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The barefoot dude is freaking me out.
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big-edies-sun-hat · 1 year
Look, I try not to yell at clouds, but if there is one new trend that absolutely pisses me off, it is people pixelating their feet before they post a photo or video that happens to show them bare
I don’t want to tell people when they shouldn’t feel uncomfortable or what they shouldn’t “wear” online
I just hate that entitled fetishists have ruined one more thing in this world
I do not look forward to the day when wearing sandals is considered as sexual as deep cleavage
It’s July and I got a hammer toe, fuck off forever
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enverwhoretrash · 5 months
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hands behind back? slut behaviour
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karda · 2 months
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in my dreams i have a daughter
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gros-chat-fait · 9 months
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Just six normal teens hanging out in the woods. --
100th post and final drawing of the year. Happy holidays and new year, everyone <3!
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ifyougoillfollow · 3 months
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mic stannies have we seen this? 👀
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I think Gwen calling Miles parents by their first names really show the difference between white and black culture.
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Gwendy girl I love you but get your shoes off the bed. Have you lost your goddamn mind
Idk if it's just me, but in a lot of wider (white) culture the idea is that a host must cater to the guest, making sure the place is inviting and the guest is taken care of. It's the hosts responsibly look after their guests
However in a lot of POC cultures, it's the inverse. To us, Guests must cater to the host, because we understand it firstly as their space.
In our culture, we as guests are there as visitors. And it is on us to act appropriate towards the host. Rather than the host acting appropriate to us.
When we walk into a house, we talk off our shoes.
When she comes over she sits cross-legged on Miles bed with her shoes on.
When we enter someones house or space as black kids we're told to go to the adult of the house and introduce yourself, shake their hand.
When Gwen comes to the cookout, Miles parents have to approach her first and ask who she is. And then she calls them their first names!!!!!
We're even told that as guests we have to ask to get water or open the fridge - or the host can get it for us for their privacy.
Gwen comes in and rips open one of Miles' collectables and don't even think about it after.
And Miles is SHOCKED because he's probably never had a friend act like that in his house before.
As POC we see ourselves as guests given the privilege of being in the space. Whereas general culture sees guests as someone to invite in, and that the guests experience - not the hosts' space - is the primary focus
Gwen is probably acting that way because in her culture the idea is that "Oh - I'm at a friend's house. Let me get comfortable."
Whereas for a lot of us its "Oh - I'm at a friend's house and I want their parents to like me enough to let me in their house again lol"
Idk I just found that interesting
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canisalbus · 1 year
Do your ocs have like bean paws? I don’t think they have them on their hands, but what about their feet? Sorry if it’s a bit weird!
They do have paw pads on their hands and feet! This is just a quick messy sketch but hopefully it sort of illustrates the look I personally go for with my anthros.
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beeduoo · 2 months
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gurlgallade · 21 days
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Hi! Haven't been able to do much progress on this because we fucked up our wrist a little, but there's embroidery and a presentable amount of Four's assets have color now!
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siren-of-agony · 8 months
Answers to "please stop"
I can't.
I won't.
I don't want to.
I don't know how.
I will soon.
But then how will you learn?
We're almost done.
It's almost over.
Ask me again!
Oh well, if you're asking that politely…
Fine. For now.
Only once I've come up with something more fun.
Only once you've come up with something more fun.
Or what?
I know you can go a little bit longer.
You know I won't.
I love it when you beg.
I hate it when you beg.
I'm so bored by your begging.
Not until you're too weak to ask me to.
But I don't have anything better to do.
I wish I could.
Alright! See? All you had to do was ask nicely.
I'm not doing anything.
What, exactly?
Just once more, I promise!
Just once more, I promise! (🤞)
You're doing this to yourself.
You wanted this.
You want this.
You know you made me do this.
Are you ready to give me what I want, then?
I will once you give in.
What will you give me in return?
Why should I?
You know there is only one way to end this.
You know there is only one way this will end.
(Answers to "it hurts")
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checkadii · 3 months
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When he heard the death rattle, Gilgamesh moaned like a dove. His face grew dark. “Beloved, wait, don’t leave me. Dearest of men, don’t die, don’t let them take you from me.”
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madowperle · 10 months
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freaky-flawless · 10 days
When it comes to the whole "object heels" thing, my opinion is basically that sometimes they're clever and cool, and sometimes they're a little too on the nose where they just come across as kinda corny (and downright ugly in some cases)
Overall though, I think the designers at Mattel are over-relying on them right now for Skullector dolls, to the point where they're not really exciting. You can design really cool shoes without defaulting to just slapping an overly complicated shape as a heel and calling it a day. Gen 1, and even Gen 3, have plenty of examples.
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complexraspberry · 2 months
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Roku Week Day 5: Past Lives
[id: a digital illustration. A young Roku is facing the right of the image. He looks down with a worried expression as he fidgets with his hands. He is coloured in solid red with heavy shadow. Behind him is Kyoshi. She is coloured a bright, light yellow. She is back on to the viewer and looks over her shoulder at Roku. Her face is obscured by the border. Kyoshi is casting a large shadow over Roku and within it are drawings of eyes, each looking at the boy. /end id]
I imagine it would be stressful to live up to people's expectations when you come after the legend that is Kyoshi
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thedemonscrawler · 2 years
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there’s two of you now, maybe you’ve got the security clearance to get the van ending?
a silly thing involving my Gregory from Permission Slip and @sleepyjuniper ‘s Gregory from her fic Visions (or Lack Thereof)! If you ain’t read it yet, go do that!
no one ever, ever let me draw a vending machine in a comic again
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