#Palestinians are semetic
cleopatraxi · 10 months
White European Ashkenazi jews post about how they don't feel safe anymore because someone was mean about Israel on twitter while Gazans can't decide if they should leave their home and get bombed or stay and get bombed while having no internet service to post about it.
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itsmenefertiti · 9 months
not people still saying after all this time that anti-zionism = antisemitism.
it’s either ignorance or it’s not the eyes that are are blind but the heart.
anti-zionism is not antisemitism.
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People on this website make me sick btw :)
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theghostiedyke · 11 months
not me seeing the same discourse the land back movement got being repeated for Palestine. 🤨 y'all aren't even trying to think critically.
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sunsetsmakemesad · 1 month
Hey I just want to remind everyone that while zionists are terrorists, and Palestinians deserve freedom, it is never okay to be anti-semetic or downright hateful. Saying "kill yourself" to someone who is pro-Israel or being disgusting to jews for no reason will not free Palestine. You are just spreading hate. Be the bigger person. Wanting to help someone and hating a group of people are two different things entirely.
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senruthmartinsbob · 11 months
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(And polish, of course)
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official-megumin · 10 months
at this point I've seen this being mentioned quite a few times.
That the reason Israel gets to do everything they do is because they're a jewish state so they can always claim the victim card.
And I feel like that is misleading. Like yes the Israeli state does use that excuse, but in the end it's really just propaganda.
The real reason Israel gets to do what it does is that it's beneficial to the west. Western countries have done all the same things.
It's not a product of Israel being given too long a leash. Because I can pretty much guarantee that this was the intent from the start.
It doesn't feed into some grand conspiracy that jews control the world. Because, well. They don't, at all.
The second Israel isn't beneficial to the west, and especially the US, then Israel is done for.
Like don't let yourself get hooked into anti-semetic talking points just because you hate Israel and want the palestinian people to live. Keep to the facts remember your love for people, and remember that many many jews across the globe and even in Israel oppose the regime. Remember that the world doesn't suddenly love jews. It's just been given an excuse to openly annihilate another group they hate, which in this case are the arabs.
We all have to be motivated by love rather than hate, it's the only way this whole situation can be anything but pure loss. It's the only way we can keep any humanity
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tikkunolamresistance · 2 months
you're so weird for generalising the entire free palestine movement as pro-hamas and anti-semetic. you post a lot about how we should fight for israelis and palestinins, jews and christians and muslims and everybody else to live side by side. that is what the free Palestine movement stands for. you're weird for pretending it's a pro hamas and anti semetic movement. youre a liar and a propagandist. you should campaign for peace without tarnishing the movement you deep down adhere to. you and the free palestine movement believe in the same thing. stop pretending you are not one of them. and also stop pretending jews cant be anti-zionist
hi! thank you for being polite through gritted teeth here. let’s do this.
i will never forgive the pro palestine movement for how they behaved on october 7th, 2023 and subsequently treated and still treats the active hostage situation in gaza.
since that day, the only version of the pro palestine movement that has had any significance in my life as a jewish person is the antisemitic hatred festering globally.
i would be standing with you if i felt safe doing so. allowing any measure of antisemitism into your movement that has direct material impact on more than 50% of the worldwide jewish population invalidates any intention of peace any single supporter has.
it is very important to me that the movement i show up for represents my values on all levels. this conflict is not one you can just skim, this conflict has too many moving parts to have a faultless ‘side’ but i will always stand beside those that call for peace, dignity, and respect— something the pro palestine movement has failed to display to me anywhere. including and especially tumblr.
i campaign for the integrity of my people and the future we all deserve: israeli and palestinian co-existence and overall jewish safety.
bring them home now.
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legalkimchi · 5 months
Please learn more than just a Phrase.
I don't expect people to be subject matter experts on issues of global politics.
But false equivalency is rampant in online discourse regarding three major conflicts in the world today. I am using the word conflict in this post, however, when applicable, i will use other words to describe specifics. (Nuance folks... it's a thing)
So i start off with an assumption that most people don't understand the basics of most international events. As an american, i only know some of the stuff that is happening within my own nation. This is not an insult to you, dear reader. Rather, it is a position we all must realize we are in. You do not understand most world issues.
You just don't.
you aren't there. it isn't your life. you don't have the academic background.
I saw a post recently calling for "freedom for Palestine, Sudan, and Congo."
And it bothered me. Not because i am opposed to peace, (how is asking for ceasefire a bad thing?) but rather because i believe simplifying the conflicts with this wording showcases the ignorance of the differences.
Not all conflicts are the same.
In palestine, we have a convoluted mess where two groups claim a territory as home. getting into the in-depth story of this conflict takes time. Foundational elements of it take place thousands of years ago, but the conflict itself is only about 75 years old. So it is a long and short story. Currently, the sovereign state of Israel is engaging in a genocide in Gaza. Asking for freedom for palestinians makes sense. they live in an apartheid state and would like a state of their own. they wish to be free of occupation. you can argue with the details, be pro-israel, or whatever, but that is the basic ask of palestinians. (if you want to get into anti-semetic regional sentiment or the desire of certain groups to eradicate the israeli jewish population or Israel as a nation that's a different topic, not the point of what i'm talking about.)
In the Congo and Sudan, it is a different story.
Let's start with the Congo. First of all, Which Congo?
Let's please understand that there is the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Republic of the Congo is a former french colony. Then there is Democratic Republic of the Congo. Some of us might remember this country as Zaire.
the DRC is the congo we are talking about in the news. This was a former belgian colony and the atrocities committed by the belgians there rival any genocide in human history. i've seen estimates between 5 million and 20 million deaths. some estimates state the population of native congolese were cut in HALF. since the turbulent start of the country after their independence in 1960, the country knew relative peace until the 1990s. Then a mixture of a weak central government and the Rwandan Civil war (which had it's own genocide you may have heard about) spilled over into what was then Zaire. Zaire dissolved, and the DRC took it's place, But the wars have been raging off an on since then. earlier this year, more civil war violence erupted AGAIN. This displaced millions, AGAIN. while the DRC is a bit of an autocratic and repressive regime, the rebel groups are groups with ties with the Rwandan government and the other group with ties to Isis. It's awful all the way down.
Sudan has had an ongoing civil war for over 20 years. I remember this because i helped lead some anti-genocide protests regarding Darfur when i was in college 20 years ago. I've been following this conflict for nearly my entire adult life. you may have heard about this with regards to the Save Darfur coalition regarding the genocide in Darfur. Well, that genocide has continued (albeit with less intensity) for 20 years. the civil war lasted until 2021, but restarted in a different form in late 2023. the conflict is now between two different sides of the military government fighting each other.
It is an awful conflict full of awful leaders. Sudan's government suffered a revolution in 2019 from a dictator, only to have that government overthrown in a coup by the current dictator. The Sudanese military is supported by folks like Russia and North Korea. you might see that among the other countries that support sudan, bunch of communist countries, and you might think "hey, maybe al-Burhan is a leftist".
no... no he is not.
He is a military despot. He has no ties to any real ideology. He just runs sudan as a military dictator.
So who is opposing him?
The Rapid Support Forces. and you may be thinking "ok, so they are the good guys? trying to overthrow the dictator?"
No... They are the ones that instigated the Genocide in Darfur.
This is a situation is "no matter who wins, the people of Sudan lose."
So when folks claim these are all the same. Or wonder why folks talk about one and not the other.
there are reasons. These are very different conflicts. Please learn about them. It matters more than spouting some 4 word slogan calling for "freedom."
Find out what the people of these areas actually need. Learn more about what is happening. My description above is incomplete. I may even get some things wrong. I am trying to keep informed, but I am not an expert, nor do i live there. Raise voices from the region and find out if there are ways to help.
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androgynousspace · 7 months
For any of you who even DARE to think about voting for trump just because of the war happening in Israel, this post is for you.
-First off trumps opinion on Israel is pretty much the same as Biden, in terms of sending money to them and being anti-gaza, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141905
-Let us not forget project 2025, I know a solid portion of palestine supporters are in the LGBTQ+ community, a vote for trump, is a vote to put your fellow queers in jail, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025
-Another section of pro-palestinian people are POC, not only does project 2025 include the killing and jailing of POC just in general trump has a long history of hating POC, ex: he used to pay hotels and casinos to get rid of any black people who were currently there, https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/08/trump-casinos-black-employees/
-Now let's talk about Jews for palestine, trump is also extremely anti-semetic and has a history of being anti-semetic, atleast Biden cares about the Jewish people, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/17/trump-history-antisemitic-tropes/
-Muslims for palestine, trump wants to ban the ability for hijabis to wear the hijab, and for muslims in general to work and be in public, https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/17/trump-muslim-ban-gaza-refugees
Last if this has convinced you to not vote for trump I'm glad, this also applies to any republican running. DONT. VOTE. THIRD. PARTY. I don't know how many times I have to say this, it splits the leftist vote and gives trump or any republican for that matter a WAY better chance of winning the election, as much of anti-semetic you may be towards Israel, the only valid vote is for Biden.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 11 months
Hey y'all. Jack here, and I've got something important to say.
The first and only point of this blog has always been to share appreciation for the many wonderful animals we share our planet with. Outside of conservation, I keep posts free of politics or world events, because I figure most people get enough of that already, and I wanted to keep the focus on environmental education. However, I do need to make this post, because I am a human being and I can't pretend otherwise.
The genocide in Palestine cannot be ignored. The Israeli government is committing an unspeakable evil against Palestine, and the fact that they claim to be doing it on behalf of the Jewish people makes me ashamed to call myself a Jew. But that is all the more reason why I need to speak out, and why I encourage all of you to do so as well.
Educate yourselves: Decolonise Palestine is a good place to start. Take action: This is a US-centric document with plenty of ways to get involved. Reach out to your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers-- Palestinian and Jewish alike. Do not be silent.
Lastly, if you are Jewish and you need a place to vent/work through the shame, grief, and horror of what Israel is doing, my ask box is open. Now more than ever is a time for solidarity, and to fully support Palestine we need to be able to lean on each other. Hate will not be tolerated, and any anti-semetic, islamophobic, or anti-Palestinian replies, asks, or messages will be blocked.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. We will now return to our regularly scheduled Uncharismatic Fauna.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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mixmangosmangoverse · 10 months
It's not a perfect analogy, but it exemplifies why going "I'm not antisemitic, Palestinians/Arabs are also semites" is not an excuse
Someone says they hate lemons. They think no one should ever eat lemons, they taste awful and have no purpose
Another comes to them, asks why they're so against lemons
The first person responds "well how can I hate lemons, oranges are also a citrus fruit"
They never deny hating lemons. They never take back saying lemons are disgusting. They just go "oranges are also citrus, therefore I can't hate lemons"
When you say "I'm not antisemitic, [X] are also semetic", you're not denying hating Jews. You're not denying being antisemitic *to* Jews. You're just upset that you think we're accusing you of hating a different group
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angrybell · 11 months
From telegram group:
New Zealand Christian Indigenous people opposing Pro-Palestinian Protest. The Pro-Palestine Protest was meant to be at 2pm today, but this haka scared them away and they rescheduled for Sunday. No to Anti-Semetic behaviour in NZ.
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Listen, y'all outside of the Israel/Palestine situation can have whatever opinions you have, but as someone who woke up at 7am by the sounds of sirens and who has friends and family living in the danger zone, I honestly don't give a shit, and no other israel or palestinian gives a shit either over what some dumb fuck on the internet who's never experienced war or even been in a bomb shelter has to say. I pray that my palestinian friends are safe, and that they will suffer as little as possible. People on both sides are DYING. You can have your bullshit, experienceless opinion all you want, but fact is people here are suffering, and you, person getting angry and writing shitty tumblr posts, are not.
Go to hell, people are dying and you making anti-semetic/anti-palestinian post is helping no one but your pathetic ego
Edit: there's were just attacks where I live (which is considered safe) and I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm terrified, for both sides. PLEASE if you're in Palestine/Israel dm/reblog/comment to let me know your ok. We need to support each other through this. This is going to cause us all so much trauma, and we need to hold each other's hands.
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nightmist123 · 17 days
The antizionism/semetism make me lose faith in humanity. People who scream about humen rights ignore my humen rights.
If any death of civilians is wrong why chanting for my death is right?
All i want is to live in safe place for both Israelis and palestinians.
So sorry Hamas is not safe for me.
What do you want me to do?
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matan4il · 1 year
Ive long believed that this recent extremist hatred of “colonists” was more about the perceived value of the people being colonized than about the actual harm to human life that colonization causes. (And I do not think of Israelis as colonizers, btw) The past hours have proven this to me. It’s not about whether they think Israel is truly guilty of colonization; it’s that Israelis would dare go against a group they have decided has fundamentally different and more valuable level of humanity. The same exact people who claim they’d support indigenous Americans taking back the land hate Jews for doing exactly that. And my God, the amount of people who spend most of their time discussing sexism and violence against women now saying that the innocent women being killed and kidnapped en masse is “the price to pay” is making my blood boil. I feel like I’ve witnessed so many people just toss all decency and morality out the window just so they can pat themselves on the back for being “anti-colonialists”. Anti-semetism has so rotted peoples brains. I’m praying for you and for every life caught up in this atrocity.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask.
Let me just say you're of course right that Israeli Jews are not colonizers of the Jewish ancestral homeland. But I haven't been touching this point, because the truth is... even if they were, would it justify such barbarity? Or do we as human beings believe in the sanctity of life, and understand that violence, rape, torture, mutilation and cold blooded murder, let alone mass murder, should NEVER be accepted as the solution to any problem?
Did people take the Nazis, those who committed the worst crimes in human history, and tried to use them to justify the massacre of all Germans, or to de-legitimize the very existence of a German state?
I actually sadly don't think the world does value the lives of Palestinians. I'm friends with so many. Mainly, as a gay woman, I have gay Palestinian friends. I have friends whose families found out they're gay, threatened to kill them, they applied for refugee status in so many western countries, but none would take them. I'm aware that Palestinians are being discriminated against BY LAW in so many places (for example in Lebanon, where Palestinians are barred from no less than 39 professions). If this were about their well being, then pro-Palestinian activists and demonstrations would be speaking up about the mistreatment of Palestinians everywhere! But they don't. If they can't blame the Jewish state for a perceived wrong, they don't care what happens to Palestinians.
Not everyone, obviously. Many accept the info as handed to them and they think they're being pro-Palestinian, when really they're just being fed, and then end up passing on, anti-Israel propaganda.
So, sadly I think this is a new form of antisemitism, expressed by singling out the Jewish state. It isn't the push for human rights it pretends to be, or the movement would care about the human rights of Palestinians in places like Lebanon and Jordan, too.
I think a good way to sum up what's wrong with people justifying the massacre that we experienced here is found in this image:
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Thank you, I really appreciate the care and the prayers! Sending you endless hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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