#doctor who hecuba
deadpuppetboi · 4 months
I was looking at screenshots of The Celestial Toymaker and I just realized Toymaker is wearing a wristwatch.
Like, in reality, it’s just Michael Gough wearing a regular wristwatch to check the time. But I like to think, storywise, Toymaker was given the wristwatch by his sister, Hecuba. And while I’m sure they don’t have the healthiest relationship they can appreciate the gifts they give each other.
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twojamie-o-clock · 2 months
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(Click for quality) Hi I’m back w art ☹️ I’ll try to draw more later I’m just tired rn. Rambling below the cut
I wasn’t really happy w how this came out bc I liked the idea but I gave up halfway through, and this is my all-time-favorite audio (queen of time) so..yeah. I’ll def be doing like a Hecuba reference sheet, I’ll probably change her appearance later I just got lazy and went off how she was described in p1.
Notes: twojamie wedding rings cause …..yeah. the golden figure in the background is the little Dutchboy statue!! They don’t name the tale in the audio I don’t think? But I believe it is the Hero of Haarlem. Here is the background without any characters:
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Emphasis on the grandfather/cuckoo clocks & the sun dial because that’s what Hecuba threatened to turn the crew into!!! The gallifreyan is all squiggles I didn’t bother looking into using the fan made alphabet except for some number “2” ones here and there. I tried to draw a telescope in Zoe’s cuckoo clock but it didn’t really come out well lol.
And of course some hourglasses for when Jamie & Zoe get trapped. They are jumping over the hand of the clock from the beginning etc.
Anyways I’m only disappointed bc I envisioned this piece as much more detailed with more attention and care but like I said I got bored of it so. I may draw more of this tardis crew experiencing Hecuba but we will see.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 8
The Gallifreyan village of Slothe was populated by people who relied solely on hunting and gathering, leading to the near-extinction of several species including the ulanda, trunkike, yaddlefish, and broakir. A Krafayis sent to the village by Death as punishment.
There is a TARDIS cradle at the Academy for students who already have symbiotic bonds but have not graduated.
The Doctor's Aunt Flavia named her cat "the Doctor."
As a child, the First Doctor played in the tunnels underneath the Panopticon. Also underneath the Panopticon is the Eye of Harmony.
The Twelfth Doctor calls the Tenth Doctor "Bambi" and refers to Rose as "Blondie."
On prehistoric Gallifrey, the aspects of the Time Sentinels would toss time sensitives into the Untempered Schism.
Barbara kept a diary that she intended to leave for Susan for when she began to live in the 22nd century.
The Eighth Doctor claimed he could think of fourteen different instances of wars being started over someone refusing a cup of tea.
The Dancing Plague was caused by mass hysteria. The lack of an evil presence causing the plague caused the Fifth Doctor some severe confusion.
Cameca gifted the First Doctor a brooch while he was leaving, which he eventually regifted to Susan in his Eighth incarnation.
The Fourth Doctor took Sarah Jane back to kill the would-be dictator as a baby, but upon seeing his Sixth self fail to do so, he realized there was another way. Thus, when his Eighth self went to go kill the baby, the Fourth told the mother, foiling all of the Eighth's plans. The mother realized her love for the baby and raised them better. And thus wraps up the the-Doctor-tries-to-kill-a-baby arc.
Following the TV Movie, the Eighth Doctor promptly loses all of his memory again and gets arrested for possession of cocaine.
Knowing that the Doctor took on the name Merlin, it is interesting to note that in King Arthur's court there was a woman named Ganeida, who was Merlin's half-sister and the daughter of a nun and a "demon."
Hecuba is the Queen of Time and the Toymaker's sister. Her games often relate to clocks and time, and if someone refuses to play, she turns them into clocks.
Satthralope was the Housekeeper of Lungbarrow (basically a medium between the family and the sentient House). She thought the Doctor was a "disappointment to the House" and a "wretched child." In fact, one of the Doctor's first memories is of Satthralope smacking him so hard that he could hardly walk afterwards. If the Doctor refused to come to dinner, she let the drudges attack him.
Some Time Lords have a tapetum lucidum, including the Corsair.
Yarvell, Davros's half-sister, was a peace activist. Calcula, their mother, drowned her, and Davros used her body for experiments.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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who-datgirl · 3 months
“I will come to storm down his gates of gold and seize his kingdom in my true name.”
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familyparadox · 4 months
Hey is it finally time for Hecuba to make her on screen debut? I want to see the Toymakers clock bosses sister in screen.
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fardell24b · 2 years
12th January 2023 Writings
Excerpt from: The Lane Confusion
It seemed to be an ordinary day in Casa Lane. Trent Lane had slept most of the day, so he was sure that it was. He went into the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. “Nothing,” he said.
 His sister, Jane, also came up. “Nothing,” she also said.
 However, a third person unexpectedly came there. “Nothing,” their mother, Amanda, said.
 “Oh! Hi, Mom!” Jane said. It was rare that their mother was there.
 “What’s that?” Amanda asked, looking at a reddish stain on the otherwise spotless refrigerator shelf. “Cranberry juice?”
 “Cherry Soda?” Jane asked.
 “Strawberry syrup?” Trent wondered.
 Words: 98
  Excerpt from: Future Excerpt 4
“It would be quite difficult otherwise.”
 “I agree with Daria,” Sandi said.
 “I’m sure there are,” Jenna added.
  Tori was still looking for the emerald. She didn’t care that Samara didn’t like her that much or that Marlene had her precious timeline to keep. ‘I’ll find the emerald! Then they’ll see that I have good intentions.’
 Words: 56
  Excerpt from: Down the Wormhole
However, the people who settled the other side are more than willing to help Robin and his men in combating Gisbourne’s forces. Thus there is a stalemate until the portal closes.
 Gisbourne sees the portal close and knows he’s stuck and has to lead the loyalist forces himself. He doesn’t declare himself King, just Sherrif of New Nottingham. Later that day he decides to inform Robin of the change of circumstances.
 There is disbelief at first, but with less people arriving, Robin is inclinced to believe it by the end of that year.
 The County of New Nottingham is established, lead by Gisbourn as Sheriff. The rebels lead by the Merry Men establish the Republic of Sherwood.
 Words: 117
  Excerpt from: Chasing Time
“The TARDIS will continue to parse the data I collected,” the Doctor answered.
 “But what are we going to do?” Lauren asked.
 “I haven’t thought about that yet,” the Doctor admitted.
 Words: 31
  Excerpt from: Berk in Time
He pulled a lever nearby.
 A trapdoor opened and Hiccup, Spitelout and Snotlout fell down to a lower deck.
 “What happened?” Nefertiti asked.
 “Oh, great!” Astrid responded.
 “Oops!” Tuffnut said.
  Hiccup and the Jorgensons found themselves in a large space filled with large tank-like objects. “We’re on a lower deck,” Spitelout pointed.
 “Trap doors! I hate trap doors!” Hiccup said. “But what is this ship? Are there dragons down here too?”
 “There’s a strange sound, like a cats purr,” Snotlout said.
 “I hear it too,” Hiccup said. “Some dragons make such a sound too. Fishlegs would know more. But it seems to regular to be a dragon. It could be some of these machine.” He gestured to the devices around him.
 “Any idea what they could be?” Spitelout asked.
 “Forges, probably,” Hiccup considered.
 Words: 133
  Excerpt from: Party at 111 Howard
“Come in.”
 Jen entered the room and looked around. “They're all outside?”
 “Yes,” Andrea answered.
 “I'll come out.”
  Daria looked around. The number of people was growing. “This is getting out of control,” she said as she looked near the Gazebo to find Dani talking with a slightly familiar blonde. “I'll join them,” she decided.
  “Oh, Daria's coming,” Dani said.
 “I see that,” Anna said.
 “Hi,” Daria said as she came up.
 “How are you doing?” Dani asked, seeing that Daria seemed to be looking around stressfully.
 “Better than I expected,” Daria said.
 “That's good,” Anna said with a smile.
 “And you are?” Daria asked.
 “Anna, Anna Coultard.”
 “Now I remember,” Daria murmured. “You have a reputation for smiling a lot.”
 “I guesss so,” Anna murmured. “As you have a reputation for being antisocial and cutting people up for various reasons.”
 “I tell it like I see it,” Daria responded. “But you'll note that I'm not doing it at the moment.”
 “That's true,” Anna said. “I thought I would try to befriend Jane and yourself.”
 “I'm sure you've also heard that I'm hard to befriend,” Daria said.
 Words: 187
 Total: 622
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chaotic-creator · 3 months
The Expanded Pantheon of Discord!
So I'm a massive Doctor Who fan and I've been watching the new series. Gotta admit, it's been a weird run but I enjoyed it overall. During "The Legend of Ruby Sunday", we got the confirmation that The Toymaker's Pantheon is the same as The Pantheon of Discord that The Trickster belongs to.
We also got a list of other deities in The Pantheon and that got me thinking of other Whoniverse villains who could fit into The Pantheon along with a couple of OCs. So sit back and enjoy, my version of The Pantheon of Discord!
The Toymaker: The God of Games- A canon member of The Pantheon from the main show. The master of games and Lord of Play, a crazy madman obsessed with his games and an opponent to The First, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Doctors
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Hecuba: The Goddess of Fate- A canon member of The Pantheon from an audio story called The Queen of Time. She's the sister of The Toymaker and aunt to Maestro. She's capable of trapping The TARDIS and is the mistress of her own pocket. I feel like Goddess of Fate works for her
Trickster: The God of Traps- A canon member of The Pantheon and the first one to officially be called part of The Pantheon of Discord back in the Sarah Jane Adventures episode The Wedding of Sarah Jane Part 2. He creates chaos by making deals with people close to death, changing timelines and the resulting chaos feeds him, this chaos is typically world ending in some way. Each of his deals is a trap, as to undo his actions the person who made the deal has to take their agreement back and die.
Maestro: The God of Music- A canon member of The Pantheon, parent of The Harbinger and the child of The Toymaker. Their goal is to keep their dominion over music and lock it away inside of them, depriving humanity of one of our most precious sources of comfort, empathy and expression. A brief (but memorable) enemy of The Fifteenth Doctor
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Reprobate: The God of Spite- An as yet unseen deity, though I have my theories. I believe this is another name for Fendahl, a classic Doctor Who villain who fed on souls, as classic Who described Fendahl as the same species as The Mara, another member of The Pantheon. A being that is cruel enough to feed on your very life essence? Seems pretty spiteful to me
The Mara: The God of Beasts- A canon member of The Pantheon and an enemy to The Fifth Doctor. Representing a massive snake and called a psychevore originally, Mara is a shapeshifter, having "many forms and none" that feeds on raw emotion and requires a host to form in the real world
Lucifer: The God of Despair- This one isn't canonical but I love the idea of The Beast from The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit being a member of The Pantheon. Every pantheon needs their horned deity and The Beast fits perfectly. Not to mention he was voiced by Gabriel Woolf the voice of Sutekh. I made him The God of Despair here because in his episodes he was referred to as The Prince of Despair and Lucifer was also a name attributed to him. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
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Abaddon: The God of Hunger- This is the child of The Beast, featuring in the Torchwood episode "End of Days". Described as The Great Devourer who eats at life itself, he was eventually defeated by trying to devour Captain Jack's immortality. As I made his dad a member of The Pantheon, I thought Abaddon would also work and his "Great Devourer" title makes him the perfect candidate for a god of hunger. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Fenric: The God of Pestilence- A classic Who villain and enemy of The Seventh Doctor, described as "an evil force from the dawn of time". As he was able to infect the minds of an entire Viking clan and their descendants, altering their destiny, Pestilence seems like a good domain for him. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Jester: The God of Fear- An enemy from The Sarah Jane Adventures, an insane shapeshifter who caused and fed on fear. Throughout time he has appeared as The Pied Piper and fed on the fear of The Plague of Rats and later on the fear genrated when he took away Hamelin's children. Later he took the identity of Odd Bob the Clown and kidnapped children, feeding on the fear that these kidnappings caused. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
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Krampus: The God of Trickery- A canon member of The Pantheon, from the comic story Imaginary Enemies. He tried to remove Amy Pond, Rory Williams and Mels Zucker/River Song from time in the 1990's by tricking their classmate Veronica Stackmore into wishing them away. He gives his victims disguised gifts that grant him manipulative power over them.
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Harbinger: The God of Chance- Yes I'm making Harbinger a God and also just one being. They're now a shapeshifter and the child of Maestro. They serve as a lesser deity and lie in wait, at moments in time, where there is a chance to break the barrier between the outer plane where The Pantheon lives and the mortal universe. Harbinger is now master of The Not Things and released them from the edge of the Universe when The Fourteenth Doctor and Donna crashed there, causing 14 to "invoke a superstition at the edge of the Universe". This one slight nudge to chance warped reality and let Harbinger's fellow gods loose.
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Moloch: The God of Chaos- The brother of Fenric and a canonical God of Chaos, since I made Fenric a member of The Pantheon, it seemed fitting to make him part of it too, especially since it's a Pantheon of Discord and he's a god of Chaos. Seems very fitting that The Pantheon would have a deity whose domain is the name of their whole group. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Incensor: The God of Disaster- A canon member of The Pantheon and mother of Doubt and Dread. Having read about Fenric and Moloch, I thought I could tie in Incensor by making her, another name of "Mi'en Kalarash", a legend from before Galifrey itself who is described as The Blue Fire and a being that inhabits "the wasteland between realities". That felt too perfect to not be the realm of The God of Disaster, so I made the two beings one.
Light: The God of Endings- Another classic Who villain and another being described as "an evil older than time itself" by The Seventh Doctor. He was obsessed with cataloguing everything in The Universe and became enraged whenever anything changed. He could teleport, move at "the speed of thought", had telekinesis and telepathy along with electrical abilities. As he detested change so much, bringing a permanent end to all change seems like it would fit him. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Akhaten: The God of Plagues- The villain from The Rings of Akhaten, described by The Eleventh Doctor as "a parasitic deity" who fed on the hopes, dreams and souls of the people of Akhaten. As 11 called him a plague on the people singing to him and the people themselves called him "An Old God" I wanted to include him as a God of The Pantheon and I think a domain of Plagues suits him. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Midnight: The God of Shadow- This is my take on what The Creature from the planet and episode Midnight was. An immortal being so old and powerful, so evil and dangerous that it could only be imprisoned on a planet where the sun ate away at any form of biological matter, to stop it gaining a host. It's jailers named the planet Midnight as a warning of The Deity it imprisoned but over time this meaning was lost. Now Midnight, roams his prison planet, driven insane and wanting nothing but escape. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Kronos: The God of Time- A classic Who villain and enemy of The Third Doctor, from the story The Time Monster, Kronos was worshipped but feared as an evil god, a destroyer, child slayer and destructive force of evil. Captured in Greek mythology as The Titan of Time and Father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Demeter. With how often this being is symbolized as evil in both Doctor Who and media in general, Kronos Lord of Time fits in well here. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Void: The God of Darkness- This deity is partly OC and partly based on some stuff from canon. This is the physical embodiment of The Void, the space between dimensions that contains "No light, nothing. Only darkness" according to The Tenth Doctor. Responsible for The Darkness of The Mind, where the worst ideas of sentient life come from, Void's power bleeds through dimensions and realities to infect every living thing with its power. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Sutekh: The God of Death- A canon member and apparently the leader of The Pantheon, described as "the mother, father and other of all" and "the god of gods". Sutekh faced The Fourth Doctor in "The Pyramids of Mars" and later The Fifteenth Doctor in "Empire of Death". A creature obsessed with death and ending all life in The Universe as he sees life as a perversion, Sutekh stands on high as the Master of The Pantheon
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Huitzilin: The God of Fear- Another of the same species as The Mara in the Classic Who novel, The Left Handed Hummingbird. Like how Mara feasted on emotion and Fendahl who fed on souls, Huitzilin feasted on fear and panic, as he's the same race as Mara and Fendahl in Classic Who, I thought making him a member of The Pantheon worked and a god of fear fits with the other gods. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
The Doctor: The God of Life- Surprise! I am basing this on a theory I have. The Doctor was found as a child by Tecteun on Galifrey before The Time Lords formed as a race. But why was he beneath the monolith as a child? What if he was a banished God? The God of Life and antithesis to Sutekh. This would explain his seemingly infinite regenerations.
A lost immortal god, banished as a youngling, would definitely make him "The Timeless Child". This would also explain his desire to save everyone and everything, he is literally driven to preserve his domain as much as he can. It could also explain how The Fifteenth Doctor brought the butterfly back to life in Space Babies
He was taken in by The Time Lords but when they invented time travel he became a danger, A God unbound from time itself, a non linear deity. When his fellow deities saw this, they formed a plan to wipe his mind and bind him into the mortal plane. The Trickster trapped The Doctor by making a deal with Tecteun.
The Trickster granted Tecteun the last bit of knowledge she needed to steal The Doctor's power over regeneration and life and work it into The Time Lord's DNA and descendants. However in return, Trickster trapped The Doctor to Galifrey, they became A Galifreyan biologically, Tecteun rewrote The Doctor's biology to trap him with Galifrey and her people. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
Precursor: The God of The Unknown and Secrets- The only one who's a complete OC deity. This deity hides in the background of their fellow gods actions, ensnaring victims with the knowledge they desperately want, forcing them into deals that Precursor binds them to. They then grant their victim the knowledge but immediately destroy it and feast on the disappointment and rage that their victim feels, leaving the victim a husk. Precursor can also rework reality like their fellow gods, trapping the truth in The Unknown Realm while making a new perceived truth, tricking everyone and keeping the true secret, the real knowledge unknown. Not a canon member of The Pantheon
I hope over the next few weeks, to be able to write and publish short stories for each and everyone of these deities! Hope you enjoyed this expanded Pantheon of Discord
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Gallifrey IV
Gallifrey survives, Gallifrey kills, Gallifrey dies, Gallifrey stops
Fun (or not so fun if you’re certain characters) alternate dimension stories Braxs day dream (anonymous)
The Queen of Time
Somewhere outside our universe, she is waiting.
A god-like immortal, living in a realm of clocks. The hours tick slowly by as she plots and plans. She is readying her trap. A trap for a very special man in a very special police box.
Hecuba has all the time in the world. But for the Doctor, time is running out.
It's a really interesting lost story in the vein of The Celestial Toymaker, where the Doctor is held captive at the world's worst dinner party while his friends are forced through a gauntlet of time-themed traps and puzzles. (6&7)
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darksideofparis · 3 months
An expanded Pantheon of Discord for your consideration! Some taken from canon beings The Doctor has fought, some from Sarah Jane, two are OCs
The Toymaker: The God of Games- We all now know this guy, a crazy giggling madman obsessed with The Rules of Play
Hecuba: The Goddess of Fate- The canonical sister of The Toymaker. I made her The Goddess of Fate since in her one canon appearance she's called The Queen of Time.
Trickster: The God of Traps- Again, a well known one, the archenemy of Sarah Jane, an insane individual who loves chaos
Maestro: The God of Music- The child of The Toymaker who wishes to keep all music for themselves, the parent of Harbinger
Reprobate: The God of Spite- An unknown being, I haven't found anyone who would work as Reprobate except maybe Rassilon?
The Mara: The God of Beasts- A classic Who villain and enemy of The Fifth Doctor
Lucifer: The God of Despair- This is The Beast from The Satan Pit. He's also voiced by Gabriel Woolf, the voice of Sutekh and with Carla mentioning The Beast it felt right to include him. Having him be The God of Despair is from The Beast being called The Prince of Despair by the possessed Ood
Abaddon: The God of Hunger- This is The Beast's child from Torchwood that feeds on life energy and was defeated by Jack's immortality. Feasting on immortality itself seems good for a hunger god
Fenric: The God of Pestilence- Taking a Seventh Doctor enemy described as "an evil from before the universe" and making them one of The Pantheon. Given how Fenric was described, a pestilence deity seemed right
Jester: The God of Fear- The clown creature from Sarah Jane Adventures that feeds on fear and who Mr Smith said came from "the far edges of The Universe". Similar to Abaddon, a being that feeds on fear seems like they'd be a fear deity
Krampus: The God of Trickery- This is actually a canonical member of The Pantheon from a comic who tricks a citizen of Leadworth who Amy and Rory later have to save. He works by tricking people into accepting his gifts to manifest in the physical world
Harbinger: The God of Chance- Yes I'm making Harbinger a god, since the first one we met is the child of Maestro. Now Harbinger is a shapeshifter deity so both Henry and Harriet are the same deity. Their domain is for opening up chances for their fellow deities to emerge
Incensor: The Goddess of Disaster- A canonical member of The Pantheon who we haven't seen yet and I couldn't find an enemy who worked as a Disaster goddess though I wanted to propose the idea that she was the inspiration of Gaia in Greek mythology
Light: The God of Endings- A Seventh Doctor enemy who was said to be "an evil older than time itself" and worshiped as a god. Depicted as being someone obsessed with cataloguing the universe and infuriated whenever anything changes. Seems like he'd make a good God of Endings
Akhaten: The God of Plagues- Taken from the 11th Doctor story The Rings of Akhaten, described by his worshippers as A God but by 11 as a parasitic plague on his people, I think he could work as a trapped and bound God of The Pantheon
Midnight: The God of Shadow- Yes I am making The Creature from Midnight a lesser deity of The Pantheon! What else but an immortal being could survive that sunlight? Maybe it was imprisoned eons ago and all it can do now is hunger and strike from it's domain of shadow, including the shadows of the mind
Kronos: The God of Time- A Third Doctor enemy that claimed to have "known The Doctor of Old" and was "beyond good and evil", a being literally called a God and a destroyer. I think he'd fit well in The Pantheon and leads into Ash's idea of The Doctor being The God of Life. Speaking of which
The Doctor: The God of Life- A mind wiped and banished child god who was found and taken in by The Time Lords. This god was immortal and could bring others back to life (like the butterfly from Space Babies). Trapped by The Trickster and unbound from Time, The Doctor now faces his own family as The Lonely God
Void: The God of Darkness (OC)- I made this sort of a mashup of both The Void, the space between dimensions containing "no light" and Rose in "Turn Left" saying that "The Darkness is coming" almost like The Darkness was a physical being. Void separated a member of his family from the woman he loved out of spite
Sutekh: The God of Death- The supposed "mother and father and other of all" and "the god of gods" himself, master and bringer of ultimate death, the antithesis to The Doctor, God of Life. A being who simply wishes to bring "blessed death to all life"
Precursor: The God of The Unknown and Secrets (OC)- Confession time! I created this God for the sole reason of being able to hide the truth from people by tucking it away "into nothingness and The Unknown". Secrets such as the true origin of Ruby Sunday, the many past lives of The Doctor, the whereabouts of Susan Foreman, the truth of who The Doctor is and (linking in your OC Alex) who Alex's Time Lord ancestor is. They are the Secret Keeper of The Pantheon and allow their fellow gods true intentions to always remain a mystery
Would love to hear your opinions on this!- Loki
Very fascinating! I especially like the idea of a God of Secrets. Honestly, it would fit in very well with the show, and all the secrets and uncertainty surrounding the Doctor!
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theladyofspaceandtime · 7 months
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My first Big Finish Audio listen in a while. I was intrigued by the concept of this one: It's about the Toymaker's Sister who is called The Queen of Time/Hecuba. And honestly, Frazer Hines does a FANTASTIC job as both Jamie and the Second Doctor!
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Cassandra (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Doomed Prophetess by the people of Troy
Cassie by her family & friends
Age- 17
Location- Troy, Olympius
Personality- She has always had an outspoken rebellious streak despite the challenges growing up, dealing with being "wired differently." She's independent, passionate, & fearless and is currently single.
She was born, raised, & still resides in the state of Troy where her parents Priam and Hecuba rule as Lord & Lady. Cassie has a sister named Creusa who's a couple years older than her and a fraternal twin- her brother Helenus. She also has fourteen older siblings. Cassie is quite close to her eldest brother Hector (who's a corporal in the Olympian Army).
Even as a little girl, she always liked pushing the boundaries with authority figures. A vivid memory Cassie has of this was when she was four. She spent the entire day outside during a rainstorm jumping in mud puddles. Returning home (& knowing full well the servants had just finished cleaning), Cassie proceeded to walk all over the waxed floors then jump on all the furniture, screaming "Couches are less important than little girls!"
Cassie had quite the imaginary friends as a kid!
She experienced her fair shares of doctor offices, hospital waiting rooms, and behavioral therapists. When Cassie was six, she received an official diagnosis of ADHD. At school, she often disrupted the class by talking with her friends, answering questions that she wasn't called upon to answer, & even leaving her seat and classroom to walk in the hallways or go to the bathroom. At the time, the only outlet for her was gym class. Sometimes after school, her parents would participate in high level activities with Cassie like go-karting, surfing, and visiting the amusement parks, all in an effort to tire her out.
Once in third grade, Cassie snuck into her teacher's classroom and took two boxes of rubber bands from the desk. At home, she made a rubber band ball- knowing the exact number of each color.
A go-to drink is the angel delight's cocktail (a drink made with gin, triple sec, cream, & grenadine). She also likes the s'mores milkshake from The Frozen Spoon.
When she was 10, Cassie had a prophetic nightmare, visioning all of Troy engulfed in flames. With each passing year, the vision becomes more detailed and disturbing.
She self describes her brain as a system of "knotted frayed mismatched wires."
Into her teen years, Cassie also received diagnoses of bipolar disorder and OCD. Cassie doesn't cook, instead opting to warm up meals in the microwave instead of the stove (hates being around flames since the nightmare). She routinely takes a bath in almost scorching hot water after masturbating or having sex. Throughout it all, her parents & most of her siblings have been a support system for her- especially her older sister Creusa. She doesn't take it personally when Cassie lashes out at her during her manic episodes & she's usually the one to remind her to take her medication.
Her favorite food is steak and crab legs. She also likes her mom's stifado.
Cassie's favorite musical artist (& god) is Apollo. She used to want to be a priestess at one of his temples. Her favorite album of his is These Blinding Lights, often playing the song "Emergency Contact." It sometimes became a part of some of her depressive episodes- one instance being where she spent a week in bed with the album playing in a continuous loop. Her mother finally managed to bathe her. Some of Cassie's more manic episodes included driving across five states with Helenus just to find a store that sold a particular flavor of ice cream, threatening the house staff with a sword after one of the maids went to the pharmacy to pick up a refill of her medication, & hooking up with a guy while he was driving. She once livestreamed on Fatestagram for almost twelve hours- talking about the most random things.
In her free time, Cassie's gotten into dancing. She and Creusa take hip-hop and interpretive dance classes together & she often posts short clips of her dancing on Fatestagram. She also likes playing video games, watching true crime programs on TV (as well as a docu series on the Titan god Kronos- which she rewatched a dozen times), and she partakes in weed, lotus tiles, & lotus dust from time to time (her family- except Helenus, unaware of that fact).
"Forget The Titanomachy or The Olympian's Rebellion. The war between me and my mind should be in the history books."
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deadpuppetboi · 4 months
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twojamie-o-clock · 3 months
Ok so since Hecuba is part of the pantheon. Can we please get an episode with her. Please. I want her to trap fifteen and (Ruby? new companion?) in an entirely different game since she’s clearly going to lose her current lair. Please that would be so amazing. And if the clocks showed past companions or people the Doctor lost. AGH. Sun dial, grandfather, and cuckoo clocks please and thank you. I need to see 15 face her they would be so amazing.
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asteriuszenith · 4 years
VT Investigation Files: POI Files: Cassandra Carter
Updated As Of:
With Regards to One’s Name
The name Cassandra came from the Greek name Κασσάνδρα (Kassandra), derived from possibly κέκασμαι (kekasmai) meaning "to excel, to shine" and ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man" (genitive ἀνδρός). In Greek myth Cassandra was a Trojan princess, the daughter of Priam and Hecuba. She was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but when she spurned his advances he cursed her so nobody would believe her prophecies.
Who Were They?
As the daughter of Adrian Carter who was the head and establisher of Montauk before Cardozo took over the leader role after his death, Cass had been given the name ‘Daughter of Montauk’ by the public which came along with the heavy expectations of her being compared to her father as his living legacy. Cass mentioned that she reminded her father of her mother which I could only assume that either she got her personality from her or she got her physical features or both. It was a positive remembrance though even though I’m sure that it still hurts Adrian Carter looks at his daughter with loving eyes. One would think that as someone who has so many responsibilities to manage as the head of Montauk, Adrian would be far too busy to form a bond with his daughter but thankfully that is not the case.
Numerous people in the Carter's lives have mentioned that Adrian adores his daughter and Cass loves her father just as much in return. Despite their massive physical distance from each other, Adrian had always tried his best to keep in contact with his daughter which she probably appreciated considering the fondness in her voice whenever she talked about him.
Cassie is still grieving over the loss of both of her parents at such a young age especially when you think about her father’s fate… It’s also saddening to hear that as her father grew closer to Cardozo it was like he was pulling himself away from her in return. I wonder if she had been able to talk to him before he died…
Not that that’s any of our businesses anyway.
Cassandra lived with her Aunt Vivian in Canada after Adrian sent her away there after her mother’s death. With regards to her aunt who was her mother’s sister and looked very much like her and caused some complicated feelings to well up within her, she still loves and misses her aunt.
Summer 2015: The Birth of Cabbage Girl & A Tight Bond
Despite living in Canada for most of the year, that doesn’t mean that Cassie never visited her father. Every year, around summer time, she would visit Montauk and her father in their main HQ and in the year 2015, her annual Montauk visit led her to meet one of the most precious people she would be proud to call somebody that she loved.
During one of those summer days, she had just been hanging out with her father in his office when the door was practically slammed open by one of his interns in his haste to report some progress on a project that he had been assigned to. With a completely serious look, Adrian introduced Cassandra as Cabbage to the intern and the two teenagers practically died of laughter especially when Adrian looked so proud of the effect that his joke had on the two of them.
And that was how the inside joke about Cabbage Girl was born, and how Nocturne and Cassie met each other for the very first time.
The two met up a couple more times afterwards and soon became steadfast friends before their relationship escalated to that of a romantic one (just so you know, Cassie was the one who took the first step forward). Nocturne cares a hell lot for Cassie, always sounding very protective of her every time he talks about her as well as being filled with adoration as evidenced by that dorky as hell letter in his blogger which was just of him singing her praises.  Cassie in return loves him just as much, you can always hear the fond smile on her voice every time she talks about him or mentions him in one of her vlogs and she trusts him to have her back just as he trusts her to have his own. They keep each other grounded amongst the many upheavals their lives have had over the past years ever since her father died and I’m glad for that, for the both of them.
As of present, Nocturne and Cassie are living together in Nocturne’s apartment.
The Daughter of Montauk and The Wolf
Cassandra met Miz Cardozo through her aunt Vivian who had been one of the doctor’s coworkers in the Bureau of Unreality. She never really knew what to make of the older woman ever since the first day that they met. Sure, she definitely respected Miz but there was just something about her that unnerved Cassie. Hell, she herself felt rather off during their first meeting. One of the unnerving habits (?) that put Cassie off Miz was the older woman’s tendency to constantly watch and listen to her whenever they were in the same room. It always felt like Miz was analyzing her, studying her like she was a particularly interesting specimen especially when she was being lively and expressive as she discussed something she was excited about with someone.
After their first meeting and several more instances of encountering each other though, Cass did slightly warm up to Miz. Not to the point that she’d be having slumber parties with her and making each other friendship bracelets but they were definitely at the level of friendly acquaintances. It was only truly after the Rosemary Road case was revealed to the world that she had grown very hostile against the other woman.
Cassie respected Miz. Even if she didn’t exactly full on like Miz, she still respected her enough to not immediately accuse Miz of lying about her experiences with her father to get the CEO position by using her story to get ahead of the race. Miz herself seemed to tolerate her, being friendly to the point that Cass recalled memories of her helping her with her homework. However, she noted that Miz’s behavior began to change  just before her father’s death. It seemed like Miz didn’t want her nearby every time her father is also close by which does have some inconsistency to her allegations of sexual harassment since she should’ve preferred that Cass be nearby in order to discourage Adrian from making any unwanted advances on her, right? The more optimistic side of me considered that perhaps she was attempting to protect Cassie’s image of her father to Cassandra but a more realistic side of me considered that perhaps there was another reason for this behavior.
Either way, I don’t think Cassie is going to be willing to talk to Miz soon considering the hostility she’s expressing which may also be encouraged by her partner. I could only hope that she doesn’t do anything reckless in order to clean her father’s name and prove that Miz had been lying about what Adrian did to her.
Hazed Out
Recently, probably as a result of her body and mind trying to cope with all of the stressful changes and events in her life, Cassie had been experiencing a state that she called being ‘Hazed Out’. Basically, it’s the state when she feels very spaced out and everything feels far too real and not real at the same time. It makes her feel like she’s not herself anymore.
Originally, she never felt like this all the time and certain things or interactions could pull her out of that mood. Like that one time during the summer of 2015, she had been feeling hazed out until she met Nocturne for the very first time. That event pulled her out of that state. However, she confessed that bazed out is practically her default state by this point and Nocturne had been very helpful in keeping her mostly grounded. It’s also one of the reasons why she is so determined to also help Nocturne get to the bottom of it all just so that she can stop feeling like this all the time and feel like herself again.
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drfate · 4 years
Dr. Fate: In the Dungeon of the Damned
An old school Dr Fate novel by Rex F Dorgan
Epilogue – The Flame-Flower
The old woman moved slowly through the small cemetery adjacent to the ruins of a long-abandoned chapel in western Massachusetts. Thirteen headstones occupied the grounds – ancient, worn, broken, moss-eaten, some sunken into the ground, but on all of them the names were still legible: Cornelia Rainsford, Emeline Malady, Georgine Pendergast, Rebekah Crue, Aphra Okes, Aurinda Okes, Silence Meagher, Verity Gorge, Jane Ingold, Zipporah Bastwick, Hecuba Hodge, Lydia Calthrop, Keziah Judge.
The dates of their births varied greatly, and the years of their births ran from 1608 to 1632, but the year, month, and even day of their deaths was the same: November 1, 1666.
The old woman cackled malevolently as she walked among the headstones. Once the ground beneath her feet would have scorched her soles like hot coals, but that was a time long past. These grounds, this chapel, had long ago been – what was the word? desecrated? literally correct, but not as the word was used by common folk – she supposed the term would be something like “anti-sanctified.” What word would you use to mean a fortress taken over by the enemy, and now a stronghold of that enemy? She thought of those large lethal hawk-wasps that killed tarantulas and made nests of their carcasses. Like that.
She carried in her hand a strange silver pot holding an even stranger flower: its stem was gnarled and thorny, but its petals, exactly thirteen in number, were pointed, like those of a sunflower. And yet, on closer inspection, they writhed and throbbed in a way no flower petals should. On closer inspection, those petals were revealed as tongues of flame.
One by one, the woman daintily gripped each petal between thumb and forefinger and, holding it over a grave, dropped it to the ground, where the flame flowed outward in the shape of the skeleton buried below. One by one, the graves shook and shuddered and the ground in front of each tombstone convulsed and churned until finally a hand or head broke free from the earth. One by one, the animated corpses of long-dead women climbed from their graves and stood by their headstones as the flesh regrew itself over their bones, until thirteen women stood in the deserted churchyard, in varying states of tattered dress, their flesh covered with dirt and mould and the occasional worm, but complete again.
Aphra Okes was the first to speak. “Hail, sisters. We are made whole again. We are ONE again!”
The women responded, “Hail, Sister Aphra.”
Then Aphra Okes turned to the old woman carrying the remains of the flame-flower, stripped of its petals, but with ovary, receptacle, and stigma intact. “Hail, Lamashtu, mistress of us all!”
The old woman curtsied and said, “I am your servant, not your mistress.”
“Servant and mistress, and soul of us all. We are one in you, Lamashtu.”
Again the old woman curtsied.
Jane Ingold spoke. “We thought we would never return, but you have found a way, mistress.”
“Our time came at last,” the old woman said. She paused and looked over each of the women approvingly, and then met each one’s rapt gaze, eye to eye. There was a satisfied silence and then, after a while, she continued. “I ventured into Faerie as often as I could, but after my first attempt to steal the flower, I was immediately recognized on every return visit. Sometimes, they would take me captive and torment me. As great as my power is in this sphere, that realm is altogether different, strange even to me, and I was each time barely able to escape, although I often left behind my human host to whatever doom those fierce denizens had planned for me. But always there was a price. One time I returned to find that all my remaining acolytes had vanished without a trace. One time I returned, and a century had passed.”
“Praise her, sisters,” said Lydia Calthrop, “For her conviction never flagged.”
“Praise her,” the assembled women shouted.
“But finally the wheel turned, as it always does; even Anu’s wheel is turned on its head,” the old woman said. “For Nergal returned. Oh, my Church, his power was unrivalled. No demon, no god, has ever wielded such power. If not for the wit of Doctor Fate, he would even now be ruler of this world, and many other worlds besides. ‘Tis lucky for us that Nabu’s servant conquered him, oddly enough, for Nergal would not abide us. You would be too great a threat to him. For the Coven of Ashland was ever the greatest circle of witches. When you thirteen are gathered, even Nergal has reason to fear you. Had reason to fear you.”
“Had? Then he is removed as a threat forever?” asked Emeline Malady.
“Yes, my dear one,” the old woman responded. “The Good Doctor destroyed him utterly. Even his soul has been cast down. But not before he ventured into Faerie and retrieved the flower! He used it to call forth former allies from the Pit, and with it populated again his necropolis of Kur.”
“But the flower regrew its flames again, even after Nergal made use of it? You used it to restore us?” asked Aphra’s sister, Aurinda.
“Yes, dear,” replied the old woman. “Nergal has finally answered that question for us, and quelled our greatest fear. The flame-flower regenerates, one petal per moon. I watched and waited seven months for the flower to regrow all its petals but finally I was able to restore you. For when Nergal died, I retrieved the flower from where it lay hidden – deep in the heart of the Tower of Fate itself. Stolen from right under the nose of Doctor Fate!”
The dark congregation seemed to gasp in unison. “Tell us all, mistress!” Aphra exclaimed.
“It has taken me eighty years, but I finally found my opportunity to occupy this body. Lady Grey is a formidable witch herself, but the charm of protection Doctor Fate placed on her was the strongest such spell I have ever encountered. No amount of cunning or force allowed me to pierce it. But I was vigilant, and persistent. And finally, one day, for exactly one minute, the shield dropped. For Doctor Fate had died.”
“Doctor Fate – dead? But then…” Verity Gorge’s question was halted in mid-sentence.
“Died, but he is not yet dead. Sadly. But if he were, Nergal would be alive. So pick your poison, I reckon. Fate sacrificed himself to prevent Nergal from stealing the Amulet of Anutu, but Nergal was sickened by Fate’s vital-force when he tried to imbibe it. I have no idea how that happened, but I intend for us to delve deep into the matter. Fate’s life-force returned to the Doctor and he defeated the poisoned Nergal. Later, when he realized the means by which Nergal had retrieved damned souls from the Pit, Fate made the journey back to Kur and relieved Neti, who is now Lord there – yes, Neti, ha – of the flame-flower. He hid it in his Tower, which would have been as inaccessible to me as Kur, or Faerie – but for my possession of the body of his friend.”
“And the perfect friend for me to have possessed! For not only was Lady Grey trusted above all others and invited to dine with Doctor Fate and his delicious wife “ – this was met with a few murmurs of lecherous assent – “but she is one of the greatest practitioners of plant-magic I have ever encountered. And flowers are her specialty. All her wisdom was mine to access, and I used it to cause the flower to regenerate. Blood,” she added as an aside, “the more innocent, the better.” And the demon-inhabited crone smiled wickedly and licked her lips until they shone in the moonlight.
“Finding the flower in Fate’s maze of a warren was simplicity itself with Lady Grey’s heightened sensitivity to flora, and concealing it was, too, for Fate had foolishly given Inza a bracelet made of beads from Ishtar’s necklace, and Lady Grey – well, I, inhabiting her – simply pilfered the bracelet on my way back from ‘the loo.’”
Lamashtu looked at the frail, withered arms of the body she had stolen. “These flesh sacks are so weak! Even in a magic fortress, there is need of a toilet! But these flesh sacks are also strong, for they will enable us to do what your insubstantial ghosts could not – seize dominion over life in all its forms! What say you, my Church, my Congregation, my Coven?”
Thirteen voices shouted in unison. “Hail, Lamashtu. Dominion is ours!”
The old woman turned to leave the churchyard. Behind her, in the silver-blue moonlight, the shadows of the thirteen witches slithered along the ground back to the feet of their owners, climbed up their bodies, and then completely drowned the figures in darkness. The shadow-women then slowly shrank and reformed into sleek black winged shapes, and thirteen crows alighted from the churchyard, bound for the lights of the great city by the sea.
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fardell24b · 2 years
4th January 2023 Writings
 Excerpt from: The Many Time Lords
Other Drahvin ships noticed this and began to move towards the newcomer ships.
 Kellira took notice of this and watched another ship fall out of the sky into the ocean near the remains of the Brisbane. She opened a channel to her other ships. “Evasive manoeuvres, and launch torpedoes at all ships except the Valiant II, but especially at those two newcomers,” she ordered.
 Words: 64
  Excerpt from: Legacy of Westchester Map Game
United Kingdom
The Eton Bubble and its consequences.
In early January, following a hazing gone wrong, 13 years old Adrian Hawkins creates a bubble of frozen time in a wooded area around Eton College. Scientists are mystified as to why it still follows the Earth's surface and light can pass through it (albeit everything taking on shades of grey), yet everything inside appears to be frozen in time. Indeed, when it is eventually "popped", the 5 students (the three boys who had been involved with the hazing, and two innocents) trapped within will remember nothing. Adrian Hawkins is noticed fleeing, now completely grey and seen to occasionally flicker.
Words: 109
  Excerpt from: Future Excerpt 4
“So, you’re looking for that emerald too?” she asked.
 “Sure, we have looked through most of the school,” Jenna said. “We’re about to look in the Ag plot.”
 “Kind of hard in the dark, wouldn’t it?” the other person asked.
 “I’m sure there are lights there,” Daria answered.
 Words: 48
  Excerpt from: Brittany
“Let’s do so,” Daria said.
 “Certainly,” Andrea said.
 “We can take up De Martino’s offer and find Mr. O’Neill,” Daria suggested.
 “But do we know where he lives?” Andrea asked.
 “Yes,” Donna answered.
 Words: 33
 Total: 254
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