#PH Sapphire
patchworkheartouija · 16 days
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Why hello there low amount of people following this account.
It’s been awhile.
I’ve been working hard on character design for the past few months (and also doing a lot of rewrites) and designs have been going through so many iterations so fast that there’s never really been a complete set to post.
These designs for Faria and Sapphire will probably be outdated soon as well but hey… here ya go!
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thygoddessouijathicc · 9 months
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Thing from a new thingy I’m working on for PH. Posted directly to main because honestly why not.
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prismaticpichu · 2 months
I saw this on TikTok and it reminded me of Sephiroth and Zack 😭
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So now I'm imagining a scenario where Sephiroth questions Zack about this
Shshshshshhsus WAHHHHH!! 😭😭😭 That is SO ZackSeph coded!!! 💙💚 Parallel perfection!!!! 💕💕💖
Alongside cooking up a short fic of my own, the legendary @dyradoodles also has a fic that covers this very premise!! 💖 Enduring Camaraderie is the title. One of my all time favorites from their amazing ZS collection!!!
“I… I just don’t understand.”
Zack glanced up from his PHS, sunny eyes blinking curiously, having been sitting on the couch beside his best friend when the enigmatic question was posed.
“Whatcha talking about, pal?”
There seemed to be something weighing down Sephiroth’s gaze as he closed the computer in his lap, silver bangs wilting over his troubled expression. “It… it just confuses me sometimes,” he explained quietly. “It confuses me tremendously. That’s all.”
“Yeah… you’re gonna have to be a liitttle more specific than that.” Zack’s countenance had sobered a little as he sat up against the arm of the sofa, sapphires growing soft with concern. “What confuses you, bud?”
Sephiroth waited a few beats before responding.
“This,” he said after a moment, gesturing with his hands around the room, emerald eyes lifting from the carpet as they drifted toward him instead. “This is what confuses me.”
“…What? My decor?” Zack blinked innocently, casting a quick glance around the paintings and knickknacks adorning the den. “I mean… I guess you could help me redecorat—“
“No, no. Not that.” Sephiroth gently shook his head. “I mean… this.” He edited his gesture so that it was signaling toward Zack and himself, velvet voice having grown soft and vulnerable in such a small swath of time, and the feline pupils carved into his irises appeared much more like glistening black orbs as he met Zack steady in the eyes.
“I mean… Us. Our camaraderie. Our friendship.”
Zack’s heart sank a few feet as he processed Seph’s delicate concern. “What about our friendship?” he blinked again. “What’s going on, bud?“
“…Nothing.” Sephiroth let his eyes float back toward the closed laptop. “It’s… it’s just. You invited me here to spend time you—to bond—and here I am, having brought my office work with me, and… and you haven’t said a single thing about it. You always tolerate me, no matter—“
“Whoah, whoah, whoah!” Zack’s voice had taken on a slightly offended tone. “I do not tolerate you, Seph. Take that back!”
For a moment, Sephiroth was stunned into silence, completely taken aback by the sudden vehemence in his friend’s voice. Even slightly cut by its blade.
And Zack’s heart immediately twisted into knots as he realized how harsh that had just came out.
Well… and for another reason.
“Hey…” Zack put down his PHS, scooting closer to his best friend. “Bud. You don’t actually think I ‘tolerate’ you… do you?”
For another meter of beats, Sephiroth was subdued into silence. Why… why was Zack trying to deny this? Wasn’t it objective? Wasn’t he always difficult to be around, a stone-cold wall of neutrality ant professionalism? That’s at least what he’d been hearing circulating around the base for years.
“Well… of course I do. You allow me to do—“
“No no no no no no.” Zack was gripping his shoulders now. “Stop with them stupid words. I don’t ‘allow’ you to do anything. I don’t tolerate shit. You know what I do, pal? I love you…” He squeezed the warrior’s unarmored shoulders, squeezing out all those hurtful and serrated thoughts. “I love every second I’m with you. I enjoy it. If I didn’t want you by my side, would I have tried with all might to become your friend…?”
Sephiroth’s mouth had fallen ajar, unsure of what to say, green eyes aching yet touched, words and emotions hovering in the small bout of silence between them.
He could only find the strength to muster one thing and one thing alone.
“Of course, really…” Zack squeezed his shoulders tighter, visage melting into a quiet smile. “You’re my best friend, pal. I love you. And I love every second we’re together, whether you’re working or not! Heck…” Zack’s lips curled into a playful smirk. “You wouldn’t be the Seph I know and love if you weren’t always working your socks off.”
Sephiroth couldn’t fight his own smirk from budding at that. “Heh…” he said, knots in his soul slowly being kneaded by warm and loving hands, the truth wrapping around him like a cozy and gentle cocoon. Perhaps… perhaps he really wasn’t the burden he thought himself to be. Perhaps he could be someone whose presence was enjoyable, someone who was wanted…
Someone who was loved unconditionally, thoroughly, for everything he was.
“Therrre it is. I see that smirk!” Zack chirped, knowing his point had gotten through his friend’s stubborn head. “Can’t hide that from me.”
Sephiroth shook his bangs so that they veiled his expression. “Incorrect.
“Yeah, right!” Zack voice grew mischievous as he swiped the silver strands away. “There it is!”
“Heh. Stop it..” Sephiroth chuckled quietly as he turned away.
“Nuh-uh! Where are you goinnnn—oof!”
And in the endeavor to reaaaaachhh forward, he accidentally fell flat on top of his friend, taking him down with him in an inadvertent and Zackish belly flop.
“Get… off of me.” Sephiroth couldn’t stop the chuckles anymore, a beautiful and rich song.
“…Nah. I’m good.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“Fine. First Class SOLDIER Zack Fair: remove yourself from your commanding officer at once.”
“Fine, fine, fine.” Zack was still laughing as he peeled himself off of his friend, watching Sephiroth straighten back against the sofa pillows, the man shaking his head in amusement and disbelief.
“I.. I do not understand how I deal with you.”
“Yeah?” Zack smirked. “But you love me anyway, don’t ya?”
His chest still rippling with quiet laughter, Sephiroth waited a moment to respond, gazing at his friend with a playfulness and fondness that would never not seem too ethereal to believe.
“Of course.”
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hiro-doodlez · 5 months
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sapphirothcrescent · 4 months
Sephiroth befriends the most unlikely of beasts and find they have some things in common. Part one.
While Sephiroth woke early everyday, he did not enjoy mornings. Waking up was only just one of many routines of his life. Most mornings he did not even speak for an hour. Yet when Sapphire asked him to accompany her this morning, he could not find it in him to refuse her. Instead of his typical breakfast consisting of coffee and occasionally an energy bar, she cooked up a huge spread of eggs, bacon and toast.
He barely finished it before she grabbed her satchel and declared they needed to go. The top of her head did not even reach his shoulders yet she was tenacious and pulled him out of the apartment.
Morning in Midgar meant very little traffic on the top of the plate where the more affluent lived. Sapphire pulled Sephiroth along as if he were a child. When he tried to interrogate her on where they were going, she managed to expertly deflect like a Shinra manager.
She could have been leading him to an ambush and he would have not been any the wiser. Instead, she found one of the many parks of Midgar.
It was luxurious, filled with statues and architectural granduer. Fountains dotted it, sparkling with clear water that dazzled in the early sunlight. As with the rest of Midgar, plant life was not to be found anywhere. Instead, large swathes of artificial turf gave off the illusion of fertility.
Sapphire beamed a delightful smile at Sephiroth and pointed over to a bench.
"That's who we are after. Someone else must feed them," She said excitedly. Sephiroth gave her a skeptical look. There was no one at the bench, just a flock of birds milling around.
She rushed ahead without him and pulled out a bag of seeds. Sephiroth watched quietly as she got a handful and tossed the seed out on the walkway. The pigeons, for that is what they were, swarmed to the food. Sapphire turned as Sephiroth came over and held out her cupped hands filled with food. Birds fluttered all over her, landing on her arms, shoulders, and of course her hands, snatching up beakfuls of seed.
She giggled and looked back at him. "You want some seeds? They're so cute."
He studied her, perplexed and let out a dismissive laugh. "You woke up before me and made all this fuss over...pigeons. You know they are disease riddled pests right?"
Sapphire's joyfilled eyes darkened instantly. "They are not pests!"
The venom in her tone startled him. He'd never heard her voice sound like that.
"Did you know that humans abandoned these pigeons? If they are 'pests' its only because humanity decided they were no longer useful. They were domesticated once, as loved as much as dogs or cats! As for diseases, you're more likely to get sick from a child than all of these birds," She vented bitterly.
Less than a minute ago, Sephiroth had just dismissed the small prey animals. Now, he took a second look at them. They pecked at the seeds on the ground, letting out soft cooing noises. The ones covering Sapphire were all gentle and calm.
He reached out one of the pigeons on Sapphire's arm. It looked at him with small innocent eyes. It leaned forward, looking for food in his hand and obliviously turned its back to him and went to Sapphire's hands for the food it wanted.
Sephiroth's turned apologetic. "I am sorry. That is not a perspective I was aware of. Why did we just abandon them?"
Now she looked guilty for snapping at him. Her passion was one of the most admirable qualities about her. He constantly underestimated how she cared for the smallest things. For example, these literally small birds.
"Dogs and cats are cuter. People ate pigeons and other animals are just easier to raise for meat. Their usefulness in communication became obsolete. Would you rather use a pigeon to send a letter, or just call someone with your PHS?" Sapphire asked.
He did not answer her hypothetical question, just allowing himself to absorb all this new information. Pigeons were one of the few non human creatures in Midgar. It made sense that they were once closely connected to people and then discarded once deemedno longer of use.
Sapphire let out a small hesitant smile. Her hands were now empty so she held up the bag. Sephiroth cupped his hands like she had, letting her give him a huge helping of the mixed feed.
The pigeons were quick to catch up and loudly fluttered around him, finding spots on him to land. He forced himself to stay perfectly still. They devoured the seeds. Some of them had brilliant green feathers on their chests. He had never noticed.
Sapphire tossed more seeds to the rest of the flock. She was bursting with delight.
"They're so smart, and sweet. Trainable like any other domesticated animal. Very fast. Quite social and actually very affectionate. They mate for life and are very good parents."
Sephiroth smiled at one curious pigeon that pecked at his hair. "Good parents...I see. So better than most people."
She laughed. "They'll even fight off falcons if their mate or babies are threatened."
With such dull talons and small beaks, pigeons had no real defensive capabilities. Fighting a predator with such disadvantages was a sign of great bravery.
The seeds were nearly gone now, and one of the pigeons decided to settle into Sephiroth's hands as if it were a nest. Sapphire leaned in close to Sephiroth.
"Oh you love them now don't you?" She teased.
"I have more...respect for them now," Sephiroth admitted softly.
He had vastly underestimated the fragile creatures. They were...sympathetic.
Misunderstood and mistreated by humanity.
He and Sapphire emptied the bag of feed by tossing it into the artificial turf and watched the birds eat to their hearts content.
On the walk back, Sephiroth cleared his throat.
"Do you think we could do this again?" He asked.
Sapphire gently took his hand. "Of course. We can do it any time you want."
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maryvioletique7708 · 2 years
Finally an Official Meet-the-artist Intro!!!
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To new people (when I say people you get it),
Sup, welcome to my Blog. Where I either Draw, Write, Procrastinate, or do something else irl (aka Ghost 4a).
Been in Tumblr for 1 year now. Although for starters, this is an art blog.
But feel free to check my 3 blogs:
@violet-sapphires-hnkauconcepts (1st/Au Blog)
@m-v-tique (2nd/MBTI\Personality based)
@violetiques-reblogalot-blog (3rd/Reblog blog lol)
And my Socials:
M_V_tique (PDB/Personality Database)
MVW7708 (Ao3/Archive of our own)
TheVioletteNameAngel (Roblox (I don't play games much))
That's all heh.
Thank you for coming here with your curiosity though.
Time Active =
Wednesday/Thursday - 3/6 AM and 3 pm
Friday - 8:30/11 AM and 6/12 PM (PH time) (Unless)
Current Fandoms:
Welcome Home ARG(New), MBTI/16personalities, TSSM/The Spectacular Spider-Man, Transformers.
Personal Tags:
#Violetique stuff
(This is my 7th time doing this AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-)
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kitxkatrp · 1 year
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
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Genshin, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Black and White, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby. Ark Survival Evolved. <3
💍 — any piercings?
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Nope, my ears used to be pierced but unfortunately overnight my body decided to have allergic reactions to all my earrings, so I gave up and let the holes close. I have to wear clip ons now.
🔏 — want any (more) tattoos?
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There's a couple I would like, but I'm a big sissy with that sort of pain, so I probably won't ever get it done. I want a Knight on my back to symbolize a part of my life and PH, but that's a far off dream.
🐶 — any pets?
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My sweet little Boo, my cat. I post pictures of her all the time and she loves to make herself known during my phone calls and video chats.
🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl?
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YOU. For realz. I feel like I definitely wanna meet you and Hero, and then my friend @pointofviiew I'd like to meet someday just cause I wanna give her a big hug.
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reginrokkr · 2 years
One by one, soft kisses littered twilight's back whilst he reposed in his arms. Noctilucous fauna and flora brightened their vicinities left and right, leaving behind beautiful colors that were rare to encounter during the night weren't for these magnificent species. Al-Háitham didn't lack the means nor the money to get anything Dáinsleif wanted, nevertheless, centuries ago he learned that he was a man who didn't need material items. It had been long enough since he had become apathetic, numbed by the passages of time.
This was the reason why the Grand Sekretar deemed suitable to bring him somewhere that could evoke pleasant memories from his distant home where luminescent fauna and flora created with the Art of Khemia thrived, in the core of Mahavanaranapna.
He ignored the compromising part of spending time elsewhere when he was as busy as ever as the Acting Grand Sage and Scribe among uncountable of duties more that weighed on his shoulders. Regardless, he would never fail to make some time to spend time with Dáinsleif for his birthday, even if it had been a very long time since the meaning of one's birth date lost meaning to him. His fingers interlaced with the blond's from behind, chin rested on his shoulder to heave a fond sigh. Truth be told, it had been sufficiently long since he had spend time with him, this feeling of longing was nothing short of missing him even if he would not say it aloud. Nor it would be necessary, Dáinsleif was perceptive enough to realise as much if he were to look back at the methods he used to bring him to Vanarana on his own footing.
"I am glad that you were born." He whispered low and tender to his ear, punctuated with a light nuzzle of the tip of his nose to his temple. That was the truth of his heart, an unquantifiable happiness that thanks to that he was able to meet him and be with him through thin and thick after all these centuries. And an even more hidden truth was buried deep in his heart. I love you.
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Rose spots bloom on moon-sheen skin, leaving warmth of tender lips in their wake one after another on the expanse of twilight's back. Albescent lashes flutter close in utter relaxation, a sigh that abandons roseate lips shakes away all building tension that accumulates during void's search. It is no coincidence that gold and silver encounter themselves in the heart of Mahavanaranapna, skinny dipping in lunar and mythical water glowing below per its proximity to the Tree of Dreams. Unspoken words revolving around the device al-Háitham perfected centuries ago are a good lead to reasons untold why the scribe was sentient to his presence in Sumeru.
Not something the seraph minded, all being said. On the opposite, this but one of many proofs of strength his lover has, of authority and control that he hesitates not to put into practise for his own benefit. Despite what methods he may utilize, Dáinsleif knows that never once he sought to inconvenience him.
Moon-bathed lashes open to reveal icy sapphire depths when their fingers intertwined as amorous as ever, telling of a plethora of sentiments deeply rooted in their souls for centuries. Little by little, Dáinsleif has lost all meaning to his birthday, being the long living creature he has become byproduct of a cruel divine curse. One year more meant naught to him, as he needed not the material items of the mortal realm that humans rejoice in receiving them. Reason why he appreciates enormously that al-Háitham caught the cue of his thoughts despite the lack of words that always existed on the matter— regardless of his feelings, the luminary never had the heart to reject a single gift he gave him.
When Dáinsleif believed that there would be naught of importance to celebrate, al-Háitham brings him back to the semblance of humanity still rooted in his being: To be happy for one's birth. That is another way of putting it and in further consideration, the core of this celebration's meaning. Years, decades and centuries of wear and tear alongside phantoms of the past still present in his heart impede him to find any happiness in being alive— but there is something that gives him strength to continue, something that serves as a reminder that there is beauty in life no matter how unfortunate his circumstances may be.
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❝I love you.❞ He murmurs gentle and loving, turning his head enough to place a kiss of his own on his lover's forehead. Astral pupils tremble slowly within azure depths, moved by the never extinguishing love that permeates his soul for al-Háitham. I love you are words Dáinsleif hardly ever susurrates, he knows, but they reflect encompass a fan of multiple thoughts and feelings he harbors for him.
Thank you for always staying by my side, even when I was at my utter worst when we crossed paths again amidst the Black Cataclysm.
Thank you for entering in my life. A life without you might have lacked meaning and humanity lost were it not for you.
...Thank you for existing. Yes, that may be a suitable core meaning to birth dates.
@samyavastha ✦
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deal4shop · 14 days
PrimeEyes Glide Eyeliner for Mature Women – Water-Resistant, Long-Stay and Mess-Proof – Gel Cream Texture, Discreet Sharpener and Effective Smudger (Sapphire (blue))
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand Make-up & skincare for mature women. For beauty that’s natural & easy. All-natural, pH balanced pro-age cosmetics products. Beauty Is Skin Deep. Beautiful Is a Way of Life. Prime’s Origin Story. Look stunning at any age. Live in the prime of your life. Shop Prime Prometics Products Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.39 x 1.02 x 0.55 inches; 0.35 ounces…
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patchworkheartouija · 6 months
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“Of all that I hate in this world, my own reflection is high on the list.”
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lonita · 3 years
World Watercolour Month '21 - part 2
New paints arrive in the mail day.
Shinhan - Purple Grey Mission Gold - Melon Green Sennelier - Brown Pink (which is neither brown nor pink, but makes for a great mustard)
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Rembrandt - Dusk Yellow - Old bruise and thundercloud.
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Nothing rhymes with orange, and these aren't orange anyhow, except the one that is. Trust me when I say these colours aren't as samey as they look.
Holbein - Quinacridone Gold Daniel Smith - Aussie Red Gold Some accidental mix of orange and green.
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Rembrandt - Permanent Madder Lake Daniel Smith - Rhodonite Genuine Beam - Violet Earth
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Beam - Mars Violet Stoneground - Armenian Ochre Purple / Bordeaux
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Van Gogh / Dusk Pink Turner / Dioxazine Violet Beam / Blueberry Mountain Van Gogh / Dusk Violet Opus / Ultraviolet Turner / Turner Maroon
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New paints arrive from Jacksons in the UK:
St. Petersburg / White Nights - Indian Yellow, Indian Gold, Irgazin Yellow, Antique Gold, English Red Schmincke Horadam - Anthracite, Pthalo Sapphire
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Turner Design Gouache - Night Blue. What a delicious colour.
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Shinhan Gouache - Heliotrope
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Turner Gouache - Red Ochre
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(watercolour markers) Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer - Indanthrone Blue / Winsor & Newton - Sap Green
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Derivan liquid pencil
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Caran d'ache Supraclor and Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer Magnus watercolour pencils
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Dr. PH Martin Hydrus liquid watercolour
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Caran d'Ache Neocolor II watersoluble wax crayons
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Derwent Inktense (which also comes in blocks and pencils, and is a solidified water soluble ink)
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Derwent tinted graphite (which also comes in pencils)
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dna-custom-paints · 5 months
Unveiling the Magic: DNA Custom Paints and the Enchantment of Color Changing Car Paint
In the world of automotive customization, where every detail matters and individuality is celebrated, one element stands out with its mesmerizing allure: color changing car paint. Imagine a paint job that seems to dance with the light, shifting its hues with an enchanting fluidity as you move around the vehicle. This captivating phenomenon is brought to life by DNA Custom Paints, where color shifts pearl paints possess a magical aura unlike any other.
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The allure of color changing car paint lies in its ability to defy expectations and create a sense of wonder. At first glance, a car coated in these specialized paints may appear to be one color, but as you approach from different angles, a kaleidoscope of shades reveals itself, adding depth and dimension to the vehicle's aesthetic.
DNA Custom Paints has mastered the art of creating these captivating color shifts, utilizing cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to achieve unparalleled results. Their paints are formulated with precision, combining reflective pigments and transparent layers to create a dynamic visual effect. The result is a finish that seems to shimmer and gleam as if infused with magic.
But what exactly makes color changing car paint so captivating? It all comes down to the physics of light and how it interacts with the specialized pigments embedded within the paint. Known as interference pigments, these tiny particles are engineered to reflect and refract light in different ways, depending on the angle of observation. This phenomenon, known as iridescence, is what gives color changing car paint its unique ability to shift colors with changing perspectives.
Imagine cruising down the street in a car coated in DNA Custom Paints' color shifting masterpiece. As you drive, the sunlight dances across the surface, causing the colors to morph and blend in a hypnotic display. Spectators are left in awe as they catch glimpses of emerald greens, sapphire blues, and fiery reds cascading across the vehicle's sleek exterior.
But the magic of color changing car paint isn't just limited to cars. From motorcycles to boats, and even household items like furniture and electronics, the possibilities are endless. DNA Custom Paints offers a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing enthusiasts to unleash their creativity and personalize their belongings like never before.
Whether you're a seasoned automotive aficionado or simply appreciate the beauty of a well-crafted paint job, color changing car paint is sure to captivate your imagination. With DNA Custom Paints at the forefront of innovation in the industry, the future looks bright – or perhaps, ever-changing – for custom paint enthusiasts everywhere. So why settle for ordinary when you can experience the magic of color shifting pearl paints? Let your imagination run wild and embark on a journey of endless possibilities with DNA Custom Paints.
Contact- Web - https://www.dna-paints.com/color-shift-pearls/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - +(61) 3 9764 2088 Address - 5-7 Keith Campbell Ct, Scoresby VIC 3179, Australia
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drew-mga2022mi6021 · 7 months
World Building | Natural Resources
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Solarpunk Project - Nusa Stiglitz
Sri Lanka contains several diverse natural resources to draw from. Apart from the main ones that are used in this world (tropical climate, windy coasts, lakes and rivers), there are other smaller ones that are put to use in various other fields. They are as follows;
Mineral Resources
Sri Lanka is home to several materials of the earth, such as limestone, graphite, mineral sands, gems, and phosphate.
Limestone is used in construction (in concrete) and in agriculture (to balance the pH levels in soil). It is used in a similar fashion as in Roman construction, which makes buildings and statues far more durable and in the long run, is better for the environment.
Graphite is used in writing materials, lubricants (like grease), in the electrical industry and to create graphene sheets, which are several times more durable than steel, and far more lightweight (used in the construction of certain technologies and equipment). The use of natural graphite in particular is more popular in Sri Lanka as it produces very little carbon emissions in comparison to the production of synthetic graphite.
Mineral sands are smaller ore deposits in the form of particles. Sri Lanka is well-endowed with industrial minerals including Graphite, Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon, Quartz, Feldspar, Clay, Kaolin, Apatite, (Phosphate Rock), Silica Sand, Garnet sand, Mica, Calcite and Dolomite. Several mineral-sand deposits of Monazite, Zircon, Garnet and Ilmenite in particular are found in various parts of the island, and are now being exported. These are used in creating the wind turbine magnets that power part of the coasts of the island, and in medical, manufactured and electronic products such as fibre optics, and rechargeable batteries. Additionally, it is also used in materials such as inks, paints and sunscreen.
There exist a variety of gems that can be mined from Sri Lanka. Especially notable are blue sapphire, pink sapphire or ruby, and yellow sapphire; alexandrite and cat's-eye chrysoberyl; and almandine and hessonite garnet. These in particular resulted in a booming jewellery industry that formed in the country that often exports to other parts of the world.
Finally, phosphate is used to create phosphorous, which is itself used in fertiliser. It can also be used to create phosphorous acid, which has several applications as an agent in food, cosmetics, electronics and animal feed.
Agricultural Resources
The main agricultural export of Sri Lanka is tea, however the country also exports rubber, coconuts, rice, and spices. It was because of these resources that colonisers were drawn to this country, which also had the ideal conditions to grow them in. Ancient Sri Lankans also indulged in the practice of Chena cultivation, which was used to cultivate vegetables, greens, grains and cereals. Agriculture also heavily depended on the monsoonal seasons (Maha and Yala), and certain crops are relegated to only certain parts of the country (for example, tea is only grown in the central highlands of the country).
The nature of the Sri Lankan diet is such that most if not all compounds of a balanced meal can be locally sourced and grown in one's own garden. This led some Sri Lankans to pursue a meat-free lifestyle, although a more proper term would be to call it a minimum-meat lifestyle.
Live meat is found in the forms of cow, chicken, pig, and goat meat. Pork is slightly less common than the other two, as the demand for it is less. In addition to this, certain commodities are harvested from these animals, such as milk and eggs. Eggs in particular may come from a variety of animals, ranging from the aforementioned chicken to quail to duck. Sri Lanka also thrives on a strong fishing culture, with many fishing villages lining the coasts of the countries. However, villagers are careful not to harm crucial elements of the environment in the process (such as mangroves). Thus, more traditional means of fishing are employed. Some marine life that are often caught are crab, prawn, shark, and both large and smaller species of fish.
In addition to consumables, cotton is also grown in Sri Lanka, which is used to make a majority of the fabric seen in the country. Raw fabric is produced by "spinning" the cotton and "weaving" it once it has turned into threads.
As a result of all these boons, Sri Lanka seldom ever imports these products into the country, only ever resorting to during off-seasons for agricultural resources. This has led to a self-sustained growing economy that does not rely on international trade to benefit.
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sageadvicednd · 8 months
Does the gem crushed by summoning with Drawmij's Instant Summons get consumed by the spell?
@raleelDoes the gem crushed by summoning with Drawmij’s Instant Summons get consumed by the spell? It’s not called out like others Yep. You crush it: "Each time you cast this spell, you must use a different sapphire" (PH 235). — Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 24, 2014
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colorfulfishbreeds · 8 months
Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies: Unlocking the Mysteries of Celestial Aquatic Wonders
Discovering the Enchantment of Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies
Guppies have always held a special place in the hearts of aquarists, but when it comes to captivating colors and patterns, the Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy emerges as a celestial marvel in the world of aquarium fish. This aquatic gem, known for its stunning appearance and irresistible charm, has become a favorite among fish enthusiasts, both novices and seasoned experts alike.
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Introduction to Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies: A Cosmic Spectacle
Visual Poetry: Envision a tiny fish whose body is adorned in hues reminiscent of the deep, infinite expanse of space. The Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy is a true cosmic spectacle, boasting a mesmerizing color palette that includes vibrant blues, shimmering metallic scales, and a tail that sparkles like a galaxy of stars. Two standout varieties, the "Blue Nebula" and "Starry Sapphire," further amplify this celestial allure with intense cobalt blues and rich sapphire hues.
Unveiling General Information: Origins, Size, Lifespan, and Temperament
Celestial Origin: Believed to have originated in various regions across Southeast Asia, the Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy has been meticulously bred to achieve its dazzling appearance.
Modest Dimensions: These guppies reach an average size of 1.5 to 2 inches, making them a delightful addition to any aquarium.
Celestial Lifespan: With proper care, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies can grace your tank with their celestial beauty for 2 to 3 years.
Peaceful Companions: Known for their peaceful and sociable nature, these guppies thrive in community tanks, exhibiting minimal aggression towards other fish.
Reveling in the Appearance: Cosmic Bodies and Dazzling Fins
Captivating Features: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies boast a slender body, prominent dorsal fins, and a stunning caudal fin that steals the spotlight. Their scales often exhibit iridescence, adding a captivating sheen to their celestial charm.
Varieties and Colors: Beyond "Blue Nebula" and "Starry Sapphire," these guppies come in enchanting shades like "Cosmic Silver," "Aurora Borealis," and "Nebula Red," each offering a unique celestial-inspired color palette.
Affordable Beauty: Prices may vary, ranging from $3 to $10 per fish, depending on factors like coloration, age, and breeding lineage.
Creating the Perfect Celestial Abode: Habitat and Tank Requirements
Natural Haven: In the wild, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies inhabit slow-moving streams, ponds, and densely vegetated areas in Southeast Asia. Aim for water temperatures between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C) and a slightly alkaline to neutral pH level.
Cosmic Quarters: For a small school, a 10 to 20-gallon tank is suitable, with larger tanks allowing for more individuals and better water stability.
Water Harmony: Maintain a temperature between 75°F to 78°F and a pH level between 7.0 and 7.5. Aim for water hardness in the range of 8 to 12 dGH.
Aquatic Aesthetics: Create a captivating underwater landscape with live or artificial plants, fine gravel or sand substrate, and floating plants for diffused lighting and shaded areas.
Feeding Habits of Celestial Gourmets: A Cosmic Culinary Journey
Omnivorous Delights: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies thrive on high-quality flake or pellet food formulated for tropical fish.
Color-Enhancing Treats: Supplement their diet with occasional treats of live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms for enhanced coloration and overall health.
Feeding Rituals: Known for their enthusiastic feeding behavior, these guppies dart to the surface to snatch floating food. Feed them small portions multiple times a day for optimal nutrition.
Navigating the Cosmic Reproduction Saga: Breeding Insights
Livebearing Wonders: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies are livebearers, with females giving birth to live fry rather than laying eggs.
Breeding Simplicity: Breeding occurs spontaneously in well-maintained aquariums. Provide hiding spots for fry and maintain stable water conditions for successful reproduction.
Spawning Splendor: Male guppies engage in courtship, displaying vibrant colors and dancing movements. Females give birth to live fry, usually numbering between 20 to 50 per brood.
Ensuring Celestial Health: Common Issues and Preventive Measures
Hardiness with Vigilance: While generally hardy, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies can be susceptible to common aquarium diseases. Regular water changes, water parameter maintenance, and proper nutrition are key to preventing issues like ich, fin rot, and fungal infections.
Harmony in the Celestial Community: Compatibility and Care Tips
Peaceful Coexistence: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies make excellent community fish, cohabiting harmoniously with species like neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, and more.
Essential Care: Regular water changes, consistent monitoring of water parameters, and avoiding overfeeding contribute to a stress-free environment for these celestial wonders.
Navigating the Cosmic Legal Waters: Considerations and Compatible Companions
Legal Waters: Generally, there are no specific legal restrictions associated with owning or breeding Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies. However, be aware of any local regulations related to aquarium fish keeping.
Celestial Companions: Compatible tankmates include neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, corydoras catfish, cherry shrimp, otocinclus catfish, platy fish, and Endler’s livebearers.
Distinguishing Celestial Genders: Male vs. Female
Colorful Dazzlers: Male guppies showcase vibrant hues and intricate patterns on their fins, with a slim, streamlined body and a larger, more elaborate caudal fin.
Subdued Beauties: Female guppies are less colorful, with subdued shades, a rounder, plumper body (especially when pregnant), and a smaller, less elaborate caudal fin.
Celestial Uniqueness: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies vs. Others
Unique Brilliance: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies stand out with their captivating coloration, resembling a cosmic spectacle. Specific color patterns and shades differentiate them from other guppy varieties.
Shining Bright:* Their distinct tail coloration, earning them the name "Galaxy Blue Tail," sets them apart visually in the aquarium fish world.
In the vast universe of aquarium fish, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies shine as celestial wonders, captivating all who witness their beauty. Their ease of care, compatibility, and unique charm make them the ideal choice for aquarists seeking a touch of the extraordinary in their aquatic realms.
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fishbreedsblog · 8 months
Dive into the Celestial Realm of Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies: A Fishkeeping Adventure
Embarking on a Cosmic Journey with Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies
Picture this: a tiny fish, its body adorned in hues reminiscent of the vast, infinite expanse of space. Enter the Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy, a true celestial marvel in the realm of aquarium fish. Its captivating charm and stunning appearance have made it a favorite among fish enthusiasts, whether seasoned or just starting their aquatic journey.
Getting Acquainted with Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies: A Celestial Display
Visual Extravaganza: The Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy is a cosmic spectacle, boasting vibrant blues, metallic scales that shimmer, and a tail that sparkles like a galaxy of stars. Varieties like the "Blue Nebula" and "Starry Sapphire" take the celestial allure to new heights with intense cobalt blues and rich sapphire hues.
Exploring General Information: Origins, Size, Lifespan, and Temperament
Celestial Origin: Believed to originate in various Southeast Asian regions, the Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy has been selectively bred for its dazzling appearance.
Modest Dimensions: These guppies reach an average size of 1.5 to 2 inches, making them a delightful addition to any aquarium.
Celestial Lifespan: With proper care, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies can grace your tank with their celestial beauty for 2 to 3 years.
Peaceful Companions: Known for their peaceful and sociable nature, these guppies thrive in community tanks, showing minimal aggression towards other fish.
Unveiling the Appearance: Cosmic Bodies and Dazzling Fins
Captivating Features: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies boast a slender body, prominent dorsal fins, and a stunning caudal fin that steals the spotlight. Their scales often exhibit iridescence, adding a captivating sheen to their celestial charm.
Varieties and Colors: Beyond "Blue Nebula" and "Starry Sapphire," these guppies come in enchanting shades like "Cosmic Silver," "Aurora Borealis," and "Nebula Red," each offering a unique celestial-inspired color palette.
Affordable Beauty: Prices may vary, ranging from $3 to $10 per fish, depending on factors like coloration, age, and breeding lineage.
Creating the Perfect Celestial Abode: Habitat and Tank Requirements
Natural Haven: In the wild, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies inhabit slow-moving streams, ponds, and vegetated areas in Southeast Asia. Aim for water temperatures between 72°F to 82°F and a slightly alkaline to neutral pH level.
Cosmic Quarters: For a small school, a 10 to 20-gallon tank is suitable, with larger tanks allowing for more individuals and better water stability.
Water Harmony: Maintain a temperature between 75°F to 78°F and a pH level between 7.0 and 7.5. Aim for water hardness in the range of 8 to 12 dGH.
Aquatic Aesthetics: Create a captivating underwater landscape with live or artificial plants, fine gravel or sand substrate, and floating plants for diffused lighting and shaded areas.
Feeding Habits of Celestial Gourmets: A Cosmic Culinary Journey
Omnivorous Delights: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies thrive on high-quality flake or pellet food formulated for tropical fish.
Color-Enhancing Treats: Supplement their diet with occasional treats of live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms for enhanced coloration and overall health.
Feeding Rituals: Known for their enthusiastic feeding behavior, these guppies dart to the surface to snatch floating food. Feed them small portions multiple times a day for optimal nutrition.
Breeding Celestial Progeny: A Stellar Reproduction Saga
Livebearing Wonders: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies are livebearers, with females giving birth to live fry rather than laying eggs.
Breeding Simplicity: Breeding occurs spontaneously in well-maintained aquariums. Provide hiding spots for fry and maintain stable water conditions for successful reproduction.
Spawning Splendor: Male guppies engage in courtship, displaying vibrant colors and dancing movements. Females give birth to live fry, usually numbering between 20 to 50 per brood.
Ensuring Celestial Health: Common Issues and Preventive Measures
Hardiness with Vigilance: While generally hardy, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies can be susceptible to common aquarium diseases. Regular water changes, water parameter maintenance, and proper nutrition are key to preventing issues like ich, fin rot, and fungal infections.
Harmony in the Celestial Community: Compatibility and Care Tips
Peaceful Coexistence: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies make excellent community fish, cohabiting harmoniously with species like neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, and more.
Essential Care: Regular water changes, consistent monitoring of water parameters, and avoiding overfeeding contribute to a stress-free environment for these celestial wonders.
Navigating the Cosmic Legal Waters: Considerations and Compatible Companions
Legal Waters: Generally, there are no specific legal restrictions associated with owning or breeding Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies. However, be aware of any local regulations related to aquarium fish keeping.
Celestial Companions: Compatible tankmates include neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, corydoras catfish, cherry shrimp, otocinclus catfish, platy fish, and Endler’s livebearers.
Distinguishing Celestial Genders: Male vs. Female
Colorful Dazzlers: Male guppies showcase vibrant hues and intricate patterns on their fins, with a slim, streamlined body and a larger, more elaborate caudal fin.
Subdued Beauties: Female guppies are less colorful, with subdued shades, a rounder, plumper body (especially when pregnant), and a smaller, less elaborate caudal fin.
Celestial Uniqueness: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies vs. Others
Unique Brilliance: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies stand out with their captivating coloration, resembling a cosmic spectacle. Specific color patterns and shades differentiate them from other guppy varieties.
Shining Bright:* Their distinct tail coloration, earning them the name "Galaxy Blue Tail," sets them apart visually in the aquarium fish world.
In the vast universe of aquarium fish, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies shine as celestial wonders, captivating all who witness their beauty. Their ease of care, compatibility, and unique charm make them the ideal choice for aquarists seeking a touch of the extraordinary in their aquatic realms.
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