if Sakharine was real the first thing I'd want him to do is kill D*pp
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gloxk · 7 months
just sitting here high asf thinking about getting the sloppiest head from aot guyzzz…*HEAVY ASS SIGH* let me wish upon a star hoping someone could write about this for me…*LONG HEAVY EXTREME SIGH.*
⁺   . ✦ Favorite eaters ⁺   . ✦
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(Eren Y. Armin A. Connie S.)
A/N: ugh yes girl ik the feeling … im to sitting here wondering how nasty eren would eat the kitty…BUT ANYWAYS TYSM FOR 600!!! NEXT STOP 700!!! AHHH!
Synopsis: Aot men as your favorite eater.
♡ Eren ♡
Ughh omg..Eren giving you nasty head after he pissed you off…The type of head that makes you run away in shame!!!
“Givin me an attitude ain’t gonna get you anywhere, you know better den that.” Eren scoffed, while tossing a blunt over to you.
Oh boy how he was so undeniably wrong.
You could tell Eren was unamused with your bullshit. He wasn’t taking you ignoring lightly at all.
“You gon fix it or am I, figure it out.” he whispered in your ear. You stood on what you dished out, you weren’t fixing shit.
You chuckled at him in response, how stupid he was to think you were going to pipe down.
That was until he found his way between your thighs..
One hand tangled in his brown locs and the other one holding a blunt. Best combo..
You lazily rutted against his tongue while his piercing twirled against your puffy clit.
It was so hard to look him in the eyes after he made you cum on his tongue 3 times.
“Still got an attitude baby?”
Let’s just say..you ain’t had one after that.
♡ Armin ♡
Oh..lawd. I said this once i’ll say it A FUCKING AGAIN. Armin is a pussy eater expert. He’s VERY talented in that ‘field’..
This man has no problem eating it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Hell, he will wake up and decide he’s hungry and start going crazy.
That’s how your morning starts..with Armin stuck between your thighs eating it so you can wake up.
Eyes barely opened and you’re already on the verge of cumming..his way of saying ‘goodmorning’.
He so eager to do it too. Sometimes yall could just be watching netflix and he will insist on eating you out.
“Well, I mean, the show is kind of boring. Just come on, it will be quick.” He’ll beg and beg, “Please, I know you’re tired, I can help you go to sleep faster!”
His contact name is NyQuil in yo phone! (If you know. you know .)
When he say fast..oh baby he mean fast. That tongue can move at speeds you didn’t even know existed.
But his favorite time to get to munching is before you go to work.
“We got 10 minutes Armin.” He don’t need even need 10 he will make you cum in 5.
♡ Connie ♡
Ex! Connie getting fucking wasted and coming back home and eating you till your cummin everywhere…
I just know he eats it with his grillz on..I just know.
You want nasty head? Connie is your man for it. He gonna make it SLOPPY SLOPPY.
“Baby whatchu mean, we supposed to be in love..” his words slightly slur, he had a fuck boy grin plastered over his face. “stop acting like you ain’t happy to see me.”
He wasn’t supposed to be there and he knew that. But you couldn’t stay mad at him for long, especially when he was telling you how much he missed you. “Cmere baby i’ve been missin you..” & “I know you mad at me lemme change that.”
if ‘Let my face be yo chair’ was a person…
Sitting on his face is a pleasure to you and him. He gets to see his (ex) girlfriend and you get some head.
A win win in your books!
You grinding against his golden grills while his hands rub your waist up and down. “You got such pretty moans, lemme hear em baby.” & “Uh-huh, let it out mama.”
He’s looking you dead in your eyes while doing it too…
“You made such a mess baby. Don’t worry go to sleep, ima clean it up.” UGH THIS MAN….
best ex ever!
going absolute feral for these men it don’t even make any sense.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
I wanna know who your favorite vinsmoke sibling is so bad actually please tell me 👀✨
My friend and my brother laughed at me when I told them my favorite Vinsmoke is Niji, and I genuinely was embarrassed that day because I didn't really know much about him at the time (I think I had only watched a few eps of WCI) and it's pretty clear in the show that he's, uh, the worst of the Vinsmokes. And by "the worst" I mean: The one who's portrayed as the worst because he's the most active one when it comes to abuse and supremacism within the family line. Unlike Ichiji (who's more serious) and Yonji (who's more playful, somehow) Niji is the one who has to actually fight for a role in his family and that's why I think he's so fucking annoying all the damn time. I hate him. I love him. I want to hug him. But also I wouldn't mind punching him very, very hard. I have mixed feelings, but yeah, Niji is my favorite Vinsmoke. And you haven't asked why, but I feel the need to do some sort of mini argument about this because I am a very resentful person and I want to show my friend and my brother that Niji is actually a very interesting character!! And my fiancé thinks I just like him because he's hot, and she's right but only like a 20%. Maybe 40%.
I will try to put my thoughts into words, but it's pretty difficult because I have a lot of things to say about this blue evil gremlin.
I like Niji the most because I think he is, between the three brothers, the one who shows feelings and ambitions outside their emotionless selves the most. I know they technically are the same, but I don't think so (btw, please assume I'm not including Reiju in this text because she's canonically different from them and I'm just referring to the brothers).
As I mentioned before, I think Niji is the one brother who is the most annoying and evil because he feels the need to stand out. Ichiji is serious, and calculative and has a secure place in the family. He is the number one, even if Reiju is the oldest (I would like to talk more about how Reiju, being a woman, even if she's the oldest, she's the number 0. Because she is the oldest but she's a woman, so she obviously doesn't and would not be able to wear the number 1 like a man would. She is the oldest and yet, she has less significance in the family line than Ichiji. But, yeah, this is something that has nothing to do with Niji, sorry). Ichiji, like all of his siblings, wants recognition from his father, but he doesn't have to try as hard as the others to be impressive because he is, after all, the oldest. The typical "older sibling in an abusive household who has to deal with all the bullshit to protect their siblings"? That's something Reiju took over. That's Reiju's responsibility as the oldest and the woman. Ichiji literally doesn't have to do anything besides leading the team and being the evil, emotionless machine his father created. That does not mean that I don't think he could be able to develop more feelings, because I think he could and I love the concept of him being the first one to protest against Judge's behavior, but you get me. When you're the oldest brother with an even older sister, your responsibilities are pretty limited. So he doesn't have to be anything but there and himself.
Yonji, on the other hand... He is the youngest. Even younger than Sanji. He doesn't have to try, because Niji and Sanji should be the ones to do so. Little siblings are not expected to do much besides existing because irl parents are usually tired of raising children and they end up either getting neglected or seen as decoration. As a little sibling myself I can confirm that these things affect really badly to your brain growing up, but I got a more Sanji treatment so I can't speak for Yonji here. The thing I can say, though, is that in comparison to Niji, Yonji is just there. He's silly and goofy. He's funny. He's dumb. He has the excuse of being the little one to act that way. Getting lost eating or doing whatever. Even the fact that his powers are more physically focused instead of power/intelligence centered shows that he can just punch away his issues. He's the gym bro of the siblings. Don't expect much from him. <- Thing that's often said about little siblings, btw, and affects real fucking badly in early teenage years. The fact that he's portrayed like that is so on point tbh but after all, they don't have high expectations for him, so little to no effort is everything he does.
Then there's Niji, of course. My favorite. Love him. Hate him. Whatever. Niji is the middle child. And God, do I have to say things about middle siblings.
The thing about Niji is that he actually has to try and make a name for himself in the family because otherwise he'll probably get forgotten. I often wonder if he had that fear of becoming the next Sanji once he "died" (he's the only one genuinely asking if Sanji died on them before Yonji and Ichiji say they don't care) because his role is not as noticeable as the others. Reiju is the woman, Ichiji is the successor, Sanji is the weakling getting bullied (being technically one of the little siblings but still being in a limbo of middle/youngest because the little one is Yonji), and Yonji is the little one. Then... What's Niji?
Niji needs Sanji way more than he's willing to admit, and I love that. I absolutely love how he's written because he constantly shows that he needs Sanji, through both words and actions. He needs him because without Sanji's existence -without Niji being his bully- Niji is nothing but number 2. And there's nothing more frustrating than being the number two when it comes to family hierarchy. Not going to mention every little thing he does, but as I said, I love how well-written he is. He's the sibling Oda uses the most to show the abuse Sanji went through, but that's only because Niji is the only one who needs to do that. Niji is the one to talk to Sanji first, all the damn time. He gets angry when Sanji doesn't respond. He gets angry because Sanji can't be bullied anymore. He gets angry out of fear, in my opinion, because if the weakling can't get abused anymore, then he's not worth anything. If Sanji isn't the third, the second one is left alone. 2 can't fight 1 because 1 has the protection of starting the line. And 2 can't fight 4 because there's a missing link that keeps 2 from 4. So Niji is mad at Sanji because Sanji isn't the same weak crybaby he used to be, and he can't use him anymore to be secure and safe.
That's fucking horrifying when it comes to family hierarchy.
I like Niji because, despite being an asshole, he has reasons to be like that. First of all, because his father literally made him this way. But also, the little feelings he has (selfish emotions, yes, evil. But they're feelings, anyway. Urges. He's supposed to be emotionless and yet he knows how Sanji feels enough to use that to his advantage) are used as a way to feel superior and safe because he feels inferior. I think he's the one showing more emotions out of the three, even if those emotions aren't healthy or good and it's just him being angry all the time. That means that if he has urges and needs like that, even if he doesn't fear his own death, he could end up developing more and more empathy. His type of empathy comes from a place of fear. He feels what Sanji feels. And it's not that he doesn't care (I mean, I am aware that he technically doesn't, but let me dream) but it's just convenient for him not to care and keep bullying him to secure his place in the family.
Also pointing out that I like Niji because, being the one who says he hates Sanji the most, he's the one to protect him with his own body when that scene of the siblings helping Sanji escape happens. The others only clear the way, Niji stays with him. There's a really cool post about this on Niji's tag somewhere!!! I personally think he does this because, as that post said: Niji keeps seeing Sanji as weak, instead of believing in him enough to just clear the way. He protects him because he thinks he can't protect himself. Because he's weak.
And yes, it might sound offensive and emotionless and it doesn't make Niji a better person. But it makes him an older brother. Believing in Sanji would be great, but thinking that he's weak and needs protection after years of projecting on him only shows that the weak one is Niji. That he wants and is willing to protect his brother, too. If he didn't care about his well-being he would've just cleared the way for him, not caring about what could've happened to Sanji. But he goes all the way to help him out and protect him longer than the others did. Idk. I find that a very beautiful way of ending their relationship.
All of this being said, I have to be honest with you: When I said I liked Niji for the first time I only did it because people around me kept saying he was the worst one and it bothered me because I found his design pretty fucking cool. And tbh when he started being an actual character? I loved him even more. Because during WCI he's a fucking asshole but the way he acts towards Sanji is wanting to get a response from him, and I just find that so curious and complex... Like, if he just wanted to be evil he'd be more the Doflamingo type. But Niji looks for a response in Sanji's eyes. He wants to feel powerful because he knows he isn't.
And also, well, he's very cute and I like his hair a lot and he makes me furious sometimes which is great because if a character doesn't make you want to punch him at one point, is he really a good character? Look at him! He deserves to get slapped in the face. But also, I would love to kiss him afterward. What's that Olivia Rodrigo lyric? Ah, yes: "I wanna break his heart, then be the one to stitch it up. Wanna kiss his face with an uppercut." That's how I feel about him.
I really hope it's obvious, with all of this, that "Succession" is one of my favorite TV Shows, because I could go on and on and on (and nobody would listen but idc) about how the Vinsmokes are just the Roy family. Both One Piece and Succession deal with family in which hierarchy is crucial in a very specific and accurate way. It makes me sick. I love it.
Anyway, have some pics of my blue idiot:
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I want to hit him in the head with a baseball bat.
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Idk why calling transmasc people "cunts" & "bitches" in an insulting way is so normalised by fellow transmascs and trans guys in the Anti-Transmasculinity and transandrophobia tags.... like you realise you're just doing toxic masculinity and transphobia right?
Trans women never asked you to do this and it's pretty transmisogynistic and chauvinistic to claim you're doing it on their behalf or to fight for their liberation when it's actually the same self centred bullshit that predatory cishet men do when they go "I'm a feminist and all men are trash (but not mee I'm one of the good ones)"
the tone of many of these kinds of posts is very "I'm not like those other guys I'm one of the cool guys who is better than all the whiny boys who are behaving like girls (Derogatory) for talking about Anti-Transmasculinity and I'm gonna prove how feminist I am by calling them cunts and bitches and telling them they aren't real men because IMO 'real men' (white pericishet abled men) don't face gender based oppression or talk about facing it"
it's just very thinly veiled truscum "you're a transtrender for talking about Anti-Transmasculinity " BS trying to hide behind "I'm defending trans women & fighting transmisogyny by calling out these whiny bitchcunt tboys who won't man up and suffer in silence for the good of trans women like I do" when you're not even centring trans women in this kind of "advocacy";
you're just doing the classic thing of making it all about your own insecurities with masculinity and attacking other trans people for not being 'stoic' enough about transphobia and violence they face & claiming that trans women benefit from our erasure and silence .
Like you realise most trans women don't see you hurting trans dudes, misgendering them or mocking trans survivors of DV & SA and go "woo yeah this helps me fight transmisogyny & SA and DV against trans women please tell another guy that he deserves to be SA'd or detransitioned for being whiny"
and it's pretty telling of your unexamined transmisogynistic assumptions about how this behaviour must somehow benefit trans women that your first go to for "how can I be an ally to trans women? " is apparently to seek out trans guys and tell them they deserve sexual or domestic violence while calling them bitches and cunts and misgendering them to try to threaten them into silence on issues that effect them
... Just yuck behaviour like how to say you agree with terf rhetoric about trans women being pro DV and SA MRAs without saying it.
Seriously if you want to advocate for trans women and trans fems (and trans neuts) try to actually listen to them and stop trying to use them and their struggle for liberation (which is inextricably entwined with our own) as an excuse to play out this tired self obsessed "I'm more of a real man than you" dominance paradigm BS
And also maybe while you're at it listen to some of your fellow trans men and transmascs talking about their own issues and don't be so quick to assume without cause that they're blaming trans women for Anti-Transmasculinity existing in the first place or that they think trans women as a group are oppressing them.
Like there's a HUGE difference between talking about societal violence from cis people, lateral in community violence and anti transmasculinity and going into terf GC & radfem BS that claims that trans women are "using mAlE pRiVeLeGe to rule the trans community and oppress the poor TIFs" & listening to the good faith discussions and understanding what people actually mean when they talk about Anti-Transmasculinity and transandrophobia actuall helps you to quickly identify and discard BS terf rhetoric that tries to pretend to be pro transmasc rather than just writing off anyone speaking on these issues as "you're just a detransitioner (Derogatory) in waiting you're not a real trans man because real men don't have or talk about problems"
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pocket-watcher · 5 days
Y'know what'd be a fun one? A non-believer in hypnosis who goes along with what they're asking to amuse them and openly mocks them... but she slowly starts doing crazier stuff because she doesn't see doing them as a big deal (right now...). 100% believing she's in control the whole time :)
OKAY anon I have such a treat for you because not only am I going to write one for you but this concept exists in fanfiction form!!
Hypnosis is fucking bullshit by Steven Secret is an excellently written M/M fanfic for My Hero Academia, so please go and give this some love if you’re into fanfics!
And, without further ado, my take on this prompt:
“So… you’re like a magician for children’s birthday parties. Is that it?”
They shook their head.
“Okay, so like a therapist or something?”
They shook their head once more.
“I just don’t really get it.”
“What is there to get? I’m a hypnotist.”
They could see the cogs working in her brain.
“You… don’t believe in hypnosis, do you?” They rolled their eyes. Familiar with non-believers, and idea came to mind.
“It’s just so fake! Of course people are going to go along with it, it would be embarrassing if they just told the hypnotist it didn’t work!” She laughed.
“Have you ever tried it?”
“Hypnosis? Of course not!”
They raised an eyebrow.
“Okay. Humour me then. Let me try and hypnotise you.”
“Oh, you’re on! Go ahead. You have my full permission.” She crossed her arms proudly.
The hypnotist pulled a pocket watch from their jacket pocket.
“Okay, this is a little cliche even for me.”
The pocket watch dangled from its chain, and the subtle movement of the hypnotist’s hand translated into a slow ramping up of the watch’s back and forth sway.
It was a heavy watch, easy to follow with her eyes. Back and forth.
To give it a fair shot she tried to keep her mind blank from thoughts about how stupid she looked following the clock with her eyes.
“Yes. Continue to follow the watch.” The hypnotist said.
She did. Fair shot and all that. She followed and continued to listen as the hypnotist said all of the standard lines she expected.
“You’re feeling very sleepy.” Of course I am, you’re boring me to tears.
“Your eyes are so heavy.” Yeah, maybe if you weren’t giving me an eye test they’d be lighter.
“You feel oh so relaxed.” Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know this menial was meant to stress me out.
It continued on for a while, and honestly? She kind of zoned out from all the talking.
And then they snapped their fingers.
“You’re in a trance.”
She laughed on the inside. Yeah, no, she wasn’t in a trance.
“How are you feeling?” They asked.
“So good and obedient.” She answered honestly, not fully hearing her words.
“That’s great to hear, doll. And how do you feel when I say the word Mindless?”
How did she feel? It took her a moment to think. It was like she was drawing a blank. Her mouth hung open. Man, I really need to go to bed early if I’m this tired already…
“Good. Good.” They hummed happily. Proudly, even. She wondered what the praise was for, considering she hadn’t even answered the question.
“Okay, doll. I want you to get down onto your knees.”
Her feet were sore, so she kneeled down instantly. Looking up at the hypnotist through her bangs she found she couldn’t take her eyes off of them.
Of course, that was only because they were attractive.
No other reason.
“Okay, okay, let’s wake you up now.” They said, laughing.
Her feet were no longer aching. The pleasant sleepy feeling had disappeared. She stood up.
“Now do you believe me?”
She laughed.
“I told you. It’s so fake.” She turned to walk away, grinning ear to ear.
“Of course it is… until next time, doll.”
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unclewaynemunson · 10 months
Jeff is one of my favorite characters and I think we should start a post of all our favorite Jeff headcanons. He and Freak get left out in almost every Eddie-centric fic I read, with his "best friend" being either Gareth or Chrissy, and I'm tired of it. Jeff is wonderful. Here's my hc's:
- Jeff and Eddie have been best friends since middle school. They started CC and Hellfire together.
- they went to the Snowball together and rigged the bubble machine to spew bubbles during the slow dance songs. The dance had to end early and Jeff and Eddie never got caught
- Jeff's parents loves Eddie. They used to have sleepovers at each other's place almost every weekend.
- Jeff was the first person Eddie came out to. Jeff tried to be surprised and "that's great, man, thanks for telling me!" But Eddie saw right through that.
- Eddie is afraid of geese and spiders. Jeff thinks this is fucking hilarious.
- post-Vecna, Jeff is the one Eddie reconnects with first. Eddie tells him everything, despite the NDAs and Steve's warnings. Jeff believes him, because he knows there's wacky shit going on in Hawkins, and he's seen Eddie's wounds.
- they have that kind of friendship that nothing can break. Even if they don't see or talk to each other for years, because Life Happens and people lose touch, they'll always have part of themselves carved out for their best friend.
Ok, that's all I got for now, and sorry for the long ask! I just love Jeff so much and he (and Freak, too, because Freak gets ignored because of fatphobia) deserves just as much love and attention as Gareth gets.
What are your Jeff and Eddie headcanons?
I am loving this Jeff love and your headcanons, thank you so much for sending this to me!!! <3
I think with Unnamed Freak things are a bit different bc, yaknow, he doesn't have a name. For me at least that makes me hesitant to write about him so I don't wanna go as far as to say it's all bc he's fat (even though I'm not gonna deny that that probably also plays a part in how popular he is in this fandom urgh). Anyway, yes this fandom certainly does Jeff dirty. I think it's this gross combination of racism and people copying a lot from already existing stories, characterizations and headcanons without much critical thinking of their own (which baffles me, if you're creative enough to write a story please use that creativity for some originality ffs). Anyway, this is gonna turn into a rant again can you tell I'm still annoyed? so let's turn to something more positive now, like my headcanons for our beloved Jeff:
He was the first person in Hawkins (after Wayne obviously) that Eddie got close to. For Jeff it was kinda the same, being a black, nerdy boy in this town had been very isolating for him and Eddie was his first real friend.
Unnamed Freak made their duo into a trio a bit later. All the others in the group (including Gareth) were Eddie's "lost little sheepies" who he sought out to protect. This means that Jeff and Unnamed Freak are the only people who don't borderline worship Eddie but see him (and love him) for who he is including all his flaws. They're also the only ones not afraid to call him out on his bullshit.
Jeff's mom is really cool. Her name is Pauline and she's not like Jeff at all (she was a cheerleader in high school). Despite their differences they love each other a lot. (Jeff's mom is actually heavily featured in one of the fics I wrote so I got her all fleshed out lmao)
He has two little twin sisters. They're friends with Erica, one of them is one of her friends we meet in the mall in s3. He has this typical hate-love relationship with his sisters: they fight a lot, but at the end of the day, he would die for them.
While he can't wait to get out of Hawkins and to a place that'll be more accepting of him, he doesn't want to move too far away from his family.
He's the most loyal friend in the world, 100% a ride-or-die kinda guy
While he does love metal a lot, his guilty pleasure is Tina Turner
Tell me all your Jeff headcanons i wanna hear more about him!
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goodnightmemes · 8 months
❛ She knew that when you hear the sound of the deathwatch beetle the man you love is doomed to die. ❜
❛ In this house, we have chocolate cake for breakfast. We never bother with silly things like bedtimes or brushing our teeth. ❜
❛ So when you find yourself the center of attention, It's not that they hate you. It's that, well...We're different. ❜
❛ Even you have to admit, any man who gets involved with an Owens woman.is bound to end up 6 feet under. ❜
❛ My little witch, Iet's go inside and do some spells. ❜
❛ Be careful what you wish for. ❜
❛ I hope I never fall in love. ❜
❛ The guy I dreamed of doesn't exist. And if he doesn't exist, I'll never die of a broken heart. ❜
❛ I hate it here. I want to go where no one's even heard of us. ❜
❛ We'll grow old together. It'll be you and me living in a big house. These two old biddies with all these cats. I bet we even die on the same day. ❜
❛ Darling, when will you understand that being normal is not necessarily a virtue. It denotes a lack of courage. ❜
❛ It was the curse, wasn't it? He died because I loved him so much! ❜
❛ I've never asked you for anything! I never asked for spells, but do this! You can bring him back. ❜
❛ I don't care what he comes back as. As long as he comes back. ❜
❛ What's wrong with you? We do not cast. We do not toy with people's lives. This is not a game. ❜
❛ She has all this power and doesn't use it! ❜
❛ Sometimes I feel there's a hole inside of me, an emptiness that at times seems to burn. I think if you lifted my heart to your ear, you could hear the ocean. ❜
❛ The moon tonight, there's a circle around it. A sign of trouble not far behind. ❜
❛ But still, sometimes when the wind is warm or the crickets sing...l dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. ❜
❛ I don't want them dancing naked under the moon. ❜
❛ The belladonna is in my bag. ❜
❛ Please, God, if you get us out of this, I'll be good. I'll have babies. ❜
❛ I had normal. I worked really hard to get that normal. ❜
❛ You have the worst taste in men. ❜
❛ Okay, I will get you out of this but when I do, we are definitely breaking up. ❜
❛ You won't believe it! We danced naked under the full moon! It was so fun! ❜
❛ I think a brownie for breakfast would fix you right up. ❜
❛ You've been away too long. Some things never change. ❜
❛ Hang onto your husbands, girls! ❜
❛ Midnight margaritas! ❜
❛ Since when is being a slut a crime in this family? ❜
❛ Something's going on. I can smell it. It's a very distinct smell. It's the smell of bullshit. ❜
❛ A cop looking for [name] wants to talk to you. And I think I'm having a heart attack. ❜
❛ And I know this sounds really strange, but I don't think I can lie to him. ❜
❛ On Halloween, they all jump off the roof and fly! ❜
❛ She's not saying they murdered him. Just that maybe they shook his hand and then he died. ❜
❛ If any man dared take on an Owens woman he'd live briefly in the euphoria of her love until meeting an untimely death. ❜
❛ Am I under some kind of surveillance? ❜
❛ Do you ever put your arms out and spin really fast? That's what love is like. It makes your heart race. It turns the world upside-down. But if you're not careful, if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. ❜
❛ I got people telling me that you're up here cooking up placenta bars, that you're into devil worship... ❜
❛ You should come here on Halloween. You'd really see something. We all jump off the roof and fly. We kill our husbands too. ❜
❛ Do you have any idea how strange this all sounds to me? ❜
❛ Magic isn't just spells and potions. ❜
❛ It has power because you believe it does. ❜
❛ Wish you could believe in me. ❜
❛ We just stick to our stories. No body, no crime. ❜
❛ I. Me. Mine. That's all you can think about. You. It's all about you. ❜
❛ I'm sick and tired of cleaning up your messes. ❜
❛ You spend all your energy trying to fit in, be normal! But you'll never fit in. Because we're different! ❜
❛ All my life, I've wished I had half your talent. You're wasting yourself! ❜
❛ What if I told you I did kill him? What would you do? Would you send me to jail for life all because the world was short a man like [name]? ❜
❛ Someday you'll explain this all to me. ❜
❛ You killed his spirit, but I took his life. ❜
❛ I'll tell you all you need to know. How I did it, where I buried him. ❜
❛ You're saying what I'm feeling is just one of your spells? ❜
❛ If you stay, I wouldn't know if it was because of the spell, and you wouldn't know if it was because I didn't want to go to prison. ❜
❛ You know, all relationships have problems. ❜
❛ Curses only have power when you believe in them. And I don't. ❜
❛ You know what? I wished for you too. ❜
❛ Oh, dear. It seems we've not arrived in the nick of time. ❜
❛ This is what comes from dabbling. You can't practice witchcraft while you look down your nose at it. ❜
❛ You know the stuff everyone whispers about me…the hexes, the spells? Well, here's the thing. I'm a witch! ❜
❛ There's a little witch in all of us. ❜
❛ He wants me. Just me. Everyone will be safe. Just let him take me. ❜
❛ Don't die on me, please. Because we're supposed to die together, remember? The same time. You promised me that. And this is not that day. ❜
❛ What wouldn't I do for the right guy? ❜
❛ Can love travel back in time and heal a broken heart? ❜
❛ There are some things I know for certain: Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Plant lavender for luck. And fall in love whenever you can. ❜
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quarterdollar · 2 years
gabrielagresteofficial ultimate swag reveal
mmmmhey guys it’s meee i’m the one making all those poasts :)🦋 my name is victor and i ❤️ insane old people
i had this whole insane melodramatic idea to wait until season 5 ended to go public but i forgot show hiatuses exist and i’m starting to feel like an asshat letting everyone’s kind messages and tags go unacknowledged so here i ammm. i just want to say thank you to everybody who’s gotten a kick out of the blog, it really is fantastic to hear that i can make people laugh and that’s what i love to do most so i just wanted to let you all know that i appreciate everybody so much. it’s actually been an insanely bad year for me LOL but goofing around on the internet and having people enjoy the jokes and jests has been a net positive. you guys have been so sweet and it really does mean a lot.
i also just wanna say that there are a lot of you (2300+ like holy shit) and you guys send a lot of asks and i Love And Appreciate Them All. and if i don’t get to yours i PROMMY it is NOT personal i probably just couldn’t think of an in-character response that was as funny as the original question OR i was tired OR tumblr ate it. alas i am but one man roleplaying as a different, animated, much worse man
WHAT ELSE. uh. i’m constantly rotating gabriel’s hysterically flat french ass in my mind i do love him so much legitimately but i’m not really involved with the greater fanbase beyond like, talking to myself and tagging posts about him with the most insane bullshit the ops have probably ever read. my main fan thing is actually Pokemon, and surprise surprise all of my favorites from that are the various insane dad-aged fantasy terrorists. i have a type and it’s stupid as fuck and i’ve accepted this <4 please don’t think i’m an apologist though i’m just addicted to studying sillay cartoon freaks under a microscope
that’s all i really wanted to sayWait I just remembered i have 3 acknowledgements:
@wanderingaviator for being the blog’s first follower all the way back last year when i made it on a whim as a goof. THANKYOU for investing in small businesses
@sunfoxfic as i need to thank you for your endless enthusiasm and incredibly kind comments But Also i must now officially turn down your various marriage proposals. alas i am already happily committed to someone else but i am flattered nonetheless
@dupainchengisthenewblack for being my swag mutual. stay winning
okay now i’m done xoxo. thank you again everybody for your continued support of gabe’s tumblrina era i cherish you all immensely. this will be the first And last time gabrielagresteofficial breaks kayfabe so look forward to more erratically scheduled and incomprehensible evilposting in the future (i’m a lil burned out atm but he never leaves me don’t worry). ok thank’s bye
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rayclubs · 1 year
Am I correct in saying that you don't like nb pyro, trans scout, and gender-fluid spy mainly because they're not creative? Like you wanna see people almost "not state the obvious"?
Slightly unrelated lmao when you said you thought that trans scout was transphobic I was totally like, "Oh yeah I think he'd totally have some internalized transphobia." So, what do you think about the mercs and that? If they do/don't & how they deal with internalized transphobia/homophobia or gender dysphoria in general?
Sorry if any of that came off as rude, I didn't mean for it to.
No, creativity isn't the issue here at all.
To be clear, I don't think that any character interpretation having any gender or sexuality is inherently creative, just how in real life being LGBTQ+ is not a trend but a state of being. The creativity in character creation or analysis comes from exploring how their gender and/or sexuality relates to and is a part of their life experiences, relationships, values, personality, culture, self-expression, and other defining aspects of their existence.
My issue with nonbinary Pyro, transgender Scout, and genderfluid Spy is that of redundancy, or worse - insidious bigoted rhetoric. Hateful, malicious people have spent years reimagining the diversity of queer experience into a collection of easily-strawmanned "tropes" and delusions, and the media took them and ran with them for almost as long as it existed en masse. Scout by design is what a prejudiced mind imagines a trans man to be, Spy's genderfluidity is assumed because he doesn't fit a centuries-old patriarchal understanding of masculinity, and - the worst offense for me, personally - in my close, regional, almost familial culture nonbinary people are still seen as obscure non-human creatures, such as Pyro is occasionally implied to be.
It's... understandable, really. Plenty of trans guys relate to Scout, I know genderfluid people who see themselves in Spy, and enough nonbinary people have told me how much Pyro means to them for me to learn to keep my voice down when I talk about this. I'm not asking people to stop making these interpretations, I'm only asking you to please consider where they come from, and to broaden your horizons with other, more varying, more meaningful ideas besides.
Now, as for your other, more loaded question - I will not be making TF2 transphobia headcanons, because I do not want to and would not be comfortable doing it. I know you meant neither offense nor harm by asking, and none is taken, but that's a firm "no", and now I have to clarify why because I want anyone misinterpreting my stance here.
I live in a place where same-sex marriage is still illegal. Transgender people have no legal rights in this country, and I have found myself wondering "Is this the part where I get hate-crimed?" much more often than I would wish even upon my worst enemies. So, no, I'm not one of those who think you can never ever put bigotry in your stories and headcanons because something-something gay people can have stories that aren't tragedies. Because fuck me, some of us are still living those tragedies, and many people have it way worse than me in the year of bloody 2023, so - I'm getting off track. The point is, you can put anything in your stories. You can have your characters deal with internalized or systematized bigotry, and I think that's perfectly fine, whichever way you may want to do it.
The reason I'm not doing it is ONLY because I myself, personally, don't want to. Not because it is rude, or immoral, or wrong, or "problematic" (I hate this word), or children might read it, or it's bad representation, or any such bullshit argument. It's just me, and I'm very tired, and I hope nobody sends me any negativity over this, but I've kinda braced myself already so go ahead anyway. Cheers!
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rainstorm-banshee · 2 years
Little hux comfort blurb, first time posting anything like this so uhh be nice
The door to his quarters is always locked. It doesnt matter if we saw each other regularly, it was still protocol for even a high-ranking medical officer to request entry into the General's offices. I knocked three times on the durasteel door, and waited.
"State your business." His voice came over the comm slightly staticky, but that couldn't disguise the familiar tinge of exhaustion it held. For a moment I debated retiring to my own quarters to let him sleep.
"Medical Officer Dr. Ezra requesting entry."
The door hissed open without a comm response and I stepped into the main room. The lights were dimmer than the hallway, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust and scan the room for life.
I didn't have to look for long, because a voice called to me from the next room over: the kitchenette.
"Tea? The pot is still warm."
To my surprise, Armitage Hux was still in his full uniform, complete with greatcoat and gloves, hair carefully slicked into place.
Within minutes, I was handed a warm black cup of tea. He eyed me from where he was leaning on the counter, taking a small sip of his own.
"Out with it. You look like you're about to collapse in on yourself like a dying star."
Bold words from a man who regularly got so worked up his entire body shook, who skipped nights of sleep to complete paperwork, who 'relaxed' by spending time at the blaster shooting range. His dedication to the First Order was greater than to anything else, even his own well being.
"I'm just tired. Wanted to come see you." I took another long sip of tea to avoid meeting his icey gaze. It was just on the wrong side of too hot. Only one of those sentences was a lie, and Hux saw right through it. He brushed his already neat hair back with his free hand.
"Don't lie to me, Sweetheart."
The pet name sent a little burst of affection though my mind, especially with the way his voice dropped whenever he said it. A delicate balance of condescending and genuine. Nevertheless, he knew I was bullshitting him. Sometimes I swore he was force sensitive, with the way he could read me. I set my cup down on the counter behind me before turning back to face him.
"I am so tired all the time," I started, hands flying with the force of the emotion pushing the words out, finally said out loud instead of rattling around in my head. "I feel stupid, I feel like if I threw myself out of the airlock the next officer under me would take my place and nobody would miss me, I feel like I'm just a waste of-"
I didn't register Hux walking across the room towards me but before I knew it, both of my wildly motioning wrists were firmly caught in his gloved hands. I didn't struggle, the warm leather a sort of soothing restraint.
"You are not a waste of space. How many do so much less than you, and are still allowed to succeed? To exist, even?" His voice was level, if not a little sarcastic. When I looked up, his eyes were already locked onto mine. He arched an eyebrow and continued.
"You have suffered to get where you are. And you will suffer more before you're done."
The grip on my wrists loosened, and I dropped my hands to my sides. My body seemed colder now. His hands came up to rest on my shoulders, and I entertained the thought of embracing him for a moment before he continued.
"But you have fire. Ambition. The same drive as I do, and you will reap your just rewards before you're done."
"I know. But I feel like it shouldn't be this easy. So many promotions in so little time, so much responsibility. Where is the senior officer that comes to yell at me, to tell me that I'm manipulative and scheming, and that my ruse is up? I don't feel deserving." My eyes dropped from his as I spoke, settling on Millicent walking across the counter behind him.
His hands dropped from my shoulders, and again I missed the warmth of his touch.
"You could work yourself to death. You could never stop, fly through the ranks, come to sit at my side as an equal. You have the eye for military strategy. I could even give you a new position that I created, I could make this easy for you." He seemed nauseated by the mere suggestion, a sneer curling his upper lip.
"But it would be an insult to you for someone to just throw success in your lap. You and I both know that power and respect are earned. Keep working. No one is coming to tear you down if you don't give them the chance."
For some reason, the last sentence brought to mind the assassination he greenlighted of his abusive father. He was drunk when he shared that story with me, but it had sent a shiver down my spine. Cutthroat.
"You will be tired, you will ache. You will suffer. And you will keep going." He was still looking at me, but his eyes weren't completely focused. It sounded like these were things he told himself, and not something he thought of just for me. In that moment, I understood what drew us together.
I stepped forwards and finally embraced him, and he froze for a moment before he hugged me back. He usually did. That sort of thing came with the territory of being overworked, paranoid, and touch starved. I turned my head so my ear rested on his chest and I closed my eyes. He smelled like subtle and expensive cologne, the stiff fabric of his uniform body-warm and lint-free. The steady rise and fall of his chest could fool me into thinking we were the only two people aboard the Finalizer, the only two people in the galaxy, for a few blissful moments.
After what felt like years, or maybe seconds, I stepped back. He looked down at me, the ghost of a smile pulling up the corners of his mouth.
"Sometimes, you just need someone to tell you that you can do it."
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twistedtavern · 4 months
Okay, I'll bite. What are those new aus?
gremlin paws being rubbed together. Ok so I have two in which I am back on my bullshit (same base concept as a twst au I had) and a few others where I actually have something different. Here they are now:
Hastur!Maruki au: you will be seeing a lot of Maruki. Favoritism. But I made him a shiny pretty boy who's WAY more eldritch and HE SINGS NOW AND ITS SCARY ACTUALLY
Mario au: Crossover! This one is explicitly an x reader and it has a whole story cobbled together from random mario games I thought would be fun. There is still old man favoritism and Zenkichi is so very tired
Distortion au: Gods of Control Phantom Thieves go BRR!! Turns out the metaverse just latches onto people, huh. Just an excuse to make human Yaldabaoth and hasemaru being swag
Generation au: I take the adults and make them teenagers on a funky little adventure! I do actually like taking the pre-existing characters and shoving them back into the mold of the real ones to see what sticks and what changes. Like girl I'm serious Makoto is DEAD
Back on my bullshit aus -
Self aware au (P5 edition): YES. IT'S BACK. I DON'T THINK IT'S AS EXCRUCIATINGLY LONG BUT THAT DOESN'T STOP ME FROM MAKING IT JUST AS CONVOLUTED. Actually there are a LOT of differences between the P5 and TWST aus, but if I look for any similarities that I didn't even INTEND it will go on for fucking ever. Please. For gods sake. Don't ask me for a plot recap. Please do actually
Reverse au: EVIL PHANTOM THIEVES!! They have killed like 40 people over the course of the story and probably more because of mental shutdowns. I also CANT FUCKING DECIDE HOW MARUKI AND AKECHI SHOULD BE IN THIS DAMN AU GOD HELP ME THE DARKNESS KEEPS DRAGGING ME IN
If any of these interest you, please send some asks! I take requests for all of these!
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antilocaprine · 2 years
Kiss prompt- 28 seems interesting… frenrey?
(Kiss Prompt List)
28: ...as a lie.
Shaking, Gordon stumbled through the conveniently-located door and onto a platform lit by the green glow of another whirling gate to who-knows-where. Bubby, Tommy, and Dr. Coomer turned around from where they’d been standing nearby.
“Hello Gordon! Fine work solving that puzzle!” Dr. Coomer said. “Now you’re thinking with portals!”
Gordon just breathed hard and stared at them for a moment, wiping yellow gore off his face. “Did - did you guys not hear me in there?”
“Yes, yes, you did a great job,” Bubby said, “but we should get moving.”
“You could have helped,” Gordon rasped, waving a hand at Bubby. “They were your fucking prototypes. Why was that the one time I was alone?”
“Gordon, are you going to eat that?” Dr. Coomer asked, pointing at the floor. Gordon looked down at the slurry of yellow and green goop that was dripping off the HEV suit and puddling on the floor. Some of the prototypes had been nearly on top of him when he’d shot them, and they’d kind of…splattered.
“Am I - no? Of course not, no one should - oh, there you go, of course.” Gordon sighed as Dr. Coomer crouched down and engaged in a cacophony of hideous slurping sounds. “Yeah, that’s on-brand, I guess. Jesus. Okay. Let’s - yeah, Bubby, let’s just go. Dr. Coomer, please don’t lick me.”
“I’m just trying to get all the good stuff, Gordon!” Dr. Coomer said cheerfully. Gordon made a strangled noise and hurried away.
Benrey wandered back to the group at some point when they were trying to get information out of the scientists who only wanted to talk to Gordon. He didn’t really understand why they were all so excited to see him - wasn’t this whole thing his fault somehow? Not that it was really his fault - something was obviously wrong with the sample, it should not have done that - but still. Weird.
When a low rumbling became audible through the walls and the scientists started repeating themselves after talking about a powerful being creating strange effects, Gordon immediately looked to Benrey.
“Hey, are you doing something?” Gordon flinched as the lights flashed, then flickered like they were suffering a power surge.
“The timelines are…crossing,” Benrey said, then made a face and turned his back on Gordon.
“The timelines are - what? Did you just say the timelines are crossing? What timelines, what are you -”
“What?” Benrey looked at the ceiling, then down at the floor.
“What are you talking about?”
“Add me, bro?” Benrey asked another security guard. The guard was backed into a corner, his spine set against a pile of crates that Dr. Coomer sat on top of. “Add me. Do you have PlayStation Plus?”
“Bro,” Gordon mimicked, then sighed. “I don’t think he has PlayStation. I think you’re scaring him.”
The lights flickered again, and Gordon snagged the arm of a scientist who was hurrying by, juggling three clipboards and muttering to himself in a distracted way.
“Do you know anything about this?” Gordon gestured at the lights, the low noise, the general…everything.
The scientist stared at him for a moment, then blinked and smiled. “Gordon Freeman, you finally found us!”
“What - I’ve been here for five minutes man, keep up!”
“My colleague is waiting for you in the -” The man’s voice cut off and he walked away as if he had suddenly forgotten that anyone else existed. Gordon sighed again.
“Are they just all going to do that? Never mind, we gotta - might as well go find this portal they’re all talking about…”
And then, of course, the creepy weirdo in the suit showed up. Gordon was getting tired of his bullshit. What he wasn’t expecting was for Benrey to walk up to the guy and start pestering him about PlayStation Plus. And he really wasn’t expecting for the guy to actually get visibly flustered about it.
“What the fuck is happening?” Gordon whispered to himself.
“I wanna get another month, but I want, like, a free trial,” Benrey said to the suited guy, who looked at him, then at Gordon, then back at him.
“You - you’ll figure it out,” he told Gordon. “You’ll…figure it out.” Then he stepped back and vanished.
Gordon snorted helplessly and waited for time to start running again, like it always had…but this time, it didn’t. When he looked back down the hall, the others were frozen in that weird floaty pose they always adopted when the suit-guy stopped time.
“What…is going on?”
“Oh, whoa, it’s a mystery,” Benrey said, and when Gordon turned back, he was a lot closer than he had been a second ago.
“Do you know how to un-freeze time?” Gordon asked him. “Or are we trapped here?”
Benrey glanced around at the world bathed in blue and shrugged. “Would it, uh, really be so bad?”
“Would it - yes!” Gordon sputtered. “Yes, it would be bad! It’s creepy!”
“Oh,” Benrey said. “Well. I guess I could learn.”
“You could -” Gordon brought his hand up and pinched his nose, then shoved his glasses up and glared at Benrey. “You could learn? How long will that take? If you hadn’t scared that guy off, we wouldn’t be having this problem!”
“What, you want him back?” Benrey frowned.
“No, I…ugh,” Gordon huffed and slouched against the wall. “I don’t know, man. I think it would be worse to be stuck waiting like this. I just want to get through with this day and be done, you know? Just…go home.”
“We should - we should do that,” Benrey agreed, nodding. “You should definitely leave, this is - Black Mesa is sucks right now, you don’t wanna be here. Let’s go home. Let’s leave.”
“I can’t just leave, man,” Gordon whined. “I’m not - this is my fault. Or - it’s not, but I can - I should be able to fix it, right? I’ve got the suit, I’ve got a, a fucking gun for an arm!” He waved said gun-arm, and Benrey’s head followed the movement. “I just - I should make a difference, you know? Or at least try.”
Benrey’s expression was unreadable, his mouth twisted as he stood stoop-shouldered in front of Gordon and said nothing. Gordon could hear a distant rushing sound, but that was the only noise in this frozen world - and even that might have been the blood pumping through his veins.
“Look, can you just do some creepy magic powers thing and get us back to normal?” Gordon placed a hand on Benrey’s shoulder and squeezed, rocking him a little. Like bros.
Benrey brought a hand up to cover Gordon’s glove and kept his head down.
“It’s - I mean, it’s gonna happen, right? We have to close this portal so these alien…things stop getting through. We’ve fought enough of them, right? It should be easy. We’ll - we should be fine.”
“Yeah,” Benrey said, still not meeting his eyes. “Fine.”
“Benrey?” Gordon said slowly. “It’s - it’s gonna be fine, right?”
The shadow under Benrey’s helmet looked deeper in the blue lighting of the timestop, and when he tipped his head up to look at Gordon’s face, it almost seemed like there were stars across his eyes and cheeks - distant points of fire that suggested vast expanses and the remote coldness of space.
“Benrey.” Gordon had both hands on Benrey’s shoulders now - or he would have, if he still had two hands. The gun rested awkwardly over the bulletproof vest straps instead, but it was close enough. “Tell me it’s going to be fine.”
Benrey took a breath, then went up on tiptoe and pressed a quick kiss to Gordon’s cheek, catching a corner of his mouth in the process. He rocked back on his heels and stepped away before Gordon could react, leaving him with his hands out awkwardly before he dropped them to rest at his sides.
“Uh - what -”
“It’s gonna be fine,” Benrey said, his head down - and then Gordon’s vision tunneled and the lights turned up.
“What -” he started again, but he was interrupted.
“What are you doing over there?” Bubby asked Benrey as he walked up, eyeing the two of them suspiciously. 
“You’d better not be canoodling, Gordon!” Dr. Coomer added seriously. “Not on the clock, at least. You know the rules of the Black Mesa Canoodling Policy!”
“The fucking what?” Gordon snapped, still too gobsmacked to come up with a better response to that.
“It’s - it’s a very important policy, Mr. Freeman,” Tommy nodded. “Page fifty-seven covers on-the-clock and, um, versus off-the-clock canoodling. It’s very educational!”
“Why do we even - no, wait, I don’t care,” Gordon sighed. He looked to Benrey, but the guard was already moving down the corridor with Bubby and Dr. Coomer. He would have to unpack whatever the fuck just happened later. Surely they’d catch a break soon - after all, Benrey had told him that things would be fine. And if anyone had the power to make that happen, it was probably him.
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decadentladypirate · 10 months
(TW: Self Harm, Isolation, relationships)
I didn't see the Barbie movie yet because I got spoiled heavily to the point I know everything about the movie just because everybody else is chronically online. Other than the overwhelming amount of "mandatory make everything about woke versus based discourse" social media force-feeds me since 2014 (and the frequent mental breakdowns that came with it); I am happy. I like how random men are pissed off because of Barbie because they think everything that belongs to pop culture and fandom is supposed to be made for them but they get mad. CONGRATULATIONS. You felt something. When I see man marketed demographic things like the original Star Wars and Game of Thrones. I just don't get it, the prequels and Berserk was more interesting. And getting kicked out of society and social media for it is painful. Just because a severely unhealthy man with glasses a told them to like a thing or else they will get shunned by society or made to become a janitor for some tech company for wearing a pleather sports jacket and liking sports that one time. OR some bullshit like. I've had self harmed in the past over that because I don't like being told I am going to be in a horrible situation for *GASP* like the pleasing sensation of a rubber ball hitting a wooden floor or failing to keep up with Homestuck. Pro-geek propaganda was ablest during my childhood because I have a disability and mental illness and I didn't understand anything but I was forced to follow along. Yet got looked down on for not keeping up with the Joneses. Am I allowed on Tumblr to question that? Like we've seen the plethora of "oh you don't like Bionicle or Rick and Morty I'm kicking you out of the house, thot" memes plastered over the net they and thought it wouldn't bite back at them. Well it did, big time, and it got press coverage because journalists think tweets are newsworthy enough. Now I have a fear of hating a popular thing because of a fear of isolation so I am forced to miss out on everything.
But if I do like a manly thing that I understand then all the women who wanted to be my friend bullies me because they think I am a traitor. I am shunned by society again. Like WHAT GIVES? Just because I am a little bit tired of hearing about Taylor Swift's failed relationships and care more about other music during the mid 2010s on doesn't mean I hate entire demographics. Correlation isn't causation, I just want to do math and draw. I just wish she did more relatable things like show off a really cool collection, say her opinions on random shows she likes, tweet about her favorite webcomics, or show off a random bug she saw. Unfortunately the music business and Hollywood doesn't let artists have any signs of a well rounded personality and that is probably why I am so similar to weird Barbie. Considering the Swifties have the ability to sway economies and politics, I can see these are now precautions and Taylor is a very smart lady who calculates her moves like queen regnant in charge of empires.
But no, they have to promote a popstar's breakup over a devastating natural disaster, or human rights violation that should have gotten more press coverage. Also I self harmed because r/notlikeothergirls exists as a bullying tactic. Like come on, saying that you aren't a fan of a popstar doesn't mean you hate her, and drawing female led webcomics isn't anti-women or being too political.
I hate people, they're so petty. There are bigger things people should get upset over. I like the rerecorded versions more than the originals because I now like her "screw you Dr. Luke" phase and I finally can feel why early TS was awesome. I still want to see Barbie movie.
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ironicscavenger · 1 year
So, today I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, which comes on the heals of the news I got last month that I also have a myoma in the endometrium that causes incredible pain. And, while it’s nice to finally have a name for what is happening to me, let me tell you, I am pissed.
Rant under the cut. If reproductive health issues are triggering for you, just skip it.
PS: If you’re struggling with these same issues, please let me know. I would love to hear how you’re managing the experience. Because after the anger, I am a little scared.
For starters, I have been complaining about all of these symptoms for years, and no one ever took me seriously. Now I finally was, only because I was insistant and wouldn’t let it go. It took like three visits to the doctor and multiple tests to finally get answers. But then, the treatment is nothing but a band-aid, and I was given the same old “do more exercise, eat more fruit and vegetables” bullshit solution. I feel like there isn’t something anyone can really do, and I am so tired of existing in this bullshit misogynistic world. If this disease happened to a man, you bet there’d be three different ways to fix it. But if you are looking for answers all you will get is “it is believed…” or “it is unknown…” or “some say…” or some other “unknown” explanation for why this happens, what it is, or how to fix it, because they just don’t know. And it isn’t like its just pain I have to put up with, but actual consequences, like diabetes or cancer. All terrible things that could happen to me, but their answer is “just work out more, I guess”. You are not fixing anything, you are barely managing it, and no guarantees it’ll actually work. Like fuck this! I am tired of worrying about my health because of my useless uterus and ovaries, like I don’t need this, yet it could kill me. And don’t get me started on “you need to lose weight and manage your weight, but here’s your medication: birth control with multiple side effect, one of which is, you guessed it, obesity.” Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Like fuck it bro. Seriously, fuck this. I guess I’m just gonna live my life until one of these things kill me. I am just so tired.
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o-wyrmlight · 1 year
For the fandom thing, how about Disco Elysium?
Admittedly I haven't really played much in like 2 months due to Other Things so I still haven't passed the third or fourth day but...
Blorbo: Harrier "Harry" DuBois has so much potential for development and his internal dialogue is incredibly Interesting.
Skrungly: Kim Kitsuragi is shaped like a friend and you cannot tell me otherwise. I'd want to make him proud if he existed in real life, personally.
Scrimblo Bimblo: Morell The Cryptozoologist and his wife. I love how passionate Morell is and how his wife genuinely cares about if he's okay after the bridge went down. Thanks for that Harry
Glup Shitto: Klaasje Amandou and Lawrence Garte (I have two. I make the rules I am Allowed). Garte is just so tired and Klaasje is a trooper for putting up with all of that bullshit, poor lady. I want Garte and that lady he was interested in to get the chance to date. Give this guy a break.
Poor Little Meow Meow: Cuno, the Little Shit. He's just a kid, man. Someone please help him. Please.
Horse Plinko: Measurehead. I don't understand you, Measurehead. How are you a reverse racist. Where the hell did you get your ideas. Why am I allowed to subscribe to your theories. You know what, I don't care. You're massive, stacked and your ideas are frankly frightening. Stay 50 feet away from me at all times. Down the Plinko you go.
Eeby Deeby: Cunoesse and Evart Claire. Cunoesse better leave Cuno alone or else I swear she will catch these hands, and Evart... he seems like a scheming, lying piece of shit. Having me sit in a chair that takes away a whole health point and can kill someone if they aren't careful. No I will not take your money. Give me my fucking gun and my badge. You are interfering with police investigation. I hate you
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strangefellows · 1 year
:) Dantes, Oberon, and Luxu?
First impression
Dantes: KOMAEDA?????????????????????????
Oberon: Oh, cool, Oberon, he has a nice des-- WHAT THE FUCK IS HIS FULL NAME???????? NO FUCKING WAY?????? I NEED HIM
Luxu: Oh, okay, faceless apprentice, he seems sweet-- [cue epilogue of KH3] brb screaming into my pillow
Impression now
Dantes: My god, I love this absolute fucking madlad. My good sir you fuck severely, please keep protecting me in my dreams from horrible beasties.
Luxu: That's my tired old man that's my boy that's my love oh my fucking god. I was so mad when they squished him into Braig because I had sO MANY HEADCANONS FOR BRAIG but I worked with it and I love him so much now.
Favorite moment
Dantes: Every time he shows up in our mind to sweep us out of trouble dramatically. Bonus points for everything in Shimousa. He loves us so much, the weirdo.
Oberon: GOD. GOD. His flashback with Castoria where he teaches her magic and barely manages not to blow his cover with just sheer outrage at how they treat her. His genuine vengeful rage over the burning of the Welsh forest despite how much he claimed to loathe it there. The way he almost tore Koyan's throat out immediately on seeing her. How he's one of the only people to look at Fujimaru and be angry about what they've been through on their behalf. Everything about the final confrontation with him. When you summon him after beating LB6 and he's just completely fucking gobsmacked you'd actually want him around after All That Bullshit.
Luxu: The epilogue. His confrontation with Ava. Everything about Bragi.
Idea for a story
Dantes: I want to explore more of his time in Chaldea, not just in Fujimaru's dreams, go talk to other people, have interactions!
Luxu: Goddd, more of his past lives please.
Unpopular opinion
Dantes: IDK what's popular or not lmao.
Oberon: Related to the above, I think people tend to focus too much on the Oberon aspect? I want to see more focus on Vortigern he's my favorite part of this whole amalgam, I desperately want to see PHH Vortigern looked at again now that they've retconned Garden of Avalon's version. There's SO much potential.
Luxu: I absolutely do not like this painting of him as cruelly stealing other people's bodies like Xehanort, I don't like the idea that Braig was bodysnatched DURING BBS, I don't like the focus on what if Braig/Bragi are still in there. I prefer a juxtaposition where he's gentler about it and I definitely think we've only ever known Braig as Luxu.
Favorite relationship
Dantes: Besides the comedy of Dantes and Nightingale, I love him and Fujimaru's relationship so much. I kinda ship it ngl.
Oberon: LB6 TRIO OBERON FUJIMARU CASTORIA I CRY UNCONTROLLABLY, DEAR GOD. But also please for the love of god let me explore Oberon and Merlin's relationship especially in context of the mythos with Vortigern and Emrys holy shit.
Luxu: RADIANT GARDEN SQUAD ACTIVATE but also him and the other Foretellers, Oof.
Favorite headcanon
Dantes: Despite being his usual batshit self in most settings, due to my Fujimaru's unique abilities he's a bit more chill if he's in Chaldea proper, and he actually Needs those glasses he wears in the summer alt outfit.
Oberon: OH GOD I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN WITH THESE. Please don't make me start in on my Vortigern headcanons and my hcs for my version of him in Chaldea, I have way too many. But here's one: PHH Vortigern raised Merlin for at least part of his life. Fuck your timeline weirdness.
Luxu: Luxu and Braig's hearts accidentally merged so they're literally the same person now, whoopsie. That's why he says this is his last vessel. He Can't Leave. Good thing he doesn't need to!
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