onlyhurtforaminute · 10 months
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olivegreenfedora · 11 months
hi pookies.
the discussion of today's rant is based around my mother. specifically, on a certain person she congregates around. my mother calls her a friend; i would call her the complete opposite. she is a degenerate gambler, who was probably born in the 1950's. Ergo, she has this old timey mindset that entitles her with the fucking audacity to parent me, and tell me what to do? i'm sorry, who the fuck are you? and why the fuck are you in my life? why do you encourage my mother to step away from home for hours every single fucking day, just to 'hang out' with you? and 'hang out' means they go out to a fucking rsl club, to gamble? to order food and make my mother pay for it? only for her to come home and take her financial problems out on me? im sorry, what the fuck?
the reason i am ranting today of all days is because of a little thing that happened a few hours ago. my mother broke her arm, while stepping out of her car to run somewhere. she tripped and fell and broke her arm. it's sad, whatever. that's not the point of this. guess where she was running to? to that degenerate gambler.
IM SORRY, WHAT THE FUCK? excuse me? and then my mother has the audacity to fucking call her LITERALLY 5 FUCKING MINUTES AGO. (yes, i am putting the blame on my mum. she's stupid for hanging out with that 'friend'. before anybody says that it's disrespectful to call my mother stupid, just note that she has abandoned her duties as my mother to fund another fucking person twice her age)
if i see that woman again, im either going to yell at her... or shank her. either way, i know her old ass will throw a fucking punch at me, giving me ample reason and opportunity to kill her.
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prokopetz · 10 months
If you've seen trivia posts going around, may have seen ones about the baculum, a bone in the penis whose purpose is to help support erections which is present in most placental mammals, including non-human apes, but which is conspicuously absent in humans.
Those posts typically don't go into why this is the case, which is fair enough, since the question is far from settled. However, there are a lot of hypotheses about it, and some of them are pretty fucking wild.
I think my personal favourite is the recently proposed idea that, since soft tissue injuries tend to heal more rapidly and completely than broken bones, a flexible and resilient boneless penis constitutes a reproductive advantage in situations where genital trauma is common, possibly as a result of the development of upright posture rendering the penis more prone to blunt encounters.
Like, imagine humanity's proto-hominid ancestors going "actually, bipedalism is great" and promptly getting whacked in the ding so much that it exerted evolutionary pressure on the morphology of the penis.
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variksel · 4 months
dungeons and daddies s1 was, supposedly, about the funnies and it turned out to be about the horrors (and old man yaoi). we now need to make dungeons and daddies s3, which is supposedly about the horrors, into the funnies (and also old woman yuri)
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breadraccoon · 2 months
I know this will never happen, but I really wish Btsv alluded to the fact that part of the reason Peter turns himself into the lizard is because Gwen reject his romantic feelings. Just think of the layers!
Stay with me here. I promise I have an interesting take.
It’s made clear to us that she never saw her Peter romantically. Peter was family. That scene at the dinner table at the beginning of atsv is proof enough of that. Gwen already feels guilty about how that fight with Peter’s lizard self went down. She watched her best friend die. But if she also rejected his feelings, then Gwen would probably feel guilty for not giving him a chance. (That statement felt so gross to write. Hold on, let me cook real quick).
Gwen’s an empathic person. She tries to see the best in people. Like how her Dad is a cop in a corrupt system trying to do good. She can see that all he wants to do is protect people and serve justice. I can see her seeing Peter’s intentions of getting super powers as a desperate plead for attention. He was a kid bullied in school and had few good friends. Gwen was probably the only girl who gave him any attention. No matter how easily Gwen let him down, it probably made Peter feel like he was undesirable. And in Peter’s twisted mind, he thought becoming a hero like Spider-woman would make him feel desired. Tragic, but this is by no means an excuse for he did to himself. Peter turned himself into a monster and attacked his high school. Take away the superpower and Peter was a- well you know. You can try to defend him and say well he didn’t mean to turn himself into a monster. But intention can’t mean everything. Sometime you do something with good intentions and people still get hurt. That still means you did a bad thing.
The public opinion of spider-woman only turned mostly negative after Peter’s death. So now Gwen is forced to carry this wound while the public keeps stabbing in to it by barging in with their opinions. This teenage boy managed to screw Gwen over both superhero-wise and in her personal life. She was his friend. Her father talks about him like a son. The public is probably well aware of who Gwen is and her relationship to him. And all of this unwanted attention is forced on to Gwen because he couldn’t handle rejection. This screams girls who are bullied or called the b-word for rejecting guy who the public see as shy or award. The guy doesn’t not inherently deserve the girls attention. Girl have feeling and are not object to be give too.
Peter’s death makes Gwen carry around a guilt that she doesn’t deserve to have forced on to her. And this affects how she interacts with other spider-folk. She can’t help but feel a little scared of what would happen if she fully rejects an alternate dimension Peter’s attention. So she plays coy with them. She pleasant when she really wants to run for the hills. Not every Peter is in the same stage of grief. Gwen is forced to be around all these men and teenage who all have different views on their old relationship. I bet a bunch of them project their Gwen on to Spider-Gwen. She hates when they do that. Spider-Gwen is constantly made to feel like a cheap copy because she isn’t their Gwen.
Looping around to Miles, this can be another reason why she starts becoming interested in him. He respected her boundaries. She said she just wanted to be friends and he said okay. And in Atsv, on the clocktower, he stop inching his hand towards her when she shows her discomfort. He let Gwen set the pace. This is very traumatized teen. He wait for her to get comfortable. It just show how Miles see her as her own person. Someone with equal say in a relationship. And one of the few people who can see Gwen is her fullest form. She isn’t the typical book smart Gwen, but she has this love for music and gymnastics/ballet. She is artist not a scientist. Gwen may be friend with a lot of other spider-men but none treat wholly like her own. Miles see her and doesn’t see her as a victim of dying young. This is what makes their bond so much more special to her.
Adding this can add so many more layers to Gwen. Also what’s more the female experience than having to be constantly worrying about how men perceive you. It’s awful, but that just how the world works. I think if btsv could nail this, then this could be a nice way to support is own theme. Everyone has these views of Miles and who he should be. Miles decide to push forward and do his own thing. Everyone has these views of Gwen and how her life will end, but Gwen is going to keep living on and being herself.
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aimasup · 1 year
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Peni Parker beloved
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lets-talk-spirituality · 10 months
Let’s talk about: The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra, the second chakra located between the root and solar plexus, governs the reproductive system, pelvic floor and gluteus muscles, deep lower abdominals, and lower stomach area.
When people say they have a deep knowing, they are referring to the seat of sacral chakra energy. The sacral chakra is what houses our energy of creation, our legacy. It is the portal through which we materialize things we sense in other dimensions. It is where the kundalini awakening begins. It is where life begins. The only place where beings from other dimensions can translate into our dimension.
The sacral chakra is tied to the color orange, so consider eating oranges or surrounding yourself with orange to help feed some energy back into this chakra system.
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Womb Trauma: Anatomically Female Body Karma
From histories of forcible impregnation, rape, forced abortion, miscarriage, stillborn, death in childbirth, death for not producing the right gender child, forced incest, incestual impregnation, and more horrors, the female body holds karma that male bodies do not.
There is something that happens when your DNA and another’s mix within you. Female bodies must integrate the DNA of the one who’s child she carries. Being forced to hold children from traumatic circumstances has created vast gendered karma that a lot of us women and modern aware men are attempting to work through as a team.
Women’s bodies have been used to bring evil into this world, have been used as a portal of the worst kind. It has brought a depravity and savagery to the human race. Men fear this power we hold, the power of the portal. And that fear is the basis of patriarchy and its need to protect women. It is why they subjugate us and hate us, something I’ve been thinking so deeply about recently. That is why male bodies have always protected female bodies. It’s not only about children, it’s what those children can become, can do.
For some women, choosing not to have children in pursuit of other passions is their own desired way of clearing the karma. For some, choosing to be a stay at home mom is their way of clearing the karma. That is why it’s not fair to judge women for their reproductive capabilities or decisions. Having the physical ability to give birth or not does not take away the creative power of the womb, even if it doesn’t “work” the way the patriarchy thinks it should.
Prostate Trauma: Anatomically Male Body Karma
Biologically male bodies do not have wombs, but they do have a prostate which is an important part of their reproductive system. This prostate holds the male seed of power and pleasure. It is no mistake that homophobic fears have been instilled within the human consciousness as a way to divorce men from ownership of their own pleasure in sex. It allows them to put all their sexual desires onto women. But what is lost is a core piece of their humanity.
I think it’s important for men to practice learning sexually about themselves with exploration on their own, without the crutch of porn or a partner. I believe men who may try prostate milking for themselves would allow a well of pleasure to free them from sexual addictions and other desires that are really a desire to connect more deeply to their own sexual center. It may result in crying. A lot of healing I’ve done through sexuality and orgasming has led to a breaking down of my defenses and I cry like a baby, so I can imagine many men who try to connect to themselves this way will at first feel grief for the self abandonment. The goal would be to hopefully reconnect yourself enough to where that outpouring of self love is ecstatic and not shameful or heartbreaking.
One of the cruelest parts of patriarchy is the way it shames men for sexual urges and completely disconnects them from their own agency as owners of sexual desires for purely their own exploration and pleasure, not tied to the masculine pursuit of fucking/subordinating sexually women (I have anew feminist theory I’m working on where I’m starting to think all sex is subjugation for women in a patriarchal structure, but I haven’t fledged it out, anyway, even in a female dominant sexual position I’d argue it’s still female subjugation because the change in power dynamics is the exact thing that makes it erotic, which therefore upholds the power imbalance) or procreation.
Circumcision Trauma: Horrors for all genitals
I remember asking my grandmother about female circumcision as a child because a model on America’s Next Top Model was mutilated as a child. She told me it was the removal of the clitoris in women. Female circumcisions are performed in the Middle East, and other places as a way to control female sexual pleasure. Because many Abrahamic religions teach that women are the root cause of male sexual desire, it is thought to be “clean” and “pure” to make sex literally only about procreation and not about pleasure.
Male circumcisions also reduce male pleasure by desensitizing the head of the penis. Male circumcisions are no longer medically necessary but are upheld for aesthetic or religious purposes. They are extremely common in America and it is a huge first trauma to a male child.
Both of these traumas are unnecessary and cruel in my opinion and there is healing to be had around genital mutilation for all circumcised women and men and for those who had their genitalia altered, such as those with ambiguous genitalia.
**I have heard my females friends talk negatively about uncircumcised penises and how they are gross, look weird, etc. If you are someone who has negative feelings towards the natural male penis, I urge you to heal this. Do not uphold the idea that child genital mutilation is okay because of your own ingrained concept of what a male penis should look like. If you reproduce, consider what it means as a human to believe you have the right to make choices about someone else’s body in such a profound way. It’s a violation of boundaries and personal rights**
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Signs of a blocked sacral chakra:
- reproductive issues, menstruation issues, hormonal imbalances
- sexual performance issues, such as low libido (low for your normal, I know some people are asexual), inability to orgasm, pain during penetration and dryness for women, inability to stay hard for men
- fear around being seen or sharing yourself with someone
- literally blocked when it comes to writers block or some other block in your creative process,
- in men specifically, homophobia which was used to keep men away from the power of their prostate
- fear or disgust with sex or genitals
Ways to heal the sacral chakra:
- hip opening stretches/yoga
- orgasming to sacral chakra solfeggio sounds, for male bodies, prostate milking and orgasming can help clear held trauma
- strengthening your pelvic floor, lower abdominals, glutes, hip flexors through exercise
- twerking and somatic dance, belly dancing, pole fitness, any exercise that makes you feel sexy, is sensuous and can help you allow yourself to be in the sexual power of your body
- painting or engaging in some other form of art that requires you to transform immaterial matter into material, such as turning a thought into a painting or a song, creating a business, taking something and transforming it into something else
- for those with wombs, womb healing is a big thing that can help you heal very deep ancestral karma we carry in our sacral chakra.
- look into ways to heal your cycle, become more intune with your menstrual cycle and its rhythms, consider getting off birth control or approaching hormonal and reproductive health more holistically (if it works for you! Stay on birth control if it works for you! Get off if it doesn’t)
- working through any sexual trauma you may have, it’s very challenging but it’s rewarding, but follow what feels good and right for you in the moment, don’t push through something if it feels wrong, don’t override your system to give into sexual requests of partners
-connect to your body through exercise, begin to really feel your muscles and your material form, learn how to use breath to engage muscles and how to move your body, learn your body deeply, become the expert on yourself
- drink a glass of orange juice a day and imagine it cleansing your sacral chakra
-kegle exercises!
- being naked, or learning to embrace your body in its rawest forms
- massage and other forms of self love that involve touching yourself, so like a face mask, putting on lotion, painting nails, hair masks, hair brushing, things that make you connect with your body
- sweat! I love sitting in dry saunas to just sweat, it helps to cleanse your body including your sacral chakra and other more grounded chakras like root and solar plexus too.
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borderworldarts · 5 months
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vamptones · 3 months
my OCs toxic traits
angelita: chronic victim complex, chronic pushover (to the point she will let others step on her if it means she can use it to justify her actions later), cannot exist by herself and needs to be attached to someone. also has a shoplifting habit that gets her and others in trouble Pretty often. uses her dad's death to excuse her behaviour all the time
samuel: this man right here will not verbalise a troubling emotion FOR THE LIFE OF HIM. bottles up everything until it devours him from the inside and makes him physically sick. has a jealousy and trust problem (that he, again, does not communicate). a nihilist who doesn't seem to care of the effects that his actions have on others bc nothing matters to him (not even himself. will not take care of himself, or accept being taken care of)
kyo: toooooxic as HELL, codependency is his middle name, but ends up crumbling under the pressure of it. impulsive, willingly gets himself in dangerous situations just for the anecdote. does very risky shit just to prove a point and will resort to violence to get things his way. also low-key manipulative, also he's just a little guuuuuuuuy omg leave him alone he's just silly and slightly annoying okay?
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pheadrus · 1 month
what does it mean when you think naked women are hot but not naked men and the idea of a penis does nothing for you even when you’re very aroused, asking for a friend
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antirepurp · 1 year
as much as i love stone ocean im just so bummed that we didn't get an explicitly queer reading of jolyne because anasui was changed from a woman to a man before his proper introduction. anasui being a woman wouldn't of course change the weirdly unfitting romantic dynamic he and jolyne were shoved into at the last minute (i do think they have a dynamic it's just infinitely more interesting from a platonic perspective) and like i've mentioned before at worst it would play into the predatory lesbian stereotype today but i would've been much more okay with jolyne ending up together with a woman by the end, and i don't think it's just because of my own biases. i think it could've played into the growth she goes through in stone ocean, even in a kind of poetic sense with stone ocean starting with jolyne going through one of the worst break-ups with her then-boyfriend, getting over her daddy issues over the course of the story which helps her stand on her own and not seek the approval of others constantly, and by the end finding love with another woman who truly and genuinely cherishes and cares about her. it's not like jojo as a series is void of queer themes anyway, so something like it wouldn't have been terribly out of place in the grand scheme of things, and it's gonna be hard for me to not think about this whenever i look at the unfortunate wet poodle that is narciso anasui
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
Your girl calling me Abraham the way I stay sacrificing my children to her
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tanark-jefasari · 8 months
Fic: Knelt
[Note] This fic is locked to account only on AO3 because it contains mature RPF.
Rating: E
Pairing: Handong x Dami (Yubin)
WC: 2.3k
CW: this fic contains g!p, religious trauma, implied homophobia, fear, sexual inexperience.
Yubin knows what she wants is sinful, and it weighs on her like chains.
Handong is managing to pull them off, one at a time, but sometimes her eyes still glance to those damn stained-glass windows.
Fic link: [Knelt]
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fun lung fact: lungs are the lamest organs out there (says me) and are generally (not all the time but a lot of it) the first to fail during a trauma so masatos whole locker moment affecting his lungs the most is reason enough for his whole issue he doesnt necessarily need a complete Heres Whats Wrong With Him his lungs just never recovered any lung issue as a baby can follow you forever like just writing this i've had to stop and regulate my breathing because MY lungs are shit and im just sitting down not moving i gotta put respect on the mans name for shooting a guy and not passing out from the stress constricting the bronchi T__T
OBSESSED with lungs being "the lamest organ"- a little surprised but the more you know
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dovedrangeas · 2 years
no body part is evil btw
#blocking terfs and so many of them are convinced that penises are evil and bad#if you feel that way you need therapy and i mean that. it isn’t normal to think a body part that half the people on the planet have is evil#if that belief is from trauma you need to handle it.#trust me! i have also had fears like that due to trauma! but those are things that therapy can help with#you shouldn’t normalize it and act like that’s a fine basis for your belief system because it’s so fucking unhealthy and unhelpful#having a penis doesn’t make you evil having a vagina doesn’t make you good you people are so weird#dove talks#generally the level of fear a lot of terfs (and radfems in general) just live with that they think is just normal is really sad#yes misogyny is something to be scared of. yes you can be scared of bad things happening to you because you're a woman.#but turning those fears into a deep-seated paranoia to the point you cant interact with men at all?#to the point you think everyone with a penis wants to harm you? to the point that you think all men are evil?#thats not healthy or something to normalize or encourage#ive seen some of the people really far down the radfem rabbit hole who believe in the idea of female separatism#actually say you should be scared of male children. *children*#not even teenagers. we're talking younger than 5 years old.#ive seen several people who believe in that say that even as toddlers. boys are dangerous to girls and they should be separated.#how can you think thats a normal thing to believe???#if youre so afraid of men (or those you see as men) that youre scared of male toddlers you need help full stop#also that can lead into very unsavory territory like not having sympathy for young boys who get sexually abused#ive SEEN people say that its not bad if a male child gets sexually abused because all males are violent and want sex always#i dont say this lightly but thats fucking insane logic. youre unwell if you think that. sorry#sorry for posting so many text posts with long rambling tags i have so many thoughts and opinions
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mr-mustache-penis · 2 years
i hope my inner child knows i'm trying to heal him :/
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