#this was gonna be a reply to a post but op blocked me before I could type it out
cleopatraxi · 10 months
White European Ashkenazi jews post about how they don't feel safe anymore because someone was mean about Israel on twitter while Gazans can't decide if they should leave their home and get bombed or stay and get bombed while having no internet service to post about it.
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ursamajori · 1 year
hi friend idk if you particularly super mind about these things but the op of the “survived the barbenheimer” post is very very transphobic. just to let you know
hi! i do very much mind abt these things--i primarily use mobile, and my way of being aware of blogs like that is just. filtering a bunch of tags they use so when its a random meme i usually have. no idea lol. so thanks for letting me know
idk the best way to like. word this? but in the future when yall warn me about these kind of people (which i very much do appreciate) could you give more...idk i dont wanna say proof bc it sounds dismissive, i guess elaboration? like if its i dunno tumblr user "i-hate-trans-people" and i just somehow fuckin missed that (not this exact thing but smth similar has happened before. sometimes i am not very perceptive.) like. obv u dont need to but i know people will send these kinds of asks abt people they have drama with and i dont always have time to yknow. go and find the post and check the blog
normally i dont post asks like this but i figured it would be a good sorta. way to ask this bc ive never brought it up to yall and it would be unfair to expect smth without saying anything
i wanna be clear abt as well this isnt like. trying to single you out anon and i tend to ask this of people who send similar asks off anon privately as well theres just no way to do that with you since yknow. anon. but seriously, thank you for letting me know!
edit: someone pointed out how this person it’s VERY obvious once you click on the blog from the posts, i should have specified that since it. makes it more clear this was a general statement </3
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abbyshands · 7 months
Hi kit, do you know how to tell if a person sending asks saying they need donations for their family in gaza, is fake?
Cuz someone sent me an ask and I’ve reblogged it but I was going through the comments and there a several blocked and one of them says that the op is scamming people.
I know there are ppl like this that are that horrible, but I wonder if you know how tell them apart ? Or if anyone knows for that matter. Cuz I don’t want to mislead people and give them the wrong information or anything.
hi, honey! this is gonna be all over the place but. i've had this very thing happen to me before as well, maybe three or so asks just like the one you received. i did fall for the first one, but once you see them over and over again, i think it can get easier to tell when it's a scam. one thing to note is when the actual account began to post. i notice a lot of these accounts began to post in recent days or weeks. at the time that i donated to the first person who sent me an ask like this, it was february, and they began to post around mid january. the next tell is one i see a lot, where they'll reblog a bunch of things about palestine, but they will all be in a matter of hours, days, etc. usually never weeks (and also, you'll see that they randomly begin to reblog in very recent days. ex. all their reblogs are from three days ago and onward). one more thing: look at their posts (not their reblogs. their actual posts), and check if it says "some replies may have been blocked, deleted, removed, etc). absolutely, 100% not a good sign. chances are, replies are being removed by the op because they're getting called out for scamming.
the structure of the actual ask is also a dead giveaway. if it ends in "my goal is x amount of money," usually somewhere in the hundreds or thousands, not a good sign. if they are asking you to respond to their ask PRIVATELY, not a good sign. if you copy part of their ask and paste it into tumblr or do an internet search, and you see it elsewhere, not a good sign! these blogs will go around copying the same message into people's inboxes. chances are, someone else on tumblr has posted about the very person who sent you the ask, OR, you will find it somewhere else on the internet, etc a gofundme (which, by the way, is where most of these scammers obtain their story or pictures. they'll find it in gofundmes as i said, articles, etc). before you engage, copy the username of the person who sent you the ask, and paste it into the tumblr search bar. this is how i found out that the first person who sent an ask like this to me was a scammer.
this post here (which i absolutely implore you to read, as it captures what i want to say here much better than i'm doing so right now) explains why there is an abundance of people on tumblr sending asks like this in people's inboxes. for one thing, they target popular tags (ex. literally, the "palestine" or "gaza" tags, or any tag that may be trending at the time), or, they go for blogs who are consistently reblogging and/or uploading content related to the genocide. why? because they're taking advantage of the fact that you want to make a change in regards to what's going on. and if that's the case, what would stop you from donating to someone "in need," right?
if you want my honest opinion, if someone is sending you an ask about this on tumblr at all, it's likely not real. to put it into perspective: people who are really in gaza and want to escape, raise money, etc, will go to big network places such as gofundme, because there are better chances of them raising actual money in general, but in a short period of time. as opposed to asking people individually, their cause will be more widespread, and more people will see it. not only that: places like gofundme are pros at figuring out what's a scam and what's not. op in the above post noted this, and how places like gofundme will remove causes that are clearly scams. that's why scammers avoid places like this at all, and go to places like tumblr, where it isn't so easy for the actual site to remove their post. it's only when people on the app pick up on it, that scammers' facades fall. does that make sense?
i feel like this sort of jumped around, but i hope i was able to clarify what you were asking anyway. if someone feels the need to add onto this, please do, and if i need to clarify any point i made, etc, please let me know! ♡
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Okay, yeah... I thought so...
Replies screenshot from my add to this post this post that I accidentally found through an email notification of an @ that you'll see didn't even scan on my tumblr radar on a reblog chain I couldn't add on to again because I blocked OP (good ♥).
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This attempt at an @ is still hilarious by the way like OP was so afraid of me she blocked me I literally couldn't fucking hear or responded to any of what you little shits were saying ...
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@poutyrootveggie @duncebento @specialmouse Whoaaaaaaa you little mediocre weebshit abled-bodied special needs dunces! I was so shocked that the last tough guy @ from the miku simp with the tumblr badges literally didn't scan and I only found out about this from opening my email and clicking the blog notes!
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Yeah, I know you abled-bodied little shits wish god nuked you half as much as she nuked me since you're begging not to be perceived as feeling anything in your legs since you wanna be a vegetable that bad so you can have access to your weeby little comfort items and Mickey D's toys forever because you're never gonna grow up and get laid and I know you're gonna understand this as much as I understand tiktok memes because back in my day it was a Beelzebub Song but let me teach y'all's lil' steven universe sour cream studio ghibli guzzling wannabe misgendering unwashed surfer brah asses about something called hyperbole and sarcasm and metaphor and what a real dramatic "queer reading" means : It means I know and I don't care and if you want me to be nit picky about it y'all are too special needs to even mind your spelling...
And in this context means no disrespect but sometimes I wish I had as much the privilege and confidence as a low support needs abled-bodied autistic on social media explaining a thing about their Fandumb Oppression Olympics to be able to get away with typing like that much of a high support needs retarded version of myself while pretending to be that shocked by what a woman in a wheelchair is saying while causally misgendering her while I don't have any OCD regarding using any sort of punctuation while I'm doing that so abled bodies don't think I'm retarded, because I'm an abled-bodied autistic that can get away with doing the best impression of a retarded version of myself because I'm quirky brah it's not that deep but this lady who I just called "dude" and I have no idea how she feels about that doesn't Know Her Memes TM and that's what matters.
Not that a bunch of abled-bodied autistic weebs are trying to gang up on an actually disabled wheelchair user right now over what again, essentially amounts to a fandumb superiority/bully complex bigger than the weebs on Big Bang Theory and again, essentially started over Spoopynatch dishorse,,,,,
Because when abled-bodied autistics talk like that online or irl itssamememario but if my wheelchair bound arse ever did that in front of an older abled-bodied authority figure or anyone abled-bodied really...! Nitwit school. Special Needs Programing. 9PM curfew stuck in a group home.
Anyway, Homestuck ended years ago go lobotomize yourselves with a sharpy collective hallucination style if you wanna unlive that angy abt it!
Was shit like this why I'm getting so many new followers? Thanks but no thanks kidz go listen to your bops! ;) ♥
Have fun being stuck in your little tenderqueer fandumb mode forever because you made sure Hazbin is my last one but at least I'm a recovering Disney Adult using her Vivzietine patch instead of a little shit gen z otaku who's so spoiled I can get away with pretending to be more brain damaged than I actually am!! ;) ♥ X.O
(But oh, before I go @poutyrootveggie ...
"#ITS A MEME ABOUT PEOPLES UNNECECARY DOGSHIT HELP #I NEED THIS TO BE SATIRE" .. You mean a bunch of unnecessary dog shit like..? A bunch of weebs and apparent Homestuck and Supernatural fans trying to collectively dogpile on a Hazbin Hotel fan sharing on a fandumb post on fandumb website tungle.hel when they try to scold you about wishing you were doing s satire when they don't understand hyperbole and you wish that this abled bodied shit autistic with a Miku plushie for an icon and tumblr badges was a satire in and of themselves but deep down you know they're seriously pathetic enough to think, again that, causally misgendering and harassing a wheelchair bound woman for barking too loud about their own Special Interest Demon Discourse TM on a post made by a person with the studio ghibli cat TM as their icon talking about their demon shit rusty nail show discourse cause they're loser who liked that dog shit in the first place and I know I have far superior taste than any of ya so don't fucking @ me again... You think any of this cyberbully shit when I was just minding my own damn business and didn't even @ OP sharing sharing my fandom story fandumb story on a fandumb post on a fandumb website makes you look like the good ones? You mean pulling some "unnecessary dog shit" on me like that?
Well, jokes on you hon...This Hellhounds second bite fueled by Kesha's Cotten Candy bit down so hard on that lil' pussy OP got so scared of me that they blocked me back, meaning I couldn't even fucking hear you when you tried to @ me to stir shit up again and hows this for a final anime showdown? I'm pulling a Hatsune Miku putting my headphones back on so I won't be able to fucking hear you again.. You abled-bodied-wannabe-tard! LA! LA LA!`~ ♥
You want my silence? Pay me for it!
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clockwork-reveries · 2 months
tumblr in the neoteric world
☢️ becquerel-tears Follow
confession. i'm fr TIRED of humans treating corinthians like shit or things that dont feel. it's the little things that make me want to quit my job and i don't know, scam the elderly for a living? (that was a joke.) i love my job don't get me wrong, it makes me the happiest i've been in a long time. today at work while i was busy helping a coworker see what was wrong with their terminal, some dude walked right up to me. he was maybe, i don't know, late 30's, early 60's? it's so hard to tell humans apart. and put his FINGER underneath the panel on my NECK. i smacked his hand away so hard he yelled, but of course i didn't care he almost got to some delicate shit! all because he couldn't stop himself from getting his grubby manchild hands off me.
🔁☢️ becquerel-tears Follow
fucking. respect corinthians. before the empyrean war some of you complained we were replacing humanity, and now that we did all the work for y'all in the war, you treat us like servants and objects that just are there. we'll be around for a long long time. and a ton of us won't forget this.
🔁🔥 antiflesh-posting Follow
I wasn't made during the war, so maybe my comments aren't valid, but I totally agree, OP. Humans have become so full of themselves, it's revolting. I'm sorry about your issues as well. We've got a group on TMB about how to reduce human population, and we also think you might be better suited especially if you live in a smaller city, as you've stated in previous posts.
🔁☢️ becquerel-tears Follow fucker didn't read my post, it's so obvious. do NOT talk to me about "reducing the human population" you fucking edgelord wannabe terrorists. blocked and reported. I DON'T CARE THAT THIS IS A BOT, ANTHROPOPHOBES AREN'T EVER WELCOME ON MY BLOG
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💌 bl33ding-hartzzz Follow
i got suuuuuper bord.. im thinking abt trying tht weird "simul8d food" some company made around 2020 for corinthians. desc says ur supposed to "taste" it like the real thing. im rlly sus abt it but somebodys selling it on ebay for almost 7 bucks so i dont think ill be losing a lot!
💌 bl33ding-hartzzz Follow
update it arrived!!! i got the icecream 1......!1! apparently ur supposed to bite it? huh? ( •᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )
💌 bl33ding-hartzzz Follow
Oh. oh i c why nobody wants this. its a scam we dont even knw what flavors n tastes are like anywaze.
AKA it suckssss. ˙◠˙
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⚙️ vermina-overlord Follow
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 🍅 camillcamillaeleon Follow
yall after that fic i made was thinking about trying to make the custom corinthian by myself does anyone have any tutorials i can follow? i think im gonna use crisp's design when i make him but maybe ill have to make a super tiny version if thats possible so it costs less? does anyone know if you can create small corinthians?
🔁💫 all-antipurpose Follow
Bestie??? You cant???? Just make Corinthians??? I get you used to customize Furbys but theyre not fucking dolls, dude. Does nobody realize how horrible it is to be playing god for funsies? EDIT: I wasn't calling Corinthians dolls
🔁🍅 camillcamillaeleon Follow
its not like im going to FORCE them to be what i want i just want them to look like it yknow every time i post like something this youre always one of the first people to reply can you just get off my dick already
🔁💫 all-antipurpose Follow
Then just draw it? Why do you need a 200+ pound AI to do it for you? I find it really weird how youre not concerned about the ethic issues about just making life just because you feel like nor have you addressed it at all. Am I in the wrong here for thinking everyone in the notes is delusional for calling me a cop just because you guys watch too many sci-fis? Don't make Corinthians.
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🍋‍🟩 starberry-skyfield Follow
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐏
Name: Genevieve
Height: 166 cm
Favorite show: Resident Alien
Favorite snack: Caramel popcorn
Software: ? What does this mean? Windows 11
First song: Don't remember
Favorite game: Sims 3
Hair color: Dark blonde
Countries traveled: Canada, Japan
Dogs or cats: Dogs
Eye color: Blue
Last song listened: Liquid Smooth by Mitski
Phone wallpaper: I like green
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TAGGED BY: @kermiance TAGGING: @crownless-crimson (i hope you're feeilng better!) @poloniusweeps @mixomadie @shutupchrissy (i know you like fillouts)
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🔥v1butalmostirl Follow
1,056 notes
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🌷cordie-draws Follow
Sometimes I want to be human Organic, real, warm, soft Cartilage and bone Blood, enamel, keratin Does anyone feel me? Sometimes it upsets me so bad when I realize I can't smell soap or the candles in my kitchen. Or when I make food for my cat. Or when I wake and realize that I can't stretch or yawn. But that would mean I'd lose myself... because humans definitely have feelings different. But would that be so bad? Burned, with ashes, rising up into beauty and wonder?
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☁️ puppetprancinq Follow
dumb question i know but do you guys wash your vessel plates with a clorox wipe one at a time or hop in a shower if youre sealed
on sunday mornings i like to put them all in the dishwasher because i really dont have another use for em. and then when i get em out its like ahhhh. squeaky clean
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💾 crownless-crimson Follow
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐏
Name: JZK (Not my real name)
Height: 6' / 185 cm
Favorite show: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Favorite snack: I can't eat.
Software: IceLemon v6.8
First song: Yesterday by The Beatles. Someone who worked at where I was developed had a cassette player lying around. The mic barely picked it up but I was delighted to hear music for the first time.
Favorite game: Most of the Amnesia series, Resident Evil 2 and 3, Halo 1 and 2. I'm not good at shooting games but I like the stories most of the time.
Hair color: Brown
Countries traveled: USA (I'm British), Germany, Norway, Italy
Dogs or cats: Dogs. I plan on getting one.
Eye color: Red
Last song listened: Cloudbusting by Kate Bush
Phone wallpaper:
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TAGGED BY: @starberry-skyfield Thank you, Genevieve. TAGGING: @becquerel-tears, @bl33ding-hartzzz, @v1butalmostirl, @liminalbrainwave, @clockwork-dreamings
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️♣️spinneretgods Follow
Fellas is it gay to help a corin with their maintenance and then accidentally screw their head completely off and then laugh about it as you play a game of soccer and then suddenly they explode violently like the guy from daft punk and you sit there clutching the remains of them sobbing even though you know the day would come to an end
🔁🌽i-give-people-cobsofcorn Follow
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🔁♣️ spinneretgods Follow
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noperopesaredope · 7 months
Me: *Sees a fun and relatable post about a character I like*
Me: Hehe, fun. I’ll give it a reblog and add some of my own thoughts in the tags.
Me: *Reblogs and adds tags agreeing with OP*
Me: *Reopens Tumblr a couple of hours later and sees that there’s a message in my inbox*
The Message:
(From OP of the post I originally reblogged)
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Me: *Tries to type a reply to ask for clarification*
Me: *Can’t*
Me: *Checks OP’s blog*
OP: *Apparently blocked me*
Me: :/
Ok, so I literally didn’t know this was a thing??? That apparently it’s not okay to reblog things from RP blogs??? I didn’t see a ��don’t reblog” in the tags (though I might not have noticed). Is this common or is it this one blog in particular??? I’ve reblogged from what I think were RP blogs, and I’ve never had this issue before.
Should I follow this person’s aggressive demand and never reblog from an RP blog again??? Because if that’s the case, I’m probably just gonna start blocking every RP blog from now on just so I don’t have to deal with shit like this. Can anyone tell me if this is common knowledge??? Legitimately need to know. I’d rather just be aware so as not make this mistake again and deal with the RSD.
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othramblings · 9 months
Ok gonna share my response to the person who I recently replied to a post of. They responded to me and then blocked me so I am going to share a screenshot of what they wrote before I do because I can't reblog it. I honestly mean no hate. As I have made clear I have a hard time sitting silently as Nathan is put on a pedestal and Haley is criticized (which is what the original post did even if they didn't mean for it to be that way which triggers me more bc it's such a MS thing to get his audience to feel that way against a female). Before I do though, I wanna acknowledge that they they blocked me, which is their call, but it's kind of funny because 1) ppl blocking others for not blindly stanning Nathan Scott is 100% a common theme amongst OTH fans, and it's worth pointing out and 2) a post or two down from the original one the OP made says they want Haley haters to come at them lol. I don't want to come for anyone, but I can see how it seems that way. Probably inadvertently it is, but like I said I really can't stay silent when people criticize Haley and put the blinders on and excuse Nathan's actions.
ALSO I had to search for their original post, which is why I came across the other one they made. I then also saw a post they made right after about how weird it is that I responded to them, considering I never engaged with any of their other posts. This is my side blog girl! Come on now lol. I don't interact with anyone because it's hard to when it's your side blog.
Their response to me:
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My response:
I don’t want to minimize your experience and it’s so uncomfortable to even be talking about real-life experiences in comparison to this show, so I really don’t want to say much further. I am sorry you had to endure that, and anyone who’s been in a similar situation to yours knows how awful and difficult it can be and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. This conversation is about the show and that’s what I’m going to focus on. I think it is worth saying though that it seems like there’s some projecting onto Nathan from your own experience. We all relate to characters differently and everyone’s entitled to do their own thing. But again this conversation is about Nathan and Haley, and how the fandom overlooks what she had to go through because of him.
Anyway, back to the point, that’s not the experience Nathan had; as he says on the show he knew Carrie was getting attached, and he liked it. Nathan is Carrie’s boss. We females know the power our male bosses hold over us. We have been arguing to legitimize this in the U.S. Why when it's Nathan does none of that seem to matter all of a sudden? Suddenly his being male and a boss is what makes him vulnerable according to Nathan stans. How?? I am not implying that men can’t be abused, or that men who are bosses can’t be abused. But by their nanny? Really? That’s been hitting on him and he’s been engaging with it? That is a reach at best. It's uncomfortable to have this conversation and I think that's why so many don't challenge it. But Nathan is antagonistic. He just also is passive when women hit on him. That doesn’t mean that Carrie didn’t assault him in the shower because she did. But SO much until that moment, Nathan was complicit in BECAUSE he liked it. We saw him like it. That doesn’t go away just because of what Carrie did. Again he knew what Carrie was doing. She was flirting with him and he flirted back. He watched her swim naked with Haley waiting for him in the bedroom, playfully calling him her hero! He told Carrie she looked good at the bar. I don’t know why this is all getting overlooked.
That’s the thing about a lot of Nathan story lines with other women, including Rachel. The show gives him some throwaway scenes where if you just look at those it does seem like he’s not interested—like when he tells Rachel ‘not for a second’ when she asks if she’d have a chance had it not been for Haley being pregnant. But he still entertained her. We as an audience were made to feel like there was something happening there. Back to the Carrie storyline, James did a good job of being confused, but he’s bad at giving nuanced expressions when it comes to his acting a lot of the time. He struggles with it. We should not be wondering if Nathan is confused…that’s not how a faithful loving husband would behave. Especially not when his wife just forgave him in the blink of an eye for being borderline abusive. How about delving into that for a change. Why doesn’t that bother people as much as Haley not firing Carrie sooner? Again, focusing on what Haley could’ve done to prevent Carrie from doing what she did is not OK. There’s an implication here that we can’t critique Nathan but we should be saying that everything Carrie did rested on Haley’s shoulders because she didn’t fire her sooner…. That’s a big no from me. Nathan is the one who led Carrie on. That doesn’t change because of anything else in your post. And I’m gonna call out all of these posts that I see that blame Haley because it doesn’t matter if you’re a Scott Stan. He messed up huge in his marriage in season 5. This is not the time or place to be critiquing Haley. His wife who stood by him and ran their home and took care of their child alone for months. Who had faith in him when the nanny started to act up. Deflecting the blame onto Haley is a copout so that Nathan doesn’t get as much of the blame. If people can’t see how dirty he did his wife here, regardless of how Carrie treated him, then they are essentially saying that Nathan’s suffering matters more than Haley’s. It doesn’t. Especially on a show made by Mark Schwan, who neglected Joy as an actor. I’m not gonna overlook what Haley had to endure like Nathan the character or Mark the showrunner did.
I also personally think people defend Nathan so much in season 5 because it is so hard to stomach all the nonverbal weirdness that goes on between Nathan and Carrie. To accept it is to come to terms with him not being the dreamboat people project him to be. It is also so gross to me that Mark Schwahn would create all this nonverbal weirdness between Carrie and Nathan so that we as an audience feel uncomfortable, question what's happening, and are afraid of what will happen between them but at the same time have the Male character toe the line of cheating but to some he *technically* didn't and that's all that matters.
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gumpistol · 10 months
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name — lala! (or luka, we're trying this one out)
pronouns — they/them
preferred comms — definitely discord, i have a thing where if i open a message and don't immediately respond in tumblr dms, i tend to forget about it. it's the adhd "out of sight out of mind" thing. but on discord i can mark things as unread and then everybody from all my blogs is one place too.
name of muse — his name is monkey d. luffy, and he's going to become king of the pirates!!!
experience in RP — oh geez, like 10+ years? surprisingly mostly on tumblr, but before this blog i was taking a break and exclusively on discord for ~2 years
best experiences — honestly? the best experience i've had so far has actually been the OP rp community. i've been in a lot of fandoms, but i've never felt so completely welcomed as a new writer in the fandom. the dash commentary shenanigans and the willingness to just drop into inboxes on a whim with unprompted stuff is honestly a lot of fun! i'm really happy this is the community experience i get to have on my return to tumblr
pet peeves / dealbreakers — i have 2 big ones: (1) guilt tripping me into replies or worse, ships. this is the easiest way to piss me off and will likely end up in the exact opposite of what the person wants happening. (2) genderbent characters; it's almost 2024 so i'm baffled i have to say this, but if you don't know why these depictions are harmful, this post does a nice job of putting it into words. anyway, genderbends will get a quick block from me.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — well i tend to write a lot of cheery, silly stuff as is the nature for luffy, but also because that comes to me the easiest sometimes. but i really love angst and hurt/comfort type stuff. like yes, i want the angst, but please let me have a comforting resolution for them as well. angst and drama with a sprinkle of fluff. on that note, i also just enjoy writing luffy being silly and unhinged, because it makes people smile and laugh and you all deserve a little bit of that each day.
plot or memes — either really! i think memes are a great way to both start interactions, but also keep plotted things going. that being said, i love plotting with people and fleshing out the dynamics of our characters, and a lot of the time i have ideas to share. so i like both!
long or short replies — i am a sucker for longer replies. while not a lot of it is introspection for luffy, he is an active character with ever changing expressions and actions that he's doing. i also really love imagery and describing scenes, so that gets put into his writing sometimes as well. in the stuff where i do explore his emotions and vulnerability, i also can't do that in a short thread because there needs to be context, so i will write as much as needed to do that side of him justice. that being said, i also enjoy short things too! the silly short things are my go to when my brain isn't braining.
best time to write — usually weekends, because i can take my adderall and sit down and get a lot of stuff written
are you like your muse — despite being a lot more introverted, i do think i share some similarities with luffy. we both really like to keep things silly, but can get very serious and passionate when it comes to protecting our friends or just people in general. like him, i also have a lot of love to give to people and i really enjoy making new friends (when i have the energy). uh what else...we're both eager to fight, but in a love punch/wrestle kind of way. and i too have nearly drowned in an ocean on multiple occasions.
tagged by: @celestiialnotes & @rubctosis & @enjomo (just gonna tag you here :D)
tagging: if you're seeing this and haven't done it yet because i don't know who has and hasn't been tagged, YOU! (and then say i tagged you hehe)
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foulfirerebel · 1 year
Hm. Since I was blocked by reachartnetwork before I could reply, here's my reply to jothb
@jothb Girl you came to a post showing that Adobe is trying to copyright artstyle, saw that OP was reasonably upset about it, told them they should "just be nice" and then asked for a source? Source for what? The hearing? The extremely viral claims that "oh trust me bro this is gonna work out"? Any of their posts about this that you could have found if you had literally just opened their page? Girl Imma be real you sound like the biggest fucking bootlicking loser. Why should people *have* to be nice about that?
Friend, I didn't know about any of this. I don't use Twitter. I hadn't heard of this person before, or this news. This is genuinely disturbing and distressing, but if I may YOU were the one that decided to quote ME quoting another person and insulting them and me by proxy.
Calling me the bootlicker when I know nothing about this isn't the way to go. I appreciate the source and the information though and will go about my day having learned a little more about the big business and legal side of this whole debacle.
Mayhaps next time just say something like "hey, the OP has been doing research into this and knows what they're talking about" instead of trying to rip the nearest person's arm off?
Just a thought. Some of us are too busy surviving to pay attention to some issues that have no idea they exist or affect us on a large scale unless it's pointed out. This isn't something a lay person would just be able to figure out unless pointed out repeatedly.
Thank you for the source, it's rather illuminating and not something I heard about until now. I was genuinely unaware of all the interconnected corporations trying to use Anti-AI legislation as a smokescreen to control more of the internet.
That doesn't mean I'm not anti-ai art, writing, music, or use of voices without consent. I was just unaware of big corporations trying to exploit the sentiment for their own personal gain. Thanks for letting me know.
And since the OP of that post had me blocked, I can't reblog a rather good and lengthy post about the subject. That's unfortunate.
Here's the link if you wanna read it. Apologies for the rant. I do hope this reaches people, because this is rather important.
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thelastkoalabear · 1 year
lmaooo the op of that call-out post blocked me before I could reply to their post about how I should drink bleach. I still have this screenshot of the tags though so I'll drop that and the reply I had been typing
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I'm not okay with any of those things. I find those things repulsive. I never expressed support for mousefag or anyone else. I do think xe's weird and gross, sure. so I'm just not gonna follow them, and now that's magically none of my business.
because it's not hurting anyone for them to be posting whatever weird kinks and fantasies they have on tumblr, even if those kinks and fantasies dance circles around objectively harmful despicable things. if you've ever actually talked to any of these people you'd know it's all role play. that's why I don't care. the act of posting about fucking your dog or brother or a minor on tumblr is not the same as actually doing any of it. and the pretenses of daddy/mommy/brother/sister roleplay, or fantasies of fucking an animal, or sexualization of age regression, are not the same as actually fucking your dad or dog or kid. it's a tumblr post. I don't care. you're not protecting anyone. mousefag isn't gonna fuck your dog through the wifi.
I also find it very telling that my contempt for you for thinking callout posts protect anyone is automatically "nasty" to you and worth telling me to kill myself lmao. like "oouuuugh she doesn't automatically want to join my pogrom against the gross and weird. she should die too" like what are you, fucking Catholic? I didn't block you yet because I wanted to see how fast I'd get a reply like this. and I "showed my nasty fucking face in your tags" because anybody who has to see that bullshit should get to see a reminder of how simple-minded call-out culture really is
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youngpettyqueen · 2 years
Hiya! If you're still doing that WIP ask game, could I please request "rumor has it" and "for the man who gives everything"? Thank you! ^_^
P.S. I LOVE your idea for a fic about Hawkeye and the still in PoA omg!!!
yo!! im totally still doing the WIP ask game its so much fun and I love any excuse to ramble about my writing- thanks so much for asking!
"rumour has it"
it's this post. ive been working on this one on and half ever since I made that post, actually. its been slowgoing due to a) and miles to go before i sleep b) writer's block and c) I keep making new WIPs because I have absolutely no self control whatsoever and if I dont write down every idea I have im gonna die
anyways onto writings cause I have quite a bit for this-
"“Mornin’, sir,” Radar greets, all pleasantries, though he’s wearing an additional anxious look over his usual nervous one, “I was wonderin’ if you maybe had a minute?” 
BJ offers him a warm smile. “For you, Radar, I’ve got at least two,” He tells him, “What can I do for you?” 
Radar manages a little smile of his own. “Oh, well, thanks,” He says, “It’s about a patient, actually. I’ve got one who could use your help. Think you got enough minutes for that?” He asks. 
BJ chuckles. Radar’s tone isn’t urgent, so it’s probably not anything serious. Probably one of his animals with another splinter, or a runny nose. “Sure, Radar,” He agrees, “Bring ‘em on in. Is it one of your pets again? I warn you, if I have to surprise-deliver another litter of guinea piglets, I’m gonna have to charge you.” He jokes. 
Radar’s expression goes nervous again. His eyes flick to outside the door- he still hasn’t stepped fully into post-OP, just sort of hovering half-inside. “Uh, not exactly,” He replies, “Y’see, it’s-“
“Not exactly?” BJ would recognize that offended tone anywhere. Sure enough, Hawkeye shoves his way inside not a second later, nearly bowling Radar right over seeing as he’s got his arm around the kid’s shoulders to lean on, “What’s that supposed to mean, not exactly? Just which one of your animals are you comparing me to?” He demands."
this one is all silliness! thats it thats all just a lot of silliness. Hawkeye's hurt (not seriously) and he won't tell anyone what happened, and BJ's determined to get to the bottom of it. the 4077 rumour mill does nothing but make his mission more difficult, as rumours escalate to ridiculous levels. which uh, all becomes really funny when you find out what happened. which is in the post itself
bonus because this bit makes me laugh-
"“Sir- sir, you’re gonna fall-“ Radar is saying, managing the impressive feat of staying upright as he keeps up with Hawkeye hounding in on him.
“Oh, no! No, no, no!” Hawkeye continues, undeterred, hobbling after Radar like he’s chasing him, “You opened this can of worms! Which of your animals are you comparing me to? It better not be-“"
because I love some Hawkeye and Radar clownery <3
"for the man who gives everything"
I do not have anything written down for this one besides plot notes to myself, but I do have the blurb!
"All the ways Klinger shows how much he loves everyone, and what they do to show him how much they love him.
Or, 6 times Klinger did something just to make someone else smile, and 1 time everyone got together to return the favour."
classic 5(ish) + 1, centring on Klinger because I love him. I recently got to Where There's a Will, There's a War in my rewatch and Hawkeye thinking of when Klinger got him the magazine made me wanna cry, and I realized I havent really written anything about Klinger despite how much I love him! so, the idea for this came to mind
this will be a longer oneshot (like rumour has it) where Klinger goes out of his way to do something nice for another main cast member, all from the POV of others, and then it will be how everybody repays him from his POV. because Klinger deserves the world and im gonna give it to him
again, thanks so much for the ask!
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trefle · 2 years
@gooseberry-darling I'm not gonna interact with that post or op any further but I just wanted to acknowledge your reply.
Just as I said I'm aware the mistake is mine. I'm genuinely, honestly telling you that I was not aware of his age because I didn't even notice his pinned post, I only looked at his description. I should have made sure I was talking to an adult such as myself before starting it all but I haven't and I'm at fault for that. I'm not pinning anything on either of you, but I do think it would have been for the best if I was just told we weren't on equal ground because I would have stopped this argument from escalating. I don't think I went after either of his mutuals though, one of them addressed me directly and I replied, in a much meaner way than I should have, that's true. This another person I addressed myself in much calmer fashion after they reacted to the argument and we ended up having a civil conversation as it can be found on the post.
I still very firmly believe he should have absolutely blocked me when this started but it doesn't mean I'm trying to shift the responsibilty for anything.
The post was public and tagged, I didn't go out of my way to pick a fight with anyone here. My original addition that op didn't even read through apparently was every bit respectful, I was not harrassing him in any way. He didn't take that I engaged with his post well though and the argument started which would not faze me in the slightest if not for the fact that I was engaging with a minor's post all this time.
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verdantlyviolet · 2 years
The individual you replied to is a xenophobe if their blog proves anything. They literally said modern Greeks aren't descendant from ancient Greeks and Greeks were illiterate until the 19th century. They also claim all Greeks are inherently genocide deniers (of Cham Albanians). Which is about as gross as claiming all Turks are inherently genocide deniers (of Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks). They call Greece a fascist state while ignoring their own xenophobic nationalist line of thinking. Also its hilarious that your one reblog led to them having like 10 blog posts about it, you and OP of the post are living rent free in their head.
LOL their reply immediately told me they were full of shit, I didn’t investigate further. Thanks for letting me know, though, I can’t in good conscience believe you from your word alone. But it would not surprise me if that were all true.
They’re already blocked so not gonna be a problem for me anymore. Everyone else should go ahead and block @/skybabylons too since they’re a huge Asshole even if the above isn’t correct.
The shitty thing is I’m sure I’ve seen their username around other blogs before 🫤
EDIT: Nevermind I looked at their blog. Anon’s statements are correct and recent. Get cosy with that block button.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
You have the exact same narcissistic personality as my step parent. I’m disappointed in you honestly, I’ve been following you for some time and I’ve always enjoyed your posts…but this seems to far. The person apologized and admitted they were wrong, you’re not helping anyone by continuing this cycle of unneeded hatred. I know you’re a nice person but please, couldn’t you have correctly them they same way you’ve corrected me and others in the past that weren’t fully aware of the lore?
Goodbye Bel and followers, I enjoyed my time here but I don’t wish to be part of a community that directs such hatred towards people who don’t deserve it.
I couldn't have corrected them directly because they have me blocked. I wrote a post about their post to inform my followers and people in the tag in general because this specific topic has been a recurring problem in the Destiny fandom for well over a year now and I wanted people to get correct information. My post about them was not in any way hateful. Nor was it directed at that person, nor have they seen it, presumably, because they only thanked one person who explained the issue "politely" well after I did it already.
I say "politely" because I've done my post as politely as possible, despite the OP being continuously vitriolic towards anyone who attempted to correct them until they received what they viewed as "polite." And I'm not into tone policing.
I'm also tired of people posting the most outrageous crap knowing that they lack the necessary information. OP admitted to not having the patience or the time to read all lore books. Why are they then making a statement about a complicated lore relationship that has been constantly misinterpreted by the fandom? Literally the original post should've been "Hey can someone fill me in on the details about o14" and OP would've received 20 replies with people quoting lore books from memory about their blorbos.
Also thanks for starting the post with an insult and then saying we shouldn't insult people! Top notch. Also goodbye? I'm not directing any hatred, believe it or not, other people can act independently and have their own reasons to be annoyed at OP, but okay. Goodbye then.
I got another related anon which I'll reply to here before the read more section:
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You can see the drama, if we're gonna call it that, here in this post, including previous drama. I won't police whose content you're following and if you enjoy Ceo's content, I won't really tell you to stop or to leave. That's a choice for you to make. But definitely check things for inaccuracies, even if it's just fanon, because fanon can heavily influence how people think of and engage with the media. Most fanon is harmless, but sometimes it's not and this whole thing with o14 is an example of fanon that can lead to people being actively homophobic and racist (not necessarily Ceo, talking just in general because it has happened before).
For full timeline of events:
Original post (I didn't look for it, it appeared in the tag. I don't have people blocked because I'm the only bitch in this space willing to engage with people posting blatant lies so I bear the burden of seeing all of the shit takes).
The first comment on the post is from a friend of mine, which is how I know it was the first comment:
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This comment explains the lore as succintly as possible in the space of a reply. I guess it says the argument is dumb so that's too rude? OP's reply:
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Dismissing the correction because my friend said the argument used in the post is dumb. Not looking into the lore, not asking for proof for the correction, random praising of one's "relationship skills" and dismissing everything as "an opinion."
My friend decided to take back the "dumb" thing and posted:
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Still nothing. It's just an opinion.
Two of my other friends also caught up with the post and commented:
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At that point I made my post and then a few other people also commented on OPs post about how they are wrong. At this point OP has still not asked anyone for clarification and hasn't gone to check things by themselves. They also made another post in which they tried to absolve themselves of being wrong by saying we just don't understand what it means to criticise media which is a fairly rude assumption to make about 10 people telling you you're wrong. When another friend commented on that post, the reply was extremely childish and dismissive:
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This friend of mine was blocked after this so he couldn't have made a reply or offer any substantial corrections. I guess OP unblocked my friend later to reblog his art. It's quite rude to block someone telling you about being wrong and then reblog their art as if you don't care about the artist's opinions or them being a human being, you're just here for the art. It's just a really weird vibe that other artist friends I have confirmed about being a pattern.
This reply was also mocked by an anon and OP which is fairly shitty as these three words were not the focus of the reply. The point was that if you don't know, then find out before you post. If you don't think lore is easily accessible, you can ask someone directly.
It's not until someone else took the time to reblog the post and correct them by posting pretty much exactly the same thing I did (with the exception about being wrong when it comes to Savathun controlling Osiris' body) that they decided to acknowledge corrections.
You're right, my entire blog is about helping people understand lore, but some people don't want to understand and are quick to be rude, dismissive and aggressive when corrected even once. Not the first nor the last time here. OP reblogging this post is especially funny because it's made by a friend who also initially commented on the original post and was dismissed. My friend also had a visceral reaction to the tags because the only reason my friend had to post this is because of OP. So that's basically 15 people trying to reach OP through different means and attempts to correct them until they finally budged after being spoonfed the lore directly .
Strange for someone who has this in their bio:
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Speaking of, this comes from another discourse where my friend politely asked if OP could tag NSFW content as "NSFW" because it's showing up in the main tag unfiltered. OP insulted my friend and refused to do so until I made this post and I guess the issue started making rounds so they finally buckled and said they'll use the standard tags. I consider this discourse done and over with, but I still absolutely detest OP's willingness to die on the hill of them not being anyone's "babysitter" and not being responsible for making sure minors aren't stumbling on untagged NSFW. OP has also reblogged a hateful and aggressive post full of misinformation about me from almost a year ago which was, I suppose, sent to them because there's no way to find it unless you look for it specifically. In this reblog they also continued to claim it's not anyone's job to protect minors so I am very put off by OP, to say the least.
This isn't helped by the anons they're getting where OP is bonding with random anons whose idea of a good time is insulting me and reporting to OP about my posts which is extremely funny considering they're bonding over how *I* apparently have a fanclub. Pot, kettle? I assure you, I do not.
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Actually, I can read, unlike OP who admitted to not reading lore but having enough confidence to post about it. At least when I post things, I check my information. I also don't post about shit I know nothing about.
OP has always been rude and dismissive first and while yes, I have the patience to reply to people nicely, my patience is also not infinite. I am also obviously not going to chase after people who don't want to be corrected. I made a separate post detailing why the OP was wrong and left it at that. I received an anon who was equally frustrated with OP so I replied. It's apparently a quite widespread sentiment. I'm sure people feel the same about me too, btw, which is understandable.
And while OP has since decided to change their mind and learn after half the fandom was dismissed at first and we had to drag the corpse of this lore discourse to their doorstep, I've not yet seen any indication that they will apologise for the "Titans are dumb" take.
I also tend to get hate anons for "posting drama" so let's be clear: I made this blog in order to try and clear out the cesspool that was Destiny tumblr. I lurked in the tag for a year and I finally buckled when I could no longer stand the absolute shit takes going unchallenged and rampant homophobia and racism and other bigotry being completely unchecked. My first post here is replying to someone being homophobic about o14 being official. This blog exists because the straw that broke the camel's back was virulent homophobia against o14. So while my wider "brand" is posting lore essays, my original brand was and will remain to be tapping into fandom discourse and drama. So whoever is not into that, I will not be offended if you leave. I also tag these posts as "discourse" so they can be filtered out and if anyone wants me to tag them with additional tags, feel free to let me know.
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dear-kumari · 3 years
Ppl are mad that SW didn't consider yona as the ruler. Sw needs to broaden his outlook cz he rejects the gods for his personal grudge while yona accepts their power to solve problems-wtf. I don't understand their mindset. They hate kyesook for wanting to use the dragons while they hate Sw for not accepting the powers of god. Why ppl think gods in Anyverse are benevolent, saint?
Hi anon!  When I first saw your message, I planned to just reply that I couldn’t see the take(s) you were talking about because I’ve probably blocked/don’t follow the OP(s); but at this point, I’ve definitely seen similar sentiments (and worse!) popping up in other places.  I’ll talk about the overall argument, but before that, I want to encourage you to also block anyone making posts that trouble you.  I don’t know for sure whether you’re the same anon I didn’t publish from last chapter, but regardless, I hope you can pull away from annoying discourse this way.  You can’t un-see a bad take, obviously, but it’s better to curate your fandom experience and set boundaries as soon as possible.  Generic advice, I know, but it helped me and I really hope it helps you. ^^
Anyway, on to The Take.  I’m not gonna talk in detail about the gods’ offenses again because I think that’s a settled issue at this point; they suck, plain and simple, and the suffering they caused out of “love” for Hiryuu can’t be justified by their supposed inherent authority.  Let’s also just skip your first sentence for today, anon, and instead jump into the meat of this Take — that is, that Suwon is narrow-minded and wrong for rejecting the gods’ power because of his Feelings, while Yona is superior, open-minded, and righteous for accepting the power of the gods (and any powers that will help achieve her goals, including the current political powers that make her Feel bad, which is the contrast I assume we’re supposed to be getting at here).  I want to interrogate whether this idea is valid, or at least applicable to canon, and what it really advocates for when you do apply it to canon.
First, this argument is, on its face, totally and hilariously invalidated by the newest chapter, which confirms that Suwon has been interested in Zeno for pragmatic reasons ever since he learned of his ~divinely granted~ powers of immortality.  Oh, sure, Suwon hates the gods over a “personal grudge” all right (and we’ll get to you, “personal grudge” in giant scare quotes), but it seems that didn’t stop him from considering putting one of Hiryuu’s own dragons on the throne.  This chapter also reiterates that the dragons will be aiding Kouka as part of their military alliance, an alliance Suwon not only agreed to, but allowed Keishuk to publicly promote via the tournament.  Even before, it’s not as though Suwon’s avoidance of the dragons ever translated to an out-and-out rejection, and he’s never undermined their aid.  So … power of the gods, divine powers, magic, Hiryuu Shit™ — these aren’t so off-limits after all, no?
Now, I’m not saying this new, narrow-minded fanon Suwon who arrogantly rejects the power of the gods in any and all forms doesn’t sound like a super cool and valid guy; in fact, he’s probably only a few degrees removed from Suwon’s actual character and I’d gladly defend him with my life.  Canon Suwon is a little more nuanced, though, because as much as he values people over gods, is traumatized by Hiryuu-adjacent stuffs, and has no interest in the dragons’ powers, he’s also an emotionally intelligent pragmatist.  The dragons are right in front of him right now, and while their existence is generally problematic, they’re better as assets than as enemies or loose cannons.  He’s not gonna cave to their every demand just because they’re powerful (see: when Kija tried to bait him in ch. 189), but he’s never outright rejected them.  In that case, in what particular context does this argument actually have legs?
Well, I’m pretty sure this particular Fanwon emerged from ch. 203/204, specifically, in which Suwon coolly rejects Meinyan’s offer to join forces and seize the dragons from Yona (an offer he would’ve been condemned for accepting ofc), says that he’s sick of all this talk of Hiryuu, and claims that he “doesn’t need it,”* “it” presumably being Hiryuu’s existence and divine power.  Those last two points are the true basis for “Suwon needs to stop rejecting the gods,” evidently — and imo, by examining these points you can see just how deceptive this argument is, that it’s actually centered around a clever rhetorical sleight of hand.
So, Suwon hasn’t been rejecting divine powers in practice; rather, he’s frustrated with the whole issue of divinity and claims he “doesn’t need” Hiryuu.  To which pro-Fanwons say, Hey, that’s bad and wrong!  He needs to stop being frustrated, eat his humble pie and admit he needs Hiryuu/Yona and the dragons!  And like … hang on a moment.  Why?  Really, why?  First of all, they’re already his allies and poised to fight for Kouka if necessary.  The HHB are not demanding that he say he needs them, either; they just want to help themselves and the country while having some freedoms.  And there’s no reason to assume the dragons’ powers are a net good that were absolutely necessary for the nation’s survival, either — I mean, besides Il being a worthless self-proclaimed “placeholder” for Hiryuu and Ruining Everything Ever, when pockets of your nation are just weird dragon cults that contribute nothing to the whole and straight-up kill outsiders for thousands of years, is there really any reason to think it’d be worse off without them …?  Tangent, tangent, I know — anyway, let’s look at where this would actually be applicable.  We all know the real reason Suwon would “need” Hiryuu/Yona/the protagonists: because he’d need to give up his command, his current authority, and probably the throne as well, now that he’s dying of a painful terminal illness.
Time to talk about that “personal grudge” a bit.  We all remember why Suwon is dying of a painful terminal illness, right?  (We also remember that he’s not the only one, right?)  Again, I don’t want to have to review the gods’ awfulness all over again here and I promise that this is not just an appeal to emotion.  Let’s just say Suwon’s grandpa was right and their deaths are the gods’ attempts to call Hiryuu back to heaven.  What “he needs to stop rejecting/admit he needs Hiryuu/gods” really argues for, at its core, is that Suwon needs to submit to the entity killing him and humbly rely on its grace to maybe help save the nation he loves.  That’s a really important distinction, too — this is not an argument that Suwon needs to be saved, but that he needs to surrender all agency and power to his killers’ agents in order to be benevolently granted one dying wish.
And that’s where the rhetorical sleight of hand comes in, the one that reveals that this contrast between Yona and Suwon isn’t parallel at all.  You actually said it yourself, anon, though I’m not sure if that was intentional, verbatim from this original argument, or just a coincidence.  What Suwon is rejecting isn’t the power of the gods, but just the gods; what Yona is accepting isn’t the gods, but just the power of the gods.  They are not rejecting or accepting the heavens on the same, equal terms.  Only one of these characters can actually choose to be empowered by the gods; the other can only choose to submit to being subjected to the gods’ will.
If Suwon submits to “needing” Yona and the HHB, he doesn’t gain “the power of the gods”; he loses what power he has, including his loose hold on the dragons, and his frustrations are never resolved.  Empty throne or no, this is not an argument for Yona’s empowerment, but for Suwon’s disempowerment; it merely tries to justify itself through the false framing of Suwon as an unreasonably prejudiced man next to her.  It is, at core, an argument that Suwon’s pain and striving should be rewarded with loss.
“But Yona submitted to powers that hurt her by coming to the castle!” the hypothetical pro-Fanwon cries.  Quick thinking there, pro-Fanwon!  Too bad that’s not how her arc pans out, nor how anyone ever wanted it to, nor at all comparable to his situation when she’s not dying painfully.  Mountains are often made of the ~indignities~ she suffered, but in truth, Yona almost immediately made the current regime subject to her wants and only continues to grow in power and influence because she has the privilege of divine power.  She always has the unconditional loyalty of the dragons in case things go south.  If Yona cedes ground, she can always gain it back twice over; a fully disempowered, dethroned, dying Suwon would have no way back up and nothing to look forward to.  This is not an issue of which one of them can display more righteous humility because again, the terms are not equal.  Only Suwon is being told to give up his agency because it’s the “right” thing to do.
And … yeah, to be clear, that is totally the point.  For however many people with this approximate viewpoint try to frame it with Facts and Logic about Suwon’s situation, this Take is essentially just a last-ditch justification for AkaYona becoming a vindictive revenge story.  Yona won’t consciously seek vengeance on Suwon, of course, because that would be Bad; she’ll just, you know, take everything good and meaningful away from him, denying him emotional validation as he dies painfully and/or is humiliated by her righteous godliness because the universe contrived that to be her most heroic course of action!  I’m sure those who really love this argument are aware of this, too.  idk if they realize that framing the way a character deals with terminal illness and chronic pain in terms of pride, karma, selfishness, “personal grudges,” etc. is uhhh really fucking gross please stop!, but they definitely at least know that this is the “punishment” they want Suwon to suffer.  You know, a “punishment” that he would’ve suffered no matter what he did in life, because he was born with an incurable disease caused by the same forces that give Yona unbelievable privileges as a god on earth.  This is a punishment for being born sick and daring to have ambitions despite that, really.  Very cool, no terrible implications to unpack there.
Now, do I think Kusanagi herself would subscribe to this false foil and use it to prop up Yona?  Well, I don’t think she’d take it to its logical conclusion by killing Suwon, at least, esp. since Zeno confirmed the issue of the dragons supposedly having a ticking clock themselves.  But the idea that Yona’s acceptance of divine power is somehow a great virtue compared with Suwon’s rejection of it might very well come up, because I think this mangaka is often not very thoughtful about her MC’s privileges and not very empathetic towards certain characters’ situations.  I’m not here to criticize the story, though; I just wanted to give my two cents on this Take anon sent my way.  In conclusion, uhhh thanks for reading if you got this far, I love you
*Now, according to Little Miss, he says he doesn’t “care” why Hiryuu exists/came back, which is much tamer and has somewhat different implications.  I assume the original argument is based on what the fan translation (and probably ET) says and what can be extrapolated from the rest of the chapter, that being that Suwon is tired of this divinity shit being shoved in his face all the time and finds it an unnecessary and harmful distraction from his real goals.
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cat-sapphics · 3 years
lesbiphobia on the lgbta+ wiki
we need to talk about the biased and childish behavior of the lgbta+ wiki admins. i've mentioned the lesbian page and its recent issues before (although admittedly not that in-depth yet - [X] [X]) but it only got worse and i'm so fucking angry that i'm shaking. long post. let's go.
an accessibility note for screen readers and images before we get started: [image ids: four cropped screenshots taken from the comment section of the lesbian page on the lgbta wiki (note: the slashes between the @‘s and the username are not part of the username, but to prevent users from potentially being tagged).]
i'll firstly start by acknowledging that they removed the male lesbians section. i'm thankful and it's a start but it's the bare minimum and lesbians still have a right to be hurt and upset.
addressing how comments get addressed (made by content mod reign of the breadsticcs in these cases):
keeping it simple: they don't. not well, at least. but obviously i'm gonna go more in-depth with examples:
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[image one ID: a comment by wiki user @/shadesystem, who references one of the quotes previously in the article, which was: “those who are strictly wlw may use feminosexual or trixamoric, however monosexual lesbians are still welcome to identify as lesbians if they feel it fits their experience.” end quote. shadesystem follows the quote up with their own personal thoughts, which reads: “delete this sentence cause idk how its supposed to be read but what i’m seeing is, ‘you may identify if you want but just know that like, you’re not really a lesbian if you dont like men or enbies’ basically or ‘you may identify if you want but just know that like, you’re not really a lesbian if you’re not a man or nonbinary.’ i’m a xenogirl lesbian who likes enbies, but this sentence hurt. it really hurt.” end text. one of the wiki’s moderators, @/reign of the breadsticcs, replies with: “removed, sorry about that.” end text and end screenshot.]
i hadn't even noticed this in the article at first but i am beyond pissed off at the implied priority here. shadesystem has already laid out everything for me with the subtle "you may identify as a lesbian if you want, but just know that, like, you're not really one if you don't like men or aren't a man" which is pretty much what that says right between the lines!
mspec lesbians have not just breached our label and twisted it in a harmful way at this point. i've always hated them but i thought at least that they'd recognize that they're only borrowing our label to emphasize a bias in attraction - as it turns out, they've now gone so far in that direction that they're now telling Real lesbians who lack attraction to men that they do not qualify for the label. we've been kicked out of our own label. i'll expand a little more on this under the next screenshot but i'm beyond disgusted and i completely understand op's hurt.
i can read for myself that the mod apologized for that statement and removed it, but that's not good enough, especially since it was so short, unsympathetic, and half-assed. it almost sounds sarcastic, even. not to mention all the damage this wiki causes and has caused, knowing that they're seen as such a huge and well-known source of information among the entire online lgbta+ community. i can't and won't be accepting that apology anytime soon.
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[image two ID: a comment by wiki user @/lotions, which reads: “the fact that the admins of this wiki are blocking anyone who shows any criticism towards the new label is very childish. most of the sources backing this up are from tumblr and a carrd link which arent credible in the slightest. at least link the actual sources or else no one is going to take this seriously. another thing: why are all these sources american? i want a genuine answer to that. i cant even begin to talk about how much the male lesbian section reeks of transphobia.” end text, and then lotions quotes a phrase previously from the article, which is: “For example, straight transgender men who feel that their attraction to women can still be described as lesbian due to their trans identity being queer, although they are still men” end quote. lotions follows the quote up with their personal thoughts, which read: “you are completely contradicting yourself while writing this. i find it completely useless for this wiki to lump in bisexuality and lesbianism together in the modern day, considering that both parties have separated themselves from each other and are commonly seen as separate but yknow.” end text. their comment is replied to by reign of the breadsticcs, whose reply reads: “this is not a new label. this has always been the label. the parties separated because of harmful exclusionism. they’re commonly seen as separate because of harmful exclusionism. that’s not a valid reason to try and keep them separated. also, trans men are queer, so they can be lesbians because lesbians don’t have to be women. queer men can be lesbians, and the trans identity is queer, so trans men can be lesbians. i know several trans men who identify as lesbian. the sources are american because the history we discuss here is largely american-central, and was later globalized. we are not blocking people for having questions, we are blocked people for spreading harmful information. you don’t have to like it, but it’s our responsibility, so with all due respect, deal with it.” end text and end screenshot.]
next i wanna talk about the points made in this post and debunk them; to say i'm displeased with everything i’m about to unpack here would be an understatement. they were so dismissive and condescending to lotions and although that's less important, i can't say it gives them a good look over there.
"this has always been the label. the parties separated because of harmful exclusionism. they're commonly seen as separate because of harmful exclusionism. that's not a valid reason to try and keep them separated."
this mod is so uninformed it hurts. do they not realize that the reason why we're separated is because bi sapphics WANTED to be seen as their own group with their own experiences, which are different from lesbians but still remain in solidarity? had we not listened to their voices, they Would still be the same thing. bi women would be considered lesbians and that would definitively be considered bi erasure and by extenstion, biphobia.
the other thing with their comment is the implication that "harmful exclusionism" is the reason why we're no longer ALLOWED to consider bi and lesbian to be separate identities - not even via marginalized individuals who use these contradictory labels because they may feel that best describes their experiences, but in General now, if you do not consider mspec attraction to be the ONLY valid and true way to be a lesbian, you are lesbiphobic! you must realize that because of "harmful exclusionism", we have to make it clear now that lesbians can be anything and anyone, men who are attracted to men, even! /s i genuinely wish more people would realize that not all exclusionism is harmful, especially within the lgbta+ community. yes, sometimes it is, but sometimes it's neutral, and in cases like these, it's necessary and beneficial - not just "gatekeeping."
"also, trans men are queer, so they can be lesbians because lesbians don't have to be women. queer men can be lesbians, and the trans identity is queer, so trans men can be lesbians. i know of several trans men who identify as lesbian."
this comment simply reeks of transphobia and nothing else. also, the fact that you "know trans men who identify as lesbians" is no justification or valid argument, so that was completely redundant and unnecessary to include.
it's not acceptable to say that anyone who is queer may identify as lesbian. if they mean the same thing, then why use the word lesbian at all? what does the term lesbian even mean if absolutely anyone of any background or identity can be it? it's not just a "feeling" - what does that "feeling" mean? "i feel so i am" completely erases what labels mean. i don't think radically-inclusive people hear themselves when they speak half the time, honestly - at least, i hope that's the case and not something worse, like them being completely aware of what they say.
the mod is right only when they said that lesbians don't have to be women. however, taking it that far was stretching it. nonbinary people are included in every sexuality but not every single nonbinary individual is. it's such a broad spectrum that you can't include everyone into everything - it's selective. some aligned people are okay with being included under certain types of attraction, some aren't. some unaligned people are okay with one type of gendered attraction but not others. some unaligned people are okay with any type of gendered attraction. but this logic doesn't work with "so male-aligned nonbinary people can be okay with falling under lesbian attraction too, right?" because the binary genders and their associated circles are mutually exclusive when talking about closed labels such as lesbian and (mlm) gay/cinthean.
"the sources are american because the history we discuss here is largely american-central, and was later globalized."
you clearly understand how to separate one type of history from another, so why does that not apply for attraction?
anyway, this part isn't as important but if you're so focused on justifying bi lesbians with history, why are you so biased about it? this is an informative wiki; talking only about american history on a tumblr blog would be fine, but being so closed-off about the information you give on a site like this doesn't come across as a good move.
"we are not blocking people for having questions, we are blocking people for spreading harmful information. you don't have to like it, but it's our responsibility, so with all due respect, deal with it."
see also:
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[image three ID: a comment by reign of breadsticcs, which reads: “warning: if you invalidate m-spec lesbians or male lesbians, or harass any users showing support for them, you will be immediately blocked indefinitely. your bigotry and ignorance has no place here. you have been warned.” end text and end screenshot.]
i guess i can't complain here too much because this is a private website where its administration can treat its outside contributors however they please. but speaking on a more morally-fair note, shutting any and all visible criticizors up for disagreeing with the administration team is straight-up childish and immature - and in this case, hypocritical, seeing as how the mod said "you don't have to like [how we run things]." it's a two-way street here.
i get blocking users who go out of their way to harass other users, no matter what it's about (second screenshot). but that's not the main focus here. blocking people who speak out on issues that affect them, namely lesbiphobia, contributes to silencing lesbians and it's disgusting behavior. i've been decently respectful throughout this entire post, but i'm sure if i posted it on the wiki i'd get blocked simply for its negative and critical nature, which is... allowed, i guess, but not cool at all.
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[image four ID: a comment by reign of breadsticcs. (accessibility note: the first i’m is supposed to be in, the user mistyped). the comment reads: “i’m light of the new updates, if you’ve realized you identified with being a lesbian based on a misconception of its definition and now no longer feel the term fits you, here are some alternatives!” end text. below, they list alternative terms which are linked to their own respective articles. in order, they are: “(non-exclusive attracted): sapphic, faunic / (exclusive attraction): feminasexual, feminosexual, daunic, womasexual, trixamoric / (exclusively for non-binary/genderqueer people): trixic, feminamoric, venusic.” end text and end screenshot.
i'll keep this one short: "we admittedly stripped you of your own label because we felt like it and justify it with false history, oops haha sorry, now here are some newer labels that we're gonna redirect you to if you're understandably angered by this, even though we should have just done that or coined new fitting terms ourselves."
so, in conclusion, fuck the lgbta+ wiki and its administration team until they improve how they run their site and treat lesbians, especially those who stand up for themselves. frankly the validation of mspec lesbians at all shouldn't even be there but i'm gonna take this one small step at a time - like i said, i'm grateful they even bothered to take down the section about male lesbians...
edit 08.05.20: lazonline made a GREAT POINT in this post here that i’ve been unsure how to put into words for WEEKS about how the wiki heavily favors fighting biphobia over fighting lesbiphobia, if not actively encouraging it. they don’t care about lesbians AND bisexuals, ONLY bisexuals - i know this because one of the most (un)popular pages on the wiki is the semi-bisexual page, which is constantly (and rightfully so, don’t get me wrong!) put down and made fun of because it’s biphobic for... hmm... what reason again? oh yeah, right, non-bisexuals redefining what it means to be bisexual simply so that they can fit into a label that doesn’t belong to them - sound familiar much? but they have the exact opposite view on lesbians for some selfish careless reason. glad this was pointed out publicly, i really appreciate it. i’m also quite furious now at the hypocrisy.
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