may-lutlone · 7 months
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more ideas for that akechi is a robot au
-Ann and Yusuke created his everyday camouflage, Iwai repairs him and Takemi repairs Joker lol
the og post with the basis of this au is here: <3
bonus doodles:
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luxu-loveskh · 6 months
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Au design edits at thee
Originally i didnt want to do joker since there isnt much diff but if akechi i need to do joker
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star-felled · 6 months
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i have a lot of art but havent posted any of it, but then realized theres no reason i SHOULDNT post it. so i'll do one a day !
first off, and most recently: kasumi yoshizawa from my blackguard au, which now has a tag ! expect a lot of art of it from here on its my current obsession
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shizuhanaart · 1 year
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some old doodle for my victorian!au. goro with a corset should be normalised
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Decaying Godhood (Persona AU)
I've been rambling and throwing ideas for this AU for a good bit now, here's a much more cohesive post about it!
Shoutout to @the-squeege and @artekai for discussing ideas with me, it was super helpful o(*°▽°*)o
Spoiler warning for P3, P4, P5/P5R, P5S, and P5T!
So let’s meet the main characters and their arcana!
Nyx (Tower)
Ryoji (Death)
Izanami (Empress)
Izanagi (Emperor)
Yaldabaoth (Devil)
Satanael (Justice)
Emma (High Priestess)
Salmael (Lovers)
Azathoth (Hermit)
Adam (Strength)
I’m omitting Pandora, Nyarlathotep, Clockwork God, and Enlil since I haven’t played the games they’re from… I don’t know enough about them to include them properly.
I’m scrapping the usual typings and giving (almost) everyone new typings… mostly because I have no idea who I’d apply fire, wind, etc to, none of these guys scream any particular element. I’m still working out the typings but what I know for sure so far are the “typeless” ones:
Adam: Strictly physical attacks
Azathoth: He is strictly a healer in this, and has no offensive attacks
EMMA: Navigator, can occasionally use almighty attacks
I’m leaning toward making their typings relating to humans, somehow.
As for the plot, at least a quick summary of what I’m thinking so far… all of humanity has come to a standstill. As in, time has stopped progressing for them. However, effects of leaving a living thing out to the elements are still occurring. In other words, humans are kind of just rotting away. It’s a very slow, magic mixed with organic decay kind of process that’s going on here. The appearance of this rot becomes more and more obvious as our group of unlikely heroes progress.
The gods, with the exceptions of Nyx, Thanatos, and Izanagi are dead, so how does this work? For this AU, none of the final bosses really die… their physical forms are abolished and their concepts are left to wander a nothingness, endlessly reflecting on what they’ve done. For Adam’s case, he stuck with Maruki until he died, then he took on a human form and lived among people for many years. Now would be a good time to mention that this takes place years after the events of P5S, so any human characters are long gone.
Let’s start from the beginning of the AU. It focuses on Nyx, Ryoji, and both P3 protagonists. These four are kind of just in a white void. Ryoji is able to move freely, he can see, he could leave too, but doesn’t want to leave Minato and Minako. They’re depicted as statue-ish figures, with a few features a deity would have. Their positions after the events of P3 caused them to go from humans to some sort of gods themselves. They are still mostly human though, this is important for the start of the plot.
Nyx’s sealing is visualized here as having been chained to these two. Until now, she couldn’t move, she was paralyzed along with having actual restraints. Therefore she couldn’t see, her eyes were forced shut. She couldn’t speak either. She could hear though, and the only thing she could do was listen to Ryoji speak to Minato and Minako. Some days, he’d talk to them as if they were still around. Other times, she could hear him mourn. Initially, she didn’t understand it at all. Sure, that’s her kid, and she cared about him somewhat, but she didn’t understand why he’d cry about them so much. There’d be times too, where Ryoji would talk to her, usually it would be him saying he wishes she could understand humans like he did, or sometimes he’d yell at her. Over the course of years and years, Nyx comes to understand Ryoji’s feelings… somewhat, anyway.
This brings me back to the chains she has. Now, all of the sudden, she can see and move again. And these chains, which were once really short, are now much longer, allowing Nyx to walk pretty far from them. This happening is meant to show Minato and Minako’s humanity being affected by the Rot, which is causing them to lose their grip on Nyx.
Upon hearing some movement, Ryoji is quick to become aggressive, but Nyx is still disoriented from suddenly being able to see and speak again, so she doesn’t return any hostility. You can imagine the arguing taking place as they try to figure out what’s happening. After a while, they realize they are able to see into the human realm. That’s when they notice the state of humanity.
Of course, they don’t notice the Rot yet. These two are the first to venture into the human realm to investigate what is going on. It’s mostly Ryoji that wants to figure things out, he takes Nyx with him to keep an eye on her.
This brings me to the motivations of each of the characters… Ryoji going out of his way to help humans makes sense. He did live as one, and made a lot of friends who he cared a lot for. For others, they hate humanity (cough Yaldabaoth), so why’re they here? Simply put, after humans rot away, the realm of gods is next. Also worth mentioning, everyone now has a humanoid form (if they didn’t have one already), so this is something of a second chance for these guys too.
I’ll go through each character:
Nyx: After spending years only listening to Ryoji talk to the twins and voice his affections for humanity, she gains a better understanding of them and obtains a sense of self (much like how Thanatos/Death became Ryoji during P3). She feels like she owes it to Ryoji to help him now.
Izanami and Izanagi: After the events of P4, these two really didn’t feel like doing anything else… Izanami was unable to do much anyway. They are later dragged out of the realm of nothingness they were hanging out in. Izanagi’s time with Yu makes him far more inclined to help out, Izanami is a little heartbroken that after the Investigation Team proved humanity’s worth, they fell into this state.
Satanael: He ditches the Phantom Thieves after Yaldabaoth is taken care of, and left to go cause minor bouts of chaos, nothing too drastic. He doesn’t outright try to end humanity, he just likes “poking fun”, so when everything comes to a standstill, he’s alarmed. Satanael is more neutral compared to everyone else, he does care about mankind, not to the extent that Ryoji and Azathoth do, though. He doesn’t hate them either, so he (probably) helps them for a selfless reason.
Yaldabaoth: For sure is only saving humanity so he also doesn’t rot away. Perhaps by the end, he’s changed a bit, but now that he’s given a physical form again, who knows what he’ll get up to.
EMMA: Upon being defeated, she spent her time watching over Sophia and Ichinose. She chooses to help humanity because of how well the PTs treated Sophia.
Salmael: Toshiro’s anxiousness rubbed off on him a bit… As the god of stagnation, this halt in humanity seems like it’s his doing, but it isn’t. He ventures out thinking that he somehow accidentally did it, and is horrified by the Rot..
Azathoth and Adam: These two genuinely care for humanity, their motivations are completely selfless. While Azathoth can suspend his emotions, Adam spent more time with Maruki, living as a human for years, so he’s much more emotional over the whole situation.
None of these guys are able to have Personas, but are able to “summon” their deity forms as an extension of themselves (so there’s a split-consciousness situation happening). Awakenings are still required for them to be able to do this, though, similar to Persona awakenings.
This ability requires one to first of all realize that their status and power as a god is due to humanity’s perception of them, but then they also must accept that. Only then they can “break free” of their restricted humanoid forms to use their more powerful forms. These forms look similar to their in-game designs, but there’ll be some differences, as I want to give them fun new(ish) designs…
Acquiring this ability is much easier for some than others… Ryoji and Adam as an example, are really quick to accept this once they understand the idea initially, but then a few others refuse to accept that humans are responsible for their power.
As for enemies, Shadows are present due to humans being unable to pass properly. For major bosses, the Rot left some human bodies as empty husks that became aggressive. These husks are attracted to the power the gods have.
Some side characters I also want to include… Jose and Sophia run the shop that provides weapons and other equipment! There’s also the Velvet Room that has specifics I’m trying to figure out… I might make Yu and Ren the attendants.
I think that’s all I have for now! I’d still like to figure out the order in which each god joins the team… It starts with Ryoji and Nyx, Salmael probably second since he’s already out investigating (he can be the navigator before Emma joins), then it’s either Adam since he’s also around, or Emma. This is still a wip! So if anyone has any comments or anything, feel free to send an ask! I'm already doing some doodles for this so hopefully I'll have some art for it soon (❁´◡`❁)
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hymnofmistral · 6 months
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So, I'm trying something out, making social cards for my fic Fragments. Planning to make more as I find time to do so. The remaining ones I want to do, would be: Makoto (Yuuki), Futaba, Mitsuru, Ann, Sumire, maybe Rise, Yosuke, we shall see...
(Each of these represents Akechi's links from what's posted thus far.)
*Message me if you wanna chat or want the link to the discord group!
(oh, btw, I did a lot of my own customization and even painting over things and organizing my own designs, altering stuff... but I take ref/ sample material from online here and there, so not claiming all of it as my art.)
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kokonqui · 1 month
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Comfort, in the immediate form of ego death
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abbytakuya · 1 year
Day 2 - gift It’s more the liar princess and the blind prince AU woo🎶
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I’m very proud of this one, I think it turned out cute ☺️
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The World of Sayuri: A Palace of Humility
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Palace Ruler: Humilitas Kitagawa
Yusuke’s palace is a fledged out world of the Sayuri painting made up of colorful buildings and flowing landscapes. Everything is a perfect still, a perfect piece of inspiration for an artist’s landscape painting. Simultaneously made of real, or more accurately realistic seeming objects, and of careful brush strokes. A world that is never static and constantly reconfiguring itself to suit and inspire every single cognition housed within it. The palace was made as a hub of artistic expression with Yusuke encouraging his constituents to work on different pieces of art year round to be presented at the large and ornate Arts Festival where the pieces can be critiqued by other artists. This event is how the palace citizens negotiate their social standing, by 1. Creating iconic, masterful and deeply meaningful pieces of art or 2. Becoming the great critiques of art and helping to elevate the vision of other artists through meaningful advice and critique. The main goal of the festival as stated by Yusuke himself is to celebrate different forms of art and help the artists improve so that they can make better and better pieces.
Unfortunately for Yusuke his palace plans didn’t go as planned, a small group of the artists grew sharper tongues and their critiques became malicious. Rather than appreciating the pieces and looking at the ways the artist has either failed to fully portray their ideas or ways to improve their technique. This new group of artists began to champion Yusuke’s art as the best and deviation from his style and technique was seen as bad form. Their structured mindset became popular and started to spread among the other cognitions and Yusuke responded by sectioning off his palace into different tiers. This causes Yusuke to go from a passionate mentor of his subjects to a lackadaisical artist who only appears during the Arts Festival. To enter the deeper areas of the palace a test was set up where a painting by Yusuke would be presented and the person or people viewing the work would be tasked with critiquing the piece. Those who made critiques that furthered and met Yusuke’s goal for his palace would be allowed to go further. There were three palace segments and of course this means there are subsequently three tests.
The first test presents a painting titled “Of Sun and Wine” which depicts Yusuke drinking wine from Dionysus’ hands and basking in the light of Apollo’s sun. The second test presents a painting titled “Rebirth” which depicts the Shibuya Teikyu Building Accessway with warm sunlight shining through the accessway windows, a black cat with a yellow collar and blue eyes laying on the floor sleeping and absent of people and vehicles. The third and final test presents a painting titled “IS DESTINY MADNESS” which depicts Yusuke and Madarame’s face melding together with Yusuke’s face contorted into a terrified expression and Madarame’s smiling maniacally with sweat dripping from his forehead.
The first test has been passed by a majority of the palace goers, the second test has been passed by a minority of the palace goers and no one has been able to pass through the third test. The test presents the Infiltrators with a variety of ways to explore further into the palace depths. It is possible to get through the palace by never participating in the test instead fighting their way through the guards. However this will prevent them from gaining access to equipment that will let them enter rooms that give access to Yusuke’s will seeds. The rooms are themed around the artists: Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakami and Chiharu Shiota.
Within Yusuke’s palace his treasure takes the form of an ornate paint brush hidden under the floorboards of his private painting room. When the Infiltrators arrive to steal the treasure the roof of the room opens and Yusuke snatches the brush away from them, the walls falling to open into a battlefield. The brush grows in size becoming the length of a spear and Yusuke unveils his persona, St Francis of Assisi.
Finally Yusuke himself appears in the palace reclining on floating clouds wearing a painted obi and an elongated Yukata that trains behind him. He wears his hair up with a topper to accentuate the hairstyle and a bit of hair covering one eye. Additionally he wears a face of makeup inspired by traditional Japanese makeup.
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symphonic-scream · 2 years
Phantom Pirates au time
This would be a Persona 5 (Royal) Pirate au, and I'd love to make it a full fic but I've got my plate full for now, however, as always, I'm super down to chat and post about it here
So, without further adieu, it's pirate time
So it all starts with a boy, and a ship. No one knows the kid, where he comes from, or how he managed to acquire such a fine vessel. Most guess that he must be about 12, smudged with soot and sporting a bright yellow scarf
He dreams of a life on the high seas, of adventure and doing what's right to the end. However, no child could manage a ship the size of the Velvet Room all on his own, and finding a crew that matches ones ideals would be a hard task.
...or would it?
A young man is sentenced to death, sitting in a damp, solitary cell awaiting his trudge to the gallows. Falsely accused, no fair trial in sight. He stares up at the stars through the bars at night, and wishes that he could be given another chance
Two foreigners fall under the thumb of a business they hadn't intended to be sucked into. In order to save their own skins, they hand over their only daughter to be bought or sold, to be done with however her buyers please. She cries silently at night, dreaming of escape and loving for herself
The streets are a dangerous place for a youth. His father owed a debt, one his mother payed for with her life. Left on his own, an injury rotting away one foot, he stole to pay for a shabby peg, his meals. Treated like a rat scurrying under the feet of the townspeople. He prays for a chance to make them all pay, to bring hope to those like him
Each is given a chance, an offer from a small boy; Join his crew, help his cause, and a life of glory will await them on the other side.
And how could they say no?
Within a month, an infamous sex trafficker finds his fort burning up around him, cowering in the shadows of three figures; one with a false leg, the image of a skull painted over his face; a woman in a red leather corset, fire spreading with each snap of her fingers; and a man in a long, dark coat, the burning flames of rebellion in his eyes
Suguru Kamoshida burns that day, but the evidence of his crimes does not. That is the day that whispers start to spread, about a new pirate crew, one to be feared;
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts
In a port a few months later, they pick up a new member. A young artist, who reveals all in his work, being hunted after revealing the sins of a baron in a public portrait. Cornered by guards in what he believes are his final moments, the young man accepts his fate. However, his time has not yet come. A figure in a tall dark coat comes to his aid, and he makes a deal with a young boy with a yellow scarf
Left to die, bleeding out on the sand of a small island, a young woman cries for her sister. She'd gone blindly down the same path that had gotten her father killed, and had been named a military deserter for maintaining her morals. Shes found there, on the brink of death, a wound from a musket draining her life away in her gut. A young boy patches her up, and accepts her vow to repay them for her life, fighting by their side
Stowed away below the deck of the Velvet Room, they stumble upon a girl. Small, frail, terrified. Her death is sought after by many, as she carries the last proof of the crimes her mother died trying to bring to the light. Making a deal with the youngest Phantom comes easily to her, an urge for vengeance fresh in her heart.
A young royal, heart and soul locked away in her father's palace, promised to a man whose eyes boil with sludge and sin. Both ignore the calling card sent their way, and their fortunes burn around them in the dead of night, the blood of their hired guns soaking the marble floors. Smoke fills the locked tower, the door flung open. The heiress is escorted back to a ship she's only dreamed of, and given a choice. For her, it is an easy decision to make. She shakes the hand of the young boy with the deadliest of pirates at his back
Twin performers, hair as red as the dawn, favoured throughout the lands for their talent. However, their troupe leader owes money he does not have, and the elder erases the debt with her own blood, spilled unwillingly one cold night. Framed for her own sister's murder, the younger is forced to flee. Starving in a port not known for its generosity, she finds a young boy staring down at her with the bluest of eyes. When he offers her a chance to make things right, she takes his hand
Their Monikers, spread through carefully painted portraits posted after shabby wanted posters made their debut, spread fear among those that do wrong.
Joker, a man who is as deadly as he is mysterious, always heading the Phantom charge in the dead of night
Skull, who man's their canons with a deadly force, just as loud and bombastic as the artillery he fires
Panther, a beauty with flames that dance from her fingertips, flint sewed into a pair of rose gloves
Fox, as handsome as he is beautiful, hidden in the shadows, master of disguise
Queen, her shots always deadly accurate, blood red eyes haunting survivors until their final breath
Oracle, a mastermind in her own right, planning each heist and raid as easily as planning what to eat for dinner
Noir, a deadly force that spills blood with glee, fighting with elegance, grace, and rage
And Violet, quick with a blade, her hand always steady as she drives it through another victim's chest
They are the Phantom Thieves, pirates of the Velvet Room.
Anyways yeah so there it is. What do y'all think? Thoughts? Ideas? Questions? Please I wanna talk about this
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kougaonn · 1 year
i finally got my p5 x tma assignments down. PLEASE talk to me about these i guarantee some of them don't fit- i didn't have anyone to use as a sounding board. here you go
Akira Kurusu: a Hunter and a servant of the Desolation
obviously for this au i needed him to be a Hunter. but he fits the desolation so well too... I say if robert montauk can double up with the Hunt and the Dark so can akira.
Morgana: Entity of the Hunt
he kickstarts akira's Hunt abilities! i was imagining him to be like the eldritch cat from guardians of the galaxy
Ryuji Sakamoto: The Flesh
ryuji gave me a really hard time mostly because i don't know his character as well as i might have liked. waffled between the Buried and the Desolation as well.
Ann Takamaki: The Corruption
i gave her the Corruption mostly because i don't think she's the kind of person to succumb to the lonely. what with her confidant and the conditions she lives with at home it reminded me of the more emotional side of the Corruption.
Yusuke Kitagawa: The Lonely
Okay this one i really don't know about. other deliberations included the vast, but i am really just not sure. i picked the Lonely because i can imagine yusuke feels alienated (even in some part among the thieves) because of his mannerisms and personality.
Makoto Niijima: The Dark
she is scared of the dark and i think we forget that. i like to think she becomes a servant of the Dark in a similar way to callum brodie
Futaba Sakura: The Eye
so the Lonely might be the obvious choice here. sure if you want to it works. i think the Eye fits into social anxiety much better than the Lonely does.
Haru Okumura: The Slaughter
i think she is sooo melanie king core. it might have always been in some part of her psyche but she gets attacked by the slaughter somehow and that's what really brings it to light.
Goro Akechi: The Web
Do i even need to explain
Sumire Yoshizawa: The Spiral
the spiral being known by the name It Is Lies. that's really all i need to say.
BONUS ROUND: Sophia: The Stranger
ohh robots are more fitting for the extinction whatever. not this one. She tries so so hard to understand humanity and is terrified by the suggestion she might not be who she is. she is so Stranger core.
these aren't all i have- these are just the phantom thieves. i have a list of "monsters" that akira has hunted, if anyone would like to see that as well :3
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may-lutlone · 1 year
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shdhsjsjsjsjsj a short comic for a my favorite shuake fanfic in making (I might be biased, because I do illustrations for it, together with @mnih765 - for our friend )
please I beg you to read it because premise is so funnyyyyyyyyy (but it does have its emotional moments) :)))))))))
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luxu-loveskh · 7 months
Was sleeping but here is some art with some kind of symbolism theme.
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star-felled · 6 months
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i missed a day but. part four of posting art until i run out of things to post ! this time my persona design :)
this is bo peep ! kasumi's persona in my silly au that youre probably tired of me talking about. thought you escaped because i stopped for a day to post cat maid goro akechi? WRONG.
newest design on the left old one on the right (old one is just to show her crook tbh)
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artekai · 9 months
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When I tell you that when I saw the top hat and the red ombre hair I LOST my mind
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If you leave God in your mind, he'll turn your hair white and rot your brain
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Brown hair variant (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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