightened than the average NYC resident. this thinking ends up sticking her in the past. she is so obsessed over thinking about what was perfect that she ends up reliving the falls of these perfections, over and over.
she brings a golem into her life to catapult the city of New York into perfection, but as per tradition, the golem ends up sinking the city it helped to save, and Puttermesser with it.
Puttermesser is so concerned about living out the perfect George Eliot and George Lewes relationship reincarnated that she does not notice a modern day Johnny Cross weasel his way into her life, to doom their relationship into another repetition of the past for the sake of his art.
Puttermesser takes in a family member from the collapsing USSR expecting a meek refugee, and is shocked when she instead turns out to be a shrewd opportunist, right at home in capitalist NYC; in this chapter only, we see her worldview break a tad as she accommodates someone vastly different to her. in the end, the cycle of gain and loss continues for Puttermesser, as Lidia fucks right back off to the failing Soviet Union after milking NYC of all the profits she can. we do see, however, inklings of growth in Puttermesser as she reconnects with her long lost cousin Zhenya.
even in death, the goodness of paradise gives way to the hell of everything lost in the expanse of timelessness. nothing good is tangible enough for poor Puttermesser to hold onto for more than a moment, it seems.
in the beginning of the book, her Uncle Zindel (long dead, imagined in an attempt by Puttermesser to connect with her heritage) comments on her name, Puttermesser, literally meaning "butter knife"; it is soft, nonviolent, but also unable to create anything lasting of its own. unfortunately, this is a premonition, as nothing Puttermesser builds ever lasts. the butterknife is a direct contrast to the sharp robber's blade to which she ends up losing her life.
"There are deeply chamfered trains of thought out of which one does not escape, once in them; associations cut and dried from old time, which fit in each other like rings in a chain, so that he who has said A cannot help saying B or at least thinking it; and like links in a chain they are, too, in that in them the earthly and the heavenly are so interlocked one into the other that one passes willy-nilly, and whether speaking or silent, from one to the other." - from Puttermesser's reading, minutes before her death (Ozark, 214)
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57leafclover · 1 year
Finally finished the series Ozark, and for as good as it was, it had a terrible ending. It's set up similar to BB where first Marty and then Wendy put on their wax wings and make deals and schemes that take them directly towards the sun, and then at the end they just... Aren't punished. I can see how Jonah's actions kind of show how cycles of abuse are perpetuated and even benefit the originators of them by keeping dissenters in line, but it should have been a tragedy. Petty could have cuffed them and brought all his evidence forward and undone everything they worked for. It would have been so interesting to see that scheme come right back to end it all, but instead the kids make it back just in time to stop him. And why would they have anyways? Jonah and Charlotte hated their parents by the end.
Just an alright end to a great series. Highly recommend if you're a noir fan.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
Heat Wave
Heat Wave by AliFayeFaye
Ochako goes down south with her dad for a construction job. With what she thinks is going to be a summer full of boring work and no play changes once she meets a group of 4 local boys her age.
Words: 1538, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Bakugou Katsuki
Relationships: no spoilers
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Summer Romance, Comedy, Drama, lake of the ozarks, Friendship, Teenagers, Fluff and Angst
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47994178
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vickster51 · 1 year
Most Impactful Television Deaths
After a certain TV event this week, I'm looking back at the Most Impactful Television Deaths for me. Did I include yours? #Television #Review #TVDeaths
WARNING: This article contains spoilers for the following shows – The Good Wife, The West Wing, Buffy, Succession, ER, The Walking Dead, Lost, Angel, Spooks (MI-5), 24, Dawson’s Creek, House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones, Ozark and 1883. Read on at your own risk! This week has seen a lot of discussion about the latest big television death to have taken viewers by surprise. For fans of…
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z025 · 2 years
Home TV News Stranger Things Leads Fan Poll for Most Hurtful 2022 Character Death Screen Rant polled movie and TV fans about the most hurtful character death of 2022, and Stranger Things s...
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
These quotes need to be studied in schools someday
2022 in Review: Quotes of the Year!
By Team TVLine / December 18 2022, 9:00 AM PST
Best TV Quotes 2022
Courtesy of Prime Video; HBO; HBO Max; Netflix; Peacock
Anthony Bridgerton confessed his true feelings for Kate Sharma. This Is Us‘ Rebecca Pearson got well-deserved kudos. Viktor Hargreeves introduced himself to his Umbrella Academy siblings. And The White Lotus‘ Tanya McQuoid realized something very important… just a little too late.
All year long, we’ve been collecting TV’s best sound bites in our Quotes of the Week compilations, which honor the dialogue that made us laugh and cry — sometimes simultaneously. But as 2022 draws to a close, we’re now looking back at the Quotes of the Year, highlighting 60 of the funniest, most poignant or most wonderfully meta moments from the past 12 months.
Best TV Shows of 2022 | Stranger Things, The Boys, Andor, More
0 seconds of 3 minutes, 52 seconds
In the list below, you’ll find Robin Scherbatsky sharing her romantic past with How I Met Your Father‘s Sophie, Ellen DeGeneres reflecting on how much has changed since her talk show began, Westworld‘s Dolores-Hale uttering a powerful one-word command, and Andor‘s precious droid B2EMO lamenting a major loss.
Of course, some shows — like ABC’s Abbott Elementary and Netflix’s Stranger Things — were just too quotable this year to select only one line, so they’re among the series making multiple appearances on our list. And it’s not just the scripted fare that made our cut: Unscripted programs like American Idol, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Big Brother are in the mix, as well.
As with all of our year-end lists, we should issue a quick spoiler alert for several of this year’s plot twists, romantic confessions and heartbreaking sendoffs. But if you’re ready to dive in, peruse the list below, then drop a comment with the lines that would make your cut for Quotes of the Year.
Photo : HBO Max screenshot
“I killed you, didn’t I? I’m sorry. Had to be done.”
Helena Bonham Carter apologizes to Gary Oldman for what Bellatrix Lestrange did to Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Photo : ABC screenshot
“I want them to see what was taken from me.”
Mamie Till (Adrienne Warren), before the doors are opened for the public viewing of her son Emmett Till’s body
Photo : HBO Max screenshot
“You walked her home.”
Kirsten (Mackenzie Davis) assures Jeevan that his 20-year-old goal was met
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“I shot your d—k off. For that, I apologize. I went to the drug store to look for a card. No such card exists.”
Darlene (Lisa Emery) takes the first step at burying the hatchet with Frank Jr.
Photo : CBS screenshot
“I cannot believe Elias is back. Till death do us part — it’s right in the vows.”
Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky) laments the return of her dead husband
GHOSTS (Bonus Quote!)
Photo : CBS screenshot
“A travel agent booking other people’s holidays while going nowhere himself.”
“Hey, we went to Epcot, buddy! That’s the whole world all at once!”
Pete (Richie Moriarty) defends himself when the actor (Mathew Baynton) portraying him in a “Dumb Deaths” recreation says Pete was pathetic
Photo : HBO screenshot
“I may be a bastard, Mr. Thorburn, but you are a fool. And of the two, I think I know which I prefer.”
The women of The Gilded Age may be experts at throwing shade, but they’ve got nothing on literal robber baron George Russell (Morgan Spector)
Photo : Fox screenshot
“Hi, Mommy.”
Gigi (Remington Blaire Evans), upon hearing her late mom Nic’s donated heart beating in another patient
9-1-1: LONE STAR
Photo : Courtesy of Fox
“I always imagine the world of politics to be really smart people walking briskly down corridors, talking real fast and all sort of sounding alike.”
In other words, Owen (Rob Lowe) learned everything he knows about the political world from watching himself on The West Wing
Photo : HBO screenshot
“Look, I know you may be a backwoods simpleton, who scrubs her dresses on tree bark and stinks up the entire house with roadkill stew, but Godd—n if I wouldn’t miss the pitter-patter of your filthy-ass bare feet, or the way you chew shrimp tails with the ice like an animal — you’re family. And the thought of you running away on this bus right now is making my gooch pucker.”
Judy (Edi Patterson) pours her heart out to her aunt Tiffany to deter her from leaving town
Photo : PBS screenshot (2)
“Hey, this shows you how to draw an aardvark! I never knew their noses were so long. Weird!”
It took 25 seasons, but Buster (voiced by Daniel Brochu) finally addressed the fact that Arthur looks nothing like an actual aardvark
Photo : ABC screenshot
“… and your plan was to leave without saying goodbye?”
“Because if I say goodbye to you, Grey, I might not actually leave.”
Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and Cormac (Richard Flood), giving us a taste of what might have been
GREY'S ANATOMY (Bonus Quote!)
Photo : ABC screenshot
“When Leo said that he was an owl, did you feel the need to call him silly and correct him?”
“No. You just loved him. You just let him explore. Let’s just love Leo, Teddy. Let’s listen when he tells us who he is.”
Regardless of Leo’s gender identity, Owen (Kevin McKidd) refuses to let himself and Teddy (Kim Raver) become the child’s bully
Photo : FX screenshot
“Little late for this, but I’m sorry for shooting you and all. I’m glad you… didn’t not make it.”
Stripper-turned-hitwoman Black Diamond (Christine Horn) awkwardly apologizes to Louie for trying to kill her last season
Photo : ABC screenshot
“Let’s run her bandit ass out of town.”
Dr. Audrey Lim (Christina Chang) vows to take Salen Morrison down, once and for all
Photo : Hulu screenshot (2)
“I once had a guy who said, ‘I love you’ on our first date.”
“Wow, you win! Dude sounds like a real piece of work.”
“You have no idea. But a good piece of work.”
Robin (Cobie Smulders) recalls her very first date with Ted
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“You are the bane of my existence… and the object of all my desires.”
Anthony (Jonathan Bailey) breathlessly tells Kate how he truly feels for her, despite being engaged to her sister Edwina
Photo : ABC screenshot
“I’ve been getting out of that Spider-Man costume. Did I miss anything? There’s, like, a different vibe in here.”
Co-host Amy Schumer masterfully eases the tension after Will Smith’s now-infamous slap of Chris Rock
Photo : AMC screenshot (2)
“[Hershel] doesn’t exactly trust me, you know.”
“But I’m starting to.”
Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Maggie (Lauren Cohan) reach a turning point as she asks her husband’s killer to babysit their son
Photo : ABC screenshot
“Gwendolyn, but he called her Winnie.”
Bruce (Spence Moore II) reveals the reimagining’s unexpected connection to the OG series — that his friend Brian, who died in the Vietnam War, is also Winnie Cooper’s brother — and breaks our hearts in the process
Photo : ABC screenshot
“Let me see these permission slips to the zoo, and they better be real, ’cause I can tell if you faked a Herbie Hancock.”
“Oh, it’s John Hancock.”
“Girl, I know. I just say whatever I want.”
Ava (Janelle James) doesn’t play by the rules
Photo : ABC screenshot
“We’ve watched Nightmare Before Christmas but only the Christmas parts, Practical Magic without the witchcraft and Hocus Pocus without Sarah Jessica Parker.”
Barbara (Sheryl Lee Ralph) describes her church’s Halloween movie screening tradition
Photo : BBC America screenshot
“I did it, Eve.”
“Don’t you mean ‘we did it’?”
“Yeah. But mostly me.”
Villanelle (Jodie Comer) lets Eve (Sandra Oh) know she’s taking the credit for taking down The Twelve
Photo : ABC screenshot
“Noah, I feel like maybe you should Wikipedia me.”
Katy Perry, famously an ex-girlfriend of John Mayer’s, balks at Noah Thompson’s suggestion that Perry picked a Mayer song for him to sing
Photo : Peacock screenshot
“#AlbumMode is a state of mind that started when our deal was announced and ends when I’m at the Met Gala in a catheter because my dress is too complicated.”
Wickie (Renée Elise Goldsberry) has a very clear vision of how the girls’ new album release will play out
Photo : ABC screenshot
“My name is Matt, Mom. This is me. I’m sad for you. I’m sad that you don’t want to get to know me or the man that I’ll become. I’m sad that you’re going to miss out on loving me when I feel the most me.”
“But honey, I love you… I’m trying to save you. Honey, you’re a child. You don’t know what’s good for you.”
“I know that when you call me Mary, it makes me want to die. Do you think me wanting to die is good for me, Mom?”
Whether his mom (Romy Rosemont) wants to hear it or not, transgender youth Matt (Hollidae Livingston) speaks his truth
Photo : CBS screenshot
“Wow. I might look too cool.”
Sheldon’s (Iain Armitage) first graphic tee is a total game-changer
Photo : Courtesy of NBC
“You’re as tough as they come, Rebecca Pearson. And you, my dear, have earned a rest.”
Dr. K (Gerald McRaney) gives Rebecca one last (sniff!) pep talk
Photo : Warner Bros. TV Distribution (2)
“When we started the show, I couldn’t say ‘gay.’ I was not allowed to say ‘gay.’ I say it at home a lot — you know, ‘What are we having for our gay breakfast?’ or ‘Pass the gay salt,’ or ‘Has anyone seen the gay remote?’ — but we couldn’t say ‘gay.’ I couldn’t say ‘we’ because that would imply that I was with someone. Sure couldn’t say ‘wife,’ and that’s because it wasn’t legal for gay people to get married. Now I say ‘wife’ all the time.”
During her last show, DeGeneres acknowledges how much has changed since 2003 — and calls attention to wife (and front-row audience member) Portia de Rossi
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll punch you so hard in your face that your teeth’ll fall back out.”
“Whoa. Too far.”
Steve (Joe Keery) instantly regrets the way he tells Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo) to stop pointing out his lingering feelings for ex Nancy
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“You’ve grown.”
“You shrank.”
Reunited, Mike (Finn Wolfhard) and Hopper (David Harbour) compare the effects of adolescence vs. the Kamchatka diet
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“Who elected you, Vanya?”
“It’s, uh, Viktor.”
“Who’s Viktor?”
“I am. It’s who I’ve always been.”
Viktor Hargreeves (Elliot Page) introduces himself to his siblings for the first time
Photo : Disney+ screenshot
“I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker — I did.”
Darth Vader (Hayden Christensen), reinforcing what Ben Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker in A New Hope — that Vader did, indeed, kill his father
Photo : Prime Video screenshot
“How long have you been f—king it behind my back?”
“OK, it’s not an ‘it.’ It’s a ‘her.’ Get your pronouns right.”
Cassandra (Katy Breier) and The Deep (Chace Crawford) discuss his relationship with Ambrosius the octopus
Photo : BET screenshot
“Bitch, you’re f—king Black Panther and Eddie Murphy all rolled into one?!”
In case you couldn’t tell, Danni (Mignon) is pretty excited about Sabrina dating an African prince
Photo : Bravo screenshot
“2020 was bad for a lot of people, but I also think it was kind of like a spiritual awakening. This is going to sound crazy, but I made peace with my vagina.”
“Were you at war with your vagina?”
Not to discredit Sheree Zampino’s epiphany, but Dorit Kemsley poses a valid follow-up question
Photo : Paramount+ screenshot
During her hearing, Sister Andrea (Andrea Martin) subtly reminds Dr. Boggs that he knows firsthand how present demons can be in the world
Photo : Hulu screenshot (2)
“I enjoy spending time with you. You are a male, and yet you possess many prominent female traits. Which I find appealing.”
Topa (Imani Pullum) puts her crush on Gordon (Scott Grimes) into (awkward) words
Photo : AMC screenshot (inset: Everett Collection)
“Crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy: Fifty-year-old high school chemistry teacher comes into my office. The guy is so broke he can’t pay his own mortgage. One year later, he’s got a pile of cash as big as a Volkswagen. That’s crazy!”
Gee, to whom could Gene (Bob Odenkirk) be referring…?
Photo : Courtesy of HBO
Dolores-Hale (Tessa Thompson), the “bored” god, summons herself a place to sit
Photo : FX screenshot
“Trust me: Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay. Gay it’s gonna be.”
Laszlo (Matt Berry) thinks faking a relationship with Nandor is a sure-fire way to get Colin into private school
Photo : HBO screenshot
“We let the [monkeypox] vaccine sit unused on a shelf in our reserves like an expired Chobani — or a $90 million movie on HBO Max. By the way, hi there, new business daddy! Seems like you’re doing a really great job. I do get the vague sense that you’re burning down my network for the insurance money, but I’m sure that that’ll all pass.”
Photo : ABC screenshot (2)
“Tino’s being a real baby back bitch.”
Ethan accidentally comes up with an alternate jingle for Chili’s while slamming his romantic rival
Photo : HBO Max screenshot
“I don’t trust clowns with secrets.”
“I am barely clown-themed anymore. I just think I look hot like this. I mean, check out how good these booty shorts make my ass look, right? [Off Bruce’s confused look] Never mind, you’re 8.”
Harley (voiced by Kaley Cuoco) tries to earn a young Bruce Wayne’s trust
Photo : The CW screenshot
“I think I might just take these as a reminder of my time in Roswell. … Fits like a glove!”
Seeing Allie (played by Shiri Appleby, aka the Liz of the original Roswell series) put on that alien headband was a full-circle moment we won’t soon forget
Photo : Kevin Winter/Getty Images
“When I was a little girl, all I wanted to see was me in the media: someone fat like me, Black like me, beautiful like me. If I could go back and tell little Lizzo something, I’d be like, ‘You’re going to see that person, but bitch, it’s going to have to be you.’”
Photo : Paramount+ screenshot
“Mother f—ker. Oh, I’m sorry, you didn’t hear that? Mother f—ker. F—k you and your moronic defund the police bulls—t. Why? Because you’re putting Trump back into the White House, you stupid f—kin’ tai-t lick. You never heard me swear before? Well, aren’t you in for a treat.”
After six seasons of watching his mouth on CBS’ The Good Wife, legendarily blunt political strategist Eli Gold (Alan Cumming) wastes no time taking his pent-up potty mouth for a spin in the Paramount+ spinoff
Photo : Paramount+ screenshot (2)
“So we are saying ‘Jeng-his’ now.”
“She does.”
“It’s the right way!”
Chuck (Mark Gagliardi) points out the Season 2 characters’ different pronunciations of Genghis Khan’s name
Best TV Quotes
Photo : Courtesy of CBS
“Monte may have more blood on his hands than me, but as someone who has sat on this eviction block six times on eviction night, I have bled out the most in this game. But I have bandaged myself together every single time and gotten up and continued to fight, because like so many other women in the world, that is what we have to do to get to the end… I have overcome so much in this game, and I have come to understand that I am not a shield, I am a sword. I am not a victim, I am a victor… Jury members, I am challenging you to make the hard decision and change the course of this game. Choose progress for the course of this game. I can be the winner of this season, and I promise you will not do it in vain if you choose me tonight.”
Taylor clinches the game-winning vote with her epic final plea to the jurors
Best TV Quotes
Photo : NBC screenshot
“You’re the love of my life, and if I’m yours, then you’ll know that you have to let me go.”
Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer), breaking our hearts in his tearful goodbye to wife Upton
Photo : Disney+ screenshot
“That’s what Hulks do. We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings, I smash fourth walls and bad endings… and sometimes Matt Murdockkkk.”
Jen (Tatiana Maslany) reminds K.E.V.I.N. of her particular set of skills
Photo : Prime Video screenshot
“When in doubt, Elanor Brandyfoot, always follow your nose.”
The Stranger (Daniel Weyman), giving off serious Gandalf vibes while leading the way for his new adventure with Nori
Photo : HBO screenshot
“He can keep his tongue.”
Before King Viserys can cut out Vaemond’s tongue for publicly questioning Rhaenyra’s sons’ parentage, Daemon (Matt Smith) slices the accuser’s skull in two — but leaves the offending appendage attached
Photo : Hulu screenshot
“Hi, June.”
“Hi, Serena.”
“You got a diaper?”
Serena (Yvonne Strahovski) and June (Elisabeth Moss) are in the same boat — er, train — at the end of the Season 5 finale
Photo : Syfy screenshot
“You think I’m scared to go to hell? F—k that. I’m from Jersey… Jersey!”
Chucky (voiced by Brad Dourif) doesn’t have much love for his home state, it seems
Photo : Disney+ screenshot
“I d-d-don’t want to be alone. I want M-M-Maarva.”
B2EMO (voiced by Dave Chapman) isn’t ready to mourn
Photo : Paramount+ screenshot
“You’ve never pulled your gun in the line of duty, have you? Never faced down a psychopath…. You’re a hedge fund manager with a badge.”
Prentiss (Paget Brewster) calls ’em — in this case, FBI Deputy Director Bailey — as she sees ’em
Photo : HBO Max screenshot
“This is insane.”
“Compared to what? Two hours ago I was in [Conner’s] stomach trying to kill a ghost snake.”
“And two hours before that we were fighting zombies.”
“And I kissed Bernard.”
Tim (Jay Lycurgo) experienced a different kind of pre-fall finale action
Photo : Paramount Network screenshot
“How ya feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck. How about you?”
“Like I got hit by a Prius.”
Beth (Kelly Reilly) offers Summer (Piper Perabo) faint praise the morning after their brawl
Best TV Quotes
Photo : HBO screenshot
“These gays! They’re trying to murder me!”
Tanya (Jennifer Coolidge) has an unintentionally hilarious lightbulb moment about the men with whom she’s been spending her Sicilian vacation
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