713-4th-ward-g · 10 months
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cheshire-cats-smile · 2 years
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09/22/22: Dodgers beat the Diamondbacks 3-2.
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tiger-willow · 1 month
Farewell QSMP o7
(I’m not really good with words so I typed this out before the event just copy and paste)
[Translations will be available]
Hello qsmpblr I hope you are well. I only have one thing to say and that is:
Thank you so much Qsmp, the creators, the admins & ex-admins/other people who helped work on it and many, and also thank you yo the wonderful community!
I’ve been watching qsmp since the very first day and joined Tumblr/qsmpblr in July! It is something that I definitely do not regret at all! It’s changed my life, made me laugh, cry and find comfort during my sad times.
I learned about and started watching so many amazing creators from different languages because of qsmp! Not to mention I met so many amazing people here on Tumblr that I never would have met because of this server! This server made me want to learn Spanish, re-learned French and learn more and celebrate different cultures.
I’m very sad that it’s ending it especially ending so soon… but I’m glad theses creators are playing games with each other and talking to each other outside of the server. AND the fact that theses creators would have never even met because of qsmp is FUCKING CRAZY!
Again I’m going to miss the server so much but I will never forgot the memories we made. We’ve had good and bad moments in the community but we sure pushed through it! (Which is another reason I’m glad I joined Tumblr and not Twitter lmao)
To the admins if you’re reading this:
Thank you so much again to the amazing admins who helped the server and helped make this server something truly wonderful! You deserve most if not all the credit for your work on this project! You all deserve a long rest after all the great work you’ve done! :)
(Plus I’m making fanart for u)
And an extra special big thank you so much to Quackity! He’s the reason this server exists! He’s the reason for theses people being here! He’s the reason we become closer! I know and understand Quackity has messed up but the fact he was so passionate about this server and cared about the team and I’m forever grateful for that!
Thank you so much Qsmp and everyone who played their part in the server or community. I will never forget this server and it’s memories! I’ll be heading off now.
Goodbye/Goodnight everyone and I love you all ❤️🫂 :) -Tiger
Adiós QSMP o7/Despedida QSMP o7/Adieu QSMP o7/안녕 QSMP o7/Auf Wiedersehen QSMP o7
ES: Hola qsmpblr espero que estés bien. Sólo tengo una cosa que decir y es:
¡Muchas gracias Qsmp, los creadores, los administradores y ex administradores/otras personas que ayudaron a trabajar en ello y muchos más, y también gracias a la maravillosa comunidad!
¡He estado viendo qsmp desde el primer día y me uní a Tumblr/qsmpblr en julio! ¡Es algo de lo que definitivamente no me arrepiento en absoluto! Cambió mi vida, me hizo reír, llorar y encontrar consuelo en mis momentos tristes.
¡Aprendí y comencé a ver a tantos creadores increíbles de diferentes idiomas gracias a qsmp! ¡Sin mencionar que conocí a tanta gente increíble aquí en Tumblr que nunca habría conocido gracias a este servidor! Este servidor me hizo querer aprender español, volver a aprender francés y aprender más y celebrar diferentes culturas.
Me entristece mucho que esto termine, especialmente, que termine tan pronto... pero me alegra que estos creadores estén jugando entre ellos y hablando entre ellos fuera del servidor. ¡Y el hecho de que estos creadores nunca se hubieran conocido debido a qsmp es PINCHE LOCO!
Nuevamente voy a extrañar mucho el servidor, pero nunca olvidaré los recuerdos que creamos. Hemos tenido buenos y malos momentos en la comunidad, ¡pero seguro que lo superamos! (Que es otra razón por la que me alegro de haberme unido a Tumblr y no a Twitter lmao)
A los administradores si están leyendo esto:
¡Muchas gracias nuevamente a los increíbles administradores que ayudaron al servidor y ayudaron a hacer de este servidor algo realmente maravilloso! ¡Te mereces la mayor parte, si no todo, el crédito por tu trabajo en este proyecto! ¡Todos os merecéis un largo descanso después del gran trabajo que habéis realizado! :)
(Además, estoy haciendo fanart para ti)
¡Y muchas gracias muy especiales a Quackity! ¡Él es la razón por la que existe este servidor! ¡Él es la razón por la que estas personas están aquí! ¡Él es la razón por la que nos volvemos más cercanos! Sé y entiendo que Quackity se ha equivocado, pero el hecho de que le apasionara tanto este servidor y se preocupara por el equipo, ¡siempre estaré agradecido por eso!
Muchas gracias Qsmp y a todos los que desempeñaron su papel en el servidor o la comunidad. ¡Nunca olvidaré este servidor y sus recuerdos! Me iré ahora.
Adiós/Buenas noches a todos y los amo a todos ❤️ 🫂 :) -Tiger
PR: Olá qsmpblr espero que você esteja bem. Só tenho uma coisa a dizer e é:
Muito obrigado Qsmp, os criadores, os administradores e ex-administradores/outras pessoas que ajudaram a trabalhar nele e muitos, e também obrigado à comunidade maravilhosa!
Tenho assistido o qsmp desde o primeiro dia e entrei no Tumblr/qsmpblr em julho! É algo que definitivamente não me arrependo! Mudou minha vida, me fez rir, chorar e encontrar conforto nos momentos tristes.
Aprendi e comecei a assistir tantos criadores incríveis de diferentes idiomas por causa do qsmp! Sem falar que conheci tantas pessoas incríveis aqui no Tumblr que nunca teria conhecido por causa desse servidor! Este servidor me fez querer aprender espanhol, reaprender francês e aprender mais e celebrar diferentes culturas.
Estou muito triste que esteja terminando, especialmente tão cedo… mas estou feliz que esses criadores estejam jogando uns com os outros e conversando fora do servidor. E o fato de que esses criadores nunca teriam se conhecido por causa do qsmp é MUITO LOUCO!
Mais uma vez vou sentir muita falta do servidor, mas nunca esquecerei as lembranças que fizemos. Tivemos momentos bons e ruins na comunidade, mas com certeza superamos isso! (Qual é outra razão pela qual estou feliz por ter entrado no Tumblr e não no Twitter, lmao) Para os administradores, se você estiver lendo isto:
Muito obrigado novamente aos incríveis administradores que ajudaram o servidor e ajudaram a tornar este servidor algo verdadeiramente maravilhoso! Você merece a maior parte, senão todo o crédito pelo seu trabalho neste projeto! Todos vocês merecem um longo descanso depois de todo o excelente trabalho que realizaram! :))
(Além disso, estou fazendo fanart para você)
E um grande obrigado extra especial ao Quackity! Ele é a razão pela qual este servidor existe! Ele é a razão dessas pessoas estarem aqui! Ele é a razão pela qual nos tornamos mais próximos! Eu sei e entendo que Quackity estragou tudo, mas o fato de ele ser tão apaixonado por este servidor e se preocupar com a equipe e serei eternamente grato por isso!
Muito obrigado Qsmp e todos que fizeram sua parte no servidor ou na comunidade. Nunca esquecerei este servidor e suas memórias! Eu vou partir agora.
Adeus/Boa noite a todos e eu amo todos vocês ❤️ 🫂 :)) -Tiger
FR: Bonjour qsmpblr j'espère que vous allez bien. Je n'ai qu'une chose à dire et c'est :
Merci beaucoup Qsmp, les créateurs, les administrateurs & ex-administrateurs/autres personnes qui ont aidé à travailler dessus et bien d'autres, et merci également à la merveilleuse communauté !
Je regarde qsmp depuis le tout premier jour et j'ai rejoint Tumblr/qsmpblr en juillet ! C’est quelque chose que je ne regrette absolument pas du tout ! Cela a changé ma vie, m’a fait rire, pleurer et trouver du réconfort dans mes moments tristes.
J'ai découvert et commencé à regarder tant de créateurs incroyables de différentes langues grâce à qsmp ! Sans oublier que j'ai rencontré tellement de gens extraordinaires ici sur Tumblr que je n'aurais jamais rencontré à cause de ce serveur ! Ce serveur m'a donné envie d'apprendre l'espagnol, de réapprendre le français et d'en apprendre davantage et de célébrer différentes cultures.
Je suis très triste que cela se termine, surtout si tôt… mais je suis heureux que ces créateurs jouent à des jeux entre eux et se parlent en dehors du serveur. ET le fait que ces créateurs ne se seraient jamais rencontrés à cause de qsmp est FUCKING FOLLE !
Encore une fois, le serveur va beaucoup me manquer mais je n'oublierai jamais les souvenirs que nous avons créés. Nous avons vécu de bons et de mauvais moments dans la communauté, mais nous avons réussi à nous en sortir ! (C'est une autre raison pour laquelle je suis content d'avoir rejoint Tumblr et non Twitter lmao)
Aux administrateurs si vous lisez ceci :
Merci encore beaucoup aux incroyables administrateurs qui ont aidé le serveur et contribué à faire de ce serveur quelque chose de vraiment merveilleux ! Vous méritez la plupart, sinon la totalité, du mérite pour votre travail sur ce projet ! Vous méritez tous un long repos après tout l’excellent travail que vous avez accompli ! :))
(En plus, je fais des fanarts pour toi)
Et un grand merci tout spécial à Quackity ! C'est la raison pour laquelle ce serveur existe ! C’est la raison pour laquelle ces gens sont ici ! C’est la raison pour laquelle nous nous rapprochons ! Je sais et je comprends que Quackity a tout gâché, mais le fait qu'il soit si passionné par ce serveur et se soucie de l'équipe et je lui en serai éternellement reconnaissant !
Merci beaucoup Qsmp et à tous ceux qui ont joué leur rôle dans le serveur ou la communauté. Je n’oublierai jamais ce serveur et ses souvenirs ! Je vais partir maintenant.
Au revoir/bonne nuit à tous et je vous aime tous ❤️ 🫂 :)) -Tiger
KR: 안녕하세요 qsmpblr 잘 지내시길 바랍니다. 제가 드릴 말씀은 딱 하나뿐입니다.
Qsmp, 창작자, 관리자, 전 관리자/작업에 도움을 주신 많은 분들께 감사드립니다. 그리고 멋진 커뮤니티에도 감사드립니다!
저는 첫날부터 qsmp를 시청해왔고 7월에 Tumblr/qsmpblr에 가입했습니다! 전혀 후회하지 않는 일이에요! 그것은 내 인생을 변화시켰고, 슬픈 시간 동안 나를 웃고 울게 만들고 위로를 찾게 만들었습니다.
저는 qsmp 덕분에 다양한 언어를 사용하는 수많은 놀라운 크리에이터에 대해 배우고 시청하기 시작했습니다! 말할 것도 없이, 이 서버 때문에 결코 만나지 못했을 멋진 사람들을 여기 Tumblr에서 너무 많이 만났습니다! 이 서버 덕분에 저는 스페인어를 배우고, 프랑스어를 다시 배우고, 더 많은 것을 배우고 다양한 문화를 기념하고 싶었습니다.
특히나 너무 빨리 끝나서 너무 아쉽지만... 이 창작자들이 서버 밖에서도 서로 게임도 하고 대화도 나누는 게 기쁘네요. 그���고 이 제작자들이 qsmp 때문에 한 번도 만난 적이 없다는 사실은 정말 미친 짓입니다!
또 서버가 너무 그리워지겠지만 우리가 만든 추억은 절대 잊지 못할 것 같아요. 우리는 커뮤니티에서 좋은 순간과 나쁜 순간을 겪었지만 확실히 이겨냈습니다! (트위터가 아니라 Tumblr에 가입한 것이 다행인 또 다른 이유입니다 lmao)
이 글을 읽고 계시다면 관리자에게:
서버를 돕고 이 서버를 정말 멋진 서버로 만드는 데 도움을 준 놀라운 관리자에게 다시 한 번 감사드립니다! 당신은 이 프로젝트에 대한 당신의 노력에 대한 모든 공로를 인정받을 자격이 있습니다! 여러분 모두는 여러분이 이룩한 모든 위대한 일을 마치고 긴 휴식을 취할 자격이 있습니다! :))
(그리고 나는 당신을 위해 팬아트를 만들고 있습니다)
그리고 특별히 Quackity에게 정말 감사드립니다! 이 서버가 존재하는 이유입니다! 이 사람들이 여기 있는 이유가 바로 그 사람이에요! 우리가 더 가까워지는 이유죠! 나는 Quackity가 엉망이 된 것을 알고 이해하지만 그가 이 서버에 대해 너무나 열정적이고 팀에 관심을 갖고 있다는 사실에 대해 영원히 감사드립니다!
Qsmp와 서버나 커뮤니티에서 자신의 역할을 해주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 나는 이 서버를 결코 잊지 않을 것이며 그것은 추억입니다! 이제 출발하겠습니다.
모두 안녕/잘자요 그리고 모두 사랑해요 ❤️ 🫂 :)) -Tiger
DE: Hallo qsmpblr, ich hoffe, es geht dir gut. Ich kann nur eines sagen und das ist:
Vielen Dank an Qsmp, die Ersteller, die Administratoren und ehemaligen Administratoren/anderen Leute, die bei der Arbeit daran mitgeholfen haben, und vielen Dank auch an die wunderbare Community!
Ich schaue qsmp seit dem ersten Tag und bin im Juli Tumblr/qsmpblr beigetreten! Das ist etwas, was ich auf keinen Fall bereue! Es hat mein Leben verändert, mich zum Lachen und Weinen gebracht und mir in meinen traurigen Zeiten Trost gegeben.
Dank qsmp habe ich so viele tolle YouTuber aus verschiedenen Sprachen kennengelernt und angefangen, sie anzuschauen! Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass ich hier auf Tumblr so viele tolle Leute kennengelernt habe, die ich aufgrund dieses Servers nie getroffen hätte! Dieser Server hat in mir den Wunsch geweckt, Spanisch zu lernen, Französisch neu zu lernen und mehr zu lernen und verschiedene Kulturen zu feiern.
Ich bin sehr traurig, dass es zu Ende geht, vor allem, dass es so bald endet … aber ich bin froh, dass diese Schöpfer miteinander spielen und außerhalb des Servers miteinander reden. UND die Tatsache, dass sich diese Schöpfer dank qsmp nie kennengelernt hätten, ist VERDAMMT VERRÜCKT!
Auch hier werde ich den Server so sehr vermissen, aber ich werde die Erinnerungen, die wir gemacht haben, nie vergessen. Wir hatten gute und schlechte Momente in der Community, aber wir haben es auf jeden Fall geschafft! (Das ist ein weiterer Grund, warum ich froh bin, dass ich Tumblr beigetreten bin und nicht Twitter lmao)
An die Administratoren, wenn Sie dies lesen:
Nochmals vielen Dank an die großartigen Administratoren, die dem Server geholfen und dabei geholfen haben, diesen Server zu etwas wirklich Wunderbarem zu machen! Ihnen gebührt die meiste, wenn nicht sogar die ganze Anerkennung für Ihre Arbeit an diesem Projekt! Sie alle haben nach all der großartigen Arbeit, die Sie geleistet haben, eine lange Pause verdient! :))
(Außerdem mache ich Fanart für dich)
Und ein ganz besonderes großes Dankeschön an Quackity! Er ist der Grund, warum dieser Server existiert! Er ist der Grund dafür, dass diese Leute hier sind! Er ist der Grund, warum wir uns näher kommen! Ich weiß und verstehe, dass Quackity es vermasselt hat, aber die Tatsache, dass er so leidenschaftlich für diesen Server war und sich um das Team kümmerte, und dafür bin ich auf ewig dankbar!
Vielen Dank Qsmp und allen, die ihren Teil zum Server oder zur Community beigetragen haben. Ich werde diesen Server und seine Erinnerungen nie vergessen! Ich mache mich jetzt auf den Weg.
Auf Wiedersehen/Gute Nacht allerseits und ich liebe euch alle ❤️ 🫂 :)) -Tiger
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3-2-whump · 23 days
Reunion/Catching Up
<prev next>
Set two weeks after this incident
TW/CW: honestly, I can't really find any? Allusion to near-death experience?
Nico blinked once. Twice. Pinched his forearm under his work uniform as hard as he could. Nope, no dream. There he was, his dear friend, standing outside the guard shack with a thick jacket draped over his shoulders, waiting for him to begin his shift.
“Well, are you going to let me in? It’s fucking freezing out here,” Khaled said.
Before he could stop himself, Nico enveloped him into a bone-crushing hug. A small pained squeak and the tensing of muscles underneath him made him instantly pull away and apologize.
“It’s just, I didn’t expect to see –but here you are, and–oh my god, dude, I missed you!” His grin felt like it would split his face in two as he waved goodbye to the early morning shift guard and took his place at the control panel. “How have you been? What’s up with you? Wait, can I get you anything?” His eyes sparkled as he remembered the newest toy in the guard shack. “I got a Keurig out here now,” he excitedly announced, wheeling himself in his desk chair over to the little device. “Let me make you something to drink!”
Khaled held up his hands, palm out, as he offered a small smile. “Wait, wait, slow down! What’s gotten into you? You would think I’ve been gone for years or something,” he teased lightly.
“Well, we haven’t seen each other since August,” Nico patiently explained, filling the chamber of the Keurig with bottled water, “and it’s already April! So yeah, excuse me if I’m acting like you just came back from the dead!”
“Speaking of which, I almost did die two weeks ago.”
Nico put down the gaily painted mug he chose for him. It wasn’t so much the absurdity of what he just said, but how seriously his friend had said it. And, for once, Nico couldn’t detect any lie in his voice. He turned from the coffee machine to look up at Khaled. “I’m sorry, what?” he asked.
“Yeah, long story,” Khaled sighed.
Nico made a mental note to review the security footage from two weeks back.
“But it –the whole almost dying thing –got me thinking, and well…" Khaled sighed. "I haven’t been very honest with you in the past, but I want to be, here and now.” His dark brown eyes never left Nico’s. “There’s something I need to tell you, that I should’ve told you a long time ago.”
It was a good thing Khaled was kind of dense, otherwise Nico would never have gotten away with his half-hearted really’s, or wow’s, or I never would’ve known’s as his friend finally told him the truth. What he didn’t have to feign, though, was the “what do you mean you got a boyfriend?!”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Khaled backtracked. “We meet up at his place, beat each other up, and fuck, it’s not that big a deal, Nico.”
“Um, excuse me, you’ve been to his place? And fucked? At his place? That sounds like you’re basically boyfriends to me, dude! That’s kind of a big deal!”
A faint little blush scattered across Khaled’s cheekbones as his gaze dropped self-consciously to the mug in his hands. “I mean, it’s more of a garage, honestly. He lives above the garage he works at, there’s like a little loft thing…” He trailed off before drinking the last sip of coffee. “So…” he began to ask, “you’re not jealous that I found someone else or anything?”
The comment threw Nico for a couple seconds. “What? No, no, of course I’m not –Khaled, hey.” He gently reached to take the empty mug from his hands, letting their contact linger as his friend looked up to him. The vulnerable little look transported him back to that time in his car on a warm summer night. Nico chose his next words carefully. “I’m happy for you, really. I’m just glad, and so relieved, that you found somebody when I couldn’t be around.” He genuinely meant it, too. The worst part of their several-months apart separation was imagining Khaled suffering alone with nobody to turn to, which, thankfully wasn’t the case. “He sounds like a great guy –Julio, was it?”
Khaled grinned. “Yeah, and he is. Great, I mean.”
Nico realized he was still holding his hands. He slowly withdrew, finally prying the empty mug away like he had intended to. “Well, let’s hope he keeps being good to you, or else I’ll have to beat some sense into him,” he lightly threatened.
“I’d love to see you try,” Khaled chuckled.
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz @bamber344 @there-will-always-be-blood @morning-star-whump
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miketownsends · 2 months
pinch running Julio here is SO funny
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phantomdoofer · 8 months
The other boy went flying as Peppino quickly pulled up from his charge. As he landed, Peppino blanched. Oh Mio Dio, I think I killed him!
Peppino quickly ran up to him and crouched. "Julio! Julio, are you OK?"
Julio's eyes were a little crossed. "Madre de dios, Pep, was that you or did a truck show up?" He tried to sit up, his eyes wobbled, and he flopped back down.
Peppino was in a panic. "I didn't-a mean to hit you that-a hard! I'm-a so sorry!" He did a little dance on the spot, trying to decide whether to stay there or go get help.
All the other kids were standing around, looking stunned. "Damn, Pep, I never saw you run like that," another one, an ogre named Rico, said. "You just sorta... took off. You had this wild look in your eyes!"
Peppino looked around, and the other kids nodded and muttered. Oh no, he thought, are they going to run me off now? Peppino had never had many friends, but playing street football was one of the few things they all enjoyed together. They'd been doing it since they were very small, and Peppino, while a bit clumsy, was stout, and was always an early pick. Now he was sure they would be terrified of him.
Finally Julio stood up. "Ay, amigo, did either of your parents have any powers? My Papi said sometimes they don't turn up until we hit puberty."
Peppino thought about it. I know Mama is very strong. Did Papa have some sort of power? "I... don't-a know," he said. "I'll have-a to ask."
Julio patted Peppino on the back. "Don't worry about it, amigo. Just, uh, don't try to run at me so fast next time, eh? Come on, it's getting dark, let's finish this game up!"
Peppino opened the door to their apartment, looking pensive. He'd almost ran someone over a couple of times as the game went on - he would just suddenly accelerate. This time he'd managed to stop, at least, but eventually he'd benched himself, afraid he'd actually hurt someone.
Margherita looked up at him. "There you are, ragazzo! Come, dinner is ready, and I know a boy your age is always hungry." She smiled slyly. "You'll be a man soon enough, my little polpetta." She pinched his cheek.
He flinched away, but he smiled. "Ay, Mama, fermare!" He sat down.
As they ate, Peppino turned the question he had over in his mind, trying different angles. "Mama... something-a happened today. Something... odd."
"Oh? What's that?" Margherita responded.
"While I was-a playing football, I suddenly started going very fast. Faster than I've-a ever gone. And the others said I looked... scary." Peppino shook a little. "The other-a kids described something... like a monster."
Margherita stopped eating, and put her own fork down. She looked at her plate. "So, it finally appeared, eh? When it didn't show when you were little, I thought perhaps it had died out, or gone dormant." She stood and walked over, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I should have known the blood of the Spaghettis would show itself."
Peppino looked her in the eyes. "Mama... what are-a you talking about? The blood of-a the Spaghettis? What... what am I?"
"What you are, is special," she said. "I know you know a lot of people have small powers - telekinesis, extra-toughness, and so on. And you know I can be as strong as I want to be." She walked around him. "When it happened... you said you moved quickly. That was your Papa's blood showing. The power of the Spaghettis is speed. Speed far past what normal people can reach."
Peppino was stunned. "I... I have-a powers?"
Margherita sat back down. "Apparently, ragazzo. And probably more powers than that. You might have inherited mine, too." She rubbed her chin. "Most of the time, only one power shows itself. But sometimes, they both appear, or even combine to make something new." She chuckled. "If mine and your Papa's both got passed... we may have to nickname you "Bulldozer."
Peppino blushed. "M-Mama..."
She laughed again, and reached over to pat his hand. "It's OK, Peppino. You're not a monster. Many people in the world have powers. You just have a stronger one. Tomorrow, mention to your teacher what happened. There are classes you can take to help you learn to control your powers."
"R-really?" Peppino stammered. That made him feel much better. "I was afraid I was going to have-a to tiptoe for the rest of my life."
Margherita shook her head. "You'll learn, ragazzo. You're a Spaghetti. There's more to that than being excellent cooks." She pointed her fork at him. "But if anything else happens, say, a sudden, unusual burst of strength when you get angry, let me know. That's my power showing itself. I can show you how to deal with that one. And try to control your temper. If that power get out of control, it can kill. Easily."
Peppino gulped and looked at his hands. "S-sì, Mama. I will."
Later, laying in bed, Peppino thought about what she had said. Papa's power was speed. And I've got it. He stretched out his hands, then clenched them into fists. And maybe Mama's strength, too. He thought about his own clumsiness. I have to be very careful.
The coach clicked a stopwatch. "All right, Spaghetti, that's it!"
Peppino skidded to a stop, stumbling just a little. "What was-a my time?"
The coach shook their head. "One minute, forty-five seconds. Twice as fast as when we started." He tapped his board. "You keep this up, Peppino, and you'll be doing a mile in under a minute by the time you're fifteen!"
Peppino stretched. "Want me to do it again? I'm not-a tired." Before the coach could respond, Peppino took off. He felt better than he ever had. More confident. Knowing he had something of his Papa, something unique, made him happy. I'll make you proud, Papa!
The coach shook his head, and wrote a note to the football coach. If you can talk this kid into playing, it'll practically be cheating! Not only is he insanely fast, he's incredibly tough. Peppino's only problem was a reluctance to tackle other kids. Don't blame him for that, though. As fast and tough as he is, if he went full blast, he'd kill somebody! The coach yelled. "Peppino! PEPPINO! Slow down!"
Peppino turned his head, and tripped. Oh crap! He tumbled towards the wall...
Right before the impact, the coach saw some sort of field form around the boy.
The impact shook the whole room.
The coach turned white. "Oh God... Peppino! Peppino, are you all right??"
Peppino stood up from the pile of broken bricks around him, dusty and dizzy. "I think... I'm OK..." then he saw the vaguely Peppino-shaped hole in the wall. "OH MIO DIO! I'M SORRY!"
The coach stepped through, and checked Peppino over. "Not a scratch on you. You're tough, kid, but no one's THAT tough. Something else just happened."
Peppino shook. "I'm-a sorry, Coach. I should have-a been paying attention."
The coach shook his head and smiled. "Not the first time, won't be the last. Tell you what, though. It's two years before they'll let you try out for football. Let's work more on your normal speed and strength, and let the superpowers lie for a while. Otherwise the other guy could end up a smear. Once we've got a good base, we can work on bringing that in."
Peppino nodded. "All right, coach. I won't-a give up!" He slammed his fist into his other hand. I'll learn to control this! I swear, Papa, Mama!
Four years later...
Peppino slammed into his opponent, knocking them to the ground. The quarterback charged though the opening, gaining several yards before he was taken down. Peppino walked over and helped him up. "You good, Julio?" Peppino said.
Julio grinned at him. "Thought that ogre had me. Thanks, Dozer."
Peppino grinned at the nickname his teammates had given him. While still nervous off the field, on the field, something else took over, and he was a menace to anyone who stood against him. "That's my blood showing, ragazzo," his Mama had said, "We love a good fight! Just don't let it get away from you!"
Suddenly the ogre from the other team barrelled up and shoved him. "Hey, fat boy! Keep it up and I'mma knock you on yer ass so you don't get up!"
Peppino stuck his chest out, slapped it with both hands, them held them out to the sides. While still a bit fat, he'd put on a lot of muscle while training. "Bring it on! I'll knock-a that shitty excuse for a mustache off your-a face!"
The ogre's purple skin turned more red, and he started spewing a stream of vile curses towards Peppino. Peppino just laughed and went back to the huddle as the refs pushed the ogre back towards his side.
Julio looked at him in the huddle. "Watch that guy, Dozer, ogres can get real nasty."
Peppino just grinned. "So-a can I, Julio. So what's the plan?"
Julio looked at Peppino. As kids, he'd been cautious and fearful all the time. But these days, on the field, he showed a different side - a confident, arrogant, almost maniacal one. Kinda scary, honestly. Julio shook his head. But Peppino was very good at keeping people off of him when he was like this. Just count your blessings and be glad he's on your side!
As they lined up, Peppino looked at the ogre, who'd squared up right across from him. The ogre grinned, and tapped his fist against his chin. Coming for you. Peppino growled. Not getting past me today, stronzo.
As the ball was hiked, the ogre suddenly swelled up, like he suddenly gained a lot of mass, and charged - not at Julio, like Peppino expected, but right at him. He lowered his head and speared him right in the face. Peppino's helmet went flying. Immediately the ogre headbutted him, and he felt - and heard - his nose crunch sickeningly.
Peppino had never been hit so hard. He landed flat of his back, blowing all the air out of him. Instantly the ogre was on top of him, pounding anywhere he could reach - arms, body, head. Peppino held his arms up to protect his face, and the ogre immediately pummeled his ribs. He gasped as he felt two sharp pops in his sides.
One of the referees tried to pull the ogre off, and he backhanded the poor ref so hard they went flying. The ogre's own teammates tried to prize him off, but he just swatted them away, too.
Peppino was helpless. This guy's gonna kill me!
Suddenly he felt something explode inside him - rage beyond anything he'd ever felt. His mind seemed to light on fire.
Peppino's eyes went demented.
Peppino shoved the ogre off of him - the ogre went flying several feet into the air, landing on his back. Peppino couldn't feel the pain anymore. The ogre stood up and charged him, eyes full of murder. Peppino stood and waited.
Peppino uppercutted the ogre's helmet off. He staggered.
A solid haymaker on the right side of the ogre's face. Blood spurted.
The second haymaker sent the ogre spinning into the air. Peppino saw several teeth go flying, a spiral of blood flying out of his mouth. The ogre landed on his back, jaw swollen, obviously unconscious.
Peppino stood in a primal stance, panting and clenching his fists. Blood ran down his face from his broken nose. His eyes bulged. "Ecco cosa meriti, pezzo di merda!" He spat blood from his mouth on the ground.
Then the berserker rage died. Peppino realized what he'd done.
"Oh Mio Dio, I-AGH!" He grabbed his ribs and collapsed. The pain was excruciating.
Through the fog of pain he heard voices.
Peppino? Peppino! Are you OK, amigo?
Stand back! There's no telling what's broken!
What about the other guy? Did you see him go flying? His neck might be broke!
Peppino's head was swimming. His vision was blurring, and he knew he was about to pass out.
Then everything went dark.
Peppino slowly clawed back to consciousness. Ay, my head! Feels like there's someone pounding it with a sledgehammer!
He carefully opened his eyes. His Mama was standing beside him. Looks like I'm in the emergency room.
Margherita gently patted his forehead. "Ah, ragazzo, I was afraid something like this would happen."
Peppino turned his head and immediately regretted it - his head swam alarmingly. "Agh," he said, clutching his skull.
She held his head down. "Don't turn your head, Pino, you have a bad concussion, your nose is broken, and two broken ribs. After fighting that ogre, you're lucky you didn't puncture a lung." She sighed.
Peppino looked at her. "Mama, was-a that... your power? It felt like... something-a exploded in my head. And then I was just..."
"Angry? More furious than you've ever felt?" She said. "Sì, that's my power, all right. The power to gain extraordinary strength... through rage and hate." She looked grave. "Oh, my poor sweet boy. I so hoped you hadn't inherited that terrible curse."
"The... the ogre I was fighting? What-a happened to him?" Please let me not have killed him.
She looked sad, but patted his arm. "It looked worse than it was, thankfully. Three teeth knocked out, several shattered, a concussion, and some bruises. Apparently he has a muscle-bulking power. The extra padding saved his life - those blows would have snapped his neck otherwise."
Peppino blew a breath out. Only luck kept me from being a murderer today.
Margherita patted his arm again. "When you've healed, we'll work on you learning to control this." She gently hugged him. It hurt his ribs, but he wrapped an arm around her. When did she get so small?
He heard her quietly sobbing. "Mama?"
"I'm sorry, Pino. Sorry for everything. For not having your Papa around. For cursing you with this. For not giving you a better life." She cried into his side.
His heart broke. "Mama, no, fermare. You've always helped me. I... I don't blame you for anything. Not even this." He tried to sit up, but the pain made him think twice. "Please, please Mama, don't cry." He started tearing up himself.
Finally, she looked up. Her eyes were swollen, and her face was still screwed up into a mask of sorrow. He wasn't used to seeing her so... vulnerable. "I will help you control this, Peppino. I swear it."
"I know you will." He paused. "Will I-a need to quit football?"
She sniffed and wiped her nose. "No, if it makes you happy, you should stay. I know you have friends there. But... always, always you must take care. Promise me," she said.
"I promise."
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emmatriarchy · 6 months
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@defyxoblivion asked:
”They just evacuated the building; something about the fantastic four and Doctor Doom.” Rictor relays all this to Shatterstar while trying to read his text and pull up his pants at the same time, tripping in the process. Julio might not have his powers in this era, but Gav did, and he could help. So they better get out there.
“I’m starting to think we’re never going to get to try that thing I read about online.” At this point? His balls were starting to turn blue.
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"We will try it, my love." He said with a little smirk. He was eager to fulfill Julio's every fantasy. And the thing did seem like fun.
"The faster I get out there, the faster I get back." He leaned in to kiss his boyfriend, brief but so eager, cupping his face. "Wait for me," he murmured, reaching a hand down and around to pinch his buttock.
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In one of your fics of Felix Getting caught jerking off you said he was like a boy getting caught by him mother I was wondering if you could write one with a young Felix getting caught by his mom?
Idk why I found this request odd. But it's the only one my brain hyperfocused on for some reason, so let's do it!
(For the sake of the ask, Félix is 18 in this, though let's face it he's definitely done this at a younger age)
"Hey baby, how was school?"
"Good-Mateo! Put your toys away!"
Félix barked at his younger brother, who was upstairs, doing annoying brother shit. Félix kicked his toys out of the hallway, and went for the kitchen, where his mom and his older brother, Julio, were cooking. Julio looked down at him as he gutted the fish on the tray. It was a job that he always offered to do, especially when their mom just did her nails.
"You're smiling. Something good happen?"
"Oh definitely, we're doing group projects, and you won't guess who my partner is."
His mother definitely knew, given her smile.
"Let me guess, a girl."
"Not just a girl. THE girl. Aka, the most beautiful, the most funny, the most...well, EVERYTHING. Pepa! Oh you should've seen her today, mami. Cute little braids, new lipstick that made her look like she was made of gold-ugh, it KILLS me, mami~"
His mom wiped her hands on her apron, patting his cheek affectionately.
"Oh, you got bit by the love bug honey, and bad. When you gonna bring that girl home?"
"Oh she's definitely gonna come home with me, but I dunno if you'll have time to meet her!"
Félix laughed as he high fived his dad. Félix was...promiscuous, to say the least, and his dad was proud of the number of girls he's wooed. His mother scowled, lightly smacking the back of his head with her wooden spoon.
"You better not hurt that girl, young man. Alma gonna put a bounty on our heads."
"Hey, one thing I take pride in, is never hurting a woman. They're too beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, your hair just looks wonderful today, mami."
"Well thank you, baby. But no, you can't have a snack before dinner. Now work on your project till we're done."
"Worth a shot."
Félix chuckled as he went upstairs, to his room. He put his backpack on his chair, and hopped into bed. He should be doing homework, but a nap sounded really good. He looked up at the ceiling, and sighed. He got to be partners with PEPA. Damn she was pretty. Pretty eyes, pretty hair, pretty lips, and legs. God DAMN the legs on that woman. She even wore those long, orange see through socks and just. Shit, she was fucking fine.
"She even SMELLS pretty. Like rain. And oranges."
He was talking to himself, which was weird, but not in your own room. Could you blame him? No one understood her beauty quite like him. Even the way her nails gently grazed his hand as he let her borrow a pencil. She made him feel all warm and soft inside, like fresh bread. He'd do anything to have her give him a shot. Just one date. One chance to kiss her. Or more. If she was that kind of girl, he'd fuck her. He knew what women wanted. He'd give her everything, anytime she wanted it.
"...fuck it, I got a minute before dinner."
When the mood strikes, you know? He un did two buttons on his shirt, just to get himself comfortable, before taking off his pants, and his underwear. He reached over to his dresser for lube, and after getting himself comfy and his hands covered, he started. He was slow at first, rubbing against his thighs first, just to tease himself. He took a deep breath as he cupped his balls in his hand, before sighing in relief as soon as his other hand gripped around his cock.
Slow and firm, just how he liked it. A bit of a pinch at the tip, making him close his eyes in satisfaction. He almost wished Pepa caught him right now. He'd kill to just have her sit there, study him with those eyes, green as emeralds. He could picture her now, doing that whole biting her nail thing. She always did that when she saw something she liked. He remembered she'd always do that when she'd watch the boys at school play sports. And her face would get all misty when they flirted with her in between breaks. He didn't mind that Pepa got around, he really didn’t.
"Just means she knows how to handle an hombre."
God he could picture her. Staining his dick with that golden lipstick, nuzzling him in between those legs that looked so pretty. The shit he'd do to just hold her wrists, and fuck her pretty thighs. God he was hard, he could feel himself throbbing. He wanted Pepa. He wanted Pepa so fucking bad. He wanted just one peek under her skirt, or just one glimpse of her bra, he'd even be perverted enough to jerk off to the idea of her smell alone and-
"Félix honey, can you help me set up the t-"
He immediately grabbed his pillow to cover himself, even though he knew that wouldn't hide his shame. His mother looked away, clearing her throat.
"Sorry baby, thought you locked the door during your...activities."
"I thought you KNOCKED!"
"Sorry, sorry, that's my bad. Is that the stain I keep finding on your sheets? Because I have towels I'd rather you use-"
"Could you NOT talk to me right now? You literally almost saw it!"
His mother scoffed, but still didn't meet his eyes, thankfully.
"I was the one who changed your damn diapers, and I have six whole ass kids. I've seen it all before honey. Now it's normal, you know that-"
"What's not normal is you standing in the doorway talking to me about it! Leave!"
"Alright alright, don't shout. You come downstairs when ya done. How long should I keep the food on warm?"
Félix groaned, regretting...everything, honestly.
"I'll be down in a minute, moment's gone."
"Better be a minute, no one's eating cold fish in this house."
His mom FINALLY shut the door, and Félix groaned, covering his face in both his hands. He then grumbled, realizing he just slapped his face full of lube.
Dick move.
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
having too many thoughts [x] about my friend julio of eliot-threatens-to-shoot-his-dick-off fame but the funniest is, because I'm me, the trans headcanon.
specifically the "eliot cocks the gun, adjusts it a bit, and internally goes oh, oh no, okay maintain the game face, this would still make a mess of his thigh and he knows that, it's fine" headcanon where eliot, when he's walking away and hardison's celebrating, maybe runs a hand over his face and pinches his nose and promises himself he'll find a different way to resolve the situation next time.
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theunstablejester · 1 year
wow realmente no se habla de bruno en esta casa eh nono no se habla de bruno 🙄
Sorry, pero no me gusta Encanto, Misha. Back in the day en la secundaria tenis una amiga a la que le gustaba Hamilton ask que heme ahí teniendo que pretender que no me daban hueva las canciones de Lin Manuel Miranda. Así que veme ahí teniendo que aguantar los mismos pinches ritmos gastados y aburridos pero ahora en todas partes por la pinche película.
Y aparte... soy Team Carlos. Aún cuando es mi plato de segunda mesa porque pues es Julio Esteban Richter al final del día es mi hombre.
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lucianinsanity · 2 years
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He compartido 18.264 publicaciones este 2022
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#god imagine seeing 'martin is canonically of a marginalized identity as per these lines and portraying him otherwise is erasure' and going '
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
I love 30+years old men in love with men
298 notas. Fecha de publicación: 10 de septiembre de 2022
You know, I want to see Izuku and Katsuki as hero partners being absolutely silly, they do funny comments and random poses and combo moves that have the stupidest names
I want to see them catching each other when they are send flying by a villain in increasingly over the top maneuvers and then trying to keep a straight face after that
I want them sitting on top of buildings and eating their homemade food (by Katsuki, even if Izuku can cook, he just doesn't let that happen) and talking about different stuff and laughing all the time at every single thing they think sounds funny and people take pictures of them nearly falling of the roof because they were laughing too hard
They dancing out of nowhere to some song they like and singing along so loudly the lyrics are mostly screamed
Their hands always being in some place of the other's body, shoulder, waist, hair, tugging ears, pinching cheeks or simply kissing each other all over their face and being unable to pay attention to the poor reporter that is only doing their job
Katsuki massaging Izuku's hands after a big fight because he knows they hurt, Izuku giving him water sometimes because the explosions hurt his hands, they taking care of each other after battle while they wait for the paramedics
Just, they being together and happy and healthy
305 notas. Fecha de publicación: 11 de julio de 2022
I want to see Deku and Uraraka teasing each other because they are both gay and dumb
Like, Deku does something to embarrass himself in front of Katsuki and later Uraraka mocks him and Deku pretends to be angry and then they both laugh
Or Uraraka trying to flirt with a girl and failing miserably and Deku pretends he is her in a tragic romance and she tells him to stop but smiling and obviously amused by this
I want them to be disasters together and then laughing about it and just being there for each other
355 notas. Fecha de publicación: 20 de marzo de 2022
Since both Izuku and Katsuki are nerds they just infodump to each other taking turns to talk about different shows they watched, books and comics they read, heroes and random science facts about plants, animals, space and the ocean
389 notas. Fecha de publicación: 8 de mayo de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
Katsuki loses his memory and flirts with a very confused Izuku, Shoto tries to get them together
Mina, joking: ...yeah, like, I'm totally your girlfriend!!!
Katsuki: no, I don't think that's true, I'm pretty sure I like guys turns around to enter the class and sees Izuku ...like him, he is totally my type
Izuku: huh?
Katsuki, slamming his hand in the desk: are you single?
Todoroki, jumping out of nowhere and pushing poor Izuku against his desk: HE IS!!!! HE WOULD LOVE TO DATE YOU!!!
Izuku: what the hell is happening?
Shoto (and the rest of the Baku and deku squad) is tired of seeing Izuku staring in awe and admiration to Katsuki and doing nothing about it (because he sighs and stares and then he goes "he would never like me") also tired of Katsuki doing exactly the fucking same
563 notas. Fecha de publicación: 28 de abril de 2022
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serviastel-blog · 2 years
Sistema económico apertura de puertas en remoto. Serviastel Madrid
Gestor de apertura de puertas de garaje ultima generacion.
3 Entradas, 2 salidas.
Salida maxima directa 24 V 1 A
Dimensiones: 84 X 105X 30 mm
Alimentacion desde 10 a 24 V AC O DC
Rango de temperatura de uso : menos 20 a mas 55 grados
Numero administradores: 5
Numero de usuarios: 2.000 usuarios.
Memoria de eventos: hasta 1.000 eventos.
Hasta 8 programas diferentes
Es posible añadir hasta 5 administradores al sistema. Tienen derecho a añadir y gestionar hasta 2.000 usuarios. Si el usuario tiene su número guardado en la lista, podrá abrir puertas con una llamada, si no, la llamada simplemente será colgada.
Mediante la conexión al sensor de fallo de puerta el administrador puede recibir SMS con las puertas que han fallado para cerrarlas durante un perioro determinado de tiempo.
ESIM320 le permite controlar puertas industriales, levantar barreras y controlar otros dispositivos con una simple llamada de teléfono. Esta opción es absolutamente gratuita porque el dispositivo no descolgará la llamada. Simplemente gestionará la orden recibida a través de la “llamada perdida” y abrirá la puerta o activará el dispositivo que corresponda.
ESIM320 ha sido creado para interaccionar con su dispositivo móvil. El servicio Nube de Eldes proporciona una aplicación para usuarios y administradores. Hay un ayudante (widget) para controlar el dispositivo con un simple clic. Sistema P2P, por lo que no es necesario abrir puertos. La interfaz web para administrador le dará acceso sencillo a la administración de datos de usuario y a la configuración del sistema
ESIM320 no es un simple interruptor GSM. le ofrece mucho más con agendas programables, eventos automáticos y alertas. Barreras y puertas de entrada pueden ser abiertas para los usuarios seleccionados durante un tiempo determinado (horas, días o semanas). Estos permisos pueden ser programados para expirar en un momento concreto.
La extensión de funcionalidad de ESIM320 le permite controlar remotamente y automatizar cualquier dispositivo eléctrico que seleccione.
Dispone de hasta 8 programaciones diferentes a configurar. Cada usuario puede incluirse en más de una configuración.
Podemos limitar la caducidad de cada usuario, por ejemplo, Usuario 128 es válido hasta 27 de Julio de 2015; o se puede limitar el número de veces que lo puede usar, por ejemplo, Usuario 128 sólo lo activará un máxio de una vez por día.
ESIM320 soporta configuración a través de USB, Internet y SMS. Añadir un nuevo usuario es tan sencillo como enviar un SMS con su número de teléfono. La herramienta de configuración USB le permite añadir y gestionar una gran lista de usuarios con facilidad. Y con la conexión GPRS es posible administrar ESIM120 directamente desde su ordenador.
El sistema ESIM320 le permite crear registros de acceso y proporciona una solución para la gestión de la base de datos de usarios. Puede hacer seguimiento de quién y cuándo ha entrado o abandonado un edificio / parking. También reportará fallos en las puertas industriales o dispositivos automáticos. Dispone de una agenda de hasta 1.000 eventos.
Los Administradores puede configurar el ESIM120 para que le remita un reporte automático con la Fecha/hora del sistema, Nivel de señal GSM y Espacio libre.
Los Administradores también podrán solicitar un reporte mediante SMS para verificar qué entrada ha sido activada
Se puede utilizar en los siguientes ambientes:
• Control de entradas en parkings para realizar la
apertura de las puertas o barreras del garaje.
• Control de puertas de zonas privadas, campings,
segundas residencias, comunidades de vecinos
donde no hay portero.
• Control de dispositivos eléctricos: iluminación,
sistemas de riego, puertas de fincas, calefacción,
aire acondicionado, etc.
• Control remoto, reinicio de servicios de red
pudiendo actuar sobre la alimentación de
dispositivos en caso de bloqueo.
Videos demostrativos pinche aquí
Video demo funcionamiento
TELEFONO 911 124 135
Instalaciones realizadas por serviastel pinche aquí
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asknarashikari · 2 years
-real world-
Tamaki: *asleep* No, Hikaru! i did not do it!
Tamaki: sorry, Hikaru, I did not mean to!
Tamaki: I'm really sorry
-dream world-
Akaishi: It's really thanks to Julio, my dear boy, who delivered you to me on silver platter, Hikaru-kun.
Akaishi: Julio just wanted things as they are.
Akaishi: And who am I not to grant that wish.
Akaishi: You should thank him.
Hikaru: Gou, how could you?!
Hikaru: I thought we had something together.
Tamaki -in his Julio outfit-: No, Hikaru! i did not do it! *sobs*
Tamaki: sorry, Hikaru, I did not mean to! *sobs*
Akaishi: *turns into a monster*
Akaishi: *shreds his shirt and nicks a wound on his chest*
Akaishi: You will be more than enough as a sacrifice for Lord Giff
-real world-
Hana: Oi, Tamaki! Wake up!
Hikaru: Gou, it's a nightmare.
Hana: *pinches Gou's cheeks to form an artificial smile* Wake up, Tamaki!
Tamaki: O-ow Hana-sama, that hurts. *caresses cheeks*
Sakura: You were having a nightmare.
Sakura: You were asking Hikaru for forgiveness
Hikaru: Do you want to talk about it?
Tamaki: I cannot remember...
Hikaru: it's alright, if you can't remember.
Hikaru: Just remember that what's in the past, stays in the past.
Hikaru: You're in a better place now.
Hikaru: And smile.
Tamaki: I will
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Why you do this to poor Go...
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twins2994 · 2 months
Mariners Rally Late To Beat Twins.
Mariners 10 Twins 6 W-Stanek (1-0) L-Alcala (1-1)
The Minnesota Twins got back to their winning ways with a low-scoring victory over the Mariners last night. The team returned to action for Game 2 tonight. The Mariners were ready early as Mitch Haniger belted a Bailey Ober fastball out to left for a solo homer in the second. Seattle added on when Luis Urias was drilled in the shoulder by a pitch and Dylan Moore doubled him home. This put the Mariners up by two after two innings of play. The Twins would find some offense in the third as Jose Miranda singled and Eddie Julien walked. Trevor Larnach lined a run-scoring single to right to put the Twins on the board. Ryan Jeffers followed and crushed an Emerson Hancock change-up out to left for a three-run homer. Minnesota took a 4-2 lead after three innings of play. Bailey Ober finished off five solid innings and the Mariners eventually got to work against the Twins bullpen in the seventh. They quickly loaded up the bases and Cal Raleigh smoked a pinch-hit Steven Okert slider out to left for a grand slam The Twins answered in the bottom of the seventh as Jose Mirando led-off with a double to right and Kyle Farmer doubled him home. The Twins pulled within a run going into the eighth inning. The Twins would rally again in the eighth with a Max Kepler lead-off double to center. Austin Martin hit a slow roller to Ty France for a single and Tayler Saucedo fall on the first base bag. Max Kepler scored on the play to even the game at six. Dylan Moore opened the ninth with a lead-off triple and Cal Raleigh walked. Josh Rojas lined a run-scoring single to center to put the Mariners back on top. Julio Rodriguez kept the chain moving with a base hit to left. Mitch Haniger hit a sac fly to right to double the Seattle lead and a wild pitch plated another run. The Mariners put up four runs total in the ninth and Andres Munoz had a 1-2-3 ninth as Seattle picked up the win tonight.
-Final Thoughts- Bailey Ober was pretty good tonight. He went five innings and allowed two runs on three hits with a walk and seven strikeouts. Cole Sands had a 1-2-3 sixth and Jay Jackson gave up three runs and retired a batter. Steven Okert gave up the grand slam to Cal Raleigh in the seventh. Jorge Alcala had a scoreless eighth before giving up four runs in the ninth. Ryan Jeffers, Max Kepler, and Jose Miranda had two hits each tonight. The Twins hit 4-for-12 with runners in scoring position and left five men on base. Tomorrow, George Kirby faces Chris Paddack in Game 3.
-Chris Kreibich-
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yaoi-ifier · 4 months
Capitulo corto porque es más que nada para explicar cómo irán las cosas.
Saquen a Jess de ahí 😓 ni es su familia
Responde cuando lo leas
— JesusTightCunt
Primero lo primero
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El amor es una magia...
AME el cap, pero ya que estamos en confianza ocupas re-leer las cosas después de escribirlas por que si note algunas faltas muy graves, pero eso no evito que me guste.
También se que el fic es en la POV de Julio pero me gustaría leer un cap donde sea solo Jesús y Vinny en la escuela 🥺🥺🥺 mis niñas son tan tiernas...
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
There's a woman at the deli Julio's and we're talking about it and we're talking about his relationship with Jeff maluish which was very bad he was a miscreant and a loser and he is ruining our son's reputation as a worker a little bit we'll see he wrecked himself and he got fired because she was trying to interview him and help people were watching and he did very badly and they let it go and they knew it was him and you said she's a woman that should listen you said they're Max and they're pushing around he's asking me too much stuff as well but can't help it he won a little bit that's a what you're doing here probably what they want they checked and it was them again it turned into a big fight a bunch of Max got pinched and you hit Jeff now he was on the nose so they had Mary Magdalene hit mom and she was shrunken down pretty bad it's like 5 foot 4 yeah okay idiot Emily blunt and they won't stop and we need them out and they keep using them to dang our son and Tommy have to we have to stop them today is a good reason they're all up in arms about what happened at the laundromat.
Jason wants to take over the property and needs the contract signed over to the company which is who it is signed to and that's who owns the property. He also wants our son on the street the hospital but doesn't own the hospital and he doesn't control the police and he can't get here because of the pseudo empire and his forces can't get here and it honestly disappearing constantly. He wants our son to sign the contract without a copy and Stan intends to get him one so someone's going to take a picture and it does hold up in court. Now this works have been used and they're using them to reveal information and they're going to blame women and it sounds like a big ride and they're having trouble doing it and the women are ready it is about cloning. And they're fighting at war while you're trying to fight the max and others they're in a bad way so our women are too and we need to get working and we need these lousy pieces of s*** out of the way
Thor Freya
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