bookishswordfish · 24 hours
Headcanon that Percy is an absolutely master at using chopsticks pass it on
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aryxchse · 3 months
who did this to you? | percy jackson x daughter of hera! reader.
a / n : didn't wrote about my husband in a long time now
warnings : blood mentioning, passing out, dark-ish percy, cursing, enemies to lovers, book percy is my babe fr
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percy was never the guy who judged the book by it's cover.
he had every type of friends. clarisse, who was the daughter of ares, the second god he despised the most. annabeth, which was his father's arch nemesis athena's daughter. thalia, the girl he couldn't get along at the first but realised they were same in different fonts, which was the daughter of zeus. also the arch nemesis of his father.
he loved his friends deeply. he was loyal to them to death and he always believed that they weren't their parents. until he met you.
you were the daughter of.. well.. hera. ranking the first in his 'i-would've-killed-if-i-had-the-power.' list. and ares with a red marker under her.
the moment you felt his judgy and awkward aura around you, you decided that you should hate him. you tried to love him, which was easy, believe me. but you always thought he hated you too, so you get along with it.
percy jackson never hated you. he was just scared from you. scared from the way you sometimes did acted like your mother. and if you would've turned out like her some day.
but you never did. you were always the same gentle, sweet, caring and motherly girl. at least to others. percy jackson was just keeping up with your attitude, the attitude he created unknowingly.
until one day, you came back to argo ii from your quest with jason and annabeth, all bruised up. jason was carrying you on his back while annabeth held your hand tightly, tears perking in her eyes.
"percy, hazel, everyone! come here please!" annabeth shouted as jason put you down gently. you rested your back to some wood wall that you didn't recognised at the moment. annabeth still held your hand, and you smiled. blood running down from your lip. "annie, m' okay." you mumbled, squezzing the girls hand.
"don't talk love," annabeth caressed your hair as the others rushed up to the main deck. hazel rushed to your side, giving you some ambrosia.
"what happened?" you heard percy ask, voice weirdly shaking. you closed your eyes and the sun suddenly was gone with someone's shadow. "hey, y/n, look at me," someone cupped your face. you slowly opened your eyes and saw percy staring at you. he had that worried face you loved so much, but never saw directed to you until now.
"who did this to you?" he asked, also looking at annabeth and jason. "who did this to her, jason? annabeth?" he asked them. you heard jason sigh.
you heard some mumbles coming from jason before you fell asleep, too tired to keep staying up.
when you woke up, someone was holding your hand. it was annabeth, who smiled the moment she saw you woken up. you smiled back, warming up with her caring behavior. "hey annie."
"hey sweetie," she said, getting up from the chair and sitting next to you on the bed. "how are you feeling?"
"great," you answered. and you did feel great. you were all bandaged and the ambrosia you ate earlier gave you energy. "what happened after i passed out? what happened to the monster?"
annabeth had a grin on her face that you saw only in special occasions. shipping kinda occasions. "well, after jason told everything that happened to percy- you remember he's asking you who did it right?" she asked.
"yeah, yeah i do. the last thing i heard was jason mumbling," you explained and she nodded. "after percy finding out who did it, and you passing out at the moment, he uh.. destroyed the monster. yeah, i think that's the perfect word for it."
she giggle at the shocked expression on your face. "i don't think the monster will reborn even, that's how crazy he went."
annabeth caressed your hair, the gentle expression she usually had coming back. "aside from the jokes, he's really worried about you. you passing out did not helped him. i could send him here, if you want."
"that would be wonderful annie," you finally managed to whisper, smiling at the girl. she returned the smile and gave your hand one last squeeze before getting out from your quarter.
not so after, percy ran into your room and closed the door behind him. "thank gods," he whispered, rushing to you. he embaced you in a hug that could easly broke someone's ribs. but you only chuckled, hugging his neck. "hello shark boy, missed me?"
you meant this question to be a joke to wipe away the awkward sitiuation between you two, but he seemed to get this seriously. "so much." he whispered into your neck, caressing your hair gently. "thought i lost you for a sec, pretty."
the pretty was new. he called you many things, not mean ones of course, but many things. the pretty was new, and it wasn't meant to annoy you. this was new too.
"nah, you're not getting away from me that easy jackson." you chuckled, inhaling his scent. the first time you actually hugged him, and finally find out what was the fuss about his hugs. they were the best. the ones that made you feel safe from everything, even from your thoughts.
"i know, it was stupid of me. i should've guessed the y/n i know wouldn't leave that easly." he finally pulled away, quickly wiping his face with the back of his hand. was he crying?
"hey perce," you finally looked at his eyes. he never saw this soft expression on you, at least not looking at his way. at that moment, he was scared of what he could do to see you looking at him like that all the time.
"yeah?" he asked gently, holding your hands in his. you thought you should return the care, so you caressed his hands with your thumbs.
"thank you." you said. "for, in annabeth's words, destroying that monster. and for getting worried about me."
he smiled. a geniune smile you only saw giving to his friends. "anytime angel, would fight the gods for you." he said, looking at you with puppy eyes.
"i'm sorry for acting like the way i did," you said, ignoring the butterlies dancing in your stomach. "thought you hated me."
"hate you?" he shouted a bit, squeezing your hands. "i never hated you. i thought you hated me."
"i did!" you bluntly said, and that earned a chuckle from him. "because you judged me because of my mother!"
"no! i swear i didn't mean that to happen," he said quickly, sitting close to you. "i was just scared you'd be all.. mean like your mother. but i realised you weren't and i was so late to fix everything. you were already hating me."
you only sighed, and looked at your intertwined hands. it made you touch your foreheads, and he leaned to you gladly. "i was so scared i lost you before i even made it up." he whispered.
"don't worry, i'd haunt you." you laughed, and he laughed along with you.
you pulled away your one hand to caress his cheek, which he accepted the touch happily. his gaze suddenly flickered to your lips, and the next second he was leaning in.
"would you like to know another fact?" he said, grinning like a devil. you nervously smiled, thumb caressing his jawline. "what?"
"i wanted to kiss you for a sickingly long time now," he said quietly, leaning in until your nose touched. you prayed to every olympian that he wouldnt hear your heartbeat, beating crazy inside your ribs.
"yeah? i knew you had a thing for me," you teased, holding his chin in your fingers. he only continued grinning, his breath hitting your lips. "you were stupidly obvious about it."
"i don't give a single fuck," he breathed out before smashing his lips onto yours, eagerly kissing you. his hands cupped your face and you gripped his shirt.
the kiss felt like it was bound to happen. like it was a prophecy becoming true. you secretly knew this would happen eventually, because he indeed was stupidly obvious about his feelings. you always thought percy jackson hated you, but everytime you turned your head, he would be there. standing by your side.
you pulled away only to breath, lips still few inches away. "i had a thing for you too, if you couldn't tell." you chuckled. he let out a breathless laugh, annoyingly hot.
"yeah i figured it out," he said. then he finally looked away from your lips to stare deep in your eyes, grinning. "you're stuck with me now angel. prepare yourself to see me everytime, attached to you by the hip."
"when did i never?"
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we-are-all-nobodies18 · 3 months
bitches who grew up on Percy Jackson , the Hunger Games and Avatar the Last Airbender...
how's that deep-rooted desire to burn down everything that slightly inconveniences you .. oh and the adhd , bisexuality , contempt for authority and existential crisis going for you?
It's me I'm bitches
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mysterythief · 5 months
Percy really went from, I couldn’t see us ever being friends to I’ll sacrifice myself for you twice in less than 24hrs and that really is just peak Percy.
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searay-artist · 5 months
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Everyone: cool magic and weapons
Percy: Gun™
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g1rasol · 2 months
just got accused of having a crush on percy jackson. like if that’s not 99.9% of the fandom.
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eliasisasexhaver · 1 year
Scientist with a gun, dudes a badass
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Took inspo from mtmte and cyberverse for this. Science nerd, he's like me fr
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orxheus · 9 months
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗖𝗬: ay give homie a kiss
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗖𝗬: omg, your breath smells like fish ew.
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗖𝗬: .....
𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥: sweats
𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥: wtf- looks scandalized no, it was squid you dumbass-
percy proceeds to gag his insides out whilst the reader is left floundering about
lyt bae
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ratguy-nico · 6 months
People I just saw the first two episode of Percy Jackson, and I want to apologize in advance for the person I will become.
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hoffelstar · 1 year
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Ah yes, the Great Prophecy about the half-blood of the eldest dogs
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floofgryph · 2 months
hi so i saw you asked for questions about your oc (https://www.tumblr.com/floofgryph/747524146760712192?source=share) and since u have asked abt mine im no u carding you >:D
-would!! he accept a hug!! mayhaps friendship?? i ask this for literally every oc lmfao
-whats in his sketchbook? like the recent stuff :3
-ditto but for the journal
-would he ever like- publish the stuff he writes? or like is that already something hes done? howd it go?
(sorry if its not much its 10 minutes past midnight rn im not tired but brain no no wanna work but i wanted to do smth nice :D)
(also if u wanna know how i think crossover interaction would go hey im happy to write in another ask for that too -v-)
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To answer your questions in order...
He doesn’t mind hugs, but will either politely or rudely decline if someone gives off extremely bad vibes.
The sketches consist of landscapes outside and inside of Homeworld, Marilou, eldritch monstrosities, his strangest dreams or worst nightmares, and animals that grab his attention. The recent stuff in his sketchbook are ideas for future acrylic and gouache paintings. They consist of two landscapes, one of Marilou, three of his nightmares, and five random monster designs.
He’ll only publish work that he feels proud of, personally believing that it should be shared with others in order to garner attention and make them feel inspired. The only times that he won’t publish his work is when they feel uninspiring and mediocre, don’t have a satisfying ending, or are too personal to share. So far, the only work he has published is a collection of poetry and an ecological dystopian. They weren't the most successful, but it raked in some money...
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theworstcreature · 10 months
PERCY WAS MY CHILDHOOD IM SO EXCITED TO SEE IT IN LIVE ACTION (before somebody says the movies already exist, no they don’t <3)
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iminaloine · 2 years
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Happy belated birthday to Camp Half Blood's resident dumbass
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frogxxam · 6 months
@microbialism I accidentally deleted your ask, but here's the answer
7. How often do you use references?
For basically every drawing, mspaint doodles most of the time don't require references but I've used them before
18. What are you currently trying to improve on?
Colour theory (Contrast and usage of tones), anatomy is always on the list, understanding clothing and how it interacts with a body
ask game
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chalkbird · 2 years
once again thinking about "you're gonna have to amend that one name though, just to be fair. it's Lady Vex'ahlia."
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blog-on-a-log · 2 years
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grian's soft sweater
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