#Parking Stopper
1: dc brushless speed turnstiles barriers
servo motor speed turnstiles barriers is a typical door type, which primarily consists of door frames, door leaves, door deals with and locks. Door frames are generally made of steel plates or wooden boards, and door leaves are made from cardboard, plastic plates or glass plates. The door deal with is a device that pulls or pushes the door leaf open, and the lock is a device that prevents the door leaf from falling out of the door frame. There are normally 2 methods to open a door, one is to pull the door and the other is to press the door. The sliding door is opened by the door deal with pulling the door leaf away from the door frame, while the sliding door is opened by the door handle pressing the door leaf far from the door frame.
2: servo motor wing barrier doors
dc brushless wing barrier gate and servo motor speedgate turnstiles barrier In comparison, train flap barrier gate is created to obstruct water circulation through its horizontal position. On the other hand, dc brushless swing turnstiles gates merely manages the flow of water by altering the vertical position of eviction. city flap turnstile The gate of doors is composed of two gates that can be moved horizontally to control the flow of water. servo motor wing turnstiles Eviction of doors is made up of a gate that can manage the circulation of water by moving vertically.
3: train flap turnstile door
subway flap turnstiles gates, also referred to as movable gate, is a flood discharge facility that prevents the water level from being expensive or too low. When the water level rises to the set worth, metro flap barriers gate will automatically open. When the water level drops to the set worth, subway flap barriers gate The door will close instantly. train flap barrier doors utilizes a water level sensor to monitor water level modifications and controls the opening or closing of eviction to achieve the purpose of immediately controlling the water level.
4: What's the distinction?
dc motor wing barrier doors normally refers to closing the gate, while dc brushless fastlane turntsile barriers refers to opening the gate. city flap turnstile gates and dc brushless wing barrier doors is different from servo motor speed turnstiles barrier. It is a gate installed on the water. And dc motor swing gates door and servo motor speedgate turntsile barrier are gates mounted on the wall.
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lumitycanon · 3 months
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southpark-madness · 2 years
I want a "The Office" south park au but instead of them being aged up its them playing pretend in a office
I have only watched The Office once
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line-marking · 2 months
Maximizing Safety And Organization: The Benefits Of Car Park Stoppers
Car park stoppers, also known as parking curbs or wheel stops, are essential features of parking lots and garages, providing numerous benefits for both drivers and property owners. These simple yet effective devices serve as barriers to prevent vehicles from rolling too far forward or backward, helping to enhance safety, organization, and efficiency in parking areas. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key benefits of car park stoppers and their importance in maximizing the functionality of parking spaces.
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suzilight · 4 months
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Please reblog if you are in the Seattle area.
Tacoma Police detectives need your help to identify the suspect responsible for a stabbing.
On Feb. 10, 2024, just before 1:00 p.m., a woman was walking on the Spine Trail (sometimes referred to as the light-blue trail), near Owen Beach in Pt. Defiance Park, when she was attacked by a male suspect. The suspect pinned the victim to the ground and repeatedly stabbed her. Witnesses intervened and the suspect fled on foot. He ran towards the Owen Beach parking lot and witnesses lost sight of him.
The suspect is described as a light-skinned, black male in his 20’s to 30’s, 5'8" to 6'0", and 160 lbs. He had black hair that was approximately 3-6 inches long and in an unkempt afro style with short facial hair. He wore a black hooded sweatshirt, black pants, and black shoes.  Source: Crimestoppers
Art can help bring justice.
A man targeted her, attacked and tried to cut her throat as she fought him off and screamed. Another woman with martial arts training kicked him in the head and he ran off.
Link to video of the woman speaking about the attack, injuries and her days after.
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batqueers · 10 months
fucking insane offthe wall ben in the theatre behind char and nick
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georgemeth1-blog · 2 years
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uvmagazine · 2 years
Authorities seek help in solving Kyshon Washington-Walker's murder
Kyshon Washington Walker was fatally shot on the 1600 block of Sewall Avenue in Asbury Park, NJ on July 28, 2022.
Kyshon Washington Walker was fatally shot on the 1600 block of Sewall Avenue in Asbury Park, NJ on July 28, 2022. Affectionately known as “Butey”, Kyshon was born in Long Branch but raised in Asbury Park. “Butey was educated in the Asbury Park School District. Butey was a proud Asbury Park Blue Bishop and a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. He loved to attend football games, encourage the youth, and…
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Old Scars, New Blood 5
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, borderline bullying, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader has accepted that she’ll never be wanted, not only by the man she’s crushed on for years, but by anyone. That is until a new player enters the game. (f!, short!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, Thor Odinson
Note: I hope you all have a great day.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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The rest of the drive is spent in silence, at least on your end. Lloyd chews loudly, licking his chops, and sucking his fingers loudly. The rose tint is tinged gray.
You pull into the compound and shift into park sharply. You don't move as you wait for Lloyd to get out. He wastes no time ditching you, letting out a shameless belch as he drops down onto the ground. The door snaps shut behind him and you huff.
You look over at the garbage left in his place. That's exactly where you belong. Right there with the trash.
You swipe up the crumple bag filled with wrappers and his half-finished soda. The keys jingle against the paper cup as you swipe your phone out behind you. You dump what's left of the espresso from your own cup and sheath it around the other.
You elbow the door shut and cross the dark grounds. The moon is a sliver that offers little light in the dark. You approach the doors and enter to the muted ruckus of voices and clinking bottles. Yet another night of debauchery. You don't know how Lloyd hasn't fallen right in with his guests.
You go to the kitchen and jam the bag and cups deep in the bin. You have half the mind to go through the fridge and get rid of all those meals you slaved over. Just like everything else, he'll spit it back in your face.
You flip open the door and stop yourself. No, no, he got the reaction he wanted, you're only shooting your own foot at this point. 
Your eyes center on a dark bottle with a silver label. Fuck it. You snatch the prosecco and swing the fridge shut.
You march back down the hall and ignore the din that seeps through from the dining room and various other doorways. You go upstairs to your room and close yourself in, letting the wood slam into the frame. You're not even mad at him, you're furious at yourself. Why can't you just accept it?
You drop the keys on the dresser, your phone too, and keep the bottle in hand. You untwist the wire around the cork and toss it aside. You push with your thumb until it pops and a fizzle escapes the long neck. 
You watch the wisp that rises and you gulp straight from the bottle. You cringe as your eyes water from bubbles and the stringently sweet wine floods your mouth. You gulp until you can't anymore. A quarter of the bottle down, you plunk it on the nightstand and let it sink into your veins.
You undress lazily and leave your clothes on the floor. You don't give a fuck. For one night, you just don't want to think. Hell, if you drink enough, you might just do something real stupid.
You grab the bottle and carry it into the bathroom. As you bend over to twist the faucet, the wine creeps into your brain, hazing your vision in warmth. You pull the lever for the stopper and slowly push yourself straight.
You lean on the porcelain and take another swig. You pop your mouth off the rim and lift one leg, then the other. You ease into the tub, splashing slightly as the water flows higher and higher.
You lean your head back, resting the bottle against the edge as you grip it tight. The ripples around you and beneath the skin and numb the ache in your chest. You close your eyes, drinking without thinking, guzzling until your stomach is full and the tub is nearly full.
You lay as you are, basking in the heat of the water. You could fall asleep right there. Just drift beneath the surface.
That thought jerks you awake. You sit up, dizzy, and get to your knees clumsily. You reach over the side to clunk the bottle onto the tile. You flip the stopper and lift yourself.
You get out, feet crashing onto the bathmat. You cling to the tub and take a breath. You reach for the bar and drag the towel off. You don't feel too bad, just a bit unsteady.
You wrap yourself up and teeter as you bend to grab the bottle. You clamber towards the door. You nudge it all the way open with your elbow.
As you enter the room, you stagger to a halt. You don't expect the figure sitting on your bed, watching you enter as he faces the bathroom door. You blink and squeeze the bottle tighter. 
You're buzzed. No, you're drunk.
You skin singes with self-awareness. Not only of the alcohol that dulls your mind but of the single piece of fabric around you.
“It's not healthy to drink alone,” Thor grins, a paper crinkles between his fingers, “or other things.”
He shows the slip of paper and you shake your head. He clicks his tongue and squints at it, “didn't take you for a cherry girl.”
“Huh?” You tilt your head, confused until you recall hastily hiding away the receipt in your pants. Fuck.
“I don't really use lube myself. Don't need it,” he reaches to drop the paper on the night table.
“What are you…” you clamp your lips shut as a hiccup rises. You swallow it and sway. 
“I don't make promises I don't keep, “ he stands, towering over you as he comes closer.
“You… it was a joke, wasn't it?” You babble dumbly.
“Why would I joke about that?” He stops before you and wraps his hand around the bottle, “mm, not much for bubbly,” he wiggles it free and swiftly empties what's left before examining the empty bottle, “how was your little business trip, eh?”
You frown and cross your arms over the top of the towel, “why are you here?” You ask again.
“I told you–”
“No, why… why did you come here? He hates you.”
“I got that sense of him,” Thor chortles, “doesn't bother me much.” He backs away and sets the bottle on the receipt, “I'm here to play with him. Have a bit of fun. However, he's not as amusing as I hoped. But you…”
“I…” you shake your head, “I'm drunk. I need to lay down.”
“Happily,” he winks as he reaches for you.
You sidle away, “please, I…” you swallow and your eyes flit around, “I can't–”
“Because of him? You’re wasting your time,” he latches onto your hand and draws it away from your chest, “he doesn't deserve you, little lamb.”
“I don't… it isn't because of him…”
“You're a poor liar,” he tuts, “shouldn't take your lessons from him.”
“Stop,” you try to tug away.
“You don't know what you need,” he drags you towards the bed, “it isn't him.”
“Please,” you whimper.
“You don't need to be nervous, I can be nice, kitten,” he purrs as he yanks you against him.
“I can't–” you squeak into a yelp as the towel falls away from your body, “Thor, please–”
“Louder,” he swiftly picks you up with his hands on your ass. 
You writhe against him as he spins and falls with you onto the mattress. It bounces under you and you nearly choke on your tongue. You slap his chest as he leans over you and smothers your mouth with his.
You close your eyes as they tingle and you dig your nails into the fabric of his shirt. You whimper and feel around with your other hand as he kneads your ass. You're overcome by his brusqueness. More so, you can't handle the touch, the way his hot breath consumes you, and that flicker on your core that has the vision of another flashing in your mind.
You turn your head and let out a croak as your tears leak out, “I can't,” you whine, “you're right, okay? I want him. I'm a stupid girl that wants someone like him.”
You bring your hand up to shield your face as he lifts himself on his elbow. He hovers over you as you devolve into sobs, “I'm pathetic.”
“Shhhh,” the soft stroke along your cheek startles you, “little kitty,” he slithers, “shhh.”
He shifts and comes down to his side. He slips his arm under your neck as you curl up, trying to disappear. He rolls you towards him so your face is against his shoulder. He pets your head as he holds you.
“Oh, little one,” he cooes, “it hurts now… but I can make it so much better.”
He stays like that, embracing you as you quake in your despair. You keep your face buried against his shirt as his thick muscles fill you with a sense of security. His other hand rests on your hip but does not wander.
Heaviness drapes over you and your body slowly slackens. The wine dulls your nerves and swirls in your head. You feel yourself spiraling and quickly fade into the void.
Your brow twitches and your nose itches. You nearly smack yourself as you throw your hand up and groan. The effort makes you wince.
Ugh, hungover. It's been a while.
You bend your leg and the blanket falls away to uncover your naked thigh. You frown and peek down as you lift the blanket. No clothes. You blanch and lay back, trying to summon the memories of the previous night.
The buzzing of the shower draws your attention away from your internal search. Along with the thrum is the deep baritone singing a song you've never heard. You blink, long and hard, and push yourself up.
Your heart feels as if it's stopped beating. Your breath catches and you look around the room. There's clothing hung over the chair in the corner. Men's clothes.
Oh god.
You wouldn't…
As the melody carries, slightly offkey, you recognise the singer. Thor. Oh. Oh no.
You curl your fingers against the mattress, barely able to hold yourself up. You remember the bath and then him waiting and him on top of you but everything else is gone. How can you not remember? 
A pit plunges down to your stomach. No, you're not like that. You've held out all these years…
Well, how many chances did you really get?
The shower cranks off and you gulp, hugging the blanket against your chest as you sidle around to the edge of the bed. You can hear him moving around, humming. You don't know what to do.
As the door opens, you try to think of what to say. Hi, good morning, what the heck happened last night?
You're speechless as he emerges butt naked. Brazen as he has himself on full display. Full display.
You snap your mouth shut as he uses a towel to dry his hair and winks as he drops it down to wrap his waist. 
“Morning, kitten,” he growls, “you seem chipper.”
You try to talk but can only cough. You reach to touch your throat and rub the lump free, “Thor, what… last night…” your voice cracks with each syllable.
“Ha, you think we…” he lets the suggestion dangle and scoffs.
You nod. Of course, he's all bluster. He wouldn't actually want you.
“When it happens, you will remember it,” he taunts, “I like to build up to sleep fucking.”
Your jaw falls open, “Thor…”
“Besides, if anything had happened, you would remember it.”
“I…” you flutter your lashes, “I should–”
“Well here you are,” he knots the towel around his waist, “lucid…”
“...get dressed,” you complete your previous threat.
You stand but he blocks you easily. He catches your shoulders and urges you back. Your legs hit the mattress and you sit, unable to fight his strength.
“Now?” You squeak.
He rumbles with laughter as his hands trail down your arms, “just a taste. To pep me up for the day.”
“Uhhh,” your voice rolls out senselessly as his hand crawls over the blanket and he tugs it. You cling to it desperately. 
He snarls and yanks up the bottom, tossing it over his head as he seizes your thighs beneath. You yelp as he bows and pulls your legs apart. You lose hold of the blanket and it rumples at your waist as you catch yourself on the heels of your hands.
You wriggle and try to resist him as his head pokes up beneath the blankets. He has you leaning back on your arms as he pulls your legs over his shoulders. You lift a hand and slap his head as you realise what he's about to do.
Too late.
Your hand falls against his head as his hot breath tingles along your thighs. His cool tongue slips between your folds and you gasp, electricity coursing through you. Oh!
You let out a pathetic noise as you push futilely on his head, still writhing as he nuzzles further into you. His large tongue spreads wide and he flicks it up over your clit. You spasm and yipe in surprise at another zing.
“Thor,” you breathe.
He pulls back for just an instant, “louder, kitten, can't hear you under here.”
He dives back in and the bed bounces as you jolt. You try to smack him again but only urge him. You gasp and quiver helplessly, toes curling and legs tingling. What do you do?
Oh god, what can you do? This is better than any toy you got hidden in your nightstand. This is an actual man. It's real and it feels so good.
He wraps his arms around your legs and rips you down onto your back as he lifts your pelvis higher. He hums into you and it ripples up to your chest. You hiss and slap the bed as lay defeated.
“Ohhhhh,” you drone out as you succumb to the delightful swirls.
He growls and your breath hitches. He turns his head, just for a moment, and nips your thigh, “louder…”
You mewl and utter his name. It's as much a plea for him to keep going as it is for him to stop. He laps at you again and you cry out. That seems to fuel his fervour as he suckles at you eagerly. 
Your voice rises without your permission. Your whines burst from you as you claw at the blanket and squirm. You can't hold back. It's more than just that moment, it's years of waiting, of wanting.
You don't care that it's not who you wanted. You don't care if anyone else hears. You can't think straight enough for any of that as you call out Thor’s name, bucking your hips desperately into an orgasm.
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1: servo motor speedgate turnstiles barrier
dc motor speedlane turnstiles barrier is a common door type, which primarily includes door frames, door leaves, door handles and locks. Door frames are generally made of steel plates or wood boards, and door leaves are made of cardboard, plastic plates or glass plates. The door handle is a gadget that pulls or presses the door leaf open, and the lock is a device that avoids the door leaf from falling out of the door frame. There are generally two methods to open a door, one is to pull the door and the other is to press the door. The moving door is opened by the door handle pulling the door leaf far from the door frame, while the moving door is opened by the door handle pushing the door leaf far from the door frame.
2: dc brushless wing barrier door
dc motor wing barriers doors and servo motor fastlane turntsile barrier In comparison, metro flap barrier doors is created to obstruct water circulation through its horizontal position. In contrast, dc motor swing turnstiles gate just controls the flow of water by changing the vertical position of the gate. train flap barrier The gate of doors is composed of two gates that can be moved horizontally to manage the circulation of water. dc brushless wing barrier Eviction of gates is made up of a gate that can control the flow of water by moving vertically.
3: city flap turnstiles gate
metro flap turnstiles gate, likewise called movable gate, is a flood discharge center that prevents the water level from being expensive or too low. When the water level rises to the set value, subway flap turnstile door will immediately open. When the water level drops to the set worth, city flap turnstiles doors The door will close immediately. metro flap barrier gate utilizes a water level sensor to monitor water level changes and manages the opening or closing of the gate to achieve the function of immediately controlling the water level.
4: What's the distinction?
dc brushless swing barrier gates generally refers to closing the gate, while servo motor fastlane turnstiles barrier describes opening eviction. subway flap turnstiles door and dc brushless swing turntsile gates is various from servo motor speedgate turntsile barrier. It is a gate set up on the water. And servo motor wing barriers gate and dc brushless speed turntsile barrier are gates mounted on the wall.
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starry-night-author · 10 months
I just found your blog and I LOVE your writing! Can I request a Hero that gets kidnapped by a yandere Villain???
Teeheee a classic :3 thank you!!!!
Prompt #22
Hero had to try their hardest not to cry as they were the one who had to pay for dinner. Taking the card back from the waiter and picking up their boxed-up leftovers they stood, tucking their chair back beneath the table. Trying to keep their eyes off the chair opposite them, the one that Superhero hadn't even bothered to push in.
Should they push it back in? If they didn't, the restaurant employees would have to.
Sighing, they walked over and pushed Superhero's empty seat back beneath the table.
Hero managed to keep in their tears as they walked through the restaurant, but once they reached the chilly night air, they couldn't cram their sobs down any longer. They let their tears run down their face to drip into their scarf as they pulled out their phone to arrange for someone to come pick them up.
Hero and Superhero had only been dating for a few months, but breakups always hurt. Especially ones that had come out of nowhere. Superhero had been gentle with them, saying they could still be friends and they would be happy to see them at work on Monday- but they'd still left as soon as they were done, leaving Hero halfway through their spaghetti and to pay for both of their meals.
The crime-stopper hadn't had the appetite to finish their dinner, and had only waited until they were sure Superhero was gone before boxing it up and leaving.
Out here in the cold, alone, Hero felt oddly weightless. Detached. Drifting into space.
"Alone on a Friday night? God, you're pathetic."
Hero jumped, looking up. "W-what?"
Someone slipped from the shadows next to the building, cast by the bright streetlights from above. It took Hero a moment to recognize them, but once they did, they were quickly wiping away their tears and hoping the newcomer hadn't noticed. "Villain! What are you doing here?"
The villain grinned, showing startlingly white teeth that almost seemed to glow in the dark night. Their smile looked stretched, forced. "Got stood up."
"Oh," Hero sighed. "Mine at least actually showed up."
"And yet you're alone?"
"And yet I'm alone." They looked back down at their phone. "Superhero was my ride, too."
A hand on their arm, Hero jumped. They hadn't heard Villain get that close.
The criminal's voice was quiet, dangerously smooth. "I've got a car, I can take you home."
Hero offered them a hesitant smile. "I-I'll be alright."
"Oh, come on, Hero! We're both off duty, and you know me. You don't even have to give me your exact address if you don't want to, I'll drop you wherever you need." They pressed closer, breath pluming in the cold night and their voice a purr. "You should really get out of this cold."
Hero sighed. They were miserable, they didn't want to think, to have to take care of themself. They just wanted to get home as soon as possible so they could cry. "Alright."
They let Villain lead them over to their shiny dark car, parked beneath one of the street lamps. Moths and mosquitoes whizzed in front of the light, casting strange moving shadows down on the road. They sat in the passenger's seat, and Villain offered them the GPS as soon as they were settled. "Put your address in there," they prompted.
Hero chose a street a few blocks from theirs, not wanting to let their enemy know exactly where they lived. Villain accepted the GPS back without a word, turning the car on and pulling smoothly out of the parking lot.
"So," Villain started as they turned onto the main highway that ran throughout the city. "How's your week been?"
"Fine," Hero sighed, leaning against the window. "Until today."
"What happened?" The criminal glanced at them. "If you're alright with saying."
Hero gave a brief overview of their relationship with Superhero and of their date tonight, and Villain frowned sympathetically. "I'm sorry. They don't know what they're losing."
Hero smiled faintly, wiping at their freshly wet eyes. "Thanks. What about you?"
"There's tissues in the glove compartment if you need any. Mine at least was a first date, this would've been my first time meeting them in person." Villain shrugged, then cast a sly glance at them. "What are the odds we both ended up ditched by our dates on the same night at the same place?"
Hero had already blown their nose, they were using the tissue to wipe their eyes again when they hesitated. What were the odds of that? "You weren't following me, were you?" It was only half a joke.
"Hm? Oh, no. I've got too many things to do to be following little heroes around." Their tone was teasing. "Don't flatter yourself."
Nerves slightly quelled, Hero leaned back in their seat. "Well, at least I can have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow or something."
Street lamps whizzed by overhead, casting beams of light in the car that sped by quickly. The scenery outside was a blur to Hero, they were too lost in their surprise and sadness to register much of it. Villain seemed to know where they were going though, so they didn't bother themself with it. The criminal hadn't replied to their point, allowing a lull in the conversation to give Hero a moment to zone out. Their earlier odd weightlessness having time to return.
It took them a moment to come back to themself. "Oh, thanks for the ride."
"Of course," Villain smiled, eyes still on the dark road. "It'd be against my morals not to help you out."
It was true, despite their ruthless reputation, Villain had always been quite nice to the hero. Though the most they'd ever interacted before this was once when Hero had been on an assignment to destroy a weapon Villain had made, the criminal had seemed quite understanding about the destruction and had even slipped Hero some bandages for the cut they'd accidentally given them. It was part of why Hero had accepted help from their nemesis, this amount of generosity wasn't unusual from them. They were oddly trustworthy in that regard.
That being said, the rumors circulating about Villain went entirely against that. According to the whispers, they were a terribly malicious, cruel, and downright hurtful. They mistreated their henchmen. They'd killed their last assigned hero. They didn't care about the civilian lives their schemes cost, in fact, they went out of their way to cause them.
But surely, seeing Villain now, those had to be false. Or possibly exaggerations, spread by Villain themself to keep other villain's with messing with them. That wasn't unheard of, in fact, Hero could think of several past villains who had done the same thing.
"So, what will you do without Superhero?" Villain picked up the conversation. "Is it too soon to ask if you will want to start dating again?"
"Why, you asking me out?" Hero joked. Villain's kindness warmed their sadness, already making them feel a little better. "No, not really. I don't want to be single, but I don't want to go through the whole process of meeting someone new."
"I hear that," Villain sighed. "You could always try sparking something with someone you already know."
Hero shook their head. "I feel like all my friends are just that. Friends. And there's not many people outside of that I know very well."
"What about enemies?" Villain teased.
The crime-stopper laughed, going along with the joke. "Oh sure, let me just call up the list of villains I'm supposed to bring in by next week."
"Am I on that list?"
Knowing it was a joke Hero laughed again, shaking their head and sitting back in their chair. Villain really did know how to cheer them up, they were glad they'd gone with them tonight. "Don't know, I'll have to look through it."
"Write mine at the bottom if I'm not there, why don't you?"
Hero snorted, their laughter subsiding as they leaned against the window. "Yeah, well, it's probably too soon anyway. I liked Superhero, I don't know if I can get used to someone else so soon."
"Hm." Villain looked back at the road, letting out a breath.
Hero sat up, tapping the window. "Oh, hey, I think you missed the turn, my place is that way?" Maybe they were taking a different route?
"We're not going back to your place."
"W-what?" Hero blinked.
Villain's gaze was hard set as they glared out the windshield, their expression suddenly much more serious than Hero had seen it all night. "We're not going back to your place." They repeated.
Hero was beginning to panic, their earlier contentedness slipping away like the rushing objects outside. "W-why?"
"Because if no one out there can treat you right, then they don't get to have you."
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cowgirlcherrie · 11 months
after the storm. ⚡︎ florist! abby drabble
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╰   * a/n: no plot for this either but rather a spin off on my headcanons ! just a little treat for my patient babis who were waiting for more ♡ in simple words this is about happy accidents. . .
song(s) — after the storm. kali uchis & tyler the creator , falling in love. laufey
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3:40pm new york. 
Abby didn’t do love.
Although it would be nice and she yearned for it. She wished with the very small penny that she would find in her sage dickies, somewhere blanketed with an old mint gum wrapper and her brown leather wallet in her pocket. Tossing her very last penny into the Washington Square Park fountain wishing for a lover as considerate or even more than her. One to build flowers for and be her muse. 
One to make stockings with around the holidays where she would plant mistletoe around the house, using it as an excuse to merge lips with her lover; and to make floral centerpieces for the family dinners.
Was it too much to ask for?
Abby felt like a late-bloomed flower in comparison to her peers. They were going to wine and dining events with their partners, fancy yachts in the summer, and getting engaged. Everyone was falling in love around her whilst she fell behind and was tormented into watching. 
On this typical, almost mundane Saturday,  the rain flooded down the crevices of the tall buildings hugging the wood and brick of the apartments and offices. Golden Canary taxis beeping as passengers let out screeches rushing to the nearest hut under the rain. Abby stood frozen in her floral shop. Figure in front of the window pane, as she let out cracked whistles through her dry lips, hands in her pockets. The jingling of her keys almost matched the sound of how hard the rain came down. Rocking on her toes, to and fro. Abby being alone for the evening took a number. It was vacant around the shop, the smell of roses, chrysanthemums, and daisies merged together itching at her senses — she could feel a faint sneeze drifting up her nostrils from the dust in the vents. 
She liked the glass windows. Largely panned giving everyone a wide view into the small business, including herself who had gotten nosy at strangers on the concrete. She admired the different people that she would see. The couple where the girlfriend would beg her partner to buy them a bouquet or a rose; The children dug in the crates begging their parental figure for dandelions to make wishes. It was all too pure for Abby, making her heartache at how the flowers brought unity to everyone around her. It was innocent, lovely and made her love her job even more. 
Abby itched at the nape of her neck, swinging her braid to the back as she bolted outside in a hurry to bring the cart of flowers inside as the wind picked up; business was dying down now that people seek shelter instead of enjoying nature. Abby stuck her left foot out kicking the wooden stopper in the door, door chimes ringing as her hands gripped the cart of the flower display. 
Abby underestimated the rain, her body was instantly covered in droplets her black t-shirt clinging to her chest almost becoming uniform with her skin. Providing a roughed, sloppy kiss to every curve and outline of her tender body. Abby let out grunts as she pushed the cart inside having to do it all alone until she heard footsteps. Not slow ones, but rather rapid, almost like the sound of the motorcycles against the pavement, bikers revving up at the stoplight. 
You were in a hurry, and it seemed as though the day couldn’t get any worse. You wanted to cry and bawl up into your bed, holding the sheets so tightly as sobs flowed through you as the serotonin in your body decreased. Tears weld up in your eyes as you run through the city streets, an oversized blazer above your head with some distance as you used it to shield you from the rain. Why me? – you would cry out, thick lashes sticking to the sunken skin of your eyelids as your face grew puffier in tears. That was all you wanted to do. But naturally, you couldn’t find a way to win. Not only was it raining, wet wind smacking your face, but you were going to miss your train because you weren’t moving fast enough. You were through for the evening. Briefly, your running slowed down in front of a flower shop catching your breath, heaving as your hands lowered letting the rain wash over you like a fresh cold shower.
You lost.
And to confirm it, a black Sudan drove by; hitting a pothole, splashing murky rainwater onto your work outfit leaving you drenched and soaked furthermore. Blinking rapidly, a loud gasp echoed behind you, followed by a falling ceramic flowerpot that collided with beige concrete, the sound echoing like an ice machine. Making your head snap to your left seeing a just-as-wet figure, cursing under her breath as her hands gripped the edges of the table.
She seemed just as stressed as you were. Considering the flower pot on the floor with dirt smeared and washing away into the city drains like mascara on a wet face made you wince. Picking up the still intact flowers surrounded by the broken glass.
She looked like she could use some help.
“Hey!” you shouted, but your voice was low compared to the rain that was drowning you out, the girl didn’t answer steadily pushing the cart in between the long rectangular door. “HEY!”
She stopped moving the cart, lifting her eyes up from the cart in front of her. Her lashes were long – her face free of any makeup, a light dusting of rose across each cheek, contoured and sculpted edges, giving her a bronzy look under the summer solstice. It didn’t help that the rain was making it hard to see turning your vision into endless mush. The flowers behind her almost popped out and came to life…full bloom and kissable touch. You were stuck, still breathing…but heavily of course; you zoned out somewhere lost in her ocean of eyes, before snapping out of it at the sound of someone’s car alarm going off on the street.
her tattoos and soft face almost mocking each other at her inquires as a floral shop owner.
Everything got louder almost amplified. Obnoxious noises match your heartbeat. Her lips were parted as she eyed your wet figure up and down. 
“Let me help!” the both of you shouted at the same time. Followed by sweet sweet laughter amidst the rain. 
“No, seriously let me help” This time the woman in front of you was whispering, almost merging voices with the pellets of rain hitting the metal of the table. Blonde hair sticking to the sides of her face.
There was a silent agreement. You put the jacket you were using as an umbrella back on your arms, followed by locking your purse over your shoulder as you reached to the other end across from Abby lifting up the table with the count of 3. The two of you carry the table back inside, this time no spills.
You weren’t sure why but she was like a breath of fresh air, beautiful and in her own world almost as if the heavens planted her there for you to see. It was purely an accident that you stopped in front of the flower shop. Hell, you could have chosen Mimi’s Bakery or that’s vintage! Threading and clothing warehouse but your body chose  Lovestrung Florals. How glad you were that you did, new feelings brewing inside of you as your brain struggled to find the right words. 
The broken flower pot remained, in unity with the concrete hugging each and every crevice of the holes in between the rocks. Going unnoticed by both you and Abby as the two of you worked together, not even catching the single cream-colored rose that was deteriorating under the harsh application of rain. Drowning in water as the petals peeled off and ran down the sidewalk into the city drains, tainted with dark mud; changing like the seasons. The sun begun to peak out embedded through the grey clouds casting a bright glow haze on the busy Soho streets.
“Now let's get you inside, don’t need your beautiful self getting sick now do we?”
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feministsouthpark · 5 days
South Park Filler Guide - Season 7
Link for Season 1  Link for Season 2 Link for Season 3 Link for Season 4 Link for Season 5 Link for Season 6
The classifications are CANON (an episode with major storylines present), LORE (in which we get significant backstory or world building, but could be skippable)  and FILLER (completely skippable episodic storytelling, not connected to overarching story arcs)
PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already! Some of you will be like: "Last time you cared so much for production order, what happened with that?" And to that I respond: "Trey and Matt realized that Cancelled would be a great season premiere, and by the time they got to I'm a Little Bit Country, they already had enough time to change it a bit to make that one the 100th episode special. But it won't matter anyway, since if you follow my list, you won't see either!" S7E1 Cancelled is LORE
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The revelation that the main characters' home planet is just part of a simulation would be for sure a huge canon reveal, wouldn't it? But in South Park it's just another schoolday. And everything is forgotten by the end. S7E2 Krazy Kripples is CANON
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Why, you may ask, and it's a simple fact really. Jimmy happened. He was supposed to be a one-shot in S5, but he was so good of a character, that he returned. And in S6 he returned again and again, having retconned as a South Park citizen and now we finally meet his family AND a major status quo shift happens, where he is now good friends with Timmy. Also, no way to explain around this... Saddam is somehow back from heaven. S7E3 Toilet Paper is CANON
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Yes, you heard it here first, folks. After S6 ended, Kenny is back as the fourth friend, but the friend dynamics have changed quite a bit. And since Cancelled is pretty much an episode of lost memories, this is the one to fill the bill. Good boy Kyle and antagonist Eric are the two end point of the spectrum now, and expect Stan and Kenny to be either indifferent or torn between them. S7E4 I'm a Little Bit Country is FILLER
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No 100th episode celebration in my guide! Well, maybe later, we see what our 100th canon episode will be. As for now, USA is being the USA and the kids did their homework. S7E5 Fat Butt and Pancake Head is CANON
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One of the most interesting characters in the series is Mitch Conner. Not just in the series, he's an anti-hero like no other. And unlike many famous grifters and con-mans, he's disguised as a child's hand! S7E6 Lil' Crime Stoppers is FILLER
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While Broflovski may be a good cop, he won't stay one for long... Imagine if Trey and Matt's original season 7 plan was in action (They wanted Kenny to stay dead and the boys would replace him with another character for every half season), if Tolkien was in this one with them it would be super canon, as it stands now... It's the fillest fillering to ever fill, the void between Barbrady and Yates. S7E7 Red Man's Greed is FILLER
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For an episode the town faces an epidemic, in which they only have a 98 percent to live! I also really liked the scene with the four boys grouping with Butters, Tweek, Jimmy and Timmy, basically their closest friends as of now, and I bet Alex did like that too. S7E8 South Park is Gay is LORE
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Kyle has trouble following fads and Herbert wants to stand out from the crowd. The fad helped Craig and Tweek to express themselves while the other boys were just trying to be popular. Crab people exist as an actual menace, however later they will be relegated to fantasy jokes. S7E9 Christian Rock Hard is FILLER
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Harrison Yates appears as an FBI agent, but I'd honestly consider it of early bird cameo, not a significant story detail. S7E10 Grey Dawn is FILLER
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Elderly drivers will still seldom show up. S7E11 Casa Bonita is FILLER
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Doesn't seem to have much consequences. Although the Kyle-Eric-Butters dynamic is interesting to see! S7E12 All About Mormons is LORE
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LORE by technicality! Joseph Smith is a member of the Super Best Friends, and this is his origin story. Gary and his family disappears as a filler family should, so this was a though one. S7E13 Butt Out is CANON
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Look, Rob Reiner will be a huge part of a villain organization 7 seasons later, so while he is defeated this time, he will return! S7E14 Raisins is CANON
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This is the episode that introduces the goth kids and Stan's friendship with them (something that will matter in the long run), Raisins and my favorite character ever, Harriet Biggle! Wendy also breaks up with Stan and starts dating Tolkien! S7E15 Christmas in Canada is CANON
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We learn of Ike's biological parents and if that's not enough, the boys defeat Saddam Hussein for once and for all (who went through hell and heaven back to Earth). And there's the elephant in the room. Scott. Answer A: He's the antagonist of Terrance and Phillip, so their spin-off episode was extremely important canon material! Answer B: All the Canadians are friendly expect for one dude named Scott, who happens to be a stand-in for the Wicked Witch. If you ask me, the second answer is funnier, and I'll stand by it.
Again, CANON means you should watch it, FILLER means you can skip it, LORE is somewhere in-between, any episode with the LORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not. S7E1 Cancelled is LORE* S7E2 Krazy Kripples is CANON S7E3 Toilet Paper is CANON S7E4 I'm a Little Bit Country is FILLER S7E5 Fat Butt and Pancake Head is CANON S7E6 Lil' Crime Stoppers is FILLER S7E7 Red Man's Greed is FILLER S7E8 South Park is Gay is LORE** S7E9 Christian Rock Hard is FILLER S7E10 Grey Dawn is FILLER S7E11 Casa Bonita is FILLER S7E12 All About Mormons is LORE*** S7E13 Butt Out is CANON S7E14 Raisins is CANON S7E15 Christmas in Canada is CANON *If you wish to know why we are here on this planet **If you want to see Craig talk game before coming out officially ***For Joseph Smith backstory Is this the start of a mostly episodic era?
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15
Overall: 53 out of 112
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Hello Sunset - 2
AN: None of this is proof read so please excuse any errors and do point them out to me. Also, if there's ever any warnings you think I should be adding, please send me an ask. I would love yo hear everyone's thoughts :)
PAIRING: Seungcheol x fem!reader
GENRE: exes to lovers, idol verse, angst
WARNINGS: reader has anxiety and depression, swearing
Y/N couldn’t remember the car journey but she was now sitting on Sian’s expensive sofa. Rachel had left after making sure Y/N made it to the office safely, promising to meet her at Y/N’s flat in the evening after finishing some errands. 
Y/N clutched the cup of tea that was piping hot and kept her focus on the heat seeping through to her fingertips. In true British style, Sian had made her a cuppa as soon as she’d walked through, reassuring her that tea would make her feel better. The steam continued to rise up and fogged up the sunglasses she still had on. Pushing the Ray Bans off her face, she slid them up to rest on top of her head. The movement seemed to startle Sian into action as she’d been hovering behind Y/N till then, which was so unlike her and spoke volumes of how worried she was about the situation. Sian moved to sit beside her on the forest green velvet sofa, turning her body so she sat facing Y/N. She took a second to observe Y/N as she continued to stare into her cup of tea as if it held all the answers to her problems. Sighing, Sian took the mug from Y/N’s hand and placed it on the coster sat on top of the nearby coffee stool. 
“Y/N, honey, I need you to be strong for me. I need you to fight this time, okay?”
Sian knew to wait for a response and without it, her artist would weasel her way out of the limelight and hide in some semblance of her previous life, as she had been doing for the past five months. Y/N was too fragile last time and Sian had let her wallow long enough. It was time for her to gear up. Sian hadn’t been doing her job as a manager in the entertainment world for the past 15 years and doing it well, only to let her artist be affected by the backlash from angry, disappointed fangirls of a cowardly man. 
If it wasn’t for the broken woman Sian had to prioritise and piece together back in March 2025, Sian would have done something sooner. In fact, a word to Sian’s contacts, most of whom were family members in key places, would have put a stopper to the ridiculous attacks. No KPOP artist, even if they were part of a global and growing company, could enter the Western market without the backing of one of the many subsidiaries Sian’s family owned in the music industry. They dominated the music industry in the background and whilst Sian made sure to not abuse this power for her own benefit, she couldn’t sit back and watch as the woman she’d grown to adore as a younger sister continued to suffer. Y/N was ill equipped to deal with it all since she was still new to the celebrity world. 
8 September 2023
Y/N went viral. It was unexpected and so sudden. 
She was a month into her new job as HR Business Partner at a global consulting firm, focused on serving technological and data insights to its clientele. It was a big move for Y/N and she’d just started to feel comfortable in the new environment. Her new manager had done much to welcome her and ease her in, but everything was new and things moved at such a fast pace, she gave up trying to keep up and was hoping things would start to make sense soon. 
It was a Friday and the weather was still warm, the after effects of the heatwave still lingering. Y/N was ready to wrap up for the day and spend the weekend in bed. She’d finished all the calls she’d had planned for the day and in her check in with her manager, he’d given her great feedback so Y/N couldn’t be happier it was a Friday. She’d packed her laptop in her backpack and was heading out of the office located in the business park. She was still admiring the waterfalls and greenery that surrounded the buildings even though she’d been making the commute for a month now. Earbuds in and her playlist turned on, she hummed along to the music as she walked towards the Tube station and debated whether to head to the gym tonight or have a lazy evening. The vibration of her phone interrupted her pondering and saw that she was getting a phone call from Sian Doyle. 
Y/N had met Sian a few months ago, when she had approached her after seeing Y/N’s old Youtube videos during her teen years. Sian sent her a message on Instagram asking if Y/N still pursued a career in music and was interested in meeting with her to discuss an opportunity. Y/N had thought it was a hoax, and had ignored the message. She hadn’t seriously thought about a career in music, knowing that her parents would have never allowed her to do that when she was growing up. Now in her mid 20s, she knew she’d missed the chance though the odd daydreams and what ifs had crossed her mind. Y/N had grown apart from music when she had started working six years ago, not having the energy nor time to dedicate to her passion. However, sitting at home and not being able to leave the house, with just herself for company during the pandemic gave her plenty of time to re-embrace it and she fell in love with music again. Although she hadn’t replied to Sian’s message after reading it, she kept going back to it all weekend before gathering her courage and agreeing to a meeting. 
Three months later, Y/N was an artist signed to a label and had released a single that had charted in the top 100 of the UK music charts. It wasn’t too bad (read as great) for a brand new artist that the music world had no expectations for and who didn’t fit the look nor style of the typical musicians the industry usually produced. She was even going to be singing an OST for a Korean TV drama that will be released in December. Y/N was surprised when she heard that news. She didn’t expect her music to be popular, let alone be heard and liked by people in another part of the world. Thinking that’s what Sian was contacting her about, Y/N accepted the call and entered the working pod that was outdoors in the business park to take the call in private. 
“Hey Sian, how are you doing? Did I have any plans I’ve forgotten?” Y/N was balancing her commitments in the corporate world and music world, not quite confident to give up her safety net when her success wasn’t guaranteed. 
“I’m splendid, darling and do you know why? It’s because I’m the manager of the young woman who is going viral featuring on all the reels on Tik Tok right now.” Y/N could feel the excitement in Sian’s voice and was slightly envious of the person who’d made Sian this proud and animated. The woman was always composed and today, she’d not spoken in her “I'm-all-business-and-I'm-the-boss” voice.
“Oh how exciting for you! Which artist is that, I know you have a few?”
Letting out a chuckle, Sian responded, “Y/N, honey, I’m talking about you!”
Y/N’s response came out as something between a squeal and a shout in that instant, the thrill and happiness she’d felt in that moment was unforgettable.
“Tell me what the plan is. I know you have one.”
Sian wanted to clap her hands in glee but held herself back. She got up from the sofa to pick up the iPad that sat on her desk and returned to the velvet sofa. Sinking down right next to Y/N this time, she handed the iPad over to the singer. With hands that were still trembling though much less than when she was holding the tea cup, Y/N took the tablet into her hands and tapped on the screen. The screen blinked at her, opening on Naver, a blurry picture of a man and woman walking in close proximity out of a restaurant. It was obvious the woman wasn’t a Korean celebrity due to the darker skin tone and the build of the woman. The zoomed in version of the same picture on the article focused on the faces of the pair. Y/N obviously recognised the people in the picture, being the woman in the picture. The zoomed version helped narrow down when the picture was taken. Both of them were wearing black masks and Y/N/s hands were tucking her hair behind her ears, there was an indent on her left ring finger and she could just make out a pink line of a cut on her palm. 
The picture was taken on their last date. It was a Thursday evening and they were in Daegu because he was on leave and was allowed to leave the base so he wanted to visit his parents. They’d been bickering all night and in the end, hadn’t finished their meal and had decided to just leave. Y/N was due to fly back to London the next day and he was due to return to his base at the end of the weekend. It had been roughly two weeks after her birthday and Y/N had been looking forward to the late celebration but the entire visit was a mess. He broke up with her two days later in response to her text ‘Just landed, will call later. Love you x’. The picture was taken two months ago, just before the world as she knew it collapsed. 
“Whoever sent this photo through obviously has more and it’s most likely the same person who sent Dispatch the picture at the beginning of the year. HYBE and Pledis can’t keep denying the relationship, saying you were acquaintances or just friends and they definitely can’t spin the whole narrative of you being an overzealous fan anymore. Right now, they’re looking like the biggest liars and the public opinion is on your side.”
“What’s your plan?” Y/N repeated, knowing that Sian hasn’t finished. 
“We need to put out a statement to be released in Korean media. I’ve already drafted it; I just need you to read it and let me know if there’s anything you’re uncomfortable with. We’re also not going to keep quiet anymore. You need to come out of hiding and you need to take back control.”
Not pausing for acknowledgement, Sian continued, “I’ve booked you to be on Jimmy Fallon’s, taping Thursday night and airing Friday so we’ll be flying to New York tomorrow. You’ll use the opportunity to promote the upcoming tour and it matches with The Voice US guest appearance episodes releasing this week. Jimmy will bring up the news, I’ve asked him to. I want you to make a joke and brush past it as if the whole matter is insignificant and an inconvenience. Channel that anger that’s underneath that hurt and don’t forget that you’re the victim in this situation. I need you to emphasise that.”
With that said, Sian leaned over and opened the Mail app on the iPad, selecting the first email which contained the drafted statement.
‘This is W Music Group. We have confirmed with our artist regarding the recent allegations and can confirm that Y/N and S.Coups of SEVENTEEN did briefly date but have since parted ways. Our artist was keen to keep her personal life private and we ask people to avoid speculation. No statements released by HYBE or Pledis about Y/N have been made in conjunction with W Music Group or with Y/N’s consent.  We are currently taking legal action against those who posted malicious posts including defamation, insults, sexual harassment, spread of false information, and malicious slander against Y/N. We are preparing to submit multiple complaints to investigative agencies by collecting evidence of acts that violate Y/N’s rights and interests such as insults and defamation through self-monitoring and reports from fans, and we plan to respond with a no-tolerance policy. We will continue to hold the suspects accountable and take strong action without any settlement or leniency. Y/N’s planning to greet the public soon with a new album to be released on 2 October 2025.’
Y/N read the statement and read it again. She knew this was the best thing to do for herself and it wasn’t fair to Sian and everyone around her, everyone who depended on and cheered for her success, if she didn’t release the statement. Despite knowing this was the best choice, Y/N still hesitated.
“Do we have to mention the statements from HYBE?”
“Yes.” Sian’s reply was immediate and clipped. “I hope you’re not still worrying about him.”
Sian’s tone grew more sharp. “You can’t be! Wake up and smell the coffee for what it is, Y/N. If he had cared even the smallest ounce for you, he wouldn’t have agreed to his company releasing a statement that you had approached him as a fan when the first picture was released in January. Do you not remember how his fans called you a stalker and sent you hate messages all over social media? Do you not remember the times they sent you broken glass and blades packaged up as gifts so you’d hurt yourself?” 
Sian grew more frustrated and tossed the iPad on the space next to her on the sofa.
“I don’t know how to talk sense into you. Honestly, Y/N, I’m doing this for your benefit.”
“I know, I know that. Please don’t think that I don’t appreciate everything you do and have done for me.” Y/N’s words kept getting stuck and she was struggling to articulate herself.
“I just don’t want other people to be hurt by this. Josh and the others haven’t done anything wrong.”
After a pause, she consented, “I’ll take your guidance as final, Sian. Let’s release the statement.”
Y/N grasped Sian’s hands in hers for reassurance. “I promise I’ll do what you ask of me this time.” 
Sian patted Y/N’s hands as she soothed Y/N’s nerves by saying, “It’ll all be fine, darling. Trust that I know what I’m doing. You’ll come out of this stronger. I know you will.”
With a final pat, Sian got up from the sofa and walked to the door of her office, her black heels clacking against the floor. She opened the door and spoke to her assistant, whose desk was placed opposite the doorway. 
“Send it out now.”
That’s all she said before closing the door and turning back to Y/N. 
“Now, about the Tonight Show ..” 
Sian continued with her briefing for Y/N’s schedules. Y/N listened and did her best to pay attention and soak in the advice but the tension in her stomach distracted her, the jitters making her queasy. She moved to pick up her now lukewarm water bottle that she’d bought earlier from her handbag when she noticed that her phone was blinking. She took the phone out first, tapping on the screen to read.
Joshie 🦌
Just saw it. Are you okay?
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There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort 🌷- pick a character or a few and come up with a prompt and I’ll write a fluff blurb <3
omg giving steve a massage when he has knots in his back from work :((
I think we've discovered I don't know how to write a blurb; also that i’m living vicariously through R with how much they kiss and hold each other….i’m touch starved, gn!reader Cw: One mention of the stomach bug, suggestive language, allusions to spice cus I wrote this in a starbucks with my mom sitting across from me and YOLO, like, the fuck do you expect with a request like this (and also because he's a who're....Accidental prude!reader because that's how I felt while writing it. And like half of it deleted two separate times so you guys better like it. Not proofread <3
Today was rough, it was real rough. Robin was out sick and with no one else to cover, Steve worked both shifts and with the extra hours he'd been picking up recently, it's been a tough week. Even Keith took it easy on him and let him go home early. "And you're getting time and a half for tonight. Just– uh take it easy, yeah?" The pleasantries obviously didn't come easy, but Steve appreciated the slack he was cutting him, and the extra pay, especially the extra pay.
"Yeah. You take care, Keith."
On top of all that, they were reflooring the store, the last few nights were spent moving shelves full of tapes across the store. Why they couldn't take them out, move the shelves, then put them back, he had no clue. But who was he to argue.
And on top of that, his back was acting up from that time he landed flat on it one ruthless basketball game.
All he wanted was to get home, to you. And maybe a bath, if he could stay awake that long.
He never felt the same relief he did when he saw your car in the parking lot, somehow getting the irrational idea that for whatever reason, you wouldn't be there when he got back.
The flight up the stairs to your shared apartment was a feat. He was dragging his feet by the time he got to the door. You didn't even give him the chance to open the door since you flipped the stopper in the second you saw his car pull in. Just to give him one less thing to do. He kicked it open and found you finishing up putting the leftovers away.
You looked up with a smile that calmed his heart as soon as his keys jingled in the bowl, that you most certainly did not steal from his mother, next to the door. You said hello but forgot to make the sound come out, like you often did when you got too used to the quiet. "I missed you today. You were gone before I even woke up."
"Blame Robin, she's the one that called out." He hung his coat up then came to hold you. His arms around your shoulders while your hands slid under his shirt and up his back.
"So rude of her. Had to spend all day without you."
"I mean, she was throwing up her guts, but yeah, so rude of her."
"How was it?" you asked and he held you a little tighter, rubbing your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your crown. Though he did lead with his nose. The smell of your conditioner bringing him back to himself a little more.
"How was what?"
You pulled your head from his chest at the strange sensation of his voice on the top of your head. Only enough so you could look at him fully. "Work? Your day?"
"Hmm. It was work. It was alright."
You hummed like a question.
"It was hard. It was horrible. Apparently all the assholes who like to use cashiers as emotional punching bags come out on Fridays, which is the same day we just reset all the shelves.”
“Your back still hurts?” A kiss to his chest and the heel of your palm up and down his spine.
“Mhm, any more questions?” Not in an irritated way, just wanting to know what he’s in for.
You nodded and continued with your cheek pressed to his chest, “Did you eat? And are you still hungry?”
“I got something on my break, thank you though.” He kissed the top of your head again.
“Mhm, you want a bath?”
“With you?”
You snorted and pressed your forehead into his sternum, “No, with the bubbles and the salts you like. The ones that help your back.”
He drew you out of hiding with a finger hooked under your chin, a kiss to your nose. “I’d love one.”
"Go lay down, I'll get it ready."
"I'll fall asleep."
"Then don't." You didn't see the what? face he made since you were already halfway to the surprisingly nice full-bath. He swears that one room alone is half the rent, you swear it's worth it. He'll never say it out loud but after the week he's had, you know he agrees. "And stop staring," he forgets the eyes in the back of your head, or maybe he just forgets how well you know him by now.
"Hate to see you leave, love to watch you go." You said at the same time he did. "Ah, so you've heard that one before?" He asked as you came back out for the lighter, he caught you by the waist before you could reach the aptly named 'everything drawer'.
"Mm, I'm quite familiar."
"Mhm. Now, can you go get yourself out of this stupid vest and into the bath? It's gonna overflow by the time I finish getting everything together."
"You can't do it for me?" You rolled your eyes and pushed him towards the bedroom and yourself to the drawers.
"What do you expect when you're looking like that?"
You looked down at your sweatpants and old P.E shirt on your way back to the bathroom. Yeah, ok, maybe you'd grown a little since freshman year but nothing that tight. "I rephrase, delusional."
"Then I have one hell of an imagination." You looked up from the candle you were lighting to give him another tease but the sight of his back through the mirror was enough to shut you up. All you could manage was something close to a very pathetic whine, close! But not quite, an important distinction. Either way, you're grateful he couldn't hear over the running water. Once the bubbles were practically overflowing you shut off the faucet and swirled the salts around again for good measure.
"Is it ready?" Steve poked his head in, his voice betraying his exhaustion, but he was careful to keep it from annoyance.
"Mhm." You'd like to think the heat of your face was from the hot water, but you both knew that was a lie. You cleared your throat anyway. "Perfect temperature."
And of course he had to smirk at the way you tried so very hard at keeping your eyes on his face. "Perfect, thank you baby." He tried to catch you by the waist for a kiss of gratitude but you slipped past him and his devastatingly gorgeous and despicably tempting um heh collar bones, yeah, collar bones.
"Just leaving me here?" You scurried back into the kitchen and you could hear he left the door open by the sound of the water sloshing against him as he sank down into it.
"Yell when it gets cold!"
And not even 10 seconds later, "Sweetheart?!"
"It's a little chilly. You should come in and warm me up." You looked inside and found him with his head tossed back and his eyes closed. One knee sticking out from the foam and his arms steaming from where they rested on the sides of the tub. His shoulders relaxed already, but still too tense for your taste. He looked up at you once he heard the door squeak. "Honey, I'm freezin in here."
"You're neck is read with how hot it is, but I commend your efforts, love."
He groaned dramatically, "Don't pretend with me."
"What?" You said through a laugh.
"If you really loved me, you'd get in this bath."
"Compromise?" You didn't wait for him to nod, though he did anyway. "I'll stay in here with you, and then when you get out I'll give you a massage. Hmm?"
"God, you love me too much."
"Impossible." You were about to leave to grab your book but he called you back.
"Wait! Hold my hand?"
"Of course."
You spent the rest of his bath with your head on his arm while you read and he rested. "Is it not freezing by now?"
"S'alright," he hardly mumbled.
You slid your hand into the now almost chill water. "Frigid, honey. Here," you stood and held up the biggest, fluffiest towel you owned. He let you throw it over his shoulders and wrap him up tight like a baby; then push him off towards the bed where he face planted into the comforter. "You gotta work with me here, baby. Lemme see your back."
He grunted and grumbled but still managed to pull it down to his waist. "Thank you, my love."
"Thank you for this, mmmmph," your thumbs worked into that tight spot that'd been slowly getting worse the longer he let it go, "and the bath, oooohhh."
He stopped being self conscious about his noises after the third massage you gave him, the heavenly sensation building with every pass of your thumbs over that one spot, eventually he let out the loudest, longest, most pent up moan. He was mortified. So while he was pacing your old apartment's bathroom, you were on the phone fielding calls from nosey neighbors with "Thank you for your concern, yes, yes Thank you mrs. Harris, mhm, yep. Just a stubbed toe. Yes oh absolutely, I’ll keep it in mind. So great to know I have such caring neighbors, yep buh-bye now”
You worked your way down from his shoulders where the most tension was, to his hips where you knew it hurt the most. A whole week and a half of hearing the cracking and groans every time he stood. Also all the horror stories of high school sports injuries, Russian guard injuries, inter-dimensional monster injuries….lots of injuries. Some worse than others (some just from being dumb with the kids and Eddie…Max can be very persuasive, even if it’s just by a triple dog dare).
By the time you worked your way down to kneading the muscles about his waist he. was. out. “Hmmmmff, god, you’re perfect.” “Fuck, I love you.”
“Ok, so you’re never allowed to get a massage.”
“Hmm?” He couldn’t even pretend, that was the most pathetic sound he’d made all day.
“You’re gonna start babbling to the massage therapist telling them to just marry you already or something, you’ll scare them away.”
“Mph, don’t care. Only want yours. You’re too good, oohhh, too good to me, you angel.” Everything he said was some sort of groan, lost in the feelings of being so tired and so relaxed and so so taken care of.
You got to the base of his spine and he was making the softest, sweetest little sounds. After gracing every inch of his skin, you leaned forward and kissed his shoulder. His eyes still closed and your hand in his hair, you moved up his neck to the spot just under his ear. "Stevie?"......"Honey?"......"Are you awake?"
He hummed something close to No in response.
"You wanna sleep?"
Tomorrow then
“I love you.”
“‘uv you.”
Tags:@new-romqntics @sw34terw34ther @beezywriting @haydipoof @avipoof @steveharringtonlovesme @manyfandomsfanvergent @loving-and-dreaming@esperisdrunkinwonderlandwonderland @puppy-coded @babyrunsforfanfic @sp1rit-realm @nyxxxxxxxx @innerloverpainter @munsonsreputation@twl1ghtdollz@honeymunson@steveharringtonsleftshoe
(because I love you, and since I can't pull my usual schtick of giving you butter, my fics will have to suffice)
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