denzwei · 1 year
PASSPO☆ - Pretty Lie
Bulgarian translation of PASSPO☆ - Pretty Lie/ Български превод на PASSPO☆ - Pretty Lie
LYRICS + COMPOSITION : Marti Dodson, Fredrik Thomander, Patric Sarin
LYRICS (JAPANESE): Sakurauriichigo (桜瓜苺)
ARRANGEMENT: Bamboo Helicopter
Сладка лъжа (Pretty Lie)
Всеки човек със сигурност си има своите предразсъдъци, но харесвам да виждам тази твоя страна, когато се притесняваш за най-малките неща, дали ще е ъгъла на веждите ти, или непоносимостта ти към гъсениците И понякога ти ми споделяш своите сладки лъжи Но аз те зная, макар и да идваш да ме видиш по всяко време, не можеш да бъдеш честен със себе си. Аз те разбирам, и всичко е наред, правиш се на по-смел, отколкото си и това харесвам в теб Дори да се увлечеш в чувството си за превъзходство, няма ли да бъдеш смятан за скучен? Докато винаги си нерешителен и всеки ден се притесняваш за проблемите си, ти си силен човек, който е вечно усмихнат И понякога ти ми споделяш своите сладки лъжи Но аз те зная, получавам твоята любов по всяко време, дори да е по-скромния начин. Аз те разбирам, и всичко е наред, под носа си мърмориш "Не е нищо особено", и това харесвам в теб. Защото те разбирам, и затова те харесвам Ти, който си тих сред тълпа от хора, и прям, когато си кажем "довиждане" и лъжите ти, които са толкова очевидни, че не мога да те намразя за тях. Но аз те зная, макар и да идваш да ме видиш по всяко време, не можеш да бъдеш честен със себе си. Аз те разбирам, и всичко е наред, правиш се на по-смел, отколкото си и това харесвам в теб Защото те разбирам, и затова те харесвам Защото те разбирам, и винаги ще те харесвам
Original Lyrics
誰でもきっと Complex抱えて生きている 君のそんな一面を見るのが好きで 眉毛の角度とか 毛虫が苦手とか どうでもいいようなこと気にしてるから そして君はたまに可愛いウソをつく But I know you どんな時も逢いに来てくれるのに 素直に なれない君のこと 分かってるよ大丈夫 ほんのついでだなんて 強がる そんな君が好き 優越感なんて 酔いしれてもきっと つまらない人って思われるだけでしょ いつも優柔不断で 悩み多き日々に迷いながら だけど笑顔絶やさぬ君は強い人 そして君はたまに可愛いウソをつく But I know you どんな時も愛を届けてくれる それでも 気取らず涼しげに 分かってるよ大丈夫 どうってことないなんて 呟く そんな君が好き ‘Cause I know だから君が好き 人混みの中で無口な君も 別れ際にそっ気ない君も バレバレで憎めないような ウソをつく君も…woo But I know you どんな時も逢いに来てくれるのに 素直に なれない君のこと 分かってるよ大丈夫 ほんのついでだなんて 強がる そんな君が好き ‘Cause I know だから君が好き ‘Cause I know ずっと君が好き
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disneyllect · 2 years
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magicmorningmeteora · 2 years
Thank You for 100 Follows and 15 Years
So many milestones, so little time. Happy 100 follows and 15th anniversary! #Jpop
Greetings, Citizens of the Universe! It’s been some year, hasn’t it? Sure, there hasn’t been much activity on the main blog since the end of the Momusu Grand Prix ’22 (sorry about that), but it’s been quite a busy time for us J-pop idol fans. I mean, there’s a graduation and a new single coming up in Morning Town, not to mention a graduation from the Camellias due next year. (I even had a blog…
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liarist · 1 year
Chapter 3: The Identity No warnings
As I woke up, I let out a big yawn, got dressed, and checked the weather for the day. I put on a black wig with bangs, lightly applied makeup, and then wore a coat.
"I'm going out; I'll be back in a bit," I informed. "Do you need me to buy anything?"
"If you can bring coffee or energy drinks, I'd appreciate it," Jake replied.
While I was on the bus, I found another photo in Hannah's cloud. It was a picture of a cat, and I almost melted from cuteness. I sent it to Jake along with a bunch of heart-eyed emojis.
After a couple of hours, I reached my destination. I bought myself a coffee from a café and sat on the terrace. Five minutes later, someone joined me.
"This has been quite unexpected, R," P said, leaving an envelope on the table. I took it and placed it in my bag. "You're lucky I was nearby."
"I know, thank you, P," I said. "It's really important, how much do I owe you?"
"Double the usual amount," P replied. I nodded and left the money on the table. "I'm genuinely grateful for this."
"Can I ask about the other person?" P inquired.
"I was planning on taking a vacation, and unexpectedly, among other things, this came up. But it's nothing bad, or at least I hope so," I said, taking a sip of my coffee. "These… cards… are necessary for emergencies with a partner I'm working with."
"Well, everything you need is there. If you need anything else, just let me know," P said, getting up and leaving.
I finished my coffee and took the bus back.
Thomas: And?
Rebekah: What?
Thomas: Have you looked at Hannah's photos? Do you remember her?
Rebekah: I've seen them, and I was hoping to recognize her from one of my trips, but I'm sorry to say I don't. As you may have noticed, I'm not from this area, so the only way I would have seen her is if I had encountered her during one of my travels.
Thomas: Oh. Okay. I see.
And he disconnects.
Jake: Sorry I didn't message you earlier. Clue number three?
Rebekah: Yes, that's right. The second clue is a bridge in a forest, and the third clue is a beautiful cat.
Jake: Hmm, I'll try to find out some information about these photos.
Rebekah: What could be in these photos?
Jake: Metadata: where the photos were taken, when Hannah uploaded them to the cloud… The more I know, the better. Give me some time. Oh, one more thing. I have another clue for you: ID47013. The police are onto Thomas, Hannah's boyfriend. You should focus on someone else.
Rebekah: Do I have to call the number?
Jake: No, enter it in your contacts. It's at the top right where you see the messages.
I do as he says and see that the number is for Dan.
I get off the bus and stop by the supermarket to buy the energy drinks Jake requested. We didn't have many things in the house, so I should buy some more.
I made a list on my phone:
Thermos cups for coffee
A couple of blankets because it gets really cold at night
Energy drinks (a lot of them)
Non-perishable food items
Gas for the camping stove
I think that should be enough, but let's be realistic—I'll probably come back with more things than what's on the list.
When I arrive home, I knock on the door, and Jake opens it. He raises his eyebrows when he sees me and helps me with the bags.
"I thought you were only going to bring coffee and energy drinks," he murmurs.
"I'm a danger when I go shopping; everything becomes important when I see it," I tell him.
We start placing the items on the table.
"Looks like these are indeed important things," he says, checking the purchases.
"Yes, I don't plan on surviving on instant food," I say. "And I don't want to be cold at night."
"Well, I guess I can't refuse," he remarks.
"Oh, I brought this," I say, taking out the envelope I had stored in my bag. "Today, I met up with my contact for documents. I had to retrieve them all soon anyway, so I thought it would be a good idea to do it now, and I took the liberty of requesting papers for you as well." I hand him his documents. "There's an ID card, passport, motorcycle, and car driver's license. There's also work information with all the details. The passport provides access to most countries, and more than 40 are visa-free."
"What about this? 'Rebekah'?" He looks noticeably surprised.
"It's for the times when we may need to escape. It helps us maintain a low profile. I can tell you from experience that I've never had any problems with this documentation; it's very reliable," I explain.
"Thank you so much, truly, thank you, Rebekah. I don't know how to thank you."
"I know what it's like to have to live on the run, and I know the relief that comes with having these papers. I feel a sense of peace with them. We're in this together, Jake," I smile.
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amiaaa-official · 1 year
DAMN ME TOO!!! i have lit one week and... let's say 1 day, till on stage debut with my bestie/soul sister! and i'm worrying bout the costumes and not messing up the lyrics
okay idols list, get something to grip this gonna get wild:
Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou, °C-ute, Buono!, Country Musume, Coconuts Musume, Taiyou to Ciscomoon, Melon Kinenbi, Ongaku Gatas, Angerme (previously S/Mileage), Juice=Juice, Country Girls, Kobushi Factory, Tsubaki Factory, BEYOOOOONDS, Ocha Norma, Matsuura Aya, Goto Maki, Fujimoto Miki, Mano Erina, Hangry&Angry, W, Mini Moni, Petit Moni, Nochiura Natsumi, Def. Diva, Tenrin, Artemis no Tsubasa, iLIFE, Guilty x Guilty, Hinatazaka46, Sakurazaka46, Niji no conquistador, Last Idol, Philosophy no Dance, Wasuta, Passpo, Yumemiru Adolescence, 24*emotions, ukka, Up Up Girls (kakko kari), Up Up Girls (2), Up Up Girls (Pro Wres), Kikkawa Yuu, Kyururintteshitemite
Now male idols:
Hey! Say! JUMP, Sexy Zone, MeseMoa, Panda Dragon, Naniwa Danshi
Now Kaigai idols:
Non Sweet, PAiDA, Lulu Bitto, Jemimemu, Melancholiaah!,
writing all these down right fucking now frfr
also Non Sweet and PAiDA my absolute BELOVEDS
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dailyjidols · 5 months
Weird question - Do you guys reblog girl bands? I saw that you use to at some point, but stopped. I'm a big fan of Band-Maid, SCANDAL, and Hanabie so I was hoping you could re-blog content of them in the future? Plz and thank you!
Hi there Anon! So you are correct, we did reblog girl bands back when the blog was newer. The members of SCANDAL were actually idol trainees before debut, or at least so I was told. Band-Maid were often featured in articles about "kawaii metal", etc.
However, we moved away from re-blogging girl bands since, by calling them such, aren't technically idols. ^^; I kinda figure if they are actually playing their instruments, they're more a band over idol group. The only big exception being PASSPO since their concept was being an idol band.
At the end of the day, it's mincing words on who or what groups are, or are not idols. I, Mod Rise, am by no means the authority on who is or isn't one. However there are plenty of groups and individuals to feature, that we won't be featuring girl bands for the moment. I hope you understand! Thanks for contacting us!
-Mod Rise
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pearlightu · 2 years
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Hey guys has anyone seen my passpo-.
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chic-china · 2 months
💳Красивая и практичная обложка на паспорт.Beautiful and practical passpo...
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fashionshopping · 8 months
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Vintage Genuine Leather Passpo ... Price 10.59$ CLICK TO BUY
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dohicky · 9 months
📸 Watch this video on Facebook
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alyambersailbadkitty · 10 months
Day .5 - Chopsticks Aren't For Eating With
We hope this will be the most brutal day we have on this trip - it was a real doozy.
The only outgoing flight from Denver to St. Marten was scheduled for 11:59 on Friday, December 8. This same evening, a snow storm came to Colorado after a week of 70 degree days - of course!
Eric (Amber's husband) agreed to take Aly and Amber to the airport, which was super thoughtful. Rye (Eric & Amber's eight month old Irish setter) paid Eric back by vomiting all over Eric's shoulder while he was driving - so sweet!!
As soon as we arrived to the airport, we knew our flight was already delayed. We were scheduled to fly to Ft. Lauderdale and then to St. Marten. Thankfully, we had a five hour layover in Ft. Lauderdale, so we weren't super worried about missing our connecting flight, but we were definitely getting tired. The airport was super chilly, so we decided to go find some hot tea. Most of the food places were closed, so we had to settle for Dunkin Donuts. They only had caffeinated green tea, so Aly decided to add a tiny bit to her cup of hot water to warm up.
Before boarding the plane, Aly made one last trip to the bathroom - which is actually the worst because she hates public potties more than anything in the whole wide world including the grocery store. She walked by a garbage can to throw away her remaining hot water and splashed one tiny drop of water on a complete stranger's face. And he was SOOO mad. But he was laying by the garbage!! What did he expect?! Aly apologized profusely several times, but the grumpy man was real upset.
At 1:30am, we boarded our plane and were pleasantly surprised that the aircraft appeared to be fairly new. Maybe this won't be so bad after all? Just kidding!
Amber sat in the window seat, so Aly was in the middle. A giant (and I mean giant) man sat next to Aly and immediately squished her. Our plan was to put our airpods in our ears and try to sleep. But the giant man had other plans.
As if things couldn't get much more uncomfortable - guess where the grumpy man with one drop of hot water on his face sat? RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! He was in charge of helping people get out of the plane in case of an emergency - Aly was definitely going to pass away if he was in charge of her life.
The giant man next to Aly fell asleep in a matter of seconds and snored like a giant buzz saw, with his mouth all the way open for four hours straight.
So besides the fact that airplane seats are not in any way, shape or form made to be comfortable (god forbid people might want to sleep on an overnight flight), the snoring giant was blasting louder than any podcast could ever hope to be. We got close to zero sleep on that leg of the trip.
Finally, we started to descend into Ft. Lauderdale around 7am. The giant man was still fast asleep spreading his morning breath in all directions and seemed super refreshed and ready to go when the flight attendant woke him up - must be nice.
We found a place to eat some breakfast and began walking to our next gate. We boarded the plane and met Spirit Airlines first officer, Pilot Dan. He immediately gave Amber a sticker that read, "work hard, do good, have fun." That's some real great advice, people. You should follow it.
We spent most of the time just trying to sleep and watched an episode of the Great British Baking Show. What a great show that is. It was biscuit week in case you're wondering. It still wasn't easy trying to catch some shut eye. Why are airplanes so uncomfortable? Is it some kind of sick joke from the airline industry?
The gorgeous views of the Caribbean helped alleviate the exhaustion, and we landed at the St. Marten airport. Staff at the airport were playing music and passing out waters to all of the new tourists - Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" was all anyone could hear while waiting for customs.
After customs, we met Tony, our cab driver. He tried to trick us by telling us we'd have to present our passport as we crossed into the French side of the country. And we totally fell for it. Tony got a big laugh out of the dumb Americans!
Finally, we arrived to our boat - her name is Bad Kitty! We got a tour of the accommodations and met the rest of the passengers:
Kathy: boat captain, sailing expert, loves to read
Brian: Kathy's son, also loves to read
Dick: loves Belize and very knowledgeable about sealife
Jan: Amber's mom, the ultimate #1 boss, highly developed leadership skills
Dennis: Amber's dad, easy going and calm
During our tour, Jan showed us our home away from home - a cabin under the main deck with a full size bed to share. And the tiniest, cutest bathroom you've ever seen where the shower, the toilet and the sink all share the same footprint.
Then, we entered "Jan's Potty Course" where we learned we can't flush toilet paper down the toilet and chopsticks are used to break up any big poos. I'm sorry what?!?! I have to chop up my shit with Asian utensils?? Also, we were told we can only shower for 30 seconds at a time to save water.
This is going to get super exciting!
That night, Dennis and Jan took the girls out for dinner in Marigot. We went to really cool little restaurant where we each got to try Guavaberry rum - the local spirit. If I'm being honest, it tasted a lot like someone guzzled a bottle of rubbing alcohol down my throat. But Jan loved it and ordered herself a whole glass - what a champ she is!!
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cashbox-community · 10 months
Unlock Cashbox’s Ancient Mysteries: DBOX — Your Key to Wealth, Adventure, and Mythical Realms! | Cashbox NFT, Metaverse, GameFi, P2E
Cashbox is the world’s first metaverse game platform that combines ancient civilization worlds with legendary gem NFTs and mythical beasts. Together with players, we create another world for global players in this parallel space thousands of years ago. We travel through history and experience the birth and development of ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, and Cathay (Ancient China) in the Cashbox metaverse.
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Every player becomes a designer of the Cashbox world. With just a DBOX, you can freely navigate the infinite possibilities of the Cashbox metaverse. Whether exploring history, building civilization, or interacting and competing with other players, you will get a real and rich experience in this virtual space. Welcome to join Cashbox, we can’t wait to embark on this exciting adventure with you!
What is DBOX?
DBOX is a limited edition gem blind box NFT in the Cashbox metaverse, and it is the key to enter the Cashbox metaverse. DBOX have the opportunity to obtain land from the four ancient civilizations, which will become a unique territory for players in Cashbox. The Cashbox team will auction DBOX of different civilization cities in batches on the official market. Players can choose to purchase DBOX of specific civilization cities according to their preferences and needs.
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By owning DBOX, players will be able to participate in this creative and potential metaverse, interact and cooperate with global players, and jointly build a unique and rich metaverse civilization.
How to Buy DBOX?
Players need to connect their wallet through Cashbox-supported methods such as Metamask and WalletConnect. Make sure you have obtained enough Acash through Cashbox’s SWAP function. Then, players can bid on DBOX they like in the Cashbox market.
DBOX Rarity
DBOX rarity is divided into: common, rare, super rare or more, and there are different identification marks after opening. The area and number of plots of different cities in each civilization are limited, ensuring the natural scarcity of DBOX.
Can DBOX be Traded?
Of course, players can extract opened DBOX to third-party NFT markets for trading. Currently, Cashbox supports extraction to OpenSea. Popular city-state DBOXes often attract more buyers to participate in trading, thus having better revenue expectations.
DBOX Exchange for Mythical Gem
Players who open DBOX can also exchange it for mythical gem in the game, and players can use mythical gems to summon mythical beasts in Cashbox for a deeper gaming experience.
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DBOX Exchange for Mythical Gem
DBOX is an important component of the Cashbox economic system and an essential game passport for every player entering Cashbox. In the world of Cashbox, DBOX is not only a passpo to enter, but also the starting point of wealth and adventure.
Only by owning DBOX can players uncover the mystery of ancient civilizations, summon powerful mythical beasts, master rare resources, develop their own civilization, and win huge rewards. Whether you are a novice or an experienced player, DBOX is the key to your success and prosperity in the Cashbox world. So, make sure you get DBOX and start your Cashbox adventure!
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anuj1111 · 11 months
PGWP, Flagpoling, and Canadian Citizenship
Canada has long been a welcoming destination for immigrants, offering numerous pathways to achieving the dream of building a life in this beautiful and diverse country. In this blog, we will explore three crucial aspects of Canada's immigration system: the Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP), the concept of Flagpoling, and the Canadian Citizenship application process. By understanding these key elements, you can better plan your immigration journey and make informed decisions about your future in the Great White North.
1. Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP)
The Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) is an invaluable immigration tool for international students who wish to gain Canadian work experience after completing their studies. Here's what you need to know:
Eligibility: To be eligible for a PGWP, you must have completed a program of study at a designated learning institution in Canada and have graduated from a program that lasts at least eight months. The PGWP can be issued for a duration of up to three years, depending on the length of your program.
   a. Gain Canadian Work Experience: The PGWP allows you to work in Canada, gaining valuable experience that can count towards your future immigration goals.
   b. Open Work Permit: Unlike most work permits, the PGWP is an open work permit, meaning you are not restricted to a specific employer or location, providing you with flexibility in your job search.
   c. Pathway to Permanent Residency: Gaining Canadian work experience through the PGWP can make you eligible for various immigration programs, such as the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), which can lead to permanent residency.
2. Flagpoling: A Creative Immigration Strategy
Flagpoling is a unique and sometimes underutilized method for renewing or changing your Canadian immigration status. It involves leaving Canada and re-entering at a border crossing or a Canadian consulate or embassy abroad to update your immigration documents. Flagpoling can be particularly useful when dealing with PGWP and other immigration matters. Here's how it works:
Renewing Your PGWP: If your PGWP is about to expire, you can flagpole to extend it. During the process, you will be issued a new work permit with an updated expiry date, allowing you to continue working in Canada.
Changing Your Status: Flagpoling can also be used to change your status from a temporary resident to a permanent resident. For instance, if you are eligible for Express Entry, flagpoling can be a quick way to obtain your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR).
Important Considerations:
   a. Prepare Proper Documentation: Ensure you have all the required documents, such as a job offer, study permit, or a positive Express Entry profile, when flagpoling.
   b. Border Wait Times: Be aware of potential wait times at border crossings, and choose a suitable location for flagpoling.
3. Canadian Citizenship Application
Once you've spent time in Canada as a temporary resident or a permanent resident, you may aspire to become a Canadian citizen:
   a. Permanent Residency: Generally, you must have been a permanent resident for at least 1,095 days out of the last five years before applying for citizenship.
   b. File Taxes: You must file your taxes for at least three years within the five-year period, demonstrating your commitment to Canadian society.
Language and Knowledge: You will need to prove your proficiency in English or French and pass a citizenship test that assesses your knowledge of Canada's history, values, symbols, and institutions.
Benefits of Canadian Citizenship:
   a. Full Rights and Benefits: As a Canadian citizen, you enjoy the same rights and benefits as those born in Canada, including access to healthcare and social services.
   b. Security and Stability: Canadian citizenship provides security and stability, as you are no longer subject to the rules and regulations of temporary residency.
   c. Passport: With Canadian citizenship, you can apply for a Canadian passport, allowing for easy international travel.
Canada's immigration system offers a wide range of opportunities for international students and newcomers to build a life in this beautiful and diverse country. Understanding the Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP), the concept of Flagpoling, and the Canadian Citizenship application process is crucial for making informed decisions about your immigration journey. By utilizing these tools and pathways, you can unlock the potential for a brighter future in Canada.
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nordnews · 1 year
Foreign Minister Tobias Billström is said to have forgotten his passport and not be able to travel to a summit in Kiev Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström forgot his passpo...
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innervision-dai · 1 year
ばってん少女隊 「あんたがたどこさ〜甘口しょうゆ仕立て〜」 Music Video
パンダドラゴン 「パLIFE!パLIKE!パLOUGH!パLOVE!」
CROWN POP 「恋は月曜日」 MV
ばってん少女隊と同じスタダ所属の次世代ダンスアイドルユニット、CROWN POP。
Peel the Apple 「めっちゃちっちゃらぶ」 Music Video
プラチナム系列所属のアイドルグループ、Peel the Apple。’23年10月にリリースの
2nd EP「Apple bobbing」リード曲。作詞曲&編曲は、ふぇのたすのヤマモトショウさん。
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suggestmeshop · 1 year
Passport Seva: Your Gateway to Effortless Passport Services
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In today's fast-paced world, efficiency and convenience are paramount, even when it comes to essential tasks like obtaining a passport. The introduction of Passport Seva has transformed the way individuals apply for passports and access passport-related services. In this article, we will explore the benefits and features of Passport Seva, guide you through the application process, and provide valuable tips for a seamless experience.
Introduction to Passport Seva Passport Seva is an innovative initiative by the Government of India's Ministry of External Affairs. It aims to simplify the process of passport application and related services through a user-friendly digital platform. This digital transformation has significantly reduced the hassle and time traditionally associated with obtaining a passport.
Key Features and Services Passport Seva offers a range of services to cater to various passport-related needs:
New Passport Application: Apply for a new passport online from the comfort of your home.
Passport Renewal: Renew your passport hassle-free through the online portal.
Updating Personal Information: Modify personal details such as address, marital status, and more.
Appointment Booking: Schedule appointments for document verification at Passport Seva Kendras.
Real-Time Application Tracking: Keep track of your application's status in real-time.
How to Register on Passport Seva Getting started with Passport Seva is a simple process:
Access the Portal: Visit the official Passport Seva website.
Registration: Click on the "Register Now" option.
Provide Details: Fill in your basic information, such as name, birthdate, and email.
Create User ID and Password: Choose a user ID and password for your account.
Verify Email: Verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to you.
Navigating the Passport Application Process Log In: Use your registered user ID and password to log in to your Passport Seva account.
Fill Application Form: Complete the online passport application form with accurate details.
Appointment Booking: Reserve a slot at your nearest Passport Seva Kendra for document verification.
Fee Payment: Pay the required fees online through a secure payment gateway.
Document Submission Made Easy After booking an appointment, visit the selected Passport Seva Kendra with the necessary documents for verification. These documents may include proof of identity, address, and photographs.
Fee Payment and Transparent Structure The fee structure varies based on the type of passport service you require, such as fresh passport issuance, renewals, and expedited services. The portal provides clear information about the fees, ensuring transparency in the payment process.
Real-Time Application Tracking One of the standout features of Passport Seva is the ability to track your application's status in real-time. You can monitor whether your application is under review, approved, or dispatched.
Top Tips for a Smooth Experience Provide Accurate Information: Ensure that all the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date.
Gather Complete Documentation: Collect all necessary documents before initiating the application process.
Secure Your Account: Keep your Passport Seva account password secure to protect your personal information.
Advantages of Passport Seva Convenience: The most significant advantage is the convenience of applying for passports and accessing services from anywhere.
Transparency: The portal ensures transparency regarding fees, document requirements, and application status updates.
Addressing Common FAQs Q1: Can I use Passport Seva for all passport-related services? Yes, the platform covers a wide range of passport services, including new applications and renewals.
Q2: Can I edit my application after submission? You can edit certain details before making the payment. Once payment is made, changes are not allowed.
Q3: How can I reschedule my Passport Seva Kendra appointment? You can reschedule your appointment by logging in to your account and selecting the rescheduling option. Conclusion Passport Seva has ushered in a new era of efficiency and accessibility in passport services. Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive services, and real-time tracking capabilities empower individuals to navigate the passport application process with ease. By following the steps outlined in this guide and utilizing the platform's features, you can obtain your passport with convenience and confidence, ready to embark on your next adventure.
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