#Page Size Checker
freemicrotools · 1 year
Page Size Checker Tool - Accurate and Quick Website Analysis with Free Micro Tools
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webseotoolz · 1 year
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Page Size Checker Tool assists to find the size of any webpage within a minute - Webseotoolz Visit: https://webseotoolz.com/page-size-checker
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simplitools · 2 years
SimpliTools - Page Size Checker
SimpliTools - Page Size Checker by SimpliTools Via Flickr: Page Size Checker is one of the 160+ tools, available at SimpliTools.
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magicalbats · 1 year
never fallen from quite this high
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Rating: R/18+
Word count: 21490
Warnings: afab!reader, chubby reader, size difference, age difference, desk sex, missionary position, cunnilingus, barebacking, vaginal fingering, cum eating, a hint of enemies to lovers
A/N: I put my whole badussy into this one, guys vmsksjfe I hope ya'll enjoy the fic, and major shoutout to my longtime friend, fellow writer and quality checker for this piece @abbacchiosbelt! Everyone should make sure to check out her page while you're here! She's got plenty of goodies for you to sink your teeth into!
As far as meetings in the back office of the Northland Bank were concerned, this one was an unmitigated disaster. 
The young man seated across the table had blown in like a veritable typhoon late that morning when the sun was just short of reaching its zenith. He came with neither a formal missive or a courier to precede his arrival, catching all the Snezhnayan natives off guard and woefully ill prepared. It wasn’t hard to figure out that the branch director, a stout bespectacled man in his middle years, hadn’t known he would be coming given the way he’d nearly fallen over in a dead faint at the first sight of him. It was almost nonstop chaos after that as everyone rushed about to prepare fresh coffee and snacks, and to arrange lodgings for their guest. A few staff members even quietly slipped off at the director's behest to double check that everything was in order behind the scenes, silently disappearing off into the shadows like phantoms returning to their dark crypts.  
You hadn’t been sure what to make of it all at first, but had quickly caught on that this was someone important in their ranks. Someone with a great deal of power and influence who was in all likelihood a dangerous individual no matter how disarming his easy smiles were. 
But, truth be told, the mysterious man didn’t look like much no matter how you tried to discreetly size him up from a distance. He was tall yet lanky in build, moving with the thinly veiled grace of a warrior — or perhaps a dancer, but your mora was on the former if he was able to work everyone up into such a frenzy just by showing his face. And despite his lean physique, you could tell he was indeed quite strong simply by the way he carried himself, all boldfaced confidence and self assured the way only a man in his prime could pull off. He was definitely trouble. 
And you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. You were just the PR ambassador, after all, and a token one at that. Your job was to help foster good relations between the icy foreigners and your fellow Liyuean’s, not to insert your nose in business it didn’t belong. 
With that in mind, you’d tried to beat a hasty retreat before anyone could notice your presence and subsequent absence, but the director was a crafty one indeed. You barely made it two full steps before he was suddenly right there beside you, as if he’d materialized out of thin air to cut off your escape route. Summarily ignoring your protests, he’d dragged you with him towards the conference room nestled in the far back of the building where the unknown youth was already waiting, depthless blue eyes dancing with good humor and mirth. The click of the door behind you had sounded like a death sentence.  
The following half hour was occupied (to your surprise) primarily with pleasant niceties and intermittent toasts over that potent firewater Snezhnayan’s seemed to like so much, but which you had primly declined. Even if the stuff didn’t make you gag at just a thought, the current situation was a bit too uncertain for you to risk compromising your faculties like that. None of the northerners in the room seemed to bat an eye at it though; not the director or his personal secretary, nor the ginger haired man who was evidently known to his colleagues as Childe. He seemed almost too casual about everything — the drinks and the banter, and the fond reminiscences of their homeland casually passed between them — to be here on official matters of business. You soon concluded that it was a personal visit, then. Perhaps even a holiday of sorts. 
You’re quickly proven wrong, however, when he unceremoniously flips everything on its head with the procurement of a sealed parchment from somewhere on his person. The director’s reaction to its contents was a stark one and it made you sit up straighter in your seat, half prepared to bolt for the exit should the need arise. But the next few minutes are a terse, confusing whirlwind as the three foreigners revert to their mother tongue, trading rapid volleys back and forth while the director’s tone of voice grows increasingly more tremulous by the minute, and you aren’t quite sure what’s going on anymore. You’re almost convinced that a fight is going to break out at any moment but a surreptitious glance at Childe shows him still at ease, apparently not even invested enough in the discord he’s sewn to give the other man his full attention. Rather, you catch him grinning over at you. 
“Is he always like this?” He poses the question lightly, the lilt in his voice bordering on playful, but you don’t trust it. Not by a long shot. 
The director sputters in thinly veiled offense but you ignore him completely, much more concerned about the yet unknown danger sitting across the table. Making a valiant effort to keep your expression pleasant and neutral, you offer Childe a polite smile. “Not usually.” 
He quirks a brow at that vague non-answer but doesn’t comment on it, swiveling his attention back around to the issue at hand. Finally pulling himself out of his confident slouch, he sits forward to take up the crystalline glass decanter sitting just within reach so he can pour more of that pungent drink into first the director’s cup and then his own. “Come now, old friend. Is this really something to get so worked up about? And right in front of our Liyuean guest too …” 
The director cuts you a sharp, slicing look and you get the sense that he was regretting the decision to drag you back here for this impromptu meeting, visibly struggling to rein his temper in with a deep, bullish exhale. Serves him right, you think bitterly to yourself. You never had any business sitting in on this bizarre exchange in the first place. 
“Apologies, my lord. I did not mean to forget my manners,” Another brief glance over at you, as if he were trying to warn you to keep your head down. As if you really needed any further incentive to do just that. “However, it is my deepest regret to inform you that I’m not confident if this branch of the Northland Bank has the means to accommodate your, ah … needs.”
Slowly, Childe lifts his strange eyes to pin the director with a look that sends shivers racing down your spine. You’d been relatively certain he was far more dangerous than he outwardly appeared but this was something far beyond even what you had anticipated. How did someone so young, still in the prime of his youth with his whole life ahead of him, manage to embody such a deep, dark sense of foreboding at the drop of a coin? 
“What are you saying, Krzysiek? Are we not in Liyue, the very birthplace of mora? There should be plenty to spare in your vaults.” 
The director hurriedly rushes to amend himself, trying to play it off with a laugh. “Yes, my lord. Of course, that is all indeed true. But even the amount of mora in circulation at any given time has its limits. You see, if I were to give you this very large sum here and now,” the director pointedly taps the parchment in his hand with a worn finger. “Then there won’t be anything at all left in our reserves. We wouldn’t be able to give out any new loans, pay our staff their wages or even let any of our customers withdraw from their accounts. I can’t imagine the owner of the bank would appreciate that very much, so I’m sure you understand my hesitation.” 
Mouth opening in surprise when you realize just how large a sum the request must be, you eagerly swing your head towards Childe in anticipation of his next response. 
Luckily for you, he doesn’t even seem to notice with the whole of his attention fixed singularly on the director, and you watch in something not unlike fascination as he slowly leans forward in his seat. “Are you an idiot? It was Regrator himself who signed that order.” He growls, flashing pretty white teeth. “Check it again, maybe a little more carefully this time. I’m not some lackey trying to pull one over on you.” 
“Certainly not, my lord. I never suggested - -“ 
“You may report directly to my colleague but I’m still a Harbinger, Krzysiek. I think Regrator would like your lack of foresight even less than not being able to let people take out withdraws.” 
A pair of sharp gasps echo inside the room and, in almost perfect unison, the director and his secretary both turn twin looks of horror on you. 
Pulse stuttering, you pointedly keep your expression blank even while the urge to reel back in shock threatens to overpower you. You’d heard rumor of the Tsaritsa’s Harbingers, whispers of their great influence and even greater strength, but the Snezhnayan’s stationed in Liyue weren’t very forthcoming about any of the details or specifics. You’d also never seen one in person before and hadn’t thought it was even possible for one to be so young as this. Childe looked like he was perhaps only a few years younger than you … three, or perhaps even four, but yet he held a title so grand? 
And judging by the way they were looking at you, you probably weren’t supposed to know that. 
Following their line of sight, Childe glances over at you and smiles. “Ah, you’re worried about our little guest here spilling the beans? People will soon start to gossip amongst themselves anyway, so I don’t think it really matters.” His boyish grin fades as he turns his attention back to the director again, tone losing all of its mirth. “I’d say you have much more pressing concerns right now.” 
Nervously, the director drags a stiff hand over his mouth to wipe away the beads of sweat starting to form along his upper lip. “Yes, my lord. Of course. You are correct.” He pauses to clear his throat. “I’m sure we can find a satisfactory compromise. Please allow me a chance to correspond with, ah, my lord directly and confirm his wishes first. Surely there are things you’d like to see or do while you’re in Liyue? This will at least give you the chance to explore the city at your own leisure while I await his response.” 
“You mean to further waste my time, Krzysiek? Is that it?” 
“No, not at all! I would never dream of such a thing and that is precisely why I brought her along.” He gestures at you then, making your back snap straight as board. You don’t think you can hide it any longer, the dread curling like a venomous serpent low in your gut, but if he sees any of the thinly veiled terror in your face he doesn’t acknowledge it. “As I said earlier, this is our personal relations ambassador at the branch and she knows the city like the back of her hand. Why, I dare say there isn’t a single stone she doesn’t know the history of. You’ll have your own personal tour guide to show you everything you might ever wish to see while you’re here.” 
Your mouth drops open in abject shock. You hadn’t agreed to that. Wouldn’t have even if he’d asked, not now and not in a million years. Not ever. 
But Childe turns his head before you can protest and anything you might have said catches in your throat when he gives you a chilling once over. Gradually, his expression thaws and his shoulders relax as he reclines back into his seat with a long suffering sigh for effect. “Fine. You have three days to get your clearance directly from Regrator then. That’s how long I was planning to stay in Liyue anyway so it doesn’t exactly change anything, although I still don’t understand why his signature on that letter won’t just as well suffice.” 
“My sincerest apologies, my lord. I only wish to make absolutely certain I do not go against his wishes in meeting yours.” The director reaches out to hold his cup up to Childe who disinterestedly eyes it for a beat before doing the same with his own, much to the older man’s visible relief. “Our ambassador will take good care of you, and see that your every need is met during your stay. This I swear on Snezhnaya’s honor.” 
“Enough, Krzysiek.” Childe grumps, clinking their glasses together. “Just don’t come up short handed when everything is said and done.” 
You watch them drink to it, tossing their heads back almost simultaneously to swallow down that deceptively clear liquid with neither a grimace or a seething hiss to show for its potency. It’s as if it doesn’t even register in their minds but you, on the other hand, felt disproportionately nauseous considering you hadn’t had so much as a sip of their aptly named firewater. You didn’t even really understand what was happening or how things had gotten to this point but if there was one singular truth you were sure of it was this: 
You desperately needed to find some way out of it. 
Dejectedly, you hand the fresh grilled skewer of fish out to Childe who takes it with a smile and a quick word of thanks. He doesn’t even stop long enough to blow on the visibly hot meat before biting into it, and you watch him huff and puff between chews to let some of the steam escape from his puckered lips before quickly swallowing it down. Your patience with him was fast unraveling, and not even because of his questionable manners. If you were honest with yourself you would have had to admit that he was frustratingly charming in a boyish, borderline clumsy sort of way. Cute, even. 
But your desperate attempt to weasel your way out of this had fallen on deaf ears, the director insistent that you were the only person in all of Liyue who could possibly play tour guide for the visiting Harbinger. You’d begged, pleaded and even threatened to resign from your position at the Northland Bank right then and there if that was what it would take for you to avoid having to deal with the situation any longer. The director had finally wavered at that, looking like he might be slowly coming around, but before he could actually relieve you of this assignment none other than the devil himself had appeared, right on cue. 
He was eager to set out and get started on exploring the city after freshening up, and hadn’t taken ‘no’ for an answer when you’d argued against it. Your pleas for a little more time with the director were likewise summarily dismissed, and before you realized what was even happening he’d thrown a friendly arm over your shoulder so he could steer you towards the door. Completely undeterred by any of your hissing complaints or threats of retaliation upon him, he pulled you straight out into the midafternoon sun where he’d made a prompt request for lunch. He was so amicably pushy about everything that you’d had no choice but to comply or risk having him drag you all over the harbor by the arm.
That hadn’t been the best start to your time together but, somehow even worse, is that Childe had proven himself to be every bit as troublesome as you’d first expected him to be. He joked too much, for starters, and his penchant for eagerly pulling you off in whichever direction caught his fancy was quickly running you ragged. Excitable and full of unspent energy, it was all you could do just to keep up with him. You’d tried to tell yourself it would only be lunch, just one place and then you would wipe your hands of him, but he was undaunted and things were still not going in your favor. 
Even stopping at a small kiosk for a quick snack was not enough to keep him standing still for very long and the two of you are soon off again in a seemingly random direction, as dictated by his spur of the moment whims and fancies. You were going to be exhausted by the time this day was finally over. 
“Hey, what’s that all about?”
Bringing your head up, you follow his line of sight to a small congregation of people flocking around a lone figure in the center of all the bustling excitement. You recognize the bonnet immediately, and a smile slowly pulls at your mouth. “That is our very own star of the opera. Her name is Yunjin, and she’s very popular among the general public and aficionados alike.” 
But when you bring your gaze back around, you’re startled (and more than just a bit horrified) to find his attention fixated on you rather than the crowd. 
“Oho, so you do know how to smile! I was starting to wonder if you just didn’t remember how.” 
“W - what is that supposed to mean?” You snip, recoiling defensively. 
“Oh, nothing,” he sing-songs right back. “It’s just that all I’ve seen you do so far is scowl and look like a skittish kitten ever since we met. I’m glad to know you like something, even if it isn’t me.” 
Childe’s lilting laughter makes the blood rush to your face, and you quickly look away so he doesn’t see the fluster you were valiantly trying to stamp down. “Forgive me, xiansheng. I did not mean to be rude. It’s just — all of this was dumped on me so suddenly and you’re …” 
“Hm? And I’m what?” 
This shameless teasing was perhaps the worst facet of his personality of all. The pushiness and the refusal to acknowledge any protests were one thing, the strange dissonance in his behavior another entirely, but this … it was vaguely reminiscent of a boy who either hadn’t yet learned his manners or didn’t care enough about the consequences to keep his mouth in check. You suspected it to be the latter, his confidence as unerring as his energy, and you would’ve had half a mind to give him a good swat on the behind had he not been nearly double your height and only a few years your junior. Unfortunately, you were in no position to correct him. 
So you school your expression into a professional mask of indifference and turn your head to pin him with the most bland look you can muster. “A Harbinger. It’s true, isn’t it?” 
He quirks a brow at you, evidently not having expected that to be your response. “Is that really what’s had you so on edge this whole time? You’re worried about my title?” Abruptly throwing his head back, he laughs up at the sky. “Goodness, I had no idea that upset you so much. If I’m being honest, you were so stoic back at the bank that I wasn’t even sure if you knew what a Harbinger was!” 
You can feel your cheeks starting to turn hot again and you quickly try to wrestle it back under control. “Of course I’ve heard the rumors! It would have been a little hard to avoid them in this position but you Snezhnayan’s usually aren’t the most talkative bunch, you know. I’m sure there’s plenty of information I’m still not privy to.” 
“Ooh, and is that your way of asking me to help you understand a bit better?” Childe sends you a slow, knowing grin, and you have no choice but to admit that you were in a bit over your head with him no matter how much you might try to fight it. He was regrettably adept at embarrassing you, it seemed. 
“It might be nice to know what I’ve got myself mixed up with.” You softly, grudgingly admit, earning a chuckle out of him. 
“Alright. I suppose I can share a few details with you, but I want to ask a few things in return. How does that sound?” 
Your head snaps up and you fix him with a surprised, questioning look. Ever unperturbed, he ruefully wags his skewer stick at you with an unmistakable, mischievous gleam in his strange eyes. 
“It’s only fair, right girlie? I’ll tell you what you want to know and you’ll tell me what I want to know. Isn’t that what alchemists call equivalent exchange?” 
Huffing, you cross your arms under your breasts and pin him with a flat look, trying to impart just how unamused you are with his silly little shenanigans. “Don’t call me that. And I don’t know anything about alchemy, but … okay. I’ll play along. Within reason.”  
Your answer seems to delight him to no end, and he promptly flies off into a rather expressive tangent about Snezhnaya, her majesty the Tsaritsa, the Fatui and the eleven Harbingers that command their numbers. He gesticulates eagerly throughout his explanation, primarily touching on rank and hierarchy, but it soon becomes gibberish that simply goes in one ear and out the other. You were not intimately familiar with the inner workings of either government or military, and you had no desire to be, but you decide to let him keep talking anyway. It was clear he was only telling you very surface level information that would neither give away too much or reveal any national security secrets, but there were still a few things you were able to glean from listening to what he did say. 
One was that the Harbingers were not only a very, very dangerous organization as a whole but even on an individual scale each was more powerful than the last. It was a little hard to believe at first when you were looking at Childe — so young and long-limbed, and seemingly unfettered by any greater concern than where his next source of entertainment would derive from, but recalling the intense shift in his demeanor back at the bank … yes, you were willing to believe he stood among the most elite warriors in Snezhnaya. Although you hadn’t seen his physical prowess in action yet (and hopefully never would) it was a decidedly good idea not to take him at face value. Doubly so for the rest of his colleagues, including the one you yourself indirectly worked for. 
The second was the nature of his visit to Liyue. He danced around the subject for the most part but he did let it slip that he was headed to Fontaine after securing the funds, presumably per his orders to personally transport the mora himself, and you supposed that did make a certain amount of sense. If he was as strong as you believed him to be then it would explain why he would have been saddled with such a task. Though, it also didn’t escape your notice that he spoke on the subject with no shortage of annoyance coloring his voice and it was hardly any wonder why. Childe was clearly the type who preferred hands-on, proactive roles that put him in the heart of conflict rather than acting behind the scenes like this. He wasn’t exactly trying to hide it, after all. 
Regardless, it was somewhat reassuring to know that many of your initial assumptions about him had been correct and you now knew with absolute certainty that you needed to be careful in how you approached these interactions with him. It wouldn’t do to somehow offend him and invite his wrath upon yourself or your family, because clearly there would be no stopping him in that case. But did that in turn mean you were stuck playing tour guide for the duration of his stay, lest you risk upsetting him?
This was turning into quite the conundrum, indeed. 
“And that’s about it.” He says at last, much too cheery for your liking. “For what I can tell you, anyway. I know it probably seems like I left quite a bit out but trust me, girlie, you don’t want to get tangled up with this more than you already are. Hopefully I was able to satisfy some of your curiosity though.” 
“You did,” you murmur slowly. Then, with more conviction, “And don’t call me that. Didn’t I already tell you that once?” 
Laughingly, he waves you off. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. But let’s put that aside for right now. It’s my turn to have some questions answered. Think you’re up to it?” 
You hesitate, wondering what he could possibly want to know. If it was information about Liyue you would have gladly divulged it without the need for this trade between you and him, but you’d long since picked up on the fact that he just liked being difficult for the sake of it so it didn’t exactly come as a surprise. It was a bit annoying though, having to humor these silly games of his like this. 
“Alright, I’ll do my best.” You say at last. “Just keep in mind that I can’t tell you something I don’t know. Your questions have to be within reason, remember?” 
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’m sure you won’t have any problem answering this.” 
Growing ever more suspicious, you quirk a brow at him but he just offers you that same boyish grin again. If the circumstances had been any different you probably would have found yourself giving in to its magnetic pull despite your (well founded, in your opinion) reservations about doing so, but even that attractive smile was not enough to distract from who — or rather what he was, and you brace for the worst. Was he going to ask you about the Qixing or maybe Lady Ningguang specifically? The Milileth? 
Your thoughts are abuzz with the possibilities but the very last thing you expect him to ask is precisely what comes out of his mouth next. 
“Do you have any siblings?” 
Stopping dead in your tracks, you stare up at him in abject disbelief. That was what he wanted to know? 
“Hey, let’s keep it moving, girlie.” He can’t seem to get his laughter under control as he pivots on his heel and takes hold of your elbow, pulling you back into motion again. You fall in step, stumbling slightly, as he pins you with the most mischievous grin you’ve seen yet — the unapologetic rascal! “Wouldn’t want anyone to run you over, now would we? I’m not sure if my poor little heart would ever recover.” 
Lips pursing, you narrow your eyes at him in warning even while he whoops it up, drawing the attention of more than just a few passersby. How humiliating it was to be seen with someone like this in broad daylight. 
“I’m an only child.” You grit out, snatching your arm from him with a prim huff for good measure. 
Your prickly attitude doesn’t deter him half as much as you would’ve liked though, and Childe merely takes it in stride as if you weren’t doing everything in your power short of stomping on his toe to dissuade him from continuing on in this manner. So on and so forth, he eagerly poses a seemingly never ending series of questions that range from as benign as how old you were (three years older than him, you come to find) right up to your relationship status. You try very hard to shut down his more intrusive queries, refuse to humor them with a real answer, but his pushiness returns with a vengeance. Any attempt to side step or discourage him was just met with the same question worded a different way until you finally gave in with no other choice and no escape in sight. More than once he even pretended to move on from a topic to placate and soothe you before eventually circling right back around to it again when you least expected it. 
He was exhausting in the worst possible way. Unrepentant and shameless, utterly hopeless, he badgers you incessantly for the rest of the afternoon until you could scarcely tell what was what anymore. You’d never felt quite so harried or like a cornered rabbit in all your life. 
By the time you finally make your way back to the Northland Bank, hours later when the sun was sitting low on the horizon and you’d had to put your foot down about returning before dark, you practically have to drag yourself up the winding staircase just to reach the entrance. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been so tired, and not just physically but mentally as well. Childe, on the other hand, did not seem to be flagging at all and he takes the stairs with ease and that same innate grace you’d first noticed in him earlier, bounding ahead to reach the landing first. 
Assuming he’d already gone inside, you achingly pull yourself up the last few remaining steps only to come to an abrupt halt when you find him standing there with the door held open. Waiting. For you? 
He snickers at your expression, further putting you on guard. “Don’t look so surprised. It’s the least I can do after nagging you so much.” 
That was the very definition of an understatement.
You don’t budge though, slowly curling your hands into loose fists at your sides when it occurs to you that just returning to the bank did not necessarily mean an end to your suffering. Hadn’t you already endured enough? 
He was incorrigible and confusing, and more than just a little bothersome — like a too-friendly dog with an overabundance of energy that just wanted to play and have all of your attention to himself. You may have been able to make peace with that for the sake of your own wellbeing and that of your family, but when coupled with the barrage of questions that had persisted wherever in the city you’d walked together, whatever you’d stopped to point out in an attempt to distract him from his continuous questioning … you just couldn’t seem to reconcile the problem he presented in your mind.  
If not because you were nothing more than a PR ambassador, not a babysitter, then certainly because being in such close proximity with him was looking even more ill advised than it first had that afternoon. If you didn’t know any better you would have almost thought he was actually interested in you, the way he’d asked you so many personal questions about yourself. But you do know better and you’re well aware that someone like him would never want someone like you. It’s not as if you were blind. The stature of him had certainly not escaped your notice, nor had his boyish good looks. He was tall, a bit gangly at the moment, perhaps, but that was sure to change over the years as he settled further into his own body, into his muscle mass, and finished filling the rest of the way out. And even those most peculiar eyes of his weren’t enough to detract from the high cheekbones of his face or the strong jawline that framed pale pink lips. By contrast, you were soft and round, diminutive compared to him, and not at all the sort of woman a man such as him pursued in good faith. 
Of course he didn’t want you — why would he? It was laughable, if you were being honest. As much as anyone else might have been flattered and charmed to be on the receiving end of his attention, you were finding the whole thing to be a rather nightmarish experience. As if worrying about offending a powerful Harbinger had not been bad enough, now he was teasing you too … And somehow, even knowing all this, that still doesn’t stop it from hurting just a little bit. 
You’d reached the end of your rope as far as he was concerned. You couldn’t do this anymore and you refused to be the butt of his little inside jokes any longer. It was simply too much, even for you.  
“I’m going home.” You blurt out, clearly surprising him given the way his brows shoot up to disappear beneath that haphazard tousle of reddish-brown hair. “My shift ended a while ago. I just wanted to make sure you got back without getting lost, or the director would start to worry if you were late to return.” 
Childe doesn’t even try to hide his disappointment, expression falling as he unceremoniously lets go of the door so that it swings and bangs shut with a heavy thud. The Fatui guard standing on duty, Nadia, sends the two of you a slow look from the corner of her masked eye, making your cheeks grow hot. As if you really needed an audience for this. 
“Aw, don’t say that.” He wheedles you with the added bonus of a frustratingly effective puppy dog pout to really drive the nail home. “At least come in for some coffee and pyshka. I’ll ask them to make it fresh for you, so - -“
“No.” You cut across him with enough vehemence that it earns you another surprised look, those depthless ocean blue eyes widening slightly. Good. Maybe he would finally start to take you seriously now. “I do apologize, xiansheng, but I am tired and I would like to go home and rest. I’m sure your countrymen will be more than happy to entertain you for the rest of the evening, so you shouldn’t be without ample diversion in my absence.” 
He silently regards you for a long beat, the vibrant orange and red cast of the sun washing over him to set his hair aflame, glowing like a hot, smoldering ember. Somehow that same light doesn’t seem to even touch the void in his irises, though, and a faint chill races up your spine with that realization. You’d never seen anything quite like it before. 
But then his smile slips back into place and his posture relaxes — so disconcerted by his strange eyes, you hadn’t even noticed the way he’d been holding himself, as if he were poised to strike — and you quickly take a subconscious step back. For better or for worse, Childe pretends not to notice, merely lifting a hand in farewell while the other comes to rest against his hip in a casual stance. He was completely at ease again. Just like that. 
“Goodnight, then. I hope you rest well. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Every single hair on your body instantly stands on end. There wasn’t going to be a tomorrow. Not with the way he was acting. “Xiansheng, I can’t - -“
“Don’t worry. I won’t ask you to be here first thing in the morning or anything like that.” He smoothly interrupts you, his expression still pleasant and amicable but somehow … sharper. You back up another step when he shuffles forward but your back hits the edge of the bannister and you freeze, knowing the top of the staircase was not the best place to try testing your luck like this. All you can do is watch as he comes closer and closer until you finally have to tip your head back to look up at him. “You’re welcome to sleep in if you want. I’d hate to put you out, and I’ll just come pick you up if it starts getting too late.” 
You swallow hard in an attempt to lubricate your suddenly bone dry throat. “I won’t tell you where I live.” It’s barely more than a whisper, but it still gets a chuckle out of him. 
“Perhaps not, but Krzysiek certainly will. Oh, don’t make that face, girlie. I already explained it to you, didn’t I? We Harbingers carry out the Tsarista’s will and our word is almost as good as hers. Krzysiek is just trying to cover his own ass by checking in with my colleague first, but if I’d really wanted to start throwing my weight around he would have given me that mora without a fuss. Don’t assume he would shoulder the same risks just to protect a citizen of Liyue.” 
He lifts his hand then, reaching out for you with a deliberate slowness, and you jerk back. Grabbing behind you for the bannister to steady yourself before you can topple head first down the stairs, you glare up at him with as much vitriol as you could muster. “Stop calling me that.” You hiss. It’s the only thing you can think to say. You believed him. 
There was no need to ask for proof or challenge that assertion, because you wholeheartedly believed he was telling you the simple truth of the matter. The director certainly wouldn’t stick his neck out on the line for you and you knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt. If appeasing him meant throwing a Liyuean girl to the proverbial wolf then that was exactly what would happen. But that doesn’t make it any easier to accept how signed and dotted your fate actually was though. 
Unperturbed, Childe retracts his hand in favor of crossing his arms over his chest instead. “So it’s a date then? I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
You don’t even dignify that with a response. Giving him a quick, bitter look, you turn and start to make your way down the staircase, gripping the bannister so tight your fingers ache in protest. You couldn’t believe him! Couldn’t believe the director for putting you in this situation in the first place. But most of all, more than anything else, you couldn’t believe you’d ever thought he was charming. The pain you’d felt at his insistent teasing was well deserved for ever being such a fool but it wouldn’t happen again. You would continue to play tour guide for as long as you were expected to, for as long as you were forced to, but he wouldn’t be getting any more laughs at your expense. 
You promise yourself that as you hit the next landing, feeling his eyes linger on your back before you disappear down the attached corridor and out of view. 
The following morning you find Childe already sitting in the lobby of the bank, slouched in a chair and talking animatedly to a masked Fatuus standing next to him. You’d wanted to avoid inviting him onto your doorstep and, having no idea what he might choose to consider as ‘getting too late’, you’d set off from home at the same time you did every day. If he would’ve allowed you to treat it like any other, you would have gladly done just that. 
But as soon as he spots you coming through the door he’s up out of his seat and making a beeline straight towards you, that big, almost dopey smile already in place. You hold your ground though, offering the coppery redhead a look of pure and utter disinterest at his approach. He was not going to get under your skin today no matter what he did or said. If you were not effectively being held hostage against your will you wouldn’t have shown up at all, and you intended to make that very clear to him. 
“Good morning!” He greets you, bright and cheery, and decidedly puppy-like. “I hope you slept well. Would you like some coffee? Tea? Maybe some delicious syrniki to start your day?” 
You quirk a brow at him, a little surprised that there was nary a hint or even a sign of that imposing, dangerously uncanny side of him today, and he wasn’t offering up any apologies for it either. He was acting like nothing at all had happened when you’d last parted ways. Well. That wasn’t entirely true. He actually seemed to be … somehow even more overbearing than yesterday. You hadn’t thought it was actually possible, nor are you sure how he’s managed to find even more energy for today, but you refused to fall for it. The guy was nothing but trouble no matter how overly friendly he tried to be. 
“No, thank you.” Brushing him off, you try to move around him but he surprises you by stepping in the way to block your path. With a huff, you cross your arms and pin him with an unamused frown. “What do you want?” 
“Aww, come on. You wound me, girlie. I thought we were getting along just fine yesterday so what’s with the cold shoulder all of a sudden?” He asks, putting an emphatic hand over his heart as if his feelings were really hurt, and your hackles start to rise. 
“How many times do I have to tell you - -“
“My, my, what’s all this?” The director suddenly cuts in, appearing beside you as if he’d dissolved out of the very shadows themselves. You jump in surprise but a quick look at his pale, vaguely harassed expression tells you he’s likely been faring no better with Childe than you had. Served him right, as far as you were concerned. 
“Good morning, xiansheng Krzysiek. I was just about to go get started on that project you gave me since I didn’t have a chance to - -“
“Nonsense!” He cuts across you so forcefully it makes you snap your mouth shut with an audible click. “Of course that can wait. What’s the rush? I’m sure you’d have a much better time showing my esteemed lord around the city, no?” 
Your stomach lurches and you fix him with a vitriolic glare but he just narrows his eyes and returns the look twofold. It seemed neither one of you wanted to be responsible for Childe today and the resulting stare down between you and your boss is a statically charged one. You’d been hoping to bide some time for yourself so you wouldn’t have to spend the entire day with him, dammit.
“Well, if you ask my opinion,” Childe offers, making you bring your attention back around to him. “I think we should go get breakfast since you don’t want any of our delicious, homemade syrniki and then do a bit more sightseeing. We had a lot of fun yesterday, and there are still a few more places I’d like to go.” 
‘Fun’ was the very last thing you’d call it. In fact, there were an infinite number of things you would rather be doing besides spending more time in his presence, and throwing yourself into the ocean was right at the top of that list. But, seeing that there was no point in arguing when you were effectively trapped, you relent. “Fine. We can grab something to eat first, and then I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” 
“Excellent!” The director barks, clapping you on the shoulder a little too hard, and you turn your head to glare daggers at him. Taking the hint, he quickly composes himself with a discreet, appropriately apologetic grumble. “I do hope you two have an enjoyable time together, my lord, and please let me know if there is anything at all you need.” 
Pivoting on his heel, Childe abruptly steps right into the older man to get in his space. “What I need is for you to stop wasting my time, Krzysiek.” He murmurs, that easy, unbothered smile playing at his mouth doing absolutely nothing to distract from the hard edge in his eyes. Growing nervous now, you take a self conscious step back to put some distance between you and them. “But since that obviously isn’t going to happen, I think we’ll be off. Ready, my little pieróg?”
The director suddenly chokes and sputters, shooting a disbelieving look from one to the other even as you suspiciously narrow your eyes at Childe. Something told you you liked this new nickname even less than ‘girlie’. “Now what are you calling me?” 
“Oh, nothing,” he teases, his demeanor flipping just like that as he reaches out to take hold of your arm even when you valiantly try to snatch it out of his reach. “That, as they say, is for me to know and for you to find out. You’ll have to earn it if you want me to tell you though!” 
And with that, the two of you are off. 
Breakfast at a little stall tucked down a narrow side street turns out to be surprisingly pleasant. Shockingly, even. You admittedly feel a great deal of relief when Childe manages to keep his hands to himself for the rest of the morning and he even seems to have given up on the previous day's inquisition all together. He neither says anything out of place nor does he undergo another of those disconcerting shifts in his behavior. Rather, he is consistent and charming again, as if that offputting display in front of the Northland Bank never even happened. Like it was merely a figment of your imagination and nothing more. 
You know better than that though, and you weren’t going to be persuaded by it. Luckily, keeping him entertained was a relatively easy task so you don’t even have to try very hard to keep things moving. After your meal, you take him to the theater hall to show him where the opera is hosted and even get a chance to introduce him to a few of the staff members who were setting up for a performance later in the evening. He does catch you off guard though when he suddenly asks about seeing the show together, not having expected him to have any such interest in the performing arts. But when you tell him it’s too late to purchase tickets when they were in such high demand he, strangely enough, accepts that answer without a fuss. 
You think it all very strange given how he’d acted yesterday — as if the world itself was his to lay claim to and everyone was expected to just go along with it — but you were certainly not in any position to complain. The more he cooperated the better your nerves would fare. 
From there, you take him to a ceramics shop, a bookstore, a calligraphy studio, a toy makers stall and even to a small perfumer after he’d mentioned having an older sister he might want to buy a souvenir for. He truly seems like a completely different person today, politely listening to what you tell him about this or that, attentively focused and tuned in. You’re ashamed to say it almost makes your resolve falter but you hold firm. After that, a lacquer studio, various boutiques and seamstress shops, a few antique stores that quickly prove much too dusty and boring for his liking. You stop for lunch at Third Round Knockout, enjoy some fine food and entertainment together, and then it’s back to the streets. At his request, you take him down to the docks and show him around the markets there, only to realize somewhere along the line that he must have some kind of background in fishing. The way he talks about it, fond yet distant, like an old hobby he might like to revisit some day, strikes an odd little chord inside you. You hadn’t expected him to have room for sentimentality when he was so busy bouncing around from one extreme to the next. 
The day wears on in this fashion until you at last take him up to the Yujing Terrace gardens, having saved (what was in your humble opinion) the best for last. Childe appears to appreciate the scenery well enough, oohing and aahing at appropriate intervals as you show him through the public grounds, but you can tell he found the docks much more exciting. Hardly any wonder there. A hot blooded young man such as himself rarely had any need for flowers or ornamental fountains, decorative lanterns or the architecture laid throughout. You got the sense he didn’t dislike the pavilion, exactly, but rather he just wasn’t as invested in it as he might be in other things … and yet he was still trying to stay engaged and interested. Truthfully, you found this more than just a little odd. You’d taken him for an entitled brat, and with good reason. 
But the whole situation was strange once you got right down to the heart of it, and you’re understandably glad to finally start making your way back towards the bank shortly after dusk has settled over the gardens and the lamps have been lit. Unlike the previous day where you’d had to all but force him to return before full dark, he acquiesces without a fuss or even any attempt to weasel another half hour out of you. Even putting his penchant for cruel tricks aside, it was almost like you’d spent the whole day with a completely different person than the one you’d first met and this was somehow the most confounding detail of all. At some point you’d started to think he was planning something insidious, just waiting for the right moment to spring the trap, so you had truly expected him to put up more of a fight about it. 
So lost in thought, you don’t realize he’s speaking until he shifts close enough to amicably bump your hip with his narrow thigh. Giving a start, you turn your head up only to find a suspiciously eager smile tugging at his rouge’s mouth and you think, this is it. He’s finally going to say something cute or shocking after all this time and, feeling vindicated, you brace yourself for another taste of his nonsense. You’d known he enjoyed provocation too much to resist the temptation forever. 
“I was saying thank you for today. You make a pretty good tour guide, if you ask me.”
You stumble a step, feeling like the ground itself is opening up underneath you to swallow you whole. That hadn’t been what you’d expected him to say at all. “You’re welcome,” you respond slowly, mouth tugging into a frown. “But there really isn’t any reason to thank me. I was just fulfilling my duties, that’s all.” 
“Aww, don’t say that. You did a great job despite all the trouble I’ve given you so I’d say credit is due. No need to be shy.” 
Heat rushes to your cheeks and you quickly look away. “I am not being shy, xiansheng. I just have no need for your praise.” 
“Oho. Is that so, girlie?” 
You suck in a sharp breath, prickling at that insufferable name he insisted on calling you every time you turned around, but you don’t get the chance to snap at him. Before you can utter so much as a word, his hand is suddenly on your wrist and he’s pulling you away from the main, bustling street into a cramped little alley. Your heart stutters a beat but you can’t quite seem to dig your heels into the ground when his forward momentum seemed to be in full swing, so you just inelegantly trip after him with a tiny squawk of protest. 
Finally stopping towards the far end of the path, Childe turns to grin down at you. Issuing an incensed huff into the still air, you give your arm a quick jerk to try and free yourself of his hold but it’s no good. He refused to budge, and you have no choice but to give up, pinning him with a look of pure exasperation. 
“What are you doing now, xiansheng? This isn’t the way to the bank.” 
“I know, I know. I just wanted to properly show how grateful I really am to my cute little tour guide. You just said you’re not shy, didn’t you?” 
Catching on that he was up to something — for real this time — you once again try to extricate your arm from him. Gingerly, this time. “I’m afraid I don’t know what that has to do with this. I think we should go back to the bank and - -“
He suddenly swoops down and silences you with a hard kiss. You jolt, gasping when his fingers tighten around your wrist to make it clear that there would be no escape until he decided to let you go. That hardly seemed the most pressing issue right now, though. Stock still, you just stand there and try to make sense of what’s happening. The sensation of his mouth against yours, his warm breath mingling with your own and the vaguely citrusy scent of him assaulting you all at once. It was just as overwhelming as the rest of him and you can’t figure out how to react. Finally, eventually, he pulls back to peer at you through the gloom of night, far from the dull glow of the distant streetlights. 
“I know you’ve thought about this. You’re so cute, the way I catch you looking at my - -“
Your free hand flies up, hitting him across the mouth as hard as you can. The gruff sound that bursts out of him is surprised, but not half as hurt as you would have liked it to be. 
“How dare you.” Your voice is a barely there, faltering hiss in the relative quiet with only the distant sounds of city life to act as a backdrop. “I’ve thought of no such thing, and you’ve got a lot of nerve trying to force yourself on me like that!” 
The look that briefly flashes across his face seems almost impressed, if not a little cowed by your reaction, and for a split second you’re sure he’s going to rise to the challenge you’ve presented. But then it’s gone just as quickly as it had appeared, replaced once again by that overly confident smile. “Oh, come on. You don’t mean that. I can see how you look at me. I’m not blind, you know.”
“I’m allowed to look at someone without wanting to kiss them!” You insist, vehemently shoving at his chest. 
To your great surprise, he actually lets you push him back a step and he releases your arm in the process. You quickly take that chance to back up towards the waiting lip of the alley but he follows you with his eyes, a predator tracking its prey, and you hesitate to make a run for it. One quick look at his long legs assures you he could outpace you all too easily. You’d never make it far against someone like him and the eager gleam dancing in those strange, strange eyes discourages you from trying. That didn’t mean you had to quietly stand there while he played his stupid little games though, and all at once the dam suddenly gives way. 
“I've had enough!” You shout at him. “I refuse to entertain you at the cost of my own dignity any longer, xiansheng! You have done nothing but harass me the entire time I’ve known you and I am done! I’m sorry, but you’ll need to find a new guide for the rest of your stay in Liyue because I refuse to do it even a moment longer.” 
“But I want you.” He shoots right back, surprisingly calm and collected given the intense state of your own emotions which only spiral further out of control at his response. 
The true meaning behind those words was obvious, and you feel the stab of it in startling high definition. Fighting back the sting of tears when a humiliated flush rushes into your cheeks, you glare at him with as much hate and vitriol as you can possibly muster. “I will not fall for it no matter what you say, xiansheng! I’m not stupid! You can have your fun teasing someone else for all I care, but I will not humor it anymore!” 
His eyes widen, brows shooting up in surprise. “Wait - -“ 
You have no interest in hearing what he has to say, quickly turning on your heel so you can march down the alley and out onto the main street again. Consequences be damned. 
Predictably, the shuffle of his boots picks up behind you and it doesn’t take long for him to catch up. The way he can easily keep pace with your hurried strides without even having to try only further annoys you but you pointedly ignore him, keeping your attention locked straight ahead. Maybe he would take the hint and leave you alone if you just pretended like he wasn’t there. 
“Hey, let’s talk, girlie. You don’t really think I was just joking around back there, do you?” When you refuse to dignify that with a response, he breathes out a quiet sigh. “Look, I’m sure I can convince you I’m being sincere if you just give me a chance, but why would you assume something like that to begin with? I haven’t given you any reason not to trust me, have I?” 
You shoot him a quick, flustered look of warning, and, to your horror, he responds with that charming, roguish smile that speaks of confidence and ego. It was clear he thought he could persuade you to his side with enough time and you weren’t so sure he was wrong about that. 
Whipping your attention back around, you desperately scan your surroundings in an attempt to get your bearings straight. You weren’t far from the Northland Bank now. Thank the archons. If you could just make it to the relative safety of its doors, you could dump him off on someone else for the night and beat a hasty retreat with your tail tucked between your legs. It certainly felt like you deserved that much after enduring all this grief from him.  
“It doesn’t matter.” You murmur, more to yourself than to him, but that doesn’t stop Childe from pouncing at the chance to keep going. 
“Sure it does. I think I deserve to know why my cute tour guide feels this way. Is there someone I need to take care of for you?” 
Finally spotting the stairwell that leads up to the bank, you hurry towards it as fast as your legs can carry you. He doggedly keeps at your heels, looming just over your shoulder the whole time, which does absolutely nothing to lessen the fast pumping adrenaline coursing through your system. 
It feels like your heart is lodged somewhere in your throat when you finally reach the foot of the stairs a moment later and, gripping the bannister with a clammy hand, you pause to look back at him. “There’s not. You can stop following me now.”
“We’re headed to the same place, I’m afraid.” He responds easily enough, still smiling that infuriating grin at you. Stamping down the urge to scream at the top of your lungs, you turn to make your way up and the procession of his footsteps trailing behind you quickly follows suit. “Seriously, I don’t mean to pry but - -“
“Yes, you do.” 
He laughs, but just keeps going anyway. “I want to know why you’d be so quick to write me off like that, that’s all. Am I not allowed to want you in my bed or something?” 
You outright choke at that, practically collapsing right then and there on the stairwell, and he positively whoops it up as if you’d just delivered the most hilarious, knee-slapping joke he’s ever heard. Your face feels like it’s on fire now while you wrestle with the urge to slap him again, thinking he more than deserved it, but you didn’t want to tempt fate like that again if you could help it. Or invite any misunderstandings with the Snezhnayan guard on duty, just another flight up and almost directly above you now. It takes every ounce of strength you possess but, at last, you finally manage to hiss over your shoulder, “Maybe I’m just not interested. Did you even consider that?” 
“Ah, ah, that’s not what you said though. If memory serves, I do believe the exact words you used were ‘I won’t fall for it no matter what you say’. You don’t think I was being serious, do you?” 
Teeth clenched, you turn to look back at him again and you’re not at all surprised to find him still grinning like he was having the time of his life. But once again, and just like every other time, his eyes give him away. It seemed that no matter what he did, they would always show an intimate glimpse into his soul and what you see in them now chills you a great deal. There’s an edge to them, a sharpness lurking just beneath the surface like a blade that has been submerged in a tumultuous ocean current. It was no less sharp for all the salt water buffeting against it though. In fact, you got the sense that it would only add to the sting of the wound once it finally cut you — and it would. Eventually. You harbored no doubts about that. 
Evidently seeing your uncertain hesitancy, Childe softens his expression slightly, as much as he was able to, at least, and moves up to stand on the same step as you. Fingers tightening on the bannister, you lean as far back as you can when he bends close to put his nose inches from yours. You’re sure he’s going to kiss you again, and the thought alone is enough to make your cheeks burn red hot in what you try to tell yourself is indignation. But, to your surprise, he merely studies you up close for a long moment before finally putting his head to one side like an inquisitive dog. 
“Let’s continue this discussion inside.” 
“What is there to even talk about?” You grit out. 
“You,” he says it softly, almost like a prayer. “And me.” 
“This isn’t up for debate, xiansheng. I want nothing more to do with you.” 
The corner of his mouth tugs, inching up into a decidedly mischievous smirk. “You say that, but do you really want Nadia to get the wrong idea? I’m sure she can hear us, you know. It’ll look much better if you come inside with me instead of causing a scene out here on the stairs. I don’t know what she might tell Krzysiek but if you cooperate, I can protect you.” 
“Blackmailing is illegal in Liyue …” 
“As it is in Snezhnaya. But the Fatui operate on a somewhat different rule set, and I’d hate to see you get tangled up in this more than you already are. There’s nothing I can do for you if you don’t meet me in the middle, girlie. Let me help you.” 
You search his face for any sign of deceit or falsehoods, desperately looking for even a hint of insincerity that would give you the push you needed to shove him away again. But he is, frustratingly enough, perfectly sincere. Or so he seems to be. And that was the crux of the problem, wasn’t it? In the short time you had known him, he’d consistently maintained that same perfect mask of earnest candor no matter what nonsense came out of his mouth … he was either a very good actor who could put most professionals to shame or he really believed what he was saying. Perhaps even a frustrating combination of the two? 
Either way, you could see that you were once again stuck between a rock and a hard place with him. You were damned if you did and damned if you didn’t. It’s been like this since the very start. 
“Fine.” You relent with a heavy, long suffering sigh. “I will go inside with you but I really don’t care what you have to say, xiansheng. You’ll just be wasting your breath.” 
Evidently that doesn’t bother him one little bit. He’s much too giddy for your liking as he bounds ahead of you, taking the last handful of stairs two at a time so he can reach the landing first. You realize why when, upon coming up after him, you find Childe waiting at the front entrance of the bank with his fingers already wrapped around the door handle, ready to pull it open for you and grant you entry. Same as the night before.  
Surreptitiously glancing at the Snezhnayan woman standing on nighttime guard duty, you’re relieved to find her pretending not to even see either of you standing there. Although she certainly was not on your side in the strictest sense, you still appreciated her discretion. Perhaps if you survived this ordeal, you would treat her to lunch someday as thanks. 
Gathering your resolve before you have a chance to change your mind, you quickly shuffle across the landing, hoping to get inside before he says something incriminating in front of her. The Harbinger looks quite pleased with himself as he pulls the door open and lets you pass through first before following right on your heels. You’re immensely glad to find the lobby all but deserted save the one on duty teller and the older man quietly talking to her about something you can’t quite make out from the entryway. No sign of Krzysiek lurking about in the shadows or any Fatui operatives loitering around. At least that would save you the embarrassment of having an audience to witness the no doubt awkward conversation that was sure to follow. Strangely, that didn’t make you feel any better about being forced to do this, though. 
Discreetly glancing up at the redhead as you make your way across the room together, you contemplatively regard him for a moment. Maybe you could still worm your way out of this situation if you appealed to his ego enough. It was worth a shot, at least. 
“Forgive me, xiansheng. I believe I misspoke earlier.” You murmur, hushed and quiet so that hopefully only he could hear. “I did not mean to insult you or imply that there was some deeper meaning in my rejection. I promise I meant nothing more.” 
“I don’t buy that for one second, girlie.” He says, thankfully matching your conspiratorial volume. “You really think I was just teasing you back there, right? You called it a game, if I remember correctly. Why would you go and think something like that about me, huh?” 
You chew at your bottom lip, weighing the odds. It didn’t exactly look good, no, but neither had the last thirty-six hours. If you gave in now and admitted the real reason for your distrust of his motivations you would simply be putting yourself on the chopping block, inviting further humiliation at his hand, and you weren’t so sure you were ready to admit your own shortcomings like that. But there was no denying his abilities of perception or his quick wit. If you tried to delicately skirt around the subject, would he just try to force your hand? 
So caught up in your own thoughts, debating between the truth or another attempt at deception, you don’t notice him slyly reaching for you until it’s too late. The weight of his hand abruptly squeezing around the plush of your waist nearly startles a squawk out of you, and you choke on it when he pulls you against him. Ignoring your incoherent blubbering, Childe tucks you into his side so he can pull you along even when your legs threaten to give out under you, turning you into deadweight against him. 
All at once you’re bombarded by a million, frantic thoughts as the scent of him envelopes you and drowns out your senses. What if someone were to see the two of you like this? What if they assumed you’d be willing to betray your homeland for this troublesome Snezhnayan man? And what if word of this got back to your mother? You’d be disowned by morning! 
But he pays no mind at all to the shy, flustered stammering going on under your breath as he steers you right past the front desk toward the stairs that are tucked off to the side. You feel faint with disbelief when the teller seems to pointedly keep her attention fixed on the man she’s speaking to and doesn’t even glance up at the spectacle when you pass. A heady rush of relief washes over you but, still, your erratic heartbeat won’t relax as long as you’re in such close proximity with Childe. No matter how good he smelled or how warm his body was, or how firm and invitingly masculine he felt against you, you just couldn’t make peace with it in your mind. 
You try to push away from him, politely at first and then more insistently, but he won’t let you go. Doesn’t even seem to register the weak struggle you’re putting up which leaves you with no choice but to stumble along beside him up the staircase and then down the curved hall. It was either that or risk having him physically drag you. 
“X - xiansheng!” You hiss at him, of course to no avail. 
“Hush. If you’d just tell me what the problem is, I could fix it for you.” He tells you lightly, giving your waist what you think is supposed to be a reassuring pinch. “I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to put your pretty little head at ease, you can count on that.” 
“You could start by knocking that off!” You give him another shove that goes completely unheeded. On one hand you were glad to be away from any potentially prying eyes now that you were up on the second floor, but on the other … you give a frightened jerk when it suddenly occurs to you that he’s leading you right past the row of smaller managerial offices (including your own) and further down the hall. “Wait — where are we going?” 
“Don’t try to change the subject.” He snickers softly. “We’re just gonna’ have a little chat in my office, that’s all. We’ll get to the bottom of this, don’t you worry!”
As if that was your main concern right now! “B - but that’s not your office, xiansheng! That room is for the - -“
“Yes, it belongs to Regrator. I’m well aware, of course, but I’m sure he won’t mind. It’s not like he’s using it right now, is he?” Pulling you up to the door in question, he reaches for the knob. All you can do is watch on in horror as he gives it a twist and the resounding click of the inner mechanism giving way echoes inside the space between your ears. You almost couldn’t believe it. Both his unrepentant audacity and the fact he’d already gained access to the owner's personal office space. 
“But how - -“
“Come on, girlie. Where do you think I slept last night?” 
You’re so dumbfounded by that information you momentarily forget to protest or fight him, and you stumble through the doorway under the ever present guidance of his hand around your middle without even fully realizing it. Only when the door creaks shut behind you do you comprehend the severity of the situation, going ramrod stiff as you dig your heels into the floorboards, but he merely pushes you further in before you can kick up a fight about it. With a sudden burst of adrenaline, you wrench away from him and spin around to find Childe already turning the lock on the door with a resounding clink of metal sliding into place. The way he smiles at you, all bright and cheerful, and innocent, turns your veins to ice. 
“Now fess up. I’ve let you stall long enough, haven’t I?” He takes a step towards you, hands coming up as if to grab hold of you again, and yours fly up to defend yourself. It’s as if he expected as much though, or maybe his reflexes were really just that quick, because he switches gears faster than you can blink. Lacing his fingers through yours before you can properly react, he pulls your arms out to either side and backs you up even further into the room. “Tell me why you think I’m only teasing you. I made sure no one would eavesdrop on us so tell the truth.” 
You jolt when your back hits the stately, imposing desk in the office, a fresh surge of fear racing through you with all the thoughts of what he could do to you like this. But to your immense relief he simply pivots to the side, half turning you to stand in front of it rather than pin you against it like you’d initially thought he would. Still, he won’t let go of your hands where he’s holding them out away from your body and you were clearly trapped in here with him and no way out. Dammit. 
Drawing a slow, stuttering breath to calm your nerves, you decide you’ll just have to be blunt with him. Even if it means humiliating yourself in the process, you couldn’t see any other way out of this. Clearly he wasn’t going to let you slink away with your tail tucked between your legs or let you preserve any of your dignity. Not that it came as a surprise considering who you were dealing with but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. 
“I’m sorry, xiansheng. I just … I know I can’t possibly be to your liking. That is what I meant by not falling for your tricks.” 
“Who said that?” He growls, drawing a quiet whimper out of you. 
“It doesn’t need to be said.” 
“Bullshit. Tell me why it’s so impossible for me to want you.” 
“Because I’m fat.” You say it plainly and without inflection, but softer than a whisper, and his eyes go big in surprise. 
“What’s wrong with that?” 
You hate the way your chest tightens, flushing hot in humiliation. You hadn’t expected the sting to your ego to hurt quite so bad when you knew you were merely stating the truth. Maybe it’s the simple act of saying it out loud that drives the nail home or perhaps it’s the way he’s looking at you as if he couldn’t possibly conceive the issue with it, but the backs of your eyes start to burn all the same. Looking at him like this, in the gloom of the dark office, you start to wonder if it’s so painful precisely because you secretly wanted his interest in you to be real, not feigned. Was there really no greater anguish than having a strong, handsome man flirt with you while knowing you weren’t deserving of any of it? You certainly couldn’t think of anything worse. 
“What’s wrong with it is - is men like you don’t like that. I’m not stupid, xiansheng. There are plenty of women who …” You give your head a shake. “It doesn’t matter. You could do much better than me, and I know that just as well as you do.” 
He relaxes his broad shoulders, chuckling faintly as he pins you with a rueful if not taunting look. “Men like me, huh?”
“T - there’s no reason to deny it.”
“Oh?” Childe’s smile sharpens, showing a brief glimpse of the dangers lurking just beneath the surface. “And what else do you know of men like me? Hm?” 
You whimper softly and he gives your hands a quick squeeze before releasing them in favor of reaching tentatively for your waist again. You simply let him do it this time; half in defeat and just wanting to get this over with, and half under the assumption that he would finally drop the act and recoil in disgust at the soft give under his palms. But that’s not quite what happens. 
On the contrary, he actually looks rather pleased as his large hands comfortably settle around your middle like they belonged there. Possessive, almost. 
“I don’t know who made you believe such nonsense but I’ll happily take a list of names though, if you find the time to jot them down for me. But I’m afraid we don’t all think the same way, cutie. I’ve been daydreaming about having you under me since we met.” 
You suck in a sharp breath, still somehow shocked by the outrageous things that come out of his mouth even now. “But you could have anyone.” It’s little more than a whisper. 
“And like I said, I want you.” 
Swallowing hard, you lift your hands to lightly rest them on his forearms. You can’t decide if you want to push him away or pull him in closer, so you just leave them sitting there for right now. “I don’t understand why though.” 
“I could show you.” 
You don’t know what to say to that. Aren’t even sure if you could respond to it without choking on whatever you may have said, because he was brash and provocative, and more than just a little combative, and you weren’t used to dealing with someone like him. What could you possibly say that wouldn’t make you sound like a stammering ninny?
But he evidently takes your continued silence as his cue to proceed, and he slowly palms his way up your sides until blunt thumbs brush the underside of your breasts. A shudder races down your spine at that much too brief contact and you whimper again, louder this time, when he adjusts his hands to cradle your chest in them. His attention remains locked on your face though, intently observing the way your mouth warbles open as if to let out a tiny, faltering mewl but you stubbornly bite it back. Turning your head so you don’t have to look at him any longer, you raise a hand to cover your mouth when he pushes up, lifting your tits slightly, so he can feel the full brunt of them resting in the curve of his fingers. 
You’re ashamed to realize it felt nice having him paw at you like this, your nipples growing stiff and pointed against the brush of his hands. It makes your stomach curl itself into a tight, pulsing knot that has your knees going weak. Grudgingly, you think it might be okay to let this go on for a little while longer. Hesitantly, you have to accept that perhaps you liked him a bit more than you were willing to admit or let on. 
That mental shift must reflect in your expression though because he suddenly grins at you, all mischief and trouble. 
“These are my favorite.” He tells you softly, almost like he was sharing a precious secret with you. Giving your breasts another slow, kneading squeeze to make you sway slightly on your feet, he bends closer until just a scant few inches remain between you and him. “The bigger the better, don’t you think? What else is a man supposed to rest his head on at night? What else should we suck and lick, and bite on until your milk floods our mouths, hm? You seem to know an awful lot about men, so tell me … what would you have us do if not worship the very fertility you represent?” 
Dragging his hands higher, he lets your breasts bounce back into place under your shirt and he watches with a great deal of interest etched across his face. You have to force your lungs to expand, inhaling painfully slow to try and steady yourself. A very real part of you was still anticipating the pin to fall, for him to realize this game of chicken wasn’t worth it and to finally drop the farce, but that wasn’t happening. You were suddenly finding yourself faced with the very real possibility that he wasn’t just running his mouth with no intention of backing it up. He really did want you. He thought you were attractive — innately drawn to your figure, not put off by it. 
And he would have you, right here and now, if you just gave him the chance. 
Childe reaches for the button on your collar with clear, deliberate intent, giving you ample time to rethink this and tell him to stop. But you let him work the first one loose and then the next, and the next, so on and so forth until your shirt was hanging open down to the waistband of your skirt. He grabs at your middle to ruck it up and possessively pinch at your love handles underneath before finally grabbing onto the hem to untuck it the rest of the way. You’re a little surprised at yourself when you lift your arms to help him get it off, but you start to have second thoughts when the cool air hits the front of your silk chemise. 
Feeling uncertain and exposed, you cross your arms over your chest to hide your stiff nipples from his line of sight. He tsk’s softly as he tosses your shirt somewhere on the desk before taking hold of your wrists, gentle yet firm as he moves them out of the way. You can’t quite bring yourself to look him in the face though, self conscious and afraid of what you might see there, so you glance down at yourself instead. The weight of your breasts under the thin, breezy material is obvious, as are the stiff points sticking out in the center of them. You may as well have not even been wearing anything at all. 
With a quiet sound, he seems to reach the same conclusion. He releases your hands so he can slip his fingers underneath the thin shoulder straps and lift that over your head too. You have a split second of thinking you’ll back out after all, that you’re not prepared to have someone as tall and handsome as him looking at your naked body, but the roiling heat deep in your gut seems to have a differing opinion. The thought of walking away from this and going home to an empty bed brings with it a great deal of distress, so you slowly repeat the same arms up motion as before. 
Childe lets out a breath you hadn’t realized he’d been holding as the silk slips away and your naked breasts are finally bared to him. That gets tossed on the desk too and then his hands are on you again, groping and squeezing at you appreciatively with renewed excitement. “These are gorgeous.” He breathes. 
“Y - you don’t mean that.” You whimper, desperately glancing around the dark room for something to focus on that isn’t him. 
“I do.” He insists, and his lips are suddenly on the crook of your neck, kissing and nipping at the vulnerable skin there between hot, rushed sentiments. “I really do. You have no idea what you’re doing to me right now.” 
You feel well and truly lightheaded when he once again palms your breasts in his hands, lifting their weight the same as before. But this time he allows his thumbs to brush up, and you outright gasp at the first contact to your nipples. The noise he makes in response sounds suspiciously like a growl and it reverberates in your veins, making you shudder against him. He takes his time casually flicking over the stiffened buds for a moment longer before pressing your tits together and leaning back to admire the meaty squish. Abruptly, he lets go and watches the heavy bounce of them before setting his sights on your waist instead. 
“Archons, you’re perfect.” He groans, digging his fingers deep into the cushiony give around your middle. “I want to fold you in half on top of that desk, you know that? How’s that sound? Huh?” 
Your mouth warbles open, cheeks burning up. “Xi - xiansheng - -!”
He stoops down to press his face against your neck, growling again, a little louder this time, and you jolt when he blindly fumbles to grab one of your wrists. With a bit more force than was probably necessary, he drags your fingers to the front of his pants and manually curls them around the weighty bulge there. Your eyes widen in stark surprise, not at the size of him but, rather, at how very hard he is for you. He’s indescribably heavy against your hand, and stiff enough to strain the zipper holding him back. 
“You want this, cutie?” 
Like you really needed to think about it at this point. “I … I do. I want you, xiansheng.” 
Breathing deep the scent of your neck, he lets it out again with a bestial huff that makes goosebumps erupt across your skin. It takes a visible amount of effort for him to unlatch himself from you, reaching to unfasten the single button done up on his jacket. This he carelessly shrugs out of and tosses to the side, eyeing you with a hungry lick of his lips before stepping into you again to take hold of your waist. It doesn’t escape your notice that he seems to be fascinated with this part of you, the way he insists on continuously grabbing and squeezing it in his hands, but you don’t get a chance to comment on it. 
He’s pulling you against him then, all but flattening you against the hard line of his body, and you suck in a sharp, frazzled breath at the press of his cock against your stomach. Never before had you found yourself in this sort of position so you don’t really know what to do, standing there just breathing him in while he yanks at the hidden latch on your skirt. You think you should be doing something, should probably be reciprocating in some way, but your overloaded brain just can’t seem to make sense of it. 
Luckily, he takes care of the decision making for you. Once the band of your skirt is hanging loose around your waist, he lifts his hand to nudge it under your chin and tip your head back. You have but a split second to realize he’s going to kiss you, and then he’s devouring your mouth, kissing you much harder and much more forcefully than he had in the alley. You realize now, as you succumb to the hungry pull of his lips, that he’d only been testing the waters earlier. He was far from normal if that had been his idea of tentative and, evidently, you were just as crazy for entertaining it. 
Greedy hands roam down your body, grabbing tight, pinching handfuls of your sides and your hips before dipping lower still. Childe takes hold of your ass like a starved man grabbing onto a lifeline and you rock forward on your toes with a muffled little squeak. He gladly swallows it down even as he kneads and pinches, rolling the meat of your backside in his palms. It’s just shy of being too much, toeing the line of discomfort, and you blindly reach back to clutch at his powerful wrist. Of course that doesn’t stop him though, and you suck in a much needed lungful of air when he finally pulls back some moments later. 
He doesn’t even give you a chance to catch your breath, quickly swooping down to shimmy your skirt over your hips so you can step out of it. You expect him to go after your garters next so he can get you completely undressed, telling yourself to relax and just breathe while you could, but nothing is ever that simple when it comes to Childe. 
To your squawking surprise, he grabs you around the waist yet again and suddenly hauls you up to perch on the edge of the desk. You can’t even think straight as he bullies your thighs apart with his narrow hips so he can settle between them, pressing himself tight against you. Unable to hold it back any longer with the weight of his cock digging into you and the hard muscle mass of his chest right in your face, you reach up to loop your arms over his shoulders with a needy little mewl. Grunting in approval, he bends at the waist to hunch over you so he can take a nipping bite at your neck and then your ear while his arms snake around you. For as deceptively gangly as they are, the strength in them is staggering and he practically crushes you against him, firmly holding you in place so he can slowly grind up into your core. 
Delirious, you frantically clutch at him when every stilted push of his cock against your panties only seems to highlight how wet you already were for him. That in and of itself would have been inconceivable not even twenty minutes ago, but somehow even worse is how that sedate, repetitive motion of his hips just seems to encourage yet more sticky slick out of your cunt. You can feel it bleeding into your panties, leaving them increasingly damp, and you grimace when they soon start to stick to your labia. 
“Xi - xiansheng! Wait a second …” 
“How do you expect me to wait after all this time, girlie? Huh?” Snarling against your neck, Childe leans further into you and uses his weight to push you back, tipping your pussy towards him. You cling to his shoulders, whimpering and whining low in your throat as he increases the pace, humping into you with even greater enthusiasm than before. “Wanna’ know what’s funny?” He laughs, breathless and hot against the side of your face. “I actually expected you to tell me a completely different answer earlier. You really caught me off guard, you know?” 
Legs quivering around his hips, you dig your nails into his back and tip your head up, gasping at the ceiling. You felt dizzy and hot enough to burn. Was he really going to make you cum, just with this? “Like — ahhn! Like what?” 
Dragging his hands down to grip your plushy hips, Childe shifts against you to look in your face. His eyes were strange and unsettling even now when you felt like you were going to shake right off the desk if he kept digging his cock into you like that, but there was something else in them now … something far removed from the light of day but no less blinding. It was like looking at ice fire — so dark and blue, yet hotter than any normal flame could ever hope to burn. You weren’t sure if you were looking into a vast, bottomless trench under the sea or the very sky itself, so deep and fathomless it would swallow you whole without a trace, never to be seen again, but it doesn’t really seem to matter anymore. You would gladly give yourself over to the void, drown in its oceanic embrace, so long as he kept looking at you like that. 
“Tell me.” You gasp when he doesn’t immediately respond. 
“I thought you were going to tell me I was too young for you.” He suddenly says, surprising you so much you have to do a double take. 
Laughing, he gives his hips one last, lingering roll that has you biting down on your tongue to silence yourself as he unhurriedly moves to extricate himself from you. 
“All that fuss you were making, it was the only thing I could think of. I know you were worried about my title and I probably didn’t help that very much when we parted ways last night … but still, you refused to have me even after I went out of my way to show you I’m just a man. Albeit a supremely powerful one but,” Shrugging as if it didn’t really matter, Childe bends over your lap to start unhooking the clasps holding your stockings up. He’s surprisingly gentle and patient with such a benign task and you let him do it without intervention, even when your pussy clenches at the sight of him half naked and focused on the task of undressing you. “I figured you just didn’t think I was mature enough or something like that. Not that that wasn’t bad enough but I certainly didn’t expect your real reason.”
You start to say his name but catch yourself at the last second. “Xiansheng …” You say instead. “It’s true that I’m older than you but it’s not that big of a difference from my perspective. I don’t think you’re immature. Well, not in that way, at least.” 
“Oh, is that so?” Sending you a slow, mischievous little grin, he slips his fingers into the waistband of your panties and starts to slowly slide them down over your thighs, leaving the garter and stockings in place. “Good to hear it. Because I’m prepared to show you just what I’m capable of, and I have no intention of leaving this room until you understand exactly what kind of man I am.” 
Eyes widening slightly, you watch him pull your underwear free from your ankles so he can carelessly toss them somewhere on the floor. Those big, battle hardened hands slide up your inner thighs and roughly shove them apart so he can swoop down, dragging the flat of his tongue through your wet cunt without so much as a word of warning. You jolt so hard you nearly come right up off the desk, a startled ‘oh!’ bursting out of your mouth. He pays it no mind though, keeping your legs spread wide as he devours you, swirling around your entrance to taste the excessive slick accumulated there before directing his mouth higher to knock against your clit. It’s all you can do not to shriek, chest heaving as you jerk and twist against him. 
“Wait —!” 
Coming up off your cunt with an obnoxiously loud slurp and a smack of his lips, Childe gives a breathless laugh. “There’s no time for that, girlie. Today you’re going to learn how a real man handles a woman like you.” 
With a low, hungry snarl, he dives back in and your hand instinctively shoots down to grab at his hair. He pays it no mind though — in fact, he actually appears to enjoy it. Groaning hotly against your pussy, he presses his cheek to one side so he can batter your clit with his tongue, making your toes tightly curl in their little heels. The sensation is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before; intense and overwhelming, indescribably sticky and wet, and hot, and it doesn’t take long for you to start shaking in earnest. 
Unable to sit up any longer when the tremors threaten to overpower you, you slowly sink back to lay across the top of the desk but he just follows you down. Shuffling closer so he’s bent nearly in two over your cunt, Childe possessively grabs at your thighs so he can toss them over his shoulders and lock you in place. Having your legs up in the air like this is somehow both deeply embarrassing and indescribably arousing at the same time, and you writhe like some mindless beast while he eats you out. Your fingers in his hair start to cramp but you refuse to let him go when it felt like the only thing keeping you grounded to reality anymore. 
You quickly lose the fight though when he slides his hands up your thighs, over the pudge of your belly and higher still to grab your breasts. His long fingers dig in, squeezing them tight enough to hurt before redirecting his attention to your nipples. The way he pinches and rolls them has you arching hard enough to make the desk groan underneath you, legs clenching around his head in an attempt to block him out for even just a moment's reprieve. It’s a losing battle though. He’s as dauntless as ever, and he just keeps working you over with his mouth even when your thighs threaten to crush or suffocate him. 
Blindly, you claw at his wrists and forearms but it is much too late. The scale starts to tip and you feel yourself desperately clinging to the edge, scared of that free fall and what it would mean even as you give your hips one last, pitiful jerk. Just like that, the chord snaps and you plunge into the void, pussy clenching so tight over the course of your orgasm that it actually brings tears to your eyes. Your whole body seems to roil with it, wildly twitching as you choke back your moans until only quiet, gasping mewls manage to escape, but somehow it still isn’t enough. 
You’re not sure when or how it happened, but at some point you’d come to realize that Childe’s mouth on you was perhaps the greatest feeling in the world, and you desperately wanted more of it.  
“Please!” You hiss, blubbering faintly when he starts to untangle himself from you. 
“Well, well,” he taunts, clearly pleased with himself as he straightens up. “I’d say you rather enjoyed that, wouldn’t you? Who would have thought the prim and proper ambassador of the Northland Bank was so needy?” 
Groaning softly in the back of your throat, you cover your face with a still trembling hand and press your thighs together now that he’s not occupying the space between them. You didn’t know whether to beg for more of his attention or cry from embarrassment. Both options seemed perfectly reasonable in this situation, and you finally settle on some combination of the two. 
“I’ve never felt like this before, xiansheng. I'm sorry.” You let out a sound that is half sob, half groan. “My body is on fire but I — I still want you to keep touching me. I don’t really know what I’m doing but I want more. I need more of you.” 
Childe snickers softly, and the sound of him shuffling close again has your heart threatening to jackhammer straight out of your chest. “Aww. Well, when you put it so nicely …” 
His hands find your hips again, giving them a savory squeeze before dragging his palms lower to feel the give of your thighs under his fingers. One long digit slips into the band of a stocking and tugs on it, letting it snap back into place with a quiet smack. He can’t seem to stop pawing at you, kneading along the soft pudge of your inner thigh until broad knuckles brush against your cunt. You shudder at the sensation and lift your head to peer down at him, struggling to keep your voice in check when he presses two fingertips into the meat of your labia and spreads them apart. Sensitive tears sting your eyes as a fresh wave of humiliation crashes over you, threatening to drown you. To be looked at like this was not a feeling you were mentally prepared for but, carefully watching Childe’s face, you’re relieved to find that he doesn’t seem to dislike it. 
In fact, his expression actually pinches with a low, rumbling groan that makes your pussy excitedly clench. His eyes take on a distant, dreamy sort of look, and he bends down to give your cunt another savory lap of his tongue, making you twitch at the contact against your clit. Exhaling slowly, he rises up enough to crowd his finger in and slowly rubs the meaty little nub in faint, barely there circles. You seethe through your teeth, still overwrought so soon after your orgasm, but you quickly relax into it when pleasure rushes in to replace the sensitivity. 
“Such a pretty pussy,” he murmurs, drawing a quiet whimper out of you. “And so receptive, too. I wonder how sensitive it is on the inside …” 
You realize what he’s saying a moment too late, far too gone in the hazy, post-orgasmic bliss to function at your usual level, and you don’t get the chance to protest. The finger on your clit abandons it’s target in favor of a new one, slipping lower to find your entrance and — slide right in. He doesn’t even hesitate. Just a quick, sudden pressure on your interior and he’s inside of you right down to the knuckle and you wheeze, going ramrod stiff on top of the desk. 
“Shit, you’re tight.” 
“I … I’m sorry.” 
Childe sends you a quick look, his mouth already cocking into a smirk, but the expression on your face gives him pause. “What is there to be sorry about, girlie? It is not a bad thing to be tight, you know.” 
“Yes.” You agree, even though you don’t really know what it is you’re agreeing with. “It’s just … I’ve never done this before so I hope it’s not too much trouble.” 
A terse beat passes through the room, completely still and quiet save the hushed sound of bustling nightlife in the near distance. Then it seems to click, and he blinks up at you owlishly. 
“You’re a virgin?” 
“I'm sorry.” You say it again, because it’s the only thing you can think to say. 
A half choked, disbelieving laugh slips out of him and he straightens, looking at you like he’s seeing you for the first time. There’s a new understanding in his eyes now, as if everything suddenly made sense, and you quickly turn your head so you don’t have to see the way he’s sizing you up. You’d glimpsed that predatory hunger in him more than once in the short time you’d known him but had always written it off as a hunger for life and all it had to offer. Excitement and battle, and the driving urge to test his own strength. Now, though, that voracious appetite was not only centered entirely on you but it also seemed to solidify into something tangible. Something far more dangerous than anything you’d seen in him before. He wasn’t merely going to have you, take you, claim you. 
He was going to devour you. 
With a reverberating growl, Childe reaches out to palm at your lower belly and he gives it a tight, pinching squeeze. You whimper faintly in response but that only further encourages him. His opposite hand, the one between your legs, withdraws for but a moment before returning with two fingers this time, and they slide straight up into you with a wet little click. Your guts are so slippery and soft for him that there’s hardly any resistance at all even when your body instinctively tries to clamp down around the intrusion. You can feel the burn of the stretch in a far off, dreamy sort of way, but it does absolutely nothing to dissuade or discourage you. If anything, it almost seems to spur you on. 
He laughs again, low and raspy, when you stutteringly roll your hips and squirm for him, idly giving your stomach another savory pinch. “I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this,” he says quietly, in such a soft register that you almost miss it over your own gasping breaths. “But I’m probably not the best candidate for someone’s first time. You sure you want to do this, girlie?” 
You think that’s a massive understatement. He was rough and excitable, easily carried away and impatient. Whatever he may have lacked in fine tuned precision was more than made up for in so much puppy-like enthusiasm that it bordered on being too much, and even now you couldn’t ignore how good just his fingers felt inside your pussy. You wanted him perhaps more than you’d ever wanted anything else in your life, and that wasn’t up for debate. But you hesitate to say it, whether for your pride or just the simple fact that you didn’t know how to say it. 
Faintly wheezing, you struggle to sit half upright so you can look at him, for once unconcerned with the heavy weight of your breasts or the crease along your tummy. You simply look at him, as a woman, and he looks at you as a man, primal and starved, practically chomping at the bit to sink his teeth into you. If he was the wolf then did that make you the lamb? 
“You said you would show me …” Hesitating, you quickly swallow down your nerves before they can get the better of you. “Show me how a man handles a woman like me. I’d like to see that, xiansheng.” 
The snarl that comes out of him is more animal than human, and the most frightening one you’ve heard yet. It sets your guts vibrating, heart hammering wildly in your chest with the instinctive urge to flee, to run, to hide — but you couldn’t have even if you’d wanted to. You were already trapped in his clutches, his fangs locked around your sensitive jugular, ready to tear through you and rip you open for him to feast upon. It flashes across his face, settles deep in those strange eyes. The bloodlust. The thrill of the hunt and the subsequent kill. He was the predator and you, his prize. 
You gladly give yourself over to it when he leans down to claim your mouth again, kissing you so hard and so voraciously it steals the air from your lungs. His hand stays busy between your legs, working your cunt open with those long, calloused fingers, while the other one roams over your body. Grabbing at your love handles, your tits, the small of your back where it’s arched up off the desk in silent supplication for more. More of him, more of the pleasure and the threadbare pain that comes with it. More of his fingers, more of his tongue. You wanted all of it, and you plaintively moan into his mouth when he reaches up to palm the back of your neck. Holding you in place like that, he increases the speed and the pressure between your shuddering thighs, and the incessant clicking increases with it. Already an ache was forming deep in your body and you could tell you were going to be sore for days to come but you revel in it, bask in the heightened pleasure of knowing you were his to lay claim to. 
You think you’re starting to get close to another orgasm when he abruptly pulls his fingers out with a wet little pop, and you tear your kissed-raw mouth from his to groan in disappointment. He doesn’t give you a chance to complain though, and you suddenly find yourself shoved down on your back as he crawls up onto the desk with you, pinning you under the sturdy weight of all that lean, hard muscle. Eyes widening slightly at having him over you like this, you reach up to clutch his shoulders hard enough to make the joints ache. Jostling you slightly while he positions himself, Childe issues a heady grunt into the scant space separating you from him and then you feel it. 
The nudge of his cock. The press of the glans against your slit, seeking out the warmth of your body even as he slips over sticky lips and folds. You gasp sharply, mouth hanging open in a silent scream when he finds your entrance, catches and starts to sink in. It was something completely different from the stretch of his fingers, something much more intense, and you give a small jerk against him as tears spring up in your eyes. He is firm and unbudgeable on top of you though, hissing in deeply felt pleasure when you take him. More and more of him, until your eyes start to roll back in your head. 
Twisting back against the desk, you sob up at the ceiling. It feels like you’re being crushed under him, your guts squishing and compressing against the weight of his cock bullying its way into you. He pauses, shifts slightly, and then his large hand is cupping the side of your face. The blunt of his thumb hooks under your jaw and he demandingly angles you towards him so he can kiss you again, muffling the frantic, whimpering moans you let out when he sinks the rest of the way inside. 
With his narrow hips pressed tight to the backs of your thighs, you’re really, truly trapped underneath him now. It’s so hot and heavy between you two that you can barely manage to squirm, weakly shaking and writhing underneath him instead of wildly bucking like you would like to do. You feel frantic and mindless, your neck lolling bonelessly in his hold while the room seems to spin around you at a frankly alarming speed. You’d never felt so full, stuffed to bursting, or drunk on fast pumping endorphins in all your life. 
“Archons above, you feel so damn good.” He rumbles against your cheek, voicing the very sentiment you were trying (and failing) to come to terms with in your own cotton stuffed mind. You weren’t sure if you would ever be able to fully recover from this. Not this intimate meeting of your flushed, sweaty bodies or Childe’s raucous entry into your life. 
Groaning, he starts to move. The stiff flex of his hips is slow at first, drawn out and savory, like he’s merely enjoying the wet heat of you squeezing around him, but it doesn’t last long. He begins picking up the pace in just a matter of moments, driving his pelvis against your harder, faster, until the embarrassingly loud squelch of your cunt sucking him in deep rings on a near endless loop. You lurch underneath him, clawing at his shoulders and back while he relentlessly carves out a space within you, drilling you into the desk with reckless abandon. The creak of the wood barely even registers though when you’re so swept up in the sensation, the mind numbing experience of being fucked senseless by the beast heaving above you. 
He seems almost feral now, and you can feel the ache within you growing with each plunging thrust of his cock as it drives into you again and again, reaching deep inside to knock something that has you seeing stars. It leaves you reeling, dizzy and overwhelmed, but there’s no stopping it now. Childe is like a man possessed and he eagerly ruts into you, losing himself in your pussy, and all you can do anymore is cling to him in high strung desperation. His hands are everywhere at the same time, a blur of pinching squeezes and kneading gropes, but he soon gives up on trying to press you somehow even closer to himself in favor of reaching higher to grip the opposite edge of the desk. He seems to use it as leverage to reinforce the power behind his thrusts, and he slams into you with enough force to nearly send you into a vertigo-inducing free fall. 
“Shit!” He grunts, fanning warm breath across your face as he seeks out your mouth again. “I don’t think I ever want to leave this pussy, you know that?” 
Tipping your head at him, you catch his lips in another searing kiss and he seems to sink further into you, defying all logic and reason when his body moulds so tightly to yours it’s hard to tell where one of you starts and the other begins. It’s like you’ve become one entity, one being — the wolf and his hard won prey joined together until you were one and the same. Sharing the same body, the same mind, and the same pleasure. His appetite only fed into yours and heightened it, and the reverse seemed to be true as well because he moans, low and faltering, when you lock your ankles around his waist to hold him against you. 
He surprises you then, his heaving motions stalling to an almost complete standstill while his tongue intertwines and dances with yours. Unhurriedly exploring your mouth, claiming it as his own, Childe starts to slow fuck you with a grinding roll of his hips. His cock is wedged so deep inside you it feels like he’s poking at your ribs, and you all but sob at the staggered, barely there thrusts that churn your insides and increase the pressure tenfold. It was like you were on the brink of implosion, shuddering so intensely that the desk heaves a sympathetic groanin response. 
And somewhere in the back of your mind you still manage to find the wherewithal to hope the two of you don’t accidentally break it. 
Gradually, he winds you higher and higher until you’re frantically gasping for air, practically hyperventilating even while he keeps kissing you and fucking you like he has all the time in the world to enjoy this. He just might, for all you know, and you didn’t doubt that he would make the time if he didn’t. So incorrigible, so demanding and entitled to your body … as if he thought you were made just for him and maybe you were. Maybe you’d been born just for this purpose and he, the hot headed man from Snezhnaya, was likewise meant to have you in this way. 
You whine low in your throat as the tremors threaten to overpower you and he finally breaks apart from the kiss to groan heavily into the statically charged air. The reverberation seems to bleed into you and trigger a chain reaction that has every nerve ending in your body lighting up one by one, in rapid succession. It floods your system in waves, working lower and lower until it finally hits that tight, aching coil deep in your gut and it instantly snaps. You cum with a shriek, shoving your face into the bend of his sweat dampened neck to smother the sound while you fitfully twist and jerk underneath him. Your pussy spasms, wildly milking his cock, and he moans in response with a faint tremble of his own sweaty, heaving frame. 
Muscles flexing, he rides you through it at that same, sedately steady pace until you at last start to come down from it, chest heaving uncontrollably as you try to catch your breath. You’re lost in it, soaring somewhere far outside your own body, high above the very city itself, but you’re still acutely aware of the way he seethes and grunts when he moves to push up. Lifting your head, you blearily watch him go up on his knees to kneel between your legs, cock glistening in the sparse light coming in through the window even as he takes it in hand. He strokes it, hard and fast, with his heavy lidded eyes alternating between your well used cunt and your face, panting heavily and groaning softly as his shoulders begin to shake. You can tell he must be reaching his limit by the growing strain in his voice, and it seems to finally hit its peak with a keening, borderline whiny whimper that goes straight to your pussy. 
You hadn’t expected him to sound like that, so needy and desperate, and you find it inexplicably arousing. Your body clenches with renewed excitement and you mewl, very quietly, when his hips give one last little jerk and white, creamy ropes shoot out of him to splatter across your stomach. It’s hot and sticky where it settles, and Childe outright snarls at the sight of his cum painting your skin. 
“Xiansheng - -“ 
He doesn’t stop long enough to hear you out or give himself any time to recover before he’s swooping down, hunching over your prone form so he can drag his tongue through the mess he’s made. You give a jolt of surprise, gasping in shock, but the slow look he sends you under the fall of his tousled hair assures you he was capable of much worse than this and he was not your average man no matter how you tried to rationalize it. 
The two of you take a moment to catch your breath, just looking at one another through the gloom and basking in the afterglow. He touches you with idle confidence, like he was already secure in his ownership of your body and didn’t even need to think about it anymore. Emboldened now, you allow yourself to touch him too, feeling across the definition of his chest and arms, his abdominals and hips. Just like before, his energy seems to be bottomless and it doesn’t take very long for his spent cock to start stirring again when your hands were on him like that. 
Shamefully enough, you have him two more times over the course of the long night — once against the side of the desk, standing up so he could grope you to his heart's content, and once on the ornate chaise lounge, tangled up in a mess of limbs — before finally succumbing to exhaustion in the early hours of the morning. Neither of you spoke of what would come next or what it all meant in the long run, but you didn’t really see the need to. 
There was only so much room for negotiations where fate was concerned, after all. 
Pausing outside the bank to check that your hair was still in place, you make a valiant effort to smother the butterflies flitting about inside your chest. You were a little nervous, yes, but you try to remind yourself just how silly that actually was. Childe had not only seen you naked already (which was embarrassing enough) but he had also had you multiple times, in multiple positions. Surely you should have been beyond the point of being shy around him after all of that. 
Though that’s easier said than done, of course, and you can’t quite figure out how you’re supposed to behave now. Should you just pretend that nothing had even transpired between you and him? Should you proceed with confidence and surety that he did indeed want you? He’d made that abundantly clear last night so there wasn’t any reason to pretend you didn’t believe him anymore, and you’d likewise had to accept that you wanted him too. But were you allowed to act on it? Archons, they didn’t make manuals for this sort of thing. 
He’d helped you sneak out in the early pre dawn glow when everything was soft and hazy, and you’d recovered just enough to make the walk home. You’d insisted on it, citing that you needed to bathe, among other things, and he had of course tried to convince you to just stay with him before finally conceding defeat. He’d even offered to escort you but you hadn’t wanted to run the risk of being seen together in such a compromising position. Nadia was bad enough even though she’d politely looked the other way when the two of you had emerged from the bank, completely ignoring you both, but anyone else would have been pushing your luck. Or so it seemed, anyway. The situation was just way too strange for you to say with any certainty but you got the distinct feeling that not everyone would be so willing to look the other way on this. Whatever this was.  
Anxiously, you fiddle with the front of your dress to make sure there weren’t any creases or wrinkles in the fabric. This was so stupid. You had no business acting like a lovestruck teenager over someone like him. He would have outright laughed at you if he saw you right now, and that was to say absolutely nothing of the on duty guard sending you odd looks. You were just going to have to get this over with. 
Steeling your resolve, you push through the doors with your head held high, determined to maintain a confident appearance, but it quickly falls away when you find Childe standing in the lobby with the director and about ten other Fatui agents. Your heart immediately sinks. Had something happened? 
“Oh!” Childe notices you right away, and he perks up like an excitable dog. The stormy glower he’d been wearing fades as soon as he lays eyes on you, replaced by that big, boyish grin, and you stand up a little straighter when he shuffles toward you at an unhurried pace. You weren’t sure what was happening here but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was nothing good. “We were just discussing you, actually. Good timing.”
“Me?” You blurt out, disbelief coloring your voice. 
“Don’t sound so surprised, girlie. Of course it’s nothing bad. Come, stand over here with everyone.” 
You’re so dumbfounded that you don’t even have the presence of mind to act embarrassed about it when he casually slides his arm over your back, steering you towards the small congregation. You frantically search their faces for some kind of answer or clue but you can’t get a read on most of them thanks to their masks. The only one whose face was uncovered was the directors, and you have to do a startled double take at his pallid complexion. He looked like he’d aged ten years since you last saw him! 
“Don’t be nervous.” Childe says, giving you a playful nudge that makes you hope things were not as dire as they seemed. That quaint little notion is immediately quashed, however, when all the good humor drains from him upon turning his attention on the director. “Go on, Krzysiek. Tell her about the letter you received this morning.” 
The older man winces as if he’d been struck, his wild gaze darting from the Harbinger to you and then back again. “Ah. Yes. Yes, of course.” Forcing out a single brittle laugh, he lifts a trembling hand to wipe at his damp forehead. “Lord Regrator sent a very prompt response to my missive. Very prompt indeed. He made it quite clear that the original order had not been signed by mistake and he was well aware how much mora was in question. I’m afraid he isn’t, erm, very pleased with me at the moment but I am working very hard to rectify my mistake at the current time.” 
“And?” Childe prompts, the cold tone of his voice sending chills up your spine. 
“And I fear I owe you an apology,” the director shoots you a harried look. “It was remiss of me to put you in such a vulnerable position. It was not your responsibility nor your place to be in such close proximity with this … ah, particular situation. It was Fatui business and that’s how it should have stayed. Lord Regrator also made that quite clear to me in his letter” 
You have no idea what to say to that. Not that you didn’t agree, because you most certainly did. You’d tried to tell him all of this right after that initial meeting with Childe in the back office but he hadn’t listened, far too determined to foist the problem off on you rather than deal with it himself. But if he’d taken a moment to consider reason and rescind his decision then you wouldn’t have gotten to know Childe the way you now knew him. You wouldn’t have felt his warm hands all over your body or his searing kisses on your neck, and even for as much grief you’d endured because of it you couldn’t be mad at him for it. You were at first, and very much so, but not now. 
“It’s alright.” You finally murmur, turning to glance up at the redhead standing beside you. “Does this mean you’re leaving?” 
You hadn’t meant to sound so sad about that — for all intents and purposes you probably should have been jumping for joy — but his expression softens in as much as it ever does, and he smiles at you again. “For a little while, but I’ll be back. Liyue is a beautiful country and there are plenty more sights to see, people to fight, and things I’d like to do. You haven’t seen the last of me just yet. But in the meantime, Krzysiek here is going to make sure you’re well taken care of for all the trouble we’ve caused you.” 
Your brows shoot straight up to your hairline. What in the world was he talking about? “I’m afraid I don’t understand, xiansheng.”
“Oh, don’t worry your pretty little head. Just think of it like … reimbursement for all your hard work. We had a chat about it and agreed you deserve at least that much.” 
“But — but I can’t possibly - -“ 
“Sure you can!” He cuts across you, as boisterous and pushy as ever. Turning to face you now, he pins you with a mischievous if not challenging look that threatens to turn your knees weak. “You won’t have to work at the bank anymore if you don’t want to. You’re free to quit at any time, and I already made sure there won’t be any retaliation against you if that’s what you choose. You’ll still get your compensation for the rest of your life regardless, so, really, you’re free to make whatever decision you want.” He pauses then, seems to think about it and then quietly adds, “Well, I guess that would be for the rest of Krzysiek’s life, wouldn’t it?” 
The man in question chokes, sounding like he was right on the brink of some massive mental breakdown, but you pay him no mind. You just stare at Childe like he’s grown a second head, trying to make sense of it all. Reimbursement? For life? Did he truly think you wanted or were at all concerned about something like that? 
“Is this really your way of saying goodbye?” 
“Aw, don’t look at me with such a sad face, girlie. I already told you I’d come back, didn’t I?” Gently, he places his hand on your shoulder and you let him guide you away from the gathered Fatui who watch on like silent sentries. You were glad for his foresight in moving you away from them because with each passing moment it was becoming increasingly harder to keep your emotions in check. You didn’t know if you wanted to scream at him or cry. Of course you’d known he’d be leaving soon but so suddenly? And like this? 
You couldn’t think of anything worse to cap off this whirlwind experience. 
Softly shushing you, Childe pulls you towards the far wall and then moves to stand in front of you so he’s blocking the others and all you can see is him. You try very hard to keep the tears at bay, uncertain if they were angry or sad, but they still well up in your eyes and it makes your bottom lip warble. It was perhaps the most humiliating experience yet but he only clicks his tongue, reaching up to cup your cheek. 
“Stop that.” You hiss, trying to turn away from him, but he persists. Unable to take the hint and overbearing even now after everything you’d gone through together just to reach a tentative understanding with one another. All of it gone, in the blink of an eye. 
“Now, now,” he murmurs in a placating tone, at complete odds with the way he grabs your chin and pulls you around to look at him again. “It’s nothing to get so upset over. I told you I want you, didn’t I? Or do you still think I’m only teasing you?” 
You hesitate, eyeing him warily. A moment ago, yes, you’d started to doubt him in the face of this sudden upheaval. You’d expected at least another day with him, another chance to find the courage to ask about his intentions with you, and now there was so much that was going to go left unsaid. But looking in his face and the grim expression you find there, you realize that he really is serious. Not only was he going to come back without fail, he would come back for you. Not the scenery or the city, or for the duties he carried out for his homeland. This was just his way of making sure you were taken care of in the meantime … and you couldn’t exactly fault him for that. 
Finally, you relent. “No, I don’t think that anymore. I believe you.” 
“Good.” Breaking out into a wide, eager grin, Childe leans down to kiss you, hard and fast before you can react or swat him away. You flush red hot, stammering something about the others seeing, but he just laughs it off without concern. “Let them see! You are mine, and some day we will stand on top of the world together, mark my words!” 
You gape at him in disbelief, hardly even daring to believe your own ears, but he only takes advantage of your shock and confusion to grab your face again. Gently cradling your cheeks between both hands now, he looks at you like you’re something precious and worth protecting, crystalline irises dancing with an inner light that was all his. No exterior illumination seemed to be able to pierce that murky, tumultuous void, but this was something else entirely. It made his eyes look like brilliant diamonds refracting an infinite number of prisms that existed nowhere else on the spectrum and this … it was all for you?
Feeling your resolve irreparably shatter, you lean into him and go up on the tips of your toes so you can kiss him. “I’d like to see that, Childe. I hope you keep your promises.” 
Crossposted to AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50380030
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padme4000 · 7 days
Modding on Patch 7 of Baldur's Gate 3
I realise Mac does not have Patch 7 yet, but preparing for users needing help when it does arrive for mac.
1. Delete your modsettings.lsx 
Mac: User/Documents/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/PlayerProfiles/Public Windows: %LocalAppdata%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public Linux: SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1086940/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/PlayerProfiles/Public
2. Launch Baldurs Gate 3 Mod Manager / Vortex / or your mod manager of choice and check for updates. In BG3MM press F7 to bring up the update checker.
You can also use the in game mod manager (IGMM) as well.
For me I use both BG3MM and IGMM without issue, however I do advise where possible to mostly stick to one. You can download mod.io mods via their website page here: Baldur's Gate 3 - Mods or Baldur's Gate 3 Mods - mod.io
In fact if you like increasing your party size there is a mod I highly suggest: Adjustable Party Limit for Baldur's Gate 3 - mod.io as it also covers making sure you don't run into those pesty bugs we can get with party increase.
4. Go to your Mods folder:
Mac: User/Documents/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/Mods Windows: %LocalAppdata%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods Linux: SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1086940/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/Mods
5. If you use mods such as ImprovedUI make sure to have the version for Patch 7 and remove all old Patch 6 versions of that mod from the above mods folder, as it states on the mod page.
6. remove Mod Fixer from your mods folder. It is no longer required in Patch 7.
7. You should be ready to launch your game.
A note that the game currently labels non mod.io mods with an alarming triangle icon with a ! in the centre. It is okay to press continue when the pop up shows up.
If using controller switch to keyboard and mouse, as there may be a bug not letting you press continue on controller.
This icon is just to inform you that some of the mods are from external sources, and to also give you a chance to remove the mods from your load order should you wish before continuing. 
Mod.io and external mods such as from nexus mods work fine together.
Some extra resources:
How to remove mods from BG3 | BG3 Modding Community Wiki
Patch 7 Troubleshooting | BG3 Modding Community Wiki
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gotworldless · 4 months
Welcome to Glance of Tomorrow: A Worldless Fanzine!
Glance of Tomorrow: A Worldless Fanzine is a zine based on the Indie Game Worldless, a 2D hybrid metriodvania with a stunning art style and incredible combat. Worldless is made by NoName Studios and published by Coatsink and Thunderful Games.
Currently being run by the Paraluxx Nebula System/ @octahedral-chaos
We are currently accepting Submissions! Please read the following rules before creating something.
We take in anything really, Digital or traditional art, fanfiction, poems, even pictures of sculptures and such! However, we don't accept anything NSFW.
For dimensions, we will be using an A4/ Letter sized pages, or 8.3 x 11.7/ 8 × 11 inches. This is to ensure that the zine will have a constant sizing and to not break the document.
Have fun! Please fill out the interest checker before you submit something.
It should be noted that the zine will be posted digitally on Itch.IO for free! It'll be a PDF.
To submit, please use the form provided below. It should be noted that submissions will be closed on the 20th of October.
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easternmind · 1 year
Inside the office of Fumito Ueda
This is a sequel of sorts to a post of mine from last year where I spotted a number of telling items on Fumito Ueda's office shelves, while more closely inspecting a picture from the Material Book included with the Japanese First Limited Edition of Hitokui no Ōwashi Trico. I'm calling this harmless voyeurism, coming as it does from someone who is exceedingly interested in this author and his work and appreciates the difficulty of such self-imposed challenges.
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This new post will be looking more carefully at a this page size picture from The World of Fumito Ueda, a book Kadokawa released earlier this year, from which some detail can be extracted. The photo is stylized with a checkered transparency which makes this exercise substantially more difficult. Should you recognize any item I failed to identify, I ask that you use the comment box so I may improve this entry.
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This is a rather pristine-looking 1976 Nintendo Kôsenjû Duck Hunt, a sophisticated light gun toy from Yokoi's R&D department consisting of a battery-powered projector and a plastic rifle whose objective was for the player to shoot at the duck whenever it appeared on the wall.
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To the left is Nintendo's Custom Gunman toy, also designed by Gunpei Yokoi in 1976, consisting of a plastic cowboy figure with a receptor in its chest at which the player needed to aim with precision in order to score.
I remember reading about these in Gorges' L'Histoire de Nintendo. Both may have been toys that Ueda had as a child, but this is mere speculation from my end.
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Two PSP games stored on this shelf: Metal Gear Acid (2004) and Lemmings (2006), a remake of a game which was highly influential to him, as he as indicated on multiple occasions. In the previous post I wrote, I spotted a big box copy of the original game.
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An unexpected find here: a DVD entitled The Animal Motion Show, a visual library meant as reference for artists containing thousands of video clips animals in motion, no doubt very useful in key framing Toriko's unique animations.
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A pair of books stand out to me and confirm many of my long-held suspicions on Ueda's influences: Hyperion's From Myst to Riven hardcover from 1997; and the 1974 Dover Publications' Doré Bible Illustrations.
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The US and European versions of Shadow of the Colossus sitting beside Saints Seinaru Mamono, the Japanese edition of the Sony Cambridge Studio 2004 game, Primal.
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More books, including the 2014 volume The Birth of Rockin' Jelly Beans. If you are not familiar with this reference, he is a Japanese lowbrow erotica artist who wears a mask in public appearances and whose identity remains unknown to this day.
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Tucked in a lower shelf are the Gameboy Color edition of Prince of Persia, the Japanese version of Abe's Exodus (ABE '99) for the Playstation and the Wonderswan version of Toshio Iwai's Tenori-On.
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Last but not least, here is the the Limited Run Games Limited 20th Anniversary Edition of Another World (either the PS4 or the PSVita edition, it's impossible to tell).
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Simple Accessibility Tips
[Plain Text: Simple Accessibility Tips. End PT]
Here are some small things you can do to make your blog more accessible:
[PT: Colors. End PT]
Are the colors on your blog (font and background) bright enough to cause eye strain and migraines? Is it hard to look at? I know you love your bright neon colors, but you are making your page inaccessible and unsafe.
Do the colors contrast enough to be readable for people with low vision and/or color blindness? Webaim's contrast checker can help you find out!
A detailed post on using contrast checker can be found [here]!
Coloring for Color Blindness is another great resource for this.
2. Tagging
[PT: Tagging. End PT]
Tags like #eyestrain, #bright colors, #flashing, #no ID or #undescribed, #color(ed) text, #not screenreader friendly, #caps. etc can help people avoid content that would be harmful or inaccessible to them. Please use them when appropriate!
Don't tag flashing images with #epilepsy or similar tags! It makes it unsafe for epileptic people to search the tag for their own community.
3. Plain text
[PT: Plain text. End PT]
Formatting like colored text, italics, bold, underlined text, stricken text, 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐬, other font sizes, and ALL CAPS can be difficult to read for both people and screen-readers alike for many reasons! Even titles and large text can become unreadable when a device's font size is already set on high.
If your content is really heavy on these, maybe consider posting and linking a separate version of the post with only plain text.
Please provide a plain text alternative to these like the example below:
[Plain Text: colored text, italics, bold, underlined text, stricken text, other fonts, other font sizes, and all caps. End PT]
4. Descriptions
[PT: Descriptions. End PT]
Before reblogging something, check the notes and sort by comments only to see if there's an ID in the notes you can reblog from!
If you write an ID, never put it under a readmore. If you change your url, the link will break and the description will be gone forever. It also makes the description harder to access and makes it require extra steps, which is not accessible.
[PT: never put it under a readmore. End PT]
Descriptions should always be in plain text!
If someone adds an image description to your post, make sure you copy and paste the ID into the original post!!
I suggest putting a short summary of the image in the Alt Text and then a more comprehensive summary in the ID below. Find out more about this and why in the link below.
I've made a whole other post about image descriptions to check out for how to write one, resources, and more info! Check it out here: [Link]
This disability pride month, take the time to make your blog more accessible. A more accessible internet can start with you! If I've said anything incorrect, please let me know so I can correct it ASAP.
TLDR: If this was too much information, you can find the summarized version of this post here: [link]
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snek-panini · 1 year
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Book time! This is On the Subject of Nests and Happiness by Nonesensed. I don't typically go for nesting fics, they tend to get a little silly for my taste, but this one is an old favorite. They put some very nice worldbuilding into it and I really liked their OCs, which is kinda unusual in fandom, at least for me. So I wanted to give it the book treatment, and it turned out really well! The cover is cardstock, with book cloth on the spine, neither of which were actually bought for this project but they looked so good together that I couldn't resist. The title is HTV and it was an absolute nightmare to get all those tiny letters to stick properly. Worth it, though. More pics under the cut!
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Endpapers are scrapbook paper, also not bought for this book, but just. Look at them. They look so good. I had actually intended to make my own end bands on this project, but they fought me so hard that I gave up. And I already had these black-and-white checkered ones that matched, so it's not so bad. You can kinda notice my tendency to make covers too deep in this shot. I used to think that was a flaw but as I go on I'm kinda liking it. I get more wiggle room when casing in, and they feel nice when I read the books. View from the top shows how thick this one is. It's the longest word count I've done at this size and I want to do more like this. The textures and proportions make it very pleasant to hold.
Have some interior shots:
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Title page, first page of first chapter with summary, and first page of actual chapter text. All the images came from rawpixel with minimal manipulation on my part to make the one in the third photo. I don't like working with images, I've never been that kind of artist, but I do very much like how things turned out. It's got three chapters and they all have a first page with the wreath image and short summary, then the actual text of the chapter starts on the following page.
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This fic has so many footnotes. More than any other fic I've set type for so far, and some of them are very long. I discovered in the process of formatting them that footnotes are a pain in the ass to typeset. Again, though: totally worth it, they look so good even if they do make the line spacing a little weird. I think a lot of my frustration with them comes from trying to make Word do things it was not intended to do. It won't stop me doing more footnote-heavy fics in the future, but at least now I have a better idea of what I'm getting into when I do them.
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Fun thing about this: I waxed and burnished the cardstock before I attached the cover, and the last thing I did after casing in was the title. I have a cricut mini press, which is shaped like a tiny iron, and when I was pressing the HTV it left an iron-shaped dark patch on the front cover. Cue panic. It looked so stupid, and it was already cased in so I was stuck with it. I think what happened had to do with the wax coating? Thankfully, pressing it again all over (instead of just where the title is) covered up the dark patch, but the result is that the front is a slightly different color than the back. Whoops. I may go back later and press the back too, to get the color even, but for the moment I actually kinda like it? Shows me what I'm learning. Another fun fact, thankfully less visible than the last one: while I was making the cover, I gave myself the worst papercut ever while working with the cardstock. There was actual blood, and right on the tip of a finger on my dominant hand. I had a mark there for weeks.
I'm very proud of this one. That's probably why the post got so long and ramble-y, but I just keep coming back to it. Colors, textures, size, nice sharp groove where the spine connects to the front. I'm just really proud of it.
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Cal. Please. I beg of you. Altho it will never be enough.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
36 sentences coming right up:
Eddie’s feet land on the floor of what once was his bedroom with a soft thud. He lays the screen on the bed, surprised to find his bed unmade, but still bearing the same blue, checkered comforter as when he left. Jesus Christ. These are even his sheets. So Buck thought it was cool to move into his house and marry his little sister and he fucks her on Eddie’s bedding? Who the hell does that? 
He looks around the room. It’s mostly the same. Buck has hardly redecorated. This is fucking sick. Other than the rumpled bed and an overfull laundry hamper, it’s mostly neat. There are stacks of tiny, pocket-sized paper notebooks that Eddie doesn’t recognize on the bedside table. Morbidly curious, Eddie grabs the top book and opens to a random page. 
There’s a bunch of Buck’s messy handwriting crammed onto every line. Tiny, barely legible shorthand. Eddie tries to decipher what he can.
Dec 20 - LB Marina  - Nothing. K unhelpful. Reports 3 smuggled in & out past 2 weeks. None matching. News re: 4 v deaths. 2 shootings. 1 drowning. 1 apparently starved. How starved? Can they be starved? Needs more investigation. 
Eddie goes cold. 
He keeps reading. 
Dec 21 - S went to survivor support group in MV. Concern about attendee. Retired security guard.  Wife infected. Angry. Access to many guns. Should spread word w/ identity and travel patterns. Maybe tell K.
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webseotoolz · 1 year
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Now find the size of any webpage simply with the help of Page Size Checker Tool - Webseotoolz Visit: https://webseotoolz.com/page-size-checker
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tacticalspider · 2 months
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Look alive, sunshine... 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit, you're here with me, Dr. Noo Noo Defying. I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter. Pumpin' out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you alive. A system failure for the masses, anti-matter for the master plan. Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny, this one's for all of you rock'n'rollers, all you crash queens and motor babies. Listen up!
image description in alt and under the cut
[Image shows Noo Noo, the sentient blue vacuum cleaner from the teletubbies as Dr. Death-Defying from the MCR album Danger Days. Dr. Noo Noo Defying, or "the doctor" as he will now be called, is a bright skye blue unit, probably about the size of a really dense adult bulldog, with small silver grates on the sides, a bunch of little indents and stuff that I don't understand, googly eyes on the front, and a weird chimney-like thing that looks like a messed-up black top hat. He also has a trunk, a bit like an elephant, which is long and grey, with a blue nozzle thing on the end, and he is wearing black sunglasses. The doctor is sitting on a sad-looking brown rolling desk chair. In front of him is a table and his trunk is wrapped around a microphone stand which sits on the brown table's surface. The mic has a long wire that extends off the page into the abyss. Also on the table is a record player. The wall in the background is a weird, disconcerting shade of light brown and, on it, is hung an upside down American flag with the danger days spider on it. The danger days spider is black and facing downward with a lightening bolt shape cut out of its rear end. Next to the flag hangs a faded "wanted" poster of the yellow teletubby Laa Laa as Jet Star. The floor of this room is checkered black and white and has two stacks of colorful records next to the rolling feet of the doctor's chair. Under the table sits a cardboard box labeled with arrows and the phrase "this way up - fragile," only the words and arrows are upside-down. Inside the box are even more colorful records. I tried to draw shadows on this but it only sort of worked. Along the side of the flag, it says "tactical spider" in black pen as a signature. End ID]
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rainbowxocs · 3 months
The Cultivators Demise.
by Angel and Morgan.
A big part of The Hospital's story was done between the two of us. So I decided to compile it together as a short story, this is one of my favorite climaxes I have ever written for one of my stories. I hope that you enjoy it. :)
Also jesus christ this is 33 pages long. Dear god we write a lot.
Some general TWS: Mentions of Child Abuse, Child Death, and other things of that nature.
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After many, days? weeks? The two of them weren't sure anymore. Ana and Mouse were close to giving up after falling down into the depths of The Hospital. Ana felt extremely defeated, she had never even been outside of her section let alone the rest of this place, and now she was stuck. There weren't even any nurses to take her back to her room.
"So we gotta get to the place after the Ikea but before the quiz show? Do we have to like. Go backwards through everything we did?" Mouse said.
”I don’t know.. I mean.. We fell downwards into.. wherever we are.. Is there even a way to get back up?” Ana gripped onto her sweater tightly, slightly rocking back and forth. She began to mumble to herself. ”What if this is hopeless…”
"It's only hopeless if you give up, we can totally do this. Just gotta get where we need to go first!" Moira, Mouses... Dog? knocked into Ana affectionately. Ana sheepishly gave her a pat telling her she is a good.. thing, she's still not sure what a dog is.
Ana looks up to the ceiling before taking a deep breath. ”I guess.. we.. go up..?”
Mouse looked around, taking stock of their surroundings while Moira dug at the grass a little bit. Ana looked pensively at the ground before seeming to start walking in a random direction, the other two following close behind her, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.
Ana knew from living here that all she needed to do was find a seam, if she could find the seam she could find a way out of this seemingly looping place. She held her hand out and seemed to glitch her hand through a “wall”, causing her to fall forward.
Mouse and the hound exchanged a glance and then followed through after Ana. Mouse tumbled and nearly face planted as she came through. Moira landed gracefully, but seemed to have more of an impact than a dog her size should.
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"Well.. This is worse.." Ana sighed, softly bonking her head against the checkered floor.
""Uh- this is certainly something alright" Mouse said, standing up and lifting Ana off her feet. The ground began to freeze below them as Ana began to raise her voice. ”UGH! We’re just more lost than we were before-“
Mouse put a hand on Ana's shoulder. "Well. If there's pillars there's gotta be a roof and walls somewhere, right?" Ana, not seeming to get it glared at Mouse. ”So?“
"Gotta go up, right? Walls go up. I guess pillars do too. But I don't think I can climb those." Ana threw her hands up in the air in exasperation, moving away from Mouse. ”OH YEA- Sure! Let me just DEFY gravity real quick! This is hopeless- You can't keep acting like we will get out of this!” Ana stomped over to a pillar during her ranting, walking up the side as if gravity doesn’t affect her, she of course didn’t notice.
Mouse looked up at Ana and shook her head. ".. I'm going. To just accept this. Sure." Mouse walked up the pillar with Moira at her side ending up diagonal to Ana. Ana looked at them and then down before realizing her predicament. She gives a sheepish smile, and makes her way up the pillar with the two of them.
"Has. Has this been possible the whole time and we've just not tried? Or is it just this level?" Mouse questioned Ana, to which she just gave a simple shrug. Mouse noted it for later, and continued upwards.
The three of them walk up the pillar until the world flips upside down, the group beginning to walk on the ceiling, There was a door in the distance. Ana excitedly ran for it, opening the door and appearing in another room. She wilted at the sight of just another room.
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”I’m so- tired- of this-“ Ana said.
"We're close. We can do this. " Mouse gave Ana a reassuring smile, before looking at the text scattered across the walls.
”We are just going around in a circle- We keep going around and around- how do we even know there’s an ex-“ Ana bumped into one of the walls, seeming to noclip through it, leaving Mouse in the room.
"I think the secret might just be to say what you want to happen cant happen and then be proven wrong?" She said to Moira, before following Ana.
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Ana and Mouse finally made it back. Section 1 Floor 1 of The Hospital. Somewhere actually familiar. Mouse pulled out her axe and Ana picked herself up from the ground, looking around nervously. ”We.. did… it…?- this… feels too… easy..”
"Whoever's in charge of this place does want us to get caught, and this had the most.. "nurses" wandering around from what I saw. We're almost certainly walking into a trap" Mouse paused. "I Mean- we got this!" Mouse said.
Ana looked down, the room getting colder. ”I.. wish.. I knew what we were walking into.. I was never allowed down here..” Ana paused for a second, taking in the... silence...? The familiar whispering and humming of the walls was noticeably absent.
”Does.. it feel… quiet to you…” Ana said, turning to Mouse.
"Not to sound cliche but... I got a bad feeling about this. Be ready to bolt." Moira seemed to grow larger than she was before. and? Mouse put? an earbud in?
Ana seemingly distracted, rubbed her hand across the yellow colored walls. ”…..I… can’t.. hear the walls… They.. aren’t talking…. I.. don’t think they’ve.. ever shut up before..”
"Maybe they're napping." She smirked. " Let's wake em up. get ready to run." Mouse's posture shifted, she flipped the hatchet in her hand and raised her other hand to her mouth, letting out a shrill NYC Taxi-Cab whistle.
”IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO ANNOUNCE OUR POS-“ There was a slight rumbling noise before hundreds upon thousands of hands start to break out of the walls, trying to grab Ana and Mouse. The alarms blaring in their ears.
Everything happened so fast. Mouse grabbed Ana's hand and bolted down the nearest hallway, Moira hot on their heels. They darted down hallways and through open rooms, Mouse seemed to change direction at random. There didn't seem to be any pattern to her movements, and if she actually had any idea on where to go or the layout of this place the three of them would have a good shot at making it. But every hallway looks the same, and every wall seems to have been replaced with a writhing mass of arms reaching for them. Eventually they round the wrong corner-
And something or Someone? grabbed them both, before either of the girls could react they seemed to be pulled upwards through the ceiling and thrown into some sort of black circular room, the hands were gone and the force let’s them go. Ana probably suffering from a concussion from the fall but it’s probably fine, They both tried to move but Ana and Mouse were restrained by some sort of vine. Through their blurry vision they could see a desk in the middle, and the infamous woman they had been looking for sitting at it. Nurse Camilla, Head Nurse of the Hospital.
”You both have allot of fucking nerve with the stunt you pulled.” Camilla said, glaring daggers into the two girls. Ana stared at her “mother” speechlessly, just, staring, and shaking.
Mouse scoffed. "Oh no, a woman." Mouse had a very good poker face, she had the confidence of someone with 5 aces. But also probably just trying to pull attention away from Ana.
Camilla put her hands together, resting her chin upon them, staring at Mouse. The two girls restraints tighten, before Daisy walked out from the behind of the two girls, she stood behind Camilla like a good little solider and glared at the two of them. Camilla focused in on Mouse, staring at her. ”Who are you… You are not a patient here.. You have no reason to be here..”
Mouse pretends to not notice the tightened restraints. "I have several reasons to be here actually. I think my dog isn't a dog, and I heard there's a hospital around here who specializes in that kind of thing. Of course I only want the highest quality doctors, what nursing school did you attend by the way?"
”Cut the bullshit. I’m not here to play games with you, explain yourself.” Camilla said, losing her temper a little bit.
"I know lots of things, and sometimes I tell people what they think they want to know. I've got some cool tricks, but I'm not really anything all that special. Kind of like you, huh? Just a person who got caught up in all of this?" Mouse said.
”In a way yes.” Camilla sighed and pinched her bridge of her nose. ”I’m losing focus. This isn’t about you... We will send you to wherever you come from, you do not belong here with the others..”
Mouse grimaced a bit. "Uh yeah good luck with that, sure. What makes someone belong here? i've only met like one decent person this whole time."
”You aren’t sick. You don’t need to be here.” Camilla said dismissively.
"Oh really? That's impressive since i've never been to a doctor. Except for that elf- but he doesn't count he was just trying to get information on the resistance." Mouse said, completely seriously.
”Wh-…." Camilla blinked. "Okay yknow we don’t have time to unpack all of that. The point I am trying to make is, We will send you home and you can forget any of this ever happened. It will just be a bad dream.“
"This is considerably better than where I was the last like, four times. not completely though, the hand-walls are not my favorite aesthetic. " Mouse said, before Daisy chimed in. ”They’re not USUALLY hand walls. You guys just made the walls mad.” She said, coldly.
”Shut up Daisy- Just-" Camilla took a deep breath. "Where do you want to go and we will throw you there with some bus money or something.”
"I don't think you can reach where I want to go. And I'm not going without Ana." Despite her calm demeanor, she seemed relatively serious when she said that.
Camilla looked at Mouse with confusion. ”Ana..?” Daisy glitched a bit, before turning to Camilla. "She means.. Her.." Daisy said, pointing to Ana to which Camilla began to laugh hysterically. ”You call that thing Ana? That’s not Ana-“ She said, laughing almost to the point of tears.
"Deadnaming is cringe. You're a bitch. multiple people can have the same name. I know like eight Camilla's" Camilla couldn't seem to stop laughing at Mouse's remarks. ”AHAHA. Oh my god it’s completely convinced you it’s a person, that’s honestly so hilarious.” She said, wiping the tears from her eyes.
Mouse leaned down, half whispering to Ana. "This lady thinks she's helping people? really? I know we're all the heroes of our own story but dehumanizing blatantly sentient creatures is just asking for an animal farm situation at LEAST."
Ana seemed completely out of it, dissociating from her "mothers" presence, ice seemed to be spreading across the floor at a rapid rate. Though Daisy and Camilla do not seem to notice.
”It is mimicking the exact behavior that it knows you would feel the most sympathy for. It mimicked my daughter for gods sake- It doesn’t have any shame in itself..” Camilla said, crossing her arms.
"That's called people pleasing, Cami. A lot of abuse victims do that. Kind of cringe of you to dehumanize neurodivergent traits. As far as i can tell you've just traumatized a bunch of people, and if they really are sick then that's just monstrous. Ironic, isn't it?" Mouse glared at Camilla.
Camilla sighed. ”I literally do not know how to explain to you that it is not a person- It cannot be neurodivergent, it cannot be abused, it’s just manipulating you. The real Ana has suffered so much because of that thing.“
Mouses eyes darkened. "You can abuse anything that's alive, that's why animal abuse is a criminal charge, so your point is nul on that front. and if i was to accept that Ana isn't a person despite everything, and you're right in your attitude towards this, how did your Ana get near this one? Because. that would be your fault for allowing your child to be in a dangerous situation. At minimum it's child neglect or reckless endangerment, which is the parent's fault. you don't leave your kid with an aggressive dog. You don't dehumanize a child and expect their powers not to act up. you've created this hell, it's on you. "
Camilla slammed her hands down on the table in front of her, standing up. ”I didn’t create this place- And Ana wa-… is.. was.. I don’t know anymore with her. A… troubled child.. I didn’t even realize what she had done until it was too late-" Daisy shivered at that, though she couldn't tell if it was Camilla's words or if the room had gotten colder.
"Neglecting a neurodivergent child? Gotcha. This is definitely not your fault, it's gotta be the other responsible adult whose job is looking after their child. What did your kid do, exactly? Because if Ana is copying her, and displaying hypothermia symptoms, then did you let your kid freeze to death or some shit? And maybe you didn't create this place, but someone sure as hell chained it and all signs point to you. Do you know what happens when you chain wild magic? When you cage something destined to be free? Do you know what you're fucking with on any level? you clearly didn't even know how to handle one kid, how can you manage this place? Dumb bitch" Mouse covertly glanced at Ana, and then at Moira. Moira struggled against the force of her bonds.
Camilla paused, Mouses words seemingly stabbing her like a dagger. ”Ana didn’t- I. I have done.. so much for her... I did all of this for her I sacrificed everything for her- Don’t you dare try to tell me about wild magic, you have no idea what it’s like for your child to be stolen away like that- You don't know what I have had to endure."
Mouse sneered at that. "Oh poor you. You had a kid and a shot at a happy family and ruined it for power, I'm so sorry for you. Out of the two of us, you're absolutely the one who has held a child as she bleeds to death. you're the one who tried to give the last of your warmth to the boy dying in the blizzard when you had nothing else to give. You are the one who has raised five children when you didn't have enough to feed yourself. YOU are the person who found a half dead baby in a garbage bag and made sure it survived. And I guess that makes me the one who was so busy creating a "Perfect World" i didn't have time to make sure the person I was responsible for was safe."
Camilla looked like a deer in the headlights. ”I-“ Before Camilla could speak the whole room turned into ice and snow, Ana had broken out of her restraints, She breathed heavily before locking eyes with her "Mother". She lunged towards her but Camilla dodged, putting Daisy between her and Ana and escaping into a staff hallway.
Moira lunged from her restraints, her form shifts as she moved and a black dragon stood in her place, puffing a bit of fire to melt the ground just below Mouse as she falls to the ground, so she wouldn't slip. Mouse is moving the second she hits the ground, heading for the door Camilla just went through, before pausing for just a moment and taking stock of the room. "Ana, are you good to chase? Daisy, are you okay?"
Daisy blocked the door, reaching into her pockets and pulling out her knives. She stared daggers into the two girls, or at least she would be if you could actually see her eyes. Ana cowered at Daisy's gaze, cowering backwards behind Moira, her gaze was transfixed on Daisy.
Daisy seemingly glitches in and out. The room seemingly filling with static feeling. "Oh.. So you recognize me?"
"Yeah. Took me a while to get back here, sorry about that. It seems someone was blocking me. Moira, warm up Ana for me." Mouse said. Ana seemingly snapping out of her trance, fell to her knees, shivering violently. "cold-" Moira, gently slipped up behind Ana and blew fire on the ground in front of her. Not hot enough to burn her, but the heat reflecting off the dragons scales warmed her from both sides.
Ana snuggled up to Moira appreciating the warmth she provided, however the whole scene seemed to make Daisy even more distorted than she already was. Daisy’s mask seemed to shift between a number of different emotions in quick succession. "Well. I will let bygones be bygones. As long as you leave here.. NOW..."
Mouse shrugged. "Sorry, I don't think I can do that. I've got a better handle on this stuff now, I don't think I'll get disconnected again. You two are in a bit of hot water and I need to finish my confrontation with Camilla."
Daisy’s form appeared to distort and crack, slowly elongating and turning into a monster like creature. Except it’s- wrong- it’s glitchy and absolutely covered in fungus. It’s like there was a rendering error except in real life. ”I am not going to let you ruin this for me..”
Mouse seemed to be glancing at the mushrooms sprouting from Daisy. "Daisy, you are as much the victim here as Ana is. I promised I would never lie to you. I am here to fix this. You might not like it at first, but everything about this place is wrong. I made a mistake last time, I thought I had enough time to help you. I am not making that mistake again."
Daisy began to laugh maniacally. ”Help me? I don’t need YOUR help. This is MY paradise. Everything was perfect until YOU showed up again- I thought you leaving me was bad enough but now you are taking the only bit of happiness I have left-“
"I am sorry I left. I don't have control over that shit, not much anyways. But your paradise is hurting other people. Can you honestly tell me you're still in control of your paradise? You've been exploited and hurt more than any child deserves, and I would like to talk to Camilla about this-" Mouse was cut off by a large crack forming in the walls and floor behind Daisy.
”I AM IN CONTROL” She screamed. ”I am NOT going to let you take this away from me. You’ll have to pry this from my CORPSE.”
"I am sorry for this then." Mouse bolted forward, faking one way then the other to get past Daisy. Daisy completely transformed into some sort of monstrous form, Daisy is gone, her mind is completely gone.
”I WILL KILL YOU, YOU RUINED EVERYTHING.” She blocked Mouse from the doorway and began to try and slash at her with her knives. The hatchet is back in Mouse's hand, and there's a long dagger in the other. They're both simple iron tools with silver engravings on them. But they will work for this.
"Okay then-" She ducked under one of Daisy's knives and slashed at a mushroom. That part of Daisy went back to normal, which seemed to make Daisy angrier. She slashed at Mouse wildly, not seeming to have much control over her body. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME BACK?" Daisy made a low growling noise as her form shifted slightly, trying to grab at Mouse.
"Because I was not going to leave you to suffer again!" Mouse started moving around, dodging and weaving and lashing out to slash at mushrooms at every opportunity.
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHATS ON THE LINE FOR ME. I HATE YOU. THIS ISN’T FAIR. NONE OF THIS IS FAIR" Daisy attempted to trap mouse, however Mouse was too quick to be caught.
"I KNOW ITS NOT FAIR. IT'S ALSO NOT YOUR FAULT!" Mouse said, cutting off another mushroom.
Daisy began to cry, but she tried to hide it, her attacks seemed more and more desperate as she went on. "DON'T ACT LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT ME! YOU LOVE HER NOW!! EVERYONE LOVES HER!! EVERYONE IS SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME!! SHE NEEDS TO GO BACK IN HER BOX AND STAY THERE!!"
"WHY?" Slash.
"WHY?" Slash.
Daisy paused for a second, before attacking her harder. ”IT.. IT.. SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! DON'T BE NICE TO ME!! DON'T EMPATHIZE WITH ME”
"YOU ARE LITERALLY A CHILD, I WILL NOT TEAR YOU DOWN TO MAKE MYSELF MORE POWERFUL. THATS THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM." Mouse cut off another mushroom, Daisy's form slowly began to turn to normal. Though she was still as violent as ever.
”I AM NOT A CHILD ANYMORE, I AM A GOD!" Daisy seemed to not notice how much of the fungus is now gone. She is so tired. She is so tired of all of this. of being a God.
"YOU NEED TO REST." Mouse said, cutting off yet another mushroom. Daisy wobbled a bit, she was using WAY too much of her powers, the world kept distorting in and out, you could practically feel the static.
"I." Slash "AM." Slash "HERE." Slash "TO SAVE" Slash "YOU BOTH!" And with that, the final mushroom fell to the floor.
Daisy shook a little before falling onto the ground, crying, She looked almost wilted, like a flower. ”I-IF.. If I don’t have this.. I’m- I’m nothing- This is the only way I can make everyone stay-“
Mouse dropped to the ground next to her. She is somehow almost entirely unharmed, even after that fight. She pulled Daisy into a hug. "The people who matter will stay anyways. I will stay here as long as I can. And now, I know how to come back."
Daisy began to full on sob, as she hugged Mouse, gripping her fingers into her back. ”I-I’m sorry… I don’t know why I did this… I’m so sorry…”
"This wasn't your fault. This was the Cultivator. and Camilla." Mouse took a deep breath. "I'm going to go. have a confrontation. with those two. Can you and Ana stay with Moira for now? I will come back."
Daisy seemed a bit reluctant but let go of Mouse, sniffling. ”..Mom most likely went to go and warn him.. He’s on the top floor of the staff hallway.. if you take the elevator you will find them..."
Mouse gave Daisy another really tight squeeze, before leaning back slightly and reaching into her pocket to give Daisy a stone with.. a symbol? written on it. "This is my promise that I will come back to you, Okay? It'll take a lot more than some eldritch deity to take me down for the count."
Daisy looked at the stone in awe, before looking back up at Mouse. ”Y..you’re going to come back..?”
Mouse smiled at Daisy. "Definitely. There is a chance I will get pulled from here again.. I am dealing with some bad people of my own and they keep sending me places and pulling me back. But if you have that, I can pull myself here again. Especially if you call me. unless I die or whatever but so far nothing has been able to manage that."
Daisy pulled the stone close to her chest and nodded. ”Okay.. I’ll.. trust you…”
Mouse nodded. "Okay. I will be right back. I'm going to fix this." Mouse stood up, and as she does so something about her seems to change. where she was compassionate and casual before, is now hard lines and harsh eyes. She popped an earbud in and walked towards the door.
Mouse made it down the hallway, entering the elevator and pressing the top button. After several minutes of waiting she produced a wooden flute, making her own elevator music as she waited. Now that she knows the full extent of The Cultivator and Camilla's cruelty, there was a certainty in her movements. When the elevator door opened, Mouse stepped out to what appeared to be a moving train. This place has so many OSHA violations it is insane. The train is filled to the brim with flowers and mushrooms, you couldn’t see out the windows even if you tried.
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"This is very reversed from most situations I've been in. Usually people are chasing me into weird situations." Mouse picked her way through the train, her soft-booted feet silent on the petals. She glanced out the windows, half expecting something to burst through a window.
Like most places in The Hospital, the train feels infinite. The further you go in the colder and more dead it feels. The train slowly became more glitchy and with a purple hue to it, until she reaches the end. Inside the conductors chamber a VERY tall figure stands, He is vaguely humanoid but his form is just- wrong there’s so many eyes and so many hands- He appears to be speaking with Camilla before cracking his neck towards Mouse.
"Oh, It's you. Welcome back." The Cultivator, the one and only stands before Mouse. Mouse's poker face is impressive. There seemed to be a spark of something in her eyes, and her lips are quirked into a smirk, there's a complete confidence about her but it feels. Practiced. A mask to hide behind. She picked a set of eyes to meet and gave a slight nod of acknowledgement, otherwise saying nothing.
"I.. apologize, for all the inconvenienced my staff has caused you." The Cultivator stretched out an arm and his arm began to move around the room, grabbing a tea set. "Can I offer you some tea?"
"I had a big breakfast- or lunch- it's hard to tell around here." She murmured, not wanting to take food from a weird entity, there are always strings attached to this kind of shit.
"Ah, what a shame." He seemed... disappointed? For a moment before snapping back to pleasantries. The Cultivator handed the tea set to Camilla. Who seemed hesitant to go and put it back up because of needing to go near Mouse. "Well I will send you on your way then. You must have come all this way to go home, right?"
"Actually I wanted to finish the confrontation I was having with Camilla. we were interrupted because she gave her child a panic attack and ran away." Mouse said, casually. Camilla's eyes seemed to dart between the girl and the creature.
The cultivator... smiles..? "Oh now Camilla, why do you always do that? Tsk... Humans and their silly emotions..." He claps his hands together. "Well there is no need to fight. I am sure we can resolve this issue peacefully."
"Oh this is not emotional. You see Camilla has broken most human laws pertaining to child abuse and endangerment and is impersonating a nurse while she holds no medical license so even though child abuse makes me furious, that has no impact on the objective crimes she has committed in her search for power." Mouse said.
The Cultivator chuckled. "Aw cmon now. Let's be serious. That's a bit of an over exaggeration no?"
"It fascinates me how far people are willing to go to gloss over child abuse sometimes." Mouse crossed her arms.
The Cultivator put his hands up defensively. "Hey, I just work here. It's not like I created the rules or anything."
Mouse looked at the creature coldly. "That doesn't really affect the fact that Camilla has dehumanized her child to the fact that her child doesn't know their own goddamn name. Also, nobody has been able to explain to me what your "patients" are sick with."
"They're just..." The Cultivator spun his hands around, seeming to try and find an explanation. "sick"..."
"Mentally or physically?" Mouse questioned. "Is it a contagious disease? if so no one is using the proper equipment. give me a name for the illness or some proof that it exists beyond people not fitting the mold you think they should."
The Cultivator sighed, crossing one of his sets of arms. "Aw cmon, don't be like that."
Mouse shrugged. "It's a simple question, how can you run a 'Hospital" and not know what the name of the illness is?"
The Cultivator paused. "This isn't really a "Hospital", You should already know that by now no?"
"This is a unique realm, I'm simply using the only name i have for it. No one here is actually sick are they? Except whatever that fungus is doing." Mouse said.
The Cultivator shrugged. "Well, no. Not in the human sense anyway. There's no influenza running about or anything."
"I haven't seen any recognizable magical illnesses either. and if it's a mental thing, this is the opposite of how you manage that shit. I'm shocked Camilla's kid hasn't committed suicide or something by now, this is a fucked way to live. I've seen dogs taken from owners that were being treated better than the living people of this realm." Mouse spat.
The Cultivator laughs, though it’s a bit distorted. "Why would Ana do such a thing? She wanted all of this. This is her paradise."
"Which Ana? the one who you were referring to by a number and just had a mental breakdown because she doesn't know who she is anymore? or the one who imprinted on a child dying of hypothermia and has been suffering ever since?" Mouse glances at Camilla "have you ever had Hypothermia? It feels like your bones have turned to ice. your eyelashes freeze and blinking hurts. breathing hurts, touching something warmer than ice feels like touching a hot iron. it's suffering. and if you say my Ana is just mimicking your daughter, then your daughter must have gone through that. How old was she when that happened?"
”It was an accident- I didn’t mean for her to escape like th-“ The Cultivator cut Camilla off. "The Real Ana, is fine. She is just going through some... growing pains... So to speak. It's nothing of concern."
"See if your child has to escape there's already some cause for concern. Did you expect her to stay a child forever? That's a goddamn teenager. she's going to rebel and turn into her own person. you're job is to support that, not force her into a mold. actually, i feel like forcing things into molds to be the way you want them to is a big theme around here, isn't it. and somehow, you think that is what a child wanted years ago." Mouse said.
"Ana begged me to create this place. I don't think she is as unwilling of a participant as you think she is." The Cultivator walks over and plucks up a Rhodotus mushroom. "She came to me when she was dying, and I saved her. I gave her everything she could ever possibly want. I gave her parents, friends, a place to grow up."
"What of everyone else who lives here? Why do the walls scream?" Mouse questioned.
"Eh. Minor side effect. This world is not meant to be controlled. But it makes the child happy." He fidgets with the mushroom in his hands. "She is mine after all, I have to keep her happy."
Mouse eyes the mushroom suspiciously. That fungus stuff hasn't been a positive to anything it's interacted with. "You've got to understand that that sounds really bad. That's supervillain shit to say."
The Cultivator… frowns…? "That's not very nice. I think I am quite helpful."
"You are very helpful, Cultivator. I understand more than I did before." Mouse seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. and then she met the Cultivator's eyes again. ".... You know.... A friend of mine had some pretty shitty parents. They looked happy on the outside, going for ice cream and doing all the family outing stuff... but they really did not like each other. they kept their child around for selfish reasons, and hurt her when no one was looking so she would stay in line... There are a lot of people who hurt for their own reasons, and any bad that happens from it is considered. well. a 'minor side effect'"
"Hm? Is that so?" The Cultivator seemed to be playing with the mushroom now. "You seem to be very passionate about this sort of thing. I can commend you for that."
"I do my research. I dislike watching people suffer." Mouse still had the same casual calculated air about her, but her eyes kept darting around the room, taking in every detail, regularly focusing on the pink Mushroom. A faint sound of Discord by The Living Tombstone playing from the earbuds hanging around her neck.
The air in the room shifts, as The Cultivator seems to drop his mask just a little. "So, What is your plan then little mouse?" The Cultivator plucks another mushroom, this one being an Inkcap, and begins to juggle them. "How do you plan on being the big strong hero hm? Because even though I do commend your efforts in other universes, I am in possession of not only Ana's soul, but your little mimic friends as well."
The Cultivator smirks. "Every living being here, belongs to me. Besides you. So, what is your grand master plan hm?"
"Universes, realms, planes, they all blend together. I can't do much. just human, after all. just two or three little things." Almost absently Mouse plucked a mushroom off of a nearby window frame.
The Cultivators demeanor seemed to darken. "I think you should run back home, Little Mouse. Your friends are fine here."
"They aren't fine. They are surviving. there is a difference." Mouse paced, as if deep in thought. some emotion was showing in her eyes now. is the mask cracking? her pacing brought her nearer to Camilla.
"Hm, well. In my opinion surviving is a lot better than freezing to death." The Cultivator said. Camilla began to look back and forth between her boyfriend and Mouse, she seemed to not want to be here.
"Surviving is okay. it's what you have to do when you're in trouble. Living is even better. it's what people are made to do." Mouse carefully perched the mushroom on one of the weird train levers.
The Cultivator stepped a bit closer to Mouse, attempting to tower over her. "I am not your enemy, you know... All I want to do is protect you from all this mess..."
"I dislike liars. What do you think, Camilla?" While talking and fidgeting with the mushrooms, Mouse had gotten much closer to Camilla.
Camilla stepped back, it seemed like she was almost shaking a bit. ”I- Don’t know what you think you’re doing but you need to step back from me-“
Mouse shifted, as if she was trying to cut Camilla off from The Cultivator. Camilla, in a panic threw the tray she was holding at Mouse, however she missed and the glass shattered all over the floor.
The Cultivator lets out a huge sigh. "Oh my fucking god-" he took a deep breath before placing the mushrooms down and levitating all the broken glass. "This was my favorite tea set you know. It has lead in it so it leeches into the tea."
”But she-“ Camilla was cut off by The Cultivator waving his hand dismissively.
In an instant, Mouse darted forward and grabbed the soul-shrooms, putting them in one of her belt pouches. "Pleasure doin business with ya." Mouse said sarcastically before turning towards the door, as if to leave.
The Cultivator snapped his head back towards Mouse. "YOU BRAT" The Cultivator lunged towards Mouse and grabbed her with his sharp claws, before laughing at her. "DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD ESCAPE THAT EASILY?"
The belt vanished from her waist, along with the pouches and everything in them. "Oh we're yelling now? Mature. very mature." Mouse summoned her dagger and attempted to slash at his chest, which caused The Cultivator to laugh more. "YOU CANNOT KILL ME IN A WAY THAT MATTERS." When Mouse slashed at him, instead of blood just itty bitty mushrooms started pouring out of him. It seemed that he was the sickness this whole time.
"I'm going to take that as a challenge" She twisted in his grip, bringing an arm up and throwing a knife- at Camilla? Camilla, having been stabbed in the torso, stumbles for a moment before collapsing onto the floor. The Cultivator seemed to be actually stunned, not being able to process what the fuck just happened for a few seconds. Which allows Mouse to break free of the Cultivator's grasp, looking around for. Anything that kills mushrooms, probably.
On the floor, Mouse saw a lighter, if The Cultivator truly is a plant, maybe she can burn this fucker to the ground. Mouse's main role model was Firebird after all. She dived for the Lighter, rolling to her feet and sparking it, with that same poker face. This time it's a real flame that reflects in her eyes. She dropped the lighter in a patch of fungus, that caught and quickly spread to the pile at the Cultivator's feet from his wound. A pyre made from his own 'blood' set him alight.
Mouse paused before realizing what she did. "Wait fuck i just killed a mother-"
However, The Cultivators screams filled the room as he burnt alive. He screams in a language that Mouse didn't seem to understand until he and Camilla were nothing but a pile of ashes as the room went ablaze. When he dies, the room begins to glitch, Mouse could hear hundreds of voices loudly chanting until everything turned into light. When Mouse woke up from the light, she had been transported into a forest.
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She looked around the serene forest. She grew up in dirty cities and back-alleys, but always loved the woods. It's very calm and quiet, and she sat in that tranquility for a moment. Before a girl emerging from the flowers broke her distraction. She looked human.. but also familiar.. It's Daisy...
”This.. This is where I died.. how.. How am I back..?” She mumbled to herself not realizing anyone was around. Mouse straightened, focusing on the girl. She took a step forward, purposefully stepping on a stick so her approach will be heard. "Daisy, are you alright?"
Daisy jumps, but then calms down after seeing Mouse. ”Oh.. It’s just you.. I..” Daisy looks down at herself, almost in confusion.. ”I.. don’t know.. I’m…" Daisy begins to laugh and cry at the same time. ”I guess I’m back in the real world now..”
Mouse sat beside Daisy, taking in the scenery. Mouse's belt reappeared at some point, and she reaches back into the pouch, drawing out the pink mushroom. "I think this belongs to you, doesn't it?"
Daisy seemed shocked, looking at the mushroom. "You.. have my soul..?" Daisy seems a bit speechless, staring at it. "I don't.. know if I deserve it back..."
Mouse frowned, holding Daisy's hands gently. "Daisy.. Souls are not something you earn, okay? This is yours, and it always has been. You've done so well in a very bad situation, okay? and anyways. Somebody needs to take care of it, right?"
Daisy thinks for a moment, before hesitantly taking the mushroom. It glows before flying back into her. Daisy puts a hand over her heart. The two of them sitting in the silence for a moment.
Daisy looked up at Mouse. "I don't know where I am going to go... It's not like I can go back home..."
"You can always make a new one." Mouse suggested.
Daisy sniffled, pulling knees up into her chest. ”I tried to make a new one and I made everything worse..”
Mouse sighed a little and nodded. "It's very hard to find a place to belong. sometimes we make everything worse. I think the trick is finding people who feel like home, and then finding a place together. I haven't found a place for me yet. Maybe I never will. but the people make the wandering worth it."
Daisy pondered what Mouse said for a moment. ”You’re really smart.. I wish.. I could be as smart as you..”
Moused laughed half-heartedly. "You've got time. I figured most of this stuff out a little too late. if you notice, my family isn't exactly here with me. Funny enough, it took a lot of alone time in a forest kind of like this for me to understand things this well."
Daisy laughed. "I think I've spent too much time in this forest... I still cannot believe I let myself make a deal with him... I was so stupid..."
Mouse frowned. "I think it's that guys fault for taking a kid- actually i don't have to finish that thought, technically I think you were coerced and kidnapped so none of this can fall on you. Did you know what you were even agreeing to in the moment?"
Daisy pauses... ”I.. don't know.. I remember when I escaped. It was so cold.. I was starving, and I kept wandering around the forest for ages, until I found him.." Daisy paused. "He told me that If I went with him. He would give me paradise."
Mouse paused. "Can I repeat that back to you? it might help you think a bit clearly on what happened." Daisy nodded a little, looking at Mouse intently.
"A strange man approached a ten year old who was about to die, offered her complete safety and everything she wanted, and then took her off to a place no one would be able to find her. Is that right? do you think that would be her fault?" Mouse explained, softly.
Daisy seemed to be a little shocked when Mouse explained it that way. ”…Well when you say It like that it sounds like those stranger danger PSAs I watched on Youtube..”
"Yeah, it does, Doesn't it? and all I did was repeat back what you told me." Mouse seems to be considering adding something else, debating on whether it would be a good idea or not.
Daisy looked down at the ground. ”He’s.. dead now.. right..?”
Mouse, hesitantly nodded. "Yeah. Honestly he was kind of. not strong. Dude had noodle arms. Really good at manipulation though."
Daisy chuckled, before a few more tears fell. ”Haha.. yea…” Daisy fidgeted with her sweater. ”Is.. my mom.." She paused. "Dead..? She.. always said she would die for him.. and he.. is dead.. so..”
Mouse hesitated. "I.... I did try to leave without fighting them.."
Daisy waved her hand dismissively. ”It’s okay.. She.." A few more tears fell. "That was always going to be the way.. she was probably going to go..” Daisy sniffled. ”She never would die for me.. but.. anyone else.. she would..”
Mouse, slowly pulled Daisy into a hug, comforting her. "I don't think she would have for anyone but him. It's. It's not your fault it was like this. I'm sorry I didn't do anything sooner."
Daisy laughed, solemnly. ”Mm.. it kind of is.. I think everyone was right about me... I am evil...”
"You had to escape your own home.. that implies you weren't safe or comfortable there. then you were picked up by an actual demon and trapped for years. I think you deserve some rebellion, as a treat" Mouse said.
Daisy smiled, snuggling into Mouse. "Maybe..."
There was a rustling coming from the brush, Ana made her way through the trees, batting away the leaves and walking towards the two of them. ”Why are there so many trees-“ Ana looked exactly the same as she did in the hospital, unlike Daisy. Moira, still in dragon form, is behind Ana. despite her large form, it's easy to lose track of her as she moves silently through the woods.
Mouse smiled. "That's what happens when you're in a forest, usually. You okay Ana?"
”I'm fine I think- My head hurts but it's-” Ana seemed to finally notice the girl in Mouse's arms. ”Oh.. It's.. You..”
Daisy seemed to shuffle awkwardly. "Hi..."
"Have you and Daisy formally met?" Mouse is a little shit and was fully aware that the two were on very... awkward terms.
Ana crossed her arms. ”Yes.. we have… met before…”
”She’s the amazing Ana… how could anyone forget her…” Daisy looked away from her. You could cut the tension with a knife.
"I always kind of wanted a sister. Like a real one I could fight with and then be friends again by the end of the day. someone who was actually on the same level as me and lived the same experiences, but i didn't have to raise because we were in the same boat. but that's just me I guess" Mouse said. Ana and Daisy seem to both look at Mouse in confusion.
”I don’t know.. if we could be considered sisters..” Ana said.
"They say that the Blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb... Those bonds are thicker than any genetic lottery might give you. Someone who's your blood sibling or parent might have less of a bond to you than the people you were really raised with or have a lot of shared experiences with. the people you choose to have bonds with are more important than the ones who are just, there. of course for some people it's one and the same. but not everyone." Mouse said.
The girls stared at each other. Seemingly not wanting to fully accept their similarities. Mouse laughed pulling Ana down with them and hugging the two girls, both of the girls settled in to the hug despite the awkwardness. Now, the girls had to tackle a much bigger challenge than just The Cultivator, the real world.
The three of them spent that night in a turmoil of emotions, excitement at their freedom and fear of what was coming next. The next morning Mouse pulled a laptop from- somewhere? And began looking into how this world worked. She seemed to be forging paperwork in Camilla's name. I suppose everyone has to start somewhere.
After all, every ending is simply the beginning of something new.
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rpschtuff · 2 years
Do you have any tips for decorating a blog? Mine's kinda plain and I'd like to spice it up
The RPC lately has been trending more towards blog customization with graphics -- fancy icons, post banners, etc. That is a good way to make your blog look unique and people can have a lot of fun with it. If you want to go that route, you can find lots of graphic templates both here on Tumblr and on DeviantArt.
That being said, I will always stand by having a nice blog theme. Finding just the right theme can take a while, but I always enjoy getting a blog looking just right, and I think it makes your content stand out in a way that solely post graphics can never quite manage.
Tumblr recently made it so blogs are dash-only by default, and only have a separate web theme if you enable it. To do that, you'll need to go into blog settings and toggle the custom theme switch.
My favorite places to find themes are:
@theme-hunter - they also have a guide for how to install a custom theme if you've never done it before
And off the top of my head, in no particular order, some of my favorite theme makers are:
I've got some themes on this blog as well. If you want something really unique, you can also make your own theme or commission someone, but I recognize that not everyone has the coding skill or the spare cash for those options. You can still get something great looking with free options, though.
As far as general tips for customization:
Try to think about what suits your character. What kind of colors, fonts, etc. Are they more of a light theme or dark theme character? Do they suit something more sleek and modern, or something retro, or something old-fashioned with fancy fonts?
As tempting as it can be to go for a crowded theme with lots of visual elements and colors and fonts, those are really hard to pull off well. Unless you feel very comfortable with your design skills, typically something simple but well thought out will be both more effective and easier to read/navigate.
Pick a color palette and stick to it. I typically go with a background color, text color, and 1-2 accent colors. Coolors.co is a great site for generating color palettes, and Canva can generate a color palette based on a specific image (for example, the image you're using as your sidebar or background).
Don't forget about accessibility. Text should be a decent size and have good contrast (you can use checkers such as WebAim to help there). Navigation links should be clear and easy to find. A lot of that is on the original theme maker, but you should also be mindful of it when setting things up. If you don't trust your eye for that sort of thing, having someone else look it over is always a good idea.
If a theme doesn't exactly match what you want, but is pretty close, you can usually make minor tweaks for your own preferences. Maybe you don't like the font, so you want to swap it for another. Or maybe you want the sidebar picture to be a different size. Sites like W3Schools have lots of CSS and HTML tutorials to help you figure out how to do that, and you can likely find tutorials for some of the more common changes here on Tumblr as well. (Always check the theme maker's policies before you start messing with their code.)
Custom blog pages can also be a great way to show your content -- you can find them on @theme-hunter as well -- but they do typically require more coding knowledge to customize. Most theme makers are pretty good about making them as straightforward as possible, but if you've never worked with any code before, there may still be a learning curve.
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treadmilltreats · 13 days
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Is it okay for a world leader's buttons to be pressed?
I would have written about this yesterday but I thought it was more important to write about 9/11 as we should never forget the terrorism that took place on the United States soil and let us not forget what took place on our own government steps that was pushed by this man who is trying to run for office and bring us back there once again.
So if you watched the debate the other night, you saw a shit show. You saw Trump unravel as Harris pushed all of his buttons.
And all she had to do was talk about what would bruise his ego to get there. She spoke about his crowd size, his ex employees talking about him, past bankruptcies, and his inherited wealth. That was enough to unhinge Trump. He lost it, repeating again and again how great he was, how his crowds were the biggest, and how he did the best job. Typical narcissistic behavior. And in case you don't know about narcissists, let me fill you in since I am an expert, being married to one for 24 years.
“A narcissist, by definition, is someone with a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy,”
Her pokes at him spun him out of control, causing him to tell more than 30 lies during this debate, according to fact checkers. But that's not anything new. According to the Washington Post, during his four years in office, the former president told more than 30,500 lies, or an average of about 21 false claims daily. Even Wikipedia has this number on their site. That's pretty bad when you're in Wikipedia.
Seriously, is this the man you want to run our country? A man who, when poked, will unravel? A man who can't ever admit he is wrong? A man who lies time and time again to inflate his own ego. Maybe you “Christians” forgot what ego is. Ego is edging God out. You believe that you're bigger than God.
Hell, this man believes he is God. He tweeted that he is "the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world," that "the Jewish people in Israel love him like he's the King of Israel" and even that "They love him like he is the second coming of God."
Who would say this? Only a narcissist.
So today, my friends, we all watched this live, we all saw this man lose it in just one debate. Is this the man who should deal with world leaders? Deal with other narcissist dictators? A man who, when poked about himself, will spin out of control and tell 30 lies in that of a short period of time? The button to the world lies at his fingertips, and he's self-centered enough to push it to show everyone that “he is the man”
We don't need this in the White House. We already read this story, and the sequel is never, ever better.
“Be the change you want to see”
Check out my daily blogs @ https://treadmilltreats.blogspot.com/?m=1
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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Twitter: treadmill treats
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thejewelryhut · 3 months
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