inksmearedpages · 5 months
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Sages of Balance
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon meets High Fantasy Isekai Anime with a focus on Political Intrigue, Mysteries, and Action.
Jay awakens in the world of Pokemon as a Buizel and must learn to fit into this surprisingly organized society he's fallen into. Things only become more complicated when a betrayal awakens the powers of a Sage within him. Moving to the Capital, Jay strives to adjust to his new role as a Keeper of Balance on top of navigating the uneven political landscape that seeks to trip him up at every turn. What adventures await him and his allies? What mysteries will he unravel? And what shadowy secrets lurk just beneath the surface of the Capital?
(The World Building and Story Beats sections will be under the Read More Link to prevent this post from taking up your entire dashboard.)
World Building
Medieval/High Fantasy society with a Pokemon flavoring that focuses on keeping a balance between civilization and nature. Most accommodations such as food, shelter, education, and medicine are freely provided or traded for. Of course, being Pokemon, some may be more comfortable sleeping outside and various public spaces are set aside for this purpose. Money is mostly for luxuries, public works, and assistance programs so the shadow of capitalism doesn't hang over this world. There are rich Pokemon still, but they don't hoard their wealth for the most part. Many Pokemon choose to go by nicknames in this world as with the rapid development of society, the chances of you knowing more than one Pokemon of the same species is rather high. Pokemon choose these names for themselves once they are old enough and can change them throughout their lives is they so choose.
Magic and Technology
Typical high fantasy levels of technology, but catered towards Pokemon design sensibilities. Carts and taxis where the Pokemon pulling them are paid employees. Mail delivered by bird and Flying type Pokemon. Psychic and Fighting types working side by side as the primary construction and repair crews. Grass type apothecaries and Fire type bakers. High production of goods such as farms and plantations for seeds and berries. Enchanters specializing in creating orbs, rods, and accessories. Ethically sourced materials for building and crafting. Research into Frisms has resulted in the invention of sound broadcasting similar to radio and personal communication devices. Devices similar to still image cameras are common, but their version of video cameras are very expensive and are reserved for the rich or Law Enforcement Guild.
Guilds are the lifeblood of society and come in various types. Adventuring Guilds sponsor Rescue and Exploration teams who brave the wilds and Mystery Dungeons of the world. Supply Guilds focus on providing various resources such as food through farming and gathering or collecting raw materials for building, making medicine, and crafting enchanted items. Crafting Guilds use the products from Supply Guilds to create the necessities of life from the mundane such as bricks and cookware to the fantastical such as the enchanted orbs, rods, and accessories often used by Adventurers. While the Adventurers keep the peace in the wilds, the Law Enforcement Guild keeps the peace within settlements. There is only one Law Enforcement Guild that has branches in every settlement and answers only to the High Council so as to prevent any potential schisms or power grabs.
The government of this world is comprised of Councils. These Councils determine laws and policies through debate and voting. Council Members, known as Representatives or Councilmon, are determined by a mix of voting campaign and battle prowess. There are four levels of Councils. The Local Councils for towns and cities. The Provincial Councils for provinces. The Eighteen Councils which determine type-specific policies to be submitted to the High Council. The High Council which determines country (world?) wide policies and laws. Local Councils are made up of residents of the settlements they serve. Typically made up of town elders and leaders, membership is less about battle and more about local knowledge and trust. Provincial Councils have at least one member from each settlement within their province. Again, membership is less about battle prowess and more about local trust. The Eighteen Councils are a set of councils that reside in the Capital. One for each type, these Councils determine type-specific policies to be introduced to the High Council so that as many voices can be heard and represented as possible. Each typed Council has a single seat for each duel type. A Representative of a duel type, Rock/Fire for example, would sit in that seat for both Councils. They would represent Rock Types for the Fire Council, and Fire Types for the Rock Council. Members are determined by nation-wide voting campaigns and battles. While it is possible to win a campaign if you lose your battle, it requires a vast majority of the popular vote. There are also mono-typed Head Council Members on each typed Council that serve on the High Council and are elected in the same way. The High Council is comprised of the Head Council Members of each of the Eighteen Councils and the High Master of the Law Enforcement Guild to act as mediator and tie breaker. (Local, Provincial, and the Eighteen Councils also have members of the Law Enforcement Guild as members to perform the same duty.) This is the top authority of the lands and determines major policy changes, disaster responses, public project fund allocation, and acts as a High Court for high profile crimes.
There are certain Pokemon in the world born with extraordinary powers. These mono-typed Pokemon have their moves of the same type boosted beyond normal. They can also learn any move a Pokemon that shares their type can learn. For example, a Fire type Sage would be able to learn Incineroar's signature move Darkest Lariat. This makes them incredibly strong and versatile in battle. It is also said that these blessed Pokemon are able to hear the Voice of Life, the very will of the planet. It guides them to where they are needed and warns them of danger. Lead by the Voice, these Pokemon historically went on to protect others and defeat various evils as they arose. Over time, these Pokemon banded together and formed the Order of Sages. Known also as the Keepers of Balance, this order would use their abilities to protect those who could not protect themselves and offer their wisdom to those who would listen. Basically, they're the Jedi of this world, but with members being in the single digits and less corruptible. They even provide advice and opinions to the High Council.
Story Beats
WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD! If you wish to wait on the chance that I might turn this into a full fledged fic, be aware the following lays out most of the story.
Jay awakens as a Buizel and is found by an elderly Simisage.
Simisage takes him and gives him a place to stay/work on his seed and berry plantation.
Jay learns about the world and society he's in and makes a few friends.
On friend in a fellow worker on the plantation, a Floatzel a bit older than him who takes him under his wing and teaches him lots of useful things like battling.
Jay follows Floatzel one day and discovers he's been running a very illegal smuggling and wild Pokemon trafficking ring.
They fight, but Floatzel is more experienced.
Jay refuses to give up, and awakens the powers of a Sage, defeating Floatzel.
The experience traumatizes Jay, who vows never to evolve.
Jay moves to the Capital (maybe one of the local friends joins him?) and is inducted into the Order of Sages.
He meets the other sages: Master Granbull, Second in command Zangoose, Marowak, Bayleef, and Rockruff.
Jay has adventures around the city, making new friends, new rivals, and just trying to adjust to his new politically sensitive role.
He also goes to therapy to deal with his trauma of his experience with Floatzel and dealing with the stress of being a sage.
Some fun things happen, such as a talent show and festival.
Over the course of the story, a mystery of missing and vanishing Pokemon begins to unfold.
The Mind Healers Guild is broken into, and personal secrets are being read over the city's broadcast system.
Jay's secret of being human is revealed, leading to a lot of scrutiny and prejudice.
Granbull's previously kind yet gruff manner becomes cruel as his hatred of humans gets the better of him.
A conspiracy is revealed: a certain group of Pokemon wish to erase certain types of Pokemon from existence.
They lay siege to the city to try and get to the defense systems that would allow them to cast a spell powerful enough to engulf the country.
Battles all over the city as the Sages, Councilmon, Adventurers, and the Law Enforcement Guild fight back this army that seems to have been formed overnight.
Jay and some allies manage to face the leaders of the cult in the chamber that would allow them to cast their spell.
They stalemate, and the spell goes off.
The other Sages create a protective ring to slow the advance of the spell, but are losing ground.
Jay digs deep and pulls upon forbidden and tremendous power, managing to break and undo the effects of the spell.
When he wakes up in the hospital, the cult has been apprehended, and his status as human is no longer a sore point as he quite literally saved the world.
Potential sequels include:
Ultra Beasts and Type: Null and the prejudice of being human-made Pokemon
The Treasures of Ruin and the dark emotions in the hearts of all.
That's all for this overview! I've had this story idea for a really long time and I might delve into more specific details in the future. Be aware that any of this is till subject to change. I hope you enjoyed!
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scribz-ag24 · 8 months
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i was gonna draw a continuation of my last post and it devolved into guildshipping. Oops.
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azurityarts · 1 year
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Hero & Partner Week (@heropartnerweek) - Day 6: Farewell | Alone | Return
"No matter how great the distance between us... Wherever you are... Whenever it is... ...I won't ever forget you."
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airborneice · 29 days
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@heropartnerweek Day 6 - Farewell / Return
with this franchise always having that set formula of your character leaving/dying/getting erased from existence at the end, i really like how PSMD turned the tables and had your partner have to go instead. and by 'really like' i mean i was distraught pmd how could you do this to me-
but yeah, the set-up of having that aching dread that now that you've succeeded in saving the world you'll be forced to leave, wondering how you'll tell your buddy the awful news and then actually it's this?? insane
I ran out of time but hopefully I’ll finish a happier addition to this prompt for tomorrow :’)
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bariettan · 3 months
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I just got here in the game, thought i should post it for posterity and my own sanity. look at these dumbasses
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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dormont · 2 months
dylan in team meanies!!
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stupid thang
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fujii-draws · 10 months
your dadnoir content is genuinely wonderful because I fully support the idea of dusknoir being a cringefail loserman dad and because I thought about how mentally conflicted he was when found out about the true origins of the hero.
Like, imagine this for a second. You go back to the past because someone is trying to stop the planet's paralysis (which you were told would be the end for all future pokemon, like yourself), and you come across these two young explorers. Despite their young age, they are stunningly good at what they do (even if you had to save them from a few "minor" quarrels). You get closer to them, to the point where they consider you their friend, and you consider them yours. Time goes on, and you slowly begin to know more about the hero. one, they are named after a certain human that's been a pain on your neck for some time. two, apparently, they have the dimensional scream. oh. okay. and three.. they tell you that they were a human and who was turned into a pokemon. ... oh. it's them. normally, you'd easily use this opportunity to strike and finish em' off, but something inside you just stops. this doesn't feel right. none of this does. this is.. a child. one that you've grown so fond of. but what are you even supposed to do in this scenario? you can't come back empty handed, because that would mean certain death. can't tell them about your true intentions, otherwise they will scorn and hate you for eternity. it's conflicting. it's dumb. it's.. depressing, really.
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
twig is honestly so cool. shoutout to the miserable fire lizard who i would absolutely give all my money to. im gonna take her to an amusement park and make her experience some joy and whimsy in her life
Currently editing a chapter starring the world's most miserable Twig ever and I am begging you to take this depressed piece of soggy bread on a whimsical outing. She needs it so badly. She needs it so very very badly.
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Don’t give her your money though. She’s kinda disgustingly rich and it’s honestly a little upsetting how wealthy she is.
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shannadreamgoddess · 4 months
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hello yes u have made quite possibly the italian sea otter of all time🫶❤️ love ur works!
you have no idea what you've wrought-- the very concept of someone spending even one second of their life just to draw these silly goobers means sosososo much, to a degree I can't BEGIN to convey in words. ;;; It means everything and-- UWAH, YOU CAPTURE HER SO WELL. THE HAUGHTY EYESHADE, THE BLUE HIGHLIGHTS, SHE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL IN YOUR STYLE ;;;
And and of course, I have to plug Mimi aka @maya-was-here as she's actually the one to write Adelaide in the story! She really and truly has written the perfect haughty 19th century Italian noble girl and I'm always both impressed by her work and EXCITED to see what that gay weasel does next!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
For the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU. EVERYONE, LOOK AT THIS!
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rocketbirdie · 6 months
Combining the power of two of the greatest video game soundtracks of all time.
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im glad you guys are supportive of your favorite ship but if you're gonna reblog it and say to vote for the other option, maaaybe reblog from op and not from me
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leolithe · 2 years
thinking about the first time i played gates to infinity and being genuinely impressed with how they handled the narrative themes of the game. i was expecting it to have a childish/naive outlook on hopelessness and literal depression but nope!! it gave us a story with some of the most emotional depth i've experienced in a video game story period.
like yeah yeah i fuckin get it, explorers of sky is so coooool and aweeeeesooome but the material in GTI is exceptionally solid too!
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azurityarts · 2 years
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Daily Doodle #262
thinking about grovyle again
I need to replay Special Episode #5 again one day...
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chaimecho · 1 year
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bariettan · 3 months
gay ass cat in a gay ass world
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read more for gay and a funny clip
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