deadpuppetboi · 4 months
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thoscheianddoomreed · 4 months
I need the Doctor, Rogue and the Master to all meet.
For scientific reasons.
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merrilark · 3 months
Okay. I'm gonna watch the new episode of DW and I am nervous.
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thehumanwiki · 3 months
rating all NuWho finales based entirely on how cool the titles are
because yea
(putting a read more because this will take a while, lol)
Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
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5/10. Bad Wolf is a cool name! For cool ppl! It’s the season’s mystery! It slays! But The Parting of the Ways? That could be used for like, half of the finales in this show. That’s a generic name. Not a fan. It even has one more “the” than it ought to. That’s a tryhard name. (Rose and The Doc don’t even part ways for another season! It’s a LIE!)
Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
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6/10. Army of Ghosts! That’s freaky! It catches my attention! I’m interested, Mr. Davies, tell me more about that! Doomsday is also a generic name though. Like it could be used anywhere. It gets more points than S1 however because Doomsday is a very cool word and I like it a lot.
Utopia / The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords
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8/10. YES. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE TITLES. Utopia? That’s a word that can’t be applied to many other episodes! That’s a memorable word! That’s a fun word! The Sound of Drums? What the hell is so significant about drums?? In a FINALE episode?! There must be something SCANDALOUS about the drums, tell me everything! (And they did! But this isn’t about what happens in the episode this is just how hard the titles fuck.) Last of the Time Lords??? Holy shit! That means we’re delving into that aspect of him specifically, and you can’t duplicate that easily! But more importantly, that sounds cool! Cool names, absolutely W from whoever named RTD’s stuff.
The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End
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5.5/10. Same boat as S1, tbh. The Stolen Earth? Excellent, no notes. Journey’s End sounds generic af though. But I gave it a half point lead because Journey’s End has the Vibes more than The Parting of the Ways, lol.
The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
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8/10. Yea I see the vision Mr. Moffat, I see you. Love what you’ve done with the place btw. Like, neither title is generic! And both are super interesting! Look honestly I forget how to do commentary I’m just one sleep deprived fan who likes Vibes they just slap OK
The Wedding of River Song
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9/10. Oh. Oh yes. Oh I am LOVING this. Nothing gets me going like seeing a wedding that is somehow the culmination of a high stakes season. Like, how is there a wedding there?! And. River Song is there? Do you promise? 🥺
The Name of the Doctor / The Day of the Doctor / The Time of the Doctor
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6/10. OK I’m honestly not sure which ones are finales or not, but y’know what? The name matching is fun. I like that. That is good. But besides the first one, these are p generic episode names. Sorry.
Dark Water / Death in Heaven
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8/10. Dark Water is a p good episode name. It’s not the most interesting, but I like it. BUT ***DEATH IN HEAVEN***?! Now THAT is a finale title! I have never SEEN such a title! THAT is an IMMACULATE title! SPLENDID!
Heaven Sent / Hell Bent
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10/10. The matching names? The rhyming? The low-key religious theming? The ominous nature? EXCELLENT. No notes Mr. Moffat. Great vibes.
World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls
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9/10. I would give this striaght up 10/10 if I could figure out what “World Enough and Time” meant. The vibes are perfect but like. What does it mean 😭 And The Doctor Falls??? OH MY ATTENTION HAS BEEN GRABBED BY THE THROAT DO GO ON PLS—
The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos
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4/10. Kolos? What is this, Pokémon XY? Anyways, I feel like this is just dialogue that would be said in passing in a sci-fi novel that everyone forgets. Sorry 😞
Ascension of the Cybermen / The Timeless Children
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7/10. Cybermen are OK. It’s a fine title, I have nothing against it. The Timeless Children??? The vibes are just SPLENDID here. Especially because it’s a Bad Wolf situation where it’s like “hey wait a fucking minute I’ve heard that somewhere else—” Good stuff! W for Chris.
Chapter Six: The Vanquishers
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6.5/10. Adding chapter to the title does make it automatically cooler, so that’s a bonus half point right there. Otherwise, it’s neat. Like it’s good. The vibes are fine and I like them, but not THAT fine, y’know?
The Legend of Ruby Sunday / Empire of Death
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7/10. Look, even if it’s not generic, anything with “death” in the title *feels* generic. The Legend of Ruby Sunday still saves this tho, because I am INTERESTED, girl. TELL ME EVERYTHING
In conclusion, episode titles peaked with Capaldi.
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stewy · 11 months
You once said that Donna out of all 3 RTD companions had the most lesbian vibes and that rattled my brain ever since. I watched a panel with Catherine Tate and Alex Kingston and they had so much chemistry and now I kinda wanna write River/Donna (even though their timelines make that very hard). So if one day I do, pls know that it's your fault.
I also can't help but notice the paralells between their fates. The doctor "saved" both women without their consent just so he could live with himself. (Taking Donna's memories when she was begging him not to and River said herself that him uploading her in a fake reality was like being left like a book on a shelf.)
He doesn't like endings.
Also your Tenmartha takes are brilliant. I love complicated effed-up and intense relationships.
lesbian Donna is real!!! in my beautiful mind (and yours). seriously, the way she so quickly attaches herself to Martha like, you have a crush!! she's always immediately supportive of the women around her and you know they're the most important part of her life (and now she has a daughter :'). also catherine tate is hot idk
he hates endings, it's so... the way he can't say goodbye to Sarah Jane at first; how he gives Rose a clone of himself instead of letting her go/move on; Donna (what is going to happen to her oh my god); plus his last official meeting with Martha (in the comics) has him refuse to say goodbye to her even though she wants closure, like... die forever.
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lorenlily · 2 years
What are your thoughts on doctor who? Never seen the show but all I know is time travel
well since you haven't seen the show I can't really elaborate on all my thoughts because spoilers but it's a good show it's good sometimes it's GREAT sometimes it's just no don't do that then it's good again and I'm very very excited for the new special and series
i've watched it since nuwho started back when the first episode rose aired in 2005 so there have been many times where it's just been an event the kind you had to be there the feeling of certain moments have always stuck with me so i'm always gonna watch it always looking forward for it just a massive constant in my life and its really enjoyable (definitely not sad or heartbreaking it's definitely not traumatised me at all hahahahahahahaha)
since you haven't seen it and incase you do want to watch it i'll just give you a rundown of it below (although something's aren't necessarily the full truth because spoilers)
so it's a BBC show originally from the 90s then it stopped and they decided to revive it back in 2005 and it's been going strong ever since (there's been 13 seasons and many many specials) this year in november it's the 60th anniversary since the first episode aired!!
so it's about the doctor, who is a timelord from a planet called gallifrey and he steals a tardis to go travel in time and space, he generally travels with a companion who's human and wherever he goes there's always some kind of danger
as a timelord he doesn't die he regenerates into a new version and that was the appeal really and why its gone on for so long because you could change actors and still be doctor who
(but a timelord has only 13 regeneration cycles before he actually does die die)
so when they revived the show in 2005 they made the premise that it's still the same doctor just a new regeneration (it was the 9th one) but what had happened was a great time war in which gallifrey and the timelords were all destroyed so now the doctor is the last of the timelords
so with doctor who you have the seasons and then christmas special which is generally when the regeneration happens (sometimes there's other specials too)
I would say you have to watch in order but you can categorise the show into different eras based on the actor playing the doctor and the showrunner at the time
Christopher Eccleston = S1
David Tennant = christmas special, S2, christmas special, S3, christmas special, S4, christmas, few other specials, then christmas and new years 2 part special
^ this is the rtd era (russell t davies) who was the showrunner and oversaw the story
Matt Smith = S5, christmas special, S6, christmas special, S7, ‼️, christmas special
Peter Capaldi = S8, christmas special, S9, christmas special, S10, christmas special
‼️ is the 50th anniversary special which was a crossover of david tennant and matt smith
Jodie Whittaker = s11, new year's special, s12, new year's special, s13, 2022 specials
^this is the steven moffat era as he was the showrunner
and now rtd is back as showrunner so for 2023 we're gonna have the 60th anniversary special which brings back david tennant and then in 2024 there a new series with ncuti gatwa as the doctor it's very exciting!!
^this is the chris chibnall era as he was the showrunner
OH there have also been spin offs so there's:
the sarah jane adventures 😭 its about sarah jane and her son and she's a companion from the 90s (same actress) they did a crossover during david tennant era but she sadly passed away so the show stopped
there's also torchwood which is based in cardiff and it features a team by captain jack harkness (companion from season 1) it was good then it wasn't but it might be getting a revival
and there was class it was one season I forgot what it was about lol but I remember liking it
making a list of the companions is even longer so I'm gonna stop here but if I've confused you I'm sorry pls come back and I'll answer anything I can or if you want any trivia lol that too :)
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akajustmerry · 3 years
hello fellow hater here 👀 wondering your reasons for disliking jodie’s doctor 👁
hello! my bestie deah and i have a whole podcast ep where we discuss this in-depth for an hour and 40 minutes. it was recorded last year but my critiques remain the same so pls go listen to that here at this link for more detail other than the angry dot points i am about to smash out:
Jodie admitted on David Tennant's podcast that she doesn't watch doctor who, has never watched it and doesn't intend to. that lack of knowledge shows in the way 13 has zero personality beyond surface-level reactions. you can tell jodie has no specific grasp on who the character she's playing is and isn't even familiar with her character's history enough to have meaningful interactions with characters (see: jack harkness). its unprofessional and disrespectful to take on a role with almost 60 years of canon and refuse to engage with any of it.
but really if you want a concrete unforgivably repugnant reason to join the prayer circle for this era to end, look no further than jodie's 2nd season where chibnall wrote a scene where the Doctor used her white privilege to hand the master, who was brown at the time, over to the fucking nazis and jodie played it as a gotchya heroic moment. lord knows, rtd and moffat were racist and littered this show with their racism and anti-blackness but at least neither of them ever wrote a scene where the Doctor became willingly complicit in one of history's most brutal white supremacist regimes to one-up a person of colour and frame it as a win.
chris chibnall doesn't give a shit about the mythology, lore or history of this series, and even if he did he's not a consistent or clever enough writer to do anything worthwhile with it. chibnall's prior work on dw was filler eps. unlike moffat, who at least had written beloved iconic episodes with ongoing archs, chibnall's work was all childish filler because the dude may like this show but he doesn't have the ambition or vision to write it and it shows. chibnall rewrote the Doctor's entire personal history just because he didn't want to meaningfully engage with the Doctor's gender-fluidity, and still hasn't even delivered on how the Doctor being the timeless child actually means anything significant for her other than so he can be like "actually the doctor has been a woman before so i don't have to write anything about this character struggling in a marginalised body/dealing with dysphoria except for as a joke occasionally haha".
even the way chibnall brings back monsters/characters from the show's past, its never in a significant or interesting way, but almost like he wants brownie points for making a basic reference without considering the implication of what he's doing.
please also see this post where i discuss how Chibnall constantly making 13 uninformed not only makes him terrible at writing a mystery show but also is a blatant display of his unconscious misogyny.
also, the homophobia/misogyny of chibnall completely desexualising the Doctor now she's presenting as a woman is fucking gross but its also so fucking boring. let the Doctor be horny. its weird they're not given their horny history
chris chibnall has no idea how to write companions. none of them even pass the lamp test most of the time i.e. if you replace these characters with a lamp, how much would change? we don't get to see how these ppl form a significant relationship with the Doctor because it apparently happens off-screen so there's zero character building. their characterisations are inconsistent if they're remembered at all. yaz is a brown Muslim woman yet her race/religion has only been significant maybe twice in 3 seasons as if a time-travelling brown (likely queer) Muslim woman would only experience marginalisation in very specific contexts and not constantly. this goes for ryan and the Doctor too.
this whole flux concept is so fucking nauseating it's like a hallucinogenic nightmare of everything i can't stand about chibnall's "style" if you can call directionless reference mongering a "style"
genuinely don't think any of these hoes can act or have chemistry!! in the past even when i maybe wasn't a fan of the writing/direction of doctor who, i would still enjoy the performances of incredible talents like David tenant, alex Kingston, Michelle gomez, matt smith, etc. but the casting now is shithouse in the way that u can tell chibs is just hiring his mates. with the exception of sacha's master, there isn't a single moment of memorable performance from anyone on this show for the whole time chibs has been in charge. fucking tragic
but yeah in case its unambiguous. i can't stand this racist, toothless, misogynistic, soulless era of doctor who. it literally breaks my heart to see an era characterised by so much historic diversity on the surface be so offensively meaningless. i mean its so bad that rtd, who famously never wanted to run this show ever again, is literally coming back voluntarily.
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s-sparrow · 3 years
this seems unlikely since based on what's projected to happen with 13, it seems like chibnall is taking his dw characters with him when he leaves, BUT. i was watching this video essay by verity ritchie (verilybitchie on youtube) where she kind of examined the personalities and characterization of rtd's doctors in an effort to make an educated prediction about what a potential next rtd doctor would be like. that's not what this text post is about but you should go find her channel if that video sounds interesting to you or go watch literally any of her other video essays too (she has a couple on doctor who and rtd and a bunch on bi and trans activism/history)
what i wanted to talk about was a specific thing she said in that video; that while the explicitly romantic moments between rose and the 9th doctor had a degree of awkwardness about them, the tenth doctor felt almost built to be her boyfriend. and then i started watching council of geeks' video on thasmin and i was like omg. that concept but with yaz and the doctor would be so cute. like, 13's interactions with yaz have kind of a strained undertone at times and she typically keeps yaz at an arm's length. but then imagine she regenerates, yasmin still with her, and because of some like pivotal moments in her final season, she comes out as this much more open and friendly person. and basically she becomes for yaz what the tenth doctor was for rose. someone adjusted to and familiar with yaz and much more open to being close to her and who is also just like openly emotional and in love with her...,,, pls i think that would be so cute and i think it'd be interesting for both of their developments as characters. also just like, a doctor who's played by a woman and/or nonbinary person and also is as much of a ladies' person as 10,,.,, PLEASEEE i'd die
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handdrawnfantasma · 2 years
misc ‘mnnnr/hmmmm’-ing abt space hobo show news under the cut
otoh part of me wants to be jazzed abt the news of 10 and donna comin back for the 60th anniversary of dw next year bc they were my fave rtd tardis team and i am always gonna love ‘em
but like otoh a much larger part of me is just pullin big ol :/ :/ :/ :/ faces over this bc like... crossing my fingers AND my toes here and hoping that ncuti gatwa gets, like, a decent amount of episodes next year before the 60th airs bc if his debut is a multi-doc episode that also features rtd trying to ride the coattails of his decade-plus-old successes i’m gonna be Pressed. like what utterly undeserving and disrespectful circumstances those would be for ur first outing as the doctor being basically made to compete with the fan favourite nuwho dr lmf. also like honestly they could have announced this like........ next year??? you know????? closer to the actual special?????? honestly the more i think abt this the more peeved i am lmf. REALLY REALLY REALLY hope we get a season or at least half of a season of 14 before this like............ gatwa deserves better for his first outing than bein forcibly overshadowed by rtd (and dt lbr) wanking over his glory days. hopefully this is NOT what is gonna happen but like, u kno, One Fear
(this is a lie i currently have Two Fears re: this show and that is the fear that 13′s regen ep won’t stick the landing for the era. the sole thing holding back this second fear is knowing that Mandip Gill has said in an interview that she was satisfied with Yaz’s ending LMF and also. current showrunner's way of wrapping up arcs vis a vis predecessors has left me more cautiously hopeful)
(but in any case another reason for all my :/ :/ :/ :/ is also bc as much as i will always hold abiding affection in my heart for 10 and donna. gotta say. really do not jive with the subset of dw fans who run their mouths abt how they could only look forward to dw again if rtd/dt/etc were involved. im just vividly remembering that one article in what might have been the fckin guardian (i can’t remember) where it was like ‘how to make dw good again’ and ‘bring david tennant back’ was on the list. and now these people are going to be INSUFFERABLE bc they're gonna feel like they have been vindicated for all the nonsense they have been putting out for years. like even more insufferable than they already are considerin these are usually also the people who refuse to stop banging on with the ice cold takes and bad faith reads re: 13′s era)
(OHHHH WAIT I GOT IT I HIT ON WHY I’M ANNOYED its for the same reason live action disney remakes annoy me. feels like tryna capitalise on the nostalgia factor to draw ppl back rather than letting the new doc shine on their own merits. like yes yes the long-running show continuity is part of the charm and also multi-doc episodes are the thing you Do for an anniversary special and i get that they gotta generate the dreaded Hype by announcin it early but like. c’mon pls pls pls pls pls dont do this for 14′s debut ep)
the moral of this story is basically i need to just avoid all news abt this show and also go back to avoiding most of the fans of this show,, also
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doctorwhommm · 3 years
not that anyone wants to hear my hot takes about rtd coming back but:
-more gays??? Yes pls
-more rtd dalek stories?? YES PLEASE
-he wrote my favourite style of finale so im looking forward to that
-he was so good at writing relatable companions and their families without making everything about them and getting stuck on modern day earth,,, like he was just ,,, rly good at writing interpersonal relationships
-BUT that being said he better not write another companion/doctor romance plot bc the rose romance and how he treated martha and mickey,,, UH OH NO THANKS pls treat ur poc and female characters better this time bestie
-hes gonna write such a good 60th omg
-more spin offs?? which might actually be good???? count me in
-he was rly good at doing classic who references and fan service shit without the show becoming a self referential nightmare that it sometimes became under moffat
-so like… bring another classic companion back prehaps sir,,,, ace is right there.,,,,,,,, <33333 or even bring martha back for a bit <<3333 OR WILF <<<33333333
-but pls dont make any of the original rtd era companions return for good as a permanent fixture omg
-anyway doctor who renaissance here we come
-the only conceivable way this could be better would be if murray gold came back too
-all this being said, the chibnall era didnt mean the show was “dead” and i actually rly liked s12, and i hope s13 will be great too. ppl who claim the fanbase died clearly r fucking stupid bc the dw fanbase NEVER dies it literally transcends death even when the show itself isnt broadcasted for over a decade lmao
-in a similar vain this isnt some “bringing back the tumblr 2012 era” stfu just bc u didnt continue being a fan doesnt mean everyone did, it was like this when the d*stiel shit happened last november and i wanted to scream ,,, dw trancends s*perwhol*ck and 2012 tumblr
-anyway, jodie deserves rights but OMG RTD MY BELOVED
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the10thdoctor · 5 years
//Maybe it gets answered in later episodes of Gallifrey: Time War (halfway through volume 2 right now) or The War Doctor (so far only listened to the first set), but I wonder at what point in the whole ‘Oh we resurrected Rassilion because that seemed like a brilliant idea lol’ the Doctor decided to join in the fight??? I assume before that happened but then stuff seemed to move pretty quickly between the start of Project Reverent and the whole mess with getting the dude who was from the House of Rassilon elected? 
Romana even mentions that technically its only been weeks since aggressions broke out (and less than that since war was officially declared) but that because of the nature of the war it’s really been much more than that. I mean even the whole thing with Danna and the freaky Daleks with the wings was a lot longer than Brax receiving the message and going to see what was up- it took 12 years from Danna’s perspective between finding a Dalek that seemed to be purposefully setting out into that region of space, sending Brax a message, and Brax actually showing up.
So where’s the War Doctor pop up in all of this? DotD makes it seem like he’s been fighting for a long time- especially with how his reflection at the end of Night of the Doctor is a much younger looking John Hurt and Time Lords age pretty slowly from what I gather. I guess it’s a question of would the Doctor resign himself to fighting in spite of the knowldge of Rassilon being back, or with spite knowing that Rassilon is back and he’s now determined to do everything to stop him?
This is probably answered in like 2 sentences of the next story I’ve got to listen to in Gallifrey: Time War but hey.
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nostalgia-tblr · 6 years
As You Know, Bob, I consider myself to be very bad a Proper OTP Shipping. I tend to multiship, but that's because I tend to be more One True Character and then I ship them with pretty much anyone because I like exploring different aspects of them and how each dynamic affects them differently. I'm gonna guess that about 99.5% of my DW fic is about the Doctor, either what he's like in his own mind or what he means to other people. The other thing that makes me suck at OTPs in this fandom is that my mental picture of the Doctor is quite concrete in certain ways, and the sort of ship fic that seems to appeal to an awful lot of shippers is the sort of thing the Doctor in my head runs away from while screaming.
I know a lot of people look at Ten and think "This is the story of a man who really just want to stop travelling, settle down, raise a family, and die at a reasonable old age surrounded by his grandchildren." I... don't. S2 makes me go "Wow, this man is deeply sad about the loss of his people and the resulting loneliness gap that nothing else can fill. He doesn't want to be alone and he'll latch onto people, but he's also scared of what they might want from him and will back away when they make a move that he's not prepared for." When he pretty much proposes to the Master yeah I ship it hearteyes but I think it's about the need to have someone who understands him and thinks and feels like he does on a species level. They click so well as individuals and that definitely deepens it, but he'd probably ask the Rani to travel with him if she'd stop glaring at him long enough to let him speak. And she's the Rani. But I can at least see where people are coming from with Ten, because RTD seemed a bit torn on the issue himself at times, or at least he was willing to lead us on with a bit of flirtation and some angst about immortals loving mortals.
I still don't really know why I don't have a kneejerk adverse reaction to Darillium? It could just be OTP Feels but I also feel like it earned it with how long River was around and how much time she had spent with the Doctor. Not having a week together in sequence was a bit of a thing for them along with him knowing how it ends, so by the time we get to Darillium I'm willing to allow the Doctor a bit of offscreen domesticity as long as it doesn't take too long and things go back to normal afterwards. Plus it's not about them being together forever, I mean that's the whole point, right? "Here is a thing, the thing happens, the thing ends, and that's fine. Nothing lasts forever but that's okay."
I think "and then the Doctor gets married and settles down with one romantic interest until he dies of old age but like a normal old age not a weird one" is about the worst possible DW ending imaginable. It's... shite, basically. It doesn't just kill the Doctor, it kills "the Doctor" (in the Moffat sense of 'here is the person the Doctor would like to be) and that's pretty horrible as an ending. It takes away the universal hero and gives us another romantic lead who gets the usual happy ending. "How paralysingly dull, boring, and tedious," as Four said that time.
Even just the Doctor doing his thing with the same person forever (immortal!Rose, long-way-round!Clara, etc) repels me, because so much of the Doctor is his relationships with other people and the fact that those people frequently get replaced by others. It's like putting him into stasis for eternity and I don't like it. He himself might not tend to change much, but change is such a part of being the Doctor that the story doesn't work for me when that's removed.
Or maybe it really is just that I lack the ability to dedicate myself to any one pairing for very long without getting bored of it. Like how I love Doctor/River but I so rarely write it these days because I feel like I've sort of run out things to say about them by this point. I need new toys! A constant supply of new toys! Give me new toys, pls!
And obviously the Doctor would never cheat on the TARDIS anyway so you're all wrong and silly.
...yeah, this post kind of tapered off towards the end. Sorry. Anyway, those are my thoughts on yaoi.
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sinchronicity · 7 years
tagged by @brilliantfantasticgeronimo thank u camila!! my personal dw fandom renaissance means i’m actually excited to talk about dw again lol
The Rules are simple - answer the questions, then tag other Whovians to get to know each other better/find new people to follow, message, etc. If there are any questions you don’t have an answer for, feel free to skip it!
Doctor you started with: Technically One, which gives me some nice fandom cred, lol. I only watched one serial of his tho, and the Doctor I first saw significantly was actually Eleven, because once I finished watching Being Human on demand on my parent’s TV (ah, high school....) I noticed it also had Doctor Who series five and watched that.
Favorite Doctor: This is such a difficult question for me rn negl!! I’ve always answered Ten, or Nine & Ten tied, and seeing as I like how their season were written and their characters developed, that’ll probably never change. But I also love Eight, and he really encapsulates a lot of what I think of the Doctor as a person, plus listening to BF audios/reading the EDAs kept me in DW fandom for a while even when I wasn’t enjoying the show at all. So......Eight&Nine&Ten? lmao
Favorite Companion: I’ve yet to meet a companion I haven’t liked, but Rose Tyler has my heart. She’s one of my absolute favorite characters ever tbh. Martha and Donna would be next, and maybe even Bill...? Genuinely love all NuWho companions tho tbh, and a lot of the Classic ones I’ve seen. 
Favorite Episode: God, idk that either. Maybe Turn Left? 
DW OTP: Doctor/Rose!! I ship quite a few Doctor/companion pairs, I enjoy Doctor/Master, but Rose/Doctor is my favorite by virtue of Rose being my favorite, and because I can see them in an actual relationship thanks to Tentoo.
Favorite line/quote: A thing about RTD era dialogue is that it’s not often very quote-y, and I like that quality as it means the dialogue is often quite naturalistic. (Also it’s been several years since I’ve watched any of these eps and can’t remember good quotes, lol). I do really love Rose’s “a better life” speech to Jackie and Mickey in Parting of the Ways though,, makes me cry evrytiem
“But it was, it was a better life. I don't mean all the travelling and seeing aliens and spaceships and things. That don't matter. The Doctor showed me a better way of living your life. (...) You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say no. You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away, and I just can't--” 
Favorite Character that isn’t the Doctor or a companion: At this exact moment it’s probably the Master because I do like them & my sister and I have been watching a lot of serials with Delgado!Master and he’s hilarious and fantastic. There are also many side/one-off characters from NuWho that I love!
BrOTP:  How could I not say the Doctor & Donna tbh
Favorite DW fic (if you have one): I have read so many good Doctor Who fics and also cannot remember a single one of them rn, lol. 
Favorite DW fanart/blog (if you have one): The majority of people I followed for DW back in the day have mostly stopped posting it lol RIP. For fanart, I do always enjoy seeing @johannesviii‘s lovely work!
If you could pick anyone to be the next Doctor, who would it be? (Why, if you feel like explaining): I honestly want it to be someone I don’t know! I agree with the commentators that say the right step forward for the show is an actor of color, though. Pls not a a white cis woman lol
If you could pick anyone to be the next companion who would it be? (Why?): Like with the Doctor, I wanna be surprised!! 
Favorite fan theory: I can’t think of any one in particular off the top of my head, but I actually really enjoy a lot of the more creative Gallifrey headcanons, about their biology, the caste systems, etc (yes, even the ones about looms). I’m just a sci fi nerd at heart and that stuff’s fun tbh, although I prefer the actual canon to focus on the Doctor wrt his companions & Earth. 
Tagging: I honestly don’t know who’s still watching haha...@mazikeen-belloc you’ve been watching this season, right? and hmm  @marley-manson @tragicyouthwasgoingdownonme @gemofsphene if u guys still care about dw at all LOL
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