#PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong I don't keep up with main continuity much
clownprince · 2 years
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I've connected the two dots. I've connected them
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elinorwritesstuff · 1 year
I try not to rush people into replying to any messages because I know people have their lives away from technology, media, and everything.
Well.. You know what I mean. Or at least I think you do.
L and Near are only two examples of the person I really am. Once you mentioned Death Note was one of your favorite series, I think it might be easier to explain in that way L and Near are characters that I would have similarities too. Sometimes that helps people understand better, but maybe not always though. So at least you might know the type of person I am by knowing those characters. Or.. Maybe to some extent.
I might've already said this. I'm considered multiply disabled, physical and mental disabilities since birth. I don't have PTSD but I know quite a few people who do from their own experiences in life. I don't know if I'm about to write trauma. And.. I know this might make my character "Mary Sue" for some people but I have been thinking about giving my main character my disabilities, even if it's only some mannerisms. I'm not saying every disability. Because when it comes to characters who are disabled, or were born with traumatic lives with abuse, I've usually never see well written characters with those situations. Like if I read a story with a disabled character, like fan fiction, a lot of the time I have seen people write these disabled characters poorly. But there are also some exceptions who do know how to write disabled characters. And I know some people are afraid to write disabilities because they really don't want to accidently offend someone if their mannerisms may not be correct for specific disabilities. I don't know if I explained it right.
A lot of the time I'd have ideas for stories and characters, even visuals in my mind head for some things.. But then I would have this problem of trying to transform these ideas into words. Because I'm not able to really explain any of my thoughts into words for some reason which is why I've been figuring out notes. So I'm hoping notes might help with explaining details better. Now that I've been watching (or rewatching) shows lately because why not, that has been helping me remember a few things that I might have somehow forgotten in the show. Now I'm writing out notes while I'm watching, then try piecing details together afterwards. I don't know if that will work, but I'm trying it that way. So I guess that I'm still kinda in the planning phase of my writing.
If I'm honest... I don't know much about Devil May Cry. Is it Devil May Cry? I think the only things I do know about that franchise is that two characters are twins, Dante and Vergil, who happen to be the sons of Lucifer. Or something like that. I might be wrong about that though.
I should also start reading manga again. Especially for any series that might not continue the anime, and also for series that ahead of anime too. And also because of detail differences the anime and manga too. But yeah.. I'm kinda going through that. There's this series I enjoy that got a few spinoffs for some characters has been released - like there's already many volumes out now, but they haven't translated the series into other languages besides Japanese. And I've not seen any fans try translating it either. So that might be a while before that happens.
Wow I am bad at keeping up with tumblr. That said, hi! How has your writing been going? Anyhow, please write characters with your disabilities, or some of them, or aspects of them. Like I mean, also write characters who are marginalized in other ways if you want, but I think the real antidote to all the fan fiction (and published fiction, movies, etc.) that do a bad job of portraying disabilities is to put more good material out there. And especially in the case of fanfic, fanfic writers tend to learn from other fanfic writers. Like I can watch different tropes and even different grammatical quirks get popular in certain fandoms and spread around. So if someone who doesn't have that disability but wants to write it reads your fic, they'll have that as an example. And tbh I just want to read so much more fic with neurodivergent characters written by neurodivergent people.
I've honestly seen some terrible portrayals of stuff, and then some really wonderful ones I always suspect the good ones are by people who actually experience the stuff they're writing about (although it could be people who've really done their research, in which case, rad!). Like I read a fantastic portrayal of PTSD recently and whenever I see that I'm kind of like, I see you, author, you're dealing with this too, *psychic high five.*
Also lol, omg, sorry about giving you all the Devil May Cry examples. I think since I've been writing mostly in that fandom lately, I just assumed that's how you found my blog. So how did you find me? I'm curious because I don't exactly have a big readership.
Yes, the pain of being an anime/manga fan and not speaking/reading Japanese. I've been trying to read actual real novels with no pictures lately, although I've been bad at it. I have to finish the book I have out from the library before it's due.
Okay off to update my What I'm Up to page:)
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Warning! This post contains spoilers up to chapter 170 of Tsubasa (and Chapter 71 of xxxHolic). Please skip this if you have not read that far.
Please also make no comments about what happens after that point in either manga.
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The splash text reads: Shed blood and tears, without forgetting them, turn them into an existence.
Here is a link to my original post if you need the full context.
But here is the thing I said that just made me want to scream here in 2021, specifically in regards to that splash text:
"Incredibly motivating. It’s like the optimistic view of how things are when things are tough. The tough times are unavoidable a lot of the time, but you can and will get through them. You just have to make the choice to pick up the pieces and use them to construct a new future - which is never easy, but it’s the only way forward. For the dads, it’s both their past and their future. Kurogane has already gone through this; his life shattered and he used the pieces to forge a new identity and found new things to live for. For Fai, this is something he still needs to work on. He’s so used to running from his tragedy that he hasn’t yet figured out who he is beyond it. The “without forgetting them” is sort of a call out for him in that respect. You can’t grow by pretending they didn’t happen, or by pretending you’re a different person. Once he��s faced the pain and accepted that he’s alive and can continue living in a way that can make himself and others happy, then he’ll finally be moving forward."
I have no idea how anyone even reads this liveblog armed with knowledge of what happens next because APPARENTLY I JUST SAY THINGS that are VASTLY UNJUST and now I wilt away with the memory of what I thought of Fai back then.
I don't mean to give myself any undue credit here - I predicted none of Fai’s backstory. I had something completely different in mind when writing this, entirely based around the knowledge of Fai fleeing from Ashura with no context whatsoever about who Fai really was.
When you know where Fai came from? Oh my god.
Oh my god.
The words just toss my intended meaning out the window and dance around with the actual truth right in your face. Especially the “pretending you’re a different person” bit - I could never have predicted that Fai was using his brother’s namesake both as a way to eliminate himself from the world and to devote his life towards resurrecting his brother in his place. But HOT DAMN do these words ice skate in all the correct patterns without any knowledge of what the heck they could possibly mean in the end.
Also I'm in physical pain from the phrase: “without forgetting them” is sort of a call out for him in that respect." I know that past!me was thinking purely about Fai running away from confrontation with Ashura and pretending that he was fine and that everything was fine and that he could stay away from it all as long as possible. Things I did not know: That Fai's memories had been deliberately changed by two separate people to control the direction of his life. "Without forgetting them" is NOT a callout for Fai - Fai had no choice in that whatsoever (but they could still be a callout for ME for forgetting any of this plotline had ever happened oh my god). Fai was only ever running from Ashura with good intentions (ie, to NOT murder someone), and there was no way he could have known that his past had been rewritten to such a massive degree that it shaped the core of his personality for his entire life. And just as the splash text implies, it's only when he gets the CORRECT memories back that he can use them to forge a healthier and more accurate life moving forward.
A call out for Fai. Imagine. Past!me has so much to answer for.
I also want to revisit the bit where I said “once he’s faced the pain and accepted that he’s alive he can continue living in a way that can make himself and others happy, then he’ll finally be moving forward”, because this comes off entirely flippant now that I’m looking back on it.
My expectation for Fai’s potential trauma was somehow barely a tenth of what it really was in the end. And like, the idea I was getting at? Technically correct! But also only correct on the surface level. Fai didn’t need to just “confront his problems”. He needed to be completely stripped of the version of himself he had constructed from his false memories, worn down to the very core through reliving the worst parts of his life - and then shown how he was wrong about them. He was lied to his entire life, and so the goals he based his life around were aimed toward an abstracted version of reality. He was never going to be able to resurrect his brother, but he never could have known that without knowing that Ashura and Evil Wolverine had manipulated him and his memories every step of the way.
It's only when he can decipher this for himself that he can course correct - and it was only in taking the Original Fai completely out of the equation that Our Fai could finally begin to comprehend the idea of living for himself, and others, instead for fixing a mistake he never actually made in the first place.
So, yeah. “Once he’s faced the pain (of his past) and accepted that HE’S alive (and he’s allowed to be, because he never killed his brother) he can continue living in a way that can make himself and others happy” IS ACTUALLY ACCIDENTALLY CORRECT IN THE END.
I also want to point out that in the initial liveblog I never really discussed how Fai’s expression was relevant to this image, because I didn’t know exactly.
He’s smiling.
It's a small, gentle smile, but CLAMP really draw attention to it with the way he's looking off centre. Kurogane looks directly at the camera, but he's off centre - Fai is in the middle of the frame and he's vaguely looking elsewhere, head tilted in the wrong direction, as if he were looking towards Kurogane but seeing something else entirely.
The image itself was part of a series of splash pages where CLAMP were depicting the current state of the relationships between all of the main cast throughout the Infinity Arc (and it was glorious) and while I absolutely caught the fact that the relationship between Fai and Kurogane was intimate but strained, I didn’t know the context of Fai’s smile. His backstory shows us that Fai smiles as a way to make other people happy, because deep down he thinks this is the only possible value he can bring them - a smile is his only way of improving the world for the people around him, and his smile is the only thing he’s worth.
Here in the image Fai is partially draped over Kurogane but his distant look shows that he isn’t fully committed to the scenario - because before Seresu he could never be. As much as he liked Kurogane and allowed himself to get close to him, it was always always with the intention of him trading his life away for his brother’s at the end of the day. This is what caused the tension between them in the first place - when Kurogane made choices in Fai’s stead to keep him alive (in Acid Tokyo), he threatened Fai’s chance to trade his life for his brother’s, and so Fai distanced himself from Kurogane. Even if they fixed what they had between them, anything he had going with Kurogane could only ever be temporary until Fai could trade places with the real Fai.
And so Fai smiles - because any happiness he can give Kurogane and the others is all he’ll ever be worth. It's a temporary happiness that was never supposed to last or even exist in the first place.
And it’s not until we get OUT of Seresu that Fai finally has the opportunity to build himself from the ground up and start living for himself. For his own happiness and those around him.
And finally commit to the idea of being able to (and being WORTHY OF) making Kurogane happy in the long term.
Which is where we then get the punching scene in Nihon. And it’s perfect.
But OH BOY did past!me say some things that sounded correct but were utterly and completely wrong at every level.
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
Havoc [Thomas]
A Maze Runner fanfiction
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Summary: When the reader, the second-in-command of the village goes out into the maze looking for a way out, the last thing she hopes to find is a whole new community on the other side of the walls. Much less, when it seems to be inhabited only by boys her age.
Warnings: none
A/N: Hey! This is my very first fanfic here and i decided to start with some tmr stuff ;) English not my mother language so please let me know if something is wrong. Anyways, enjoy!
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Chapter one: Leaving home
YOU WAKE UP THAT DAY WITH AN INCREDIBLE MOOD, although things in the village were not encouraging at all.
The dew hadn't fallen yet when you were already in front of the maze, impatiently waiting for the doors to open. You were carrying a backpack with the breakfast on your back, the belt resting on your hips, and an awl strategically hidden in your back pocket.
You didn't understand why your heart was beating so fast even if the night before had been the worst of all. The disease was progressing, it was devastating the village and the parents were leaving their children alone. You trembled in your place. You've never seen anything like that before. The illness, the confusion, the tiredness, the agony. The desease was ending with all of you. If you and the trackers didn’t find a way out as you had promised, then the village would be devastated.
You couldn't allow it. You weren't going to give up. Maybe the answer was out there, waiting for you and you weren't going to keep it waiting.
Maybe the feeling of your restless heart was a good sign. Maybe your heart was sensing things that you could not know and, with a little bit of luck, get it right as he almost always did.
The village had exits from its four points, so, as the sun was in the west that day, you decided to start with the east gate, considering it a good sign. You pulled your hair up in a high ponytail, ate an apple as fast as you could, and waited for the doors to move.
A curtain of dust and pebbles rose in front of your face as you listened the doors opening. That day the main corridor to the maze had a strange smell, but you thought that your nose was already damaged by the medicines and infusions that you had been smelling in the nursery, so you ignored it. You adjusted your boots waiting for the stench to disperse when a strong pull carried you backwards, scaring you.
“What the hell...? Asenat! "You muttered releasing the grip on your shirt. The girl smiled haughtily, crossing her arms over her chest “How many times do I have to tell you to not pull me like that? I hate being pulled!
“You can do it as many times as you want, I honestly don't care, I'll keep doing it anyways”
“You're an idiot”
“Where do you think you are going?” Cassidy asked, standing next to Asenat, both of them staring at you with their arms crossed over their chests and frowning. You rolled your eyes
“To do my job, the same as you should be doing right now”
"You are no longer a tracker”
“I am the leader, I can give myself that position”
"Second leader," Asenat corrected you, "After Richard, and he was the one who gave you the order to stay in the village, remember?"
You clicked your tongue as the trackers were already leaving to the maze. Asenat caught your shirt between her fingers again preventing you from running. Cassidy sighed, shaking her head. If something was clear to them about you, it was how stubborn you could be.
“Yes, I remember”
"Do you still have those headaches?"
"No," you lied. You'd been feeling terrible headaches for a couple of weeks now, before Richard fell sick from what the villagers called the glow. The man, who was also a tracker, had found you in the middle of your section with a terrible bruise on the back of your head and a pool of blood surrounding you. He carried you to the village, and when you were sufficiently recovered, you mentioned having a terrible pain and falling unconscious hitting the stone. Richard didn't need to know more to remove you from your job, forbidding you to return to the maze until your headaches were better. Until the night before you hadn't felt any pain, so you assumed you were fine “I'm great, don't worry about me. It was an accident”
"Yeah, are you sure?"
"Even if it were so, you are not allowed to go out," Cassidy said, determined. "We need you here, my friend."
"I'll be back before dark”
"Things don't work that way anymore," Cassidy replied, looking at you with a frown. "Richard hasn't died yet." His rules are still ours and since when we can do whatever we want?
“Don’t say it like that”
"You know Richard is not going to survive" Asenat lowered her voice preventing any other villagers from hearing her "he will die like the rest of the infected and when that happens all this will be over. We can continue with the rules that he made, but that will not be enough. There are families dying every day, our duty is to take care of them. We have a pact, okay? Treat the disease first, look for a way out later”
"How long are we going to keep waiting?" You asked, taking a step forward. Asenat sighed, "Three? Four? Another five years? This place is falling apart. If we really want to help the remaining villagers we need to find a way out, take them home, give them a better life, heal them "
"Nobody assures us that we will be better out there than here"
"Let's take the risk, we won't lose anything just by trying"
"We have kids in here, even babies. Their parents have died and they depend on us.
"This time it will be different" you said looking at them pleadingly "It's crazy, but something tells me that today we will find the answers we have been looking for. I could assure you that. Do you believe me? Do you trust me enough to believe in what my heart feels?”
Cassidy and Asenat looked at each other. Richard was still sick, confined to his cabin with the doctors trying to keep him alive. The night before he had lost part of the skin on his arms and his uncontrollable anger had made them tie him to the bed, however, that didn’t mean that in his small lapses of serenity he did not realize what was happening in the village.
Asenat shrugged her arms, leaving the decision to Cassidy. In her role as a teacher, she had no say in that situation and she didn't really care too much. You were reckless and almost always clumsy, but you had good ideas and that had helped you become te mainstay of the village. However Cassidy as the third in charge represented the third head of the monster. She would be the leader at Richard's death and if you didn't get back from the maze in time and that terrified her. She was not afraid of responsibility, nor making important decisions, but that represented visualizing a future where the three of you were not together and she preferred not to think about it.
"You know we do," she replied. "There hasn't been a single day when we doubted in your good judgment, but ..."
"It's different," Asenat said rubbing her chin. "The village doesn't feel like it used to. We are used to death, we can handle it, but the feeling of having it lurking over our heads is unbearable. The maze is not better. It is changing. I listen to it every night. The steel lobsters clattering through the halls. The giant woke up and will not go back to sleep”
"Cassidy," you called her, squeezing her hands. The girl sighed, thinking of the possibilities you guys had. Staying with your arms crossed was not an option, but neither was breaking the trust Richard had placed in all of you. Asenat watched you. The three of you shared the same fear, the same confusion and the same dread of losing the entire village. There were children who required the presence of someone capable to guide them, men and women waiting in fear to be infected with the glow and babies crying to feel the arms of their dead parents. You clenched her hands tighter. You needed to be covered for a few hours only and, in return, you would find the way out. You could do it, you trusted your instincts “Please...”
Cassidy sighed.
"We'll cover you until lunchtime, that's all."
"I only need that”
"Come back in one piece, will you?" She begged, looking at a small boy approaching. You leaned down, taking him in your arms letting out a groan as you picked him up. George was eight years old, he didn't weigh the same as five years ago. You kissed his cheek, returning him to the ground “The boy would go nuts if something happened to you”
"Are you going back to the maze?" George asked looking at you with his huge brown eyes. You nodded. Then you were hit by the little boy's suffocating embrace “the lobsters will hurt you!
"They are asleep now”
"They can wake up!"
"I doubt it little one. Don’t worry, I'll be fine. I'll be back at noon and we'll have a snack together, what ya think?”
“You promise?
“I promise”
"Okay, you can go," he said. You laughed, ruffling his hair
"Thanks, puppy. Stay with Asenat, okay? She can scold you while I'm gone”
"Ya’ heard it, boy," Asenat said, rubbing her knuckles at the top of his head. George complained, "You will stay with me the rest of the day and help me teach the little ones how to count to ten.
“That's not fair!”
"Life isn't fair, brat." Come on, maybe we can grab some chocolate from the kitchen later, huh?”
Asenat held out her hand and George took it enthusiastically as they walked together towards the largest cabin that you used as a classroom. George spun on his feet saying goodbye with a bright smile on his face. You blew him a kiss and Asenat turned to show you her middle finger. You smiled
"Take care of him, will you?" I highly doubt that Asenat will do it properly”
"I'm going to watch her. Now go before I regret it. And (Y/N)” She said, stopping you as you walked towards the main corridor of the maze. You turned around, waiting for his words “Don't die out there. The maze stinks enough to add the stench of a corpse” You nodded. It was a fair deal
“No prob”
You finished your run in your section faster than you expected. The meal would not be until three hours later so you decided to make a stop to rest. You sat on the floor against a wall. Hot sweat was running down your neck and the fucking headache was back. You closed your eyes, tired. It was terribly hot, and the stench of rotting meat numbed your nose.
You drank water, the little sip you had left, and put it back in your backpack. You were going to eat some of the apple slices you took with you, but the pain in the back of your head kept you from even chewing. You stood up wanting to continue your hike when the headache went down your neck and then numbed your spine. You leaned against the wall. It was covered in vines, moss, and fungus. You wiped your palms on your pants and started walking again.
The migraine erased your sight. For a second the world around you seemed to move in luminous spirals forcing you to close your eyes. The sound lightened and you swore you heard a static signal on your eardrums.
The floor spined over and over again. You dug your nails into the palms of your hands feeling the blood pour out from the sides, staining the stone. You heard the drops hiting the floor and suddenly everything stopped.
You were sweating. Your soaked shirt stuck to your body, your hair matted on your forehead and you opened your eyes. Pushing back the hair you noticed that this was not your section, that in some inexplicable way the maze had changed drastically and there was no way to return home.
Your heart beat madly. You fell to the ground on your knees, your head aching every second screaming in agony. You crawled down the corridor without understanding its course, but recognizing small fragments of leaves pointing a path to the north.
was that the way out? You, without being aware of the pain, could you have operated some kind of lever, changing the composition of the maze, leaving it unrecognizable? You weren't sure.
You kept crawling. The leaves spreading across the path, turning into a corridor covered in dust and dirt. You complained in pain and in the confusion, you managed to hear voices from the other side.
You buried your nails in the stone rising up. You pulled forward slowly approaching until you reached the exit (or the entrance?) of the maze. The wind ruffled your hair. Then your hands touched the green grass and the pain stopped.
You stayed alert. Your senses fading little by little from fatigue. Your head ached, your hands ached, your back ached. You heard the clear voice of a boy and, unaware of it, you got up as best as you could.
You got up with the help of the leaves on the wall. You narrowed your eyes focusing on the meadow stretching out in front of you. It was not the village, it was not the exit. The walls of the maze were surrounding the meadow and you could only think that the pain had caused you allusions.
Then the torture returned. You clenched your teeth. Your vision became blurry, however you could distinguish completely unknown figures in the mist. Your ears recognized voices, men's voices, and, unable to bear another second, you fainted.
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alirhi · 3 years
...goddess help me...
This fucking episode. *deep breath* This... This episode is where I'm expecting to get some serious hate. Let me just get this out of the way right up front:
I. Hate. Zemo.
I do not find him sympathetic, or funny, or charming. I find him creepy and annoying. I did not like him in CA:CW and I do not like him in TFATWS. If you are pro-Zemo, you are not going to like my version of this show from here on out. Just find something else to read and don't bother me about it. You've got the actual canon, so go enjoy that.
Got it? Good. Now, on to the main event!
Episode 3: The Power Broker
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First of all, Sam doesn't let Bucky walk in there alone. No matter Bucky's (flimsy and nonsensical) argument, Sam's like "hell no. I go in with you, or you don't go in." The main reason for this isn't to keep Bucky from breaking Zemo out of prison (with decent writing, he would never do that) - it's so that Sam witnesses Zemo taunting Bucky with/about the trigger words. because Zemo is a piece of shit.
Since he doesn't know the full story, Sam is confused, but he files this interaction away to ask Bucky about later. He's listening to Zemo acknowledging that Bucky was "not conscious for most of [his] imprisonment" (which, yes, clearly refers to the time he spent frozen, but can also mean while he was under their control as TWS/"The Asset" - also, key word: imprisonment) and when he calls Bucky a means to an end, Sam scowls, looking ready to go off on him, but he waits. They've got more important issues.
Neither of them entertains the thought of breaking Zemo out for even a nanosecond. He does that shit himself. And literally the only reason I'm sticking with him getting out at all is because I want to address some truly egregious moments linked directly to him in the show. Zemo makes them think he's setting them on the trail when really he's just sending them to his motor pool. Bucky and Sam are confused until they see Zemo in his stolen guard uniform, then they're both angry and want to ship him right back to prison, but he strikes a deal with them: "My help for my temporary freedom. Creating super soldiers cannot be allowed to continue; let me finish my work, and then do with me as you will." He has no intention of going quietly back to prison, obviously, and they're not stupid enough to believe otherwise, but they believe they can keep him on a short leash, so they agree for now. Anything to bring down the Flag Smashers and whoever created them.
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After the title, we cut to Raynor on the phone in her office. She's agitated, fiddling with things on her desk. "No, sir," she's practically growling, "it was disrupted. - Walker did! - It's not my fault your new attack dog got off-leash!" She pauses, huffs, and says more calmly, "No. Of course not. I'm sorry. - Well, I don't see how, with the new Cap strutting around barking orders! - What am I supposed to do? Tell Captain America in front of a dozen witnesses that he can't have his predecessor's favorite pet because we're not done reprogramming him? I didn't see that going over too well. I made a call. - No. No, no, no, we can still use him. The work's not finished, but he still trusts me. He'll be back." A pause as she listens. Angry again, she snaps, "What do you want me to do, shove a tracker up his ass? He'll be back, and we'll pick right back up where we left off! - Don't worry, sir, the Asset will be fully compliant and ready to use soon. I'll make sure of it. - Yes, sir. You, too." She hangs up and tosses her phone on the couch, grumbling, "Dick."
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Cut back to Sam, Bucky, and Zemo getting going on their trip to Madripoor. On the plane, Sam wants to talk to Bucky about what he's learned so far, but doesn't want to bring it up in front of Zemo... until the notebook incident reminds him that Zemo already knows more about Bucky than he does.
After Zemo's line about the list, Sam angrily corrects him: "You mean people HYDRA used The Winter Soldier to hurt." When Zemo shrugs and his response is basically along the lines of "what's the difference" Sam is like "oh hell no."
"Those words you were reciting at him," he reminds Zemo, "what were they, Russian? They clearly meant something. They were supposed to do something. What are they?" "Sam, let it go," Bucky pleads, unable to look at either of them. "It's nothing." "You wanna drown in your guilt, that's fine," Sam snaps, "but make sure it's for the right reasons." He turns back to Zemo, who's smiling at this exchange because he's a monster and thinks Bucky's suffering is fucking funny. "I asked you a question, Zemo. What did those words do?" "They activate the Winter Soldier programming," Bucky grudgingly admits. He doesn't want to talk about it, but he's sure as hell not going to let Zemo speak for him. "Or, they did, before the Wakandans got all that shit out of my head." "It's a shame," Zemo says with a smirk. "Imagine the possibilities that come with perfect obedience." "I think you mean 'slavery'," Sam growls, "and I think you're in the wrong crowd to be looking so pleased about it. Remember that we can send your ass back to prison any time." "Of course," Zemo agrees, but with an arrogant smile that shows he doesn't believe for a second that these two have any real power over him. Still, he bides his time and sits back quietly, watching Bucky fidget with the notebook. Sam turns back to Bucky, seeing his discomfort; he won't let the topic go, though, not yet. He just softens his tone. "So, they 'activated the Winter Soldier'? What exactly does that mean?" Bucky shrugs, still not looking up. "Pretty much what he said - perfect obedience. What little consciousness they left me between cryo and the chair was squashed down, locked away. And I did whatever I was told, exactly the way they told me to." It finally clicks. He'd had his suspicions before, of course, but now Sam gets it. Visibly horrified, he stares at this quiet, broken man, and finally sees the truth of what he'd been through for 70 years: "They stripped away your autonomy. Shit, Bucky, they didn't even let you be a person. That's..." He swallows, looking like he'll be sick any minute. "That's awful, man. I'm so sorry." When Bucky tries to shrug it off and downplay it again, Sam gets angry. "Look at me!" He waits; it takes a few seconds, but Bucky reluctantly looks up and is surprised to see just how upset Sam is on his behalf. "It wasn't your fault. None of it. When Steve said you didn't have a choice, I had no idea... You really, truly had no choice; not even the ability to choose. That's horrifying." "I doubt it would make much difference to the people he's killed," Zemo points out snidely. "Or their families. Let's ask Tony Stark, shall we?" "You shut the hell up," Sam growls. He watches Bucky flinch and make that face - the face he's starting to really fucking hate - that says he agrees with Zemo. Bucky still can't see things the way Sam does; he still feels the guilt and shame, and even when he himself pointed out his lack of agency under HYDRA, it didn't click for him that Sam is right, not Zemo.
It's too much, too soon. Sam sees that and decides to change the subject, to give Bucky some time to process. He nods at the notebook, and they have their little Marvin Gaye debate, where Sam is over the top about it on purpose, because Bucky needs the distraction.
Of course, Zemo ruins it by opening his big mouth again and reminding Bucky of more trauma: his time fighting in WWII. That's why Sam latches onto the bit about Madripoor; to keep the focus not only on the task at hand, but off of Bucky's past that he clearly still can't cope with.
"James... You will have to become someone you claim is gone." Sam is officially ready to throw Zemo out a window. 😂 The only reason he doesn't jump to Bucky's defense again and basically tell Zemo to fuck himself (in a PG-13 way 🙄) is because Bucky's, as Sam pointed out in ep2, a grown-ass man, and because he's just learned how few decisions this poor man has been able to make in his life. Sam doesn't want to come across as another "handler," deciding everything for him, even if he does think this plan is stupid and needlessly cruel.
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At the bar, when asked if he wants "the usual", Sam just casually waves the bartender off like "nah". Zemo already said they had business to attend to, so it's not like anyone would be suspicious that now's probably not a good time to be doing weird shots lol. (wtf even was that? I'm not sure I want to know, but...what part of the snake did he drop into that drink?)
Sam's not an idiot (I'm really so sick of this trend of turning intelligent characters into morons because the writers can't think of any other way to move their plot along) so his cell phone has been off this whole time. No sudden call from Sarah to put them all in danger. There was really no point to that, anyway; Sharon likely would have killed Selby for talking about Nagle with or without the excuse of "saving" Sam and Bucky. I mean, it's not like they know who fired that shot, ever.
"They cleared the Bionic Staring Machine," Sam still jokes, but he follows it with, "and they think he's a mass-murderer." "They think?" Sharon stares at him incredulously. "Didn't he kill pretty much everyone he's ever met?" "Wow." Sam glances back at Bucky. "She really is awful now." To Sharon, he adds, "You met Steve; do you really think he'd have defied 117 countries to protect someone evil?" "He did it for Bucky," she points out. "Let's face it - Bucky could blow up half the planet, and Steve's loyal-to-a-fault ass would still take a bullet for him." "You know I'm sitting right here, right? I can hear you." "Look, I don't think you're evil, Bucky," Sharon assures him. "But I know you killed a lot of people for HYDRA." "I'm not denying it." "He didn't have a choice," Sam snaps, glaring at them both. "But we're not getting into that right now. My point is, the government's afraid of Bucky, and they still pardoned him. All you did was steal something. I'm sure they can be persuaded to see reason." "The day the US government sees reason," Sharon quips, rolling her eyes, "is the day I sprout real wings and fly off into the sunset." "Careful, Icarus," Bucky mocks with a smirk, "the sun and brand new wings don't exactly go together." Then he shrugs and glances at Sam. "But she's not wrong."
At the party that night, it takes a few minutes (grumpy old man Bucky's not sure how to feel about the music lol) but a peek of pre-war Bucky comes out to play: they were told to "blend in", so he dances. At first he's just bobbing around alone looking stoic and out of place, but soon he's smiling and dancing between two attractive people - one male, one female. Sam is surprised, but before he can tease him for it, Sharon comes to get them all. Even she's a little "wait what?" at Bucky having a little fun lol. (recovery is not linear, guys. trauma doesn't mean "perpetually miserable, no fun, doesn't even know how to smile." in my TFATWS, Bucky gets his lighter moments; real ones, not humor at his expense)
When they find Nagle, Bucky's the one who notices and opens the secret door, while Sam keeps an eye on Zemo. Bucky catches Zemo trying to grab that gun; closes the drawer on his hand before opening it and taking the gun away. "Nice try." Nagle tries to get away while there's only one person watching him, but Sam catches him and forces him back into his seat. With a bruising grip on the back of Zemo's neck, Bucky drags him back over to where he and Sam can both keep an eye on him. Nagle is killed in the shootout as they're trying to escape; Zemo still runs off, blows shit up, and comes back with the stolen car so he's not totally useless.
I had no problem with Zemo being the one to kill Nagle; Nagle was the worst and def had to die, and Zemo has never had an issue killing anyone. Where I took issue with this scene was Bucky and Sam being dumb enough to let Zemo wander and get his hands on a gun. Nope. Not happening.
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Anyway, shootout! Explosions! Funny banter! The seat thing, which is my favorite nod to CW ever lol... And then the conversation on the plane...
"You okay?" "Yeah." Sam sighs. "Just thinking." "About how to get Sharon that pardon you dangled in front of her?" He shakes his head. "About how Nagle referred to 'The Winter Soldier Program" like it was some kind of after school club; like you weren't standing right there. And 'the American test subject' like... Like Isaiah wasn't even a real person." He turns to face Bucky, looking angry and weary. "Makes me wonder how many times... How many times are we gonna run around in the same circles before people learn? And how many people need to get crushed underfoot in the meantime?" "Did you really just equate me with Isaiah?" Bucky frowns, not sure how to react to that. "That man is a hero." Sam opens his mouth to say something, but his phone goes off and Zemo approaches at the same time, effectively cutting off their conversation.
When they get to Riga and Zemo tries to guilt trip them over Sokovia, Bucky deadpan reminds him, "Neither of us were involved in that fight." "I doubt you'd have been much help if you were." He shrugs. "Probably not. But I like to save my guilt for events I was actually present for. It's a thing." Zemo laughs. "Fair enough."
Bucky goes on his walk, and meets up with Ayo.
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mmilkbreadd · 4 years
Chapter twenty three: “Bokuto Hates Goodbyes”
Masterpost - Prev - Next.
Warning(s): post-timeskip manga spoilers!!
“Tendou is going to quit volleyball after graduating. He wants to go to Paris to work as a chocolatier” you said, never taking your eyes off him. You sighed again, trying to find the words to tell him. Bokuto noticed your pause and smiled at you waiting for you to reply. “And I... I'm going with him.”
Koutarou's smile faded, along with the hope in his heart. 
Silence took over the atmosphere. You were trying to look at Bokuto, but he kept his gaze on the snowy ground. Neither of you had opened your mouths to say anything. Maybe because the correct words did not exist to express what you were feeling at that moment; you, remorse, and Bokuto didn't even know what to feel. Sadness, melancholy, happiness because you are going to fulfill your dream... fear of being forgotten. 
So many things to say, feel, live. 
“Why?” he asked, still with his gaze on the floor.
“Why…?”  you lashed several times. “Because I want to be a baker, fulfill my dream and my grandmother's... It's what I want, Kou.”
Koutarou started to shake his head from side to side, his hands over his hair. 
“Yes I know, but Paris?”  Bokuto looked at you for the first time, his eyes filling with tears. “That's like a million miles away!”
The snow kept falling on you two and the cold seemed to increase, but neither appeared to notice. The moment seemed eternal: Bokuto's tears that still did not come out, the imminent farewell, the silence that still continued ...
“We can continue to be friends, Koutarou, you shouldn't worry” the Owl turned to the opposite side of the school, and started walking away quickly. “Bokuto! Bokuto!” there was still no response on his part. “Koutarou, wait!”
Even though in his mind Bokuto had planned not to return, hearing his name come out of your mouth once more, he stopped short. He quickly turned to see you, your nose was red from the cold, and smoke came out every time you spoke when you apologized to him.”
“I don't want to be friends” shouted Bokuto looking straight into your eyes, with a tear rolling on his cheek. “I do not want you to go! W-we're just getting to know each other! It's not fair.”
Bokuto pouted while still staring at you. 
“We still have time, I won't be leaving for another month,” you said, but you knew it wasn't enough time. Not even a thousand years would be. “We'll talk on the phone!”
Promises that were very difficult to keep. Even if you wanted to, with the exams that would be shortly, and then in the cooking academy, it would be impossible to maintain much contact. You didn't know if you could even keep it with Emiko and Wakatoshi.
“Don't say things that later won't be true,” Bokuto said for the last time, wiping the tears that fell from his eyes. “Bye, y/n.”
And in a last act of desperation, you grabbed Koutarou by the wrist and then grabbed his coat tightly, then brought your lips together with his. 
After a few seconds, the light of a flash interrupted you.
“I'm sorry?” Emiko said with a nervous little smile. She had taken a picture of you kissing, and now she was slowly walking away so she could escape your creepy gaze. “I better go, haha. Byeee.”
Again the silence had taken over the environment. But this time, Bokuto's face was completely changed. His cheeks were flushed and he had a big smile on his lips.
“You like me too?” he asked suddenly. 
And even though you were speechless, you were able to whisper a little “yes”. Bokuto without warning held you with his arms, hugging you, and then started jumping up and down several times.
“Wait, we were fighting two minutes ago,” he said, making an angry face, but then his true colors showed and he started laughing. “Hey Hey hey! It no longer matters, we must take advantage of every second. Get ready, y/n, I'll come tomorrow at nine in the morning! Well maybe not that early, but I'll come before lunch!”
And here was another example where you could see the captain of Fukurodani change his mood quickly.
You said goodbye and you entered the academy again, thinking about how to assassinate Emiko. 
Tomorrow would be the last day you would see Bokuto in a long time.
And maybe forever. 
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Just as Koutarou had said the night before, at eleven in the morning he was at Shiratorizawa's gate, waiting for you to come out. It was not as early as he would have liked, but he had also arrived very late at the hotel, so he needed to sleep as well. Even though you were already walking towards the exit, two people arrived before you.
“Hello, Bokuto-san,” Tendou greeted. “Let's get straight to the point, what are your intentions with the little y/n? Ushijima and I are not very convinced that you go out with her so often. You were too late last night, and now it's too early. I hope you are not doing strange things out there. This is not Tokyo, my friend.”
“He is not your friend, Tendou” Ushijima said in a whisper, with his deep voice.
“I know, best friend, but I want to intimidate him” Satori whispered back, but he didn't realize that Bokuto had heard everything. 
In the distance, you came walking next to Emiko. You had already forgiven her for last night's photo, although she still hadn't deleted it from Twitter, and had even put it as your profile picture for a few hours until you noticed and took it out. You can tell that Tsukasa almost ran out of roommates. 
“Hey, aren't those Satori and Wakatoshi talking to your boyfriend?” She asked you, pointing to your friends and the one who wasn't your boyfriend really.
“I'm going to kill them.”
You sped up your pace to get there as quickly as possible and avoid disaster before it happens. But to your surprise, when you got to where the three of them were, all you could hear was laughter. Yes, even Ushijima.
“What is happening here?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at Satori, who you thought was responsible for this situation. And as always, you were right.
“Oh, nothing, y/n. Just old friends remembering old times” said Tendou with a rather forced laugh. Then, Ushijima and Bokuto also began to laugh out loud, while Koutarou made a danger signal with his eyes, and Emiko watched the situation in disbelief.
“I think Koutarou and I should go now” and before any of your friends could say anything, you grabbed him by the sleeve of his jacket and trotted off to Miyagi's main park.
Behind you, you could hear Tendou's screams calling for you to come back, but you ignored them and kept walking quickly in front of Bokuto.
Arriving at the park you could see several children with their parents playing in the snow, despite not having snowed today, there was still a little snow on the trees and grass.
“Thanks for saving me, things were getting ugly there,” he said as he took your hand that was on his sleeve, to be holding hands normally. “I have bad news.”
More bad news? You didn't think you were going to be able to endure another misfortune this weekend. It seems that Bokuto noticed your desperate face and squeezed your hand tightly to encourage you.
“They have suspended my bus for tomorrow, they say there will be a snowstorm in the afternoon so they have changed the schedule.” Nothing went right for tragic volleyball lovers. “I'm leaving tonight, so we can't see each other tomorrow.”
The world fell at your feet. How could everything go wrong for you? A lot of drama has existed lately.
“And now what?” you asked him.
“We live in the moment!” and without saying anything else, Bokuto started to run towards the ice skating rink, never letting go of your hand. 
The ice was full of small children, who watched Koutarou every time he made a few meters and fell letting out a scream. The kids laughed at the Owl's exaggeration, causing him to make it even more dramatic to obtain more laughter. Every time you fell, Bokuto would rush to get up and ask you if you were okay, even if you were laughing at yourself and had not suffered any injuries.
After skating for half an hour or so, you decided to go for lunch because it was already quite late. You went to the same cafeteria that you had gone to the day before, and you ordered something warm since today's temperature was even colder than yesterday’s. 
At the end of lunch, Bokuto asked you to show him around the city, although there was not much to show as it was quite small compared to Tokyo. You showed him where Karasuno High was, but you didn't go there since it was relatively far from where you were. He took several photos and sent them to Akaashi, and then to his mother. 
The hours passed quickly, reaching the time of curfew, which meant that you had to go back to school, and Bokuto to his hotel to find his bags and go to the station. Unfortunately, you could not accompany him before his bus leaves. 
“It's time to say goodbye,” you told him once at the entrance of the academy. "Thanks for coming to visit me, Kou.”
Before saying something to you, Bokuto put his arms around you. This time neither of you were crying, nor were sad. You were happy for the time you spent together.
“Goodbye, y/n, I'm going to miss you” and with a lot of bravery in his heart, Koutarou brought his lips to yours one last time. 
“I promise to call you.”
And so, Bokuto Koutarou said goodbye with a sad smile, knowing that that promise was nothing more than an empty promise.
And that at the end of all, it would not be kept. 
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A/N: I know Bokuto’s hair isn’t exactly accurate in the photo but it was the best image I could find😩😩 sorryy
Btw who wouldn’t leave everything behind to go to Paris with Tendou Satori? I wouldn’t even think about it, my bags are ready!
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adler-obsessed · 3 years
Hi! I'm new in the fandom and wanted to ask why everyone seems to be hating Derek Landy? Yes the books are pretty brutal and he's low-key sadistic with the characters, but aren't most book authors? I just finished book 6 and I'm really enjoying them so far. I'm just curious and don't wanna offend anyone.
oh boy buckle up - I just want to first of all say welcome to the fandom!!! Although it may seem a bit negative sometimes, it’s mainly because we love the series and characters so much!
There’s a lot of people who know more about + have details on Landy’s problematic statements/actions so guys/fandom if you could add that onto this post, I’d appreciate it.
A short summary:
problematic representation in books
the disaster of Phase 2
attacking fans (bonus: his gf attacking fans)
problematic relationships with young fans
But I’ve been meaning to do an analysis of why Landy’s representation of queer people and the LGBTQ+ Community has been problematic for a while and I have examples so buckle up everyone:
So, as a brief introduction, there’s several reasons why people aren’t the biggest fan of Landy - one you won’t be aware of for awhile is Phase 2, which starts after Book 9
Phase 2, I think I can say confidently, has not been as well received as Phase 1. Lots of the characters we liked in Phase 1 don’t appear or have lost all their character development from Phase 1. There are so many side plots that are very confusing and most people aren’t particularly interested in them so large parts of each book are quite boring for most of the fandom.
But onto my main argument (edit: in a reblog below, Faceless has linked many of the examples I discuss if you are interested)
Landy has had quite a bumpy ride when it comes to representation: in the Demon Road series (outside of SP) there was a very problematic portrayal of a wlw relationship. He claimed that everyone is eventually bisexual, and then there is a wider issue of representation in the actual Skulduggery books.
Firstly, those characters that are in the LGBTQ+ community tend to have that aspect of their life continuously pointed out/or mentioned (like Landy is trying to show how ‘diverse’ he is) but then have very little character development/or mention of anything other than that.
There is a supposedly major wlw ship in Phase 2, but it is so underdeveloped it feels more like a main character and her cheerleader. In the last book we finally got some development only for them to then break up (although I somewhat liked the realistic reasons behind it, it did disappoint me)
Linking from this, there is a general difference in how Landy treats non-canon queer ships versus straight ones
When asked about the possibility of a non-canon straight ship, he said he didn’t like to dismiss the fan’s ships. In comparison when a fan asked about mlm ship, he immediately said no to it (keep in mind there was no dubious relationship between these two in the books, they are super close so it made no sense for him to completely refuse it)
Landy also likes to point out his queer characters like China and Tanith, who are both canonly bisexual/pansexual (he confirmed to a fan that China and Eliza were a thing) and yet, whenever the two are romantically involved with someone, it’s a man.
Now, before I get people attacking me saying they are still bisexual even though they’re in straight passing relationships, I AM bisexual, I hate it when people invalidate my sexuality just because I am in a relationship w a guy or girl.
But eVERYTIME, these two end up with a guy, and the only time Landy has confirmed they aren’t straight are either in blink and you’ll miss it moments or outside of the books (sort of like Rowling claiming characters were gay on Twitter, and yet these characters were never seen expressing these identities in the books or in later media)
So why is this representation problematic? Because writers like Landy seem to think they’ve actually done a good job - stating once that a character identifies/or has a certain sexual orientation, and then never elaborating on it again, as if that somehow wins him brownie points.
I’m not going to talk to much about Never - for context this is a gender fluid character in Phase Two - because I myself am not gender fluid, so I would not want to speak for that side of the community incorrectly. In my personal opinion, having several genderfluid friends, Never’s characterisation is bloody weird.
For context, in the books, Landy changes the pronouns that Never uses and others use to address him/her practically every sentence. At times it feels less like a portrayal of a genderfluid character, and more like a mockery (one of my aforementioned genderfluid friends stopped reading the series at this point because they found it too close to the mocking insults their grandparents would use e.g. changing pronouns every sentence as if making out that their gender identity was some absurd thing)
Again, rest of the fandom feel free to interject in here, there are definitely people more qualified to speak on this than me.
I also want to talk a little bit about the problematic way Derek handles female members of the LGBTQ+ community in comparison to the male ones. I’ve mentioned above a bit of the problems with China/Tanith but I want to go a bit further into the issue with the male ones: namely, there are barely any.
While the three main female characters are all canonly bisexual, none of the major male ones are (if I’m wrong, please correct me!) and the only one who could possibly be considered major is Anton Shudder and his boyfriend who are confirmed to have been in a relationship, oh wait, when they are both dead. Apart from that, there is not one major male member of the LGBTQ+ community in these books that Landy claims are so diverse.
I think it is also slightly worrying that so many of Landy’s female characters are bisexual, characters who Landy also constantly describes as pretty/gorgeous/attractive etc. because it just feels like that typical thing of men fetishising wlw women (particularly bisexual women) hence why I also think the fact that two of these women never have a relationship with another wlw in the actual books is very problematic, as these sexual orientations feel more for show than actual canon most of the time.
There is a very big problem with the way Landy goes about queer representation in his books, and the worse part? He thinks he’s doing great.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
That G-D Ring of Yours
High Fidelity’s Robyn Brooks X Female reader
Summary: You seek comfort from your neighbor Rob
There's probably gonna be a part 2
Word count: 2.5k words
Warning(s): +15 | implied cheating, internalized homophobia, heterosexism, author and Rob swearing, no hate to polyamorists but major hate to bad faith players, shameless self insert, no beta, barely edited, long as fuck I'm so sorry
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Author's note: I'm having anxiety for no discernable reason and my brain has decided this is ideal fuel for a fic, so please enjoy. EDIT: ha ha yeah still anxious but we're doing stuff about it
"-- And she just touched my hand by accident and I just felt this–  this spark between us…" 
It was so sweet how he was talking about it. Or at least it would be were this not your fiancé explaining how he had been seeing another person behind your back. Had you rushed into things with him? Gotten hitched after three months because of familial pressure to settle down and start your family? Quite possibly.
But it didn't make that stabbing in your gut hurt any less. 
You had been a little gung-ho from date number 1, but he had been right there with you the whole time. Date number 2 happened the following weekend and then you just kept seeing each other more and more until before you knew it you had been introduced to each other's extended families and announced your engagement on Valentine's Day. 
You started to suspect something was amiss on Sunday, when you were braiding your hair on the bed and he had gone to take a shower. He accidentally set his phone screen aside with a text chat still open. Thinking nothing of it (he had already told you he was talking to Mark about getting drinks tonight), you looked at the name and saw it belonged to a woman you had never heard of before. Your immediate reaction was 'she must be a new coworker or a cousin,' but then you glanced again and saw the text conversation mirrored the same kind of ‘sentiments’ he texts you. 
The dirt burned into your brain for eternity: 
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You had looked away then. You were actually not going to say anything at all to him that night– had planned to bring it up after Tuesday dinner with your auntie's family, but something came up. It turns out that Jessabelle also frequented the same Starbucks as you (and she's your age, not a teen like you worried). You can't even find it in you to be mad at her since it seemed like she had no idea who you were when she showed you the picture of her date at a baseball game. You tried not to puke as you asked for her number and to send her that picture "for her contact profile." 
You hadn't heard a word your fiance had said since the beginning of the phone call and you cut him off with some excuse you barely remember. You tossed your phone carelessly onto the couch and laid back on the cushions in defeat. What now? 
You weren't really a drinker or a smoker, and you didn't exactly have friends who would be supportive right now. You could hear them now, your family too– asking you what you did wrong, telling you to just forgive him or how to get even, or simply saying 'well what do you expect? Boys will be boys.' 
Maybe… no, you definitely need to get this off your chest before you do something stupid like pretend to forget about it. You had a bad habit of that because you tend to fall fast and hard. Perhaps your neighbor could give you some advice. 
Thank the Lord for fire escapes. Rob lived on the floor beneath you, always playing something good from her huge collection of vinyl records. You've told her at least a hundred times before if she played nothing but Phil Collins for the rest of eternity, you could die happy. You crossed your fingers and hoped you weren't being weird or invading her privacy. 
Thankfully, she seemed to be expecting you. She even motioned that the latch was undone and waved you inside. Ok the second wine glass made your face grow hot. 
"I'm not interrupting am I?" 
Rob gave you a warm smile. "I could hear you pacing around your kitchen for about an hour. Was about to come and get you actually." 
She pressed the glass into your hand and you made an effort not to grimace. Rob liked her drinks cheap and strong and she never held back. You tried a sip just to be polite, and she snorted at the face you pulled. 
"That's right, you like that sweet stuff. What's it called again?" 
"Stella Rosa," you mumbled, grateful when she takes the glass back and hands you a water to replace it. 
"Favorite flavor," she asked looking at her phone. 
"Uh… the peach and the rosé. They're all pretty good, not gonna lie." 
"OK, take this, grab a blanket from the hall closet, and tell me what's going on." 
You curled up on Rob's couch and put your feet up. There were piles of records all over the place, empty beer cans and a pizza box or two on the coffee table. Your neighbor tapped away at her phone screen before silencing it and slipping it in her back pocket. She gave you a minute or two to speak up, sipping her drink like you two had all night. Which actually you did as you did not want to see your fiancé right now. 
You felt two fingers gently tap your forehead. "Come on, dreamer, tell me what's going on in that head of yours." 
You swallow the lump in your throat. "I feel a little over dramatic saying my life is about to fall apart." 
Rob raised her eyebrows at you. "Damn, OK." 
You rush to correct yourself– explain your weird sentiment in more detail but you end up just vomiting words until your voice is hoarse. 
"I mean– like– like it's not falling apart per say or whatever– I… the rest of my life is fine its just my relationship that's screwed. Which I guess I'm more worried about because it's gonna screw up all my other relationships for a while too– dang it, let me start over–" 
"Babe! Slow down. Breathe." Rob switched drinks with you and against your better judgement you took a sip. Oddly enough it did calm you down. "So… it's your fiancé, right? What did he do?" 
You stared at her trying to unscramble your thoughts. "He… I found out he was kind of... dating another person. After I found out, he tried to explain that he didn't think I would mind–" 
Rob barked, "let me guess: he didn't think you were exclusive? Pull the Main Chick, Side Chick schtick? Tried to claim 'polyamory' after he got caught?" 
Two and two clicked together at last. "Yeah… yeah, he did!," you scoffed, "and it's not like it didn't ever come up in conversation: we spent our third date talking out our, like, sexualities and fantasies and fetishes and shit. If he was polyamorous, wh- why wouldn't he have brought it up then?" 
"That is so fucked." 
You took a deeper draft of her wine, coughing before setting it aside. Up until now, you've been numb. Now there's this wave of anger boiling up to the surface and you hear yourself getting louder. Rob doesn't flinch but she does give you this look of empathy unlike anything you've seen before. 
"If he– if he would have just asked me, I would have told him it was fine. My family does shit like that all the time: nobody bats an eye! If he really thought I wouldn't mind, he wouldn't have been so freaking sneaky about it. He literally lied, Robyn!" 
You whipped around and for a brief moment you knew you looked crazy. "He said he was going out for drinks with his guy friend, but he was making plans to go to a baseball game with a girl I've never heard of! If he really thought I wouldn't mind, or if he 'thought I would understand,' then why would go out of his way to lie about who he was with?" 
Someone buzzed Rob's door and she left you on the couch momentarily, coming back quickly with two bottles of your favorite wine. "Damn girl, these are kinda bougie: Peach or Rosé?" 
"I--"you choked, "Robyn you didn't have to–" 
"Peach it is!" She unscrewed the caps and handed you the whole freaking bottle of white, downing the last of her merlot and getting a fresh glass for you. 
You felt a little guilty she had spent money on you. But then again it had been her choice. If she didn't want you there, Rob wouldn't have let you in in the first place. Maybe you were just a tinsy bit worried you shouldn't be here. 
You and Rob took a break from talking to put on music and get a little tipsy. It came much easier with the help of the Stella Rosa, though Rob initially complained it was 5.5%, she did get accustomed to the sweetness pretty fast, and after consuming half the bottle, realized it was a little easier to get carried away with a drink like this. She admitted it was her first time trying rosé and now she was hooked. Eventually you started talking again, just spilling your guts out with no filter anymore. 
"I really think I just hate myself," you said cuddling the cool glassware. "When I found out, I wasn't even thinking of it as a betrayal of my trust– it felt like I was trying to come to terms with it so I could continue with the relationship. Not because it would make me happy but because… I don't know… it's what everybody else wants me to do. They don't even know about it and I was fully prepared not to tell them even though they'd want me to marry him whether they knew or not." 
Rob barked a laugh of surprise. "Doh-K!" 
"Nothing, nothing…" she said, "keep going." 
You stared off into the middle distance and leaned into her side. She was a tiny bit warm despite her lithe figure. Made you want to throw your blanket over her shoulders and share your greater warmth. 
So you did (you're not great at acting out your desires but this is nice!)
"It's just easier," the words left your mouth unbidden, "I don't even know what that means, but it's true. I don't want to marry him anymore but I don't want to break it off. Not marrying Fiancé means disappointing my family. It means having to find an entire new man to marry sooner rather than later because I'm already 'behind' and lowering my already low expectations. 
"It's not gonna make me happy, but I just think it's easier to keep this wedding going because at least I won't have to find somebody new who might not be as good for me just because I didn't want him. Another man won't make me happy so there's no reason to drop him... except that I don't want him." 
Rob's brow furrowed. "Are you saying it's easier for you to please your family than it is to be happy?" 
"Yes? I– no, I– … I don't know," you sigh. "I guess you could say my priorities are a little… mismanaged." 
"Sure, you could say that." Rob wrapped her arms around your shoulders and you inhaled the scent of her soap and cigarettes. "What if you tried… like… not doing that anymore...? You just said you do whatever your family wants you to do. So, just like do what makes you happy for a change." 
It really does sound so simple the way she puts it, doesn't it? Why are you doing this to yourself? You're not dependent on them for money or security or happiness for that matter. So... why has your whole life been centered around pleasing them? 
"I think… I think I've never really sat down and thought about what makes me happy," you admitted. "I think it's just been that way forever and I might have been too scared to try anything else." 
Rob hummed. "Are you still scared now?" 
Are you? You look into her eyes and ask yourself a question that has never crossed your mind with such depth. You used to be scared– but what is it about your happiness that you are so afraid of? OK, let’s start a little simpler: what are things that make you happy? 
“I like…” you swallowed, trying to break down the barriers you’ve built years and years ago. “I like… coffee. I like… short skirts. I like… girls– I like… my job. I like… music. I think I’d enjoy camping, you know, some day…” 
Your words… these things seemed so arbitrary and trivial. But in your house, these things cause dissent. “My family has an opinion about everything. There’s no right way to live in all of their eyes, but I think I figured out a way to get past it. Keep my head down and do what’s expected of me. Graduate college, get a respectable job, find a man to marry, drop the job and become a mother. Just… don’t make waves. It seemed better because the cousins who didn’t or couldn’t… well they became the butt of every joke at the family dinner. Lisa had one miscarriage so she was a ‘failure’ and Don never dated girls so he was gay and that was ‘bad,’ but grandma Zelda did everything a good Christian woman could do and they still gossiped about her behind her back… 
“And I just… I just let their ignorance control me for my entire life.” God, you could cry right now, but somehow it just felt too good to say it outloud. “That.. that is so fucked.” 
Robyn snorted, and you turned to her as if you’d forgotten she was there. There it was again, that sympathy. Not pity, she did not burden you with tears of her own or try to be angry for you. She just listened and understood. You twisted the diamond encrusted ring on your finger and stared at her. You felt it, that feeling in your heart. No one else had given you that look, like she could really see you. 
“You’re not going back to Fiancé, are you?” Her question was equal parts worrisome and hopeful and you already knew the answer in your heart. 
And that was it. Decision made. Actually easier than you'd thought. Maybe not down the road but it felt good for now. There's the telling your fiancé it's over, the moving out, the public announcement, the inevitable feeling of failure, your family, god, his family too. Untangling your lives would be long and hard. You're not sure if you have that level of commitment and motivation in you but fuck it. Problems for tomorrow.
You rest your head on Rob's shoulder and hope your not pushing any boundaries. She doesn't stop you though, in fact she snuggles you deeper into her. You get the feeling she's been here before though your not sure which side or how bad it was for her.
"I like you way more in the few times I've met you than any man I've ever dated," you heard yourself say. "I'm sure that means something but I'm too tired to decide anymore. No tonight at least."
Rob chuckled. "I like you too, sugar."
If you made it this far, hi 💛 appreciate you, leave me a comment! Or just comment "💛"
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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Red Roses, Red Roses
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Rated: 16+ For graphic descriptions of violence and gore, brief mentions of rape, mentions of torture, mentions of abuse, and disturbing images.
~All the pretty girls, they find
A way to keep you on my mind
I swear I heard you singing along
Cities pass like candy stores
And you're the one
I'm looking for
And so
I'm just a boy
Who's telling a girl
That when I grow up I'll buy you a rose
When I grow up, I'll buy you a rose~
"Okay, but what is the proper plural form of Nephilim?" I asked from the back seat of the Impala as it drove through the winding roads from the bunker and into town. "See, 'cause ' Nephilims ' sounds weird. So, is it ' Nephili ' like ' octopi ', or could it be ' Nephilice ' like ' mice '? I need to know this, guys."
The car was silent. Sam, Cas, and Jack were all thinking over the answer to my question and Dean was just rolling his eyes in the mirror.
"Maybe-" Sam started slowly "-Maybe it's just 'Nephilim'. You know, like ' moose '?"
"Yeah, that kinda sounds right, I guess." I nodded. Dean laughed and shook his head, glancing at me in the mirror. "What?"
"Oh, nothin'." He waved a hand. "I just don't get ya' is all."
"Yeah, neither do I." I shrugged and Jack must have found something funny because he snickered. "But what is it that you don't get?"
Dean shrugged. "I mean, I know you get rattled; Felix scares you and I get that. But you just take  everything else  in stride! How do you do that? I just- I don't get it."
"I told you this, Dean. I'm good at hiding my reactions to things and if I can't hide them then I use them to gain sympathy from others." I glanced at Jack, catching his eye. "At least, that's what I do until I can really trust somebody."
Jack smiled a little and tugged me closer into his side. He had been acting sorta weird since we'd all piled into the Impala for the drive into town. Jack had wrapped his arm around my waist and held me tight against him, almost as if he was keeping me away from the trench-coated angel on my other side. He kept shooting Cas these weird glances and I couldn't help but wonder what they could be about. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought that Jack was being possessive.
Not that I was complaining about our close proximity or anything! Jack was really warm and winter in Kansas was, shall we say, not. Who was I to turn down free cuddles? Although those cuddles did kinda make me want to sink my teeth into him. He smelled so sweet and his skin looked so frustratingly soft. Maybe one of these nights I could sneak into his room and get a taste. That could make things better, I mean, half the torture of being around him was the curiosity of not knowing.
"And we're here!"
Sam's voice knocked me out of that potentially devastating train of thought and I followed Jack out of the car. Okay, ' followed ' is the wrong word. Jack pretty much just pulled me out of the car with him. He didn't let go of me. Weird.
The town of Lebanon, Kansas reminded me quite a bit of Copper Harbor. The main difference was that Lebanon was bigger... A lot bigger. The buildings were small and friendly, made of red brick and wooden doors and windows with glass that bulged out at the bottom. The streetlamps were iron and curled over the street as they should and there were planter boxes underneath display windows. The whole town just breathed in a way that said ' stay awhile '.
"It's Christmas time," I noted aloud, "I almost forgot."
There were colorful lights wrapped around poles and wreaths hung on doors with bells that jingled when they opened. There were even speakers placed outside that filled the air with all sorts of holiday music and I felt a smile split across my face as I started to sing along.
"Oh, no. Don't tell me you sing too," Dean chuckled as he held open the door of a discount clothing store. I was about to say something witty as a response but Jack beat me to the chance.
"She does! She sang to me last night," He said, smiling down at me. Dean raised an eyebrow, glancing at the acute lack of space between us. Jack noticed and let go of my waist.
"Oh yeah? And how was that?" Dean asked, smirking.
Jack's brow's furrowed and his head tilted as he eyed me like he was trying to remember something.
"It was..."
' Please don't say anything that'll get me dead! ' I pleaded silently.
"It was  magical ."
Sam, Dean, and Cas all shared a strange look, but before anything more could be said, the shopkeeper waltzed in from the back room.
Her silver hair was cut short and straight with the ends tucked around her chin. She was a short, thin woman probably in her late forties or early fifties with a not-a-hair-out-of-place sort of attitude. I would bet twenty bucks that her name was Christie spelled with a 'Ch' that she would be sure to remind us of. Click-clacking her way over to us in a pair of atrociously hot pink six-inch heels, the woman regarded us over the tops of her thick, rectangular glasses which hung on a chain around her neck. She flicked her eyes over each person individually in a way that reeked of silent judgment and when her eyes landed on me I was tempted to flip her off. When she was satisfied that she knew everything there was to know about us, the woman fixed a painfully fake smile onto her face and greeted us, speaking slowly like we were uneducated simpletons.
"Well, hi there all! My name's Christie with a 'Ch', you know, like in 'Christmas'? What are your names?"
Called it.
"Hey, Christie. I'm Dean, this is my brother Sam, standing really creepily behind me is Cas, and this one here is his son Jack." Dean pointed as he introduced everyone, sounding annoyed as if this was his tenth time meeting Christie which it probably was. "We're lookin' to get Marty here some warm clothes. Got anything, ah, petite?"
I shot Dean a pointed look to which he just smirked. It wasn't my fault he and his brother were so freakishly tall. In front of us, Christie ignored his request to do business and kept on chatting.
"Sam and Dean Winchester? I remember you, boys. Why didn't you tell me one of you had a daughter as pretty as this little vision? Is she yours, Sam? She looks a bit like you," She cooed, stroking my hair as if that was a socially acceptable thing to do. I almost bit her hand off but smiled instead. Her question caught Sam off guard.
"No, no. Marty's not my daughter," He chuckled nervously, shaking his head.
"Oh! My mistake. Is she yours, Dean?"
"What? No! O'corse not!"
I nearly smacked my face with my palm. Were these guys  trying  to look like kidnappers? Considering their age and the way I was dressed, oh yeah, this totally looked like a kidnapping.
Christie frowned and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her side. Jack reached for me but Christie pulled me further away, glaring at him.
"Oh, dear me. I shouldn't be calling the police on you boys now, should I?"
Sam and Dean glanced at each other, trying to come up with some sort of excuse and Christie was already pulling out her phone. A very Isaac-like idea popped into my brain. I rolled my eyes and huffed, pushing away from Christie.
"Ugh! Why do you guys have to be so weird about it? I mean, if you have to dress like child abductors then you could at least  try  not to act like it!" I turned to Christie, shaking my head. "Yeah, sorry about them, ma'am. It's a really long and scandalous story and you probably don't wanna hear the details, but I'm not being kidnapped, I promise."
Christie perked up at the mention of scandal, she was probably just itching for some juicy gossip to spread around at one of her knitting meetings.
"Well, I should probably hear the whole story just to make sure," She said, almost buzzing with excitement.
"Are you sure?" I baited, "It's pretty bad!"
"Oh, you can tell me, hon! I won't tell anybody."
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
"Alright, so long story short, my mom is Cas's aunt and she's a slut who cheated on my dad, who's a straight-up loser. So, he only found out that I'm not his just last week and filed for divorce within two days because he finally has an excuse to get rid of me now. Except, surprise-surprise, my mom never wanted me either because I'm a useless mistake and so they both threw me to child support which Cas here saved me from because he's a decent human being!" I finished my rant of bull crap and inhaled deeply. Christie had bought every word.
"Aw, you poor baby! You get a discount, sweetheart, and if one of your parents ever comes in here I'm gonna wring their neck!" She continued babbling as she led us through the store while Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack all stared at me like I had eight heads. I smirked at them and shrugged a little.
Five hours and six oversized bags of clothes later and we were out of that store. We crossed the street and collapsed on some benches outside a diner, remaining silent for a while.
"That was worse than Hell!" Dean complained, tugging his boots off and rubbing his sore feet. "If I had to hear that woman talk for one more minute, I might have slit her throat!"
The rest of us made noises of agreement. Well, all except Jack who just shrugged.
"I thought she was nice," He said, though he too looked worn out.
"That wasn't nice, Jack. That was prying," Cas corrected him.
"Yeah," I agreed, "I wasn't sure how much more crap I could spout about your aunt, Cas!"
"Yeah, um, speaking of," Sam cut in, "You had that whole thing pretty handled, Marty. Where'd all that stuff come from anyway?"
"I've been on my own since I was nine, Sam," I lied, lowering my head and picking at my jeans.
"I get that, but-"
" Since I was  nine ,  Sam ." I glanced up to see Sam's mouth form into an 'O' of understanding. I looked away again, quieting my voice. "I know how to make up excuses that people won't question."
"You are  quite  the liar, Martina," Cas spoke up with a tilt of his head. The way his words curled in on one another made it impossible for me to tell whether his statement was one of praise, suspicion, or both. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jack eyeing Cas, his lip curled in a scowl that looked unnatural when displayed by his gentle features.
I didn't look up at the angel sitting in front of me. A tight smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I tapped the pads of my fingers against my knees.
"You don't trust me do you, Castiel?" I asked, trying to keep my voice neutral. Cas sighed and shook his head; I watched Jack's hands clench into fists.
"No. No, I don't," He said, eyeing Jack's reactions as well.
"Why not?" I still didn't look up, feeling the angel's gaze shift to me.
"You lie so easily to others, and you do it very well. What's to stop you from doing the same to us?" For once, Castiel's tone didn't seem accusatory. He sounded truly curious and... understanding almost. His words were something close to gentle.
"Nothing, really," I answered honestly, "For five years, it was just  me . I had Isaac but I still felt  so  alone . I felt so small and scared and  purposeless . All I did was run and hide, it was like I was just waiting to die. So, when you guys offered me protection, I couldn't say no. I couldn't say no, even if I didn't actually need it."
"Didn't need it? What's that supposed to mean?" Dean asked, leaning his elbows on his knees. I shrugged.
"You guys saw a small kid getting attacked in that alleyway and you helped her out. You just made the same mistake that everybody does."
"And what mistake is that?" Cas pressed, squinting curiously.
"Thinking that small means the same thing as helpless," I took a deep breath, shaking my head, "It doesn't, and I'm not. I told you I was clever, you just never stopped to think about what that meant. What you guys don't seem to get is that I survived for  five years . I was just scared that if you knew then you would leave me there alone and I- I just couldn't."
"So, you lied to us?" Sam asked with a frown. I nodded.
"I did. I lied to you and I'm sorry."
"We wouldn't have turned you away, Marty," Jack said, softly grasping my hand.
"I think somewhere deep down I knew that. There were just these things I had to do to survive and I was so scared that if you knew about them, then you wouldn't want me. So, I lied. Because the only thing I could think about was how I just couldn't be alone anymore." I laughed in spite of myself.
Jack nodded solemnly before glancing up and getting distracted by something across the street. His face lit up as he let go of my hand and stood, bounding towards whatever had caught his attention. I didn't bother to watch him.
"Look, Marty," Dean sighed and shook his head a bit, "You seem like a pretty sweet kid and I like you, a lot. Now, I may not know everything about your past, but I know from experience that the only thing that can make up for your mistakes is trying your best to do the right thing now. I wanna trust you, Marty. We all do. But if you keep all these secrets, then we can't do that. So, can you promise us just one thing?"
"Name it."
"No more lies?"
"No more lies," I lied.
"Good." Sam smiled. "So, is there anything else we should know about you?"
There were so many things. None of which I could tell.
"Well, there might be one thing."
I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off by a flower being presented before my eyes. The flower was a rose and the rose was white. It was gorgeous and perfect, there wasn't a single flaw on any of the smooth petals and it was just one step short of full bloom.
There was a hand attached to the rose and I plucked the flower from his fingers, twirling it between my own.
"What's this for?" I asked as I looked up at Jack who beamed down at me the way I remember summer sunshine being like.
"It reminds me of you," He said simply.
"Why?" I chuckled.
"Um, because you said that you pretended to be innocent and helpless because you thought that nobody would want you if they knew otherwise. So, um, I-" He gestured to the rose's thorn-covered stem. "Well, t-this one has spiky-things on it."
"So, it does." I nodded, giggling at his strange explanation. Jack flashed me a grin and continued.
"At first, I thought it was just beautiful, like you, and I didn't see the spiky things until I picked it up. When I touched it, it hurt, but I took it anyway. See, it's still beautiful - even with the spikes - I still wanted it. So, I want you to know that even if you have spikes, I still want you."
Around. There was an ' around ' tagged on the end of that sentence, he just forgot to put it there. Right?
"Thank you, puppy. That was very sweet," I said, catching a glimpse of the flower cart across the street where he must have gotten it. The cart was unattended. In fact, the whole street was oddly empty. It was Christmas time, the street shouldn't have been empty, but it was and that gave me a very bad feeling.
Jack smiled so innocently it made me want to cry.
"You're welcome!"
"You paid for this though, right?"
Jack's face immediately told me the answer. "Is it not for free?"
"Nope, you stole it. You're criminal now," I joked.
"Oh." Jack frowned for a moment. Then he shrugged. "Well, when we grow up, I'll buy you one."
I had the chance to say something witty, so naturally, I replied with:
I mentally slapped myself. Of course, he says something cute and all I say back is ' cool '. My brain hates me.
I felt my cheeks heating up, so I ducked my head down. Deciding that we were in a shaded enough spot, I tugged the light-teal-colored baseball cap off my head. (I had been using it to hide my face from the harsh burning of the sunlight that drifted over the town.) The cap had a manatee sewn on the front and was one of the few things I had brought with me from my past life on the sunny shores of Florida. Laying the hat in my lap, I pulled my thick black braid over my shoulder and proceeded to weave the rose's stem into it loosely. Then, I flipped my hair back and smashed the baseball cap back on my head.
Meanwhile, the angel boy just smiled down at me as if he  hadn't  just said some of the kindest words I'd heard in five years. My cheeks felt like they were on fire and suddenly my shoes were extraordinarily interesting.
My attention was drawn away, however, when out of the corner of my eye, I watched Cas's back go ramrod straight. His head tilted to the side like he was listening for something, his eyes narrowing to one-quarter squint power.
"Cas?" Dean called to his friend. More like  their  friend, really, Sam and Jack were his family too. I guess I couldn't bring myself to call the angel my friend while I was lying to his face about everything I was.
"There are monsters somewhere here, I can sense them," Castiel said quietly. Jack stopped and tilted his head like Cas, focusing.
"I sense them too," He reported, glancing at me, "They're vampires." I sat up a little straighter.
"Put your shoes back on, Dean. You cannot rest while enemies are nearby," I said, smiling wryly and letting an edge of nervousness creep into my voice.
"How many are there?" Dean demanded, already taking charge.
Cas squinted harder. "Seven... Wait, no. There are eight."
"Where? C-can you sense that?" Sam asked.
"No-" Cas shook his head before turning to his surrogate son. "-But Jack can."
Cas sent a small nod to Jack who nodded back and directed his gaze upward, stretching out a hand. His eyes flicked into glistening gold and I could feel my hair stand on end as the air became charged with raw power. For a split second, I almost thought I saw the outline of feathered appendages sprouting from the boy's back. Then, Jack's eyes flickered back into their crystalline blue and I shook the after image away. Whatever I had thought I'd seen was gone before I could register it.
"There are two of them hiding in an alley about thirty yards that way-" He pointed to the left "-and there are five more. They're waiting for an ambush? I think? They're over there. In that really suspicious-looking grey van parked four cars down." He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder and I leaned over to glance at the car. Jack had been right, the van totally looked like it belonged to the mafia or something.
"What about the last one?" Dean pressed, his eyes shifting around to examine his environment. Jack shook his head.
"I-I don't know."
"You don't know?"
"I mean, I can sense it - I know it's here somewhere - but it's cloudy. I can't tell exactly where; it's like it's everywhere and nowhere at the same time."
Jack called the vampire an ' It '. Of course, he did.  It  was a vampire.  It  was a monster. What else does one call a monster? What else does one call  a thing  like that? After all, that's all  it  was; that's all  I  was. A  thing . Not a someone, not a person, not a  friend . A  thing . A  pest , a  nuisance , a  parasite  to be eradicated. Skrew all Jack's kind words and endearing actions; they didn't mean anything! He could never really love me back. It was only a matter of time before he realized that. It was only a matter of time before he started calling me ' It '.
' How long will that be, I wonder .'
I was pulled from my thoughts by a scream. It rang, high and sharp, and it echoed off the brick buildings.
"HELP! HELP ME!" A woman's voice cried.
"Max?" Jack whispered, his eyes going wide. I didn't know who that was and apparently, neither did Dean as he flung his strong arm out in front of Jack who began to sprint towards the sound.
"Who?" Dean demanded. Jack struggled to push past him but Dean wouldn't budge.
"That-that's Max! She's my friend! Those things have her! She needs our help!" He explained impatiently. Dean's face scrunched up.
"Wait, wait. Max? Teenage girl? White hair? 'Bout yea high?" The elder Winchester made a height comparison with his hand and Jack rolled his eyes.
"Yes! Now, come on!" Jack huffed.
"Oh ho! So that's why you're not going for abandonment issues over there?" Dean teased. Letting go of Jack, they started towards the sound of screaming. "Does Jack-Jack have a girlfriend?"
Jack stopped and faced Dean, confusion written across his brow. "Max already has a girlfriend."
The two dorks were brought back to reality when that Max girl screamed again.
Her voice was followed by another, a boy this time.
"That's Eliot!" Jack took off down the street at a full-on sprint. Dean, Sam, and Cas hot on his heels.
"No, no! Please, go on ahead without me," I muttered, sarcastically, "Save the damsel! I'll just... wait here then."
Huh. Max and Eliot. I felt like those names should be switched around, but then again, I go by Marty, so who am I to judge?
Out of nowhere, I felt a stinging pain in my shoulder. A syringe. I knew the feeling well. Before I could react, the pain suddenly doubled, rapidly spreading all throughout my body like a viral infection.
Dead man's blood.
I whipped my head to the left to meet an all too familiar pair of brown eyes.
"What's bouzzin' gousin?" An accented voice jeered.
Then everything was black.
The vampires were taken care of rather easily. Jack felt like a Jedi Knight as he suspended them in the air, stringing them up like the murderers they were. They didn't even struggle. Like convicts dangling from a hangman's noose, the vampires knew as soon as they saw Jack's glowing eyes, that their deaths were nigh at hand. Jack thrust out a hand and caught them in the pulsing rings of his grace, a sound like drum beats underwater reverberating off the alley walls. With a grin, the boy clenched his hand into a fist and the monsters splintered into not but dust.
With the threat eradicated, the glow in Jack's eyes flickered out and he turned to the high-schoolers who he considered his friends.
"Hello, Max! Hello, Eliot! It's alright, you're safe now," He chimed, nodding to each kid in turn and lifting his hand in greeting, though he refrained from actually waving it. Upon seeing him raise his hand, the kids shared a look of sheer terror and backed away. Jack frowned at their reactions, lowering his hand. "No, no! Wait, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you!"
Max and Eliot paused, trying to determine whether or not they believed him.
Unbeknownst to Jack, Max and Eliot didn't actually like him. ( After finding out about the supernatural, the teens were disappointed when the Winchesters refused to tell them more about spirits and monsters. Enter Jack, and his unfortunate lack of talent in terms of keeping his trap shut. ) Max and Eliot had only hung out with Jack once, and that was exclusive because they knew that he lived with the Winchesters. Against his better judgment, Jack had shown them a glimpse of his powers and though they thought his telekinesis was cool, the teens had agreed not to search the boy out again.
There was just something about Jack that unsettled them, frightened them,  terrified  them. Just like every other human who had seen what Jack could do; deep down, they were all afraid of him. Because he wasn't normal, he wasn't right,  he wasn't human .
"What did you just do to those guys?" Eliot asked, staring with eyes as wide as quarters. Jack thought it would be better not to answer that question.
"It's okay! They were monsters," He reassured.
"He disintegrated them," Cas deadpanned. Dean shot the angel a look. "What?"
"YOU DISINTEGRATED THEM?!" Max screeched loud enough to make Jack flinch.
"You didn't just, like, proof em' away or something?" Eliot added, a little quieter.
"Um, no. No, I didn't."
"Most likely, yes," Jack answered, thoughtfully, "I've never tried it on humans, though. But I would never hurt you guys, you're my friends!"
"You're really freaky, dude," Elliot said, shaking his head slowly, "And, like, not in a good way."
"I know." Jack hung his head. They were afraid of him. They hated him. He shouldn't have expected otherwise.
"I'm never gonna be able to un-see that," Max muttered, staring at the cement.
That gave Jack an idea, maybe there was a way to undo this.
"I know you're probably freaking out, but I think I know a way to make it better," He said, trying to sound reassuring.
"Nah, man. I don't want any of your freaky Aquaman powers used on me!" Eliot shook his head.
"No powers." Jack smiled despite how badly their words hurt. "I promise."
His stomach twisted with the lie, but they didn't need to know that. Max and Eliot shared another glance.
"Okay..." They agreed, hesitantly.
"I have a friend. Her name is Marty," Jack explained, leading them back to the bench where his family had left the girl. "She's right here!"
Except she wasn't.
That's when the Nephilim's phone rang.
It was a picture message. Marty sat unconscious tied to a chair in some shack. The text read:
"I really would hate to incur the wrath of the Winchesters, so consider this a ransom note. All you have to do is find her in time. Tick-tock. ~ Felix "
Max peered over Jack's shoulder.
"Hey! I know that place!"
"Welcomb back to the land of the livinc' where the livinc' are, in fact, dead!"
Okay, so she knew I was awake. I kept my eyes closed anyway and canvassed my new environment. Having grown up blind, I didn't need my eyes to see.
My hands were bound with zip-ties to the arms of the splintering wooden chair I sat in. The space around me was large but not cavernous as there was no echo. This was a shack of some kind judging by how the metal panels making up the roof clanged against one another in the wind. The shack was also dark to protect vampire skin from the sun, and in winter, no sun meant freezing temperatures. There was a weight covering my lap; someone had given me a blanket. I caught the scent of hay among other less pleasurable farm smells. I could hear the shifting of five pairs of feet surrounding me in a circle. This was going to be fun.
Opening my eyes, at last, I was met with the sight of a young woman around the age of twenty-two, lounging on a few hay bails. She was long, lean, and muscular with a round face displaying a crooked smile. I could see the end of a tie-dyed shirt sticking out beneath the fluffy black coat she wore. Her green and purple hair was chopped short in a punk rocker pixie cut that stuck out in at least five different directions. If I wasn't mistaken, a few of the strands appeared to be scorched on the ends. Her cheekbones were low and prominent and plenty rosy. She had full lips and a button nose that was home to two tiny diamond studs. The woman wore her dark green eyeshadow with plum-colored lipstick unapologetically. Her eyes, which were set deeper than most, turned down at the corners and sparkled with mischief. They were accompanied by thick dark eyebrows, the left of which had apparently gotten a third piercing since I had last seen her.
"Ah hah! So she  is  alive!" She said, her thick Dutch accent coating her words, "I was begininc' to worry that you had follen asleep... Again."
I shrugged despite my restraints.
"Yeah, well I can only sleep-in so long."
"You never were a morninc' person, were you?" The woman sighed, shaking her head. I watched her arrow-head pendant as it swung back and forth from her neck.
"And dat's why we're frien'ds!" She chirped.
"We're not friends, Elwyn." Okay, so maybe that was a bit harsh but it was better than pretending like everything was fine and dandy between us. Elwyn faked a gasp.
"You used my fuoll name! You muss be serious. Why so c'old,  mijn lieve ?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Spending five years as a walking corpse will do that to you," I answered, smiling thinly. "Why are you here, Elwyn? What's this act for? We both know that if I wanted to walk out of here right now, I could do so without a scratch on me. What do you want?"
"You might 'ave been able to woltz out of 'ere if you had a full tanc', dat's true." Elwyn nodded, in agreement. Then she tilted her head and frowned at me with pouty lips. "But you're quite weak now. I'm sorry, hones'ly. I t'ought dat you'd be able to 'andle dat much dead man's blood but you still look pale an' shaiky!"
"Well, I've always been pale," I replied, narrowing my eyes. Elwyn sat up, crossing her legs and putting a fist to her chin. Her brows furrowed and she looked at me with what seemed to be genuine concern for my well-being.
"How lon'g has it been since you fed,  liefste ?" She asked in a gentler tone.
"A little over two weeks," I answered honestly.
"Two weeks?! Nothinc'? Not even somethinc' piffy, like a ra'bbit?"
I shook my head and shrugged.
"Oh,  jij arme ding ! I know you ha'te it, but how could you do dis' du yourself?!" She cried, shaking her head in dismay. I looked away. Deep down I knew that Elwyn really did care about me, albeit in her own strange way. I was being harsh with her and that wasn't exactly fair. She was Felix's prisoner too.
"I more than hate it, Ellie," I said, speaking softer now, "But I just couldn't find a good opportunity. Besides, I can take it."
Elwyn rolled her chocolate-brown eyes.
"No you gan't, Mardina! Look at yourself! You're runninc' on foomes and it shows!" Elwyn huffed, her accident becoming more prominent as her emotion shown through. "Be hones'd wit me, dis is because of dose Win-kesters, isn't it?"
"Not exactly," I said, picking at a splinter on the wooden arm-rest. I knew the real reason and it was a stupid one. I mean, of all the ways to try to be better, starving myself to the breaking point probably wasn't the smartest. But I wanted to be good, pure. I wanted to be human. For him.
"Ah, I see." Elwyn smiled softly. "I was told aboud dat Nephilim boy, the rumors were wrong about him. I was watchinc' you two today; he's not a ragink' monster at all."
"No, he's not." I shook my head.
"He's a  zoet wezen , no?" Elwyn chuckled to herself, "Sorry, I don' know de word for it in English."
I nodded. The closest translation of her Dutch was ' sweet creature '. It fit.
"What's his name?" Elwyn asked without the slightest bit of hostility.
I smiled. "His name is Jack."
" Hou je van hem ?"
"I don't know," I said, shrugging. Elwyn smiled knowingly.
"Yes, you do. And if what I saw was any indication, he feels the same."
"No, he doesn't, Ellie," I sighed and gestured to the child body I was trapped in. "He can't. Just look at me! I'm just a sister to him and if he knew what I really am then he'd hate me!"
"So, dat's what dis is about." Elwyn nodded with understanding.
"What do you mean?"
"You t'ink yourself bad, so you want du be good for him. Dat's why you 'aven't been feeding," She explained, sounding matter-of-fact.
"Yeah, I guess so." I looked away.
"Well, das not good!" Elwyn leaned forward and cut the zip-ties that held me to the chair. Then she reached behind her and fished around a bit until she pulled her arm back and held it out to me, a blood bag resting in her palm. "Have a snack now and your  engel jongen  will never know!"
I glanced at it for a moment but it didn't take much to break my willpower. I snatched the bag from her hand and ripped it open, downing it like there was no tomorrow.
"You gan slow down,  geliefde.  I brough't more." Elwyn chuckled.
"You did?" I asked looking up.
"I had a sneakinc' suspission dat dis was goin'c du 'appen." She shrugged, tossing me another bag which I ripped into also. She reached behind her again, this time tugging around a small cooler full of the stuff which she pushed over to me. "I admire your willpower, Mardina. I don t'ink I'd have de kinda strengt for what you're pullinc'. How'd you do it?"
"Do what?" I asked, halfway through my second bag.
"Live with dose 'unters day in an' day out!" She exclaimed, "Esspecialy dat e ngel jongen ! Da kid smells like garamel chocolate! I envy your gontrol. How'd you stan' so close to him? I was eighty-feet away and I gould 'ardly gontrol myself!"
Well, at least I wasn't the only one.
"I gotta keep up apperences, Ellie. You know all about that." I knew I sounded guarded, but this subject made me uncomfortable.
"But you gould still get a taste. I know you gan make pepole forget t'ings."
I sighed, finishing my second bag and grabbing another.
"You know, Elwyn? You almost got me." I smiled, shaking my head.
"What do you mean?" She asked, feigning obliviousness.
"For a second there, I almost thought you were still my friend."
"I  am  your friend," Elwyn insisted, "I defied Felix for you!"
"Then you ran right back to him the second I turned my back."
"I had too," She spoke, her voice regretful.
"No! No you didn't! You  chose  too. You chose  him  over  me !"
" Hij is mijn vader !  Ik moest !" Elwyn cried. Tears brimmed in her eyes.
"I don't care!" I shouted back, "We were free! We both could have been free! But no, you chose to leave me all alone in the middle of the woods!"
"I knew you'd be fine," She whispered. I shook my head, pressing my lips together.
"No, you didn't," I growled. "Do you have  any idea  how long I wandered for?!"
"You made it out."
"Not in one peace. I lost things in there, Elwyn." I shook my head. "You left me there." Then, I let out a harsh, rasping, laugh and spat my next words. "And for what? To run right back into the arms of the father that never even loved you!"
Elwyn hung her head. " Het spijt me zeer.  I'm so sorry."
"You should be," I said, cooly. "Why do you always run back to him? And don't give me any of that ' he's my father ' bull crap."
"I don know. But what I do know is dat I am still your friend."
"Right." I nodded, smiling through tight lips. "Why are you really here, Elwyn?"
She took a deep breath, wiping away the tears that had slipped down her face, and looked up. "I game 'ere to save you," She said.
"Excuse me?"
"From dose 'unters!" She explained, "Felix told me dat you were with de Win-kesters and I begged him to let me c'ome rescue you. An' he said yes! He's so much kinder den he used to be; he promised dat he wouldn' make you do anyt'ing you didn' want to!"
Elwyn smiled at me and took my hand.
"Oh, yeah?" I scoffed, "Then what was that phone call, huh? What? Is killing my friend supposed to win me over?"
"Hey, I said dat Felix is kinder den he was." Elwyn sighed. "He's still Felix though. He was tryinc' to intimidate de Win-kesters into letting you go."
"I'm not being held hostage!" I insisted.
"But you are still in danger!" Her eyes softened, "Dey will kill you if dey find out what you are."
"I know."
"C'ome with me," She pleaded, "C'ome with me, an' Jack will never find out about you. C'ome with me an' he'll never break your heart."
I paused. Was there really any chance?
No. There was no chance. No chance that Felix could ever change. It was one in a million. There was no chance and  no choice .
"If you're really here to save me, then what's with your little posse?" The five other vampires had been unusually quiet for idiots of their caliber.
Elwyn shrugged. "In case t'ings get messy."
"We'll, then you better plan on things getting messy because I'm not coming with you," I said with a smirk.
"Why not?"
"Because Felix wants me dead, Elwyn, and that's not going to change."
The woman's face fell.
"I know you didn' mean to kill Madra," She whispered, gently. I shook my head and frowned.
"I didn't kill her," I hissed, "Felix killed his soulmate, not me."
"And he sees dat now. He knows dat it wasn' your fault, dat you couldn't gontrol it. He realises dat and he forgives you!" She smiled a little.
"And how many times did he have to beat you before he realized that?"
"C'ome on, Mardina!" She sighed, though I could see the pain her eyes hid. "Dis is an olive branch! Jus' take it!"
I shook my head and I laughed. I laughed long and loud and hard. I laughed like a girl gone mad. I had told Elwyn that I had lost something when she had left me in those woods, I wanted her to know what it was.
"No," I said. Then I stretched my bloody lips into a mad, humorless grin, "I don't want your olive branch."
"Why not? Its your best chance! Don you want peace?"
"Peace?  PEACE?! " I spat, "You know what he did to me, what he made me! You think after every thing he took away, that I would want  peace ? You think after what I did, Felix would offer me peace?"
"I don't want peace," I said, beginning the rhyme I'd heard when I was still alive, "I want war and I want my enemy's head hung like a boar. I didn't come for money and I don't want his crown, see, I've come to burn his kingdom down. So, come one, come all, to take a dance with the dead and stain the petals of the white roses red."
"Mardina, please!"
The other vampires in the room shifted, readying for a fight. But I was faster.
Launching myself from that splintering wooden chair, I threw my body forward towards the stack of haybales Elwyn had previously sat on. I had to jump to avoid the vamp that tried to grab my legs and that pushed me forward a little too much but it wasn't something I couldn't compensate for. Landing on my hands, I shoved my body up, and over the hay bales in a vamp strength enhanced backflip. I landed on my feet and flipped my hair back. The shed's door was in front of me. Sure, it was locked but the lock was only one of those slidey metal bars which are super easy to break and if I was going to fight five vamps at once, it would be wise to keep my back to the door that way I might be able to be thrown through the door and land outside instead of pushed into a dead-end wall. Also, if I was going to fight five vamps at once, I was going to need the proper tool for the job. Beside the door, my eyes landed on a tool rack. I spied my weapon of choice. This was going to be fun .
It was one of those weird four-prong rakes that I'm not completely sure is called a rake. A label on the shaft said it was a soil cultivator but I didn't care what it was called because I was fighting for my life. The four prongs were about five inches long and although the shed wasn't new, the equipment in there thankfully wasn't that old, so the four steel prongs were still wicked sharp.
I ducked, dodging the arms of another vamp before rushing for the tool rack. Another vamp sprang in front of me, blocking my way and I paused. This one had bleach-blond chin-length hair. I knew him. I remembered him from when I was in Felix's cage. This one's name was Boyd and he liked to touch things that didn't belong to him. I couldn't fight back then, but I could now.
"How's it goin', Boyd?"
"So, you remember me, do ya?" He jeered, beginning to circle me like a predator circling its prey. Little did he know, he was not the predator here.
"Oh, I remember you alright. See, Boyd, I'm not a good little girl-" He used to call me that, "- not anymore. I don't do what I'm supposed to. See, when it comes to bastards like you, I don't forgive and I most certainly don't forget."
"Well, I guess its a real shame that I forgot your name, then. You were one of my favorites!" He laughed, "Only thing I remember 'bout you now is how loud you used to scream."
I gave him a cold smile and lunged straight for his legs. Grasping his ankle, I twisted and pulled, sending him crashing to the floor. Then I lifted his leg, rolled over, and slammed my arm down on his knee. There was an ear-splitting snap and he screeched like an animal.
"Who's screaming now, Boyd?" I taunted. I sprung up and stomped down on Boyd's throat, crushing his windpipe. As a vampire, that wouldn't kill him which was good because I wasn't done with him yet. I was going to make him hurt. Why would I want peace when I could have revenge? Revenge felt good.
I rolled away when a red-haired vamp took a swing at my head. I bolted for the four-prong rake and brandished it the way you would a staff. The rake was long, about three inches taller than me, but I easily found the balance point. I spun it around in my hand as I circled the other four vamps.
"Mardina, we gan talk aboud dis!" Elwyn tried, grabbing my arm. I threw my head back and laughed.
"No, Ellie. We can't!" I flipped the rake over, using the blunt end to whack Elwyn upside the head with supernatural strength and speed. She was knocked out. "Stay down. You're not like them and I don't want to kill you."
The red-haired vamp ran at me again and I spun out of the way, flipping the shaft again and swinging it down as he passed me. Two of the prongs buried themselves in the base of the vamp's spine, judging by the position, between two vertebrae. He howled and tried to claw at my arm but I easily avoided him. A female vamp shrieked for her friend and lunged at me from the left.
I rolled my eyes. Pushing on the shaft of my rake I distanced myself from the redhead vamp and ducked away from the female's fangs. I reached out and grabbed her shirt, using it to pull her down towards me. I slammed my head into hers once, then twice to daze her. She stumbled as I let go and switched to grabbing the hair at the base of her neck.
"Night-night, cupcake!" I chirped. Then I slammed her face into my knee and tossed my weight over her shoulder, sliding my arm around her neck. I pulled backward.
That blissful crack was the sound of her neck snapping. Jumping up and using the wall to gain some momentum, I twisted the vamp's head all the way around. It was easy with nothing but tissue and tendons in my way. Her body dangled limp from where I held her by the hair, so I opened my mouth, letting my fangs extend, and I bit her head off.
The redhead vamp with my rake still stuck in him cried out and tried in vain to reach me again. It was pathetic, really. Grinning, I wrenched the rake upward, severing the vamp's spinal cord and pulling the prongs along with two of his vertebrae straight through his back. He fell to the ground, paralyzed from the waist down because two of his bones were missing.
Just as I was about to remove his dreadful cranium from his miserable shoulders, one of the other vamps jumped at me, managing to rake his grotesquely long fingernails along my back. I released no cry of pain as he tore through my skin before grabbing me by my shoulders and hurtling my body at the wall. My face slammed against a pole built into the metal siding as the rest of my body just hit the wall. I landed on the ground with a jarring impact that I was sure had broken a few things. But I couldn't feel the pain. I was too focused on my rage. I was seeing red, and for the first time, I welcomed it without fear.
"Not so tough now are ya?" He called out.
My body was broken and yet I stood. I felt invincible.
"I know I'm not tough," I laughed. I wiped away the blood that was dripping from my mouth and nose, looking up to smile pleasantly at the vamp. "But you wanna know what I am?"
"I'm insane, and that tends to make up for the rest."
The vamp charged me but I twisted around and Spartan kicked him into the wall. Then, using a few hay bails to step on, I vaulted into the air and brought the rake down on the vamp's head, piercing through his skull and embedding the prongs in his brain. The spray was a little gross but I didn't care. He deserved it.
"You're next, pumpkin," I called to the last vampire left standing in the room.
I crossed over to him and he managed to block my first two blows but then I smashed the blunt end of the rake into his face a few times and he was unconscious. I heard a groan and turned on my heel.
"And that brings us back to you, Boydie-Boo!" I cheered, stepping on the paralyzed vamp's hand as I passed him. I leaned over Boyd who was still on the ground, gasping for air. "Hello, sweetie. How are we today?"
All Boyd did was gasp and choke, he couldn't speak as his vocal cords had been stepped on.
"Aw! Did you get a boo-boo?" I pouted at him.
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Then I grabbed Boyd by the throat at lifted him into the air. He struggled against my grasp but could do nothing. He couldn't even beg.
"What's wrong, sweetheart? Can't you scream for me?"
He shook his head and spat at me. So, I threw him into a wall. Boyd fought to stand, using the wall to stagger upright.
"Come on, Boyd! Fight! Are you going to let yourself be beaten by a girl?!" I taunted him and pulled on the fear that was already constricting his mind. Revenge felt so good.
"You-you're not a girl," He panted, "You're a monster!"
I hummed, tapping my chin with my finger.
"I guess history will have to be the judge of that, now won't it, buddy-Boyd?" I dragged my rake along the ground, though all the blood of his friends. There was a wonderful metallic grating noise as the prongs scrapped across the concrete.
"Please don't! Please! I'll do anything!" It felt good to hear him beg.
"Unfortunately," I continued, "I don't think you'll be around to plead your case!" I hefted the rake.
"Bye-bye, Boydie-boo!"
I swung the rake upward with all my might and with a sickening crunch I rammed its prongs up through his jaw. I said I wanted him to suffer. Pulling him by the prongs in his face I brought his screaming form over to the tractor sitting at the back of the room. I rammed the shaft of the rake through two spokes of one of the tractor's wheels. All it took was the flip of a leaver to send the wheels spinning.
Turn, turn, turn and scream, scream, scream, then a nice snap, crackle, pop, and then suddenly, Boyd's head and body were two separate objects. I was very happy. Then, the random vamp I'd knocked out woke up and yanked on my hair, throwing me over his shoulder.
I tried to land on my feet but failed, tripping and stumbling backward. I landed on my back and scrambled to get up. As I did, I noticed the perfect white rose that Jack had given to me had fallen out of my hair. It lay on the ground in a pool of blood. Jack said it reminded him of me, of the way he saw me. Well, it wasn't innocent or perfect anymore. But neither was I, so I think it matched me better now.
The vamp rushed me and tackled me to the ground, pinning my arms to my sides as he snapped at me with his fangs out.
Bang... Bang!... CRASH!
The door burst open and light from the setting sun poured in, falling directly on the last vamp's face. He cried out and tried to scamper away, like a rat from a cat.
"It's about time! You guys are late to the party!" I shouted.
"Yeah, sorry!" Dean said from the doorway, "Who would've thought there were so many old sheds in this town!"
I didn't get a chance to reply.
I felt the air prickle and spark, charging with a tambour of power that I recognized but had yet to experience to this degree. I turned my head in time to see Jack, eyes glowing gold, passing by Dean with his hand outstretched. Golden waves of energy shot from his being with a sound like drumbeats from the depths of the sea. The waves caught the fleeing vampire and time around him slowed to a crawl. He was lifted into the air and revolved to face his reckoning. The Nephilim's lips tugged into a cruel grin as he saw the fear in the vampire's eyes.
Suddenly, the pulses of energy stopped and the vampire was flung towards Jack, landing face-first in the dirt at the boy angel's feet. Jack knelt down, his expression seeming to consider the trembling, pathetic thing in front of him.
"P-please!" The monster managed to choke out. "Mercy!"
Jack looked up at me, his eyes soaking in my bloodied face. Apparently, that was all it took. Jack's eyes hardened and he turned back to the vamp.
"You. Hurt. My. Friend."
Jack grabbed the vampire's head in his hands and started to squeeze. The vamp screamed as the pressure increased until his skull just couldn't take it anymore. There was a crunch and a wet sucking noise as the vamp's head collapsed in on itself. I liked that sound.
"That dude's still alive," I said, casually jabbing my thumb at the red-haired vamp I had paralyzed. Jack turned to where I had pointed, ready to squeeze another brain out of its shell.
"Jack!" Cas called from behind him. "No!"
The Nephilim scowled at Castiel and I admired the rage I saw in his eyes. This wasn't my Jack but I liked this version just as much. No, Jack wasn't human, was he? He was more like me than I'd thought. Jack snapped his fingers and the red-haired vamp crumbled into dust. The sight was actually sort of pretty.
When Jack turned to look at me his eyes were completely soft and full of concern. There was my Jack.
"Are you afraid of me now?" He asked in a whisper.
"No," I replied flatly, shrugging my shoulders, "Why would I be?"
"I killed them." Jack hung his head. "Right in front of you."
"Am I supposed to care?" I smirked, hoping my voice didn't sound as harsh as I thought it did. I was just barely beginning to come off my rage-induced high. Jack eyed me with confusion and relief.
"You're hurt," He observed, moving over to me.
"Me? Nah! This is nothing." I gestured at the bodies scattered around the shed. "You should see the other guys!"
"Stay still." Jack placed his soft, gentle, hands on my face to examine my injuries and I felt a warm tingling as he healed them. "There. I fixed you." He whispered. It was more to himself than anything but I still heard it. It made me laugh on the inside.
Yeah, no. Nothing could fix me. I was broken beyond repair. It was my insanity that held me together. Does that sound like the sort of thing that can be fixed?
"Thanks, Jack-Jack!" I chirped, smiling brightly at him.
"You're welcome, Marty," He said quietly. Jack's eyes flicked down, focusing on my lips like he wanted something but wasn't sure how to ask.
"Um, M-Marty?" Sam's voice broke whatever spell the two of us had been under and I glanced over to him.
"Did you, uh," Sam pointed to the carnage surrounding us, watching me with weary eyes. "Did you do this?"
I shrugged, jabbing my thumb over my shoulder at the tractor. "Yeah, mostly. But the tractor helped."
"I'm guessing the tractor did that?" Dean pointed to Boyd's head with its jaw still run through with the prongs of the rake. I walked calmly over to the severed head, grasping it by the hair and pulling it off the prongs before returning with it back to the boys. Sam, Dean, and Cas all stared at me with eyes as wide as quarters as held up the head.
"Dean, this is Boyd," I said, keeping my tone as sweet as possible.
"Say hi to Boyd."
"Uh...Hey, Boyd..."
"Good." I grinned as if I was holding a puppy instead of a severed head. "Now let me tell you about Boyd. Boyd liked touching things that didn't belong to him. He worked for Felix and Felix liked hearing little girls scream and cry. So did Boyd. Boyd was very good at making little girls scream and cry, little girls like me. Weren't you Boyd?" I asked the mutilated cranium in my hand. I moved the severed head up and down in an enthusiastic nod, holding it by the hair as if it was a marionet.
"You were very good, yes you were!" I cheered. Then, like the flip of coin, I snapped my focus back to the Winchesters, wiping my face and tone clean of all emotion.
"So, I used a tractor to rip his head off because he deserved it and now he won't ever make another little girl cry ever again. Right, Boyd?" I asked the severed head. I grabbed the head's bloody, splintered jaw and clacked it's teeth together like you would a ventriloquist dummy. "You bet your britches!" I made the head answer, mimicking Boyd's voice.
"D-did he-" Sam stuttered. I flicked my gaze back to him, allowing all three to see the harshness in my eyes.
"Whatever you're thinking, the answer is probably yes."
I turned to Dean. "What?"
"Put the head down."
I dropped Boyd's severed head.
"Come here." The hunter opened his arms and I faked a sob before accepting the hug. "You weren't gonna tell us about that, were you?" I shook my head. "It's okay, sweetheart. You're safe now."
"Thank you for not throwing me away, Dean," I said softly. The elder Winchester chuckled.
"Don't thank me, Marty. After all, how could we throw away someone so Bad-Ass?"
"Am I awesome now?" I asked.
"You were always awesome."
I laughed and the Winchesters trusted me more than ever. Their mistake.
"Dean, that one's moving," Castiel called our attention over to Elwyn, who was just waking up.
Jack was quick to react, sending a golden blast of power to throw her against the wall where he kept her pinned.
"Wait! Wait!" She cried, "I didn' 'urt Mardina! I swear!"
"Do you work for Felix?" Dean interrogated, pushing me behind him.
"He's my fah'der but I'm not like him! I want du 'elp her! I jus a messenger!"
"Whaddia say, Sammy? Should we shoot the messenger?" Dean asked, keeping his cold eyes on Elwyn.
"No! Please!" Elwyn begged, tears slipping down her face. "I didn' 'urt her!"
"You know, if we shoot the messenger, Dean, it sends one Hell of a message." Like his brother, Sam could turn on the killer inside him like a switch.
"Felix is in Floree'ida, okay? Dat's all I know, I swear!" And it was all she knew because Elwyn had never had a backbone. There was no strength in her.
"Guess its up to you, Marty," Dean said, turning to me. Elwyn looked at me with wide pleading eyes. I regarded her with ice in my own. No second chances. Monsters don't get second chances, I know I never did. I knew I never would.
"I'm your friend, Mardina! Tell dem I'm your friend!" She pleaded. I shook my head.
"You only cared about me when Felix wasn't looking." I was almost shocked by how apathetic and passionless my voice sounded. I watched her without compassion. "You were never my friend."
"No!" Elwyn screeched, "No! I 'elped you! I 'elped you when dey beat you!"
"But you never tried to stop them."
"What?! No!" She sobbed. I smiled at her slightly.
"Go tell Madra I'm sorry."
I sent Jack a nod and with a snap of his fingers, Elwyn was nothing more than flecks of grey drifting to the ground.
Turning around with a sigh, I could feel the eyes of the four others as I bent down and scooped up the rose Jack had given me. I cradled the precious flower in my hands, watching as the blood dripped from its petals in big heavy gobs. It had been perfect once. It wasn't perfect anymore. It would never be perfect again. Or perhaps it could be, just not the right way. Because the blood was oddly beautiful with the way it stained the petals and pooled in the center of the rose.
"I can get you another one," Jack spoke up, "And I'll pay for it this time!"
I turned back to him, smiling down at my little rose.
"No, its okay, Jack. It's a crooked kind of perfect. I think I like it better now."
~All the pretty girls, they find
A way to keep you on my mind
I swear I heard you singing along
Cities pass like candy stores
And you're the one
I'm looking for
And so
I'm just a boy
Who's telling a girl
That when I grow up I'll buy you a rose
When I grow up, I'll buy you a rose~
Lyrics from: Buy You A Rose by AJR
(Author's Note: You may or may not have figured it out by now, but Martina Imogene Linville is insane. MARTY IS NOT THE HERO OF THIS STORY. SHE IS NOT A GOOD PERSON. Marty also had Borderline Personality Disorder before she went insane. So, even at her most stable points in this story, she is not to be trusted. Remember, she manipulates peoples emotions. She makes them feel what she wants them to feel. Any other character's actions may or may not actually be their own. Please keep this in mind going forward.)
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bright-whump · 3 years
hey there, nonnny from a few days ago that led to your lovely little rant (work kept me away). yeah abuse can carry into adulthood, women can abuse people. it's a thing. and people are complex. you can have MIXED feelings about people. it's complicated. people are COMPLICATED. it's not black and white. but people be doing that sometimes....it's like chvrches says in their new song, killing your idols is a chore. when we put people up on a pedestal and make them wholly one thing (ie jessica is perf and doesn't do anything wrong) we overlook the abuse she does commit, doesn't erase the abuse she experiences, but it erases the depth of her as a person. doesn't mean you can't still appreciate parts of her and understand her. and still feel bad for our precious little whump boy malcolm. because it's not ok how he is treated. when you erase abuse, there's no chance for repair, reattunement, and recovery.
also, yes, i love your fics. please keep them coming (secretly hoping that you'll finish some of the oldies too). i literally came back to tumblr and ao3 for this show lol
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so tempted to put this in the tag but the only thing it'll get me is suicide baiting anons unfortunately. It needs to be read but none of them are willing to read it, and especially not to actually read it and understand what it says.
This is completely correct, and I hate that it's so goddamn controversial once again in a fandom where the main character is abused continuously on screen, they just love to be a nasty little YouTube comment section of middle schoolers about how he deserves it, why it's okay, how abuse builds character or is funny/a meme, all the other shit. If the show does come back, and I've mixed feelings on it (as in, I don't want it back if they're going to continue to cut Gil and JT completely out of the show to force Malcolm and D.ani--and Gil and Jessica tbh--to have as many scenes as possible together while forcibly removing all other friendships/relationships and allowing them no other interaction with anyone else. That's not the way to write relationships. You don't take away everything else from the character and then plop their love interest in to what would normally have been other character's scenes, such as Gil asking D.ani for some reason to go check on Malcolm as if he would EVER not do it himself. I want more scenes with JT and Malcolm and Gil and Malcolm and I want everyone to stop treating him like a fucked up dangerous useless worthless person like they did in S2, which only encouraged the fandom to do the same.) I would do my absolute best to interact with it as least as possible, only on AO3 and with the people who I trust not to post shit like that. It so many times, so many times, nearly ruined the show for me, because it was so triggering and felt so unsafe. More than a few people genuinely tried to ruin the show for me, and a group has still, to this day I've recently found out 11 months after last contact, been trying to harass me/get others to harass me (and Zoe, we have been their favorite targets since mid-2020 but apparently they've been telling people she's at least slightly less evil than me lmao) into leaving it entirely.
Thank you so much again for your compliments 🥺💕 I have probably one of my favs posting tomorrow (although I did also post a very sad one today lmao) and oh yes, I've got some plans to try and update some things, TBD if it will happen but I'm pretty hopeful. I love love love that you messaged me and made me feel at ease for a little reminded that there ARE people who understand out there, even if so slim in this fandom, and if you ever wanted to DM! They are open!
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shiberpostshere · 4 years
The Kiss Thief - Park Seonghwa Social Media AU
13. Chapter Nine: Mega big brain boy ✨
Previous Part✨ Next Part✨
Masterlist of the AU✨
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Yesterday was wild. It was truly wild personified. Your friends and Seonghwa's friends mingled together to create, as Yeosang kept mentioning, chaos multiplied. 
Despite the loud talking, heavy eating, after-dinner meeting and dramatic goodbyes under the influence of alcohol, (No one has yet confessed who switched Cola with Alcohol. Hence, the appearance of bold Jongho) the time spent was the most fun you've had since college life began. 
It was fun but it was tiring staying up late.
The only thing that occupied your mind today was the thought of comfortable sheets putting you to sleep in your bed.
Currently, you're thinking about the same but with different emotions, specifically regret. 
"Why are you making a face like that? This is the fourth time you've zoned out today." Seonghwa's question pulls you out of your trance. 
You two wrapped the daily studio teaching a few minutes ago and the next occupants of the recording studio showed up when you were leaving. As Seonghwa conversed with them, you decided to text Yeri, who delivered you the news, shattering your napping plans. 
Why today, of all days, today I forgot my key? 
You rub your eyes and place the phone in your pocket. "You've been counting?" 
"Well, you're the only person here I am supposed to pay attention to. So yes, I've been counting. What's up?" He asks as you two begin walking down the stairs. 
Groaning, you push your hair back into an aggressively tight ponytail. "I forgot my dorm keys, I wanted to nap but now I need to pretend to study in the library while I complain loudly in my mind." 
He raises a brow, hands fishing out car keys from his pocket. "Why don't you just drink your deathly beverage? Doesn't it keep you all buzzed and active?" 
You stop in front of the building entrance with a smug expression. "Oh, my deathly beverage for which I attended the beverage addiction convention?" 
Looking down, he shakes his head. "Do you want to grab something to eat?" You expected a snarky or teasing remark but what is delivered surprises you for a moment. 
"Together?" The thought of just the two of you sharing a meal is enough for your heart to beat a little faster than usual.  
The time spent in the studio mostly consists of him correcting mistakes and answering your confused questions.
The initial embarassment is only subtly present. His playful comment are mostly absent when he's explaining what Hongjoong has already well explained to you. His presence is comfortable.
When among your friends there's always someone (mostly Mingi) chiming in now and then but this is the first time since you've met that you'll be spending time with each other. 
Frankly, you also don't know how to act around everyone with him when even sneezing is considered giggling. You two haven't exactly acknowledged openly about your high school crush on him other than easy, playful conversation you two engage in quite a lot, whether texting or talking. 
"No, we'll be sitting on seperate tables." He begins walking towards his car. You had half-expected an answer like that. 
"Really? That sounds great, at least I don't have to put up with your nagging." Arriving by his side, you comment with a side eye. 
He offers you a deadpan expression. "Didn't you listen to what Yeosang said? I'm actually that clueless. That open discussion about me, remember." 
"Are you really? I have receipts of your messages admitting how you find my reactions 'cute'." You tap your pocket, contaning the source of evidence, your phone. 
The confidence comes when with him without you having to muster up any.
Seonghwa unlocks his car, a small hint of smile on his lips. "Okay, let's continue this conversation while eating." 
This boy. 
"Are you really that unphased? Are you really that clueless? Teach me your ways." 
He opens the door to the passenger's seat. "I'll feed you instead." 
You place your hands on your chest, followed by a dramatic expression. "Wow, you're amazing at deflecting." 
Seonghwa places a hand on his hip and that's your cue to get inside before losing your free meal ticket. 
You'd rather eat with Seonghwa any day instead of pretending to study at the library with droopy eyes.
After a ten minutes ride to a small and cozy restaurant, you two are seated in the chatter filled environment with two servings of soup in front of you loaded with vegetables, meat and noodles.  
He arranges the spoons for both of you.
"Better than greasy food that will make you more sleepy." He sips a spoonful and an instant satisfaction takes over his features.
You chuckle. "Oh my god, you're really a mom material---" The comment is instantly regretted as you taste the refreshing soup, enough to widen your eyes. 
He slurps the noodles and then turns to you with a victorious smile. "You develop motherly instincts when you hang out with children." 
"Children?" You're listening to him but the soup definitely has a majority of your attention. "Oh, you mean the guys?"
"All the seven of us are uniquely handful," The smile is still ever present on his lips. 
Even though you haven't spent much alone time with him, you can still detect the warmth filled, selfless nature he had back then and still has it within him now.
That was one of the main reasons you were attracted to him. 
Okay, not now (Y/N), let's not make it awkward. 
You take a big bite of the juicy, broth soaked meat. "You're still as initiative and kind as I remember." Speaking with much difficulty, you hold up your hand in front of your lips, "But I think something went wrong somewhere and you developed the quality of enjoying making fun of innocent girls like me." 
He offers you a tissue with his trademark, unphased expression. "I am actually that clueless." He shrugs. 
You snatch the tissue and wipe the corner of your lips. "Yeah, sure." 
He laughs at the look on your face. "What? You can't take a little teasing from your senior?" 
You throw up your hands in false frustration. "Oh my god, stop asserting your age kink!" 
"It's not a kink!" He says defensively. 
"Yes, sure. Mingi is Mingi but you, you are something else!" You say the statement, knowing that he understands the meaning behind it and begin sipping the remaining broth.
He too, downs the broth in one shot. "What am I?"
There it is, that amused and knowing glint in his eyes and the smirk he's attempting to hide. 
"You're..I don't know, whatever. Seventeen year old Seonghwa would never do this to me" You bite your tongue after delivering the statement.
He crosses his arms below his chest. "Seventeen year old Seonghwa was actually clueless." 
You point a finger at him with an exaggerated smirk. "Ha! You are basically saying that twenty-one year old Seonghwa isn't!" 
He places his head on his hands, shoulders shaking with gentle laughter. "(Y/N) if you keep reacting like that, do you really think I can stop?" 
Your expressive gesture shrinks. "You know what, I understand now." You hold up your hands in defeat. 
"No, don't stop now. We are finally opening up and talking." He gives you an encouraging nod. 
"Oh, don't trick me now. My eyes are about to roll back into my head." Your fingers undo the ponytail to let your hair breath. 
Sleep has abandoned your senses long ago but only now you realise how energized you're feeling.
"Fifteen year old (Y/N) would never." The innocent face of his doesn't do justice to the way he is speaking. 
"Hey!" You protest.
Wow, I sure react to everything he says. 
"Fine, fine. I'll stop now but If it ever gets beyond the limit, tell me." He assures with an honest expression. 
God, you cannot be teasing one minute and be kind the other, no, don't do this Park Seonghwa. 
You huff out a sigh and lean into your palms. "It is harmless anyway but you're too good at it and sometimes you are something else."
He mirrors your posture. "Yes, (Y/N), so tell, What am I? What is something else?" 
Your face falls into your palm and you hear his soft chuckles. 
Not again, Park Seonghwa, not again. 
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Pairing: College Student! Seonghwa x College Student! Female Reader
Genre: Fluff, A teeny tiny bit of smut with a pinch of angst
Synopsis: High school crushes are often silly and forgotten. However, you cannot forget the one senior, you "borrowed" once a kiss from. Years have passed and it's a memory you laugh at but what will happen if you're to encounter the same senior in a much different setting and situation? Especially during your first year of college.
A/N: He make fun of you, he tease you but mostly importantly, he feed you 🙏🏻
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! 💫
@enigmaticsal @stardusthyuck @missiopk @preets-kpop-world @rae-woo @sanisms @retrofuture-ism @jiyeons-closet @hongjoongsnoona @seong-hwa1998 @dreamie-deonghwa @veeeenus4 @mochibabycakes @vhschs @kokoboxp
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fydream · 4 years
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44 | previous | next | m.list | main m.list |
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a/n: hi yes! another differently formatted chapter! word count is 2.2k, so it’s not that long. also this semi-proof read sorry (meaning i did proof reading and editing while writing it but i didnt give it one last over view.. again, sorry) hope u like it! :D 
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You sigh as you swing your legs back and forth from the countertop you were sitting on. Currently, you, Renjun, Chenle, and Jeno were all at Hyuck's house hanging out. Your sigh catches the attention of Renjun which prompts him to ask "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing." You say, trying to brush it off.
He furrows his eyebrows. "It's not nothing. If it's bothering you this much why don't we talk about it?"
You pout at him, hoping he'll pick up a sign that you don't want to, but still he insists that you tell him what's wrong.
"Well.." You mumble. "Jisung said he wanted to talk to me tonight.."
"Sorry, what?" Renjun asks. "I didn't hear you."
"Jisung said.. he wanted to meet up to explain everything." You say, a little louder this time.
"Jisung what?!" Renjun exclaims, getting the attention of everyone else in the room.
You sigh in defeat as you watch Jeno tense at the name of his ex-friend.
"What's this about Jisung?" Jeno asks.
"Nothing." You mumble, trying to find something else to talk about.
"No no, it's okay. I won't be upset." Jeno reassures. "What about Jisung?"
"He wanted to clear up a few things with me." You answer, glancing at the clock propped up on Hyuck's kitchen wall.
Donghyuck seems to notice how fast your eyes move and asks "Tonight?"
"Yeah. In like an hour or so actually." You confirm.
"Are you sure you want to go?" Renjun asks you.
"Well.. yeah. I kinda want an explanation."
"Are you sure?" Chenle asks. "Like, one hundred percent sure?"
"Yeah?" You nod, confused on why they seemed so concerned with you meeting up with Jisung again.
"Why?" He asks.
"I literally just told you why." You answer, annoyance prominent in your voice.
"Okay." Chenle says, backing off, hands raised in defense.
"Do you, uh, need a ride?" Donghyuck asks, hoping to clear the air a bit.
"Yeah, sure." You agree, hopping off the kitchen counter. It takes him back a little, he wasn't expecting that kind of response, especially that quickly.
"Oh, uhh, now?" He asks as he watches walk towards his hallway.
"Uh, yeah?" You say as he looks at his two friends and his boyfriend confusingly. They shrug in response. You can hear Chenle say "Hey man, you offered to drive. Not us."
You pause in between the end of the hallway and the entrance to the kitchen to watch the four boys start to quarrel.
"Jeno, you'll come with me, right?" Donghyuck asks and Jeno shoots him a look.
"Are you insane?" Jeno responds. "I don't wanna talk to him."
"You're not going to talk to him. Y/n is."
"Okay, then I don't want to see him."
"Fine." Donghyuck scoffs, before turning his head to look at Renjun and Chenle who were already saying no.
"What are you gonna do?" He asks them.
"We're gonna watch your house. Duh." Chenle responds.
"Actually. They're gonna watch your house." Renjun corrects, pointing at Jeno and Chenle. "I'm going to watch Chenle."
"Whaaat!! That's not fair!" He protests.
"I trust Jeno more than you." Renjun retorts back.
Donghyuck sighs in defeat. "Fine. Just don't do anything stupid." He says, turning to walk towards you and you can see the three boys cheer behind him. It causes you to giggle, and Donghyuck is just happy you're happy.
Once out of his house and into his car he asks you where you're going. You tell him not to worry and that you'll just give him the directions on how to get there. It only worries him more.
"I dunno y/n. It seems kinda sketch."
"Listen I know you don't trust the guy, but you trust me, right?" You ask.
"Then trust me, that it'll be okay."
"Okay." He sighs. "You lead the way."
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"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Donghyuck asks as you step out of the passenger seat to his car.
"Yeah. I'm sure." You sigh.
"Okay.. Just. Call me if you need me. I'll be nearby, okay?"
"I'll be fine, Hyuck. Don't worry."
"Whatever you say.." He mumbles before rolling up his window and driving away.
Walking to the only other human like figure around you, you start to wonder if Jisung is really worth your time. Sure you missed the time you spent together, all the hours in the library studying and having stupid debates over the simplest things like, the best ice cream flavor, or how to write the number eight. Yeah you missed it, but was it really worth going back to? You could do these with anyone, even the new friends you've made so far this year. But for some reason, it was different with Jisung.
Maybe it's because you did like him. Or maybe it's because he was really different from your other friends. Yes you love Hyuck, and Renjun, and Chenle to death but it was nice having someone else to talk to, someone who didn't know everything about you, someone you could make different memories with.
"You came.." He says. It's not loud, but it's not quiet either. It's enough to snap you out of your thoughts though.
"Yeah." You nod. "I wanna know.. the truth. And only the truth."
"Do you promise to believe me?" He asks.
You don't respond for a second, you just stare at him with a blank face. You can tell that his eyes are shaky and you can't tell if he's about to cry or not.
"I don't want to make a promise I can't keep."
Needless to say, you could practically feel Jisung's heart shatter.
"Okay." He nods. "Where do you want me to start?"
"I don't know? The beginning?"
"Oh.. Right." He mumbles. "Well um.. You- You see.. It started like- uhm- like."
"So are you gonna tell me or are you just going to keep stalling?"
"I mean. I can wait, I do have all night for your information." You spit, crossing your arms. "Do you? Or do you have another date planned after this? Y'know, one where you lied to another other girl too?"
"I- What? I don't have another 'date' after this.." He defends. "I've.. I've been alone for the past month and a half.. What are you talking about?"
"So I've heard."
"Look." Jisung sighs, you notice that he looks tired. "I don't wanna fight. Can we just start over?"
"Okay Park Jisung, we can do whatever you want." You scoff. "Hi! I'm y/n l/n, I came to have a conversation. Are we going to have one, or not?"
"You want me to start at the beginning?" He yells. "Fine then! I'll start at the beginning. I'll tell you whatever the fuck you wanna hear!"
"It's true! In the beginning of the school year I was bored and was looking for someone to date. But then I met you! And you were different!"
"Oh yeah? Well I bet you tell that to every girl you meet!" You yell back at him.
Ignoring what you said, Jisung decides to continue. "For some reason something clicked with you. I don't know what it was and I don't remember when, but something just clicked. You really were different. I started enjoying your company a lot more and everything just felt right.. around you."
"This is bullshit." You mumble before turning to walk away. Part of you didn't want to leave because you knew what he was talking about, something clicking. The other part of you decided that this was probably all a lie. "If he's lied to me before he'll do it again." You think trying to convince yourself to leave.
"I'm sorry, Jisung." You sigh. "I really want to believe you, trust me, I do. But you've told me things before.. and you lied to me about them. So who's to say that you aren't lying to me right now?"
There's no response. He just looks at you and you can see the small bits of hope leave his eyes. "Okay." You sigh with a nod before turning to leave. You get pretty far away when you hear him yell your name in attempt to get you to stop walking away from him. "Before you go.. can I please just tell you something?"
You let out a tired sigh. "What is it?"
"You don't have to believe me." He starts. "But you remember that night we spent together? The one right here? In this exact spot?"
You nod. "You mean the night that you lied to me?"
Your words sting, but he decides to continue anyways, trying his best to not show how much that hurt him.
"I meant everything I said that night.. All those words I said were true y'know.." He whispers. "I miss you."
"I miss seeing how your eyes lit up.. And I miss seeing your smile.. I still see it every now and then, but it's not directed at me and it just hurts. I miss our silly disagreements and how we'd drag them on for what felt like ages. I miss driving you home because even though they were silent drives I felt safe and comfortable with you there. It didn't have to be loud like when I drove around with my other friends. I miss the little dates we went on, and ye-yes you'll never hear me say it again but they were all dates. I miss that day at the mall.. before everything went down. Do you remember?" He asks.
You nod again. This time it's smaller and more subtle.
"Y'know.. That's the day I started realizing I liked you." He admits.
Closing your eyes you whisper, "Stop talking."
But he doesn't listen. He just continues.
"You were playing some dumb game.. I don't remember if it was a claw machine or ski ball but it was something.. You were so focused. You even stuck your tongue out a little.. you got so into it."
"Stop talking." You say again, louder this time.
"You looked so pretty.." He sighs. "And you were so excited when we raised enough tickets to get a bag of candy for ourselves. They kicked us out because we sat on the air hockey table, remember? I don't know if they'll ever let us back in there, but it was fun while it lasted." He laughs.
"I said stop talking!" You practically yell, turning to face towards him.
"Why?" He asks, giving you a sad look.
"Because I don't want to remember that day." You sigh.
"Why?" He asks again.
"I don't wanna say why."
He takes a step closer to you. "You can tell me anything."
You sigh in defeat.
"Did you feel it too?" You ask him and he nods.
"So you know?"
"I do."
"Then why do I have to say it?" You ask.
"Because if you say it, then it's like you're accepting the truth."
"I don't like how you know what I feel." You mumble to yourself as he takes another step closer.
"What if I don't.. say it?" You ask.
"Then just give me a sign." He says.
"Do you miss me?" He asks. By this point the sun has gone done, and if weren't only you two here you probably wouldn't have heard him.
You nod. "I do."
"Are you mad at me?" He asks.
You nod again. "I am."
"That's okay." He says. "I understand."
This time, you take a step back.
"Do you wanna be mad at me?"
Instead of responding this time, you ask, "Why do you get to ask all of the questions?"
"I never said you couldn't ask any." He says while you shoot him a glare.
"Okay then." You start, deciding you were going to play this little game with him. Taking a step forward you ask, "Why did you choose me?"
He shrugs. "I dunno. You were new."
You scoff at his response. "Predictable."
Thinking of a better question to ask him, you say, "How can I believe you?"
"You can't." He responds. "You just have to trust me. Do you trust me?"
"I do."
He nods.
"Do you trust me?" You ask him, breaking the pattern you two have created.
"I do." He says, echoing your answer.
You nod.
"So.. What now?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"What do we do now?"
"Ah." You sigh. "That's what you meant."
"Well.. Yeah." He says. "I don't know if you know this but.. this is the closet we've been ever since.. what happened. Yet it's still the furthest we are from each other."
"Can you just shut up, for once?" You ask, voice playful in tone.
Jisung hears it and he gives you a small smile, liking the sudden change in atmosphere. "I dunno.. Will I?" He jokes.
"You're silly." You say, while a smile starts to form shortly after.
"..Can we start over?" He asks, and you can tell he's being serious.
He looks scared. Nothing like the same boy who you saw just a second ago, the one who was starting to be comfortable with you again.
"I'd understand if you didn't want to. Or if you don't want anything to do with me anymore after this. I just thought.. it'd be the right thing to ask."
"Do you promise not to break my heart?" You ask.
"Only if you promise not to break mine." He responds with a smile.
"No promises." You say, grabbing his hand and interlocking it with yours.
"Hey!" He exclaims. "You can't do that!"
"Yes I can. I just did."
"I'll take this as a yes then?" He asks, a giggle following afterwards.
"Yeah. You can take this as a yes."
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✰ how to be a heartbreaker
↳ so what happens when park jisung, the school’s infamous fuckboy runs into the new girl at school? out of boredom he decides it’ll be fun to have someone new to play with, but little does he know, she’s learning how to be a heartbreaker.
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shra-vasti · 4 years
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Series : To all the boys
Type : non idol au, ex-lovers au
Genre : angst, drama, fluff, romance
Warnings : mention of self harm but not of reader and not detailed just a vague mention.
Word count : 1.5k approx
Synopsis : You decided to write some letters to every boy who was a part of your past as your last message after getting diagnosed with chronical disease.
[Received, 06.10.2020] | previous | next
"Can you girls like, please sit down?"
You approached the group of girls standing at the corner of the stadium, as you were student's council president.
You were currently holding a sports event and while various sports were being played for the finnale there were also many other students who just came to enjoy watching the games.
A teacher approached you and Jane and asked you to help the other student quite down instead of making a fuss so here you were asking everyone to sit in their respective seats instead of roaming around the stadium.
"If this ain't the Y/N and Jane themselves."
You smiled slightly at Yuna while finally settling into one corner of their supposed group.
"The teachers are yelling at us for not being responsible enough to handle the event well, you guys want my head off do you?"
Yuna laughed at you shaking her head no, others laughing along telling that they have been just hanging around cause they got bored.
"No not really but there was a time when I wanted your head off though."
You raised your eyebrows at her turning your whole body towards her. You couldn't figure out if she was just joking or was serious about it.
You rolled your eyes as you motioned them to go back to their seats but Yuna stopped everyone along with you.
"I'm telling the truth though."
"Oh you are? I wondered what I did for you to feel that way for me."
You weren't even feeling slightest bit of anger or resent or any sort of ill emotion towards her, you were just amused.
"What were you guys talking about being all serious before we came?"
Jane started to avoid the conversation.
"Talking about my breakup with Seokmin."
Yuna shrugged smiling slightly at the memories, it had been just months since she broke up with Seokmin and you figured she didn't want to go back anytime soon.
"You two were so good together, why breakup?"
"He started becoming a distraction to me y/n I needed to do that-" she smiled in your direction but before you could say something she continued, "-but I don't have to worry about him though, I know he'll crawl back to you once he comes to his senses."
"Crawl back to me?"
You and Jane laughed loudly but dropped once you noticed she was serious.
"Yeah cause he likes you."
"The way he cut his hand due to heartbreak you cause him, you're saying that he likes me? Do boys move on that soon? I didn't think Seokmin is like that."
You could clearly feel your heartbeat at the thought that Seokmin actually had feelings for you but it felt wrong cause he had just broken up with his girlfriend.
"Who said he started liking you after our break up?"
You crossed your arms across your chest, shifting your weight on your other leg and give her a confused look.
"Then since when he has had feelings for me?"
"Well ever since 6th grade, I remembered he had told me at the start of our relationship that you were the first ever person to own his heart and I was really jealous that it wasn't me."
"Oh is that so? What made you think he'll crawl back to me though cause I am just his casual crush while you were his first girlfriend."
Yuna smiled at you.
"The night after yours and Chan's incident, after you went home, I could clearly see him being all worked up and I never said anything about it but watching him still get so worked up over you made me curse at you in front of him and he really got angry at me for the first time ever in our one year of relationship and I felt really bad."
"Did you breakup because of that?"
Your eyes widened in shock feeling a sense of burden that you may have been the possible reason for his breakup.
"No I didn't do it because of you but some circumstances arose that I needed to do that, I know he still has feelings for you, he told me your were a part of him and no one could ever replace you not even me so I'm begging you please take care of him from my side when he will come to you."
With that she patted your shoulder and went towards her seat with her other friends following close behind.
You looked towards Jane accusingly and she gave you a confused look.
"You hang out with Seokmin a lot and you never knew about this?"
"How would I know if he didn't tell me?"
"I don't think this is true to be honest."
"Lets confirm it from Eunwoo, he is Seokmin's best friend after all."
Before you could reject her not so awesome idea she grabbed your hands and dragged you towards the boy who was busy managing other students.
Jane tapped his shoulder and he turned around to face you.
"What's up?"
Eunwoo smiled ruffling your hair a bit and you swat his hand away patting your hair to keep them in place.
"Eunwoo, Seokmin likes y/n?"
"Yah why so straight to the point?"
Your eyes continuously travelled between a determined Jane and shocked Eunwoo.
After few seconds Eunwoo faced you before gently grabbing your hand and take you towards where Seokmin was with Wonwoo, Mingyu and Jun.
"Seokmin! Can you come here for a second?"
Seokmin excused himself, making his way towards you and Eunwoo.
He looked at you before his eyes landed on your and Eunwoo's intertwined hands making his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"Why are you two holding hands?"
"How's your hand now?"
You dodged his question as you pulled your hand away from Eunwoo's, looking at him.
"It's fine."
"Seok, y/n wants to ask you something."
"What is it?"
Eunwoo smirked before he made his way towards the boys leaving you and Seokmin alone. You gulped trying to find correct words, it felt so awkward to ask him about his crush on you when he had just broken up from his relationship.
"I had a talk with Yuna earlier and she told me that you had a crush on me before and I didn't believe her so she told me to ask you directly so here I am."
You scratched the back of your neck awkwardly as he stood there looking at you.
"She's right, I did like you ever since we were in sixth grade when we used to sit beside each other."
"You used to sit beside me? I don't even remember and why didn't you tell me about it before."
He laughed at that making you confuse.
"That's the thing y/n, you didn't even know my existence untill you wish me on my birthday this year and that too you did because all of your friends did, I was madly in love with you and I knew I would never have a chance with someone like you, you're out of my league so I always admired you from afar and then eventually made up my mind that nothing can happen in-between us and court Yuna but that ended terribly too."
He laughed at the last sentence ironically.
"You should've just told me, you never know what we could have been."
You shrugged nonchalantly not paying much attention to your words.
"Is it too late to see what we could've been?"
He raised his eyebrows expecting your answer as you thought for a moment.
"It's never too late."
You smiled widely at him when you noticed his eyes widening due to shock and a hue of pink crawling on his cheeks and ears from being flustered.
"I didn't know you would agree so easily."
"Well I'm a bit spontaneous and I wouldn't like to just wonder what we could've been, instead I would try to experience what we could've been honestly."
He laughed finally getting a bit relaxed in your presence before nodding his head.
"I'll text you tonight."
"Sure, now go back to your seat and tell the boys to do the same otherwise the teacher will have my head."
"Wouldn't like that to happen I still have a lot to know about you."
You waved him off grinning at him as he winked at you and made a run towards the other boys successfully shooing them off to their seats. You started walking back towards Jane shaking your head.
"What did you talk with him?"
You stopped in your track when you heard Wonwoo's voice behind you making you turn around towards him.
"None of your business."
"Come on now, is he your next target after Chan?"
You glared at Wonwoo and he just smirked at you tucking your hair in its place which had come out since Eunwoo ruffled your hair.
"Seokmin isn't someone you would play with Wonwoo, he's too naive and innocent and someone you would want your forever with."
Your words made Wonwoo narrow his eyes at you, he took few steps closer to you standing few feet away.
"You are catching feelings for him?"
"Nope, but I do want to know more about him."
"Know about him? Sure, go ahead but that's supposed to be it okay? Don't fall for him."
You rolled your eyes, hands across your chest and you eyed his posture up and down.
"And who are you to tell me that? Keep your distance Wonwoo your girlfriend won't like me getting so much of your attention."
He huffed, hands going inside his pocket as he looked at the ground before once again making an eye contact with you.
"Don't worry about Yena so much, you want to spend time with Seokmin do it, he's a good guy, if you want you can date him but don't fall for him."
With that he left you alone with your mind full of thoughts and heart beating loudly in your chest. You breathed deeply feeling frustrated that he still had such impact on you but you knew better than to fall for his charms.
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Reader is traded to a band of pirates in return for the safety of her village because of her plant magic. They are not like she expected, much more like her than she could even imagine in fact. This is a journey through their relationships and the high seas they sail on.
♡ pairing: superm x fem!reader, superm x eachother
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ? |
♡ series warnings: blood mention, injury mention, swearing, anxiety, death mention, depression, weapons, mxm
♡ series genre: romance, smut, angst
♡ series rating: Mature
♡ word count: 2261
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter four: ice cold
Baekhyun returned with the entirety of the main crew whom you'd met, all of them taking a seat on various lower bunks, avoiding you beside Taemin, while the captain stop at the doorway. "It seems that hiding information was not the correct course of action. It was meant to soothe you rather than cause more harm." Jongin began slowly, watching your reaction carefully. "How could I be happy on a boat like this with a bunch of pirates? You took me from my home!" You huff, what kind of stupid logic was that. "Well, we were looking for you to complete our crew." You stared at him blankly, "What do you mean complete? How am I supposed to fit in here?" Jongin smiled, "Well if you stopped interrupting me, I could tell you." You snapped your mouth shut and he continued, "Good girl, now as I was saying, you were sought after rather than just randomly taken. All of us, in this room, are like you, we each have a power." What? How could that be? You were cursed, did they meet the same fate? You were nearly bursting with questions but you figured he would explain more if you said nothing. "Baekhyun is water, Taeyong is animals, Lucas is metal, Ten is fire, Mark is crafting, Taemin is light, and finally I am weather." You looked at each of them as Jongin listed off their powers, eyes landing back on the man speaking in the end. "Our powers are quite helpful in our trading business, it's the reason we all have such odd hair as well."
Not able to hold it back anymore you blurt out a question, "Ok, but what does that have to do with me? And I'd hardly call you traders your pirates for fucks sake." Jongin smirked. "You are the eighth person with powers such as ours. For many years we were under the impression there were no others until we heard rumour of you. I'm sorry that we took you from your home but I have a feeling that you didn't have many ties there other than, based on your power, a garden." It was annoying how accurate he was in his analysis, and the stupid smirk on his face made it more annoying since he knew you couldn't say anything. "As for trading, we have different ways of going about our trading, but we trade with mostly other pirates anyway, on pirate ports. We simply don't wait to trade for valuable or rare things when we could just take it from those who are not pirates." You narrow your eyes, "So you're looking down on everyone who isn't a pirate? You think you can ruin peoples lives just because?" Jongin shook his head at your words, "We would never steal from a good person or someone without much to give. Think more like kings and palaces that have many jewels for no reason, we simply take them away to be used." You scoffed, it was a stupid excuse, but they were pirates so you didn't expect them to see how wrong it was. "Regardless, I didn't want to come." You snap. Mark rolled his eyes and gave an annoyed sighed, "That's why we just took you dumbass."
"Mark." Jongin shot the smaller man a sharp look, which silenced him immediately, leaving him pouting like a puppy. "It's unfortunate that we had to take you, but there wasn't really a way for us to ask you to join, we have a reputation to uphold." You shook your head in disbelief, they were really going to brush it off just like that. "Y/N, I know it's hard to understand but we all have our reasons..." Taemin said, his hand still rubbing gentle circles on your back. You sighed, at least they were being honest now but you still felt angry about the situation. "It's not home yet, but hopefully you find yourself able to relax here eventually. I'd like to tell you to not go anywhere alone, I trust the men in this room, but the rest of the crew can be, less pleasant." Jongin said, bringing your attention back to him.
"This will never be my home, this is a prison. I still hate my magic and I still hate it here. I still hate all of you." Your sharp words filled the room with ice. "That may be the case, but maybe we can teach you more about your powers and you could hate them less." Baekhyun said, sadness lacing his voice as he looked at you. Regret bubbled in your heart despite your minds protest. "Regardless of everything, you are here now and we will keep you safe and healthy while you're with us." Jongin said firmly, then he called for Mark to leave with him, leaving you with the five other men in a very uncomfortable silence.
"Taemin, could help me up on my bed please?" You asked softly, thoroughly exhausted by your tears and the conversation. Your mind was racing with all the information, trying to process it and sort it out in your head. "Of course." Taemin said, standing and interlocking his hands and offering you a step up onto the bed. Once you are on the bed, you pull the blanket over your body and curl up into a ball in the farthest corner. Everything about this situation is hurting you, and none of them seem to understand that.
You listen to the hushed whispers of the crew after they assume you've fallen asleep, you can tell they are talking about you because you hear the words 'plant' and 'girl.' Tears fell from your eyes as you curled even deeper into yourself, you didn't want to be here anymore, not on this ship, not on this Earth.
When you woke up the next morning the cabin was empty save for Ten who was sitting on Marks bed reading a book. You sat up, wrapping yourself in the blanket. "You're up? Do you want to get food?" The maroon haired man asked you, his voice gentle. Shaking your head you laid back down and stared at the ceiling, listening to the door shut behind Ten as he left to get food for himself. After a few moments of quiet, you sat up once more and carefully hopped off the bed. You thought of last night when the captain had told you not to leave alone, but you couldn't stand to be in the room any longer. Pulling the door open you headed to the main deck, finding it almost empty since most of the crew was eating. You walked straight to the edge of the ship and leaned over the side to watch the waves crash against the boat.
The ocean had always scared you, even before you'd been cursed. You avoided it as much as you could when you'd lived on the island, never learning to swim and spending your time as far inland as you could while still doing your work. The ocean was loud and dark and vast, a never-ending abyss of huge waves, dangerous storms, and creatures unknown. And now here you were, in the middle of that horrible ocean, staring into the darkness of the waters and feeling the salty air chill as the clouds ahead turned dark. You leaned farther over the edge stepping on tiptoe, the mist of ocean spray covering your skin. Breathing in deeply you lean even farther, nearly unbalanced as the ocean looms ever closer.
"Y/N!" A voice shouts your name and you are yanked away from the edge of the ship in a hurry. You scramble to pull out of the grip of the person who is holding you, but they simply turn you in their grasp. Lucas' dark brown eyes stared into your own as you relax in his hold now that you know it's not a random crew member. "What were you doing you could have fallen in?" Lucas sounded genuinely worried about your safety and you felt like a small child being chastised. "I was just thinking." You said softly, looking away from his eyes. Lucas sighed, "You aren't supposed to go around alone anyway, you should have come to the dining hall to get one of us. You knew we were there." You huff, "Wouldn't that still be going somewhere alone? Where's the logic in that." Lucas stares at you a moment before he begins to laugh. It's a loud and boisterous laugh that has you trying to conceal the smile that is twitching at your lips. "Well, let's get you to Baekhyun, it's his turn to have you shadow him."
You sighed, not looking forward to it. Baekhyun had sounded so sad last time you'd seen him and you had a feeling that would carry over to today. You shouldn't be so concerned for one of the men who kidnapped you but you couldn't help it. Following the tall man, you reached the captains quarters where Lucas knocked lightly. You heard shuffling in the room and then the door was opened by Baekhyun who was doing up the buttons on his shirt. His eyes flitted to yours for an instance but you saw the sadness that they held. "We are headed to the maps room today, checking our distance for the next port." Baekhyun said plainly, then started walking away quickly, making you run slightly to catch up with him. It was silent as you walked, observing the blue-haired man as he walked ahead of you. He held himself with confidence and a sense of power, his shoulders set and head held high, subtly commanding the respect of those around him.
You soon reached a small room with a large desk in the center, that was covered in many pieces of parchment and some strange objects you didn't recognize. Baekhyun gestured to one of the chairs that were in the room so you sat in it while he moved the things on the desk around. We should be nearing port in the next day or so, so I need to make sure we are where we should be." He explained, but there was no real emotion in his voice. You sat quietly while he used the strange tools and held them against the maps, comparing lengths in ways that made absolutely no sense to you. Baekhyun made no attempts at conversing with you, and it wasn't in the way a person would when they are overly focused. It was an empty drawn-out silence that you hated. He must be really upset about last night... Your heart twinged at the thought. "Baekhyun?" You tried cautiously, but you were ignored. "Baekhyun?" You said again, a bit stronger but still no response. "Baek-" - "Y/N I don't want to talk ok?" You snapped your mouth shut, feeling hurt by the cold words.
The rest of the day was spent watching Baekhyun check the map and then following him out onto the main deck while he made sure everyone was doing what was needed to prepare for docking the next day. He hadn't spoken a word to you since he'd said not to talk, and you'd given up on trying since the silence hurt less than the words did at least. In the evening it was mealtime again, but you still didn't want anything, the day with Baekhyun had only added to the turmoil inside of you and made your appetite disappear. You tried to go to the room but Baekhyun had given a stern look before nodding his head towards the table so in the end you were sitting at the table beside Taeyong and Jongin at the head as usual. Taeyong had apparently lost at seat picking since he ended up beside you, you could hear him mumbling under his breath when he'd sat down.
You focused on your hands in your lap during the meal, picking at the skin around your nails. "/N? Y/N!" You looked up at the person saying your name and found Ten waving his hand in front of you. "You haven't eaten today." He stated plainly, "Not hungry." You answered simply, returning your gaze to your now bleeding cuticles. "Come back to the room with me then, we have an early morning together." Ten said, standing up and walking towards the door. You must be shadowing him tomorrow, so you got up and went after him. He led you to a room you hadn't been in yet that was filled with bandages and had a simple cot in it. "Hands." He said and you held them out to him. Ten made a clicking noise with his tongue then grabbed a roll of cloth and wrapped each of your fingers with it. "There, now you won't make them any worse." He said returning the leftover cloth to a shelf. "Thanks..." You said softly, feeling embarrassed by having someone care for your injury
Ten turned on his heel and exited the room, so you did as well, making your way back to the bunks. Ten gave you a step up onto your bed before heading over to his, but before he got up he removed his shirt putting the smooth expanse of his skin on display to you. You felt your cheeks warm as you watched the muscles in his back move, quickly turning your head when Ten had jumped up on his bed and turned to face you. "Sleep well." You heard him say softly before the room was enveloped in silence.
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watch-grok-brainrot · 4 years
it's the 28th!! there is not much time left of the year, is there? i'm gonna send you a couple more asks than usually probably, just for the sake of it. to get out things like this before the reveal where i'm gonna get back into being a shy introvert idiot!! so i've been playing my new game, ghost of tsushima, and it's!!!! good lord, the graphic of the game is stunning (for the most part, the horses look a bit weird sometimes but still cute) and the main character is such an interesting character? basically jin sakai is a samurai, the opening scene is a battle where almost eighty-or so samurai die. his uncle, lord shimura, who raised and trained, him is captured by the mongol leader kotun kahn. jin gets saved by a thief called yuna, she rescues him after the battle when she looks for things to steal from the dead bodies. when jin wakes up he basically gets his armor back with yuna, she sold it to a merchant in order to buy medecine, he goes straight to the castle where they keep his uncle. as you would expect, he doesn't succeed. instead he gets thrown off a bridge, it's fucking high and even jin doesn't know how he survived that fall. (we also get some flashbacks every now and then, apparently his father was killed protecting his people and jin blames himself because he was a coward who was too afraid to fight (he was a fucking kid and i-). so the game goes on and we help jin fight against the mongols and free the people of tsushima, he makes allies for when he takes back (his uncle's castle i believe?) the castle where his uncle is being held. which i already did by now, so the next step is getting back this other castle, (jin's castle? or his uncle's? it's from one of them) the description says that "whoever reigns the castles reigns the island," so this is kinda bad. 50% of the time i'm really just trying to figure out the fighting system with jin's hidden weapons (ajksks it's a bit complicated but i think i've got it?) and idk questioning what honor means. that's a big topic of the game. at the beginning of the game we get a flashback, his uncle asks jin what honor means. he replies with "his father's words," so his uncle asks again. jin's reply is "protecting people i guess, those that cannot defend themselves." but then later the game tells us that the things he does is not deemed honorable, which is probably a cultural thing? he attacks from the shadows if necessary, if it means saving the lives of the people he wants to protect, to take back his homeland. but his uncle teaches him that only cowards strike from the shadow, that's it's dishonorable and not something samurais do (which is probably correct idk). so yeah maybe this game is making me questioning what i think honor is and to what extent honor is worth someone's life. if it means tossing honor and tradition aside and instead saving a life, isn't that worth it? isn't that the most honorable thing you can do, putting your pride aside and saving a life? it kind of reminds me of red dead redemption 2, where arthur keeps questioning what morality means, what loyalty is. they're outlaws, they kill people but their motto is "we shoot people who need shooting, we feed people who need feeding." and "vengeance is an idiot's game". rdr2 is about a found family falling apart, realizing that maybe they don't fit together. about morality, loyalty, love, righteousness, forgiveness and the consequences of one's actions. gots is about a lot of these things too, so maybe that's why i'm so fascinated with these games.
i know i'm rambling and you probably don't care but.... i don't often get to ramble about this so please, bear with me. when i say rdr2 is about these topics, then i mean that arthur goes through a lot of bullshit. the game keeps telling us, even at the beginning, that arthur is a very mentally unstable person who has a lot of issues, his anger being one of them. we know that arthur acknowledges that because he talks to one of the girls in their gang, i think it was either mary beth or tilly, that (when you go around and kill people) he feels like he's going crazy. he's questioning why he keeps letting his rage take the better of him. lets just say this boy has some serious issues. (not saying he has almost zero self esteem but maybe i am saying that) the closer to the epilogue you come, the more you see arthur questioning himself, his life, his family. arthur is not a good man, he knows that, but he's not a bad one either. he's just trying to survive in the world that he was thrown into when he was barely a teenager. the only life he has known is being an outlaw but he realizes that he cannot continue this path, it's not possible anymore. his gang his being hunted from every side, the only way out is going north and he knows they're being expected to go there. dutch van der linde is basically his dad, together with hosea, and arthur is his obedient watch dog and errand boy. until he isn't. arthur does a major development throughout the game, from not doubting the man who raised him to openly standing against him even at the cost of his own life. arthur is.... it's hard to explain because there are so many little moments where he grows and questions himself, his worldview and who he should put his trust into. bluntly said, arthur gets sick at pretty much the start of the game, we just don't know it and neither does he. but when he knows, the little changes he has over the course of the game get bigger and more apparent. he's running out of time, he has been since a few months and it helps him realize what he wants. helping people, it makes him happy even if he doesn't want to admit that, so that's what he does. righting, or at least trying, his wrongs even if he knows that people won't forgive him. that maybe he doesn't deserve to be forgiven, it's still better knowing that he tried to make up for his past actions even if it's too late. arthur is.... he's doing the right thing by the end, well if you go with the good-arthur version if you go with the bad-arthur he is still kind of better than his past self. to summarize it a bit, dutch goes kinda crazy. micah (another gang member) spies for the agents hunting them at one point and manipulates dutch, making him even more greedy and angry and the man really lost his mind after hosea got killed. dutch has always been the one more questionable out of the two of them, but he had a codex he followed. he forsakes this codex even if he doesn't realize it. he keeps on killing and killing and killing, dragging innocent people into this and putting his own men in danger. arthur snaps, realizes that maybe dutch isn't the person he thought he was. i'm really dragging this out aren't i? arthur and john, his brother in all but blood, together with john's kinda-wife abigail, their son jack, sadie and a couple of other gang members flee at the end of the story. because they realize that this is not a life they want, that dutch has changed since they first met him and that he's not the man they used to know. and it's really hard to explain but arthur's ending hurts. it hurts so much but it's the exact moment the game built up to, his death.
this is part 1/2. will answer on pt 2. 
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Out of love: Part 1
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Ethan Freaking Ramsey
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey × Rina Carrera
Warning: ANGST:O slight NSFW
Authors Note: Hi, hope you are having a lovely day! I am a little nervous I have never posted fanfic before, but have decided to get out of my comfort zone. Hope you enjoy!💗
Special Shoutout: Thank you @uncertified-bisexual you helped me so much! This literally would not have been posted without you! You are an AMAZING human being!I am so glad to have you as my tumblr bestie!You are seriously a beautiful GENIUS!
Tag list: @jlpplays1 @lapisreviewsstuff
@sparklinglilac @justhereforfanfiction @cdg03
"ETHAN" Rina screamed in frustration. Ethan aggressively raised his hand silencing her. "Dr. Ramsey". He corrected coldly, trying his best to remain emotionless even though he felt his heart breaking even more. They had been fighting about everything lately...out of anger...out of frustration...out of love? Ethan had spent many restless nights trying to figure out which. Everything had changed since Naveen made Rina junior fellow on the diagnostic team. Their relationship or what ever they had ended. It always started with a comment or two different diagnosis of a patient, but no matter how it started it always ended the same... personal. What neither one of them knew was that this one was gonna hit them ten times harder.
"I'm tired of fighting with you. I'm so tired" Rina whispered as she leaned up against Ethan's cold kitchen island.
"You say that as if I was the one that came to your home at ten o'clock demanding an answer to a stupid question"!
Rina felt her anger, all her anger toward him that she tried to keep at bay, boil over. "You know all those times you said that you weren't who I thought you were, I kept believing in you and for WHAT to find out that you are just a cold bastard that doesn't give a damn about anyone except himself and his career".
"What... I stopped our whole relationship because of YOUR career Rina"!
"Yes, but you took away my choice." She took a cautious step toward him placing her hand atop his. "What about what I want, who I want? I'm a grown woman I can make my own choices".
Rina leaned closer. She felt relief pass through her body. She had broke his walls agian. She ghosted her lips across his and felt his warm breath flutter across her face...that was all too soon replaced by a cold rush of air. She opened her eyes to see his face that held the same emotions that it did in Miami.
She sighed "Not again Ethan". She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She knew that she looked awful her makeup probably ary, but it was nothing close to how she felt, embarrassment, anger, and heartbroken. "Please don't make me go thought this agian".
She was meet with silence. After a moment of building up enough courage, she looked over to Ethan. His ocean blue eyes giving his longing and sadness away.
"I'm sorry Rookie".
Her anger over taking her hurt, she grabbed her phone and made her way to the door. Her hand pausing on the silver doorknob when she felt a tug on her pant leg and heard a small whimper. She looked down to see Jenner bitting her jeans in attempt to keep her there forever. She bent down and scratched the dogs head. Being an older dog Jenner was stubborn and had no intent on letting go.
"Let her go Jenner". Ethan whispered.
Rina looked up from jenner and looked Ethan dead in the eyes and replying.
"Like you did"?
The hurt in Ethan's eyes was evident but she didn't regret it, he deserved it. With that she scratched Jenner's head once more before lightly tugging her jeans out of Jenner's mouth.
"Bye baby". She said looking at jenner but both her and Ethan knowing who she was really talking to.
The sound of the door slamming and Jenner's paws scraping up against it echoed throughout Ethan's apartment which now felt so empty without Rina's presence.
The Next day:
Rina rounded the corner and shuffled her feet until she was at Naveen's door. She knocked and heard a a muffled "come in".
She opened the door to see Dr. Benjiri sitting behind his desk smiling broadly. Ethan was to his right purposely looking at a file in his hand, not moving an inch. She was too busy studying Ethan that she was oblivious to the handsome stranger that stood next to a bookcase.
"Dr. Carrera please meet the newest addition to the diagnostic team Dr. Reed Hanson". She looked away from Ethan to make contact with a short but handsome brown haired doctor. She felt her cheeks turn light pink "Nice to meet you Dr. Carrera". He said with a brilliant smile stretching his hand out to meet hers.
"Oh please call me Rina". She accepted his hand. A sudden spark of electricity rushed through body.
"Ah well apartly we have a spark". Reed said with a suggestive smirk.
As much as Rina tried to resist she couldn't help but get flustered at his words. She quickly looked at the ground. Missing the deadly and territorial glare Ethan gave Reed. Which just gave Reed's smirk more fuel, growing even larger.
"It's just simple static electricity". Ethan mumbled to himself before turning his attention back to his file.
Naveen being Naveen, missed nothing. Biting back a laugh he turned to Rina.
"The reason I called you in here today Rina is because I would like you and Ethan to give Dr. Hanson here a tour".
Ethan sighed "Benjiri, I have patients to attend to that is if you haven't forgotten".
Naveen knowing Ethan too well knew how to get Ethan to cave. "Alas Ethan you can tend to your patients I'm sure Rina would be fine with giving a private tour to Dr. Hanson". The infasis on private made Ethan's blood boil.
"I suppose I can find the time". Ethan replied with a unmistakable tang of jealousy.
"Well if your sure Ethan. Have fun kids and welcome Dr. Hanson it is a pleasure to have you here". With one last smile Naveen turned back to his pile of paperwork that lay in front of him.
"After you, Rina". Reed said as he held the door open for her.
"Well thank you...Reed". She gave him a smile and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She didn't know why he's kind words had such an effect on her maybe it was because he openly and shamelessly flirted with her in front of their boss. A bold move. One that she knew Ethan would never take.
10 minutes later:
"So this is your office which is right beside mine. If you ever need anything stop on by".
"All be sure too".
Ethan cleared his throat loudly. Causing their attention to drift to him. "As fun and glamorous as this has been I have patients to tend to as do you Ri- Dr. Carrera".
Rina casually opened the file that she had picked up from the nurse's station prior to coming to the their offices.
"No, actually my patients are alive and slowly getting back to the kicking part. So on that note would you like some help getting set up". Rina said gesturing into Reed's office which was filled with boxes.
"I would love that. After you".
Rina walked into the office setting her folder on the nearby coffee table. As Reed entered after her he threw Ethan a smirk as he shut the door in his face.
1 hour later:
Ethan aggressively threw his patient files into his brief case. He had walked passed Reed's office many times to check up on them. They sound of Rina's laugh still filled his head. His timing was impeccable the day after he screws up Reed shows up ready to whisk Rina off to a castle of gold. He had known Reed ever since medical school. He had always believed that rivalrys were stupid until Reed. Everything between them was a competition, grades, popularity, girls. One main girl in particular Alana Lee. Ethan cringed at the thought. Reed had always put on a mask of a nice charming man, but Ethan had always seen throught it. If only Alana had. He could still see that dammed smirk Reed gave him when Alana told him that she was leaving him for Reed...of all people! Now he was coming after Rina. This time it wasn't the same. Sure he cared about Alana but he didn't love her, not like he did Rina.
30 minutes later:
"Thanks for the help Rina". Rina glanced over her shoulder before returning her gaze to the bookshelf in front of her. "Oh it was no problem Reed".
"Um so listen Rina I was wondering"?
Rina knew where he was going. She had heard it many times in medical school, and had gotten used to letting them down gently.
"What"? Rina said walking over to him with a smirk.
Don't do this Rina you've only know him for less than two hours but...it would drive Ethan over the edge. She thought as he continued reflecting her smirk.
"If you like to go for some drinks with me tonight"?
"I would love too"!
Same Time:
Ethan hastily moved his ear from the door when he heard approaching footsteps inside the office. He searched his brain for an excuse as to why he was in a hallway that was no where near his office nor an exit. He looked for a place to hid. His eye landing on a supply closet.
He opened the door walking into the dimly lit, fully stocked closet. He heard faint voices and footsteps retreating, before realizing who he had become.
He was Ethan Ramsey. Well Ethan Freaking Ramsey as Rina called him when she saved Naveen, a smile ghosting across his face at the memory. He slowly slid down the door that he was leaning against till he sat on the floor. He once thought that love wasn't real that it was just a word people would say to each other when they could stand to be together longer than five minutes. It wasn't till now he realized how wrong he was. Out of love for Rina he was hiding in a supply closet. Out of love he ended their relationship. Out of love...he changed for her. But he had to change back, no matter how bad it hurt.
The Next Day:
"Damn, I shouldn't have drunk so much". Rina scolded herself as she walked into the hospital. The bright florescent lights blinding her.
As Rina passed the nurse's station she gave Sahra the early shift nurse a warm smile.
As she was about to enter her office a sharp, cold voice stopped her in her tracks. Ethan was walking straight toward her with purpose. His eyes resembling fire even in the darkest blue specks.
"Could you explain this".
He said once he had reached her, shoving a tan folder at her. Instantly regretting it when she jumped slightly in response to his rought manner that he never used around her but to other interns and people that were agitating him.
She sighed deeply "That's one of my old patient's chart".
"That you dismissed".
"Considering she's an old patient, yeah Ethan".
His eyes narrowing even further before continuing. "Do not forget Dr. Carrera I am your boss and you are being unprofessional and unethical".
"Ah, so you've said but your actions seem to differ. In my apartment you were not very ethical, nor were you at yours".
"Technically I was not your boss on either of those occasions".
"I-I'm sorry did y-you just technically me, right now"?
"Rookie, we can't have this conversation in the middle of the hospital".
"Ethan, its early morning, literally no one is here except us, Sahra who is hallways away, and patients who honestly don't care".
"Oh Reed's not here? I thought you two were inseparable"?
"Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean"?
Ethan mentally scolded himself. He was supposed to keep up the act that he didn't care, like he was just her boss but, but his jealousy was slowly taking over.
"My office now Rookie"!
He walked past her not waiting for an answer. When he didn't hear footsteps, he turned to her still standing by her office door. Confliction written upon her face.
"No"? She said shakly not looking at him, keeping her eyes glued to the floor.
"No"? He was so startled he just looked at her his mouth agape. No one ever told him no. Why would they dare he was the Ethan Ramsey after all.
Rina looked up from the ground determination taking over her features.
"Excuse me"?
She walked toward him until she was right in front of him. His breath the only warmth in the cold hallway.
"I am your damn colleague Ramsey, I know you are used to belittling people showing your authority. But I know you well enough to know this is not about a patient that I had the audacity to dismiss. So what is this really about".
"D-did you-".
"Did you s-sleep with him".
She let out a loud mocking laugh. "What if I did"?
She didn't have time to register what was happening before Ethan had had dropped the file and had her pushed up against the cold hallway wall. Leaving fiery kisses down her neck to her collarbone.
"If you did, answer me this, could he make you feel like this".
She leaned her head up against the wall. Cherisheing every kiss. Letting out a small whimper. "Only you can, Ethan".
"Only you".
He looked up meeting her eyes, with a proud smirk.
His hands untangled from her hair moving lower. Brushing his finger tips on her hip briefly before continuing lower.
His hand playing with the bottom of her skirt before slipping under.
The hallway suddenly echoed with the sound of sharp stilettos hitting the ground.
"Damn it"! Ethan murmured before removing his hand out under Rina's skirt and moving away from her, picking up the dropped file and acting as if reading it.
"Ethan there you". Harper said as she rounded the corner stoping beside Ethan. Laying a hand on his arm as if he was hers.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were hiding from me".
"Then apparently you don't".
Harpers fake smile slipping before she recomposed herself.
"Um, yes well Ethan you and I have business to discuss, and you Rina, Benjiri needs to see you".
"Well thank you for telling me". Rina snuck a glance at Ethan who was glaring at an oblivious Harper. She had to hold back a laugh when she glanced down to his his evident arousal, which still remained.
Ethan glanced over at Rina giving her a puzzled look before following her gaze down. He quickly moved the file down in attempt to hide it. Harper jumped slightly at the sudden movement.
"Ethan are you alright"?
"Um, yes I'm fine. Thank you".
Rina gave a tight nod to Ethan and Harper before turning in the direction of Naveen's office.
1 Hour Later:
Rina walked down the hall toward Ethan's office in hope of continuing, what they had earlier started. When she heard a breathless Reed call out her name.
She turned in his direction and smiled.
"Hey Rina. I'm glad I caught him. You left your purse at my apartment last night".
"Oh my gosh! Thank you! I can't believe that I never noticed it was gone".
"Yeah, speaking of last night. I had a lot of fun and was wondering if you'd like to have some more fun agian tonight"? Reed asked with a very suggestive smirk.
"Oh I-". Before Rina had the chance to respond his pager went off. "I gotta go, but we'll talk later okay"?
He turned on his heel disappearing around a corner.
She sighed turning, coming face to face with Ethan.
"Oh gosh. Ethan I can-".
"Dr. Ramsey". He corrected as he did that night at his apartment.
"No Ethan nothing happened! Don't go back to this please! Ethan!
The hallway grew quite. Rina looked around at the doctors and nurses that had gathered, watching intently.
She opened her mouth to respond, but not a sound came out. She couldn't stop the tears that poured down her face. Don't do it Rina she told herself but her hands had already taken off her badge.
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